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Star Trek General - /stg/

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Thread replies: 320
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Oberth a cute - cute! Edition

Previous thread: >>54212770

A thread for discussing the Star Trek franchise and its various tabletop iterations.

Possible topics include Star Trek Adventures - the new rpg being produced by Modiphius - and WizKids’ Star Trek: Attack Wing miniatures game, as well as the previous rpgs produced by FASA, Last Unicorn Games and Decipher, the Starfleet Battles Universe, and Star Trek in general.

Game Resources

Star Trek Adventures, Modiphius’ 2d20 RPG
-Official Modiphius Page
Playtest Materials (via Biff Tannen)
Reverse Engineered Character Creation.
Core Rulebook

Older Licensed RPGs (FASA, Last Unicorn Games and Decipher)

Other (Unlicensed) RPGS (Far Trek + Lasers and Feelings)

WizKids’ Star Trek: Attack Wing Miniatures Game
-Official WizKids Page (Rules and Player Resources)

Lore Resources

Memory Alpha - Canon wiki

Memory Beta - Noncanon wiki for licensed Star Trek works

Fan Sites - Analysis of episodes, information on ships, technobabble and more

Star Trek Maps - Based on the Star Trek Star Charts, updated and corrected

/stg/ Homebrew Content
Oberth is the cancer ship. Just look at it, placing the crew quarters between the nacelles like that, just baking them in subspace radiation. Getting assigned to an Oberth is a good sign that Starfleet is trying to murder you.
Rolled 2 (1d6)

So, for that anon last night that wanted some character creation, here's a character I'm creating for Star Trek Adventures (with the help of /stg/):
Name: Fortizima Svenson ("47")
Species: Human
Traits: Human
Talents: Resolute
OK, next step is to choose an environment: where the character grew up. Then we give a Value based on that environment. Roll 1d6.
>rolled 2
That means Busy Colony. That means something like Luna, Mars, Alpha Centauri, etc. - something long-established and significant. Where is our girl from?
The Value should be something that reflects this background. This is where I need the most help here, as it's the most free-form part of character creation: it's basically how you're going to RP based off your character creation.
Additionally, 47 gets +1 to DAR or PRE, and +1 to COM, SEC, or SCI.
I mean, I could do this by myself, but doing it here is more fun I think.
>That means Busy Colony. That means something like Luna, Mars, Alpha Centauri, etc. - something long-established and significant. Where is our girl from?
Could it also mean a border colony that serves as a sector hub for other colonies, as well as a point of trade for alien species? Kinda like Bajor/DS9 only if it was a Federation colony.
I think that would count better as a Starbase - a lot of starbases visited in the series were actually on-world. But the stuff in-game seems to more imply the more space-station type, so I guess it doesn't matter much.
Are they not in the admittedly poorly placed pod?
That's all scanning gear, supplies and a park
>a park
Of course. What every small survey ship needs. Though I can actually see a use for it, for psychological purposes.
Rolled 5 (1d6)

OK, I've got to get this going. 47 is from Mars. Going for +1 Dar and +1 SEC. Her Value, being from Mars, with the Shipyards all around, is Lasers are Cool!
Next is Uprbringing. Will roll 1d6 to find out basically how she was raised, or what her parents did. Also, will get more stats, a Focus and another Talent.
Current Stats:
I need ideas for adventures on a starship, going through the final frontier.
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Rolled 4 (1d6)

>Rolled 5
>Artistic and Creative
I don't really get it. Maybe 47 went to one of those faggy arts-based high schools or something.
You character can either accept or reject their upbringing. This affects stats, so it matters. I rolled a die, and it turns out 47 appreciates going to art school. I guess she mostly drew laser guns or something - maybe a tomboy? Anyways, that gives us +1 INS and +2 PRE. We also get +1 to COM, ENG, or SCI; die says +1 ENG.
We get a Focus now, which is kinda freeform, but will increase our chances of success in certain situations, depending on the GM. Since apparently 47 is artsy, let's go with Art History.
Now to get another Talent. Rolling more dice gets us Collaboration (Engineering) - whenever an ally does a Task that involves Engineering, we can use 1 Momentum to allow them to use our ENG score, and one of our focuses (hope that Art History class can help someone fix a spaceship!). Current stats:
CON-7 FIT-7 PRE-10 DAR-9 INS-9 REA-7
Up next is Starfleet Academy! Well get another Value, another Talent, and three more Focuses, along with stats and stuff. Here we get to find out if we're a red shirt, a gold shirt, or a blue shirt, by rolling 1d6.
I swear I've come across a random generator for this that was actually pretty decent...

Best I've got without it is to just post leading images.
>Rolled 4
>Operations Track
Gold shirt it is. That fits with the stats so far, but that's just a coincidence.
Next we choose Security or Engineering as our Major (the Academy is a school, after all), and two minors (everyone at the Academy is the best of the best of the best, so we can handle it). 47 thinks Lazors are kewl, so either Security or Engineering works, and the present stats don't lean one way or the other, so it's another roll of the (physical) dice: Engineering it is. Science and Conn will be the minors. That's +2 to ENG, and +1 to both SCI and CONN.
We get three Attribute points, to be distributed to either 2 or 3 Attributes (so we can't go +3 to one). We're going to go with 2, with +2 to REA and +1 to INS.
We get three Focuses. At least one should related to goldshirting. Because lasers are cool, we have to choose Shipboard Tactical Systems, that's a given. Hand Phasers too. And...let's just go EPS to keep them lazors going.
Now we need another Value. Since we're engineering, and fond of lasers, let's pick something along those lines. "Well-maintained systems always work when needed."
And another Talent, this time chosen (randomly) from the Engineering Talents list: Jury-Rig. This reduces the difficulty of Engineering repair Tasks by 2, but only lasts for one Scene. Jury-rigged things have a difficulty increase of 1 to their repair.
To update the Stats:
CON-7 FIT-7 PRE-10 DAR-9 INS-10 REA-8
Next: Career thus far! We won't be rolling for this one, as the default Experienced Officer is the most fun. This gives us another Talent and Value. Value we're going with "If it can be fixed, it ain't broke." Our new Talent is Testing a Theory: when doing a SCI or ENG Task, you can roll another d20 as long as you succeeded in a Task in the same field earlier in the same adventure.
Next: Career Events. We're going to roll 3d20 to see what's happened to 47 so far.
Rolled 12, 5, 14 = 31 (3d20)

Uh, let's roll that again.
Thanks man, inspiration is tough.
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I'll try and post things. I tend to work at ideas in a very mechanical way of 'if [X], then what'? but it works best when bouncing off of someone else.
Like this image here: Why is the ship there? Was it called, sent or was it a pure random discovery during something else? How long has this thing been in this state?
What other concerns might the ship have, like is it the usual oh noes gotta transport this vaccine/diplomat/cargo of essential dildos adding extra drama through a time limit?
What about other time limits, like is there a serious danger that's going to be triggered by the ship being there, or is already present even and they don't know they're in the shit already?
What if there's a people problem with it? Is it inhabited by somebody, or things? Why? Are they in trouble? Should they even be there in the first place? Do they need evicting or protecting from something/someone?
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>Rolled 12, 5, 14
>Betrayed Ideals for A Superior
>Required to Take Command
>New Battle Strategy
47 had a hard life, I guess.That gives us +2 DAR, +2 COM, +1 PRE, +1 SEC. However, since we can't gain more than two each of Discipline and Attributes, we'll put it down to +1 DAR. +1 PRE, +1 COM, and +1 SEC.
We also get two Focuses from these events. Let's go with Inspiration and Hazard Awareness.
Now we're at the last step (Finishing Touches). First, we gain one last Value. One value has to be about a relationship - to a person, ship, organization, etc. Since we haven't done one like that yet, we've got to go that way. "Follow the chain of command" - that relates 47 to Starfleet, and can probably be connected to those career events.
Next, we clean up our stats. For Attributes, none can be above 12, and only one can hit 12. We're good there, and now can give two more Attributes +1: +1 CON, +1 FIT. For Disciplines, they can't go above 5, and only one can be 5. We're good there too, and get to again give 2x1: +1 COM and +1 MED
For final stats, if I've got everything right:
CON-8 FIT-8 PRE-11 DAR-10 INS-10 REA-9
Just some more little details left.
Stress: FIT+SEC+3 (from Resolute) = 14
Department: Engineering
Rank: Lt.
Assignment: USS Nietzche's Ghost (random ship name generator)
Equipment: Communicator, Uniform, Phaser Type-1, Tricorder, Tool Kit
And that's it.
Goddamn that's a cool image. Now you've got me imagining taking an Excelsior, Ambassador, or Phalanx on a deep space exploration mission and finding the border outpost of an advanced but extinct empire.
And here's the finished char sheet.
The end.
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Nice, seems easy enough.

Trying another one:

Your ship arrives at the scene (again: called or expected?) and runs right into the debris of two other star fleet vessels. What the fuck happened?
Are there survivors? How long have they been like this? Is whatever caused this still around? Was it another ship or ships? or something grounded? Some bigass space monster? Can you stop it? Why did this happen? Did the ships provoke it, even unknowingly? What were they up to here in the first place?
Can it be prevented from happening again to character ship? What circumstances might lead to that such as fightan, science! or diplomancy?
Aesthetically speaking, Oberth is my favorite Star Trek ship. Though I'm also a fan of Miranda
>Graceful, elegant design
>Minimal cross section
>Crew and families shielded by nacelles during combat
>Implying warp engines cause cancer, not the (heavily shielded) impulse engines

Oberth is nice, but the Miranda is second only to the Akira. Gorgeous ships.
The reason for nacelles being separate from the ship is because of radiation issues. That said, it can easily be handwaved by saying the radiation is proportionate to the size and power of the warp core, so something relatively small like an Oberth can get away with mounted nacelles as long as they have radiation shielding.
The reason for nacelles being so far apart is Kirk's Enterprise being a flying saucer with a fork stuck in it.
Yeah but I mean the in-universe explanation.
That's a matter of warp field efficiency. It's why the Excelsior is still the USS Speedy Gonzalez a hundred fucking years after introduction and why the Intrepid is a swing wing. The Defiant sucks nuts at efficiency but just goes ADD MORE POWER XDDDDDD and overcomes it in the name of armoring up.
look at that slut just waltzing through this bad sector with her huge gaping hole hanging loose
This nigger arm of the galaxy has more bad sectors than a Seagate hard drive.

Yeah, even by starfleet standards a survey ship is likely to be out for quite some time. Before Holodecks were invented, they likely needed rather a lot of space for stuff like that to help keep people sane over the course of a few years on a ship.

You'd go stir crazy without a large open area or two.
or at least some pussy. ENT notwithstanding I asume Orion girls were getting deep dicked by Starfleet boys for centuries.
Not many ships would come across Orions. More likely the crew were casually encouraged to fuck each other.
What would you say is the best Trek RPG module?
While I can't say there's a specific best, the FASA modules are consistently engaging, and give a solid setup for each mission plus a number of alternate options for running those modules if you don't want to be Starfleet, or if you're part of SIC. The only shame is that FASA had fuck all for ship designer quality, so the ships are consistently goofy as fuck, and it's verrry 80s.
>Waste of trips
Why Ensign Anon, why?
Decision at Midnight. Starts off as just a bunch of new recruits just getting on ship and leads to the removal of the ship's captain after nearly starting a war with the Klingons
so the plot to Discovery, then?
From what I can guess, sure.
I prefer Return to Axanar or A Doomsday Like Any Other, but that one is pretty good too.

>tfw no John M. Ford adventures like Paranoia
What's the premise on those 2?
Return to Axanar deals with the Klingons on the titular planet, and the borderline illegal efforts the captain of the party's ship goes to in an effort to prevent the Klingons from using the Federation world as a base. This starts off where a specialist insists the planet is being used as a base, and dragging the Captain to the world, then crewmembers getting brainwashed into being Klingon Manchurian Candidates, and ending up where the party's ship is being hunted towards the Federation border by a Starfleet task force, while the Klingons are waiting for the party at the border.

A Doomsday Like Any Other is about another Doomsday Machine appearing on a collision course to a neutral planet that's dealing with the Romulans and Feddies, with the players tasked with destroying it. The Romulans want to capture the Machine for their own devices, and a third party who somehow manages to control the Machine. Notably the book recommends the smallest ship other than the Chandley the adventure is built for to be a Constitution class.
Guys I think my star trek image folder may be growing too large... it's at 737 images now and it's nearly all ships.

But people keep making more images.
What is that, a 2360s refit of an Excelsior bridge?
Looks like it. Pretty vomit inducing, IMO. The Excelsior should be in blues and grays.
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>NX-01 bridge looks like a space shuttle.
>TOS bridge looks like a naval CIC from the 60s
>Movie bridge looks like a Scientology tech facility.
>TNG bridge looks like an IKEA living room
>JJ bridge looks like an Apple store.

Here you go:
The whole TNG design era was crap. The early 2300s were the best thing until the Dominion War and TNG movies era.
The Movie bridge was quite nice though. It felt like the TOS bridge while being acceptably different.
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Nope, conjectural design for launch in 2360 as an Excelsior replacement, with the note that production was stopped (pending upgrades) in favour of much heavier armed ships.
It's grown on me a little over the years but overall yeah, got a lot of niggling problems.

Movie era bridge never really felt like a living workspace in the way the original did for me, until they hit the -A. Even the repaint for WoK to make it 'warmer' didn't do it much good.
Still prefer JMF's Klingons to the official version.
>A Doomsday Like Any Other is about another Doomsday Machine appearing on a collision course to a neutral planet that's dealing with the Romulans and Feddies, with the players tasked with destroying it. The Romulans want to capture the Machine for their own devices, and a third party who somehow manages to control the Machine.

Did Star Trek Online shamelessly rip off that storyline?
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In terms of design it was pretty awful (half the stations don't even have chairs, and the multiple levels are easy to get thrown from to break your neck like the original helmsman did) but Voyager's bridge aesthetic was pretty nice IMO. Sufficiently Trek-y without looking like a budget cruise liner. Best engineering set in the entire franchise, too, mostly thanks to the warp core and the open space.
I actually liked the NX-01's engineering second best. It was cramped and primitive, but it was supposed to be, and the warp core was believable as a bridge between modern tech and the glowy columns of the later ships.
I kinda throught the NX's engineering one of the weaker parts of its set, but the overall interior was pretty nice since I'm a slut for not!military designs it's still damn good
I wonder how long Sovereign-kun will last. Will she be a Galaxy or an Excelsior?
Service life, time before role-replacement, etc.
Probably an Excelsior. The Galaxy should never have been pressed into frontline flagship duty. If it had been limited to its intended role of super long term long range missions and functioning as a mobile starbase, it would have been fine, but some asshole had to name one of them Enterprise. The Enterprise has been a cruiser class since the NX-01, so the Galaxy class got shoehorned into a role for which it was never meant. If they go back to that, and upgrade all the Dominion War Galaxy hulls to tri-nacelle battleship configuration (All Good Things future, STO Galaxy-X), then it will have a role as a slower heavy hitter. The Sovereign's warp geometry and more modern power systems make it a better fit for QSD so it's going to take the front line and medium term explorer roles.
I kinda wish the NX-01 had had a Nostromo-style bridge. Everything cramped and jammed together, with everything being multi-function and shit. Monitors jammed everywhere.
I mean, by Trek standards, it was positively claustrophobic, but I get what you mean
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I’ve been reading through Adventures and I’m thinking of running a game set in the western edge of the Alpha Quadrant, around 242X, ignoring most of STO and JJ’s Trek.

So far I’ve got;
>Following the Dominion War the Cardassian Union relies heavily on Federation aid and protection from internal and external threats. The CU eventually becomes something of a satellite state reliant upon the Federation, which causes some resentment in the Cardassian population.
>Bajor finally becomes a member of the Federation.
>It becomes easier (and more popular) for citizens of the Klingon Empire to enter Starfleet as the hard border softens.
>The Romulan Senate caves in to the Vulcan reunification movement. The Neutral Zone remains, but the traditionally hostile relationship between the UFP and RSE cools.
>Early 2400s, Tholians across the Alpha Quadrant quit their postings and withdraw into Assembly space. A few weeks later, all listening posts on the edge of Tholian space go quiet.
>Vessels from the UFP, KE, RSE and CU sent to investigate discover nothing. No ships, no starbases, no signs of civilizations. Its as if everything has been methodically stripped away. Detailed scientific surveys turn up even less, leaving the disappearance an unsolved mystery.
>After a decade of the major powers of the α&β quadrant restricting travel into the area and maintaining a strong force along the border (mostly Klingon and Starfleet), the Cardassian Union beings illegal expansion and colonization of temperate worlds the Tholians neglected.
>The game revolves around an understaffed Starbase on the edge of this new frontier, as the CU, KS and UFP grab up star systems. The players alternate between their ship (not yet decided) and the port.
Probably. Wouldn't be the first time they've adapted other Trek fiction, not even the first time they've used FASA stuff (the Klingon CBC's are clearly inspired by the SFB abominations). But it's not like it's a terribly complex original idea either.
that actually seems kinda neat but is it going to focus on just the everyday colonization or is it going to be a big mystery puzzle solving theme with trying to figure out where the Tholians went?
I think it’ll mostly be about the day-to-day struggles with the crew, then move onto solving the mystery. Start out with the players just getting to grips with the area, occasionally dealing with Orion Syndicate pirates or breaking up fights between the Klingons and the Cardassians, or dealing with Colonists squabbling with each other. Then it’ll probably move onto problems with the Breen and the Tzenkethi carving out little kingdoms of their own.

All the while, little clues can be pieced together until finally the truth is revealed.

What’s a good, small ship of less than 50 people, with a multipurpose role? And does anyone have some good art for Starbases?
>less than 50 people
Stolen Klingon B'Rel BoP like in STIII or an illegally upgunned and up engined Nova.
>What’s a good, small ship of less than 50 people, with a multipurpose role?
Any ship with a modular mission pod, like the Oberth or a smaller Nebula or Akira. The starbase can have various mission pods on standby and the players can decide which pods they want to bring for any given mission and how they want to load it up. The main problem is crew size; even an Akira is supposed to have a compliment of around 500 officers and crew and that's not including any extra it'd get if equipped with a carrier pod. Ships small enough to have a compliment of only 50 would typically not be capable of fulfilling a multipurpose role. Your best bet would be redesigning an Oberth to have late 24th century parts.
For that far ahead of the regular timeline you're probably best off coming up with your own ship. It's what, 40ish years after the end of Voyager?
What about that scout ship Data had in Insurrection? It was a terrible movie but that starship always fascinated me. It's probably the closest thing in Starfleet to the classic scifi hero ship size, like the Millennium Falcon or Serenity.
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It's a glorified Runabout. That'd be something that would be attached to the main ship, not the main ship itself. Note Data in the cockpit. It's supposed to only need one guy flying it with maybe three or four more in the back.

If you want something like that then it'd be best to have all the characters be junior officers part of a larger crew, given assignments by the captain and/or XO, rather than be captain and bridge officers.
Honestly, I could kinda imagine some of the more useful and reliable late-TNG-era ships (like the Nebbie) could've been kept around for their sheer usefulness, while becoming increasingly automated with the advances of technology as time goes on. Something like the fanon idea that the Mirandas fighting in the Dominion War were old mothballed ships upgunned, given a skeleton crew, and sent to the front line. I can't imagine 50 people being able to handle a Nebbie, but something like a Nova, Intrepid, or even a Centaur-class being relatively workable.
I only just noticed but it's engines are very Defiant style.
A slightly automated, modified and well armed Intrepid might be the best choice. The Intrepid Class is probably on its way out, so unless the players get too attached they can upgrade to something more modern later on. Or just swap components for newer parts.

That said, what should I avoid when making new ships for a more modern Starfleet? Or even the Cardassian Union, Klingon Empire or Romulan Star Empire?
Avoid kitbashing. Make your own design with the basic Starfleet layout, and then a smaller variant with downward nacelles. Keep the Excelsior and Nebula around.
>That said, what should I avoid when making new ships for a more modern Starfleet?
Anything that looks like Mass Effect mashed up with an Apple store i.e. pretty much all of Cryptic's 25th century Starfleet designs.

>Or even the Cardassian Union, Klingon Empire or Romulan Star Empire?
Cardassians are hard to pin down since they have so few ships shown, but I'd try to just go with what's already been established. For the Klingons, design a ship based around functionality with as few extra parts and absolutely no "let's put irrelevant jaggies on the hull to look intimidating." Klingon ships can be huge, but only if that hugeness serves a purpose, like acting as a massive carrier or being a flying wave motion gun attached to engines. For Romulans, just design the ships to look vaguely bird-like.
>What’s a good, small ship of less than 50 people, with a multipurpose role?
In Beta canon the Saber is just that ship. In TNG there are Mirandas with 30, so any most any ship of similar size would probably work.
>recommending Cryptic's designs
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He asked what should be AVOIDED and anon above said cryptics design.

Imo, their tier 5 ship designs were cool.
That's exactly what should be avoided. It looks like nothing that would fit with Starfleet, even 25th century Starfleet. Even the Ent-J, as much of a vomit-inducing abomination as it is (though the interior looked nice), at least looks like a Starfleet ship.
From the thumbnail I thought this was the Normandy
Ok, colour me completely fucking illiterate. Still, I'm relatively lenient on Cryptic's designs (apart from any of the Temporal stuff), but it's still very hit-and-miss - mostly miss. I really like the Sovvie and Saber variants, and the 23c ships range from "not bad" to "i just came a little"; but almost all of the steel donuts at T5 in particular are ridiculously cancerous.
That's not a normandy, now THIS is a normandy!

I could understand your hatred of Tier 6 ships which all look horrible (well, except maybe the command cruiser variants), but that you also hate on tier 5 designs, like come on.
Some things I've noticed in my trawling around deviantart for trek pics:

Most exploration-looking pics are TOS or TMP era, mostly TOS. There's not that much of the Enterprise D, and really fuck all of Voyager. I've seen way more star fleet museum stuff than Voyager. DS9 turns up a lot as a location for ships rather than the focus but the Defiant is fairly popular, more than Voyager.

Enterprise gets a surprising amount of attention, especially the refit and associated ships of the era. The Archer class is really popular, especially for pics of it coming across weird shit.

Though really a spreadsheet would be needed to confirm or fail my observations for sure.

The lack of Voyager is pretty interesting though, given all the actually kinda neat shit it ran into at times. I wonder if the TOS era and exploration looking pics is a lot down to how TNG was a lot more of the ship flying around problem solving rather than exploring, comparatively? DS9 got in a bunch of exploration of places and weird shit stories but no-where near as much as Voyager, but I've seen more pics of Akira's doing exploration stuff than Voyager, and that's a damn warship.

And somehow it took me this long to run into image related here.
>Star Cruisers
>Patrol Escort
>Luna variants that are literally just the luna class but slightly melted
>fucking Deep Space Science Shoes
>Destroyer: Timecop Edition
>Wells and the other Timecop ship I can't remember

Literally the only good things at T5 are:
>Sovvies (all sexy)
>Prommies (so long as you kitbash to make it as pointy as possible)
>Mirror (x) that you can buy off the exchange instead of sinking your life into fleet projects for

I'd wager that it's because (most) VOY fans are filthy casuls. The way the complete ban on serialisation made it more accessible also made it harder to really get attached to, which means you don't end up caring enough about the series to make your own shit (I expect that the web would be similarly devoid of VOY fanfiction excluding Seven x Literally Everyone compared to the other series).

There was never really enough weight to the characterisation of any of the normally functioning characters i.e. everyone but Seven, the Doctor, and Tuvok, who coincidentally are the only decently fleshed out characters on the show to care about them a lot, and as a result they're not really distinct enough to be "worthy" of fanstuff.

tl;dr: It's easier to get into VOY, but it's harder to get into Trek via VOY, and it's nigh-impossible to get the level of autism required for fanworks via VOY.
I just put 'voyager' into the search and the first image I recognised as a star trek voyager one was a mostly nude low quality render of 7 of 9 with weird blue shit. 5th image.

'star trek voyager' took a surprising time to get to an image of Voyager, again more low quality 7 of 9 pics first.
Yep, pretty much what I expected.
>it looks like nothing that would fit with Starfleet
>literally just a fatter Akira with more black
You're pretty delusional. "Starfleet" isn't just the basic saucer-neck-secondary hull-nacelles on long pylons, and hasn't been since the 80's. Cryptic (mostly) manages to stick with the Trek feel, especially since 2012. Not everything is a hit, to be sure, but they generally so a pretty good job adapting the canon designs, and canon-like designs, to the game.
Now, you might not like that general Trek aesthetic, but that's your problem, not Cryptic's.
not him, but see the first half of >>54341226.
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The Armitage is basically "what would the Akira look like if Bioware shat it out?" and the same applies to other T6 versions of canon ships.
>Enterprise gets a surprising amount of attention, especially the refit and associated ships of the era
I think the ENT art style translates well to fan art, since it was designed from the get-go for HD CGI. The TNG-VOY ships were models made to be filmed, meaning they were made once, and to very high detail generally, which doesn't translate well to fan-art-level of CGI. TOS-style is low-detail for low-quality film, which also doesn't translate well to fan-art-level CGI, as it looks cartoony usually. (It can look good - see ENT - but most fan artists don't have the skill or tools to pull it off.)
>muh black-and-white
>implying that's not aesthetic af
Literally the only similarity.
For TOS stuff you've got to be good at the lighting in the image. If it looks flat, it's fucked, because model detail will not make up for it.
What the fuck is this thing?
TOS Hermes-class scout (maybe a Saladin-class destroyer?)
A sign that Starfleet wants to get rid of you, if you get assigned to one.
USS Tamerlane, a Saladin-class destroyer.
Kind of. The third party in the adventure is a free trader, rather than time traveling dicks. Also, it's possible to board the Doomsday Machine and manually take control, rather than have Stan Winston's kid hack it. In this case, it's also possible (though extremely unlikely) for the Federation PCs to actually take and keep the Machine from the Romulans. Of course, the adventure also points out that it will self destruct after it's out of the party's hands, because the ship is too strong.

Everyone should at least read some of the FASA material, because they actually gave a shit about giving the GM and PCs agency without stifling them, unlike later Trek stuff.
>partly into cogenitor on ENT
Someone a while back duid a huge write-up about how Rigellians could possibly work with five sexes, does anyone have a link? I'd have no idea what to search for./
Where were you when you realized that John Wayne was the first Klingon?
Actually, John Wayne as Chancellor of the Empire would be pretty cool.
I'm trying to imagine someone speaking Klingon with the Duke's accent and I just keep laughing.
I'm building a folder of reference images to use for games, and I'm in need of interior shots. Does anyone have more of stuff like
I'm not after bridges in particular, and whilst Federation is most useful I'd love to see these kinds of shots for other races
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> The Defiant sucks nuts at efficiency but just goes ADD MORE POWER XDDDDDD and overcomes it in the name of armoring up.

...wait, are you saying the Defiant, was designed by Jeremy Clarkson?
Goddamn why is the Nubula so goddamn good looking?
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what did he mean by this
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Do you even ocean planet studies?

Reminder that the Whale Probe is a model test for Rama.
For when the aliens you converse with don't believe in utopistic ideals of no money, yet they believe in the expansion of ones mind.

Aka: Emergency fund generator room.
The look of the Galaxy on the frame of a Miranda is a potent combo.
Huh... Funny thing is I rather like the Miranda as well. I just wish they put a proper deflector on it, a small oversight I think.
Anyone here have any skill designing their own custom starship classes?
Only in working out the detailing, not drawing the result. Probably not what you're looking for.
Thoughts on the Centaur?
The pylons and secondary hull seem a little too small/spindly for my taste. Also the nacelles seem almost too big for it, like a small kid trying on their parents shoes.
Well...yes. In conjunction with the DoD.
I did an overhaul of the FASA trek Genser, because there's not enough 30-100 man starships that can mount an accelerator cannon. I can critique overall look and general layout, moreso if you have something specific for me to look at.
What's the actual structure of the UFP government? What positions are there besides President and Council member? Are there separate houses? Do member worlds retain their own governments?
From what I gather it's a lot like the EU but with an actual dedicated military. Each member planet is given a wide breadth of autonomy but are required to contribute to all other member planets needs. If planet A suffers a breakout of Rigelian Plague, all planets send doctors and medical supplies. There are also strong overarching laws that every member planet needs to have to be a member but outside of those they are given the right to maintain most of their own culture and outlooks (such as Vulcan having it's own science exploration fleet/academy).
The Federation has always been Space America.
That only really happened once. Most of the time it's the space UN.
The Sisko cannot be restrained.
Pretty much every government in Star Trek is super inconsistent. I would think about it too much.
Well...pretty much. And add "well meaning but hopelessly bloated to the point that people are getting rather disillusioned with it" to the mix, too.
The shows don't get into detail, specifically so they can avoid having to worry about it. I think the general assumption is they're basically similar in structure to the UN but with actual authority.
A lot of people get disillusioned with a lot of it but we have canon info that the Feddies expand to control the vast majority of the Alpha and Beta Quadrants while also having inroads into the Gamma and Delta Quadrants centuries later on so it's still expansionary rather than falling.
On-screen, the only people disillusioned with it are idiots like Leyton, who's willing to murder Starfleet officers and commit acts of terrorism to install himself as supreme dictator because muh security, and the Maquis, who owe the existence of their """""homes""""" to Federation work and are then offended when the Federation decides a bunch of bumpkin colonies aren't worth sparking a bloody war when they could just relocate people instead.

Like, I know the Federation isn't perfect, even on-screen, but it would help if the detractors weren't exclusively a bunch of colossal retards.
>A lot of people are disillusioned with a lot of it but right now the EU originally consisted of the vast majority of Western and Central Europe while also having inroads into the Balkans and the Near East a few decades later on so it's still expansionary rather than falling.
Any novels where a combination of Romulan fake news propaganda and opportunistic con-man politicians prey on populist fears and cause planets to leave the Federation?
>not Ferengi
Ya dun goof'd, goyim.
Well, the Andorians did leave in Star Trek: Typhon Pact - Paths of Disharmony and rejoined in Star Trek: The Fall - Peaceable Kingdoms when a political party who wasn't run by retards came to power in the Andorian Empire
>Prime Minister Th'Raage when?
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>novel continuity
>May pulls up alongside Jeremy: As you can see, I've done this right and purchased an Excelsior.
>Clarkson: Boring, you mean.
>May: At least I'll make it to the other side of the sector; your ridiculous (Steamrunner or Akira, maybe Norway)-class is going to blow up because you can't get at half of the plasma conduits...
>Hammond pulls up in a HEAVILY modified Miranda (Soyuz/Bozeman), flashing his navigation lights: Check it out, it's brilliant!
>May to Clarkson: He'll be vaporized in the next ten parsecs...
Should I watch this movie?
There's almost assuredly a good joke in there about Hammond repeatedly crashing transwarp test-ships
I thought that was just because they needed to genetically engineer themselves not to go extinct and there were UFP laws against that, so the left, did it, then came back.
Fuck no. Literally the only movie which killed everyone involved with cancer, that's how bad it is.
t. bernigger
You don't have to be a leftist to see that Russia is currently king of propaganda and psyops.
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Got an idea I'm working on for a story/ scenario involving a few starships being sent into deep space far beyond most other manned missions. A true 30 year mission. This would start pre-TNG but not by a lot.

One thought was that much of the outbound portions would make use of an experimental warp drive. Able to hold higher warp speeds for longer periods but at the cost of requiring much longer to get up to speed. Not ideal for most federation missions.
Eventually it's expected that the new engines would wear out and might be replaced with spare conventional ones.

What ship classes would be ideal for such a mission? I'm thinking an Ambassador, 2 Excelsior and 2 other ships.
Couple of hefty cargo ships towing manufacturing modules.
>and 2 other ships
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I was looking at maybe basing a cargo ship off of this thing.
What's the bottom middle ship?
fucking fund this, right now
>On tonight's program, we try to find warp-capable vessels for under 1000 bars of latinum!
>Jeremy finds an E-type jag analogue (Constitution?) in utterly horrible shape, determined to make it BEAUTIFUL again (only for it to explode, repeatedly and with comedic timing)
>James finds an ancient kitbash in a junkyard built from most of a DIY-100, a Gorn warp reactor, and Vulcan ring nacelles: he is probably the only owner to have ever spoken all the languages its various operating systems use
>Richard, against all odds, turns up in MOST of a D'deridex (missing most of the "head" with a Danube runabout's cockpit welded on crookedly at the middle of the top wing: poor downward visibility, Jeremy pranks him by hiding in the "gap")
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I love that thing for all of its shuttle bays and potential cargo volume.
That said, the main shuttle bay on the galaxy class has roughly the same volume as all the cargo and shuttle space on a constellation combined.
Starfleet must have a cargo ship with more capacity out there somewhere.

Oh god. This thing is not much to look at but it seems to fit the bill for hefty cargo ship.
>That said, the main shuttle bay on the galaxy class has roughly the same volume as all the cargo and shuttle space on a constellation combined.
Well sure but this is supposed to be pre-Galaxy, and the Galaxy-class was specifically designed to do as much shit as possible. The story could be set far enough ahead of TNG that the lessons learned from the expedition influence the design of the Galaxy class, as Starfleet would prefer one ship that can do everything instead of sending five.
The Galaxy era also had much larger shuttlecraft. Danubes, Flyers, Aeroshuttles, Data's scout ship...

How did he not get executed or sentenced to life time imprisonment for this?

And people say Janeway was a war criminal.
He didn't kill anyone and the Maquis fucking deserved it.
not all muslims are the terrorists anon. Committing a million innocent settlers to refugee status is a war crime.
At best the Maquis are criminals from the Federation, at worst terrorists attempting to destabilize the sector, if not the quadrant, by plunging the Federation into war against the Cardassian Union and the glut of allies the CU would receive from such an act. The Maquis story plays great if you're a TV writer who doesn't understand realpolitik, but it's crap otherwise. *Especially* the constant Les Miserables comparisons. Personally I'd have killed Eddington just for that, because he's a fucking idiot.
And that's why you shoot the transports if they're not your people.
Killing Eddington is fine. He's a war criminal. The problem is that Sisko ruined the lives of countless innocents with his actions. Collateral damage is not an acceptable policy according to the ideals of the federation.
Debatable. By poisoning the Maquis planets, Sisko heads off a complaint from the Cardies about how the Maquis are a front to create Federation colonies in the Badlands while at the same time destroying Cardassian ones. Now Sisko should have received an official reprimand in his file at the very least, but since all he did was make the planet inimical to Human (not Federation species, but just human), a good lawyer would be able to wriggle him out of a court martial. Regardless, the Maquis are basically terrorists, so the Federation's own policies relating to the way those are dealt with come first.
>Andorian Empire

Every human attempting to settle in Cardassian space is a criminal. Imagine how the Texas Revolution and Mexican-American War might have gone had Britain, France, and Spain all been in North America with us.
Literally no one got hurt.
The planet was perfectly safe for Cardassians, which counters what the Maquis did to a Cardassian planet.
An action that would please the Cardassians, if not impress them (Cardies would rather have not warned the Maquis, letting them die). It solved a rather sticky diplomatic issue, without strictly violating Federation ideals - I could see Kirk doing the same thing, desu, though he wouldn't have had nearly the resistance of the crew that Sisko got (maybe McCoy would get butthurt, but he's an idealist). Remember, only Humans are evolved; the Vulcans, Andorians, Tellarites, etc., wouldn't be bothered too much because of the logic and elegance of Sisko's solution.
I would also argue that once Maquis started using chemical agents, what would have Cardassian done in retaliation ? Sure as hell not what Sisko did, but something far worse, like dropping photon torpedoes or using bio weapons on Maquis colonies. Eddington didn't really think his plan through and I agree with Sisko's opinion that he is glory hound looking for cause to feel important.
Watching Twilight, it's so funny that one of the best eps of ENT so far is basically just Yesterday's Enterprise + The Visitor + 50 First Dates.
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Being forced to relocate and resettle is an injury. Being forced into refugee status is an injury.

I think where people come down on this depends entirely on whether they're morons who think "nobody was killed" means "nobody was hurt", or if they're capable of recognizing that creating tens of thousands of refugees in a chemical attack is almost the definition of a war crime.
Nah, more like Tim "The Tool Man" Taylor
No, it would be a crime against civilization, not a war crime. But I still side with Sisko. Better to have made refugees rather caskets.
Let's roll back all the way to the start of the Maquis issue and point out that to keep the peace against the looming backdrop of a Borg ship fucking up a Federation fleet, the Federation surrenders territory, and rather than accept that while the Federation are dicks for doing it, AT LEAST THEY CAN GO BACK TO THE FEDERATION. But no. Instead, they decide to start attacking Cardassian citizens and holdings, then scurrying back to Federation space to avoid the repercussions. They tried to have it both ways and failed.
That's irrelevant to the issue of Sisko forcefully relocating tens of thousands of people whose only relation to the terrorists is that they lived near them.

Tell me, do you think the Trail of Tears was justified?
No one told the families of the terrorists to move on to planets owned by a foreign power after they were virus bombed into being uninhabitable by their rightful owners either. The rest of your post I won't dignify with an answer.
You're confusing the issue. That wasn't a former cardassian colony that the maquis had just recently settled after virus bombing it. It was a colony that the maquis had been living on since before they were the maquis.

Hell, Sisko wasn't even supposed to be on the mission to find Eddington. Starfleet correctly recognized that it was too personal to him.

On the one hand, you've got a renegade star fleet officer who is using chemical warfare to forcefully relocate tens of thousands of people. And then you've got eddington who just did it to cardassians.

Sisko deserved court martial.
Teail of Tears isn't quite the metaphore you're looking for. It'd be as if Tyler forcibly removed the Anglo settlers from Texas in the 1840s to avoid war with Mexico.

There would've been huge amounts of butthurt, but I'm not sure removing squatters counts as a war crime.
What Sisko and Eddington both did would be a war crime under even modern day laws of war, see the Geneva conventions, which don't explicitly limit violations to "times of war" or to "murder". If it would be considered morally reprehensible under modern day law, it's almost certainly going to be treated the same or worse under federation law.

Additionally, the action of bombing a civilian planet so that it is uninhabitable by one side was enough to justify the court martial of one rogue officer, Eddington. Sisko, who was also rogue at that point, should have been similarly punished.
Andrew Jackson did nothing wrong.
>Additionally, the action of bombing a civilian planet so that it is uninhabitable by one side was enough to justify the court martial of one rogue officer, Eddington.
Eddington was wanted for a fuck-ton more than just that.
>implying you can have war crimes when there was literally no war
Why does Sisko talk so funny?
Avery Brooks did a ton of Shakespeare, same as Shatner and Stewart. The latter is the only one to really modulate the way of speaking down to a reasonable level though.
You should hear his actor now. He sounds like he might not be "all there."
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Because like most Trek actors, most of his experience pre-Trek was in theater. His biggest role outside of theater was playing Angry Black Man in a detective show.
Thanks for the answer.
Watching DS9 right now and i find him really offputting somehow.
This is important: what season of DS9? Because for the first two they intentionally tone him down so he's not a clone of Angry Black Man from >>54368867 before they eventually say fuck it starting with season 3.
Avery Brooks pretty much looks, talks and acts like a Blaxploitation character these days, like >>54368828 says. It's a shame really because he's basically a crazy person.

So since tomorrow in STO they're bringing back Martok who's going to hang with Kurn, do you think we'll get the double threat of Worf and Martok riding again?

Does anyone else want an old Kirk focused featured episode, since they have all these time travel shenanigans? It can't be any worse than more Iconians.
I really like Brooks' weird delivery. It fits the messianic figure the Emissary is supposed to be.
Anyone got any idea when the Ferengi admiralty's coming around?
The 18th, along with the new half season.
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Season 5 Episode 7 right now, "worf ruins risa"
I really liked him in earlier TNG, i hate what they have done with him
1 Ambassador
2 Excelsior
1 Heavier cargo ship, possibly with ship repair functions
1 Constellation as a lighter cargo ship

The Constellation would be the real field work platform, locating and recovering raw materials for the larger cargo ship to manufacture parts with. Mostly stuff that can't be easily replicated.

I almost wonder if I should add a 6th ship. 5 already seems like quite an investment of resources.
I'd say a scout ship but you could just toss in an experimental shuttle (maybe prototype Runabout?) or three, launched from one of the other ships.
Same here.

It's an interesting performance and I can see why they picked Brooks rather than the competition.
Maybe a prototype for the Galaxy's captain's yacht but with Runabout style warp nacelles?
I'm under the impression a captain's yacht is designed to be more leisure and less function.
Does anyone else get the feeling that the mirror universe is the real one while the tv universe does it's best to bend as much as possible to maintain it being "good"?
Nope, because the mirror universe is utterly ludicrous, far beyond regular 'trek.

There's no way that any organisation could actually function under it's conditions as presented, and unlike the regular universe, it takes no effort at all to break suspension of disbelief and see that.
Good point. Though they are still supposed to be warp capable.

We've got Yacht type craft for at least 4 main ships, Galaxy, Sovereign, the Intrepid Aeroshuttle and the Nova's Waverider. Ones on the Sovereign and Intrepid seem to have a more classic Starfleet nacelle design.

I figure an early prototype to expand the warp drive capability might have resulted in hull that was too large for what it was meant for. You're right a Runabout prototype would also work along the same idea since the Danube was supposed to be a major advance for making its warp 5 capable drive as small as it was.

Or I could just stumble on an existing ship that could fill the same role. Though it seems a bit big.
>> >>54324960

Core Rulebook

Both the links are completely dead.
Read the last thread carefully.
>Intrepid's aeroshuttle
Honestly, I prefer the Delta Flyer over the aeroshuttle concept, and the sovvie's yacht over both - neither of them stick to the classic Starfleet nacelle design (certainly compared to, say, the Runabout), but at least the Flyer pulls off a uniqueish, until the Dauntless comes along look.

The hansens may have been absolute madmen, but they for sure had the comfiest starship in the entire federation.
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My problem with the aeroshuttle design is the wings are utterly pointless bricks. Am otherwise ok with it.

reminds me of the Spaceballs Winnebago for some reason
>fix the nacelles
>fuck up the saucer
This entire series is just constantly going to be "one step forward, two steps back", isn't it?
Great, now I can't un-see this.
Just you wait until the 3 rings start spinning.
Say what you will about the TMP uniforms, but this one was classy as fuck. Kirk looked like captain of the Nautilus.
>bright colours and shit!
>actual show is dark and bland as fuck

I wouldn't call anything about that design fixed either to be honest, it's still shit.
>literally a pizza slicer
Next time, we will actually see the ring spinning.
>concept art in the 70's
>rejected for being too ugly even back then
>hey, let's use this design to appeal to the nostalgiafags
>even though only a very small amount of the hardest of hardcore even know about it
>and they're going to be mad anyways
gg STD
Nah, but there will be shutters that close over the holes during battle, making the saucer look like it did in the first teaser, proving that they didn't actually change shit about the design after the complaints. They won't really serve any purpose though; they're just there to be tacticool.
I'm guessing the design for the discovery was a sort of developmental dead end, like the Constellation. Sure, she served a purpose within the fleet but other design styles proved to be much more effective.

Though I really cant think of a good reason for the holes in the saucer.
It's also unbelievable that humans can steal a Vulcan ship and suddenly become so powerful, it'd be like NK finding a downed F-122 and a century later heading the East Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere.
>Though I really cant think of a good reason for the holes in the saucer.
Gotta get those Speed Holes in.

Also Constellation wasn't a dead end, there's been other later 4 nacelle designs.

The less we knew about the mirror universe the less full of gigantic holes it was.
The only way I will accept the discoverprise is if it's intentionally designed to look like an IDIC from below.
If anything that just makes it look even more like Starfleet have retrofitted a Klingon cruiser and added a saucer around the bridge.
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I wish we have more decent Klingon designs of ships to look at. I kinda think SFB did some of the best but that's TOS/TMP with the ACTA miniatures, all day erry day..
Damn that D7 is fine looking. I'd conquer the Federation in that any day, you know what I'm saying?
Wait, people care about ship design in this series? Trek ships have always looked retarded. The plots and stories are why you're supposed to watch the show.

So speaking of that, how is discovery?
Story is probably a rehash of something already done before given how their excuse for redesigning the Klingons is "it happened before so we did it again" and their ship designs are unused concepts from the 70's.
All signs point to mediocre, trending awful/not startrek.

Production-wise there's been a lot of hoo-ha about who is and isn't working on it, who has left due to 'creative differences' and been shunted around in the casting and so on. There's a lot of rumbles about notables from cast to crew being rather unhappy with the whole affair. And unlike when star trek has had this before with the start of TNG, we all know about it now and are a lot less desperate for new star trek than people in 1987.
Story-wise all we've seen and heard points to some utterly absurd, sounding plot about how they're making the fact that Mark Leonard played a Klingon, Romulan and Vulcan in the old 'trek into a plot point. But from the trailer there's also ancient klingons and a YOU HAVE SPECIAL DESTINY PERSON NO-ONE CARES ABOUT YET main character. Plus probably something close to what was planned for the Axanar fan-film, which was set in the same time and featuring a large war with the Klingons.

Also yes, people really care about the visuals of star trek, it's very distinct from most sci-fi where everyone is riding around in brick-ships and wearing fairly drab, military-uniforms on dark, grey sets. People like the colour, the clean-ness, the vibrancy of the whole thing.
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>you know what I'm saying?

Not a clue, could you rephrase that? The universal translator is having trouble discerning intent.
Now if this were the USS Discovery design...

I'd still be complaining about everything else from the uniforms to the klingons to that trailer that told us nothing much and yet seemed to assume we cared about this character that we know nothing about other than appearance having a special destiny to be special.

p.s. I'd genuinely love for it to be really good and just look awful. But in sci-fi generally production design and show quality tend to go together. Even TNG season 1 (which ranged from fucking awful to the dizzy heights of mediocrity I feel) managed to still look like Star Trek in spite of trying to turn the bridge into a lounge. It was clear the production design people really cared to try and make a cohesive whole that reflected what went before whilst doing a new thing. Same as Enterprise, where the designs and their future-NASA-slowly morphing into Star Trek were probably the best bit. I don't get that from STD.
It's patently obvious CBS wants some of that sweet, sweet NuTrek gravy train money, they just think that people were coming for the special effects and mediocre writing, rather than see Kirk and Spock ride again.
God DAMN that is a sexy ship.
Much better. Still would prefer the struts to be sticks like the connie, daedalus, etc, just for the design continuity. But not bad.
Oh fuck you! Now I can't unsee it either!
VOY and ENT would have been good had they cast Shakespearean actors as the captains.
Different actors wouldn't have salvaged shitty writing and incompetent showrunners.
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Looks like a mix of the Discover design and the Yorktown class from Legacy. I like it.
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I wish it would just take place prior to TNG
Voyager's problem was the writing, not Kate Mulgrew.
you are fake news
Stewart was by far the best out of the shakespearean lot, really - I love DS9 as a series, but I can't stand the way Sisko talked. Mulgrew's delivery was the only thing that made Warlord Janeway and her constant quips bearable, tbqhwyf
"What u doin?"

"Thingken bout torpedo tubes"
Anyone know of any decent reviews for the new RPG?
>Conquering anything bigger than a 2nd rate power without simultaneously destroying their own empire.

Yeah yeah, go antagonise the Cardassians or something.
That ship is sexy
You can really see where the Galaxy design came from with this one.
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>minus the thicc
>with legs spread
shit taste detected
He's not wrong about Mulgrew. She's a decent actor. However I do take umbridge with anybody that says that Sisko's delivery is jarring. The "In the Pale Moonlight" is up there in the top 3 monologues in all of Trek and I'll fight anybody that says otherwise.
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It's not good
Yeah, it's been floating around YouTube.


Aside from her accent, her main problem is she comes off as too quiet and passive, no command presence.
It occurred to me a few seconds after I posted to just look on youtube so I deleted my post. Thanks though.

>no command presence.
They may have their detractors but Mulgrew and Brooks at least have that down.
I recall watching a re-edit of one of Shatner's projects, "The Captains", as an individual character piece called "Close Up with the Captains". It contained material from "Chaos on the Bridge" and a few other Star Trek documentaries. What I found really telling was the way that other members of the cast saw Mulgrew.

Robert Beltran (Chakotay) talked about how he had joined the cast because he had such huge admiration for Bujold but his brief interactions with her were almost as if she were in a trance. Wang (Kim) talks about the panic on set when Bujold came across as altogether too meek and ineffectual as the captain of a starship. And then how Mulgrew's presence on set was imperios and how releived people were to have "an actual captain in the chair".

Picardo (The Doctor) as well seems to have been personally buoyed by Mulgrew's presence on set, saying how he found her presence very positive.

Point is that Mulgrew was a positive influence on the series. As were, in all fairness, a lot of the cast members for the show. It's just such a damn shame that the writing was hit-and-miss at best.
Interestingly enough, Susan Gibney (Leah Brahms and Captain Benteen) was also a strong contender for the role. Given her appearance in several audience favourite episodes, I wonder how she would have played out as captain Janeway.
I Respect Mulgrew. She did the best she could with the trash she got, in fact she's the one that decided Janeway was an insane sociopath and played her as such, because it was the only way she could justify the incoherent writing.
Christ, even fucking Kim has more presence than her.
She also contributed to a geocentric documentary

You can tell she was having the time of her life in Bride of Chaotica and Living Witness. The two times her instructions were 'Act like a complete psychopath version of Janeway' and she gives...the same performance but she's clearly having a good day as an actress.
So, does anyone else eurobeat during the summer races?
>The two times her instructions were 'Act like a complete psychopath version of Janeway' and she gives...the same performance but she's clearly having a good day as an actress.
She decided early into the series to play Janeway as if she had PTSD as a way of giving the audience a way to understand the inconsistent writing.
Or 90% of all Starfleet designs.
So a few threads back I wrote up a “what if you were the head producer for Voyager” piece that got me thinking. Specifically about Enterprise. I know this is uninvited and there have been a number of write ups about Enterprise in the past (some of them by me) but right now I’m in the goldilocks zone between another drink and going to bed so I can be vaguely presentable for work tomorrow so I figured I’d refine my thoughts more thoroughly.

So to begin with I’d like to address the ship. The Enterprise. In my opinion, the ship should be named something else. The Endeavour, the Discovery, the Challenger. Whatever. But there is no reason for the ship to be the Enterprise beyond fan service. And even then, that fan service doesn’t make sense because the NX-01 is never referenced withing the portraits/gold busts aboard the various incarnations of that ship. If the X330 gets a showing in other series then there is no acceptable reason (in setting) that the NX-01 has no place in future vessels of that name. For the sake of this rant I’ll continue referring to the ship as Enterprise, but just know that, had I been in charge, the ship would have almost assuredly been called the Endurance. (After Shackleton’s expedition)

Aesthetically, I love the Columbia class. She looks like something that fits within the Trek universe while seeming less advanced than other ships in the various other shows, Both internally and externally. The Enterprise is precisely what she should be and this is one of the things I think the show nailed.
However, they did a poor job of dealing with technology. I don’t much like the notion of the Enterprise using lasers and nukes for the first few seasons however I see and obvious midground between them and the phase canons and photonic torpedoes that became baselines within the show. We see a few other Human ships using basic plasma cannons. And the ship itself carried spatial torpedoes for the first 2 seasons anyway. I would have left the ship with these weapns for longer and Introduced the Phasers and Photons as they were needed. Likely in a similar storyline to Silent Enemy but later down the road.

As for shields, I quite like the polarise hull platin concept in the show. In later seasons I might have introduced some limited form of energy shielding s a game changer for Starfleet, while still affording other interstellar powers the use of it. That was one of the limitations that I thought worked well for Enterprise. Having the Enterprise bee tacitly more flimsy than her Vulcan, Andorian, Xindi and Klingon counterparts made for an interesting dynamic, where the crew were forced to try diplomacy before conflict because they couldn’t actually last in a fight with a real ship.

> overarching story
I’d have the initial seasons centre around Earth coming out from under the thumb of Vulcan while alsofighting the Suliban. I’d fix theSuliban by making it apparent from the beginning that they’re just a puppet faction for the real threat, the Romulan Star Empire. No temporal sheninigans, barring the occasional one shot (Yesterdays Enterprise, Twilight and Year of Hell style stories that are self-contained).
The Klingons are a cloud on the Horizon that can become a bigger deal as the story progresses. In fact I would go as far as to say that the Klingons shouldn’t be explored deeply. They are a hostile, expansionary race that believes in a sort of ethnocentric preferentialism. We shouldn’t encounter them properly until Earth has enough allies to dissuade them. You could probably introduce them into storylines like Marauder and sleeping dogs without involving the internal politics of the Klingon Empire.

Later seasons should deal directly with the Romulan War. Not in the DS9 sense but perhaps with the Enterprise railroaded into military missions that it isn’t fit for. Necessitating the development of new, more powerful weapons. Say like photon torpedoes and Phasers.

By the actual end of the series (let’s say at the end of a planned 7 year run) the Enterprise should essentially be getting retired as atestbed design that has served its purpose and more, lighting the way for more Starfleet-y designs. See the Yorktown and Bonaventure classes for reference.

Now on to the characters. I would change nearly all of them in some way.

Archer is captain of the ship, more out of political compromise than actual competence. Other choices were unpalatable to the Vulcans or Starfleet or both. He’s a competent CO but without the grace and tact required for Earth Alliance’s first Warp five mission. He’s casually racist towards Vulcans and Earth-centric in his views. He’s not, however a lothario. Whenever the possibility for alien boning comes up, he turns it down. He’s really invested in someone at home, likely turning out to be Captain Hernandez. Which could be built up throughout the seasons before she is killed during the Romulan War, really impacting on Archer. Archer’s arc is learing tp behave like a Starfleet officer and reject his prejudices.
In order to make T’pol interesting, she can’t just be another archetypal Vulcan. She needs depth. A combined plot of her sympathy towards the Syranites, her mind rape at the hands of the high command for the events of “The Seventh” and her blossoming affection for Humans should play a much bigger role in her character in a continuous fashion. Regardless of her loyalty to Vulcan, the fact that she was essentially forcibly reprogrammed by the High Command should really play a much bigger role in her character. Episodes like “Stigma” give a good idea of how T’pol’s interactions with the High Command should go.

Trip is, in his own estimation, the better choice for captain. He’s much more the “proper Starfleet officer” with a proven track record. Rather than being needlessly antagonistic, his arc revolves around him getting tases of authority and coming to realise that he’s not quite the natural captain he thought he was. However this realisation comes with the eventual ability to command properly and well.

Reed’s an actual military man, recruited from a proper Earth Alliance military and with an entirely different expectation to much of the rest of the crew. He gets on with some of them, but he’s constantly aghast at Archer’s flippant attitude to ship safety and contact with unknown lifeforms. His arc is typified by conflicts with the captain and a gradual shift towards the Starfleet philosophy, perhaps punctuated by a first contact gone wrong (with the Klingons?) as a result of his itchy trigger finger.
Travis is a Boomer. A spaceborne cargo-shipper born in to a family of cargo shippers. He comes from perhaps the most contradictory Human society within the Earth Alliance. He’s all at once comfortable with aliens but he takes a particularly dim view of certain races. Sometimes for justified reasons (Nausicans, Orions, Suliban) and sometimes just because they’re different (Andorians and Tellarites). He finds it hard to get over his boomer upbringing and trust other “undesirable races”. Again his character is defined by a gradual shift to the Starfleet point of view, through positive interactions with races he would traditionally mistrust.

Honestly I’ve not much to add on Phlox. Perhaps a bit of a deeper exploration of the role reversal of the Denobulans. They were, at one point, genocidal monsters that nearly eradicated another species. I’d love to see more of that duality explored through him.

Should be a spook. Her background is perfect for it. She is perhaps the only living human to have the innate abilty to learn new alien languages off of basic interactions. Starfleet Itelligence has been all over her since she was old enough to be recruited. Her timid nature can be used to excuse her from some early missions until one of the main cast, probably Archer, figures her out. She’s a master manipulator with the moral compass of a Cardassian tailor. That is to say that her heart is in the right place but her dispassion for the rest of the crew allows her to make awkward choices that the others can’t. Think Mirror Hoshi with more clothes and an actual Conscience.
>A solid supporting cast.
I can’t stress enough how integral I think a robust supporting cast is. Alongside, Forrest, Shran and Soval we should have a relatable, recurring cast of Enterprise crewmen. People that are more related, story-wise, to their direct superior. Characters that crop up in Reed centric or Tucker-centric episodes and so forth. Which can obviously be used for greater emotional impact when members of the crew are lost. Take, for instance, the episode “The Forgotten”. The loss of Crewman Taylor is played up well for dramatic effect, despite the audience having no prior knowledge of her. But ultimately, she’s forgettable in the face of Tucker’s real guilt over his sister.
Now Imagine if we had known Crewman Taylor. Imagine if she was there throughout episodes, gaining spartan but important character development. We come to know her fears, her hopes, her dreams. Maybe we get a hint at greater character arc. A romance subplot or some such other story contrivance. And then she’s dead. No heroic sacrifice. No reason for her to die other than the fact that she was in the wrong place at the wrong time. The loss of that character has implicit meaning. She had a future. She had plans and ideas and she was important and now you’re mad because the character you knew and liked died. And the other characters are mad because someone they consider a friend has just died. Suddenly you’re feeling exactly what the other characters are feeling and that’s a storytelling goldmine.

So yeah. All of that, I guess.
>The Enterprise. In my opinion, the ship should be named something else.
Agreed. I would have gone with Endeavour, but Endurance works too.

>Aesthetically, I love the Columbia class.
Damn straight.
Was actually expecting them to use the Daedalus class in the series and was really surprised when they didn't.

>I would have left the ship with these weapns for longer and Introduced the Phasers and Photons as they were needed.
I remember reading plenty of stuff that indicated phasers were still considered new when Kirk was still a junior officer.
Wouldn't have minded some great big old lasers stuck on but that's me.

>No temporal sheninigans
I don't know anyone that would disagree with this.
So, we can assuredly call this part of the JJ-verse right?
The NX-01 exists and is Enterprise because of a three-timeline causality polka, one of which is ours.
>TOS: NCC-1701 named after naval vessels
>IRL: Space Shuttle named after NCC-1701
>TMP through TNG and Generations: NCC-1701 and XCV-330 named after Space Shuttle as well as naval vessels
>First Contact: Cochrane sees the NCC-1701-E. Earth never builds the XCV-330 after seeing future proof that nacelles and saucer are the future.
>STID: NX-01 is the namesake of the NCC-1701. ENT takes place before the Kelvin/Narada incident so this change is propagated into both realities.

There will never be anther space vessel named Challenger. They're going to be very nervous about naming anything Columbia.

You don't get how superstitious spacers are.
>Earth coming out from under the thumb of Vulcan

You lost me here. Vulcans being assholes and dominating humanity in the way they did in Enterprise was one of the dumbest retcons and I hate it. That you seem to want to continue that them... Just why? It was stupid, conflicted with the their established character to the point that a whole plot arc was dedicated to fixing it, and adds nothing of value whilst making Archer actively Hateable for beings racist and blaming the vulcans for everything his primary character traits. To the point that them going against the good advice of T'pol out of spite was a constant plot device that just made them look like idiots.
On the other hand, this is the Star Trek universe where there have been plenty of vessels named after previous vessels with no problems.
You're completely fucking retarded. From the Vulcans' perspective, keeping tabs on humanity the way they did was completely logical. Humanity had literally just come out of a massive planetary civil war yet had still invented warp travel. That should be scaring the shit out of the Vulcans because humanity would've reminded them very much of how they used to be: warlike and bloodthirsty, on the brink of destroying themselves until logic saved them. Of course the Vulcans would want to guide them so humanity ends up not being retarded and fucking everyone else up, let alone themselves. The only thing Enterprise did was write Archer badly and pull the stupid "fix" when there wasn't a real problem to begin with. The series should've progressed to humanity proving themselves as being competent on their own and earning the Vulcans' respect, instead of the terribly written schlock that turned everyone in the franchise into retards just to try and justify some of the worst HFY material in the genre.
Like the Hood. Nothing bad ever happens to the Hood.
>No temporal sheninigans, barring the occasional one shot (Yesterdays Enterprise, Twilight and Year of Hell style stories that are self-contained).
Twilight and E Squared were great.
Now I think of it, I can't think of a stand-alone time travel story that's been bad.
>Kim's episodes are him getting cucked
>There are literally two episodes in a row where he gets cucked.
What I'm saying is... his episodes suck
Except it wasn't portrayed that way, and instead lead to endless whining about Vulcans holding the humans back, and a ton of really stupid plots because of it. Not just Archer but Trip too. The whole angle of them being rascist against Vulcans was fucking terrible and executed incompetently to the point of absurdity. It was a bad idea from the start, especially given the Vulcans were portrayed as already aware of the dangers of interference. Keeping tabs would have been fine yet they were portrayed as deliberately retarding development rather than simply not helping nor getting in the way.
Assignment: Earth.
>The whole angle of them being rascist against Vulcans was fucking terrible and executed incompetently to the point of absurdity.
I'd be racist against them too if they held us back for so long.
>It's a Kim focused episode
Your problem is with the execution, not the concept.

>Keeping tabs would have been fine yet they were portrayed as deliberately retarding development rather than simply not helping nor getting in the way.
This is logical because the Vulcans want to make sure we're not fucking around with technology we're not ready for. Obviously since the viewpoint is on the humans, we the audience disagree with the Vulcans, but it's essentially the Prime Directive from the opposite point of view. In the TNG era the Federation prefers not to simply hand out advanced technology to civilizations that aren't ready for it. They don't want some alien race to use advanced Starfleet equipment to fuck up their neighbors (pretty sure this was a plot point in at least one TNG episode). Well now the shoe's on the opposite foot and the Vulcans want to make sure humans won't use Vulcan technology and Vulcan-influenced technology to go to war on our own neighboring species.

The Vulcan ambassador even explicitly says so: Vulcans are terrified of humanity because of how far we've progressed in such a short period of time and want to make sure we don't get too far ahead of ourselves. This is not an illogical attitude to have toward a less developed species.
Story Prompt:

Starfleet manages to reverse-engineer the stand arrow, but the technology is quickly stolen by the Romulans, Klingons, and Ferengi.
There's the one where space sirens want to eat him. That's almost sex.
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It's better than some of those bricks I've seen in that game.
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Ass dildo
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Trekfags, I never watched the series, but I remember watching one episode on television like 13 or so years ago.
The ship was stuck in some sort of groundhog day, the day kept repeating and they kept getting destroyed by an enemy ship.
In the end they finally managed to send a message trough time or something and escape their destruction.

I fucking loved that episode, can anyone direct me to it? I'd love to watch it again. Ever since I catched that I have a thing for time travel stuff in films/series.
Star Trek: The Next Generation "Cause and Effect" is the episode.
The Next Generation: Cause and Effect, season 5 episode 18 I think
Anyone running a game online? I'd love to play a science officer who constantly grates at never getting to do their favorite fields of study because the ship is ill-equipped for them and/or the captain is constantly trying to out do Kirk in crazy.
>Playing in a TOS era trek game
>I'm the chief science officer
>We're in a Voyager type situation, far from home
>Constantly getting new pieces of alien tech and finding new and interesting ways to weaponize it
>Realize I'm playing an Xcom scientist in a trek game
Someone made a roll20 room a few days ago and was making overtures, but now they room's been deleted and he's disappeared.
>Playing in a [any] trek game

I don't believe you. Nobody here actually plays anything star trek related other than STO. And half of them not even that.
It's in gurps
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audacity on attack run.jpg
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You know, you can get UI out of the way by pressing alt+F10.
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that is with the UI gone you mump.

when you take damage your shield facings pop up for some reason.

Alt+F4 works for that.
you can turn that off in options.
Was just about to say what this guy said >>54406513
Probably was eaten by a grue or something.
How big is the rest of her? that bridge module is twice the size of a Galaxy's...
New Thread
If it's a Carrier it could be huge. In STO ships like the Jupiter class carrier dwarf the Odessy class dreadnought in size.
>Not many ships would come across Orions
I need to get SFB out of my head, I always assume Orions are everywhere.
Heh, /swg/ had some writefagging about top gear in space, maybe /stg/ should have some of its own.
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