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KOREA TIME - Starcraft Brood War

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Thread replies: 474
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Sea (T) vs Flash (T)
Movie (P) vs Rain (P)
Winners Match
Losers Match

Get in here boys


Youtube stream doesn't appear to be on.
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bout time
was gonna post myself

Flash > Sea
Movie > Rain
Flash > Movie
Movie > Sea (upset)

If you're a patrician,
afreeca com afstar1
oh and Sea > Rain obviously
maximum kek if Rain knocks out Sea though
tastosis tonight??
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Flahs is not the prettiest player in the world, but he sure is one of the best. He's been out of practice last season. Has he had the time to come back to top form? That's the question.
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Yes. Artosis wanted to spend time with his family. What a fucking faggot. Nerd casting comes first in your life.
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He is unique looking for sure, but I wouldn't call him ugly.

If he took better care of himself and styled himself properly he can look great

Can we get these old memes going? I never saved ANY of them.

I remember one from the ORIGINAL Starleague, of like 2007, an MSPaint image of Tasteless riding a Reaver.
Flash still needs to prove himself in the return era after his embarrassing exit last season.

If he loses this group he'll be the only one of Flash/JD/Bisu/Stork who didn't make it to Ro8
aww yiss
time for comfy
He isn't flash of old, but he is still statistically the best player on Fish according to his winrate.
Tasteless needs to groom his beard more.
I think Flash gets overrated at times, but him last season was fresh out of SC2.

This, he's been absolutely destroying people online.
is flash god again yet?
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He needs to shave his beard, and work out. His arms are tiny.He's getting older, and once you hit your 30's you need to put effort into yourself. Working out is key.
post yfw Flash gets paired up with IAmMang in ro8
In terms of statistics on Fish for November

1. Flash
2. Last
3. Effort
4. herO

I think it was something like this, Bisu might have been 5th or 6th
people suspected Bisu of discreet smurfing
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I miss hour long TvZ on 4 player maps.
Is there a bigger version of this?
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Yeah possible considering he hits top 3 every month, I suspect the same.

Either way Flash is inarguably 1. on Fish, can he translate that into advancing though?
Oh shit it's on tonight, awesome.

I thought it was tomorrow.
>tfw you remember watching Brood War streams 9 years ago back in 2007 with /v/
Never change
titty sambo
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Huge audience for a round of 16 of a 19 year old game. Is BW back in Korea?
>tfw I'd play LoL if it were a 1v1 game where you control 5 units each.

That seems like a regular BW UMS map
I haven't played SC2 since WoL.
Is Terran still Marine/Marauder/Medivac?
Is Protoss still death stack a-moving?
Is Zerg still Mutalisk/Zergling/Baneling?
Please no forward rax again Flash
Rooting for Flash and Sea because we need more Terrans in RO8 but I think Flash and Rain are poised to make through
BW never really left in Korea. They still have active players, as they were saying earlier.

I do too. I remember these threads maxing out and even having to make new ones.


SC2 is dead/dying. This is Broodwar territory.
the pro industry died for a while
holy fuck its tuesday already
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huge buffs to mech for Terran
Protoss is fucking horseshit
Zerg can pretty much make whatever they want, but it's not as bad as protoss
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i miss sadkingprime
wonder if his sister pegged him good after he broke down every time
i played with an actual korean pro on league and he would honest to god 1v5 the other team sometimes even after the rest of us fed them. it was insane. he was playing on hit kayle with jungle item.
I made it past port 6112 so if anyone want to play some casual FFA matches on battlenet (BGH?) I'm down
Flash getting proxied

scout that shit soon
Why are these overlays so shitty?
I recall seeing some that show army supply, workers, gas and minerals
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You are not a fan, if you don't remember the incident
Link please

Why doesn't OP post the link at the start?
For Broodwar?
>he isn't able to find the easiest stream
www twitch tv/gsl

I'm not going to fuck over a friend
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I forgot all about Chinro.
Yeah for BW. I know that's built into SC2 but I also saw that for BW
in the olden golden times, they had a shit ton of minions and money to COUNT the fucking shit I think, but yea I remember the overlay too
>SC2 is dead/dying
What happened to it?
>What happened to it?
david kim
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Flash rapes another korean (male) live on tv.
Well played by Flash. I really hope he advances today.
I bet Sea regrets picking Flash for his grp now xD
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>mfw the game

blizz tried to push it hard, but the koreans didn't like it. game in general was ass, because of the new machanics so its dying slowly but steadily.

now that Blizz isn't pushing SC2 anymore, the Gooks are returning to the GodKing game
how do you set up the game to run on modern computers? I had to leave my old computer behind at my parents' house and I can't figure out how to make it display in the correct aspect ratio on my new one.
>What happened to it?

SC2 Inferior
Broodwar Superior.
> Is Terran still Marine/Marauder/Medivac?
There are quite a few options, though MMM is still the heart of Bio Widow Mines, Liberators and Tanks are still used a lot in combination with it.
> Is Protoss still death stack a-moving?
Definitely not.
> Is Zerg still Mutalisk/Zergling/Baneling?
This style is still viable, there is also Roach/Ravager, you can also do stuff with Infestors.
The game was poor and blizzard didn't listen to any of the criticisms from pros. Gameplay went stale and most players saw it as a chore rather than a game
>game in general was ass, because of the new machanics
What exactly was wrong with? What could have been done better?
the overlays were plugins developed practically anonymously and no one kept track of them after BW "died"
and you can imagine developing plugins for BW right now is real shit

this is why you open source folks
Is Tasteless Halal now?
abathur plz go
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Blizzard wanted control over sc2 events
Kespa wanted stay in control over sc/sc2 events
Blizz lost
it was unofficial versions of the maps that were only used for the gomtv league.
>What exactly was wrong with? What could have been done better?

In general reintroduce mechanics that reward micro and add mechanics that de-emphasize deathballing

How did Blizz lose? Was it a legal case?
I'm pretty sure they elect not to use them.

Despite what you think, people seem to be developing more shit for Brood War than SC2, people just care about this game more.

Shieldbattery for instance.
Blizzard went full retard and tried to wrestle for control with KeSPA, which pretty much ran the entire show and turned esports into an actual thing, including some shit for westeners like the Avartec Intel Classic. When SCII came out KeSPA wanted to remain in control, but being the kikes they are, Blizzard said fuck it and tried to start their own tourneys n shiet. SCII bomber hard, KeSPA moved to LoL which came out around the same time, and you know how the story goes from here.
Blizzard tried to revive SCII several times, including some weird as shit tournaments that had some matches played on BW and others in SCII.
I didn't do anything fancy, just installed with the discs like normal (on windows 8.1). However I have some problems with the text, it all overlaps so I can't really see game names properly.
How do Tasteless and Artosis still maintain this much energy and passion for Starcraft?
what? beating toss with mech didnt usualy happen back then? what? please tell

Blizz tried to strong-arm KESPA. They argued that SC was their intellectual property and thus they couldn't broadcast it without their permission. After BW died I stopped paying attention. How did it resolve itself? Did Kespa take Blizz to the courts and the Korean courts told them to fuck off?
How does James Chen still cry after every EVO?
Some people just really are as pure as they seem.

Someone post the Tasteless/day9 fapping story
sb is mostly just the interface outside of the game and making the game playable on newer computers
but true, people make the argument that not using them makes the spectacle more exciting and I'm inclined to agree

They were obessed with the game as teens. He just lives and breathes the game. I'm exactly the same. Same age. I'm loving this shit. Pro-league shit is just golden.
What if there were more things in SC2 that had splash damage to reduce death balling?
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oh god I don't have it ready but I always remember the last line
>"how was your game"
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Well Artosis cared enough to lose to Day9 year after year in the WCG US finals.

The passion is strong in him.
>Battles are over in .4s instead of one second
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No one cares. Dead game.

BW is alive and well.
Kespa boycotted SC2. Meaning its pro players like Flash, etc did not play SC2.

Interest in SC2 died as time went by
>he wants more skillruptors
unit clumping does more to make deathballs than the lack of splash
Yeah, they did take it to court.
I think it was too little too late desu, and coupled with the fact the game is shit it just lost momentum and fucking died a painful death.
Even a few foreigner tournaments have had those supply, mineral, gas trackers, I'd prefer to have them, but I think Koreans see it differently and prefer without
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there's so much AoE in LotV

the problem is that combat is very fast and A-moving is just easier
you can't understand how autistic and shit broodwar is until you've actually watched it
its like if gooks picked up playing competitive zoobeanis because it was fun to play at school and never stopped meming about it
Chill vs CombatEX was the pinnacle of esports commentary and nothing will be as fun as entertaining as this.
Tasteless with Superdanielmlan was kinda fun but I read SDM went insane and is in jail after stabbing a kid in his PC Bang.
they made an Art out of it
Isn't that what we did with Marvel vs Capcom 2?
StarCraft 2 is an Abomination. Long live BroodWar!!!

There were plenty of very minor bugs/changes that Blizzard never fixed in sc2 that had this tendency to promote more brainless playing.

Here are two examples:

1. Armor calculations for siege tank main/splash on protoss units is wrong in sc2. Siege tanks should deal bonus damage to stalkers and collossi. But instead of using their base damage types, siege tank shots were checked against just the shields. Meaning that tanks were much weaker against protoss in sc2 than sc1. Thus the MMM spam against toss.

2. Siege tank turrets cannot turn during a move command. A siege tank can track targets with its main gun as it moves in sc1. With very careful micro its possible for a siege tank to kite a zealot until they have speed (sc1) or charge (sc2). But in sc2, the turret always resets whenever the tank moves meaning you can't micro a tank this way.

sc2 is full of this garbage and many people pointed it out to them. They didn't care.
I never played brood war. Is there no warping for protoss?
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Both got buttfucked by Day9, several times actually, Artosis got eliminated in 3-4 tournaments by Day9 actually

SC2 had one of the best community to watch esports, why you had to die? I still think that blizzard deliberate killed sc2 with swarm hosts, none sane would think that this would be a good idea after the broodlord fiasco.
No you fucking pleb

Swam hosts were put of a stupid crusade Blizzard had to just not reintroduce lurkers into the game

No. Everything comes from gateways.

Now, what Toss does is they gobble up the map since their bases are easy to make. If they get gateways in different corners of teh map, they can get surrounds super easily. Very dangerous.
the community is still going on and its still great :3 come join us!
I just got here guys. What did I miss so far? Any shit go down?

>mfw wake up and turn korea time on only to see PvP
>contemplate going back to sleep
>"well i wont have to, this shit will put me to sleep"
Really? On /vg/ it was just kpop posting
bake me a pizza
>that feel when late game ZvZ is literally the only terra incognita left

>that feel when scouts are literally the worst pieces of shit in the game throughout all sc1 history
How could they be fixed if anyone cared to?
>I just got here guys. What did I miss so far? Any shit go down?

Sea v Flash. Sea tried to proxy Flash. Flash held, pushed and won.
God Flash survived another onslaught
PvP ended
and we are discussing why Broodwar is better than SC2
Flash being flash.
Broodwar is back on korea? when will they move on?
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Early GSL days were the glory days.
So much hype, so much fun.
Never again

>i missed a flash game

>I still think that blizzard deliberate killed sc2 with swarm hosts, none sane would think that this would be a good idea after the broodlord fiasco.
wtf is that thread
I remember IdrA and Jinro actually seemingly having a chance to win the tournament, then all the good foreigners decided it's better to just play in ESLs, MLGs and Dreamhacks and left GSL, but let's talk about BW the superior game in this thread
/scv/ died when nony gave that shoutout to /v/. If you're here tyler I hope you feel bad.
Hopefully never because then Tastosis is out of a job. Artosis will go back to banging his korean wife and Tasteless will go back to...I don't know. Judging by how he looks, I guess his current career is mugging people.
i wonder if blizzard is going to update the screen resolution at least.

i'm glad BW is still alive.
why so many sc2 players are on this broodwar tournament? broodwar is back?
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worst matchup. too bad every terran is too scared to go for a long game vs flash. havnt seen a 40 minute tvt is a long time
Supposedly they recently hired some manpower to work on legacy titles. Nobody knows what this means or even if they did hire anybody, but the postings were on their jobs page and they were silently removed after a while
Nobody likes SC2, it was just where the money was, now that it's dead the players are going back to the better, more enjoyable game.
Noone plays SC2 anymore
Who was the best Youtube BW caster and why was it Nukethestars?
Also, anyone knows what happened to Cholera?

Why would you ever want to see a 40 minute long tvt?

There was a 30 minute tvt the a week and some change ago that got really boring after mining stage.
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the sc2 general is the most pathetic thread in vg. it has been for the past year. it is just a couple of losers bumping with 5 word posts.

sc2 is dead. nublizzard is crap
koprea plz, I don't want to see weird ass dancing, gib chicken commercials
scouts are perfect for manner
zvz is bo poker through and through, I really want to watch more though just because there are so many subtleties that you can't catch watching a regular pro zvz since you can always say "shit muta control" or "bad response"
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i appreciate true strategy
Saylebw is still around, and still amazing.

Loved his 2011-2012 Proleague coverage + he was actually a decent player-ish, B on ICCUP, whereas Nuke was probably D-
That's Japan. Japan and Korea hate each other because Japan used to have this tendency to rape and murder people a hundred years or so ago.
zvz is the most in depth matchup. Gotta count larva as a resource.
it's okay friend, fantasy will be back from military soon

just for flash to leave himself hue
>he didn't watch ASL1
there were literally 3-4 chicken wing commercials

The only match that is worse is PvP if both players know what they are doing it lasts forever.
pretty funny that blizzard killed bw for sc2 and now sc2 is dead and bw is coming back LOL
I don't know about you guys, but I'm genuine envy of south koreans. Living on my third world country and seeing how strong korea is makes my knees weak. I wish I had born on a good country like this.
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TvP is my favorite matchup.
So do I still have to watch the replay on twitch because the YT vids are always laggy.
Oh, I thought you were talking about Japan's weird thing for KFC during Christmas.
I remember watching a tvt in WoL that went for like 40 minutes and the map was covered in sensor towers and it was basically battleship vs battleship
south kor is pretty cucked from what i've heard
watch the afreeca stream, they even have fpvods
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>in b4 2-1 timing attack 15 minute GG
Why is Flash drinking water like a retard?
Artosis's wife is a white girl
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How many Koreans have brown hair? Noticed Nipponese have 0% brown hair but it pops up among Koreans sometimes.
I just want to watch gook food commercials.
japs and koreans really make outrageous and funny ones
People think ZvZ is a coinflip, but Jaedong had a 80% winrate in ZvZ at his prime, a better wr than his other two match ups.

What's the P1 and T7 mean?
Does anyone ever use devourers
yeah SK is run by a shaman
a joke

Scouts get kited by Wraiths, easily overwhelmed by splash from Mutas. They are also the cost of two dragoons roughly.

What scouts have always needed is some ability that gives them some niche, preferably one that helps them with being lone predators since Toss really has no way to harass bases by air.

Tasteless has a nice apartment if you watch his streams. he sometimes streams video games or just talks. He smokes e-cigs.
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting
Remember to stay hydrated.
scv is amazing!!
>there's people defending SC2 on twitch's chat
someone got the cap of the australian chick giving the peace sign and smiling?
protoss 1 o'clock
the better zerg will usually win, just like any non mirror matchup. Like I said it's 2deep4 average viewer
Z/P/T refers to their race and the number is their seeding. Just a quick way to refer to a player.
Do they have the match timestamps on there?
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protoss on 1 o'clock
terran on 7 o'clock
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>Flash measuring his e-penis
>Z/P/T refers to their race and the number is their seeding
>number is their seeding

It's their position on the map. Movie is at one o'clock, Flash is at 7 o'clock.
Learn something new every day.
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reminder that kpop is starcraft related
>Does anyone ever use devourers

In the one in a thousand ZvZ game that gets to Hive, devourers have a niche as breaking muta arms races.

Scouts literally have no point.
>you will never be so confident you can measure your e-penis on stream

feels bad man
You have a whole general to shitpost kpop in
ZvP versus Corsair reaver as well
in ZVP with mass Corsair Carrier you can use 5-8 devourers to increase the damage to units while Hydra Defiler wrecks Sairs and interceptors
its not allowed there for years now
how is posting sc2 plyers shitposting?
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>You will never see micro like this in sc2
>tfw you can't shake the spider mines
This is korea time, not kpop2.
>massing zealots to break the line
that worked better than expected
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>He didn't remacro the army
Flash is finished
>What scouts have always needed is some ability that gives them some niche

Autotracking turret against ground units similar to siege tanks in tank mode.
holy shit all those Vultures, with that amount he can even kill the goons
Basically a liberator?
maek vulture and micro them
being a south korean is a miserable life
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Fuck yeah, Flash is the best
>all the spooky spider noises
Did Movie go 0/0/0 upgrades the whole game?
ctrl+click > attack area

Not a liberator. Basically a unit that can actually use its speed to its advantage because it doesnt have to stop to shoot ground units. Not fantastic in large groups but perfect for harassing mineral lines or kiting small groups of infantry like marines.

You know, like a scout unit should be able to do.
Flash 2:0!

Officially Bisu, Flash, Stork and Jaedong all in Ro8
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oh my
Literally one of the most cancerous units ever introduced.
>Hey guys lets put map makers in a tony little box of design so we can have a stupid fucking flying Siege Tank
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>how it feels to be flash after this match
>flash gordon playing in the background

How many more matches today?
I liked Sayle but he's made some really bizarre incorrect calls
Nuke is pretty good
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I miss those Nascar like jackets with logos on them. Will they start wearing them again?

And is Flash /fa/?
OK. so a phoenix that can attack ground units.
we have another 2 matches.
By.Rain vs Sea, and Movie vs the winner of Rain and Sea
You literally already can do that manually, just like wraiths, mutas, and vultures.
I'm gonna fuck that gook
the bassist looks like IdrA at the beginning
>Will they start wearing them again?

there's no teams so probably not
What does Ro8 look like? Is it Group A vs B and C vs D, or A vs C and B vs D?
>all these years later and Flash still shitting on niggers
There was going to be a teamleague until SONIC got into some trouble with his shoe distribution factories. The idea got scrapped when they ran out of money
there is none, after today we are going straight into elim brackets
Sure, but that's because he MAKES calls, where as Nuke just does play by play.

Sayle at the very least knows how to play BW at a decent level, Nuke is legit seemed like a D player
I'm asking what the elim brackets are. I assume it's 1st place winner of one group vs 2nd place winner of other group, but I don't know what groups' winners will be facing off.
He is asking how the seeding works.
I think it's C vs D
Which means Flash vs Hero, holy shit that's going to be insane.
they'll be doing the drawing at the end of today

Probably seeded randomly. Best and jaedong were in the same group in both ro24 and ro16
I was so upset that proleague season when flash broke his undefeated streak in the last round to reaver cheese
Sea always reminds me of Hyung Joon.
nuke was a shoutcaster. He basically just said what was going on, while sayle was a speculating caster,. where he predicted moves.
It's not random.

Somebody who got 1st in his grp, isn't going to face another player who got 1st.

The random part is which 1. player is going to face which 2. player.

Like it's 100% chance that Jaedong will face either Bisu, Flash, Stork or BeSt in the Ro8
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Sea vs Rain LIVE!
Movie vs TBD

afstar 112482
Afreeca GSL 8543

Feels good man
Again, I come to the opposite conclusion you do. Not the best example since he was unfamiliar with the maps, but Nuke does provide a fair amount of insight beyond play-by-play that I think you're too quick to dismiss in his ASL1 coverage of Sea vs hero. OTOH, Sayle casting that SPL 2011-2012 final of Flash vs Bisu was really one-sided and, well, wrong. He was watching the game "with you" as much as anyone else.
Is that considered a lot? That's kind of sad.
there are proplayer restreams as well
*spends 10 years playing bw*
*spends 5 years playing sc2*
*switches back to bw*
For a 15 year old niche game in the early morning hours on a weekday in America, that's shockingly good.
considering viewers have more than doubled through the group stages? yes
500k on korean tv
Nobody saw that comeback coming, overall Sayle's analysis was considerably more valuable than Nuke's.

Sayle is no Day9, but he did know what he was talking about at least at the surface level, whereas Nuke never did, Sayle might be incorrect occasionally, but Nuke says straight up wrong
sc2 would have been dramatically improved if collosus was replaced with Reaver, memelings and memehosts were replaced by Lurkers, and Hellions replaced by vultures.

Everything that could punish the damn deathballing that ruined sc2.
game came out in 1998
where did you get that number from?
curious, because that would be amazing
sc2 only would be better if units were 10 times large, with more hp and less damage. When your 50 units army dies in 3 seconds max there isn't any reason to micro.
you fags really like day9 huh
It's not on korean tv
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You'd still have cancer like Racagers, Liberators, Disruptors, Oracles and the Mothership core. And Infestors for that matter.
I don't think anyone really likes Day9 anymore. He fucks around with Hearthstone on Twitch and is generally a sellout.
I am talking about back in time with vanilla sc2. So much of that other trash, like Ravagers, Liberators, and Oracles which all were basically trying to be what lurkers, reavers, and vultures were
They just need to make the units not stack up so tight.

And yeah >>361960721 making units stick around a little longer late-game would be nice.
Where the fuck did sea's vultures go
Infestor Broodlord was true cancer in WoL.
>have to take care of food
>Sea manges to defeat while I left

I like Brood War Day9, not nu-Day9.

People forget Day9 was a legit competitor back in BW, one of the best US players. That's the Day9 I respect not the cat faggot who plays Hearthstone.
rain overextended like fuck
>tfw ghosts in sc2 op
>one of the best US players
but what does that even really mean
buddy tried to 1a2a3a into tanks in the middle of the map, then he got steam rolled

stupid protosses
What's the blue dot moving around the screen?

His mouse
His mouse is the little green cursor. There's a large blue dot moving around. It might be an eye tracker or something.
In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
His Camera has a tracker in it for his eyes, it's where he's looking.
based winter
our guy
what a shit game. i hate actiblizzard
"Blue circle is !eyestracker"

Eh guys I think it might be an eye tracker.. not sure
What are the twitch viewers at?
500k watching in minecraft
>tfw sound kept fading out
Thought it was the stream, but turns out my speakers are dying. ;_;
Quite a bit actually, he traded games with players like Russian Androide, who got second in 2005 WCG, and beat a Korean to do it.

Realistically speaking Day9 was probably better than Practice Partner level Koreans, and probably just below or at B level Koreans at his peak.

Day9 was pretty good at around 2005-2007
>Tasteless shout out to Reddit

Remember when he gave a shoutout to 4chan? Times's change.


9K is really solid for round of 16.
where did you get that number from?
curious, because that would be amazing
I think he was shittalking Reddit.
He was dissing reddit.
sorry for the newfag post, but why isn't this in the starcraft general?
Because there is no Brood War general.
Because this isn't SC2 and a BW tournament is super rare.
Because that general has been taken over by faggots worse than any board I've ever been on

Generals don't swallow all threads. You can have threads for specific events. You can not have 24/7 threads in /v/ forever. This isn't a 24/7 thread.
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who else is watching through minecraft?
its 5 million viewers in china and the LoL client

Very different fan bases. SC2 players are butthurt that SC2 is dying off, while its 15 years older brother is going strong
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>that feel when this is just a friend simulator
tvp is so boring early
>SC2 players are butthurt that SC2 is dying off,
>Dying off

More like Dead and Buried. It doesn't even have a weekly league anymore except for Olimoleague, and that's an independent, online league run by a twitch channel funded entirely by patreon.

thanks, that sucks
>artosis sees slow vultures
>"Sea has speed vultures"
thats why there's sc2 at blizzcon and no broodwar right? lol sc2 gets more viewers on that single day than bw gets in years... you're pathetic...
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starcraft general is for shitposting
TvP is super comfy GTFO

True, I just wish there was a bit more of a scene for foreign Brood War.

Hopefully we can get something going again after ShieldBattery gets released.
Ironically, SC2 being at Blizzcon instead of at KeSPA tournaments is exactly why SC2 is dead.
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yeah so comfy it puts me to sleep
Because Blizzard keeps trying to force SC2?

Fact is BW is more popular in Korea than SC2, and SC2 isn't popular anywhere. Teams are leaving the scene left and right, Leagues are also leaving the scenes left and right.

Blizzard is bleeding cash trying to keep the scene going, etc etc.

Not to even mention that BW is over 3 times older, soo by all logic SC2 should be several times bigger.

SC2 is just a shit game
>if more people watch you're unpopular
are you Justin Trudeau?
PvT is my favorite match up to play, GTFO.

PvP is stressful, PvZ is also stressful. PvT is super comfy both to watch and play
Why isn't movie making immortals?
how many teams does broodwar have? the answer is ZERO, less than sc2 kek
you think this bw tourney is making money?
well considering that this is all a match fixing scam you may be right
SC 1 has way better graphics than 2. 2 looks like toy soldiers and plastic worlds.

Lose reaver, buttfucked.

Don't watch your minimap, get stormed, buttfucked

Don't get proper concave, buttfucked


Fuck up the wall, ling runby, buttfucked

Mismicro Corsairs, mutalisks, buttfucked


Make expansions and dragons, win

Comfy as fuck
not enough gas
Sprite-based stuff can really stand the test of time if done well.
>Movie's face as soon as he sees the 4th base
Current power rankings:
1. Bisu
2. Flash
3. Hero
4. Stork
5. Best
6. Sea
7. Jaedong
8. Guemchi
If a company throws a bone to a current product at a marketing event it certainly doesn't mean it's healthy - Canadian or not.

To get the same detail as sprites you need a lot of detail. SC2 just doesn't have the detail required, which is why evertyhing has that plastic look.
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Does anyone know when top 8 is on?
don't fuck up anything, get 3hatch hydra'd, buttfucked
Okay man, see you in 2 years when SC2 is completely dead.

Blizzard tried to artificially kill BW, Blizzard tried to artificially make SC2 into a thing.

Had BW been left alone, it would have still been broadcasting on OSL, had SC2 not been pushed by Blizzard, the scene would have died circa 14/15

They'll mention the dates for the next games after the interview.
~6 days from now
>Had BW been left alone, it would have still been broadcasting on OSL

I'm not sure, the savior scandal really did a number on its reputation
but that's exactly what were observing right now with afreeca tv propping up this dead, shit game you imbecilic broodcrump
It did it's work, it killed the MSL.

OSL viewership was fine though, it would have kept going for longer than SC2 OSL did. BW OSL viewership in 2011/2012>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>SC2 OSL Viewership
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Finally some Terrans.

Terrans = best race. Best flexibility. Best aestetics.
This. Especially the Terrans. They're supposed to have a gritty, rusty Alienesqe look to all their units and structures. They look far too clean and shiny in SC2
Here's hoping THE DONG makes it to top 4.
bw is a match fixing scheme you're watching wwf wrestling but you're too much of a broodcrump to see it
>OSL viewership was fine though
yes but they had an increasing amount of trouble finding sponsors, and one team after the other dropped out. kespa actually had to fund a team
Jaedong vs Flash or Bisu vs Flash
esports was a mistake ;~;7
I don't think he can beat bisu or flash, and he lost to best a couple times already. Maybe if he faces stork?
I predict D1 for Stork
Is Tasteless going demented? Or is the pot going to his head? I've noticed him making a lot of error for names and units lately.
Artosis has stayed involved in SC casting and I think Tasteless stopped quite a bit.
I can't understand Korean casters, but they have a serious shouty tone. Serious casting for a serious game.

English casting is a bit more laid back with more joking and laughing.
Wait, why did they put hero back in the box?
>No zergs left
Kill me.
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Awesome I had no idea this was on
OH nevermind. Theres a hero still around
jaedong and hero retard

You missed it. They're selecting for ROund of 8 now. You can watch the replay on Youtube in a minute. Just search for Afreecatv Starleague.
Flash will have to go through jaedong, stork, and bisu

Also hero vs bisu will be an awesome set.
i wanna give a short look for people who may not know what happened about why sc2 failed so hard right now that broodwar is literally taking over

i can only explain in a general sense, theres a lot of things that kinda contribute to the game being like this but the game being like this is why its ultimately not as interesting
and ill skip talking about foreigners getting wiped out within a year making tons of people swap to lol and dota because theyd rather root for players they relate to than the best players but that was a huge blow to viewership

its supposed to be a strategy game with a high skill cap
this means that a player can influence the game a lot through smart strategy and high level execution

while sc2 does have this it is actually incredibly limited by design, you are pigeon holed into a certain way of playing that leaves little ways to move around

for the longest time sc2 games came down to either one version of quick attack winning or losing or both playing sitting near idle while amassing a huge army that collided once and determined a winner

with the third and last expansion coming up the community who cares knew it was the last moment to change the game and make it better. the second expansion just changed the meta and introduced some new units, it didnt make any real long lasting changes.

the community did a ton of work in figuring out the fundamental issues that lead to sc2 being so pigeon holed. literally everyone was involved in talking about or coming up with things to think about
pros and retired pros got involved and there were many discussions on the forums and talkshows

there was a good plan in place to make a few big changes to the fundamentals of the game which when taking that route would require some tweaking after release but it meant that we would go into a new route, one that would eventually lead to a much better game

Fuck, really
Bisu > Sea
Hero > Best
Guemchi > Flash
Jaedong > Stork
Hero > Bisu
Jaedong > Guemchi
Jaedong > Hero
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Flash Hero finals my guess
Jaedong has a chance to make it to top 4. Thanks Santa.
>flipper nerd attacks
Are the upcoming matches still at 5AM EST?
I need either a Bisu vs Flash or Bisu vs Jaedong finals here
without trying it during the beta or responding to any of the points or providing any data or evidence to counter the many maths models, graphs and simulations the community had made blizzard simply said no we know better and forced a very simply and meaningless redesign on us
saying it was better when everyone already knew it wasnt since it was so simple predicting the effect of their change was already known

from there the morale dropped, we would not go into an era of actually trying to revamp the game

the expansion was just another few new units added and with no hope in sight to work on things that matter the most everyone kind of gave up and moved on
What does Artosis and Tasteless do all week? They only work twice a week. Do they just goof off? Do they have real jobs on top of casting?


JD is out of practice. He won't be at full strength until next season. He was lucky enough to have gotten this far in my opinion. He lucked out last time in the r16 when Mind went proxy barracks, and made a scouting error. He actually had some difficulty even qualifying.
non laggy vods for you nerds. most of them contain rapid who can barely cast
link to vods for ro16?
do they still do sc2?
JD is pretty weak right now but he luckily is facing stork, if he had to play flash or bisu he'd lose for sure
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My predictions for the round of 8, semi and finals.
broodwar also had an amazing use map setting scene, sc2s was destroyed out of jewish greed.

literally 99% of battle net players only played custom maps

I agree with you Soundwave.
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>luckily is facing stork
Stork was and has been looking more solid than Flash or Bisu throughout this tournament, it's his match to lose
That time has come and gone though. You can't rely on custom games to keep a game running when there are 5 billion alternative professionally made games that players can play. Nobody plays Dota 2 custom games options for example.

In the future there's going to be trivia like "Did you know, that there was a sequel to Starcraft called SC2? it was all but quickly forgotten about after release".
How could it exist before WoL?
announcement + beta
I stopped playing before HotS, what was the issue with Swarm Hosts exactly?
people talking about the upcoming sequel
He's not called Tasteless for nothing
literaly 3-4 hour games where the entire map was mined out 2 hours in but nobody was losing units because Swarm Hosts just spat out unlimited free units that got chewed up by Tanks or Collosi but prevented the Terran/Protoss actually leaving their base ever
well the problem is that cheaper, lighter games like Minecraft and Roblox/cks have the "custom game" market cornered. Only the (relative) hardcore PC gamers even know what DotA is.
I forget, how many OSL/MSL wins do TBLS have each?

I think Flash has 5? Did NaDa have 6?
the peak is really insane though
lets not forget starcraft 2 generals spawned both /vg/ and carved the market place for twitch to unite game streaming and make it a thing to grow

around the 2011 number sc2 was huge and gathering big crowds and making tons of people come to events which in a way revived the esports depression that started a few years before from a bunch of failed experiments trying to force esports to become mainstream

it certainly wont be forgotten but it will be sad to remember

it was hyped and shown at blizzcon for a long time before the beta too
Those threads always fucking sucked
migrate >>>/vg/163825251
Keep dreaming.
so basically a whole mass of retards fell for the hype what else is new
lol would be dead without VC money
dota would be dead if not for valve stimulus
csgo is probably the most niche "big" e-sport
fightans are killed
it's back to zombie state, the games are only watched because of the streamers themselves
What a tumor of a thread
The unit portraits in SC2 look so different from the units themselves, must've had a different artist
>be protoss player
>select all production buildings
>press random buttons to build units, what you build doesn't matter
>select all units
>press a
>left click enemy base
why is this allowed?
im not gonna disagree with that because i think its mostly accurate

as much as we may think sometimes that esports is in a good place, most of it comes from some sort of marketing budget where the esport side is funded as a promotion for their game

while looking at the other esports and seeing how they do, what its like to watch them i think it makes a lot of sense that csgo is the one that does the best on its own merits. to me it is the most clear to follow
obviously a big problem with games is that there is so much shit going on and you really need to know what happens whereas football or basketball are all extremely simple. while csgo does have plenty of depth to get started watching it is simple
herO will take it probably.

He is 9-7 versus Bisu in tournaments

Unless BeSt beats herO then Bisu goes to finals
Last few games looks like terrans didnt let them do this though.
>Best flexibility
>All matchups revolve around them going mech now
>be terran player
>build TANK
>seige MODE
>win gaem
>>All matchups revolve around them going mech now

Which is a total mistake. They were able to suprize Zerg initially and there was a period of 1-2 years where they were dominating with Mech. But Z have figured out how to shut down Mech. There is a big weak time when T is tech switching and if you harass and attack during that time, you will do a ton of damage.
what can tank do against immortal? they are literally immortal
sc2 was the failed experiment to make esports mainstream. on the other hand bw went from an established game with 10+ pro teams with legit sponsors broadcasted on 2 tv channels to dead to what we're watching now. thanks blizzard.
#1 Flash

TvT: 16-7 (69.6%)
TvZ: 37-27 (57.8%)
TvP: 49-14 (77.8%)

Overall: 102-48 (68.0%)


Terran: Last 1-3, Sea 4-2, Mind 6-2, Mong 1-0, Sharp 1-0, sSak 1-0, Leta 1-0, Rush 1-0

Zerg: Effort 10-9, Hero 7-7, Zero 7-3, Soulkey 3-5, Larva 6-3, Miso 2-0, Terror 2-0

Protoss: Bisu 9-4, Free 6-1, Best 6-0, Shuttle 9-1, Rain 3-2, Jaehoon 2-0, Sky 10-6, Britney 1-0, Horang2 1-0, Tyson 2-0

#2 Hero

ZvT: 70-48 (59.3%)
ZvZ: 7-7 (50%)
ZvP: 57-25 (69.5%)

Overall: 134-80 (62.6%)


Terran: Last 5-9, Rush 3-4, Shinee 1-2, Leta 1-2, Flash 7-7, Firebathero 1-1, Sea 8-7, Mind 8-7, Light 3-2, Sharp 1-0, Hiya 4-2, Iris 2-0, Piano 6-3, sSak 6-0, Mong 13-2

Zerg: Effort 1-4, Soulkey 0-1, Miso 4-2, Zero 2-0

Protoss: Shuttle 9-8, Lazy 1-0, Sky 1-0, Horang2 2-0, Free 9-6, Best 6-3, Rain 6-3, Tyson 3-0, Bisu 7-3, Guemchi 5-1, Movie 8-1

Ladder stats for November. herO is a PvZ specialist, Flash is God.

herO rapes Bisu and Best, loses horribly to Flash in the finals
>be zerg
>simply build mutas and micro in enemies mineral line
nerf plz
>to dead to what we're watching now.

It's coming back though. If things keep up it'll keep building and building until it gets as big as it was before. There's a lot of people in the studios, lots of people watching the player streams.
Am I remembering correctly that Sea has absolutely horrible TvP? Was he the guy who would always make it deep into tournaments until he ran into a decent Protoss?
>loses horribly to Flash in the finals
You know they're 7-7 right?
i thought flash was a tvt god. that looks pretty low to me
I almost feel bad for Guemchi
He's had a good run though, even if he goes 3-0
I remember people thinking Flash would 3:0 EffOrt too. Good times, good times.
esports wont be mainstream soon and may never be mainstream so in that sense every game fails

however within esports itself people didnt want to invest after a lot of things went horribly wrong and basically things moved mostly to console stuff also from the general pc, console and indie dev rising happening at the same time

sc2 did revive esports within gaming and paved the way for the streaming industry, for other games to set up their esports and to do so learning from the mistakes sc2 had made and doing it better
67%+ is top tier status
75%+ is god status, achieved only by Flash (in all matchups), Jaedong (in ZvZ) and Bisu (in PvZ)

It seems like TvZ is becoming more favorable towards Z lately in the meta?
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Can we stop fighting over BW and SCII?

Both are probably the only RTSs left with any sort of competitive scene that people give a shit about.

Lets be nice.

And that SCII is over in Korea doesn't mean its dead everywhere else too.
bw around 2006-2008 was as mainstream as it ever was going to get. the idea that it somehow didn't count because it was only in one country and that sc2 revived esports instead of killing it is the main reason it will never reach that level again.
BW>Power gap>Warcraft III> Age of Empires II>Power Gap>SC2

I unironically enjoy Age of Empires II more than SC2
>And that SCII is over in Korea doesn't mean its dead everywhere else too.

It IS dead everywhere else too.
it'll change as soon as T's stop going forward rax first
Terrans are favouring the less micro intensive mech style and are getting cucked by the lack of mobility. Classic sk terran will always be the best, but only the best can play it properly
clips twitch tv/gsl/LongEelSeemsGood

add dots
>We are Young. We are strong. Born in this world as it all falls apart.

Anyone else get into angsty corporate teen rock because of Korean broodwar? It's kind of my weakness.
sure it doing really well can be an inspiration for other countries but meanwhile the entire western scene was crumbling and doing lots of fail shit with games ripping left and right

so for being able to tune into an esport where it is mainstream sure but its still only in korea
now we have lots of western events that evolved a lot, it seems like its still rising a bit but either way theres good viewership and its a totally different level

all that viewership also benefits the progaming organizations who seem to be in a much better place and are spreading out over many games easily
I'm fond of the stuff that played during starleagues but didn't really check out anything else.



How can SC2 even compete with Brood War?
someone have a playlist actually? I remember there being .zips on TL
I would play it to/from school on days of matches to get me pumped, even for personal competitions
I tried to get into Thousand Foot Krutch back when that was the intro music, but it turns out the only 2 songs they used were the only decent ones they had
is jangbi dead?


Get in here, trigger some SC2, LoL faggots
>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=unMXYC8byT4 [Embed]

That was legitimately great.
Nothing beats this one


>savior's god pose
>Bisu's baywatch run
>Flash just flipping around because he wasn't important at the time
>the twins smiling
>JulyZerg trying so hard to look handsome or cool and failing
Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't this the first OSL Flash won?
Does anybody here play BW online?

bruh all of /v/ except like 2 people are shit at this game
Yep, vs Stork, 3-0. This was when he first took off (then crashed briefly), then re-took off in 2009

He definitely wouldn't have been such a minor presence in the opening if he was already an OSL/MSL winner at the time
How many people actually use shieldbattery?
I do, occasionally.

Go for either ICCUP or Fish. And Shieldbattery with automated ladder if you get into the beta.

No idea, but it's still in beta.

It's useful early game against rushes to defend.
Back around 2007-2009 I used to fantasize about being mighty whitey and somehow being a foreign progamer in BW. Me being in those OSL/MSL openings and doing the fun ceremonies. Facing off against TBLS and having commentators say it was an even match that could go either way. Hearing Koreans butcher my name's pronunciation when they shouted (name) HWAITING! before a match.

Poor IdrA spent god knows how long in CJ Entus slaving away and never came anywhere close, but it's nice to dream anyway.
what became of idra? poker player?
He means the new Server that is in development and features automated ladder, not the building.
>tfw can't stop getting dominated by the AI
I just hope the AI has some cheating in it
Lol the AI is soo fucking easy. I remember when I was practising my 1 gate Nexus on Fighting spirit, I accidently set two Terran AI opponents, they attacked me with fucking firebats, micro'd down both attacks with 4-5 goons
at most they get extra resources
but you really shouldn't be losing to AI, have you tried the campaign?
learn build orders and play on maps that come in the iccup map pack
actually at your level just play econ
>learn build orders and play on maps that come in the iccup map pack
I am doing that
Nigga looks like Frieza n' shiet
What race do you play?
Yes. I used to be C+ on ICCup up until SC2 was released, but now confined to the D leagues ㅠㅠ.
Post your username and I will add you to my friends list on ICCUP.
There are tonnes of FPvods from the last 4 years, but here is an FPVOD with an English commentary from the Good old days


Just copy the build order and improve your mechanics
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Confirmed best game.

It was fun guys, see you next week for Bisu vs Sea
i just re-bought BW. the online is dead compare to 2006, i miss mid 2000's starcraft :( shit was so cash. now its hard for me to connect to anyone online cuz apparently everyone has high latency
No one plays on battlenet but the korean fish server is popular and there should be people on iccup as well.
You from South America or Africa?
Play on ICCUP and there is almost always someone there for D level play.
You can try iccup.

Or you can get AoEII HD if you are nostalgic for casual 90s RTS games instead of tryhards
i havent followed BW since 07-08ish, i dont know this, fish server or iccup.
States, midwest. maybe my internet is shit lol.
so this is the 3rd time someone mention ICCUP, ill install that shit when i wake up. i already have AoE2HD but i havent played it yet, still playing 3
Oh and you might need to port forward port 6112
got it, thanks
Anyone who plays BW (and who is not Korean) who wants to play a tiny bit serious plays on ICCup . It is a private server. That's where you should play. Remember to use the anti hack so that everything is good and you will get better response time when playing.
ICCUP definitely, if I were you I'd also keep an eye on ShieldBattery for when that gets released

and then get murdered because of your filthy non asian skills
nah, i was a filthy casual then and i'm still a filthy casual now (when it comes to BW). do people play use map setting games on ICCup?
BGH, but mostly it's a ladder server.
Can't wait for January 2nd to see Bisu butt rape Sea.
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is there somewhere i can find the old starleague vods?
Do you mean Neo-Brood War VODs or like old MSL and OSL VODs?
Most have vod links on liquipedia, unless you mean the super old pre-youtube starleagues in which case you're out of luck.
>is there somewhere i can find the old starleague vods?

Whatever happens to have been uploaded to Youtube. Which is not that much and is very randomly chosen.

Also most of those vids were like 360p resolution. That was before twitch streaming.
I think for OSLs, MSLs and Starleagues you can find pretty much every game.

There is an MSL torrent on TL, with EVERY Brood War game and Brood War related show ever broadcast by MBC Game, if you want to find a BW game, it's either in a torrent or on youtube.

As for some of the other stuff, like tournaments before 2003, non-OSL, MSL and Proleague stuff and especially foreigner shit, yeah some of that is lost to time.
That torrent is 1.3TB though, soo it might take a while, Koreans have also been archiving games on youtube.
>nice looking studio
>they use plastic fucking chairs

Hilarious Korean GOoks.
Oh my god, I looked up some ancient vods and I can't believe how bad people used to be
Just look at this shit:
And that's the grand finals of an osl.
>10 minute game, 40 supply

It was a different time.

I think just about any half decent player on ICCUP, B- or higher, could go back in time and rape face in the first few OSLs and look like some revolutionary genius, it would stop working at around 2002, but it would be hella funny.

Maybe I could win games, if I actually, you know, got more than 40 supply and constantly produced workers
holy shit they made the players dress up. thats so funny.

that terran base looks pretty aesthetic.
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