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EDH/Commander General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 312
Thread images: 75

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Legendary edition

Last thread: >>49254192


>Official Site: Contains deck building rules and the current ban list.

>Deck List Site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck’s strategy and card choices.

>Another resource for commander discussion; they have an entire forum dedicated to discussing decks. People often make primers, which go into detail about how they built and play their deck.

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen Commander’s color identity.


>Official search site. Current for all sets.

>Unofficial, but has GOAT search interface
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>Someone was autistic enough to make a formal template for "post 'em boys"
I love you
Ugh, fuck.

I'm gonna go make dinner then I'll do this.
I'm going to revive my Shu Yun deck and no one can stop me!
Been playing an Alesha deck for awhile now, hoping to start something new. But I find I'm looking at a lot of reanimator commanders like Sedris and Karador. Think they'd be too samey and lose my interest quickly, or?
My time has come!
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I've been working on this as a fun sorta casual deck for a while as I really like Eldrazi lore. It's preformed pretty well against my friend groups various decks and I think I'm going to use it when we start going to the weekly EDH gatherings at a nearby store. Basically it's just ramp hard and drop big scary Eldrazi to smash my foes with. The best I've done is a turn five It That Betrays which ended the game pretty quickly. What do you guys think? Too weak, too strong?
Really depends on how much you like the strategy. It's always interesting to see same strategy with different colours and commander, since the options are always different. Sedris is super fun, I recommend it.
I try to have decks with varying strategies, but they mostly end up being stax-ish or controlling. Creature hate is always fun.
Ive been working on brewing a Bruna deck, but now I have to wait on it because they're offering so much in Kaladesh randomly that supports it. I'm excited because existing options dor stuff like discard in mono white are generally terrible whereas new options like Key to the City and Smuggler's Copter are so much better even if they aren't amazing but now I have to wait on building. Thank/fuck you Wizards.
I want to make a meren deck for french but i dont want to be an insufferable faggot, is this possible or is it just jam as much golgari valuetown as you can?
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Nice. I'll fill this out through out the weekend.
EDH players are subhumans and deserve to be fried to ashes in the Treblinka ovens.
Yet another meme format player salty that his friends started playing actual fun magic
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Straight Outta Modern
What is a good commander for playing an enchantment/enchantress build, preferably that includes green and white?
So, I'm almost finished building my EDH deck. I ordered a Conspiracy 2 Phyrexian Arena about a week ago.
Instead, they sent me a whole box of Conspiracy 2.
I'd that too obvious?
For the price of a single card???
What the fuck
Well did you crack one then?
Anyone have any stax decklists they know work and can win? I have a friend who dosnt do shit during games and just sits back not interacting trying to do stax. Well I want to show him what stax really is.
Crazy motherfucker named Tarmogoyf
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At least your order fuckup worked.

>tfw they refunded me
Krond is straight broken if you have ramp. I've seen the guy utterly destroy mana bases starting on turn 4.

The fact he's only 3 bucks is shocking. Surely EDH popularity would drive up the prices but nope.
Taken a life or 2 that's what the hell he do, and if you don't like how much he costs well FUCK YOU
>moderately played trinisphere for one cent

the fuck
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I got this the next day

Reminded me how tappedout lists Survival of the Fittest as $4.17 or so
>Metalworker for 5 cents
I wonder what Grim Monolith would have been priced at. That's fucking crazy.
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What do you think of my deck? I'm not sure if I want to make him full infinite combos or where to go.
This takes way too much work. Fuck
The phyrexian arena is worth about as much as an opened box of conspiracy 2, you did ok
Well there goes my evening. I was GOING to play Thief 2
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Added top shit I forgot about.

I wanna see that Nixilis deck
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Who's got some spicy secret tech?
Yep. Checked my bank account to make sure I didn't spend $90 by mistake. I'm pretty sure this was a shipping error
Not yet. I'm getting some friends together to draft it tomorrow. Figured it could be fun.
Don't know it it's "secret" but if you go the tokens route and play Smokestack Mazirek gets real huge real fast.
Just make sure your tokens are outpacing the Smokestack counters and eventually the other players will have nothing and you will have a giant fucking General.

Ashnod's alter is good to.

Spawning pit.
I wanna get into Commander.
Can anyone suggest some cool U/R commanders to build around?
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Advice for Doran Treefolk tribal? Not trying to be too competitive, but please tell me if I'm missing anything good or what to take out (I had a hard time cutting cards from the deck)
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Is..is this bait?
idk man there's like only six of them and Jori sucks
If you want to be fucking degenerate then the obvious answer is Sigarda. She has hexproof and can't be sacrificed. If you can get something like Darksteel Plate on her she is virtually unkillable. She also has flying so...
Sigarda is my call.
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or Mizzix/Melek if you like spell-slinging
Give me some ideas for the next deck I should build for EDH. Preferably on the budget side.
Does it HAVE to be strictly Izzet or can it include other things?
well, what kind of decks do you like playing?
Not sure if bait. But I'll bite.

If you like storm and spellslinging then
Mizzix or Melek.

If you like degenerate combos and control
Niv Mizzet or Joira
Ashling, 98 mountains, Valakut
What do you enjoy playing normally?
Good suggestions and i appreciate the feedback, but i meant a deck that plays similarly to legacy enchantress/starfield decks that play a lot of enchantments, not just stacking auras.
Krond seems fun, thought i tend to shy away from commanders at 5-6+ mana as my meta runs a thousand sac effects and spot removal.
This isn't bait. I just really like Izzet.
Is it that bad?
Best budget commander is Purphoros he is a highly competitive tier one commander that can be assembled for easily under 60 bucks.
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>mfw im playing derevi and i assure everyone its just bird wizard tribal and show them kangee
>mfw its really stax
>mfw i get a lock asap and ateast 2 people scoop
Izzet is known for degeneracy/autism. That, and it's extremely popular. Both are reasons why people have strong reactions to it.
If you are looking for basically a pillow forting stax G/W commander then play Gaddok Teeg.
He's a real cunt.
You will probably hated out of any metas though. As he is extremely cunty.
and they're almost all the same
On the downside, Purph is boring as shit to play. I built him once. I dealt a shitload of damage with minimal effort.
So you just hate playing Magic?
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Real men play Norin with Purphoros in the 99
Pro tip for Purph: Never, EVER let him become a creature. He becomes infinitely more fragile because that turns on Path to Exile and Swords to Plowshares, among other things.
Riku does the whole spellslinging red blue, but you can also splash green so you can do shit lIke tooth and nail twice to tutor out dead eye navigator, palinchron, kikijiki, and zealous conscripts. And have infinite attackers, mana, and steal the board.
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Any advice, lads?
What do you mean degeneracy?
I'm knew to the mtg community.
I just like spell slinging like a madman.
For EDH I have no particular preference really.
Mainly play a Jenera voltron deck and a Daxos control deck.
More like i enjoy WINNING
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Sounds like you need some R E D
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It's just that
A: Most of the Izzet commanders are the same. Even though they seem different most of them playout really close to the same.
B: They are prone to be infinite combo heavy which is mostly frowned upon
C: They are really well known so it's just an odd question
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Am I degenerate if I just try to go for wacky expensive spells and HUEG fireballs as Mizzix?
Be a man and live on the edge. Build Dralnu.
UR usually plays all the mass land destruction and take an extra turn+counterspell spells

Play jhoira for extra salty eldrazi titans cheated into play on turn 3/4 then you win on turn 7/8

Hey as least you can get 4 games an hour
There's not really any dedicated WG enchantment related commander so your best bet is gonna be generic goodstuff WG commander and just build around enchantments. At that point you could probably dip into Abzan and get some of the BG and B enchantment stuff too. Anafenza is probably the best generic for that, then for straight WG you have a good selection of Sigarda, Sisay, Saffi, and Gaddock Teeg. I couldn't tell you which was the best. Sisay lets you get stuff like Serra's Sanctum, saffi abuses enchantment sac out lets, gaddock teeg just generally fucks people, sigarda is decent threat that takes well to auras.
Ohh okay.
I don't really like infinite combos either.
What about a toolbox sort of strategy with lots of decision making and planning ahead? I like decks that are hard to play efficiently. What colours/commanders do that well in commander?
(please be red)
>Gitgud toad
>grave pact effects
>corpsejack menace
>What do you mean degeneracy?
They tend to do things that make the game unfair or unfun and do it very efficiently.
Gaddok Teeg, Niv Mizzet, Derevi, Joira, Ghave, Scion of the Ur Dragon AKA Hermit Druid, Prossh, Karador, and Zur are probably the most notrious of the degenerate commanders.
Just look at how easy they combo or lock players out of the game.
Play what you want and what you like. But be prepared for whining and bitching from people.
Mazirek keeps it bouncing back know by cancelling it's -1counter, and it can keep your opponents stuff from, coming back.
Red Toolbox Commanders
Kiki-Jiki in Mono Red
Zedruu in Jeskai W/U/R
Ruric-Thar in R/G
Any Grixis U/B/R Commander
Red does not plan ahead. Note the lack of true card advantage in red.

That said, maybe Sedris would work for you. Kill or discard things early that you know will work better in your mid-late game. Bigass ETB effects and all that
Red does plan ahead.
They plan to spew their entire hand next turn.
Thanks everyone!
Eh, Most mono red doesn't have true card advantage.
But Kiki-Jiki and Daretti actually do.
Kiki-Jiki in combination with Magus of the Wheel, Solemn Simulacrum, Skullclamp, Humble Defector and ect can grant you sever card advantage.
Daretti can blow through all of the card draw artifacts. And if Kiki-Jiki and Daretti are in the same deck it's even more card advantage.
So while for most mono red commanders. That might be the case. But it's not for Kiki Jiki and/or Daretti.
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what program do you guys use to fill out the chart? i need to install a program but know nothing about anything
I want to build a manly edh deck. What is the manliest deck? preferably tempo/midrange. sticky boards. white.
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>What is the manliest deck?
Lovisa Coldeyes, ironically

She makes manly men even manlier and they can punch things right away
Zurgo Voltron

Just add swords and worldslayer
And mass land destruction.
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you know what to do, anon


>Regenerate like a bitch and not killing a motherfucker before it kills you
Zurgo really is like Conan the Deck
Holy shit my balls just dropped reading that card
Bant IS the most masculine color. The color combination of honor, dignity, and one-one combat.
>not an aura
>doesn't grant Indestructible
>radical fucking art
The art redeems it.
"On the field of honor, a soldier need have no fear."

Unless you are a bitchmade 2/2 that regenerates like a fucking queer.
not him, but could ya give me any advice on a Zurgo deck?

nigger what
bant knights literally ride fucking lions
jesus i wish this guy was better
i might just try and make him good honestly.
zurgo seems cool. might try this one out.
i like her too. the idea of a female barbarian queen leading a tribe of bandits is just enough to make my dick hard.
Holy shit
I never realized he was making the horns
Rock on
If there is no red, then it's not manly at all fucktard.
>Blue is for cowards who hide behind counterspells

White and Green are the only respectable colors in bant.
Bant is faggotry.
Also Rafiq. I'd go with either him or Zurgo.
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Thinking of getting Rampaging Baloth, should I get the normal C14 version or pic related?
A true man is strong in arms as well as in mind. Blue gives WG strength of spirit.
>implying counterspells and bounce are honorable
>not just lighting them on fire or destroying their shit like a manly man
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C14 for referance
t. Norin the Wary
manliness and reckless abandon are two very different things, my friend
Your list seems fine mostly.
I'd run more wipes an land destruction though.
Run like every fucking board wipe. Literally all of them that destroy anyway.
And Armageddon, Obliteration, and Wildfire.
Wipe their board. Destroy their lands, Kill them.
Also if you can afford Crucible of Worlds. Buy it.
As it will allow you to keep playing after you destroy their lands. They will need to draw lands. You can play em from your graveyard.
Also Faith's Reward.
Float the mana before wiping or destroying lands and cast it afterwards to get all your shit back leaving them with nothing.

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Promo art is cooler
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Bant was a mistake
I'm on a ~150$ budget for now, so Crucible and some of those are a no-go

thanks for taking the time to look over it though
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There's no tokens that fit the promo
Anyone with a Meren deck can give me some advice? I am pretty casual, and have an almost not touched Meren deck, I have been thinking of buying the Nissa vs Ob deck to boost it, is it worth it?
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Hatred is not a strategy
What art is that? White Orchid?
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I think its just bant promo art.

Bant is really my favorite combination. I love the setting Bant. Rafiq is one of my favorite legends.
Buy singles. Grave Pact and Dictate of Erebos are a must in Meren, and they're relatively inexpensive
As a primarly red player I will admit that Rafiq is a pretty cool guy. I played a 2HG Voltron game with him on my team against Jarad and Yisan and it was just a fucking slugfest
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it saddens me that we will never get good MtG vidya ever again
> I have been thinking of buying the Nissa vs Ob deck to boost it, is it worth it?

If you want a walker for the deck you are better off with Vraska, The Unseen.

Some basic card recommendations.

#1. Gravepact
#2. Dictate of Erebos
#3. Sadistic Hypnotist
#4. Ashnod's Alter

Protection for Meren.
Lightning Greaves, Swiftfoot Boots, Darksteel Plate, Whispersilk Cloack, and Aspect of the Mongoose. Also Asceticism.

And artifact and enchament destruction to stop hate like Rest in Peace or Grafdigger's Cage.
Krosan Grip, Acidic Slime, Putrefy, Abrupt Decay, and Reclamation Sage.

Then of course things like Strionic Resonator to get extra value from Meren's trigger.

Also of course Value creatures that kill other creature, artifacts, enchaments, or draw cards.
As well as some bombs like Wurmcoil Engine that leaves behind shit and is a fantastic repeatable sac target.
red players are so dumb and shitty
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t. blue player
Isn't the average Rafiq deck like weirdly expensive? I love going tall, but I've seen a lot of Rafiq decks that are many hundreds of dollars
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Where did the Banefire touch you
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we /soc/ now
t. sensible person
I mean if you have no idea what you're doing then just use paint. If you have any sort of idea how photoshop and other more intuitive editors work, use GIMP.
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>bouncing ball fucks off before finishing the line
I've seen this gif a million times and never noticed that before
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>you will never have your pasted on an bant knight as an official card
why even live

Red players are so dumb and shitty and powerless
2/2 for 4? Totur be damned that's a bad card.

Who is totur

I am a self-loathing red player and the only reason I win is because my group is awful
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>that random gigantor
>People who play comamnders whose p/t each aren't at least equal to their cmc near me
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>"random" mecha reference
Perish the thought
>this is what timmys actually believe
Whoa what the fuck, megas made a yamato reference?
I should have mentioned that where I live there aren't many options for singles, and to order them online, I would need a credit card, and I only have a debit one. Are the cards in the duel deck that bad? I'm asking because even though some of the cards looks decent enough for me, they really aren't on EDHREC recommendations.

I do have Vraska on my deck already, when I said that it was almost non touched, I meant that I added some cards from the Vraska duel deck.
Yep, it was in the pilot

why do you live in a shitty 3rd world favela?

just move, that seems higher priority than building edh decks

an even higher priority would be for becoming more internet savvy so you dont stay retarded and keep thinking that debit cards dont work on the internet
Time to take your bets.

Will the UR legendary be Goblin Welder or Riddlesmith?

Will the BG legendary be weak dredge or tokens?
Never watched it, just seems almost out of place.

not sure if im understadning your question right, but i definitely see wotc designing a kaladesh artificer legend more like riddlesmith than welder

as far as the BG legendary in kaladesh, i couldnt possibly say because i havent seen any other BG cards or themes for the set, so idk
EDH is pretty much buy singles or get rekt. Considering your friends are going to use decks as jank as yours, the duel deck should be fine.
The pilot? Or Megas in general?
Megas in general
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The UR Legend sounds like it's a flash artifacts and sac em for effects.
I'm hoping there's one legend focused on energy.
>The UR Legend sounds like it's a flash artifacts and sac em for effects.
Eh, really? Who do you think is the UR legend? I was assuming it was the old Vedalken whose said to specialize in self regenerating armor and in the story has a soft spot for automaton battlesand is said to have been quite good at them herself
You should. It's pretty phenomenal
that's Sigiled Paladin. 2/2 Exalted knight.

Who are we referring to?
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I'm trying to build a deck for each 2 and 3 color combinations. Recommendations for Jund, Bant, Boros, or Rakdos?

It has first strike also

I built a fun Mizzix deck. Lot of x costing fuckery, doubling and returning sorcery and lands. Fun when it goes off.

Let's see your Kruphix.

Play Grenzo Dungeon Warden, for Rakdos
Trying to build a Grenzo, Havoc Raiser deck with what I have in my collection. I put as much unblockable/menace as I could, with firebreathing/fireball effects and land destruction as backup because I didn't really have anything better to put in.
I'm going to be playing it on Monday, but before that, should I change the focus of the deck?
Is a Braids, Conjurer Adept deck any good? I want to play some EDH casually and it seems awesome, I really like show and tell, and it seems like it'd be cool
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I'm working on Teferi neat artwork deck, what are some recommendations for islands?
Pic related, but I'm also using stuff like Amy Weber's High Tide, and a lot of cards with Richard Kane Ferguson's art.
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Kamigawa's Island panorama, Lorwyn's #287 Island, most of the Ravnica lands are great, and of course the Zendikar lands.

No it's not any good, show and tell is better, but neither card is ideal in edh

The reason is that you play show and tell because in legacy you can guarantee that what you put into play is game winning and definitely superior to anything your opponents can put into play off it, you know this because they have to run a mostly low cmc deck or they won't be able to compete in legacy

In edh you only get 1 copy of your own busted thing and your opponents all have some in their decks too because in edh, every deck is a ramp deck

That said, omniscience is still basically good enough to get the job done, so if you go through with it, I say focus on omniscience, being able to find it and then win once it's in play
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Snow covered island from ice age
Playing some games right now, will try to update my tappedout later tonight
Thanks, I do have all those already which is nice.
That might be worth picking up. Especially since Extraplanar Lens isn't in the deck.
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So I am thinking it would be fun to make a 5 color pauper deck with all the stupid shit I can find jammed in it. I'm not sure who should be the commander though, so I am asking you guys. Let me know what you think.
Inquisitor's flail functions like fireshreiker for 1 less mana, and doesn't really have a downside. It also stacks with doublestrike and other damage doublers since it itself is a damage doubler.
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Made a few changes, r8 and recommendations welcomed.
Fusion Elemental
I currently play Riku combo and it is rather fine tuned and it has actually outpaced decks like Narset.
It is because the deck is so strong I have grown bored of it and I am looking to make one of these.
I am keeping an eye out for the new two legends in order to see if any of them prove interesting.

Nin, the Pain Artist
>I would probably do artifacts and a decent bit of "when this creature dies" style effects. Stuffy Doll and Consecrated Sphinx sound pretty sweet.

Shattergang Brothers
>I would just try to focus on keeping the board in check and make it so nobody gets out of hand. The new "Module" cards seem rather strong here and a slew of dual typed creatures either enchantment or artifact.

Thromok the Insatiable
>A metric fuckton of token generation and +1/+1 counter features. I have the idea to use Grafted Exoskeleton and Chandra's Ignition as a funny win condition.

Grenzo, Havoc Raiser
>A lot of weenies and evasion, I would probably not even make it a point to worry about being able to actually cast their stuff. Break Through the Line and Oblivion Sower feel nice here.
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My friends really like Group Hug.
Shattergang is fun, i run it as jund ld+goodstuff, sac all your things so nobody else can have things
What kind of decks do you want? Competitively, your best options are probably Prossh, Derevi, Gisela and Grenzo.
Pooh In'dah Lou - 1UR

When ever you cast an artifact spell from your hand add one Energy

Pay One Energy- Pooh In'dah deals 1 damage to target nonartifact creature

An 8/8 for 5 with access to all the colors!? I guess I just scanned over it when I was looking earlier. Thanks, I think I am gonna go with him.
Here you go
Definitely no Derevi. I think both of them are a bit higher on the power level spectrum, and I'd rather have my newer decks be more fair, less expensive, and somewhat more unique than my existing decks. I played Derevi for a while and it was the most soul-crushingly unfun commander I've ever used.

Maybe Prossh, although I could see converting Marizek into Prossh at some point and then remaking a new GB deck later on.

Do you have a Gisela list you like? She seems a little mana intensive for a non-green deck.
My friend runs her, he uses a lot of mana rocks and things like land tax to keep up with the ramp decks. Rafiq is a bit more toned down than Derevi.
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>Decide to keep a bad hand because I'm afraid of getting mana screwed
>Draw nothing good for the next 5 turns, resulting in just playing like 1 card before the game is over

I-I gotta stop being afraid of mulligans.
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Just fill your deck with more good stuff and you will draw more
Where are my mono-white bros at?
I run Shattergang, so I'm super biased here. Absolutely love the deck. It's essentially Stax+Reanimation+Vicious Shadows=cackling maniacally.

If that's not your speed, Grenzo seems dece. Cheap commander in a color that is usually pissed on, and since mono red can run out of gas early, you can use your mana to piss off people by taking their stuff.
I honestly don't hate myself enough to play mono color. None of them are fun to me, desu.
you have to be really dedicated to a theme/gimmick/commander to go mono-color.

At least their manabase isn't as screwy like more than 3 colors decks.
I'm R/W. . .c-can I count?
>I am a UGX babby who plays only goodstuff.
Depends. Who is your commander?
>E-Everyone who disagrees with me is just another one of those damn UGx boogeimen!!

I play RW; mono color is boring. I know from experience. I don't understand people in these thread's obsession with monored decks, but I don't judge.
I run a brutal reya dawnbringer stay deck.
Maybe I'm just like way too high right now but isn't Transguild Courier a colorless commander? He doesn't have any mana symbols on card to match with. If I'm wrong just fucking ignore me
W >> GW > UW >>> WUG >>>>>>>> All other colors/combinations
903.4. The Commander variant uses color identity to determine what cards can be in a deck with a certain commander. The color identity of a card is the color or colors of any mana symbols in that card's mana cost or rules text, plus any colors defined by its characteristic-defining abilities (see rule 604.3) or color indicator (see rule 204).

It counts as all 5 colors so it can only go in a deck that is all 5 (or in this case pauper commander it can be the commander and is all 5 colors) pre innistrad it was colorless but "is all colors" is a color identity nowdayd
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Any recommandation for pic related ? I'd like to build a funky artifact weird deck
Monocolor is fine, you just have to accept the weaknesses in exhange of interesting commander and super simple manabase.
That said, only two of my monocolor decks have survived, even though I used to have one in every colour. The decks are B and U, though.
The only way to build her without loosing is combo (probably Ad Nauseam), and in that case you might as well run Sidisi.
Recently came into some money so decided to spice up my Mishra manabase. Any changes I should consider?

Call me a noob and tell me how fetching a card "with the same name" in EDH works ?
Mishra's combo works with cards like Blood Funnel and Possibility Storm that put the spell somewhere other than the stack. With Possibility Storm you cast an artifact, stack the Possibility Storm trigger on top of the Mishra one, which names the first spell cast, resolve the Possibility Storm trigger, then go search up the artifact that you actually payed mana for.

With Blood Funnel and Nullstone Gargoyle for example, the spell is countered before Mishra's trigger resolves, meaning you get to grab the artifact out of your graveyard.

It's a bit difficult to understand at first, but the combos are pretty bonkers once you actually know how to play them.
Built a deck around Riku of Two reflections. That splash of green helps with some mana ramp. Then I would use knowledge pool. Just put a bunch of cheap spells and redirects in.

It's a lot of fun in multiplayer to sling spells relentlessly but I'm about 90% sure this is "degeneracy". It also will never win games, but can certainly fuck with the board.
Mishra is badass
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Mishra is indeed badass.
Karrthus Dragons
Angus Mackenzie Planeswalkers
Brion Stoutarm
Rakdos Rakdos or Grenzo Artifacts
Kresh sac shenanigans

Treva Tokens

Brion or Aurelia extra combat phases

Kaervek control
What kind of asswipe tells them?
If you want decision making and planning ahead, Melek is not bad. My build doesn't have any infinite combos, but with stuff like brainstorm, long-term plans and soothsaying you really have to think a turn or two ahead. As long as you don't make it degenerate, its not degenerate.
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What kind of sleeve is this? Sorry for potato camera.
Thats really cool
this is a bit off topic but is there actually a thread on tg for posting about cube drafting and such? i kinda wanna improve my cube skills but idk where to post about it

this is just my opinion but i think maralen is incredibly boring. when you can draw the exact cards you need to win, every game becomes largely the same. also, whenever you cast maralen, 3 other players will typically tutor up their wincons/removal before you can do shit, so i really don't recommend playing her

i also recommend sidisi if you want to tutor up things

You know, you could just have google image searched your photo.

>opponent has a bunch of shitty tokens on the board
>"ok ill take 5 damage or whatever"
>he plays triumph of the hordes

what a fun card
what are the most powerful cards for each colour, using the least amount of mana possible?
but i called it fun
m10 ob
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>i-it's not like i wanted to play anyway!
How is that combo?
Triumph of the hordes is a fucking sorcery
i think he is just posting what the spike in his meta plays
vedalken orrery
I dont know what youre trying to say here but every deck should be able to deal with jhoira shenanigans
Yep, blaying Teeg in our group is basically like playing Spellskite as your commander, every gun is repointed from wherever it was going to directly at you.
Then its not quite out of nowhere is it?

Tibor & Lumia, go full topgun
Behind the scenes
I see a shitload of commander deck lists that run absolutely crap mana curves with an abysmally small amount of mana producers. Like 35 lands, no dorks, and less than 10 rocks for a mana curve shooting up to an average of 3,5 or something.

It's maddening. Especially when the player complains of mana screw afterwards.
What's your average curve/CMC?
Not playing multiplayer EDH.

But highest I went is 3.35. And that's a Selvala, Heart of the Wild deck, so it can take it.
>Not playing multiplayer EDH
Do you hate fun?
I don't find it fun. Which is why I'm playing Duel Commander instead. Because I find that fun.
Not really seeing any special interaction here. Obviously, Jhoira and Sneak attack do similar things, and Time Stretch is a staple in Jhoira decks (both mechanically and thematically), but nothing beyond that as far as I can tell.
>I don't find it fun
Why, may I ask?
Not him, but fun is subjective and everyone is different. I personally dislike duel commander, but there are merits to both.
Dunno man. Mostly I'm a spike but enjoy the constraints of the Commander format, hence Duel Commander rather than social politics.
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>Looking through Kaladesh spoilers thus far to see if there's anything relevant or interesting for my EDH decks
>Looks like there's not much, but a few nice things for Ashling
>Chandra is a must-have, damnit she's gonna be expensive...
>Originally overlooked Animation Module

Secret tech of the set. Adds counters to Ashling AND gives me chump-blockers/skullclamp victims.
Why would you do this to yourself?
I enjoy the challenge and the fact that no one can bitch about "muh degeneracy" when I play her.
Believe me, they will. Carry on, cool Boros dude.
There is nothing cool about boros
I mean people bitch abut Rafiq and she's basically just Rafiq albeit in shitty colors. People will bitch
You again, why did the babysitter let you use the computer?
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>fellow Ashling the Pilgrim player

mah nigga
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Any good commanders for an artifact based deck?
Rafiq has UG in his identity, hence the common spike in sodium
You just learn about EDH yesterday?
There exist exactly 0 commanders that support artifacts
sorry anon
maybe kaladesh will deliver
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>Be OG Omnath
>Vedalken Orrey on the table
>Like 90 something in mana pool but Gwafa player locked him down
>Kamahl in hand
>MFW Someone drops Wrath

Was I the asshole?
Yes if you left enough mana to also recast omnath
>tfw play Emrakul
>tfw draw a ton of mana rocks on turn 1
>tfw drop void winnower turn 3
>tfw emrakul turn 5
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I'm still pretty new to magic in general and am a bit of a retard I'm just looking for a guy that lets me pull artifacts out of my library or something.
Nah, they should have killed your orrery first.
Oh my god, of COURSE I did.

I maintain that people should know better.
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Well good news for you, there are a ton of commanders that care about artifacts and a Planeswalker who can be your commander and cares about artifacts.

Arcum does that.
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What are absolute must have cards if i want to play some Karlov Death and Taxes.

I want to make everyone as miserable as possible. I already have my package of, 1 spell per turn. 1 draw per turn. Silences. Thalia/Vryns wingmare. Leonin arbiter. Aven Mindcensor. Hushwing gryff. Torpor orb. Winter orb.

What else is good enough to make everyone suffer as much as possible to get something done?

My wincon is maximun Karlov beatup or Felidar Soverreign.
In 1v1, if I have an effect that forces my opponent's creatures to attack (Curse of the Nightly Hunt) but I control a tax effect like Ghostly Prison or Norn's Annex they don't have to attack. If it's a multiplayer game and I control a ghostly prison but the other players do not, the cursed player still needs to attack with all his creatures right?
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Thanks man

Also, take a look at Slobad. He's fun as both a commander and just another creature in a Daretti deck.
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Hey, red players, help a brother out.

In terms of EDH theory, how in the fuck should I build a monored deck? I can build just about any 2 or 3 colour commander, and I understand the theory around most other colours, but I can't quite wrap my head around red. Do I burn people to the face with half as effective burn? Do I just build a shittier Xenagos and use big fatties suboptimally? Do I really have to make Memnarch 2: Electric Boogaloo and abuse artifacts? I must say, I'm a little lost. Getting a commander isn't an issue, I also have a ton of staples and neat cards, I just can't see why I should build a mono red deck over any other colour combination.
>Norin the Wary
>ETB Effects
>Chaos Effects
>Sit back and watch the fun

Wait, do you want to win or be invited back?
Artifacts are an option, but if you want the real Red^tm experience play Ball Lightnings and Sulfuric Vortex, Stigma Lasher, Leyline of Punishment.
Are any of the colorless commanders actually fun to run? It seems like an interesting deck building challenge giving the restrictions, but I'm not sure about actually using it.
Eldrazi is fun
pretty much unstoppable if it gets going
Your gameplan isn't very good. I run a w/b Ayli deck with a control setup, and you'd be much better off building Brago with that kind of game plan, unless you're using very expensive black cards that would be better used elsewhere.

Your best bet would be cheap reanimator. Blow up the board, throw down some nonsense, then pull it back from the yard. Nim Deathmantel + Ashnods basically reads: "Every time your creature would be destroyed, sacrifice it and pay 2 mana to have it enter the battlefield with +2/+2".
Correct, they can choose to pay and attack you though.
karn plays like a combo deck. all the eldrazi are pretty much ramp decks and it just dependso nw what you want to do after you ramp. one of the kozileks is usually the best since playing a lot of artifact ramp runs out your hand. i prefer og kozilek since he's a much bigger threat, especially when gotten out quickly, but it is true that the new one can draw more cards
Play Zada
I want to win. It doesn't need to be fancy, I just want to be able to build a monocoloured deck in every colour, but I can't quite figure out red. Purpheros seems good, particularly with that new 4 mana artifact coming out in Kaladesh, but I already have a few artifact heavy decks.

Yes, those are some good cards, but I'm more concerned with how to build a functional mana base, what to use as removal, and how the fuck I'm going to draw cards outside of very expensive wheel effects.
Dunno, dicking around with my buddy Hidetsugu is fun. Or Purphoros, purphy is also fun. Then you have gobbos.
Speaking of colorless decks, let's go back to talking about autistic formatting:


Jesus Christ
Pretty much every notable red commander builds into totally different decks so there's not really any one way to build mono red like there would be for all the other colors. The most common themes are probably token making and artifact ramp.
Colorless is the strongest color if you have the right cards, the shit you can do with brown cards is disgusting. You now have Wastes so you don't die to non-basic hate anymore.
Keranos list?

As mono-red has several glaring deficiencies, and it's general play-style (Hit face) suffers linearly in a multiplayer game, you basically need to build around a general that mitigates the issues of card draw, ramp, etc. Furthermore, land destruction, arguably one of red's better legacy abilities will make you the hitler of any playgroup who have not been told beforehand and are okay with it, so politics will not be in your favour if you can't find a mature group who's okay with a keldon firebombers or two. Your best non-colorless card draw abilities are wheel effects in red, and handcycling is - surprise! - another source of salt for players who aren't expecting it and like to spend time sculpting a hand with juicy tutors.

I have never seen a deck that can win from straight burn spells without some form of janky interaction (Example: Zada + Arcbond + Bolt), and it's hard to swing big fatties when any other color can pack removal. It's the second hardest color combo (besides mono-white) to succeed with, but I think a lot of people play it because some generals are interesting, it can be viewed as a challenge, and sometimes you just want to go fast.

Not sure if you're looking for advice on who to build, but as far as I'm concerned Purphoros is one of, if not the most, powerful monored commanders. Get him out, get twenty goblins, gg ez.

If you want more jankier/interesting stuff, you can try Godo equipment tribal, Kazuul control (Interestingly enough, red has a fair share of weird control cards like stranglehold, war's toll, etc, that might be a great way to leverage the playing field against your stronger opponents), Zada chaos, Krenko goblinds, or even New Grenzo goad. But, these decks aren't like your Damia's or what have you which basically can win without their commander due to their color combo, they need them out, and so protection - artifact or otherwise - is a premium.
Fair enough, that might be why I'm struggling so much. Let's narrow it down a bit, here are the red commanders I wouldn't mind building:

>Feldon of the Third Path
>Heartless Hidestugu
>Kurkesh, assuming he can do neat things and uses relatively niche artifacts
>Grenzo, Havok raiser

>But, these decks aren't like your Damia's or what have you which basically can win without their commander due to their color combo, they need them out, and so protection - artifact or otherwise - is a premium.
You nailed it. I've attempted to build red decks before, and unlike anything else I run, they seem to rely very VERY heavily on their commander in order to do anything. I would like to go fast, preferably hilariously fast and stylish if that's an option. Thanks for your in-depth response, I was a little disheartened when people were just randomly suggesting red generals for me.

What are some staples for red removal? Is it ye ol' lightning bolt, blasphemous act, comet storm, and whatever I have lying around in a box?
Chaos Warp is huge, since it's one of the only things red has to deal with enchantments
>how to build a functional mana base
>in a single color
Come on now.
Kataki is best commander. Especially with Kaladesh coming out.
>how to build a functional mana base
>when every single rock I own is tied up in my other decks
>in a colour without access to ramp
>that also has relatively high mana costs to draw cards and remove threats
Come on now. Sure, Sol Ring, Thran Dynamo, Commander's Sphere yadda yadda yadda, doesn't change the fact that I could splash green and have an effortless basic manabase dirt cheap on a nice curve, or splash blue/black and have all the cheap draw I could ever want.
Loot effects like Faithless, Tormenting Voice and Wild Guess smooth out your draws and let you find answers.
Then don't play red.
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so, who wanna play against deck with 4 of pic related? fun times incoming!

If you really want to go fast, you can try to build Zada. Yes she is a /tg/-meme but a one-sided Ink Treader is nothing to sneeze at. My friend has one and has won on turn 4 with a good hand and it's generally hard to disrupt short of removing her from the field as even if a spell is countered, her ability triggers. This goes double for chaos effects like possibility storm and grip of chaos, which should also have the bonus effect of royally pissing off your competitors should they resolve.

From the list you posted, in my experience Heartless is one flashy guy. Everybody knows what you're trying to do, but in a color combo with haste enablers, untap/extra combat spells, and bolts, it's pretty formidable. In any playgroup with blue however, consider investing in a cavern of souls/no-sell tree, as they will do anything to stop your commander from hitting the field if they have an even life total and you have a damage-doubler out. It's a pretty fun deck that places you in danger as well, and can end a game in a single turn in a spectacular fashion - I think he represents red rather well.

As far as removal go, I would also consider ruination, chaos warp, vandalblast and similar, Rolling earthquake (Will sadly also wipe your board unless you have indestructible shenangians but is very cost effective), and maybe even that new conspiracy wipe. Inferno titan is costly, but great for torching small utility creatures. You have GREAT group removal, but lacking a bit in spot.

If you seriously want to build it as competitive as possible, you'll have to consider MLD, as it's incredibly power if used correctly, and similar with artifact hate. I believe chaos warp is the ONLY card red has that can actually hit enchantments so it's an auto-include despite the cost and downside, but you should be destroying every troublesome land and artifact you can to try and stay on or near the top in terms of mana and advantage.
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>4 copies
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Rakdos can just fly over them
If its a direct fight with no outside help then the 6 Grizzly Bears will win due to the 12dpt that they can dish out.

Rakdos without devotion just deals 2dpt because the Grizzly bears dont need to sac themselves to avoid a measly 2 damage.

Grizzly bears win easily.
It's in every thread, leave it alone
>15 squirrels!? How can I stand against such awesome power?
To be fair, 6 angry grizzly bears would be terrifying to fight directly
Ah, my mistake.
>not 30 Little Girls
I think you've sold me on building Hidestugu. What kind of cards can give my creatures indestructible? I have some pretty good MLD, and I want to make sure as much of my stuff survives as possible.

I think Soul of Phyrexia would accomplish what I'm looking for, but I'm not too sure. Would it be better to skip the whole monored thing and go boros or Rakdos, from a competitive standpoint, and sneak Hidestugu from the deck with a bunch of mld and indestructible?
Basilisk Collar
I'd be terrified if 15 squirrels were specifically attacking me too. It's like the movie Birds.
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Your single goal in life is to get a damage doubler out together with Hidetsugu and then tap him.
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