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RWBY: Wholesome Threesome edition

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 542
Thread images: 215

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Last Thread >>2140521

>New fic recommendation list: http://pastebin.com/7PfNUaCG

>Old recommendation list: http://pastebin.com/NyBwmzVf

>Ancient rec list: http://pastebin.com/R3TxjN1b

>Ship list: http://pastebin.com/U6sHLcN3
___________ :^) __________
But that's not White Rose
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Obviously. Because WR is gold.
Not to RT though
We shall see.
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The good time of being a multishipper
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Lmao sure
dumblr pls go
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I wish you'd use decent quality art if you're going to make a new thread and not DA tier shit.
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This threads off to a wonderful start, as always

So, Volume Four is upon us sisters, what are you('re):

>hyped for
I want to start on the Dissonance Trilogy, but the word count makes me hesitant. The first fic is twice as long as a standard novel going by the count. It's ridiculous and I can't think of any reason to justify that count no matter how many recommendations it gets.


>>hyped for
Volume 4 setting the foundations for the full blown Bumblebee story arc in Volume 5.

Raven was spying on the White Fang for Ozpin. Found out something she wasn't suppose to causing a rift between her and him (Salem). Now she is operating solo; only contacting Qrow on the occasion she considers it absolutely necessary. She finds out about Blake through Yang losing an arm. Decides she can use her to further her mission due to her past relationship with Adam. Raven meets Blake and not Yang in Volume 4.

This is my most wild prediction at the moment.
Oops, forgot pic as usual
That is a good butt, yum.

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no u
You seem pretty new.
Blake tries to cut Yang's hair

Weiss attends a Yuletide Ball hosted by Mama Schnee, who demands she brings suitors. Not wanting to take guys, she dresses Ruby, Blake and Yang up as guys, and takes THEM instead. Shenaniganery ensues.

>hyped for
Maybe the writing will be better

But it probably won't.
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Compared to the anon that isn't posting /u/ on the /u/ board?

Just cause you conform to the arbitrary standards of the shitposters doesn't mean everyone else has it.

What ship would you focus on? Pollination? Drop a link here when you're done I'd like to give it a read.
I'm not the same person.

It's really showing now
I only see 2 people here
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My statement still stands if both anons are different people. I'm simply asking if I'm new compared to the person not posting gay girls. And speaking generally to those that attempt to impose arbitrary rules that are utterly meaningless. Are you illiterate?

Come now, we already fought a war and suffer regular terrorist attacks over this. Faunus are people even if you don't like them.
Then you need to buy some denial glasses
Damn, why are you being so stingy. Calm your bumblebee tits.
>I'm simply asking if I'm new compared to the person not posting gay girls

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This thread has been almost nothing, but anons bitching at each other. The autism on the other boards is starting to get to me and I thought /u/ could be my little sanctuary this night. We are in a new thread about a show I like after all.

I'll fully admit to being foolish and stupid enough to think so.

Well better new than old I suppose in that case.
>what ship
Mainly white rose, Blake and Yang cause a scene halfway through, toss a few drinks, almost come to blows with Winter, leave, then Weiss and Ruby get to slow dance
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>Well better new than old I suppose in that case.

Just double check who you're replying to and take it easy. This is a slow board so there's no rush. And while posting images is preferred, it's not necessary.

I'll cut you some slack though. Sorry sis, have some BB. It seems to be your preferred.
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Let's not fight, I hate it when we fight.
I'm sure it's just the hiatus taking hold.
But we always fight. It's how we keep the passion and burning love alive.
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I was wondering what you meant by wrong person and I've just now noticed I clicked the wrong reply number. Sorry about that, I meant to reply to the one below the Zwei butt. Welp, perhaps I've been staying up too late.

Thanks for the picture though! I do prefer Bumblebee, but any cute ship will do in a pinch.
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>any cute ship
>posts shitty art

Please stop lowering the thread's content quality.
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What quality
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The quality we had before idiots started posting garbage.
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So after seeing the short from yesterday. something's been bugging me. When is Jack of Blades going to be introduced into the setting?
If Jack of Blades were an actual fairytail character, you might have a point. As it stands I think you should stop playing video games for a while and pick up a book.
Any safe way to get the 1080p download? My addon only goes to 720p mp4s. Barring that a link to the 1080 trailer would be fine.
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>It's ridiculous and I can't think of any reason to justify that
Why would it need justification? Just read it, and if you don't like it, drop it. A lot of great books are long and that doesn't detract from their quality at all. Hell, Worm is longer than all of Harry Potters and the Lord of the Rings combined and it was a massive hit.
Or if it's an issue of it "not being a real book," well, that's just pointless elitism. You should read what you want and give no fucks about perceptions of others. If you don't like it, then drop it and go on to the next on the recommendation pile. Ignoring it just because there are tons of twelve-year-olds writing on the same site is stupid.
Ctrl-U to show source code on the video page and ctrl-F for ".m3u8"
That's the link to the video, but you'll need something to download that with. I'm not entirely sure if there are better ways, but you can download that via https://github.com/TUSF/RT-Video-Downloader/releases or ffmpeg. The latter takes some effort to install but it can easily convert the file into .mp4 on the fly.
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So... RT are trolling us again, I take it?
She's always had that white rose clip, it used to be on her belt.
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>what are you('re):
>what are you are
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Oh hey, 5 whole minutes of Ruby and nothing else.

That just leaves another 5 more minutes left for her in the entire season.

Guess she'll probably cameo in the season finale or something for that.
>they eventually make white rose canon
>it was right under our noses the entire time
Glad I gave the short another spin on Youtube or else I would have missed the captions.
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Thank you Cinder
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The thread is moving faster than usual. I guess the character short pepped up the fans. I didn't find it particularly interesting though. It just felt like I had seen that before... Actually, wasn't it the same video that was leaked from that convention or whatever?


I used to really like Bumblebee and White Rose but now they're pretty boring. Their chemistry is just so... Normal and cute?


Are faunus a separate species or another form of human?


>Nothing. I am in the process of moving my stories from one notebook to the next and it'll take a while, minus procrastination. I haven't written a RWBY fic but I wanna. Maybe Baked Alaska or Monochrome.
>No Neo.
It's just her silver rose emblem :(
I know that feeling, I think it's just that there is so much for White Rose and Bumblebee that I just burnt out on it.
>Are faunus a separate species or another form of human?
Since they can interbreed, by our definition they wouldn't be a separate species.
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Just watched the trailer, overall visual quality seems to have improved from before, models are more detailed, effects are more prominent, even the animations have improved (looking at you, Harambe). It actually reminds me a LOT of a high-quality cel-shaded video game, though that's not necessarily a bad thing. We'll see if the visual quality carries over from the trailer to the actual series

Chroeography, however, leaves a lot to be desired. The fight was lackluster and had none of the series' traditional over-the-top style. I'm not expecting Monty to come back to life but even the choreography in Vol. 3 was better. Ruby barely used her scythe-gun's recoil at all.

Voice acting was as terrible as ever. I'm surprised how the VAs still haven't improved at all through 4 fucking volumes.
oh also forgot to say I like the new costumes. Weiss's is great

Ruby's looks a tad too much like a gothic bondage victim for my taste
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>gothic bondage victim

That's just how Weiss wants her, thank you very much.
You have to be 18 to post here.
They actually named the gorilla Harambe, get off your horse
The gorilla is called Beringel you meme-saturated sponge.
smooth as fuck
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Chapter 19 of Stay Afloat, starring Pyrrha and Nora.

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The ship sails! Thank you.
The animators refered to the gorilla grimm as harambe
Thus, it's harambe
>Hurr durr the idiot crew spouts dumb facebook memes so now I should too xD

>life is 10% what happens and 90% one's reaction to it
Nobody likes a sourpuss, lighten up
So Kerry said in a recent interview that there are currently LGBT characters in the show, just that that part of them hasn't been delved into yet. He wants to, and I quote, "Make it occur naturally".

So... we're getting something at least. Hopefully.
I'm still betting on Coco and Velvet. I can't see it being any of the main characters.
>I can't see it being any of the main characters.

I disagree. The wording seems to suggest an already established character. IIRC in the interview it is suggested that they just haven't explored this aspect of one or some of the characters so far. This statement doesn't make sense with minor characters since their characters haven't been explored really. Learning that Coco is a lesbian would be the first meaningful detail we would have learned about her as a person and not just as a side character. This isn't an attempt to claim that it is impossible she is a lesbian, they do pluralize the word character here after all, but instead to emphasize that some of the wording may suggest one of these characters may be a main one after all.

Of all the the characters that have been explored to at least some degree I would suggest it is either one (or more) of the RWBY girls or Ren. Of the RWBY girls the obvious choices are Blake or Yang or both. I also think Ren because we have spent a lot of time, for secondary a character, developing Nora's feelings for Ren, but nothing about Ren's feelings for Nora.

However, working with what scenes we have, I would more strongly suggest that it is Yang. We know from Volume 2 that Yang is still on a journey of self-discovery which fits in with the idea of RT not exploring that side of her character yet. Likewise her story arc from Season 1 ended with her former life being ripped out from under her. She'll have to figure out what she's going to do with the rest of her life in Volume 4. For example, will she continue being a huntress after being discredited?

I could easily see one of those choices as Yang realizing she has strong feelings for Blake and then having to decide what to do about it. This also ties into her history of abandonment and further cements her connection to the White Fang through her mother and Adam.

Of course this analysis falls apart if the RT crew just worded themselves poorly in the interview.
I said it before and I'll say it again.
The moment Adam sliced Yang's arm off, Bumbleby (even if it's one-sided affection on Yang's part) gained about a 50% chance of happening.
If in Volume 4, Yang asks Tai-Yang what he did when Raven ran away, Bumbleby then has a 80% of happening.
>connection to the White Fang through her mother
This meme will never get old.
You know something we don't?

I know the White Fang hates working with humans and everything we've seen so far about Raven suggests she's working with Salem, not the Fang.
She wears the mask and has a sword that closely resembles Adam's sword. The Salem connection I won't deny, but why can she not have a connection to both?

Likewise we have only seen Adam's current version of the White Fang. We know from Blake he was more calm before. What if she worked with them in a time when humans who were willing to fight and die alongside the faunus were accepted into the ranks? What if she belongs to a more moderate faction of the WF that split from Adam's group?

We can't speculate as to the exact nature of Raven's White Fang connection, but you can't deny the unique but shared sword design and the highly personalized mask. They exist for a reason and a portal doesn't eliminate their importance. She has some kind of connection to them and specifically to Adam. We just don't know the nature of her relationship to them and him.
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>everything we've seen so far about Raven suggests she's working with Salem

Which is:
>went to get smokes
>saved Yang from Neo and promptly disappeared 3 seconds later
>"has a lot to talk about" with Yang in the dream sequence or whatever that was
>has a rough view of the world, according to Qrow

Yep, pretty definitive evidence right there.

She strikes me more as freelance with her own agenda. inb4 she knows some deep dark world-shattering secret that will become the new plotline after Salem
She wears a mask that resembles the Grimm, which is literally Salem's faction. Salem, who gives out white clothing with red designs on it.

You are also missing several really obvious problems

> we have only seen Adam's current version of the White Fang. What if she worked with them in a time when humans who were willing to fight and die alongside the faunus were accepted into the ranks? What if she belongs to a more moderate faction of the WF that split from Adam's group?

The White Fang did not start wearing the masks until after the change, it was part of the new, violent side. Why would she be wearing a mask if they weren't introduced until after she left? There were no humans willing to "fight and die" alongside the faunus, because the faunus weren't fighting and dying back then. The violence is also part of the new White Fang.

Their sword design isn't "shared" they both use fucking katanas, the single most overused weapon in any weeb-influenced media. Their weapons are nothing alike beyond both being swords. Given that she carries around a massive amount of disposable dust blades, her fighting style is clearly very different from Adam's who uses a single, permanent blade. Raven's sword is high tech, it unfolds, it's guard design is more western than eastern, Wilt is a very traditional guardless katana design. It's also based on Michael 13 from Ga Rei, while Raven's is clearly SnK inspired.

I've never even seen anything suggesting Adam's blade is even a dust blade (why would it be permanent if it were and not disposable like Raven's dust blades and dust rounds?).

You might as well argue that Neptune and Pyrrha trained together because they both have rifles that turn into spears. Or that Thrush and Emerald are old friends because they both wear green and use revolver-daggers.
The mask has only been portrayed as a representation of the White Fang thus far. Why doesn't Cinder ever wear it herself? Why is it important for Cinder to hide her connection to Salem, but not Raven who is the sister of a spy for Ozpin? Cinder didn't even wear such a mask while infiltrating the school. It would have made more sense for no one to recognize her if she had a mask like Raven's rather than just one that covers her eyes.

I'll concede the detail of the WF only adopting the masks after they became violent if you are being honest, but I only gave a few what ifs. My point was that the exact nature of the relationship could not be discerned. It is still possible there is a connection there. It doesn't make sense that the White Fang and Salem would have extremely similar designs for their masks. Raven has a customized one granted, but the resemblance is too much to simply judge as coincidence.

And the swords are very similar in a show of that gives no names in a tournament (relatively) unique weapons of their own. Neptune uses an energy gun that transforms into a halberd that can be electrified. Pyrrha uses a classic spear that turns into a traditional rifle. Their weapons are completely different.

Raven and Adam both use red (I believe dust) blades of very similar design and core function. The primary difference is that Raven changes blades while he has a scabbard that doubles as a shotgun. So there are differences, but the designs are still extremely similar. No other pair of weapons from major characters are as similar as their two weapons are. Jaune uses a basic sword and shield, but even his weapons remain unique among the cast. Why is it that two characters with a strong red-black motif that wear grimm masks are the only ones with such similar weapon designs? I think it is a safe assumption that this was an intentional design choice.

It's not full proof speculation, it's not a "meme."
>Why doesn't Cinder ever wear it herself?
Because her job involves walking around in broad daylight and infiltrating schools? Do you think she should be wearing a Grimm mask? Do you think she should be wearing something really obvious and identifiable to be disposed of? She wore a simple half mask because it doesn't stand out all that much, even the guards at the CCT at first just tried to wave her off. Do you think that they would have started with "Excuse me, no one's allowed in this area"? Not to mention the difference between hiding something like Raven's mask, and a small simple black mask.

>My point was that the exact nature of the relationship could not be discerned. It is still possible there is a connection there.
Yeah and it's possible there are connections between Roman and Nora because they have similar hair colors and there's nothing to say they aren't related.

Salem is literally Grimm. The White Fang masks are specifically based on Grimm. How does that not make perfect sense? They are both designed to look like the "masks" the Grimm all wear. Who do you think is more connected to the origins of those masks? The idiot teenager trying to be edgy who came up with the design a few years ago? Or the probably immortal Grimm witch who we already know is able to "make" things that are probably Grimm?

>Neptune uses an energy gun that transforms into a halberd that can be electrified. Pyrrha uses a classic spear that turns into a traditional rifle. Their weapons are completely different.
Yes, and Raven uses a disposable nodachi dust blades of various elements attached to a high tech western hilt, while Adam uses a red ninjato with a shotgun built into its sheath. I am glad you see my point. Two weapons fitting into the same vague category means absolutely nothing. Pyrrha and Neptune's weapons are functionally way similar to each other than Adam and Raven's.

Again, if anything, Raven's blades suggest Adam's sword isn't dust, it's just red. Just like Gambol Shroud is black for no reason other than decoration, and Storm Flower is green. Raven's weapon pretty obviously points to dust blades being very disposable.

> So there are differences, but the designs are still extremely similar.
And again, there aren't any more similarities than other weapons. Storm Flower and Emerald's weapon are both pistols with green blades set at 90 degree angles. Is she old friends with Ren?

>No other pair of weapons from major characters are as similar as their two weapons are
Thrush and Weiss.
Emerald and Ren.
Pyrrha and Neptune.

All of these are as similar or more similar.

>Why is it that two characters with a strong red-black motif
You mean like Ruby, and Qrow and Cinder, and Salem? Monty was an edgelord weed, red and black are all over the place.

You know who else has a strong black-red motif and is literally Grimm with a Grimm-like face? Salem.

It is a meme.
It is making arbitrary connections when there is literally no reason for Raven, who is easily twice Adam's probable age, who is a human, who seems to have no interest or investment in White Fang battles, and who is using the same exact fucking magic Salem and the Grimm use, to be a White Fang member.
Didn't we know that much already?
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Animators are supposed to take shortcuts, but I'll eat my hat if they were so lazy that they reused that asset just for shits and giggles.
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What's the Cinder and Raven ship called?
I've seen Dark Portals and (Yang's) Worst Moms
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While you girls may not like tumblr, RT took some questions there, and I think you'll like the answers to this one: http://roosterteeth.tumblr.com/post/151470541586/what-kind-of-anime-would-each-members-of-team-rwby

Ruby - DBZ (plus a little shonen) Oh and Lindsay says some Card Captor Sakura.

Weiss - Yuri on Ice?

Blake - Bananya (when she’s not watching Inuyasha)

Yang - One Punch Man. Heh.

I got a bit excited too until I realized that Yuri is the name of the male lead.
Yuri on Ice in an anime about a male ice-skater named Yurri competing against another male ice-skater named Yuri.

Aw, dumb
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It works if you set your goggles to MAXIMUM OVERDRIVE
weiss confirmed for fujo
Dumping some Baked Alaska, Polination, and Schnee's Bees because these threads are always heavily White Rose and Bumblebee.


What bad taste, Ruby. But it's realistic for a kid her age.
Apparently I have no Pollination on me. Oh well.

New Chibi. From /co/.
Wait, /co/?

I thought they weren't allowed RWBY stuff anymore?
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>Blake and Yang holding hands in one of the Nora scenes

Wait what? Are you bamboozling me sis? I didn't see Yang once during those scenes.
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During hiatus. You can only have generals for currently airing shows.
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Welp, there's another ship I'm all on board for.

I'm also starting to really fall in love with the idea that Raven is such a shit mom that Cinder would have done a better job. If only for the humor in it
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it hurts
RWBY NYCC Panel today in forty minutes.
Stream here.
twitch tv/nycc
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This is cool.



>BLAKE’S FAMILY IS SHOWN (Her father and sister by the looks of it)



From Tumblr.
- Ruby is definitely dealing with some demons and JNR are helping her to find some answers (obviously)

- Weiss is back home and being forced to train, she is clearly struggling with her father. Also, little boy who looks like a Schnee who _may_ be a relative but it’s not confirmed.

- Blake is traveling with Sun and a bunch of pirate - looking guys, one who appears to be a relative of Blake’s. It can be assumed she is in Vacuo. Also, Blake is still dealing with flashbacks of Adam (obviously) and a bunch of new (possibly WF) baddies.

- Yang is seen training with Taiyang, but Taiyang becomes pre-V3 Yang with both arms and a warm smile, and V4 Yang is seen falling into a pit of despair that reveals flashbacks of Adam are plaguing her as well.

- Cinder is alive and has an impressive scar across her face. We see her with Salem and a bunch of new baddies.

Can’t remember much else about it off the top of my head.

- Cool fight scene between RNJR (which Nora and Jaune want to rename JNRR “junior”) and a huge ass mech looking thing. JNR got some sweet ass upgrades and Ruby’s got some new ammo but we didn’t get to see what it does yet. It has a lightning bolt on it, so it might be lightning Dust?

- Talked to Jeff Williams on Friday, and “Not Fall In Love With You” is _not_ about any couple in particular. Jeff wrote that song back when he was in a boy band and he’s always wanted to use it, and thought it’d be a good place for the Sun/Nep awkward dance scene.

Also from Tumblr.
And Blake is traveling with Sun
>Blake is traveling with Sun

What the fuck? Didn't she run to protect her friends? Why the hell would she hang out with one?

Is this just more forced Sun stuff?
It's likely they're going to Vacuo, and she'll need a guide while she's there
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Nora Volume 4.png
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Nora art. And Ren. Which I'm going to link to get around /u/'s asinine no guys rule.
>everybody is split up

There's no way this is going to end well. The writing on this show is awful and it already sucked with just ONE storyline when everybody was together in one place. There's now way in hell M&K are going to be able to balance multiple separate storylines across several continents
You sound just like one of the Anon's from /co/. He approves.
So we can confirm WhiteRose is dead in this show?
Did I stutter?
what the fuck are you talking about? I didn't understand your word vomit
It's incredibly obvious. Just read.

Girls p-please, you're scaring me.
you're assuming too much. I haven't touched RWBY /u/ or /co/ since vol3 ended
Are you like one of those flat earthers who refuses to give anyone proof of their claims because it's so obvious?
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>ships ever dying

Just how new are you?
I can't stop laughing. I thought the shadow beneath Ruby's closed eye was her actual eye.

I can't fucking unsee it.
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>Blake is traveling with Sun

Goddammit, RT.
The ship will live on in fandom but in the actual show they're definitely going to to Ruby and Jaune.
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Lindsay and Barb both said Ruby's not getting shipped in the most recent Tumblr Q&A. Keep up.
White Rose has not been a canonically realistic ship since forever ago, and Lancaster is barely better.
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I'm surprised they would even admit that much rather than giving their tired "keep watching" response. Can't say I'm disappointed to hear it, though.
The world is ending and Ruby has never shown any interest in starting a relationship.
And then Lindsay says that, since the world is ending, Ruby really has better things to worry about.
Not that hard of a conclusion to draw.
I don't know I'm rewatching Digimon right now and it's not been super but things are looking up now that the kids have been split up and are getting more concentrated screen time to themselves.

It might be a welcome remedy to a blotted cast.
This is RT we are talking about. They are going to fuck it up.
Like so.
How does one fix a bloated cast? With even more characters!
You realize most of those characters are going away with the team moving away from beacon?
Each of them are going to have their own throw-away cast, and each will have some memorable ones, but that's how it is with a show that travels abroad
I don't understand how people are somehow A) surprised by or B) against having a slew of new characters.
Literally the entire series so far sans random flashbacks has occurred like ten kilometres away from Vale.
Now everyone is scattered to the winds all over the world, and gee willakers who could've POSSIBLY guessed that there are non-Valean people outside of Vale?
Not even who you're talking to, but nobody is surprised about new characters. It's a fucking staple of every adventure story ever written.

What we're worried about is that the writers are infamously awful and there is no way in hell they're going to be able to juggle multiple separate storylines across multiple continents.
>asinine no guys rule.

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Exactly. They have done a poor job of focusing on the main characters with what they had before.
This wasn't really due to too many characters though. It was due to a handful of secondary characters (Jaune, Sun, Pyrrha) getting too much focus, and the story not being centered around RWBY.

For instance, Ciel and Penny both essentially exist for Ruby's sake. They aren't a detriment because they are allowing focus to be on that main character. The problem characters are ones like BRNZ and CRDL, which exist to support JNPR. If BRNZ had fought RWBY and Ruby was the one being bullied, it wouldn't have been a problem.

so as long as all these new characters are centered around the split up RWBY, there's really not any issue with more characters making it hard to focus on the main cast.
Shitty writing is shitty writing. Not focusing on main team is part of it but by no means is it all of it. Shitty writing is a conglomeration of factors. For all the "focus" side characters got, none of them were well-developed. You still have completely one-dimensional characters like Cardin, Sun, and Neptune whom you know nothing about. Though to be fair, part of this is due to the length of the episodes.

There is no reason to believe any of this will change in Vol. 4. The entire RWBY team - writing, voice acting, animation - has showed remarkably little maturation over the years. M&K have improved slightly since Vol.1, but they are still nowhere near ready enough to tackle 4 separate story arcs.
Let's all just take a moment to lament that Bumbleby just lost like 80% chance of happening.

It was our most hopeful Yuri ship.
Or you can look at it from the angle that they need to take down Sun's feelings for Blake in order to move forward with Bumbleby. The last big moment Sun had in Volume 3 was looking at Blake reaching for Yang's (remaining) hand. The camera was specifically set so we would see that moment from his perspective. Maybe he's helping her with the WF, but will also try to convince her (or something else along those lines) to get back to Yang and the rest of her team? He knows how important she and they are to Blake by now.

Put those goggles back on. This ship is sinking, but she isn't pulling in water that quickly.
S- Sis...

I-... Thank you... You have renewed hope in me!
That seems like a dick move, even on RTs part. After Arkos' s short lived moment, I'd imagine Jaune, as well as the rest of JN_R are going to be mourning the loss of Pyrrah.
We still have god knows how many seasons to go. Even canon Eclipse isn't the final nail in the coffin.
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>canon Eclipse

>M&K writing a relationship nuanced enough to not only begin, but also for the characters to realize that it's not going to work and break up
>all without butthurt fans revolting

What a world that would be.
I'm not saying anything will change. I'm just pointing out that adding new characters isn't going to make any problem worse. If anything there will be more focus now that everything is split up such that following any story but the Villains will be focusing or involving a member of RWBY.

Never liked it and it has some pretty obnoxious shippers.

No, the last big moment Sun had in V3 was him arguing with Ruby and calling her and Weiss idiots for going off towards the Dragon. Also, I have no idea where you got this idea from, but the camera is very specifically Ruby's perspective. She is the one who walks up and when Weiss steps out of the way, the camera focus on her face and then switches to a shot of Blake and Yang from the front (which is where Ruby is standing, Sun is off to the right side and walks in). The only time Sun even looks in that direction is when Ren groans and collapses.

Having goggles on is fine. Wearing a blindfold is probably not a great idea.
Wow anon are you telling me that you were one of them bandwagon people? Sounds like it.

I'm just happy for any yuri couple by this point, and it had the best chance.

Neither Ruby or Weiss are in this shot. And you know damn well I was taking a piece from his last scene and not claiming that one moment was the whole scene.

In my opinion, the nail in Bumblebee's coffin will come relatively early. From the sounds of the recent interview and the way that Yang talked about Blake running away, Yang's arc in volume 4 might be her realizing feelings for Blake while recovering from her trauma.

If somewhere along her story we get her talking to Taiyang about Raven running away and it's heavily implied Yang isn't just asking because she wants to find her mom, then we still good.

If all Yang does is think about her arm and little else... Well I would grab a life preserver just in case.
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Steering the discussion into more fun waters, assuming we live in a magic fantasy world what crack ship would be the most fun to come out of fucking nowhere?

Red October for me but I can't decide if Neo the Rapey Stalker or prison bitch rules, you killed my boss so now I work for you would be better angles.
I think prison bitch rules would work better in this particular case.
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Is it even a competition, really?
>Neither Ruby or Weiss are in this shot.
>The only time Sun even looks in that direction is when Ren groans and collapses.
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Stalkers are always better.

Yang is terrible, so no.
Glynder, if only it involves Cinder defecting because she has typical villain aspirations of trying to betray Salem to seize victory, Those aspirations vanish when her and Glynda go at it enough to break Glynda's bed.
Are you serious? That's why the only people in the shot are Blake, Yang, and Sun? That's why the center of the shot is Blake holding Yang's hand? Is that why Sun's eyes are looking towards the center of the shot?

If the goal of 3:08-09 is to show us Sun being concerned for Ren then this is a horrible use of the camera.
Is porn allowed in the thread
>Say that was a pretty sweet murder you pulled
>Maybe we could work on some murders together
>Do a little bit or reciprocal murder youknowwhatImean?
>La petite mort yeah?
>Come on help me out here I'm trying to say all this with my eyebrows
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/u/ is a pink board, so yes.
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Are we on a blue board?
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Not sure if dumb or actually just that delusional, because Ren is sitting behind Yang and Blake. Just before that is a shot with only Sun and Ruby, want to make a baseless assumption about that being a hint at a future relationship while you're at it? I'm sure Dashing would be overjoyed.

The camera focuses on Blake and Yang a lot. Just afterwards there's a shot of Ren and Nora and Blake and Yang in the foreground with Ruby and Weiss in the background and Sun obscured. Clearly that means Sun is going to vanish and Ruby's relationship with Weiss is going to get in the way of NoraxBlakexRenxYang.

>Horrible use of the camera.
Welcome to RWBY.

God, this is that stupid "Pyrrha has a menacing smile when she gets in the elevator and Neo uses green eyeshadow in her tournament disguise, therefor Pyrrha is actually Neo in disguise!" crap or that "Cinder is crying when she answers Pyrrha's destiny question" crap all over again.
>neo x yang
This anon gets it.
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I like the later for Red October, mostly because I can get my fill of the former with Baked Alaska
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To be fair, that Pyrrha smile was really smug and jarring considering her character.
We lewd now
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How lewd are you willing to go?
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Christ sis, calm down.
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How about some SchneeCest?
With those proportions, no thanks.
And those shoes! Winter's feet must be made of jelly.
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""It begins with the colors of Team RWBY all spiraling around each other as glowing orbs with a Grimm behind them slashes at the screen the orbs then split apart on a map, The red one going toward Mistral, the White one being stuck in Atlas, the Black one going towards Menagerie, and the yellow one being on Patch.
RNJR(Or JNRR, more on that later) is shown with Ruby standing in front of them. (Might be missing a couple of scenes here. Jaune’s design, well it’s very similar to his normal one, a bit different looking, and he also is wearing a red sash around his waist.
Weiss is shown bowing with a glyph behind her. Most notably there’s a young boy with white hair and blue eyes, another Schnee relative perhaps. Anyways the scene ends with a close up of Mr. Schnee.
Taiyang is with Yang training her and she suddenly sees herself with both arms still and smiling before she falls back into a fiery background with Adam being large in the background.
Blake is on a boat with Sun, and two unknown cat faunus. A grown man with cat ears and a young boy with cat ears that both seem to be related to Blake. Do I smell a secondary monochrome with the Schnee boy and Cat faunus boy?
We then get some shots of Blake fighting Adam, using her clones to vanish from a hit he makes, then we see 2 new White Fang people, I assume they’re White Fang because they’re faunus and that they’re also shown around the same scene Blake is in.
We then get a close up of Cinder(Who has short hair again, and a scar on her face) along with two unknown villains I remember seeing a guy with a mustache and a monicle, now I don’t know if they are stand ins for Emerald and Mercury or not. But they kind of seemed super generic to me. Anyways we see more of Salem’s design. Her outfit has a boob window
We then get another scene of Ruby fighting someone who’s using kicks to fight, I don’t know if that’s Mercury or not, I think it might be a White Fang member"

Sauce in next post"
""And now time to move onto the Chapter 1 of Volume 4 clip that was shown.
Nora and Ren Argue the name for RNJR. Nora and Jaune agree that JNRR(Junior) sounds cooler. Henceforward Joke? before there’s a crash through the forest. Ruby is fighting some kind of Giant Rock Golem Grimm. JNR help out. But their attacks seem to be relatively ineffective. That is until Ruby puts an Electric dust clip into Crescent Rose and fires it. The clip then ends there.
All in all I will say is that I loved the intro, I don’t get the drama people are mentioning. People always be pushing their shipping agendas. -_-. Saying that Sun lied to Yang on purpose just so he could go with Blake. I Highly doubt that. If ANYTHING, Blake told Sun to lie to Yang because she didn’t want Yang in harms way anymore. Now that i’ve got that all out of the way. I will voice my opinion and thoughts along with theories and speculation in a separate post.""

You couldn't sage while posting this?
I am not a Naruto wizard.
>wanting males on /u/
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>Wanting to have to edit images just because of a small male Avatar in order to post important information on the board
>Neo has wider hips and bigger butt than Cinder.
The janitor would delete any image that has males in it though. I vaguely even remember a case when a Smash Bros. yuri pic was deleted because of the presence of KIRBY characters in it.
>getting this butt flustered
Wasn't worth posting
I know. That's why I complained about having to edit it.
Why do you think Cinder put a ring on it?
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So who's going to come bursting into the chapel to object at the last minute?
Emerald, to profess her love to Cinder-sempai
It'll pan out and show slave yang and rubles on Neo's side with slave Emerald on Cinder's side.
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Wrong movie. But you got the first half right.
There's a line outside.
They all had to take a number and take turns objecting out of true love
That is going to be one violent consummation night.
>Emerald, Yang, Salem, Glynda
>All standing around waiting their turn and occasionally grumbling about the service
>May's there too, she hasn't decided who to object for yet.
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May's in the closet with all the bridesmaids.
Is this a film reference? If so I wish it wasn't lost on me.
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It'd be hard to guess without this one.
Then who's Rubles suppose to be? Not Bill right?
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Oh shit. No wonder Neo is a crazy bitch.

But does she get to have her way with the rest of the assassins first?
What else are for assassins for?
That's not what the "ass" means.
Only saw the first few images, but with this the set is phenomenal.
>automatic rifle
>one handed

Bad idea.
That was beautiful.
They're not even using them yet, don't critique badly it's worse than making bad content.
>implying holding it like that ain't cool as shit
Get that sand out of your vagina. It's a joke.
Cool, maybe. But lots of painful, too.
Yeah, but they're not fucking pussies. Except Blake.
They're fucking a lot of pussies.
The Ladybug Diary updated.
How long until Ruby taps the Coco puffs?
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Appropriately censored for /u/.
Wow anon, the taste is almost subtle enough to not pass as salt.
I'm actually not that anon who keeps complaining about it, I just thought I'd explain the obnoxious black squares before anyone asked.

Going through Painting the Town right now, really fun stuff. I really want Red Like Blood to update though.


Still working on the second chapter of my WR Fate thing. I'm totally not slacking off do to lack of motivation to write and less than zero confidence in my ability to write both a legitimate attraction between two characters and action scenes.

>hyped for

New animation, Jaune losing his mind like Joan of Arc, Weiss killing her bastard parents and running off with Ruby, Cider chained up in Salem's sex dungeon while Emerald listens at the door wishing for Senpai to notice her. Also Bumblebee becoming canon will be really nice.


I think I just covered that actually.
Who's in the box in the original?
Just two guys. In the second image they were turned into Neptune and Sun holding hands.
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WHOA WHAT? I thought Ladybug Diary was dead as disco.
Okay for my own amusement, I need to know when we are going to start getting the AU fics about deadbeat mom Raven and stepmom Cinder and Yang dealing with that. All the better when Cinder is somehow the better mom.
Does this mean that Neo would become Ruby and Yang's new step sister?
Oh my god I need this
>implying Neo is anyone's daughteru but Roman's

I know this is /u/, but this simply cannot stand.
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You might have to take Taiyang out of it somehow but imagine Raven comes back with new stepmom Cinder in tow to begrudgingly take care of Yang and Ruby. Raven is obviously frustrated the entire time and generally hates being a mom, which causes new stepmom Cinder to genuinely be the better mom be default. Make Cinder actually like being a mom to the two sisters along with her own daughter Neo. So now Yang has to take care of Ruby while dealing with Raven, begrudgingly accepting help from stepmom Cinder and dealing with having a new sister in Neo. It sounds dumb as shit and probably is but fuck me does it sound fun.

Maybe Yang and Raven make up, Maybe Raven actually tries to be a better mom when she gets pissed that Yang is starting to go to Cinder for help which is essentially putting Raven on blast for being a fuck up, Ruby gets to grow up with two parents for once, three sister goofball action.

Cinder was with Roman before meeting Raven. Neo is their daughter and Roman is just as dead as he is in the series. Boom, done.
>that entire idea

I'd read the fuck out of it. Sounds entertaining.
Sis, you forgot the before pic and my god, this is cuter than mint flavored Neo
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And you forgot to save the image at the proper size. But hey, no one's perfect.
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She looks like Yang as a kid. Has a name?
Ori'jinal Kharicter
So does that make Ruby a middle child or give her two older sisters?
Two older sisters. Each with their own brand of big sistering. Obviously there will always be the big sister brand teasing going on but imagine Ruby getting two different supportive big sisters to help out.

Ruby meets someone nice girl and needs crush advice? Yang could tell her what to say and Neo could mimic her so that Ruby could get practice speaking to her.

Which is of course ruined when Yang starts giving overly dramatic soap opera style responses to Ruby and Neo starts acting them out in time with Yang.
Disco will never die
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There is nothing cuter than Neo's scoops
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>This ship
>Submissive Cinder
I can't decide if it's better than Fallen Petals or not. I guess I need to know more about Raven first. Right now all I know is that it gives me a boner.
Cinder is a power bottom
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Even better
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Angry Freezerburn is too good.
...Why is this ship called Red October?

"Give me one ping, Ruby. One ping only, pleash."
We had a running discussion about a variety of ship names a while ago and in one post I made suggesting about four or five ideas Anons liked and latched on to that one.

Ruby = Red

The Hunt for Red October is a film about hunting a new submarine equipped with a silent magnetic drive.
Ive always just called it Stawberry Sundae
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Because Ruby and Neo are hypebeasts and love the Red October sneakers by Kanye West.
Too bad.
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>Not Cookies and Cream
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Drawfags plz
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Who's most likely to buy slave Emerald? Other than Mercury
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>implying hetshit
>implying Cinder doesn't already have her under her thumb for free
This post hurts me all over.
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Nah, Merc and Em is a platonic smug relationship where Mercury makes fun of Emerald and Emerald tries to irk the Merc
>be new to RWBY
>really like Weiss and Ruby together
>check out /u/'s RWBY thread
>oh boy, lots of White Rose fanart!
>anons are sick of them and no longer post them

Can't be helped, it's a really overused and plain relationship dynamic.
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>Implying she gives even a single shit about Merc.
It's unfortunate that I missed the white rose train, but can I request anons to post artist links who draw consistently good white rose fan art?
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If it's of any help, the fic recommendation pile has a shitton of White Rose.

Why are you cross-linking fuck face?
Probably posted in the wrong thread.
Oh, I'd totally forgotten about the caterpillar drive. That makes sense now.

This seems suspicious.
>Not knowing that Ruby is obsessed with the hottest new kicks.
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Please stay in /co/, newfriend

cross-linking was only okay when theres mutual benefits or if /co/ mods decide RWBY threads are dead
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There there, sis. Nothing wrong with a little OG now and then.

White Rose is still my favorite ship
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Same here. I love them.

I still remember visiting the /u/ thread early on during the airing of the first volume. I asked if the show had any yuri content, and anon replied with "well, red and white are paired with each other" (cheekily referring to their huntress partnership).

Those were simpler times.
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Ah, the V1 days. When art and fics were exploding with hundreds of new pieces every day, White Rose and Bumblebee were being shipped by even casual fans, and there was still hope that the show might actually turn into something great.

Now even tumblr struggles to produce a few pics every couple of weeks for any ship, even less of which are worth saving.
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If the improvements in the trailer are indicative of the quality of the rest of the volume, I expect we'll see another boom of fan works.
We'll see a boom of fanworks cause it's a new season.
Maybe Weiss will need a snorkel next time she drowns herself in those boobs.
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She is a seasoned clam diver so I'm sure she already has one.
The hiatus is on its last legs, so it's only natural that there's not that much new content being churned out.
I'm looking forward to all the smut
Ninjas in love
It’s a real shame that this is the closest Weiss will ever be to getting between Ruby's legs that we'll ever see
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Is it?
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Not if she uses force.
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This pairing really fell off the radar, didn't it?
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It was never all that big in the first place. It was mostly a "pair the spares" thing until Fallen Petals got some art and kicked it into even more obscurity.

What I find most surprising is that Glynda is shipped almost exclusively with Cinder and no one else. There's like 2 fics out there of her with Yang and I think a really OOC fic with Weiss but that's really it. Strict, sexy librarian teacher that doesn't get shipped? What gives?
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She doesn't really do much or interact with anyone, and the general personality she gives off is "I have zero interest in romance". The only reason the Cinder or other pairings exist is because people pretty much completely ignore actual Glynda and just focus in on the straight-laced teacher trope.
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>the general personality she gives off is "I have zero interest in romance"

Same with Ruby, and look at her. Given she's the main character not but still.
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Yeah but at least Ruby has the excuse of being young, so it plays off this angle of her being uninterested because she's never been exposed to it, and it's easy enough for an older (every character in the show) person to push her a bit. Every part of Glynda gives of intentional disinterest and confident professionalism.

I'm not saying she can't be shipped or anything, but her personality actively works against it and her appearances are so brief and story (as opposed to relationship) driven that it's not surprising she has so little shipping content.
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Could you imagine the vetting process a prospective girlfriend of Ruby's would have to go through? As it is, they would likely just be dealing with Yang but with this, it would be a gauntlet of Big Sisters Yang and Neo with Stepmom Cinder giving the evil eye from the sidelines. Raven probably wouldn't care, it's not like Ruby is even hers.
>The only reason the Cinder or other pairings exist is because people pretty much completely ignore actual Glynda and just focus in on the straight-laced teacher trope.
See now there's a bit where I think Glynder has a bit of a spark. Cinder is a pretty good foil for Glynda, ability-wise, and personality-wise. It'd be a touch of he unstoppable force trying to goose the immovable object, though yes too many people just shunt Glynda into the straight-laced teacher. Not like there's much to go on, but it wouldn't be so bad to see Cinder wear down Glynda's ice.
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I hope Vol.4 gives people a reason to draw more Runaways. Also Raven-Blake-Yang love triangle fics need to be a thing.
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Chibi finale: http://wpc.1765A.taucdn.net/801765A/video/uploads/videos/ca82407e-890e-4c89-b8cf-ac013a4199ff/index.m3u8

Honestly would suggest skipping this one due to het and just awful jokes.
Fucking hetshit. When will people finally get that Yuri is the only way to go?
Can you give us a summary of the skits nee-san?

And which one was the worst offender?
The episode pretends to be a sitcom and has a laugh track. Ironic cringe is still cringe.
Yang ogles boys' changing room, Jaune asks Weiss out and Neptune cockblock's Eclipse.
The ending skit was kinda cute with the whole cast being there.
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>Not expecting that from Yang when she revealed herself to be a hetslut in the show's third episode
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>not a clever ruse to disguise she's even further in the closet than Weiss
>In the closet
>Implying she's not about to fuck anything that moves
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Hey, Yang is a classy lady.
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>Going out of your way to try and redeem a shit character who openly lusts after males instead of enjoying better characters.

Whatever floats your boat. I just don't want to read the whining when she ends up with a male love interest "out of nowhere".
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I can't hear you over my goggles being set to 200%

lighten up, sis
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Because bisexuality doesn't exist, right?
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> meme-saturated sponge
Hahaha, I'm remembering that one, ty anon!
Not that anon, but as someone who doesn't know anything about how 4chan works, can anyone explain how boards are organised?
>scans never
Crossover stuff is cool
They aren't, by and large. Mods decide what goes and what is removed, and they appoint janitors (mini-mods) to do some of the busywork.
/co/ mods got sick of the shitposting and reporting which went on in the /RWBYg/ threads on there, so they banned them until the hiatus is over due to lack of content.
RWBY as a topic isn't forbidden though, so occasionally RWBY threads pop up there when something new happens. The individual threads are basically /RWBYg/ because the posters are the same, they just aren't recreated the moment the old one is about to die because the pseudo-permanent general thread was banned.
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Pardon my stupidity but what's the source?


New WoR.


And a story recap video. Courtesy of /co/ and /trash/.

I have heard stories of how people got the characters so wrong prior to release. Like many thought both Ruby and Weiss would be stoic. Tbqh, I also thought Weiss was gonna be one of those sad rich girl types and quiet ice queens instead of a popular rich bitch stereotype too.


>tfw try to find Baked Alaska fanart but you just come across food

I can only ship her with Cinder, Ozpin, or Winter. They're more on equal levels as they have similar temperaments and are all adults. Cinder/Glynda is especially good because who doesn't like villain/hero? Plus it's ridiculously hot.
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>doing anything but keeping the bloodline pure
password is "rwbyg"
>>2167813 is dead
same password.
nobody cares

New World of Remnant today.
>I can only ship her with Cinder, Ozpin, or Winter. They're more on equal levels as they have similar temperaments and are all adults

>Not Ironwood

I don't follow.
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I don't follow.
Yeah, but if the Anon is admitting to shipping het, you would think the Anon would be shipping het that we know were making out in elevators on their way to important meetings..
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Well this is pretty nice
The weird taken apart/spinning around gimmick kind of ruins it.
What do people even see in that?
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WoR: Atlas


Seems a little odd that they'd specifically mention Atlas' greatest export is gays.
Ruby accepts Penny for who she is, and that includes all the freaky things she's capable of in bed.
That's great for her, but that still doesn't make it any less off-putting.
I see that you are WEAK
My apologies for preferring my women whole and not contorted into shapes a real woman would have to break her spine and sever multiple internal organs in order to make. Please forgive my woeful inadequacy for not really caring for what is essentially guro minus the blood and guts. I will try to conform better to your personal tastes in the future, oh determiner of all that is strong and acceptable.
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>Who she is
You mean a pretty normal girl that has shown literally zero capability of doing things like splitting herself in half or rotating the top of her body 180 degrees?

It's just someone putting their shitty fetish in a pairing who's selling point is being rather innocent and sweet.
>literally zero capability

Nonsense. She just needed a little help.
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It was a joke.
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You're a joke, imouto.
Wow ouch, where did anon rape you?
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I have no /u/ appropriate reaction images to express my horror.
So here's a dog laying cement.
(It's a female dog, I swear. Don't ban me)
Please no bully.
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WoR: Vacuo

And thus, my Neo x Yang folder grows.
>And thus, my Neo x Yang folder grows.

That's something Neo could never do.
Shots fired.

Just went to a TUGG screening of Volume 3 and got to see the intro early, it was pretty much this.
Fuck, I knew I should have gone. The only one around me was two hours away and needed five more tickets to be ensured a place
Got any pics?
It really wasnt that much, we saw some short clips of it, heard a bit of the song, and we where explained what the general tone was, which is a lot happier and upbeat. Volume 4's intro is much more hopeful to contrast with Volume 3's darker tone.

Just of a cute CoCo cosplayer I met
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>Just of a cute CoCo cosplayer I met

You get them digits, sis?

A clip from Volume 4. The NYCC one. Finally.
>Grimm Thardus
What the fuck.
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And there goes your chance at watching the V4 opener with a qt gf. I expect better next time.
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We're almost there!
Does that mean we're getting m3u links again?
Yes? Why wouldn't we.
I don't know, as far as I know they always came much later than the actual episode.
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I'll be posting it as soon as the video goes live.
thank you sis

As if nobody expected it.

https://www.facebook com/RT.RWBY/videos/vb.356761211074094/1217710438312496/?type=3&theater

The OP, to watch while we wait.

I am... Really not a fan.

Is this the worst OP to date?
I feel the same sis. I dont really know how to describe it, the animation... the way characters move... it just looks super ugo

Luckily whatever issue I have with the Intro I dont have with the actual in-show animation itself.
Yeah, the expressions were really off, something about the animation was just... uncanny. It felt like it was trying to be something it's not, and ended up really cheesy thanks to it.

Vol 2 OP remains my favourite.
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And considering volume three's song was already bad enough, this is not an improvement.
Welcome to the Uncanny Valley, enjoy your stay.
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Why didn't you protect her smile?
She looks upset.

Redeemed Cinder?
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>Cinder back to short hair
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I should have known.
Short hair is best hair, sis.
Don't play with our hearts like that sis.
So... Girls.

Do we wanna talk about the intro while we wait? More specifically the damage done to BB?

She looked annoyed... R-right?
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BB is fine, shh.

>If a hundred thousand or so of you could please stop visiting the site for a little bit... Thaaaaaank you ;p

We normie tier now.

What damage? Stop blowing things out of proportion. You guys always do this. Just chill.
BB being? Bumblebee?
Come on, they're going to reunite at some point, they have to.
>You guys always do this.

We're all very precious and sensitive flowers sis.
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>RWBY never reunites
>All that V1-V3 development (ha) was for nothing
>Each girl gets some generic male romantic interest
>White Rose/BB/all RWBY ships become relics of a distant past
>/RWBYu/ commits suicide
I'll get the knives for everyone.
Knives? Can't we go peacefully? Poison the punch instead.
This is such a girl-like way of going out. I like it.
Poison fists aren't something I see as particularly girly.
>>Each girl gets some generic male romantic interest
I'm astonished people actually think this as worst case scenario - it's the genuinely most likely one. People actually even hoping for something else are delirious.
I was thinking drink punch, not fist punch.
Ha, wimp
I think they were making a joke.

I think
This is a sanctuary for hopes, dreams and incredible amounts of gay.
>name this bad
>joke this bad
Don't (You) me.
Can't tell if gets the joke and the name or complaining...
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one hour later.png
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Still waiting for the new episode
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Are you happy now?
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"Due to technical difficulties, the #RWBY Premiere will be 3pm CT. We are very sorry for the delay, but appreciate your patience."

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Yeah, clearly she is just going to go join the person who disfigured her.
So did know one notice Blake was thinking about Yang in the OP? Transition is everything people.
I too noticed that. She looked to the left with a saddened expression and then in from the left transitioned Yang's scene.
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Implying the more important part wasn't her gazing off into the distance thinking about Weiss.
Adam is also pretty much tied in both their story lines. So I am guessing they both think about him and each other a lot throughout this volume...Sun looks like the comic relief honestly even Nora and Jaune look more reserved and serious compare to Sun.
It's up.
RT falseflagging to get people off the site
I'm so proud
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>Emerald speaks for Cinder

The fuckinggggg hype
Use VLC, Edge, ffmpeg or http://osmfhls.kutu.ru/.
Direct link to the video.
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>Ruby grabbing Nora
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Holy shit it does actually look better, not sold on those water effects but everything else it pretty much just a straight upgrade.

Competent Ruby is a Godsend, lot's of lines and Jaune wasn't even that obnoxious, he's turning into post-NorthPole Sokka but you know not as good.

Punished Cinder is so fucked, I really didn't think they'd go so far as to cripple her voice. Evil Council of Evil are unexceptional but not bad either, slightly concerned about the CE murderman but his dialogue was keep in check well. Salem has benefited greatly from the visual change, she's got the voice and the looks, finally feels like the proper step up from Cinder as our Big Bad. Also has well defined plans at least in the short term so it doesn't feel like is being left intentionally fuzzy.

Not a bad start at all really.
I thought it was pretty underwhelming, in all honesty. Characters and world building are still the main selling points, for sure. The art looks great now, but the RTX trailer was much more misleading on the animation quality than I expected. It's not really bad, nowhere close to as bad as volume 1, or the Cinder on rooftops scene, but I thought switching to a better software that other animators were used to working with would have resulted in something...more. While nothing looked "bad," nothing really stood out as above average either. Hopefully the plot can make up for it, but with Miles and Kerry, I'm not holding my breath.

Maybe I'm still being spoiled by the fact that Monty left a few fight scenes behind for volume 3 after his death. Hopefully there will be some improvement as the episodes progress.
If you want it to look better than average, you draw actual anime or you sell the rights to KyoAni. I mean, the plot is bad enough to be a KyoAni show.
I'm not too sure how I feel about things so far. I liked most of what I saw in this episode, especially crippled Cinder, but I still have this weird doomsday feeling about V4.
Maybe I'm just too worried about what'll happen to our ships.
Or you could hire one or more talented individuals to make up for the loss of one. Which doesn't seem to have happened here.
It's going to get worse before it gets better for sure. I'm expecting Ruby to be outmatched by the overly-forced psychotic guy at some point (hopefully killing Jaune, but who am I kidding?) and for Weiss to step in to save her wife with a fully summoned knight.
Which does everyone shill Monty like that? It wasn't any better when he was on board. If anything, it was worse.
>Not wanting Ruby to be captured for sexy Salem interrogation times
>Not wanting her to be teased with knowledge about her mother
>Then rescued by the useless lesbian who stole Daddy's jet
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I did feel a bit of hope when Nora mentioned SDC and Ruby started looking sad. If Weiss fully summons a knight this volume, I say that's a win for V4.
Speaking of Weiss, did anyone else get worried when that white haired guy showed up briefly in her scene in the OP? Or am I just seeing things?
The psychotic guy is the most annoying piece of shit I've ever seen in a show. But Punished Cinder makes me wet.
>white haired guy

Isn't that her brother?
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Welp, the dialogue is still stilted and awkward.
Fight scene was kinda eh, Monty's style was more dynamic and had more flourishes.

And "best" of all, it seems that Ruby is still not the main character. Instead of giving focus on Ruby and her coping the fallout of her team, they thought it would be more fitting to showcase Juan getting his new upgrades, even though everyone else upgraded with no fuss. This fact was best visualized in the shot of the new (worse) OP where Juan is front and center and then they remembered the show was called RWBY so they shoved a frame of them in there as the last shot.

And the opening scene was soooo boring since it was practically a "Hey look, we have an actual plot now!" scream of attention in the form of heavy exposition.

Also why the fuck is Juan still the main character?
That could be, but it could also be Atlesian DNA being comprised of albino-like features. They pushed the ice continent thing far after all.
That makes sense, but I guess we'll wait and see. He looked like he's a little on the young side. Does that mean Weiss is the middle child?
>We will never see team RWBY adventuring together
>We will never see them alone as a team, doing team stuff
Perhaps I'm just easily pleased.
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not only grabbing. Mixing their semblances/auras. SUPER LEWD!

I'm more worried about probably-not-so-random black haired boy with the colorful eyes they showed just before the fight against the Grimm Golem. He's the right age to potentially become Ruby's male love interest at some point.

well, not much to say overall just yet. at least we got Ruby looking wistfully into the distance at the mention of the "Schnee Dust Company", before cutting to a scene with Weiss.

also, is it just me, or have the animations for the characters' facial expressions gotten worse? might just be more attention drawn to it now, as there's a lot of close-up shots in that episode, but still...
>This fact was best visualized in the shot of the new (worse) OP where Juan is front and center and then they remembered the show was called RWBY so they shoved a frame of them in there as the last shot.

>Ignoring the fact that Ruby is literally the first character scene and has a longer shot by herself before JNR are shown as a team in the background.
>Ignoring the fact that Ruby is the one shown fighting alone against Tyrian
>Ignoring the fact that ever member of RWBY has more screen time in the opening than Jaune and he is never shown without Nora and Ren

So you pretty much just wanted to bitch for the sake of bitching and didn't actually bother paying attention to what you were watching, eh?
So we waited three hours for this?
>Welp, the dialogue is still stilted and awkward

at least we don't have to hear cinders awful voice acting for a bit.

Totally agree with the fact that the Juan show is back in full effect and that sucks.

Looks like they're setting up that dumb, weak looking farm boy to be the spring maiden too.

I want to be happy but I'm sliding further and further into the doomsday shippers camp.

i like the new mustache villain
That's not Nora's Semblance, that's her weapon upgrade. Actually, do we even know what Nora's Semblance is?
>Looks like they're setting up that dumb, weak looking farm boy to be the spring maiden too.
>farm boy
Did someone tell you about the birds and the bees?
She can absorb electricity and basically power up from it.
It's like Yang's only with electricity instead of kinetic force
>Cinder's awful voice acting
>Jessica Nigra does a better job than literally anyone on the main cast except maybe Arryn and Barb
>A better job than literally anyone on the new main cast with our new main character and his team and Ruby

Source on this? Is it some scene I've forgotten?
wasn't it storing and using electricity, or something? I do see sparks of lightning in that scene of them 'combining their powers'. I stand by it, LEWD!
But anon, this is a gender stereotype!

Tournament in vol 3, can't remember which episode. Nora gets hit by a stun baton and Prof Port literally explains her semblance there and then.
The V3 tournament 4v4 round with JNPR
>Source on this? Is it some scene I've forgotten?

V3E02, around like the three minute mark, in her fight against that one guy from BRNZ with his taser stick.
Ohh, right.
Well, Nora *is* supposed to allude to the Thunder God after all.
Might be a woman disguised as a boy.

If she heard what happened to Amber it'd be a smart move to avoid suspicion if everyone thought they were a boy.

Their eyes are way too fucking detailed to not be something special. Plus working on a farm and making things grow ties in nicely with what the Spring maiden did during story time with Oz.

You don't think rooster teeth would break the rules of their own lore as a plot twist?

You're right, they're all terrible!
Why does everyone always complain about Cinder's VA. She might've been one-dimensional but her entire fucking character was one-dimensional. She was a smug mysterious mastermind and literally nothing else until Ruby fucked her up.
Pyrrha's VA, on the other hand, sounded like someone was holding her entire family at gunpoint while she was in the recording booth.
She's also fated to get eaten by the giant Grimm dragon.
>also, is it just me, or have the animations for the characters' facial expressions gotten worse? might just be more attention drawn to it now, as there's a lot of close-up shots in that episode, but still...

The faces look weird with the new lighting. They were basically flattened out by the lack of detailed lighting before so they do look weird. Hopefully they'll get better at the lighting as they get better at Maya.
You're extrapolating retarded plot twists and then complaining that RT can't write for shit.
Calm your tits. You have all the time in the world to whine if that actually happens.
Well, someone was holding her at bowpoint at some point.
>You're extrapolating retarded plot twists and then complaining that RT can't write for shit.
Welcome to these threads when the show is airing.
at least you could tell with Pyrrha's VA that she was trying SOMETHING. Meanwhile, Jessica sounded like she freshly crawled out of bed during her recording sessions half of the time, or just generally like she couldn't give less of a fuck.
the only time you could feel any attempt of a performance from her was literally the last scene with her at the end of season 3, when she got fucked over by Ruby on the top of the tower.
it's not that big a jump.

i'll make sure to turn the bitching up to eleven if this turns out to be true, though. unless it turns out to be a reverse trap.
I'd rather have the one who doesn't try and doesn't fail than the one who does and does.

Cinder always sounded the way Cinder's character should have sounded. Calm, arrogant and in control.

Pyrrha always sounded exactly the same as well, but her character goes through all sorts of emotional levels in the show and the voice barely ever changed for those.
I think overall my biggest issue with this episode was the missed potential of having Torchwick involved in the villain convention. That opening dialogue would have been so much better with him there. Too bad he was written out of the story in such a shitty way.
I already got my hopes up when someone kicked the door in
Oh well, We still don't know his Semblance so not all is lost.
The real question is if Neo manages to struggle snuggle with Ruby before he shows up.
Neo's gonna start a collection. She'll start with dominating the rubes and chaining her up, then she'll move onto Yang and suddenly realise she needs the whole team to finish the set.
Why would she want some dumb cripple?
>struggle snuggle
This is my fetish
That depends, do you want the super sweet answer, or the super creepy answer?
Really itching for some good fics right now

too lazy to go through each fic in the recommended list when so many of them suck. Are there any well-written fics in terms of prose? I have high standards for style. Can be any length, prefer focus on main girls
>Might be a woman disguised as a boy.
>Spring maiden is RWBY's Ozma.

I for one am totally okay with this.
So Cinder up to season 3 sounded good to you?
I mean, with the bar already set THAT low, I'm surprised you'd voice any criticism at the rest of the cast at this point.

>Pyrrha always sounded exactly the same as well, but her character goes through all sorts of emotional levels in the show and the voice barely ever changed for those

so did you just skip all of the scenes she was showing any emotions in? Cause I can remember quite a few scenes where what you're claiming is definitely NOT the case.

You're lucky they kept him on as long as they did. If I remember correctly, Torchwick was already supposed to be out of the picture long before that final fight against Ruby, but they ultimately decided to keep him on the show because they loved his character and Gray's performance so much.
Which one of those categories does "amputee fetish" fall under?
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The super creepy one.
She needs to make her feel even more useless. Turning her into a toy for her pleasure would do the trick.
White Rose of Vermilion and Innocence are pretty good at that. Rush, too.
>So Cinder up to season 3 sounded good to you?
She was plain but she wasn't supposed to be anything more.
There really needs to be more Baked Alaska art like this.
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Of Neo dominating Yang? Agreed.
>Neo hunts down crippled Yang to take her (extremely perverted) revenge
>Yang is too depressed to fight back
>Neo has a hissy fit because she thinks it's no fun when her prey doesn't fight back
read Forlorn
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>Ruby confirmed for missing Weiss

Gay or not, I want that reunion scene to be diabetes-inducingly sweet.
There's just something about a strong character like Yang getting completely dominated by someone like Neo.

I love it.
A Semblance-aided tackle hug would be great.
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This is mine now.png
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My headcanon is that Neo's mind is nothing but violently raunchy thoughts about the other girls 95% of the time.
I think you may be my long lost onee-samas
That's pretty much my headcanon too.

Lewd minds think alike?

We're here for you sis.
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Does this make us the Neo Trio?
We're all three flavours.
>Neo kidnaps crippled Yang for revenge
>Yang does not resist
>Neo is pissed gets violent
>No resistance
>Neo brings her food and sweets
>Neo bathes Yang
>Neo comforts Yang
>Yang's first smile
>Second year of kidnapping Yan adept at one handed cooking
>Yang recovers
>Neo's time for revenge on recovered Yang
>Neo proposes to Yang both are completely surprised
>Yang about to accept
>See you in season 5
I would like nothing more now lets go kidnap a slightly short but powerful member of the armed forces who wants to be recognized for her efforts not her families influence
Oh fuck. Neo building up Yang over the course of a year and earning her trust and friendship just so she can make her happy and then have the pleasure of taking it away herself.
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Neo's dreams.png
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>Neo gets Yang to fall in love with her only so it will hurt more in the end
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Aloha Neo
Its like the inverse of that one where Neo trick Ruby into loving to damage Yang
You know if there's one thing I'm looking forward to from Vol4 its potential new flavours of Neo. I want a whole selection to choose from.
Wait what if over the course of the kidnapping Neo turned Vanilla and Black has become Rocky Road
Like we see her Baskin Robbins lair
Oh lord, I just had an idea
>Neo proposes to Yang
>Blake shows up just in time to catch Neo in the act
>Yang says yes before Blake can say anything
>Blake loses all hope of being with Yang
>wedding day
>Yang is constantly in tears of joy
>Neo leaves her at the altar because she can't say "I do"
>Neo gave Yang a ring that was too small for her finger on purpose
>Yang can't take her own ring off her remaining hand
>She's forever stuck with a reminder of what could have been
Yang's abandonment issues is a delicious trait to play with.
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Secretly hides Yang from Cinder
Wow that's some advanced darkness
>now Neo
>every girl Yang loves leaves her behind
What a cruel, cruel world it is.
and the only one that she really wanted left for her but she may never know
>tfw the butler in Vol 4 has the same name as the butler in your fic

O- Oh.
Holy crud. Really?
Yeah. Easy to see how they came up with it though, the exact same way I did.

Find a shade of blue that sounds German = Klein.

It still weirded me out a little though.
Great minds and all that jazz
But Anon, the whole point is that we think RT are idiots.
Great idiots making idiotic things we think are great

Amazing album, by the way.
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New season starts today. There was a site that would rip the episode from the RT server and post it; anyone still have the link? Probably more than one site; I'll re-check my bookmarks and /co/ etc.
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you're 11 hours behind, the link was already posted

Right here.
Are the twins ever going to be relevant in any way? I'm really starting to doubt it, and it makes me sad.
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Thanks, sis
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Cinder seemed so... weak.

It was delicious.

Cinder to have a crisis of faith and defect?
I miss the twins

If destroying the Beacon structure and surrounding area was all she did, maybe. But murdering Pyrrha (and apparently Ozpin) has likely destroyed any chance that the good guys would accept her help.
Why would she defect to the side that disfigured her?
I really was waiting for another Evil Council of Evil member to be all, "You did kill him, right Cinder? You wouldn't bullshit us on this, right Cinder?"
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it actually seems more and more like both Emerald and Mercury are the ones who are developing second thoughts about this whole situation. Emerald even more so, since it's already been a repeating pattern with her voicing her doubts. I'm guessing the only thing keeping her on the "bad guys" side is her now vulnerable waifu she needs to care for.

I'm not even sure that won't still happen. At the end of season 3 everyone just said Ozpin is "missing", and then there was that monologue in which Salem said she just "can't wait, to watch him burn", which doesn't really make much sense when he's already confirmed dead.

So either Salem knows something about what really happened to Ozpin and merely thinks the rest of Evil Council don't need to know about him still being alive including Cinder, assuming she doesn't already know herself, or it's just another case of RT not being able to keep their own story straight.
Because you're a racist.
in greggs?
So, anyone got a better name for the council of villains than WTCH?
What about Salem?

The WTCH Trial?
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Whoever ends up making the new thread, please use a decent quality picture this time.
new thread
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