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Thread replies: 491
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>Sat 19 Aug
22:00 Australia v NZ, ANZ Stadium, Sydney
>Sun 20 Aug
03:05 RSA v Argentina, NMBS, Port Elizabeth


>Thurs 17 Aug
North Harbour 19-17 Otago
>Fri 18 Aug
Tasman 0-39 Canterbury
>Sat 19 Aug
Hawke’s Bay 24-16 Southland
Taranaki 34-29 Waikato
Counties Manukau 16-14 Auckland
>Sun 20 Aug
14:35 Northland v Bay of Plenty, Toll Stadium, Whangarei
16:35 Manawatu v Wellington, Central Energy Trust Arena, Palmerston North
Pity to see him go. Overall Mckenzie had a wonderful game.
1st for Squire
kek the state of it
Australian Rugby died the day they let Angus Crichton go
Game of 2 halves.
The man, the mullet.
nige getting his obligatory airtime
Scoreline doesn't reflect how utterly shit Australia are now.
Perenara is so fucking shit. Get rid of the cunt.
2 penalties conceded
2 attacking opportunities ruined by running backwards and sideways rather than forward
2 turnovers in contact
2 hospital passes that were turned over
2 passes broken as last defender that he should have made
1 try scored
1 try set up
40m run
3 good defensive tackles

Your right, great game by him.
Why can't Kiwis pronounce their vowels correctly?
>refusing to play in 2nd hald
Genia and phipps
that might actually be the single worst call i've ever seen made in any sport ever.
good thing it doesn't matter
Why are they still using the old Qantas logo

REEEEEEE my aviation autism is triggered
20 points 10 minutes?

Stopping taking it up the shitter.
>implying english language in any accent can pronounce vowels properly
KEK fucking barney

The forward pass was wrong but the offside call was right.
>Yelling abuse at the ref
>Decides to not give a card from that
>Continues abuse
Give the Aussie cunt a card for back chat
fuck me, if it wasnt for the staggering lead this'd be embarassing
Stop actually being a 30-year-old Australian NEET and start becoming a 21-year-old female instead lad
phipps getting fucking told
shut the FUCK up phipps
1) perenara is shit
2) how the fuck was that last (((try))) allowed
It's just

phipps nearly got that reversed
Other way round. For the knee to the ball (read kick) he was infront so therefore offside.
about as forward as the last one
Ok lads, is clearly we won rugby forever. This is over.

Should we try to ask for an NFL franchise and take over American footy?

The All Blacks is a very valuable brand, is not like they wouldnt listen
well the fact that the pass was 3 metres forward made the offside call kind of irrelevant anyway

So I guess we are adding this to this list of memes that have lost what little initial meaning they had?
That's what happens when you take captain McKenzie off the field
Hahahaha bet that was "forward" and didn't "drift"

Folau's back foot was in line with him and his front foot wasn't on the ground yet, so he is ruled to be beside him.
>marshy INSTANTLY starts sucking off wayne
>implying jewish bookkeepers weren't involved

anon, i....
He had to do it enough back when he was an AB, must be habit at this point
Has Ioane scored cunts
Yep 2 or 3
> not being able to tell the difference between a drifting forward pass and a blatant forward pass
never become a ref m8
Baseden barret
Good tries?
He was inline from the camera looking from ~midfield to the corner on an angle like / so yes offside. Though the pass that was more forward than the camera angle wasn't forward so I guess that was inline as well
He's been prettu good lad
>>It's another Foley concedes a try by having a kick charged down episode
The split second he let go of the ball it was flat and it then drfted forward on an angle. It drifted as much as the other one my man.
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holy shit mercy kill this stupid fucking sport right now
We do need to start paying attention to other sports. We are the best at a sport no one cares anymore
He showed some individual class with the first try by stepping and skinning Foulau on the outside with only 1m of space to move
Simultaneos implies in unconclusion
how did we let these shitters get a try
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Simultaneous grounding babaaayyy.
pls gib consolation decisions
Game was over after 20 minutes
>some games have the high speed cameras
>other games don't
>no standardized TMO camera setup or availability

fucking hell itd fix shit like this.
blurry freeze frames are almost worthless for calls like that
We do well in motorsport and sailing
*throws up*
The 1st half was wins-RWC All Blacks.
The 2nd half was embarrassed-by-Lions All Blacks
It's just this match m8
Truthposting tbqh
m8 ive got a phd in rugger ball drift dont come at me with your shit
Aotearoa shall loss RC to uMzantsi Afrika this year
Just heard the TMO whisper about those punches on the ground.
I fucking love him mayne, hope he doesn't turn into another Savea and get churned out in a few years
Kepu fucking hell that was great
umantzy what now?
I didn't come at you I drifted

literally my point desu

We're the only nation with reps on every single VOR boat. NZL GOAT sailors confirmed.
>No hat-trick for ioane

the good:
>Aaron Smith
C'mon pal, the whole game has been about how shit Oz are
Except when they get shot
man that second half
w e w
Pretty accurate to be honest.
This is where the absence of McCaw is felt. That man has this ability to squeeze more juice out of his men at clutch times
I doubt it.

South Africa won't play like the Lions ( the super rugby team I mean)

they'll play boring 10 man rugby, with heaps of quota picks weakening their forwards.
Anyone here who lives in Wellington? Are govt jobs as easy to get as everyone says?
>no Ioane
barnsey had a good game
actually i think the disgraceful second half effort from us kind of overshadows that. and the "nah it's fine that pass was only 2 metres forward so we'll let it go" will be talked about a bit too
>Mckenzie goes off
>All Blacks start being shit
South Africa v Argentina picks?
Who is Reiko my duder
oh dear
Digby wasn't selected.
>who is rieko
You ok?
should have gone to specsavers mate
You know Savea lasted pretty long as far as All Black Wingers go. Consider the talents they cycled through in the past:
>>Hosea Gear
uMzantsi afrikan sure victory with offensive bonus point
Holy shit, you guys went through 2 threads in the time I was at gym.

/rug/ on thriving poomunity watch
the bad:
The bench.
Yeah we had a couple of Mitre 10.games and then a couple of Aussies who don't care posting.
It really adds up.
read had a shocker as well
everyone else had good and bad
Joe Rokocoko
The bad:
The other ioane brother
Your favourite /rug/isms?
>Daniel "DUI it's in our DNA" Carter
>yeah m8 *pisses on you*
The bad:
MemeKensie supporters
especially ofa tu'ungafasi. dude is garbage for the blues and unsurprisingly garbage for nz
Tbh I think everyone would have wanted a more competitive game. That was just retarded.
Hey that top one was me. Cheers lad, use it how you please.
It will get only worse in NZ
Missed Tackled

>New Zealand

That is shocking. What is wrong with SH rugby?
Id love to listen to Sonny Bill and Izzy's convo
She's a goodie
I thought Read did fine albeit quiet by his standards. He felt like a Sam Cane tonight
>Crotty goes off.
>Defense falls to shit again.
almost all the nz ones were second half, and a couple by memekenzie in the first half that I can remember
bench needs to step the fuck up
>Lions tour
>that 2nd half
McCaw and co please come back
I'm glad there is another bloke out there that sees the whole package and not just attacking flair. Do you think Soap deserves another shot?
So my flight is at 12:30 and yours is at 1:45, if we detonate at 2pm we can take down both planes without setting up any warnings.
soap def does, but mckenzie shouldnt be playing 15 in any side
NZ's was only that high because they didn't give a fuck in the 2nd half

This whole game was about how bad the Aus defence was
I rate Soap. Barrett to fullback and Soap starting solves almost all the issues with Smith taking leave.
It's hard case watching them take the photos with fans. Never really watched it before.
I went to school with Soap.
Mulder-Scully is in the team DO NOT FORGET.
That era's past mate, it's the All Blacks' job to rebuild the empty spaces they left behind.

Meanwhile Australia's still waiting for their 2010-2011 form to return
Can you lip-read lad
Perenara is trash
Relative only to aaron 'afterdavid' smith
when are our saffa friends playing the argies?
Who is more frequently wrong lads:
Shitspouter or Huebro?


for next week
Time for a cheeky steak and cheese pie

the former

who can we realistically replace poopoonara with lads?
Shitspouter was unironically right about McKenzie
win one game against kiwi B side = expert
We can get Tanaka back at the Highlanders and pretend he's the kiwi born Fumoi Te'naka
Gonna be amazing to see Memekenzie lift the trophy in Japan in '19.
Mckenzie WILL start next week. Screencap this. Or don't, I'll screencap it anyway and use it to mock this pathetic little poomunity
Shitspouter has never been wrong
Even amateurs can see you are the Italy of the SH right now
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I'd like to remind /rug/ that I am not, in fact, Australian.
Next, were we wrong about MemeKenzie?
>crotty goes off
>start losing

thinking hard about what this could possibly mean
completely forgot skudder was even playing today, did he even touch the ball?
I've had to say this before to Crotty naysayers before: He's the fucking concrete slab base at the bottom of the backline. A very Conrad-esque character. Subtly brilliant. Not too much flash, just substance. A superlative centre.
Stop with the Memekenzie joke. Mckenzie deserves respect and is in fact NOT a meme.
probably because he wasn't fucking playing you dumbass

I swear to god if you're baiting me I will wake up the missus and we'll be heading down to a&e
Crockett will be replaced with Hames, Coles may start from the bench. I predict the same starting XV but a changed bench.
The biggest thing to watch is how Barrett plays with him there and with him not there. Without Crotty, Barrett just runs it up.
Crotty is the big defensive organiser. Also it really seemed like SBW was concussed.
Are we seriously discussing whether a 5'4'' manlet or a 6'5'' adonis would be better at 15 for the 2019 world cup?
Remove the swearing and that is a Murray Mexted comment right there.
I hope so. Hames has been killing at the Highlanders and now Chiefs for a few years now.
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>I don't rate Mckenzie
>no replay of the sa v arg game on until tomorrow at 6pm
Why do Kiwi's all seem to have black eyes?
>not recording it and watching it early tomorrow
the fuck, lad?
Can't be bothered going back downstairs to set the recording. I was relying on there being a replay at some time.
I just set it to record on the sky phone app.
Wank then bed.
Do this lad >>77698924
Get into the 21st century
After the head knock I would say it will happen.
Don't you dare
Sounds like this Mexted character has the elite rugby knowledge.
He has an elite voice and vocabulary. He used to say some stupid shit sometimes. Someone burnt down his bach too.
I know who he is cheers.
More like George Grogan
Then you would know he's a knob.
Im honestly thinking the argies are gonna win this one
Not this year. They lost home to England C twice.
Holy shit lads how much steroids are they packing into the SA teams shreddies
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Right lads, South Africa vs Argentina

In what minute do we think Romain Poite pulls his hamstring?
How many times will Argentinian players take a dive or pull a Hollywood to milk a penalty? I'm going with 4.
The fuck is this shit? The South African version of a Haka?
who was the spangled woman greeting the players?
I think she was a ring girl for The Rumble In The Jungle
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idk, bc i cannot find an acestream reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
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BASED stronk Kiwi

how on God's green Earth do you find streams these days?

my usual place no longer supports it as much.
Classic Poite
Fucking French referees. Always blow it early instead of letting it play out.
argentina will surpass nz in the near future, mark my words
are the saffas deliberately jumping into passes to try and get cards or something?
I have it on good knowledge that Georgia will too. I hear they're full potential and we're full kinetic and it's a well known fact Australia are under surveillance.
Michael Bradley did very well the Georgia side. It will be interesting what Milton will do with them, and what Michael will do with Zebre.
out fucking skilled
this championship
The country lad.h
I know, Michael Bradley was the former coach. He is now coach Zebre, and Milton is now the Georgian coach iirc.

I might be confused though
You're thinking of the Seahawks lad.
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>complaining on french referees
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Youre right, Michael was only the Defence coach

clearly im losing my mind

>99:95 minutes
it's crazy how argentina can be good but pumas are so shit when they're practically the same team
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>Not being able to speak English correctly
*jags not pumas
The Pumas and Argentina are literally the same team.
youve hit your head
ZA is in ascension with new potential to explore (quotas issue) and a defined gameplan after some period punching on knife end
period punching on knife end
how kinetic would you say they are?
*boycotts English*

You were dropped on your head lad.
Huebro what sort of music you get into lad?
uMzantsi Afrika? They're 50% or 60% kinetic now. My prediction for WC is 90% of kineticness at least for them.
Ascension, yes, but they always barely winning by the skin of their teeth if they do win against someone apart from the French. I dont believe it accurately portrays what they are about.

Remember, nearly a year ago, SA lost to both the Shits and the Italians.

>some period punching on knife end

is this an idiom?
>punching on knife end
That's a literal translation of a local expression "dar murro em ponta de faca", who means doing an useless effort in something who shall not work

Also reminding ZA has chrused France in june tests

Usually rock and electronic, but I'm more ecletic currently
figured it was lost in translation, you can just say that their effort was trivial or "with fruitless effort".

they also lost 57- 15 last time they played AIG and 41 - 13 before then. It will be interesting though to see how they have developed within the year though.
NZ x ZA matches shall be tough for both sides this year.
gonna be interesting seeing our backline get properly tested for 80 minutes, a lot of them are used to rampaging on attack, but the lions tour showed there is definite weakness there under sustained pressure
did you watch the Auz - AIG match this morning? slept through it, was surprised by the score and how close it was. Dont know much about the AIG side this year tbqhwyf
All Blacks played like they were on fire the first half, absolutely out paced and out tackled the australians, locked them down and speared through solid try attacks, punished every mistake and fumble.
second half it kinda flipped but aussie only managed to punch through 2/3 as many tries.

if the ABs had kept their intensity or defensive composure it couldve been 70-15ish
Australia is in decadent way. It isn't a proper parameter now.
thats nearly USA tier rugby. did they play second strings or something through the second half?

RIP Cheika, im sure he wont be staying much longer with increase of people asking for his head now.
backline just let so much shit through and in general the ABs made a TON of mistakes they shouldnt and dont normally make. aussies got some fire in em and capitilized to boot.

also I think its more likely the ARU board will get axed before him, especially if the aussies come 3rd or 4th in the RC this year
am I just a retard at perspective or was that a forward pass before that last ruck?
no way that made it over the line
Well thats good for the aussies for sticking with it. Im not familiar with the internal politics of the ARU, i just remember reading a few articles of speculation on Cheika before the tourney.

didnt look like it, the camera angle kind does that to me too though
theyre basically in the fire over Union falling below ballroom dancing in terms of participation in Aus. among other things like axing the Force instead of the Rebels for super rugby, and only putting 4mil into grassroots rugby on a yearly basis, compared to 120mil on 200 professional players.
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Axing Força is death sentence for union in WA
no yellow or penalty for the saffa playing the argies head?

that blows, isnt SA in the same boat? Are the two other Super teams still in super then?
got 2nd in their conference despite the axehead hovering over their head all season, AND 9 wallabies from their ranks, got the only team stadium in their country, and have a full system from 5yo to professional in place. silly move.

not enough impact and the tackle didnt complete.
The two saffa teams negotiated their way into a NH tournament which starts in a couple weeks or something I think, the teams are still intact just not super. the Force don't really have that option since their like 5 hours ahead of yurop whereas SA is basically the same timezone bracket for broadcasting
the Guinness league ik is still up in the air about the schedule, itll be fun to watch Leinster in the SH.

Yah, the aussies got the shit end on that front. I would probably expect a merger before anyone folds out. And I doubt theyll commit a U-turn like racing and stade francais did either. The merger would potentially allow a larger investment in the grassroots too.
theres no-one to merge with within like 3000 miles though is the problem, if they were gonna merge they woulda folded the Rebels into the Brumbies or something and given themselves and excuse to host a bledisloe in the least union-centric city in their country
Mergering VIC with ACT and keeping WA would be a decent solution
*wakes up*

*concedes 30 points against australia*
Nice one.
>dabbing instead of kissing gf breasts

>40d chess on an 80d field.
Wank then get up
I'm up. Time for church lads.
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>shitspouter was right and /rug/ was wrong AGAIN
About what? MemeKensie had a terrible performance and solidified why he doesn't deserve to wear the black jersey.
Missed 16% of his tackles. Was 22% of our penalties conceded. Was 16% of our turnovers conceded. He threw 2 hospital passes that were then turned over by the player that tried to secure the shit pass. He repeatedly ran backwards ruining attacking chances. He made 2 or 3 stupid kicks that shouldn't have been made. He ran 70m sideways. He set up 1 try. He scored 1 try anyone on the field would have finished. http://www.espn.co.uk/rugby/playerstats?gameId=291158&league=244293
He's right though, it was a very patchy performance for a fullback.
It's autistic to critisise a player that's only starting because everyone else is injured?
He's no Rieko Ioane, that's for sure
Every rugby analyst rated him 9/10 and he was in the top 3 players of the game with Crotty and Rettalick.

You guys are upset
Those two barely made any mistakes. Squire was the third best out there.
Mckenzie set the platform up for all of those players
Crotty had an outstanding game. Rettalick was solid as usual. How do they justify rating McKenzie over Ioane?Reiko was straight up objectively better across the board.
Is it like when the "experts" rated MemeKensie over best Barrett even though every stat was pretty much the same until you look at defence and turnovers where Damien was twice as bad as Jordie?
>0 (zero) try assists
>he set them up all game and was the best player out there *continues jacking off Damien*
The only thing he set up was the tee Foley kicked from mate.
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Ahhhh running backwards isn't setting up a platform my man.
Unironically this, he was responsible for at least 10 points scored with his lack luster defence and penalty conceding skills.
#atmyaunts60th #hardcoreballer #myshitdoesntstink #idontevendab
Only try I saw Memekenzie set up was the one for Beale, but i don't think that should count
>cold hard facts
He made a few runs against the worst Aussie defence for a long time and was shit in defence.
Squire had a better game than mcmemezie
I launched an independent inquiry to discover if this statement was factual. It turns out that this was the case.
Heard you dumb islanders were talking shit?
Nah just some mild analysis of McKenzie's performance.
Colin Meads is dead lads

RIP Pinetree, a true legend of the game
He died happy knowing that the future of NZ rugby is in the capable hands of Pinekenzie
TauranGOD reporting in.
pine tree :(
Really not a fan of these Northland jerseys. The gradient looks stupid.
Every rugby 'analyst' has been wanking over Meckenzie for the past few years. They only take into account that flair, everything else is swept under the rug.
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That kick was a real Breenty.
> swept under the /rug/
Wellington are about to play.
lol why the the fuck is savea on the right wing?
Apparently he asked to be put there to show the ABs selectors that he can play both wings.
>lineout call is black
>they throw it to the black guy
Haha classic "you fucked up" chant from the crowd
Some seriously great matches this week.
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Touching segment about Pinetree.
Got to say I'm not surprised to see some dropkicks here comparing a literal who in comparison to this AB legend immediately after his passing. Sad tttt.
Pinekenzie is the present and the future
T - Truly Awesome
A - Awesome
U - Underestimated
R - Retirement Villages
A - And
N - Near the Mount
G - Great Shopping (and views)
A - Above Average (Tauranga, in my opinion, is above average)
new zealanders > aucklanders > poorangaers
I worked with a chick from Pooranga. She was absolute filth and morbidly obese. Was no good for the trades.
I would unironically prefer to live in Crumbledchurch than the retirement home known as Pooranga
Haka thing is on
>Aussies conflicted about facing the haka
>Merts says he respected them turning it down and good on them
>still emotionally damaged about not facing the haka
>meets with Buck
>he says good on them for preparing how you need to to try win nothing but respect for not facing the haka
Can we safely say that the Force were axed because they were the easiest team to be axed?
Yes that's what I would guess at.
Starting all blacks and fullback: Pinekenzie
Mark Andrews genuinely called me a clever lad last night.

Did you blush?
Did you massage his prostate while you sucked him off?
sticky for pinetree pls mods


So much emotion in these eyes.
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>doesn't reply
THIS is what is causing the downfall of SA rugby.
Sorry m8 was out defending my property from orcs.


That is the end of this AMA thanks for participating.
10th in bru pool after 1st week. Not bad. Usually the 1st week is my worst in pools.

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>memekenzie tries to tackle
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Left is my girlfriend.
What time zone is that? UTC+12?
tfw no rugby player bf
GMT + 12
does she strangle you with those quads

i seriously hope so
Why do I have an alarm set for 5:30am on Mondays?
Probably because thou have a job
You're a wagecuck like the rest of us.
Nah that alarm is at 6:30 my dude.
Say it ain't so.
6 am here.
because you're some type of cancerous tradie.
Is your time zone GMT+11?
Nah mate I can confirm I'm not a tool on the tools.
No, I mean my alarm is set at 6 am. I don't know why I'm still awake.

But fuck it, there's nothing a bottle of coffee can't fix.
>on the tools
Only tradies talk like that.
I can post a picture of my business card if you want but you will have to agree to signing a sawn afterdavid
Mine is set for 4:50 am
Im not signing any kind of swollen avodavid just post it
Mine is set for 5:20
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Goodnight /rug/
sleep tight
dont let the kinetic bugs bite
Kieran Read seems like such a nice bloke
I am up.
yeah i live there but it really depends what your degree is in, get in to project management or sumn and its easy
cory jane and rokocoko both played over 50 tests though
Mines at 7.30. Feels fucking amazing.
Pinekenzie to captain the second test?
Good to know lad, keep us updated.
rugby? more like deadby
Pine tree? More like dead tree
answer my question BSA's?
8-5 is the standard with 1 hour for lunch.
People quite often take 30 mins for lunch and finish at 4:30.
thanks babe
please watch our sport
I am a hard working New Zealand Tradie. 0730 till 1600. Half hour lunch, mainly consisting of Sweet and Sour pork and Lemon Chicken on fried rice.
Based statsy, hows the bf lad?
the slag is coming round in a few lads
mikey havocs kid looks pretty ugly lads
My name is Garold you fucking idiot.
Hi there, Garold you fucking idiot.
They'll make a This Is Your Life about me one day.
Meet me outside PaknSave and we'll make This Is Your Death.
Out back of the one on Cameron Road. 7am tomorrow morning.
not sure if he wants to beat up an 80 year old mate
When good, honest anons are fighting one another rather than rounding up and executing namefags /rug/ has truly lost its way.

I'm just glad that gentleben isn't alive to see this.
Is that when you start work there?
>Cameron Road
Where the fuck is that?
Some povvo backwater?
Get off 4chan granddad I told you already
Why was Pookira Ioane called up and not Jordan Towelofua?
Based TauranGOD

How's the beachfront mansion lad?
serves as a replacement for ardie
Because he has a brother in the team. The All Blacks are a family brand.
I have lost faith in the all blacks selectors.
I have faith in Pinekenzie
Shut the fuck up you little cocksucker.
>he doubted Pinekenzie

haha oh god watch sunni bill here
looked as bad as crocketts one
>big strong sturdy lock that shared attributes with a pinetree

>little weak smaller than a halfback utility reserve that could be blown over in a gentle breeze shares attributes with a sapling

Got to say it fits him lads. Little weak sapkenzie
>hooper runs in and smacks him in the head

What a captain.
Wow he was in lalaland. Guess that boxing training has come in handy.
Why wasn't hooper red carded?

Sick of these french fuck refs lads
Pinekenzie is a fearless leader
Why do New Zealanders worship Islanders?
Why do Aussies worship kiwis?
Technically all Kiwis are Islanders as we live on an island. So yes Sir Ed could fall into the "Islander" category.
My visa is arriving this week, are you scared yet, little boy?
Why does /cric/ worship /rug/?
Based trips x quints for Sir Ed. What a great New Zealander.
My money's on shitspouter
Trip on polesmoker.
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What is /rug/'s thoughts on the new additions to the Aus schoolboys? Are you upset that based Jimenez didn't get a call up to Aus schoolboys? What about Pavlakis missing out entirely despite being the second best fullback at trials?

Will Harrison (NSW) – Marcellin College, Randwick
Koen Dovey (QLD) – The Southport School
Marco Bell (NSW) – Waverley College
Tristan Stanghon (QLD) – Anglican Church of England Grammar School
At the nanango rsl lads AMA.

>Anglican Church of England grammar school

Get the FUCK out of here you non-qld SCUM.
muh nickname
It's not even about the nickname. Saying "Anglican Church of England" is otiose. It is either Church of England or Anglican Church. You hedged your bets and came out oooking like a FUCKWIT.

You're the one oooking like a fuckwit. I copied it from the Green and Gold rugby website which you probably don't even visit cause you're a filthy fucking casual who doesn't care about /youf/

atrocious post, take a nap and try again asshole
Nice proxy
>the fact that you know rugby better than g&g makes you a casual

K lad.
>I'm going to shorten the name of a website so I look knowledgable
(reddit space here)
K "lad"
Damian Mckenzie ● vs Australia (19/08/2017) HD By CROSE
Pinekenzie single handedly dominated the first half
Its amusing how you hide behind cryptic replies.
I can assure you, there will be no hiding from me at Auckland International, I am going to compress your overweight frame so much so that I will be able to shove you into the same fat fryer you use to make doughnuts everyday.

You have been warned
I've been living in NZ for 11 years and I still don't know the rules of Rugby, since I'm more of divegrass man
What's the best way to learn Rugby?
Maybe for a shitbrain like you.

You're too scared to do anything out of fear of being deported back to your slum. You're going to need some doughnuts to gain weight from being an emaciated africunt. Me bringing you doughnuts is just me doing my bit after my parents gave you a dollar day every year since you were on that world vision ad.
Watching it with an informed and patient friend is pretty good. theres replays online for days.
If youre unsure about something specific you can check the rules that huebro linked
Read shitspouters posts. His rugby knowledge is unparalleled
thread will probably die overnight lads
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Ill do my best lad
>shaky bill williams
Looks just like it does on the weather.
Aesthetic as fuck, time to push for New Zealand emigration instead, methinks
Migration to NZ to give more fever for country
He didn't show.
The QT barista is back lads
What's his name lad?
Never actually asked tttt.
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>the phonecall that saved australian rugby
Biggest news story this week
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wtf is a thive?
ARC expanding
Me making a spelling mistake https://www.sunlive.co.nz/news/160898-10-year-jail-term-for-all-BSA-posters.html
One day it won't be a meme comp
>Of them all except for the Argentina XV field their senior sides
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>If you have an avocado orchard or live near one please keep a look out for any suspicious activity and if you see anything, report it to police immediately
Reminding current champion is US of A
Do you have TMO's yet or is it still highschool level of referring?
They're still don't adopt TMO because of Canada and Chile.
>Reminding current champion is US of A

Who won it by a try bonus point over a literal B Team
Fix the TMO and drop the literal who's of Argies and you have yourselves a respectable comp
Not even their B team, it's the B team's B team.
World Rugby Rankings

1. New Zealand (95.21)
2. England (90.14)
3. Ireland (85.39)
4. South Africa (84.51)
5. Australia (84.21)
6. Scotland (82.47)
7. Wales (81.73)
8. France (79.63)
9. Fiji (79.48)
10. Argentina (79.15)
>One person has reportedly been killed and at least 20 injured after an earthquake hit the Italian island of Ischia, off the coast of Naples, collapsing of several buildings.

>The quake was measured as being magnitude 4.3 by the US Geological Survey, at a depth of 10km. It had also been reported as magnitide 3.6.

>magnitude 3.6
Nothing would even fall off a shelf here with that sort of shake. That size shake is almost a daily occurrence.
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>by the US Geological Survey
>god defend new zealand
>keeps trying to kill you instead
>God defend New Zealand
>makes the environment harsh
>things that happen constantly to your country are massive disasters elsewhere in the world
>God defended you by making you strong and resilient
>He helped you by making you help ypurself
How will YOU survive a 3.6 magnitude earthquake? I wouldn't even flinch my dude.
>He thinks surviving a couple shakes make him tough.

Laughing at you lad.

Come try things out here for fun
Clearly joking and talking specifically about earthquakes my dudes. I have no desires to be chased off my property by angry blacks who have decided they own my property now. (This is a true story from one if my friends from SA that grew up on a farm there)
Kek, I have a mate whose dads family was from Rhodesia. They moved to Zimbabwe when he was young
His family had to pay local officials and chiefs money just so blacks wouldn't break innand murder them cause muh land
How is poey?
Part of Argentina XV squad has played for Onças in SR
There are ex all blacks in and all blacks from Mitre 10 squads it doesn't mean having them as a fixture in your competition stops it being a meme
Māori AB's in the Americas Rugby Championship when?
rather watch my wife shit
I was trying to "no clue" hue post
Western Australian government is going to sue the ARU for 100 million
They are going to lose.
The ARU is.
Can aussie judiciary obligate ARU to keep Força in Super Rugby?
>Clyne is meeting Twiggy in Adelaide because Perth is too far.
>this is the guy in charge of the ARU.

Both parties are losers if that's the case. ARU doesn't have $100 million to give and will just go bankrupt. It's just a threat to get negotiations going again. There is no way that case would go ahead.
Need to cull the ARU a bit imo
New blood could be the solution
Its the WA government not the Western Force. What does the WA government or the WA voter care if the ARU goes bankrupt?

Sticking it up Eastern Staters will make the average WA voter happy.
It would be almost impossible to argue that a rugby union team is worth 100 million to WA.

We'd really need to know what the contract they had with the ARU says.
They are suing over the money they spent on the stadium and on training facilities.
What standing does WA have to bring the claim?
See >>77743265

Spending money on the stadium on the understanding that the Force would be around long term.
Right, but you didn't answer my question. I can build a house on land on the understanding that a motorway will never be built next to it, but I can't sue the state government when they decide to build one because my property value went down.
Don't they have other sports teams in WA?

I'd expect the contract for Super rugby teams would have a section claiming they wouldn't take responsibility for cost of facilities, and they can remove teams whenever they feel appropriate.
AFL: Águias da Costa Oeste and Estivadores de Freemantle
A-League: Glória de Perth
wallabies need a kiwi coach
Please tell me how it is you think that the eagles and dockers are playing at the NIB stadium.
Based Piss Ratpoo

AFL and cricket teams do not play in a rectangular stadium.

As for the contract well the Western Australian government would have a better idea of what contracts there are then anyone else.

Perth Glory are tiny and didn't warrant a stadium upgrade. The stadium upgrade happened because of rugby.
>reds win superugby
>deans chosen as wobs coach
>wobs do shit

Robbie deans is literally the worst coach in Australian history. Australia needs a Queensland coach, not a kiwi. Who would have ever guessed that ratatouille would have a shit opinion.
They don't have other rugby teams? They could hold other events like concerts there too.
There are no other rugby teams. Perth is the biggest city in Australia without a rugby league team. Concerts can be held at many other places instead anyway.
The annexation of poopeelia begins.

>we're upset we don't get preferential treatment any more and need to pay the same tax as other Australians
>we're also upset that New Zealand doesn't care about us and has no interest in having us as a territory because we represent a net loss to GDP

Jesus Christ they're so fucking pathetic. How can one island full of inbred mutineers be so lame?
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ARU get fucked.png
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>ARU doesn't have $100 million to give
He's on WA's side, not ARU
It would be illegal and highly improper for WA to receive litigation funding from a private person.
Norfolk Island is rightful Zealandia clay.
Zealandia is in holland you pleb.
Zealandia is the world's hottest new continent, dullard.
Donations are a thing. There are many many ways around it my dude.

>Being this new
The best part about it is that that lifestyle used to be exclusive to farmers, now it's spread to the suburban areas too.
Nowadays the farmers are either just tortured or taken out execution style.
That's not my point. My point was the ARU doesn't have the money to pay them that much. Your reply implies that Andrew Forrest would pay for it, which makes no sense.
>there is only one Australian

Getting pretty tired of them replaying this episode tbthafwy
Well my point was that he doesn't support ARU so he won't be paying it. Your comment was confused and irrelevant.
Well he certainly doesn't support them now
You lads are looking straight down the barrel of a hue thread I hope you realise.
Not on my watch, lad


Bit premature 2bh.
Not using that thread honestly. It would be dead by the time the internationals roll around.
You thinking BSK thread?
Here I am on the chan ready to talk about Rugby.
I am ready and able to post in a BSK thread with all /mitre10/ rug fixtures displayed.
I just CANT be fucked lad.
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