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Anyone watched this? I gave it a shot because I really liked

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Thread replies: 443
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Anyone watched this? I gave it a shot because I really liked Bill Nye's show back in the day but he was so angry and patronizing that I turned it off within a few minutes. Plus he has the John Oliver audience which just laughs at what he says because he says it in a funny voice with no regard for what he's actually saying, which led to some awkwardly timed laughter. I'm pretty sure his old show didn't have a dumb audience.
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He got full of himself like every other popsci figurehead
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>a Netflix original series
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It's pure cancer.

Stay far away.
It sounds like it's basically
>we want the Reddit audience
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It really is
What the fuck is going on in that pick? Do they break down trans people or some shit?
>This blabbering nonsense of a madman is now a "scientific fact".

Please tell me that actual biologists and doctors don't agree with this fucking idiocy.

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>tfw stuck in the timeline where Bill Nye blended politics and science
>can't go back to the timeline where he just educated kids on science
Reddit doesn't like him.
This gameshow style setup seems very scientific Bill
>Soros invests in Netflix
>coincidentally has an overhaul in programming, all its original programming has a bias
B-But that doesn't mean anything
Shut the fuck up, really?
what a surprise that scientists are all left leaning,when the republican party is literally the party of denying science
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You need to go BACK to your hillbilly retard hut.
Its cause people found out he is actually a bitter asshole that hates kids in real life.

You have no idea how depressing that is.

At least we don't have to face this shit in Poland but the mere idea that my kid one day will be exposed to this madness and probably indoctrinated by it makes me want to go fucking ballistic on every idiot who allowed mentally ill people to have a word in politics or science.
Take it easy there! Relax!
Scientism was a mistake
Or maybe good, this will alienate some people away from these pop ''''''''''''''''''''scientists''''''''''''''''
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There exist people who identify as the same sex as they biologically are. In fact there are many of them. You probably are one.

This, it makes sense to have a word to call these people by, when comparing them to others.

Why are you so upset that a word was coined to refer to something that so far we had no reason to refer to, and thus had no word for? Seems irrational.
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>mfw burger schools use this show to "educate" children
>Science proves the Quran!

What did he mean by this?
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Its already happening because these guys can't just teach people things, they have to be smug dickheads about it as well and it turns people off.
Oh look who's back
This is the world we live in, it cant be helped.
Nah. I work with some biologists (to be fair, they're marine biologists) and they constantly make fun of these kinds of people
Where is the argument, anonymous?
Why are you mad about a word being created to refer to something that had no word to refer to it by?
>using K-Pop to prove a scientific argument

Can I die now?
Oh shit, if they address this then it might actually be a good thing to show my mother. She doesn't "get" the transgender thing so she keeps misgendering Caitlyn.
>nuked schools use sticking fingers up assholes to teach children teamwork

Why are you trying to derail the thread again, kiddo?
But we already had a word for it, it's called psychosis. Same way you wouldn't say a fucking person believing to be black is transracial or a person believing to be Russian while never even being in Russia believes to be transnational. I guess next on the list are people who believe to be Napoleon, they're not ill at all right?

It's a fucking mental illness.
It's really sad that we live in a society where people are encouraged to get their genetals mutilated just because their head isn't screwed on right.
Isn't that the veritasium guy? wtf is he doing there?
Millenials seem to respond well to smug dickheads though. They like to parrot what smug dickheads tell them.
Don't bite the hook, it's the same SJW anon that derailed the last thread. Just shitpost and avoid giving him (You)s
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Can't wait to get to this episode.
I'm sure they'll talk about curbing the insane high birth rate in Africa!
Why are you failing to provide a reason for your buttmad? Is there even one?

Under your system when I say someone has psychosis, you wouldn't be able to determine if they think they are black, think they are russian, think they are a woman, or think they are a crab.
Why have one huge group full of different issues, instead of naming them individually for convenience?
Its not like the word psychosis is gone now either, you can use it when referring to whole groups of people with diverse issues. For individual issues, use the proper words.
If you won't give him (You)s then I will. You can't win.
Time to create our own brand of smug dickhead then
>Next we're going to test the difference between Korean pussy, and Jap pussy
>Bill, what exactly does this have to do with science?
>Ugh, can you just leave, science denier?
>Don't bite the hook, it's the same SJW anon that derailed the last thread. Just shitpost and avoid giving him (You)s

You said that three times now, yet I only just woke up. I haven't even posted on /tv/ since I saw Ghost in the Shell a week ago and joined the circlejerk.
If there is any mod here I allow the to confirm based on my IP address.
>also you spelled millennials wrong
If you aren't a millennial then what are you? Gen Z? You're even fucking worse, and that makes it likely that you're underage.
>accusing people of being le buttmad while typing essays because someone insulted transgendered people

W e w

Don't try it!
wow, what a fucking joke. I had a modicum of respect for him before, but this is just pure ideology. there's no science here. they didn't let him become an astronaut because he was physically weak, it was all mental.
You already have one. He's called Donald Trump.
>STILL not defending your side

Why are you upset that a word was created to refer to something we didn't have a word for?
>female comedian talking about male contraceptive

I already feel empowered.
>"Stop having kids, anti-science white males!"

What did they mean by this?
watched a couple of episodes with a friend last night.
It is a fucking cringefest and i really dont know what to think about it. Its just filled with awkward stuff.
>invite some indian "scientist" to talk about some topic. bla bla bla some shit about buddha suddenly out of nothing it turns into "white people please staaahhp, just staahp white people"

>Fucking Steve Aoki pops out of nowhere, has no idea where he is and what he is doing
>guy starts talking about taking lsd and opening your third eye or some shit, acutally starts getting interesstin, Bill cuts them off with "thank you for being here"
>pushing shit like "hey its cool if you take a picture of someone and the internet knows who it is, totally cool and big brother for sure isnt watching you"
>"yeaah its like the people who think the earth is flat" nigger as if you wouldn know that the earth is flat.
>Blind guy without sunglasses talks some shit about how future tech could help people see again "Blind guy what would you like to see??" "I want to see the world"... audience clap so hard they explode-
>gives every guest the weirdest fist bump. Nigger Nye you are one hundred years old. Just shake someones Hand, like normal people do

we couldnt believe how cringey it is.
i can never watch anything from this guy again
I'm a different anon newfriend. We aren't all the same
I'm going to start cutting flesh out of people to analyze their chromosomes if this nonsense continues.
I like how everyone is glossing over the fact that he called out climate change deniers. Because everyone knows that it's real but admitting they're wrong about something would make them look weak.
That's not the point, I don't care what's the exact word you use to describe them, don't describe it in a positive biased manner pretending it's not a negatively impactful mental condition which leads to body mutilation and self-destructional behavior. Those people have mental issues and pretending they're a-okay is being an enabler who's putting them deeper into their delusional state.
>Bill Nye the Third Eye
>shills will defend this
I don't get how that picture is relevant to your post. Is Dead Hand transgender?
That's right goy! Overpopulation has everything to do with whites having 1.8 children and nothing to with those same white countries using their own resources to prop up people who can't even figure out how to farm in the 21st century.

Are you just one guy making all this bait?
How long until Ahmed the Clock Kid shows up?
No, it is just really early.
>That's not the point
That was the point of the original post I replied to.
If you think otherwise, you should make it known. I can't read minds over the internet.

>don't describe it in a positive biased manner pretending it's not a negatively impactful mental condition...
Another negative condition is autism. We don't insult autists, we call them special, treat them nicer than most people, and so on.
Same with cripples. They have special benefits because of their negative condition making their life horrible, and our empathy and pity.
People who have gender dysphoria will either get "cured" on their own as puberty progresses, or get cured with medication, or with psychiatrist help, or help from relatives, or get very hardened and live their lives pretending there is no problem. Or, some of them, the most broken of them, will need surgery. Its surgery or suicide for those people.
They are as bad as cripples, and deserve as much, if not more, empathy. We need to help them out by treating them nice, to increase their low chance of survival through their affliction.
>no mention of africa
>Hey whitey stop breeding
>I don't have a counterargument so I'll just call it bait and hope nobody notices.
Nice, epic, I like it.
Yes. Same guy who derailed the thread last time.
Okay, that is true.
>tfw literal actual shills
>ywn get paid to defend a show on the internet
On episode 5 bill bye gets sex change to female so that the woman audience don't be afraid he will try to predator them
Selling out.
>that episode where he converts to Islam because it is the "most scientific religion"
>he's a goon
>on the internet
>on an anime imageboard
>he does it for free
>he takes his "job" very seriously
>he does it because it is the only amount of power & control he will ever have in his pathetic life
>he derails threads he doesn't like because whenever he gets upset he has an asthma attack
>he derails threads he doesn't like because they interfere with the large backlog of SJW video bloggers he still has to watch
>he will never have a real job
>he will never move out of his parent's house
>he will never be at a healthy weight
>he will never know how to cook anything besides a hot pocket
>he will never have a girlfriend
>he will never have any friends
Caitlyn misgendered h**self.
I'm so embarrassed for you.
Me personally, I liked the episode where they flogged the christians
Frankly I agree, most of the men who believe they are actually women (and it is mostly mtf and not ftm for whatever reason) have various other problems that lead them to that conclusion.
I think it's a bandaid. You aren't depressed because of a chemical inbalance, its because you are actually a girl. You aren't anxious because of a failure to socialize, its because you are a girl. And so on and so on.
I'm guessing if they actually treated these problems and started living a healthier life most of them wouldn't come to that conclusion.
It doesn't affect me, I'll call them whatever they want me to, they can use whatever bathroom they want to, I just think a lot of these people are making a mistake, sometimes its a permanent one.
>that episode where bill bye fucks 5 black dudes on stage to help reduce the population problem
>ugh so intolerant
Subtle banepost
You ever think that maybe, just maybe, they are right...? On something?
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oh god
>not seeing the stinger where he kills them

>that episode where Bill Nye makes prions look like Donald Trump and looks at the camera smugly and the audience members die of laughter
If they are right they should at least provide clear evidence and studies backing their claims.
It's clearly designed to try and sway skeptics by dumbing shit down to almost retarded levels.

Over all, not enough science, too much attempts at being funny.

It also should have been longer so the debates weren't so poorly edited.

Even though he's not a scientist, people like him are needed to keep trying to educate the morons who have trouble understanding even simple information.
But if you ignore it, what does it matter?
Samefagging this hard.
>that episode where bill nye puts a 7 year old Christian kid in an electric chair and zaps them in small doses until he converts to atheism while the crowd can't stop laughing and then he accidently puts the dosage on too high and frys the kids brown and he looks at the camera and is like whoops!
No, breddah
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climate change is real k thx by
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We already have a word for this, it's "normal".
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One of the most famous LoZ speedrunners is a tranny now, therefore it's totally relevant.
Ignore what? Where is it?
I like how you don't source this retarded as fuck graph.
>that episode where he proves the damgers of acids to your skin by testing it on a 8 year old Christian girl and piss flows from the audience as they all urinate themselves in laughter
>continuing to samefag after being called out
There you go.
Of course he's right. Everything the pope - I mean Bill Nye says is absolute truth and anyone who disagrees is a heretic - I mean science denier and should be burned at the stake.
When I call someone normal, you will immideately assume that I mean he identifies with his biological gender?
I think not. Normal is a too big group to be used for specific things.

Even "normal sexuality" can mean a lot of things - healthy sex drive, or heterosexuality, or comfort in sex, and so on.

The word is needed if there will be conversation about it, and since there already is conversation about it, we are late with the adoption of anything.
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>There you go
>posts nothing
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No time to explain, get to the choppa
>there are anons in here who consider themselves 'redpilled' but they believe shit like round earth
>the SJW redditor returned
>now the guy comparing Bill Nye to the pope is back

Fucking hell
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>it can literally never be a case of me being biased or uninformed on a subject, therefore everything I disagree with has to be wrong. I am infallible in my knowledge and am never incorrect
He accidentally proved you right, my Polish friend

>he believes in a flat earth
>he thinks Earth isn't an amorphous gas giant
I have a PhD in physical anthropology. I've authored 24 papers and contributed to 31 more in various peer-reviewed scientific journals. I've taught university since I was 20.

"Bill Nye Saves the World" has convinced me to leave my profession to become a Benedictine monk with the Roman Catholic Church before I'm too old to take my vows. I just mailed my resignation letter to the department head.

If this is what "science" is to become then I want no part in it. Goodbye.
Don't forget the fact that he felt the need to make the same post six times, as evidenced by minute cooldown between each post.
Because that small dip, that obviously means climate change isn't happening.... whats that? the previous decades that are showing gradual climbs. yeah ignore that, focus on the dip. That's where we prove climate change is fake.
Playing pretend is fun!
Am I wrong? Only in the way that redditors act like he's the absolute authority on science.
>strawmanning so hard because you lost


Face it kiddo, you lost last thread and you will lose again. Just go back to your subreddit and finish you're beer
Well, normal means many things and "not wanting to cut your dick off" is one of them, so yes, when someone is referred to as normal and mentally sound I would assume he doesn't think he's a woman with a feminine penis trapped in male's body.
>32 anons
>this paranoid
Are the sliders at the back implying gender is a scale and not binary?
Not him. I'm willing to learn, so please link me reliable studies that back up that gender is more than binary. I expect exclusion of mutations, I of course am aware of them.
>mass replying like a fag to get upset over shitposts
Go to bed, Bill
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>Bell curves and chromosomes isn't real
It's kind of needed. This horribly dumbed down shit is there not for people like you, but for the morons who have trouble even understanding the simplest of concepts.

Bill and people like him are there to try and change the skeptics minds, where the real scientists are working on fixing the problems.
He's a newfriend redditor, he will get used to it soon


>samefagging yourself
>all anons are one person

Same thing that happened to deGrasse Tyson. He got popular and it ruined him.

What boggles me is that Bill Nye *was* popular on account of his show, and he was fine for the longest time. Then he got this bump recently because of his global warming awareness stuff and it's like he's a completely different person. A completely different, much less likeable person.
There is a person with 160 IQ in front of us. His intellect is very much out of the ordinary and not normal.

I ask you if he is normal.
You respond that no, he isn't.
I deduce that he wants to cut his dick off.

See the problem?
>being upset at someone pretending to be a scientist
>in a Bill Nye thread
Don't even try to deny it. You made your samefagging so obvious.
>tfw Bill Nye comes to this thread and starts arguing with shitposters every time OP posts this thread
>sperging at one of the smartest and most influential men of all time
>man who stands with einstien and degrasse-tyson
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Are you for fucking real?
>"If any white male in the audience does not agree to get on this stage and castrate themselves I'll see to it you'll be known as a science denier."
What did he mean by that
There are a lot of people in a thread, aspie.
woah chill out bro, we're all friends here, it's not reddit lol


that being said, you're a dumb nigger if you haven't seen the studies, they're everywhere, but you probably don't even know how to read the graphs.
I won't, as long as you won't deny yours
Please tell me how you gauged my level of "upset" from 4 words.
It's a shill that's trying to derail the thread again. That or a Redditor SJW who really wants to make a random group of autistic weebs like trans people
Oh yeah. He must have forgot gender was term coined by a mad paedophile scienced who chopped off a kids fuck and then filmed his brother fucking him.
Ah I see. You just have autism
I'm s scientist. I ain't gotta explain shit.
And yet you're screeching autistically about samefagging, lmao

>the idea of climate change comes from models

>ur autist btfo!!
Not an argument.
>allowing transgender people to transition makes him responsible for him killing himself 40 years later
yeah good one
If it's nothing to do with biology, I can classify my gender however the fuck. Culturally, it's binary.
Are you that faggot that has been in the last three Bill threads just calling literally everything an SJW like you get paid for it?
The fact that you're madly replying to everyone in this thread
Point out where you think I've samefagged and I'll screencap my (you)s.
His old show was a show for CHILDREN. This is a show for MANCHILDREN who know him from when they were kids and are riding the wave of euphoria that is nostalgia.
I wasn't that anon, bud.
The absolute fact is that his experiment failed but despite that it failed his theory is still being used as fact.
That was a weird episode. Kind of like the one where he called Karl Marx a scientist and painted prions as Trump
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This and even more coming up in "Shit that /pol/ believes whilst denying actually real things like climate change and gender wage gap".
Are you the guy that's been telling people to accept transgenderism and repeating not an argument for the past three threads?

>he's been doing it for three threads now
Despite the fact that he literally admits his show is for manchildren there are still people defending him ITT
He's not wrong though. Sadly there are a lot of websites out there from nutjobs denying climate change, and posting cherry picked information as proof.
wow, you're fucking dumb. no surprise there though.


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>trying to fix overpopulation by lowering birth rates in white first world countries that don't even hit replacement rates as it is
>he hasn't heard about John Money and the David Reimer case
He's obviously talking about that Kingsley guy or John Money, who both abused patients, published junk, and ruined thousands of lives.
Those are paid redditor shills though.
He wasn't a transgender by choice moran, he had a botched circumcision so they wanted to raise him as a girl. And the abuse he went through possibly played into that
Reminder: 4chan has an >>>/lgbt/ board so transgenderism is accepted here. If you don't like it, Reddit's down the hall and to the left.
>That episode where Bill picked out a white male at the audience and beat him up to stop his privilege
Oh, I never denied that. I denied that his "studies" had real facts behind them
We also have pol though
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It also has /pol/ so what does that mean?
>what is a containment board for faggot shit
We also have an /mlp/ board you fucking donut. Otherwise that cancer would disperse itself to every other board on this shitty website.
That politics are accepted here. All politics, not just some.

By your logic, /pol/ is a containment board for politics. But it's not.
If you don't like people saying mean things here you can go back to sucking off Bill Nye in /lgbt/
Are you suggesting that gender isn't a social construct?
And if you don't like transgenders saying mean things to you on 4chan then nobody fucking cares what you do because you are worthless.
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Is politics accepted in a thread about a science tv show though. If you want politics why don't you go to /pol/?
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Is being this dense even possible? Or are you just trolling
Too many syllables c U c K o L d
Both politics and transgenderism are accepted here. My point is that you should stop pretending only one or the other is allowed. This is a website of free speech. Deal with it.
>you're worthless if you don't believe in my spook
Yeah no
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You haven't been saying anything mean to us. You've just been derailing the thread and crying everywhere.
>It's another Jill Nye talks about how to keep her newly created beautiful pussy from healing shut episode
the whole show is political in nature. climate change, if it exists or not, is exploited by governments and mega corporations to push their agendas. It's why we must be very skeptical about it.
Exactly, but I'm not the one being a big baby bitch because people saying mean things on the internet :'(
Politics is accepted on the politics boars >>>/pol/
Trannies are accepted on the lgbt board
This board is for the discussion of films and television shows.
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>Attacking a tripfag while obnoxiously samefagging and derailing three threads
this is the blacked and cucknny board faggot
Politics and transgenderism both play a role in films and television shows.

By your logic you can't discuss any movies with animals in them because >>>/an/ exists.
You said it was "allowed" but it was forced on him. Read into the guy's life before trying to argue about it
>aircraft mechanic gets dubbed "the science guy" by a comedy show because it rhymes with his last name
>this makes him an authority on major scientific matters

america was a mistake
>149 filename
Okay newfag.

What's the difference between sex and gender?

I didn't have anal gender with your mother last night
You haven't mentioned anything on the tv show once
Holy fuck you're a pedantic contrarian.
Holy fuck YOU'RE a pedantic contrarian.
Yes or no: is gender a social construct?
>it's a Bill Nye can't turn your boy into a girl because her cock is too small episode
Social commentary is a large part of a lot of very many films.
Discussing our differences in perspective as a diverse audience with the rich white producers is a good thing.
Jews are from the Middle East. If they're white, then so are Arabs.
>he doesn't know about the randomized filenames
Okay, newfag.
Not all producers are jewish.
The jews have a lot in common with WASPs, especially when it comes to political outlook.

>inb4 nazi's
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I love how these graphs never go further back than 1900...
>durr, the church wasn't that bad back then!!!
>but science is just as bad as the church back then!
Gets the noggin joggin.
Ashkenazi Jews are related to Italians
All the major production companies are exclusively Jewish owned-and-operated. If you want to talk about WASP-produced films then I guess...uh...indie flicks?
Some extensive research right here.
Italians and Germans and Turks actually. But don't tell them that they aren't the Chosen People.
When did he say the church wasn't bad?
Haha, no, you idiot, they're UNIX timestamps, and 149 means you saved that image within the last month. Thanks for definitively confirming your newfaggotry.
why? it's a shame people couldn't properly measure global temperatures back then, you shouldn't "love" it
>his old show didnt have a dumb audience.
Nigga they was KIDS!!!
No it's for grown up kids now

So it's basically Star Wars?
listen to the science man, goy. remember 10+ years ago he was telling us the oceans would've flooded cities by now?
>that episode Bill Nye proved the superiority of the black seed by using his wife as a test tube live on stage
It was like old Spongebob, meant for children but with jokes that only adults can understand.
I don't think kids care about Gender identity, or even should
I honestly don't know how many of the large producers are jews, but that doesn't change that jews are very similar to conservatives in america.
>the sex bar isn't binary
If sex isn't binary why even have gender? Now he's got redundant shit on there.
I mean Donald Trump himself supports and is supported by the Jews.
Cultural marxism has infected our civilization. This is worse than the plague. I'm literally ready for right wing death squads. Fascism is the only cure for cultural marxism.
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These are your scientists for your generation. Say something nice to them.
Nazi's cry about oppression and censorship but they are way overrepresented when it comes to opinions that are being voiced.

That is cause they're losers who sit all day sending emails to politicians, writing shit on facebook or 4chan while most normal people have better things to do.
Like talk to nazis on 4chan?
It's 100%.

And yes, dogs do look like their owners.
I thought in retarded potmodern world it was GENDER that was the spectrum whereas SEX is a trinity of male, female and intersex
>When the republican party is literally the party of denying science
I ain't ever seen the repubs try to revoke someone's Nobel Peace Prize before.
>a word was created to refer t something we didn't have a word for

We did, and that word is "normal".
That's why tumblrinas and their autistic tranny friends decided to invent the term "cis"; because simply calling every non degenerate "normal" would mean that they themselves were abnormal, even though that's actually completely accurate.
I thought they were twins and then they decided to chop one of the twins dick off and raise him as a girl, and the other normally
Or was that another case
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Fox? Sony? Legendary? Warner Bros? Why do you shill this?
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> he was so angry and patronizing that I turned it off within a few minutes.
That sums him up, he is just sickening to listen to. Would have been at least something to watch with Neil doing the show
If it were inaccurate then the term "cis" wouldn't have caught on with actual scientists.
>I like how everyone is glossing over the fact that he called out climate change deniers.
It'd be nice if he simply left it at that.
>I'm literally ready for right wing death squads. Fascism is the only cure for cultural marxism.
This won't happen and you know it. Things will continue to get worse until that self-destructive nonsense implodes and gives way to a less retarded civilization.

Ride the tiger, brah
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>being so mad that you have to crop out original text and then add your own with the default font in paint
What did he do beyond that?
It's typical marxist bullshit.

The only reason the term exists is so that trannies don't get constantly triggered when talking about normal, non brain damaged individuals.
My only problem with "scientists" (Bill Nye not being one after all) commenting on ACC is that just because you are able to point out its existence doesn't mean you're qualified to proffer a public policy solution, that's an economist's job.

Bill Nye would probably love to ramp up electricity prices in the US, driving more industry to China where they produce more carbon per kwh causing more global warming but he would never think of that because he's just a shitty engineer
The nuclear war Donald Trump is going to get us into will ensure that nobody remains alive to rebuild a situation.
>gender wage gap
Sociology is not a science and the wage gap is not real.
The term "cultural marxism" exists so that low IQ "conservatives" can lump everything that triggers them into a convenient category that implies conspiracy, which is the only way their tiny minds are capable of processing anything at all.
The only solution to climate change is to eliminate all the r-selected, <100IQ "human being" on this planet as well as the rest that is unwilling and or unable to live in decentralized, self-sustaining permacultures.
If it was typical marxist bullshit then it wouldn't have caught on.
>bunch of liberal arts majors protest for "science"
yeah okay mayne
i bet they're subscribed to a bucnh of science fuck yeah shit
Picking Fox at random:
Stacey Snider the CEO and Chairman of 20th Century Fox
Snider is a member of the Wilshire Boulevard Temple.[6]

Do you really need me to do this for all of them plus parent companies?
That scenario is better than the one we're currently in. If humanity can reach these levels of degeneracy then it shouldn't exist
What the hell is a decentralized, self-sustaining permaculture?
But 20th Century Fox is owned by Rupert Murdoch along with several dozen other huge media companies, you subhuman shill retard.

Netflix is also not Jewish owned, which is the company that created this show. Why are you such a lying rat?
Subsistence farmers that don't have to travel
>I have a PhD in physical anthropology.
Because that's a degree in science right?
fucking fag
>On the morning of May 4, 2004, Reimer drove to a grocery store's parking lot and took his own life by shooting himself in the head with a sawed-off shotgun
Poor dude
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>tfw young enough to live through this phase and see western world implode on itself

It's common knowledge at this point that American universities are Marxist indoctrination camps.

Everyone is a leftist at college, everyone browses the same cesspool of doublethink and mental disturbance online (tumblr) and hey presto, suddenly there are a lot of ""adults"" using retarded, made up terms completely unironically.

These terms literally just don't exist outside of America.
Do you prefer to be pandered or babied to? Would you prefer Bill came out and said "you know anon, I started to see your fists shake. Don't worry, you and your uncle were right the whole time! Climate change is a Chinese hoax, the world is flat, the earth is 6000 years old and the Jews run the planet! Go back to bed, I know thinking is hard and you don't want to know if people are smarter than you". Then he tucks you into bed and kisses you goodnight?
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>be scientist
>can't spell Mitochondria

beat those commie faggots up
That analogy is awful regardless of the spelling mistake
to be fair thats a shitty meme from somewhere
The term "cultural marxism" exists so that low IQ "conservatives" can lump everything that triggers them into a convenient category that implies conspiracy, which is the only way their tiny minds are capable of processing anything at all.
Bill Nye is literally posting among us.
>Unironically using "White people be like" jokes

Hey Bill. Stop trying to be "hip" and "down with the kids".
>waaaah bill nyes show is slightly more political than it was before
Leftists seem to dislike science more today than 7-8 years ago.

>but it's LITERALLY the end of the world!
>childhood = ruined
Look at what your posting, it's pathetic
Go to bed Bill.
It annoys me that this person's name is "Atelier" when Atelier is one of the most LGBT-friendly video game series out there.

If I had to guess, he hasn't actually played the games but wears an anime avatar to fit in.
Leftists aren't making these threads every hour, kiddo.
Denying the fact that American universities are overwhelmingly leftist and won't tolerate any original thought simply proves to the world how retarded you are.

"Cis" is literally just a term some triggered tumblrina made up.
>getting triggered by an anime avatar
Unironically go back to r.eddit
/lgbt/ is not a containment board.

Containment boards have a very specific definition that requires that the topic a board is dedicated to is mutually exclusive from all other boards.

For example, you can discuss a MLP video game on /mlp/. However, you cannot discuss a MLP video game on /v/. That is because /mlp/'s board topic, MLP, is banned from all other boards. Whereas vidya is permitted on every board so long as its topic overlaps with the respective board.
To this extent, /lgbt/ is not a containment board because faggotry is allowed everywhere here.

As of now, the current list of containment boards are as follows;
It's not an anime, it's a video game. Damn you trumptards are dumb.
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>rightists hate science more than they did before
>therefore leftists must not hate science anymore
So even through you admit that all the major production studios are owned by Jewish boards and run by Jewish CEOs, since you moved the goalposts up to conglomerates (Rupert Murdoch is an exceptional gentile) that makes me a "lying rat." You should know that being called a rat doesn't have the same impact on people unlike yours.
You can have Pokemon threads on /v/, so you should remove that one from the list.
>calls it an anime avatar
>"actually it's a videogame"
Also how does my post express my support for trump?
The kind of faggotry that exists on /lgbt/ isn't allowed outside, I know, I was there before they created the board.

/b/ was completely impossible to browse with all the constant faggot threads.
They're just the ones being butthurt and derailing it
This gender shit is already getting pushed here in Spain, Eastern Europe will be next.
All board are containment. If your discussing something off topic from the boards topic you are usually banned. The only problem is that /tv/ has no jannies.
You can still make /lgbt/ threads on /b/.
I honestly don't know where you got that liberals hate science. As it has been explained many times before, Dems and other left-leaning and progressive parties do not lobby to silence scientists like the GOP does.

But here's assuming you even know what liberal means....
>move the goalposts

No I'm pretty sure the person who owns and controls a company owns and controls it. What we can say for certain if that a company had a Jewish owner but a non-Jewish CEO, you'd say it was Jewish controlled, like the overweight brain dead hypocritical cunt you are. I'd say you're moving the goalposts, but I'm fairly certain no one on /pol/ has the requisite IQ to move anything in a metaphorical sense. You're just a born scummy lying shill. Here's hoping you get some well-deserved terminal cancer.
He started tirading on stupid sociological pseudoscience and tried tackling overpopulation from a humanitarian perspective. That and special segments to soap box.

If youlre going to make a show about science, then stick to science.
Wrong, idiot. There's an Atelier anime.

Why don't you get informed before you run your stupid mouth?
George Soros (Jewish) just bought a controlling interest in Netflix, which isn't a major film studio.
Maybe that's a projection.
You'd know, wouldn't you?

Being a tripfaggot and all
On /r9k/, too.
Since when?

Last I checked, /vp/ was explicitly created as a containment board.
Don't plotz.
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You're the one who said it wasn't an anime wtf?
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>Dems and other left-leaning and progressive parties do not lobby to silence scientists
liberal means a lot of things, it's turned into a useless word on 4chan.

Leftists hate nuclear power and GMO's irrationally.
Just read the thread. You can clearly see it started with shitposting about the show until someone starting defending tranny rights for no reason.
You're missing the point, dumbdumb.

Every board has some topic that is so masturbatory or specific that it would not be allowed on other boards. But that doesn't mean that the general theme of the board is prohibited from others.
Less than a tenth of a percent of a company is "controlling interest"? Do /pol/ tards ever stop lying? I guess to eat probably.
You literally did not read anything from the post.

Quit being retarded.
It's only there because /v/ got absolutely flooded by Pokemon threads every time there was a new release. /vp/ is more like /vr/, a board to discuss the specific subject more in-depth.

Look at the rules yourself. There is nothing saying Pokemon discussion is disallowed on /v/.

I guarantee you could create a Pokemon thread right now and it wouldn't be deleted.
But your post is wrong. You can't post vidya here even if it's based on a movie.
But I'm right.
It's not an anime, it's a video game series with an anime adaptation. You dumbshit, can you even follow the conversation?!
/b/, /r9k/, and [s4s] do not count. They are random boards with no topics and have explicit exceptions in their guidelines that make them distinct.
>Leftists hate nuclear power and GMO's irrationally.
That isn't really true either. As a liberal myself, I like nuclear when it is safe and in proper facilities. There have been less accidents NOW, but I want handling of material to be 100 percent before we can think in a more macro sense with it. As for GMOs, some are good, some are whatever. I'm not a nut.
Hollywood is controlled by Jews and you're a liar like your father, the father of lies.
Are you new to /pol/ bait or something?
You can find plenty of trump voters who don't want creationism taught in schools.

There are definately anti science undercurrents in the left, just look at all the people who think theres no such thing as "biologically male".
They don't silence them, they just don't fund their research. I mean, why do you think there will never be any serious study done on the relation between race, iq and crime for example? Any scientific evidence that does not fit the narrative and comes to the "wrong" conclusions is not wanted in a progressive society.
>just look at all the people who think theres no such thing as "biologically male".
Point to a single professional who has said this. You made this up
I know what the rules say, but when it was created, the policy was that ALL pokemon threads were to be shoved in there. As in, I've gotten banned in the past with custom messages saying "pokemon belongs in /vp/".

Furthermore, /vr/'s creation involved a sticky essentially saying "We don't want to handle this board like /vp/ or /vg/. We don't plan on banning retro games from /v/, but we will if necessary. Don't fuck this up."

You're right that I should probably remove /vp/, but that's only because the rules regarding it have slackened.
>calling people liars after literally be caught lying

Mental midget from /pol/ spotted
I bet you could easily start a thread asking why movie video game adaptations are awful and have it go without deletion with no issues.
Because "race" has never been a real thing but everytime that is said, it spergs out people like you.

You can't just correlate things together because you wish the data into existence, on the grounds that you have some personal problem with blacks or other minorities. You can't correlate a fake construct, with a vague IQ standard that changes every ten years to a complex thing like criminality. Crime is complex. You are being intellectually dishonest by trying to simplify it by "muh race".
>Women are poorly represented at the right end of the bell curve, and they're physically weaker than men
>the average iq is below 70 in some parts of Afirca
This biology lesson triggers libtards.
> they just don't fund their research
Or they try to revoke your nobel peace prize.
You are the same anon who keeps mentioning this, who in the fuck are you talking about?
Who was talking about professionals? Obviously no one who actually knows anything about biology believes this shit, but that doesn't change the fact that there are thousands of leftie university professors across the country teaching gender studies and millions of brainwashed lefties who took their courses who do believe that gender (and race) is a made up social construct.
>as a liberal
>i'm not a nut
it's a very political science show, that's the problem
James Watson
They pander to people who believe this.

Quick google gives:

>Because "race" has never been a real thing
Bullshit it isn't.

The only real conclusions we have on race is that it is not literally black and white, and that the genetic distinction is not as great as anticipated between regions. This does not account for the possibilty that the few genes difference could still have sweeping effects on intelligence and could heavily correlate with regional origin, given that intelligence has been a primary selective drive in humans for 100,000 years.
>triggered, anti-science libtards
You are moving the goalpost there, kiddo. Here, you said that there were people saying that "being born biologically male is a construct"
Now you changed it here:
>millions of brainwashed lefties who took their courses who do believe that gender (and race) is a made up social construct
You have said two different things anon. Also yes, gender and race are both constructs.

biological sex is not. Not a single professional anywhere says this or teaches that.
That is sociological data.

Sociology is not a real science.
>trying to simplify it by "muh race".

I never said that though, that's just you being incredibly defensive and intelectually dishonest. That's exactly why I'd like to see some serious scientific research on this subject, so we don't have racists simplifying it by "muh race". People like you who live in some made up fantasy world where they reject any scientific evidence that makes them uncomfortable don't help here.
Quote a single thing that I said that makes me a nut you reactionary faglord
I'm literally namefagging, and you still can't keep track of who is who.

Also >>81950065
'member when this was a meme?
>there's only ever been 2 "major accidents" in human history

Not bad
How can race be a construct when scientists can easily biologically determine the race of a person?
Anon, genetic variances have never denoted different human "races". No geneticist will tell you that race is a real concrete thing. Intelligence tests have varied over the decades. It is not, nor has it ever been, an exact science.
If race and gender are just social constructs, then why am I allowed to choose what gender I am but not what race I am?

Wouldn't this imply that gender differences are more superficial than racial differences?
>You can't correlate a fake construct

So is all taxonomy bullshit?
But there isn't any evidence that race is a thing. People like you just want there to be, I'm baffled as to why.
>You can't correlate a fake construct, with a vague IQ standard that changes every ten years to a complex thing like criminality. Crime is complex

So you're saying all social science research is trash because it's dealing with complex systems?
Humor me for just a moment:

Do you think that it is possible to genetically breed dogs for intelligence?
You are getting into a game of semantics here and using our antiquated models on race as justification.
>So you're saying all social science research is trash because it's dealing with complex systems?
not him but pretty much
> Intelligence tests have varied over the decades. It is not, nor has it ever been, an exact science.

And has that ever led to different groups of people suddenly outperforming the others? Like, was there ever an intelligence test where subsaharan africans did better than northeast asians?
Then why is it official advise in my country for doctors to test african-origin babies for sickle-cell disease?
I'm using the same "antiquated model" that the left currently uses.
I just want to hear the libtard say it
Nothing I said was anti-science
Because you are getting caught between semantics of societal language, and hardline biological language.
Anon, if your argument is that blacks are literally a different subspecies of human, you are fucking retarded.
>There isn't any evidence that race is a thing.
Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

If we pinpoint the genes for intelligence and attempt to associatethem with regional origin, the study would be shutdown faster than a derby horse with a broken leg.
Literally constructing a strawman.
>doesn't even realise the poster is implying there's a common ancestor between all racial groups
>implying that's not LITERALLY true

Think before you type, fuck
Aren't we all subspecies of a common ancestor just like dogs were though?

Or are you saying blacks are literally a different species?

What did you mean by this?
I'm not sure I can follow this insane level of reality denial. Let's say a forensic scientist has a DNA sample to examine. Do you actually believe they couldn't at all tell the race of who that DNA sample belongs to?
Is that my argument?

All I want to be is transnigger, anon. Why am I only allowed to pretend that I have 2 X chromosomes?
Maybe ditch the "libtard" memes and actually have a fucking discussion about something you seem to have a cursory knowledge of?

No, you're right anon, them niggers are all just subhuman retards because "reasons" and "Africa". I forgot that you were a geneticist, with a minor in phrenology too.
Not an argument

You're saying that crime is so complex that you can't make any sort of inference one way or another about it, I'm wondering if that applies to every single social inquiry too
Answer the question:

Can dogs be bred for intelligence?
It's not a strawman and the fact that you clearly know the answer to my question yet still deny reality makes you a perfect example of a science denying liberal. You really aren't very different from those crazy creationist rednecks you love to make fun of. The only major difference is that they deny science when it collides with their faith and you deny science when it makes you uncomfortable.
Why is he retarded if that's his argument?
>Anon, if your argument is that blacks are literally a different subspecies of human

But we are all different subspecies of human?
Because that study wouldn't show much. Look, regions is vague, you want to look at homogenous groups of common gene variations over time, of which, (sorry to bust your white power bubble), there isn't much of a genetic difference between you and some North African. You aren't different species. You may differ in miniscule physical traits and pigmentation...but you are some pseudo-intellectual if you think blacks have different brains because "muh race". A lot of times, /pol/ kids like to compare low IQ patterns among poor, poverty-stricken, malnourished third word countries, to first world nations. Gee wizz, you telling me that people with less overall access to the same technology are dumber? Wew, must be because they are nastt African niggers amirite?

That's how you fucking sound. Like a pseudo.
No, blacks are not a different species.
>A lot of times, /pol/ kids like to compare low IQ patterns among poor, poverty-stricken, malnourished third word countries, to first world nations.
What's the IQ of those groups within first world countries?
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>A lot of times, /pol/ kids like to compare low IQ patterns among poor, poverty-stricken, malnourished third word countries, to first world nations. Gee wizz, you telling me that people with less overall access to the same technology are dumber?

They can tell you genetic variation common to certain homogenous groups or mixes of groups. When have you ever seen a scientist look at DNA and go "look at this here black man"? Who? Where? Otherwise, he's a fucking wizard m.
> A lot of times, /pol/ kids like to compare low IQ patterns among poor, poverty-stricken, malnourished third word countries, to first world nations

Why were China's IQ scores so high even pre-1980 when it wasn't even industralised and they were all rice farmers?
I don't know much about dog intelligence, I would assume so. Humans are a bit more complicated than dogs, you still have to define for me a sufficient criteria for human intelligence that everyone can agree on.
I literally never said that.
>there isn't much of a genetic difference between you and some North African.
There doesn't need to be, anon.

You're a biologist, anon. You know that degree of genetic separation is only good for phylogeny, not for qualifying speciation. Futhermore, I did not claim any human was a different species. I've only claimed 2 real things;

1) That subtle differences in genetic variation could have profound impact on intelligence
2) These differences could be regionally correlated.
Uh, yes, actually

Are you denying evolution now? How do you think morphological differences arose between races? We all have a common human ancestor according to the widely-accepted Out of Africa model.
Do you think it could be you, faggot? None of this denotes different races but I feel like no matter how many geneticists say this to you, you will stubbornly ignore it? Why? What do you fucking gain? Literally the only reason I can think of, is that you just have an issue with blacks, or see the world in painfully black or white terminology.

But I'm sure you are just going to screech and call me a libtard until we archive. I once had a very similar convo on /pol/, I even liked papers on genetics, studies, graphs...

You won't listen.
>Humans are a bit more complicated than dogs, you still have to define for me a sufficient criteria for human intelligence that everyone can agree on.
You're not wrong. But weneed to explore the extent to which humans have selectively bred themselves and determine how this impacts modes of thinking. The differences I'm discussing are not drastic nor obvious, but that's because neuroscience is still in its infancy , and associating genes with intellectual capacity (let alone matching it with regional origin) meets massive resistance from sociologists.
Again, you need to define an IQ that works across the board, for all humans. That seems impossible. It seems like a hand wave tbqh. Easier to just call them low IQ, right?
>claims le scientific superiority
>not a single argument
>"oh, you just hate black people anon"

This is like claiming climate change believers only believe it because they're tree huggers falling for a naturalistic fallacy
This doesn't denote a race.
Just answer the question, if it's them being malnourished, then what's the IQ of the group most prone to obesity right now in the US?
The fact that the two subgroups had similar IQs despite vastly different environments does in fact imply race, actually
>complex factors rated to biology, genetic sequencing over time, economic and societal factors
Or, the answer your want:
>chinese are le smart, because they are chinese chin ching chong
1. Define what intelligence is
2. Define what a "region" is.

How long before some place becomes a region? When? What defines a region? Who's in a region?
>complex factors rated to biology, genetic sequencing over time, economic and societal factors

That's what everyone here is arguing

Nobody's saying that social factors aren't at play, they're saying that they're not the dominant determinant factor in terms of intelligence, which is instead mainly heritable

If you'd stop strawmanning for a second you'd realise that, instead you want to just go on a crusade against muh evil /pol/tards
No other types of humans are currently alive anon, blacks are not a different species of human...
"You can't call that cancer because what is a cell, actually?"
What does that word mean?
Again, you need to unpack how you are studying those regions.
>claims le scientific superiority
Ah, there it is.
>not a single argument
You just ignore them, you pseudo-intellectual fuck.
>"oh, you just hate black people anon"
You won't seem to accept anything short of me being pounded into agreeing with you that blacks are low IQ criminal savages. You refuse to look at this with genetics.
>naturalistic fallacy
You have no clue what that is, do you?
Christ, no...it doesn't. How in your mind, do you think that works? So all smart whites are the same race as smart blacks? Oh, but muh regions though!
>The..."Out of Africa" theory (OOA)... is, in paleoanthropology, the dominant model of the geographic origin and early migration of anatomically modern humans (Homo sapiens), which proposes a single area of origin for modern humans. According to this model, modern humans evolved in East Africa, and started to disperse through the world roughly 50,000 to 100,000 years ago. The single-origin hypothesis is cited as having the scientific consensus as of the mid-2000s

As in, our common ancestor between all races was still the taxonomic grouping of "homo sapiens", so every subgroup arising out of that is in fact a subspecies of "homo sapiens", ie. HUMANS.

You're getting your panties in a twist because you think that to say that racial groups are "sub-" is bad because "sub-" is also a synonym for "lesser" in a moral or physical or whatever sense, whereas what I'm saying is that they are just groups that arise out of and below the common ancestor.

So yes, black, white, asian, aborigine, etc. are all sub-groups of an earlier, commonly-shared type of human. This is basic evolution. The only alternative is 1) the morphological differences arose spontaneously, or 2) we don't have a common ancestor so we're literally different species or the stratification occurred back at a further common ancestor, in both cases the racial groups would literally be different "species" of human

Are you really this fucking retarded?
What's it submissive to?
I said it was a variety of factors. Which is true.
>So all smart whites are the same race as smart blacks

Why would you exclude the wider population of those two groups? Do you get how sampling works?

They aren't scientists, they're fags marching for science which is their cause of the week. I'm a scientist; know what we did yesterday? Got trashed at a bar crawl
At this point, you're not even really refuting me. You're just muddling over wrinkles in a shirt that haven't been ironed.

The point I'm getting at regardless is that if dogs can be genetically shoehorned into mental capabilities, there's no reason to assume humans can't and haven't done so to themselves as well. And that if humans have done so in the ancient past, to determine where/how it happened.
The dom.
So do you think it was just a massive p>0.01 coinceedink that the groups had similar IQ despite different environments?
But nothing we are talking about, means there are literally different races of human beings. So why keep pushing it? Most you can say is that there are sometimes distinct homogenous groups, but humans are exceptionally diverse and homogenous groups have bled into nearly every other regional group on the planet...it doesn't seem like it matters.
>But nothing we are talking about, means there are literally different races of human beings.

Learn some basic taxonomy retard

You might as well say all avian are the same because they have wings, that's not how categories work

>Most you can say is that there are sometimes distinct homogenous groups, but humans are exceptionally diverse and homogenous groups have bled into nearly every other regional group on the planet...it doesn't seem like it matters.

What do you mean by "matters"? Matters to who exactly? Why are you brining what "matters" into this?

Either it's real or it's not, what "matters" is irrelevant.
Why would the "sub" in "subspecies" be submissive to "a variety of factors" and not just the "species" part?
>it doesn't exist because i don't want it to exist

Jesus Christ
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>I'm a scientist
Not if your white and male
>So yes, black, white, asian, aborigine, etc. are all sub-groups of an earlier, commonly-shared type of human
Not once did I deny this, faggot. Learn to read.
(You) >>81950329

>Anon, if your argument is that blacks are literally a different subspecies of human, you are fucking retarded.
Well I can tell you aren't a scientist.
>ancient past
Rifht, because antiquated terminology we invented specifically for blacks nearly what, 300 years ago, isn't supposed to change? So phrenology is pretty legit then, amirite? Science changes, our perceptions and understanding of the world changes.

You don't do yourself any favors by being autistic and denying new information (like genetics) that changes the very fabric of those concepts.

Either you are a traditionalist who hangs up pictures of Crusader knights on his wall and longs for the "golden years", or you are generally misinformed and a bit biased on race.

Pick one and kill yourself.
>muh minor coincidental evidence denotes my 300 year old, unflinching and generally scoffed at concept of race I refuse to change in light of genetic evidence
>pure coincidence
I love how you tried to sound smart but used multiple words wrong because you don't know their definitions.
it's like you are refusing to read what I write.
>Either it's real or it's not
Or, our concept of it needs to be modified in the face of new evidence?
>what "matters" is irrelevant.
I meant in terms of loud, meaningless data that doesn't help a study. Also, since you seem retarded, I don't mean loud in the literal sense.
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Do you have trouble reading? Read it again, kiddo. I'm not saying blacks are a subspecies...

I don't usually expect much from this board...but at least be able to read.
>You don't do yourself any favors by being autistic and denying new information (like genetics)
Since when did I deny anything about genetics?
I had to remind you that genetic variation isn't the same thing as speciation. Who are you to call others misinformed?
Name one, I'll correct you when you say something stupid.
It's not enough evidence and you know it.
>muh straws
>I had to remind you that genetic variation isn't the same thing as speciation
This didn't happen, buckaroonie. Maybe in your head. Were you the anon with the poor reading comprehension? You samefag so hard in this thread, I couldn't tell.
>p-please spoonfeed me!
>le spoonfeeding meme
You made a statement, you said I used certain words incorrectly. Prove me wrong you gutless fag.

You brainlets are so alike, I'm sometimes convinced you are paid disinfo shills.
>there isn't much of a genetic difference between you and some North African. You aren't different species.
In this post, you very clearly use genetic variation as the determining factor of species.

Either you forgot you made this post, or you interjected.
Oh look, you fucked up more words.
I never said it was the determining or only factor to speciation, it is prob one of the most important though. Evolution is after all, about genes. Nice attempt at a reach though.

Your problem is that you just honestly re not informed or intelligent. Call me smug, I don't give a flying fuck. People like you are willfully ignorant about things you ingrained in your head as axioms.
No I didn't. Is English not your first language or something?
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>it's a /pol/ talks to people who actually study genetics and get btfo as usual
>I never said it was the determining or only factor to speciation
No, you only implied it and centered your entire argument around it.

Which is why I followed up by saying;
>genetic separation is only good for phylogeny, not for qualifying speciation
>That subtle differences in genetic variation could have profound impact on intelligence

Neither claim which you have properly refuted beyond asking "B-but what is intelligence?", and spouting off some nonsense about phrenology. If you want an example of willful ignorance, look inwards.
>It's a "My manifestation of the other is so strong that my brain shuts down" episode
>It's an anon thinks he's a part of a tv audience episode
>No, you only implied it and centered your entire argument around it.
My entire argument has been that a modern understanding of genetics does not support old models of understanding "race", that because of this, race is not a concrete thing and that you can't correlate outmoded understandings of "race", to other multi-faceted pools of data like criminality. That alone is a nightmare of variables.
>b-but what is intelligence?
Your bullshit argument falls apart when you refuse to define it.
>pretends anyone but /pol/ makes these threads
>giving yourself a name
This isn't Imgur
>My entire argument has been that a modern understanding of genetics does not support old models of understanding "race"
And you're not wrong. Old models of race suck. That doesn't mean race itself does not exist and that aspects like intelligence cannot be correlated by region genetically.

>Your bullshit argument falls apart when you refuse to define it.
I only need to establish that mental capacity is associated with genetics and that further investigation is warranted.
Which the evolution of dogs strongly attests to.

As to what specific intellectual capacities are considered "desirable", that's a different discussion.
Oh WOW, you somehow fucked up even more words.
>That doesn't mean race itself does not exist
Well until then, you are part of a new pseudo-science crowd. But what do I know? I am just a dumb dumb "libtard".
So, second language then?
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