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Thread replies: 507
Thread images: 145

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reign of selanne edition
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reminder that the sharks have won as many cups as armenians have been genocided
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fuck you shaw.webm
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>even armenia makes the highlights

am I a coulda been?

somehow this is Williams btfo
well we did just have a non-greece edition. i guess that is recognition in a way
fuck off grease
nth for holtby elite
so you 're saying I am a goon?
Shouldn't it be "Shaw fuck you"?
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you guys set in motion the fall of the EU. you should be proud of your parasitic countrymen. and the inevitable spread of the inevitable european hockey tournament that will rise from the ashes
You trigger Americans just with your flag

It's like being a Canadian on /pol/ epic lulz without the effort
no. it shouldn't. and ill thank you to stay out of my affairs.
are you high right now?
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So if the Oilers lose to the Jets, this will be the fourth straight game they've lost to a shit team. This really isn't >our year is it?
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its NEVER happening famalam
I mean, as long as you have it in a folder labeled Shaw or Hawks or somethin, then I guess it's fine. But I was really expecting to see someone BTFO Shaw in that webm. Kind of dissapointed now.
To guy from last thread:

Williams is playing well possession-wise, just has been snakebit. Ex. A: end of the 1st tonight.
>that flag

And what team are you cheering for?
>Shayne Ghostisdive
you didn't actually think it was, did you?
if you say so. maybe he is just getting old though
>echoing himself
why do jews do this? it'd be like them putting yellow stars on themselves in ww2
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more like a gambling madman teebeeH

your family is concerned
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fuck you fucking faggot.webm
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>file name
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By >our year, I would have settled for just making the playoffs. They look like the same old Oilers now though, so I can't see that happening. Especially after the inevitable McD/RNH/Eberle/Draisaitl/Klefbom/Larsson/Talbot long term injury happens.
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wheres the puck .webm
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feel free to dump your webms.
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See, this is better. You doesn't say "fuck you fucking faggot 'Shaw'", so now it works. So long as you have it in a folder that makes it easy to find.
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was Shaw just unlucky to get caught on hot mic for this? I've been to so many games and the shit they say goes way beyond this

When I watched my team play the laffs some 3rd line goon was skating up and down the ice saying "DURKA DURKA TOWELNIGGER" to Kadri all night long
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So long as we all agree that some homos aren't faggots. All trannies can play in the womens NHL, whatever that is.
holtbys a goddamn bum.

>whatever that is
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holtby elite orlov shit
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Why we gotta have two threads again
it's always that fucking Islanders breakaway
it's the Penguins all over again
they have a pretty lethal counter attack. also, the whole caps core is still traumatized by the presence of halak over half a decade later
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are they dare I say slowly crawling back?
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>scored on by the coyotes in less than 20 seconds
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crawling back into the fetal position, yes
Should we even make a Jackets-Avs thread? Or would it be even emptier than the Pepsi Center right now?
No they will just give up the timing goal within 5 min left then give up the GWG with less than a min left.
jaroslav placed some gypsy spell on the caps in 2010 and it hasnt been lifted. Islanders are still shit
probably, just post in here
>BJ's @ Avs

That's alot of empty seats. Some one should put a car there.
the coordinated bed shitting of my roster is impressive to say the least.
No point. Shame that no one is going to watch as 2 of the 3 most formidable Calder contenders go at it
>tfw Hotlby
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Fire Trotz.
please make it happen
w-we didn't want to do well in the regular season anyways...
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is Holtby a faggot?
better one
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Jackets get on the board first again
>all these SH breakaways
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t-the stanley cup doesn't even matter!!
wait, this is Russia's best goalie vs. their second best isn't it..

Valarmov is pret--

Oh nvm, we scored lol
no he is elite
an overpaid one at that.
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caps just do NOT have an answer to the honky + halak meme magic
Is he, dare I say elite?
It will be managerial malpractice for MacLellan to not fire Barry by tomorrow morning.
Wew. I was told Boucher would fix the >snes inability to protect a lead.
oh damn flyers, look at you.

last time i checked it was 2-0, who got the goals?
>other than giroux obviously
It really is. Are there even any Avs posters on this board?
Halak is nothing more than a FUCKING meme
theyre my #2 team, sure. but i live in CO so its more of a regional interest than anything.
terrible game by Ovechkin
alright, kings suck, getting tired of losing now

who should my next team be? penguins or the habs?
So why is it when I watch KHL the women at the Russian games are all hot. But when they are in Slovakia or finland or some shit, they're all ugly?
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he's sure loving those meme bad angle shots eh
most single game threads are empty these days. everyone just does their shitposting right here in /hoc/.
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the memier he is the more unstoppable he is
>terrible season by Caps
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when he activates the meme magic he is literally unstoppable
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3rd in league for scaring first....currently..
Del Zotto (it may or may not have been deflected by Bellemare though)
caps if you want to lose in a different time zone
I get he's trying to get better at deflections in front of the net, but this tonight feels and looks like he's trying to make a career in rap music.
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craps play like they don't give a shit anymore

and against a team on 2nd half of a b2b
maybe next year if they're good
already rooted for the caps last year, I was a kings/caps fan since I love ovi and then they shit the bed
They know they can't stop the meme magic man
reminder that this is the PROPER vegas team

golden knights was mistake
I had four nights of no caps for this bullshit im gonna kill myself
>tfw just found lazyman
It's great

don't they want to beat the Islanders???
Always great to watch the CBJ play the CBJ west

They even stole our idea of having sexy thirds that should be our primaries dammit
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ITT shit that never happened.

but i think most of the flak comes from the PC bandwagoners that come and go every year. besides, its totally cool now because its just "locker room banter".
is it working again? i bought nhl.tv so i dont have to use it anymore
What did the caps mean by that
Who's your #1 team if not the Avs?
Clear that Trotz doesn't have the room anymore.
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time for a coaching swap
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now we have vegas fag anons..great
a bunch of fucking reddit cucks that don't even watch hockey
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>empty net
>empty score
>empty seats

what did they mean by this?
Can't be any worse than nationwide on a Tuesday night
it did happen dude
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Ovechkin is such a meme
do you think Trump will be able to change our gay over sensitive culture? I have my doubts because the liberal fags still own the vast majority of entertainment
Dallas-Pittsburgh: 2-6


at least I 'm going to get paid by the Pongs
i was shilling for the wrangler name. loved going to the orleans for games
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success breeds imitation
did the >rags just lose to the sabres??
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>tfw 3rd in the division when the jackets win tonight
>tfw already 3rd
>beat pens
>beat craps
>rags lose

Feels good islebros
Hoping Las Vegas picks up Orlov and we can get a real d man
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didn't realize win streaks were allowed in this simulation
>still the worst team in the league
feels bad man
I don't think you understand
The avs are the opposite of the bluejackets
Jackets are young and good
The avs are old and bad
Although they are my favorite team in the west
cultural sensitivity is the least of our problems now that he won. but no, I dont think this SJW shit is going anywhere anytime soon.
word. can they, dare i say it, turn the season around?
>was about to write LET'S GO DE-VOLS
>the score changes
YEAH lazy man 2.2
>still in last place
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only if all their remaining games are against the caps with Halak in net
Is chad Johnson OUR GOALIE
I doubt it.
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>worse than Hongcouver
>yesterday was the first time they won in regulation in a month
isles are so fucking awful
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>Guess who choked again?
i dunno man. the defense and goaltending is pretty good, and the forwards are a pickup or two away from really being back in shape. ladd looked good tonight, if he keeps it up they have a chance.

they need the ho-sang X factor
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dont sully his beautiful face
>flim flams
please continue so then you get moved to Quebec
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i think it would be really cool if byfuglien suplexed mcmeme

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>tfw building up momentum
>tfw I can thank the pengpitals for it
orlov has a minimum of two "why the fuck did he do that" passes per game that he is contractually obligated to attempt
>Canafag being this angry.
you need to get a handle on this puppy shit
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call the cat police
>Borowiecki in charge of staying out of the penalty box
>things that will never happen
They'll be the punching bags of the Metro, but we'll still love them, here in the sunbelt
Sounds like Jake Gardiner
fucking worthless vinegar bbqs giving the ruins the extra point
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mfw gonna do it anyway
That could lead to some serious shit. Lucic would inevitably step in and shank Buff. Home team would clear bench, followed by away team. Fans would be conficted because Winnipeg is heavily populated by abos, and Lucic, being an abo, would automatically be a fan favorite.

All that aside, a Lucic vs Buff fight would sure be fun to watch.
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>tfw 34 seconds from shutting out the bruns

>end up losing the game
Literally the only reason I justify Prout's continued existence on the CBJ roster is that time he 1-punched Lucic.
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May way for the true American generational
lucic vs buff would be cool, but these days he just a pussy and all talk.
That's some Quebec level bullshit.
Do I hear a Laine hatty?
>tfw I like Eichel
>Eichel will never be on the Bruins
feels bad
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>tfw he actually doesn't look like a bust
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never lost comfy
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>barkov has only scored THREE goals this season

bustkov confirmed?
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Sorry friendo but that title is already spoken for
Pastrnak has 13 goals and 4 assists for 17 points in 18 games

Is he dare I say it? Elite?
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Most of those points came in like the first 5 games, didn't they?
Unsustainable low shooting percentage, no Huberdeau and 60 year old corpse on his wing. Still 3+12 in 24 games I wouldn't worry too much he's looked better than his numbers recently
based tarasenko
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>Canes choke shutout with :12 left
>Lose in SO
How long is Laine unbusting gonna last? Power play babby with high shooting %.
>laine has 2 goals
>is a -2
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will debbies schizo kill himself tonight?
think of how much better /hoc/ would be
>Laine is always being Power Play, Scheifele or Ehlers baby
4 of them came in the 1st game of the season (2 goals 2 assists)

after that he averaged 1 to 2 points per game (except for the 6 games he missed)

He has been breddy gud desu plus he's a +12 (even though thats not really a great stat to judge any forward on)
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so....are the jets EVER going to be good? they seem to suck as much ass as the thrashers used too.
the shooting % will regress but he will still be good. you people are so fucking obsessed with "muh bust" bullshit
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schizophrenia is ELITE
Happens when goons get older. They tend to smarten up and realize how easily their careers could have ended all those times they picked stupid fights.
someone ought to fight Martinson again and give him a second chance to defend himself
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That's not how you spell Letestube.
Typical Laine game, scores on the power play but gets his shit pushed in at even strength.

My sides.
Ask Stamkos. Same pp bs, but apparently you can make a career out of that.
This is what happens when you don't start Stone in overtime.
This is my consolation for the Canes blowing leads to the >rags and ruins. You can move the team to Canada, but they're still gonna play like the old team.
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God no.jpg
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>Stamkos has the highest PP/60 this season
>He's done for the season
Mfw when Stamkos was finally back and is dead again
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Well shit
What happened there
It's like I'm watching a game being played at the Honda Center.
It's the meme of the month. Everyone is a bust if they're not scoring every night.
I hope so

The Flyers are ELITE




>Unironically overcharging for the team that finished 28th last season

this is not a CBJ blows goats episode
why?Does it smell like Tacos and grass stains in there?
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why even bother.jpg
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>snes attendance so far
>17,618 - laffs
>18,195 - frogs
>11,061 - sparkledogs
>15,918 - publix sandwiches
>13,049 - whalers
>13,260 - hongcouver
>16,225 - slugs
>15,622 - kongs
>14,265 - pedosota
>15,480 - perds
>14,132 - kitty cats
>17,191 - broons
>18,042 - whalers
>14,259 - slugs
>14,334 - filthadelphia
>0 (ZERO) sellouts

Relocation to Indianapolis when?
No but they sure as hell did awful this period
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>mfw Devlels shitposter will commit suicide tonight after watching his shitty DOGSHIT TIER team get their shit pushed in for the 1090932491384023849384980th time

Flyers ELITE tho
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>mfw this post after every home game
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And I'll do it every time until there's a sellout or Jewnyk dies
honk if you read it with the pauses
dont worry evan. soon the canes will be in honolulu and we wont have to endure anymore losing
Rather the latter t b h.
Too many new hockey fans now. They don't understand that there's 82 games in a season. No player can be on every single game. The best players might be on every second game or about 70% of the games a season, but that's rare. Unless you count the expansion era when their were a bunch of joke teams. But that entire era should have an asterick beside it.
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>nhl team in indy
pls no
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>He thinks there will be a an NHL team in Indianapolis before Seattle, Quebec, Kansas City, Hamilton and whatever the fuck the largest city in North Dakota is
Crosby is on literally every game
they're limiting Werenski and Jones in the middle. And our sleeper forwards, mainly Cam.

Aves look kinda broken cause they're sort of reckless about it, but it's working.
>Kansas City
>/hoc/ worthy
are you high?
How new are you?
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mcdavid is the next gretz.png
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Are the rest of the league even trying?
But Indianapolis is?
He has his off nights, but ya, he's one of the better ones.
more than Xeattle at least.
Seattle would make for a good rivalry with Vancouver, but that's really it.
not quite.
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Will Johnson meme
into the playoffs?
t. midwest fag that's never been to a good city
mcdavid aint shit but memery
>beginners luck
t. hongcouverite off his heroin
Is kesler trying to showoff cause hongcouver is booing him?
>all those Canadians and Russians
>one Toews baby

Are the other nationalities even trying?
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des moines

all before xheattle or gaybeck shitty
S Crosby is coming for that booty
Too bad he will take a long "rest" before playoffs. He literally doesn't care about season totals, just wants to win the cup.
fucking why?
>dallas stars

so texas gets two teams while nebraska gets none?!
If Seattle, literally the gayest city on the planet gets a team I'm never watching this sport again
you still use "literally" way too liberally.
it's a joke, no way houston gets a team
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>score twice
>your team still loses
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>des fucking moines

wew lad
I think in this case it's accurate.
t. hongcouverite off his heroin
you need to diversify your vocabulary.
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personally i'd love seattle getting a team. they'd neglect it, and i'd get sweet, sweet cheapass tickets
If he played every game, at his current pace he would have exactly 31 points.
He should learn to play at even strength.
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we >fentanyl now lad. that's the good shit.
I literally don't.
>xheattle faggot telling me I need diversity

Fuck off genderfluid scum
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>yfw the blots win the nolan patrick cup
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we need lobby at vote at the united nations to send in a humanitarian relief mission winnipeg to save laine's career. what jest are doing is absolutely BARBARIC

meme me
Bustrik Laine
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most 18 year olds aren't going to score 40 goals even if they played full 2 minutes of every pp :^)
and mcmeme
and bulju
and mattwhos
and probably karlsson
and price
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>mfw >we've got a 19 year old on pace for 38 goals and 100+ points
Why is Kanada so bad at having good hockey teams?
fellow buffalel fan here. he is indeed, and with the clogged eastern conference, dont count out the playoffs.

and yet....i still feel like we are still one elite player away from having the cup even be a remote possibility
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>wings in OT
>make a really good push for a goal
>no dice
>it comes back the other way and they get scored on

every time
Atlantic: Ristolainen

Metro: Crosby

Central: Laine

Pacific: McDavid

Vote submitted
Lame t b h
Asians don't go to hockey games, it's whites and Indians(from India, Amerilards)
That girls hairline is receding harder than Laine's
>Crosby and McDavid
You realize they're in with 0 votes anyway, right?
Holy shit that Jackets goal was nice, 3-2 CBJ

Fixed that for you
Finally JENNER
>Voting for 3 Busts
Atlantic: Bergeron

Metro: Faulk

Central: Josi

Pacific: Doan

this is the captain voting m8
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debbies schizo btfo
Poo Jackers are looking like an actual hockey team
that's a random list
Your 2022/2026 Olympic gold medal team



well you went out with your boots on. thats all you can do.
They have been all season
Where have you been?
plebs doubted the great stanley cup winning (player) coach Tortorella
Looks like a bronze medal team to me
>3 goals this season

Rate my votes
Well, they did manage to slow down the game for the majority of the 60 minutes. But neither team really managed to play much offense either way. 3rd period felt like there were 6 shots on net total.
Not watching them because I just sort of assumed they were garbage until they put up 10 goals against Habs. This is only my 2nd time this season watching them.
how is it a Random list?
(I'm a bruins fan so I'm going to favor a Bruin for atlantic in this case Bergeron)

Faulk and Josi since they are good defensemen Josi was always underrated to me when Weber was there and Faulk was underrated until last season honestly

Doan because I fucking admire he stuck with the Coyotes when they were shit.
To me that's impressive.
>Aho has played exclusively winger for over 7 years
>plays center because of some meme wjc that happened some 10 years ago
well memed my friend, well memed
They have been dominant all season wouldn't be surprised if they won the division
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>that defence and tendies
This. Even if we need more centermen Rantanen is the 1st to switch.
>No Salo defenceman
No bueno
injured ofc
He may still switch to C later on. His skill set is best utilized at center, he just needs more strength to cut it.
Aho will never be an effective center in the NHL. He is way too fucking small.
He's 5'11 and has always been strong on his skates even though he's not strong yet. He has that Crosby built.
He just needs to become a speedmanlet
Might take him a year or two but I think he'll stick around
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>unironically comparing aho to crosby
Blue Jackets pls :(
He'll be a Zetterberg type in his prime, he will be fine
Pretty apt summary of being a BJs fan
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>he's just a hall babby

What did they mean by this?

He's gonna bust?
The final solution to McDavid's RW.
Well it's not like it's crosby exclusive thing. Tarasenko is built like that too and few other 5'11 players.
Name more quietly solid defenceman than Nutivaara.

Pro tip: you can't
Tarasenko isn't a center.
Jackets win, now in 3rd place in the Metro. Only 1 point behind Pittsburgh and 3 points behind the >rags with 3 less games played
That beatdown administered by Fligs in the 2nd was a thing of beauty. Dude puts up points and puts down challengers... get you a captain who can do both.
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He's actually a damn good fighter, always seems to beat guys down when he does fight. I'm happy to see him really step up his game this year
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>forsaking PK
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What team is leading the league in points? I haven't checked recently.
mighty ducks
the sudbury-thunder bay cutterwailers
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You can only reply to this post if someone on >your team has broken 30 points

Not so fast, rest of the league...
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Lol. Doan chimped and the Coyotes post game show are still crying about officiating
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> team doesn't even have 30 points on the season yet

tear it down and rebuild, maybe next year Goylers
atlantic: jagr

metro: skinner

central: staal

pacific: mcdavid
Jesus Christ that logo is sweet, why don't they use this?
they do. on the alts
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I'm torn; dig our main logo but the primary jerseys need some work, meanwhile love our thirds but the logo doesn't stand on its own like our main one does
How would Mcdavid compare to Gretzky?
What happend to all the Kings fans they used to pollute /hoc/ up?
gretzky actually won cups
An apology would be nice /hoc/
>team lost the game
It's a bit busy compared to the rest of the league. But they have long histories and whatnot..

>any chance we get to show off our lovely cannon is great though

haven't found the stat yet, but CBJ is 3rd in the metro now. we haven't been in any more than wild card position in 6 or 7 years.

>gonna leave this one to twatter
draft jagr, they said. safe bet, they said.
he'll start winning in a few years when he's traded to anaheim.
Deported by trump
trips confirm. absolutely based.
Where my wings bros at?

Three points in two games!!!!
hehe... a ho.
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Is McDavid, dare I say it, the Hart, Messier, Art Ross and Ted Lindsay favourite?
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Ducks are back baby
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avenge us this year. win one for disney
we will try bolts bro.
make the finals with us so at least one disney team gets stan lee's cup
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are tanking way too hard for that.
heres your daily reminder that the movie came first.

>tfw didn't even knew a movie existed when I became a fan

Guess Iam a youngfag
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Will Juolevi really be that good?
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>miss game
>scroll through the abysmal nhl.com site
>there's an article about blackhawks finger painting before there is an article about your team winning

"grow the game"
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-Canucks fan

>Mfw Ottawa and Vancouver are killing hockey by playing the trap

Game really growing there
Blackhawks have thee most casual fanbase why are you surprised
Man fuck Ottawa.
Anytime you see them on the schedule you know it's gonna be a snoozefest
I just use the nhl app nowadays. Easy to use with all information needed and you don't have to use the horrible website
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>flood neutral zone and wait for turnovers when your team turns it over far more often
>stars 1 point out of wild card yet league worst -22 gd
Just kill me now
>finnish goaltending
>-22 when the season is barely 1/4 old

Because every few games you get lucky and since the other team is obviously going to play their backup against your team you can win. Canucks went 6-3-1 in past 10 games, not including today, like this
I changed the channel after the empty net goal. Apparently niemi let in another goal after they put him back on after the empty netter
is this really the best they can aspire to?
>oilers are busting pulju
>his smile and optimism gone
Yes, these borderline losses for the Canucks anyway. The trap has a bad reputation, but in the context of the Senators and Canucks they are better than before
Its just 2 early for playoffs man. Every team is just a few points in or out. Especially in the west. Personally however I think Dallas will make it. Regardless of how horrific goaltendies are
>every goal Laine scores is the exact same thing
why don't people cover him better on the pp
Ehhh thats no guarantee. There's teams that can make it ahead of them.
I'll never get sick of seeing it tbqhwy
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maybe an ovechkin situation? like you know what he is going to do, but you still can't stop it
Laine isn't as strong as Ovechkin though, he should be easier to defend against but every time I see him he just slides 5 inches to get space and no one gets in front of him or puts their stick down between him and the passer
What a bad post

Nop. Oilers are going this year. In absolutely no order Edmonton, San Jose, Chicago, LA, Anaheim, Minnesota, St Louis, Nashville. There's no room for them
uh you left out the best team in the league there, the kings
Kongs are LA.
oh you didn't, my bad homes
Ya. Quick will also be back eventually. Iirc. So everything is fine
>too early for playoffs
Literally never too early. Also, jackets will make it as a top 3 in the metro. Screencap this
BJs-Oilers SCF when
After Canes-Yotes
>(((Bettman))) allowing a team that gets 2 viewers on average for televised games in the cup finals
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Rambo: Minnesota Wild
Gooks: rest of the league
Hey I'm one of those viewers! Feels good desu
Would anyone even be at the games lmao
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goal goaler
This year
>connor mäkdavid is not the best player in the world
>patrik laine is not the best goal scorer in nhl

lmao i bet you americans feel REEEAL stupid right now
Mcglasskids injury is coming soon. Laine will only score 2-5 more goals this year
Not gonna happen anytime soon with coilers.

I'd say Helsinki we'll be seen at the SCF before them.
Bros my aunt works at the Underground Railroad and she told me McDavids great grandfather was a racist I can't believe people cheer for that guy

Thank you based Laine for ruining his career
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>they already doubt us
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No one has webm of Laines goals?
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Laine goal.webm
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This is the only one you need. It's a computer generated webm, made from an algoritm that explains what the average Laine-goal looks like
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>the Anaheim cucks
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red wings you're next
bork bork bork
I want to fuck that woman
that movie was horrible

remember that number

remember that number
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Jets would be dead last without Laine
who is it?

and why don't the highlights show the 5th Penguins goal?
Pay debts
what a great game by the Sabres.
I like them, along with the Wild they are the comfiest hockey teams of the us.
I also admire the Blues.
The Maple Leafs had a great logo but changed it for their retro, I hope it is because of a anniversary thing and not permanent.
If anyone would have taught me that I need a bendy stick to shoot well, I'm pretty sure I would have been the next Laine.
Laine is a good setup-baby
Reminder that he has never scored an unassisted goal in the NHL.

Just picked the number randomly tbf
But Vanek has #62

Don't know, but you can find it on the game recap page, or on sportsnets youtube chanel
hey man, I never banted you. I like you.
Leave it to some NEET Grease dogshit to be unable to wrap his tiny retard brain around kino when it kicks him in his ugly face
He actually fought Reaves too, so that was pretty ballsy.
>tranpa gay
Pick only one of those
>Still got btfo by the jackets
Back of the bus Jamal.
Tranpa gay is essentially the wongs but with stamkos
And no fans
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it friday...

im still unhappy...

sadness doesnt go away..


my only friend...

not real by the way

its just a poem, im feeling better than ever
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But that is pure reality for many finns
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stob DDD:
McDavid: 1.36 PP/G

McDavid's gonna win the Art Ross, lads.
Did anyone sincerely doubt that for a second during offseason?
Based Crosby has a shot desu
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dum albertan spotted
you think you are so cool and hot shit.
but you aint

guess whats cool? being grounded in reality and working hard, like the good folk in manitoba
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Truly the salt of the earth
Is toews a generational talent?
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Yeah /hoc/ you owe an apology
Honestly people need to apologize to the entire nation of finland.
Tbh I was memeing hard when he wasn't scoring shit in the pre and whatnot. He's got a lethal shot, but he's still just Ovie lite, and Ovie hasn't won shit.
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Sad monki :(
Sad dogger :(
For what exactly? Most of us knew he had a pretty good shot.
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nice hgh gut on the first munkey

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>Le peak in their rookie year nation
You're all busts tbqh famalam
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>tfw no one can stop the bluejackets
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>armenian opinions
>armenian anything

On this day in the year of our lord two thousand and sixteen, I hereby apologize on the behalf of the leafposters of /hoc/ for doubting

May we be blessed with a lifetime supply of memes
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Look at this coon getting btfo
Poor coon, if i remember right, the munkeys tortured that coon after that video
this silly frogposter forgets the first round exists
Name one really good Russian center currently in the NHL.
>implying 2 first round exits in team history will affect this year
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Would not be surprised if that was true
Vladimir teresenko
lol I always forget Malkin is Russian

too doughy faced and nice-seeming, always think he's a Slovak or something
Evegni kuznetsov
he is pretty camera shy

It's funny because literally the only player remotely Armenian is a certified bust cokehead
He's a decent center. I'm reluctant to even call him a center because he's a shit defender and wins <50 percent of his faceoffs. Outstanding offensive player though.

Not a center kek
Wouldn't consider him a top line center just yet. He also has 9 pts in 25 games wew lad
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Vlad plays center though
Also kuzi had 76 points last year
Russians cannot play center or defense
Finns cannot play center or defense
Swedes cannot play wing
Americans cannot play
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Who else top 6 in hockey here
You forgot canadumbs can't play defense or goalie
Tarasenko is not a center and one good offensive year is not enough. My point was there's almost no good Russian centers in the NHL. Russians can't into defense.
Does Anisimov have any defensive prowess?
canadians cannot play fan of team that wins cup
Always has, just hasn't been good enough of offense to let it shine through
You can't win games if you don't score
>stanley cups won since 1994 (by country)

explain to me how a country wins the stanley cup
>canadumbs don't know
The best goalie and defenseman are both Canadian though.
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>implying I'll let you in on the secret
so you cant explain it?
>1 goalie
>1 defenceman
The rest are either American or Swedish and even Finnish

is it like a mlb team winning the "world" series?
>>Bettman runs league into ground
>>moves all teams south of the border
>>people unironically believe this is a "feature"

Fuck off.
No because it's only one Canadian team in the MLB
Canada produces the best forwards defensemen and goalies by far. Sweden is close in terms of defensemen
>mad at Russian goalies and Swedish and Finns
cool meme
I have one too
Oilers-Canes rematch from 06
You mean the record of Canadian teams in the Stanley cup final since 1993
you now remember Pisani scoring the only short handed OT in SCF history

lel that doesn't even make sense. Youre really running out of memes burger.

Where do you think we are
No I mean the record of the poo-S-A at the wcoh
if American players are so good why did they lose every single game?
>reusing the 0-3 meme
I'd just like to make it a little better

not a (you) factory, that is for sure
Before someone makes a >new, remember we already have one:

thank you, this is a good post
>failed OP detected
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>hocposters respecting each other and not complaining about posts
I just don't like having 12 /hoc/ threads on the front page
Where are we
nor does anyone

Great thread.
It's an homage to the civil war bluecoats
You should know the cannon is literally from the civil war
It was put at the fort in Cincinnati
Why the fuck was it not Aces?
Crosby's /game is better. He's also scoring more goals himself.
They'll be really good in a few years. Provorov, Zaitsev and Sergachyov will all be really good top 4 d-men.

Not sure about too many centers coming up through their ranks but I think Rubtsov will be a very good 2-way center in the future.
Eeli Tolvanen's wrister is as good if not better than Laine's.
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