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/v/idya Drawthread

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 507
Thread images: 224

File: 1498504619425.jpg (1MB, 2400x2400px) Image search: [Google]
1MB, 2400x2400px
Previous thread:

>Post character name/franchises and references and keep them in a single post
>Keep it vidya
>The character(s) must be of vidya origin
>Post an art sample with your "taking requests" requests
>No bumping your requests
>If a post breaks the rules, DO report and hide it. DON'T respond to it.
>No OC requests. You can, however, request the creation of vidya characters.
>Everyone posting "LOOMIS" without explanations and proper criticism is just spam, which should be ignored and reported.
>Please bump if the thread reaches page 10
>Have fun

Post your art to the booru for anons to find later in case they miss a delivery or if it is NSFW:

Also, to those uploading, if you know who the subjects of the picture are, please tag them!
NSFW Deliveries should also be posted in

Want to learn how to draw or improve your drawing skills? Visit the /ic/ sticky

Drawing Books:
Fucking freaks
File: 1478948750711.png (2MB, 2050x842px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 2050x842px
Requesting Urien eating a chili dog.
File: Rosa-cena.png (550KB, 800x600px) Image search: [Google]
550KB, 800x600px
Requesting Lucina or Rosalina making Jerry's face
File: PicsArt_06-18-11.59.58.jpg (120KB, 796x638px) Image search: [Google]
120KB, 796x638px
Requesting Y'shtola dressed as Pocahontas.
File: Fire Emblem weirdos.png (3MB, 2777x1470px) Image search: [Google]
Fire Emblem weirdos.png
3MB, 2777x1470px
Requesting Faye getting spitroasted by futa Tharja and Camilla.
File: Minfilia request.jpg (256KB, 1000x653px) Image search: [Google]
Minfilia request.jpg
256KB, 1000x653px
Requesting Minfilia from Final Fantasy XIV posing in a fighting stance wielding both the Curtana and Excalibur Zeta.
File: Noire is best daughter.jpg (1MB, 2920x2342px) Image search: [Google]
Noire is best daughter.jpg
1MB, 2920x2342px
Requesting Noire on her knees, sucking Robin's dick while he pats her on the head for being a good girl. Give Noire's Robin's default silver hair too.
Requesting Veran and Cia raping Link. Have Veran sit on Link's face while Cia gives Link's dick a buttjob.
Requesting ________________________
File: Mighty Morphin Poochie Rangers.png (2MB, 1478x1793px) Image search: [Google]
Mighty Morphin Poochie Rangers.png
2MB, 1478x1793px
Requesting these Power Rangers: Cynthia (Red Ranger), Lucina (Blue Ranger), Zinnia (Black Ranger), Lightning (Pink Ranger), and Marie (Yellow Ranger).

Poochie can be Zordon. Chibi format is good too.
File: 1485911544160.jpg (994KB, 1944x1944px) Image search: [Google]
994KB, 1944x1944px
File: Thrill of the Jill.png (3MB, 2084x1216px) Image search: [Google]
Thrill of the Jill.png
3MB, 2084x1216px
I'd like to request Jill Stingray from VA-11 Hall-A dining on some delectable birthday cake, please!
File: vidya chaos emeralds of autism.png (962KB, 1315x1109px) Image search: [Google]
vidya chaos emeralds of autism.png
962KB, 1315x1109px
Requesting personifications of the 8 vidya autismeralds.
File: leps.jpg (139KB, 540x769px) Image search: [Google]
139KB, 540x769px
Try giving some detail to the lips in the next drawing you do
Requesting Vivec as a greaser with a flame pompadour.
File: flying.png (632KB, 1829x773px) Image search: [Google]
632KB, 1829x773px
Requesting my MMO character on her Eye Strap Outfit doing stuff related to magic, brewing something on a cauldron, casting some curse or spell, sitting on a circle with runes and symbols while looking at the viewer, reading an ancient book, hiding in the shadows of an alley at night while doing an evil smile (covered in blood optional), picking some mushrooms or eerie ingredients for potions, holding a crystal ball, riding her magic broom under then moonlight, or anything else you want that could fit that magical looking outfit.

Character, broom and outfit detailed reference: http://i.imgur.com/kbZ5h4K.png

Cool, cute and/or grim versions are welcome.

No lewd allowed, it will be ignored, instantly rejected and sealed away.

Please and thanks!
Your waifu loves you! Your skin is pleasant to feel.
How long ago did people start using this word for "anything I don't like". It feels like years
File: 2b+a2_transformers_scene.jpg (379KB, 1370x675px) Image search: [Google]
379KB, 1370x675px
Requesting this popular Transformers scene with battle-damaged 2B (role as Optimus Prime) and battle-damaged A2 (role as Megatron). A2 holding of course her sword weapon and not this laser gun.

"IT'S OVER, 2B!"
File: IMG_2295.png (126KB, 307x347px) Image search: [Google]
126KB, 307x347px
Requesting a dizzy kon-tan (from Yo-Kai Watch).
File: redonevermin.jpg (411KB, 1000x1000px) Image search: [Google]
411KB, 1000x1000px
it really is and isnt vidya related but there was this anon that was redrawing a /v/ermin i created. Any chance you are around my dude?
pic related.
File: ChieRise.jpg (204KB, 1500x955px) Image search: [Google]
204KB, 1500x955px
Chie, Yukiko, Rise and Naoto morphing into Zeo Rangers.
Anything involving that many russians, that milks out that much playtime, that makes people that angry deserves a high place in the autism throne.
>largest most overly-dedicated "fandom" in the vidya market, let alone comp play
>not autistic
forgot to mention, bigger wings and marlboro is lanky is what we agreed upon before the thread kinda died.
Just in case someone else wants to do it.
File: Laura.png (186KB, 846x736px) Image search: [Google]
186KB, 846x736px
took a crack at this, the perspective threw me for a fuckin loop
File: 1498097036427.png (1MB, 1400x1232px) Image search: [Google]
1MB, 1400x1232px
Requesting Harriet coming onto confused/nervous white-tux Mario in front of angry white-dress Peach.
File: tenor.gif (3MB, 498x278px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 498x278px
Requesting this scene but with your waifu.
File: pMgUh21.jpg (403KB, 1914x1076px) Image search: [Google]
403KB, 1914x1076px
Requesting Lili in her Tekken 7 outfit doing the splits
File: ShadowFutaba.png (470KB, 998x386px) Image search: [Google]
470KB, 998x386px
Requesting a full body pic of Shadow Fubata, or just normal Fubata in her outfit.
Heh, someone once did this with my character, for some reason she was holding a spoon instead.
this but lewd
>isnt vidya related
Why is she so thin? Can you make her thicker please?
Requesting chibi Giratina from Pokemon sleeping on a gyro pita bread
File: Drawthread Request.png (2MB, 1740x1058px) Image search: [Google]
Drawthread Request.png
2MB, 1740x1058px
Requesting the image on the right redrawn with Dagda using Krishna as a chair.
man its gonna suck when her game turns out to be booty
Wearing an American Flag Bikini.
Oh boy this thread has already gone to the dogs
it is and it isnt, vermin are a part of a video game that is made on /v/, if this specific vermin appeared in a battle then it definitely is vidya related
File: 1496640853008.png (230KB, 419x640px) Image search: [Google]
230KB, 419x640px
Requesting Rulue from Puyo Puyo standing at the foot of a bed over a tied up, panicking, young adult male. She is saying "My, my, you sure were talking tough earlier, kid. Too bad you didn't think about the consequences of losing a Puyo match to a lady like me!" Maybe she's dressed as a dominatrix or something styled like her outfit (white, blue, gold) and holding a similarly-styled whip/riding crop, take some liberties with it if you want. Please and thank you!
File: dc-amazon-concept.jpg (112KB, 800x1250px) Image search: [Google]
112KB, 800x1250px
Requesting Amazon losing all her muscles after a year of living as a pampered noble.
File: Millia as Zato1.jpg (1MB, 3567x2214px) Image search: [Google]
Millia as Zato1.jpg
1MB, 3567x2214px
Requesting Millia Rage in Zato's skin tight body suit outfit. Keep her hat on.
>My, my, you sure were talking tough earlier, kid. Too bad you didn't think about the consequences of losing a Puyo match to a lady like me!
is this real life
File: thickerlaura.png (190KB, 846x736px) Image search: [Google]
190KB, 846x736px
how thick you want it senpai
File: 63031797.png (859KB, 803x803px) Image search: [Google]
859KB, 803x803px
Requesting D.Va as failed police officer because she is too stupid for this job.

Fuck you, D.Va!
ive been an artist for a while now and id like a tablet to get into art on pc
what tablets does everyone uses
can i get one with a display for under 500$?
Just more. Anything more would have been nice.
File: dante mvci.png (1MB, 1798x1024px) Image search: [Google]
dante mvci.png
1MB, 1798x1024px
Requesting anything making fun of how awful Dante looks in the new Marvel Vs Capcom, like the showing what happened to his face or anything similar.
File: tear.jpg (874KB, 1381x2205px) Image search: [Google]
874KB, 1381x2205px
Requesting Tear getting fucked hard in the ass with hair pulling, preferably angry but not necessary.
Try to get clip studio paint for 25 buckos before it ends.
File: Es(Xblaze).jpg (768KB, 2052x2019px) Image search: [Google]
768KB, 2052x2019px
Requesting Es lying on her back, in only her pantyhose covering her chest with her arms or wearing her coat too for it to cover her chest.
OR here, great work drawbro. The pose is something I didn't even think of and it totally blows what I had in mind out of the water. Thank you drawbro.
File: LunaChildRef.png (966KB, 1234x979px) Image search: [Google]
966KB, 1234x979px
Requesting Luna Child using her power to mute people/areas to cause shenanigans or pranks
File: Suguri ref.jpg (239KB, 968x1136px) Image search: [Google]
Suguri ref.jpg
239KB, 968x1136px
Requesting a cute short haired (as in bob cut length) Suguri. In her normal outfit too, please.

Anchor for! >>381652517
this but with ____
File: Hotaru.png (1013KB, 1401x1021px) Image search: [Google]
1013KB, 1401x1021px
Requesting art of Hotaru Fubata doing her special attack on anyone of your choosing.

Her move: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VBxcm6hAgOU
Requesting Metallia asleep in a nightgown and a night cap similar to her witch hat and cuddling the hundred knight like a plush toy
File: Lord of Spirits and Calamity.png (2MB, 1282x1718px) Image search: [Google]
Lord of Spirits and Calamity.png
2MB, 1282x1718px
Requesting Velvet and Milla in their fancy dresses, toasting their drinks together.
Post got deleted even though it exposes nothing, so here
It did, so had to do it.
File: sfz_04_cs1w1_1280x1044.jpg (215KB, 1280x1044px) Image search: [Google]
215KB, 1280x1044px
Requesting a mockup of an Arwing toy by revoltech
>it is and it isnt
It has to be one or the other, anon. Just post your OC on /co/ in their OC drawthread.
>admitting you reported something
Drawing huge anime boobs
But this is /v/
>implying the fag isn't just trying to claim it
Attention whores.
File: Persona_3_Aigis_Anime.jpg (564KB, 1580x992px) Image search: [Google]
564KB, 1580x992px
Make them huge then.
>bbc (big_bowser_cock)
That ain't even a tag, also
File: is_this_lunch_re1.jpg (2MB, 2188x3111px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 2188x3111px
Requesting this little image-story in the middle with Resident Evil 1 characters.

Guy with white shirt = Chris
Guy with black clothing = Barry
Woman with pink shirt = Jill
The sitting guy with camouflage pants = Rebecca
The guy with orange headband and white clothing = Richard
Snake = Yawn

Wakaliwood is awesome! Supa movies!
File: Lailah.png (344KB, 482x924px) Image search: [Google]
344KB, 482x924px
Give her ridiculously huge tiddies even for an anime girl
Blah, drop oral, facial, and bbc and go for
>pubic stubble
and a high-cut one piece swimsuit, since I doubt that's even a tag.
>counter requesting
is this ur revenge elpheltfag?
File: BlancRamRom.png (2MB, 1883x1456px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 1883x1456px
Requesting Blanc, Rom, and Ram acting really smug because they actually won E3 for once.
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40KB, 139x338px
requesting chicken chan in this outfit
File: Mathilda.jpg (242KB, 1368x621px) Image search: [Google]
242KB, 1368x621px
Requesting Mathilda from Fire Emblem Echoes prison sex, sucking cock or getting her big tatas fucked through the jail bars, or anything else lewd this scenario brings to mind.
File: 1489886517900.jpg (84KB, 540x509px) Image search: [Google]
84KB, 540x509px
I've been making the same request for twelve days straight with no interest. Is it time to give up?
Not complaining, just need to know if I should chill.
Is it an anime girl?
>"Not complaining"
It is not!
I've got a stock of requests I rotate around so I'm not doing the same one every thread. It seems to be working out for me.
File: a023b635f399cfe8b92955518f250d3b.jpg (209KB, 1714x1629px) Image search: [Google]
209KB, 1714x1629px
Requesting Lucina reverse congress with her clothes still on but her pants slightly pull down for the penetration.
Requesting a camilla with a twin tail hairstyle its a fetish of mine and it doesnt matter if shes naked or not your choice. Or the update from that other anon with the small issue
Drop it.
File: Hera-Ur-Senpai.jpg (107KB, 640x383px) Image search: [Google]
107KB, 640x383px
Requesting Schoolgirl-Hera soliciting the halls with sexual favors.
File: 1494797230289.png (44KB, 349x449px) Image search: [Google]
44KB, 349x449px
any update on this samus?
just in case you missed it

Never ever.
File: Camilla and Hinoka yuri stuff.jpg (2MB, 2549x2952px) Image search: [Google]
Camilla and Hinoka yuri stuff.jpg
2MB, 2549x2952px
Requesting Camilla dominating Hinoka from behind with a strap-on.
I want ten.
File: image.jpg (422KB, 2761x1830px) Image search: [Google]
422KB, 2761x1830px
Requesting Uncle Death (LET IT DIE) giving the Zombie Maid (Disgaea) headpats or the two of them skateboarding
>get delivery
File: Shatte No-Lewd.png (3MB, 950x1710px) Image search: [Google]
Shatte No-Lewd.png
3MB, 950x1710px
Can I get Shatte in some nonlewd scenarios like wearing one of those Playboy Bunny costume, also like a bridal gown or playing video games or doing chores like cleaning and cooking? Maid outfit optional.
File: 1496462250320.jpg (200KB, 1024x768px) Image search: [Google]
200KB, 1024x768px
Requesting this scene with the King from CD-I Zelda (role as Nemesis) and Bubsy (role as Brad). Why? Because the King rules and Bubsy sucks!
File: DeathsmiliesLei.png (1MB, 1357x564px) Image search: [Google]
1MB, 1357x564px
Requesting Lei Bondage
File: SadayoArt.png (4MB, 1892x1375px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 1892x1375px
Requesting naked apron Kawakami.
>Bubsy sucks
if he sucks then why is he getting a game while the king isnt?
File: YoRHa_No.2_Type_B.png (464KB, 720x1280px) Image search: [Google]
464KB, 720x1280px
Yorha Unit 2B dressed as Noire or Neptune from the Neptunia series, a school uniform, Zero from Drakengard 3, http://imgur.com/a/rQVqH, or getting intimate with 9S.
Playing any PS1 game on the Playstation skin for the Pod is a good idea too.
File: 1472656672117.jpg (132KB, 900x637px) Image search: [Google]
132KB, 900x637px
Requesting the Kagurazaka sisters from Valkyrie Drive snowballing a bunch of cum. Lots of drool, blush and heart pupils included.
File: 1497926786297.jpg (242KB, 1500x1354px) Image search: [Google]
242KB, 1500x1354px
Min Min from ARMS stripping off her clothes after a long hard fight, or showering. Toned abs are a must.
File: 20170626_092501.jpg (47KB, 192x303px) Image search: [Google]
47KB, 192x303px
Requesting art of Akuma with his surfboard. Because he has a fucking surfboard.
File: Noire_(FE13_Artwork).png (434KB, 527x1289px) Image search: [Google]
434KB, 527x1289px
Requesting Noire from fire emblem getting creampie while holding a cream pie.
File: download.jpg (4KB, 92x212px) Image search: [Google]
4KB, 92x212px
cute lusamine please
this but with her naked and 12 BBCs in her ass
File: cup noodle tactics.jpg (471KB, 1024x1572px) Image search: [Google]
cup noodle tactics.jpg
471KB, 1024x1572px
Requesting Min Min as a Final Fantasy Tactics character.
File: reyes.jpg (214KB, 956x1322px) Image search: [Google]
214KB, 956x1322px
Requesting Gabriel Reyes sitting on the couch, very obviously bored out of his mind watching the weather, and saying "it's hot in topeka"
File: slave olivia organa.jpg (631KB, 2104x1920px) Image search: [Google]
slave olivia organa.jpg
631KB, 2104x1920px
Requesting Olivia from fire Emblem cosplay as Slave Leia outfit

Requesting Miriam being attacked/dragged by Zombie Beck and Zombie Yookalaylee while shovel knight defends her.

(Btw, she doesn't have horns, she just wears a circlet)
Requesting Shulk in the middle of taking his shirt off, showing his body! Or Shulk with no shirt on, with his normal pants on, ready to take a dive into a nearby lake!

Normal clothes Shulk ref:

Thank you in advance, and I hope you have working air conditioning in your building!
File: Skin_Poharan_Default.jpg (242KB, 1260x1000px) Image search: [Google]
242KB, 1260x1000px
Requesting Poharan playing an electric guitar, can be based on her minigun.
File: Towa SenNoKiseki3.jpg (745KB, 1704x1422px) Image search: [Google]
Towa SenNoKiseki3.jpg
745KB, 1704x1422px
Requesting Towa getting bent over a desk. If you want to take it further, getting bent over and fucked in the ass over a desk in her new outfit.
File: Esam.jpg (77KB, 900x900px) Image search: [Google]
77KB, 900x900px
Seconding this, please
File: Sem Título-2.jpg (840KB, 2100x1500px) Image search: [Google]
Sem Título-2.jpg
840KB, 2100x1500px

Is it good enough to keep going and finish or should I trash it?

I know her finger is shit, I really need to study hands
File: IMG_0063.jpg (493KB, 1472x2208px) Image search: [Google]
493KB, 1472x2208px
Requesting X and Vile in these mechas beating each other up like Rockem Sockem Robots.
Anyone got any good Mozu from fire emblem art theydrew. Asked for a piece here and someone decides to draw it but it never got out in the booru
I think it's time to start over.
>someone decides to draw it
so young, so naive
File: ionasal body.jpg (28KB, 439x548px) Image search: [Google]
ionasal body.jpg
28KB, 439x548px
Ionasal with large breasts
I'm an extreme poorfag and got a Wacon One medium for about 470 huebucks, which converting should be 150 dollaridoos, but I'm sure it's cheaper without taxes and it's serving me pretty well. It's large enough and very confortable. I'm sure in america you could get and intuos pro for really cheap though. I'd recomend that.
File: imagen-i1003-pge.jpg (199KB, 520x735px) Image search: [Google]
199KB, 520x735px
Requesting the blue Dragon from the 360 game Blue Dragon as a dragon monstergirl
File: phazon.jpg (914KB, 1592x1066px) Image search: [Google]
914KB, 1592x1066px
requesting samus in a phazon inspired zero suit
Just...just look at it. There is no saving it.
Ignore him, just a shitposter.
File: Es and Noel.png (970KB, 1123x1351px) Image search: [Google]
Es and Noel.png
970KB, 1123x1351px
Requesting Es forcing a passionate kiss on Noel, tongue down throat or with a saliva trail included.
There comes a time in every girl's life where she is going to need to take the dick. As a father I know you don't want her too, neither do I so I become the willing dick for her to take.
Requesting a vidya character with a gun screaming DELET THIS
Ignore this guy, he is also a shitposter.
File: GOODS-00138196.png (248KB, 229x600px) Image search: [Google]
248KB, 229x600px
How about Tamamo's mirror turned into a big fidget spinner
Lewd maki harukawa

Meanwhile, any sincere opinions?
What's your problem?
My sincere opinion is that I'm also a shitposter.
I really don't like the incest freak.
File: 031.jpg (1MB, 3165x2008px) Image search: [Google]
1MB, 3165x2008px
Requesting a curvy Athena.
I feel like Aigis might actually be a good choice for this, for once and with her finger guns.
File: Elizabethdoor.png (1MB, 1113x1275px) Image search: [Google]
1MB, 1113x1275px
Requesting Elizabeth trying to fuck the Great Seal Door. Because you know she tried to do it one or two times during the gap between P3 and P4A
My sincere opinion is that the image lacks a basic understanding of human anatomy. Just practice for a bit and try again. Don't listen to people like >>381951663 who are just here to make people feel bad.

Not that guy, however I posted this one >>381948664 and would like to know also what is your problem as there is zero incest involve in my post.
Not like he'll get drawn

It'll be MSpaint tier shit or because you probably have commissioned like 75% of the drawfags in this hellhole.
File: 2xregal.png (643KB, 1280x738px) Image search: [Google]
643KB, 1280x738px
>Artist draws 2 right feet
He believes he owns Morgan, Tharja, and Noire. No one else can request anything of them without him flying down and being the judge over it.
If people with certain fetishes bother you just by virtue of them existing, wait until you have experienced life for a bit and feel free to come back and post again when you are 18 years old or more! Until then, try coming to terms with your own insecurities about your incestuous thoughts.
File: guan yu protoss.png (2MB, 1280x1287px) Image search: [Google]
guan yu protoss.png
2MB, 1280x1287px
Requesting Guan Yu, reimagined as a protoss warrior. Complete with a glowing psionic version of blue dragon crescent blade.
This bitch can't stop not getting herself slaughtered.
He doesn't reply to the Tharja degeneracy.

Just the daughteru shit
Where to find these?!
Because he is the Tharja degeneracy. He treats her like his whore and the girls as his pets. I'm not a saint but I am not a possessive fruitloop.
Looks like Prison School to me, but I could be wrong.
On it my lad, but expect to be dissapointed tho since i dont color because i am shit at it
File: smashbroswiiu_11.jpg (206KB, 1920x1080px) Image search: [Google]
206KB, 1920x1080px
Requesting some guys cumming on Zelda's head.

I see. I'll just carry on with my business then and ignore him. Thanks for the heads up.
Requesting Chin-li being turned into her midnight bliss version.
File: KOS-MOS and 2B.png (1MB, 1424x1118px) Image search: [Google]
KOS-MOS and 2B.png
1MB, 1424x1118px
Requesting Kos-Mos and 2B symmetrical docking, or KosMos performing a titfuck.
File: Aranea snow.png (2MB, 1332x1472px) Image search: [Google]
Aranea snow.png
2MB, 1332x1472px
I'd like Aranea in her Episode Prompto winter outfit , unzipping her jacket to show either her bare naked body or a sweat-soaked white tanktop. Make it as though her and Prompto are alone somewhere and getting intimate, like she's going to make the boy into a man.
File: athena the alexandra.jpg (499KB, 1609x1450px) Image search: [Google]
athena the alexandra.jpg
499KB, 1609x1450px
Requesting Athena The Gladiator dressed as Cassandra Alexandra
Cute! Seconding
She is going to be in ep Ignis?

I ship her and Ignis, I need it for my dick.
Requesters, why do you hate the artists here? I've seen the people requesting art here just being outright disrespectful to the artists during the months I've been around and I just don't understand it.
File: a2d6ba28464241b1606220fe22f40dd5.jpg (471KB, 2133x1200px) Image search: [Google]
471KB, 2133x1200px
Requesting the Assegai FX350 from Wipeout HD Fury but as a lewd robot girl instead of a ship, like one of these pictures.
Maybe have her hold an actual assegai too.
File: helena spank kokoro.jpg (224KB, 1416x637px) Image search: [Google]
helena spank kokoro.jpg
224KB, 1416x637px
Requesting Helena Douglas spanked Kokoro
At least try to not hint they're father and daughter (I know the "as her father" meme) so he doesn't get triggered. Also, Noire's father is kellam
File: Paladins 1.png (570KB, 1485x598px) Image search: [Google]
Paladins 1.png
570KB, 1485x598px
Requesting Mathilda using Clive's back as a chair like the far right image and Clive is enjoying it.
It's mostly Mishafag and Ajnafag who basically throw a fit if they don't get commission-quality art and want any artist who can't provide it to fuck off.
File: Ryuka.png (158KB, 1500x1616px) Image search: [Google]
158KB, 1500x1616px
I would like a drawing of Ryuka doing some karaoke or other side activities from the Yakuza franchise. For karaoke, it can even be like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ooFoNwoMxjY the delusion part with the dancers. Or fuck just draw her drunk with a huge bottle of booze, or with Kazuma Kiryu
I didn't do shit. I save all of my deliveries, even the joke ones.
File: 1497798099386.gif (361KB, 512x512px) Image search: [Google]
361KB, 512x512px
why can't i draw
Fuck him, I am not hinting a thing. I am downright stating it. There can be no other father for Noire than Robin and I will have it no other way because Noire deserves to have the best father that can be provided which is me.
I love the artists here. They make me cute stuff.
File: shotalucifer.png (182KB, 669x954px) Image search: [Google]
182KB, 669x954px
hmu with those MegaTen requests
This. Everyone else is pretty much happy when they get their request done.
gyaru Pixie
File: Gabriel P5.jpg (3MB, 4558x3750px) Image search: [Google]
Gabriel P5.jpg
3MB, 4558x3750px
Draw me some sexy Gabriel, preferably more akin to her Persona 5 appearance on the top left.
File: Moh_Shuvuu.png (284KB, 802x688px) Image search: [Google]
284KB, 802x688px
How about Schoolgirl Moh? or wearing Raidou's cloak and hat
File: Mothmanof.png (382KB, 550x793px) Image search: [Google]
382KB, 550x793px
Mothman tap dancing
File: Io_Nitta- Hibiki Kuze.jpg (514KB, 2341x1297px) Image search: [Google]
Io_Nitta- Hibiki Kuze.jpg
514KB, 2341x1297px
Requesting Hibiki on one knee, proposing to Io.
File: Yoko Belnades.jpg (344KB, 1472x1210px) Image search: [Google]
Yoko Belnades.jpg
344KB, 1472x1210px
I would really like anything with Yoko Belnades from Castlevania Aria/Dawn of Sorrow. An idea I would like is a drawing of her looking like a succubus (succubi in the game oft disguise themselves as her). Thank you.
First she blows the flute than shes gonna get it right up her asshole
File: Power Zelenin.jpg (605KB, 1875x2746px) Image search: [Google]
Power Zelenin.jpg
605KB, 1875x2746px
Zelenin fused with Power in a similar way to Awake Jimenez.
File: Asherah_3.jpg (212KB, 1500x805px) Image search: [Google]
212KB, 1500x805px
Asherah and Demifiend comparing stripes.
Wip for >>381893175
File: Makoto Codename Queen.jpg (726KB, 2199x2095px) Image search: [Google]
Makoto Codename Queen.jpg
726KB, 2199x2095px
Makoto dressed as an actual queen.
double titfuck would be awesome
Oh baby!
File: 1492258741758.gif (363KB, 480x270px) Image search: [Google]
363KB, 480x270px
I cannot express how much I appreciate this in words and oh my god the quality is STELLAR. Thank you so so much anon, do you have an art blog?
cuz u suck brah
File: amane LAW.jpg (848KB, 3017x1901px) Image search: [Google]
amane LAW.jpg
848KB, 3017x1901px
Amane dressed as Gabby or Angel.
>do you have an art blog?


it's like drawfags don't know how NOT to samefag and self-shill
You're a fucking retard
File: file.png (29KB, 502x425px) Image search: [Google]
29KB, 502x425px
Buddy I don't know what you're talking about, are we not allowed to be grateful when someone draws something?
File: Es3.jpg (631KB, 2203x1988px) Image search: [Google]
631KB, 2203x1988px
Requesting Es as an angel or as a demon, or donning full armour using her outfit as inspiration.
File: boobs.png (317KB, 500x500px) Image search: [Google]
317KB, 500x500px
How dare you like things.
File: 1470970639146.jpg (58KB, 416x507px) Image search: [Google]
58KB, 416x507px
What if you actually just want to see and fap to more of there art though?
Stop using this buzzword, you're not even using it correctly. Go away.
File: Mermadonna Bikuni.png (3MB, 1032x2000px) Image search: [Google]
Mermadonna Bikuni.png
3MB, 1032x2000px
Requesting Mermadonna being fucked by disembodied dicks, one in her vagina, another in her hair, and one forcing a titjob (with hands squeezing her boobs)
I don't really see how the "basic anatomy" is wrong, which is why I've posted it here in hope people would give me some actual criticism. Your post was the only one to do that though, so I'll just leave and do my own thing. No offense, but the little I've seen from this thread, people here are pretty shitty.
Requesting best Jeanne lying on her back on top of her flag, smiling at the sky
File: Rin Maid Arrest.jpg (459KB, 1126x395px) Image search: [Google]
Rin Maid Arrest.jpg
459KB, 1126x395px
I thought this would be a neat idea, so I'd like to request the article on the right drawn using the image of Rin as a maid.
>puffy nips
Good taste fella.
made me think. youre just mad someone caught you
>people here are pretty shitty
Yeah, these threads have only gotten worse since day 1.
File: YoRHa_No.9_Type_S_SS5.png (1015KB, 1229x691px) Image search: [Google]
1015KB, 1229x691px
2B and 9S kissing like that one scene from The Watchmen https://i.makeagif.com/media/11-15-2015/4Tm5g0.gif, infront or in the bigass explosion from the intro of the game https://my.mixtape.moe/kokvtr.webm
Can't blame you, there's a lot of false flagging in these threads
You would know, falseflagger. I recognize that writing style anywhere, given how much you've been funposting lately.
File: Untitled.png (4MB, 1488x2176px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 1488x2176px
Do this but with Krishna and Trumpeter
Some autists lose their shit and shitpost and false flag for days if someone draws something they don't like or if their request gets ignored. It's probably just a couple of fags who get this butthurt but they will shitpost non-stop over it.
File: 1497913393474.png (706KB, 594x924px) Image search: [Google]
706KB, 594x924px
Requesting Dragon's Crown Sorceress wearing this shirt.
File: 1390032261651.png (148KB, 300x300px) Image search: [Google]
148KB, 300x300px
Requesting the will to keep drawing
File: Renka.jpg (232KB, 941x1000px) Image search: [Google]
232KB, 941x1000px
Renka wearing short shorts and a tanktop slightly sweaty, and fanning herself off, or sitting in front of a small fan and going "aaah" into it.
>dying early
Fucking cunts.
thats pretty niceu
File: esmaiboom.jpg (701KB, 1976x1500px) Image search: [Google]
701KB, 1976x1500px
Can I get Mai and Es having their clothing blown up and ripped up like the shots on the bottom?
File: 1410625376130.gif (92KB, 265x310px) Image search: [Google]
92KB, 265x310px
>been drawing for 3 hours
>want to make some food and go to bed
>someone throws down a request this good

File: War_Boy_Nux_Splatoon_Inkling_Boy.jpg (100KB, 1281x529px) Image search: [Google]
100KB, 1281x529px
Requesting Mad Max-themed Inkling boys from Splatoon fighting with, and for, oil, gasoline, squid ink, etc.
File: 186.jpg (2MB, 2100x2557px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 2100x2557px
Requesting best Jeanne lying on her back on top of her flag, smiling at the sky
drawing giant breasts milf whor
File: Yuuyaki.jpg (113KB, 800x850px) Image search: [Google]
113KB, 800x850px
Yuuyaki with a pool noodle in a white-black bikini of any pattern or type.
File: 1475456272282.jpg (51KB, 709x1002px) Image search: [Google]
51KB, 709x1002px
Don't you tell me lies.
Requesting videogame giant breasts milf whor

give mommy lusamine nice jugs
It appears as though you have posted an inferior Jeanne. Let me rectify this situation.
File: Greaser vivec.png (477KB, 2000x2000px) Image search: [Google]
Greaser vivec.png
477KB, 2000x2000px
Nvm i already finished, hope you like it anon it´s not that much but at least i tried (and if i got correctly the greaser term)
File: GwendolynImage.jpg (738KB, 1464x2414px) Image search: [Google]
738KB, 1464x2414px
Requesting huge valkyrie tiddies.
File: JeanneAlter4.png (298KB, 512x724px) Image search: [Google]
298KB, 512x724px
Silly anon, my Jeanne also comes in a chocolate favor.
Looking good!
File: head-acorn-wip.png (529KB, 1744x1791px) Image search: [Google]
529KB, 1744x1791px
as soon as I posted the old one I hated the mouth

File: 637987252a951fd1d4d8e6bf33731013.jpg (183KB, 700x1071px) Image search: [Google]
183KB, 700x1071px
Silly anon, mine does as well.
The old mouth was better.
Anon, I love you. It's perfect.
Cool stuff.
>still can't get Jannu no matter how many times I reroll
File: mets.png (229KB, 612x934px) Image search: [Google]
229KB, 612x934px
Are scribbles allowed
does anyone get it
1% rolls are meant to be a scam, not a game Anon
Requesting Fay Spaniel From Star Fox 2

As if she were a character that is exclusive and belongs only to sony and playstation

File: FateExtella-17.jpg (176KB, 451x1024px) Image search: [Google]
176KB, 451x1024px
Please understand that my Jeanne is best.

One day we will all have Jeannes and I will get my blond party of goddess. They gave me a free Saber, gotta get a Jeanne and a Nero to finish this fight for perfection.
no scribbles, only good art
File: Zhuge.jpg (522KB, 1920x1080px) Image search: [Google]
522KB, 1920x1080px
>Not Waver
I've been able to get Herc during rerolls, but not Waver.
File: 1446079617934.jpg (52KB, 662x490px) Image search: [Google]
52KB, 662x490px
scribbles are fine
My request is Fay (from Star Fox)

As if she were a character from the playstation console.

As if it were created for sony consoles
Requesting both Jeannes getting highly sexual with each other.
>finally got the motivation to practice my drawing everyday now
>want to show it to friends and family to see what they think
>realize I've only been drawing lewd/nude characters

H-How do I into drawing clothing?
Should I do it like poses and look for references too?
Requesting both Jeanne's getting the hot-foot treatment.
File: tethi_request.png (892KB, 912x1559px) Image search: [Google]
892KB, 912x1559px
So in Ever Oasis, Tethu's species is called a seedling.

Requesting what you think Tethi (female counterpart of Tethu) will look like when she is fully grown, or is at full bloom.

See pic related as an example with Tethu.
u wont find it here

Pretty sure this anon is working on it.
Do it another day man, get some sleep
So you're asking for a HD 3D model? I don't get it.
just unfriend them if they disapprove
Drawing nudes shouldn't be a problem, unless you obviously made them sexual/suggestive
It is not necessarily a 3d model

Simply draw Fay, as if she were a character that belonged and is exclusive to sony and playsyation

How to imagine or see how it would be fay if it were a persoanje of another console or company
This but more like a Sumo fight.
If sketches or doodles werent allowed then there would be nothing in these threads
Oh this is looking pretty nice so far! I'll be keeping an eye out then.
File: DaigomanCordelia.jpg (318KB, 588x800px) Image search: [Google]
318KB, 588x800px
Requesting Cordelia, bending over and showing her ass since she doesn't have tits to show off.
>lowkey calling everything that gets drawn here shit
File: Project 1_4.jpg (351KB, 720x1184px) Image search: [Google]
Project 1_4.jpg
351KB, 720x1184px
1 order of giant boobs
>not tanned
File: Muzet_Status_(ToX2).png (409KB, 640x720px) Image search: [Google]
409KB, 640x720px
Muzet taking a huge cumshot after titfucking, sucking, and jerking off a dick in front of her face. Thick ropes of cum and trying to get as much in her mouth as possible.
File: 1455237262808.png (30KB, 450x366px) Image search: [Google]
30KB, 450x366px
Funny AND lewd, that's some good shit

Artstyle looks familliar.
File: Renka Taiko.jpg (2MB, 3732x2608px) Image search: [Google]
Renka Taiko.jpg
2MB, 3732x2608px
Requesting Renka from Senran Kagura in an armor or bikini-armor based on Taikos.
Also requesting anything taiko related.
No one cares.
>inb4 "you did enough to reply uhuhuhugh"
you did enough to reply uhuhuhugh
File: jin and ling 2.png (3MB, 1773x1497px) Image search: [Google]
jin and ling 2.png
3MB, 1773x1497px
Requesting Jin Kazama and Ling Xiaoyu having hardcore, intense sex. Both fully nude
So this is the "if I don't get attention nobody should" strat?
give me a waifu and a sport
File: Meg.png (98KB, 300x339px) Image search: [Google]
98KB, 300x339px
File: 19 yeta.jpg (243KB, 544x736px) Image search: [Google]
19 yeta.jpg
243KB, 544x736px

File: Alisha DLC.png (2MB, 2050x1745px) Image search: [Google]
Alisha DLC.png
2MB, 2050x1745px
File: Giant Vanessa.jpg (1MB, 3419x3298px) Image search: [Google]
Giant Vanessa.jpg
1MB, 3419x3298px
File: TWEWY Coco.png (1MB, 3290x2100px) Image search: [Google]
TWEWY Coco.png
1MB, 3290x2100px
File: 686px-Rosalina_-_Mario_Party_10.png (288KB, 686x900px) Image search: [Google]
288KB, 686x900px
Speed cup stacking
File: Orie sexy legs.png (2MB, 2664x2048px) Image search: [Google]
Orie sexy legs.png
2MB, 2664x2048px
File: IMG_0004.png (83KB, 359x501px) Image search: [Google]
83KB, 359x501px
File: Es pool front.png (2MB, 2048x1024px) Image search: [Google]
Es pool front.png
2MB, 2048x1024px
Requesting Es in her outfit or her own chinese dress.
File: IMG_0643.jpg (27KB, 181x278px) Image search: [Google]
27KB, 181x278px
File: 4chan-arch-find-image.jpg (2MB, 3200x1980px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 3200x1980px
File: img_hilda.png (847KB, 1624x1024px) Image search: [Google]
847KB, 1624x1024px
File: CI_95023_1417717606.jpg (131KB, 1000x671px) Image search: [Google]
131KB, 1000x671px
File: lucina ref.jpg (301KB, 1560x1080px) Image search: [Google]
lucina ref.jpg
301KB, 1560x1080px
Imagine the regret that poor drawfag is feeling
File: Berseria-Velvet.jpg (701KB, 2181x1798px) Image search: [Google]
701KB, 2181x1798px
File: Character02 - Aqua02.png (1MB, 1596x2051px) Image search: [Google]
Character02 - Aqua02.png
1MB, 1596x2051px
rule 63 mario (with a mustache) going headhunting
File: 2b.png (53KB, 457x640px) Image search: [Google]
53KB, 457x640px
he is obviously a shitposter, not a real drawfag
File: Lambda-11.jpg (2MB, 4318x3092px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 4318x3092px
File: Ibuki Komatsu.jpg (2MB, 3040x2396px) Image search: [Google]
Ibuki Komatsu.jpg
2MB, 3040x2396px
File: 1497371609713.jpg (288KB, 1920x1080px) Image search: [Google]
288KB, 1920x1080px
Rex fucking Homura or Pyra from behind with her supporting herself on that tree.
File: Zero_(Drakengard).png (878KB, 1000x1400px) Image search: [Google]
878KB, 1000x1400px
>Homura or Pyra
well which is it?
Its just her name in Japanese or English

Both mean fire.
is getting assfucked a sport?
Why write both? Just pick one. We're not speaking Japanese here so just use here English name.
File: Holymaidenchaldea.png (378KB, 512x875px) Image search: [Google]
378KB, 512x875px
File: Skin_Bumaro_Default.jpg (220KB, 1260x1000px) Image search: [Google]
220KB, 1260x1000px
Requesting something evil and scary with Bumaro.
File: Glide64_Kirby64_02.png (52KB, 268x344px) Image search: [Google]
52KB, 268x344px
Requesting the Fairy queen from kirby 64 chasing a bunch of fairies who have stolen her crown.
File: Lancer.jpg (2MB, 2289x1177px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 2289x1177px
Who should I draw milking a shota's penis with just her thighs?
>a bunch of fairies
an entire soccer team?
File: FGO_Lancer_scene.jpg (38KB, 1024x576px) Image search: [Google]
38KB, 1024x576px
he's probably banned by now
This cutie.
File: Hilda.png (2MB, 4120x2048px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 4120x2048px
Anyone that picks a request like that needs to feel regret.
File: 0e7cf193d0067ecb5764b08e473681e5.jpg (153KB, 792x1200px) Image search: [Google]
153KB, 792x1200px
File: Reco.jpg (237KB, 882x1278px) Image search: [Google]
237KB, 882x1278px
File: Maki Harukawa.png (2MB, 1600x1776px) Image search: [Google]
Maki Harukawa.png
2MB, 1600x1776px
lewd Nintendo requests?
File: Kazumi Mishima .jpg (2MB, 2984x2888px) Image search: [Google]
Kazumi Mishima .jpg
2MB, 2984x2888px
File: trap with thighs.png (2MB, 1345x909px) Image search: [Google]
trap with thighs.png
2MB, 1345x909px
Nope but I am sure you have more prompts!
File: 1466044168138.jpg (678KB, 4022x4500px) Image search: [Google]
678KB, 4022x4500px
Esna buttjob
File: Esna.jpg (79KB, 792x532px) Image search: [Google]
79KB, 792x532px
Requesting Tang themed Esna
File: 1498071777115.jpg (554KB, 1894x1086px) Image search: [Google]
554KB, 1894x1086px
Honoka wearing her DLC swimsuit eating the junk food from DoA Xtreme 3 and then sitting in the toilet like in the reference.
File: mario.png (34KB, 1152x648px) Image search: [Google]
34KB, 1152x648px
taking requests
sry bish
Samus nude apron. Power suit on.
calm down esnanon
any of the responses to this
Is this just some experiment to see how many requests Mishafag can spam in an hour
File: 1497406026299.jpg (634KB, 1000x1000px) Image search: [Google]
634KB, 1000x1000px
Miura holding and looking at Tethu with concerning intent.
>not knowing who's him
File: loli detective with a gun.png (558KB, 1000x1000px) Image search: [Google]
loli detective with a gun.png
558KB, 1000x1000px
whats with all the bamboozling
Draw an angry Koopa
File: Lewd.jpg (114KB, 500x707px) Image search: [Google]
114KB, 500x707px
requesting this with any /v/ character
File: 2b walking.webm (3MB, 1024x576px) Image search: [Google]
2b walking.webm
3MB, 1024x576px
When you Self-Destruct in Nier Automata, 2B loses her skirt. I'd like a drawing of 2B either having her clothing completely blown off (an edit of little Emil heads over her NSFW bits is a funny idea) or drawn in Yaegashi Nan's artstyle. Yeah like http://imgur.com/a/z6yw5
alright policefriend
File: Aigis-Persona-3.png (292KB, 419x1070px) Image search: [Google]
292KB, 419x1070px
Any of these with Aigis
Capcom girls?
File: 1383769257717.jpg (212KB, 550x716px) Image search: [Google]
212KB, 550x716px
Do I need photoshop to draw the good shit or is SAI more than enough?
What about them?
File: req.png (73KB, 1152x648px) Image search: [Google]
73KB, 1152x648px
File: 1498534226174.jpg (142KB, 1366x768px) Image search: [Google]
142KB, 1366x768px
porn of this cutie please
File: parasolstarsboss5girl.png (363KB, 325x541px) Image search: [Google]
363KB, 325x541px
Requesting sexy art (SFW or NSFW, up to you) with the stage 5 (the Gamble Star or Casino World level) boss from Parasol Stars.

Boss battle video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P5E4HFydSow
File: 1495232950508.jpg (234KB, 1920x1080px) Image search: [Google]
234KB, 1920x1080px
Requesting Moira giving an implied blowjob; basically a shot of her from behind, focusing on her ass, while she's on her knees between a guy's legs.
which one? i see five cuties
das it mane. thanks for that
in the middle with the fan
File: req.png (37KB, 1152x648px) Image search: [Google]
37KB, 1152x648px
Unless you are a professional concept artist there really is no reason to use Photoshop over SAI

Photoshop is trash to draw, sai is much more to the point, I even use it for coloring over photoshop cause it's much more straightforward. Photoshop is only good for a few tools it has, specially if you're coloring animations and stuff like that, it's more of a post effects software than what you actually use to create shit.
a true miracle of modern art
File: req.png (47KB, 1152x648px) Image search: [Google]
47KB, 1152x648px
fetish and girl
Taking requests for them since Capcom makes top tier waifus
File: why.png (285KB, 600x600px) Image search: [Google]
285KB, 600x600px
Broke? Sai
Ok with budget? Clip studio paint (ends in 2 hours)
Money loaded? Ps
handholding with my waifu
File: req1.png (173KB, 1152x648px) Image search: [Google]
173KB, 1152x648px
are you making fun of me?
Mario is pure!
File: Rizelea.jpg (179KB, 884x601px) Image search: [Google]
179KB, 884x601px
Rizelea, the Valkyrie, fallen from grace and turned into a Dark Valkyrie or corrupted by darkness, etc.
File: p0nlyp80te1y.jpg (133KB, 761x935px) Image search: [Google]
133KB, 761x935px
Best girl.
Art sample?
mario is a slut!

a slut!!!
How dare you
Draw a loli Frank West.
I'm telling Shiggy!
Tell him i'm still disappointed in Sticker Star
File: mario1.png (84KB, 1152x648px) Image search: [Google]
84KB, 1152x648px
File: urian (3).png (1MB, 1834x2000px) Image search: [Google]
urian (3).png
1MB, 1834x2000px
where are u taking them
File: Untitled.png (22KB, 1152x648px) Image search: [Google]
22KB, 1152x648px
Nice Illuminati.
Sonic's when he's boosting.
File: DOA5U_Momiji_C4.jpg (116KB, 660x1280px) Image search: [Google]
116KB, 660x1280px
File: 20170623_203548.png (147KB, 500x358px) Image search: [Google]
147KB, 500x358px
It's perfect! Thank you so much!!
This is an amazing day for Urien.
>no aigis deliveries
File: youmu.jpg (86KB, 742x570px) Image search: [Google]
86KB, 742x570px
Requesting someone draw Youmu getting punched in the stomach really hard. It can be drawn in any way you want, the character punching her can be any character from ANY piece of media or the character's body can be off screen if you don't feel like drawing it, it doesn't matter. What matters is Youmu needs to be the center of it and the punch needs to look like it fucking hurts.
me looking at my waifus butt while i smell her farts
glad you like it, its a fun draw

File: krishnatrumpeter.png (2MB, 2446x1421px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 2446x1421px
finally done with this one

also working on these two, I'll probably only do the lineart tho
Sleep tight Alex.
Great stuff senpai.
File: req.png (893KB, 1000x1000px) Image search: [Google]
893KB, 1000x1000px
Really nice.
Who are you
File: Assassin of Black.jpg (3MB, 4256x2635px) Image search: [Google]
Assassin of Black.jpg
3MB, 4256x2635px
Requesting Jack the Ripper shanking hoes.
Face is a bit too round but the rest is amazing!

Not OR
Setz is really stepping up her game recently, god damn.
Isn't that just a WIP, too?
File: req.png (113KB, 1152x648px) Image search: [Google]
113KB, 1152x648px
nah I think its from ff14
Good shit. I hope you stick around and take more SMT reqs.
noice. oscar will appreciate it, i know i do
Not cute enough, where are the sparkles? It cant be magical without sparkles.
File: req.png (133KB, 1152x648px) Image search: [Google]
133KB, 1152x648px
heyo thats the good stuff
Is that HONK HONK?
File: req.png (168KB, 1152x648px) Image search: [Google]
168KB, 1152x648px
Pretty good stuff.
She is cute!
loomis was a mistake
she's not cute
Much better.
Talented duo.
Cute Millia.
Rosalina in her bike suit dismounting her bike after a race with excessive sweat on her crotch and seat.
File: AEGIS REFLECTOR.gif (121KB, 166x145px) Image search: [Google]
121KB, 166x145px
What are you talking about? Aegis was delivered twice ITT.
Edgy doll.
File: Umihara.png (2MB, 1728x1654px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 1728x1654px
So since Umihara is for some reason in a fighting game, I want to request something fighting game-esque with her. From wearing a white gi to wearing Makoto Nanaya's outfit to torn-up clothing, I'd appreciate anything.

She just wants to be real.
File: jerr.jpg (128KB, 1001x940px) Image search: [Google]
128KB, 1001x940px
I tried, but then gave up.
>I tried
did u rly even do that much
File: fighting lesbians.jpg (2MB, 3000x3424px) Image search: [Google]
fighting lesbians.jpg
2MB, 3000x3424px
Requesting devil Lili being naughty with an angel Asuka.
So is the new booru going to use the catgirl number counters?
How do you put custom counter then, Anon? Please, tell us.
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request from the previous thread

>Requesting 2b facesitting 9s or 2b fucking 9s in the amazon position.
>Godspeed drawfriend.

it's done. 2b fucking 9s in the amazon position. yw friend :-)
Post it here and delete this one just in case since it looks kinda nsfw.
File: request .png (56KB, 1640x1200px) Image search: [Google]
request .png
56KB, 1640x1200px
I tried
>it looks kinda nsfw

how so
just loomis your shit up
I bet you don't even know what a loomis is.
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12KB, 422x371px

Just lower-casecuck trying to throw shit at you, ignore him.
does anyone really know what a loomis is
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Requesting Mr.Revnant playin the sax
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231KB, 1080x1920px
Requesting Marie Rose commanding her pathetic little breasts to grow a la the first 35 seconds of this video

you niggas are blind or what looks at that lower body , feets don't bend like that and that fucking hand
it's almost as if it takes a ton of talent and even more experience to have every part of a drawing be perfect every time or something
The feet are fine, they can curve downwards and the viewers angle can make them look curved like that. The hand has no excuse, though.
All I remember is there has to be gif images in a zip file
Anchoring the horny robots.
Favorite deliveries time!
also the legs are too short they look like chicken wings lmao
Requesting wet t-shirt.
you 8n't never wanted to nut on a chicken wing b4 mate?
>a ton of talent
too bad u wont even find a little bit of it in these threads, not with our drawfags
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Hey Borv here, I'm streaming if you have any thick or monster girl requests for me.
New bread soon, fellow drawfags!

Remember, purity is something that can be kept, but cant be recovered that easily.
that's really nice
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229KB, 1920x1080px
Marie Rose as a flat-chested tit-succubus, who sucks the breasts of other well-endowed women to steal their bust sizes
What do you gain out of posting this you piece of shit.
Oh bby!
>that piece i drew is really nice
going to ask for your own blog too?
Holy rudeness, Batman!
moshi moshi?
That's not borvar in case you can't tell, he's just some asshole trying to kill the thread with bait.
Someone make a new thread
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795KB, 1920x1080px
Thank you! There's a colored version as well, but the background is kinda black.

Snorky, please behave. This was drawn months ago.
>no one is anyone and everyone is someone else
whoa...so this is...the power...of...paranoia...
>replying to shitposters
You're not helping, Shulky. Just ignore them.
I'm only annoyed cause he does it constantly.

Probably the same guy who posts "Taking huge tits requests" just to bait.

I really don't know what the point of trying to kill the thread is.
taking requests
He's been doing this for awhile, since school is finishing up. I'm just finally glad that other people are noticing his antics as well.

I'll go back to trying to ignore him though.
Draw Bad Cat.
I dunno, it seems like this is nothing new. People have always been posting "taking x requests" and never delivering for any of them.

Miriam chased by zombie beck and Yookalaylee while shovel knight defends her. Beck is saying "join us"
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Kill me.
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It's summer.

If it ain't too much trouble, I'd like to see Makoto (the street fighter one) wearing the Hawaiian shirt in the pic, or one like it. Doesn't have to be well drawn. Thanks for reading this. Sorry for the positioning of the pics.
Pleasure to see you, boss.
>It's summer.
Not for everyone, my guy.
yeah. it's spring here
Howdy, chief.

Yeah, but I'm self-centered like that.
Threads' gotten worse, like you wouldn't believe. Booru has died too, so there's a new one now.
That's a shame. Did all the pics from the old one at least get transferred over?
So, uh, when are you going to take up the job again?
Whenever I return to being a regular poster.
You should really get back to that soon, my dude.
Someone's in the middle of doing that. Snorky was trying to shitpost the guy earlier, but he'll go at his own pace
I'll try, but I've been really really busy recently
If you're tired of it, there's a proud tradition of handing it off to an anon willing. That's how I got the job, anyways.

You've been doing a pretty good job though.
Good to hear. I'd hate for any of any anon's hard work go to waste. What happened to the booru anyways?
Captcha went kaput. It came back briefly, but then it went back to being busted.
New thread >>381980901
How strange. Of all the things to break.

I'll try not to chew up so many replies next thread. Thanks for talking to me.
For what reason must this misery persist.
It's the end of the thread and night time. At the moment, no one but Snorky cares.

Also, good news for me, I was finally able to do the thing I wanted to do.

Aww, he's precious. I'm happy for you.
Wish I had some kind of goal to work towards. Darned lack of ambition.
Finally had the leftover money to order him without giving up anything else. Those hours in the fun were worth it. Thank you, m8.
No problem. It's good to see younger people saving up money for something they cared about. I know I never did.
I'm not that young. 20 in August. Still, saving's the hard part, but it's going well at the moment.
Well now you just make me feel old.

I'm happy that it's going well.
Thank you. Cheers, Mako.
Cheers, Shulky. I missed ya.
Thread posts: 507
Thread images: 224

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