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Previous Thread: >>47361960

Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/vrqYhnpu

Question to authors: Do you ever make a build for your own CYOA?
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>Question to authors: Do you ever make a build for your own CYOA?
Once. i didn't read any of the companions since I could still remember them.
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I do!
I've made second skin CYOA, A.I. CYOA, Bionicle CYOA, Toy Story CYOA, KAIFU CYOA, and now the symbiote CYOA. And I have another on the way.
Absolutely I make my own builds.
> The Question
Nah m8. That's the job of readers.
Oh yeah, you wanted your name to be like Symbrote right?
>another on the way.
What is it?
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Is the Touhou anon still alive? Is SDA still alive?
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A little bit of
to start off the thread
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A lewd one about boobs
Yeah, Symbiobro. I even called myself that when I posted the symbiote one.
No asses? Damn.
Rolled 14 (1d20)

My last two builds were very adventurous, so here's a comfier one.

Dual Citizenship



At war with... (+2 Property)

Priceless Jewels

>Final Array
Combat: 1
Knowledge: 1
Resources: 5
Treasury: 1

As a child of the Highlands I was fortunate enough to significant wealth in terms of property and cash which I have aggressively invested into the natural resources of both my home kingdoms. Now the owner of two of the largest and prosperous gemstone mines and farms in the world I find my investments at risk from the building tension between the Highland kingdoms. As a significant landholder I have been in constant talks with the royal Roza family but have thus far been unable to sway them from their current path. If they are committed to the independence of Roza I may be forced to throw in support with the agreement that my property would fall entirely into their realm with all the protections and taxes that would imply. If I cannot maintain neutrality in the forthcoming conflict I must at least ensure that my holdings are not split between two warring kingdoms.

As a tits man, I'm completely fine with it.
This cyoa triggers my stupidity.
There will be a balancing act perk, don't worry.

Induce Desire
General Magic

Seems pretty straightforward and in line with established vampire canon.
Victim blaming, girl, and attractive.
Strike a Deal (free)
General Magic
Feed [Blood]

I will dress as a bat and beat thugs up then drink their blood, like always.
Oh and I'll shout that I am myself every 5 minutes, all the while using a lung-cancer voice impression.
I'll also fuck female thieves and sometimes I'll invade circuses and smash clowns faces to a pulp.
The forthcoming war with Lith (of all places?) may be good for my own goals as hopefully all the Highlands can join together against an external threat and remind Roza why the unification exists in the first place.

However, war is bad for business if you're not in the business of war. There's not as much of a market for decorative and luxury fruits in times of war and this happened at just about the worst time for me, financially speaking. I'll have to weather the fighting without much defense either against fluctuating markets or enemy combatants trampling my fields. I think I'll switch most of the farmland over to hearty food crops, both to supply the troops and build up stores to prepare for sieges. Making my land vital to war effort is not only noble thing to do in the situation but should also afford me some official protection. I wouldn't be averse to using this to further my social stature, either.

As far as the gemstone mine, I'll just have to hope that we can keep trade routes open and I can keep supplying merchants in more distant lands. However, as an industry not at all important to the war effort it's possible that my miners will be among the first conscripted into duty. Let's just hope it doesn't get that bad.
Lore questions. How dangerous is the world now? How common are demon hunters? How common are demons? How do we compare as demons towards native demons?
Oh I'll also:
>kidnap a 13 year old and make him wear a speedo and fight hardened armed thieves
>make a custom tank-car that is TOTALLY NON LETHAL
>burn a lawyer's face
>throw a nitrogen canister at a scientist
>beat up a baby born with ictiosis
>become insanely rich by stealing cash from thugs and build my own cave filled with things like an animatronic dinosaur and a big penny
>beat up an old iranian man then fuck his daughter
>kidnap a british guy and force him to be my butler
>make deals with thugs that I won't kill them if they agree to wear weird costumes and fight me
If swapping chromosomes is child's play, why is it on par with reality bending magical powers?
grumble grumble grumble


Strike a Deal
Induce Desire
What do you people think about options in CYOA that give you Charisma, Intelligence or any other option that affects your mind and way of thinking? These are the things that define who we are. What if I'm already smart or charismatic as hell, why would I pick this option?

Picking mental options will turn you into a different person entirely. What is the point of taking these choices if it won't be you anymore? This dilemma is similar to the 'Amnesia' option. You are what you remember, right? It will simply make your current self technically dead.

Or am I overthinking it?

>Strike a Deal
>General Magic

I'll become the CEO of a major corporation, amass wealth and power, and live a wonderful life.

How will I become the CEO? I'll trade a businessman his job in exchange for something meaningless. I'll mostly hypnotize them into agreeing to my deals. I'll keep working my way upwards until I've reached my desired corporate position.
I like to think it's me+. Suddenly I think faster, or I know how to act without spilling spaghetti. Not an overhaul of my personality, just knowledge and hardware upgrades.
If intelligence is data processing and problem solving algorithms then basically you're just making your brain more efficient, your other aspects remain the same.
If charisma is a measure of empathy and confidence then it'll indeed change a bit of your personality, but it could be said it would be no more a change than you practicing for a few years with dedication.
So devils are the best with magic, the strongest, and have no drawbacks? Blood-feed devil is essentially a stronger vampire that doesn't burn in sun, pretty dang op.

blood feed
victim blaming
I've got finals in two weeks. I'd fuck a furry for some more intelligence at this point.

Anyway, I'm not sure agree with you. I am sometimes uncomfortable with Charisma options but that is mostly because they tend to be worded like mass hypnosis auras. It makes me wonder whether I'm actually mindbreaking people into liking me, rather than becoming more likeable.
As the three before me (>>47372178, >>47372194, >>47372217) have implied, mental improvement options are basically shortcuts to self-improvement.
>am I overthinking it?
Yes. But I don't think that's necessarily such a bad thing.

For what it's worth I usually much prefer adventures that have you making a new character anyways and take "you" to mean my character. Even if the conceit is that the decisions I make affect the 'me' playing the game, well, it doesn't actually happen (to my knowledge).

Also, blah blah Ship of Theseus, yes it's still your grandfather's axe, etc. It's not a particularly interesting question to me since I'm confident in my own answer, regardless of how well I could support it philosophically, and it doesn't actually affect anything. Arbitrarily changing mental attributes doesn't make me a different person because I'm still me. Because I say so.

Now if you disagree with my interpretation, which it seems you do, there's not much I can do for you.
Oh I just wanted to say, even though I ended up not picking it the description for Spirit Energy is 10/10 exactly my fetish. I really really do appreciate that it's based on coverage and not ingestion.
near as I can tell, Make a Deal is the only explicit path to immortality.


induce desire (make someone want something, then offer it in a deal)
general magic
Victim blaming seems kinda... powerful. Not that I'm going to take it.

Strike a Deal
Induce Desire

So I'll basically help people hook up. This will probably be in exchange for money or even abstract things like IQ points. Hypnosis should make them want it more so theyll give me more things. Then I'll use induce desire to make it happen. Hell, I can probably get some good blackmail material out of it.

And why wouldnt I want to be attractive. Might as well have some fun with pretty girls. Maybe charge to allow them to throw themselves at my feet. I bet hypnosis and induce desire combined would make them explode for me.
me too, but I wouldn't fuck a furry.
I'm not sure how Make a Deal is an explicit path to immortality. In fact it explicitly says that you can't give immortality but does imply that maybe there are ways that you could eventually work around that.
trade for someone's youth. Keep that up and you're ageless.

Im >>47372283 but I figure you could trade body parts, lifespan, etc. I mean, imagine making one deal a day where they promise to hand over 1 day of their lives. Or if I offer sight for one eye for a few years off of a young blind man's life.
Yeah I'm dumb. Can't believe I missed that.

If the Devil is impressed by creative uses of these powers it seems like I'm off to a bad start.
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I thought being immortal was a given? All these creatures are immortal by folklore.
I would literally let a tumblr furry have xer way with me while I yell out "Daddy! Hairy Daddy!" and two tranny midgets masturbate to the sight, in exchange for good grades on my finals. Shit, I'm spending most of my breaks filling in intelligence builds on old cyoas praying they'll come true as it is.

Which reminds me. I wonder whether the Scorn symbiote comes with an intelligence boost since its pretty much a flesh robotsuit?
Big White Dick is obvious choice. I might pick the Big Black Dick option depending on how big it is. I'm guessing my limit is 12".
Big Black Dick is the background
Big White Dick, regardless of the pain the powers are just worth it. It's not like anyone else will ever know, either, so there's practically no reason to be worried about pride or whatever.
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Helpful addition
>implying anyone gives a shit about pride

Do you honestly think there exists a person who wouldn't bounce up and down a Big White Dildo on national television if he got superman's powers in exchange?
Strike a deal (free)
Induce Desire
Basic magic
Now I go to an especially liberal(read as atheist)college campus, appear around exam time, and exchange their souls for cheap magic to help with the exam. Free souls. Become a crack or heroin dealer, hide out in a Project in Detroit, more souls.
Red dick is as huge an upgrade as any of the other but is considerably more bearable. I'll take that. Second choice is Green, so long as green is flexible.
Probably, considering the social constructs of the Human mind. Sure, it's one of those things that a lot of people could bring themselves to do, but it's also something I could easily see many rejecting, "what if this is just a trick," would become a more and more common thought in most heads, I'd imagine.
>>47372365 >>47372465
>all the powers of Superman
>all the powers
That's that then.
9.4 inches by 2.3 inches. I already picked blue since that's one of my all time favorite powersets but damn. Isn't that pretty skinny for a dick that long? Certainly doesn't match the image at all.
I assumed the image WAS the BBD, to scale
Now that I think about it this is basically my build for be evil too. Greed lust and sloth(for easy new customers)
I don't see mental options as altering your mind, that's a wierd look on that. You can ergue it would alter you, but to say it will make you dead is too much, you still have your own memories and stuff. And even if it's altering you i would still go for some options like that, because i would like to be charismatic for example and get the girls i like instead of bieng awkward. And if you train your mental skills the normal way it alters your personality anyway, you can't become more confident or more focused without changing something in yourself.

>if i am already charismatic as hell
where do you think we are?
Hey Rapture Academy creator please release the last part. I know you got shit on but I really liked your CYOA.

SDA ran SD quest earlier this month.
The "social constructs" of the human mind as you mysteriously put are a fear of ostracisation plus a desire to bond over shared features. A desire to gain superpowers isn't rare and there are plenty of people who either lack a fear of ostracisation or for whom the desire to gain powers would outweight the cost. Once one person starts flying around doing whatever they like, demand will skyrocket.
So for vampires, does the bite hurt or is it like VTM where it feels good?
He'd attach the dildo to his parents' grave and have Alfred stream the whole thing.
This is a fair point.
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Nah? I don't think so

It's 2.3 diameter, 6*2*pi= about19 cm circumference, thicker than your average wrist I think
the image is the BBD, I'm just saying that you can't see it's full dimensions so it's pretty much guess work.
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What are the odds that guy talking about a cyoa where the Goddess of lewd helps you add Goddesses to your harem actually makes it?

What mechanics would it have?
N-not that I want to make it or anything.
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>doesn't post the addition
>doesn't get off to the DFC-anon crying in the corner that his pure, under-developed waifu gets big, beautiful titties
What's up with vampire and succubus bieng mostly drawbacks? I mean succubus have tail and wings which is really inconvinient in normal life and vampire must drink blood lose energy in the sun with no upsiedes really, the only one being that you don't need to sleep and eat.

Don't want no hunters after me
Nice little semi-mind control, the part where praise will not stop the effect is the best part. Make girls like me with insults then proceed to just act normally.
>Victim Blaming
That's really nice, i can get al lthe money and thing i would need.
>General Magic
Mostly for teleportation, but some self defence and sensing those who want to make deals is nice.

I'll try to be a nice person, except the cases where i need something, i won't be a bad guy, but i guess i can cause some mischief and such to please the Devil from time to time, she gave me the powers after all, no need to be ungreatful and it's usually useful to be on the good side of the powers that be.
Then the image is not the BBD, but a mere window leading to the looming BBD beneath.
>What's up with vampire and succubus bieng mostly drawbacks
Because I made the whole thing in two hours (three? I don't even remember. I think I finished it in one night) with zero planning, after drinking 1,5/2 decilites of vodka.

Someone asked for additional options in Femdom Worlds: Were you not entertained?
What more do you need, what more is there to (gentle) femdom?
>Do you ever make a build for your own CYOA?
Yes, to test it for balance. Sometimes several. If I'm content with what I can pick, it stands to reason that others might be, too. I mean, it isn't guaranteed. However, if I can't make a build I'm content with, it tells me I need to fix something. I can't actually recall that ever happening, though. Or rather, if it does, it happens so early on in the development that it will be an incomplete build such as "I wanted 3 three items in the section, but it only allows 2. 2 just won't cut it, so I'll up it to 3." I never post these testing builds, though. Besides, I more often adopt the perspective of the CYOA itself rather (narrator or even something as abstract as the setting). Does that sound weird?
Huh, I see. I tried to estimate it without a ruler. Guess I'm not skilled enough at picturing dicks of specific sizes in front of my face.
>What more do you need, what more is there to (gentle) femdom?
Howabout something closer to momdom ('cept not with one's actual biological mother because that'd be incest), breastfeeding and all? Maybe make it have modified males sort of like /ss/ world, 'cept with puberty mostly hitting boys in the genital and libido departments, making the "bonding activities" with your "mother" a necessity so you can function in society, or something?
Nah i am fine, devil options works for me.

>Someone asked for additional options in Femdom Worlds: Were you not entertained?
Oh i see, it's the option for that demon world. Then sucucbus wings and tail might not be so bad because there are loads of other succubuses running around everywhere.
I think Kit meant how >>47371134 got >>47371197 as a response.
Okay so vote-anon here, you goys chose Fantasy, Powers and Waifus.
Now there are three new questions:


>western style
>eastern style
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Like in this cyoa? Because I don't really have a problem with this.
High, Inherent, Eastern.
High, learned, mix
(Could you include some husbando options, too? Please?)
I dont know if this is a popular idea or not but I dont think we've had one with real waifus in a while. Like actual pictures instead of the anime style.


We haven't, I'd be up for it but it'd end up being a lot of larp/cosplay girls.
Would anons like that?
What do you mean by western or eastern here?

Other than that, Mid and Inherent.
If you don't know how to make a thread then fuck off and let someone competent do it.
>What do you mean by western or eastern here?
My guess would be art style.
I mean, I dont really care either way. Whatever makes more people happy. We can always have one with real waifus some other oc.

I know this is an unpopular opinion, but I like 3D girls
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More than just technically adult would be a nice change of pace.
Are you saying no lolis?
>Oh i see, it's the option for that demon world. Then sucucbus wings and tail might not be so bad because there are loads of other succubuses running around everywhere.
Just no. No it isn't. It's Earth.
High I guess.

Inherit seems more precious and valuable

Come on dude, I prefer it not to be a waifu CYOA again. But I prefer my art style as western.
>Urban Fantasy
>Inherent Powers
>Eastern style waifus and husbandos

I think we've all done enough learning the past few weeks.
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>you goys chose

Lay it on me.
The problem with 'precious and valuable' is that he could easily just not give them to you.
I don't know about the other poster, but I am saying no lolies at least.
Your waifus were lolis once.
Lies and slander.
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Combat- 4
Knowledge- 5
Resources- 5
Treasury- 2
Property- 3


Time to help the king deal with Mariq and the lesser houses, while still being a powerful wizard and making a small profit off of my people's work.
Hate to post a WIP, but I promised to post it on either the last thread or this one. Here you go. Thoughts? Ideas?

She wasn't my waifu when she was a child, anon.
Forgot to link the post properly

>his waifu wasn't also his osananajimi (childhood-friendfu)
Sorry, I meant your as in to the general audience.

Also; you wouldn't love your waifu if she suddenly got reverted to childhood by some means of magic and or technology?

>Strike a Deal (Free)
>General Magic

I'm gonna make them an offer they can't refuse.

>Strike a Deal
>Induce Desire
>General Magic
The thing is that my deals can create stuff out of nothing. Not only can I say "You can have a full 12-course dinner, but only if you share it with me", I can trade people some of their beauty for a standardized (larger) amount of beauty - that I can use for myself. On top of that, I can use Hypnosis + Induce Desire to make them engage in their newfound contract-signing fetish.
I wouldn't be too much of a dick, just maybe taking some karma into my own hands occasionally.
Funnily enough, Greed is really the only one without real promise, as it almost always is the most versitile/potentially powerful. The Ticking death sentence is something I try to avoid.
I don't know about >>47373910 >>47373712 these posters, but I say yes to lolis.
Vermin Supreme party
Devil - Strike a deal
General magic, Forget, Attractive.
Make deals offering stuff in exchange for their occasional control of their body, then use Forget on them so they don't know what magical world shit I do with it.
I have asked this before but no one helped so I guess I'll ask again. Can someone please post that CYOA that uses the Galko characters. It's where you roll for an archetype of waifu, like the slut, the class president, the nerd etc.
>Hammerspace upgrade, Healslut and rule of cool, the Witch

Demons, Undead, Outsiders.

Oh, this is gonna hurt-
>Strike a deal
>General Magic

Spread an internet rumor about granting wishes, make a faux ritual in order to throw hunters off, and have a gay old time making unfair deals with suckers whose eyes light up in avarice when they see things they did not earn.

And, just when they make a bad deal with me, they forget all about the little details, so they won't break my illusion.
When I'm creating a cyoa I do make a few builds or think about the various options in an effort to make the choices tough to decide between.
Western, but I'm fine with mixed. I'm fine with anything really as long as there's a big boob option.
Weird, because Greed is in my top three favorites in this cyoa, as it provides a lot of money, which could be used to gain political power. the other two are Envy and Gluttony
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Man the witch sure is chosen a lot.
Guessing it's because of her variety of powers.
>the order if gid
I prefer sloth honestly, decent powers without the lonelyness of envy and pride and without the insanity of lust, wrath and gluttony. Greed is also quite good as well.
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Thank you guys so much for the builds, stories, feedback and the kind words! Love you all, Papa Bless.
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I will admit, all of the Sins are powerful in their own way:
Wrath has the most destructive power, yet if a problem requires something more than "CRUSH AND MAIM! BURN THEM ALL!" he becomes somewhat useless.
Sloth starts out the most weak, yet becomes far more useful when indolence gets strong enough (it's essentially anti-energy) and even more useful when the Secret Room is unlocked (who knows what powerful incantations are within that room).
Greed is far less direct of a fighter than the others until he unlocks Avaricious, yet he still has uses. Most notably, vast amounts of money and resources, which can be used to influence both the common man and high political figures, as well as buy amazing gear.
Pride actually starts out very weak, yet by the time he unlocks Dominion, his strength increases greatly. Pride depends on his armies, and they in turn depend on him. His strength goes completely op when Might of the Emperor is unlocked, though.

Canned Goods
Warm Clothing
CD Player
Exercise Bike
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Gluttony is rather universally hated, as he needs to indulge in madness to keep his powers. Despite this, he arguably has the most potential for power out of all of the sins. His swallow ability can decimate armies, with every living thing he eats he gains strength and life with no cap, and if he eats another chosen, he gets a weaker version of their powers. Dangerous and with potentially unlimited strength (giving even Wrath a run for his money) Gluttony is a force to be reckoned with.
Lust's role is rather obvious: manipulate and fulfill the desires of other people to gain power. This role requires either precision and strategy or having sex with the other chosen (at which point you gain something as good as Pride's command). If found out, it is completely possible to change your form and blend in.
Envy seems the weakest at first glance, with no supernatural powers outside of stealing and copying attributes. This however, should not be underestimated. For one, Envy can reach levels of skill equaling peak human at least, and that is in all fields. in addition, being able to copy objects is very useful, allowing you to forge documents and money. In addition, I believe Envy can gain a lot of power if allied with sloth (you are not allowed to take the artifacts out of the room, but nobody said anything about copies of the artifacts.)

Now, as for the Virtues...
So we need to rename you Drunksune anon now huh.
Attractive will remove "something odd" about my looks, but it will still leave tail and wings. That doesn't seem very helpful.
Maybe the demon hunters will just think you're a cosplayer?
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Does anybody here right now know who the creator of Dark City CYOA is and whether or not they still hang around here?
Pinku Dicku
>Cathodic TV

This is what hell must look like.
Do you mean Dusk City? Italics hasn't been namefagging around for a while, but I think he's still working on shit.
Liminal Phrenic and very occasionally. He's supposed to be working on something but it's been like two months.
TIL my childhood was hell
Could you guys post that CYOA? I don't think I have that one.
On a completely separate note, while we're waiting on things to happen, are there any engineers in here? Gonna get my internship as a automation engineer (or something) and Im trying to figure out how much I should ask for. On the one hand internships are usually around 50k. On the other hand I'll have my masters and california is expensive. Dont know if 75k is too out there.
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I took everyone. I'm probably fucked. My only hope is that I can dismantle individual factions one at a time, prioritizing them by how quickly they're going to cause Armageddon.

I have 22 points and my choice of free perk/companion to keep myself alive with.

>SymbioSuit (Free)
>>UPGRADE (-1)
>Magic Pistols (Free)
>Wingpack (-3)
>1,000 Times Folded Glorious Nippon Steel (-4)

>Bolt x2 (-6)
First level was free.
>Rule of Cool (-4)
>Amorphous (-4)
>Companion (Free)
I'll use my free perk for trying to kill everyone to get the free companion I'm technically offered, and also a dog! I love dogs!

>A Dog
Slayer seems to be the most suited to killing everyone with me, and Alfar is the best quasi-support Companion as well as appealing to my fetishes.

My goal was to go full Raiden - zip around Nothin' Personell'ing people and generally being every child's ninja fantasy. I would've taken Blood-Driven to complete the image, but it's simply not as valuable as Amorphous Body - especially against any of my various artificial enemies.

(+1 Point)
Can anything truly, permanently kill the champion of sloth other than charity's Sacrifice ability?
Try Reddit. I'm being serious. Try reddit, it's very likely that there's a subreddit like /r/california or something to help you with that.
Arent we suppose to be like a bunch of introverted smart nerds here?

Yeah I guess I could go reddit. It just occurred to me to ask since I was doing research and nobody was saying much here.

first yall hate reddit and now yall tell me to go there [/spoilers]
>Arent we suppose to be like a bunch of introverted smart nerds here?

Imagine thinking this...

The reddit community will, should be, made up primarily of engineers and people looking for engineering work. You'll likely get more information from people with 5-10+ years experience than the 18-20somethings that are just entering their senior year of college. No offense tho y'all.
Lol no I see your point. I wasnt really expecting a good answer. Just throwing things out there and seeing if anyone had any recent experience.
If someone finds Sloth's ritual for stripping the powers away from other chosen, then yes. Otherwise no. Did you want me to do what I did in that post your replying to but with the Virtues?
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Nah, it's Dark City. But Dusk City looks pretty interesting too now that I look at it

Thanks senpai!



And actually, now that I look at it, maybe it WAS called dusk city too. But when I saved it, the anon who posted it was calling it dark city so I just copied that.

Well, it's a city.
One time I saw a guy derail a thread on /r9k/ by asking for advice about his fucked up engine or something. He actually got good advice there so it's not like you were completely off.


Yoo 'dere

The WIP seems good so far but like last time, the wording tends to be a bit vague.

Take the 'more beliefs' perk, how many more do I get?

What about 'reasonable', 'standing ground' or some of the drawbacks like 'massive ego', 'reliant' and 'overcompromising.' What do these things mean for my party? To what degree would choosing any of these things affect my ambitions?

As for the 'beliefs' page, is it all just fluff or were you planning on integrating a system that encouraged strategic choices? Like would there be specific boons/drawbacks to picking each that would affect the other parts of the CYOA?
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I'll find another copy of Kukla in a minute, let me dump the ones I know I saved correctly.
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Sure, if it's not too much trouble
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become meguca
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Bear with me a sec while I find a non-ant version of the last image
The guy you're responding to is the one who steals CYOAs. I wouldn't listen to him and he's not representative of us or part of our community.
Strike a deal
Victim blaming

I can literally get away with anything. I could even rape or torture someone into loving me and then us my hold over them to sign away there soul, youth, etc.

If I can, use this power on other demons to get there perks. If not, just accumulate enough "human resources to trade for more power. It is what demons do after all.
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When I said it was a WIP, what I really meant was "This thing is not even close to finished, I just posted it because I promised to, will take a while to finish." As for the beliefs page, it was intended to provide strategic choices, though if what I have so far isn't enough, than I will iron it out some more. With all of the drawbacks and perks, you mentioned. I didn't even completely write them out yet, but I will try and be more specific. Sorry for not finishing it just yet.
Holy fuck, this is great.
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The World Eater
Exotic LongStaff/Flail Hybrid

This brilliant sage green long staff appears, at first glance, to be made of elven wood. Yet, upon closer inspection, it's coldness to the touch, smoothness and weight, tell a different story; a Leafmetal-Anomium compound. While relatively lightweight, it is still a fair bit denser than regular wooden staffs and it is also poorly balanced, with most of the weight at the top. What's more, it seems to draw hidden threads whenever swung, as if rowing the ferryman's ship.

Three pale bone entwined snakes adorn the staff circling from bottom to top; a demonic dragon spitting a red fiery morning star, a dignified feathered serpent holding a cold blue armored pyramid, and a grotesque wormlike boa engulfing a viridian, earth-like sphere. A hidden masterwork mechanism inside the heads can, at the push of a button, unhinge the snakeheads and release the balls, revealing a meter long mythril chain firmly securing the flailing weaponheads to the three reptilian mouths. If swung with enough force, the three weaponheads should prove a chaotic and devastating last resort strike. It would be very easy to lose one's balance -or head- if used this way.

This exotic, poorly balanced weapon would require inhuman strength and dexterity to be used effectively in combat. The many runic indentations, as well as the unique alloy used in it's manufacture, however, reveal it's intended use: not close quarters combat but arcane manipulation.
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>Long Staff (4 coins, about 2.5 meters should be optimal)
2 Leafmetal, 1 Anomium, 2 Runic metals(same stats, same shit)
Blood 2 Willpower 2 Bone 12 Mind 16 Density 11 Etches 3 (who cares about offensive power, this is a caster tool with excellent durability, acceptable weight and incredible mana manipulation and surge power)
+Flail (1 coin, if you think each of the weapon heads with flail should cost 1 coin separately you are stupid and fuck you and fuck your maker)
Etchings : Plasma Breaker, Spirit Flayer and Arcane Folder(3 coins, mostly defensive use to always have the upper hand in battle. If it comes to head-on battle with this weapon, you've already lost(and by you I mean this weapon's owner))

>Weaponheads (5 coins)
Glistering Mythril chains
Edgy Bloodglass InfernoSphere(Morning Star, 1 coin)
Deep Keterite Heavenly Pyramid(Flanged mace. 1 coin)
Vanilla Ioscalyum Earthly Orb(Gada just to chai spice that vanilla, 3 coins)
Starbrine Etching : Cosmos Ballet (custom spell, 2 coins, fuck the police)
Upon command, each of the weaponheads takes a life of it's own and starts flailing at full strength; chaotically, systematically and wildly, in that order. The Cosmic Ballet lasts as long as the user wills it, even if the weapon and the user are separated. At the end of the dance, each of the weapon heads explodes in a highly damaging mana burst. It takes a full week before the weaponheads regenerate and this skill can be used again. As using this skill would leave the user weaponless or worse, caught in the dance, it should only be used as a last last resort, kill-you-or-die-trying sort of desperation Limit Break move.
Could make a cool staff for the BBEG I guess.
I have a crave for some kind of urban fantasy+super power+survival CYOA. Maybe in the vein of Monster Hunter Culling, but set in the real world.

Like, the world is going to shit but hey at least you got some cool powers now. It needs to be a good power system though, balanced and not overly powerful like Worm, but like Monster Hunter.
Alright, here we go. Virtues in a nutshell:
Chastity is the hardest to grow power for (given that anything that even counts as sinful drains you). With this, however, comes a whole slew of benefits. Your aura of purity can give buffs to entire armies, making chastity a sort of counterpart to Pride. Combined with Flight and, as one anon put it, Jesus beams, you are basically the greatest threat to the sins. Indeed, the mantle of Chastity is for those who do not seek power.
Temperance is basically a psychic, and the powers he has are quite useful. This is a Virtue for people who desire certainty and being in control. Probability can give accurate data on what is to come, allowing for not quite certain but still useful suggestions. Clairvoyance at full power will make it tough for the Sins to hide, and Telekinesis can more easily dispatch them if used creatively enough.
Charity is an odd case, for her true power doesn't come from gathering it for herself, but by Sharing the power with others. Indeed, It is possible for a high level Charity to give entire armies a healing factor and heal all who she finds (such as cripples and the blind.) Sacrifice, while dangerous and capable of ruining the entire plan of the Sins, should be used with caution as it may ruin the Virtues as well.

THEME https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iSNEn4m5Ot0

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And damnit, I will make it if nobody is already.
What do you mean by that?
Like "surviving the apocalypse with your power" type?
Have you not seen what happened with other CYOAs that had PVP?
I'm really tempted to just adjust the levels on all these to make them more readable.

Ah well.
Lilim - that lifespan is amazing but without the responsibility of being a magical girl.
Stat Augment 2 (+3LRN, -1CHA)- None of these really offered much I cared about. At least this is a +3 at the cost of a -1.
Life Augment 1 - The lifespans are all the same, so this is really a matter of how old I want to be stuck. May as well pick the cutest, youngest one.
Body Augment 1 (+1 MAG) - I wanted more magic power & may as well be more cute.
Family Reputation 1 - All common sense tells me to get the MAG / RES of Dark family instead of just some bodyguards and allowance, but I want the doting mother that looks more like a big sister.
Heritage 3: Annique - I like how there's no forms involved & getting an elemental affinity is always nice.
Bodyguard 1 - Because he cares, even if he doesn't show it. And I like the idea of trying to get him to play with me while he just wants to stand in the corner of the room and guard my body.
Bodyguard 3 - Adventure is fine, as long as it is someone else seeking it out. If boredom is an excuse for the bodyguard to invite me to go someplace, I'll accept it.
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Yes, but also a kind of "do as you like because you're untouchable to humans". The dark side of my mind is tingling again.

Oh, I've seen them. Because I made one of them.

Body Augment 1 - So I can help people by making their body how they'd like.
Body Augment 2 - In case I accidentally make someone unset, it's a useful tool to alter memories.
Both of these also have effects on myself, which is nice. Enhanced beauty and elegance.
Summoning Augment 1 - For security purposes. Auto-shields are handy.
Focus Augment - For the +1 MAG & the ability to detect auras. I'd like to know if the pedestrians on the street are actually horrible monsters that are about to attack me.
The last one if a tough choice. If I knew how common enemies were, Life Grimoire might be nice. Or, the summoned armor would further boost my best stats (AGI / MAG). And I think Dread would be neat, to grow to double size... just to be the high of a normal person, only getting a mild boost in STR. Not the most practical, but fun. Or Creative Augment would let me make cute things. I'm not too interested in more INT, though. Think I'm gonna go with:
Gate Grimoire, though. Flying at 70mph is nice. Really nice. I can escape about any danger. Immunity to radiation means I can hang out in the sun without worry. And not needing air lets me explore underwater, a good place for electric attacks. Disease is also good for longevity, even though I'm sure mom would have all sorts of black-market medicines if needed. Besides, I don't suffer the effect of losing a demonic form. This is all assuming I don't lose my electric attack by reading it. If that's the case, I'd switch to creative & just make a bunch of pretty dresses all day instead of adventuring with Bodyguard 3.

STR: 5
CON: 5
DEX: 5
AGI: 8
INT: 6
MAG: 7
RES: 0
LRN: 8
There aren't many post apoc CYOAs anymore, closest thing right now is the shit I made up there where you're more trying to prevent it from actually going off fully than surviving the aftermath while fucking other people.
I don't think it is necessarily bad. The worst that happened in such a CYOA that I made once was that one person decided to sexually assault anyone that entered their home. Of course, they had no way to FORCE anyone to enter, so there wasn't necessarily any danger.
> Let's not turn this rape into a murder guy browsed /cyoa/
Make's sense when you think about it.
One person bitches about and then that's literally everything?
Well the thing is, I want one where you'd have the freedom to mess with whoever and whatever. But most of these superpower CYOA's have strings attached, like joining a faction or whole army's out trying to get you.

Then again, I do like some aspect of a challenge and difficulty, haven't really figured out what it could be though.
You could always just have a simple structure like
Then state that you can join or not a faction, and can or not accept companions, those you don't will still be out there and be interacted with.
Basically just give the powers then populate the world allowing free interaction?
I've seen quite a few CYOAs do it.
>one person decided to sexually assault anyone that entered their home
You're talking about Angel aren't you?
No, their home was a literal sex-dungeon. They were a literal sex-monster.
I've been lurking for a few threads and rebuilding my CYOA folder. Still woefully spare. Anyone have Spess Refuge, or that one where you rolled for all the characteristics of a waifu? I think it was called Alice, had a garish pink background?

Also, does anyone know if Spess Refuge guy put out that big update they were talking about a few months ago?
>Anon even mentioned the culling
>You say "One Person"
Diligence is basically Goku from Dragon Ball Z without the flight. A fighter that shoots lasers and can punch with the force of an bomb. Being able to gain strength without an upper limit is insanely useful, and being able to go super can grant you more power than he knows what to do with. Despite all of this power, only being able to have the most minimal amount of time off can really make this option too much for some people.
Patience is odd as well, given what is basically a war is going on and he is not allowed to fight. Rather, like Lust or Sloth, he works behind the scenes. Calm can help grow your powers (albeit slowly) and can lead to the real useful one: Artificing. With this, anything you want you can have, ranging from an oven to jet-packs and hover-boards.The powers over Time itself can have some frightening implications, including being able to go back in time to fix mistakes (Think Braid). In addition, several anons had mentioned that Patience only needs to avoid direct combat, and that using Time and Artificing in the middle of combat to create Rube Goldberg machines of death.
Kindness, like Patience, plays a support role for the virtues, and for good reason. Not only are none of her powers capable of direct combat, but she requires working with the other virtues to grow her power. Despite this, the powers are very useful and powerful. Aura sense can find anyone who needs help or needs punishment, Gift (my favorite) is basically matter generation, and Wish might have the power to convert the Sins to your side.
Humility has very little personal power, but has several powers he can use to aid others. Again, like Kindness and Patience, Humility is a support Virtue. The only difference being the fact that Humility cannot use his powers on himself. Despite this, His powers can turn the tide of battle in a heartbeat.
>one person decided to sexually assault anyone that entered their home
An Englishman's home is his castle.

But yeah I want to make a shorty, but all my CYOAs end up so big.

What if people with power are like 1 in a million and people with powers are allergic to eachother, or something?

Kit you up for this?
Reminds me of those London, I believe, cops who were taking pictures of the insides of people's houses if their doors were unlocked.
Do you have to choose between diplomacy and hostilities, or are they just Benefits like the others?
Pretty sure he made Dungeon Meister.
You know, Minotaur Rapist, the rapist minotaur?
Rather than beliefs, qualities of political ideologies would be better summarized as classical virtues and vices. For example:
-libertarian capitalism = greed
-state socialism = envy
-nationalism = pride
virtues wouldn't be explicity tied to any particular ideology since the cyoa is more about mixing and matching, but you get the idea
You can choose one diplomacy or hostility option, and it won't cost a benefit.
Maybe you should spell that out above them, then?
Big Brother as fuck. Why not just go ahead and steal stuff to make the point?

Nice use of taxpayer's money too.

If not London, it must have been somewhere else in the UK.
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Ok. I thought maybe you meant Angel's genderbending, mindraping, forced lesbianism realm.
Magical Realm anon is long gone by now. Plus,
>The worst that happened
in MR is definitely worse than sexual assault.
I'll see what I can do. Still want to include Order, though. Hmm, just got a new idea for a cyoa.
You already have a lot of the virtues down already, but you might consider:
(thanks, Ultima)
Factions and companions are an option thing, you don't seem to get it but when you set up "who is who" in the world you're building the background lore.
I think you didn't get what I posted at all.

Knowing the Brotherhood of Steel is a thing in Fallout doesn't force you to join it.

If your concept of sandbox is just "Here is powers, do whatever there is no background" then well just list powers and be done with it?
You fill me with happiness, my sweet walrus!
Devils Youth
For the bitches and a cool were bear bro
Info and a place to hide out.
That isn't nightmarish at all.
>Orwell wakes up and sees that
Compassion seems similar to charity (which I am doing already) but other than that great ideas. Also, I think I could change beliefs to virtues and add political ideologies somehow. I'll try to get the next draft done by the end of the month.
Same anon from >>47377401 . Quick question, what political ideology can summarize gluttony? I honestly have no idea what to do.
Charity is more akin to sacrifice, as it concerns shedding of the material. Compassion is more like mercy.

Some of those other vices have stumped me. I'd guess consumerism, maybe corporatism? Lust would be that free love crowd, perhaps greens and hippies. Wrath might just be straight up imperialism, maybe feudalism.
Corporatism, perhaps?
er, make that last one of those military -isms, like a Junta.
>Still no (you) from Angel.
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>people freak out about this
Yeah, I can't stand the thought of being seen while in public either.
I don't know, Imperialism seems more akin to pride than wrath Maybe since Imperialism is about expanding your lands, maybe it could be seen as gluttony. For sloth, how about laissez-faire political systems. Agree with hippie stuff being lust. Thoughts?
Wouldn't Wrath be Fascism?
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Shoot, forgot a period. Sorry.
>being recorded in public at all times by the government
I don't know about other places, but I wouldn't trust my government to do it. Specially considering people being witness to important trials suspiciously die under police care *cough* murdered *cough*
Rolled 14 (1d20)

Alright, time to add some excitement to this. I choose Spy.
>Fascism as wrath.
Good idea, I'll implement it.
Shoot, with all this talk of sins, I might have to hold off on my own sin/virtue cyoa.
That picture looks pretty fucking Orwellian.

I mean, it could be something benign, but they used the worst imagery for it.

Combat- 4
Knowledge- 5
Resources- 5
Treasury- 4
Property- 3


Alright, spying on Lith, then. I suppose I can come on a trading mission and then defect because I "respect the lifestyle." I'll probably have to play up the whole stranger in a strange land deal so that people will overlook the fact that I'm not really part of their stupid mind link thing. Hopefully my knowledge of magic will help me figure out just what is going on-- maybe even break it. The trading boats will, of course, come back, allowing me to magically slip the captain some encrypted info for the king's eyes only.
somethin like that. I was thinking Anarchism for sloth, jokingly, but outside of that I really have no idea.
this is probably why

-Warrior, Advisor, Noble, Commander, Armoury, Sorcery

-At War (with Caer)

-Forged in Fire

Final points: 5/2/5/2/1

I am a perpetually poor Noble who has decent magical talents and is a great warrior, with a small loyal following, including a virgin squire girl I am training up to knighthood. I am very devoted to my religion, constantly attending church service and flagellating myself, jumping at the chance to slay heathens. I have been left with small plots of land very rich in resources.

I will do what is asked of me and prioritize my country just below my religion, but will take independent action if I feel the need to or truly disagree with the orders of national officials. I have a very strict code of honor and will not harm children or pure women.
My favorite all time cyoa, im considering trying my hand at updating it, probably adding more homeworlds, another companion page and a drawback/mission page to allow you to select a few more options, Id also be open to suggestions
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congrats fampai
>being genderbent is worse than rape
t. man
>tfw Italics usually finishes a cyoa in a month.
>tfw Italics last cyoa was that Style of Life cyoa which was like a month ago.

Italics is never ever going to finish that Girls Military or do more oc.
>t. man
t. feminist that thinks men can't be raped
t. sacks of shit that brought another shitposting meme here and should reconsider their posting habits.
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We need more comfy cyoas. We need go more comfortable.

>Near and Toko

>Bros, Family Gamers, and Play Day

>Blue Mystery Box
Which era / version of Superman? Does all powers include weaknesses?

Ah hell naw.

Whoever took my comfy family is going to pay.

They fucked with the wrong lady.
I didn't say that you stupid MRA.
>Liked idea of have a life based CYOA

>Picked Mikoeme for perfect cute wife.

>Get Amber and Nia for nice, kind daughters

>Throw together some family events

The thing about this CYOA is there's never any reason to make a second build, besides maybe choosing slightly different SoL decisions.

I kinda do want to take the Blue Box this time, but I don't really want a second Daughteru.
They were referring to the actual rape and impregnation and carrying to term of rape babies that happened in Magical Realm, you dumbfuck.

I wonder if all the blue-box-choosers end up in the same place?

It would be pretty interesting to team up with others in the same situation as myself.
Oh god the dad jokes. I can't think of any but I'm sure they'd be terrible
>only a man can think rape isn't that bad
>The thing about this CYOA is there's never any reason to make a second build...

There might be a reason to deep in the future. Italics said they might expand on it to include student style of life if you don't want to be a grown adult with children, or a single person, and whatever else.
It's like a buddy-cop movie.


>They were two parents, living happily with their beautiful wives and adorable daughters. Life was good.
>But then they had everything taken away from them.
>Now, they have to journey to a bizarre world of fantasy and magic, with only one goal in mind:
>Get them back.


>In theaters everywhere Summer 20XX
If it's not bad, then free daughteru for you.
I mostly just meant that in choosing the comfiest (for me) life I've already powergamed the adventure and won. Wasn't meant as a complaint in this case since that's sort of the point of it.
I'd watch that.
I mean, they've made how many Taken movies now? Clearly the concept has some drawing power.
Ha, yeah. Fantasy taken/buddy cop would be great in a cheesy sort of way.
>Man, I wish Liam Neeson was here...
How done is your CYOA? Why are you browsing /tg/ instead of working on it?
Because being productive is painful, anon
>The movie starts with the buddy families walking out of a theater.
>Man that shit's ridiculous.
>Yeah, who kidnaps people in first world countries today? The mob can't send in in an army into a major population center and expect to accomplish anything.
>They laugh and rib the movie over how ridiculous it is
>then suddenly magic portals and demons and shit come to kidnap the female bits of their family for some kind of evil god sacrifice.
Not very done. I'm a lazy fuck, that's why.
I don't know how to photoshop and putting together the template would be hard.
I have it all typed up and all the required images.

The hardest part of making a cyoa is putting it together due to laziness.
I'm still upset about the costs in the build system, and I'm generally out of ideas for modifications to what you build.

But I'm not browsing /tg/, I'm browsing /vg/.
>Fools Reset
>Weapons Play
>Grand Illusion

「Am I Kumagawa yet, Senpai?」
Not until you lose.
>Big Black Dick option depending on how big it is.
What color is the background anon?
>not choosing toss
anybody who does will absolutely wipe the fucking floor with anyone else.
"haha if heads I get all the powers! shit, I lost. If heads I get to try again, except they're twice as good this time."
Vagueness is the downfall of far too many a cyoa.
Vagueness is also the great thing about a lot of cyoas as well.

Still waiting on that cyoa set in the same world as Dusk City, Italics is making.
do it
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We need more waifu cyoas.
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There sure is a lot of best girls in this cyoa.
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>Dark skin
>Loli milf
>Ara, Ara
>She demands all your love, passion, and attention as she shows you the correct way to use your body.

I need to go take a seat.
I always thought that cyoa had a severe lack of symbiote oriented characters. Sure a couple ARE symbiotes and the moth guy deals with them. But there are no characters that use them, research them, etc.

Also more bug waifus.
I can't get past the font and the fact that the formatting moves back and forth all over the place.
I am about to go to bed, and the cyoa is already decently done.
Can't have space without bug waifus.
Succubus and Vampire both have pretty significant drawbacks but no commensurate benefits. I feel like they should both have one more perk than Devil, or else there should be something explicitly defined as unique and beneficial (for example, a vampire is naturally immortal and a devil is NOT, that sort of thing).

Anyway, I'll just go with Devil, Girl, Attractive, and General Magic. I don't really see the need for being a general asshole with the other powers, I'm totally fine with making "fair" deals.
I agree that they aren't really valid choices compared to devil, but I think that their natural perks should just be a little better.

>not the author anon
>He cheated on his waifu with his daughter.
I don't know how to feel about this.

I think the this is the first thread that's been posted in that hasn't had 50% of people fucking their daughterus.
I think I'm the only person who took that drawback but didn't fuck my daughteru.
>We need more comfy cyoas
I can't wait to see you finish it!
>How done is your CYOA?
How done is yours?

The Jester
Weapons Play
Devils Youth


Husk Army

So, I set out to discover the truth behind my uncles death. He was a decent guy, kinda kooky but hey that's just how family is you stick by them.

Dylan and Freeze followed me to the spire to help, I didn't really ask for them to come along and I'm pretty sure Dylan dragged Freeze along to confess to her or something... I mean I'm pretty sure there's something going on there between the two of them and he's just chronically shy about it, that's got to be why he keeps bringing her along and then trying to run away... Right?

Anyways I'll protect them both and avenge my uncle. Me, myself and I.
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I've finished another CYOA. I slaved over this for 2 days looking for lewd images.
I figured Toss would have a drawback like "Losing the toss makes that wish guaranteed to not happen", otherwise you're pretty much god.

So trying "I'll get away unharmed" and failing means you either won't get away or you'll get hurt in your escape.

Succubus should at the very least get Girl as standard. Otherwise it's an incubus and nobody wants that.
What happens when the guys captures you, steals your coins, or cut off your hands?

What good is toss then?
First off, you need to go to bed at an earlier time. I know lying in bed unable to fall asleep sucks, but it doesn't get better by staying up on your computer till 3 (2?) am.
>urban fantasy
>set in the real world
[desire to know more intensifies]

You'll have to elaborate on "the world is going to shit", because right now it sounds like Evil CYOA and that's my jam - the whole "you get incredibly powers and nobody realizes".
>tfw have to wait 1-2+ hours for a response because your sleeping pattern is fucked
how many boners did you get?
Neat. This one seems interesting, I'll see about making a build if this gets posted again next thread.
Rolled 8 (1d8)

>Free rent for a year
Sold, I don't give a fuck who it is.

Except if it's blake. Blake sucks ass.
The coin flip might be metaphorical...
All of them.
we need more Star Wars cyoas, as far as I know there's only the jumpchain one which is ok but sill
You do all your coin flips in advance, man. You fucks would make terrible super heroes, I swear.
Something about this just isn't doing it for me, and I usually enjoy lewd CYOAs.
Well, it's not actually all that lewd in the end. But I just made it for fun, so no harm not liking it.
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Have a few of these
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Hecate refers to herself as Circe.

Also, how does Circe's shapeshifting magic compare to Sculptor of Man?

There's also a lew/d/ one. Should be in the Grognard booru, but can't confirm since booru.org seems to be down.
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I've said it before and I'll say it again. Pride is objectively the most broken out of all of them.
do you think you could find that one? interested in anything star wars for the obvious reasons
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>What happens when the guys captures you
Use my other skills and/or companions to try and get away?

>steals your coins
It can't be that hard to find a penny somewhere

>cut off your hands?
Hopefully heal can bring them back. Otherwise I'd toss the coin with either my feet or mouth and try different wishes that would lead to me getting my arms back
hold on, there's no "b" in the corner.
But that can't be right.
No one but beri makes cyoas.

Why did you forget to write the "b"?

ew, I'm forced to molest someone?
What is wrong with you? You said "put your hand right there", so "there" is her head.

since I don't have sex and I don't know anyone I would be "comfortable touching", I can't pick anything but bondage and I don't want that.
Sorry, can't get any powers, can't do your cyoa.

A brave move, posting one's cyoa right before autosage.
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Thanks. And I guess the difference would be Shapeshifting being limited to you but allowing non-human forms, while Sculptor is basically a license to body-horror people.
will there be an uncensored version somewhere?
For convergence what would happen if I took off my mask?
Doubt it. The censoring is more tongue-in-cheek than effective anyway, since this shit isn't SFW regardless.
>Sculptor is basically a license to body-horror people.
That sounds like something beyond modern major surgeries. Additionally, mentioning surgeries at all makes it seem less like magically altering someone's body and more like... well, surgical alterations.
If you're too impatient to wait for booru.org to start working again, you can search for CYOA threads on desustorage's /d/ archive.
>choosing the BBD lets you become god

Why WOULDN'T you pick this option?
>take off your mask
Just to be sure, Ever-Living is a passive effect that consumes the charges when it revives you, correct?

Also, Yaga apparently wants to make you into a paradox, unless she just means altering your appearance:
>Would you like to be your...mother?
Pretty sure you meant for her to ask if you want her to be your mother.
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wow, isn't that, like, one of the first versions of that CYOA?
I think I have a much updated one, here
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>his doesn't have the little girl option.
Gotta establish a frame of reference for alteration complexity somehow, and it was the best I had.

Maybe you save the world, maybe you end it. Not knowing what's on the other side of the mask is part of the idea.

Yep. And thanks.
my shame is eternal, my embarrassment unending

>Grower, not shower
>There can only be one
Two temporary issues that can given me a permanent boost.

Power Sources:
>Contact 20
>Sex 18
Two charges every time I have sex sounds pretty useful, plus just one charge for touching someone.

>Vitality 16
>Second Wind 13
>Ever-Living 9
Hardly any magic of my own, but at least I can't die.

>Yaga 7
Healing is nice but more so she's a titty witch
>Blair 4
Battery powers seem useful if I'm always in need of charges, plus I owe having magic to her
>Wu Li 0
Summoning plus kung-fu sounds pretty sweet and gives me actual combat powers unlike everything else.
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Yan Talk.gif
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Powers: Fools Reset, Remember Me, Calamity
Companions: Kyur & Kyab, and Nani (Always, ALWAYS take your cocksleeves with you.)
Challenge: Husk Army

I would take Re if I could. Yanderes are hot until they try and stab you.
>Gotta establish a frame of reference for alteration complexity somehow, and it was the best I had.
What sort of limits does it have, exactly? Could it perform feats similar to what Warp Flesh from the Promraen Caro book of spells in Necromancer CYOA is capable of? When it says "provided you have the materials", does it mean equipment (because surgery), or specific bodyparts you'd take from someone else (because grafting), or just bodymass which you could shape into whatever you needed (because sculpting)?

Also, how extensive is Yaga's healing?

And before I forget, would you please alter the descriptions of the sources (besides Bondage) to include more specific detail on what exactly counts as one act?
>Gotta establish a frame of reference for alteration complexity somehow, and it was the best I had.
How about "you can warp your target's body into anything biologically viable, as long as they are recognizable as human in some way"?
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>I would take Re if I could. Yanderes are hot until they try and stab you.
You rejected her for another.
...you know the consequences, right?
>have to cast thrall 80/160 times on my target
>have to get close to my target for almost half a year assuming I can cast it once a day
>start to develop real feelings for her midway
>realise I'm mindbreaking the girl I love
>can't stop because I might lose the only bond we have then
>can't continue because I don't want to hurt her

This is torture.
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She loves you unconditionally. It's only fair you do the same.
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The problem is they're so prone to misunderstandings. Talk to another girls for five minutes about some mathematical problem and the next day it turns out she disappeared.
Holy shit! That is some 4th wall breaking shit.

Anon you gotta give me that LN name.
of course you cheating slut.
Why couldn't your girlfriend help you? How can she know that homewrecker wasn't jerking you off under the table?
If you really loved her you'd accept her feelings and you wouldn't make her jealous.
>implying I wouldn't go yandere on my yandere if she ever stopped killing people out of jealousy

>Girlfriend can't do something that you need done in a certain amount of time.
>You get another girl to help because she can help you
>You finish the thing you need in the time required. Thanks to that girl.
>That slut was jerking you off under the table wasn't she? Why did you cheat on me? Now I gotta go kill her and probably you.

Anon come on.
I want a cyoa based around actual yanderes instead of becoming one or making one.
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>Why couldn't your girlfriend help you?
Because she's shit at maths.
God, this is what I'm talking about!
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With an obligatory harem option!
>Fell down some stairs onto a carving knife.
That made me laugh.
If you'd really loved your girlfriend you would have let her kill your teacher or blackmail a student into helping you. There was no reason to bring the incarnation of lillith into your shared garden of eden.
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Accidents happen you know.
I want a cyoa based around actual boy yanderes. It doesn't matter you're not gay yet, because this love is destined... or so he believes.
>tfw his Knight yandere according to some Anon who posted chinese raw with picture said she got raped by some twin fucks on the orders of an alpha bitch
I hope someone comes up with a yandere cyoa, would be so hot.
See, you're not just cheating by fucking another girl. That could be excused - maybe you liked her hair better, or she has bigger tits.
But you're emotionally cheating on your yandere, too, saying she isn't good enough for you, that other girls can do things she can't.
You'd end up dead, and you deserved it for cheating.
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>let her kill your teacher or blackmail a student into helping you.
And get in trouble with the law? That's stupid.
That's gay anon.

Unless those yan boys have tomboypussies.
Yanderes are immune to all legal type moves. That is basic typing knowledge.
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Goddamned yandere logic! That doesn't make sense!
It's something that's been floating around in my head. What would a yandere do if their crazy love target turns out to be gay or a lesbian (if male yandere)?
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No, they just think they're immune. In the end they're just normal humans.
Normal in the physical sense, I mean.
Rape them until the gay is away. Straight up mindbreak.
tough shit because no one who makes cyoas is gay.
You could do it, but you won't. you'll just bitch that no one will cater to your fetish.
And neither will you.

the best part about it, if someone is stupid enough to make a cyoa because of all your collective bitching, you'll hate it because it isn't exactly what you wanted.
Wouldn't it be more logical for them to go all tranny instead of trying to force themselves on you?

I don't really believe in yanderes harming their crazy loves.
Go eat a snickers.
Yanderes make the best the rapists.
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No. Because yanderes want you to love them as them. Therefore they don't need to change, they need change you to love them as them.

>I don't really believe in yanderes harming their loves.
Okay, Anon..can't believing that. Some nice boat.
That's not how yanderes work. You're talking about mere stalkers who are indeed normal type humans yandere tendencies. Yandere type humans are the real deal though.
>Not going around and signing Contracts with people where they get some nice stuff for being good people and sticking to their goals
>Not going around and helping transwomen become biological women
Time to lewd paladin I guess
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That pic is accurate as fuck.
People who bitch about people saying what they like are actually way more annoying imho.
>All yanderes are the violent types
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About 60%, and because I've already spent several hours working on it today already.
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Exceptions are exceedingly rare, to be fair.
What's it about, sugartits?
If the anon you asked is Symbiobro/Symbrote, your guess might be correct.
It's the Create your own CYOA (CYOCYOA), a masterwork of autistic artifice that allows you to build a cyoa with stats and various descriptors then run it through a mock /cyoag/ to get a score.

Can I fuck it?
No, but you can make an imaginary fetish CYOA inside it, I guess?
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I gotta go with >>47384036 non-violent are rare.
Ah, the cyoa that lets me come up with cool ideas for cyoas which will never really exist and will torment me until the end of time.

I hope your waifus got an NTR fetish, you fucking tease.
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That is gay.
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What about elf boys, is that gay too?
Are they really boys?
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100% manly men. Or is it elvy elves?
One of the reasons that I'm making it is to hopefully inspire people to create things, y'know.
I'd make more but it's the end of the school year senpai, I imagine that's true for a lot of people
I don't see a man; I see a trap. I don't wanna be trapped forever.
Can you continue living in a different body with Ghost in the Shell even if your original body has died?
I still remember the purple one NTR'd the main character at the end of the doujin with a nigger.
wew lad that's a racist word
Can you really NTR someone when you're a prostitute to begin with?
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I told you we were coming for your waifus.
All these anime girls prefer our BBC (big black catana)
Sure, just a difference of being on the job or on your own time.
Pretty sure that he is talking about the brown elf.
No. The classic elf was a qt housewife shota who wanted to please the MC. The brown elf was a sassy tsundere "masculine" shota who made fun of the MC until he got mindbroken by the MC. The purple elf was a hypersexual nympho space shota who got addicted to the MC's dick but later forgets about him as a nigger pounds him into submission. He did come back the MC later claiming he could never truly forget his MC cock.

The MC is a middleaged man who stumbles upon an elf escort service which just happens to need a human for their escort to practice on. This happens multiple times. I think he ends up with a permanent harem though.
Where's the Jew option?
new thread when?
>devil's get strike a deal power for free
>Where's the jew option
So does incest make both daughters want to fuck you or what
>people who are mean to me and won't do shit for me are annoying
no shit you feel this way. Why don't you go make that cyoa you want to see instead of whining over hurt feelings?
I don't ever ask for any and actualy make my own, I just find your bitching worse than people saying they like things faggot
we'll have to disagree.
Nothing kills my desire to make a cyoa faster than having someone cry about "why u no make da cyoa I WANT to jerk off to!!!!"
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Actually I got home from a night out. I got a little intoxicated and that was me... drunk posting.

But that doesn't change the fact that I'm still interested in making that CYOA with you, if you're interested.
Why do you keep making CYOA I can't jerk off to?
immortlity 37
demiplane 77
lighting 89
plains 94
fresh water 98
honor guard 100
What is this from?
Is there an english translation?
Selfish fuck, isn't he?
Kimi to Kanojo to Kanojo no Koi, found it after googling the character's names for a bit
I need source for these
Flower Knight girls. It has a english port now I think.
Both the series and author's name are written on >>47383962, and >>47383991 is easily found via google.
Rose clearly has grown up tits.
>Needs source
>Source is literally in the image.
Did you even read >>47383962?
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Oppai Loli
renai boukun
author is dowman so voynich hotel maybe?

you guys need to learn to google things better
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Is there any mom or milf cyoa?
you just posted it
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Style of Life is literally milf cyoa with loli daughter.
I hate when cuck writers think them 'coming back' makes up for being cheaters.
>no shy loser oniisan I can assrape and bully as a dominant shota

It had such potential.
If I use sculptor of man to gender-switch, do I lose my magic? Because it only mentions "on par with modern surgery," & there's a lot of analogies that "magic" is just a lewd part of the body.
It really makes it worse,
>"Teehee I had fun, but now I want you back now that I'm bored"
We'll, you'd have to elaborate on "the world is on fire" thing.
Actually, just in general elaborate on your plan.

After my written exams, Adopt an author-CYOA that I'll probably finish today, or tomorrow, it's 50% done and I'll probably remove one/two guy(s) I know nothing of and the final pieces of A Pokémon, lewd-DLC is done, I only have old cyoas to finish, so I'm available.

Stop reminding me I have no social life.
What about any potential additions to A Gentle New World, momdom or otherwise?
What authors? Cyoa authors or book authors?
It certainly makes them even more of a bitch.
I had a small superpower CYOA in mind with a rock paper scissor system.

Nothing concrete yet though. I'm fine with waiting on you and any input you will bring.
>all this lewd shit
[heavy breathing]
You should lose some weight, senpai.
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heavy breathing.jpg
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If i choose Dual Citizrnship and War is it war for only one of those kingdoms?
Dominant shotas are glorious. I wish I could be a hung 12y boy with lots of older sisters whose boyfriends I could cuck.
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