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Welcome to /PoFg/ the general in which we talk about role re

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Welcome to /PoFg/ the general in which we talk about role reversal and literal petplay Lurk at your own risk.

[relevant links]
/trash/ archive if you missed a thread or two: http://desuarchive.org/trash/search/text/PoFg/
Previous Thread >>7357591
Pastebins and greens
If you would like your works to appear here, simply post your pastebin

Theme of the thread: so what's your adoption story? How'd you come to know your mommy or daddy?
Threadly Prompt for the content creators
>you crack your eyes, only to see a blinding light and several anthros in lab coats and masks hovering around you
>"Thank God, he's finally awake!"

OP template: http://pastebin.com/qsmAru51
Morbi's art is always fun to look at.
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>be human
>adopted by a cute bird babe
>she seems nice
>got to her home
>sees her living room
>it's filled with bunch of stacked porn maganzines of human males in a "odd" position with oblivious smile expression not knowing what is exactly going on with them
>the floor is covered in furry on human porn books
>the living room looked like it hasn't been cleaned in months
>looked at my owner
>she has this creepy look on her face
>"Come on, baby! Were going to make WONDERFUL memories!"
>She took me downstairs
>The stairs has a lot of dust and broken wood
>Went inside the basement room
>sees her laptop on the ground
>it's in a website were humanphilia is posted
>She brings out her camara out with a creepy giggle
>she looks at me
>"Are you excited? I am! Just sit down on the bed on that corner."
>Looked at the bed
>It has a lot of cum stains and cheeto stains, along with a crumbled up cheeto bag
>Wiped out all the stuff from the bed
>my owner sets up the camera
>She takes off her clothes and bra
>Mountains me with a disturbing smile, while I see her teeth looking like it hasn't been brushed and see little hint of mole on her tooth
>"Oh were going to have so much fun together, human!"
>she hits record on the camara
>she starts caressing me
>hours later
>be me
>Crouch down in a ball form on the corner of the basment room with a dramatized face
>"Yes! We only got 2 likes and 0 dislikes! Were totally going to do this EVERYDAY!"
>help me

I fix some of the words and added a few new dialogue.

I honestly want to see this in a comic. Like right now.
As long as someone gradually makes the birb crazier as the comic goes on, I'm sold.
This. Comic about a crazy humanphile bird babe!
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Thank you, OP for posting that image I can go to bed happy
When is the guy in to tame a human going to go first blood dammit and him wearing that muzzle is giving me a bane vibe
>When is the guy in to tame a human going to go first blood dammit and him wearing that muzzle is giving me a bane vibe
[Notrashspoilers]He's a big guy.[sosad:(]
The last thread had a story titled "How to Tame a Human". In one part the man, dubbed "The Runner" gets captured and sent to a pound (basically local jail) where he's treated roughly. It's like Rambo: First Blood.
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...Is there a e621 link for this pic?

Don't know about 621, but it's from here:

Threw my raccoon stoner/human story onto a pastebin and made an account. Not sure if I feel like sticking to this one or temporarily jumping to another story for some time.
Do whatever you like, man. I'm just glad we've got content creators
>nearly 80 "unique views" in a couple minutes
I hate bots so much
When you post a public paste, it shows up in that collection to the left. people click in from there out of curiosity
would making it unlisted allow people to still see it from clicking on my name or would they need a link to even see it
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I love role reversal. Especially with Lycanroc.

That's why I did this. Wincest and a Rockruff fucking his Uncle.
Thank you based writefag
Yes, unlisted meamsyou need tge link, but you also can't access unlisted pastes from the userpage repository thing
I just post mine public becaue I'm not dropping any passwords, and I want people to be able to access my stories from my userpage thing
that's what I figured, oh well
>Woofer without a red rocket
Not my thing but hey it looks good anon. I admire your talent.
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>You had always heard of shark people, but never thought you'd be adopted by one. The way she gave that toothy serrated smile at you was reminiscent of those documentaries on the nature channels.
>Shark week in fucking HD, and you were living it. When she picked you your heart sank as she walked away swaying her hips and tail the way her shark ancestor would in the ocean.
>What kind of place would a shark even live? By the ocean? Turns out she lived in the city, an aquatic themed apartment geared to fish folk.
>It was a damp, and chilly place. The floor was a grey cement with a bright damp sheen to it, as the two of you walked down the hall you could hear the squishes of the wet floor underneath your feet.
>At the door she turns the knob and enters as you follow behind, she bars entry with her slender muscular arm as she closes the door behind you “Hey, your clothes. Loose em.” She smirks.
>You stammer like an idiot for a moment as her smile fades and is replaced with a more annoyed scowl, “You ever go to a pool?”
“Um, yeah.”
>”Do they just let you get in the water with your street clothes?”
>”Exactly, now lose the land trash.”
>Heading her words, you tremble taking off your clothes from a mixture of nervousness and what you assume will become hypothermia with how cold the place is.
>Seeing you do as you are told she lifts her own shirt clear off her chest, it has a wet peel to it as you realize her clothing has some kind of water retaining fabric or gel to it.
>She drops her shirt to the floor as it lands with a wet smack as she then goes to pull down her pants. She was going full commando from top to bottom as you get an eye full of every inch of her sleek, sensual, shiny shark body.
>You try to position yourself and think about something else as you worry your slowly inflating cock will ruin something.
>She reaches to the wall and presses on a large red button as a stream of what feels ice cold water drenches you both.

>Like sharp knives it cuts through you as she looks up and feels her body as the water runs down her form.
>It pours down for a good 3 minutes before stopping, the excess water runs along the cemented floor and walls before draining into some sinkholes. She walks forward naked as the day she was born and into her home.
>The place looked like some weird hybrid of a home, and a public swimming pool. A long hallway stretches down leading to a windowed wall as doors line the sides of the hall.
>In the middle of the hallway you can see a built in pool that she dives into and floats upright with a look of bliss on her, “Oh yeah~” She whispers before silently enjoying the moment.
>Opening her eyes she looks to you as she backstrokes to the end of the hall and rests against the corner of the pool. Pointing to the room on the right, “This is your room. Bathroom is across, my room to your left, and closet to your right.”
>You can only reply with erratic pants as you try to keep your core warm.
>”I’ll be here for a bit before going to my room, make yourself comfortable ok?”
>You quickly hurry along the side of the hallway pool and into your room, instantly you can feel you entered another world. It was warm, dry, and had a welcoming carpet floor.
>The room itself was furnished with a bed, cabinet, and what you assume was a closet. You go to the bed and tear off the sheets before wrapping yourself in them.
>The welcoming warmth envelops you as you shudder in ecstasy, without the bitter cold flooding your mind you look around the room and open the cabinet drawer. Towels. The next, clothing.
“Thank god.”
>Today was eventful, but what tomorrow would bring was yet to be seen.

>being that much of a bitch

bitches love knots I guess

It's okay, you'll survive
Go on...
Knots are pretty sexy, but I'm also a xenophile to the extreme. I can't stand seeing boring human dicks when doggo cocks are so much more visually interesting
The euros have terrible taste desu

I bet they're all in the /co/ threads

I think they look outright disgusting, desu
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Picrelated is the only thing I can think of as proper published example of this concept.
Can you think of others?
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Last thread mentioned this.
Is that a real book?
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you should see the old pulp scifi novels with full on cat ass has the cover
I miss the 80s desu, pulp fiction was fucking great back then. Now it's all the same three to five highly prolific writers with an army of assistants
why tho, do you not like dogs?
ys, it's on Kindle if I recall correctly

no, I haven't bought it [HiroshimootPls]yet[/HiroshimootPls]
> Happy fuckin birthday, you think to yourself, not sure where you figured you'd be at nineteen, but it wasn't in some shoddy apartment alone with a bottle of bourbon that you didn't want to drink in the first place.
> thinking to yourself how lackluster the reality of “Real life” was you begin to drain the bottle one disgusted expression at a time.
> At some point your inebriated brain decided that you oughta take a piss in the flower bed across the street, you never had liked the look of that shady gardener anyway.
> As you make your way across the street for a brief moment you hear honking and see headlights, your last thoughts are, “Fuck It”.
> Next thing you remember is white, white so bright it's blinding only worsened by the pain of opening your eyes, you begin to wonder just how fuckedup you were you'd only drunk little bit prior to last night maybe you shouldn't have pushed yourself?
> Eventually the hammering stops long enough for the realization that you're in a hospital dawns on you, followed by the fact that you must have been hit by a car. That, or a very angry Rhino judging by how you felt.
> Eventually the sound of concerned charter in the hall perks your ears up and you listen in. “... be alright?” a female voice says. “we aren't putting him down, it just looks bad, mostly bruises and some broken….”
> and like that the voices disappeared for the hall. We aren't putting him down you wonder? The hell does that mean, is this hospital also a vet clinic?
> Deciding you didn't care enough to explore the thoughts more in your condition you fall back to sleep thinking about the hospital cliches from all the B-flicks you'd watched over the years, you hoped somebody you knew would visit.
> when you next wake you hear the same two voices but this time they're in the room with you, the male leads off with an irked tone. “it's the damndest thing, the bloodwork came back, he's had his shots he's scrawny but not unhealthy, and nobody on the street he was found in has apparently not seen him before.”
> Groaning and opening your eyes wondering why the hall your doctor is complaining about some animal you try to adjust your vision and told your head up.
> Maybe you're still fucked up maybe all the talking about an animal has messed with your head, cause it's the oddest thing, cause looking back at you is what appears to be a Six foot something Doberman in a lab coat.

> yeah, I must be pretty fucked up, you thought to yourself, no other explanation, that it I'm dreaming. Though if this is a dream I wish it would hurt less. Then the Doberman looks at me, and somehow the Giant bastard starts speaking.
> ”Finally awake there?” Good good. Seeing the concerned expression on my face he started by reaching out to scratch my head, if I'd had more energy and wasn't still trying to figure out whether I was dreaming or not I might've resisted.
> As it was, the feeling of paws running through my hair wasn't the most unpleasant. “there there boy, I'm sure your owner is searching frantically for you.”
> owner you thought, just what was this guy, dog? Doctor getting on about? I wanted to ask him but my brain still felt like mush that's seen better days and my throat hurt so I let it pass.
> ”I'll be back in a bit boy, we will be taking you to our kennel hear in a bit where I'm sure your owner will find you.”just what the hell was he getting on about. Taking his hand off my head he left me setting in the bright white room wondering just where the hell I was and what drug had I taken to end up in this mess.

> Laying back down hiding my head under a pillow I waited, hopefully this bad trip or dream would end, if it did I was never drinking or taking anything stronger than Tylenol ever again.
> As it was within.. maybe an hour a new face showed itself, now there is something about an hourglass figure in nurse scrubs that just makes a man happy and I'm no exception even as I traced the figure all the way up and found myself stating down what had to be the sexiest…. Otter I had ever seen.
> and while I was basking in her figures Glory she caught me by surprise and unceremoniously pulled my white blankets off revealing my bandaged ribs and lack of.. any other covering.
> now I'll tell anyone who will listen that I'm a grower not a show-er, but between the cold air and the headache I wasn't much of either. Even as I turned red and covered myself which only earned me a queer look from the otter.
> “Sit up boy,” making a rising gesture with her hands before tugging on my shoulder tell I was in a sitting position. Before I could say anything she was turning my head left and right shining lights in my eyes and checking my heart. Had I really gone insane?
> Giving up on talking which seemed to be alluding me I tried to relax, didn't need them thinking I had high blood pressure on top of everything else. If I could say one nice thing about the doctor's I was dealing with, it was that I had always associated them with cold hands, for them this was not the case.
> Her soft paws ran over my body, from feeling my throat ribs stomach and so on. Her touch was pleasantly warm and soft and she hummed an oddly familiar tune as she worked before she finally stood and smiled radiantly at me.
> “Alright boy. You're lookin healthy enough for the kennel, let's get you dressed and down there, May be your owners already waiting on you.

> Next thing I know those soft paws are helping me pull on soft white cotton pants and a similarly white shirt. As I move to button it myself she looks at me with a mildly shocked expression before Running my head. And scratching me behind the ear.
> “Wow, you're a smart boy aren't you” i eyed her wondering if i was on the brunt end of some practical joke but the otter girl seemed genuinely astounded. Maybe it was the painkillers but something in my head wanted to yell at me that I was taking this too well.
> Then she got me again as I was pondering how the hell I was actually supposed to react to an upright Doberman and otter being medical staff. she snaps a collar around my neck.
> Now i would maintain that I'm a pretty even tempered person but this was getting pretty damned ridiculous, if my tongue didn't feel like it was made from fat leather I would have given her a piece of my mind then and their. But next thing i know she's trying to pull me along behind her.
> pulling back against her I furrowed my brows. Now if been cool up till now cause I figured I was fucked up in ways beyond my imagination. But there was no damn way I was getting walked around like an animal, I had rights damnit!
> now the Otter was a slim figure, but she looked to have an inch or so of height in me, but more than anything I think she was shocked by my sudden change in temperament. the leash dropped out of her hands and with it I took off.
> My ribs pained me like hell but then again most everything hurt. As i hurtled into the hall I came face to face.. or face to chest with the surprised doberman, hanging left I took off down the hallway running past several stunned faces, none of them were human.

> the hell!!? I thought to myself, I either just ran past the world's largest lumberjack, or that dude was a bear. running as confused shouts broke out behind me i came to a double door at the end of the hallway. And when I crashed through i came to see something that turned this off dream, into a nightmare. Down the hallway, rows of prison like cells all home to…. People?
> They looked up at me dumbly not like I was an escapee but like I was just some mildly curious spectacle. Just as I was about to continue running however the doors behind me burst open and I felt a faint sting in my back.
>As i looked at my shooter blankly my mind began to falter. Dobermans can't use guns I thought to myself, they're already scary enough. then everything went black.

End of prologue.

So, I'm not gonna lie I'm no writefag, in fact I'm only writing cause skreet and others inspired me. Anyways sorry for all the exposition and I think a slieght change in point of view. Anyways sorry for the mistakes and if you all think this is worth continuing I'll try to keep up with it.
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For the anon who requested it, here's the finished piece.
Nice! You're too good to us drawfriend. Mind doing another of a cute chubby raccoon girl in a hoodie?

Well glad to hear you are liking this thread. Nice to see good content being posted.
I could give it a shot, sure.
Sweet. Possibly lewd if you dont mind
nice job anon, keep it up. I'm looking forward to the next chapter.
Damn son, you can write fair and square, I suggest you continue with this!

And as a Thank you for a nice story, you can have this:

>To Tame a Human
>Chapter Three: Can't teach old human.

>With a wave, I've parted ways with Billy and his pet Malu.
>"Who was that?" Steven asked, and I wanted nothing else than to ignore his question.
>"Father of my Ex" I said turning back towards the three.
>Mike was surprised, Steven was surprised, and i could swear that Runner was even more surprised than those two.
>"What?" I almost barked at them.
>"Nothing, right Steven?" Mike tried to defuse the situation, mostly because unlike Steve who had no idea what happened between me and my Ex.
>"No wait, i'm curious" Steven said, of course he was going to be curious.
>"About what? About my ex?" I gave him an evil eye. I didn't want to talk about my ex, but then again, Steve is one of those furries that just keeps pushing for an answer until he gets it, and he will bug me forever until i cave in and tell him anyway.
>Mike put a hand on Steve's shoulder, obviously noticing the 'do not ask' look.
>I could swear even Runner would understand that look, as he took step back, and then Turned his head towards Steven, as if to see what he's gonna do now,
>"Actu OUCH!" Steven cried out in pain and then slapped Runner hard that he started stumbling.
>"hey!" I yelled at Steve, the hit was hard enough to yank the leash in my hand.
>"Bastard stomped on my leg!" He explained, sure I've seen it happen, I was complaining about the retaliation.
>"Don't hit him, he's just a human!" I said, while i wouldn't usually take sides, i was grateful for the distraction.
>"He started it!" Steve have tried to defend himself.
>"Enough!" I snapped at him, that seemed to shut him up, but i wasn't done.
>"Bad Runner" I said and yanked his leash towards me. He stumbled toward me, but i did nothing else to punish him.
>After this small fiasco we continued in silence.
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God bless your soul, drawfag! I'm glad I made that request.
>We managed to walk out of the center of the city, and were now walking in sub urban area.
>Steven was called on his phone, and headed back, only saying "Miss Higgins,this time i'll bring axe and cut the tree down myself!" before he left us
>I've decided to prolong the walk a little
>The bigger the human is, the longer walk he needs, that was the general idea, plus I didn't want to go back to the office so soon.
>I really liked being outside, thats why i was usually the one who ran and chased the stray or dangerous humans.
>Now it was just the three of us, Mike Runner and me, and Mike decided to break the silence.
>I'm sorry about Steve, i know you had it hard with Joey"
>"It's been three years now, but it still hurts talking about it" I said. Me, Mike and Steve were good friends, but some stories I shared only with Mike. Steve was the guy who would get up and murder Joey for abusing me when he got drunk, while Mike went and helped me through it and to get rid of Joey in a way that didn't include a bodybag and shovel.
>His father knew nothing about this, and I was on good terms with his parents.
>"Alright" Mike said, and we continued, but we proceeded only around 50 meters before the silence was broken again, this time it was however a call for help
>We were on a corner of a street when I saw two humans fighting, one was on a leash, being held by gazelle, who was panicking, while her 170cm tall asian with black hair and bloody face was on a floor being hit and bit by a raggedy looking black man, with no leash.
>There were neighbors looking at the scene, some through windows, some not, the problem was that the black dude was foaming at the mouth and was rather imposing.
>"Hold Runner" I said while pushing the leash to Mike's hand, and prepared the taser I had with me for the event that Runner would do something stupid
>"Wait!" Mike said but i was already dashing towards the fight.
>I stood three meters away from the now abandoned asian as i shot him
>And suddenly, for a few moments, the world seemed like i knew it from back home.
>a fight on a street, and the police officer was rushing to taze a black dude.
>While i was being held by Labrador, who was slowly advancing with me towards the fight, i saw something that made me fear for the worst.
>As Tigress shot the black dude, and tazed him, the flailing asian dude, in his attempts to hit the black dude on his back, hit him where the taser needles were lodged, he touched them, got shock and as he yanked the hand, the wires dislodged.
>I knew what was gonna happen.
>Mike was holding me good ten meters away from the fight, preparing his own taser with free hand.
>The black dude stood up real fast, his bloodshot eyes turning towards the tigress.
>The asian dude must've reduced the current through close physical contact.
>I quickly kicked Mike in the shin, he wasn't expecting that. and let go of me.
>I had a plan, that involved me going from solitary to low security prison after i pull this stunt!
>I rushed forward, while my hands were cuffed and my head was muzzled, i only got one thing to work with and that was momentum.
>Tigress pulled out pepper spray, but the black dude already grabbed her by hand and she had to defend herself with a free one, as he was trying to bite her.
>I was briefly considering who i was going to ram.
>If i rammed the tigress, i might be able to run away from here, but then again i was chained, and there is no underground human resistance that could open the lock, or saw through the chains, so I did the best thing i could, I shoulder rammed the dude, he took the tigress with him through the fall, not letting go of her. Now they were on a floor, I wanted to kick him in the nuts, but he suddenly let go of her, and grabbed my leg.
>With no way to stabilize myself, i fell on him, now face to face, he wanted to bite me. Luckily i was already wearing the "anti bite" cage, so while i couldn't bite him, he couldn't bite me.
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Im new here is this the mommy thread or what?
No, the basic idea of the general is that humans are considered pets to the furry overlords. Either by magic and humans entering the furry world, or have always lived there.

Some people want that mommy stuff but its pretty open ended.
It can be if you have green involving anthros keeping human pets

Updating the template for clarity
>He was about to bite me in the muzzle but he suddenly, we both toppled on the street. Out of the corner of my eyes, i saw the gazelle checking her human with worried expression.
>and then i saw blue
>Some blue clothes lying on the rabid human
>It has to be The Runner
>Suddenly the rabid one let go of me and punched the runner on his side while also trying to bite him
>I couldn't pepper spray him now, and i didn't have the snare with me.
>Mike was limping towards us, having his taser aimed on Runner's back.
>Runner raised his torso, as he basically sat on the rabid one's chest, and smashed his head full force in the other human's face.
>Horrible noise rung out, a nose has been broken, and the rabbid human screamed, while punching runner.
>Runner leaned back again, his forehead bloody
>Once again he slammed his head down onto the rabid one.
>The rabid one's punches were growing weaker, and his face was a bloody mess.
>I got back on my feet, and found my taser on the ground, I picked it up, and reloaded
>"Are you okay?" Mike asked, aiming at Runner's back, but he didn't shoot yet.
>The cartridge clicked and i was once again ready to fire.
>Runner brought down his bloody head down upon the rabid one, this time it cracked again and the rabid one stopped moving.
>Runner leaned back for another attack, but he looked at the defeated opponent, and remained upright, his eyes unfocused, his face, mask and neck bloody, but his opponent looked much worse, his nose was smashed, the foam at the mouth was mixed with blood, and his eyes were rolled back.
>I was shocked.
>The whole neighborhood was shocked.
>On the sidewalk wasn't just one, but three bleeding humans, asian one was being craddled by gazelle, Runner was sitting on the defeated rabid one. While two officers from animal control were standing there aiming at the two remaining humans.
>Runner attempted to stand up, he stood up, and fell backwards back on his ass.
>"Holy shit" Mike noted and i agreed
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o fug
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This shit is getting good
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Oh fuck
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Oh shit
>I could complain that i was dizzy and my head hurt, but then again, that was to be expected when you headbutt your opponent into submission.
>I wonder if i have a concussion.
>My legs were shaky when i stood up and gave up immediately afterwards.
>I got so much blood in my eyes i couldn't see properly, but i couldn't wipe it away, because of those fucking chains holding my hands.
>I hope i wasn't infected by whatever the dude had
>My side was hurting, maybe i have broken ribs.
>I could hear labrador saying something, but i couldn't figure out what it was.
>My whole world was spinning.
>Suddenly, something dry touched my forehead, i had my eyes closed so i couldn't see, but someone is wiping my face.
>"Nggh" I groaned, the forehead was stinging like hell.
>"Shhhh, hold still" So now i know its Tigress
>She then wiped blood from my eyes.
>"Mbulance for three injured humans..."Now i also know what the lab was saying
>damn the ringing in my ears
>She wiped enough blood that i could open my eyes, it was like i looked directly into the light bulb, but then the picture cleared and i saw tigress with worried look in her eyes
>'Who would have thought that i would be happy to see a tiger sticking her face in mine'
>When she cleaned me enough, or when the tissue was so bloody that it couldn't do anything else, she looked me in the eyes but didn't say anything. I wanted to stand up.
>I hate sitting down, so I crossed my legs, and tried to move forward so i can get on my knees.
>But i was pushed back down by the Tigress
>"No no no, sit and be still"
>'Lady, I don't have time to sit around.' I thought and i repeated the process of trying to get up.
>This time however, i managed to get on my knees. She didn't try to keep me sitting this time around, instead she helped me up.
>I was almost ready to thank her, but i realized that I shouldn't talk, i was actually really used to not speaking to anyone anymore.
>It's been so long i wonder how my voice sounds.
Based runner, knows the niggers are always the top priority
>before ambulance arrived, neighbors, after being completely sure that the danger is over, went outside, some brought first aid kits, gazelle was just shocked.
>Asian dude looked like he has seen better days, but he'll live, probably.
>The Black dude was still out, lying in a pool of his own blood.
>The funny thing was, that while the Fennec, that helped up the asian dude get patched up, didn't seem so eager to help me out. On the other hand, i was standing up, my leash being held a Tigress, and i was all bloody, hands chained to my waist and wearing a hanibal lecter mask on my face. Plus, and lets not forget that.
>I was the last man standing. 'Last Man, furries don't count! '
>The animal control had no extra handcuffs, so they just guarded the defeated one.
>It felt good, i wasn't in a fight for so long i forgot how sweet the victory is.
>First on the scene was Wolfy, inside a patrol van.
>Once again he provided an insight that no other could.
>"This looks like a murder scene to me, are you alright?" He asked the Labrador.
>"Except the shin, i'm alright, give me the cuffs." Lab said.
>Oh right, i kicked him pretty hard to let me go. I'm glad that he didn't taze me back then, that would've been a huge disaster, not to mention a huge setback.
>When wolfy came to us, Lab was hand and ankle cuffing the black dude, he then went to the car to get another face mask, but then he reconsidered and just waited
>"What happened here Lizz?"
>"The one you see in his own pool of blood was attacking the little one, when i moved to taze him, he got free and attacked me, Runner here took him down." She said, while putting a plaster on my cut forehead.
>"what? in his chains?" Wolfy seemed surprised
>"He used his head" she said. "No idea how he got away from Mike though" Now she gotta ask the real questions.
>This is where i would like to confess that I kicked an officer to get free, but certain labrador managed to say "He kicked me in the shin, hard"

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>The Ambulance arrived, there came two Siamese cats in red paramedic suits, and a Platypus
>Now if there was something i have never seen while i was here, it was a platypus.
>First the platypus went to the unconscious dude, and the first Siamese cat went for the Asian dude. The second one came warily towards me.
>There goes the whole "what happened" story, but this time around, it was actually useful for when they heard the story, each of them suddenly became more wary, went for gloves, and platypus brought a case with some injections.
>'Please be rabbies shot' I thought.
>"Hold him steady please" I was the first one to get the injection. She rubbed alcohol on my shoulder and while wolfy held me tightly, as if i might wanna start attacking again, Tigress supported me, because right now I wasn't the most stable one. The injection was long, That thing could go through my shoulder and spurt from the other side!
>She was going to put it in, 'now lady i don't know you well enough, you seem like a nice cat so before you Impale me on your thing, how about buying me a dinner first?' fucking humor decided to show up again, but then i felt a faint stinging sensation on my shoulder. 'Please don't go all the way!' I thought, luckily she was telepathic or just had common sense, but she put just the tip in.
>Meanwhile everyone else who got into the fight got vaccinated.
>"I think this is enough for the first walk" Tigress said.
>Now pardon me, and my shitty humor, but this thing didn't make me exactly laugh, but it was enough to make me rapidly exhale twice in a row.
>"Looks like he was having fun" Wolfy said.

>The ambulance took two of us, the asian dude and me.
>Platypus decided that he was dangerous and had to go in a van.
>This was also the first time i drove in an ambulance for two.
>Gazelle was with us, and so was Tigress. sitting in chairs by our beds
>Tigress questioned how it happened, and gazelle went with the 'he ran to us out of nowhere' story.
Im planning to. But also doing another story here too. And want to add to that other anons story about racoon stoner owner
>Both me and Asian dude were tied to the beds
>I felt like i was in some sick bondage porn, because the number of leather straps on me kept on increasing.
>We arrived at Hos...Wait this isn't a hospital, this is veterinary station!
>Nontheless, they wheeled us in, first thing I noticed was that the doctor was a Hammerhead shark, now i've seen everything.
>He seems not to worry about my excessive bondage gear, flashed a flashlight in my eyes, looked in my ears, probed my ribs, and when i flinched, he said i should go to X-ray.
>'When in doubt, Irradiate!'
>So i was wheeled on the bed, i was still attached to, into another room. Then they X-rayed my side, and my head.
>Then I waited and bled silently in the hallway, all from the comfort of my bondage bed.
>Tigress was with me all the time, she looked worried about me, but didn't say anything, until the corridor was empty.
>"You were very brave there Runner, Thank you for your help" She said, looking at me.
>Now this is the perfect time to tell her to 'not mention it' but then again, No talking.
>The doctor takes us in again.
>"Good news is, nothing is broken, but his forehead requires stitching."
>Now I aint the best doctor in the world, but i think you should've stitched me up BEFORE you sent me to X-ray, that way i might have been in non-bleeding state for thirty minutes now you bastard.
>"So I'll stitch him up, you'll have to make sure he doesn't remove them, they will fall out in two days"
>"He's been sedated yesterday" Tigress said, and the doctor asked her about the sedatives.
>"Now that shouldn't be a problem." he said after confirming some things.
>Before too long, i was once again in a dream world, apparently they don't do local anesthesia here.

>When I woke up, i was already in bed, this time around however, it was the bed in a cell I knew.
>My forehead was itching so i wanted to scratch it, but i found out that while i dont have the mask, i still have the harness.
Are reptiles allowed here?
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>And suddenly, for a few moments, the world seemed like i knew it from back home.
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What? Like scalies?
Of course, why wouldn't they be? That'd be raciss
>I was in my boss' office, reporting what has happened.
>"So what exactly happened? The black man belonged to Mr. Adams, who has reported the man missing for a month., now i have the carcass lying on the table, and a man coming to pick it up."
>So they had to put him down?
>He seemed to ease down when he heard the whole story from my mouth.
>"Yes, Mike said that Runner kicked him and rushed to aid you" My boss said.
>"This isn't typical rebellious human behavior, if he was smart he could have ran away" He continued.
>"Yet he came to my aid, and when the other human stopped moving, he stopped too." I said.
>Yes, i can see where my boss is coming from, this is no longer about a dead rabid human, its more about a peculiar choice Runner made.
>"It seems He has bonded with you" Boss said and i couldn't say otherwise
>"I have an idea" he suddenly said, and i didn't like the way he smiled, I bet he has one of those incredible ideas how to gain popularity, and in turn more money.
>"I'll call the Morning Kat, to postpone their interview because of his state" He explained to me, this isn't like him to explain his strategies.
>"They will be interested how he got those injuries, I'll explain how he defended you, They will surely agree to postpone the interview"
>Now thats one less thing to worry about, at least for a time.
>"But if it would be possible, I would like to tell them that the officer who was saved, is now taking care of him personally, at home
>"I'm not sure" I said nervously,
>I mean, I know him, but then again, the last time he got chance, he bit me.
>I was a little hesitant, alone with Runner?
>"I'll need to think about it" I said to my boss, who didn't seem to like the answer
>"He's injured and he needs a less stressful environment" He said, but then again, we're talking about Runner, its not like i haven't brought other humans from the station home. But Runner?
What would a snake look like?

Would it just look like a lamia or would it have legs?
In terms of furry, maybe with full tail
meant for >>7412541
Naga/lamia. Legs are for plebs like doggos and lizers
>There was so much to consider, sure i had a room prepared for such an occasion. Then again, Runner thinks like no other Human
>"What will we do if he runs?" I asked the boss a very serious question.
>"I've read the report from the hospital, he is going to have hard time moving faster than walk." He was hell bent on convincing me to taking Runner home.
>I can't blame him, if he's going to call the news, only one thing sells as good as murder stories, and that thing is stories that make you go 'awwww'.
>Then again, it might go from Awww to *gasp* real fast if he manages to sneak out, I don't have bars on windows.
>"How long?" I asked him, trying to play for time.
>"Two days to get him out of the worst, then he can come and meet the other humans." he said with a broad smile
>"Why, it almost seems like you don't want the human who, according to your own words, saved your life, in your own home" Now he struck a nerve.
>I may be cautious, but I am not ungrateful. Runner had plenty of chances to just wait until mike is occupied, or just kick him and make a run for it.
>"I guess I should go tell him the news." I said, and just as the smile spread on Sloth's disgusting face, i added "But I want the tranquilizer from the solitary, no use for it if no one's there"
>"By all means" He said. This is why i was so conflicted about my work. I like working with humans, I like chasing them, but i hate this son of a bitch manipulating me, and making our work harder for no reason, and when he actually has a reason and gets the station more funding, he could actually spend it ON the station.
>I left the boss' office, normally Katie would ask me how did it go, but when she saw me seething with rage, she knew, and didn't say anything.
>Its not like i hate the idea of having Runner at home, i'm just cautious. I just hate how that sloth bastard manipulates me.
>I went to cells, and to Runner's cage.
>"Runner? Come on, we're going on a trip" I said with a smile

End of chapter
Pastebin updated

I hope you guys enjoyed today's episode, and since you haven't told me to stop ,you expect the next chapter tomorrow.

If you have any questions, I'll be lurking around so feel free to ask, but beware, this is /trash/ so i can't post any spoilers.

It's good enough I keep checking back.
When are the cuddles going to happen?
I would tell you, but telling you what happens next in the story is technically spoiler, and spoilers dont appear in /trash/
I wonder what will happen when "Runner" figures out, that he is just being used
inb4 he helps the tiger expose her boss for the shit he is
Make a guest pastebin and post them there :^)
That is a bad idea, someone will post here the whole
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That reminds me of the khajit lore from TES
In games we've seen a couple of varieties, but from lore we know they can look like a cat, tiger etc. Or with different amount of anthropomorphism.

How about our sneks are usually highly religious dudes. The more a believer the snek is, the more it looks like an animal. High pope is a python wearing a hat, just chilling on some old classy chair, with young naga boys moistening his old delicate scale, before pilling it of.
We have a pools full of cobras, mating with some sweet lizard dude to help him achieve spiritual nirvana and become one with a great snake gods.
MB some secret acts of swallowing gecko neofits in some secret dungeons, as an initiation. This will help them understand how great snake gods devour each other in the creation myth. They will be freed from the stomach of their brethren after some time, alive but mentally reborn, as was old gods were, when the reentered great Void from God Snek stomach, not as divine beings, but as a sky, ground and waters.

I'm getting carried away here, sorry.
Great to see our tiger girl get some char development, man. I care about her well being more now.
Anticipating their alone together time, too. Finally they'll get some interaction without distractions (hopefully).
Also curious, if her previous relationship that was mentioned will have some impact on what she has with Runner.

Have any idea how many chapters we should expect?
Shine on, writefag.
I'm curious if the starving youngsters the protagonist was supplying with food are going to get mentioned again.

That is, as anything other than starved and desiccated corpses.

Winter was making its way as well, wasn't it? Those kids gonna be dead real soon, and this whole inactivity and lack of intelligent escape attempts or subterfuge from the protagonist could quickly start wearing thin.

Unless that is your intention, to have the main character transform into a semi-sentient pet that forms a silly reverse cop and police dog duo.
Your vore fetish is showing.
You know what would be great man, if runner gets to the tigers home and just immediately raids the fridge and starts cooking himself a meal without worrying because he's thinking along the lines of, what, a cooking dog , who the hell would believe that?
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I think less than 447 this time around.

all in due time my padawan, they aren't as forgotten as you think.

dudes, if you keep guessing the plot so correctly, i might as well stop writing it! :(
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This thread
Oy, newfag writer, just wanted to say I'll I'll posting the next chapter to my little story as well within the next 24h. Anyways loving reading your stories Skreet. Looking forward to the next coon chapter too. Oh and ill try to set up. Pastebin tonight.
That is mildly disturbing
Requesting a short comfy green about an anthro drifting off to sleep with her pet human.
That's pretty much what pet cats do.
but all three of my cats are indoor cats. Why would anyone in their right mind let their beloved pet roam outside where there could be things like coyotes or pythons out to kill them?
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>i might as well stop writing it!
Motherfucker don't even joke like that
>be anthro animal
>have nice human pet
>he is more special than the others
>you saw him cooking by himself, he even made a good-ass lasagna
>you didn't know what to say
>next day you saw him driving your volkswagen
>he was fucking driving
>a human...driving
>the next thing you know he was using the toilet correctly, even wiping his ass with the toilet paper
>he knew how to change tv channels
>he knew how to mop the floor
>he knew how to make groceries
>you are in your room, shaking
>those sounds of keys being pressed were echoing through your ears
>he was using your laptop
>you are going insane
>why couldn't you atleast get a normal pet
>atleast he is amazing in bed
We need more silly one offs like this
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Sorry, yeesh!
Have one on the house!

>Be Fox
>It was a long day, god you are so tired, those meetings just went on and on
>Arrived home when it was already dark outside
>Look at the clocks, 21:47
>Might as well skip dinner and go directly to bed
>Find your pet awake in his bed next to yours.
>The poor boy couldn't sleep without you
>"Dont worry, I'm here"
>He jumps up from his bed and hugs you.
>You pet his hair, he lets you go, and runs back to bed.
>You climb in your king sized bed. Silky sheets were always your favorite, but tonight its a little cold.
>"Sweetie? could you come here?" You ask while already laying down
>A head perks up and he looks at you from the corner of the bed, he seems torn, because he's not usually allowed on the bed
>"Its alright, come on" you pet the place next to you
>He climbs in, and hugs you around the waist.
>"good boy" you start petting his hair as you slowly start dozing off
>"Sweet dreams" you say.
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Thanks writeanon
that gif does things to me that shouldn't be possible with just underwear
>that tail flip
How about a fic where a group of anthros are asked why they like to keep humans as pet? It starts off perfectly innocent but gets lewder and lewder.
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can someone tell me why do people like this because i really want to kown
Early morning bump

>You will never be owned a hot anthro milf and her cute daughters.
Can I have a request?
Go ahead.

Also, it's cool if I share my fantasy right?
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>Baby, do I look fat?
Ok! Here it is!

Requesting a creepy perverted bird babe from this story >>7403685 reading Humanphilia books while her room is with male human posters in sexual positions with a oblivious facial expression not knowing what's going on. And make the room messy with food and porn magazines
Will do!

Also, my own little fantasy:
>runt of litter
>pushed around by bigger humans and hardly get fair share of food in adoption center.
>one day during feeding time, the nice Bobcat lady from the front office walks in with a large muscular horse woman.
>don't ever get noticed by furs looking to adopt, so I just sit in my isolated corner of the room.
>somehow, however, the large horse woman does notice me and turns to the Bobcat
>"Why isn't the small one eating?"
>"Oh, him? He was moved in here to accommodate space for a new batch of pups we recently received. Guess the poor guy hasn't gotten used to it."
>the Horse walks over and crouches down in front of me
>"Hey little guy, you lonely?"
>I look up at her, and come to find that she has beautiful green eyes. I nod in response to her question.
>"Thing is, I kinda am too. But I think we can help each other out with that..."
>hold on, is she really wanting to-
>"How about you come home with me? I bet both of us could use the company."
>I look at her with disbelief, but after a moment jump into her arms. I start nuzzling her neck and she laughs.
>"Ok! Ok! Jeez, you're more energetic than you look!"
>after coming to my new home I learn that the Horse lady is something the furs call a "cop", which from what my master tells me includes a lot of running and wrestling people stronger than you to the ground. Which explains her well-built figure.

I'd go on, and in more detail, but then I'd be here all night.
How about a thicc cow anthro giving her pet a boob hug
Got it, I'll add it to the last. But for now, goodnight everyone. I'll try to get as many doodles as possible done tomorrow!
Godspeed and good night
>You shuffle your papers as the rest of your students mill into the lecture hall
"Alright, alright... settle down. Class begins in a few minutes."
>You look up and at your students
>They look at you with a mixture of adoration, excitement and anticipation
>You look at them with the gaze of a man too old for this shit but who has tenure so fuck it I drop Quaaludes in my morning coffee
"Alright. I am Professor Anonymous, and yes, I'm substituting for my owner, Professor Lakita. I usually teach fightonomics and Industrial Basket Weaving, but here I am in history for the day. Questions before we begin?"
>A few hands go up
"That was rhetorical."
>One or two hands stay up
>You sigh
"Yes, gecko in the back."
>"I-I'm a salamander, sir, an-"
"I don't give a damn. Question."
>"Oh, uh... w-well, um. I-is the homework du-"
>Boos and hisses from the rest of the class drown her out, and you raise your mug of coffee to her
"Nope, I'm not grading that shit. I'm here to cover the Therian invasion and whatnot. Take notes, this lecture is live and uncensored."
>You take a long sip of your coffee and place it on the podium, bracing yourself to give an abridged version of the past 20 years to a bunch of kids who... probably weren't even alive then.
>Fuck you're old.
"Alright. Loooong story short, Humanity was doing pretty good until you fucks showed up."
>This earns you a few chuckles from the furries in the back, but your human students up front just watched you patiently.
"Anyway. So, we're doing just fine; Trump killed ISIS and was punching Kim Jong Un in the dick with his tiny orange fists, Apple had given us digital waifus and the Dow reached 30,000. All in all, things were going pretty good. That all changed when the fire nation attacked."
>"Sir, I don't thi-"
>You point your finger at the student who interrupted you
"Who here has tenure?!"
>"....I don'-"
>You sip your 'world's best shitposter' mug smugly
>aww ye.
>smug mug.
"Now every time I get interrupted everyone loses 2 points off their final grade. You feel me?"
>Nods everywhere
>Mmmmm abusing power just gets you so hard
"Right. So, we're doing fine until the Therians show up. Now to be fair, they claimed our system with a few robot probes like... 10,000 years ago - way back before we started to do nifty things like government or radio or dakimakuras. So, when a few of their colony ships finally decided to settle an 'abandoned system', they were in for a bit of a shock. An ICBM-flavored shock, courtesly of 'Murika."
>A hand goes up
>The human sits up in his chair. "Sir, why didn't the therians just wipe us out, then? I mean, if they didn't anticipate us being here, and we've taken a habitable world from them, why let us live?"
"I see you've read ahead. Good! Good. Do me a favor."
>You walk up to the chalk board and write out a simple phrase
"Turn around and say this phrase to the husky behind you. Make eye contact when you do."
>The human, blinking owlishly, turns to the much larger therian just behind him
>"I uh... "
>She looks down at him, head tilted
>"I... brought you a cookie... but I eated it."
>The change was sudden and dramatic
>Letting out a constant high-pitched squeal, the therian husky bodily hauled the human student out of his seat and into a tight bear hug, her whole body shimmying from side to side the entire time
"There's your answer. Yes?"
>"Um.... what?"
>You squint at the other human student
"That's a piss poor question."
>"I mean... what?!"
>You sigh again
>how do I reach these kiiiiiids
"Ok, just. How many of you terrans have pets?"
>A few hands shoot up
"Right. Cats, anyone? Dogs?"
>hands stay up or fall
"Good. Now I want you to imagine an entire planet filled with tiny kittens. Little babby kittens and puppers. You with me so far?"
>A few tenative nods
"Right. Now imagine you roll up onto this planet, and these little puppers rush at you with squeaky toys."
>A few of them chuckle
"Imagine cats tossing little bell toys at you and pretending they did damage. Imagine walking through cities made by little doggos, and them barking and full-body wiggling at you to intimidate you away. You feel me?"
>A few of the nod
"That's how the Therian Federation views humanity."
>"But.... but we have guaranteed rights!"
>You nod, taking another sip of your coffee
"Aye, that we do, as we're sentient. But, look at it from their perspective. You come across a planet filled with adorable, soft little creatures who think they can into technology. You're an interstellar conglomerate far advanced from these little adoraballs; All their weapons are harmless to you, but you don't want to hurt them, because they're so fucking adorable. What do you do?"
>You reach up and tap at your collar
"So, this was the compromise. You here have chosen to go into gainful employment, which is fine - hell, I'm here working too, but. You can also opt to have a half or full owner - and you have to make that choice once your schooling is done. Yes?"
>"Which is professor Lakita to you, Mr. Anonymous?"
"Ah. Half owner. I enjoy the benefits, and I already did my mandatory 5 years of service to the Therian Federation as a full pet. I chose not to be fully owned and keep some independence, so here I am. Yes?"
>"How does she handle you when your'e not workin-"
"Aayyy we're getting a bit too personal here. Long story short, this cuteness factor is why humans are now fully or partially owned at their own volition. That's all you need to know for the test."
>The sound of styluses against tablets is music to your ears
>You click a slide to a picture of a giant Robo-Trump punching a Therian ship out of the sky
"Now. The final battle of independent Earth in AD 2021 was mainly fought..."
* * *
>You close the human-sized front door, kicking off your shoes
"Lakita! I'm back!"
>You're greeted by a very wet cough
"Still not better, eh?"
>You follow the soft whines to the livingroom, where, sitting on the soft couch is your owner
>Well. Partial Owner.
>......it's complicated, ok?
>But the blanket cocoon heaves open slightly, a soft brown muzzle sticking out of the top
>"Can... you get me a drink, please?"
"Holy shit you sound like death warmed over."
>She smiles - and then gets caught in another coughing fit
"Alright, alright, hold on-"
>"O-oh.. an... and please-"
"Yes yes, I"ll strip when I get back, calm down."
>You can't tell if the following whine is happy or sick
>Maybe a bit of both.
Done for now, tell me your thoughts, give me your (you)s - I sustain myself upon them.
I give (you) not six, not seven, but EIGHT (you)s. (You) earned them with (You)r quality posts.
Wait: do you think they give humans drugs like catnip to humans? Weed to watch how they act?

What's their thoughts on glass and blow? And the entirety of Mexico on a related note?
This was a refreshing read, thank (you)
There's food humans can eat that would kill most other animals. Stuff like dark chocolate comes to minds.
please sir can I have some more
Thanks to Heisenberg, I know what glass is, but what's blow?

And give your human anything beyond caffene, and you'll have FETA crawling up your ass and flinging red paint at you in the street. It's ready enough to get off my scales, but I can't imagine what it does to fur
>Snuggling her while she eats ice cream and watches TV

>When you woke master was gone, the large empty space where she slept was cold to the touch. Long gone was her welcoming warmth and calming embrace.
>A small sense of worry looms in the back of your mind as you explore the silent house. The lack of sound was new to you, years of noisy siblings and constant bullying conditioned you to live without peace.
>But in the silence, completely alone with only your thoughts, you felt….unease. The rooms though different appeared the same, empty, silent, and without reason to stay.
>You paced around the home going to each room, staying for a few minutes before leaving to the next. Each time you expected her to be there, or something to break the streak of silence.
>After passing the home many times you stop in the largest room, sadness was the only thing you felt. Not hunger, thirst, or joy.
>You make the only noise you can when feeling this crushing weight as you whine and cry. With each second that passes you get louder, and longer.
>Suddenly a loud banging can be heard from beyond the wall “SHUT UP!!”
>Startled and confused you look around, with something finally happening you seek it out. What drew it? The crying? With cry again as a few moments later it happens again “SHUT UP!! GOD DAMN IT!!”
>It kept up for some time like this until eventually your throat could cry no more. The voice from the wall never replied to you again.

>A tall muscular mare makes her way down the hall as she holds a large bag of groceries in one hand, and an almost miniscule cell phone in her mighty grip.
>As she reaches her door she sees a spotted leopard waiting for her by the door, “Alexandra, you know I dont have a policy against pets, but I do have a noise pollution clause.”
>”What are you talking about? I left the thrash music off this time. I made sure of it.”
>”Your pet spent the day crying and Michael is on my ass about it.”
>”Oh shit I’m so sorry Penny, it won't happen again.”

>”See to it that it wont.” She warns before walking away as Alexandra snorts upsets. She goes over to the door and unlocks it.
>You go running over to the door as she lets herself in and gets on her knees to greet you “Oh my gosh I’m so sorry there buddy, I didnt think you’d be a crier. How you holding up?” She asks worriedly as you cuddle up to her. “Haha, looks like you're holding up just fine.” She grins before ruffling your hair.
>Relieved to see that you are ok she gets up and takes her groceries to the kitchen. She sets them down on the counter and sniffs her armpit “God I reek.” She comments to herself before turning to look at you, “You probably need a shower too right?”
>You make no response but just excitedly stare at her waiting to play with your master. She picks you up and pets you as you try to hug her. Taking you to the bath, she sets you down and begins to unbutton her shirt.
>Slipping it off she tosses it to the floor and undoes the bandages underneath, her muscular chest takes on a slightly more feminine shape as her modest b sized breasts protrude out.
>She pulls down her pants, panties and all before slipping out of them and undoing your few garments.
>Stepping into the shower, she turns the knob and sets you down while she tests the water. Feeling it good, she goes under the nozzle and starts cleaning herself.
>You sit by her feet and look up at your master as she soaks her mane and chest in water. Its then you notice that under her tail is a dark, bulbous slit. Like two rounded hills pressing against one another, but every so often it opens up to reveal a bright pinkish red flesh before closing again.

>Where her tail emerges is also a defined doughnut, that much you know, it was her butt. And smelling butts were a greeting of sorts. You lean in and press your nose right into her anus as you hear her squeal in shock and jolt forward “NO!! NO!!” She yells instantly wagging her finger, causing you to shrink as much as you can against the showers wall.
>Her breath is labored as she calms herself before rubbing her anus, trying to remove the phantom feeling of your nose against it.
>”We do not do that, bad Anon, bad.” She scolds before sighing, “Cmon, out of the shower, get.” She commands as you jump out.
>She leads you to the door and locks you out as she goes back to her shower. Somewhat embarrassed, she occupies herself with rinsing again for a few moments before she thinks back about what happened.
>She slowly reaches a hand down to her winking marehood before pressing her luscious lower lips together, rubbing them up and down in a grind that gets harder and faster. Gasping, she lays on her back in the shower and spreads her legs wide open.
>Inserting her massive fingers into herself, she begins to saw her pussy in and out as she squeezes her tit as hard as she can. “Oh! Oh!” She moans shamelessly as she practically pounds her fingers against her vaginal walls. Stretching and spreading them apart as she tries to take every inch of her fingers in.
>She grits her teeth and presses hard as she ejaculates copius amounts of her thick, pea soup colored fluids onto the shower floor. Carried to the drain by the water flow, her orgasmal juices and shame go down to the sewer where they belong.
>Done, she lets the water lazily clean her gaping winking pussy as she reaches around and rubs her anus.
>”Bad Anon.” She exhales.
>Today was an odd thursday.

This was a one shot worth staying up for writing. Dont have any pics of hot muscular mares atm
just going to throw some stuff out
>humans hands are actually really good at petting scratching due to shape and lack of claws
>I'm surprised no one has written anything involving goats or cows and how much milk they produce/how those animals are used by humans for their milk
>also surprised no one has done anything with farm settings yet either
>female ferrets with literally die if they don't have sex when they go into heat
>speaking of heats, even I'm guilty of doing nothing with that idea too
Here are your (You)-s you bastard, but there better be more posts like this coming or there will be hell to pay!
Thanks! I'll be waiting for Bird Babe!
Thank you! I'll wait for Bird Babe!
>I'm surprised no one has written anything involving goats or cows and how much milk they produce/how those animals are used by humans for their milk

Even most humans can't digest milk as adults, furries would have zero need for it.
Those of Asian or African descent seem to be the majority of ones that have problems with milk. Also, those species naturally produce more milk and I'm saying anthro version could take advantage of humans that can handle milk.
>those species naturally produce more milk
those species were bred to produce more milk, unless you have a scenario where animals mutate into athropomorphs a 'naturally' occurring furry would not have those characteristics and produce an adequate amount to rear its own young and nomore.
Really, it's just an excuse for fetishes at this point. Cow/goat milk could be like a treat for humans or whatever.
Eh, I'm here more for 'muh funny xeno pulp tropes' rather than 'muh fetishes'. I like discussing minutia like that.
>why not both.jpg
>can someone tell me why do people like this because i really want to kown

It's an alternative solution to the same need for security that is fulfilled by HFY.

While HFY postulates that we have the strength to protect ourselves and protect others, this goes the opposite route and makes us the protected ones at the cost of independence. Both fulfill our need for security.

From a psychological point of view it's a contest between a 'masculine' and 'feminine' point of view. It is also the reason why SJWs are a living oxymoron, who want the benefits of both and the drawbacks of neither.
Don't reply to the shitpost/meme
>wake up to find my fantasy greentexted in detail

You people are too kind for this world. I need to get started on those drawings.
Woop time to get more deepest lore down so we can eventualy hit the cute stuff> If the first time I'd woken had been unpleasant, then this time around was the end all be all of hangovers… though…. If… the Otter and the Doberman has been. A dream. Then this was the real hangover and I was at home. .. right?
> Slowly cracking my eyes open I was pleased to find myself in a comfortable darkness. That at least didn't cause an excess amount of pain, but the moment I tried to sit up my ribs ached in protest to my movements informing me that I wasn't getting up easily.
> Looking around though, it was rather easy to confirm this wasn’t my room, no grossly incandescent alarm clock, and a general lack of well… anything that resembled my room at all, no pc.. Nothin. But when my eyes finally adjusted the final sign i wasn’t home was where the light source came from. It came from a hallway separated from me, by bars.
> The hell did I do to end up in jail? My first thought was that I’d really done it, I’d gotten so blasted that I’d really fucked up, public intoxication maybe? I hope that was all, I’d been stupid. Sitting up slowly I set in the darkness letting my eyes adjust.
> Slowly the other side of the hallway came into focus and it too was lined with bars, though I couldn’t see past them it was still too dark. but at least the walls to either side of me were solid. Not like some old west jail you always see in movies.
> But man if I wasn’t already the type to be paranoid, this didn’t do me any favors. I wondered if I’d lost my job or worse. Then, the apathy set in and fat tears began to roll silently from my eyes. It wasn’t fuckin fair, i had buddies who drank themselves silly all the time and got away with it, I drink once and next thing I know I’m in prison.
> Like that the rest of the night was wasted tell the sun rose. When it did and natural light began to pour into high windows in the cells the sights i saw disturbed me. In the cell across from mine was a woman, maybe a bit older than me sleeping who began to stir with the light, I watched from my seat on my bed watching with my back against the wall.
> When she finally woke, I was both glad to see another person but also confused, prisons didn’t put men and women near each other, and more than that she was in the same white cotton get up that i was in.
> I tried waving at her but she only looked at me dumbly like she didn’t understand the expression, but when I moved to use my mouth. I realized that my tongue wasn’t moving at all. In fact it hurt a fair bit. Reaching into my mouth what I found surprised the hell out of me, the entire left side of my tongue was surrounded by gauze, and it felt like I had stitches running down the side of it, as if I’d bitten my tongue nearly in two the hell had I done?
> Try as hard as i might the memories just weren’t coming, but then the doors at the end of the hall burst open and the most colorful woman I’d ever seen waltzed in… and as my eyes focused I realized that I was looking at the mascot for fruitloops given woman form, replete with beak and feathers. This was just too damn weird.
> She called out, “Breakfast time” and as she passed each cell she placed two bowls in each of them. Eventually she also passed my cell and briefly locked eyes with me before saying, “not feeling well boy? Eat up ok?” The she slotted into my cell a plate and bowl as well.
> I looked from her to the bowl warily, as much as i’d like to be in shock things were coming together, I remembered waking up in the hospital to a similarly odd site. Of an Otter, and a god damned doberman treating me. Had i finally gone insane? Looking across the hall the woman was digging into the bowls with gusto, the one of water and the other, fake egg? Like the stuff they sold and Mcdonald's that they tried to pass off as eggs? I didn’t really like eggs to begin with, but just eggs and water, the hell was that?
>Then something else dawned on me, there had to be six or seven other humans in cells in this hallway, but other than the sounds of eating, not a word was spoken, I could grunt if I wanted too but I at least knew why I couldn't speak, I wasn’t sure of the others.
>Looking again at the girl across the hall I noticed that one of her legs was in a cast, which helped me to the conclusion that, I was still in a hospital. Though not like one I’d ever seen. The fact that the hospital appeared to be inhabited by animal people however was beyond my ability to rationalize or comprehend. The morning other wise passed by quietly, I noticed that my food was different from the woman across from me, only liquids, one was obviously water but the other looked like some sort of broth?
>At least they didn’t expect me to eat solid food with stitches in my tongue, though it did beg the question how hard I’d been hit. Between my ribs mouth and scuffed up arms, it must have been pretty hard, maybe I was lucky to be alive at all.
> Then the first family showed up. It was weird, too weird, a family of… Lizard people showed up, they reminded me of.. Some sort of exotic salamander, one was obviously a woman with two kids, and as their voices entered the hall the woman across the hall shot up as if struck by lightning, she looked way too excited to see something that I’d only ever seen in low budget movies.
> Though when they saw her and she them smile broke out and they waved one of the staff over, the same colorful bird lady from earlier to let her out. Hugging the woman all three of the the salamanders seemed glad to be reunited as the mother spoke “Amy we were so worried when you got out, oh I’m never letting you out of my site again” As if a fully grown woman needed to be watched at all times?
>Eventually the whole group left and there I was just trying to figure out what the hell I’d just witnessed. The only thing I could compare it too is well, when I’d been reunited with a cat that I’d thought had run away. But.. Human’s weren’t pets, no there was no way, this seemed like i’d been tossed into a reality show and I was the biggest sucker of all time, I quickly looked around for a camera but couldn’t find one.
> as the day wore on i witnessed similar scenes all day A family of rabbits picked up another human, a Lone bear, picked up a similarly husky girl from a cell two down from mine and a Elephant came through as well and picked up another person. And each reunion was as Sickeningly heart warming as the last as if Hallmark had scripted them all.
>the mascot for fruitloops given woman form
So you are saying the Tucan has two cans?

> Eventually it felt like I was the only one left. Just me the Toucan and the walls. She walked over and talked to me at the end of the day, she had a nice figure, an exotic sort of beauty, i mean I never thought I’d find a beak cute but she made it work. She cooed at me, apologizing to me that nobody had shown up to claim me but I didn’t deign to respond still confused by the ridiculousness of it all. Then the otter came back, I could hear her talking with the toucan though hardly.
> “.... Trouble….. No chip…. “ then the toucan spoke in a much louder voice, apparently not one for subtlety. “Should I call control to pick him, up? We can’t keep him here indefinitely?” The otter sighed audibly, “Yes, if he’s still here in the morning, give them a call, careful with him though, he was trouble yesterday.”
>With that the Otter left, not without staring daggers into me as she passed by though. I guess I may have pushed her yesterday when trying to make my valiant escape, though… it wasn’t exactly my fault. She had tried putting me on a leash I rationalized. It was only natural to try and get away.
> At some point night fell, and with it my willpower i fell asleep still sitting back against the wall.
> I woke up with someone holding my arms to my sides while someone else was fixing something around my neck, when my eyes shot open i came face to face with a none other than what looked like a Rhino on steroids backed by a lynx. It was going to be a long damned day.

> So I had two options I could struggle and pick a fight with a Rhino or I could roll with it, I wasn’t too sure the Rhino liked me all that much and picking a fight with him seemed like a good way to stay in the hospital. Which, hardly seemed worth it at the time.
> so next thing I know i’m being led by a leash by a Lynx and a Rhino, out of the hospital as different furs eyed me as if I was some odd spectacle, maybe word of my attempted escape had gotten out among the staff.
> When we finally get out of the hospital they load me into the back of this van with a cage in it, and if things couldn’t have gotten any weirder the Lynx pets my head calls me a good boy and promises me a treat when we get to their building. Just what the hell do they think I am?
> We finally arrive after a while the two in the front chattering all the while. The Rhino turns out to be named Billy, and the Lynx is Lara, and they both seem amused that a human my size could have caused so much trouble, much to my indignation.
>Though i resolved to get revenge on the Rhino when he said he thought he was there to pick up a joe, not a Jane. Now that was just rude
>Then the car stopped and when they let me out of cage. The building before me made me want to crawl back in, in big letters on the front window read. “Adopt a human month” Just where the hell was I?

Anyways thanks for bearing with me, hopefully things will get more entertaining soon I should prolly name thos greentext adventure is anyone has any fun ideas throw them at me.
That you Carlos... or should i say Catlos
Catgirl Carlos greentext when?
>Those of Asian or African descent seem to be the majority of ones that have problems with milk.
And even then there's parts of both Africa and Asia where the populations have no trouble with digesting it. I believe West Africa is the region in question and I think Mongolia?
Shit's weird and almost random. Me and my sister can drink milk fine, but my mother and brother can't handle a glass of it.
If you are a girl, I'd say that you inherited it from your father's X chromosome.
But I'm not. Should also add they are my half brother/sister. Both have a fuckton of medical issues too while I get maybe once every couple of years.
Drinking milk is an evolutionary "I win button".
It allows you to take advantage of otherwise inhospitable environments by letting something else digest inedible grass for you and turning it into fat, simple sugars, vitamins and proteins everything you need to survive and you don't even need to kill the animal to get it. Once you discover fermentation so you can preserve it it's one hell of an advantage.
I dont know if I can work with Catlos green but I would waifu and fuck that shit out of that cutie.
I like the world building, go on pls
Glass is meth with a purity level over 80%, blow is slang for cocaine.
>To Tame a Human (Director's cut Edition)
>Chapter Four: Behind Enemy Lines
>I perked up when Tigress called my name, or should I say my nickname?, She seemed to be rather angry, but she cracked a smile nontheless.
>'Look, if it's about me battling another human for your sake, don't flatter yourself, I did it only to get out of this hellhole' I thought, but she said something completely unexpected.
>"We're going on a trip" with that fake smile sent a chill down my spine. It was a smile that was meant to reassure me, but i knew something was off.
>Is she going to have me put down? Maybe they decided that I was too agressive? 'I didn't think this through, if i killed the dude, am I going to face a firing squad?' I was obviously not very happy about the whole prospect of losing one more human right, this time the right to continued existence.
>You see, that was a reason why I wasn't really appreciative of her approaching me with a leash.
>Then again, she was alone this time, no extra lapdogs to hold me. It would've been a perfect chance to just rush past her and run away, but I'm keeping that possible scenario for a better chance, especially the one where i would have my hands free.
>She came to the bed where I was now sitting, having a leash in her hands.
>As I was weighting the options, I quickly realized that by resisting now and attempting to run away, I might put my previous work into danger, but i still moved backwards as she was reaching with the clasp towards the ring by my collar.
>I may have overdid that, because while she was leaning forward, cooing with words like "there there" and "Don't worry" and other stuff, i was leaning progressively more backwards until I hit the wall with my head, and that was NOT supposed to happen.
>Pain decided to give me a quick visit and my brain exploded into billions of small needless, trying to puncture my skull from the inside.
>>I cried out in pain, trying to reach my head with my hands, I however only managed to reach the leash in her hands, the chains didn't give way, so I hit myself with my elbow into my bruised side. By this point i was the only one holding the leash as she jumped backwards
>Now that was another source of pain I cried out in pain again, clutching the leash like some sort of idol, that would allow me to get rid of the pain, it did no such thing.
>So instead of not putting any resistance, i managed to hurt myself to the point where I was resisting without any reason.
>Tigress stood there, not sure what to do. Probably wondering what was i trying to do.
>While the head was still hurting like hell, it was time to set some basic rules between me and my tigress warden.
>After all I was a human being, humans don't belong on a leash, This time i was sure I'm going to do it, I'm going to stand up, throw the leash on the ground, and tell her that 'Leash Is a No go'
>I've had the scenario planned in my head, but instead she sat on the bed right next to me.
>"Are you alright Runner?" She asked, carefully checking my head where I hit it. "You have to be careful!" she said, rubbing my shoulder.
>'Goddamn this tigress and her womanly wiles, how can she disperse my rage with such simple means?' I looked up to her, and then i sat up straight. Still clutching the leash.
>She didn't seem to mind that i was holding the leash, instead she reached for the clip, and attached it to my collar. Goddamn it, this is what i've been trying to avoid all this time! "Now give me the leash, Runner." she said in authoritative voice, opening a palm of her paw, waiting for me to put it there. I looked at the paw, at her, at the paw again, and stood up, still holding the leash in a clear gesture that signaled that I won't'
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>I wasn't facing her, but I heard a sigh coming from behind me. "Runner" she said, coming in front of me, while i was holding the leash with one hand, and desperately try to reach the clip on my collar to get rid of it.
>"Without Leash we cannot go anywhere" She said, looking towards Fox who was standing behind the closed doors.
>"She won't let us leave if I don't hold your leash you know?" She said nodding toward the Fox, who put on a mask of a dastardly antagonist from children's show.
>I appreciate the effort you put up to this little demonstration of why do I have to give you the reins to my life, but I'm not a mentally handicapped human to be convinced by such tactics, besides, i saw something.
>I provided my own solution, I walked towards the cell doors, where the grinning fox stood, when i approached the doors. Fox was taking a few steps back, as if to get out of my reach.
>I saw it correctly, she was obviously clinging to a child-book antagonist with all the flaws included, forgetting the key in the cell doors was a blunder of atomic proportions, and if this was a movie. Critics would be having a field day about this scene in particular
> while still holding my leash by my waist with left hand, I extended right hand as far as the chains allowed me through the bars, and turned the key.
>You should see her face, a devilish grin was exchanged by a sudden realization, then came disbelief, doubting of reality, and then shock.
>With a click, the doors unlocked, and i slid them to the side, while looking back at tigress.
>Unlike Foxy here, Tigress was a little more action oriented. No doubt she knew I could operate a lock, I locked her out on our last chase. She put her hand under the collar, there wasn't a lot of space, for a hand, so it was most unpleasant. She then grabbed the Leash which I was still refusing to let go.
>She didn't say anything this time, but she pulled my head towards hers, frowning and staring daggers.
>If she was going to assert authority by staring me in the eyes, I have one thing on my Revenge bucket list that I needed to cross out.
>*Mlem* I licked her nose, just like she did back then, Now it was her turn to be confused, and the 'staring daggers' look turned into weirded out look.
>The atmosphere was thick, but then a laughter came and took all seriousness from it.
>"Ahahaha" Fox was laughing, she found something funny in a super serious situation like this?
>"What?" Tigress asked, looking away from me and looking at her.
>"He's smart! He must've thought that you wanted to get out, so he got you out." She explained the situation from her point of view. Now it wasn't even close to what was really happening. I wanted to show the tigress that tricking me won't be so easy!
>'Don't mistake my mute threats of escape for a perfectly thought out plans to show that I actually wanted to help her somehow!' that's just crazy! But then the hand underneath my collar removed itself, and I could see doubt in her eyes. Maybe the lick ruined the moment, but we were even now.
>"Still, Its impressive to see him actually work the lock" She said, reaching for the key in the doors and taking it out.
>With this, Tigress yanked the leash once again, trying to get it from my hands, but I wasn't going to give in. We stared at each other, once again, trying to defy her, that is until the goddamn fox didn't break that thing too.
>She went to desk, and I thought I got rid of her, Standing in the doorways, I took a step forward in an attempt to leave the cell.
>"I'm not taking you anywhere without the leash Runner" She said, once again adamant about it, but she knew better than try to use force, for even though i was injured, i was still bigger and heavier than her. Thats when Foxy came, snapped fingers behind my head. I instinctively looked around, she did something on my neck and said "There"
>I turned back, unsure what happened.
Always nice to come home to this.
>Tigress was smiling, and I felt like an idiot.
>First thing i noticed was that she was holding a leash, and that the leash I was holding was suspiciously limp.
>'The goddamn fox switched the leashes?' Now I wasn't a man to surrender my cause, its either Victory or defeat, but now and then, even a man like me must admit that, just like now, He has been defeated.
>"You can keep the leash" She said with a smile, my head hanged low, and i was lead out of the cellblock towards the offices again. This time however, she wasn't leading the way, I was going with her side by side, keeping her eye on me the whole way.
>"I didn't think you would take him right now" A sloth emerged from the offices, now this was interesting piece of information, where is she taking me ?
>"I figured that it would be better to do it tonight" Tigress said, now I don't know what does she think I am, but I'm not a man that is into leashes, collars and 'doing it tonight', I would rather if you asked me for a dinner, you know, get to know me better, just putting a leash on me and mentioning that we're going to do it tonight to your colleague isn't going to cut it for me.
>"And what's with the leash?" Sloth asked once again, nodding towards me holding the leash while she had me on another one.
>"One of the reasons I didn't want to take him, he doesn't listen." She said, meanwhile I looked around, we were standing in an office space, next to me was a printer machine and a stand with someone's cup of cold coffee, and newspapers underneath it.
>Now this caught my attention, there was a photo of me, with a "Human menace caught" and boy, that photo was not flattering at all. I had unkempt beard and instead of smiling for the camera, they probably made a photo of me while I was running for a while.
Good green text.
This is heaven.
I'm Dong Brick.
>I leaned in to read the article, I didn't get far because the Sloth pointed out that "Look, he recognizes himself" in a slightly amused tone. Tigress wasn't however that happy, she was probably still angry from our power struggle five minutes back.
>She pulled on the leash, trying to get my attention, but I managed to read a line that was highlighted with green permanent marker. 'It is really sad when humans have to resort to stealing food' and after some more text, the highlighted text continued with 'I hope they find proper owner for him. I might take him in myself - The owner of the robbed stand'
>For a second I tried to remember who it was. I think it was a horse, but i'm not sure anymore. The good thing is, he did not appear here with adoption form. Who knows what kind of a weirdo would he be.
>"Runner? Runner?" Someone was calling me, not to mention tugging me by my leash. I turned around to see the tigress looking at me,
>"Let's go" She said, my mind was slow this time around and i was desperately trying to remember the horse man so i just went ahead, leading her towards the entrance.
>"Look how happy he is to get out of here" The cat said and waved me goodbye.
>This was suspicious, to say the least. I was outside, holding a leash that wasn't attached anywhere, and looking around.
>"Come on, this way" Tigress said, and we walked around the station, why is she taking me to a parking place? Last time they drove the Van In front of the station.
>As I was worried where am I being walked, we passed at least five cars until we've reached the last one in line.
>It looked like Rambler Wagon the one from fifties, and i have to say, it was little rusty. but it looked decent enough. She opened the fifth doors and let me inside the trunk, it was spacious, but for a moment i was wondering why didn't she let me onto the seats. I mean, I could buckle up there. Then again, there were bars between the cargo hold and passenger's area, so I guess she didn't feel like letting me near her when she drove.
>Wise choice if i may say so, she locked the trunk, and we drove off.
>The trip took almost twenty minutes, and during that time, I thought about this rationally, first, I am not going to be put down, second, she's probably taking me to her home, third, even though the cargo hold was relatively empty, I found some serious stuff here.
>Except for emergency triangle, some extra light bulbs, there was also first aid kit. And where is first aid kit, there are scissors for cutting the bandages, now I wasn't in need of bandages, but those bonds were pissing me off big time.
>I opened the first aid kit, fetched the scissors, and decided that the leather cuffs might be the best place to start. It was relatively hard to make the first cut on them, but from then, it wasn't that hard. Twelve minutes in, the leather cuff was destroyed, and with one free hand, the other cuff soon followed suit. That way I was left with free hands, and a chain with two broken leather cuffs hanging by my waist.
>The car slowed down and pulled into driveway, I hastly put the scissors back into the first aid kit, and placed it back where i found it. I put my hands into the cuffs, pretending that they are alright.
>I looked outside the window to see where we were. It was some sub urban area with rows of identical houses... This one was numbered 1505.
>She came and unlocked the doors, letting me out. "Come on we're here, this is where I live" She announced, as I got out of the trunk, hands put together to keep the broken cuffs from slipping off.
>She closed the trunk behind me, and I kept looking around. It was a big house, i wonder who lives with her in.
>She then lead me towards the doors, and unlocked them, when we entered, I've got feeling that It might be the first change that is for the better.
>"Now this is my home, come, I'll show you around. " She said, with a mood that has improved a little bit, she however still pulled me by the leash. When we entered the house, the first room was just a closet for shoes, there she took off her shoes, and undone the Velcro on mine, so i could slip out of them.
>When i took them off, she put them on a carpet and we entered the main corridor.
>"Now here's a living room, sorry for the mess" she said, and opened the doors into a perfectly clean living room.
>This is a thing that was apparently universal in every community, you apologize for the mess and make the visit feel like shit because they've lived in greater mess and didn't feel ashamed of it, until now.
>then she lead me through the living room, right behind the corner was kitchen and a dining room, then back to the corridor.
>"And there's the toilet" she pointed towards a room right next to the stairs
>Then she took me upstairs, there were five rooms rooms upstairs.
>"This is my room" she said, pointing at the room. "Directly across is bathroom and here's another toilet, your room is over there, come i'll show you." By now she seemed back to her normal self. When we walked to the doors, i half expected to see a room with a dog bed, carpet, and thats it.
>There was a normal sized bed, and right behind it was a writing desk, across those two was a wardrobe, and i shit you not, even an old Cathode ray television.
>Am I finally going to sleep on a normal bed? enjoy at least semi-normal life?
>I walked inside the room and looked around, she walked to my side, and looked around with me.
>"I hope you like it" she said with a smile.
>Now I'm not an emotional man, you know, but this is the first time in the 9 months where i've been living like a wild animal, that someone actually went out of their way and allowed me to live like a human again.
>"Aaand you don't need the leash anymore" She said, and took the leash off.
>I turned to face her, her brilliantly yellow eyes and hugged her, i don't know why she did this for me, but i thanked her the only way i thought was appropriate.
>"whoa whoa, its alright" she said, obviously surprised, but after she found out that i wasn't going for a bear hug, she gently hugged me back.
>I wanted to say thank you, but she had to ask the question that would ruin the atmoshpere.
>"wait, what happened with the cuffs?"
>oh shit, i fucked up, no matter. I broke the hug and she looked at my free hands, and at the broken leather cuffs hanging on the chain from the harness.
>She once again looked shocked.
>"What? how did you do that?" She asked me, checking the cuffs where they have been clearly cut open.
>I guess the jack is out of the box, so i might as well take off the harness, which i handed over to her.
>"But" she said, looking at the broken harness.
>Then her expression turned sour.
>A frown appeared on her face and she raised her voice at me
>"Runner do you have any idea what you've done?" Now the question wasn't too hard to answer, but i kept my mouth shut.
>"Do you have any idea how expensive these are?"
>No I don't because i'm not into the whole bondage thing, but i guess around forty bucks for both?
>She continued to scold me, but i wouldn't have none of it, so i hugged her once again.
>"Don't hug me!" she said, trying to push me away from her, but gently, she wasn't seriously trying to get away from me.
>besides, when a girl says don't hug me, and doesn't try to get away with all her might, she wants you to continue hugging her.
>"What am I going to say to my boss when I bring this thing in?" She asked this time sadly.

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I hope.
Diamond time.
>I held her for some time in silence, but then she tried to get away from me for the second time "Okay, that's enough, let go Runner"
>Sure, this time i actually let go, she looked at me as if she's seen me for the first time, then she smiled and said "Boss was right, you are a mystery!"
>I smiled, I hope i didn't disappoint with my story.
>It however feels like i'm forgetting something
>now what it could possibly be.
>"I'll go and make something for dinner, what do you say? are you hungry?"
>Wow, i was kidding with the 'treat me to dinner' thing back then! However, now that i think about it, why the hell not.
>She however didn't wait for my reply, and said "Okay, come on, you can help me."
>Now i'm pretty sure this is a trick, While I was capable of doing things myself, i couldn't let her know just how intelligent i really was, but I think she already got a pretty nice picture of what I am really capable off.
>We went to the spacious kitchen, and she opened the fridge to check whats inside.
>I looked with her, and I wasn't sure what to made of this.
>All the fridges i've seen in my entire life were filled only to 70%, this is actually the first time i've seen neatly sorted fridge that was packed to the brim, not a single centimeter was unused.
>"hmmm" she said, looking all over the place.
>"I know, lets make Redridge Goulash" she says.
>Lady, I have no idea what that thing is so I'll sit this one through.

>It was incredible change, how she went from 'wrestling the leash' out of my hands forty minutes back, and now trusted me to be around her without any restraint.
>Maybe I just give great hugs, but that can't be it.
>I stood there, watching her work.
>If i was a mystery, then her way of thinking was a freaking enigma, hell I wouldn't let myself go around like that.
>Then it dawned on me.
>I always saw her in her uniform, so i didn't really notice that she still have her belt with Taser and pepper spray
>I see, she is prepared for everything
>she is prepared for everything
Daddy like to see
>In a matter of minutes she managed to occupy the whole kitchen, and the kitchen was huge.
>Her movement seemed random, one time she was slicing the tomatoes, then she was preparing the meat while moving across the kitchen to check whateverthefuck was in the pot on the stove.
>If anyone could actually explain her movement it would be Robert Brown.
>The last tomato sliced, the meat prepared and the pot was doing whatever the pot should do.
>It was actually very interesting.
>In a matter of minutes, she managed to get to the point where the only thing she was doing, was gently stirring the thing.
>"Its almost done" she said, and i was looking forward to this.
>In a few moments, the goulash was done, no stirring needed, and she provided one deep plate and one bowl.
>When she filled the bowl, she looked like she realized something.
>"Oh gosh" she said, and looked at me, like she was sorry. "well, no going back now." she said, and reached for a cloth and put it around my neck, like a bib.
>"I should've thought about this." She told mostly herself.
>I see now where is the problem, she thinks im incapable of eating the goulash myself.
>Well, i think i can surprise her once more.
>She led me to a table, and sat me down. then she sat next to me. Placing the bowl in front of me.
>While she had a fork and knife and a spoon, on my side there was nothing, you could say that THERE WAS NO SPOON
> I was surprised about this fact, just a little, but then she did something i haven't expected at all.
>She took the fork and tasted the goulash, and then she took a spoon, and placed it in my bowl, then she attempted to feed me.
>I was so surprised by this, that I actually opened my mouth, and i was rewarded by a goulash, which was very tasty.
>The delivery method however, wasn't perfect.
>I know humans are dumb in here, but being spoon fed was, unexpected.
>Like I'm some kind of kid.
>Oh fuck i forgot about the kids!

>>Oh fuck i forgot about the kids!
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Skreetz The Rat here
Now that the pastebin has been updated, i have an
annoucnment to make

as the weekend comes, there will be no stories, mostly because i work over the weekend till I drop dead.
I know it's selfish, but I actually need money you see?

Now I think that It will resume on monday.
Sorry for inconvenience
It's fine my man!
I don't think there any need to be sorry.
Its cool man, we can TRY and generate OC ourselves.
>Oh fuck i forgot about the kids!
Fuck 'em, life is cruel.

Got the pastebin up cuties, I'll try to post this weekend but I make no promises loves
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Wft no stories on weekend?
fuck you, your story was bad anyways

Nah jk, thanks for the heads-up, now i want the weekend to pass faster ..
Had a thought: Do you think there would be illegal cock-fighting rings with humans? Any greentexts about this?

[memespoiler] I could probably make one, after I wrap up radio announcements. [/memespoilers]
There are illegal boxing fight IRL right now, so sure.
Hell human fights would probably be more entertaining since endurance is the one thing going for us.
Maybe, but it'd probably be overrun by nigger fighters
>Do you think there would be illegal cock-fighting rings with humans? Any greentexts about this?

Yeah, its called Spartacus
Added to the template
fame and fortune are in your future
I like thinking about a story where a human pet sets a furry up for murder.

A human from this world ends up in the furry pet human universe and pretends to be a pet. He lives with a furry couple whom he hates for some reason (ex. abusive towards him or something). They have been known to drink and get into heated arguments with each other. Sometimes the neighbors call the cops on them.

So one day they get in an especially bad argument and they're getting in each other's faces. Then the fight turns physical. He pushes her and she slaps him. Then they're on the floor grappling with each other when the human grabs a gun and shoots the wife in the head while the husband looks on in shock. He sees the human walk towards him and he cowers in the corner thinking he's going to be killed but the human slips the gun into the husband's hand and goes his room as the sirens signaling the police have arrived. The husband can't believe what he just saw. And neither do the police when he tells them. A human shooting someone to death? It's ludicrous. They believe he killed his wife and desperately trying to blame his pet.

I think it would make an interesting story.
I having a flashback from My little human on fimfiction.
Are you talking about this?

Dunno, most proficient fighters are by far of european descent. Niggers tend to be one punch chumps in general.
I smell Drama, and good drama at that
if I had the ability to write anything more than one-offs I'd tucking take this on, it shows promise. Anon being sent to a recovery home, as it were, and his antics therein.
>family has a human pet
>this one is actually from our world because magic lmao
>the family has also children
>a brother and a sister
>everytime their parents will go out for a romantic dinner, the human would start talking and act like a furry (e.g watching tv, cooking, playing video games)
>the kids would be totally fine with this and decide to keep it secret
This reminds me of that disney show Dog and a blog or some shit like that.
Here's an idea. An anthro has to cope with the death of her human.
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All I can think about is two humans in a ring, slapping each other with hardons until someone submits, somehow, while a crowd of yaoi oriented furry girls cheer on them, flashing tits to keep their favorite fighter in action...

Should i write it or not?
Do it. Winner gets awarded with a furry woman. Like the romans did with beasts giving them human women to fuck.
Still waiting.
I'm actually making a green that has cockfighting, but it'll only be beginning, after it no more, basically shit goes down and the human escapes.
>It's been almost a week since Nonny died
>Each day feels more final than the last
>I know he's never coming back, but something in me just doesn't want to let go
>Constantly filling my head with the hope that this was all just a bad dream
>Or a cruel prank gone too far
>Or maybe the vet made mistake
>But I know it's all real, I know what happened to my beloved pet
>"There's nothing we can do at this point"
>"Nonny's tumors have spread too far for even an attempt at recovery
>"I'm sorry Ms. Katze"
>I watched Nonny get put down myself
>Holding his hand, tears staining my fur
>Watching his eyes cloud over, the life draining from them
>It'll get easier over time, but it still hurts
>This house feels so empty now
>I've gotten so used to Nonny's antics, it's like living in a morgue
>I tried to help myself forget him by piling all his things in his room, but that just made it worse
>It's like his ghose was trapped behind that bright door
>Screaming at me in my dreams begging to be let out
>Maybe getting another human or a boyfriend will help
>But it's too soon, I still miss that crazy human
>I need to get to bed, but after I finish off this bourbon
>Try and sleep instead of toss and turn all night
>Waiting for a comforting weight and warmth that will never come again.

After her pet human is missing for a solid year, an anthro woman is just about to give up all hope until she see's a new report about highly humans who've just escaped from a military research lab.

I don't even have a story in place, just an ending scenario where pet Anon is crawling towards his owner after taking a direct hit from a tank.
Sounds fantastically stupid.
Write it.
300 lines of greentext, this thread.
You have one hour.
This is sad, but good
How do you think the furries would react if humans starting talking to them? How would you reveal yourself to your owner?

I myself would set up an elaborate mystery where my owners slowly uncover the location of their missing pet (me) and when they finally find me, I'll turn around in my chair, stand up and say

>Here's a little lesion in trickery!
>This is going down his-tory!

And then they'd try and catch me so they can be number one
Did I get too real, I think I got too real.

I'm sorry if I scared everyone off.
The more real, the better. You did gud Anon.
You didn't get too real, /trash/ is just dead right now. Primetime should be in a couple of hours
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Holy shit, I was not expecting that.
Be patient he'll do them when he's ready ya bastard
Im just glad you liked it. The idea of a cutie muscular mare is appealing in its own right. Look forward to anything you draw
>page 8
I'd fire another one-off, but I'm phoneposting right now, someone give me prompts for silly or comfy greens
just some house cuddles.
Snake cuddles
Owner comes home to snuggle with her human pet by cradling him, then carrying him to bed to sleep together with.
Seconding this>>7435195
>tfw phoneposting
>tfw thread is being pushed off the board by barafags and shitposts
it hurts just a little
Holy shit, i didn't know we have that. gonna read right now.
My fetish. But it only he can't talk.
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Gents, I am alive and well [spoilerino]Thank you for helping me work through my dyslexia, you have no idea how much this is helping me[/spoilerino][morespoilers]I may or may not have cheated by using a naga, but fuck it[/morespoilers]
>That's the only thought in your head
>You've been alone all day again
>Dad was away again, he's always done this but it never gets any better
>You already ran around the house screaming, pissing off the neighbors
>You even got the landlord to come lecture you, so that was fun
>Normally, you'd be watching youtube, but dad caught you watching videos about how humans breed
>So that's out too
>Sitting upside down on couch, you stare at the wall, waiting
>Your head shots up as hear the deadbolt slide back and the latch click
>Violently flipping yourself around, you fall off the couch and thump to the floor
>Running to the door you tackle Daddy, his heavy coat still on
>"Hey, Anon, I'm home"
>He hugs you back, and pulls you off so he can remove his outer coat
>and his inner coat
>and his under coat
>and his paw warmer belt
>Okay I'm done, come here, buddy
>You leap back into his arms, rubbing his warm smooth scales
>"Come on, our favorite movie's on in fifteen minutes"
>Even with the promise of television, you still refuse to let go
>He sighs, and wraps his arms lower around you and carries you back to the couch
>Navigating his tail carefully, he places you down on at and curls around you
>When he's done you're wrapped in a cocoon of sarm snake, with your head and shoulders poking out
>Dad grabs his two heated blankets from behind the couch and wraps himself up
>Turning on the tv, he wraps his arms around you and rests his head on your own
>Today was a good day
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i <3 u 2 bby
The Thing have genitals?
i have to agreed with you.
>Human are pet
>Human are dumb
>Live only 10 years and died
>Mare using human as... if you know what i mean
Good shit.
uhh, you're missing a couple of verbs, nouns, conjunctions and prepositions there buddy. You asian?
You're a good man anon
No, you fine folks are for having this thread up for me to expand upon my fetish in
>Anon accidentally talks infront of his owner's kid
>Stubbed his toe and couldn't help but curse the gods
>Manages to convince the kid that he's a superintelligent human from a government spy program gone rogue
You mean like manbirds from ugly americans
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Someone better make a long greentext about it, also i gonna read something call "Your human and you" because it's have 'PoFg' element. 646,952 words.
>Human have catnip
Guess it.

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Are you fucking kidding me?

>Animal world

Hey guys, drawings will be a bit. Stuff going on recently and havent had much time to do stuff.
It's midnight, i will try
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>Ohhhhh, he's such a cutie! I love him, I must have him. Tell you what, if you let me adopt this one, I'll donate ten thousand to your human pound.

>Excellent, just tell me where to sign and I'll be on my way with my new pet darling.

Ehhhh I'm not good at greens.
page 8, damn I need to supply more content

give us a sec
lewd or comfy/cute?
either or, what do you people think I should do next?
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Memes aside, comfy is always better if you have to pick just one.
Some comfy surprise would be nice
It's cocaine
I like to imagine that anons a bit to edgy for that kid
Like Rick and Marty
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>Look, sister! There's a poor lonely human in the alley way.
>Let's cheer him up!
Decided to write something. I hope it's adequate. If not, please say so.

>Decided to get a human today, hopefully will spice up the place and make me look like a more outgoing gal
>Sweet thing
>About a head shorter than I am, white skin and brown hair, and male
>Really spooked though
>Might've had another crocodile owner or something that abused it
>REALLY doesn't like it when I smile either
>Poor thing
>Either way, it already had a name
>Clerk told me it was Jeff
>So I paid the cash and took him home
>Poor thing had to be carried out
>Wouldn't stop shaking and whimpering
>Didn't stop in the ride either
>But we got home and I completely forgot to get a bed while I was out
>Didn't want him to sleep on the floor, so I let him sleep in my bed for now
>Besides, don't human caring guides say to get them used to your smell for comfort and identification?
>I dunno, but it seemed a good idea
>Brought him to the bedroom later, had to carry him again
>Poor thing was still scared
>Still shaking and whimpering
>Maybe physical contact will help?
>Wrapped my left arm around him and brought him close, pressing his back against my chest
>He yelped in surprise but kept still, started breathing rapidly
>Used the other hand to start scratching his head
>They like that, right?
>I think he did
>But I gotta tell ya, his hair is sooo nice to feel
>Just the right amount of soft and rough, it's silky one way yet coarse the other
>Never touched hair myself outside of brushing past mammalians in the street, but boy was I missing out
>And his skin!
>So smooth and soft...
>I just had to start rubbing his chest too
>I could've done that all night
>There's just no other feeling in the world
>I think petting him soothed him, because he stopped shaking
>But he was still whimpering for a good hour or so before falling asleep
>Sad thing
>I hoped sleeping with him helped sooth him down, but the next morning he was back to being scared and hiding away from me!
>Maybe he just needs some more lovin'
I like it, wouldn't mind a follow-up tae beh 'onest wit'cha meh senpai'ly
Then write anon. Write!

>A non talking anon

Its really hard to write that, any reason why you prefer a non talking anon?

Its fine Anon, take your time. Im just happy we have content creators.
not or, but it makes him seem more like an actual animal than a thinking human. Really cranks down on the domination/submission fetish, because if you can't voice your disapproval, even if there isn't consent, it dosen't matter; you're still gon get fukt
From i can see, Human are just animal from they eyes. They just like a dog. But talking? No one gonna read that because LOGIC.
Would this thread accept a story if it was filled with intense violence, or is this thread mainly for comfy stuff?
Two cakes. Just write it; someone will like it.
If it's a vessel for a compelling story, character development and modest drama, then sure.

If it's just a gore fic, nah m8.
>be First on a starship.
>important mission, first time checking on our seed colony
"I said they call their planet 'Earth', sir."
>captain, a large tiger, laughs. "they call it dirt? poor things." he leans forwards, gestures me to turn on the Worldphone. All humans, everywhere, can hear us now.
>"Welcome, humans -- they are called that, right? good -- to a new age. We will lift you from your humble, simple beginnings to... what was that?"
>bright flash outside. My instruments say some sort of crude, nuclear-based explosion happened some hundreds of metres from our hull
"I think they lit off a firework, sir. must be welcoming us to their planet."
>"Oh, they're *adorable*," says our science officer, a poodle. She wags her tail. "They're sending up more greetings!"
>"First, take control of them, we need to have the party *after* I've assumed control."
>We confiscate several hundred nuclear fireworks. I clear my throat, motioning the captain to silence. He flicks his tail, but agrees. I lean forwards, to the mic on my control panel.
"Bad humans! Bad! No more fireworks! This is an important message, we can play later, okay?"
>I look. No more fireworks. I nod.
"Good humans, that's right. Now, listen up, mister captain has a few more words, *then* we can play, okay? Alright... sir? You may continue."
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I want more comfy green stories
Go on...
>See human? You dont want to free. You want to be our cute pet! Just look how hard you are, of course you want this. Honestly, this whole notion of humans not wanting to be under our loving care is ridiculous!
> Be First. Be on the away team.
>Some of my associates are laughing about red shirts.
>I don't get the joke. Oh well.
>Shuttle lands near large white building
>humans are making lots of noise
>"Oh look at that, Number One, they're having a parade! How cute!"
>poodle science officer claps her paws together as humans hurry past in strange green clothes
"Oh just ignore them," I say, "look, they're trying to hide, being all sneaky. Silly things."
>they start pointing long metal objects at us, my anti-personnel field is registering multiple small impacts.
"Don't make eye contact, I think they're scared," I say.
>"Poor things," says poodle science officer.
>She goes. And. picks. one. up.
>brings it back, cuddling.
>"Look, furnon, he's so cute! so fiesty! yes you are! yes you are! who's the most dangerous human!"
>she tickles his chin as he tries to punch, bite and stab her with a knife
>I laugh.
"Looks like you made a friend."
I don't like your head canon. It's kinda insulting.
I always saw it more as a Planet of the apes kind of deal with humans having their regular intelligence but the animals are rising up. Or like slave times where the fur people are on the same footing as us and just had the more technological advantage and can enslave us.

But this place is just for stories really so whatever gets written is more than enough for me.
you're getting your panties in a twist over a greentext? really?
This is actually cute!
Okay that went better than expected. The Anon is a true wingman.
>Be anon the soldier
>damned space aliens have seized the block
>set up some sort of infernal mind control station
>or is it a terraformer? poison gas producing death machine?
>whatever it is, it's going *down*
>bullets haven't worked, but by God you'll lob a grenade or two at it. lock and load, point and shoot! ooh-rah!
>RPG speeds down the road
>RPG zings off their damned invisible forcefield
>RPG hits nearby monument
>monument crashes into the water
>"Alright, WHO DID THAT? WHO WAS IT?!"
>big alien stands up, he looks like a 9 foot high husky or mal or something
>"I want to know *right now*."
>he spots me. I drop the rocket launcher, try to run, but he's caught me in some sort of tractor beam
>drags me over to the devastation. He points.
>"No! Bad human! We do not destroy public property! Somebody put that there, and now you've ruined it! What do you have to say for yourself?"
"Uhh, uhh, p-private A-anon, RA34 332 119!" I say
>"Well it's no good, Anon, you're in timeout. Put down your weapons. I said put it down! Right down! Now! Bad human!"
>I put down my guns, take off my grenades. I even surrender my knife. I fall to my knees. This is it. I'm going to die.
>"Now, I want you to come with me, and sit down in the corner and think about what you did! You can play later when I think you're sorry enough."
>Large husky dude points to an area near their death machine. I sit, waiting for the end.
>After a few minutes, the poodle lady(?) tries to offer me some sort of truth serum or mutagen poison to turn me into their supersoldier evil henchman. I refuse. Death before dishonour.
>"Such troublemakers," husky dude says, tutting and shaking his head.
No stories about furs taking care of crippled humans? Ripe for feels.
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Anon, can we keep this place with comfy stuff?

But that boring as shit.
Please stop.
Which? Taking care of crippled humans or comfy stuff?
ignore >>7457312
do more
Should be the other way round. Especially if the human is sentient and wants his freedom but at the same time, cannot bring himself to abandon the anthro in his care.
>Be science officer Helena, proud member of the poodle brigade. First in class.
>Currently Investigating Earth and all these adorable humans!
>Your new Pet, Squaddie, is being Very Naughty.
"Come on, eat up, you'll get sick otherwise!"
>"Lady I am a soldier of the united states army! I do not need to--"
"Here comes the airoplane! neeooowww!"
>Finally get him to eat a HumanSnax(tm) snackbar.
>He's glaring at me, but eating it. He's so cute when he's being fierce!
>"You know," First says, "I hear the best way to get them to do something is to say you're going to take it away, or forbid them from it."
"Okay, naughty boy, you can't have any of this yummy water. You have to sit there and not touch it, you hear me? don't you touch it now!"
>I waggle my finger at him, then go back to the sensor array. Peeking over the top, I see him glaring at me.
>I pretend not to notice.
>He takes a sip. I give Furnon the thumbs up. His tail wags and his muzzle falls open as he grins, his tongue lolling out.
>His own pet is still sulking from being given a Timeout.
>You don't know who built that monument he knocked down, but you're Not Amused. Somebody may need spanking.
>You look up at a new noise from the surrounding humans who are still enjoying themselves playing at War.
>They have a large orange robot with flashing eyes and bad hairdo stomping up the street towards your hovering shuttle
"Don't you *dare*!" you say, standing up and pointing directly at the robot. "That's a new shuttle, you're not allowed to play with it. At all!"
>You can hear them cheering, they're being Very Naughty Indeed.
>"Glory to god-emperor Trump! May his Trumpbot 9001 bring glory to the nation!"
>You sigh. You're probably going to have to pay to get that buffed out.
not a spidertank/10
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Can we make this the pic for the next thread, please?
Sounds good me amigo bandito.
Hi I'm not the fella who's just saying to stop writing but I do feel the need to point out that the perspective really doesn't paint anyone in a positive light, making the "characters" seem like they are in a constant state of being either patronizing, rude or just plain ignorant.

It doesn't really show enough quality in the expressions of the "characters" because every scene that includes them has them doing something stupid. It's quite aggravating to read through at this point in time.

This was just me stating my opinion on this. I hope you will accept my simple critic.
Laughing the entire time. Keep it up
yup, template is prepared and ready to fire at 301-305 posts
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Thank you, I have a couple of other nice pics with human and anthro if you want I can post them sometime in the next thread
killllll the thread
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Well, it's dead now, are you happy?
>Yes! Yes mistress!
new thread
migrate when ready
why do i want to mate with that deathclaw all through the night?
yes please cheer me up, oh great now im erect!
Thread posts: 305
Thread images: 57

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