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Zootopia Thread: Unsure of the Purpose of Life Edition Past

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Thread replies: 609
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Zootopia Thread: Unsure of the Purpose of Life Edition

Pastebin: pastebin.com/iYDU8g2T
Booru: zoo.booru.org
Archive: ztarchive.com
Desustorage: desuarchive.org
Thematic Stuff: http://derpy.me/trashthematicthursdays

Post about how you wonder how to truly enjoy life. Or not.
Pregnant bun and fox dad. No cucking allowed.
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Reposting for the anon I made sad that one time.
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Hello trash friends....
Hey man how goes it?
Hello, Mechanic.
I wish I could touch her ears.
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Hey... and, I'm bored...
My question still stands
It's fine, it's not gay if it's prey. Go for it, Ted.
You seem excited
oh? so whatcha listening to?
We all knew it would happen. I'll be sure to keep checking your DeviantArt
Me too man. Could you draw something for us trash dwellers? If you want to of course.
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>You will never take Nick's dox fick in your mouth
>You will never get his knot stuck in your mouth
>You will never begin to suffocate and then start drowning as he cums inside your lungs, now panicing for air
>You will never have Nick's dox fick expand inside your body
>You will never feel his dox fick crush your organs as it makes its way to your anus
>You will never die slowly, speared from mouth to ass as he slowly absorbs your body into his own
>You will never be trapped in Nick's dox fick as he proceeds to fuck Judy
>You will never be transferred into Judy's womb
>You will never be born as their child

one day i will masturbate to calvin.

One day.
Pass that link, bro.
Sorry about your co threads man. Maybe they'll pop back up.

You're an actual mechanic right? What kind of stuff do you work on?
Carpe diem
Just roll with it Ted! Your dick won't know the difference!

/co/ zoot get murdered off again?
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I so want them to use IVF trickery and other stuff to make Judy have their baby rabbits.
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For good this time by the looks of it. Oh well, I had months of fun and talked to some great, helpful anons
That's just so cute.
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>People still think Nick and Judy would work
>People still don't realize Zootopia 2 is literally going to be about two new characters who have to save the city while learning about how Nick and Judy were eventually driven apart with Judy as the hard ass chief of police and Nick as the new Mayor of Zootopia
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Man, that really sucks for the /co/ anons. Was it because of hotpockets or just waning interest?
Damn, that sucks.
Just a little Calvin for the late night thread
Hey guys writeyote here! Single and in no way ready to mingle. If you guys want anything written you know who to ask.
I so want this hot slut-bun...
Former. Received so much help from those threads. /co/ jannies just need to be shot.
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That's a very interesting idea Anon! And no, I wasn't planning on having "Sasha might stop existing if Annalise stops paying attention" plots. I'd rather veer towards comfiness now. I do however wish to expand on "Sasha is a phantom, so she has ghosty powers". As for your question, I suppose that it COULD happen, but I probably won't write about it. Probably. It would be too tiresome to constantly have Annalise making sure that she's paying enough attention. I admire your creativity!

Judy speaking at Nick's funeral.
>my professor
Shouldn't that be "one of my professors?"
Nick and Finnick just chilling in the van eating chinese and chatting about bun buns?
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Impregnate the bun
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Gilbert O'Sullivan- "Alone Again" if you're interested.... and other assorted oldies....

>Knew what would happen?

... probably... my stuff usually takes a while though...

... yeah... I don't know if they're being pruned or just no interest anymore.. and yes... specialty is classic vehicles, 50s 60s 70s
Nick and Judy on the wild west
For Calvin there is only one that matters.
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t. your ass
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what's happening in Dressed Down?
shut the fuck up
The threads being deleted and everybody being forced off. There's obviously interest still.
Sounds depressing and feelsy. I like it. Any other details you want?
Craft me a tale of Nick and Judy's tails solving a case while they're sitting in the bullpen
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some smoll edits to that one sqrl
night y'all
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I wanted to leave it to you, see what you could do with it. I was kind of intrigued by the thought because a lot of people have Nick be the one who has to live on and I think that it would be interesting to see Judy have to deal with it instead, especially when it's still fresh.
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>Zootopia 2 is Nick and Judy mad at each other
>Nick is mad because for Judy there is only work
>Judy is mad at Nick because he takes everything not seriously
>He becomes mayor to spite her because no matter how much she works she can't bring deep changes to zootopia
>She keeps on his tail all of the time claiming he is using underhanded methods everywhere
>One day both get smashingly drunk
>Passionate Hatefuck
Sounds good man. Starting to work on it now. It will be on the short side even for me.
I so love this.

I did it. I have achieved my dreams.

The /trash/ will forever be my home, and my grave.
No problem. Didn't want something too long anyways, just have fun with it.
I am my own home
I am my own grave
I am the beta and the psi
I am what came after my beginning and the means to my own end
And I will have my vengeance, in this life or the next.
One last thing. Who would show up to his funereal? All I can think of is Honey Finnick and Ms. Wilde
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Gonna need a reasonable request to work on, though... I'm not super creative like some other drawfags....
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Draw an entire page of ellipses
Evening, guys.

Since the thread's pretty slow, thought I'd ask what y'all are listening to right now.

Been jiving to "Wildflower" for a straight week.
Judy slamming some sick dunks on the b ball court?
Possibly pic related?
Literally listening to that right now
Our theme song


or draw Nick with the sunglasses in the scene quitting the lab with the predators
Judeon ;)
The police department would probably have officers there, especially if he died in the line, even Lionheart is it was something big enough. Mr. Big would probably send someone, if he didn't decide to come himself. Flash would be there. Some people that they helped in their careers, like the Ottertons.
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I kinda did once...

Well, sure.... why not, seeing as you provided pic for reference. Makes things go quicker

Possibly later

Eventually, I will anon
Annnnnd... I still want to make love to her.
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You should draw a /trash/ OC. I'm sure someone around here can bring you art of one you'd like, pic related
where does that pic come from?>>3957509
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So, there's apparently a slightly /ztg/-related HAPPENING at the moment. 10 cops shot, 3 dead. Hoo boy, it's exactly this sort of civil strife that would worry me if I was in their boots.
I still kek
How about a polar bear in a tracksuit with an ushanka
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>if you're interested.... and other assorted oldies....
am I?
I capped it from here, then when someone said "put a wasted sign on it," I did

but anon

this isn't mchorn, i am confused
Just google "dallas shooting"
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It's scary as fuck. I say it as a North Texas poster myself.
Ten Cops Shot.
3 of those cops dead.

One of those cops could have been Judy and Nick.

Do your part : Promote the collaring of Black people to curb their primeval instincts
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Man what the fuck is going on in USA
source of this image?
People are treating BLM, a homegrown terrorist organization, as a group of decent people
If the snipers turn out to be black it's gonna be hilarious.

I mean, I feel awful for the cops and for their families, but I can't wait to hear liberals try to defend BLACK people trying to start a race war, in contrast to how they treated that dylan fucker.

Same boat, my friend, love nick and Judy but their story is done, of course they need to be implemented in the plot somehow, but the movie is called Zootopia, city is the real protagonist of the movie.

Sequel needs new subject and new narrative.
Up to 11 shot, 5 dead.
Here you goo /ztg/
No one is going to defend the shooters.
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Dunno, maybe /co/ earliest threads, judging by the archive search. And I'm seeing several pics I haven't seen reposted here yet, by the by.

Terrible time to be a cop man, seriously. Almost makes me wanna rethink my career choice sometimes...
Have you even seen what web journos and MSNBC push out noawadays?
Were you even around when Baltimore set itself on fire, everyone tried calling them out as "looters, hooligans, and criminals" and Al Sharpton and CNN were clamoring to say that it was just blacks engaging in a public outcry for wrongdoings against them?
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>planning to draw a scene from the movie
>browse /trash/ for some reason
>find out someone with a similar art style has already drawn the exact still image you were going to draw

should i still go for it
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>Judy biting/licking Nick's neck
Can't get enough of this sorta thing.
OK Thanks
also attached pic is trace from big golden book
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Didn't you watch Zootopia? This is clearly a false flag by the majority to implicate the minority. TAME collaring them would do nothing but sow further discord -- what you really want to do is make the fox fuck the bunny.
The fox and bunny are not metaphors.
Don't have anything new, but I'm really happy with how this one came out from a previous thread, I might draw more Remmy later.
They shouldn't kick them out of the sequel or mutate them into weird versions of themselves. They should have a meaningful, sustained kind of cameo-ish set of roles.

I mean, like, Bilbo Baggins wasn't the star of the Lord of the Rings movies, but he was in the first for a good damn reason and served to shift the plot along. Frodo got the ring. It works.
I love assertive Judy...
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You are either old, or autistic... either way, Noice anon

Assuming you are the anon that I will be doing popsicle nick for, be warned...
It's late, I'm tired, a little drunk, and have to work early tomorow on what was supposed to be my day off... and I have a tendency to loose internet and dissapppear without warning... I will do it, it may not be done tonight, but when it is, I will post it here, and to my accounts for you to find it.>>3958693
Do it, anon. Don't let me ruin your motivation
Haha, that's what you think.

Liberals invent all kinds of mental gymnasics just to excuse the antics of non-whites and paint whites as the oppressors in literally every single case.

Fuck, the shooting of that black /pol/ack while he was reaching for his wallet? just happened today? The cop that shot him was asian, and liberals are saying the asian cop is just an enforcer of white policy and it's STILL whitey's fault.

Liberals are a cancer on western civilization.
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thank you i didn't know two cakes existed
Remmy is a cool dude, I hope you do decide to do more stuff with him.
Serves that bitch right.
People defended the massacre on Charlie Hebdo. It's actually pretty common for that to happen, especially if you believe you are on the right side, where harming the "bad guys" won't matter because in the end they are bad.
>Remmy is a cool dude
Remmy is a fucking dork.
You're trying to become a cop too, huh? I'd be lying if I said I didn't feel the same way you did, but don't let it deter you man. Law enforcement has faced worse than these bastards. This is no time to be calling it quits.
Well ya but I really like him, he's no burga badger but eh, still cool in my book.
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>tfw bleating
what happened to the trash movie stream? it seems to have 0 followers somehow.
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Please God, let this shooting be like the Sandy Hook kids being killed where most people go about their lives uncaring and nothing really happens.

Basically everything that people will naturally gravitate to will make it worse. In a time of economic chaos and all kinds of sick shit, a race war is fucking all we need.

I'm trying to smile and be optimistic. Apathy is better than destruction. Fuck feelings. Lets have apathy.
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>mfw this is a FBI blackops attempt to sway public opinion against BLM and towards the establishment
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>getting mad that a movie about sociopolitics has political posting
Trade school taught me that people give like 40% too much of a fuck about everything at any given time. A little strategic apathy can save you a lot of stress.
Thread seems to be getting a little uncomfy, how about some humor?
>All white people are collectively responsible for some neo-Nazi fucktard killing innocents.
>All black people are collectively responsible for some commie fucktards killing innocents.

If we have to reject individualism and personal freedom and all of that shit, okay, so race war when?
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Don't be like that, apathy is death, let yourself be sad a bit so later you can appreciate and value your happiness.
No one will defend the shooters. Not MSNBC. Not Al Sharpton. Not any of the boogeymen that the NRA and Trump want you to fear.

This is a horrible event and I hope that people will mourn the loss of these officers, who were maintaining a peaceful protest until the shooting, before trying to play political football with their deaths. But that won't happen, so say whatever you want about "the liberal media", it's your right. I'll just sit here and mourn.
Grow up.
Yes please.
I'm not really in the mood right now...
Yep, going into my 3rd year at uni for it. And ya I feel ya man definitely not a time to quite. Kinda strengthens your resolve seeing shit like this actually ya know?
Sure, go for it.
Fuck off Kreia
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i'm not even 30, so i guess autism it is
4chan has probably been good for me a bit in terms of this. I'm at a point where I can see someone beating a dog to death with a hammer and such without crying. I'm hardening. Slowly.
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Hi, I screwed up. I went to visit a friend, we drank, I got drunk. I didn't want to but I did.

I tried reading, bu I cant. Its not fair to the authors and its not fair to the listeners to listen to me be stupid and unable to remember the words I read and say.

I really didnt want to get drunk, I just wanted to be with my friend.

Apologies to everyone on the reading list, I promise I'll get this done, I need to just sleep this off. I feel bad, I hate getting drunk, I have hang ups about it now, I feel dumb and awkward when I do, but I'll get over it. I screwed up and I just have to face that.

Can't wait to read more, I really love all your work. I hope I don't sound stupid when I read things, but I definitely sounded really dumb when I reacorded just when.

Please dont worry about me, I'm fine, I just need water and rest.

I love you all. I feel so happy with you all.

Goodbye and goodnight, magical and wonderful /tp/ threads. Everything is going to be okay, I promise.

And I almost posted the VRbit picture where its dead but then I remembered I made a little sleepy picture for it so thats already something Im not screwing up, so thats good :)

No need to fear, shitty joke anon is here!

How is life like a penis?
im not watching this
Hope you guys like this. I really tried to capture Judy's character in this one.

The room was underpopulated to say the least. Rows upon rows of folding chairs lay barren. Only the front row was filled and the second row was barely halfway full. Judy knew what ever she said wouldn't change anything or make anything better. From her orators podium she could she the faces of the mourners.

Few were very shaken up at all. Most of the force didn't know him as he was a very recent recruit and those that did only knew of him as that smug prick. But some did show up and sat respectfully with solemn faces. Then there was his hustling friends. Finnick looked by far the least shaken up. From what Judy had gathered they were but partners in "crime' and nothing more. Then there was the badger she was sobbing intensely and making those around her uncomfortable indeed. Last but definitely not least was his mother. She wasn't crying in fact her face was all to calm. She was probably bottling up her emotions as she had a rat race to attend to.

Judy cleared her throat and began to speak.
Bye, bye

Sleep tight, bunner
you're a bit late
I want to cuddle a drunk Comicanon and pet his hair while he tries to bat me away.
I don't know, how is life like a penis?
"We are gathered here today to remember a beloved and loving individual. He died helping those around him and I hope he is a inspiration to us all." Judy remembered it, no remembered was to soft of a term. It was burned in to her very being. She was too slow too weak.

"I see faces of those that understand this too. I won't dwell to long on who he was instead we must learn a lesson from his passing. We must be vigilant against the hate that contradicts the very essence of our society." If she drew faster or she could have spotted the ram. There would be no second change nor retry she had failed and Nick was dead.

"The hateful supremacists will not not or should not be defeated with hate or retaliation. No they should be fought with the truth and love. Fighting fire with fire will lead nowhere." The tears were there again. No carrot wine would stop their coming this time. She was in front of a crowd of those that cared and she was failing again.

"All- all I want to say is that I loved him." Judy was fountain of tears. She was useless and pathetic and most importantly she failed Nick.
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God damned right. I'm applying straight out of college. Shit like this just makes me more determined. Drives me to get in better shape and sharpen my marksmanship.

Keep on keeping on man. Can't let these fuckers win.
Just go to sleep, Comic. It'll be better in the morning.
Your girlfriend makes it hard!
That sounds pretty gay.

Good thing he's prey.
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Don't beat yourself up man and don't worry about the reading, we can wait
Rest well and hope you're feeling better in the morning ^^
According to a /k/ thread, dallas police scanner just called out a shooter as a black male wearing camo shirt and black shorts, armed with AR-15.

I await the liberal asspain.
Thanks a lot, anon. I'm going to bed, its been a long day. I didn't mean it to have this context. Sorry.
wait what

That Philando Castile guy was a /pol/yp?
I'm not telling you to not be a cop, but do think about pacing and personal limits in terms of getting into shape, possibly taking time getting out of college, and other life change type things. Don't allow circumstances to burn you out, you know? You can marathon some things in life rather than sprint.
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Not a problem man. Sleep tight.

I don't mean to get you down anon, how about another joke, after all we've got to balance the thread comfiness level

Whats the difference between your dick and your bonus cheque?
Not sure of the name, but the one wearing a white shirt that got shot in front of his girlfriend and kid.

Yeah, he had a concealed carry license and thought jews were trying to take over the world. According to /k/ and /pol/ at least. He was pretty much one of the family, to them.
Hell yeah man, keep that shit up. Gotta fight the good fight.
I'm kinda bracing for new protagonists and a guest role by N&J too, and I'm hoping that their interaction leaves their relationship status even more nebulous.
Yeeeaaaah, they cleared that guy. There's footage of him standing around doing nothing when the shots started ringing out, and his brother has said that he handed his gun to DPD and left afterwards.

He was just a dude OCing.
Dunno if you're still around, but I just finished reading Duke Weaselton Chapter 4. It'll be out by the time you wake up. Sleep tight bunner, and drink plenty of water.
You really wonder what would happen if black people, atheists, gay dudes, lesbians, and other groups actually started conceal carrying in mass numbers.
I don't know, what's the difference?
Goodnight Comic. I don't think a single person here feels that you owe them anything, so don't talk about "fair". We're all grateful for all the time you've freely given.

Someones willing to blow your bonus cheque!
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my dik slides easier up ur ass
O-oh. Ha. Ha ha...
I can tell you the similarity: I wish both were bigger.
I'm unemployed and still a virgin.
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Hey jokeanon how ya doin
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Chicken Little just wrapped, The Wild starting shortly to wrap up the stream:

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>This was once Disney
Oh, don't worry, I learned that lesson a while ago. I think I'm doing a pretty good job of balancing it all so far. I just meant that these fucked up occurrences keep me from slacking. They give me a tangible reason to keep going. Slacking off could literally cost me my life some day. That tends to keep a guy motivated.
I'm doing good my man, just started my 2 week holidays but I've got assignments and preparing for end of year exams...but ill be able to be on during the day, so it will be good to check out them threads
The Black Panthers kinda tried that with open carrying. The government didn't take it well. Tho apparently, people report that it was hilarious to see the Republicans of the time having no idea whether to hail their stand for the 2nd amendment or cry about armed negros.
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>bonus cheque
the fuck is that

also I don't get bonuses when I get my paycheck, I get just above minimum wage.
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That's great I'm about to start my summer sessions in a few weeks.
It's gonna be administration of justice so I'm pretty excited
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Here's a rough sketch... like I said, takes me awhile to finish these. I try to make then as close as I can
Yeah, I have looked into that. Wondering about the politics of now, though.

It's kind of funny how both parties flip-flop from 'God is government and government is God' to 'government sucks depending on the issue.

Like the war on drugs is a complete fucking failure, but the Republicans can't admit that, but then they skill look to that as an example (credibly enough) to how badly bans on guns would go. And the Democrats can't admit things in the opposite direction.
Be nice to the Britanons, friend.
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Born to kill.jpg
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>inb4: It's worse than Little Chicken
top kek at image, what scene is that?
Most Americans just spell it as "checks" and use "checking accounts"
None of your fancy french shit, our ancestors from way before colonization lost a war to take over France and ended up as their own nation
*but then they still
Oh, you mean a check


It's when she's pretending to bleed in the play
I'm glad you found it funny
not as funi as ur mum in bed last nite, tho
>I'm glad you found it, bunny
>Live in Australia
>Not even in the same hemisphere as the motherland

Night ya'll
Why would you say that?
Goodnight anon

How about a joke to cheer you up

What do you call a man with a small dick?
Sleep tight bunner
A David Cameron.
hang on got to pop out for an hour, be back soon! Night if I don't see you before then
Does anyone else have to psyche themselves up to write (or draw) zootopia smut?

I find myself closing my eyes, hitting my forehead once or twice and chanting 'I'm not a furry' several times
Can you imagine Nick watching Judy fall down as a Sniper blows her brains out, only having a few seconds to process it before his own brains are blown out?

Officer Mchorn rushes to their aid only to die because the sniper was skilled enough to aim for his eyes to blow out his brains, in his last dying moments spraying Nick with his Fox Away.
lol suck it up

and by it I mean dog semen
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That's... interesting.

Most I do is get overloaded with some stimuli (happy songs, etc) to draw sad things and sad songs to draw happy things.
No. I don't have that problem because I've embraced my degeneracy.
Nah, I've been writing furry smut for years. The only problem comes when I don't know what to write, or where to go with a story next.
I usually drink some and listen to some music, low volume, while I write.
Interestingly enough I'm running into roadblocks now that I'm trying to write something that ISN'T porn. Got any advice?
Here anon, because I like you
try playing it out in your mind see how the dialogue or situation develops?
Honestly, if I knew I'd have a lot more written out already.
Nevermind, that color isnt even close, you deserve better

Is it race war time?

I'm frightened

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Why does nick has such a girly face?
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ozzy's mom.png
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it's time for moms
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>I'm frightened

No fear: Judy's here!
Top Kek
Preds? You guys would end up eating each other with your biological savagery
Well I can't argue with those trips.
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nick hustled death.png
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Ok this is a postable version
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Is a very good mom, I hope she doesn't suplex Rex for being late again.
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He's metrosexual-ish, which helps for how guys want him.
Mirthful / 10
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I bet she's bros with Rex.
Like they hang out during her smoke breaks.
What if she suplexed Remmy, sexually?
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I wonder if Visiti's still working on that comic...
>Naked apron
>In a public foodplace
That would be pretty chill.

Its too hot out for clothes.
Clearly she's not at work, as that is not an official Bug Burga apron that she's wearing.

Ozzy's mom is an at-home nudist.
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I'm assuming this is a very poor family, as a lot of Ozzy's shirts are hand-me-downs.

That being said, anyone think she has a lot of hand-me-down aprons she uses when she cooks at home?
Oh, and before I forget, nice quads
what comic?
In the bugburga pic she doesn't seem to be wearing a shirt.
I jsut watched part of the Fox stream

There's a cop hiding behind a pillar, trying to avoid gunfire, and a nig just bumrushes him and guns him down from behind. The officer moves a little, and gets executed with a shot to the head.

I'm pretty fucked up over this

what the actual fuck

god damn fucking shit

More cushion for the pushing
>fox stream
i imagined watersports
I'm working to become a cop myself. How do you think I feel?

I hope I'm wrong, but I'd put money on at least one of these fuckers being former military. Or at least somebody with better training than your run of the mill gang banger.

The way I see it, shit like that is a damn good incentive to train your hardest and not let any of your skills slip.

I'm back, how bout a j-
Holy shit jokebun; what is with this savagery?
Shit, sorry 'bout that, THIS is the link
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jesus christ america, you guys stay safe
best of luck to you man

my uncle's a cop, pray for you guys every day
>Ozzy's mom is an at-home nudist.
That's actually a cute idea, and I can only imagine Remmy paying her a visit one day, for some reason or another, without realizing that.
Comic is regret.
Link is here: >>3960165

God damn, i can't get shit together tonight.
What the fuck are you talking about

They were attacked by snipers.
Just imagine it being some nasty pred gunning down Judy!

A thousand McHorns with a thousand cans of spray await these niggers in hell. For their first day.
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Whoa there jokeanon
Take it easy
... I never understand the whole child & mother fetish. Like, would anyone of you [spoiler]c[/spoiler]uck your own mothers?
Anonymous, it's not fucking over though.

The death count keeps rising and you can literally find the webm of it on /pol/ if you look.

Hell, someone could post it in the thread but I don't like the kind of juju saving that kind of video on my computer might bring.
in b4 Smiles get all edgy fedora tipping on you.
Many thanks. Hope your uncle stays safe, and I hope this insanity will be a thing of the past by the time I hit the streets.
>tfw I wouldn't mind being a cop
>but I'm a manlet and would probably get a desk job or something
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Hey /ztg/
What's the ZPD's Plan A for capturing predators?
Me too, man, me too
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>I wonder if Visiti's still working on that comic...
I've got something completely unrelated
This seems like a bad time now, but I finished my reading of Comicanon's Duke Weaselton fic.


There there bun, just caught me a bit off guard; but hey those things happen in the world of comedy.

Speaking of which....

Entertain me anon, what is it?
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Very politely.

They ask them to take a seat.
Seriously, you've got the worst fucking timing right now.
Yes they were, but the fighting apparently went street level at some point. I've seen the video.

I've seen a lot of people dying, but this one was pretty bad. What's worse is that I can easily imagine myself in this situation. This is my chosen career path. I can't help but wonder if I'd have fared any better. Not a healthy train of thought, let me tell you.
Conflicting information everywhere. I've seen so many different headlines I can't keep track of them all. Last one I saw said 4 officers killed, 11 wounded, both shooters in custody and a person of interest turned himself in.
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my sides were sniped
Cute bun bun boys as bate? Then tranc?
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bunny cunny
He'll be happy when he wakes up and gets reminded of it.
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This is my new comic, I call it "Judy is Dead"


It's the "Judy goes to Hell and Nick is the devil" idea, except there isn't any Nick yet and hardly any hell

I have no idea what is going on right now but okay
>agreeing with this anon
>decide to look at /pol/ anyway
Not cool anon
I don't know why, but this made me chuckle, good job anon
So visiti, when are you going to kill yourself

>another artists hops onto the judy is dead train




Cops are being killed IRL in Texas is what's happening. Hence the whole bad timing thing.

Christ, guys, I don't think he knew about what was happening when he posted.
Visiti you have literally the worst fucking possible time for this. You picked the night that shooters killed like 5 Dallas cops to post that.
oooh yea I remember now, it was an interesting idea, but went way too deep into feels and it felt kinda off putting
There are plenty of smaller cops anon. And the job's not all physical anyway. Many officers have told me that they would rather work with someone who was good at talking to people than somebody who was good at fighting. Good talkers can avoid fights altogether.

And if it comes down to a fight, don't fight fair. You've got a baton, OC spray, a taser, and a radio that allows you to call up eight of your friends to polyester pile whatever son of a bitch is giving you trouble. I don't care how big a guy is, the odds are almost always on the side of the police.

If you want to go for it anon, go for it. You wouldn't be the first vertically challenged officer in the world.
he didn't know, lay off you fucker
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Cut the poor guy some slack
I'd place my money on that info being the most accurate.
I think we need a joke to lighten the mood a little right /ztg/?
bad timing aside
>"Judy goes to Hell and Nick is the devil" idea
you have my interest, is there a page 3?
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Yeah go ahead
It's a /ztg/ drives off YET ANOTHER content creator because they can't keep their impotent rage in /pol/ episode.
fresh from the stream
Jesus dude. That would actually be kinda funny if it weren't for the circumstances.
Visitii confirmed for unable to read the atmosphere.
The timing is so hilariously bad I can't help but laugh. Visiti's a tough dude he'll come back in a day or two when it's calmed down a bit.
Against all rationality, I feel like I'm doing something wrong by not being there with these guys.
Okay so what the difference between oral and anal sex?

I'm sure he ain't quitting just because of the heat, next thread will surely be more comfy

There are two screen capping joke anons here friend
Well shit
Fucking thanks for nothing Texas

But yeah, I can see now that this is definitely not the best time. Sorry about that. Move along please.
>Judy goes to hell
B-but bun is pure! Bun is good!
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>Be a write-guy that supports other write-guys and wants a /comfy/ atmosphere
>Find the whole Judy really not to your taste
>See Judy literally going to hell becoming a thing
>Be unable to come up with a consistent response to all this

I get that this is big news in America. Really, I do. I understand that a large, breaking headline garners attention.
But it's not really for this thread. Do you think the fucking /plantfucker/ threads and /xenoporn/ threads do this? Are we just going to turn this from "Zootopia" to whatever the current events are every single time breaking news occurs?
This is a thread for Zootopia, not whatever the latest headlines are.

I'm not saying it's not significant, or important, or worth discussing. Just that this isn't the place to do that.
>Find the whole Judy really not to your taste

>Be unable to come up with a consistent response to all this
shit and giggles?
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Just for clarity's sake, visiti, I said kill yourself just because the thought of judy dying makes me horribly sad, I was trying to say you were being insensitive.
For some reason, I typed "whole" when I meant "killed".
It's just another road anon, it'll be tread out soon or maybe it'll keep going long after anything else.

Just write something for yourself, you want comf why not just write about Judy playing darts or something with buddies. Just chilling out.
The plantfucker and xeno threads don't have a cop as main characters

I don't think anyway, I don't go to either.
Loving a fox is sin
Oral sex makes your day, anal sex makes your hole weak!

But it's more related to Zootopia than Plantfuckers and xenoporn because Zootopia is about cops.
The main characters are cops. While you definitely have a point, it's a bit different in this specific instance.
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I'm watching my fellow countrymen murder each other, initial reaction is to talk about it

You're right though, I need to take this elsewhere. Have a comfy WildeHopps to make up for my disturbance
Seconding this anon. Judy is for alive not ded. I will read the imaged adventures of Judy in hell tho
That was a good one jokester, very nice.
All's forgiven. But there are more than a few serving and aspiring cops in these threads. For some of us, this Dallas shit strikes a raw nerve.
what's funny is the Fox stream's chat is just all MoonMan-level "gas the niggers" nonstop
well, the she dies part is obvious if you wind up in hell, only, presenting it as depressing, or delving into it kinda sets the atmosphere and ends up working against the funny
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I'm so sleepy, I'll finish it later.
Main characters are cops and based off of fictional American government officials-- Leslie Knope being the embryonic Judy basically.

I get what you're saying, but this is different.
Have a good night art duder.
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Lel thanks jokeanon I really needed a good joke
I wonder if Gideon is checking Nick's oil.
Wait, did we run someone else before? I know about the Yandere Judy guy but it was his own doing.
FUCK, I mean I WASN'T trying to say you're insensitive

WASN'T, WAS NOT. I definitely WAS NOT suggesting you are insensitive. Fucking typos.
We all do bun....we all do
>inb4 we all need fox dick as well
I understand that this is a serious subject matter, and I really don't mean to offend anyone;
I just don't want people getting aggressive over missing a few details in a conversation and having this ( >>3960539
) happen.
Is that Gerardson?

Are we getting another pic in the lingerie series?
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COPS ARE ALIVE AND... ok forget it
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don't be, i for one love humor in all it's colors, even in wrong situations, shit I cracked a joke to my grandma the minutes after one of her brothers died in the next room
I suppose it probably can be funny. It's growing out of a really depressing and negative circumstance with the Judy is Dead mead stuff, though. It's like if someone made a sequel to Das Boot about all of the German sailors goofing off in hell after the allies bombed them.
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Didn't we run off OJ?
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Damn, dude, the mods must be fuckin' you up hardcore on other boards if you're visiting this often.

Don't you fucking start spooder or >>3960730 and I will btfo you again!
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hey jokebitch! how you're tonigh!
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Hey spiderman whats the difference between a rhino and Peter Parker's parents?
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idk anon, what!?
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And if you niggas don't like /pol/, there's always [lolwhatarespoilers]/leftypol/[lolwhatarespoilers]

Hey spiderman whats the difference between a rhino and Peter Parker's parents?
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Peter Parker actually has a chance of seeing a rhino!
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Stay safe, ZPD
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yes, the last one.
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Oh no
Not this bozo again

Sorry guys didn't mean to double post, though I aborted the first one
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... cancer!
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I confess the name doesn't even ring a bell...
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Spiderman, go save Dallas, the Blackpack Gang is attacking
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nick memes.png
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when the fk did this become a spiderman thread!?
Spidey, what are you doing here?
Niggers are shooting up Dallas, only you can save them
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Well i guess you know have two things in common with batman!

We can fight him together bun!
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but anon, i'm here protecting us from those niggers!!!
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Biting from behind.png
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Aww that's such a cute pic.
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Ignoring Spidey...

Is it just me, or does the /trash/ bad movie stream no longer exist? Channel deleted?
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Aggressive Hugging UT 001.jpg
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Translator-anon here, did typesetter-anon ever get to this? If not, I'll post translations, and if he died I guess I can do it myself.
Welp, this thread's gone to shit now.

I'm going to bed. Catch y'all on the next thread.
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seriously, how stupid you can be to flooding your own thread...
Don't know... last I saw was the wild but I ditched cause man that was bad.
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Sounds like someone's salty I'm taking up images
Its counter spiderposting
Try and have a good night fox poster guy.
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It moved, dude. Just ctrl-f for "the wild" and you'll get the new link for it.
I think it's more of a "if this ship is sinking I'll do it on my own terms" kind of thing
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Weird... The stream link in the thread was just completely wrong. The one in my favorites was still there.
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nah man, it's just hilarious, you're doing my work!
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Well I'm off to bed good night everyone!
Good night jokeanon
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Why do you always seem to come on when im telling jokes?

And honestly why not shitpost in the other threads, you'd get more salt I guess
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Journal Bun.jpg
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ThreadJournal here

I've updated for the past week, but I've missed a lot

let me know if there's anything that needs adding

Between the Spider-Man spam, the joke role-play, and the /pol/ posting, the thread has really been at a low point this past few days.
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This guy.
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I love these depictions and art style
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I'm actually starting to prefer /trash/ oc lewds in my zootopia folder then actual canon character lewds.

What does it mean, anons?
I'm sure we'll rebound Anon, the people here are pretty damn chill.
According to the archive, that pic was never posted, and I don't recall seeing it either.
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nah, i'm in /b/ all the day!
anyways i love see the suffer of trash people, and how they derail their own threads!
I thought he just left /co/ one day and never came back.
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It means you've been pastored. Have you accepted any drinks from a beaver recently?
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emotional connection
when you're emotionally attached to something, you dont want to see it sullied with lewd
like a family member or an idol

tl;dr: you got autisms for the foxe and the babbit
not translator but here you go senpai:
>Panel 1
"Hooray! We solved the case, Nick!"
>Panel 2
"Yahoo-! I got tickets to Gazelle's concert!"
SFX: giri giri giri giri giri giri (tightening her hug)
>Panel 3
"Hello Nick! I came over to play!"
>Panel 4
>Panel 5
"Hey hey, Carrots! Give me a break! Every day you greet me like "that", my body gets more messed up!"
Text between them: "It's way too much tension!"
>Panel 6
Whenever I see you, I can't help but want to hug you..."
"But if you say it's unpleasant, I'll stop....."
>Panel 7
"Aah, that's, uh......
Just try to not do it so hard from now on..."
SFX: "Haaah--..."
Far left: "THAT'S SO UNFAIR"
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37KB, 450x600px

No! Unless...

Oh god, beaver's been hiding under my bed.
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It means that you are a man now, my son.
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oh shit, my bad, speed reading isn't my thing
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too bad /trash/ doesn't have mods

i heard jannies swoosed in to clean up the last time but i dunno how.
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idk how to delete my own posts the post!
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I really really hope we didn't run you off Visiti. This looks pretty cool.
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I don't follow, spiderman! Should I be ashamed of something?
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Can you leave us alone next thread spidey?
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That is such a good bun.
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ok just forget it buddy OK?
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Affectionate boundary confirmation is 10/10 anon
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I thought we had no jannies, we have to rely on global mods.
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Just ignore his posts and report him as often as you can

move to the pseudopenis thread as soon as this one hits limit
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I think they need to introduce jannies whose entier job is to delete spider posts
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Yes, yes it is.
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We could just hang out for a while
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he's gotten cleared out a few times, don't know why he keeps coming back. We don't even react, all he does is eat images.
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you know my secret now...
do we have an artist for this?
Honestly I just take it as an excuse to exercise my folders and post some stuff that hasn't been posted in a while
officer 5 just died in surgery

How about another?

Why do leaves hold onto their leaves so well?

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25KB, 531x362px
Because they are themselves leaves?
Leaves holding onto leaves?
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I assume you meant trees but go on
Hide Spider-Man posts
Report Spider-Man posts
Ignore Spider-Man posts
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do you wanna know the true jokeanon?
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Becuase they're sticky!

Your right god Im stupid

...what spooder
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You know what jokefriend, how about this. I tell a joke, you try and guess it. You get it, I'll leave FOREVER. You fail, you GTFOFOREVER :^)
cuse your jokes are horrible.
Makes me a little nervous about my counter art dump but I'd have probably been warned by now if it was really an issue.
I don't think that's what he was saying anon.
I fucking love these episodes. I don't know how Disney got away with it. And it wasn't even an ambiguous sub plot either; the cops kept making bedroom eyes at Clawhauser and pushing donuts to him that he'd nervously eat. It was actually eerie.
You can unscrew a lightbulb

Night thread!
>Stu's face

top fucking kek
That wasn't that dark.
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Reminder that Gideon is a cuck.png
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It is when you unscrew the lightbulb, silly

you were posting actual topical art, so it seems far safer to me.

maybe not, but him being banned twice in one night for breaking rules seems reasonable is all im saying
Good night, thank you bun
that one was obvious and I still didn't get it

see ya, chuckles
File: Fuck everything.png (155KB, 779x685px) Image search: [Google]
Fuck everything.png
155KB, 779x685px
>maybe not, but him being banned twice in one night for breaking rules seems reasonable is all im saying
It's not unreasonable rules-wise, but it's surprising that a mod would look at trash at all, let alone twice in one thread, since trash is pretty rules light.
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goodnight thread

remember anyone can be anything

i choose to be

a e s t h e t i c

keep listening
you guys are great
>You can unscrew a lightbulb but not a pregnant woman

I disagree.
That's not really "unscrewing", though, that's just fixing a sloppy job after the fact.

so trash

what characters, canon and oc, would secretly be 'skinnies' into weird furless mammals
maybe he's lurking?
one of us?
if I had to guess, those with rough paw pads
Have a goodnight Aestheticanon.
Why is it so dead right now?

skinnies are fucking disgusting

they dont even have sheaths, they have their junk hanging down 24/7 like some kind of pervs
dunno m8, both threads are slow, maybe a collective bathroom break?
1 AM west coast for us burgers, the threads usually slow down pretty hard for the next five to six hours.

because it's 4 am?
Thread kinda went bad, people went to bed. Plus it gets this slow late at night.
why are you up at 4 am? work? insomnia?
Spiderguy and \pol\ Fallout I guess.
Plus this >>3962960

it started me waiting to see if warframe would update tonight (it didn't, so it'll be tomorrow) and now I'm just awake

...Post lewd /trash/ ocs.
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>...Post lewd /trash/ ocs.
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81KB, 808x670px

Yes. Yeeees.

This is the perfect way to close out the thread. Do we have 26 more?
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I sure as fuck don't. But I'll do my best.
I want to do butt stuff but I've had bad diarrhea the last few days.

Life is unfair.
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i'll help ya brah
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Cheer up anon, I'm certain it will be worth the wait.
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this picture really gets me going, no lie.
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A donkey riding a moped.png
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Somehow I'm missing the final panel to this, fuck my life. Can someone help me out?
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I can't believe chumpsheep is fucking dead.
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to the max.png
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I hope we get some more Remmy stuff soon, such a fun handful of characters.
So what do you think is going to happen to Clawhauser in the next movie? Same role? Loyal retainer? Fucking dead?
Here's what actually happens
A mod looks at the report queue
they see YET ANOTHER shitty spiderman image
"oh yeah it's this guy again"
they open the page just to confirm it's spam, takes like 5 seconds
they hit the ban and delete all posts button
>So what do you think is going to happen to Clawhauser in the next movie?

Dead due to morbid obesity.
Thread posts: 609
Thread images: 298

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