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This is Clem. Say something nice about her.

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This is Clem.

Say something nice about her.
She is very beautiful.
She is very sexy
You're the second best main protagonist.
I want to whack her in the face with my dick
what a stupid name
her clam must be nice
That's not nice.
I want to breed her
this traitorous cunt
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She's delicious brown
Who's going to post the vocaroo?
i'd pee in her butt
She's kept that hat in pristine condition considering the years.
Shes cute i want to hug her
I want to fuck the shit out of her. Balls deep heavy pounding all day every day.

She's my little cum creampea

t. Lee
SFM soon
She can do leaf-rubbings like nobody's business.
How is this game? Legit asking. I liked the other 2 episodes. I know its not really a continuation of ep 2 but overall, is story feel worthy?
There's a new main lead who isn't very interesting but hopefully things will get more intense now that we found out the leader of the New Frontier is his brother and that Clem used to be a member of it
W-what are we going to do on the soiled mattress, Lee?
it's vanilla porn.
i'd racemix with her
I miss /ttgg/.
She's by far the only believable badass female Character, because we as players raised her 2 Games long to one (allright, only one Game, but in the second she got some Advice from Kenny too)
Everything feels different to me. All the junkwall shantytowns and evil bandit gangs make it feel like a shit sidequest on Rage or some game like that.
why is it gone
S'been gone from /vg/, it's birth place. I don't go to 8c h a n and I keep delaying fucking making a general on /vg/ because fuck if I know what's even happening in S3.
Is there a difference if you choose not to go with the New Frontier chick? I was tempted to replay that part and see if it meant Clem wouldn't join.
She knows how to conserve a juice box.
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please make one
She joins either way.

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I still have all the old reaction images, too. Fuck. Alright. I'll throw one together.
she basically says a bunch of shit about the world working in mysterious ways (foreshadowing the NF meeting Clem again) and just waits it out in the shack
Clem was part of NF no matter what choices you make
>no /ss/ with clem porn
is this game any good
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I chose to refuse her offer and she said something along the lines of "Well we'll cross paths again eventually." So I don't think it changes anything, considering Clem joins them anyway.
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>tfw thingken about lee hurtin

Fuck I suspected this shit would happen. Thanks broskis, saved me the trouble
Yeah,Telltale gives you the illusion of choice,you'll always end up in the same place regardless.
Let's just hope Clementine is alive at the end
Stay far away from this genre of games. You will end up massively disappointed.
she's gonna die at the end of the season
Old hag
I made it.

And the game likes to Final Destination anyone who you choose to save so say goodbye to Conrad if you didn't kill him in episode 2.
so hows season 3 compared to the first 2?

is it as bad as michonne or did they fix their shit?
>if you didn't kill him
Everyone who harms Clementine dies.It's really as simple as that.
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shes not javi
So far the main protag doesn't hold a candle to either Lee or Clem and the story is pretty meh although the episode 2 cliffhanger is nice, so we'll see how things go from there.
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Honestly i don't like Clem. I just miss Lee.
I'm sick of Clem
>Game will probably have another Lee ghost again
better than S2
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>i don't like Clem
>clems parents are dark as night
>she looks mulatto and nothing like them
rly makes me think
It was a bad decision to put her in the game, because of course everyone is gonna side with her, we don't know the other characters nor do we care about them the same way we care about clem.
Heres a free (You), apply yourself next time
Clem's mom is light-skinned.
>he didn't let go of Ben's hand in season 1

Off yourself if you fit that description.
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why the butthurt? he's right

This. Lee best protag forever.
lookin 4 tha suckin
I am masturbating to clementine right now
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How is being this cute even allowed?

I haven't played S3 yet, is it true you're forced to play as juan or pablo or whatever his name was instead of based clem?
Yes, it's also for the best, based Javi is top tier next to edgy Clem.
>t. Lee
Fuck that
yes, but there are fleshback scenes where you play as clem
D... Delete this ;_;
clam sounds like her VA's balls finally dropped
>t. Lee
No. Clem must remain pure.

_______________________________________________________________________________________purely lewd.
Why is there no sfm porn of S3 Clem?

Fucking racemixed abomination.
I imagine slitting her throat on a daily basis.
Maybe nobody has ripped the model yet?
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Good job robbing yourself of the best scene in the whole season.
Is this S3? Didn't played it yet.

I have conflicted feels. She was muh daughteru in S1. I didn't like her in S2 at all. Now she turned into hottie and my dick responds.

them eyes brah .

She can still call you daddy while you fuck her.
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I miss Lee...
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she's looking clemenFINE
I didn't want to fug her in S1 or S2 but S3 seems JUST that age when I want to violate her regardless of the law.
stop making these threads you faggot
Has anyone extracted the new model yet so we can see her nude.
She performs like a professional
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>zombie apocalypse

>implying if Lee hadn't survived she wouldn't have started trying to seduce him at 12/13
what do you think her hat smells like?
It probably stinks hardcore at this point.
She shot Kenny
Source please?

idk I'd be too busy smelling her sweaty pits while she rides me
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>shooting best boat boy
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I dont remember this happening in game ? Link to VOD ?
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Keep that hair short
>he didn't let him penetrate Jane with his burly knife

It's the secret epilogue you get when you defeat Izanami.
>>implying if Lee hadn't survived she wouldn't have started trying to seduce him at 12/13
For what purpose, she looked upon him as her father
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>Keep that heart shut.
>not doing that and also killing kenny
Best ending
What is this from?
Are you lying to me ?
I like her hat.

When she was a child.
When her hormones start racing, father figure becomes daddy figure.
Post the vocaroo with Kenny.
Javi is interesting you piece of shit

He's a much better protagonist than clem. Only fags disagree
There's a guy who makes some insane TWD porn. Forgot name.
>father figure becomes daddy figure.
I don't understand this, is this some sort of gay reference ?
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Most fans aren't paying for his story.
Maybe he has the potential to be interesting, but the story is clearly leading to a battle between two brothers over a girl. Even though I have rejected every one of her advances I'm sure the game will still shoehorn me into a romance with her.
Most fans are busy bitching about 'muh clem' rather than valid criticisms like the lack of dialogue hubs and length of episodes. So like I said, fags
Please remember.
Does she ever get raped in one of the seasons? Feels like something they would pull to rake in sympathy points.
she's #stillnotbitten
I wanna fuck it till my dick falls off
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>t. Lee
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>mfw I made this
>still passed around years later
warms muh heart
>Feels like something they would pull to rake in sympathy points.
You would lose major pedo points from all the daughterfu niggers

Well this depends, how old was Clem when she met Lee.
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I'm so sick of bandits, holy shit. For every sheep there's 10 fucking wolves.
No you didn't. I made it

Good point.
Thanks for many faps anon

Old enough to never fool herself into thinking he's her actual dad.
Old enough think of him as a strong-ass alpha who saved her life and protected her.
She was past the age where she would've had childish thoughts about marrying Lee, and would've had serious (for a preteen) thoughts about it.

Because all the sheep have already been killed.
Too liked by fans for something like that. She is the game mascot, therefore plot armor.





Sex hair
I have the original audio edit project files :3

You got it man. Moneyshot PM'd me once and wanted to use it for something but nothing happened. Too bad.

What race is she?
sex race
Shouldn't be too long now.
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She looks like a young Carol.

Her eyes are so fucking sexy, yellow like an Evil Dead deadite.
I wanna replace that D with muh D.
Someone used those files together and put the swf on swfchan
Money got so fucking mad in one of the threads, but this feels like it happened ages ago
+9001 for being this hella' awesomesauce, my good sir.
Have we ever seen her bare feet?
But then you just get Mad Max shit in which civilization becomes a pipe dream and the last human dies alone after having killed the second last human over a can of beans.

It's both boring and impractical.
Shit really? I don't remember seeing one. That's too bad. He's busy doin other better shit now though. Oh well.
The way the audio has such awkward pauses ruins it.
Generic bandits are just such a shit plot device. Take season 2, for example. Carver and his henchmen were basically bandits, but they acted fairly restrained. They weren't just looking to blindly kill, they were looking to kidnap people and force them into labor.

What's the motivation of the bandits in season 3? From their point of view, Javier ate two packets of pudding, punched one of them out cold, then escaped. I don't think that's anywhere near enough motivation to headshot a little girl and start throwing bombs at them.

she's got dem huntress eyes

I want her to kill me
The entire conflict at the junkyard is pants on head retarded. There're zero signs the place is currently occupied (No semblance of a jerry-rigged gate or perimeter improvements, warning signs, there was even a zombie in garage attire making it appear it had been here undisturbed for years, etc).

Zero cause for that level of hostility out of these clowns, how the hell do they even recruit if they go full raider retard every single time they encounter someone?
do you guys think clem

grows a bush
what does her sweet labias taste like?
has she ever
had an orgasm?
No I fucking made it, stop stealing my shit
good enough for me. sauce me
>tfw you will never marry Clem and breed
>model still not ripped and ported

Season 3 writing is retarded who would have thought

the only thing they have going is Clementine, and I bet the majority of players only play to see what happens to her, and I'm fucking sure they are going to fuck it up some way or another
Post the vocaroo with Kenny.
i want a clem cameltoe

i want so squelch her sasquatch, if you catch my drift
hint: i mean her poussy

>captcha: extra close
S3 Clementine is gorgeous.

Fucking Telltale did it on purpose.
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Lazy pricks. Some of us need to fap here.
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>All of these degenerates trying to fuck your daugheteru

so this is what fathers feel when their daughters get older

no wonder they end up only drinking beer and watching football
oh god almighty

i'd ram my cock so far up clems vagina i'd probably break her womb and cum inside it, after that i'd fuck her asshole and let her lick my dick clean

amiright guys?
>the majority of players only play to see what happens to her

With 95% in-favor ratios on most choices to do with Clem, I'd say that is very correct.
>dead link
I'd hold the fuck out of Clem's tight little hands
I would love to see some crazy general trying to rally the remenants of the army and conquer vast amounts of land in his tank armada as he rolls around his compound-bunker, upholding the American state as the "last active" general. Not a bandit persay, but a general that fucks over bandit societies and demands non violent socieities like The Kingdom, Hilltop, Alexandria, Richmond and wtf not into the fold.
it's pretty stupid to give you a Main character that is worried about his family and should not give two fucks about Clem, but the player is totally the opposite

they should have let us play as Clem, or gives us a character that starts caring about Clem and has no strings attached
Oh god yes

Please let me fuck the everlasting shit out of clem like literally cum in her asshole, her vagina, her fucking mouth and let her gargle my cum to the point she's literally drowning in it. after that i'd fuck her corpse screaming "kenny made me do it" fuck yes clem that hot sombitch

That is my dream
I'm making Javier her bitch, fuck the rest of the cast.
where my clem fuckboys at? what and how would you fuck clem?
The biggest concern with this is that in S2 they stopped even trying.

Carley did a lot in S1 after you save her, Doug does less but still a fair bit, and with Ben you could have half an episode with just Lee and him if you wanted.

Jump to S2, Alvin spends the rest of his life beat-up in a chair off screen, Nick has two lines before dying off screen, and Sarah sits silently in the corner for ten minutes before dying (where they then tease you with the choice of saving her again, but psyche)

I think that 400 Days had a couple of other similar things, where everyone you stick with in the episodes are gone by the finale.
Why does nu-clem look so wrinkly and ugly? Like they went for an anime look or something so now she has a dagger chin and unnecessary lines all over her. What gives?
>let's see what happens to Clem if you stitch her up when she shoots that dude
>let's see what happens when we sell her to New Frontier so we can get medical intervention for Kate
>David is the leader, so lolnothing
Fan art or high res shots of season 3 Clem? rule 34 teen Clem yet?
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it will be $160 plus dlcs
>rule 34 teen Clem yet?
i hope so i wanna see that wet pussy of hers so bad
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How old is she supposed to be now? Looks like she aged a bit.
She won't die until the end of the series, and they certainly aren't going to end the series with some beamer main character over pure Clem after the shit storm the internet has created after they decided to not make her the main character this season.
old enough for my dick
Around 14.

Piledriver anal while she's contorted upside down in such a way that her pussy runoff would leak onto her face
The lines are there exactly to indicate she's older.

The chin just looks like that because she lost all her baby fat.
fuck man that'shot i'd add to stick an electrical cord inside her pussy then maybe cum on her face
No they wouldn't the SJW outcry would be deafening and TTG are SJWs so they know where not to go
14 or so.
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She is definitely a cutie.
How hot she keeps getting is the only redeeming quality of the series past season 1
So puberty made her ugly. Just like real life :^)
Don't pedos have their own SJW defense group now?
Jesus fucking Christ! Stop scaring me like this dude!
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Would you feed a clem
Slowly but surely. Give it 5-10 years and it'll be the new gay rights movement.
Absolutely, the disconnect between how real people act and the way most of us act because of our two season commitment to Clem kind of ruins imersion. It's also insane the amount of shit Tripp would go through for Javi after knowing him for like 6 hours.
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>that SFM porn movie with Clem and Sarah from The Last Of Us
>possibly the most ravenous pussy eating I have ever seen animated

I mean just gluttonous, sex-starved pussy eating.
It's considered poor form not to source your statements anon.
source? you better not leave me hanging, boi
Me too, she has such a tight little body, wtf why did TTG make her so fucking hot
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>doesn't give the fucking source
>you niggas haven't seen it yet

>its a anon doesnt gibs sauce episode
I liked your use of the word gluttonous to describe pussy eating
>lmao guys, it's too reddit to help eachother out XD

newfags everyone
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>"You, yes you, behind the computer. You're nothing but a prancing lala homosexual who is under my complete control. You'll do anything to make sure nothing happens to me, right my pet? Even if I shoot up a bar, get into a conflict with some bandits, or making sure some black guy doesn't use me as barter. You'll never hurt your new mistress."
I want to kiss clem!
>not spoonfeeding
lmao fucking secondaries calling anyone a newfag the ironing
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>clem sass
That's a paddlin

I'm going to pin her down and rape her
Could you post sauce pls?
autism the repost
too old
>5-10 years
If you're lucky, it's already started if they don't push hard in 2017 I'll be surprised
I've all but given up on western civilisation. Got me some small supplies and a little knowledge to keep me alive for a short while if things head south.
Why does she look brown now?
This board,
nigger pigmentation can sometimes start off lightish in infancy and then darken with age, much like caucasian infants with light hair
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>He got better from a bullet to the brain
I thought she looked lighter than season 2. She has more of an olive complexion here.
>the gun jolted to the right
The bullet obviously missed. Lee confirmed alive.
>tfw Clem has become so unlikable I want her to die
>tfw Lee's sacrifice would be in vain if she dies
Stupid character in a stupid "game". I love how all game devs are just making picture books and waifu simulators now days. Thanks, idiots, for buying this shit and ruining gaming. In 3 years there won't be a single new game that isn't a TF2 remake with lesbians or a another dumbass telltale piece of shit... With lesbians.
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Jesus christ, what's wrong with you people?
His sacrifice is already in vain. She went against everything he taught her aside from "keep that hair short".
It's just a blank, bro
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She's hard to resist
Ellie would like to have a word or two with you.
And I'd like to have a word or two with her too but we don't always get what we want now do we.
>"stay away from people"
>in S2 Telltale try to show us that she's vulnerable alone and needs people, and then proceeds to make her do everything and have every character bar a couple be ultra incompetent
He was still obviously turning by the end of the last episode.
Lesbians are great. All video game girls should be lesbians.





Do you have "be nicer to me"

what ethnicity is clem?

she looks slightly Asian but also sorta black/puerto rican
tfw fags on Reddit say Kenny did more for Clem than Lee ever did.
I made so much sfm porn with her.

I guess now it's time to make some neat /ss/ with her.
I'm pretty sure mom was Asian and dad was black, they show a picture of them in season 1
Arguably he did. Especially if you leave Wellington with him.
Sacrilege. If anything Kenny looked at and treated her as an equal more than a student he had to teach
And that is exactly what Clem needed and indeed what Lee laments in ep 4 when she runs off — he realized he fucked up by coddling her.
Wait, what happens if you leave Wellington with him and how does that tie in with season 3?
She is a semen demon
>clem's mom is dark as knight
Lying scum.
You get the infamous Kenny death flashback.



Daughterfu has grown into a beautiful, strong, young woman. I'm proud of her.

wtf I hate Clem now.

My gf has the same hazel green eyes up to eyebrows AND she is white

Also, Javi is an interesting character but it's fairly obvious though that Gabe and Clem will survive in the end, they're almost the same age and in the next TWD you get to play as Gabe and romance Clem since they will be adults.
>Edgelord Clem and edgelord Gabe make an edgelord baby

Hold me.
Hey Clem, I want to go deep inside your tight ass and just leave my nuts hanging out.
How about it?
Clem is probably sexually active.
>activate breeding plan
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