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Wednesday /cara/ Thread How's your week going guys? We're

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Thread replies: 117
Thread images: 75

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Wednesday /cara/ Thread

How's your week going guys? We're halfway there.
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w-where is everyone?
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they all died
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hi! mirubro here.
i was actually just here to see if sunday's thread was still up and i found this one.
i will stay for a little while but i don't have much time, but i must say that with /s/ moving as slow as it does, this thread will probably drag into the weekend anyway..
if we don't want perpetual /cara/, then wednesday threads might not be a great idea. not that i don't wanna talk to you guys, of course!
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>tfw miss the old days on r9k when we had at least 2 threads a week
maybe we should move to /fa/? they love models there
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but do we need two threads if one thread is so long on /s/?

not sure about that crowd, but if everyone wants to do it, then maybe?
idk I like having a fresh start
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>idk I like having a fresh start
again? we haven't been on /s/ for very long
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I don't think we should move /cara/ there permanently because there's a good chance it would just get banned, but you can always start up a thread there any time you want (as long as you have a topic of conversation that is vaguely fashion related). If you just post pics of cara on /fa/ with no further contribution, they get deleted (I know from experience).

Anyway I'll be back on Sunday, see you then carabros.
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>Anyway I'll be back on Sunday, see you then carabros.
see you then, friend.
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came from r9k
wassup doods?
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hello carafriend. were you in the old /cara/ or are you new? also nice pic, i didn't have that one saved.
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have to prepare for a lab on lewis structures, steric number, molecular shapes, and a 3-D drawing of them; tomorrow


Have to write a scientific essay about the disappearance of Wholly mammoths.

So basically I'm fucked
first one sounds pretty sucky but mammoths are cool. start with that one.
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note for OP - it's good practice to link to the previous thread when you're doing a continuation

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new, but am well acquainted with this
how big is your cara folder?
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i have a biology quiz tomorrow, but idfc, i never study, but pass anyway
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>i never study, but pass anyway
this was my entire education (including university) and now i have a shit dead-end job. not saying it will definitely happen to you, but be careful.
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couple hundred pics, mostly is just for keks, but whatever
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do any of you guys browse /f/? I was thinking about making a ton of /cara/ related flash stuff

also taking music/gif pairing suggestions
>do any of you guys browse /f/?
i honestly didn't know that existed until you just said it
wtf is /f/

basically shit like this. It's a very small board but it still retains the old 4chan culture.


and the occasional game
oh man, i used to play with this years ago. so much fun. i don't know what you have in mind but new cara content is always good.
oh mang
i can't stop watching
it's so damn catchy
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protip: instead of saying 'bump', just post a picture of cara
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>do any of you guys browse /f/?
/f/ hasn't been funny in years imo, but back when 4chan city / DMX shoops were still being posted, i would go there sometimes.

either way, i gotta head to bed, see you all on sunday <3
goodnight friend
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i hate cara with makeup 2bh
agreed :(
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We need more high res pics
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Kik me if you wanna trade ex gfs pics jimsong23
what the fuck
I feel like no can match cara in spirit; look how fucking happy she is compared to the other chick
I think your in the wrong thread m8
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Her nudes are supreme
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Really the best tits
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Best two for last
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And here's my personal favorite
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you know those are fake, right?
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did not see this one coming
i missed it Gad daammiit
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see you guys on sunday
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Who's for a Thursday resurgence?
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Fuck yes
im here too, don't have any pictures though
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I got you boy :')
I'm not gonna say it but...
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No racism in /cara/ senpai
soz 4 gender labeling, forgot it was 2015
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>mfw then is a Kaya appreciation thread on /tv/
>she's at last being recognised for her beauty

take your pick faggots
but we're posting sexy beautiful women
speaking the truth
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Once we get our /cara/ appreciation commune we won't have to put up with this stuff, stay strong bros
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I just keep the current thread open 24/7

I wont let you guys down
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Mirubro, you are our greatest ally
One day they will notice me :'(
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actually I'm just a newfag

But I'm working on this currently
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Have a (You)
When did you start visiting/cara/? I've only been here about 5 months or so
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About a month ago. I started frequenting r9k since last summer and it left me depressed as fuck unfortunately. But cara threads somehow make me feel better.

Maybe its because shes so full of energy and fun; I guess opposites attract.
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ty bb xox
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threads is always wednesday and sunday, at least traditionally.

good to see another jp bro
jesus christ, that is probably Terry Richardson's best shoot
something about this makes me boil with rage inside
wait there's another? where do you live, what do you do?
Yep, Im a freshman at BU.

What do I do? I guess I just study, browse 4chan, and write sad guitar songs.

What about you?
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I'm a fashion designer for Comme des Garçons.

Oh so you're Japanese but you live in Boston. Where are you from originally in Japan?
>oh so you're Japanese
sheeiiit my bad, I thought you mean /jp/ like the board. I'm originally from Switzerland.

I feel like a retard now.
same here :'( -op
Lmao don't worry swissbro, 4chan is anonymous for a reason

Anyway I'm going to Taiwan tomorrow for a business trip but I should be able to make the Sunday/Monday thread.

I feel insane jealousy and betrayal to see her so intimate with another man. She seems cute when she's with a girl but that pic makes me see her as like another elitist adult.

I can't quite put it into words but it's that feeling when you saw your high school crush with a huge jock, it was like a sign of shallowness, a loss of innocence.
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calm down anon, it's only a photoshoot. but i agree that i would feel very differently towards cara if she left annie and ended up with a guy in reality.
She is 2 good 4 me though :'(
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I'm not like mad lol I'm just trying to decipher why my brain instantly feels such a negative emotion for no apparent reason. I try not to, it's hard being a good Catholic.

Don't say she is too good for you anon, she is incredibly inclusive and has stated she has a poor self image herself. She wouldn't want someone to think like that about her.
everytime i tell myself i won't fall in love and then
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Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. - Corinthians 13:7
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oh hey, another miru poster.
hi jpbro!
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No love is just dreadful and brings nothing but sorrow and pain
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Exactly. It bears all things, even pain.
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by the way japanbro, i played some more cs:go tonight. if you'd like to watch it, it's on my channel.
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Her nudiez
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is that a tiremark on her head?
it's a mark from her clothing
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topless cara is nothing new, anon!
yeah im at the airport right now, I might play some or watch u if I cant


oh yeah btw I saw a Cara YSL lipstick ad at the airport when I was on like the fast walker thing, the feels
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>yeah im at the airport right now, I might play some or watch u if I cant
we're done for tonight but the video should be there.

>I saw a Cara YSL lipstick ad at the airport when I was on like the fast walker thing, the feels
i see her so often on makeup ads, and that mango photoshoot with kate moss used to be plastered across every cable car station as well. felt nice.
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warmup is 55 minutes in and games start at 1:18:00 i believe
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wish i could see it as you do

for me it bears only pain

pain for the ones that you loose and pain for the ones that do not love you

there is nothing good about love

it's a sentiment that masks itself as a positive one

but because you fall for it you end up paying the price
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fucking jesus that english
Lose sorry
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You should try to be happier anon
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Also Cara is everywhere in Taiwan for some reason, pretty good shit to be honest family
how to
how to what
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It's ok
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this is how you /CARA/
The nubby teeth are just a boner killer.
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her hands i just love her beautiful hands and those long fingers that stretch on
Well, another great cara thread has come to an end.

Mods please delete this some time tomorrow so we can start a new one without clogging the catalog. Our schedule is promptly Sundays and Wednesdays.
Goddamn, they look like corn.
>search for sunday's cara's thread
>oh, already one
>still up

if there's no new one after i get out of the shower, i'll do it myself. -mirubro
Thread posts: 117
Thread images: 75

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