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/lg/ - Lego General: BrickTsar edition

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 490
Thread images: 137

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Welcome to the LEGO General, get your Revan minifigure today!

Previous Thread: >>>5934444
Bionicle and CCBS General: >>>5929240

FAQ: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YVt-4sibEMFOU8H484MpB-K6rNla5SIYdHZG8lyCHLQ/edit?usp=sharing

Monthly Building Challenges:
>Currently taking ideas for October challenges!
Post some below if you have an
Is Revan Still available? I don't see him in my cart
Why doesn't LEGO stop using fleshy heads for stormtroopers?
Despite black heads beeing better for the looks, shouldn't it be cheaper, because there is no faceprint on it?
I really don't get why they're using those, when the neck is fully exposed...
The had heads that were black with a face printed on the front like a headsleeve at one point. Those seemed to be the best compromise and idk why they stopped.
apparently not online famigo
I didn't think they would run out so early
I'm really sorry
Propaply too expensive.
My wife stayed up till 2am and ordered me the advent calender and the Senate trooper battle pack. Their website fucked up and trippled the order. So now I have 3 Darth revan coming....along with three God damn advent calenders....I'll probably just keep the trooper packs and the revan and return the 2 extra advent calenders
>tfw bought the U-wing, TIE Striker, AT-ST and Hover Tank
Feels good man, can't wait to start building
wasn't it a one per household thing?
Speaking of LEGO Star Wars, there's a guy on Etsy named Austin Lampky (LegoStarWarsLDDShop) who's selling other people's designs for money. What a douche.

His business model sucks too. Like five bucks for a picture and a dinky LDD model. Most of his original creations are tiny and look like shit. I can't believe there are people paying for this stuff.
did u get Revan? show him off
You should make your own Etsy store that charges four bucks for his designs. Also, does it show he has any sales?
Fuck off American scum.
Not USAmerican buddy, just excited about Revan
Oh, sorry then. I bought these from a Finnish store so I don't have a Revan.
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>Revan was gone before he even came
I also got the AT-ST, anon. Built it last night and it is awesome. Already mod'd mine to seat two drivers.
I think they were unpopular because the faces skin never looks like flesh but like medium dark flesh or white. I would still prefer those heads to the clone trooper face with that stupid grimace. And they still haven't fixed it for Captain America, too which triggers me.

I am certain all heads cost the same. On Bricks & Pieces there aren't even price differences for one sided or two-sided heads, let alone plastic color.
Anybody who sells LDD files should be hanged, except when it's something like a 2000 piece model.
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>thought I was going to miss the Revan promotion
>boss tells me I have today off
>go straight to LEGO store
>hardly anybody there
>feeling up a couple of CMFs, find Devil Boy and Ranger
>end up talking to manager and some AFOL for a while
>manager tells me I should work there and tells me I should apply there, even if its part time because I'm nice and know my stuff
>get a surprise Ult. Lavaria for free when I check out, plus find Portal 2 dimensions pack for $14.
>Tell the manager i'll think about applying, she gives me her email and says she'll put in a recommendation if I apply, thank her and say my goodbyes
Today has been a pretty comfy day, /toy/
How's your day been going, anons?
Was the manager a qt?
Nah, both the manager and AFOL were women in their 50s. Seemed like a nice lady though.
Wew, didn't expect that.

I went through a couple of toy stores today, but didn't buy anything.
Was it difficult?
stressful, ordered a keychain and Shadow troopers, turns out stupid Shadow troopers are out of stock and I have to do something or my order won't get to me in time, Revan included
I would think the multiple layers of print on a black head with face is way more expensive in mass production, than on a fleshy.

But stormtroopers don't need faces anyways, so just give me a black one without print
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How much would you pay for this?
I think the main reason behind the current heads is so kids can play with it. Like the intended action is for a character to knock or shoot the helmet off and the trooper is upset and makes a grimace. Though I would think screenaccuracy is more important to Lego when it comes to figures and the printed black head would be the most accurate choice as the original actors had the same weird mask. They should make different heads based on set-photos of the original trooper actors with their funky moustaches and 70s beards. But that will never happen.

I am content though, I just sharpie the necks of some random, useless heads or buy them for 8 cents on Bricks&Pieces whenever I order.
I would pay $20
but LEGO would definitely put it on $40 and people would buy it
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Who here buys sets for the minifigs and throws out the rest?
I pieceed it together from BL not too long ago. Missing stickers but such is life.

Can't remember how much it was altogether. Maybe around 30€-40€, not counting shipping from all over Europe
>throws out


>puts in the parts bin
more likely
I just had to take some of the supports out of the sides of the inside to allow shoulder room. It is still very secure. There was also enough room to add in these controls.
Can you take a Photo with the sidepars removed?
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One more without the minifigs incoming.
Next one is the inside piece itself.
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Sorry about the image dump.
Think you'll actually apply? I hope you get job if you do!
This happened to me, sort of. Two shipping emails of a calendar and Revan each, but only one order confirmation email and only one charge to my bank account. What should I reasonably expect?

Anyway, I went with the calendar because they dropped the ball on timing for the Rogue One sets, so I ordered the AT-ST I wanted from Amazon which was already down to $32 (18% off). Pretty damn satisfied at that. Also, that's a good wife you got there anon. My own wife and I buy each other Lego sets.
Don't ever apologize for posting pictures of Legos in the Lego General.

No matter what, klocki is better than "anime girl looking annoyed" or "edited frogpost".
Thank you for that AT-ST deal, been trying to order from the lego shop since midnight and still wont go through so I said fuck it

I mean

I was really excited for that Revan.
you couldn't get it? :(
sorry anonio, next time! or check in a couple months, maybe prices will have dropped
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there's also new SW magazine out with AT-AT but the upcomign set is not shown on the the back of magazine.
Does it specifically say AT-AT or could it be the AT-ACT?
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but like i said, i dont know what's NEXT.
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Happy Force Friday everyone!
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This was a pleasant surprise with the AT-ST.

Its from the hulk and 4 wheeler polybag. came with a bunch of stickers for hydra, shield and stark industries.
Came with four of them and none of them are really necessary to the build.
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>tfw got my Revan when it first came out

Also, any of you anons going to Brickcon Seattle this weekend?
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Happy Force Friday Euroanon, nice sets you got there, I'm jelly
Does the Revan offer show up when checking out @Shop?

Have the At-St and some other stuff in my bag and it only is showing free shipping and Lavaria
>the fuck is wrong with that slope
>*tilts head*
>oh fuck it's an upside-down slope

Actual transcript of my reaction to seeing your picture
Is the one being sold today any different?

cool, new ninjago poly
Revan sold out 12 hours ago. LEGO fucked up bye making it possible to put a keychain in your bag to get a free Revan, scalpers have already gotten all of them
Did they send you an email? I ordered a pack of troopers 30 minutes into the day.
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Guys, I have a question. So I ordered 3 of the same thing yesterday by accident and it apparently too late to cancel the order, so when I attempt to return it, do I have to return everything that came in the order or can I pick and choose what I want to return? I ask because I want to return the sets I bought but want to see if I can get away with keeping the free revans that came with each order.
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christ, do they actually think anyone will fall for their retarded bait?
>lego checks the orders and fixes them
>mfw scalper fags only get hundreds of keychains
what do you mean faminoacid?
I did order a keychain, was ordering a Shadow troopers pack, but it was Out of Stock, so I just went with the keychain, got the Revan promo
do you mean they will take it away from me? D: I ordered just one, and it's for myself
I doubt you'll get more than one, and what do you mean yesterday? the promo is valid only today
that is pretty jewish of you, plus I don't think they'll let you get away with it, like I said, you'll probably just get one Revan, and the other stuff you may return without problem because no Revan
well I meant only the people who try to game the system with multiple orders of small shit on the same payment method
We will see once it gets delivered.
Sup /lg/,
thanks to the triplepoints thing i was thinking about getting some starwars sets.
I'm getting the popsicle because it is actually cheaper than in stores here, but can't decide on a second thing.

I like the industrial feel of the imperial assault hovertank, but it is on the boring side and doesn't have very crazy pieces.

The eclipse fighter looks a bit silly and has a bit less parts. But it does have some nice curved black pieces.

The AT-ST is a vehicle i've always loved, but the proportions are a bit fucked imho here. It doesn't look as square and angular as its reference. The lack of poseability is stupid too.

Oh, and i do not give a fuck about any of the minifigures.

Wut 2 buy?
Sorry, didn't meant to link.
Oh and any other starwars suggestions below or around the ~50 yuro range could be cool too.
I'm kinda bummed Anakins blue and white ship thing is out of stock. I don't know the vehicle but it looked neat.
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>Halloween approaching
>Man, I regret giving away so many of my old Lego sets, like the Harry Potter graveyard one
>I wonder how much it is?
>Cheapest on Bricklink is $163, in the Netherlands
>Cheapest in US is $225
I do still have the black skeleton, though, so that's something.
[toiletpapers]New contest soon anon[/toylers]
autocorrect, not even once
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Found these in krennics shuttle. Is this the first time we got flick fire missiles in a colour other than light bluish grey?
Hey anons im feeling generous today. My local lego store gave me an extra Revan today because the cashier was super nice. So im willing to give it away just pay shipping. No resellers please ;^) first one to email gets it.
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Latest iteration if my spess knights
I don't want one but this is nice of you <3
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Saw this when i was doing through my daily r34 intake
Same here. You're a good person, anon

i'll post what I did some threads ago:

i can't FUCKING stand bricktsar. Nigga basically said they shouldnt make lego minifigures blind bags because they have wizard minifigures and that's against his religion. Also his videos are so fucking long, inconsistent, disorganized


He basically says they should destroy the minifigures he doesn't like; if you watch his other videos, you'd know he's a Jehovah witness (admitted it in BATs) and hasn't ever reviewed anything wizard/harry potter releated
I think anon is expecting you to email him at the email address he provided in his post.
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>Harry Potter is a no-no
>Wizards in Space aka Star Wars is fine
why is there so much trans red used in the construction?

And is that a solid piece of light grey as a base? looks like its got a curving piece on the back? Or are the seams just invisible?
why are all weird internet reviewer/video people from dumb cults or uber religious?
>why are all weird internet reviewer/video people from dumb cults or uber religious?
It seems like there's a lot of crossover between Lego enthusiasts and home-schooled individuals. Whenever I look up a Lego game, all the sites are usually pro-homeschool sites with clickbait about "Fun activities with Legos".
bumping for suggestions
h-has anyone got it yet?
I kinda want the figure.

I swung by the Lego Store about 15mins after open. No mention anywhere of Revan, but then I overhead the manager mentioning the deal to his employees while I was browsing. Snagged one of the new troop builder sets with the Jet Pack Stormtroopers and Revan with my giftcard and then went to Target to pick up some Black Series figures with the coupon. Such an easy day.
(c) 2014, it's the same one.
Managed to get Revan along with Obi Wan's interceptor. The amount of people bitching on Reddit and elsewhere who thought "Oh, I can wait to get Revan because I didn't think they would run out" are kinda fucking retarded. He's a 35+ dollar minifigure who's in crazy high demand, not to mention you could just order a key chain and get him.
Who cares about Reddit?
is he actually out of stock on the website?
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Where do people find info on these polybags? I never seem to find anything in relation to release dates or locations on them ever
black skeltal looks rad
how nice of you, and the cashier
the world needs more people like you 2
The construction of the cockpit has a ton of trans red and is honestly overly complicated. I haven't been worried about simplifying it because A: I don't need the pieces and B: you can't see that shit unless you take the walls off.
Obi Wan's interceptor is based
post it when you finish building it please :)

I'm wanting Krennic's shuttle and hovertank real bad
wonder how much will Jyn be on the aftermarket
should I buy Kylo's shuttle
Buy Kylo and saber only or
buy a knockoff?
The newest Obi-Wan's interceptor is piss though. Way too expensive and the droid sits in it weirdly, way too high. And there isn't even a control panel in the cockpit.
really? oh, I was looking forward to it
guess I'll cross it off my list
I think they should have just done Anakin's latest interceptor but changed yellow for red and shit character for a good one but I guess someone at lego felt it just wasn't shit enough.
Also you should totally buy Kylo's shuttle, especially if you get it on a discount. With a little modification the wings can fold out and it looks amazing and the minifigs are really nice.
noted, thanks dude
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I'm also curious about this one. Pic is my purchases for the day
nice loot
where'd you get the Hux?

He's actually the FO General, it's a TRU exclusive promo. I hit up Lego Store on my lunch break then TRU after work
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There was problem with the bogies. So I re-modeled it.
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>Walk into Big W to buy thongs because my dog at my last pair.
>Lego aisle right there as I walk up.
>Think 'Oh, I'll just check out if they have anything on special'.
>Walk out with pic related.
>Forgot to buy my thongs.

I have a problem.
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>get one Revan from the website
>get one Revan from the mall
>get two nifty keychains because I guess

It's a good day to have a good day
Dont forget hulkbuster flipping the finger
Dont worry man, its all good.
Would it be possible to request a hat swap of the 2 pilots?
im curious what one would look like with no goggles (and one with both)
No one cares about your underwear, this is /toy/ not /fa/.
There are no girls in /toy/
Emailed. Please I hope im not too late. I never get lucky please anon I will even pay you, lego website fucked me.

I think he means flip flops

It's like Kiwi or Aussie slang idk
>A Wing pilot
>B Wing pilot helmet

T-thanks, Disney...
It's canon, watch Rebels. Actually, don't watch Rebels.
Got two, opened one.
I'll be modifying Obi Wan's to make it an identical copy of Anakin's.

Pretty sure this was only available at Disneyland itself.

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I have one and another's coming in the mail. What are you planning to do, friend?
I've been wanting any toy of Darth Revan forever so I'll probably keep both. Maybe I'll sell the other once the black series fills the Revan shaped hole in my heart.
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About to slice open one of our new sets!
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>don't watch
Is the deal over? It's 10 18 in Texas, don't know if its eastern time
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>just learned about the scalpers
Do tell

And the best part. Her chassis is so short, she can make turns without swivels.
I got the one you posted at SDCC.
I wasted phone data scoping out sets to buy

Was so hyped to drop cash on the sith infiltrator.

Now I have to fork cash over to some fatass on ebay who got me in this predicament

Maaan that was a fucking impulse buy. I've been coveting this set for years though.
That didn't explain anything
Why couldn't you get Revan today? How much is he now? Why is your phone data relevant?
I was raised Pentecostal, there was a similar confusing ban on harry potter.

Star Wars was fine, Narnia was fine, Lord of the Rings was fine, Harry Potter was SATAN
Just got revan. 10 mins before closing. Rushed over from work. Surprising. They had 3 left after me and I think one dude got another.
I live in a pretty major metropolitan area, cashier said they got alot but even still it was pretty slow.
WOah thats really neat!
I couldnt get it today online (which I used data on) because scalpers bought them all.
I couldnt make it to the mall
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Really bish? At least my mechs giving fingers are all pure lego.

Heres one for your troubles.

Also the last few times ive posted them have been at the request of others or towards anons that the entire thread rose up against, thank you very much (hell, just about anytime I have EVER posted them is due to some shit show happening thread wide).
Big W has pic releated for like AU$20 off
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Krennic's shuttle came with a fuckton of them too.
Actually, ill admit, last night I posted two pics of my modded Rhino figure doing the finger, but it was related to me showing off his mods. Fair enough though, full disclosure.
I think I saw them in black once, but I can't recall which set.
Is that duct tape on the car in a flame pattern?

What is this person wearing?
Watch to confirm the helmet is canon, don't watch because it sucks

They aren't copyrighted.

You could buy his most popular instructions and resell them at a fraction of the price.

It's an asshole thing to do, but it isn't illegal.
My condolences

that milf wanted you mate
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A while ago someone linked a booteg CMF series with unique designs. Does anyone know what to search for to find that? All the results I see are just superheroes. Also interested in any other unique bootleg designs or recolors that you've seen.

pic related, that's the space marine armor in 4 new colors
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if you mean the Romance of the Three Kingdoms minifigs try searching "enlighten three kingdoms"

if you mean pic related they're not out yet afaik
>clearly gerald mcboingboing cartoon style
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I just got the filename from here, friendo. I fixed it for accuracy. It's a good day to have a good day!
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Not the one near me. Knowing my luck they sold out already.

That said fingers crossed I see it, Flama and Lavaria need something to roadtrip in now that they've started their band.

Was that electrical socket on fire or something?

Also, please vacuum your rugs mate.
I love this. WIll they be called The Magmas?
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There look good. I need that loli and the Chinese ghost.
I think thats actually a chinese vampire. At least, thats what they looked like in what I think was "turkish robocop" (one of the old exploitation movies, may have been a bruno matei movie. I remember Geek Juice Media and I think the Cinema Snob covering the movie. It had "vampires" in it that were dressed exactly like that, right down to the prayer strip over their face. They hopped around like rabbits when attacking.)
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That or some other lava related pun.

Also for $12 bucks the Friends Music Studio is a pretty solid set.
I like them
Ostensibly, yes, but there was little done to enforce it. Most/all of the Revans in the online stock were gone by 8:00 EST.

They were just trying to get rid of a whole bunch they had left over from 2014. It wasn't like this was a new run from the factory or something.
Technically, no slope that small is structurally necessary. It's only for aesthetics.
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Obligatory annual pumpkinbot post. Not my design, but I love it.

The legs can be made sturdier if you put one of the studs in the center of the plate, then connect the two studs with a 2X1 plate.
Bros I'm torn. I was going to order both the Krennic shuttle and the hover tank and get the 24-in-1 Christmas set, but looking more closely at it (which is tough because there aren't any pics of it unboxed) it kinda looks like shit. I really want the shuttle right now because I'm bad at waiting, but the Santa snowglobe freebie in November looks much nicer and I'm a sucker for Christmas stuff. What do? Get the tank and wait for the shuttle? inb4 make your own decisions asshole
LotR was fine? But Tolkien was Catholic, and wouldn't Pentecostals see the Pope as the/an Antichrist?

Narnia I can understand, given the obvious Jesus/Aslan allegory, and C.S. Lewis being Anglican.

There always seemed to be a lot of homeschooled kids on BZP*wer. I think they/their parents were attracted to the cut-and-dry good vs. evil black and white conflict with little/no moral relativity.
Info on the release dates seems to be hit-and-miss. Sometimes Brickset has info on where older ones came from.
This general sucks. Make a new one.
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>(which is tough because there aren't any pics of it unboxed)

Anyway, yeah, I'd suggest waiting, that snowglobe looks nice.
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On the other hand, I had forgotten about the snowglobe until looking up the November deals just a few minutes ago. Prior to that my mind was all made up and I had the sets in my cart.
Oh, shit, never mind, I hadn't seen that. Figured you just meant the Star Wars one.

get the snowglobe
I'd avoid the shuttle not because it's necessarily bad, but because we've not even seen the film and I personally would want to avoid the situation we had in TFA with Kylo Ren's shuttle not being accurate to what we saw on-screen, or even worse, having a small/no role in the final film like the FO Snowspeeder. We know the U-wing and TIE Striker will be central to the film, and the AT-ST is an AT-ST no matter how much you see it, but the shuttle is still up in the air, no pun intended. I can wait until Christmas or later. (Technically, this would also preclude buying the hovertank, but it's easier to stomach a $30 set vs. a $90 one.)
Why can't they just sell the snow globe?
>Middle aged adult male playing with Legos

Didn't this idiot see the Lego Movie? Lego doesn't want weirdo adults playing with their toys.

Legos are only for kids.
>Claims the general sucks without backing up that claim with any evidence
>Immediately proposes to replace it with a new one despite making no attempt to improve or even contribute to the existing one
>Look out, he's taking the bait!

Where was that explicitly stated in the film? Also, it's Lego.
True. I think I'll do that, I'd like to get the snowglobe and waiting until November will make it easier to keep the shuttle in its box until Christmas, which I might do just for shits. I'm still in hype mode from last night. Hover tank here I come!
Fuck that looks nifty. Hopefully Europe gets it as well.

At least we get London Bus and King's Guard this month, with double vips on few weeks
Guy looks like a creep pedo. Does he have a kidnapping van?
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I had a go at the vaporware challenge suggestion. I was aiming for the vector graphics Knightrider car look from the one video I've seen.
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Without the green led back light.
This dude looks like he might write a gay newsletter.
That witch. I want that witch! Give me that witch!!
holy heck usually I don't care at all for bootleg but I need that asian ghost/vampire.
The fact that it's actually made in asia is a plus in this case.
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Nice build anon!

I was trying to do a vaporwave build too but so far I only made the figs.
>Lego will never make Home Improvement CMFs
How am I supposed to tear down my builds?!
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Which one?
Are Lego Gens usually this mediocre?
>no cones on the chest
I was about to kick myself for ordering that just the other day, but then I realized I don't use dollyradoos, I use clapbucks
Ok, I want that rapper
Would you buy a Lego game where you create your own full fledged game?
It already exists: it's called "blockland"
For the record.
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It's never early to get spooky
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Gonna post some closeups and better angles
>tfw used to play it
It was honestly rather fun. If I had more building patience I think I would've enjoyed myself even more.

It's still alive, too, though I wouldn't be sure of how to gauge how much it's alive. Badspot doesn't seem to really want to update the game any more.
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This thing is a beast.
picked mine up yesterday
going to build it today or tomorrow

Is the hover tank worth getting?

I saw Jang's review on it, and was kind of disappointed when I saw the cockpit.
Asked Dimensions devs on Twitter a couple things.

>Can you buy 4 B.A. packs and play the whole A-Team?
Yes, but you unlock the members by playing The A-Team Adventure World first.

>Are any of the original A-Team cast coming back to reprise their roles?
Only one, Dwight Schultz, but he's really fun to work with!

They also said that B.A. is the only one that does A-Team Master Build and falls asleep in planes, but all of the characters have their own different guns.

They didn't say what, but this is what I got from playing them all:

B.A.: Golden Tommy Gun
Hannibal: Sniper Rifle
Face and Murdock: Heavy Pistols (the one used on the knees for Excalibur Batman's Robotic Steed)
Kinda surprised we didn't see a rifle or a revolver, but okay.
Oh my fucking god the cancer is spreading.

Please do not email me asking for Revan, this little shit has been posting fake listings in the BST under my email for the last two years or so.

Sorry to disappoint everyone.
sent ;)
The cockpit is super meh but it looks awesome on the outside. I love it. I want a whole tank squadron.
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OH COOL, last batch of mixels series 16 is out in my country!(bolanda)

what to get?
Eh, I might get it after all.

I've been thinking about modifying the back of it to put an actual tank turret on, or turn it into some kind of Sturmgeschutz like vehicle. Haven't decided yet.
It's already a Sturmgeschutz, that's why I love it so. Would be pretty easy to build a turret on it too, I think.

That's fucking nice.
I don't get the love for the tank. Looks like a grey box.

inB4 all Lego Star Wars is grey boxes.
This is great anon

I love the spiderweb here >>5942840
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I'm planning on getting it and rebuilding it into something else, it'll fit right in my Classic Space stuff.

pic unrelated, I can't decide on a decent blacktrony name, any suggestions?
I'm a die hard tread head, so tanks are just cool to me, period.

Tanks are (were) more or less boxes on top of boxes to begin with.
This is adorable, anon
Blacktron stuff is a little before my time, sorry my man.

I wish I could help.
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lil space adventurers
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>those bare shoulders and hips
Walmart had these polybags marked down to a dollar each so I bought all 14 of them.
they just raise several uncomfortable questions about that person's anatomy.
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that's adorable and even awesome, might use the desing for a SW bot
>658 blue sports car pieces for $14

Very nice
Name for a character? Ship?
>pic unrelated, I can't decide on a decent blacktrony name, any suggestions?

dude, that snowglobe looks awesome and sweet af, wait for it
advent calendar looks actually shitty except for snow Chewie
pardon my bluntness, but I think that's a stupid reason to not buy a set.
I'm not saying buy it, I'm saying, if you like it, buy it
I tend to make lots of my own stories and shit
and personally I think Krennic's shuttle looks hot as hell, regardless of the role in the movie
I'll buy it anyway
I am not a huge fan of the prequels, but I like Grievous and Jek-14 a lot
those are just my 2 cents, but I say, if you really like it, buy it
Same for Kylo, it looks actually pretty cool despite being a spoiled kid
when will lego release a multiple NON-Rebels stormtrooper army set?
the only normal ones released recently were 2, they're battle damaged, I can deal with the autism, but it would be nice to have some consistency
So were those Lego sports returning rumors proven wrong?
that's rad as hell bro, I love everything about it!
looks sexy! congratz
like some other anon said, it has an industrial/space truck cqargo vehicle vibe to it, and I like that
Battlepacks for rogue one coming in 2017. 2 stormtroopers and 2 death troopers.
still, only 2 :(
I'd have to buy like 4 or 5 packs
Pretty good. Built some old sets of mine that I found instructions for.
>not buying 9 or 10 packs
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>tfw the Tower Bridge has no numbered bags
$100 worth
That would be better if it wasn't flipped over.
>bricks this dirty
why anon?
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I just dug it all out of storage anon. Blame 12 year old me
>that fleet of classic ships
super jelly
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I have scraps of old manuals too. Feels like i'm on an archeological dig.
Oh Jesus I had forgotten all about the NBA minifigs.
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The dig has uncovered silver clad idols of some sort. Likely a war god.

AcceleRacers guy
this Friday, AcceleCharged Armageddon unleashes once more.

What does /lg/ want to see first?

Jack Hammer
or Bassline?
>Jiang Shi
Wow that's actually fucking nice.
where can i get a closer look of the witch?
Why hello there, LEGO thread.

Does anyone else remember Orient Expedition fondly?
Thats a pretty sexy witch
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>Orient Expedition
hell fucking yes.
Golden Dragon is still one of my prized possessions.

Also one of the earliest "asian" dragons if my memory does not fail me.
Just gonna post the challenge ideas people had from last thread:
>Fall's here - make a scene showing you sig-fig reacting to this!
>Make some monstergirls for Halloween.
>Recreate a scene from your favorite horror movie!
>Build some spooky scary skeletons.
>make a Halloween costume for your sigfig
>build a rad haunted house (bonus points if outer decor)
>build some spooky vehicleshit
>recreate a park in fall
>B U I L D a Vaporwave moc
>Make a spooky version of an everyday City place or vehicle (haunted post office, ghostly garbage truck, etc)
yes i have the 3 big sets and they're great, i rebuild them and display them from time to time. i never really got around playing the boardgame though
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That is magnificent. My second greatest regret is that I never got this.
Yeah I'm going to wait for the snow globe to redeem myself for not getting any comfy Christmas sets last year. And the advent calendar is way shittier than the one you mentioned, not surprised you don't know what it is.
I see you meant the Regular Advent calendar
yeah, that one sucks harder than SW advent Calendar (at least this year's)
post innards pls?
I think they look both pretty bad
2003 was a good year
Just wait for them to go on sale and buy something else in the meantime.
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Made some changes to the cowcatcher.
Jyn Erso is the better figure, but the other cunt's cloth piece makes me moist in the loins.
Will when I get home.
>old blue TIE interceptor

There is no measuring my jealousy boner.
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Capt Plasma's dad.

is that hat+hair combo available on official lego products?

afaik the only legit one is that scarecrow/purplewitch crooked hat with a fugly mop hair, right?

this looks infinitely better
Good, Still got some Disney CMFs I didn"t had, only Donald is still no part of my collection
agreeing with this anon

very Uncanny Valley
Any anons have the Imperial Hovertank yet?

Can you tell me how many of the new bar connector pieces come with it? I mean the bit holding on the blaster rifle on top.
My first greatest regret is being born. What's yours, anon?
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I also moved her boiler further back and added the wheel on her smokebox.
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All of the unmasked humans from the star wars ccbs line look weird as fuck. Like deadeyed mannequins or some shit. All of the good ccbs character are either droids or humans wearing helmets.
>watching the Stop-Motion "Go Rogue" thing Lego uploaded on their channel
Why do I feel like I've spoiled the whole plot of the movie for myself
Never seen a Lego model of Tilly before. Great job!
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>12 year old me

looks like your still 12 and living in your parents house
Yes, it was one of the better lines of 2003.
The only problem was that some figs were in almost every set
>I'm so cool
>I can curse on the internet and mommy won't be able to tell
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I'd rather be 12 years old than having the grammar of an 8-year-old
one of the best figs I've ever seen
actually, i'd love to give one to my cousin who loves Grievous
It's my house. I live alone, now that my roommate moved out.
Just the one, no extras.
that one's my favorite, i love the color scheme and design, probably also because there aren't any other lego sets that look like it
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Post other cartoon trains?
Damn. Okay, thanks anon!
That's a great figure. For not liking star wars or bionicle that much, I'd love for them to make a line of those style of figures for an original theme

that's right
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how long does it take LEGO to discontinue a model?
Anywhere between a year to eight years
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>That loco

Mein bruder
Got this today, I may build tomorrow afternoon. Anyone want me to document it's unboxing and build?
>what is bionicle
>I mean was
Most normal sets these days that you'll find in your average store seem to be on shelves for either a year or a year and a half. D2C sets sometimes longer.
I like barnacles, but they look like weird robot skeletons while these look more like people or robots.
I love pictorial reviews anon
I always think the bits of street corner in superheroes sets are way more interesting than whatever wacky vehicle the cape is riding

And Ok, I'll unbox, and build and take some accompanying shots :)
>I always think the bits of street corner in superheroes sets are way more interesting than whatever wacky vehicle the cape is riding
Same, though not in this case because well it IS Ghost Rider... But yeah I'd really like more cape sets not focused on vehicles
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These spook lives matter riots have taken their toll on squidmans postal route
now my people can stand around in empty black space for a change.
why are all your photos so poorly lit?
cell phone camera. and its in a little dark box. so that photo sucks balls.
Yes, the Junk ship was nice.
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i should return here i think.
As an American, it fucking weirds me out to see overseas Lego packages that don't have the piece count and name on the front.
It's the same feeling we yuros have, with your weird packaging
in my country in a store I can get the LEGO City starter packs (60066, etc) for 10 € each. Is it worth it?
What is that in real money?
what do you mean?
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I have the opportunity to buy this (used, of course) for 29€, opinions?

>Go to TRU to see what they have
>Like the big Deep Sea sets, but too expensive
>Dad tries to get me to buy them anyway

anyone else have an enabler for a parent?
No, but my mother finds it hilarious that I collect Legos.
When I'm not using hundreds of euros on them at a time.
Every time I'm at a store with a friend he'll try to get me to buy the stupidest shit.
>mfw I just picked up the Deep Sea Exploration Ship with the shipwreck for $30 at Wal-Mart
There's a new ywing coming out next year, just save your money and get that instead.
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Lego Oil Platform when.
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yes please
>meme gear fanboys
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>putting meme into the name of something
yeah, way to show him
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I finally got my hands on s16 figs and made a chariot for the ice queen.
>stupidest shit.
What exactly? Duplo, Friends, Elves or Bonkle?
Buildable Figures or Battle on Takodana or something like that.
I got the Elves boat for $15
that's cool and all anon but isn't that only like $30 normally
Dude, half-off LEGO is half-off LEGO.
Three-quarters off Lego is worth masturbating to, then!
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Don't you dare talking shit about elves!

The others are garbage though...
Pretty cool!

okay, now that is cool!
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Pretty n"ice"
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kawaii desu ne~
i really like the build of the side of the boat
Someone found a way yet, to modify the AT-ST legs?
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I must kill the demons!
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"HE GOING TO KILL US" said the demons
Halloween CMF #2 when?!
Just wondering are the 2016 city and star wars advent calendar worth the price?
Or just one of them is better?
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It's done. My vision of Lake town rebuilt.
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Okay, yes, that's better. It's only missing Smaug and fire everywhere.
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Smaugs head mounted. I have the actual Smaugs dragon from the throne set but didn't want to pop his head off
And yes that's an old Chewbacca in chains aboard the slave ship lol
What's your Halloween Minifigure Series #2 wishlist?

I want
- Spooky clown/jester
- Spooky scarecrow
- Spooky doll
- Spooky teddy bear/bunny
- Demon (gargoyle wings and horns in red and satyr legs)
- Grim reaper
- Slasher (hockey mask and chainsaw)
- Gravedigger

Any other ideas? Please no more zombies.
To me it doesn't matter what figure, but I'd like to have the whole set having two primary colors. For example orange and green or dark brown (perfect for pumpkin related figures too), or red and back, or thanksdoc.
Also we need a vaporwave/paradisa CMF series.
haunted armor/black knight
evil tree
>meme nigga fanboys
>posting dat nigga as reaction pic everywhere
You're so much better than him!
Just got an idea from Cinemassacre's Monster Madness.
I'd like to see spooky masks like in the (1973) Wicker Man. Also a invisible man or slime guy.
Save for next year's. The last one in what, 2011/12 (can't remember) looks damn good, next one should look just a little more refined.

What's /lg/'s opinion on these?
Why didn't you go for gears and 1 stud thick tank treads on the chainsaw?
Lego, give this man a job!
I don't like it when stop-motion animators use putty instead of Lego elements (the blood in that video, the blankets in >>5935615 , etc.)
>Slasher (hockey mask and chainsaw)
Jason never used a chainsaw
>- Spooky clown/jester
This 1000%

-80s Vampire Punk
-Something Lovecraft related
-Butcher with a pig's head
-Jack 'o' Lantern people
Yeah, people thinking he did is really irritating.
Closest he ever came to a chainsaw was some kind of weed whacker.
Maybe he was suggesting some sort of slasher just based on the most popular ones though.
Like a combo of Jason, Mike Myers and Leatherface.
you are fucking retarded

>Linking to tvtropes
Look in the mirror, shithead.
did it trigger you?

>page that explains the motif you were too dumb to get and provides dozens of examples
>ignores it because it happens to be tvtropes

next time ill be sure to post a reddit link
Enjoy writing your "troper tales" about how you're an edgy badass in a fedora who wears a cape wherever he goes.
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I thought it looked a bit too thick
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>Jason never used a chainsaw
It's almost like that doesn't matter
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Little submarine I made while poopin
How exactly does that make me retarded? It just makes this a misunderstanding.
>Anon has a small selection off parts next to the toilet at all times.

I need to get on your level, anon.
Not parent, but whenever I go shopping with my gf she wants to get the most expensive sets.
>"I'm just looking for a 30ish dollar set"
>"What about this one, anon?"
>"Thats 2000 US dollars"
>"Yeah, but its so cool! It comes with a little puppy!"
It's simple, really:


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comrades, mk3 chainsword
nice job!
Some kind of lovecraftian cultist
Zombie/horror movie survivor
Van Helsing type vampire hunter
Anything with more satyr legs
Asshurt eurofag detected
>assuming I was suggesting lego to put a copyrighten character from a 18+ horror movie centered around gore and not getting the comedy reference that's been parodied ad nauseum in pop culture.
>not retarded

why would I even say slasher isntead of jason then. and if i was to suggest jason i might have aswell said freddy, chucky, leatherface and whoever else
Good job on being two days late on your observation, captain obvious.
Duude no way. I was just thinking of doing this myself. Thanks, anon.
Robot chicken is always pretty hit and miss, but the last one was pretty relate-able when playing with other people
For the emprah
not even spooky but I want a proper snowman with a proper carrot nose that's not olaf
That sounded like a good day, buddy. I went to my local Lego store myself, and they had a couple of Stormtroopers there. Took some pictures and chatted with them for a while. Then I got the shuttle and Revan and left. Good day indeed.
If it came with Batman and Robin, 30 bones. By itself? 25
don't listen to >>5944525 this idiot

Jason is not the only slasher movie character
Because that is the only notable example of a hockey mask killer I know of, the only other thing being Splatterhouse and there is no reason why anyone would ever bring that up. I am not a pop culture-fag nor do I visit tvtropes so it should be understandable that my knowledge and experience on that subject is inferior to yours.
I also not once said I wasn't retarded, wouldn't be here if that weren't the case, but not knowing a meme doesn't exactly make someone retarded.
I work at a Legoland Discovery Center, and they are literally handing these things hand over fist to us to trade with people that come for Star Wars weekend.
- Chupacabra with recolored swamp monster head and satyr legs
- Mothman
- Flatwoods monster
- Mad scientist assistant
- Spooky asian little girl
chinese vampire

this >>5942116 is bretty gud
Oh fuck, totally rad!
It looks great with the weapons in hand!

Did you base it of the sprite or the cover?
The only nitpick i have is that you gave him the green abs from the sprite, but not the brown pants. The Coverart has green pants, but skincoloured or orangish abs.
That's just because cover-art Doomguy has a ripped shirt.
Look at the guy running at him from the background, his shirt doesn't have the exposed abs.
>Sheet ghost
>Reptilian guy
>Slime girl
>Guy dressed as zombie
>2 headed ogre
>Cyber ghost
>Voodoo master
> Evil Genie
>Guy with spider-head
Oh I never noticed that or the piece of ripped fabric on his torso.
You learn something new everyday.
all of the monster suggestions are great, but you guys are thinking adult, and in large scale, a whole CMF line scale, which is a lot, and given the major target market of LEGO are kids, some of thsese, like Lovecraftian monsters, cultitsts, butcher with pig's head, slashers and plague doctors are a definitive no-no for LEGO, also, kids wouldn't understand the references
but I really love the ideas, Plague doctor and a Cthulhu specially
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>Sheet ghost
>Guy dressed as zombie
because we dont have enough of those already

>Voodoo master
what does that even mean

some type of squid person isnt harmful, we already even have a chtullu-esque alien. agreed on the butcher/slasher, at most we would get a zombie with a cook's hat and a meat cleaver. plague doctors have been getting increasingly kiddified in recent years and the concept itself isnt even evil.
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>at most we would get a zombie with a cook's hat and a meat cleaver
disregard that, they're actually out in China

the little girl has short articulated legs
>Short articulated legs
I really wish lego would make this an actual part, fuck their current short legs.
>short articulated legs
fuck, I was just wondering why lego didn't do this. I guess they want to maintain the gap in the legs?
Good on you, china
yeah, but Cthulhu I think woud be pushing some boundaries, but they could just say "alien" and get away with it
as for plague doctors, I don't really understand what you mean by "kiddified", but the concept is a bit somber, not evil, but somber
a plague doctor minifig would be aces, it's one of my favorite concepts not just LEGO wise, but over all
The part would be too fragile
male/female mexican skeletons
sack doll with pins
headless horseman with horse and jack-o-lantern head
cardboard box robot
trick-or-treater sick from eating too much candy
venetian masquerader
They did a plant monster, the fly, zombies, as well as all the shit in nexo knights, there's really nothing they can't make outside of explicitly mature and extreme content.
>fuck, I was just wondering why lego didn't do this

Probably what this anon said >>5945114

The connection is fine for chinese shit that's going to have a different brand name next month, but not good enough for Lego's QUALITYâ„¢ standards
>explicitly mature and extreme content
just leave
>a plague doctor minifig would be aces, it's one of my favorite concepts not just LEGO wise, but over all
why? I really dont get peoples obcession's with plague doctors.

it's literally a medic wearing a silly mask because they thought the herbs on the beak would keep them from getting plague

it's kind of annoying when fantasy settings keep on shoehorning plague doctors everywhere "because it looks cool"
Pretty sure he's saying "the CMF 14 spookies and the Nexo Knights monsters show Lego isn't afraid of making any type of monsters except those directly portraying explicitly mature and extreme content".
pretty sure he meant that we're getting lots of demonic shit with nexo

nothing wrong with fantasy devils and nods to lovecraft/slasher films when we already got nods to the fly and elvira
>I really dont get peoples obcession's with plague doctors.
Whats not cool and horrific about a masked anonymous "doctor" using strange arcane acts to stave of disease
The Lego Movie will air in about 3 minures on german TV. What should I expect?
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>That hair piece
I knew it looked so fucking familiar.
It's pretty funny in English. I don't know how well the jokes will translate, but you should watch it.
Plague doctor mask was an upwardly-trending topic for the last few years, but it recently exploded in popularity after a video game (Dark Dungeons? Can't remember the name) used it for a main character.
because I like it, period? why would it bother you so much?
every time a plague doctor would come to a town, it would be because there was something wrong, someone was infected, it wasn't safe
they wouldn't take off the mask, which gives an aura of mystery
they were harbingers of bad news, and their visit was never good
I think it's somber, and yes, it does look cool
I don't even care about the pastas or anything like that, I simply liked the concept and it looks cool
since when is something seeming cool not enough reason to like it?
kylo ren's story sucks ass, but the cotume looks badass, isn't that enough?
you really have to learn people like certain things you might not, and that is fine beause it's none of your business
>What should I expect?
A movie
The best toy commercial there is.
That's some good Spasle anon.
Been looking to build some Space Castle stuff recently by trying to bulk up space and castle collections recently, and then mixing and matching, so far to not much avail.
Anyone got any Spastle figures or ideas for good parts to use on em?

>Tfw we never got that headpiece in purple
No Mind Flayer for me
Kek CuckTsar. Just don't mention Wizards to him, or you'll trigger him. His wife is kinda hot, though
>Voodoo master
>what does that even mean
Not him, but a baron Samdi would be cool.
They could combine the Voodoo Master and the sack doll with pins, just make a guy with a ripped-up black suit, skull facepaint and a top hat, and give him a gold syringe piece and a microfig with burlap printing.
except voodoo dolls have nothing to do with actual shamanistic voodoo
I want Mothman!
How about they take advantage of the microfig or baby pieces to make a spooky ventriloquist/puppetmaster?
To make you cry
>except voodoo dolls have nothing to do with actual shamanistic voodoo
Next you're going to tell me that Ninjago isn't an accurate representation of period Japanese culture!
>headless horseman with horse and jack-o-lantern head
like they are ever putting a horse as an acessory in the minifigure series

besides we already got the headless horseman with scooby doo
Lots of people wear hockey masks.
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fund it

I just caved and bought a couple pairs from http://www.brickfortress.com/

Will post if they're any good. and if they're not.
Watched and loved it! That last scene had me in tears of laughter.
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No problemo. It wasn't that hard actually. The real challenge would be to make movie accurate legs that are stable enough to hold the weight of the head, but that don't look like ass.
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Just got pic related, and I thought I'd ask opinions on stickers.

Apply them?
Don't apply them?
Apply them temporarily then peel them off later?
Do they even peel off?

I figured Lego generals might have opinions of /pol/-level intensity about stickers, and I wanted to hear them.
>don't apply them
>keep them for awesome MOC that could use them
>forget where you put them
I used to apply them when i was a kid. Now i don't even remove them from original bag, and i keep them with instructions in a box with my old catalogues.
I usually think models look better without stickers
I usually don't apply stickers, but this car actually looks really good with the stickers.
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stickers look best when designers don't go overboard with them
and if you don't have parkinsons when applying
This is what I thought too... but it seems like the pieces would become less useful, overally
Yeah, there's that. Muh parkinson's.
I think I remember reading about that once. You were basically Jason trying to rescue an girl from other scary villans right?
i should add that this model has a sticker on the front that states the width, height, weight and part count
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maximum swooshability desktop fighter
>want to buy more series 14 CMF bags from Amazon
>previous seller doesn't sell them anymore
>current lowest not shipped by Amazon
>the one that does is 4.99€
Fuck this.
Love the ship, anon.
Fleshie on a classic space astronaut looks shit-tier though.
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>tfw had a lot of cool Lego sets as a child that were destroyed and lost by my younger brother
We can see your ruse from a mile away, buddy
Hol up
The Wang loves you too
For reals? He has a somewhat banging wife
At first I was trying to make a minotaur skeleton, but got frustrated with how flimsy it was and just made it a robot
That's true, but I bought this set to display. Probably never going to take it apart.
>replace red parts with white parts
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Maybe, and yes, I also didn't have enough white
Didn't you post this same shit last thread? Let the person get what they want
Lol but you are wrong
Wait for the Snow Globe, famalam
That's how kids think these days.
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brickwarriors already makes a decent one, eh, anon-senpais
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Darkest Dungeon.
>upside down hands
>race of minotaur-like aliens aboard a spaceship
>ship gets stranded and strange virus spreads among the crew, killing them all, but not before they send a distress beacon
>the skeletal undead crew now roams the ship as is drifts aimlessly through space, waiting for an unfortunate lone ship to answer their distress call, allowing the virus to further spread

New Thread
There's also that one guy in Shovel Knight.
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Much better than what I had planned
Which was either robocop with a moose or something
The cockpit isn't that bad. Imma try to mod it and see if I can post pics
too bad you can't put a hat on it
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Thanks, anon.
I think fleshies kinda work with the yellow and white ones, other colors not so much.

At least they're not skin-colored spacesuits anymore, eh.
Do eeet and post pics
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and come to the new thread already
looks like you can, full set:
oh shhh... INEEDTHIS.jpg
but anon there are image slots remaining


image slots
>I figured Lego generals might have opinions of /pol/-level intensity about stickers, and I wanted to hear them.
Haha [spoiler]that only aplies to off brands and general heresy[/spoiler]
But personally i kept mine off completely. But then again the set didn't stay together for more than a few days. I did store the sticker sheet neatly in a protective casing in case someone else might one day want to use them.

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>tfw one more wave of star wars figures and then ccbs is axed again
Hey guys, what's your opinion on companies like Brickarms and Brickmania?
you'll get more replies in current thread

Brickarms makes decent stuff, I have some of their guns.
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