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Welcome to Pets of Furries general (or /PoFg/ #3) in which w

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 310
Thread images: 69

Welcome to Pets of Furries general (or /PoFg/ #3) in which we lament that
>They will never be real
Lurk at your own risk

[relevant links]
/trash/ archive if you missed a thread or two: http://desuarchive.org/trash/search/text/PoFg/
Previous Thread >>7403023
Pastebins and greens
If you would like your works to appear here, simply post your pastebin

Theme of the thread: How do your owner's reward you for good behavior; treats, pats, hugs?
Threadly Prompt for the content creators
>Reeling from your headache, you look around, your singed hair still smoking
"Hey, this isn't my laboratory"

OP template: http://pastebin.com/qsmAru51
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>Please- Please stop teasing me mistress! I'll do ANYTHING you say, o-okay? Just PLEASE let me finally have sex with you, please!
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>heh, you human boys are so cute whenever you try to run but its even cuter when I've got you like this. That's right, lick my paws, like a good boy. I can feel how hard you are, you obviously want this. I just can't wrap my head around why you cute lil things wanna be free so bad instead of being our cute little pets.
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>Don't worry Mrs Katie, when I'm done with your pet human here, he'll abandon all these strange ideas about human freedom and embrace our loving ownership.

>See he's already cumming. I'm sure, this'll be a textbook case. Just come back at the end of the day and he should be ready.
>Thank you for letting me lick your paws master. I promise I will be an obedient possession from now on. Please allow me the privilege of servicing and obeying you in any way possible.
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Staph, my benis can't handle another round.
>that tongue invasion
>those dominant paws
POW, right in the fetish
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>Its all about easing those cute lil morsels into it see?

>They've got to realize why its in their best interest to surrender to our loving care
Found the 'dog people'.
I'll be over here with my fellow felines biting the shit out of anyone that doesn't pet me just right.
>That's it... ohhh yes, I think you understand your kinds natural place in the world. Freedom just wasn't meant for your cute little things. All will be right when all humans accept their destiny as our adorable little pets.

>Now what should I call you hm?
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>I hate it when my property tries to run away from me, but because I'm in a good mood and I just cant stay mad at your cute little face, I think I'll let you off, IF you tell me who told you humans shouldn't be our pets?
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>And there's a whole village of you cuties? Awwwww, when I catch scent of it, I'll get the rest of the girls out here and we'll adopt them all!

>No sweetie, kidnapping would imply they have full rights, the law clearly states that humans are precious pets. Yes you are, yes you are!
>You guys really got lucky when we found you in the forest, who knows what could've happened to you all there in that big scary place.

>But its all OK now isn't it? All you have to think about is being a good little boy to mommy now.
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Forgot the pic
Can we have more of the "humans are just animals but with a few exceptions" instead of "slavery"?
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The fuck is that porridge she's making him eat out of her cuchi?
Don't talk shit about porridge
Ayy. Remember these posts?

I'm gon' continue that thing.
Get to it!
>You follow the soft whines to the livingroom, where, sitting on the soft couch is your owner
>Well. Partial Owner.
>......it's complicated, ok?
>But the blanket cocoon heaves open slightly, a soft brown muzzle sticking out of the top
>"Can... you get me a drink, please?"
"Holy shit you sound like death warmed over."
>She smiles - and then gets caught in another coughing fit
"Alright, alright, hold on-"
>"O-oh.. an... and please-"
"Yes yes, I"ll strip when I get back, calm down."
>You can't tell if the following whine is happy or sick
>Maybe a bit of both
>Sighing, you start shedding clothing as you make your way to the kitchen - which, of course, has been specially modified for a mixed-race house
>Everything is an island, basically, but one side's just cabinets and the other's...
>You sigh internally as you climb the human-approved(tm) integrated step-stool to the sink, turning it on and reaching over to get a clean glass
>Hefting the goblet with both hands, you carefully make your way back down - now stepping out of your socks, your soft feet making a gentle *tamp* on the hardwood floors
"Ayy, I'm here - NO!"
>You back up just a bit as the blanket-cocoon opens, the deadly grabby-paws missing you by a few feet
"Water first, then cuddles."
>You roll your eyes, placing the glass in one of her paws - the other waving at you until you give in, climbing up towards it
>One thing you never ever got used to was how fucking STRONK the Therians are
>You aren't 'helped up' onto the couch so much as bodily tugged up, very quickly finding yourself a captive of the deadly blanket-monster
"Well hello to you too, Lakita."
>She downs the glass in one sitting, rewarding you with a few more wet coughs. "Nnnh. Hey. How was class?"
>You shrug, stripping out of your undershirt and tossing it out the blanket air-hole
"They're all little shits and you should fail them without question."
>"Awww. You like them"
>You smirk
>She hums softly, as she pulls you against her - her bare breasts resting against your head and shoulders
>You feel her shift, and she starts to rub your belly with her free hand
"I still think you're too easy on 'em."
>"Maybe" she croaks. "But this is a softer world, after all."
>She hums again, then growls softly. "Jeans? I told you to lose 'em-"
"Yeah and I didn't expect to be fucking absorbed into the blanket hivemind so suddenly, yet here I am."
>You shimmy as she tugs, and soon you're sitting against your owner in nothing but your birthday suit
>She sighs, now able to pet your side and tummy with no resistance
>...that still makes you feel weird
>Like how apparently petting cats or dogs calms humans down? Yeah.
>Same for these fluffy fucks
"Did you at least bring the tablet?"
>"Mmm. I've got the 20-incher in here with me-"
"Lakita, you make me blush - but you know I'm not that big-"
>She shifts and smushes the tablet against your chest as you laugh
"Come on, that was a good one-"
>"You are killing me, Anon. Legitimately killing me."
"Bah. You'll live; what doesn't kill you just maims you for life and makes you a social outcast among your peers."
>You fire up the tablet, runes in Therian and English appearing parallel to each other
>Thank Fuck Trump forced English as the standard human language
>It means you didn't have to learn a damn thing
>Almost made up for surrendering the planet
>Let's see here
>You tap your email icon, logging in - checking up on the shitposts that you missed, the hot spicy new memes that are sweeping the galaxy
>Aaah, the good ol' salamander-in-a-salad. Never gets old. You would repost with dat boi, but
>Hate crimes
>You feel Lakita inhale deeply - no coughing, surprisingly - and sigh, her muzzle kissing the back of your head
"If you use my hair as a kleenex I'm going to shave you in your sleep."
>"Well there goes *my* entertainment for the night."
>Let's see
>Might as well troll space-chan
>You quickly navigate to your home-board, MLH
>aka 'My Pet Human', 'Make Love (to) Humans', 'ManLet Hardons', 'Moderate a Little, Hiroshimoot'
>It's just the best place to shitpost, because, well.
>It's a perpetually smoldering tinderbox
>'Underground' resistance posters, humans looking for owners, abusive-therian stories, abusive-human stories, therian-slaves, culture critiques, /pol/-posters questioning if our dogs and Therian dogs are the same
>It's just so *easy*
>Oh, speaking of:
>>7462340: >heh, you human boys are so cute whenever you try to run but its even cuter when I've got you like this. That's right, lick my paws, like a good boy. I can feel how hard you are, you obviously want this. I just can't wrap my head around why you cute lil things wanna be free so bad instead of being our cute little pets.
>You crack your knuckles
"Paw fetishes = trash taste. Obviously earnibbles are superior. Also >implying humans wouldn't naturally flee from someone with shit taste"
>Not bad for a warmup... let's see.
>>7462680: >Its all about easing those cute lil morsels into it see? >They've got to realize why its in their best interest to surrender to our loving care
>Your fingers tap against the XXXL screen
"Best interest says the scalie fucking a human in a swamp. Enjoy your leeched-up asshole, you dumb fuck."
>Kay, next
>>7462962 : >No sweetie, kidnapping would imply they have full rights, the law clearly states that humans are precious pets. Yes you are, yes you are!
"If you use baby talk when you fuck, there is a *lot* wrong with you."
>"Nnn....Anon, what are- no!"
>You feel Lakita's chest tense, and you start wiggling in her embrace
>She grips the tablet and starts tugging - but where's she gonna go?
>"Anon stop this it's not health-ANON COME ON LET GO-"
>Hugging the tablet tightly, you use your nipples to submit your post
Foolish Laktia, the moment Anon got the high ground, he became the Big Guy.
>You lock eyes with her
>Although sick and bloodshot, she narrows her eyes back at you, her ears splaying against the back of her head
>"Y-you're just bein-"
>Her jaw snaps shut, a small frown on her muzzle
>. . .
>The standoff is REAL
>But you know you're gon-OHHEYTHERE
>You shudder and let out a totally manly squeak as her unreasonably soft and fluffy tail strokes long against your balls
>Just enough to break your concentration - and lose you the tablet
>You sigh
"That's not fair-"
>"You shouldn't shitpost so furiously."
"But how else will I take down the Matriarchy and re-establish human do-OOohhhstopthat~!"
>You squirm as her tail rubs up against you again in all the right places, quickly spinning around to make sure she doesn't see that it's working
>Can't let her win, yanno
>"Mmmn... come on, come back-"
"No. You won't let me shitpost and now you're tailgroping me. That's totally unfair."
>"Aww. Sugarskin-"
>"Little niblet~"
"Ugh no-"
>"Thragnar the Impossible-"
"That's my stripper name, and no. I left those years far behind me."
>You feel her shift, and then a wet kiss on the back of your neck
>"You know I love you, though."
>You give her a noncommital grunt
>"Aww. Come on, let's Netflix and chill. You have yet to show me all of your, what is it? House of Cards?"
>You still pout like a champion
>You continue to do so even when she pulls you back into her embrace
>Even when you start season 3
>Even when her tail slides between your closed legs, wagging just enough to distract you.
Done. Critique, comments, etc. are appreciated.
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>>Thragnar the Impossible
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>she will never be real
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For the guy who asked for the cute chubby raccoon lady, enjoy.

Again, sorry about the hold-ups, life was just tedious as fuck last couple days.
Not the OR, but that's nice.

Are you fine with further requests?

Because there can never be enough comfy cuddling in bed pictures.
I completely agree, what's the request?
why do i want to mate with that deathclaw all through the night?

A bear using a human as her teddy bear while in bed? Arms wrapped around him, his back to her front?
I wonder how furry law treats humans. I like to think that general belief is that humans are too cute creatures to abuse so their laws against human abuse are harsh. Furs will tend to have more sympathy towards humans than other furs. And furrys have an instinctive need to coddle and take care of humans. Especially female furs since they tend to trigger their motherly instincts.
Consider it done, anon.
If that were the case dubs-man, what'd be their reaction towards the violet human media?

Rambo, Hotline Miami, Bloodborne, or Soylent Green?

Would it be to them like Happy Tree Friends is to us?
Continuing >>7454522
>Be captain Archer of the Therian colony ship Dauntless
>It's been 3 days since you sent down mulitple away teams to survey the planet
>It's been about a half hour since most of them returned, mission complete, all of them with humans in tow.
>Everything's been awful ever since.
>You pinch the bridge of your muzzle.
"Science officer Helena," you say patiently.
>"Uhh, yes, Captain Archer, sir?"
"Can you *please* turn down the volume on your pet's toy? I have a headache."
>"Sorry, sir, sorry. Fang... Fang! Give me a moment, okay
>ᴬᶫᵉʳᵗ! ʷᵃʳᵖ ᶜᵒʳᵉ ᵇʳᵉᵃᶜʰ ᶦᵐᵐᶦᶰᵉᶰᵗ! ᵗᵒᵗᵃᶫ ᵈᵉˢᵗʳᵘᶜᵗᶦᵒᶰ ᵒᶠ ˢʰᶦᵖ ᶦᶰ ᵗ ᵐᶦᶰᵘˢ ᵗᵉᶰ ᵐᶦᶰᵘᵗᵉˢ!
>You sigh. "That's better."
>Those mammoth sweater cows
Hot. Thanks Anon, I appreciate the art.
>ywn live in a world where furries replace humans
>ywn be the only human there
>ywn catch the attention of the grills there
It's not fair, /trash/.
>Those super satanic trips
Person who did croc greentext.

>We just sat together on the couch for the rest of the morning
>Well, Jeff was laying on the couch, but whatever
>I continued to scratch his head and watched TV to pass the time
>Fell asleep before I knew it
>Sweet thing
>Curled up, head resting on his arms while he silently naps
>I rub his hair, feeling it's calming texture once more
>I recall the closet nearby
>Something that'll make him a bit more comfortable
>After getting up as gently as I could without stirring him, I go to the closet to retrieve it
>A blanket my mother sewn years ago
>Soft yarn, keeps heat well
>Perfect for a cold night or just relaxing on the couch for long periods of time
>I draped him with the blanket, making sure it covered everything besides his head
>Thought if he should sleep, at least he should sleep warm
>Sweet thing
>I needed to leave for work though, it was a Monday after all
>I didn't know if he was trained or not, but I'll just have to deal with whatever happens
>'Oh right, food.' I thought
>No human food, but I do have some cereal
>I don't think it's a "human-diet" approved meal, but it'll have to do for now
>I really have to get food for him after work
>Putting down a bowl of cereal and water, I left for work
>Well... Not before giving his hair another brush
>Still sound asleep, dozing on the couch with the blanket on him
>Sweet thing
>>"Thragnar the Impossible-"
I'm clapping like a retarded seal

Comfy and funny, I'd like moar
I really hope to see a green that references this:

Furries have invades Earth and turned humans into their pets, but there will be of course the Resistance, a group of humans that will do anything to keep their prides and not become a slave to those furries. What do you think?
Don't be tiresome about it. This is for comfy, sexy or silly pets of furries
Just wondering if the draw friend from the previous thread has draw the thicc cow lady giving her human a boob hug :3
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Where's my crazy bird babe?
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I wish this story end with the human talking to her and saying "thank you for everything"
I think so.
Ignis but 50 and not a fukboi
What would you like to see?

>Work was over
>Said goodbye to Debbie at the front counter
>She has a human too
>Only know that its name is Sam
>Reminds me: I do still need to get my own human food
>I drive to the store
>Pickup a 20 lb bag of "Humie Yummy"
>Dry kibble... I think that'll only be used for when I'm out
>Hungry thing probably wouldn't like eating nothing but this
>Might just be a human, but...
>I don't know, seems a bit cruel for the poor thing to me
>Anyway, I load up the bag and head home
>Park the car in the driveway
>Check the mailbox
>Junk mail; throw it in the trash bin
>Unlock and open the door
>"Jeff! Heya boy, I'm home!" I call out
>No sound
>No pitter patter of his crawl-walk on the wooden floor
>No response
>'Must be asleep.' I thought while putting my coat up
>I check the living room
>No sign
>Noticed something too
>The cereal hasn't been touched
>Not even the water
>"Jeff?" I call out again
>Softly, I hear him walking in the distance from the bedroom
>He turns the corner to greet me
>His face is wet, eyes red
>He sniffs every few seconds
>Poor, sad thing
>"Hey, hey... C'mere Jeff." I say softly, crouching down to be closer to him
>He walks over, somewhat faster than he did this morning
>Upon nearing me, he began rubbing his head against my legs and body
>I scratch the top of his head and rub his back
>"Hey, hey, hey... It's OK, buddy... It's alright..." I say gently
>"C'mon... Let's get you something to eat, OK?"
>He looks up, his face somewhat drier
>I stop petting him and open the fridge, looking for something to make dinner with
>For the two of us
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Thanks anon, i was needing my daily comfy greentext today
To Tame a Human
Chapter five: Denying defeat

>How could I forget about them?
>'Its been what? a week already? I hope they managed to get some stuff from the garage.' I thought as I zoned out for a moment, completely forgetting what was going on around me. I had to come up with a plan on how to get out of here
>"Thats a good boy" some voice said, and i felt hot and spicy taste on my tongue.
>Thats right, i was actually being fed before i spaced out. I chewed and found the taste incredible.
>However the joy from the exquisite meal, compared to what i usually ate, was diminished by the now sudden realization that if the kids decided to stay inside instead, or something horrible has befallen them, then they are currently starving.
>It probably showed on my face, because Lizzie looked a little dejected "It Doesn't taste good?" she asked me, but i couldn't do it to her. True, it has been mostly her fault i got caught.
>And then she had me blasted with water, and then she held me thorough the night. Even though i try to blame everything on her, its impossible, she's been nothing but nice to me since I saved her life.
>She got a spoonful from her dish and placed it in her mouth, tasting it for a moment, but then it looked like she was struck by lightning "It's too spicy for you?" She asked me.
>I usually like spicy food! It wasn't her fault, the food was perfect, but how to tell that to her without saying anything?
>The easiest way was also the most demeaning, hope that she continues feeding me, or i could go the better route and try to drink it from the bowl, but then again, it was rather hot unless she cooled it down for me.
>Choosing not to surrender, I took the bowl in my hands, and put it to my mouth, she kept on watching me, slightly glad that i decided to continue, slightly amused by the way I chose to confront the bowl. The meat will be slightly problematic, but I'll manage!
>damn it was hot, I'll surely burn my tongue, but it was either this or being spoon-fed and I couldn't do that.
>She looked at me, like she realized that I'll burn my tongue and hilarity and mess would ensue, but if she wanted that, she's in for a shock. For I drank the goulash to the bottom, and then let the meat slide in my mouth.
>Then I glanced at her with a victorious smile while still chewing.
>She smiled with the most radiant smile I've seen on her, and petted me behind my left ear. "So is my food better than what we serve at the station?"
>Sure thing, its always a pleasure to eat home cooked meal, but there are more urgent things to take care of. The best thing I could actually do is leave when she goes to sleep, that way I'll be able to run and see the garage, and bring something from it to the forest if I have time. However, the running would be painful, thanks to the bruised ribs
>No matter, it was something I had to do.
>I was thinking all this while looking at her eating. It was actually also amusing, Just how she had to hold liquid in her mouth, small chins and protruded muzzle meant that liquids would be rather hard to handle, but apparently, it was still possible to make the "kissy" face and eat or blow at the spoon and more.
>While I waited for her to finish, we were sitting in a silence. I did nothing except planning the trip and looking at her face, she seemed too into the goulash, because she never looked me in the eyes during the dinner.
>When she was done, it was up to her, as the host, and the owner of the building to decide the next course of action, and because I needed her to lower her guard, I complied without any resistance, well almost.
>After the dinner, she loaded up the dishwasher with the dish and a bowl, meanwhile she sat me down on a couch and made me watch TV. While my plan was almost ready, I was suddenly shocked to see a human in TV, he was saying something about a horrible murder, but his mouth was distorting when he spoke.
>This caught my attention, as I was trying to figure out what was going on. The story was about a detective trying to solve a crime, but there were no furries in sight, which was troubling.
>Are they broadcasting something from my reality? Or what is this?
>The show continued, and Lizzie eventually entered the living room once again, asking me "What are you watching Runner?" In a furry typical manner, when they don't expect any answer from you at all.
>I just kept watching as this James Hands was asking a black dude about the info of a certain stolen car.
>There it was again, the black guy's eyes were scared, but his mouth was smiling in an unnatural fashion, it looked like the mouth was not even his part!
>"Oooh Humanopolia, I like that" Lizzie informed me, as she sat down next to me, petting me once again.
>"I wish you guys could actually talk" she said, as the James Hands was running around with a mexican dude, complete with sombrero, solving the mystery.
>Wait, so let me get this straight, i'm watching a movie where people talk and act like people, but its not possible? What the.
>Then it dawned on me, why the mouth looked so incredibly suspicious. It was animated.
>This was soul crushing. What you considered normal is now a science fiction, and the fact that they went and made "animal movie" where you saw your old world, was...
>I could feel it, a manly tear forming at my right eye, luckily I wiped it away before Lizzie could've noticed it.
>There goes my world, with credits rolling and a list of actors. James Hands was played by Sparky and dubbed by his owner called Willie.
>My mood was now exceptionally fucked, there were only two lifelines I still had the kids in the basement, which i still had to check upon, and a tigress who held me by my shoulder in a typical 'Theater style yawn' style hold.
>If she was a human, I would swear that she was hitting on me, but not for a sole purpose of getting into my pants, and it wasn't unpleasant, quite the contrary. No matter what, though, there is going to be a lot of tears when I leave tonight.
>I hope I'll manage to sneak out unnoticed.
>The evening goes on, and we spend watching the TV, until she yawns and suggests the following
>"Its getting late, how about we take a shower and go to beds?" she said as if it was the most sensible thing to do, and I couldn't agree with her more. I was actually rather happy to go and take a shower, a cherry on top of a cake, and if this evening can be described as something, it would be CAKE.
>"Come on" she said, already standing up, pulling me with both hands from the couch.
>And thus we went towards the bathroom, together, I went to the doors, but she entered first. Being a true gentleman, stood outside, facing wall and not looking at her.
>"What are you doing? How am I going to wash you if you are standing over there fully dressed?" She asked, taking off her T-shirt.
>Now this is something I haven't signed for. I am a man of simple principles, separate the white clothes from colored before washing, wet your toothpaste before brushing, don't go into showers together with naked tigresses, that sort of things! So i raised my hands in a 'Better not' gesture.
>"Come on, don't be shy!" she said, as she pulled me inside the bathroom, already only wearing underwear.
>Then she started fiddling with zip on my overalls. Now It might surprise you, but I wasn't really looking forward to it.
>Even though I had no real means of defending against the shower which we were going to take together, I felt bad about it.
don't fall for the tigers tricks runner, get out of there
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It's getting a bit hot here, isn't?
>I knew I was doing a bad thing by the time she was undressing her bra, and i was standing there with T-shirt and underwear.
>It wasn't sexual. It was like she considered me as a dog, and I thought that going in there is really disrespectful towards her, because she has no idea that I'm not actually on the same mental level as usual dogs.
>The underwear disappeared on the ground, and I was standing there, both hands covering my intimate region.
>She however, had no qualms about being naked in front of me, and even though I was a real gentleman and tried to avoid this situation, I'm a man, and when a man has an opportunity to look at boobs, he has to fight with his whole soul not to take a peek. Looking straight ahead, my gaze not wandering, but my mind was one step away from falling straight into the gutters.
>She took me by the hand and led me inside a spacious bath... While I was being led, I couldn't help but notice where her tail begins, and the perfectly round butt she had, not too muscular, but not too flabby, and it would fit perfectly in my hands
>'What the hell are you thinking about?!' I yelled at myself mentally, as I sat on the corner of the bath, while she was regulating the temperature, looking away from me.
>"Now that should be about it, what do you say?" She asked me as I reached into the stream, it was nice and warm, maybe on the hot side of warm, but pleasant nonetheless.
>"Good, now, stand up. " She said, showering her ample bosom.
>Lady If I stand up right now, there might be circumstances that would require answering.
>She gave me the uncertain look, and then reached for my right hand, presumably to pull me up.
>I was however covering my crotch with both hands, still not used to the idea of being seen, so when she reached for my hand, I smashed my legs together, still covering myself up.
>She kept looking at me, this time around as if she was scanning me, probably to figure out what was wrong with me.
Bless your writing.
>"don't tell me" she said, concerned look on her face. "Your previous owner molested you?" she asked.
>"I'm sorry, i didn't know" She said, giving me a hug, while I was sitting, which didn't help at all.
>Who would molest me? I didn't have any owner before.
>"I just wanted to wash your back" She says, while still hugging me.
>Okay, I guess there is no going back now, especially when I'm already in the bath with you and your perfect 38F's are already in plain view.
>I slowly stood up, trying to figure out what is the square root of 32, in an attempt to control bloodflow.
>"Now turn around" she said, touching my shoulders and pressing them in a counter clockwise directions, as if it wasn't obvious what she wanted me to do from just saying that to me.
>Then I heard a plastic bottle being opened, and something spurting.
>Then I felt a cool sensation on my backs, she was massaging the shower gel in, and even though i told myself that I would most certainly not enjoy this. It was too hard to resist.
>She was excellent at washing my backs, her soft paws felt awesome on my back, she was however pushing hard, and that helped my tense muscles to ease up. She even did the shoulders and lower back.
>"You know, If you told me in the morning that I would be washing your backs in my shower tonight, i wouldn't believe it" She suddenly started, just as she was soaping the lower backs.
>"But." I knew she was going for a but, there has to be 'but' in this kind of announcement.
>"Even though I tied you up, you went and saved my life." That I did, and looking at the purple bruise by my side, It didn't go smoothly.
>"I wanted to thank you Runner." She said, as she was washing the soap off. Suddenly the atmosphere went dark again, for I knew that I was leaving tonight, and no matter what she did, or what she says is going to stop me from running away.
>"All done, turn around" she said, and I turned around. "Now I'll wash your front" she said, and I saw the bottle this time. It was something called "Human bodywash TC 200ml for both genders"
>she then rubbed it on my chest.
>"You know, I was actually considering adopting you myself." she continued, staring at my chest, which was now soapy and smelling like cinnamon.
>I sure as hell am not going to be a pet, even though it seems many times better than how I've been living till now.
>"But I think you have greater potential, if my boss agrees, and I go through the right paperwork, then maybe" She said, this time stopping, and looking me in the eyes.
>"Maybe you could work with me, as an Assistant Human." She said, and I watched her eyes.
>Then she fell silent, carefully washing around the bruise.
>She was silent when she washed my stomach, but my hands holding my groin were not going to allow any passage, so she skipped that place.
>"But if that doesn't work out, I still want you here, you understand me Runner" she said, but this time, I decided to cut this short. After she rinsed me with water, I looked over the many bottles lying on the small shelf by the shower, found one that said "shower gel" With a fine looking Rat Lady washing her arms.
>She looked at me, reaching for the bottle, and asked "What are you doing?"
>Returning the favor of course! but I didn't tell her, since the no talking and all that.
>I opened the bottle with one hand, and placed it on her shoulder, slowly pushing her in the counter clockwise direction
>"Ooh? are you going to wash my back too?" She said almost teasingly. Of course I would.
>I put the gel between my hands, closed the bottle and placed it on the shelf again, rubbing the gel between my hands, I started with her upper back, the fur felt strangely nice under my hands. It was almost as if i was washing someone's very long hair.
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Let the fug begin.jpg
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>When her upper backs were done, I went for the shoulders, gently rubbing the gel in the fur.
>She obviously enjoyed it, because she went "mmh" when i went to the shoulders.
>This however had an unforseen consequence of me getting stimulated.
>However, I wouldn't have any of it, so in a few seconds, I put my dick between my legs, and held it tightly in a painful position, knowing that it would deflate in a matter of minutes.
>Then I went back to the shoulders with some more gel, I continued to the point where i was basically washing her back and giving her a backrub, and while the 'crossed legs' thing was working somehow, her enjoying the backrub was counter-productive.
>"Where did you learn that Runner?" She asked me when I was massaging the nape of her neck.
>I didn't, I'm just doing what feels right.
>When I was done with the neck, I went for lower backs again, and while it might seem easier, it wasn't for the tail suddenly appeared and tried to touch me on every possible occasion.
>When I was done with her lower backs, she turned her head and asked "What about the tail?"
>'Sigh, of course she's going to want me to wash her tail too' So, once more the bottle was opened, and once more I decided to indulge her.
>The base of the tail, was a little... very problematic for me. As I've once stated, I do respect her greatly, but I didn't want to grope her, but this thing literally started right above her butt, so touching the butt was inevitable.
>It was very nice butt mind you and if she liked me for who I am, and not for her idea of semi-sentient pet, I wouldn't be able to stop trying to grab that.
>The tail was soon done, but what followed was both unexpected, and I should've expected that from the beginning.
>After I washed the gel of her, she turned around, and gave me a hug.
>"I knew you were special from the first moment I saw you, I just didn't know how special" she said, face to face with me.
>When her upper backs were done, I went for the shoulders, gently rubbing the gel in the fur.
>She obviously enjoyed it, because she went "mmh" when i went to the shoulders.
>This however had an unforseen consequence of me getting stimulated.
>However, I wouldn't have any of it, so in a few seconds, I put my dick between my legs, and held it tightly in a painful position, knowing that it would deflate in a matter of minutes.
>Then I went back to the shoulders with some more gel, I continued to the point where i was basically washing her back and giving her a backrub, and while the 'crossed legs' thing was working somehow, her enjoying the backrub was counter-productive.
>"Where did you learn that Runner?" She asked me when I was massaging the nape of her neck.
>I didn't, I'm just doing what feels right.
>When I was done with the neck, I went for lower backs again, and while it might seem easier, it wasn't for the tail suddenly appeared and tried to touch me on every possible occasion.
>When I was done with her lower backs, she turned her head and asked "What about the tail?"
>'Sigh, of course she's going to want me to wash her tail too' So, once more the bottle was opened, and once more I decided to indulge her.
>The base of the tail, was a little... very problematic for me. As I've once stated, I do respect her greatly, but I didn't want to grope her, but this thing literally started right above her butt, so touching the butt was inevitable.
>It was very nice butt mind you and if she liked me for who I am, and not for her idea of semi-sentient pet, I wouldn't be able to stop trying to grab that.
>The tail was soon done, but what followed was both unexpected, and I should've expected that from the beginning.
>After I washed the gel of her, she turned around, and gave me a hug.
>"I knew you were special from the first moment I saw you, I just didn't know how special" she said, face to face with me.
Fuck, updating pastebing during the writing is not a way to go, luckily I have a backup of what I wrote...
>repeating the same lot of text
>"Now would you be willing to wash me from this side too?" She asked innocently, and I knew that I was in trouble.
>So I did as she asked me to do. However, I took a liberty of only staring at her perfect breasts. I did what I could to avoid touching them.
>She noticed my struggle but didn't comment on it, same way for washing around her crotch, there was a place which I wasn't going to touch. This was a slippery slope, she was a real eyecandy, and I was considering how bad would being a pet really be.
>While I was lost in thoughts, her eyes wandered a little lower than my eyes, and my chest, and a little lower than my stomach too.
>Too bad for her, I was already back to the normal, hoping and almost praying to gods that I would remain flaccid for the minutes to come.
>When I rinsed her however, she embraced me.
>"You are wonderful Runner." She said, giving me a kiss on my cheek.
>It took all my concentration to not push her away...without using hands.
>The shower was getting foggy, and while the showerhead was smoshed between us, I was getting slowly cold, but I hugged her back.
>"We should probably get out of the shower" she said after she was done hugging me.
>I would concur wholeheartedly if I could, but I kept my mouth shut as she got outside, pulled a towel and placed it around her butt, leaving the tail outside.
>I left after her, and while i was getting out of the bath, she fastened the towel around her waist, taking another towel to dry me off, but then she stopped and smiled.
>"Show me how special you really are" she said as a challenge, and handed me the towel.
>Oh, I will show you how special am I
>I took the towel, opened it, and as she was looking at me with an expectant smile, I threw the towel towards her.
>She wasn't expecting that, so she took it face first.
>Then I went and rubbed the towel on her while she was yelling and laughing at once
>"Stop, it tickles!" She yelled as I dried her shoulders, even from underneath.
>She was staring playful daggers at me, but dry playful daggers.
>Then I proceeded to dry myself with the towel I just used on her, pretending like nothing has ever happened.
>She took new underwear from the nearby basket, but since I had nothing to change into, I went for my old underwear. Besides, It has been recently washed, by a hose.
>After that, I took my clothes and went towards my room, but once again I was stopped.
>"I turned on the heating only an hour ago, its going to be cold till morning, and I don't want you to catch cold." she said.
>I won't catch cold, besides, there is a trip I'm still undertaking, but you are not making it easier for me.
>"And leave the clothes here, I'll wash them for you tomorrow." she said, putting my overalls on the basket.
>I was getting a faint idea where this thing is going.
>"How about you sleep in my bed tonight? hmm?" She asked, and I knew that this is going to be problematic.
>Well, I guess It wouldn't hurt, so I shrugged, and let myself be led into her room, which was right next to mine.
>It was twice as big, there was a gigantic bed in the corner, the rest was made with Spruce, the table, the wardrobes, it even smelled like a forest.
>"Come on in" She said and she pulled me towards the bed, already turning the lights off.
>I was following her, since she knew the room better than me.
>"Climb in" Now she didn't need to tell me twice, I was already intent on doing just that, and when I climbed in under the blankets, she followed suit, however, I choose the side that wasn't next to the wall
>"Good night Runner" She said as she tightly hugged me from behind.
>I knew this world was upside down about a lot of things, but me, being at least thirty centimeters taller and being a smaller spoon was new for me.
Stupid question because I forgot, is she a tiger or a fox?
>She even went as far as to put her paws underneath my shirt while holding me from behind, now I knew i was safe, she wouldn't be able to hold me all night long, because the matress wasn't super soft, and she put a hand underneath me.
>That hand will eventually lose all bloodflow and she'll try to remove it, when that happens I'll be free.
>"You are the best, Runner" she said, removing the left hand and started petting my hair, I also felt a third appendage which startled me to no end.
>Wild Tail appeared out of fucking nowhere and rubbed my leg.
>I was hell bent on not falling asleep.
>As the time continued onwards in its relentless race, her petting slowed down a little, and the tail stopped moving altogether.
>Good, now I will count to one thousand, and I'll leave.
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Tiger, and a good one.

>300 was the number I reached, before she said "I love you" and licked my hair. Now I didn't think she was a sleep talker, but she obviously was.
>550 She removed her hands from me and turned around.
>750 I got face full of tail as she somehow managed to climb into the corner.
>850 she was talking from her sleep, however just saying "tut tut" managed to quiet her down.
>990 If I count ten more, I'll fall asleep.
>So I slowly climbed out of the bed, as silently as I possibly could.
>"Where are you going Runner?" She asked me a question, but it was too dark to figure out if she was sleeping or just half asleep, I decided to take the risk and answer her
>"Just to the toilet" I hope she was half asleep, or fully asleep, otherwise there will be hell to pay.
>"Mmmhm" She said and hugged the pillow more.
>Now, when that was out of the way, I left the room, and closed the doors.
>After that I went to the bathroom, and dressed myself, silently of course.
>Then I went downstairs, the walk took about 3 minutes, because I remembered how creaky were the stairs, so I did my best trying to be sneaky.
>When I reached the bottom, I went for my shoes, and after they were tied, I decided to go through the front doors.
>Locked, of course, and I didn't see the key
>So I turned around and went to the toilet, there has to be a window!
>There was, so i climbed out of it, looked around and went off into the night to check the garage and the kids, giving one last thought to the Tigress who was so nice to me, and who will wake up alone in the morning.
>Well, It was very nice while it lasted. Maybe I'll pay her a visit someday.

End of Chapter.
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Thanks m8
Awesome story so far bruh
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Furry supremacy? Sign me the fuck up.
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Pastebin UP Chapter down,
I am Skreetz the Rat and I do this story (almost) daily, so if you wanna see some more, then come back tommorow for another Episode of To Tame a Human...

Meanwhile I'll be here.

Thank you for your time

She's a Tigress, based on the picture in the attachment
/Trash/ Doesn't allow spoilers, so I can't tell
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can someone tell me why do people like this because i really want to kown
can someone tell me why does this nigga keeps posting this because i really want to kown
>inb4 the xray anon went through the other day reveals he has a fuckhuge brain
>inb4 whatsherface the tigress thinks anon is some sort of escaped gov experiment
>inb4 the local nsa learn of anon's abilities
>inb4 anon has to flee the manhunt
>inb4 they never fuck
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>inb4 they never fuck

We'll see...
Wait, didn't I write that the towel was a little higher?
for the glory of Keksandra
Oh god dont tell me I actually revealled what you were planning all along
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fug you and....gif
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>Reading that part again

Well she had to take it off at some time to put on clothes. You're damn lucky if you can get completely dry with a towel.
Anon, i'm not the writer, i was just kidding.
Speaking of which did the writer ever say when he'd be back?
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This is just all made up stuff to fap to right?
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No this is real
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now I'm even more afraid to go outside
The story about human (You) from Terra teleport to RGRE world where animal can talk and walk with two legs.
Only the problem is, human can't talk, same as (you) but your brain and humanity still with you.

The rest is up to (you)
(y-you) too
I forget, Human is just like a dog. have a short life.
Yeah this reminds me, I had my human ever since he was a baby and I swear he's fucking with me on every level. Both, on a pranking level and a biological level.

No I'm serious, he's like 20 years old and still going strong, but he took a really fucking long time to grow and I've to deal with his elaborate pranks and traps.


>got to deal with
Punish him with no snuggles or cuddles or sex :^)
Don't know how to continue this. Considering moving on to something else.

Speaking of which, would anyone like
to make a request?
It depends on what you're willing to write.
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I now have questions I don't know how to ask.
What are you considering?
Police detective from our world gets stuck in Furry world as police-human(police-dog), solves mysteries and shit alongside his female police Furry handler.
Basic necessary plot points:
>Handler knows that detective anon is sentient and wants to prove it to others but always pusses out at last second.
>detective anon does that Conan shit where he solves the case but no one ever knows it was him.
>Detective anon and handler FUG (eventually)

And that's basically it, If you don't think you can write it or just plain don't want to than please leave the idea for another writefag to use.

Request: Married furry couple, but the man is gay for the human. Or the woman is lesbian for the human they keep as a pet
or they could just be bi
I think about this and I gets me kinda pissed. I would hate being treated as dirty and lesser and less capable.
Mainly due to their native humans being lesser/dumber. That's where a lot of the conflict stems from when writing stories. The anons are more sapient and intelligent, but if they reveal too much then they will get too much attention. Of course they can go all nature hermit, but that's kind of a shitty way to live and not everyone has knowledge or the skills to survive out in the woods and shit.
>Welcome to Ms. Elle's home for unusually troublesome humans
>If you're reading this letter, your application has been accepted, thank you
>Located in the Silvervale mountain range, far from any cities, Ms. Elle and her staff (soon to include you!) care for special cases of humans where normal containment is not an option and they are not able to be adopted
>Ms. Elle provides a second chance for them
So that's where the tards go. Or the ones who can't stop jerking off and rubbing their shit on the walls.
This sounds like a great prompt for an interesting universe. Most humans are as dumb as a bag of adorable rocks in this world but every now and again, nature vomits up a human of unusual ability or intellect. If they are found, this is where they end up.
(I'm not the writer of that story)
>Lizzie the tigress inside of her dreams that night

>On bed with her.
>Runner is having difficulty to sleep.
>She noticed this.
>"Mmh...what is it Runner? are you having nightmares.. or something more.. is troubling you...?"
>Runner put a pillow between his legs.
>He tries to hide something...
>"Hey..you know you can count with me for...everything now" she says in a sleepy voice
>Everything? he thinks
>She quickly take out the pillow between his legs
>"Well, are you going to say me th...oh my.."
>Great, now you're going to sleep on the sofa
>"Mmmh..don't worry" she says while biting gently your ear and one hand trying to reach that "problem"..
>Mommy it's here to help you sleep..."
>10 minutes later.. Pic related >>7473016

Pls, first greentext, dontkillme
Can't do long-run mystery stuff. I'd be running on fumes or straight up copying something else I've seen. I'd offer a one-off on the scenario, but if you say leave it, I will.

>"Get the fuck out of my house!" the wolverine woman yelled in fury while pointing out the door
>"Fuck you, like you own this house! Who's fucking name is on the lease?!" the male badger responded, raising his voice to be louder than her
>"Like that would matter when I tell the cops you fucked a human, you piece of shit!" she screamed
>Said human sat scared and confused from the loud yelling on the bed, watching the scene unfold before him
>The wolverine and badger glared at each other in silence
>The only sound to be heard was their breathing
>A minute passes
>Until the wolverine woman finally spoke in a quiet tone
>"I was happily married to you... for 7 years Grant. I never regretted it, went behind your back, or-"
>"Shut the fuck you lying bitch!" the badger yelled, causing the wolverine to flinch
>"Don't fucking pretend you didn't lie! I already know about what you do when I'm off at work!"
>"W-what the Hell are you-" the wolverine tries to start
>"You fucked the human too, bitch! I saw it through the window. Three fucking weeks ago." he growls
>The wolverine is shocked, she stammers and tries to create a rebuttal
>"You say a word about me fucking the human, then I tell the same. I even got pictures on my phone as proof. Just like you do." he says, lowering his voice to indoor levels
>The wolverine is silent, shocked, though still furiously glaring at her husband
>She doesn't say a word
>She turns and leaves the bedroom, the badger watching her leave
>The sound of a door slamming from the other end of the house echoes through
>The badger looks back to the human on the bed, then down to the ground
>The badger covers his face with his hand, his breathing becoming more labored
>The human remains on the bed, still as quiet and confused as before

I hope it's adequate.
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To the guy who requested the bird girl pic, do you remember what she looked like? Color/species/etc?
I'm wondering what it would be like if a furry owned the Three Stooges.
it'd be just one of their episodes except we'd see a furry every now and again
I would love to live in a world like that anon...
Loving this so far
She's a toucan with a regular toucan color scheme with messy hair
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This anon on top who want's the bird babe request

>Be Captain Archer, FSC (furry space corps) Dauntless
>be missing morning coffee
"Ensign Jenkins!" you yell. "Ensign! Blast it, where is Ensign Jenkins? Computer, locate Ensign Jenkins."
>Computer makes spacey noises, then replies, "Ensign Jenkins is not onboard."
>You sigh.
"I didn't ask you were he *wasn't*, I asked you... just tell me where he is! his position!"
>Computer replies ipso facto, "third quadrant, sector alpha 159. And mostly horizontal."
>You pinch the bridge of your muzzle, feeling another migraine coming on.
"Computer, can you be more specific?"
>beep boop. "Position is... 230. Downward dog."
>You sigh. You've been doing that a lot.
"Just get me a direct line to Ensign Jenkins."
>"L-Leeroy h-here...oohhh, just like... I mean, oh no, don't do that... nooo..."
>the intercom is full of sounds that can only be described as "lewd"
"Ensign Jenkins, What are you doing?"
>"I'm being... unf... interrogated, sir. I believe I'm being 'tortured'."
>Deep breaths.
"Why?" you ask, patiently, through gritted teeth
>"We, um, we let them capture a 'tickler', sir."
"What happened?" you ask. If Jenkins could have seen your expression, the sweet way you spoke would have made him very, very nervous
>"They reverse engineered it sir, we told them it was a death ray. 324 counts of telerotic overstimulation. 34 pregnancies, 12 pouchings and 5 cases of exhaustion. They, um, took the r-rest of us p-prisoner sir, and have been int-interrogating us ever s-since."
>You give up. You'll get your own coffee
"Just... just get back here," you say, shaking your head, wondering if it's too late for a transfer to Altair V.
>"20 nnn... mm-minutes s-si... ooohhh."
"Make it 30, and air your fur out, I don't need the bridge smelling like a brothel."
>you hate this planet.
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>tfw too shy when i see tiger girls at the mall
>tfw wanna just say hi but freeze up
>tfw too fucking shy to even say "Hi" to nerdy deer chick at the library
do you guys have a similar problem when you see a human you like?
whatever staying to myself and no furry love isn't so bad, right?
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I'm not sure how I feel about this thread.

I like my girls agressive but I've never considered it like this...
>Human from they world, Not Smart, Act like a dog
>Human from Terra, Smart
Anon, The human from they world don't have intelligence. Just like Cow, Eat, Sleep, Play.

So you're talking about Terra and suddenly teleport to they world and want to go home. That very nice logic if you forgot about info.
It's p hot desu
>Be Mania Loha, popular artist and painter
>And... a big, fat, liar
>You weren't really all that good at drawing, details maybe, if you can even say that
>All those years of training were a waste, color theory, shading, all of it was a total bust
>And then, a little over a year ago, everything changed
>It was like the fates themselves decided that you deserved a miracle and dumped a thick, toned, tall, plop of it right on your life
>Or well, it more like materialized into your house rather than plopped, but there might have been some plop
>Between all the swirling paint, canvases, and all manner of paintint utensils you were tyring to levitate and use all at once in our studio it's hard to remember quite what happened
>This miracle appeared in the middle of it all, under a bright flash of light
>He can think and smart
>And it had a name, he had a name, Anonymous
>He was all on his own unique but familiar, like someone pulled right out of that show My Big Guys or something like that
>You weren't very into the show at the time, but that changed really quick
>After all, you had an animated character come to life, full living breathing life, not like the holohusbandos you had- your friends all had and definitely not you
>And just like in your fant- your friend's fantasies, he helped around the house, cleaning behind you and making you eat on days where you got lost in your work
>In return he stayed with you and even modled for you
>The moneys started coming in, trickles at first, but soon word spread and the floodgates burst open with money
>Everyone was throwing sacks of money at you hand over hoof for your near canonical fanart
>'Near canonical'
>It still makes you laugh seeing that being said about your work, what with your creation, the most 'canonical' human, doing chores around the studio
>It wasn't too long before some more... devoted fans, started offering you even higher payment
>>This miracle appeared in the middle of it all, under a bright flash of light
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Yo guys, Skreetz The Rat here, Tonight there will be no chapter of To Tame a Human, because i need to get drunk, and I'm not sure about tommorow too.

My truck was on fire earlier today, no truck no money, i hope you understand.
pic relevant, thats her.
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>tfw no dog pet who finds a magical amulet in the dirt and starts to slowly turn into an intelligent furry and uses the amulet to turn you into a semi-feral animal
That's sad dude
Sad day. Hope it gets better
....this is from /mlp/.

Not that I'm complaining, mind you, but. I know this green.
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>A member /mlp/
I wonder.
it's as if I'm home~

besides. You're not complaining about my professor anon green, so. It's a win-win.
I'm complaining about that story, but I'm very polite about it.
Onii Chan Mk1 here sorry for not posting yesterday moot wasbt letting me post due to some "isp abuse or something" anyways shilled out for 4chan pass so I'll be greening again post haste.

Also sorry for your luck Skreetz I'll try to be entertaining in your absence.
Chapter 3, the pound

>Ya know, I’d never assigned much me among to, “being in the dog house” until it became a literal experience.
> And yet here I was again sitting behind bars this a prisoner up for adoption. At this.point I almost felt like i would have taken real jail over this goofiness.
> And I'll be damned if I didn't know how I was going to explain any of this if I ever got back home.
> I probly spent an hour or so I'm my cage before Mr. Rhino showed up again soap and towel in one hand and a leash and collar in the other.
> Alright boy, let's get you washed up into some better clothes, don’t want you stinkin up the place and not gettin taken in.
> His voice was low befitting his size but he spoke with a surprising amount of gentleness.
> Now, I've entertained some Kinks, I mean who doesn't but.. I knew where this was leading and I was fairly certain I wanted none of it. The issue was, I wasn't much more willing to pick a fight with a Rhino either.
> So next thing i know this guy is putting a collar around my neck and I'm still to froze up to do a thing about it, cause once he's stating next to me I realize I'm face level with a chest made of iron.
>I mean it's not like I entertain any thoughts of being tall. I'm 5’1” but at least even the taller people I knew we're only on the average did of tall, this guy had to be over 7 feet.
> So my desire to resist was quickly squelched between his size and my still aching Ribs and to a lesser extent tongue. Supposedly those stitches would come out soon.
> So letting myself be collared and pulled out of my “room” or cell more like. down a hallway. The place was painted up in friendly pastels and they kindly enough used regular light bulbs instead of those blue lights some places favor. But the cells filled with humans managed to remind me up that this was some odd iteration of incarceration.
> we end up in a room full of shower heads though at least it had stalls with curtains, I had the momentary thought of “don't drop the soap”
> for a moment i think, he's gonna let me take a shower and take me back to my cell, but boy was I wrong.
> I hear behind me, “alright let's get you washed up and next thing i know this dude's popping the buttons on my shir like I'm a kid who hasn't figured out the concept yet.
> Now I move to protest but when I grab his arms it felt like i was trying to move boulders and all I managed to do was earn an odd look and what might have been and irritated puff of air from his horned nose.
> I wouldn't call myself a coward but that look alone cowed me. I could see why he was tasked with this part of the job.
> So If i couldn't stop him I'd have to employ a second tactic. Cutting him off I did the last two buttons myself giving him a look of, “I've got this”
> this of course only manages to bring out a hearty chuckle from the guy which sounded like somebody grinding two stones together, I'll be damned if even his laugh wasn't intimidating.
> “Smart boy I'm impressed” he says as if he's speaking to a baby taking its first steps before he starts petting my head with one of those leather mitts he calls a hand. Though they were surprising soft and warm. Kinda like the worn gloves my gramps on the farm always wore.
> Then the dreaded part came as again I was exposed unceremoniously, I had been commando since the hospital but I was hoping my earlier display would have convinced me i could have undressed myself.
> As I stood naked before the great beast of a man, the stark reality of what humanity has devolved to was becoming evident. Mute was one thing, but reduced to pets was a hard pill to swallow.
> Then he placed one of his large hands on my shoulder pushing me to sit on a stool he proffered. Sitting down covering my groin with my hands I looked up at him for a moment, and felt, very small.
> he began to unwind the bandages around my chest giving a long whistle when the splotchy purple coloration that had taken to my ribs revealed itself. Then I heard the sound of his arm grabbing the showerhead.
> As he lifted the showerhead and began to douse me with a warm deluge wetting my hair and body as I sat awkwardly in front of the Rhino.
> Then his free hand began to work suds into my long hair. The flowery smell of the shampoo beginning to pervade the air.
> Again I was amazed at the tenderness the Rhino was capable of his warm hands running my scalp pausing whenever he came across a tangle gently pulling it apart instead of yanking them.
> I felt an odd mix of embarrassment and comfort. It was odd to be bathed after so long of bathing myself, it was almost more intimate than the nakedness itself.
> hooking the showerhead to a bracket on the wall. Before both of his hands moved on to lathering my back and shoulders. His touch might be causal to himself but the strength of his hands felt like a deep massage.
> enjoying the moment I allowed myself to forget for a moment i was trapped in an alien world populated by animals.
> when he reached my bruised ribs his hand ghosted over the mottled flesh hardly causing me to wince at all. Then without warning he spun me about stool and all with what appeared to be no effort at all.
> As he washed my front I came to notice a low noise, and after a moment i realized that he was humming a low tune that poured like gravel from his throat.
> So here I sat being washed by Billy the humming Rhino unsure of how to handle the situation. Steadfast in covering my groin a wave of relief rolled over me when he didn't force the issue though he made a quizzical expression at me.
> I didn't care if I was acting abnormal for a “human” or not. There were some things that I wasn't willing to reveal if I didn't have to.
> Then abruptly the water was turned off and he began drying me off with his meaty paws rubbing me down before giving me a hearty pat on the shoulder. Then he pulled out a small bundle of clothes that I snatched to his surprise and began pulling them on. A sweatsuit, but it had to be at least two sizes two big.
> Again a large paw ruffled my hair as a hearty chuckle sounded behind me “sorry boy, that was the smallest male size we had on hand, we usually deal on bigger breeds since this area is Rural, though I doubt you know what I'm talkin about.
> Reattaching the collar to my throat he led me out of the shower room into a smaller room of a decidedly pink theme and produced a hair brush. I rolled my eyes inwardly, this situation was decidedly ridiculous, humans might be pets but if he moves for a bow in hitting him i thought.
> Again I was impressed however by my large captor. He clutched the small brush in his large hand gingerly as if he feared breaking it. Steadily brushing my mid back length hair out again humming as he did so.
> I was beginning to hear the old “Don't judge a book by its cover” proverb in my head as I wondered at the Rhino.. or Billy being anything other than a brute.
> thankfully he didn't move for any accessories but he did eventually stand me in front of a mirror where i got the first look at myself in a couple days.
> the left side of my mouth was still puffy where I'd bitten my tongue. And the sweatshirt hung down just over my knees. Though i maintained I ought to lodge a complaint over the fact that my collar was a purple, a girly light shade at that, but somehow I didn't think the Rhino would care too much
> My hair hung damp around my shoulders and my face still note a forlorn expression. Billy however bore an expression as if he was regarding his handiwork and trying not to smile.
> “well cuty, I doubt you'll make muster for farm work, but you look pretty adoptable to me”
> With that i was led to my cell. To await an adoption, and to plot an escape. “Now behave you rascal, and there'll be a treat in it for you.
Again apologies for my lack of posts yesterday, May go for a double this evening. Anyways hope you all are enjoying my story. Also if anyone has suggestions for a pair of boy/girl twins they'd like to see in my green I'd love to hear them. Pictures Would be nice but are in no way required. Thanks
Toucan pic is still gonna be a while. Sorry to say. I've been learning the hard way that toucans are basically the most frustrating animals to draw, especially when it comes to porn.
What kind of crazy person has a house that you need a key to exit?
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They're more old school locks but they exist
Thank you, I'm enjoying the ride so far
It's good man.

And pair of boy/girl twins? Humies or anthros?
Anthros, don't like to give too much away but I've decided I want the eventual people to adopt him to be a pair of anthro twins, get a yin yang
And if I had my druthers, I prefer writing mammals fyi
I want spoodo to leave
I was gonna say some kind of dogs but
>5'1" anon
Big cute bears
I agree with bears, but to capitalize on the ying-yang thing, what if they were both pandas?
I also want newfigs to leave
Ayylmao, Pastebin updated

This shit is great, is there a pastebin?
Eh. I might put one together, I dunno. Maybe unlisted?

This is brilliant, keep it up mate!
If you do make one, leave it public so that people can get to it more easily.
I mean, I have a pastebin - I'm a writer for a few other boards. I was just mulling over if this paste should be unlisted or not.
Do you have a reputation to uphold or still manage to maintain dignity?

Your choice man, either way is fine. It's just easier for lazy fucks like me to have a public paste so we don't have to fuck about with unique addresses
Its human on furry threads again but we put in a meme fetish.
I dunno about you, but we lock ourselves in our houses at night. Extra true when your doors have handle instead of knob on the outside
Who the fuck doesn't lock their doors at night? It's literally a "Hey, you can steal from my house :)" sign.
If you aren't embarrassed by the stories, post a public one, I'm kinda curious
I really want to see a human dominating his submissive furry master when no one is around.
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>recursive petplay
I can dig it
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I've never been to a house with a front door that requires a key to open from the inside. Pic related is what they'd have instead.
Maybe it's a europoor thing.
Oh fuck yes
Thank you sincerely, anon
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As an yurop, I have a doot which can be locked from the inside and has a extra lock above the handle.
I don't think anyone else does.
Are you using that word correctly?
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>When you live in the nigger spawn hive
I'm still waiting on my bird babe
The word you're looking for could be recurrent, cyclical or recriprocal

No he isn't
His neck looks broken in the last panel.
The fuck
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Bird Gal.png
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WIP of the Toucan girl.
was this your first green, I see what you were going for but you kinda missed the mark a little. It's very choppy and hard to follow and is just too serious. That pet death green we had worked because the theme and tone meshed together well. If anything it could stand a little more silliness and absurdity. The way you have it written just doesn't fit

try something like this
>Shiiiit today was a long day
>Nothing but pissed off clients, angry bosses, and a loss during the office lunch round of Generic Brown Shooter: Current Year Edition
>Well, at least you have a beautiful, loving wife and bubbly human to come home too
>You even managed to teach him the language of your people
>Unlocking the door, you step inside
>You look up, and see your bubbly human balls deep in your loving wife
>Stepping back and closing the door you briefly consider that the shrooms you took earlier were still fucking with you
>Counting to three, you open the door again
>Nope, he's still pounding your favorite hole
>You just bought that couch too
>Your wife turns her head, moaning
>"Ohh, that's it, Anony. Right there..."
>You cough
>Her eyes shoot open and stare at you in shock
>Anonymous is still pounding her like the animal he is
"Honey, what's this"
>... I can e-explain myself ahhh~
>She's cut off by you pet grunting and pumping her full, his seed leaking onto the couch
>You sigh and walk to them, looking at the aftermath
>Anon was laying on her, panting
>and she was all mussed up, with bite marks and everything
"Millie, we agreed,"
>You crouch, rubbing your hand through her matted hair
"Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays were my days to have fun with Anon"
"You get him Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays"

pastebin link? i missed the first two chapers, and I can't tell which already-posted story it is in any of the others.
Oniichan in the OP

Naming bins in the template

Here ya go, for future reference it's Onii Chan Mk1, it's in the template, anyways hope you enjoy.
So what do y'all think of this formatting, any input to make the template better?

Its shit
It is not. There were others I made.

Would you mind explaining how it was choppy? This isn't to debate, I genuinely want to know just for clarification.

And being too serious is understandable. Should've changed the ending.
From my perspective, it's a little hard to follow. You used a 3rd person narrative in greentext, which traditionally uses 2nd person and that threw me off a bit. I also felt like you were splitting sentences into different lines especially here
>A minute passes
>Until the Wolverine...
There's nothing wrong with using 3rd person in greentext, you just have to be more meticulous about how you format your post. Another confusing issue, also related to the 2nd/3rd person narrative differences, is that everything; including dialogue, is green. Normally, you have the main character speaking without the leading caret, making the voice stand out and easier to read. It was difficult for me to sort out your dialogue because of this.

But I'm also a dyslexic wreck, wasting his 20s shitposting on 4chan so feel fre to disregard my opinion as such: an opinion

Love, Anonymous
>be an outside pet
>chillin' in the hot mud pool
>the gate to "your area" opens, and a timid human is pushed in
>slam your hand down on the shaggin' waggin' beatbox. Oh yeah, smooth blues.
>human is naked, and... covering himself with his hands
>oh shit son.
"Hey, hey, get over here," you say
>yep. He freezes. He's a talker. Not seen many peeps from back home
>He does, but slowly, cautiously
>"y-you can talk?" he says, as if he was talking for the first time in years.
>he might have been.
"Sure can. Get yourself over here, come on, get in here."
>you know how good you are. You pull him closer, put your arms around him
>"Ah a-a-anon, what are you--?"
"Shh, this is what you're here for," you say, pulling him into your lap. He doesn't resist
>your hand moves down his body
>so strange to feel skin after so long
>your hand cups his genitals. You sigh, shake your head.
"so you're an inside pet?" you ask
"you're a bit light on your feet," you say. "Im an outside pet, a breeder. you... are not."
>he's been... fixed. No wonder he's so timid. And easy. But hey, you're an alpha.
"Come on, its okay, shhh, this is why you're here. Training for the real deal."
>The mud is slippery in just the right ways
>you take things slow
>he makes appreciative, quite frankly cute noises, bites his lip, squeaks, moans, writhes against you as you claim him
>you're balls deep in a fixed pet
>not your first rodeo.
>might be his, he's pretty beta. and has discovered he likes being plowed in the backside by a real male
>you kiss his neck as you both come down from an orgasm. lucky bugger has had several, thats the way it works with 'geldings'. he even got hard, that's great.
>you squeeze it gently, licking him.
"Want a beer?" you ask
>"w-would I f-fuck."
>ice cold beers in your personal fridge, rises from the ground next to your mud-pool.
>you hand them out, downing yours in almost one, still deep inside him
>you both relax a while
>it's good to be an outside pet.
Now that's just fuckin' weird. I did have an giggle though. 10/10 Alpha should fuck a numale anthro next
Well.....that made me distinctly uncomfortable.
>Be an inside pet
>Be upstairs in bed with 10/10 husky Mistress. in bed in Mistress. balls deep in mistress.
>she's moaning, whining, writhing against you
>pups are at school, she's come early
>you havent
>door slams open
>"What the fuck Karen? What the fuck? You're fucking Max? What the fuck would FETAH say?"
>he goes to shove you off her. she's tried to cover you both.
>not on my fucking watch.
>you grab him, roll, right off the bed.
>you're not large, but you work out. all day. you end up on top
>he growls at you, showing fangs
>"What the--" he snarls
>SLAP. again. across his muzzle. he yelps. You push his paws to the ground, ride up on his body
>your cock is proud and in his face
>SLAP. he yelps, whines, then understands. he sniffs. he smells Mistress on you. his tail wags slightly.
>lick. his first lick is hesitant, but you press it into his muzzle
>soon enough he's gobbling
>you pull out, throw him on the bed
>you work out, he's an office mutt
>his muzzle is buried in Mistress' snatch
>you lift his tail
>he growls
>you SLAP him again, then use his natural lube to get it in
>you grab him just behind the knot
>he starts humping
>yeah, just like that.
>soon enough you finish in him, he finishes on the bedsheet, mistress finishes on his muzzle
>"you play with Max," mistress says, "I have to shower then pick the pups up."
>You turn him over. You've fucked her once, him once... third time will take a while.
>Do it human style, you're on top
>be later
>pups home, sniff your butt first, then his.
>how did she ever make pups with such a beta?
>wont be any more for him.
>this world knows how to treat cucks
>its good to be the king
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Confusion, but also arousal
Pastebin for your quality posts?
lmao 10/10
a better question is why isn't she breastfeeding him in the last panel? that might be a socially-acceptable use of humans, to relieve the pressure of swollen teats when you're "in-season."
>be me, 7/10 human pet to a 10/10 husky mistress
>im 6 foot tall, big for my breed, but she is a whopping 9 feet tall, curvy and thick
>mfw i got swatted with a newspaper the first week i came home because of the erections
>threatened to fix me at first, but has calmed down the threats
>one day im laying on the couch with my head on her lap, she likes to play with my hair
"hey anon? you sleeping?"
>I look up and rub my eyes
"no, just comfy"
>she shifts her weight around so my head is inbetween her thick thighs
"I was thinking about your... accidents."
>give her a quizzical look, i use the toilet unlike some savages
>she giggles
"Roll over"
>i roll over on my back and keep my hands up near my chin and my knees curled up, she likes how it looks, says its cute
>she unexpectedly begins stroking me with her big soft paws
>the pads are super soft, she uses lotion not only for her pads but her fur as well
>i moan and go hard instantly and try to cover it up
>she uses those large paws and pulls my legs apart
"I know you want to mount me, and I know you want a mate. But that can't happen."
>oh no shes going to fix me
>the look on her face is playful though, saying otherwise
>she leans down, her large maw dangerously close to my member
>she gives it a lick
>i tremble and shiver with excitement, nearly jumping out of my skin
"I can alleviate that pressure, but you have to do something for me. Can you do that?"
>my mind is clouded right now from how horny i am, and all i can do is nod
>she lifts me up in her arms and sets me on the ground
>and then gently lifts her hindpaw up
>im confused but aroused
"you have a job now, your going to be my paw cleaner, and in return ill make you cum. You understand pet?"
>i merely nod, my dick throbbing with arousal
>she gently stomps her large hindpaw onto my face and rubs her pads and fur into me
>it smells lovely, she uses the same lotion for her paws on her hindpaws
>the soft pads pressing into me almost massaging my face and her fur tickling my cheeks makes makes me feel...
>somehow more aroused, being underpaw like this is so degrading
>she grabs my noes between her toes
"now dont just lie their and look pretty, get to licking."
>i tenatively open my mouth and give a cautious lick to her pads
>they are soft, textured slightly, and warm, almost like a hot lolipop
>its not half bad
>i take the toe bean into my mouth and suck on it like a sucker
>my mistress is moaning to herself softly, i cant see past her large hindpaw but i bet shes pawing herself
>i start exploring all over her pads, between her toes, and up her hindpaws
>she pressed down on my face unexpectedly, filling my sight with nothing but white fur and marble pads
>i cant help but take a deep breath of her lovely fur lotion scent
>i feel a soft but ticklish sensation on my dick
>she is stepping on my cock!
>i was worried at first but then she started playing with my dick, like some strange paw toy
>i found myself panting and grinding my hips into her paw
>i drift off into her paws and can barely think right, just enjoying the scent and sensation of worshiping my mistress
>she grinds her pads into my dick, and playfully teases my soft pink flesh with her claws
>im a mess by this point of fur, saliva, and precum being played with by a massive set of canine paws
>all the sudden i cum all over her big white paws, grinding into her paw as if it was for dear life
>he other paw still smothering me as all i feel is cumming and mistresses hindpaws
>she lifts her paws up and crosses her leg, letting her right paw stare me down, covered in cum
>im just laying in the afterglow mentally drained and a mess, looking as beads of cum drip off her pads
"does my wittle pet like being stepped on?"
>i shake my head in a haze
"speak boy"
"yes mistress please step on me more!"
>i sound so desperate, like a whore
"once you clean up your mess, with your tongue of course."
>i just open wide and she starts to rub her cum covered paw all over my face
>i can barely clean it im so messed up with arousal
>sloppily i rake my tongue all over her pads, and through her fur, tasting the lukewarm salty discharge
>in the end im a sticky mess, and her paw is matted and wet but it's as clean as it's going to get
>she looks down at me and smiles
"i should get you a new tag, make it say mommys little pawslut! You would look so cute."
>i blush and curl up in a ball, but in all honesty
>i would love that
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I love everything about this
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>Paw fetish
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S-slow down, Anon!
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100/100 homie
I have one, haven't linked it yet

Should have started:
>Be outside pet inside
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Wew, that was hot. Do you have a pastebin? I really want to add this to the OP
Is anon just a human form of Thomas O'Malley
M'Malley the alley cat?
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Forgot my pic of course
Nah, Thomas is too chill for that. He's an outside alpha pet, but isn't one to flaunt it like Anon.
>tfw inspired to write lewds
>tfw Comcast """"""""""accidentally"""""""""" cut smaller ISP's line while """""""""maintaining"""""""""" their own
>tfw forced to phonepost
I fucking hate these assholes
>mfw this thread
I dont
I just pop into threads randomly all over this site and writefag
You're a fucking hero
You cool if I save this into mine then? That was fucking amazing
if you're compiling stories, can you post a link?
Thats what being horny and bored does to me i guess

Take it, please
Not compiling just yet, but we're getting close to needing one. There's unfortunately not enough content creators just yet, it's myself and four other people right now. Not including your magnificent work
i suppose we can just copy-paste these into one-shot pastebins until then, since this board doesn't archive.
Just remember to post the links here, so I can add them to the OP/Compilation (if we garner enough traffic)
this beak looks like a crow/raven, toucan are longer and are taller as the anima's face
>since this board doesnt archive
Night gathers, and now my watch begins. It shall not end until my death. I shall take no wife, hold no lands, father no children. I shall wear no crowns and win no glory. I shall live and die at my post. I am the sword in the darkness. I am the watcher on the walls. I am the shield that guards the realms of men. I pledge my life and honor to the Night's Watch, for this night and all the nights to come.
>Tfw no mistress to grovel before and worship
Skreetz the Rat here
Today also no To Tame a Human, but expect a different story later today.
Maybe you'll like it too. (I'll have to go soon, so I'll post rest later)
(I also didn't abandon TTaH)

The Pacific Pearl

>The roar of the engines filled my head. The noise was more prominent here in the ball.
>Even though I was used to the roar of these four engines, the fact that there were many others was making me a little more nervous.
>I wasn't really aware of the target in this mission, but I knew that the Regensburg was the destination, and that there was a reason why we were lugging the big bombs this time around, the 1000Lb ones.
>I could hear a chatter coming from below me, as I was the dorsal ball gunner.
>There were 21 other bombers in formation, not to mention 62 in the whole group, The Square H on each and every last one of the tails of our 388th heavy bombardment group.
>Right now the P-47s were turning back, and if I listened correctly, that must mean that we are now in Germany.
>I was a little nervous, the fact that the P-47s were turning back now meant that the other group who arrived late was going to turn back before we reach the target.
>Who on Earth thought of sending the Fortresses without air support?
>Some time has passed and I heard William, our pilot speaking with James the co-pilot about his girl back home.
>I could hear a few words through the interphone, but that was it. If anything, the interphone was a great invention, allowing us to talk with everyone on board. The thing was that this particular system was broadcasting to all Interphone stations at all times, and I'm pretty sure that it wasn't supposed to work like that. However this wasn't an old B-17, it was the G variant with fully operational second ball on top of the cockpit.
>"How are you holding up there Richard?" Jerry asked me, he was the poor guy who was sitting the ball on the ventral side. I always thought that the dorsal ball was more spacious than the ventral one.
>"Everything is just peachy, and you Joker?" I inquired, knowing that Jerry is going to say something ridiculous like always.
>"It seems quiet" Now that wasn't the answer i was expecting. Jerry was the guy who would go and crack a joke about everything in every situation, that's why we called him Joker.
>"Damn it, I left the stove on! Turn this thing around!" And that was Dennis, the tail gunner.
>"I'll relay the message" William said, and I could hear the chuckling coming.
>"Alright lets calm down lads, we've got a work to do." a Scottish accent cut in, as the navigator Kenneth decided to cut our fun short.
>It wasn't fair, fun was in low supply here, besides, I could see that the other group of P-47 was turning around, that means we were very close.
>"Eyes Peeled" Eugene, the waist gunner ordered, or maybe noted, not sure, he was there with Peter, both making sure that if anyone got out of my or Joker's sight, will be promptly put out of commission.
>After twelve minutes, it has started. It started with the usual fireworks to greet us. The Flak flying around, exploding dangerously close.
>Then the other aircrafts shown up, the fockewulfs and messerschmits, they are going to have a field day when no fighters are defending us.
>So ever so slowly, the ballet of death has started. the first contestant was the 'AA' and while he was showing little promise, he was inexhaustible.
>the second participant who decided that Pacific Pearl was going to dance with him, was a Nazi FW 190. First he passed us trying to get a hit from the front, the chin gunner and a bomber, whom we called Silent Earl, however wanted to show that Pacific Pearl was a feisty dancer.
>The FW had to pull up, which in turn became my chance to shine, with a press of a pedal the turret started turning counterclockwise while I sprayed the passing FW.
>The turning was slow, so when I actually managed to turn the FW was changing directions in attempt to avoid Dennis' unleashed hell.


>He was going to turn around to go for a pursue fight but the Northern Beauty's waist gunner managed to shoot its tail off.
>One was down, and five hundreds to go.
> The second contestant was another FW, this time already behind us, so Dennis was going full force on him, but the FW a skilled dancer this time, diving and rolling while spraying the rear.
>"Get him off me!" William demanded. "I'm trying" and Dennis tried.
>I would love to help him, but the FW was so low that I couldn't hit it effectively, without the risk of destroying the tail, and for Joker he was too high.
>I would love to watch the FW, but I turned myself towards the right to assist the Freedom from similar problem.
>I wouldn't want to be in the fighters out there, The fortresses weren't going to give up lightly, and every attempt to take us down would be met with bullet storm.
>Every single turret on the b17 was blazing, the noise of machine guns drowned the sounds of the engines. Time slowed down to a crawl as my body decided that I need more and more adrenaline.
>The fifth aircraft which I was trying to get out of my skies, managed to hit my turret, or at least very near it, because the glass shhattered on one side, and was painfully cutting into my side.
>The airplane shook violently. It seemed like the first contestant in this dancing competition managed to do something impressive, and the exploding flak managed to change the fourth engine (the far right one) into a burning mess.
>In a matter of moments, the fire turned into a smoke and I thanked the gods that were above us, for extinguishing the flames.
>But I thanked too soon.
>The Inexperienced Flak dancer managed to impress once more, and this time around, he almost won.
>Another violent explosion rang and I turned my head towards the nose. Now with gaping hole in the glass.
>There were no doubts about Silent Earl's fate.
>I briefly wondered if we've dropped the bombs or not, before Sir Messerschmitt deemed us worthy for a dance. The bastard was fast, and skilled to a boot, he attacked from the right side and from above, spraying the waist, trying to separate us from the tail. I gave him hell, and Eugene did too, but as two machine guns barked at each other.
>Eugene's one stopped responding, silent in its sudden submission.
>"Eugene!" I heard Peter yell over the Interphone.
>As my spraying finally paid off, the Messerschmitt's cockpit got smudged by the oil from the engine, and the aircraft was pushed downwards by a pilot, who kept shooting.
>I concluded that while I hit the engine, I also managed to hit the pilot.
>Our belove Pacific Pearl was slowly turning around, the wings filled with holes, the nose broken, the tail trying his best to keep on working.
>I quickly glanced around, counting the Tails with Squared H, and including ours, there were still 21 of them in the air.
>The Pride looked worse than us however, running on two engines both on left right side, and the other two were in flames.
>"Don't let your guard down, they'll not ease up!" Joker said. thank god, he was alive, there was no way for me to check the ball turret from my position.
>"Eugene is dead" Peter said sadly, they were like brothers, always spending time together, and If Eugene got into problems, Peter was also guilty, because he was always nearby.
>"Earl too." I knew Earl, smug bastard, but had your backs whenever you needed him, a strong reliable silent guy." And James is bleeding"
>"Kenneth? Dennis?" I asked over the Interphone, because the two of them had said nothing.
>"I'm here" I could hear a pained voice, it was Dennis, probably injured.

>"Watch out, six o'clock from below" Joker said, and I tried to peek over, I only saw tips of the wings of the aircraft, running at us from below, that crazy German didn't shoot, but was heading straight for us. I closed my eyes and held onto my dear life as I expected the worst.
>Aircrafts crashing mid air were no joke.
>I heard another explosion, it was bright, so even through my closed eyes it felt like watching the sun.
>The aircraft shook, but not that violently. Either the FW bounced off us or missed us completely.
>When I opened the eyes, I believed for a second that I died.

>"What the hell?" I asked, looking at completely clear skies.
>"Did I die?" James asked through the Interphone.
>"I hope not, I see the same thing, what the hell just happened?" William asked.
>"Everything is gone?" Peter was questioning his sanity by the sound of his shaky voice, and I couldn't blame him.
>We were the only aircraft in the air.
>"Kenny where are we?" I asked over the Interphone, but silence was the only answer I've got.
>"I'll take a look" William said, probably going to check out on Kenny.
>"So what happened?" the questions kept pouring and pouring and the surviving members were trying to put the pieces together
>"I saw a blinding light from below, I thought the FW crashed into us and exploded, but the bottom is okay" Joker's voice was puzzled, but imagine how I felt, when I realized that I saw the same flash from above.
>"The light came from behind" Dennis said, still pained.
>I ducked out of the turret, and grabbed a medkit on the wall. We weren't in immediate danger right now, so it was time to take care of the wounded.
>My side was bleeding too, but it was a glass cut, the shard wasn't there, or it was too small for me to see through the flak suit. I went through the bombing bay towards the waist, and saw Peter laying Eugene by the side and closing his eyes
cont later
Four intelligent human and two corpse in a WW2 plane over unknown lands, stocked with bombs.
What could possibly go wrong?
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>Eugene was hit in the stomach, no idea if it was a shrapnel or a bullet, there was however no helping him.
>"Are you alright?" I asked Peter, still holding the Kit.
>"Just shaken" he said, his eyes darting towards the Eugene.
>I patted his shoulder and went towards the tail.
>Opening the hatch I saw Dennis in bloodied uniform.
>"Peter I need help" I called out, we needed to drag the Dennis out of there.
>"Kenneth bought it" William said over the Interphone
>"No!" Dennis protested "It went through the flak suit, It's shrapnel, I'll hold on"
>"Don't be a hero Dennis" I said, but when i reached for him he slapped my hand away.
>It took a lot from him to do that, but we were on our way back already, so if he manages to survive another few hours, he'll live.
>"Okay, but dont forget you still owe me that whiskey you promised me!" I tried to cheer him up, or maybe even myself up, he wasn't looking good.
>"Don't worry, You'll get it"
>I returned towards my turret, when William appeared through the doors and took the medkit from our hands. "How does he look?" he asked me, and I looked sideways.
>"He's hurting bad" I replied, i really didn't think he was going to make it.
>He just gave me a look as I climbed back into the turret to see the damage.
>I had plenty of ammo, the glass was broken on one side but since the B17 wasn't pressurized or heated, it didn't matter that much, thats why we were wearing the heated suits.
>The real question was however, where were we?
>Beneath us, according to Jerry, were grasslands, no buildings, there was no way to call anyone, since the Radio was busted, not to mention that Eugene who was a waist gunner was also the Radio operator.
>The map was useless, the navigator was dead and we still had four bombs on board, I decided to keep a look out in case something was here to surprise us.

>Meanwhile at completely different place, a completely different panic was taking place.
>"What do you mean it suddenly appeared?" A Bulldog was yelling at a Lynx.
>"The Aircraft with no sign or designation suddenly appeared at approximately 3000 meters, airspeed approximately 300 to 380 Km/h heading 320°" The lynx read from the Radar.
>"that means It'll reach the city of Kian in about half an hour." Bulldog was sweating like there was no tommorow
>"Did they respond yet?" he barked a question but the Bat from the other side of the control tower shook head, and continued with the "To Unidentified aircraft, you have entered the Airspace of Mirandia Republic, please respond and identify yourself" spiel.
>Bulldog was nervous, it was thirty years since the last terrorist attack where they used a plane, but it started the same.
>He picked up the phone, and made a call.

>Back at the Pacific Pearl, James was getting rather frustrated.
>"Just where the hell are we?" He yelled again.
>"No idea" William responded, still looking out.
>They told us to keep an eye on anything that might be considered a landmark. We were flying towards the Great Britain again, but none of the land below us seemed familiar at all.
>"How about we climb a little lower to take a better look?" I heard William suggest
>"I guess we have no choice, but climbing back up will take ages with just three engines."
>And so the Pacific Pearl started a slow descent.
>"We're at 2000 meters, see anything Joker? Dennis?"
>"No sign of civilization, just that big forest behind us" Dennis groaned.
>"I'm pretty sure that the forest wasn't here when we flew to Regensburg" Joker commented.
>I was looking around as well, that's when I saw it.

>"CONTACT! Three o'clock, height 2000, three aircrafts, heading towards us."
>"What?" I heard from the Interphone, all eyes turned towards the aircrafts.
>"No propellers" I added when I was sure what I saw. "Rapidly approaching us"
>"Messerschmitts 262?" James asked, but didn't wait for a reply "Damn it!"
>The airplanes changed heading and went behind us to tail us.
>"I dont know those markings," Dennis who probably saw the markings on the rear said
>"What does it look like?" William asked "Like Ying and Yang with crossess in the smaller circles" Dennis provided the info and I raked my brain, trying to remember if I've seen something he described, I was turned towards the aircrafts just like every single functional turret.
>"And it appears they have rockets, lots of them"
>"Mission control, this is Hound 1 you would not believe what I'm seeing."
>The control tower was silent, it has been ten minutes since they scrambled the old F16 to see what the mysterious aircraft was
>"Four engines, big as a house, I'm looking at cargo plane for sure, markings on the side and tail, but it took quite a beating."
>"Beating?" Major, a sturdily built Hippo, who was present looked rather surprised, the communication officer relayed his message.
>"Please clarify", the pilot reported immediately.
>"The fourth engine is smoking, and from the side it looked like the front was smashed too, and It appears that there are Turrets on top and on the bottom, tracing us"
>If the Major looked surprised, now he was completely bewildered. Turrets on the airplanes were things of the past, the last time he has seen a turret on an airplane was when he was a kid, in museum of aeronautics
>"What about the markings, can you describe them?"
>"It looks like Squared H on the tail, and a star with wings and a red dot in the middle of it on the waist. The aircraft's name is Pacific Pearl, its written on the front sir."
>The personal in the tower immediately tried to figure out what kind of plane was that, even using PooDle. To no avail.
>"Approach the aircraft with caution" Major ordered

>"They are closing in!" Dennis said.
>"Don't let them" Peter said, but William interfered
>"We cannot open fire on them yet, what if they are allies?"
>"What if they are not?!" I asked, finger twitching on the trigger.
>"Do not fire, if they are not shooting, the transponder might still be working!" James agreed with William and therefore it was decided that we will not fire
>"But I aint letting them out of my sight" Joker said.
>The aircrafts were coming in close, they got into Dennis' firing range, but he didn't shoot.
>"Those are not messerschmitts" Dennis said over the Interphone.
>"No markings, no idea who it is" I said, slowly turning as the pilot of the jet pulled right beside us. wearing a full face mask.
>"Joker, cover the one on three o clock" I said, covering the one at nine. They looked all over our damaged airframe.
>It was hard to see what he was doing, but it seems like he's talking over to the radio.
>"Damn it" James said "Nothing works" he complained, his voice was full of pain.
>"what's wrong" I asked
>"the lights are not working... maybe except landing lights"
>He was going to try to communicate with them with landing lights? I hope he knows his morse

>"The Aircraft is barely capable of holding in air Sir, The turrets are turned towards us, the gunners look like simians, they don't respond to radio contacts, but."
>But? Who the hell ends the transmission with "but" ?!
>"This is Hound two, they are flashing the lights on the left wing, morse code."
>Major felt slight relief, a bomber was a bad news, but they should've seen it for hours now, instead it just appeared out of nowhere.
>"I...D...... ID.... U...S....A....A....F ID, USAAF sir"
>Once again, everyone was frantically trying to figure out what USAAF was

>"there's more sir, 3...8....8...B...O...M...B...G...R..O..U...P 388th bomber group sir, please advise"
>while the radio became silent again after the operator said "Please hold" and turned towards the major.
>"Identify yourself, and make them land on.... where are they now?"
>"Four minutes away from city of Kian sir, the airport is in the middle of the city." an adjutant, slim looking Rat advised
>"Aren't there any other airfields? I dont want bomber on civilian airfield.
>"I think there is a small airfield for aircrafts about 25 kilometers south west from the city. Not sure if it is still operational." She said.
>"Make it operational." The hippo said and the rat bowed and went away
>"Sent them the coordinates." He then ordered

>"Look, they are responding" I said while looking at the red blinking light at the end of the aircraft.
After few moments it became obvious that we were lost.
>"What the hell Is Mirandia Republic?" I asked.
>"I'm more concerned about being forced to land" William said.
>The message they sent was 'You have entered Mirandia Republic Airspace, we will escort you to an airfield'
>The Jet which I had in sight came a little closer, I would be able to see his face if he wasn't wearing glasses and a mask.

>"Hound one to mission control" This time around the voice almost seemed scared, what could scare a jet pilot?
>"Mission control here, go ahead" The atmosphere was tense in the tower.
>"I approached the aircraft a little more, it seems that the top gunner is a human"
>Before even waiting for a reply, the communication officer asked.
>"Hound one, please clarify, the Gunner is what?"
>"A human sir"
>Nonsense, humans are pets, not capable of buttoning their own shirt, much less flying aircraft.
>"Hound two to mission control, approaching the bottom turret to verify"
>after few moments
>"Hound two here, bottom turret is manned by a human too"
>Right now the Major was wondering if he was asleep, humans in the airplane, manning the guns, he would be less surprised if it was manned by skeletons who were magically brought back to life, but humans?
>"Whats going on?" I asked, this was unusual, why would he be trying to take a look at me like that? Risking potentional crash.
>"I don't like the way he looks at me" Joker said.

>And then, it happened.

>I was still prepared for everything.

>But not for this

>The pilot of the jet took off his mask, revealing a huge muzzle.
>"Its a fucking werewolf! GOD HELP US" Peter screamed.
>"Werewolves!" Joker Yelled, as he probably saw the same thing and opened fire on the second Jet.
>The jet immediately did a turn and stopped escorting us, we were fucked now. Two Jets versus one B17.
>I opened fire on the werewolf and Peter assisted me, We hit him hard, making sure that the wolf headed werewolf thingy is going to hell. The Jet took the beating valiantly, I only managed to spray his whole airframe, but it held together. I missed the cockpit but peter shot the tail, making it hard for the plane to maneuver

>"Sir they opened fire!"
>Humans shooting at jets, this is ridiculous!
>"Force them to the ground!" Major ordered
>"Hound one, you are to force the aircraft to land by any means necessary."

>the two jets regrouped behind us, but Dennis was doing his best to keep them off us.
>But we weren't made to fight those kind of aircrafts.
>I didn't see any canon on those things, only the rockets, but the left one started firing, aiming at the third engine.
>"Take them down!" I yelled, trying to get a hit from my position, but those aircrafts were agile.
>Violent explosion shook the aircraft and the first engine was in flames.
>There was no way that the Pacific Pearl was going to stay in the air much longer.
>Yet the fortuna didn't leave us completely, they didn't shoot the rockets.
>"Just get them off me!" William yelled and the B-17 slowly started turning right.
>now we only had engines on the left side
>But the sudden change of course allowed us to score some hits on the jets. Resistant bastards.
>I'm pretty sure the second one has cracked cockpit.
>He banked left, and started flying away.
>"I'm going to have to set her down somewhere." I heard William, but the other aircraft didn't want to give up so easily so he opened fire once again, his aim was perfect, and he hit the first engine.
>Pacific Pearl was doomed.
>We were going down, with one engine, the landing was going to be impossibly hard. One engine cannot keep the aircraft in the air, it only allowed the pilot to chose a place for the accident.
>Below us was grassy plain, and a road.
>I heard a whirr below me, and I knew that William and James are going to land this beast.
>Then a horrible sound came from the right wing and It yanked the whole aircraft more.

>"Sir, they are lowering the landing gear"
>this was the first good news Major heard.
>"Holy shit!" Now that was not a proper radio communication.
>"Their right gear flew by me, their landing gear is damaged."

>"We're done, Hit the silk!" William ordered.
>"I'll keep it straight for you guys, give them hell" James said
>I ducked out of the turret and went towards the parachute, fastening it around the harness we were all wearing.
>I met William, and we proceeded through the bombing bay, where four bombs were still waiting to be triggered, and stuck. We couldn't go through the bombing bay, so we rushed through towards the rear exit.
>Peter was dead on the floor, I Reached the tail gunner's chamber, and opened it, only to see Dennis slumped in his seat, still holding the trigger.
>There was no time, not even for goodbye. William opened the doors and Jumped out. I just heard the click as the Tail gun was empty, I jumped too...
>I pulled the string almost immediately, barely missing the tail of the aircraft.
>I saw William's parachute way down, full of holes, he was slumped. Dennis' turret blindfire must've hit him.

>"Sir, they are abandoning the plane, two parachutes, one got shot down by their own turret."
>Just what kind of madness was going on up there?
>"The aircraft is going to attempt to land at the field"
>"Send someone there" Major said, and an underling went off.
>"I don't think they are going to make it sir." The pilot still commented.

>The aircraft was barely controllable, James, who was the last living crewman of the B-17 Pacific Pearl was attempting to pull the nose up, he's going to land in a field.
>The flaps were down, the nose was up, the gear was...mostly down, the bombs were in a closed bombing bay.
>He was trying to stabilize the aircraft, but he was losing altitude fast, and was going too slow.
>When the wheel touched the field, It jerked the aircraft to the right, smashing the wing, and then breaking the landing gear completely. The engine number two, the last remaining one, exploded, and in a split second later, the fuel tank followed suit, two explosions rocked the destroyed aircraft, and then the third one, huge. Obliterated the remains with the force of Four 1000LB bombs, and the Pacific Pearl was no more.
>I was reaching the ground, only around 100 meters and I'll be caught between the trees.
>I was going to fall into trees which belonged to the forest next to the field where everything and everyone disappeared from my life.
>Bracing for impact, i went through the spruces towards the bottom. Suddenly the harness yanked me, and I realized that I was approximately five meters in the air, hanging from some trees.
>I started swinging from back to front, trying to reach the nearest tree trunk, after five minutes of work, I managed to do just that.
>When I grabbed the Tree, i started getting the parachute off. Luckily, my knife and my service pistol was still with me, so with a knife I took care of it nicely.
>Then I climbed down from the tree, carefully. I fell from thousand meters, I don't want to die at the last four.
>When I reached the ground, a sudden realization came to me.
>I have no idea where I am, and no idea where to go.
>I was however sure that going towards the wreckage was bad idea.
>So instead, I went directly opposite.
>about fifty steps later however, I heard someone going through the underbrush.
>"It came from there!" A kid voice said. "Sammy wait for me" and a girl's voice
>Two of them, perfect, and they speak English. There was nothing to lose, So I holstered my pistol, in an attempt to look non-threatening and started walking towards their giggly voices.
>They must've heard the explosion, and were curious enough to take a look.
>When I finally saw them, they saw me too, and I was too shocked to say anything.
>"Look Marie, a human!" the male exclaimed. It wasn't a kid, and I decided that it was male judging by the clothes that he was wearing, but otherwise, he was a red fox.
>"A Wild human? Or a Tame one?" And the girlish voice belonged to albino red fox dressed in a pink dress
>"He's wearing clothes, so tame!" he exclaimed, and without fear ran towards me.
>I was trying to figure out what was going on, tame human? Wild human? talking fox?
>So it wasn't just werewolves, but werefoxes too?
>When he was right in front of me, he looked up to me, he must've been about 8 if human years apply, and he was a little something over a meter tall.
>"Hello human!" he said happily, his girly friend shyly tagging behind him
>"A talking fox?" I asked eyes wide, not really understanding what was going on
>"A talking human?!" they both exclaimed

End of current Episode

Skreetz the Rat here, so what do you guys think?
Also, I'll probably resume To Tame a Human Tommorow, because today I finally managed to get rid of most of the burn't interior, and found parts, I'll be concentrating on making the truck run again.

Loving it as always Skreetz, wishing you luck with the vehicle.
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forgot the image

thanks dude, hopefully it'll be street worthy in a few weeks again
You are very good at the whole 'pulp fiction writer' thing.
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Bird Gal-1.png
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It's finished!
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Appreciated information.

Thank you kindly.
Wow, another story i will follow, thanks Skreetz!
Bless your souls because from other writer's green are boring.
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Can we see more of this? Maybe Anon gets shared with her friends?
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>the pictures on the wall
My headcannon is that she got arrested for doing things to humans that they didn't know there should be laws for.
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Now make sure she looks like a creepy pervert
Don't forget to add some posters off human mals obliviously smiling
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Can we get some green on this please
Can you make her eye lids a bit smaller? You know, make her look creepy
No cheetos, or dorito stains? Come on anon!
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This is some good shit, can't wait for more.
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Dong is thinking of expanding.
>Be out on walkies with Mistress
>you're goofing off, holding your leash in your mouth, the usual
>She's a QT3.142 but very timid faun, quite a bit smaller than you
>Master's quite the buck, but got you to keep her safe
>You take your duties seriously, but until today that was mostly ceremonial
>"Hey there pretty, lovely purse you've got there. Thanks for--" ratbro flicks open a butterfly knife "--giving it to me."
>Mistress chokes back a cry, swallowing. she's trembling.
>you knew you shouldnt have gone down this alley
>"D-dont hurt me, please, I'll do anything!" she says
>"Purse!" ratbro says. The other scum are hanging back, making "hurrhurr" type noises.
>Mistress holds out purse.
>Not on my watch
>You take the purse, walk around, and offer it back to her
>surreptitiously get leash out of her hooves
>"Nnn-no, g-give it b-back, Anon, g-give it h-here."
>"You play goofy. Take it closer to ratbro."
>"good boy!" he says, "bring it! Bring! give!"
>He turns to Mistress as you trot around him, ignoring him and his fuckboys. "Looks like your human wants some fun... how about that. Lose the dress, lady."
>Mistress runs. Showtime.
>he's still laughing. right up until you spin into a cheapskate clothesline chokehold bodyslam.
>fucking perfect elbowdrop. You hear some ribs crack.
>see the knife. You had one of these back home. snick-flick-schnick-flick-kachunk. now you have a knife.
>you lift, bro. Ratboy is smaller even than Mistress. You throw him at his buddies.
>adrenaline means your mind is doing that slowmo thing
>you should run, but youve a dumb idea that wouldve got you killed if you'd tried it back home.
>you stamp your feet, taking a stance. beat your chest, snort, show fangs, fists are clawed clubs. you're twelve feet high and made of rage and destruction
>you aren't a Maori, but you fucking love australian rules. god bless jonah lomu.
>up the anti. full on planet of the hairless apes roar
>you charge, screaming bloody murder
>they scatter.
>Mistress is returning with a police...dog, sobbing.
>you've rubbed your eyes raw, you're limping, holding your elbow and whimpering
>give mistress back her purse, make pathetic mewling noises
>"You sure you're alright? You've got one brave human there, miss. looks like he fought them off."
>Mistress takes you home, spends the entire evening calming you down
>Aww yis. mother. fucking. backrubs.
>plus you have a sweet butterfly knife.
I don't like your taste
>Be Anon
>Shit happened, now you're in Thundercats
>The new one don't worry
>But you don't remember who you are, your name, or even what a cartoon is supposed to be
>All you know is that you're a slave now
>For the right price anyone can have you
>Good thing your so expensive
>Better be, fixing engines and shit the way you do
>Your master is a large elderly mastiff with a temper as short as his tail
>He didn't have a tail, chopped off in the war he says
>You know better than to get in his way and just keep your mouth shut
>So when the thundercats showed up all's you did is keep to your metalworking
>You're busy torquing a ratchet or whatever when the master barks your name
>Carefully you drop your work and immediately make your way to him
>"Ne'er seen nothin like'em 'ave ya?"
>The guests appeared to be two cat men, a tiger and the black panther party spokesman
>You only came up to the shorter one's chin
>"He ain't got no claws, er fangs, er fur, er nothin."
>He grabbed you by the back of your neck and dipped you
>"Aye, but wut E's got is a brain like no otter. Nope. Ne'er seen this babyskin pass up a job in da time ah had 'em."
>"Hmm. What do you think Tygra? Is he worth the price?"
>You had six figures stamped onto your head and more than one zero
>"Well if he's worth that much he must be good for something."
>"Aye E's good for sumtin, E's good for TWO things. Either fixin' or sellin'! AHAHAHA!"
>The tiger forced a smile onto his face and laughed
>"Alright I see where you're getting at. The problem is for this price we could afford to fix the tank 3 times over."
>"Aye, an' wat's your point?"
>"Well...we can't really pay this much, even for a quality slave. Can't we just rent him?"
>"Tygra, a word?"
>The two cat men walked away to discuss business
>"Oy, ah tink they tink they can outsmart meh. Haggle even."
>He bent to look you straight in the eye
>"But don't ya worry lad, I'll git every bit for you that ah can. Now git back ta work! Ya ain't sold yet!"
>You go back to your business of torquing while the catmen come back
>"Suppose an hourly wage is possible?"
>You swallow at the prospect of freedom, at least from this machine shop and irritate the sore under your throat
>You bore a heavy iron collar made especially for you since your neck was so much skinnier than the usual slave's
>In front of you was the oldest slave in the shop
>Amir the badger, blind in one eye and a stump for a leg
>No family to speak of, or at least none that he's told you about
>He was still strong but he was up there
>Both of you believed he didn't have much of a life outside of being a slave
>But you did
>"Are ya daft!"
>And there it went
>They tried to shortchange the greedy bastard
>"Ah told ya no hagglin'! That slave's makin me more money e'ry day than all the otters combined!"
>"But surely we could just-"
>"NO!! Now git out of my shop before i flog ya!"
>He wasn't kidding about the flogging, you got it once when you two were first introduced in that forest and he beat the others regularly
>The tiger made eye contact with you and you felt a twinge of hope before he was shoved out
>You turned your gaze back to your work before the dog went off on you too
>It was nearly dinner time
>The sun was setting over the horizon casting everything in a dim orange glow
>You were sure that's why the master didn't notice him drop the pin

>At night you were kept locked behind a cage in the back
>The iron collar hung around your neck weighed down by the chains locked into place
>But your bed was soft and the food warm
>The high window offered you a decent view of the street below and the master's house a few yards away
>The moon filtered in through the bars and lit your cell up with a silvery glow
>Ocassionally a draft would even bring smells of the bakery from down the street
>If it weren't for that asshole you could get somewhat used to being a slave
>Unless there was a revolution
>That'd be fun
>But there was none
>At least not over you even though you were 'special'
>Nobody around town, even the ape, could claim to have skin as smooth and hairless as yours
>Other wealthy merchants offered to buy you up the night you were brought in naked as a jaybird
>Normally you'd expect people to laugh but they all seemed transfixed on you
>Or your naughty bits
>Their eyes went everywhere
>The master of course knew you'd be worth a good price
>He didn't sell you right away to drive up the price
>Then his child broke his favorite toy and you put the pieces back together
>After that it was a type of heat lamp, then the plumbing
>Eventually you found yourself moved from his house as a simple servant to the shop as the head mechanic
>You didn't receive a warm welcome
>The master obviously showed favoritism to you
>After a while he even dropped the prices on his other slaves when he wanted to make some quick cash for a part he needed
>You spit the pin out onto your hand when the last of the lights went out in his bedroom
>Time to get to work
>You broke the pin straightaway and muttered several curses before a shadow crept onto your floor
>A soft horse whisper broke through the night
>"hey, up here."
>Looking up you saw a catboy clinging to the window
>"Hi there. I'm a fried of Tygra's."
>"My name's Wilykat, I'm here to rescue you."
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I'm new here so i don't know what you guys like. I couldn't fit this into the first post but this is a thundercats fic because i couldn't be bothered to create my own characters, or setting. i'll be back to write more if you guys like it
>be me, eternally horny 6/10 pet
>mistress is a 9/10 babe, brick house built tiger woman
>im not fixed, thank god, fap to her every time shes at work
>one day she walks in on me doing the act, home early from work
"Anon! No! Bad human!"
>panic and try to roll over and run away
>powerful clawed paw yanks me up by my collar
>shes giving me the predator look again, with those big beautiful feline eyes
>erection only grows stronger before im now over her knee
"You horny little shit. Ill teach you a lesson you cant forget."
>her huge, powerful paw flies down and smacks my cheeks with rightous fury
>i wince in pain but its only making me more horny
>i find myself thrusting into her thigh with each smack, enjoying each impact more than the last
>she realizes the futility and pushes me off her knee, i crumple to the floor
"You bastard. Im taking drastic measures now."
>she walks over to the freezer and pulls out an ice pack then tosses it to me
"Put that on your junk, ill be back."
>oh lord please dont let it be scissors
>i put the freezing bag of ice on my junk, it feels surreal on my rock hard shaft
>eventually my erection fades, and i can barely feel my junk down their at all from how cold the pack is
>mistress comes out with a bottle of lotion and a small sack
>to my surprise she lotions up her paw and begins rubbing it into my cold manhood
>but now my dick isnt getting hard! At the shittiest time
"Lay back and dont look"
>i panic a bit now
"Please dont fix me! Ill be good ill stop jacking off i promise i love you mistres please dont-"
>she puts a large paw over my mouth
"Im not going to, but if you grovel more I might"
>i force myself to calm down and lay back
>i feel a sensation like a cloth band going over my dick and balls, bad sign so far
>then i feel some hard plastic? Hugging behind my balls
>And then some more over my shaft and a click
>im so confused
"Alright pet, look up"
>i look up and now see my junk is locked into some strange device!
"Now you cant masturbate even if you tried."
>begin patting at my dick, its getting hard again but the cage keeps me from touching it or it getting too hard and big
>i begin whining as my sexual frustration mounts
>i look up to my mistress then my jaw drops
>she took off her shirt, and her large breasts are only inches from my face
>the large dark nipples, erect, in licking distance
>my dick is now hurting from the pressure in the cage
"So anon, i was thinking."
>she leans into me and grasps the back of my head
>and shoves my face directly into her bosoms
>now my dick really hurts
"I think that I solved that problem. Now i get to play..."
>she picks me up in her powerful tiger arms and kneels me down in front of her
>and undoes her pants
>revealing her pink panties underneath, already somewhat damp
"Your mine now that you refuse to learn self control."
>my god now my dick really hurts as it tries to desperatly destroy the cage from the inside
"Maybe if your good ill let you come... maybe."
>im dumbfounded, no clue what to say or do, so i just stare at her tight panties
>her pussy is swollen slightly and smells like sex from here
"First pet, take my panties off, no hands allowed."
>no hands allowed? Fucking what?
>i think for a second then i realize her game
>i lean down and bury my nose deep into her sex
>it smells maddening
>humans dont go into heat, but i bet this is what male tiger feel like
>i drift my face up and gently take her waistband into my teeth
>i slowely peel her panties off her as it leaves a stringy sticky line of sex from her pussy
>its almost pulsating, shes so horny
>i peel her panties down her legs and past her massive hindpaws til im left kneeling panties in moutn
>she spreads her legs wide, toes splaying as she stretches out
"Use that tongue of yours anon"
>i dive in like im snorkling for pearls, i didnt need any encouragement
>im a the pussy buffet as her lips almost grab onto my nose and lips
>my mistress moaning with delight as my tongue finds its way to her clit
>im prodding and pushing, massaging her pussy with my face while my tongue is working her clitoris
>she grabs the back of my head and pushes me deeper
>shit bitch i would be inside of you if i went deeper!
>i press onward vigilantly into the bengali pussy jungle looking for treasure
>and in a daring move this indiana jokes is softly biting the clitoris, rubbing my nose on it, licking it, loving it
>my mistress holds my head tight and lets out a mighty roar
>and discharges
>im drowning at this point, and am barely able to pull away now soaked in sticky sex and a little bit of pee
>shes laying their shivering with glee breathing heavily
>her lucious breasts bouncing up and down with each breath
>i mount her, cage or not and begin humping like a mad man
>she starts laughing and pushes me off
"That was good, but you arnt allowed to mount me, mutt."
>i back off and just lay their in horrible frustration, precum leaking all over my leg
>she leans into me and takes my caged manhood in her paw
>and licks it
>oh lord please give my dick the strength to break this cage
"Maybe some other time."
>she walks away and leaves me groaning and frustrated
>when i come i swear im going to flood this apartment, it could only be sooner...
Eeeeeeh, this is more of a /d/ thing.
I quite liked it, anon and I'd certainly like to see more, you got a pastebin or something to follow along?
Continue please.
To Tame a Human

Chapter Six: Every good deed

>I don't know the precise time, I haven't looked at the clocks when I left, but I knew one thing.
>Right now, I was racing against the sun and my body.
>When the sun goes up, she'll wake up and she'll kick up a fuss about where am I, and the hunt for me will begin anew.
>I would hate to be in her shoes right now, but there's nothing i could do about it.
>It's either her being disappointed, or kids dying of starvation. So when I had to choose, I choose Somalia, and went to see how the kids are doing.
>The cities at night were usually scary to people, but not to me. First, nobody would want to rob me, because I'm a human, a lowlife runaway pet, so unless I meet some sadists, no one is going to pay any attention to me.
>Only one problem was present. I was far away from any landmark I knew, she lives in a part of the town that I hadn't explored yet, mostly because it seemed to be residential, and stealing from houses was bound to attract more attention.
>My plan was therefore head towards the center of the city, and that was easy to do, because of all the high-rise buildings were situated near the center.
>I wasn't going to sprint there though, it was more of a jog, but I couldn't afford just walking, but running any faster was incredibly painful.
>I'm pretty sure that quack who called himself a doctor had no idea if my ribs were broken or bruised, some Dogtor he was
>The Idea of dogtor amused me, even though I no longer remember if he was of canine species or actually feline, or whatever the hell he might've been.
>The road was clear, lighted by street lamps, but some of them were flickering.
>I got the bad feeling from this, it seemed more like a bad horror story.
>Except that I wasn't a helpless lady.
>I had to avoid one or two late night walkers by ducking into alleyways or completely changing directions, but this part of the town was quiet.
>The Real deal will become problematic when I reach the center, which is bound to be busy with nightlife.
>The best bet for me would be to reach Christmas market, from there I can navigate anywhere I want, and there are signs all across the city pointing towards the destination.
>It was funny to actually realize that the Christmas market was merely a tourist trap, hence all the signs pointing towards the biggest attraction.
>As I managed to get closer to the city, I realized that here's the start of the Real deal, as I saw patrolling police car...
>If they spot me, they will surely call animal control, and the hunt will start early, leading to bigger problems.
>Looking left and right all there was, was a trashcan to my left, and some twenty steps forwards was an entrance to a residential building.
>the police car was going to spot me any second now, so I decided to play it cool, by the trash can was a plastic bag with something, so I picked it up take a few steps away from the trash can, and when I saw that the police officers in the car have spotted me, I walked towards the trash can and quickly sniffed around it, then placing the bag down, wiping my arms on my overalls and confidently started striding towards the entrance
>The car had windows down, so I heard one of them saying "I wish my human was this smart, I am the one taking trash outside." and then laughter from his colleague.
>I reached the doorknob while they were already past me, luckily they didn't stop to check out what I was doing. I grabbed the doorknob and pressed myself towards the door, as If i was opening them, the police car made a right turn and I let out a sigh of relief.
>I let go of the doors and resumed my route towards the center of the city, my quest has just begun and I didn't want to abandon it. However, as I turned the corner, I saw why were the police patrolling here, there was a night club. Not one of those exclusive ones where you have to wait in line until there was space inside, no, one of those where bouncer was just making sure that when you get out of the club, you will piss off, or at least puke on building across the street.
>I decided to go around it, no reason to go right in front of the night club, that was just asking for trouble.
>So I had to cross street and use the alley between the other two buildings, easy.
>When I reached the alleyway, I once again cursed my luck.
>I spotted two figures, and judging by the "Shut up you bitch!" and whimpers, it was either theft or rape in progress.
>Now I was a man on the run myself, but I still have a moral compass, which was telling me that I should be a white knight and save whoever was getting mugged and/or raped.
I started walking silently towards the pair, they were partially hidden by a wall, So I had a plenty of space to go around them, if I wished, but that wasn't me. If I would turn blind eye to this sort of behavior, then I might as well renounce my humanity. Helping each other is what that meant for me.
>The guy was drunk wolverine, and even though Hugh Jackman comes first to mind, this had at least a little bit more fur than him.
>The woman couldn't be seen over his shoulders. but his trousers were already around his knees, and he was holding one leg that didn't belong to him.
>Now how to approach this situation, he was a furry with big claws so just grabbing him around his neck and trying to "make him sleep" seemed like a good idea to get my hands torn to shreds, So I had to improvise.
>I walked silently right behind him, he was too distracted to notice me.
>"Now you are going to take me balls deep, enjoy my cock bitch." He said, and I thought that what was going to follow is going to be mindblowing orgasm, without any orgasm involved.
>He was approximately as tall as me, So I had no problems reaching the side of his head, and then slamming his head to the wall behind which he was hiding.
>"Ungh!" he made an inarticulate sound and tripped over his trousers falling backwards.
>My side decided that it was appropriate to remind me that I was injured, and punching was out of question.
>So one quick stomp in his groin made sure that he was going to be immobilized for quite some time, he started yelling and cursing
>Quick look at the woman revealed very shocked zebra in now dirty black dress and ripped panties hanging around her ankle.
>She didn't say thank you, or anything, she however continued crying and hastily dressing herself.
>"You shit" wolverine cursed, trying to sit up, I turned around and kicked him to the side of his head, this time he was out cold.
>Suddenly, I was attacked from behind, someone grabbed me, and held me tightly against soft bo...
>I'm sorry, let me rephrase that... I was hugged from behind by a crying zebra who was taller than me, she must've have at least two meters twenty!, and boy she was strong.
>How the fuck does a lady this strong manages to get herself almost raped in the a dingy alleyway was beyond me.
>"Thank you" she said, and kept hugging me.
>I grabbed her hand, and started walking towards the entrance of the alleyway through which I intended to exit in the first place.
>She hesitantly followed, giving no resistance.
>I half wondered if the wolverine did the same thing, just silently dragging her somewhere.
>She was silently sobbing, probably still shocked, but also reeked of alcohol, which might be of some use to me.
>I can surely drag her towards the police station which was nearby, or I could drag her towards the police station which was near the Christmas market, which would allow me to go through the main street without being actually suspicious, that way she can help me and we'll be even.
>Well, at least, that suspicious. I was pulling her hand, and was not on a leash.
>"Thank you" she said in a sobbing voice as I was pulling her towards the center.
>"You...you saved me from..." Yeah lady, I don't think you need to tell me what you almost went through. Then again, the words got caught up in her throat and she started sobbing again.
>Three streets on, and I slowly started to recognize the place.
>The good news was, that I knew where I was, and the bad news was that the garage I was heading towards, is going to take me clear across the city anyway.
>The bad news was, she was slowly gaining her composure and therefore started asking questions.
>"Where's your owner?" was the first one, and she actually picked up the pace, trying to see if I have a collar.
>"No collar? Are you a stray? " was the second question, now If i want to keep this thing up, I better make sure that her train of thoughts is disrupted a little.
>So I turned my head and nodded. This confused the poor Zebra to no end.
>You could actually see it on her face, she was questioning if I nodded accidently, or if I acknowledged that I'm a stray, but strays are usually more wild than tame one's, not to mention dumber, so understanding was out of the question.
>If she was smart, then she would also doubt herself because of alcohol.
>"You are a stray and you understand me?" Well, that didn't take long, I hoped that she would be conflicted about this a little more.
>I looked at her again, and nodded again. Hoping that she'll think about this some more, the more silent she is, the better, and we managed to cross the road again, so it was only six or seven streets till I reach the closed Christmas market, ten before the police station, and If i can go straight, without hitting the checkpoints. I'll reach the garage in forty minutes.
>"That's so cool." Her hand left my hand and I was once again hugged from behind.
>"I was so scared back there that he would rape me!" she said, and I felt her bust around my shoulders.
>"How will I ever repay you?" She asked, nuzzling the side of my face.
>Maybe I made a huge mistake trying to drag her along, she was much stronger than me, intoxicated and god knows what else.
>"How about I take you home? I'll adopt you, you'll have anything you want, ANYTHING for my hero" Now lady, I don't like the way you said the last anything.
>"What do you say?" She said, rubbing her hands all across my chest.
>Great, I save her from being raped only to be raped instead, just great.
>But then she touched my bruised side and I jerked forward with painful yelp.
>"Oh I'm sorry, did I hurt you?" She asked, her eyes welling up again.
>I was afraid, that If I give her the truthful answer, she'll hug me again, trying to apologize, and I would suffocate between her breasts.
>So instead, I grabbed her paw, and started walking again.
>"Where are we going?" she asked this time around.
>Now lady, I could tell you what and why am I doing, but you are surprisingly coherent for a drunk person, so I'll limit myself to answering yes or no questions.
>"Oooh, are you taking me to your den?" What?
>"but if you want to do that, you can come with me. I'm sure that my place will be better suited for those things" Lady if someone hears what you are suggesting...
>Slowly, I was beginning to suspect how the attempt to rape took place, either she was a really big masochist, or she was really horny. possibly both.
>I turned around, and with an offended frown i shook my head, hoping to put an end to those kind of remarks.
>"No? Then where are you taking me?" Now it was her turn to be confused. However, I wasn't very good with computers, so telling her "police station" through yes and no, was impossible through binary.
>However, the solution appeared once again on its own. As I reached the police station I wanted to reach, pointing towards it.
>"A Police station?" She looked at the building, and then at me, slowly realizing why I took her here.
>"Thank you, for everything." Oh god here we go again, a hug, this time from front.
>I was pushed towards her by the sheer force of the hug. I hugged her back this time, hoping that it would calm her down, but she grabbed my butt, and when I looked up to sound my protest, I was kissed.
>Oh god, no, NO!
>I mustered all my strength in an attempt to push her away from me.
>But not before my mouth was violated by her tongue.
>When I put at least some decent distance between the two of us, she said.
>"If you ever need anything, or reconsider my offer. I live on Edback Street, number 149. " She said, and then gave me a wink and started walking towards the police station.
>What a crazy Zebra, no way I'm getting anywhere near her.
>Now I needed to reach the garage, and if possible, find some mouthwash on the way there.
>The rest of the trip was uneventful, as I left the city center and the hour was getting late, the streets were completely deserted.
>When I reached the garage, I found out two things.
>First, the garage was still there and it wasn't completely empty, the blankets were there, and few oranges were scattered around, but there was no sign of the huge 15 kilo bag, which would've been impossible for the kids to carry away. Something happened here
Chapter 4 home

> After my lovely ordeal with a gentle giant I finally found the time to absorb my situation. I loved in a world of humans with Sub average intelligence where humans had been replaced by….. animals.
> in a sense it made me laugh, it sounded like the plot of a film made to entertain an oddly specific fetish, but what do I know?
> in any case, it appeared that I had been picked up as a stray with my captors none the wiser to the fact that I had a brain. Though, perhaps that was for the best. If this world's anything like mine, nothing good would happen to a talking dog.
> Sitting on the pound I did get to observe the other humans in their cells. They were all.. just bored looking for the most part. Most lazing about on mattresses getting excited whenever “people” walked by.
> Oddly enough it really was reminiscent of a pound where one might go to adopt a dog, just….. The other way around.
> Sitting in my cell cross legged I had to laugh, It was just too damn stupid right? though, I wasn't trying very hard to escape, pain might have been enough to slow me, but that initial rush of panic that had fueled me in the hospital was gone. All that was left was a quiet distaste that I was all too familiar with.
> Realistically speaking, I was being treated nicer, if like i had 5 IQ than I ever would have in a human prison, and more than that, if I did make it back to my world or woke up or.. whatever. It's not like I had much to return to, a dingy apartment and a dead end career.
> Not that either option was fantastic per-se. But giving up your freedom for a life of coddling wasn't the worst option ever. If Billy was anything to go by it seemed like pets were as doted on here as they were anywhere.
> So, accepting my fate as somebodies pet was, almost equally demeaning as being a hermit for eternity. But at least as a pet I wouldn't have to have a job. That last part was pretty damn appetizing.
Ah shit, I'm. Wait two you're done man.

>Grabbing the blankets, I figured that the place was compromised, and packed up all the remaining stuff I could find, made a sack out of the blanket, and decided that I'll look for a different hiding place next time.
>Right now, the destination was the basement by the forest cabin.

End of Chapter

Skreetz the Rat here
Sorry for rather short chapter, next time I'll do better, but lets be honest, the truck has the priority, so keep the thread alive for me, and I'll post when I can.
I'm done, take it away sir.
> So for the moment, I guess my goal was to get adopted. Though… the thought of trying to be a puppy in a cage turned my face hot with embarrassment. I mean we all do some weird shit for affection but this was out there.
> with some sort of goal before me, all that was left to me was to pace my cell and make sad eyes at anyone that passed by.
> Looking to my left and right my competition was mean looking hispanic, that couldn't seem to be quiet, and a black girl that paced endlessly.
> Eventually the first customer popped through, looking from cell to cell. “Oi, billy, you got any Humans that can actually pull their weight? All I see is a bunch a couch warmers”
> that's a tad Rude I thought to myself as the antlered individual passed by my cell leering at me for a second. Before passing on.
> on one hand I certainly didn't wanna do farm work. But on the other hand it was still a strike at my pride.
> Billy to his credit struck a pokerface, or at least the equivalent for a Rhino and began delivering a sales pitch for every human they passed. Now I've heard some ridiculous things in my day, but hearing a Rhino and a buck discuss the worth of a human by their appetite. Was… well almost enough to make me pine for my apartment.
> Eventually the Antlered man left with the Hispanic next to me and left the world decidedly quieter. The rest of the day passed by in Quiet boredom only broken up by dinner and lights out.
> As night fell over the pound I fell asleep with little resistance, I think I dreamed of home a bit, something about the paranoia of deadlines.
> What I woke up to, was not, What I fell asleep to. My head was being Rubbed, my first guess was Billy, but then again the hand would've been bigger, and less soft. The words that followed it however were even more surprising
>”Yeah Billy, She's perfect, thanks for the call.” “he” an awkward pause was followed by Billy’s interjection. “He's perfect then, there is no way she'll be scared of him”
> opening my eyes I saw Billy at the open door to my cell, and sitting next to me on the mattress was, well, a huge grey dog. Well at least… something very close to one.
> Dressed in blue jeans and a T-shirt I was looking at would've happened if the farmer had been replaced by the dog, or at least that was the impression. He didn't carry the god awful accent the buck from yesterday had.
> Mr Rhino just looks concerned. “Jay I know you've wanted a human for a long time, but I know how that sister of yours is too, so… stay in touch”
> To his credit the dog kept a straight face. “Yeah I know man, but maybe this will be a step in the right direction for her.”
> Nodding gravely the Rhino acquiesced but I'll be damned if I wasn't concerned, the short breath I drew ended up alerting them both that I was awake.
> The hand on my head Ruffled my hair more as Jay gave me his full attention, he was cute I guess for a dog anyways a mottled grey covered all of him I could see only broken up by an area of darker fur over his left eye, and his eyes, both bright blue and warm looking.
> letting him tousle my hair I looked at him evenly wondering how I was supposed to react. I could feel my tongue in my mouth move, I would probably be able to talk again now that the swelling was mostly gone, but my instincts told me it was likely for the best for me to stay silent.
> his paw was warm on my head and he looked nice. Sighing decided to show he had my attention by pushing my head against his paw.
> This got a chuckle out of Billy as well, “well he seems to have taken a shine to you. But be careful with him, he’s still a tad banged up.”
> Nodding he got up and waved at me, “Be right back boy gotta do some paperwork.”
> Then they were gone and I was left wondering what being a pet was going to be like.
> Several minutes later he shows up again this time with a leash in hand, that was something I was certain I would never get used to.
> letting himself back into my cell he produces a blue collar, and puts it on me. It's a fairly simple design and I doubt it would take much effort to remove it. But whether doing so was in my best interest, I wasn't sure.
> So together we leave waving bye to Billy and making our way to a semi old looking pickup, please don't put me in the back was my first thought.
> thankfully he opens the passenger door ushering me in, and without thinking about it, I hop in and buckle myself up, which earns me a stare.
> “well I'll be, Billy said you were a smart boy but color me impressed” I just smiled back at him thinking. You have no idea.
> I was a tad disappointed to realize that the truck was manual, so I'd have a hall of a time if I ever needed to steal it. But Jay made it look easy as he hopped in, started it with a lurching rumble and took off down the road.
> As he's driving he reached over to scratch my head again. “ya know It'll be nice to have someone else around the house, it's just me and my sis, here in town, so you'll be a welcome change… or mostly welcome change. I just hope she warms up to you.”
> Slowing down as we pulled into a Gravel driveway after a few minutes he smiled at me. “But you're pretty cute for a Human, so it should be fine”
> letting him let me out of the car, I followed him into his house, it was, an average two story set up, replete with porch swing and deck with flowers out front, I imagined it must be the work of this sister I had heard about.
> leading into the house he gives me the quick tour. The house is a nice green on the inside both kitchen and living room. The furniture seemed cozy if dated and the Tv seemed average on a dusty entertainment center.
> Then up stairs he showed me where the rooms were, one an office and storage room and two bedrooms but he only showed me his.
> His room painted blue was covered in sports posters, mostly baseball, one team reminded me of home, called, “the bears” one corner of the room had a baseball bag and bat that looked like they hadn't been touched in ages. Other than that he had a nice desk with a surprisingly modern computer for the house.
> Again the warm and heavy sensation appeared on my head and I heard him say. “Welcome home buddy”

Yo, onii here, Hope you all are enjoying the stories, I'm really loving the variety we have been getting here.
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Don't worry, thank you for your time!

I want newfags to leave
I love it.
>not /d/
I want cuckfags to leave
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Oh god.png
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>Now lady, I don't like the way you said the last anything.
you were good, son. real good. maybe even the best.
>>What a crazy Zebra, no way I'm getting anywhere near her.
I like your logic anon.
I knew I forgot to put "In the near future" there somewhere.
Bless your soul anon.
Jesus, Skreetz. You're good.
You can fix that on pastebin.

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Drunkposting is bad m'kay?
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