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CYOA Thread

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Thread replies: 424
Thread images: 66

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Previous Thread: >>47353701

Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/vrqYhnpu
Captain Islamism
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New OC, courtesy of your friendly neighbourhood Symbiobro!
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Captain Zionism has a nice theme song.
Something about this CYOA ruins my color vision.
Easy choice.

I don't know if I've ever really felt sorry for Venom before. Something about damaged goods just melts my heart.
>Weakness to antimatter
Isn't that a weakness everyone is supposed to have?
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Posting a personal favorite:
Was expecting it to be OC symbiotes, but this is fine.

I pick Toxin first off, because I want to start out with a fresh symbiote and be their first host. That way our bond will be deeper and truer than otherwise.

Enhanced Shapeshifting

Decent all around powerset, nothing too fancy, nice and straightforward.


Lets get a nice support group going. Got the support and got the best friend, that's a good start for my team. A lot of the choices are appealing though.
Venom has always been a little sweetheart, I'm rooting for it to get with Spiderman and him not to be a dick about it for once. But as for me, I don't wanna play second fiddle to anyone, never get with a girl, or alien symbiote, that's still attached to their previous relationship.
Ya, I was a bit worried Anti-venom would be a bit overpowered. His weakness is way more rare than the other two, but I decided to keep it more comics accurate anyway. Couldn't think of a substitute.
And in the comics it's actually "darkforce energy" but I didn't think anyone would get that.
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Easy to teach, easy to hold and control, easy to deal with

>Natural Weapons


We are the ultimate vigilante team, punishing anyone that fucks up.
Also, how canon is comics stuff?
Huh. I haven't seen this version before. Is this new, or just obscure?
I think it was posted in the last thread.
OC from last thread. It's not Kingdom Crusher, it's a spinoff Kingdom Diplomacy.
Darkforce energy still isn't that common, though. Unless someone's purpose-building weapons to take you out, you'll only really have to worry about Cloak and Dagger.
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I love the original symbiotes too much to make my own. I tried to change some of them a little bit.

And the symbiote has a really sad story. It was locked away in a prison on another planet, then this hero rescues him so it latched onto Peter and really liked him. The worst thing it did was take his body for a joyride at night while he was sleeping a couple times, because that's what it thought he wanted. To fight crime and stuff. The result just left Peter really tired in the morning.
When Reed told him his suit was actually a living being, that's when he freaked out. Everyone thought it was just some weird parasitic leech. Not even Reed thought it was capable of having its own thoughts and feelings. After it broke out and tried to forcibly bond itself back to Peter, that's when he fought it off him at the bell tower, and it ended their relationship on a very bad note before it found Eddie (though it did drag him out of harm's way before it left)

Peter's rejection really upset the symbiote, and when it bonded to Eddie, who really hated Spider-man and Peter, it got corrupted even further.
I'd welcome this jam.
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>Dual Citizenship

>4-1=3 Knowledge
>4+1-1=4 Combat
>3 Property
>2-2+0 Treasury
>2-2+1=1 Resources


>Tusk (Legendary Beast)
>Caer (Custom Outfit)

Be poor but still fairly strong and influential noble. Have some castles in mountainous lands between Tusk and Caer. Would have lots of money from trade through border area, but unfortunately dragon breeding business is expensive. Especially when you spend time fighting off barbarians and studying magic instead of developing business sense..... At least I have a nice set of fashionable dragon handling gear.

Anyone interested in buying a dragon can come and stay with us for awhile.
I know, and Peter is such and abusive dick to it sometimes. I remember one time he feigned being injured and hurt around Venom so the symbiote would abandon Brock and bond with Spiderman to save him, and then when it tried he just turned around and roasted the symbiote for its efforts. It's like goddamn, you made this thing think you were going to die and then you tried to kill it when it wanted to help you. How is that heroic?
Most of it is pretty canon. I made up the stuff about Scream forcing the user to be a girl, and Anti-venom isn't a real symbiote, just an extension of Eddie Brock's body.
I know, but like I said, I was trying to keep it comics accurate, but couldn't think of any balanced weakness. Antivenom in the comics is better than the other symbiotes in every single way, and I couldn't figure out how to balance it.
Maybe make taking Anti-Venom cost you power selections? It effectively comes with free Resistance, after all.
In conclusion: Spiderman is a dick.

Alright, that's both good and bad news. At least I know what crazy bullshit to avoid.
I remembered that much about the Venom introduction arc, I guess I just never thought the symbiote could be so ignorant of

>the worst thing it did
See, this is where I don't agree. Just because I feel for you, doesn't mean you get a pass on everything you put Peter through.
Love this.
Symbiote: Carnage
Abilities: Regeneration, strength, resistant, natural weapons, and spawning
Companions: Bro- give spawned symbiote to and Sidekick
Drawback(s): Menace! and Nemesis
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Where's Clot?
this is 10/10 m8

Symbiote: Scorn
Perks: Strength
Resistant (Fire)

Companion: Henchman

Doesnt put up with bullshit?
merges with tech and is fucking hard as fuck to kill?
well, either we'll learn to live together in peace or it'll leave me in five seconds after a hair-brained plan involving her, me and a Abrams tank is partially merged into power armor...
Natural Weapons

I will be a great mercenary, and that is about it for now. Might have more later.
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>Spider Man is a dick
Nah, he's a teenager who was scared of being bonded with a strange alien life form and understandably freaked out.
Later on they kept trying to make the symbiote more sympathetic, which is not exactly a bad thing but come on.
Are you still working on this? Cause if you are then you might want to make it so that each symbiote gives you an inherent perk. Maybe rule out a few too. Maybe also add something like a few factions or symbiote specific/named companions.
Yeah, I mean, it's not like Peter knew what he was getting into, either. Venom likes to characterize it as him taking this poor defenseless little symbiote away from its home and then abandoning it, but the symbiote made it worse with its decision to disguise itself as an inanimate object to get him to accept it. He went from "hey, cool, this alien tech I found on Battleworld sure is useful" to "oh god my pants are alive!" without any warning. Maybe you should have gone into that relationship with more honesty and you wouldn't have been rejected, Venom.
>Rule a few out
They should go on those reality shows where people debate their family/relationship issues.
Tomb of Qin because Immortality.
Suc [0]
Sur [0]
I'll need the extra credits from blowing the place up. And I'll take her with me.
Cr [10]
Lets start with required doctor : Don Cephal. I think I could get along with him.
Treasure Hunter: Winnie Yau. Cute asian, good rates, bonus for my china mission.
Grease Monkey: Ming-Na Wu generally just for the stats
And Ray Carver, also for the stats.
And Vara to round things off. I have 6 people including me and Sentinel Mio
Suc [0+5+25+30+30+0] = [90]
Sur [0+25+25+0+0+24] = [74]
Pretty decent chances to become rich and immortal.
Pity about the whole having to blow the area up thing eh?
Man I don't care, once you're at the point where you're taking advantage of a being's unconditional love for you to trick it into thinking you're dying so you can kill it when it tries to save you, you're the asshole now.
Anti-Venom (all the plusses of a symbiote without the "corrupting" negatives)

>Enhanced Shapeshifting
>Invisible (though Separate Form is tempting for STAND POWAH)



Literally my childhood fantasies of swinging around as "Venom" and fighting crime. There's a sidekick to train and mentor until she's a proper hero in her own right, and a reporter who can give me all the big scoops and maybe set the record straight. Powers are a good mix of offence and stealth to mix and match based on the situation.

Menace! is almost fun, in that it's kind of fun to be the underdog who has to earn the people's trust one good deed at a time. Plus, if it ever gets too dire, healing entire wings of hospitals at a time should be good for easy pr.
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That's a good idea. Maybe you can only take 2 powers and 1 companion.
Ya, if the Venom symbiote had actually tried communicating with Peter, things might have gone very differently.
Eddie did corrupt it a ton with his hatred, and the symbiote just went through a very bad break up.
Thanks guys!
I have no idea what that is.
Nah, it's basically done.
Well damn. I didn't know about Scream before now but I cannot resist the genderbend option because I am a perverted degenerate. And I thought Scorn I was really cool, too...

Enhanced Shapeshifting
#1 Fan

Very close toss-up between Strength and Regeneration but I figured tossing a car is a good enough top-end. Sidekick would also have been a good choice.

I'm gonna teach that fan all there is to know about tentacle porn.
Didn't venom use to spout stuff about eating brains back in the 90s?
I mean, bruhv
>didnt the suits wearer spout stuff about eating brains back in the 90's?
He's Anti-Venom's son. I think...
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He said it all the time, mostly for intimidation purposes, but one comic did go into the fact that the symbiote did need a chemical found in the brain, but it's a chemical also found in chocolate.

When it bonded to Gargan though, he did eat people.
Who's the woman with the red bandana in the Nemesis drawbacks picture?
I'm too tired to look for better sources so wikipedia it is
"In some incarnations, the symbiote is depicted as requiring a certain chemical (most likely phenethylamine) to stay sane and healthy, which has been said to be found abundantly in two sources: chocolate and human brain tissue. Thus, the host is forced to steal/buy large amounts of chocolate or become an unwilling cannibal who devours the brains of those he kills. This peculiar trait has only been witnessed in the Venom symbiote. However, both Carnage and Toxin have threatened their enemies with aspirations to "eating their brains", as well as various other body parts. When Toxin teamed up with Spider-Man and Black Cat, he struggled to keep himself together, telling Spider-Man that he was only "joking" about eating the robbers' brains."

Yep, that's what I was refering too. Still, a guy that looks like that and says stuff like that, Peter thinking the symbiote was as crazy as the host is understandable in a sense.
That said, he's still a bit of an idiot.
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Who wants a new car!
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>Enhanced Shapeshifting
>Separate Form

#1 Fan

Regular symbiote super-strength is good enough for me. Enhanced shapeshifting mean I can go where I please, resistance just makes sense, and separate form makes it easy to avoid a "why is Clark always missing when Superman's around" sort of thing from taking root in people's minds.

I sure hope the symbiote doesn't misinterpret my attraction to my companions, separating from my body and shapeshifting into their forms, pretending to be them, leading me into a huge misunderstanding that will piss both women off, until they eventually forgive me because how could I have known... nah, convoluted shit like then never happens in comics.

Everyone knows that Peter Parker got bit by the radioactive spider. She was retconned in, getting bit first-er and then locked away in a bunker for a decade for dimension-hopping inbred aristocratic vampire reasons.

She was Dan Slott's (current ASM writer) pet. Absolutely pants on head retarded through the already inexorable Spider-Verse event. Her new solo is better. I don't know if it's really a good book on its own, but from what I've read, she's an actual character with a certain amount of charm. Plus, she's a cute.
I don't think you can take resistant with anti-venom.
I'd rather unicycle.
Scorn, methodical, adaptable able to understand it's own physiology better

Natural weapons

going for the ability to put down people who deserve it fast, and in large numbers

Vigilante(recipient of spawn)
scientist(to build custom mechanics to interface with)

basically forming anti-hero team who kill people who we decide deserve it
Everything he does is so retarded. At least Spock's midget waifu was cute I guess.
I think 2 powers and 3 companions makes sense, personally. Shouldn't it be easier to make friends as a good guy? Maybe prevent him from being friends with the outright villain, or she counts as a companion AND a drawback (guaranteed drama, and another power/companion).
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>that synchronized clap
I really feel for Venom, and it's power is very apparent. Having multiple hosts beforehand doesn't bother me too much.

Watch those gains, bra.

Make me more resilient towards fire and sonics. I could choose one over the other, but resistance in both is better than weakness to one.

Regen is always good, and it meshes well with the other two powers.

>Bro, Sidekick, Hero
It's always good to have a friend when you need them, and the Bro is familiar with symbiotes too. Sidekick is good for busting crime or shitheads together with. Being friends with the Hero should help somewhat with keeping a good reputation amongst the populace, as well as help me and Sidekick become heroes ourselves.

Spider-man's gonna be a very dangerous foe, but with my sidekick and durability, I should be able to handle him. Bonus points for being invisible to his Spidey-sense, since he originally used Venom.
You sure? Okay, free power, uh... let's make it invisible.

Haven't read the comics, so I've gotta ask. What are the limitations on shapeshifting and enhanced shapeshifting? Is it suit forms only, or is it actually changing my human shape, or maybe both?

And how does shapeshifting/enhanced shapeshifting work with separate form? Scream's fluff mentions you only go back to normal when completely separated from her, but what of any other symbiotes or willfully made forms? Naturally this would only be something to answer if Scream isn't the only one that can change your human body.
>Symbiote: Hybrid
Sure I have to listen to more people, but enhanced multitasking without dealing with constantly conflicting ideas is a nice boon. Plus the suit looks the coolest.

>Powers: Regeneration, Natural Weapons, Strength, Invisible
I wanted Tendrils and Separate Form for complete multitasking, but ultimately I figured Natural Weapons would come in handy for a variety of things and comboing it with Strength would only improve the effectiveness. Regeneration is par, and Invisible is just useful for scouting things out and in case I need to run like a bitch.

>Companions: Hero & Sidekick
A guy I can sort of relate to, what with us both randomly getting superpowers, and someone who we can then therefore both relate to and help out. It's a pretty decent team of... what, eight people counting the symbiotes themselves.

>Drawback: Menace!
People just don't understand. Hopefully me assisting the hero will help them understand. If not, oh well, they can't do much about it besides make getting a job hell and shopping really awkward. I'll have to work online.
Multitasking is beautiful, and I'm lonely anyway
>Tendrils, Regeneration, Strength
With super strong, regenerating tendrils, I can multitask with more precision and power.
>Vigilante, Bro
I can go be a harbinger of justice with the Vigilantte and learn how to fire guns with all of my multitasking powers. And, let's be honest, who doesn't want a trusty bro by their side?

With this build, I intend to be the master of multitasking. With my numerous tendrils, I'll be able to get all housework done at least 5 times as fast and I'll be able to play as an entire team of characters all by myself in most MOBAs and RPGs. Although the voices in my head will likely be maddening, I'll try to get them to play games with me and my Bro.

As for actually going around and using my powers for more stereotypical purposes like fighting crime, I'm sure my fighting bro Vigilante can help direct me to where I need to be.
Rolled 6, 1 + 2 = 9 (2d6 + 2)

Silk's kinda cool. She had an interesting arc that got ruined when Secret Wars happened (what else is new) and is now getting muddled up with the somewhat confusing Spider Women event. There was a cool bit where JJJ liked her even though he hated Spider-Man for the same reason even though she was trying to trash her reputation to get in good with the baddies. Sounds kinda Mary Sue-ish but honestly it was pretty fun and now a problem, in my opinion.

Blind Expedition
Treasure Thief II

More Treasure

The real treasure is friendship! And loadsamoney

Lady Trevalyn

>Crew (-15/10)
Pollinus Satch (-5/35)
-Hoover (20/)
Donna Betelisi (15/15)
Katie Marchand (20/10)
Lady Trevalyn

Base chance of success: 35%
Base chance of survival: 70%

Hard to build a team in general here. Credits seem in very short supply, but that seems to be the intent. Richard Kestrel and Sentinel Mio are complete non-options for me. And then on top of that Blind Expedition is super hard. As it ought to be! Also hope I got the dice rolling syntax right, never actually tried rolling two different dice at once. First d6 is for which expedition, second is for More Treasure, first d20 is for success, second is for survival.

Tried to build my team for overall agreeability as well as statistical performance. Not 100% sure on taking Lady Trevalyn with us since she doesn't really offer a ton but I figure she's paying for it she can at least come along. Plus I already have the other two best waifu options in my party. May as well bring all three.

Here's hoping I don't die horribly!
well venom takes the whole "mimicry" thing a bit far when it reveals it can A.) mimic super powers of previous hosts, powers its seen and interacted with for long periods of time and B.) tranform ANYTHING into a garagantuan weapons platform...you want biomechanical machinegun lasers? cool! you want spikes of death and a fuck HUEG form slightly more resistant to fire? done!

it just kinda depends on who you are anon, and what perks you choose to enhance your little freind
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I'm just going off what I remember from the various comics/cartoons over the years.

Peter Parker used the suit to shapeshift into articles of clothing (jeans and a t-shirt, tuxedo, etc.). Hypothetically, though, considering the mass it adds to Brock and the way it bonds with Kassidy (the Carnage symbiote is in his blood, I think he's able to regenerate from like a single cell or some shit like that) so that he can form and throw bladed weapons, the sky's the limit. Changing physical features of the body should be no problem.

Beyond adding the ability to mimic even animals, it probably includes more advanced, Mr. Fantastic-esque contortions. Things like flattening into a puddle, stretching, etc. are no object with a strong enough bond.

Presumably Scream's bonded enough to the blood that it's not entirely cut off even in its "separate" form.
Rolled 12, 97 = 109 (2d100)

Oh god. And to think, if it'd been Rhino Mountain we'd almost assuredly have gotten all 6 treasure. Well, here goes nothing. Rolling under 35 for the first roll, 70 for the second. I know the Challenge description said to ignore the required party member, but good thing I brought good ol' Satch along for the ride.
If we have to pick an exterior, and the minimum exterior cost is 5 credits, shouldn't those ones just be free and we start with 95 credits?

>Enhanced Shapeshifting
>Separate Form



If Marvel did a buddy cop movie, this would be it.

anon please keep up with this and add more stuff into it, my favorite kinds of cyoa's are making donut steels and sharing them and comparing them with friends.

Natural weapons (always good to have a knife)
Enhanced shape-shifting (here spider spider spider...)
Resistant Sonic (Fire bad)
Regeneration (Bullet wounds also bad!)
Strength (Dual wielding minigun-axe arms though...)



insane ideas bounced off of a hard logic motherfucker! the bond we will form and the havoc we will wreak will be unimaginable!

and its not like it really wanted to bond with me...bakka...

also to give my own answers


>Enhanced Shapeshifting

>Best Bro
>#1 Fan

>Strong Willed Other

I just want my symbiote to keep me safe, in a really broad sense, so i can live life+. even if i am making a stupid fucking decision it will force me to stop. i think thats pretty cool.
for fetish reasons

>Natural weapons
>Enhanced shapeshifting


>Strong willed other

>Tomb of Quin

>Sentinal Mio

>Winnie Yao (3 credits 25/25)
>Tekla Kallela (2 credits 15/15 success/survival)
>Sue Larenko (2 credits 10/20)
>Hoover (1 credit 0/20)
>Ming Na Wu (2 credits 30/0)

Total of 80% chance of survival and 80% chance of success
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>Eventual mind death/mental sublimation to feminizing hedonist yandere

god speed anon
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Reposting my OC from last thread.
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Since all of the kewl kids are doing it.
>Enhanced Shapeshifting
I like sneaking.
Really cool OC anon, I've always loved the symbiotes and all their varieties of stabbing

I'll go with Carnage, as he's my favorite, but it was a close match between Venom and Scream Yes for fetish reasons

Drawbacks: Menace and Nemesis. If Spidey can handle that shit than so can I, even though a few cops will probably definitely die because I hate them. And as ridiculously strong as I'm about to get, I'm not overly threatened by another symbiote.

Powers: Natural Weapons (everything a man could ever need for stabbing bad guys in the everything!)

Enhanced Shape-shifting (I hate how I look anyway, and turning into animals and shit sounds fun. Yes, also for fetish reasons. )

Tendrils( for enhanced stabbing and attacking from weird angles.)

Regeneration (for not dying like all the cool kids)

Strength (for wrecking shit and tacking names. Try and kill me now assholes!)

Friends:Vigilante and Sidekick

The Punisher teaches me how to shoot guns AND I get to teach someone around my age the ropes of violent heroism? Life is good!
>Deluxe Passenger Quarters
>Can be purchased multiple times. Can be purchased multiple times.

>Transport Room
What is the range of this? Just outside the vehicle? Orbit to surface? Interplanetary?

>Workshop [10cr]]:
Man, picking Solar or Heat where I live would be a death sentence. 7 months of the year where average temperatures are below 50 degrees Fahrenheit, and the vast majority of that time is cloudy to boot.
Whats the cyoa this anon is talking about?
>Scream - "[...] whether you want to [our] not."
>Menace! - "[Her] considers you a public menace,"
The one about being a Prince or Princess that was posted 4-7 threads ago. It was a pretty cool cyoa.

Can't wait for even more oc.
Royal Revival. The 9 page epic by Beri. Dig back a few threads and you should find it, or look in the pastebin for Beri's stuff

>That moment when you thought it was potentially possibru due to creator's wording to take scream and take separation to make her more "appreciative" of your male form.
>I don't think I have an image of a guy sweating enough in any of my lost reaction folders.
Does, Beri have a new project after Royal Revival?
Is it possible to take resistant twice to be immune to both Fire and Sonic?
I don't know if he's said anything, but I'm sure he will sooner or later.

The rate he works, I don't think he has "projects" so much as whims that materialize themselves into a professionally built CYOA in a single afternoon.
With the enhanced shapeshifting would I be able to change genders and the like on my regular body?
>Is it possible to spend 2 points to take godmode cheats?

You tell me.
It might be possible to convince her that it wouldn't be her being male if you do it while apart from her.
She would need a lot more convincing the first tine, though.
Yes. In fact, it's free.
Silk is great in her own book, and the main artist is fantastic, but unfortunately the replacement artist is pretty balls. The writer, Robbie Thompson, is really good at taking bad ideas/characters and making them great, just like he does with Venom: Spaceknight.
Remember, you still look pretty horrifying.
Without enhanced shapeshifting, you can change your symbiote's color, and to most different humanoid shapes, but you can't add too much mass or anything. You can also just shapeshift it to mimic basically any article of clothing. Unless you have Scream, you can't really make any huge changes to your actual body, but you can change small things.
Advanced shapeshifting let's you increase mass by a lot and actually change form.
In the comics, it really depends on how fully bonded with the symbiote you are. Carnage is bonded on a molecular level and can distort his body into all sorts of shapes. Using separate form causes the symbiote to completely leave your body (unless it's Carnage), and if used with Scream, you will go back to your original body.

In the Toxin comic, it took Pat, a pretty strong guy and physical made him a small, weak alter ego named Larry when it was mad at him.
I have different CYOAs planned and this one is pretty much done.
Hey, someone finally picked Carnage! They've all been picked now!

I'm happy to see everyone's enjoying this.
It's just like the Sunday symbiote threads on /co/
Thanks, fixing now. Who needs proofreading when I have you guys?
That's absolutely possible.
No, it's not. Antivenom's the only way, and I'm gonna nerf the amount of powers or companions he gets by 1, and force him to take a drawback without getting anything extra.
Yup, but just like Scream doing it, it will revert if the symbiote leaves you. And you're still technically a guy.
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I always felt that the nanosuits from crysis were a little like the symbiote, both are really possessive of the host:

>It is a jealous skin, Roger, and it’s already been dumped once. Prophet had to literally rip it from his flesh and blow his own brains out to be free of the fucking thing. Maybe the suit doesn’t want to go through that again. Maybe it’s whittling me down so I won’t be able to -— leave...
>all this good taste
Anon, I'd suck your boobs if you looked like that.
I personally can't wait for your OC
Resistant (sonic-immune)

Naturally I had to pick Scream for the Be-the-girl option. Anti-Venom would be too easy otherwise anyway. I intend to go the hero, or at least not-villain route, so I took powers that aren't as likely to go out of control and kill people. The Hero can help keep me in line, the Fan should give scream a bit of an outlet for her to show off, plus better PR.

Chose Sonic because of the two, Sonic is more difficult to evade. Someone's using fire and you just GTFO or take cover or something. There's no hiding from sound, not reliably anyway.
Resistant > Fire
Resistant > Sonics

Bro & Burglar.

I don't think I will do much good, but I definitely wont do much bad, either. I'd be like a much worse version of deadpool without all the jokes and way less action.
The drawbacks on most of these, leads me to pick Scream.
You can't take resistant twice.
Care to give a brief outline how each symbiote would affect you w/ Strong Willed Other?
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Working on 8 different cyoas. So keep waiting.
>carnage (for the strongest bond)
>enhanced shapeshifting (as mentioned I am assuming this allows human form changes which should be easier given how bonded I am to carnage)
>Regeneration (and I am always bonded)
>resistant (both)

Play both sides

>hunted (use the shapeshifting to get new identities)
Venom would probably become super clingy and almost as obsessive as Scream, and would freak out if it sees any of it's old hosts, not just the first, which would obviously make it furious.

Carnage will probably make you go on a killing spree.

Toxin will probably have child like tantrums if there`s anything it doesn't understand.

Scorn is just going to go full on no fun allowed mode.

Scream will obviously become the most obsessed with you, and will probably attack anyone else you even think of.

Hybrid will become probably very scared of humans since it was tortured in a lab when it was being fused, and will be like an easily provoked animal.

Anti-Venom will basically force you to tire yourself out going into full white knight mode, going from hospital to hospital helping people, and stopping crimes.

>Is it possible to take resistant twice to be immune to both Fire and Sonic?
>No, it's not. Antivenom's the only way, and I'm gonna nerf the amount of powers or companions he gets by 1, and force him to take a drawback without getting anything extra.
I took the partial immunity to both option
Then you have taken one drawback more than you need, or you haven't spent the point you got from it.

Exactly how much no fun allowed is Scorn?

I mean, if the symbiotes gain our emotions, and I'm a jolly guy, then would that cancel out?

I mean, I guess it'd be like if Carnage bonded to a good guy, or more extreme, a pacifist.
She's pretty no fun allowed. She's basically an organic cold and calculating robot.

And normally it might cancel out to an extent, but Strong willed will make the symbiote's feeling override your own.
>if there`s anything it doesn't understand

This is fucking with me

Huh. Still can't tell if that's a dealbreaker or not.

I'm trying to figure out what the best symbiote is for a guy who just wants to stay at home and eat chips instead of saving the world.

Like, okay, I've got superpowers. Time to get a normal job instead of dealing with super-villain bullshit.

But I'll totally use those powers to help me in everyday life. I was thinking of Scorn for the tech. Antivenom's also good, if I just decide to heal sick people, but he's not gonna make me fight. I'll be all "Do I *have* to?" in the whiniest voice. The whiniest.

Maybe I'll take separation so he can go off and superhero on his own.

With great power comes great responsibility, and with great responsibility comes the ability to say "fuck that noise."
Anon you need to caIm down speIIing mistakes occur.

Could you be more specific in the "no fun allowed"? I mean, it could go from "you won't have an urge to shitpost drunk" to "you wont have libido anymore and won't have feelings of empathy towards anything".
>tfw the symbiote didn't pick me on purpose, I was just the first meatsack around
that stings just a bit.
Enhancing my emotions can't possibly lead to anything bad ever happening, nuh uh.

Venom would have been perfecting if it wasn't a slut, and still heartbroken about its first host. He'd leave me without a second thought.
Scorn would be perfect because I love the idea of molding/creating/shapeshifting a rocket launcher on my shoulder Like Venom does in Ultimate Spiderman, but its personality is boring.
If you don't do good with these new powers, you're a waste of oxygen.
Scream would just make me a tranny, so no thanks. Doesn't even make the change 100%, or permanent.

None really appeal to me, so
because it at least shares my desire to become a hero.
No need to take resistant thanks to Anti-Venom
>Natural Weapons
I'm being a cunt and saying it can totally make rocket launchers
Honestly it's mostly for the added endurance.

Because tits. Also, because the power of Heroism/friendship can maybe turn her good.
But mostly tits.
Same reason as with Burglar, minus the tits part. I just want to be a Hero, who the Villain takes a liking to, and I teach her to use her powers for good.
I'm not working on as many I probably am, depending on how you count them.
Sorry, my laptop has it set so that it switches layouts if I press ctrl and shift in a certain order, and I accidentally hit them a lot.
Anything that isn't productive, not counting sleep of course. It's gonna make you get off your ass, unless you're actually working.
Shitposting doesn't count as productive, and if it fully gets its way, sex probably isn't either.
Why would it leave you if its first host hates it? Sure it has feelings for them still, but it also still sorta hates them.
No, you can't create weapons on yourself without Scorn, but if you have a rocket launcher, you can wrap your symbiote around it to make it seem like it's part of you, but somebody could potentially reach in and just grab it away from you.
And I can see making the burglar a good(ish) guy, though she'll still be a wild card. Villain might be able to be convinced to not kill people, but that's probably the best you're gonna get from her.
Look at that you are right my sixth choice was natural weapons but I kinda mentally combined it with tendrils and enhanced shapeshifting and forgot to list it.

Anyway I wish the military luck in trying to kill/capture the equivalent of "the thing". Also I would run at least two sets of identities at once (two human two full forms) one good that knows the hero and the other bad that knows the villain.
The CYOCYOA is coming. Builds are around as accurate as I could get them; proceeded to image phase now. Should be out tommorrow if I'm feeling very hardworking, day after tomorrow if not. God help us all.
>Why would it leave you if its first host hates it? Sure it has feelings for them still, but it also still sorta hates th
You said ITT that Venom jumped off his host to bond with Spiderman. I'm not having the symbiote play with my emotions like that
>No, you can't create weapons on yourself without Scorn
Damnit. It's all I want, but her personality is trash.
>Villain might be able to be convinced to not kill people, but that's probably the best you're gonna get from her
It's good enough. Something something "the Flash's Rogues Gallery"

Guess I get a generic Symbiote that's strong and can turn its arms into blades.
Scream's main shtick seems a bit redundant with enhanced shapeshifting, though she is the easiest to get along with.

The real choice is between Anti-Venom and Carnage, as they both have mitigated downsides and the strongest boons, although their personalities seem a bit difficult.

Does Scorn gel well with Shapeshifting? Can you do wacky shit with that, like some crazy sub-space like deal with supertech dropped in a pocket but still attached to your suit? 'Cause I want some force fields and plasma weapons for sure, but Carnage seems like he might be more reliable. It's kind of a trade off between having tech worked into the suit or the suit worked into me, so the choice really boils down to how much stupid shit Scorn can get away with. I hope it's a lot, as she has the worst personality.
To be more clear on how this would work, I mean something like bloat up, integrate weapons, shrink down. Ideally, the tech would still work, despite being much smaller, for reasons.

I personally think the full carnage integration is cooler and the creator said he is going to nerf anti-venom but as of now it is the most powerful choice. I think depending on your personality/willpower carnage could make you somewhat hotheaded to bloodthristy madman; definitely would not take the strong willed drawback.
That sounds less like the symbiote corrupting you to its way of thinking and more like the symbiote's personality being exaggerated.
I'm surprised there's no drawback that makes you stuck as a monster 24/7 or something.

I think carnage will enjoy every encounter with the nemesis, I also want to see the sidekick progress into a badass.
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You forgot to use the extra point from your Nemesis drawback to purchase either a 4th perk or a 3rd companion.
tbqh m8 buff juice we don't rule the goyim by being underpowered
Oh I missed the bottom text and assumed you had to take a drawback.
In that case:
>Resistant (Both)

I picked another drawback so i can always make sure Carnage always gets his battle-lust though it might get tiring.
Allowing me to use invisibility to provide some time to rest or to escape when in need.
I rather be not fully resistant to either disadvantage as that way the Hunted drawback won't just divert to whichever resistance i didn't choose.
Who is side kick art?
Id rather see each other symboiote get a specific power for free or all get an extra pick then removing a pick from anti-venom.
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>all get an extra pick then removing a pick from anti-venom.
that seems like a dick move. That means anti-venom is effectively losing two powers.
>No, it's not. Antivenom's the only way, and I'm gonna nerf the amount of powers or companions he gets by 1, and force him to take a drawback without getting anything extra.

So like many game designers you're going to overnerf him. GG
>trap companion is an SJW
fuck this shit
I'll pick Meshara Brown. Many aspects of her person plays right into my desires.
>Prefers being happy

The bad side is that she seems like the cheating type. Hopefully her reliable side will make her -not- cheat on me. (Although threesomes would be alright).

I guess I will choose the moon card.

>Secrets the secreting
Immortality. Probably no vaginal sex. Wealth.
I can deal with this, definitely.

I guess I was not supposed to choose a card in addition to a girl. Whops. Ignore the card.
Not really Anti venom has 2 extra powers already. He gets healing which no one else can even choose and he gets immunity to both attack forms and gets a rare weakness to anit matter.

Scorn gets tech interfacing a power no one else can pick and perhaps on par with healing if your are a tech head.

Hybrid gets enhanced multitasking a power no one else can pick. Maybe on par with the others.

Scream doesn't get an extra power but can warp your body to be female.

The others don't get anything extra.
OPs already going to really nerf anit-venom.

1 less power pick/compaion
required weakness with no benefit.
So really only the ones without an extra power should get a special power of some sort, instead of nerfing anti-venom into the ground.
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>I guess I was not supposed to choose a card in addition to a girl. Whops. Ignore the card.
Looks like the guy didn't post the second box.
Will Venom shapeshift into a girl and let me fuck it if I take separate form?
I believe that, for what it's worth, when the creator first posted this, he said that only one of the girls would really end up cheating on you, outside of extraordinary circumstances. I'd imagine that would be Beatrice.
Captain Transgender and Captain Naziism.

I want to be a female Nazi
>and will probably attack anyone else you even think of.
If she likes feminizing me and showing off our attractive body, wouldn't it be more fitting for her to be into any guy I think of, and either lesbian into any girl I think of or seeing her as a rival to us for guys?

I mean, if we're becoming one being, it doesn't make sense for us to be jealous of men or women that we're attracted to.

Also, her only special power is turning me into a girl, which is low power compared to other symbiotes, and is also entirely obsoleted by Enhanced Shapeshifting, which lets me become male or female and transform as much as I want. So if I want to pick that, there's no reason to pick Scream since I can pick any other symbiote without losing a thing. Neither let me get pregnant, so she can't even offer me that as a token power above and beyond Enhanced.

Creator didn't say mind death and imo yandere is out of character too.

She sounds WAY too familiar the women I know or to be more precise a hybrid of two of em.
Wouldn't it be super easy to stealth kill that shitty editor in the Menace! drawback?
Got one for the BSDs as well?
Maybe imagine that it's a whole news crew not just a single editor, and if he gets killed, not only will he be replaced, but the crew will likely try to pin it on you even without knowing for sure.
>Taking Venom
>Cucking yourself like that
>implying I'm going to willingly become a part of the deathtrap that is the Marvel universe

Hahahahaha. No.>>47362021
>Scream doesn't get an extra power but can warp your body to be female.
that's only a positive to a (hopefully) minority of people.
Personally she isn't even an option for me. I'm quite happy being a guy; I'd prefer not to become a transsexual.
Man, I fucking love most of the symbiote sagas in marvel


>Natural Weapons
>Spawning, give it to sidekick because with her base powers and tutoring, she would pretty much become a stronger and better hero in her own right

>Bro, helps to have someone who can sort of protect your "normal" life

I mean I can just heal the sick with my jesus-powers for those good boy points
>Strong Willed Other
Anti-Venom isn't that bad, and hes not going to make me doing something stupid and edgy like blow up a bus full of children
That's the point it allows you to be female without taking Shapeshifting, so for those who want to be a girl it indeed have a free power of sorts. She is a fetish pick anyway so is not meant for anyone.
>that's only a positive to a (hopefully) minority of people.
Even for us it's a poor positive. It's better as an extra thrown in to a choice which overall gets fewer/worse powers rather than being treated as a full power itself.

That would also give other people a reason to pick her, instead of relegating her to being obligatory little girl option.
He gets the drawback of being a white knight
Do we have any good cyoas about magitek running around?
>so for those who want to be a girl it indeed have a free power of sorts.
and, as I said, she's a non-choice for everyone else.
So yes, you DO get a free power, as you won't have to take Enhanced Shapeshifting when all you want is to be a girl.

>tfw the author includes non-options in his cyoa
I think the nanosuits were way worse, they straight up start replacing parts of the host with themselves so they cant be removed

then again the venom symbiote literally gave eddie cancer due to overexposure
The fact that every option except captain Islam gets a beam triggers me.
>might get tiring

i'm pretty sure the carnage symbiote has infinite energy, so you'll never actually be physically tired, though mentally tired is a whole new problem
One anon mentioned he was making a fantasy engineering CYOA some weeks ago
I hope he hasn't give un
Maybe they're aliens
>she seems like the cheating type.
>is the exact opposite of the cheating type

Anon's irrational fears of inadequacy strike again!
I man not the one for violence, but seeing how is it set in a world with a lot of powered people some of which might steal your suit i feel i must take the suit which can't be forcibly stolen from me. If it happened in our world my choice would be different.
Don't want to die, especially if i would actually get into trouble with symbiont's violent tendecies
Again' lot's of powered people abd organisations run around, better to be able to to keep low profile if need be and sneak around.
Might want to make myself more good looking, change identities if someone is after me and also see how sex feels for a girl no homo
Good pr an info on the happenings is a good thing. And again if i get in trouble with violence it will be good for damage control.

Not sure on the second companion, maybe a Vigilante so i could help him out and have excuse to kill some bad folks and please the symbionte without becoming villian. Maybe a Bro, but it might be kinda dangerous for him if i would have nemies and they would target him.
He have the Rape Beam
He has the Shrapnel Beam.
It only injures or kills whoever it hits, so he sends out a whole ton at once for balance.
>see how sex feels for a girl no homo
Do gay guys really want to get fucked like girls?
Same here really. I was just pointing that out compared to the others.
No, gay people don't want to be female, but people would still say that shapeshifting into a girl and fucking a dude is gay.
>shapeshifting into a girl and fucking a dude is gay.
is it not?
I mean, you're a dude that temporarily looks like a girl, who gets fucked by a dude.
So you're a man attracted to men.
It's not gay brah, it's science

>Separate Form


Well shit, we Jacket now.
What if i am not attracted to men while in my male form?
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>She goes around causing chaos. She could care less if people get hurt in the process
>She could care less if people get hurt in the process
>she could care less.
>gay people don't want to be female
fucking knew i wasn't gay
I don't get your post.

Should he had used "doesn't care" or something?
You've got an independence referendum in a month. Haven't you got better things to care about then doggy grammar?
She couldn't care less is the appropriate word to use in this context. Couldn't is a contraction of could not.

Also it's would've or would have; never 'would of'.

'Its' is when you want to say it belongs to someone, "it's" is a contraction of it is/has/was.
All-Terrain Engine(free) //flying
Interplanetary Drive(free)
Intergalactic Drive(20) //mostly to travel faster
Fictional Reality Engine(free)
Energy Weapons(30)
Personal Quarters(free)
Passenger Quarters(55)
Mess Hall(60)
Storage Space(free)

That leaves me with 15 points, so I guess I'll take Return Function and Adaptive Enviromental System.
I like it.

Then you're a shitlord.
Then why do you fantasize about having sex with men?
Than you have the convoluted, highly specific, likely made up sexuality of a fine Tumblr transademisemipostpregenderqueer.

You are gay.
Out of straightness.
I guess bisexual then
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>Natural Weapons (Mostly just used as staff)
>Enhanced Shapeshifting

>#1 Fan

>All Drawbacks

Together with my now symbitoted sidekick I will be a fighting monk/hero that helps the innocents yadda yadda.
And while the biggest newspaper in town and the government hate me the reporter and my superfan will keep the public opinion more or less on my side.
So every time a black ops or my nemisis attack in public they will at least more likely root for my on the sidelines.
Other then tat I would try to learn to heal others aswell with my abilities.

But I don't think I would just stay in one town. I would at some point start to travel around with my apprentice tending to the wounds of crime whereever they may apear.
What if I'm attracted to men in my male form and women in my female form? does that make me straight? By your logic, yes.
No, by his logic that would make you a tumblrite.
>Other then tat I would try to learn to heal others aswell with my abilities.
You don't need to learn that, Antivenom has it by default. And since you took Strong Willed Other, he'll make you heal others whether you want to or not.
So let me see if I follow.
You say you're a straight man, but you want to know what it's like to have a man go balls-deep in your vagina, spilling his seeds all over your insides.
You want to know what it feels like to come all over his dick.

But you're straight.
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Is this a shitstorm brewing? If so here is an old cyoa to get your mind off of it.
>have a man go balls-deep in your vagina
>in your vagina
Gonna be honest here, the first thing that comes to mind when I think penis in vagina isn't "gay".
Oh my fault then. I understood it the way that "it cures anything someone might have" meant only the one who wears the symbiote would be healed
Well congratulations, because you made it gay anyway.
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Anybody have a more recent version of this? 1/2
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>You say you're a straight man, but you want to know what it's like to have a man go balls-deep in your vagina
Anon I... is... there something you need to tell us?
Didn't you post this?
>...shapeshifting into a girl and fucking a dude is gay.
You say you want dick, but ONLY when you're a girl. Sounds like some transsexualism/tumblr special snoflakeism.
With the powers invested in me I summon Highlander-sama from the depths of the Autism Abyss.

Image Version: https://www.mediafire.com/folder/43r0qdm4sm895/The_End_Approaches

>Enhanced Shapeshifting
>Resistant (Both)



Maybe do some oddjobs with the burglar at first using my enhanced shapeshifting while trying to avoid her more "wild" streaks with some equipment from the scientist.
Other than that i will be enjoying some free wifi.

Combat: 3-1=2
Knowledge: 3-1=2
Resources: 3-1-1-1=0
Treasury: 4-2-1=0
Property: 2-1=1

>Armoury(Attack Ship)

Legendary Beast(Griffon)
Grand Ship

Yar har, fiddle di dee,
Being a pirate is alright with me.
Do what you want ‘cause a pirate is free,
Is abandoned.

fack. thanks anon
Yes, there is. It's a deep, dark secret, so bear over with me:
I'm really, super shy about this okay?
So please, don't make fun of me. I beg you.
I really don't fucking understand transsexuals. I don't understand hating your dick so much that you can't be happy unless you cut it off and blast yourself with female hormones so you can become a grotesque knock-off of a woman.

Michael Jackson wanted to be white.
He was black.
He ended up looking like god damned E.T.
You can't be a woman, anon. Even if you manage to somehow get your brain transferred to a woman's body, you're still you. Your mind is still that of a guy's.
See, now Griffons are a proper seaworthy beast! No worries about setting your ship ablaze but they're still powerful flying combatants.
No, it was me. I mean i was always attracted romantically and sexually to women and not to men in real life, but i would want to try sex with a dude, but it would be too awkward to do as dude, but it would feel not awkward if i am in a female body.
Anon, I'm not judging.

But you are aware that you've now written this on the internet, where it will be recorded for eternity, right? Even after this thread falls off the archive, there's still 4plebs, Warosu, and tonnes of others. The moment someone connects your writing style or bit of metadata to your identity, it's not really much of a secret any more.

You're anonymous to us end-users! Just close the thread, or never respond.

Anyway, yeah. I sort of agree; all transgenders I've met (I know two in real life) are pretty... dubious, physically, at least. I have a whole host of weird fetishes that would never, ever work out in real life, so it's okay to indulge your fantasies every now and then.

After all, isn't that what CYOAs are for?

It's okay, but also lacking in flesh, so to speak. That does seem to be the intention, but I just wanted to throw that out.
Well saying you don't understand it is a start, and is plainly true. You're just operating off some weird and wrong preconceived notions. This really is not the setting for a productive discussion about this and this is going to be my one and only post on the topic but if you are interested in learning something new I recommend three things. Be open to ideas that you disagree with, understand that other people are just as real and confusing as you are, and just try to find some account by and of transsexual people. It's really not hard to find sources that are neither shrill "die cis scum" nonsense nor play into fellating the standard anti-trans phobias.
To be honest I almost went with either Phoenix or Wyvern and completely discounting dragon because of size worries. Griffon won out because all the dashing hero types have them.
symbiote carmage
abilities resistance, regeneration and strength

companions vigilante and scientist
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Updated version of the power builder I posted last thread.

Setting pending; imagine a generic "some people gain powers, you're one of them, what happens?" narrative for now.

(duplicate builds are just placeholders in case I drum up more examples)
>all transgenders I've met (I know two in real life) are pretty... dubious,
I even went to glbt once to see what's up.
Then they asked what is stereo typically "manly"/"womanly" behavior, and at least one of each gender/sex/thing said they masturbate to thoughts of doing things the other gender "should" do.
It just sounds like a fetish to me, not something they actually want to happen.
so, to sum it up
>go educate yourself!!
in the end, that was what you wrote.
>lacking in flesh.
What do you mean by that?
man, that thing is confusing as fuck.

Especially the friends section - you think you are done balancing your points, suddenly the friends start raining down even more points on you.
To which deity should I sacrifice so I'd get some of that sweet Intelligence before my finals?
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There's not much to it other than

>pick a source
>pick a perk

It looks to be the intention of the CYOA, but I would give more than a glance or two if there was some more content like companions or enemies, or whatnot.
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It's a very spooky skeleton.
Depends on if you're using the Tribal Ritual power, one of the Sacrifice powers or both.
- Sacrifice on its own is short-term/immediate bonuses, so you'd need to make the sacrifice while you're literally taking the exam. Blast if you want to blitz through a calculation, Drain if you want a drip of vitality. Flense won't help you.
- Tribe work more like "if everyone in the group does a dance and cuts their arm diagonally, the cult leader can see out of their eyes for a week".

If you combine Tribe and Sacrifice you might get a lasting self bonus, but you might gain more by just spending Magna on Mentality and using Process - Pace on your own brain.

Also, consider improving rationale instead of intellect. That will help you figure out more efficient learning strategies than you're currently employing, or may make you realise your studies are worthless and set you on a more productive path. Or kill any uncertainty to the contrary.
Ah. Then you are right, that was the intention. I did try and flesh it out with drawbacks, but I see your point. I hope my next cyoa (political party) is better.
Can someone clarify how bonded we become with the symbiote. Because it says "when you're in full symbiote costume" so I assume that most of the time the symbiote kind of just hangs around speaking to you in your head and you choose when to go full power and cover yourself with it right?
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My fav
I pick robot

No love for dragons:(
Oh, and the Doctor, Engineer, Hellene and/or Renaissance Master roles may just act as a hard shortcut for your exam.
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>tfw finished my quick Be evil-CYOA and want to post it
>tfw thread half-way dead

I don't have any reaction images or characters looking sad, so this is the best I can do.
Threads last well into autosage here.
Just post it, even if the thread is dead you can wait until next thread and post it
A pretty easy way to collect energy for immortality, just go to big parties, travel from time to time to the world's biggest festivals and celebrations.
>Dual Sources: Diligence
This one would allow me to improve myself, earn money, be a popular guy because of my skills. The main part here is that it gives drive to work and train, that is a cool power even on itself.
That was ok, not every CYOA needs companions and shit. Companions and enemies would not even feel right in that CYOA.
Renaissance is art and science right? What is Hellene, buttsex powers?
Start the new thread with it
Its already posted on reddit and I responded there since I like to save choices but I"ll respond here too.

Toxin - Easiest to deal with in terms of personality. Presumably at the cost of initial capabilities.
Regeneration and Tendrils. Some advanced healing is always necessary. Tendrils gives me some range and utility as oppose to pure strength. I figure Regeneration will give me enough time to run from my weaknesses in addition to making my tendrils regenerate instantly.
Third ability is spawning. I'll be giving this to my number 1 fan I believe.
I'll take Number 1 fan and Sidekick as my companions. This way I'll have essentially a group of 3. We should be able to do a lot more.
I'll probably take Menace!. I mean, whats a little bad press. Especially since my fan will help spread the good word.
Definitely not going to use my tentacles on my loving fan and adoring sidekick. I wont necessarily be good. But I'll be reasonable. Maybe charge for my services. Maybe I'll do bad things but only to criminals. But for the most part, it'll definitely involve keeping my identity a secret.
>Even if you manage to somehow get your brain transferred to a woman's body, you're still you. Your mind is still that of a guy's.
But at that point, even if I don't act like a girl in every way, it just makes me a tomboy.

You're just being a dick. It's a shame so many trans people and trans friendly people are SJW feminists.
Pretty much. It forms clothes for you or hangs out in those internal bits you aren't using at the moment.
>It just sounds like a fetish to me, not something they actually want to happen.
Sexuality, fetish, fantasy, personality, there are no distinct lines between them.
On a completely separate note, MJ had a skin disease that turned blotches of his skin whiteish. So he basically didnt like blotches and rather his entire skin do that instead of having blotches. I dont blame him.
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>tfw it's all happening again

Is this gonna be a trend with you?
Renaissance is everything to do with the word Renaissance in a cultural and social sense. So that includes being Leonardo da Vinci/a renaissance man, though no sci-fi bullshit or anything, as well as being fluent in classical and European languages and a dab hand with a rapier.

Hellene is ancient Greece. So manlove is a part of that package if you so choose, but so is Pythagoras, Plato, Achilles and Hercules.
Symbiote: Scorn
Abilities: Strength, Regeneration, Resistant.
Companions: Hero, Bro, #1 fan
You forgot one of the drawbacks for one of the perks.
He better be proactive about that shit, or else someone else is going to cuck the fuck out of him.
>political party
That's a funny way to write "my take on a seven virtues/vices cyoa" or "four horsemen",
I urge you not to include a le be le girl XDD option in your cyoa.
It'll only remove any seriousness of it.
Oh right forgot to type it in, that was Weakness for Electricity, considering i'll be able to earn more mone with Diligince energy bills won't be a problem.
i dunno, maybe i should wait and add companions or whatever. ya'll seem to love that.

let's do this

5th auxiliary legion
feel like even though i won't be the highest rank, i'll be able to earn respect and power
Hybridisation -20(80)
monstrous mount-20(60)

hybrid arachne/kasai rex -(22+21)/2=22 (38)
no fucking clue how this would not look retarded, but the idea of a spider t-rex with only skill in medium being dex sounds cool

Princess Okai Charnos +50(88)
A masked man +20(108)

2 Black dog's -60(48)
to hunt down either the masked man or enemies of the legion

2 Naga -40(8)
snake bro's to help out with magic's and build stuff for me, will be non slaves

2 salamanders -6(2)
cute pets, might give em to naga bros

1Wolpertinger -2(0)
to feed all my kills so they can slowly grow in power
Little girl options can often be integrated subtly into a CYOA without compromising it's integrity, but you gotta be extra creative to do it.
I just hate when they're little girl options. 0 interest in being a child.
Don't worry, after giving it some thought, I decided not to implement a be a girl option. Though the cyoa will be a pdf until I figure out how to use Paint.
I generally disagree.
The CYOA is about forming a political party. You masturbating to being a girl has nothing to do with a political party (unless the cyoa is magical and your genderbending party can actually genderbend people)

Do you happen to have examples where be the girl was included - and got those with the fetish off - and it didn't shit up the cyoa?
2 companions not 3.
The thread is only dead because you haven't posted your cyoa and there's nothing to talk about. If you want a "living" thread there's two options, either post something new or rile up a retarded argument.
>Complications: Nemesis
he took a complication to get an extra companion
>Do you happen to have examples where be the girl was included - and got those with the fetish off - and it didn't shit up the cyoa?
Not the person you're responding to, but yes. Almost every single time it's included you can just ignore it if you don't like it. So most such CYOAs are examples. The ones that force you into it are a different story, but those are a minority.
>implying we all had perfect childhoods

I just want a mom who wouldn't beat 12y old me up because a psychic told her I was helping my dad cheat on her.
This thread isn't even close to dead. Just post your shit instead of constantly whinging about it not being the exact perfect super special time.
>implying I had a perfect childhood

That's why I don't want to go back. It'd be very difficult for it to be worse the second time around but I still just do not want to go through that again. I'll keep it in the past.
>until I figure out how to use Paint.
Figure out how to use Paint.NET instead. It isn't photoshop levels of complex, but it has many more features that regular MS Paint does not. Namely, it has LAYERS. It's very good to be familiar with layers. They make a lot of things easier. It's a free download, too.
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Not sure what you really mean. With Scorn if you integrate any tech into your biomass you can probably shrink it with shapeshifting, but you can't just drop a toaster into your symbiote and shrink it to make a mini toaster if that's what you're asking.
I mean, the symbiotes are getting corrupted too, and just sort of fall into bad habits.
Thought about it, but didn't like it that much.
Mania. She's actually an offshoot symbiote of Venom, but I figured a sidekick should look like you, but you should have to pick spawn to give her one. I really liked her in the comics and hope she shows up again soon.
Antivenom is already really powerful. His only weakness is super rare unless you take hunted, and he can literally heal cancer. If I was going strictly by comics canon, it would also have 0 personality, do whatever you want and also be able to hurt other symbiotes.
Like I said, I think the nerf is fair. And all the symbiotes have something special about them. Toxin is easier molded, and Venom in the long run will love you the most if you can convince it you're better for it. I don't think I really made that clear.
I didn't know whether to go extreme slut mode or yandere, so I went yandere since most symbiotes kind of are that.
You could, but you'd just be proving him right. The guy who's speaking out against you dies suddenly? It's kind of obvious who did it, and you will be hated.
Hey now, Eddie had cancer before he joined with Venom. It just fed off his adrenaline.
I always get that mixed up. Could you show me where the other mistakes are?
I don't complain about CYOAs having options that i have zero interest in, you can't make all options attractive to all.

Indeed. Taking little girl option usually means taking one less of actually useful powers so it nerfs you compared to other builds. Or if it's a select one type of CYOA, then it don't affect other choices at all.
Never mind. Its me that doesnt know how to read. Not you.

In that case.
I'll add in Resistance, half resistance to both. Should make me pretty damned hard to kill coupled with regeneration.
Ah, that's what I meant. Sorry, didn't know whether to put the net in it.
>it literally CRAWLING IN HER SKIN
>every single time it's included you can just ignore it if you don't like it
As I just said, if you make a serious cyoa like about forming a political party, but add an option that has nothing to do with the cyoa and is only added to help a minority jack off, you're removing any integrity of it.

It's like the people who get pissed at PvP - they can just not take it, right? But they can't, anon.
They also bitch about it.
Is there a cyoa about being an assassin, preferably edgy and anime-y?
>They already stole the guy's CYOA.
That's a bulge in the top-middle image
Actually the PvP example ties into my argument, not yours. They do ignore it whenever ignoring it doesn't vastly diminish their CYOA experience, like in that monster hunter clusterfuck of a CYOA.

No, no integrity is lost you big baby. Learn to ignore things you don't like.
Looks more like the artist finished the shading then realized he needed to change the angle of her left leg quickly.

Or it's a bulge, who knows.
I personally don't see what's terrible about posting on reddit. I mean, the author could do it themselves. Either way, you get more people to play it so ionno. Not like he's making money off it. If I ever make anything halfway decent I'd be ok with people stealing it and posting it where ever.
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I'm asking if I can take in a toaster, shrink, and then push out the vents to I can still put toast in, I guess. If I can put in and make use of things normally too big or bulky to fit together/on a person.
bulge that's actually a hook is pretty damn scary idea
Because they're taking his content, posting without his consent on their shitty dead website, all so they get attention and reddit good boy points.
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Resistant (Immune to fire)

So, anyone got some lewd cyoas?
And by "lewd", I mean "They include sexy options that I like, and not ones I think are gross"
>Like I said, I think the nerf is fair.
I'm pretty sure people prefer buffs over nerfs, though, even if the buffing doesn't apply to everyone.
>And all the symbiotes have something special about them. I don't think I really made that clear.
You're right. You should put some proper emphasis on any innate benefits/drawbacks the symbiotes have.

Also, for Scream's human forms, do feminine hermaphrodites count as female (since they're basically female as well as male)? If not, would you consider changing the requirements to, for example, "either having a feminine body or having female genitalia"?
>And by "lewd", I mean "They include sexy options that I like, and not ones I think are gross"
I'm pretty sure all CYOAs with sexy options have both things. If you want one that only has the former, you'll have to make one yourself.
Can someone post Slut life. I can't open the mega link on mobile.
>superhero CYOA
I would to see a mutant CYOA with a mandatory drawback
>Why is it bad that people steal his stuff and gets points from it?

> Either way, you get more people to play it so ionno
Not really, since the author never sees them
>If I ever
So until said event has transpired, that point is moot. You're dabbling in possibilities, not certainties.
That's just because it's reddit and we hate them.

Illogical but alright. Live and let live die
Anon, I'm asking you to post some so that I can pretend I'm not sad for wanting to get hard to imaginary games on my computer screen.
Should still be in the archives if you head back about 5-10 threads.
Hey. How ya doing?
Pretty good, considering I haven't had a chance to rest in three weeks. Shit's fucked as usual yo.
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It's either in your skin or formed as your clothes.
As long as I know about it, I have no problem with it being on reddit. I just like seeing people make builds, and having a wider audience makes that easier to do.
I'm gonna say no, mostly because pic related happens in the comics.
Pretty sure she wants you to be full on female.
The problem is that they do it without people's consent for the sake of getting attention for themselves. If it's like Kit who posts his stuff up there on his own then it's not worth complaint. You might be okay with it and that's fine, but they do it to everyone, no matter if they're okay with it or not.
And I'm telling you that since you didn't include what sort of sexy options you like and what you'd consider gross, I'll have to conclude that it's very likely that any CYOA with sexy options that I could post is almost guaranteed to have one or more options that you'd find gross.

You should do one or more of the following:
>learn to just ignore the gross options and enjoy the CYOAs for the options that aren't gross
>compile a list with sexy options, both the ones you like and the ones you find gross, labeled accordingly, which you can then present in the future when you want to know of CYOAs that fit your posted criteria
>make a CYOA that fits the criteria you posted
>renounce your perversions and become the upstanding citizen that Mr. Rogers knew you could be
>Pretty sure she wants you to be full on female.
You've already confirmed you've taken artistic liberties elsewhere, so why not here?
Anon, you're being trolled by a pinhead who isn't even putting any real effort into it. You're not telling him anything he doesn't know. He knows his request was impossible to meet, he phrased it that way on purpose.
Because you people are annoying with your fetish.
Pot, meet kettle. Kettle, meet....oh, I see you're already familiar with each other.
What's my fetish anon?
Pick three to build the CYOA theme:
-Sci Fi
-[Existing Franchise]
I want waifus that I can use in battle.
Cyoa idea: Magical girls in a low fantasy, medieval-ish and kinda dark world?
Like, you get a team of other magical girls and you *can* fight the dark lord, but you aren't forced to.
It's just that, you're supposed to be a hero so you probably should, but you can totally go do magical girl stuff.

The guns and swords are the waifus, naturally.
Please include harem mode, almost nobody owns only one gun.
Don't know, but if you're posting in this thread sincerely and not just shitposting in what you view as a complete garbage thread, I'm 99% confident that they're annoying.
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I only have a problem with it if someone specifically is saying "I made this", but they usually say they got it from /tg/
I mean, I guess you could simply shapeshift your dick back on, but the moment you stop thinking about it, she's going to revert it.

Also, regarding the Antivenom nerf, I'm still going to nerf him, but what would you rather see?
One less power or companion and you have to take a drawback with compensation, or just one of those two instead of both?
Sci Fi
[Existing Franchise] (MCU you are an enhanced like Wanda and Quicksilver)
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Aliens can be switched with monsters as well.
Im kind of disappointed at the lack of people abusing tendrils tentacles . I mean if you're going to go monster/villain, you might as well. You've even got a fan you can try it on.
>sort of sexy options you like
ones where you become a girl and it goes into lots of detail over your appearance.
I approve of magical girls

Not really my thing.
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I just want to stick my dick in manly monsters while going on a fantasy adventure.
>boo education bad
>One less power or companion and you have to take a drawback with compensation, or just one of those two instead of both?
If those are the options, then definitely "one less power or companion". Forced drawbacks are cancer.
Haven't seen fantasy and aliens mixed really. Could be cool.
>Monsters OR Sci Fi OR Aliens OR Fantasy
>multi-pdf cyoa

Manly knightbros hunting scary monsters manly. Full homo overdrive.
Waifu CYOA are a dime a dozen.

Resistant to both

#1 Fan

You're not supposed to answer multiple times, you know
>Sci Fi + Fantasy

Is that like furries in space or something?
Think Star Wars or Star Ocean. It has fantastic elements like a kind of 'magic' mixed in with traditional sci-fi elements.
This. Magitek is awesome.
>Is that like furries in space or something?
Somewhere, a wookie feels angry. Very angry.
Magitech is the worst meme.
>do feminine hermaphrodites
since a hermaphrodite isn't a female, of course not
>Waifu CYOA are a dime a dozen.
Why don't you be the change and make some gay cyoas to enjoy?
Nope, no furries, and the two settings are separate.
Seems liie Fantasy+Powers+Waifu wins
I only do it because I'm a massive whore and I love seeing responses I even take screenshots of how many I get when I first post a cyoa those wanking homos aren't going to get their useless internet points over something I made
>feminine is different from other adjectives because


You realize men can be feminine, right?

Calm down, anon.
Nothing more dissapointing than a manly man with a feminine penis, aka <6".
They never seem to have any interesting conversations or discussions really.

Anyway I like you and your CYOAs for the most part, I didn't mean that as a call out so much as using you as an example of when it being posted there doesn't bother me.
You do know that guy isn't planning to actually make the cyoa, right?
He just likes responses.

I don't know exactly why you're typing in all caps. Are you trying to say that me pointing out you should make the cyoas you love, somehow makes me angry?
>Gun and Sword Waifus got first two responses
>no more beyond that

Life is not really that bad I mean this is CYOAs we're talking about here.

Calm down, anon. We're all buddies here. No need to do something you'll regret.
Sword got double the votes gun did.

I kinda hoped for some weird outcome like Gun Sword Waifu, but Power Fantasy Waifu is fine.
See, I'd say your responses are the extreme ones, but you'll only make some absurd response written in all-caps.
>for the most part
brb cutting myself.
That's just used to cover my tracks, really. None of the ones I can remember did I dislike. I just like having a failsafe.

Okay, anon. I'm just walking away now. Don't look at me like that. You win, buddy. You're a big guy.
Gonna jump on the Fetish + Powers train.
>Kingdoms OR Fantasy OR Sci Fi (1st to 3rd pick)
These two manage to keep the status quo
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> None of the ones I can remember did I dislike
Uhn... I wouldn't mind if you said some more.

On that note, I tried adding companions to yandere CYOA and Be evil, but I'm really not feeling it right now.
>tfw got mildly buzzed to write cyoa
>tfw no clue what cyoa to do
ree etc.
Her wanting you to be female IS artistic liberty, it just makes more sense that way, her fetish is being female so it makes sense she wants you to be female not just not female with female traits if she can help it.



What about that lewd expansion thing you mentioned for A Pokemon CYOA?
Post the Be Evil cyoa, cutie.
I'm really shy about praise, sorry. It makes me embarrassed.
Have you considered adding more worlds/timelines to A Gentle New World?
Men can be feminine, but they can't be female.
The more you praise me, the more I make cyoa
>page 7
>"Post OC :D!!!"
Oh that? Not much work left. Because of the pokemon I decided to use, I can only add one row of the buggers.
It's fine, most of you niggers picked Ampharos +Gardevoir, and they should be on the lewd page anywho.

Wait, when did I claim ownership of that one?
This is a loaded question, and a shitty way to decide what to make.
Make a new fucking thread with your CYOA in the OP
Imagine that, they were right.
Hermaphrodites are by definition male and female sexually, and a feminine one could be considered female in gender.

However, the possibly deranged symbiote in question may take a full binary view on gender, in which case a herm wouldn't count.
>Wait, when did I claim ownership of that one?
It's visually similar to your other CYOAs. Also you posted it on Reddit.
Good thing antivenom can cure cancer then.
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>possibly deranged
>full binary view on gender
take your sjw bullshit somewhere else pls
No they wouldn't. It's a third gender. Look at snails. We don't call them male or female based on how fucking girly the snail is.
What? lol.

Hermaphrodites have male and female parts. That's not shitty politics, that's science.

We don't, but we're not the ones who decide what they think.
I don't see the other anon claiming that the latter is due to the former, merely that these two (derangement and full binary view on gender) are things the symbiote may have.
It felt like he implies that it have a binary view because it's deranged.
What they think, if they could think, would not determine reality. Physical traits are not decided by your feelings.
I think that says more about you than it does about them.
Anon is 90% right, actually. It's pretty clear. He'll be vindicated if that guy keeps arguing his case.
>would not determine reality
Which is why >>47371276 very specifically talks about possible opinions not reality.
>One could be considered female
Nope. Their sex is not female and cannot be considered female.
>hermaphrodites have male and female parts
Not how it works...
True hermaphroditism doesn't exist in human beings, your chinese cartoons don't count.
I think the Binary Gender Defender has more to argue about with the Hermaphrodites-Are-The-Third-Sex anon than >>47371276.

People make incorrect considerations all the time.

They meet the conditions to be considered True Hermaphrodites as used by the wiki entry. Making up your own definition of True Hermaphroditism surely doesn't count.
Rolled 6, 13 = 19 (2d20)

I like this author. Gonna do the challenge build.

Dual Citizenship
Combat: 4
Treasury: 4
Knowledge: 3
resources: 2
property: 2

Establishment (TBD)

Let's see what kingdoms I get.
If you're dismissing your own view as incorrect off the bat then you're really just being a complete idiot about it.
I'm talking about the type of hermaphroditism seen in nature, where both sexes are functional internally and externally.
What you're showing me is a malformation:
>ambiguous genitalia, with lack of proper function
>non-functional gonads
Get your head out of your ass.
Aight, decided to make that dere Adopt an author (waifu) cyoa.
Currently adding
I don't know if I can do that one.
>The Scientist ?
>Harem Master ?
>Hunter Guy
>Italics ?

Any more highly prolific ones, that actually make cyoas (so no, no Space refuge-guy), I missed?
>dismissing your own view as incorrect off the bat
But I'm not doing this. When you say that OTHER people could consider something to be true, the only view you are expressing is that those other people might consider it to be so, not that it's factually true.

If you want I can give you a scenario, but it should be pretty obvious to you.

I know what you were talking about. But you're using a scientific term that exists already in the discipline, and using it wrongly.

My head's clean, and clear, and under control.
shit, forgot
Right, but you're saying those people are also wrong. So who cares what they think? Some people say the world is flat.
>So who cares what they think?
The people bonding with the symbiote should care what she thinks, as it's going to influence their fate pretty directly.

Don't tell me you jumped on the argument bandwagon without even knowing what it was about? Not that knowing and choosing to be an ass anyway is much better.
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This one?
I know, but there is a distinction between it occuring in certain animal species and it occuring in humans.
The functionality is a big hint that one can be taken as a particular malformation and the other just a characteristic of the species.

Ultimately you could consider it a third sex I suppose?
Why do people keep adding extra Rs to the name? There should be only one.
That's not the argument. Anon's argument was that the symbiote should let him become a hermaphrodite. However, the symbiote prefers females and want to make you female. If hermaphrodites are a third gender as you seem to be agreeing with, then anon has no leg to stand on in insisting the symbiote who wants him to be female let him be one.
No, they're talking about the one Kit was working on and posted a teaser of (with three demon types that were Vampire, Succubus, and Devil).
It doesn't matter if hermaphodites are ACTUALLY a third gender, just whether the symbiote can accept a rationale that hermaphrodites count as female.

If the symbiotes are also infallible truth detectors with regards to the natural world, then that is a very interesting power and I might have to change my build.
Then that's solely a matter of anon's power of charisma and argument and not a matter we can hash out in the thread.

He'd probably fail though.
>Anon's argument was that the symbiote should let him become a hermaphrodite. However, the symbiote prefers females and want to make you female.
My "argument" was a request that the author lessen the symbiote's obsession so that said symbiote would be okay with a body configuration where I still had a penis even if I looked otherwise female (with or without female genitalia, depending on how lenient the author felt).

Sadly, the author doesn't seem to want to do that, so there's not really anything I can do about it.
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>secretly really wanted to be on one of these
>still not popular enough
Aw man.
Did you not look at the whole list?
work hard senpai
So you agree the contrary posts were speciously ignoring the obvious, then?
Missed the one with it's own spoiler.
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look, anon-brother, bro, you just need to get your shit into gear and make something.
I'm 4/10 authors in now, but I won't finish today. You have time to make something.
Pallas has made, what, two cyoas? One about being a slutty twin, and one about bells.
I need two more the way things are going, so yeah.
Please, please be Musclewizard-anon
Nah I think it's fair to insult anon for his fetish.
Sockminster and Box Wine
Insulting someone for their fetish, well and good. Pretending you're taking the intellectual high road while actually being fatuous and insincere? Not my cup of tea.
Who am I kidding? All I really want is Shadowrun.
Politics wasn't even on the list.
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1d7=2; Carnage

Tendril, Regeneration, Spawning

Picking Sidekick because Spawning;
1d10=4; Burglar

Hunterd -> Resistant (immune to sonics)

My new life is about dealing with murderous aliens inside my mind, well equipped hunters and an unwanted child. At least I got to know a sexy woman.

By the way, as far as I know Carnage was that unstable because of the host, right? I suppose the same symbiote on a more sane person wouldn't be that bad.
ffs op, you didn't put "cyoa" in the title or the first post.
I mean, in the comics, Cletus has basically fully corrupted the symbiote at this point. And I gotta have 1 evil mode option.
Can I call him berry?
>Question to authors: Do you ever make a build for your own CYOA?

Trips of failure to read.
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Is he even relevant anymore? What else has he made this year other than shitposting? Remove this clown
>What else has he made this year other than shitposting?
AchAngel/Demon Roommate.
>smug-anime response with "SDA" in the name field in 3, 2, 1...
Poor carnage-symbiote, couldn't have got a worse host. :(
How bad/corrupted is the carnage on this CYOA? My understanding is that he leans to solve thing through violence, but if it will get to the point of going all bloodbath fest is up to the host.
Now installing slackware...
6, 13: Dual citizen of Roza and Kaliph.

Power after bonus and taxes:
Combat: 4
Knowledge: 3
Resources: 3
Treasurey: 3
Property: 2

Rewards chosen: The Kalipha, Estate. Can't chose any more rewards, not enough property. I guess I could be an ambassador or the like, but there's probably enough going on here to be honest.

My people were the original inhabitants of Kaliph, Wandering the fierce deserts and rebuffing those invaders who tried to rob us of our poverty. The transformation was gradual, but by the time I was born, the deserts were no more, and my people's ways were a quaint curiosity. Many turned against the Kalipha, but the world they wish to bring back does not appeal to me, suited for it or no.

A true nomad keeps faith whith his sovereign when she changes, and leaves a place he can no longer live. The people of Roza were welcoming, and they understood water that runs over the ground. I spent much of my early life there, and found new uses for the glassmaking techniques of my people. Once a source of little more than fire starters and blades, my old glass forge now mostly makes panes for houses and places of growth.

I have sympathy for the family of Roza's ambitions, but our courtship has been difficult. My people's lack of formal landownership makes me lack means in their eyes, and my refusal to set aside my consort has been a sticking point. It may be just as well to remain uncommitted for now, until I gain a clearer idea of how this new land will shift.
Oh, I guess I'm not-

I've been wondering that for a while. It seems intentional, so I'm taking as a term of endearment, like a nickname, even if it just an extra letter thrown in.
Thread posts: 424
Thread images: 66

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