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What's the difference between marvel and DC?

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What's the difference between marvel and DC?

nothing, they both make shit threads like this for (you)s since the OP is a lonely faggot.
None. Both make pc, generic, childish movies about men in capes fighting cgi creatures.
marvel doesn't spam tv
why is a phot of the rock being used when he's obviously a homosexual
They both make shitty movies but DC fans are more delusional
Marvel is for newfags, DC is for hardcore.
>enter threads about things you don't like to tell everyone you don't like that thing.
one is hugely successful and loved by everyone and the other is DC
>we dont spam /tv/ at all! You goyim love marvel!
say what you will, but at least DC didn't make (((Logan)))
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DC are shitskins and swedes from /v/ and /vg/ who get spooked and report people
Marvels are shitskins and tumblr /co/ whales who get spooked and report people being "racist"
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Marvel takes more risks than any other cape studio, justice league would never have been attempted if it hadn't been for avengers and gotg.
Hating superhero movies makes me feel smarter than those that like them
This Sanjeev has been posting 180 times this one image


And he's been doing that spam shit the past days after getting busted.
Gunn is a great talent, just under Snyder in the capeauteur hierarchy.
How about this


Look at this before the mods prune this thread or they ban me. Count the results, count the pages. I can find you more like these, no problem.
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yes, it was so brave to turn the X-Men Mexican.

Fuck off Marvel.
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When is WB's R rated super hero movie coming out that they courageously decided to do after Deadpool's and Logan's success?
A cgi fuckfest you will not care about vs a fight between characters that have been built up through multiple movies that actually holds weight and feels like a comic book.
DC makes shit movies but decent comics, Marvel makes decent movies but shit comics
In 2009
>Marvel takes risk
>proceeds to release 20 identical movies
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>that actually holds weight
>literally nothing happens
all capeshit=Reddit

Back to /v/ you fucking tourist nigger

>that young Snyder
He was so energetic back then ;_;
>that actually holds weight

There is a quip every few seconds. That's an objective fact. They serve to deflate any sense of drama or tension.

Also comics look and feel a lot fuller and more visually interesting than an empty parking lot in a gray haze. DC translates event comics to screen perfectly, in a mythic scale and aesthetic.

Marvel does too, sometimes, but not w/ the VASTLY overrated Russos.
You first Marvel shiteater.
DC = alpha male chads
Marvel = nu-male hipsters
FOX = ?
DC is superior in all terms except latest movies and tv shows.
Marlel is pathetic sjwverse and winning movie race not because they're good, but because DCEU is bad. And about tv shows - CW is total garbage, while Netflix is sjwshit, but Daredevil is pretty great (except ninja crap)
>get called out that you reported like me a little punk /v/eddit bitch
>starts replying again
My fighting game offer is still up, Sven.
>wahh, not liking DC must mean you like marvel too

Christ, you underages are fucking pathetic
xmen has like 8 movies out and they are still too much of a bitch to put wolverine in a yellow suit, sorry but xmen is still in the pre marvel era of trying so hard to not look like capeshit.
Are you ban evading now? If you got banned, it wasn't me. It was probably a janitor that got fed up with you spamming the same fucking posts 24/7.

Holy shit 180 times posted the same image. Do you need help?
Aren't both going full SJW with their comics?

I don't read this shit. I may be a virgin but I still have some self-respect.
> people need to die for things to happen
Marvel has been going harder with the SJW shit recently

it's really unfortunate since Marvel is the objectively superior universe with better characters and inter comic continuity
Well something needs to happen.
>Are you ban evading now?
No because they told me
>If you got banned, it wasn't me
It was you because they told me on /tv/ irc
> It was probably a janitor that got fed up with you spamming the same fucking posts 24/7.
I don't mobile post because I'm not a coward
>Holy shit 180 times posted the same image
See above
>Do you need help?
Do you? You've been shilling for 12 hours now
>7:22 PMMonday, March 27, 2017 (GMT+2)Time in Sweden

I'm switching to DChads
What happened then? They had a fun filled scrimmage til Rhodey got hurt then Tony was sad for a second?
DC copies panels but only visual which isn't hard to do, marvel actually brings them to life. Also DC feels like 90s try hard comic era, you know the one where everyone thought liefield was good.
>marvel actually brings them to life.
Someone really needs to post that Civil War movie to comics comparison.
Nice one. And yeah, DC doesn't have sjw crap, they're just making new and actually good characters with different race. And they're not faggots.
>objectively superior universe with better characters and inter comic continuity
>not a single iconic story
Also quality is over continuity
This is silly and uninformed. DC has paid homage to a couple panels, otherwise Snyder just has a keen sense of what looks good. Lucidly directed action, painterly mies-en-scene. Again, I think directors like Gunn, or even Derrickson w his Ditko-eqsue cosmic aesthetic succeed in bringing comics to life, but not the Russos w/ their commercial tier cinematography and constant, overwhelming cuts.
You people just use this shit as excuses to insult one another
>menlet compensating

Uh captain got to his plane, you know what he was trying to do? It was an introductory battle for all the heroes who would later be joining together to fight thanos. It was a more glorified version of thors, ironmans, and captains first fight in the forest in the first avengers.
Wow, I was genuinely expecting a stronger defense. Weak showing today, anon.
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DC has Bane & CIA

Marvel has Mexican X-Men

Is this even a question?
>It was an introductory battle for all the heroes who would later be joining together to fight thanos.

The movie's biggest scene has no in-movie payoff or dramatic fallout, but just more setup for the next flick?
>Marvel has been going harder with the SJW shit recently

have you seen the Wonder Woman trailers? The SJW undertones are nothing like anything in the MCU
Ang Lee made real capekino.

Snyder is just trying to catch up but he never will.
Shooting a movie shot for shot to a comic book a la 300 is about the laziest thing you can do in terms of cinema. No marvel brings the essence of the comic to life while DC uses panels visually as a crutch. Even too big for you is too good for the current dc mu
I love me some Snyder but I think the DCEU would benefit from someone with a different style. Being too tonally consistent makes you look mass produced like those MCU flicks. I'm not counting Suicide Squad because it hurts too much
>Shooting a movie shot for shot to a comic book a la 300 is about the laziest thing you can do in terms of cinema
I know this is /tv/ and no one knows anything about movie making but this is the dumbest thing I've read in a long while. Translating panels (comics=static medium) to movies (movies=dynamic medium) is hard as fuck. What is easy is to make the same movie fourteen times, that's easy. The MCU is so shit that even TV directors can look competent making them, as long as they follow the template
This http://www.agonybooth.com/hulk-2003-part-2-6082
You do realize they have been using a static medium ( storyboards) long before cape movies to help make movies right?
No it totally sets up the fight between cap, winter soldier and ironman.
>I don't know the difference between concept, tone or execution!
Typical Marveldrone.
why does ben have 4 nipples?
>I'll use buzzwords to prove a point!
>Half of the Avengers are now wanted fugitives
>The other half is morally and/or physically damaged

Sure kiddo, nothing happened.
Moral damage? Whoa, stop the presses.
What's the difference between me and (You)?
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Yes, Marvel is more nuance in it's storytelling so its not to surprising you didnt pick up on that.
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It true. Marvel is so life like. I'm pretty sure I saw the new team of X-Men from Logan at the Home Depot parking lot today.
>More nuance in it's storytelling
you like man child films mate


yes, this board has such quality discussion. if only we'd stop complaining...
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>Marvel is more nuance in it's storytelling
Please be real
>Marvel is more nuance
*breathes in*
Snyder's the best, but a few Marvel films are decent too. Guardians, Ant-Man, Strange.
>implying we ever are gonna see the Rock as Black Adam
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I watched Iron Man 3 last night. There's a scene where about a dozen people are faling out of the sky after Air Force One gets hijacked and exploded. He starts saving them, gets a of them but one, and then there's a few moments where he can't reach the last one in time but then he does, and you already knew he would. The difference is that in DC you don't know if he'll be able to save the last one. It has enough respect for its audience to understand that you understand that sometimes you can't save them all. Too much respect, maybe, considering the average audience.
One is a typically enjoyable popcorn commercial success and the other is a like going to Saint Peter's cathedral with a hyper autistic tour guide.
Good post
Really enjoyed the globalist agenda repackaged as 'Logan'.

Fuck off Marvel. You get no shekels.
FOX = extrakinostrial beings
This. Take when Rhodes is falling from the sky in Civil War for example. Had he been killed in the fall I would've had much more respect for Marvel finally killing off a hero. Same with if they'd killed Tony, Captain America, or the Winter Soldier during the final fight scene. Instead they decided to let everyone live and for Tony and Cap to make up over a fucking letter. Instead the only lasting consequence of the Civil War is a few minor characters being behind bars before the Infinity War, and War Machine needing a wheelchair for the rest of his time being a second rate Avenger.
Honestly, I like both.

DC is more hardcore, for sure, while Marvel is more reddit humor friendly, but both have positives and negatives.
Yes! Rhodes should have died. Also they made Black Widow act like a dumb cunt when she invited Black Panther to the airport fight knowing he wanted to actually injure/kill Bucky and nobody gave a shit despite fighting over the damn accords. Lazy, lame story writing just to have some Mary Sue characters involved in the story. Sharon Carter is dull as fuck too and needs to quit taking up screen time.
It's been really sad watching DC fans defend their trash movies. Wouldn't you want something you're a huge fan of to be good?

The constant state of denial can't be healthy. I just feel bad.
You'll get that Oscar eventually MCUck.
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>It's been really sad watching DC fans defend their trash movies. Wouldn't you want something you're a huge fan of to be good?

No, actually, i'd want it to be great, which it is.
One makes money.
>It's been really sad watching DC fans defend their trash movies.

Probably still better than watching a Marvel feature-length live-action Saturday morning cartoon
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>Fueled by his restored faith in humanity and inspired by Superman’s selfless act, Bruce Wayne enlists the help of his newfound ally, Diana Prince, to face an even greater enemy. Together, Batman and Wonder Woman work quickly to find and recruit a team of metahumans to stand against this newly awakened threat. But despite the formation of this unprecedented league of heroes—Batman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Cyborg and The Flash—it may already be too late to save the planet from an assault of catastrophic proportions.

>it may already be too late to save the planet from an assault of catastrophic proportions.

I hope they don't puss out on us now
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>that article
Batfleck way too smart for dumb shit journalists, that's for sure. Maybe turn all of DCEU into LEGOs so their infantile minds can pretend it's Marvel.
No. They both make money. One is critically acclaimed, the other is not.
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Ah yes, "critics".
One makes fun, action romps with Super Heroes
The other is a edgy, tryhard shlock fest
Marvel: Makes comic book movies. Since the source material is fantastical, nonsensical, often light hearted, and ultimately ridiculousness in tights; Marvel has embraced exactly the kind of fun non serious escapism comics are. The characters have been cast by actors who got the aesthetic well and charismatically work well and have fun together.

DC: Makes comic book movies. Came late to the cinematic universe idea. Beyond Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman; their roster of superheroes have been less interesting...a guy who talks to fish. The movies try to turn ridiculous humans in tights as something serious in contrast to Marvel. Ungortunately it has come off as campy, overly broody, and try hard. They have also cast some terrible choices for actors and some questionable interpretations of already iconic characters. Their movies aren't the worst thing in the world but they try so hard to be The Dark Knight and fail to do so.
If you're having fun with Marvel, you're either 12 or mentally retarded. In either case, stop browsing 4chan.
And the general audience as well.

What are you going to say to that "ah yes, people"?
Simply put, you have a low cinematic IQ, or some sort of Stockholm Syndrome, from overexposure to bland, safe, PC and soulless mass-produced blockbusters, which has conditioned you into accepting the absolute lowest common denominator standards in filmmaking, writing and cinematography as somehow acceptable, when you should in fact feel nothing but contempt or disgust for any Kevin Feige-conceived product.

Even strictly in the field of capeshit entertainment, where the bar has always been pretty low, since they're primarly a children media, the level of genuine quality and creative abilities (which comes from studios giving freedom to an auteur with a strong personality and vision towards the material) has kept dropping since the 90's.

When Raimi's Darkman/Spider-Man, Del Toro's Blade 2/Hellboy, Burton's Batman 2 or Bird's The Incredibles offered innovative and playful set pieces, meaningful and relevant themes, each with a very distinct, appropriate tone and truly cinematic aesthetics (simply compare the lighting or editing to today's equivalents), none of these qualities are to be found in Avengers or any of the previous MCU entries. This is why Edgar Wright got fired from Ant-Man. This is why Feige keeps hiring visionless point-and-shoot directors who come from TV or comedy, colorblind cinematographers and art/set design teams who seem to be in love with grey, sterile hangars for some unexplainable reason. Action scenes are now being conceived by CGI teams months before the movie begins shooting and all follow the exact same formula.

Even as a child, I couldn't imagine being dazzled or amused by those turds, as they're utterly devoid of any charm, colors, magic or imagination.
>online user scores
>general public
Nope, just a dickwaving contest between fanboys
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Even high cine-IQ pretentious hipsters rated it low

What happened /v/eddit?
Wow you DCCucks are in some major denial.

Face it, the public and critics love Marvel and hate DC. It's DCs fault for getting a guy who hates Superman and superheroes in general to create their cinematic universe. A dude who has made maybe one good movie in his career at that.
The media hates DC that's no surprise. The public? Despite what media told them, they went ahead and saw Suicide Squad to the point where the "critically acclaimed" Dr Strange looked like a flop in comparison. And that was without a China release.
Yes people did, and those same people shit all over it afterwards.

That's another of DCs big problems. They make movies that are only decent once the extended cuts come out. The theatrical releases are all over the place and sometimes make no sense.

>Also per PostTrak, the combination of African American and Hispanic moviegoers made up a huge 41% of the audience with both audiences giving the film a whopping 81% positive score.

>Suicide Squad has a 73% total positive score
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The real problem is that Warner Brothers won't fuck off and let the actual comic writers get some input on the scripts. I haven't enjoyed a DC live action movie since The Dark Knight
>It doesn't because blacks saw it
No they didn't. Your shill friend already debunked that.
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When Man of Steel came out, it was bashed a lot on here, justly and unjustly. I didn't mind it--I wouldn't see it again, but I didn't hate it. But then Batman v Superman came out, and got the bashing it rightfully deserved for its nonsense plot and unlikable characters. After a while, there was a meme about BvS being kino and Snyder was a genius because he made extremely unsubtle references to religion: gods, angels and demons. Then people started becoming serious about their BvS/Snyder praise. They really started to defend the movie for its "deep metaphors," and bashed any everybody who criticized the movie as Marvel shills.

When did this become an Israel vs Palestine thing where neither side is capable of reason? Can't I just hate Batman v Superman for the shit movie it is without being labeled a Marvel shill? Does a single one of you honestly believe that Disney or Warner Bros gives a fuck about you? Can't you just watch the movies and judge them on their merits, or lack thereof?
Why do MCUcks pretend so much to "actually love DC" when it's obvious it's the same fag from post 15?
Lol what risks?
Dc movies are kino tho
Yes they fucking did. It's the reason why DC's movies come in strong, and fade fucking fast. People want to see them, and then afterwards realize they're shit.
SS had better legs than Dr Strange though.
Marvel makes money and DC makes memes and outs autists.
Idk but it cracks me up
I do love DC and a movie I've wanted to see for ages was turned to utter shit because they got a fucking hack to make the movie. Batman Vs Superman should have been a movie that could sell itself, that only a moron could fuck it up, and Snyder did just that.
Yeah get the Russo bros on it. What can go wrong, except everything.
Obviously you're a dc fan then
One is a prestigious oscar winning franchise.

The other is a soulless teens choice award winning franchise.
Yeah a movie with Will Smith, Batman and Joker, and everyone favorite Halloween costume Harley barely beat out a fucking D-Lister that no one but comic book fans have even fucking heard of.
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DC is kino
Marvel is reddit but worse
>Why do MCUcks

You already started with the "Us vs Them" tactics, showing that you are incapable of having a rational discussion. This must be your religion.

>pretend so much to "actually love DC"

Where in my post did I claim to "actually love DC?" I stated that I saw Man of Steel and didn't hate it. Why are you putting words in my mouth?

>when it's obvious it's the same fag from post 15?

I've made one post in this topic (two counting this one I'm typing right now). Why are you so fervently defending BvS as if Warner Bros cares about what you do? Nobody cares. Nobody.

Are you capable of talking about the strengths and weaknesses of the movie, or are you only capable of attacking Marvel fans as a way to distract from valid criticisms? You're like a political pundit who has prepared a list of talking points; you have nothing to say when the person you're debating doesn't follow your script.
No, they're both shit. I just like the memes and the banter.
Russo bros are great. Perfect mixture of seriousness and quips. Whedon was all fucking quips.

Snyder on the other hand ruined Superman and Lex.
Dunno but I'll tell you what they have in common:
They're both officially worse than Fox and even Shyamalan now.
>Russo bros are great
stopped reading there.
I was never so happy when Feige dropped the fuck out of Whedon.
>Russo bros are great.
It's too easy to oust Marvel drones. They are so quick to spout retarded shit.
That's because you're a faggot. They're 10x better than Whedon and 100x better than Snyder.
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Dude, he don't give a shit. He's just here for the shitflinging
Funny from the guy who thinks Snyder understands themeing and symbolism.
Moreso than your hack Italian TV directors ever will. Stick to your quips kid. Adults are talking.
So why arent' they good? Clearly that their movies are both highly acclaimed by critics and audiences must of course mean that they're shit. And that a guy like Snyder whose movies are generally shit on by both critics and audiences is clearly superior.
nice argument.

keep watching your poorly directed movies about punching people.
Start by watching the movies instead of spouting Marvel PR shit.
someone post any webm from the airport scene and shut this marvelcuck up.
Look Snyder, I get that you're pissed that people keep shitting on your movies, but perhaps if you made a decent one people wouldn't shit on them.
Quickcuts in action movies has taken over since Bourne started that shit. It helps disguise that the actors can't actually fight and saves you from shit like Nolan style fights where people would just fall down without even being hit.
>Paid Marvel Pakis that spam IMDB scores
christ have marvelcucks any shame?
>Actually defending the airport scene
Buckle up boys, we're going into Marvel drone land tonight.
lol you DCcucks are in some serious denial.
Oh it's you again. I thought I tore you a new asshole but you're still at it.
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>>It doesn't because blacks saw it
That's right. They're not people
You fucking idiots love your false dilemmas, don't you?

Snyder is an actual slobbering retard and saying "at least he's better than X" doesn't change the fact that you unironically enjoy the shit a slobbering retard produces. His "work", and I use that word very generously, speaks for itself. It's like watching James Franco attempt a deep movie, except he has a better special effects team.
Sorry I can't hear you when you're speaking with the Russo dick in your mouth.
Very true
You might as well have said "I lost the argument and I'm angry about it."
DCcucks have yet to win. But I can see why you think you do. It must be frustrating as fuck when DC gets shutdown every time.

"BvS will be great"
"Suicide Squad will be great"

Now it's "wonder woman will be great" and I predict when that turns out to be shit it will be "Justice League will be great" It must really hurt to be wrong every time.
The argument of the Marvel drone defending a billion cuts in CGI airports. How convincing.
>BvS will be great
It was. Better than any MCU ever made.
Wonder Woman is Captain America with an accent and Aquaman got turned into Thor. Cyborg's an Iron Man/War Machine complete with collapsible mask that he didn't have till now. Justice league is already turning into a fucking quipfest.

They'll have to turn into Marveldrones if they plan on keeping this up.
>Russo bros are great.

They're literally the worst directors Marvel has, any other director would be better suited for Infinity War.

>>80969125 Here THIS THREAD IS ACTUALLY ALIVE? WITH 151 POSTS? You fuckers deserve this shit board.
Oh Jesus did we talk last night or do all of you instantly change the subject when things don't go your way? The subject is strictly Snyder and how shit a director he is. Even you think so if you instantly compare him to another shitty director saying that at least he's not THIS bad!

You're pretending to like this hack strictly out of spite at this point.
There's a certain pattern to the way you type. Certain figures of speech, syntax and word choices.

Mix it up I'll start treating you like an old friend everytime you post this garbage.
lol. How was that shit great. Even the worst shit that Marvel has put out was a fucking masterpiece compared to that travesty. >>80978346
Except they're not. They're good with both the serious tone and with the quips. They don't go overboard on either.
Sorry but we're not stooping to your low levels of defending the Russo bros. That one needs a Disney salary.
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dude blue and yellow lmao
dude i hate contrasting colors standing out lmao
DC makes kino, with the exception of SS, that really makes you think. Commentaries on society with char development.

Marvel makes movies for kids. Which is cool to take your little bro or dad to the theater and have a good time. With the exception of TWS, no MCU flick gets the noggin joggin, if you know what I mean.
>The subject is strictly Snyder
You would love that wouldn't you? Bwcause you know Snyder put up against any hack TV director of Marvel and Snyder comes on top. Your argumentation techniques are shrewd, but obvious. We're not ignoring the elephant in the room here, and that is the Disney whores directing the MCU.
Doesn't matter who's directing it. If it's a cringeworthy quiporgy, and believe me that's exactly the direction WB's heading, then you'll end up being fucking plebs.

I absolutely loved Man of Steel and BVS's director's cut because they avoided that shit.
Now they're embracing it. DC's turning into Marvel 2 purely for shekels and all you can do is pretend things are looking up.
I know its a meme at this stage but I think it keeps bugging me the more I think about it

As a group the Justice League just make more sense both in motivation and structure. Their powers are roughly equal and they genuinely each have their benefits and bring something different.

In Avengers 2 of them have absolutely no right to be there, motivations of characters like Thor are forced at best and there's so many now it's getting ridiculous. Furthermore their story lines are so sanitised it's a joke. I will FEEL tension watching Justice League knowing people could die. No one ever dies in Marvel films
Suicide Squad turned DCEU into a prestigious oscar winning franchise, something marvel still hasn't been able to achieve after 10 years. that must be embarrassing.
>all this fucking kino
Your whole argument boils down to "if it turns into Marvel then it's bad". I'm not disagreeing. Marvel is infantile cancer and should be avoided and will be avoided as DC doesn't mesh as well with the kiddy shit.
>Except they're not. They're good with both the serious tone and with the quips. They don't go overboard on either.

They have more quips than Whedon, yet less funny. Their cinematography is as bland as possible. Their action muddled by non-stop cuts. These things matter.
Except I haven't once mentioned Marvel since even its own fans aren't in deep denial about shitty it is.

What you watch is pseudointellection bullshit of the most asinine kind. Snyder is the equivalent of a film student who just watched Excalibur and put its name in his movie because he thinks themeing is that simple. He has zero subtlety, nuance, class, or grace. He's an idiot who knows what fight choreographer to call.

You're not even denying it. You fucking know this.
The jokes seem ok here tho. It's not muh orange slices or laughing during battle. At the end of the day it's based off comic books, which have quips. It's ok if the JL movie has a few tasteful quips for the general audience. Would I prefer none? Yes. But a few won't kill me. I didn't mind the jokes in the newest trailer, everything matched up with the characters from the books.
Damn Snyder already BTFO Marvel cinematography in just ONE trailer. How can Pakis argue now?
You're responding to a pajeet.
Are you unaware or just doing mental masturbation?

An oscar doesn't decide what's good or not that's ridiculous.
>will be avoided as DC doesn't mesh as well with the kiddy shit

If only Snyder and WB's execs knew this.

>The jokes seem ok here tho... a few won't kill me

You're already giving them inches. They'll take the fucking lot before long.
While Snyder hasn't made any true classics yet he has made some interesting films.

Snyder has potential with the right team around him all his little memey quirks will start clicking. He's young, he has a vision and it's only a matter of time before he makes a true great. Marvel directors aren't really directors, nothing new gets tried and they have all peaked already.
Look. Look at him. He's still ranting like a mental patient. I would too if Russo hacks and James Cucknn was directing my favorite franchise.

It's ok maybe one day you will get ONE director who actually directs and with that ONE Oscar. You know what they say Paki, 16th time's the charm!
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Picture related is KINO, /v/
You're watching flicks made for /co/
Obviously not dude, because the post you replied to, was the first DC Vs Marvel thread I've been in in weeks.

So your detective skills need a little work there friend.
one accepts they make movies for children while the other tries to make 'mature' children's movies and fails spectacularly
Jokes have been in blockbusters since forever and were also in BvS and MoS. Sorry but you're really desperate to paint DC as Marvel. Dream on cuckold!
Even if that bullshit were true and his flicks were "interesting" for the right reasons, WB has its greasy Jewish hooks deep in him now. He'll be doing what they want from now on.
>a few minor characters behind bars
Actually, they are all freed by Captain America 5 minutes before the movie ends.
Eh idk. Snyder hasn't really changed much even tho critics have been bashing him for years. I don't expect him to go full on quip mode just yet.
The IP number didn't go up there Sanjeev. Tell Disney to hire better shills.
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Which one's the "cgi fuckfest"?
Oh just wait. The Granny's Peach Tea piss jar gag was the most painful to watch and out of place joke setup I'd seen in years. Snyder can't do jokes, even if they're written for him.
Dream on Marlet. Snyder won't change because some fat Marvel fanboy is leaking from his ass again.
Snyder has considerably more creative control than all of Marvels directors put together. His hallmarks are all over the films.

There is nothing interesting tonally or stylistically in a Whedon quipathon
I hope you're right, but the JL trailer hasn't convinced me. Trailers sell movies; of course they're gonna go for the best quips, and even those weren't great.
>Fat Marlet still believes that was a joke
Damn, Marvel really does kill brain cells.
You just be right mister expert in cínema
The writers for one use to browse /tv/ when it was good and before the nigger and reddit culture invasion
Always changing the subject. I don't give a fuck about Marvel. I'm just stating the obvious: Snyder is a talentless hack who's currently getting assfucked by WB.
Snyder's left nut is more talented than the united assembly of cuckolds directing the MCU.
>the joke fell on its face! better pretend it was serious!
Ah shit I forgot we're getting a Shazam movie.
More like 196 posts. I blame you.
I wasnt changing the subject. Its obvious to anyone not retarded he has more creative control than Marvel directors.

You sound like youre critiquing cinematic universes as a whole and its a legit criticism but theyre here to stay.
Keep dodging the fact that MCU directors are glorified Disney whores while Snyder is king of the DCEU. You are an infantile dog that seeks nothing but corporate assembly-line garbage intended for the common retard. Don't dare to speak about Snyder again you sad reject.
I didn't mind them but I can see why they wouldn't be to your liking. as a dc fan, I was very surprised with how much I liked the trailer given how much I didn't like the first one. Snyder doesn't really care what critics say and does what he wants, for better or worse, but in this case I'm excited.
Thanks and for you, /v/
Hopefully one day /tv/ will be full of more patricians again and you can join me in the high cinematic IQ world
I don't get paid to dislike all capeshit
I'm just saying that one isn't trying to be something they're not
Snyder isn't a cuckold like Josh Sweden and James Gunn. He does what he wants and the studios are fine with that. It's what they pay for.
Damn you shoulda said and you can join me in the sun. Come on man.
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You fucking people astound me.
Snyder doesn't have any creative control anymore, especially with a movie that needs to make bank like Justice League.
JL won't be anything like a Snyder movie outside of fight scenes if we're lucky.

Honestly he should've kept adapting Moore comics. He'd have been perfectly suited to Miracleman and his ascension to Olympus.

Defending wastes of space like DC and Marvel's mainstream is promoting the dumbing down and crushing of Zack Snyder. He could be directing great stories, but nope. Better put him in charge of generic bullshit.
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Marvel movies don't bore me to death.
Didn't I say hush, Marvel dog? Consume your focus-tested garbage. But don't dare think it gives you authority to criticize Snyder. Now hush and eat that popcorn like the slave you are as you consume yet another Iron Man template. Hush dog!
Yup. I am excited for JL and I loved BvS and MoS. I don't see how a person, unless a female or 9 year old, would prefer to watch gotg or civil war over the DC kinos
I'm not quoting pleb media
> especially with a movie that needs to make bank like Justice League

Batman v Superman had more riding on it and he was free to do what he wanted

> JL won't be anything like a Snyder movie outside of fight scenes if we're lucky.

Well then at a bare minimum we will have interesting fight scenes like a fun dumb action movie is supposed to. Instead of a 12a jump edit quipathon.

> Better put him in charge of generic bullshit

Its an industry anon and his generic bullshit makes money. Marvel does too but at least his films have SOMETHING going for them. Might not be a huge part of the film, might be watered down but there is something there that's different.
Why do Marvel fans think this concept is so original and unbelievably outlandish? Even the whole "fantasy monster can only say one word" bit has been done to death.

DC has a history of solid movies with some stinkers when they tried to push their franchises too long (Superman 3/4, Supergirl, Batman & Robin...). It's unfortunate that the DCU has been so lame so far, since it's colored everyone's perception to think of DC movies as overall bad.

And the CW isn't *all* bad. Flash is pretty damn watchable, and Arrow has some good seasons. Haven't watched LoT or Supergirl.
Well aren't you just the smartest guy on this cool site huh?
He's literally just pulling shit from his ass to undermine JL like the good Marvel dog he is.
Marvel didn't own Miracleman until decades after Alan Moore wrote this. I really suggest you stay away from mainstream capeshit. Real works of art are found elsewhere.

Snyder's proven he understands Alan Moore's tone more than anybody, and he's wasted on bullshit like Superman. Supeman's fight with Zod would've been even more magnificent if it were a fight between Miracleman and Kid Miracleman.
Good point

I think people can see the potential in DC films even if the execution has been a little off recently.
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I am in this thread, thanks
Capeshit is for manchildren.
That's cool
The differwnce is Marvel realises they are making flicks with no depth, and just try to make them shallow fun. DC keeps trying to make deep and dark shit, but at the end of the day its still just some CGI film shit show with a guy in a costume.

SoReally, both are low quality, Marvel is slightly better for not aspiring to be more.
Could Moore's Miracleman have been the first NC-17 superhero film?
Post feet
/tv/ is full of manchildren now

Just watch
IP count stayed the same Marvel doggie
Not him but people might take you capeshitters seriously if you did something other than call each other names. It really speaks to the theory that /tv/ is filled with 15 year olds and literal retards.
People like you almost make me ashamed of loving Snyder's work. You provide zero arguments and it's obvious you're just here to stir shit up even further.

Cancer like you is the reason /tv/ doesn't even bother with discussion anymore.
>loving Snyder's work
Prove it
>Internet posts make me ashamed of enjoying movies
Just kill yourself instead
Implying it wasn't always
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DC granted us the gift of Baneposting
Here, take this seriously.


We'll all wait patiently for you to label it "headcanon"
I really wish people on /tv/ would apply such thorough character analysis to movies that aren't complete trash
Look the marvel doggie is still at it. Didn't we say hush?
Who says I don't? You snobs just never talk about "adult" films, and your snobbery demands you label anything outside your comfort zone as trash.

I suspect it's largely out of intellectual cowardice, but hey, maybe that's just me.
I'm ashamed of this board. because of cancerous faggots who can't formulate arguments.
You're retarded. Stop watching childrens movies.
Start a thread about something other than capeshit and I'll gladly bump it and engage in discussion.
I'm talking about what I want to talk about. It requires my broad knowledge base of comics, my knowledge of history and world events, and my cumulative understanding of the human condition and psychology.

If you can name me a film that makes all those same demands, I'll discuss it.

Otherwise, it's not worth my time, quite frankly.
This is a big message to convey though and would muddle the theme of the movie. That's what you don't understand, DC would do a scene where they fail to save someone but it would be lost in the ten other themes they would be throwing into the movie, it's pandering to someone even worse than the lowest common denominator the armchair critic who sees the self as an intillectual.
So how many themes do you find acceptable?

Because you're starting to sound like someone criticizing Mozart for "too many notes."
What's wrong with >>80977893?

You could be there discussing literally anything. Instead, you're just here bitching.
It's not quantity is how the themes are working together as a whole, you can't just throw in a scene like this in a movie and then have the movie become better because it now has an extra theme.

Every single scene in a movie or story works towards one goal or an overarching theme. A story has to have a point as to why it's being told and the points you have that are different than each other the more it sounds like you are just rambling.
I can quite easily do both
Notes are beats in a movie not themes

A story usually has one overarching theme that all the scenes are working towards, the more themes you put into a story the less impact they have unless the themes are similar enough that they are enforcing an even bigger overarching theme.
Mozart has many notes but one theme just like a movie has many story beats but one theme.
So no I'm not criticizing Mozart for having too many notes, I'm criticizing DC for playing multiple symphonies at the same time and expecting it to sound good.
One makes the same decent to kinda good movies over and over again. The other tries really hard to be smart and creative and actually unique but fails constantly due to a mix of incompetence and studio interference.
And >>80981075?

And >>80976600?

And >>80979633?

And >>80980575?

Plenty of options out there, and no, this board is not fast enough to warrant the butthurt over "capeshit."
And I would contend that BvS has one central theme - obsession, and one throughline concerning the peril of worship.
denial is really powerful.
it's also pretty funny.
watching them try to convince themselves that all the hate of their shit-tier edgefest is a conspiracy is esp. comfy
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Marvel's success lies in their execution, though. While Snyder has basically tried to make the dark knight but with Superman, Marvel looked at what made each character unique and tailored their movies after that. First Cap movie was a war movie set in the 40s, Thor was a fantasy movie, Iron Man was sci fi action and Guardians of the galaxy is science fiction. While these all easily fall under "cape" movies they still find their niche that sets them apart from the others, like how Spider-man homecoming will be a John Hughes inspired coming of age movie. Man of steel, BvS, Suicide Squad and Justice League will essentially all bleed together in the end because they essentially all go for the same tone and execution.

Marvel has found a formula applicable to different types of comic book movies while DC is hammering away trying to find at least one that works. The fact that Batman is now quipping and Superman was a brooding Chad all through MoS and BvS is showing that DC and Snyder have no idea what to do with the characters, they're just thrusting in infinite directions hoping to hit something. Yes the movies have been profitable, but time will tell how many will run to the theatres once they put out a movie without Batman, Superman or the Joker in it.
Not half as much fun as watching people reveal themselves to be nowhere near as smart as they think they are.

Case in point: >>80982284

If I started now delineating all the ways you're wrong, I'd still be typing this time tomorrow.
>talking shit about make up
LOL we'll take the box office and critical acclaim you can keep it
>best makeup and hairstyling

Stop reminding people that DCU's worst movie got the biggest "fuck off" award. It's making us look bad.
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>thrash movies
They are just mediocre movies which recieve tons of hate from the audience for weird reasons, with the exception of SS which was awful. MCU is full of mediocre to bad movies as well with a couple of exceptions. Dunno why capeshitters tend to pick a side and fight, since both companies haven't done anything worth mentioning.
DC needs to force a brand war because that's easier than defending the DCEU

marvel just makes movies

They both make movies based on source material created for children, it's just DC makes way worse ones.
None, both are full of retarded mongoloids
That illusory "we" to which you refer(and are not a part of, by the way, unless you're getting paid to post here) has managed to produce more than a dozen films without so much as a single Oscar in any of the categories that are the bread and butter of sci-fi/fantasy action films.

That's visual effects, editing, production design, costumes, makeup, sound editing, sound mixing, and occasionally original score and cinematography.

Not one. Fool yourself all you want, but that says a lot about what "you guys" are making.
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Yeah, it's so totally D.C. that's forcing it.

It was all them, James.
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Are you saying this is better?
No, are you?
once again SS can have its oscar
Good for them
ask yourself: would it trade it for more money and people actually liking the film?

I doubt Mahvel would trade all of its success for 20 whatever make up oscars
enjoy it my friend
Marvel has more toxic deranged SJW faggot fans
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>why is a phot of the rock being used when he's obviously a homosexual
>Snyder's entire filmography is all ridiculously ripped, hairless men and all the women have zero curves
Makes sense to me.
That's not a theme, that's a motif, a theme would have to say something about obsession.

So if you verbally told me the story of BvS and I asked what was your point and you respond 'obsession' that wouldn't make any sense, what about obsession?

And it does - that allowing them to rule you will destroy you.

Clark and Bruce both confront and overcome their obsessions in separate ways.

Lex continues to chase his and it's destroying him, turning him into his father, even.
How does batman and superman overcome their obsession?
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Marvel numales are actually going to watch Mexican X-Men.


No difference, really.
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You misogynist. It will be known as Mexfolks.
Bruce has his meltdown after quite literally setting himself up to fail, realizing at last that his obsession is turning him into the thing he hates.

Clark confronts the literal embodiment of the guilt he's been obsessing over ever since the Kryptonian invasion, and kills it.

Interestingly, both resolutions involve the spear. Make of that what you will, Freudians.
Please. Logan ended X-Men for me. They'll keep milking it, but they won't top it and they won't see another cent out of me. Let that dog lie, and fuck Ryan Reynolds for harassing Hugh Jackman.
Marvel has at least a few good movies
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post some Chads who work in DC comics themselves.

I need some to post on /co/

or at lest the one with the fat girl who worked at marvel and then got a job writing comics at DC and lost weight and became attractive.
Marvel will never be more popular than DC. Average Domestic sales say so. Even though every DC movie has been critically nailed to the wall, WBs is still averaging more money domestically than Marvel. People just have higher expectations for DC movies. and they've already met those expectations, after only their 3rd film they are already an oscar winning franchise. Marvel hasn't even achieved that after 10 years and 14 movies.
no one takes marvel seriously they are just flicks to turn your brain off, classic escapism.
one is literally r*ddit and one is literally donald trump
You people are killing cinema. I've never been so disgusted by all of you.
>it may already be too late



I think the one with mexican xmen is literally George Soros.
>you're not allowed to insult me because it hurts my feelings
Warner Bro's shills come off as even more desperate than Disney shills, that's saying a lot.
>beta cucks
>masculine men
We're getting a Black Adam solo movie that leads into Shazam with Black Adam as the villain
>I don't know the difference between concept, tone or execution!

t. Zack Snyder
>Wonder Skeleton fails
>AquaThor fails
>Justice League fails
>Plinkett fucking destroys the snyderverse with his lengthy shot by shot review

I'm hype to be honest.
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Next Wolverine (pic related)
George Soros wants spics in the country, not out of it. Logan was trying to get those kids out of the US.
Should've been Losé.
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I could drop that ancient fuck and I don't even exercise.
So Clark overcomes his problem by punching it and I wanna hear you say it, so how exactly does batman realize his obsession can destroy him, what exactly happens?

So from what we can learn from superman is that if your obsession can only take the form of monster we can just throw a spear in it and it will solve our problems...
Oh they're gonna flood Canada too.

Question for the Marvel numales: did they find the new Mex-men at Home Depo
One makes intelligent movies for scientists

The other makes garbage for 8 year olds
no you couldnt
They'll only flood Canada.
DC has shit comics and shit superheroes but ok movies, Marvel has infinitely better comics and superheroes but lack luster movies.
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>So from what we can learn from superman is that if your obsession can only take the form of monster we can just throw a spear in it and it will solve our problems...

He'd already started the process when he showed up at the hearing. Lex just snatched his chance out from under him and dumped a fresh load of guilt on his shoulders.

>so how exactly does batman realize his obsession can destroy him, what exactly happens?

He found an excuse to not go through with premeditated murder by hearing his mother's name, whether that's what Clark actually said or not. I'm half convinced there's a payoff to that coming in the Justice League, where Clark will come back and make some remark about Bruce being some sort of psychic.

Hell, it might even happen in the scene immediately preceding the one in the trailer, where Bruce and Barry are in the car together.

If it turns out I'm right, do be kind enough to admit it, to yourself if no one else.
I'd pay ten dollars to see this with Batfleck, I'm not joking.
>Marvel has infinitely better comics

Not according to their sales.
Name all those movies.

I know you can't
>Its an industry anon and his generic bullshit makes money.
>this goalpost moving

I thought it was kino and he had creative control.
I don't see anything about a brand war there.
He's committed, sure. He always has been.

But he's never had actual talent. He's a music video director that was promoted beyond his abilities.
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>This meme is meant to defend the MCU
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Fong will be along directly.
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