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RWBY: Spooky WhiteRose edition

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 456
Thread images: 185

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Last Thread >>2156683

>New fic recommendation list: http://pastebin.com/7PfNUaCG

>Old recommendation list: http://pastebin.com/NyBwmzVf

>Ancient rec list: http://pastebin.com/R3TxjN1b

>Ship list: http://pastebin.com/U6sHLcN3
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First for Blazing Saddles resurgence?
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>Not liking the delicious brown girl.
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Yessir. It's also why she's so confident in battle because she's constantly imagining the other girls in their underwear
Rude. Chocolate girls need love too, sis.
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Better version.
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>Petals will never be canon
Why live?
>Yang and Blake eventually reunite
>Blake introduces her parents to Yang
>Mrs. Belladonna winks at Yang and makes a completely tasteless joke to her about "needing a hand"
>Yang is instantly smitten and spends the rest of the visit flirting with her

porn when
>Bellamomma and Yang
Now what do we call this stroke of genius?
I was thinking Queen Bee but whatever works
Fountains of Blake
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Scratch that. It just struck me that Fountains of Yang would make the joke flow a bit better.
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I got a little too full of myself for that mediocre joke.
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It's a play on Fountains of Wayne.
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>still don't know what this is
>google it

I dunno, seems a little too obscure to use as a ship name.

Who knows, maybe I'm the odd one out.
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In hindsight, it probably isn't as clever as it seemed at the time.
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>yang fisting a couple of hot chicks.jpg
>RWBY is a good show
It really isn't.
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While you are derailing this thread, I would love to see more of your MAGA RWBY collection.
I'm trying to build up my collection.
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Can you please go fuck yourself?
Can you please fuck each other already?
Take pictures!
Anyone read "Red Like Blood" by sangheilitat?
Cinder x Emerald for life!!

And Salem seems to favor Cinder over the others.
No thanks, Salami is too ogre for my tastes.
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But it is.
I want Cinder to come after Ruby for revenge and then yuri stuff happen

The batshit dude will fail at catching Ruby for sure
Honestly, Ruby freaking out about what she did to Cinder and becoming scared of what she's able to do with Silver Eyes would be an interesting character moment. Like without even bringing shipping into the equation.
>The racist idiot
Sis, you in the wroooooooong board.
Go back to Church
So, what sin do I have to commit to become that lesbian in hell who takes sadistic pleasure by sexually abusing newcomers?
You need to beat Satan at archery, piano playing and macaron baking.
What's the consolation prize for one out of three
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You get to be a gay man in hell who takes sadistic pleasure by sexually abusing newcomers
If you win two out of three, you get to read and watch yuri with Satan, but she's both a purityfag and a Tamaofag.
>Satan prefers wholesome handholding
>God sends her all the /d/egenerates
>>Implying I'm a Tamaofag
No thanks.
I do love handholding though.
>Not even triples sixes

Sure, I totally believe you're Satan.
Knowing full well I look stupid, what's Tamao?
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A character in Strawberry Panic in love with the heroine, who ends up choosing another girl. Some people on /u/ are still mad about it ten years later, which is widely considered amusing.
Ah. Thanks.
I thought the ritual was: spend 8934 years trying to save your girlfriend, fails, she becomes a Godddess, friendzones you and then you steal her powers.
Goddamn it, Homura.
Though, if that is the reference I think it is, WOG puts it at 12-ish years or 14 years, depending on the source.
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Probably, but ain't nobody got time for math.
She is a beta dyke whose love interest gets swept off the feet by another alpha dyke.
What's with the deleted posts?


>tfw Monochrome fan
>Bumblebee is probably gonna be canon

I used to love Bumblebee but it got boring. At least I expect Schnee's Bees out of this.

I'm glad Blake has a family. I didn't like the idea of her being an orphan raised by the White Fang.

You'd like it, but you don't really expect it to happen do you?

C'mon now


A lot of shippers get pushed into middle grounds and go Ot3 or Ot4 when an opposing ship becomes canon. Mix canon with your headcanon.
One was an idiot being racist (probably the same one from the last thread), the other was someone preaching that homosexuality is a sin. On a Yuri board. On a <i>4chan</i> yuri board. Like a fucking dumbass.
The other two, rather.
>tfw Monochrome fan
>/u/ threads are now just mostly bumblebee shippers and other threads are Lancaster and similar trash
>It's just going to get worse as this volume goes by and BB inevitably becomes canon
>Ryumako all over again but even worse

Feels pretty bad.
That's what happens when you always go for the contrarian ships, sis.
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I ship it because it made the most sense before V3 started pushing BB hard, and they are the two most suited to each other.
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>all that bullshit you just said

If /u/ had actual traffic I'd be ducking for cover right about now.
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Oh you.
>makes the most sense
I don't hate Monochrome shippers, but I really don't get how people actually believe this.
Sure thing anon
There's this magical ability called learning to ignore shit. Nothing's stopping you from posting monochrome. Don't give me shit about the season either. If you forgot, BB subsisted on pretty much nothing for the first two seasons compared to a ship that was entirely conceptual until 2nd season where it got propelled into getting a hint.
>Nothing's stopping you from posting monochrome.
Yeah, I love getting called a contrarian because bumblebee shippers are so insecure that they can't fathom people liking something different than they do.
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>Long-standing plot connection that inevitably draws them towards each other as a Schnee trying to improve the SDC's image and former White Fang member trying to stop the WF
>Grew up in similar situations, experiencing the effects of the secret war and having people taken from them due to grudges
>Both see the unsavory side of their "family" and leave to find their own way to make the world better
>Thus the only two who can really understand what the other has been through and dealt with.
>Both serious and enjoy more refined things/activities (reading, taking studies seriously, tea/coffee, culture)
>Weiss is the one who made sure Blake felt like she had a place to belong and people she could trust at the end of volume 1, while Yang was pretty much indifferent and just going with the flow hoping things would work out
>Weiss is the one who noticed something was wrong with Blake in Volume 2 when everyone else was just screwing around and confronted her
>Weiss is the one who specially prepared dust rounds for Blake when they went on the mission to Mountain Glen

>Arbitrarily assigned to each other as partners because they landed in similar spots in the forest
>Completely mismatched personality wise: Yang is loud, social, and immature, quick to anger, likes fighting and video games
>Halfway through Volume 2 Yang tells a story about her as a kid and hugs Blake (after failing to notice anything was wrong because she was more worried about a card game), offers a dance at school dance
>Blake expresses concern at Yang's hotheadedness but is willing to trust her
>Yang goes after Blake during the battle because she just showed up and Weiss is exhausted and thus happens to be the one Adam attacks
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This gave me a giggle.
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>Against the rules shitposting gets tidied up
>Someone immediately starts shitposting about their ship and making nonsense up about thread quality and content
>It's a Monochrome shipper
What a shock.
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>making nonsense up about thread quality and content
>literally zero mention of content
>only remarks about thread quality are about other threads
Why don't you just build a scarecrow if you like strawmen that much?
>act like a contrarian
>get called one
This is the greatest mystery on earth
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Can anyone recommend a decent neo/yang fic?
Preferably one where Neo does not talk.
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>get called one
>except they called the ship contrarian, not me

>pointing out the threads are heavily BB shippers and likely to be even more so as the ship is made canon is being a contrarian

Of course.
>/u/ threads are now just mostly bumblebee shippers
Obvious bullshit, nice try though.
>go here
>scroll down
>pretend that a good half the thread isn't BB
>t-that's not a lot!
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Boy, that's some obnoxious watermarking.

Why does that always seem to be more common among the artists whose work is less likely to be stolen in the first place?
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When you are first starting out at something, it takes a lot of effort to produce things, so you're more inclined to be possessive of the thing or invested in it. It's also sort of a monkey-see monkey-do thing. Places like dA are really big into "THIS IS MINE DO NOT STEAL IT, ASK PERMISSIONS AND CITE ME".

Once you are fairly decent, and people know you/your style it starts to matter a lot less unless you are trying to monetize or are just ones of those people who's really possessive about your work. People at that point also understand a shitty watermark can ruin a drawing.
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God damn it, this thread was going so well, and as soon as that fucking /pol/ troll came in and got banned, the entire thread derailed and went to shit.
Quick, everyone get back to posting lesbians.
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How do you feel about AU? i haven't checked the baked Alaska fics in months I'll try to post some links tomorrow.

Only one episode in and we have
>new episode salt
>arguments involving monochrome in some way
>fresh shitposting

I think we're just missing the anon that gets violently triggered by fallen petals.

I am so excited for volume 4 with you girls.
At this point it's safe to assume that Emerald wants to nurse Cinder, alone
Now I just remembered why I dislike Monochrome shippers. Thank you for the reminder.
>How do you feel about AU? i haven't checked the baked Alaska fics in months I'll try to post some links tomorrow.
Would it be annoying if I said I didn't care too much for AU settings?
I've head good things of Burning Coals.
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Blake looks very judgemental of that book.
>I can't believe you're pushing me to read this garbage
Pretty sure Neo speaks in that one.
I mean, if you want to have any kind of meaningful character development that's how it's going to be.
You really suggesting that you can't achieve meaningful character development without dialogue?

Nice quads
It's not impossible (https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11596475/1/Silence-Isn-t-Golden is a good one) but if you want to have extended interactions between the characters there has to be some back-and-forth between them. Holding up signs just isn't really enough unless you're some sort of magician.
Silence isn't Golden is pretty good yeah, but as you said, it's not impossible, not even for the longer ones. It's just... Well, a lot more difficult. But it's certainly do-able.

I'm not the original person asking for a Yang x Neo fic recommendation, but I understand what they're after. When people write Neo as speaking it almost feels like they're breaking her character just to make her... Usable? If that makes sense.
Wtf I ship monochrome now.
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>I think we're just missing the anon that gets violently triggered by fallen petals.

But Fallen Petals is canon.
It's bullshit.
I think it's progressive.
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This is pretty accurate. I personally prefer fics that are a canon divergence rather then an AU because it's a better chance of the author keeping people in character. Having Neo talk, imo, takes away from what makes her character work. Neo is a very expressive character and her actions speak for her. Having her talk just feels like it takes away from that quality of her.
>Neo is a very expressive character and her actions speak for her

This is true, but having a character express themselves exclusively through actions is a lot more challenging in a written medium. An expression of emotion that would take only a sentence of dialogue and a small detail of movement can now take a paragraph.

Though those who read fanfiction are usually more forgiving of "poor" writing techniques so I suppose you could just substitute depth for lots of telling in order to keep Neo in character.
Give me at least 3 sensible reasons why would NOTAU!Ruby ever date NOTAU!Cinder?
>Cinder has some giggles dating the girl in red that messed with her before and stealing her 1st kiss, while infiltrating Beacon.
>Ruby never really being exposed to romantic advances before finds she enjoys the attention and affection.
>They like to prank people together Ruby because it's funny and Cinder likes the feeling of a well executed keikaku
>Could be true.
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3 is fun and love of The Plan is canonical and compulsory.

I hate when Baked Alaska fics make Neo into some sadist. A lot of writers dig that but I never saw that.
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Did you miss her grinning happily as she was about to stab a sword through unconscious Yang?
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I have to agree with this anon >>2173664.

Would have killed Yang if her mom hadn't showed up.

Would have killed Ruby if Roman didn't want to gloat.

In both instances she had a cruel smile on her face.

It's really not that big of a logic leap to see her as a sadist of sorts.
Of sorts, sis?
Not quite masturbating to people being tortured but definitely above the tying up and spanking.
First off, black bars. How we do?

Second, who says she doesn't?
I'd figure if Neo was that sadistic she wouldn't just go ahead and kill Yang. You can't play with a broken toy
Good point.
>I think we're just missing the anon that gets violently triggered by fallen petals.

You called?

>My second favorite part of the new episode was the thought of Cinder in constant agony because of scars
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Highlight what you want spoilered and press ctrl+s, like so: lurk moar
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I wish there was more art of these two together. I like the idea of Raven flirting playfully but aggressively with her while Yang isn't around.
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A very important question.
Thanks, sis. lurkingisnotstrongenoughtosolvealltheproblemsIhavehere.

So this place uses UBBC. Cool.
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You can't sink a submarine, friend.

Most tags won't work.
>You can't sink a submarine, friend.

Yes, you absolutely can.
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oh my

hello, new ship
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You're right. I didn't think that through.

I like it, but I can't help but feel like it might as well just be SalemxCinder, since it seems like that's their likely backstory anyway.
This ship seriously needs a better name than it's current one.
but those are the best baked alaska fics. i actually don't like ones that make her guilt-ridden or actively seeking redemption.

not annoying, but my favorite was AU. don't have anything else to rec yet.

only the second favorite?
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not that anon but my favorite part was when Ruby looked wistful at the mention of the SDC
Business before pleasure.
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>mfw all these years I've been typing [ spoiler ] and [ /spoiler ] to get the spoiler censor
I'd say being an immoral sadist in her career path means she doesn't have to choose between business and pleasure. They're one and the same
She damn well does if the train crashes while she's busy fucking Yang.
Depth Charges, sis.

K. I'll probably find out with experience which ones. I just wasn't sure whether it uses UBBC or HTML.

Those are perfectly common behaviors for villains and no one considers them sadists. Who says gloating at killing Yang wasn't more at the thrill of the fight or defeating her instead of getting some psuedo-sexual feelings at her misery?
Of course, the best part of that episode was clearly Ruby looking wistful and sad at the merest mention of her distant girlfriend.
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What the actual fuck.

Have I been manually typing out [ spoiler ] all these fucking years for nothing?
Yes, you have.
Don't feel bad. I only learned about it like a couple years ago.
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Through the Power of Love, Raven.
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>Your fingers taste like me
God dammit, this makes me lose my shit every time
Is there anymore of this? Or does it end there?
Oh, that's way better than what I've heard it referred to as.
That's all there is, at least for now.
Well, I first thought of firebird, but it didn't seem like the best fit
Phoenix seems more appropriate to me
No yeah, Phoenix is perfect.
Definitely better than fucking Dark Portals
Firebird is better, honestly.
Dying Ember
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and each separate dying ember wrought its ghost upon the floor
I should not be laughing this hard, I can't breath
Like daughter like mother or is it likes daughter likes mother
I just waned you to know that after seventeen days I finally got that reference, I didn't find it funny but I got it and I felt that was probably important to you.
Do tell. I'm kind of an idiot.
Dragon Ball Z Abridged Episode 55 of all things.
Hey, the opening was there, and I took it.

To be fair, sis, it was meant to be as subtle as a direct quote can really be. I almost didn't expect anyone here to get it.
Monochrome is a quick fling relationship, not a long lasting one. Realistically, Weiss and Blake wouldn't be able to stay together in the long run. Blake is too devoted to Faunus rights, Weiss too devoted to the Schnee line. Whiterose makes much more sense, personality wise as well. Ruby's youthful enthusiasm and caring, innocent heart perfectly balances Weiss' cold personality. I've seen people with Blake's and Weiss' personality date before, and they always self destruct because neither has any warmth of real caring to bring to the relationship, and they end up fighting and divided in the end. The Xiao-Long / Rose sisters are the perfect counterbalance to Weiss and Blake's dour, closed personalities. Weiss needs someone to get her to open up and fully commit to a healthy relationship; so does Blake. If they dated, it might work at first, but two closed-hearted people can never truly be together. That's why so many people ship Whiterose and Bumblebee. Angst and tragedy is all well and good, but as far as a healthy, long-last relationship is concerned, Monochrome doesn't really have what it takes.
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>Blake is too devoted to Faunus rights, Weiss too devoted to the Schnee line
These aren't mutually exclusive.

Weiss is devoted to redeeming the Schnee line, and Faunus are the group the family has caused the most harm to. Besides, I'm not sure where you're getting this supreme devotion from, both of them were willing to put aside the above because they felt being a huntress was more worthwhile. Blake didn't care enough about Faunus rights to stop Cardin from harassing Velvs.

>they always self destruct because neither has any warmth of real caring to bring to the relationship
Seems unfounded and hypocritical.

If neither had any warmth or real caring to bring to the relationship, BB and WR would be equally unhealthy and short-lasting relationships, because you'd have a single caring and open individual and then someone cold-hearted. I don't know why you'd think "annoying", high energy Ruby who has really never experienced any tragedy in her life up until V3E9 (as per Yang's story she was too young to really understand Summer's loss) would be more able to get Weiss to open up and fully commit than someone who has had the same sort of issues of growing up part of a conflict and being haunted by the actions and expectations of those you considered family.

There's a reason that group therapy and things like AA exist. It is a lot easier to work through/past things when you are working through them with someone who has been in the same place than someone who has no point of reference and very few cares in the world. People like that just make the problem worse because they create a sense of isolation, i.e. that you are the only one dealing with the problems.

Opposites attract is a meme. That is the situation that is short term and likely to fail, because it is based on the novelty of being around someone so vastly different, rather than someone you can relate to, talk to, do things you both enjoy, etc.

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>That's why so many people ship Whiterose and Bumblebee

Additionally, this is completely and entirely false.

WR and BB were being shipped before the show even began and we had any idea what the four girls were like, or that they were even partnered up in those pairs (or partners/a team at all). The reason WR and BB are so popular is that they were the first two sets of girls.

The Red trailer came out and the White trailer came out and people were already shipping them, and then Black and Yellow came out and they paired off those two as well. Then the first few episodes came out, and Weiss was tsuntsun, so it fueled the shipping. It's a fairly easy pattern to recognize. What's the third and fourth pairing that the show suggests? Renora and Arkos. Do you see how they are the third and fourth most popular ships in the fandom?

The pattern was further reinforced by the continued tension between Ruby and Weiss in early V1, and by the time it started to die down, WR was far and away the most popular and because of this (and having the most, and highest quality artists, like Kuma) it continued to attract additional poeple to it. It's hard for something like Freezerburn to attract any people when it has next to no fan content (even though that pairing has the exact same warm/cold-hearted dynamic you are talking about) whereas White Rose and BB have so much content that it's very easy to get behind them.

It's positive reinforcement. People did WR/BB first, so content was made, so that's what people saw the most, so that's what got shipped even more, rinse and repeat.

It has very little to absolutely nothing to do with the long-term relationship capability of the ships. Hell, 90% of the content is short-term to begin with, so the afformentioned viability means nothing.
>Additionally, this is completely and entirely false.

Not that anon, but you can't make claims like this and then pull proof out of your ass.

Yes, shipping started with the trailers, but your conclusion that all current fans of the show have been watching since then or consume as much fan content as you is unfounded. Unless you can provide proof that the influx of Bumblebee shippers stems from this positive reinforcement that you claim, why should I not assume it was the events of volume 3's conclusion? Or a combination of the two with the in show moments playing the bigger influence?

We can't prove which ships are the most popular or for what reasons they are. Nora and Ren is often mentioned online as being the most popular yet there is hardly any online fan content produced of them in comparison to other ships that are seemingly less popular. Why is that? Who fucking knows. We can only guess.

I think you seriously underestimate the effects volume 3 had on the fandom's perceptions of Blake and Yang's relationship. I wouldn't entirely discount it without very good reasoning.

Also, comparing relationship dynamics in fiction to reality is a waste of time imho. The two are almost nothing alike in the vast majority of stories. When was the last time the universe bent itself around your life to hint that maybe you have feelings for someone by having their possible ex-boyfriend show up suddenly and cut your arm off while your school is burning down? Or had a deep talk about obsession because you are losing sleep over tracking down a terrorist and this single conversation is enough to turn your whole life around until said (maybe) ex-boyfriend shows up?

Maybe there's a few similarities, but I wouldn't use those to judge any ship too much, Bumblebee or Monochrome. This is fiction and we can't assume the writers are going to let reality dictate to them what happens next when RWBY isn't real.
>your conclusion
I never made that conclusion. That's the point of the positive loop. New people see RWBY and go looking for fanart. Even if they don't go looking for shipping art, what will they find? White Rose. Bumblebee. Arkos. Those will be the first three ship ideas in their heads, the three they are constantly bombarded with, and even if they ship something else, Mono, Freezerburn, etc. They're going to have a very tough time finding much content and their interest is going to fade. Anyone who is shipping and recognizable as shipping (talking about shipping) is going to be consuming some content, and thus be influenced by that content.

>Nora and Ren... Why is that?
Because outside of WR, BB, and Arkos, fan content comes from a very few individuals who ship that. It has more content than the vast majority of ships and the few that aren't BB/WR and have more tend to have a high number of pieces from 1-2 people.

>When was the last time the universe...
What? Are you implying that Adam only showed up to show that Blake and Yang love each other?

>Or had a deep talk about obsession...
I really wouldn't call a story about dumb kid doing dumb things a "deep", or stepping back a bit on your search for the enemy "turning your whole life around" but sure, fiction is different than reality.

But that doesn't mean you can't use it as a metric. Anything works in fiction, because it's fiction. You can't judge any ship by it's potential in fiction, because at any moment the writers can say fuck it, and make an arbitrary choice. Hence the original comment about Mono feeling more "natural", it has a realistic basis given the character's pasts, personalities and motivations I'm not assuming the writers are going to let a realistic approach dictate what will happen next. As I said at the start, BB will probably be canon. I just think it feels like more of a forced development to appease fans than the alternative.
That's nice but why are there no pictures of Bumblebee tribbing?
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>reads all the other post above this one

It's times like this that I'm grateful that I like a simple love/hate ship.
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The only one I have is one that I altered a while back as a joke. I'm sure some sister here will recognize the art style to find the original.
>I'm not assuming the writers are going to let a realistic approach dictate what will happen next. As I said at the start, BB will probably be canon. I just think it feels like more of a forced development to appease fans than the alternative.
>I'm not saying I'm better than you but my fictional lesbians are far more realistic than yours, sorry you're a pleb with shit taste that will be pandered to

Ladies and Gentlemen, for your pleasure and entertainment the Mono Shipper.
Hiwo with the most underappreciated ship ever
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Thank you. Tribadism is the greatest thing.
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Interview with all the VAs at some con this week:


A lot of it is shit we've heard a thousand times before, with a couple notables:

>Weiss is starting to really like Ruby
>Arryn had some tangent about prejudice/LGBT and something about "staying true to character," it was not said very coherently
>fan asked how all the shipping affects the writing, "not at all, writers are staying with the pre-established vision" (the fan looked sufficiently crushed afterwards)
>of course, Arryn and Barb had little lovey-dovey moments throughout. If I didn't know any better I'd have thought those two were desperately in love

If I recall Arryn started talking about the LGBT stuff in the same sentence talking about Blake's character and the problems she faces which started with the whole Faunus stuff.

Is it a straw we can firmly grasp?
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Is that even a question?
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So, what are the odds Blake doesn't have a brother, but a sister?
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I'm hoping for mother who calls her kitten all the time which Yang picks up on after their reunion

Seriously though, Blake runs from Adam to protect those she loves, and ends up with her actual family? Solid plan.
Blake is a World Champion fuckup and I love it.
yfw, she ran to her family because Adam knows where they live and she know they will be his first targets.
It's not like Blake ever said WHY she ran, people just assumed it was to protect them.

I'd sooner believe she was just guilty because of her past catching up to her and hurting someone she cares about, and she couldn't bring herself to face Yang because of it.
>posting males on /u/

I believe this the most but I also belive it could be to prevent Yang specifically being a target too. I mean she is defenseless now
Yang is one of the few characters in any media that I am totally down with shipping with many different partners. In fact, she might be the only one. I don't know what it is, but there are at least six different girls that come to mind at this moment that I think she's absurdly hot with. I actually like most of them even more than Bumblebee, honestly.
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>not paying attention to context
I'm trying to bring in possibilities for more lesbians sis. When people were talking about the opening, there were guesses that Blake's possibly? sibling was her brother. Looking at a still frame though, they very well could be her sister instead. Looks more feminine than Sun, anyway
Most common theories I've seen say she's Blake's mother since she's got age lines under her eyes like the dad


I was hoping for a full Weiss episode that'd end with a Blake scene.

If we're going to do this half-and-half thing with RNJR, I don't think we're going to get much development from WBY. It felt like there wasn't nearly enough attention on Weiss.
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Silly sis, how is Jaune supposed to get screentime if the entire episode was Weiss?
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I can't wait for Yang to meet Mommadonna and make inappropriate comments to Blake about how hot her mom is.
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At least show his sisters in that case.

Also, add one Mama Schnee to the Schneenanigans ship. Also looks like Mama Schnee was Atlas military, and Winter copying her hairstyle may indicate she aspired to be like her and joined the military as a result?

Papa Schnee married into the family, he had black hair.

New kid is a shit.

Image spoilered. Two men in it, it's the Schnee family portrait.
Forgot to actually spoiler image. FML.

Everyone hit the fucking deck.
>Salem's three henchmen
>Some random guy who got unusual amount of screentime, probably going to be revealed as the spring "maiden"
>Blake's family
>bunch of peeps from Atlas in the OP

And here I thought Nanoha suffered from a bloated cast. I bet episode 1 is the most we'll see Ruby all season
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>spring "maiden"

Haven't we already been through how the maidens must be female? I wouldn't be surprised if he appears again, but he's no maiden.
What if he's "trans"? Meaning he was born female.
She's pretending to be a boy to hide from Salem and Friends.
Those grunts seemed to have been voiced by male actor, but I guess she could be using magic for a complete disguise.

Mostly was looking at the eyes and the obvious connection to the land and planting,
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>mfw just now realizing that they stick Ruby into Juan's story instead of progressing Ruby's story and her growth as a character.

Welcome back to the Juan show everybody! Not RWBY! Not even the JNR show!

The J.U.A.N. show
His name is Jaune but I get your point
Maybe Jaune's semblance is that he can speak spanish
Why spanish? It should be french
It's to be expected since RNJR is the only one of the four actually following up on the main plot line.
Wow, this episode was shit. Or at least that Jaune part was.

It's a shame soo many RT sheeple like Jaune so much. His inclusion and screen-time stealing is really detrimental to the series' storytelling as a whole.
Precious time that can be used for some character development is getting swallowed whole by his mere presence.
Take for example the map scene. Where Jaune babbles on about his family. It would've been okay if it was a setup for a retort by Ruby saying something regarding her family or shed some light on her childhood, but no, she was just there.
You people still expect things out of RWBY? How even?
Did you expect something else form RT's hit show "Jaune"?

You know what the best part about all of this is? During an interview Miles stated that the audience didn't like it when they focused on a single character, this of course being in reference to Vol 1's Jaune arc.

This led to him deciding that he wouldn't focus on a single character over a period of time, no one, not just Jaune.

And then... Suddenly it's just... It's just fucking Jaune again. Like... I don't even.
I Jaune dead and buried.
Idk, anon.

I mean, V3's tail-end seemed like they were slightly on the path of improvement. But then V4 came and it seemed like were back to that Jaune arc from V1.
But I guess it was dumb of me to expect things from RWBY because the writers are still the same hacks as before.

This anon said it best >>2176461
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>If I didn't know any better I'd have thought those two were desperately in love

If I also didn't know any better, I'd probably agree.

They're definitely BFF's though.
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Kara and Lindsay should take some notes.
at least the homoqueen still has a pretty smile
barbara is so fucking hot

arryn has manface

in any case, real life shipping is cancer, plz stop

>Weiss suddenly has a younger sibling

Uh huh...


Hm. She could be her mom and tbqh that would probably be best. Not all of RWBY needs to have siblings.
So did anyone else notice the "THIS IS A LANCASTER-ONLY SHOW. FUCK YOU WHITE ROSE FANS!" huge neon sign? It made me throw up.
Lancaster and Eclipse become the canon ships.

It was nice knowing you all.
>shipping real people together
>calling people BFF's is now shipping

Can we not.
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Found this while looking up what Lancaster was. Thought it fitting.
>White Rose ever dying
>thinking something as shit as Lancaster would ever take it down

Sisters, please.
Volume 4 more like here, choke on this het shit.
I'm tired of having all these new cakeboy characters I want some women dammit.

Thank goodness we get sweet sweet Bellamomma next week, r-right?
I feel like we were a little spoiled by getting Winter last volume, though.

She's way too hot.
Winter is not hot.
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>doubting M&K are shitty enough writers to do that
Please. We all know they would.

None of the boys in RWBY are cute. They're too realistically teenage--bland, dorky, average, kiddie, etc. Only the men are cute. That's how it should be in media tbqh.


RWBY was always very het with like 5% lesbian subtext that may or may not be intentional.


Weiss could be shown in the epilogue married to a faceless male at 30 and with three happy kids, and people will still write fanfics where she is in an unhappy marriage (and probably using a beard) and needs Ruby to sweep her off her feet. Ships never die.


I always associated faunus speciesism with racism however they could go the mutant/Elsa route and have it represent discrimination in general.
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>Weiss could be shown in the epilogue married to a faceless male at 30 and with three happy kids

You owe me after ruining my dinner with this.

Sorry. It just seems like Weiss would be the token straight one if there was one. I can't see Ruby with a boyfriend (either gay or single forever) and both Blake and Yang seem pretty bi. I would prefer if Weiss was repressed and gay but I can't see that happening in canon.
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They're all gay sis, you just need to turn up your goggles. Even Nora, by far the straightest girl on the show, craves womanly affections sometimes.

Still mad over her not having a tail. Even being a bob tail would have been fine,
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I always appreciate the baked Alaska shippers in these threads. you girls are great.
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How popular is RWBY in Japan?
I noticed Dowman Seiman (best mangaka) drew Ruby and it got me thinking about it.
It follows the jap formula
>cute girls
>cool weapons and powers
>monsters to use said cool weapons and powers on
>cat girls, bunny girls ect
>yuri subtexts (very important)
>high school setting
>the use of legends/stories to form a character (like how Weiss is based off of Snow White i mean just look at Touhou japs love that stuff)
tl:dr japs love cute girls
Oops i answered 'why' not 'how' sry
there's a literal manga based on it
there's doujins based on it

It's incredibly popular for a foreign work
It's the epitome of being "nice roman"
The V1 BD topped BD sales the week it released, and sold enough that IIRC they're also localizing 2 and 3.
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>there's doujins based on it
Besides that futa!Weiss one?
sadpanda has 3 rwby doujins with a quick search
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Dont talk to me or my homoqueen ever again
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You tell em, sis
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How Weiss has been spending her time recently

I should really look through my art folders more often, I don't remember even 1/4 of what's in there
>that design
Ruby needs to send Weiss her updated specs.
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>I mean, V3's tail-end seemed like they were slightly on the path of improvement. But then V4 came

This. So much this.

Sure, the fight scenes were worse (though they were sure as hell better than what we're getting now) but the cinematography, the dialogue, the pacing, everything was improving.

Jaune was the perfect example of that, too. In season three, his story was supposed be the climax of his relationship with Pyhrra. Seasons one and two would have out the entire story on pause for that, but season 3 actually tried to weave it into the the overall story.

Now here we are in season 4, and once again the story has to be put on pause until Jaune gets his story development.

How did we get here? Why are we even here?

Someone post cute lesbians

I'm drunk and tired and I want to look at cute lesbians
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>Why are we even here?
I dunno, sis. But it keeps me up at night.
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I gotchu pham, how do you feel about some relics from my White Rose folder?
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I gotta hit the hay soon too so I'll keep it brief

Males are excused if they are science babies of lesbian couples, right?
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>Males are excused if they are science babies of lesbian couples, right?

Mods aren't paying attention anyway. >>2175887

>someone has this saved
Delete this.
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thanks familia


at least we can look at the cute lesbians together

goddamn cinder dominating yang does things to me
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What's wrong with that one?
It's shit.
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You mean abominations of science that shouldn't reasonably exist. You;d get a nicer reception with magic babbies.
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/u/ so hostile tonight
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I think that's it for now, goodnight /u/
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So tell me /u/.

What are your top three ships in RWBY?

Why do you like them so much?
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Not really I think you're seeing what your persecution complex wants you to see, Lancaster will not happen I'd bet my signed merchandise on it.

They're just afraid of having their toys taken away.

Yes there was a lot of Jaune, but even then there was more Ruby than most episodes of the show. Pyrrha's death was kind of the biggest deal in terms of what happened last season and it would be more than a little criminal to not having some echoes of the space she left. The night training scene was actually pretty effective, the Jaune Show is some insipid shit but it's only episode 2 (or 1 if this was a regular show) I'm not without hope that the paradigm will shift as we move forward.
Was that an RvB reference, Sis?
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>but even then there was more Ruby than most episodes of the show

Look sis, no offense, but I don't think we should go into "grateful mode" just because Ruby got 40 seconds of screentime instead of the usual 30. Jaune being in the forefront of everything in the show is still a problem.

And until M&K just fess up and outright say they want to retool RWBY into JUAN, people are free to complain about him taking away practically a season's amount of screentime from the characters whose names are plastered in the title.
>That feel when you want aggressive borderline violent Monochrome hate sex but all people draw is cute stuff.
>That feel when your heart grows three sizes
>that image
>tfw it's what I do
>always have an urge to protect whoever I'm currently shipping
>stay by them all the time
>pick them up when they're down
>help them fight

>the game ends without a goodbye

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And I totally get where you're coming from but people calling a downgrade from Season 3 on that platform just bothered me slightly.

Baked Alaska.
Schnee's Bees.

I began hating Monochrome and only shipping Bumblebee-White Rose. Thanks to some fics on Ao3, Monochrome grew on me. In reverse, WR and BB got boring over time. So I began getting even more into Monochrome.
Dunno. I just do.
Monochrome + Bumblebee works well.


I'm mad it got a Japanese dub before a Spanish or French one. I wanted to practice my Spanish skills watching RWBY.


I remember a rapeplay fic on Ao3. Close enough? It's all consensual roleplay but that isn't revealed 'till the end.
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>Close enough?

Close but no cigar also rape is a huge turn-off.
>not the Piano Guys version
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I thought Titanic seemed appropriate
Nice trips btw

It's non-con roleplay though, not actual rape.


Do people even like Jaun? He's not cute, not interesting, just average self-insert fodder at best.
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If Cinder weren't helping Salem with the grand keikaku, she'd be a lesbian[/spoiler ]serial rapist.
Whelp, I fucked up that spoiler.

People who like het ships like Jaune a lot, as I am unpleasantly reminded every time I look for fresh fics.

And speaking of fics, I still haven't had time to hammer out that RWBY-Metro fusion, but I am still working on it. Can't decide whether to age up the characters or dial back the intimacy scenes, what say /u/?
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So fucking homo.
Metro doesn't seem like the series to really have the intimacy you're expecting so dial back, maybe?

Judging by youtube comments and shit, Jaune seems to be the most popular individual character, unfortunately.

In terms of shipping, however, he gets a decent amount of attention from the fans, but nothing special. Ren seems to be the favorite of hetshippers.

In terms of the dedicated fandom, however, yuri dominates. I wish I had saved it, but there was this image showing the number of fanfics and stuff for each ship following season 3, and it was dominated by yuri couples, bumblebee in particular.

And that's one of the most interesting things, the fact that this show relies so much on word-of-mouth advertising, means they'll have to throw the yuri fandom a bone eventually at least if they have any common sense, and I think a lot of people are waiting probably in vain to see how that pans out.
Being throw a bone would probably be the equivalent to a stab wound with all the people not used to it and who will so readily accept anything.
>Ruby coming alone to see Weiss again

It'll never happen, but goddamn i want it to

Last Light did have that first person topless lap dance and beginnings of a sex scene, though.
Wouldn't really view that as the intimacy the guy was referring to. Sides that sounds more like a Yang thing
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Well, it all depends on what kind of ships your gunning for

For White Rose, for example, Ruby as a low class Ranger type such as Artyom and Weiss as an upperclass Red Line soldier. Forbidden love, separated by class/rank, etc etc

>Ruby meets up with Weiss in the tunnels while escaping aliens/monsters
>mutually agree to stick together in order to survive
>Ruby keeps Weiss' spirits up while Weiss keeps her out of danger
>slow burn relationship
>have to chose between loyalty to one another or their respective factions

Lotta potential with this one, sis
Barb teasing the BB again.

And people wonder why fans ship the shit outta Arryn and Barb
>taking a nice picture with your friend

>attaching a bumblebee emoticon to it
Well I remember hearing that Arryn is bisexual, so it could happen. Maybe.
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Shipping real people is always weird, and Arryn has shown her distaste for it, but every time they go to a con or event together, they're almost as gay as Weiss
Strong words there friend.
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My favorite is White Rose, as it has been from the very start. I don't really know how to put to words why I like it so much. I just think they're perfect for each other.

There's a few other ships I like but I don't think I can rank them.
That's pretty fucking gay.
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iDubbz pls stay
(Whatever Cinder x Emerald is)
and third place is a tie between Baked Alaska and whatever Ruby x Neo is.

Why do I like them?
shit taste? idk.
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Am I missing a reference here?
Don't you mean aligning seashells?
Cinder + Emerald = Emberald
Ruby + Neo = Strawberry Shortcake
Any better names for that ship that don't make you sound like a stuttering retard when you try to say it out loud?

Or would that be Emerald x Yang?
seen those:
Blazin' saddles
Chaos Emerald
Blood Emerald
>decide to look up alternate names online
>chaos emerald and blazing saddles was the best i could find.
That's it we're coming up with a better name than this. This is too good a ship for these shit names.
Not in the pic I posted, baby sis. The iDubbz thing.
Cinder + Emerald = Blazing Saddles

Ruby + Neo = Red October
I'd go with something evocative of how Emerald is her voice/ emotional support right now, but I can't think of anything.
>thinking those names are terrible
I mean if you're bad. Those names are great
Rubles' teammate can't be that cute.
or the artist is named iDubbz
This is a good idea.
Something involving Emerald being a theif and Cinder being mute at the moment maybe?
I always thought Blazing Saddles was a shit name, honestly. Just never cared enough about the ship to try thinking of a better one.
Once Emerald becomes a turncoat I'm naming it Voice of Treason.
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Rubles is the master of subtlety
Boric Acid
Take my Breath Away
Beaten Bronze
Probability should have explained that Boric Acid burns green.
>bite marks on Weiss

Oh my
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It Turns Me On When You Scream.png
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The best thing
Who's the artist?
http://kavex.tumblr.com/ I believe.
Navigating the archive is fucking painful
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Cinder And Raven Halloween Lewd.jpg
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Happy Halloween, /u/! Have some lewd.

Thought that was Ruby and Blake for a second, what a delightful surprise
Those cross brooches look extremely painful.
She's a big girl.
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Long Night.jpg
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for /u/
Rubs and Weiss dressing up as their favorite lesbians
>Lesbians who formerly resided in Egyptian rivers*
Lesbians who formerly resided in Egyptian rivers*

Oh, are we doing the copypasta game? 'Cause I'm totally winning.
They are bisexual. Stop acting like Tumblr.
This is /u/. I would have thought lesbians previously in denial would have been the default assumption. In any case, unless Word of God has said they're bi, lesbians hasn't been ruled out as a possibility. Therefore, the nitpicking is entirely unnecessary.

>y8ay8a drew this
>Barb retweeted it

This feels... Dirty.

But in a good way.
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Babs is best.
When did she take that one?
God dammit, Barb.
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Are you trying to say Barb checks out y8ay8a's stuff? Which is all yuri, half of it being NSFW? Are you implying things?
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>It just seems like Weiss would be the token straight one if there was one.

Die in a fire
Well this is a surprise
Who is hugging Cinder?
Korean fan-artist with a big lesbian crush on Cinder
Oh! Well, that's cute.
Apparently some random guy tweeted it at her without crediting y8ay8a and now they're really bummed.

"I’m really sad, I’d tweeted my drawing at them as soon as I finished it and they didn’t see, and then some random guy tweeted it also and Barb retweeted his tweet and now I’m heartbroken o(╥﹏╥)o I wanted senpai to notice me (/ω\) someone hold me, am I being petty, I’m really sad though"
Something has bothered me:

Once Ruby breaks down from the pressure, who should be the best one to cool her down?
Neo. She is ice cream, after all.
How many times a day does Salem rape Cinder?
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The picture of Weiss she keeps in her cleavage, of course.
17 but Em is always watching, waiting for her turn
Zero. Salem is Cinder's doting evil stepmother. She's so so very proud of her.
if Salem really is meant to play the step-mother part to Cinder, then she's going to be using and abusing her for sure
A lot of the yuri art for RWBY seems to involve eating out Weiss.

Is she truly that delicious?
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She's an ice princess. She's the only girl besides Neo who tastes like ice cream.
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Shhhh. I want to believe Barb browses yuri.
0. Its not rape if its consensual.
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Combo breaker
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This is a good day.
Indeed. Weiss is definitely most delicious.
My favorite pic of my favorite pairing? Aww... You shouldn't have!
>0. Its not rape if its consensual.
Incorrect. It's not rape if they came. Then that's means they made love.
Weiss Cream is Remnant's finest delicacy.
It's okay, Arryn retweeted y8ay8a directly.
All the girls want to stick their head between her thighs.

Even Winter. Especially Winter
Oh thank god. I was going to cry.
Sis please

Shes probably among us
It wouldn't surprise me if Arryn actually went to Y8ay8a's page after someone mentioned them in Barb's tweet, saw how upset they were about being noticed and then decided to tweet them themselves. She even put it on her instragram, and knowing just how sweet and kind Arryn is, it really wouldn't surprise me if this was the case.

Arryn best VA.
What a hero Arryn is. Someone draw Arryn wiping poor Y8ay8a's tears away and hugging them.
Wrong thread
I can ship that
>someone mentions arryn lurking this threads
>arryn worshipping starts happening
gee i wonder who is behind this post
Would it surprise you if Arryn was here or idly checking out some yuri in general? She's quiet, keeps to herself, apparently bi. She kinda fits the type of person who would.
Yes, it's obviously Barb! Nearly got me off your trail there
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Alright, I'm going to say it. I'm surprised no one made a "the butler is Neo" theory from the last episode.
I doubt it, she's ever talked in her transformations and the eye thing was highlighted too much.
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Butler was changing eye color when cheering up our little lesbian. Weiss to those of you joining us
Ha ha, noooo....
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Is that so?
It's because Weiss is Snow White. Klein is the seven dwarves. We saw Grumpy, Bashful (I think), Happy and Sneezy.
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>browsing /u/ fic list
>my story is in there
That thing hasn't been updated in a while, so it's probably been up there longer than you think.
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Mine too, feels good.
What's the reason behind using "!" between futa and character?
>practice my Spanish skills
If you have MPC, press D and look for sp subs
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Honestly, I have no idea. People use it when they're referring to a genderbent version of a character, too (as opposed to just femName). Maybe to make it clearer that you're talking about a pure fanon thing?
For instance, this picture contains fem!Ren.

I'm quite vanilla.
I kinda like it. Adds variety to the default-hyphenation.
It grabs your attention much easier, for sure.
who usually updates it?
I have to get over the instinct to shout - or multiply by its descending numbers.
She reminds me of Milo Yiannopoulos.
I remade the fic list a lil while back. I plan to update it again sooner then later. Our old fic list was just WR and had been around for a long time
Oh, and honorable mention goes to Nuts and Dolts Cause it's cute as all fuck
>literally only 1 Enabler fic in the list

any other good stories of Best Pair?
Check the Personals has enabler on the side but it's not "real" enabler, as in they aren't related.
while we're talking fics, Brighter has been updated


I'm one of those faggots still on the bumblebee train
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Patreon is cancer.
>People wanting to be paid for their artwork is cancer.
So these fluff WR fics in the OP are cool and stuff, but where is the lewd?
If I come across more, I'll put it on. Most enabler fics I've come across are trash

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>Blake being completely dismissive of Sun
>Looking at the couple wistfully right after Yang's scene
>qt sailor girl

Pretty neat episode in my book
Yang looking at books IT'S HAPPENING
I'm not having a persecution complex, I'm just seeing blatant character "development" that points towards only one thing. You, however, have your goggles too tight.
>working for free
sure anon, do that
Either that or they're doing the crappy tsundere meme and Eclipse is still the endgame
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>No Jaune awfulness
What the fuck is going on? Is this some kind of parallel...

>Sun appears saving Blake
Aah, that's the M&K I know.

Sometimes I wonder if they legit think that the audience can't relate if the girls aren't constantly interacting with one of the established male characters. That captain was perfectly set up for some backstory dump/character development from Blake, but nope, let's shove Sun in there to take up any and all of Blake's development/interactions.
your goggles are on too tight, Blake was not cold towards Sun by any means. It was classic tsundere
It was a mix of both. She seemed genuinely upset that Sun thought she was going on some adventure of wacky hijinks to stop the WF solo. But the fight scene did feel pretty cliche tsundere shit.

I dunno. It's too early to make a call especially because the moment we get a scene implying Bumblebee or that Blake doesn't like Sun a decent portion of the fandom will runaway with it. It could be that MK doesn't want to give anything away and so are writing around BB happening eventually to avoid spoiling their own storyline.

Or it could be exactly what it looks like.
It's not going to be anything. They teased blake/sun this episode, next episode they'll tease blake/yang. Literally the entire series so far has been shiptease barring side characters lke Pyrrha. There's not going to be any definite pairings of the main girls, because creators know that's going to piss off too much of the fanbase. It'll be continuous shiptease.
>Charging bimonthly to view your art when most high quality art museums are free
>It isn't even retroactive access, if you become a patron in November, you have to purchase all works from October and earlier in batches of ~5 for 15USD each
>Literal fucking EA DLC art

>Not cancer

I'd rather not make money and allow people to see and enjoy what I make than be some faggot who thinks art should be locked behind paywalls.
do enjoy starving to death then
>when most high quality art museums are free

Those are still being paid for. I'm grateful for Patreon because it allows artists to draw shit I like quickly and regularly and most artists release some stuff for free.
>most high quality art museums are free
Are you real? Do you really think those artists life off of water and sunlight?
i wish i had your optimism

do you actually make content
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The goggles are a part of me now.
>implying most artists live off their art and not other means while making art

Most artists release everything for free, and there are plenty of people who use Patreon well instead of shit like the above one, where paying $20 a month means you still have to buy previously released art in $10 packs (including the discount from paying that $20 a month).

>implying most artists live off their art and not other means while making art

>Decide not to life off doing what you love and instead get a minimum-wage job so that anonymous hissyfit-throwers can view your content without paying

Just stop.
Does that mean they shouldn't get retributed for the time they take making art? Are you autistic?
That reading comprehension though.
>there are plenty of people who use Patreon well instead of shit like the above one

>Decide not to life off doing what you love and instead get a minimum-wage job
>Does that mean they shouldn't get retributed for the time they take making art?
It means there are plenty of ways to monetize without being an absolute scumbag about it. On a more conceptual level, I think it's entirely laughable that anyone who considers themselves "an artist" creates art with the expectation that they will be compensated for it; it's like people who help someone out and then expect a reward. Producing art, and that art being consumed by the world is a reward in and of itself. Being an artist because you want to make money, or going out of your way to milk as much money as you possibly can from it by withholding content is a shitty life philosophy, and honestly I think it is insulting to art as a form of human expression.

Art should be about art, not about whoring out products.

I bet you're the kind of people that whine about people pirating RWBY instead of paying a subscription, because it's "supporting the content creators", even though RT has massive ad, store, partnership and donation revenue that makes such a system entirely needless.
You are definitely retarded.
Besides the issue isn't Patreon, the issue is that you don't like the way the site itself works. You're free to look at other art and quit fucking whining about the monetization choices some artists make.
This conversation is over.
Alright, I'll make a new thread and let's agree to leave this pointless shitfest in this one.
>You are expressing an opinion about how a site works!

Did you even think about that before you wrote it? Yes. I am complaining about how Patreon works, that is what this discussion is about. It is a site that's systems are built around encouraging content creators to withhold content behind subscription-based paywalls. I am glad you were able to figure out what the topic of this conversation was and you should be proud that you can understand what people are saying.

>You're free to look at other art and quit fucking whining about the monetization choices some artists make.
I'm also free to point out they are shitty choices. Maybe you should return to tumblr or DA if you want a hugbox where no one is criticized for being a greedy scumbag.

>This conversation is over.
Okay, mom.

Evacuate in calm and orderly manner.
>I do not think this particular piece of shipping will come to anything beyond friendship
>This is having goggles on too tight

Do you know what that phrase means? Do you have the faintest fucking clue?
Shit I didn't even catch that, Looks like I made the mistake of not setting my goggles to maximum overdrive.
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