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Honest question if any of y'all can answer; should I get my baby circumcised? My wife is supposed to deliver in a few days and we already know it's a boy, but I'm unsure about what advantages and disadvantages it could bring for him. I've also done a bit of research and learned that most countries outside the States don't even practice it all that much. What are the benefits and negatives to it?

Just do it you pussy!
There are no meaningful benefits. Break the cycle and allow your son the bodily integrity to make his own decisions. It's not your body to decide for.
Not many benefits to removing it. But not really any benefits by having it either. Personally I say let it be, because don't mess with ain't broke.
Also, watch this video first.

All of it.
No, it is retarded.

>tfw cut and can't feel much of anything at all during sex
>gf has to give a toothy blowjob for me to get any enjoyment out of it
>parents decided having a scrotum reduction at the same time would be a good idea for some reason
>ultra low sperm count do to balls not dropping away from body heat

I'd rather be a premature ejaculator.
Babies brains are constantly conforming to new stimuli. If you really want to fuck up your kid, the pain of circumcision will work pretty good.
This is just fucking disturbing, honestly.

It always creeped me out how Americans thinks genital mutilation of any kind is okay, regardless of gender. It's kinda hysterical how any search for "female circumcision" poses results for "genital mutilation".

In a lot of countries in Africa, women aren't even forced to do it. Most circumcisions are done by elderly women, and most young women who go through with it are happy as fuck after it's done. It's kinda like their version of giving birth.

>not many benefits
Less likelihood of HIV, UTI, etc. Plus women think it looks better.
>Less likelihood of HIV,
Myth built on poorly done research. Langerhans cells have been misframed.

Due to telling men to wash under their foreskin with soap, and women doing the same along with bad practices like douching etc.

There is nothing.

>Plus women think it looks better.
No they don't.
>"the baby isn't crying because he's in pain"
>baby is fucking wailing in pain

I can't believe that any parents of a newborn child could watch this procedure and believe that they had made the correct choice to circumcise. It's literally child abuse.
Citations needed, faggot.

FGM is a much bigger issue anyways.
Citations aren't coming. I don't feel like getting into it. I recommend you take the initiative and do some real research if you actually care about truth.

>FGM is a much bigger issue anyways.
Walk and chew gum bud.
>i dont have any actual sources

Haha, what a fucking loser. Face it, the benefits of circumcision outweigh the risks.
Does anyone actually have any sources to prove that MC is more harm than good? You're all way too manipulated by your emotions.
I'm a molecular biologist and I have a foreskin. I'm not going to source hunt on the slim chance you'll be willing to understand how soaps can disrupt micro-organism ecology / pH. I also don't feel like explaining how the foreskin is a part of the immune system, and how washing with soap disrupts that.

The HIV studies have been thoroughly and rightfully picked apart elsewhere, I won't duplicate it. I'm sure someone will come along with a big copy pasted wall of citations. Wait around a bit if you're really interested.

There are no meaningful benefits. I really like my foreskin, and I'm upset other men don't have theirs and have to go through this.
Don't do it.
disadvantages: less sexual pleasure, masturbation feels less good and can even hurt, chafed dicks

advantages: none
Not that anon but do you it's kinda unfair that MGM is labeled as being normal and helpful while FMG is (rightfully) viewed as a palling?
>I'm a molecular biologist and I have a foreskin.
Dr. Woltjer?
Yes, it's disjointed. Non-consensual violations of bodily integrity shouldn't be happening. We know better.

Why do you think MGM is so constantly defended and justified then?
I think it's unfair that I get called a misogynist monster when I say that I prefer a woman with circumcised genitals. It's more hygienic and more aesthetically appealing and there's no pain if it's done when the person is an infant.
>It's more hygienic and more aesthetically appealing and there's no pain if it's done when the person is an infant.
How so? There's no benefit to FC.
>aesthetically pleasing
How does it look ANY better
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kids dick is bigger than mine

He's obviously taking the piss you imbeciles
you're literally cutting off a piece of baby penis

it sucks you were circumsised as a baby, just don't do it to anyone else
Multifaceted complex of reasons. Part due to cultural normalization, part personal stuff, part social feedback loops, part lack of proper understanding and faith in authority. It's a function of submersion. I think there's a spectrum of different supporting elements that can play in, but nonetheless, once it begins it's very difficult to get rid of. Not everyone can or will be a cycle breaker, women typically won't protect their male children from what they view as tradition and will readily conform to the will of the father (in my own mother's words she "didn't really have an opinion"), and so it takes a long time to accumulate within the overall system and eventually fizzle out from personal or social pressure. Our society is also laid out such that sexuality is private, and so genital cutting isn't really spoken of critically, naturally. It is taboo.

There's also the more twisty stuff, where people are aroused or very giddy about the ritualistic nature of it. Usually women. Probably women that feel trapped, reliant, or angry at men. On some level they're fully aware of the nature of what's being done.

Lot of elements. It's all about how ideas and practices spread through a culture, and that culture's internal forces that may eliminate it. It's a very durable and resistant disease, once it takes hold in a place like the US.
>parents decided having a scrotum reduction at the same time would be a good idea for some reason

yep that's definitely why it's small
This shit is so fucked. How fucking counter intuitive of a secular society to mutilate babies just because it's a cultural norm. How can you be so detached as to bear watching your child go through that?
The skin is fused to the glans on my dick's top side, such that you could pass a paperclip through underneath
I don't even know what the fuck went wrong

seriously dont do it
But what about the medical and physical advantages?
There aren't any meaningful advantages.
There are tons of studies that say otherwise.
No there aren't.
if you live in the US, don't let your kid grow up with anteater
It's a fucking legitimate source, you idiot.
Actually, I don't want to go there. The key word is "meaningful". None of the advantages net out as advantages within anyone's value genuine value system, and none of them are at all justified. It's all based in poor risk assessment and can't be rightly framed as prophylaxis.

"First, do no harm." This was said for a reason, this is taught in med school for a reason. Now all we need is to get people to follow it universally.
gas the kikes race war now
>A decreased risk of urinary tract infections.
I already addressed this. It's caused by washing under the foreskin with soap, or forced foreskin retraction in infancy.

>A reduced risk of some sexually transmitted diseases in men.
False, more or less. Condom use is still necessary regardless, and comparisons with STD rates in Europe say otherwise.

>Protection against penile cancer and a reduced risk of cervical cancer in female sex partners.
Cervical cancer risk ties into hpv exposure, and the washing with harsh soaps and douching I mentioned early.

Penile cancer is already very rare, and it's reduced because there's less penis to get it. Just like removing your skin would make you immune to skin cancer.

>Prevention of balanitis (inflammation of the glans) and balanoposthitis (inflammation of the glans and foreskin).
Balanitis and meatal stenosis rates are actually higher in circumcised infants. These claimed results are mostly from sampling biases. Inflammation of the foreskin is obviously impossible if there is no foreskin.

>Prevention of phimosis (the inability to retract the foreskin) and paraphimosis (the inability to return the foreskin to its original location).
Phimosis can be treated with stretching methods and steroid creams. Obviously no foreskin means no phimosis, just like no legs means no stubbing your toe.

It's all basic logic. Solid and non-disingenuous sources are hard to come by unfortunately, as most of the material in the US is written by circumcised men.
But there are lots of vague and nonspecific benefits if we allow for the belief that babies can't feel pain or if they do can't remember it so it's not a bad thing to do to a child. Also, it affirms my cultural beliefs and experiences, and other studies that confirm my bias support this. Now let's just ignore all of this propaganda showing infants being surgically "mutilated" because that theory is not supported by scientific data.
True. Science knows best. I'm above dogma and old world ethics.
Doesn't the removal of the labia minora for women essentially work the same way? It's possible for that area to get infected and dirty a shit ton.
ask someone in real life, you'll only get shitposting cut/uncutfags here
Phimosis seems like a pretty bullshit conditon, or at least way over-diagnosed. I remember as a young boy having difficulty retracting my foreskin and wondering what was wrong with me when all of my adolescent sexual education books were saying that I could, but as I got older it became easy. I learned later that the adhesion between the glans and the foreskin is similar to the adhesion between the fingernail and the nailbed in childhood and is not supposed to separate until later in life. It's a biological membrane that is healthy and normal and forcing the foreskin to separate from the glans is not only unhealthy but also pretty much torture.
I'm cut, and to be honest I'm not actually too sure how to feel.

I don't feel any pain, but I feel kinda uncomfortable about the fact that my parents chopped some of my dick off without my consent.
>I feel kinda uncomfortable about the fact that my parents chopped some of my dick off without my consent.

I know that feel.
What sort of fucked up person cuts off part of somebodys penis without asking them?
I still love my parents, I'm just sort of confused about how to feel about that.
i am circumcised and i honestly hate all the anti-circumcision assholes who come on /sci/ trying to stir shit up or go on other websites on massive crusades.

HOWEVER. i agree wiht them on the basic point of, don't do something irreparable to someone who can't give consent. let your kid decide in the future if they want it.

i dont feel like i was denied anything or wronged by being circumcised as a baby, but i feel like the principle of the action dictates that you should give someone a choice. i dont begrudge my parents the choice they made, but i wouldn't make the same choice
>i am circumcised and i honestly hate all the anti-circumcision assholes who come on /sci/ trying to stir shit up or go on other websites on massive crusades.
If it was never discussed critically, do you think it would ever stop?
note the key phrases, "stir shit up" and "massive crusades".

what i appreciate is a calm discussion of the ethics and science of the topic. what i don't want, but often get, is a neverending diatribe that makes me feel like a terrible person for being circumcised in the first place.
Okay, that makes sense.
Personally I just think it's a violation of someone's individual rights. Just because you can't remember something doesn't make it okay.
>Nigga got a scrotum tuck
>hey let's mutilate your child's gentiles
>because extreme body mods are fucking cool
>high controversy over genital mutilation

Whenever there is high controversy over anything that can't be undone once it has been done probably shouldn't be done in the first place. I mean from a logical standpoint that is. I'm sure it can be done later as an adult if they so choose.
But it's painful, and allegedly infants are incapable of feeling pain so shouldn't it be done as an infant so it isn't painful?
I personally feel violated, especially after discovering my dick was body modded in the middleschool locker room. Then again, i have no idea if my foreskin has issues, so i might need to be thankful that i dunt have to do physical therapy just in order to piss
It's rare that phimosis outright obstructs the passing of urine.
No, why the fuck would you mutilate your child's penis?

This isn't a scientific issue, it's a human rights issue. Give your son a chance to decide for himself what he wants done to his body.
>baby is crying the second he is set on the table
>baby is crying when the straps are put on
>baby is crying when its shirt is taken off
>baby is crying when anesthetic is applied
>baby is crying when circumcision is being done

>allegedly infants are incapable of feeling pain
Infants are most sensible to pain, and if anything shit that hurts them in their early days can effect them for the rest of their lives. It's better to at least let the person decide for themselves if they wanna deal with the pain associated with it instead of forcing it on a fucking child who just came out of the womb.
>auditory output is accurately viewed as a binary state
I'm circumcised and I never been able to cum from a blowjob.
You know how young inexperienced males are always afraid of cumming too fast? My biggest fear of my teen years was of not cumming at all. I mean, I can cum normally from fapping, just not generally sex (happens rarely).
I learned the cause was circumcision. It happens sometimes.
So yeah, if you want that risk for you kid, go for it.

Whenever there is high controversy over anything that can't be undone once it has been done probably shouldn't be done in the first place. I mean from a logical standpoint that is. I'm sure it can be done later as an adult if they so choose.
Have your girl use her teeth more. That's the trick.
>the baby is crying that he's being strapped to a table against his will
>the baby is crying probably because he's about to get part of his fucking genitals chopped off
>"b-babies cry all the time!!!! this isn't different!!!"

Fucking insecure idiot, it's honestly amazing that people like you defend what is essentially an invasion of someone's body.
>middleschool locker room
Where the fuck did you go to school, Alabama?
Where is the scar line on your shaft? Near the glans or further down?

Regardless, try stretching and use moisturizer to reverse some of the keratization. Restoring some movement of the shaft skin ("glide") might help.
>the baby was crying the entire time so cutting off part of their dick is ok


>look, it's a baby okay?!!!?!?! babies cry all the time! i was attempting to molest this one baby but she was only crying because it's a baby, not because she didn't like being molested
Jesus, no, that hurts like hell.
Also, when my dick was healing after the surgery the skin grew kinda funny so every time too much pressure is put onto it, it tears and bleeds. Then it heals again and the pain cycle starts anew. Putting on a condom on is tricky as hell.

>reading all those milf hentai manga about phimosis and how the women in the manga help the young guys out to cure their phimosis
>tfw cut and never having this experience

>it tears and bleeds.

Fucking A
Well... as you probably already know, that explains it. The inner foreskin is much more sensitive.

I don't really know what to make of the bleeding issue. Is it so close to the glans that it won't bond correctly, or something? Could stretching and loosening the skin help with that, or is it not feasible to even begin?
I should probably mention that I was circumcised when I was 11-12, because of severe phimosis (to the extent I was basically unable to pee anymore).
If i stretch the skin too much It starts hurting and the injury bellow and behind the glans (frenulum?) might open.
>inb4 20 years later OPs son throws a bill for foreskin restoration into his face
that they tend to have incredibly high IQ...
Can you sue your parents for circumcising you?
No. The US has no legal foundations for a right to bodily integrity (that would unambiguously stand in court), and children are legally more or less property in this sense.

It's difficult to even sue hospitals for malpractice in the case of severely botched circumcisions. The most recent case I recall was one where there was excessive bleeding and the doctor resorted to silver nitrate, then more or less tried to cauterize it. Parents sued, etc, hospital fucked with records and denied it, and probably ultimately settled out of court.

Similar shit probably happens a few times per year, though I don't have any data to back that up.
Just a reminder OP - there is no such thing as a innocent surgery that can't go wrong.
>more or less property in this sense.
Just wow. That's a totally different approach than some of the European countries. I've heard of people suing their parents in EU for dental costs because they didn't take them to the dentist when they were kids/teens.
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This anon sucked his teacher's dick to get good grades.
Do it, it's totally rational to attack your son with knives, may I also suggest

- nose bone
- lip stretching
- scull deforming
- foot binding
- teeth chipping and sharpening
- scarring

I'm sure your psychological nurturing will be fine too.
Let me put it like this.

It's religious tradition where males get the tip of your dick lopped off.

The disadvantage is that your sex organ does not function correctly, but on the plus side it is cleaner if you don't take a shower for 2 weeks.

Hopefully this aids in your decision.
Mutilated penis and less sexual stimulation
Following a Jewish custom that legitimizes genital mutilation of your son (ask some relatives what their opinion is on genital mutilation of young girls in African countries)
the denial of cutfags always astounds me
"part of your penis was cut off at birth"
truly highlights the power of social indoctrination
>truly highlights the power of social indoctrination
Kind of. I think it's more about how people internally counterbalance trauma and knowing they were wronged in a way that was entirely out of their control and simply a matter of luck.

Which all fine, at the end of the day, as long as they don't do the same to their own children.

I see no reason to berate or belittle anyone otherwise. It's needless and counterproductive.

( Though not as nasty as >>8417123 *shiver* )
No and in the future your kid may sue you for male genital mutilation.
>My wife is supposed to deliver in a few days and we already know it's a boy,
If your wife makes you do it, remember it's not too late for an abortion. Your son is better off that way.
Are you taking the piss, mate?

Cause I can't. I was circumcised.
ok, ok, I'll cut it.
Don't listen to all of those ignorants that call the circumcision a "genital mutilation" with "no positive things". The circumcision is a safety practice, science has demostrated that helps to prevent some infections and don't interfere with sexual funciotn or shit.

I have many friends that wasn't circumcised and they tell me that they wish they were circumsiced. And i am circumsiced and fells normal (good). Oh, and i'm not jew.

So.... Do whatever you want and think is better for your son. If you decide to make the circumcision is OK, don`t trust that anons
>they wish they were circumsiced
But they can, it's an outpatient procedure lol
They'll get oxies after too
I feel the same but I also think they did for a reason. I mean I havent asked why they chopped my dick but I imagine they discussed it with the doctor and he told them some potential benefits (believed to be factual during the time period) and they went with it because the doctor is the expert in that situation.

Just like when I was a kid I had recurrent strep throat so I got my tonsils removed because the past literature suggested that tonsils were not very important after reaching a certain age. My parents talked with the doctors who told them as much. New research has pretty much debunked that and it's now believed that tonsils play an important role in immunity even as you age.

The point is that science is always changing, especially regarding biology. New research may add on to old research or completely debunk past claims. I think my parents were just trusting the doctor to know what was best.

Now there is plenty of research to debunk the claim that circumcision is beneficial but it has become ingrained in american society.
>but I imagine they discussed it with the doctor and he told them some potential benefits (believed to be factual during the time period) and they went with it because the doctor is the expert in that situation.
or it was just like in >>8417540
Why is this suck a big deal lol. To the looks of it, its the same either way.


>the baby is crying because its about to get part of his fucking genitals chopped off

The baby doesnt know its ass from a hole in the ground for at minimum a month, let alone hours after its born. it couldnt possibly be upset that it thinks its genitals are being cut off, it doesnt understand what cutting is, fuck it doesnt even understand what pain is, and it certainly isnt intuitive enough to formulate "my dick is being cut and that is part of my body which should be my decision. why hasnt this doctor asked for my consent? this is a violation of my rights as a human and my parents should feel ashamed therefore i am upset and I should cry".

So do you really think the baby is crying before the operation because it is aware of the impending act? is that really what you are implying? think hard, then hit reply.

>the baby was crying the entire time so cutting off part of their dick is ok

I never said that. I pointed out how the baby crying is not sufficient evidence that the actual operation or the "pain" associated is causing it discomfort.

>look, it's a baby okay?!!!?!?! babies cry all the time! i was attempting to molest this one baby but she was only crying because it's a baby, not because she didn't like being molested

see above. no one is talking about molesting babies except for you. im telling you a crying baby is not sufficient evidence it is in pain, especially when
1) the baby is already crying when you perform the operation
2) it was crying the second the nurse grabbed its wrist.

what's even more hilarious is the baby is actually quieter during the actual cutting if you watched the fucking video. nice one.
It's not.

>they went with it because the doctor is the expert in that situation.
Going with it is buying into some illogical bullshit being peddled. Luckily the only thing foolish America took from me were my adnoids, the problems of which were actually a symptom of something else.
>what's even more hilarious is the baby is actually quieter during the actual cutting if you watched the fucking video. nice one.
This has to be trolling. Have you never heard of shock?

I have type 2 trigeminal neuralgia, but fortunately for me I already had some mental tools to deal with extreme pain. I can't even imagine what a newborn would be experiencing during an amputation of a richly innervated region.
Why would you force something on your son which he can decide for himself later in life?

Why having a bogus discussion about up- and downsides or religion when it's down to respecting your son?

It's that simple.
Did you forget? The kinds of people that post here believe they are kings of their household, and will believe their children are servants.

They will molest their daughters and bully their sons. These are humans were talking about.
>The baby doesnt know its ass from a hole in the ground for at minimum a month, let alone hours after its born
That's great, so we can have abortions even after birth.

>what's even more hilarious is the baby is actually quieter during the actual cutting if you watched the fucking video. nice one.
Just stole $10k from you. You were quiet; I guess that makes taking someting from you without your consent OK.
By the way, you talk like a baby. A very emasculated one for some reason.
>Respecting children
Lolwat? As long as they're living under my roof, they'll get what they're given.

Go ahead and get it done. It makes a penis look way more presentable later in life, and its way easier to keep clean. Take it from someone who had it performed later in life.

Anybody who claims foreskin matters at all just has a cocksleeve fetish.
This person either was circumcised at birth, or has some other motive / fetishist deal going on. Do not believe their lies.
Everything has been already said about this topic. Anything in this thread that will follow will be basically strongly biased opinions.
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Having a foreskin, knowing what it provides, and knowing there are people, right now, who are taking that experience away from their children, is very irritating.

It's incredibly twisted to gamble with someone's sexuality and capacity for sensual and intimate connection with another human being. Then to expect someone to perform regardless of how it turns out, and act like anyone actually cares about sensitivity or how good anything feels. If we did, we wouldn't even be entertaining the notion.

It's an asinine fucked up mess.
leave it, your son will thank you later on when you will tell him that you wanted to remove it, plus its mutilation and does not have any benefits at all. If there is a foreskin, dont you think it is supposed to be there ?
> If there is a foreskin, dont you think it is supposed to be there
basically this. Are people so fucknig dumb today to defend circumcision? If nature wants a foreskin there, it wants it for a reason. Holy shit. You also don't cut of you little toe just because it might look prettier.
Stupid americucks I swear. You're dumb as fuck.
There is cosmetic surgery available to literally do exactly that.

Apparently its more important to have pointy-toed highheels fit exactly right.
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yes, you gullible goyim, mutilate your child's penis!
You're right, and that's stupid as fuck. Just like circumcision.
Check out my anecdote. I'm circumcised and I'm a premature ejaculator. I think you may have issues of your own.
You should honestly see a doctor about that botched foreskinectomy. They might give you stitches and you won't be able to fap for a while.

One would think that adults would have common sense enough to not mutilate their children's genitals. Yet, what adults do to themselves is pretty fucking stupid too.
It just means one person's surgery removed/severed more nerves than the other and to what degree the injury changed the nerves. Some can't feel anything others are actually more sensitive. I knew a guy who's circumcision made the nerve endings feel like burning and itching. He'd had that since birth and thought it was normal until he told one of his girlfriends about it and she thought he had an STD. So, his doc did tests, nothing. Then they surmised it was from the "botched" circumcision. I don't know if he got re-cut or not, but that was evidently one of the solutions along with burning the nerve endings.
>Burning itching
From post-amputation schwann cell proliferation. They tend to become confused and start bunching together and guiding nerve axons into tangled messes, which ultimately are more apt to generate pain.

Also, yes it should always be said that all circumcisions are different. It's not like having your finger cut off, or an organ replaced. There's a lot of variance. Google the difference between high / low, loose / tight, for the more technical and arguably fucked up stuff.
I'm uncut and I can't cum from one either. Granted, I've only ever had one and it was outside in the cold and I was 14, but I've deathgripped my dick so hard that I don't think I could anyway.
Not clicking that shit, what the shitting fuck.
>you're literally cutting off a piece of baby penis
Like some other anon eloquently put it on these very boards one day: cut off any other part of a baby and you get thrown in jail.
What the hell is scrotum reduction?
You could easily have that filament cut no?
All of my this

There should be laws against it.
Everyone knows cut is better than uncut. It's cleaner, looks better and has health benefits. You know who your son will blame when the first girl he tries to have sex with runs away screaming at the sight of his disgusting uncut cock? You, that's who.
Baby shouldve been lying with the mother not be on an operating table the fucking day it's born
>a cocksleeve fetish.
>fetish for non-mutilated genitals
makes sense
To be fair you can pinch your foresking when you cum which is very handy.
Sounds like you're insecure about your cut chode.
>Plus women think it looks better.

Fuck the women who think that.
>it doesnt even understand what pain is
No it doesn't but it sure as fuck feels it.
t. delusional cutfag who unironically believes that ripping a baby out of her mother's arms and strapping him to an operating table to poke a syringe in his dick doesn't have lasting effects on his mental development.

No wonder american males are such beta faggots. It's a result of being sexually traumatized literally the day they were born.
Don't you fucking do it. We have a foreskin for a reason. It is the equivalent of female genital mutation.
There are no benefits. Besides if he wants rid of his foreskin he can ask for a circumcision when he's older.
>scrotum reduction
Is this actually a thing?
>women think it looks better
[citation needed]
>parents decided having a scrotum reduction
Fucking bait
as a circumcised person i am so grateful that i'm not in a situation where i have to deal with smegma building up in my foreskin.
Let your kid decide what he wants, is not your dick
That's not a thing.

I didn't shower for 2 months, but still masturbated semi regularly. No smegma visibly accumulated. I can't actually remember a point when I ever had smegma accumulation.
smegma can form anywhere on the human body where there are folds of skin. that's behind the ears, arm pits, folds in skin from being a fat ass, etc. it is just more commonly known under foreskin because that makes it "sex related" and more popular to know.
Well anyway, my foreskinned peepee is okay on the smegs, so that's all that counts. Glad that dire situation has been taken care of.
I agree it violates bodily autonomy, but you should really provide evidence for your claims. You're sounding an awful lot like a vegan here
I didn't have my son circumcised at birth because it's evil. If he would like to be circumcised when he's an adult and can be trusted to make his own decisions about his body, fine. Why do people still think it's okay to do this on infants, though? Why is this a debate?
> Christians dislike people from the norm, like those freaks with bodymods, like gaping earholes, spikes out of mouth or fronthead.
> Christians insist babies must have their genitals mutilated.

>but you should really provide evidence for your claims.
Don't be stupid. All we have to go on is logic and what we know about how the relevant systems work. In the case of normal neonatal behaviors, and how they correlate with neurological development, it's very clear what likely circumcision does. Likewise we mechanically know quite a bit about amputations, shock, and pain perception. You can extrapolate for what it does in infants.

It's all pieced together and heuristic guided, and that's how it's going to stay. I suggest you get used to it and engage with the dialogue using what's available, instead of disingenuously asking for "evidence". You know damn well there aren't any (publicly known) controlled trials.
>Why is this a debate?
Cultural normalization. It's probably the worst irrational artifact of our evolutionary history that we're still stuck with, and we fight against it constantly. Very few people get to know themselves and really trace out the chains of assumptions and reasoning at work behind a given action, belief, or desire.
Circumcising mildly reduces risk of contracting some STDs *if your in under developed parts of Africa*
Anywhere else, and there's no benefit either way. Probably a lifestyle thing

Also, circumcision isn't free and can (read: won't) cause severe infections
I don't think a lot of people realize how much circumcision actually removes. It isn't a "small snip".
go on..

what kind of genre is this
Attacking my motives is ad hom. And I'v already agreed with you on policy.
>there aren't any (publicly known) controlled trials.
I expected as much. It would be pretty hard to ethically design such an experiment, after all. But that's not what I was asking for.
>You can extrapolate for what it does in infants.
Argument from common sense only goes so far because a lot of phenomena violate common sense. Your job is to convince people this extrapolation is warranted (and consider the vegan's similar extrapolation to animals, which is not widely accepted as valid.)

I mean, I don't believe you're wrong, but its irresponsible to just take anybody's word for it and looking at the evidence can help a person develop a more nuanced and complete picture of the evidence
>more nuanced and complete picture of the issue
no, you asshole.
>go on..
Just google it. It's measured in square inches for what it's worth.

Apparently 10 - 14, with only two samples. The foreskin is double sided, like the eyelids.
>Attacking my motives is ad hom.
The alternative was calling you dumb. I decided to give you the benefit of the doubt, against my more intuitive reaction. When it comes down to it, you think and communicate in a way I don't like. I'd be better to just not get involved, I'm not the poster you were responding to anyway.

So that's how it'll go. Look at the body like a machine, go for low level mechanistic accuracy, and you'll be just fine on your own.
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>When it comes down to it, you think and communicate in a way I don't like.
Yep, you're none too bright to begin with, and your mind has been poisoned by inane prattling and internet debate. Debate logic, which is rooted in argument for an audience (positioning), not substantive dialogue, has flooded your psyche.

You are more trouble than you're worth and cannot be salvaged so quickly. You might work your way out of the social traps over the coming years, you might not. My heuristics are rarely wrong, right now you are a dork and you should feel like a dork. You are not as rational and even headed as you believe.
Yeah whatever Kaczynski
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Not him, but if you're >>8417136
You started that shit without citations so go fuck yourself
>genital mutilation
>ever good

no one wants to live with a jew cock


in any case, retarded to do so
>Plus women think it looks better.
Looks essentially the same when the skin is pulled back
Pretty sure some religions have a priest bite it off
What? Fucking no you shouldn't get cosmetic surgery on your newborn's genitals. Once he's an adult, if he really wants to have his foreskin chopped off he can get it done then.
Protip; he won't.
Not really. Even pulled back tight (which depends on frenulum morphology), it doesn't tend to lay flat and the ridged band remains a raised... ridge.

That's not really what these people are saying anyway. They're claiming it looks better all the time, flaccid and otherwise. They find it more conceptually pleasing for some reason.
I really need to get to work on foreskin restoration as soon as I move out of my parent's basement.

Luckily the rates seem to be dropping
Is it 'pain', if you are not yet able to even understand what 'pain' is?

Circumcision is the equivalent of strapping babies heads so that they grow in an elongated shape because "Long heads are closer to the spirit realm!". Religious scumfucks.
>Is it 'pain', if you are not yet able to even understand what 'pain' is?
Yes. Mechanically you're still experiencing something unpleasant, regardless of how it's consciously framed. It takes active effort to use / make physical pain for something other than feeling awful.

The broader framework is irrelevant. If the neonate didn't know what pain was, it certainly would find out then.
Honestly think foreskin is gross and don't fuck guys with it. But its your kid OP. Fuck that kid up if you want
Benefits is nothing really.

Negatives are your son loses a working dick that feels the way it's supposed to with the extra nerves on the end. Also he loses the ability to keep his dick from drying up and looking like scarred damaged thing.
Is this life imitating art?
Child abuse
My parents didn't get me circumcised, I ended up getting it done later because of my tight foreskin. Really wasn't a big deal for me, just make sure he knows to clean it and you'll be fine.
This is relatively rare, even in America. Most women are curious if anything.

Do people really think you'll be getting ready to fuck, or whatever, the pants will come off and UH OH, A FORESKIN! Then everything just stops entirely, someone leaves, and the relationship more or less ends? Or she demands you get circumcised "first"?

It's a bizarre storyline to cook up.
As a guy who got circumcised at the age of 28, the pleasure thing is a myth. The only way I could imagine this would change is if you got the tight cut that seems popular in certain countries.
And even then that would be if you were wanking at half mast
I don't see how that can be so.
>touch tip of foreskin
>feels real good
>Massage foreskin
>Feels real good

>Remove those things
>No more of that good
Sounds like you have erectile difficulties relating to your overly tight foreskin.
Foreskin easily retracts. Erections are fine.

I didn't want to go into whether inner or outer foreskin is retained.
Let me guess, it's problematic for you to masturbate your shaft, and you avoid, rarely have or have not had penetrative sex with a female.

Push your finger into the fat rolls on your stomach and rub the flab over the tip of your finger? Is that a substitute for penetrative sex, you autistic "muh vestigal overhang" fagget?
How does it feel to know you have never had a full erection you beta
> gets a 3/4 blood suppy to penis
> bitch im hard as diamonds
> grill: "lol you sure are anon hehe"
> gril goes and fucks chad cut cock with a fully erect penis
How many longer term relationships have you had diffuse, and at the back of your consciousness you know that their current boyfriend has a sexy cut cock that gets completely, pulsatingly full of blood that straight up slams in and out of her wet socket, while you sit there in your bed, alone, watching anime futilely rubbing a piece of skin over your glans, cumming in 10 seconds and dribbling a dissapointing shot of semen down your half flacid cock crying tears while muttering "but my smegma waifu"
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>Let me guess, it's problematic for you to masturbate your shaft,
I don't follow. What do you mean? I masturbate with a grip on various parts of the shaft, and sometimes hold my foreskin back tight and massage the shaft skin or "tug". Lot of ways to do it.

>Push your finger into the fat rolls on your stomach and rub the flab over the tip of your finger?
I have a low body fat content. Never thought of someone being able to do that though. Very creative.

I don't get it.
You probably have an unsatisfying relationship with your mother, because at the psychological base of every interaction you had with her, she was picturing your pathetic ant eater cum dribbling cock not being able to ascend the throne of your father and fuck her yearning cunt

My parents were divorced.

I get along fine with my mother, for the most part. When I was a teenager she asked me if I needed lube or anything like that though. I just said no and it was never mentioned again.
I think you may have replied to what is commonly referred to as a "bait" post, whereby, in order to goad other posters into responding, a fat acne-ridden undesirable virgin implied that they were otherwise, and had a strong distaste for penii in their natural form.

It's a curious phenomenon.
> 0

hahahahahahahaha enough stated you beta skin wiggling fagget
>calm discussion
Go fuck yourself. A person who was mutilated at birth should be angry. That's the healthy response.
Go masturbate yourself. A captive who was liberated at birth should be thankful. That's the healthy response.
>makes me feel like a terrible person for being circumcised in the first place
You should feel terrible. You're less than a whole man. Your own parents butchered you for no reason.

You don't get to feel good. That's not the hand you were dealt in life. Fucking do something about it instead of whining about having emotions.
None of that has ever happened, so yes? Enough stated.
> i am a virgin
I meant the scenario as a whole.
>The US has no legal foundations for a right to bodily integrity
Bullshit. There's a federal law banning female genital mutilation.
Which is not part of a supporting legal infrastructure to guarantee a definition of bodily integrity, in the abstract, is upheld for all individuals.

Right to bodily integrity is a phrase that has additional meaning attached in a legal context.
I am from Europe. I was kind of shocked when I found out the circumcision is normal in the US.
>It is a medically unnecessary operation
>The penis is mutilated for the rest of the life
>Reduced sensitivity of the penis leads to less pleasure at sex
>30-50% of the most sensitive part of the penis are simply cut off
You are making a not reversable decision for your son. How do you know that he does not want to keep his foreskin? Just wait until he is 18 and then he can decide for himself.
>I am unable to make an argument
you should really learn a thing or two about the anatomy of the human penis before posting again.

That might explain my dick.

>what the shitting fuck
>not clicking
Yes, it will be good in the end.
Please go lament about dicks here:

You do know that christianity originally before jewish influence thought circumcision grounds for excommunication right?
Oy Vey! Don't look at oral suction circumcision and infant herpes goy.

I am circumcised. If I wanted to be circumcised, I will voluntarily do it when I am old enough. Don't do something irreversible that the person may not like. NO.
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No dont tell him! We want his babies sexual experiences to be limited!
So let's talk a bit more directly. How are we going to get rid of this practice?

It seems to me you'd need to use the same means as were used to culturally establish it to begin with. This isn't feasible, and a movement from within the mainstream is both improbable and likely to have major backlash.

How do we re-brainwash America to make us function correctly?
Would need to be banned by the government/states which will never happen
>tfw Jews trolled american goys into cutting their dicks
Why not perform circumcisions by just removing less sensitive skin at the base? Ridged band would be retained, all the inner foreskin, frenulum, etc. Though the frenulum might experience too much friction and cause tearing problems.
That would be missing the point, which is to make sex less pleasurable.
Well, now that I'm thinking about it, that might be more apt to cause vascular problems. Though severing the frenular artery is already a source of vascular complications in circumcision.
If they were executed in the same conditions, there would be basically no difference between male and female circumcision.
-Easier to maintain cleanliness
-Creasy cock
-Decreased sensitivity

Basically don't be a moron, just teach your son good hygiene.
>-Easier to maintain cleanliness
Because having your glans exposed to open air (aerobic bacteria and dust particles), and rubbing all over everything, is much cleaner than having them tucked away in a moist environment that literally secretes immune cells specialized to deal with anaerobic bacteria.
Why not just chop off the whole dick? That would be an undisputed benefit to the society.
It would definitely be cleaner, and prevent STDs.
Penile cancer would be close to non-existent.
And that's the problem. You were cut when you were twelve, just when the foreskin is starting to loosen up.
Yeah, the US along with other countries such as Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Iran, China (see where it's going) didn't sign the UN Rights of the Child. We also don't recognize the Hague. So even if the US Napalms an orphanage on purpose, the US will face no repercussions.
Yes. And we could either choose to finally peacefully make our race extinct, or if we really have to reproduce, we could freeze up enough of Vladimir Putins sperm to last forever.
Man, the hole shrunk so much I couldn't pee anymore. It inflated like a balloon full of piss, hurt like hell after reaching a critical volume, would only let a tiny stream out and it took me about ~20 minutes to pee.
Not to mention I couldn't retract or stretch a shit (believe me, I tried).
That sounds like a contused phallus issue....

(aka broken dick)
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>tfw phallus to broken to pee
Funny thing is, I didn't know something was wrong with it until it got bad. It's not like I've seen other retracted dicks before... I was unaware they could do that.
And even when it started to get difficult, I didn't wan't to tell my parents because they told us in church it was sinful to touch your penis (I thought they meant literally touching - what else could I be doing with it?), and by extension letting anyone to look at it. So when it got critical, and I had to tell my mom, I felt like doing a sin on a level of murder.
Studies have proven that the augmented risk of penis cancer from chronic inflammation due to poor hygene associated to foreskin is small and thus do not outweigh the risk of the inherent complications of the circumcision procedure.
Uncut fag here. You being cut or uncut probably isn't causing that. Stay off the porn sites for a while.
>she "didn't really have an opinion"
Oh wow.
>maybe don't cut off part of his dick?
>you don't like mine? :(
It probably is actually. A lack of inner foreskin and skin mobility would cause what he's describing. He needs friction from teeth to move the skin around and trigger mechanoreceptors because there's otherwise not enough motion.
That's not from circumcision. Stop watching porn.
I wasn't circumcised. My father was, and was solidly against it happening to me.

I'm just illustrating the average female response in the US. I imagine the same general dynamic is apt to pan out either way, partly for the reasons you mentioned.
I don't. It doesn't help. What now, smartass?
Stop downplaying mechanical problems. You're helping no one.
Protip: when the mother of your child gets pregnant, talk with her about circumcision before you know the sex of your kid. If she insists on circumcision, tell her it's fine, as long as you do it no matter the sex of your child.
Again with the slippery slopes and hyperbole. It's a pathetic argument.

They anesthetize the dick before cutting. No pain. No, crying is not a good indicator as we've seen from the video. It is not an issue of whether it's hurting the baby or not. that is irrelevant. The baby is not upset it's losing it's fucking foreskin and it's not in pain. So there is no argument along the lines of "YOU'RE HURTING IT YOU'RE HURTING IT" that you can say to justify no circumcision. I don't give a fuck if you want your foreskin or not, but don't use "it's too painful for the baby and therefore is wrong" to justify it. Again, that's retarded.
I imagine putting off cigarettes on your newborn is less painful for him than circumcision, nor does he mind, yet people tend to be against it.
Serves the same purpose btw.
>They anesthetize the dick before cutting.
They apply a nerve block to the root (that damages the nerve during application), which doesn't block all sensation. You can also see from the video they didn't wait long enough for it to take effect. Time is money, busy schedule, all that.

The white hot pain of an amputation doesn't really care about nerve blocks anyway. Even direct administration of ethanol or botulinum. Look up empirical studies performed on adults if you want to actually know anything.
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>Plus women think it looks better.

>The baby is not upset it's losing it's fucking foreskin and it's not in pain.

If you anesthetize a baby's hand and remove a finger is it fine because they feel no pain and probably have no comprehension of the self yet?
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>Granted, I've only ever had one and it was outside in the cold and I was 14
You could also castrate it outright, and remove its eyes and tongue.

Same deal, really. It's not like it knows anything.

>it doesn't tend to lay flat and the ridged band remains a raised... ridge.

If you knew anything about the female anatomy, that's a benefit.
That was half the point.

Cutlets have the most interesting form of Stockholm syndrome to observe.

>I was cut without consent
>however now this is part of my identity
>so there must be nothing wrong with it
>and foreskins must be bad

I wonder if you tattooed an ugly symbol on the face of a certain number of kids, would it become a "tradition" as those men tattooed their children and so on? Would they ostracize the non-tattooed people?
>I wonder if you tattooed an ugly symbol on the face of a certain number of kids, would it become a "tradition" as those men tattooed their children and so on? Would they ostracize the non-tattooed people?
No, probably not. Something has to be relatively personal and socially private to become a self feeding cultural trend. But it also as to exist in a broader supporting cultural framework.

In all cases when ritualistic circumcision took off, it was seeded and supported by some part of the overall social control structure, that allowed the feedback loops to form. Whether it was tribal leaders, religious leaders, or medical authorities. The child would probably just come to resent the tattoo, as it constantly seen and allows them to be readily distinguished from other people. The penis however is always hidden away. One either doesn't think about it, or subconsciously assumes everyone else is circumcised too, and that it's normal.
tell them the girls will think they look funny without the tattoo and no matter how it looks it's gonna stick.
That's a mechanism to keep the cycles in place, but does little good in establishing the initial behavioral feedback loops. If it's just one guy, or a small group of men, they'll readily see through it. Hell, they can just ask, and chances are they'll be told anyway. The penis isn't the same way. Can't just whip it out and say "u liek?? ;^)" and get genuine feedback.

Needs submersion and to be relatively private. Like that stupid phrase "private parts".

You may be right, Satan

cut guys in cut cultures probably assume that everyone they know is cut, so to them they are part of that 100% - and the same exists situation for normal penis men

by that token, tattoo a bunch of children's scrotums bright green and I wonder if that becomes a feedback loop once you hit enough kids tattooed?
There's risk of bad infection and amputation, so what do you think you sick fuck.
>Implying losing your penis affects sexual pleasure and satisfaction

>lose part of your penis
>claim it has no ill effects on sensation

shouldn't cutfags be defending castration?
>Implying losing your body kills you
How can most of the world live fine without mutilating their dicks anon? You don't need to mutilate your sons dicks.

I am a 32 years old homosexual from Europe.
I think my Homosexuality is due to psychological trauma I had as a teenager because of my phimosis.
I was circumcised in my 20s.


For most people it is irrelevant, but I wish I had been cut as a baby.
female circumsicion when?
men like it better that way
I stepped on a piece of glass ten years ago while swimming, right on the arch of my foot. It was pretty deep in. I got out, ripped it out, bled everywhere for a while, and then went back to swimming.

It left a decent scar there, and if I walk for a long time or in such a way that it stretches or pulls on that scar tissue, it doesn't feel too grand. I don't like it, and can't imagine why someone should have the same general deal on their penis, an organ meant for pleasure.

I mentioned shwann cells above, and no one responded. Research a bit what schwann cells do around amputation sites. They're clever enough with small cuts or blunt trauma, but at any kind of scale or complexity they readily become confused and start guiding together severed axons into a tangled mess. They essentially divide everywhere and form the PNS's equivalent of glial cell clumping. These structures are more apt to generate painful sensations.
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