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>be me >have tiny dick and look feminine as fuck >get

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>be me
>have tiny dick and look feminine as fuck
>get mocked all the time
>no friends
>hard to get gf
>finally snag a chick at a bar
>go to fug
>she laughs at my tiny dick
>decide to go trans
>after 8 months really look good
>guys hitting on me
>love the attention
>get bf and hang out with his friends
>fuck a few of his friends on the side too
>bf works full time so I don't have to

Why haven't you gone trans yet?
>that pic
nice and femine
how big is that?
>fuck a few of his friends on the side too
You literally became a roastie, good job axe wound
>became a fag because you couldn't get laid
Prison gay without being in prison = Gay

I'm literally 2 inches erect
>"decide to go trans"
oh boy
at least the rest of your body makes up for it
you look better than biological girl
You should just go the path of the roastie.
You alrady started by fucking all the guy friends.

Just find a beta to leech after you had enough cocks. Maybe even try some exotic guys like latinos and blacks to seal the shitskin fucker deal.

What's it matter if I fucked his friends? I get a closer bond with his friends while my bf is none the wiser
id cheat on my gf
to be able to penetrate you
slightly bi
i feel great after making a guy feel all girly
with my great cock
>cheating g on your bf
See, it's the estrogen. Women are just fucked up.
She's hot, dirty minded and with a little bonus, I'm down. I'd share her even.
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Because I'm too masculine to ever pass.

But I realized I can at least hit twink aesthetics so I'm working towards that.
I think I can see why someone with your penis condition may go trans, you are literraly useless as a man, Hell i bet you were going to be a girl but for some fuck up shit you born a male, if you are femenine and have that dick

Is this poetry? It's beautiful
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if you have enough money, you can get feminization surgery for your face, arms shoulders, legs, and waist. pic related.
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I haven't even eaten in 2 days because my bank account is empty. I'll never be able to afford any surgery.

Please post more.


start hooking. after you become passable enough you can get a sugar daddy to hook you up
>have another ;)
>fucking bot
you chose wisely.
does your tiny dick get hard when your boipussy gets pounded?
>tfw know this thread is bait but have talked to a stupid amount of trannies and know most trannies turn out like this

It's fucking astounding.
>Is this poetry? It's beautiful
agreed. this should be in a hallmark card.
>go on female hormones
>become a cheating slut
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This is as big as it gets, my balls were a bit bigger before hormones but they were small enough already you can't really notice.. I don't have a problem cumming from anal though.
Why can't there be trans like you in Straya?
I need that boi pussy in my life

>implying men don't cheat

Monogamous relationships are lame anyway
>This is as big as it gets, my balls were a bit bigger before hormones but they were small enough already you can't really notice.. I don't have a problem cumming from anal though.
you really have the perfect body for this. no wonder you had no trouble getting a bf or getting laid. talk more about your girlmode life-- pros and cons. did you have any trouble thinking like a girl? do you have girl mannerisms, ways of speaking, etc.? i'm fascinated.
>fucking bot
r u thinking about breast surgery or facial feminization?
nice bait

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>easy as shit to dress and clothes are cheap
>people go and help me whenever I look lost or need something
>don't need to work because I have someone to take care of me
>easy to manipulate guys with my looks and the promise or withholding of sex
>other women are bitches
>to many guys don't understand no means no
>literally have had guys follow me all the way back to my car or home trying to talk to me
>lots of guys just want to fuck so they can cross traps off their fuck list

I had vocal chord surgery and I naturally didn't have a visible adam's apple. My voice is 90% passable but gets deep when I yell. I act girly most of the time, but I still have to watch myself when sitting since I naturally want to sit with my legs wide which isn't going to go well with a skirt/dress and no panties.
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hmmm, very nice
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>you will never have a tranny cockslut

why live?

Why not get surgery to be a handsome man?
you look like a lardy dude with no waist. i'm sorry you fell for the trap meme.
what is it like cumming from anal? could you before?

do you think you'll ever settle down with a guy?
Because I have no desire to be a woman, only to fuck trannies bit there's no qts in like you in England
You're so fucking hot. I want to bend you over and spank you until you beg me to fuck you instead
All of the pictures lead back to
Why LARP as a trap from Read it?
Wow check out the size of that girl's clit. You think I could pull a chick like that?
Wtf so you decided to be a trap because your dick is small? Are you even actually into dudes? I didn't think having a small dick could be that bad holy fuck
Oh ok nvm OP was literally just some pathetic fag larping and he jumped ship as soon as we found out
Refrigerator/10 body
Learn2pluck/10 face
Xboxhueg/10 nips
Why bother/10 cock
Would not bang
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Woah my trap waifu literally has the same body type except with bigger boobs.
I'm not feminine enough, but I do want to date a feminine boy or a trans girl
Not entirely confident enough for it, though, cis girls are less scary
>and with a little bonus
>fucking bot
did your brain just melt after the hormones or were you always this autistic?
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The tiny ones are just the best.
>ywn fuck a cute trap's ass and cum inside them while telling them to hold on their orgasm so you can swallow the small amount of cum that'll cum out of their feminine penis
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>What's it matter if I fucked his friends?
You're literally just as bad as all of them, are you fucking kidding me? "What's it matter if i cheat?" Holy fucking shit I hate you degenerates, thank you for fuelling my women hate even more, it's shit like this that gives me such little faith, you can't make this shit up. You literally don't think there's anything wrong with being a promiscuous slut. I hope you get aids. Jesus fucking christ.
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Couldn't take the heat so you switch to easy mode, eh?
>Fuck a few of his friends on the side
Fuck you, you fucking freak I hope you get hanged by a bunch of fag hating nazis
These responses are curious, maybe we deserve to repeat this thread in a couple days?
Don't hate the player anon, hate the game.
If you want it to stop happening why you let women be on easy mode and always on top of you guys?
Your current approach to the issue is the typical beta approach. Keep women on the pedestal while throwing a fit.
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>Why haven't you gone trans yet?

because i'm not feminine and I don't have a tiny dick
No, absolutely not. The board needs less of this retarded bullshit, it's bad enough in the day as it is. If it's repeated it needs to be
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Time to become a fit, dominant tranny and fuck sub trannies while keeping them on chastity cages and only letting them swallow their tranny pills with your cum.
Oh yeah, I'm feeling it in me bones
Time to save the images so we can repeat this
Every week until you start taking yourself less seriously
>women are never at fault
Every time.
>Implying the fault isn't on the shoulders of those who let women have it easy to begin with.

Again you're the one saying women are not at fault here because you put them on a pedestal by letting them have more rights than their male counterparts.

As long as you guys let this continue on you will get more and more trannies because men will just say fuck it and go on easy mode.
Hwat are you talking about
You've got a great body.
It makes me happy to see that there are traps that are actually happy.
Normally, I just hear that they are suicidal.
Agreed. Happy traps make happy faps.
Where u originally live?
I want to make trans girls feel happy and loved
Because I'm too fucked to be satisfied by anything but abuse other people's emotions for my own joy

I bet you liked to be nibbled and kissed on the neck, gets your little girl dick nice and hard
You've posted here before, OP. Here or /b/ anyway.
New pics when????
p o r t l a n d

>people still think traps are gay

post more please qt
Traps are at least more gay than cis females
And it's better because of it
You actually can't have a social circle that isn't a bunch of desperate guys. Girls can still notice your autism / Asperger and turn you away.
That's why I never do nothing or give anyone anything for free, and never in hell will I do for a shemale what I wouldn't for a girl.
post pic of your ass,

you should make pic from larger distance, because its hard to tell anything from pic you posted here or maybe you are doing this on purpouse.
I'm too ugly for twink mode but my body is thin. If only we could all be cute girls.
Is there a surgery that can make you shorter?

t. 6'5 guy who wants to be a qt trap
You could use modified procedure they use to increse height
I'm glad it worked out for you.

It's kinda sad but if I would go trans my family would abandon me (which is no option since my parents are rich and pay for all my expenses while I earn nothing rn).

I would have the perfect body tho. I'm skinny, pale, don't have much hair on my body even without shaving, tiny dick.
Truly a shame, I never find a gf because I'm socially awkward and not fit and since I'm bi I wouldn't mind having a bf
u're gay
You don't say
what if u get aids
dpnt do it, gay sex is bad

hmu i wanna tongue ur clam
Wow, you are really hot. It's strange how you were already so feminine though. And your dick is weirdly small. Do you think that you were born intersex and just no one told you? It seems plausible. Anyway, congratulations.
>Why haven't you gone trans yet?
Because I have a big dick
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I would use a condom obviously.
The only thing I'm a bit scared about is that I could end up being incontinent.
In 10 years time, that testosterone is going to catch up with you, and you're going to look like a disgusting wax work model that's melted in the sun.

You're little more than a sex doll, you know. And that thought, which you will get soon, will cause you to kill yourself, which will be the only act you have ever done that will make your parents proud.
>turning into a vapid whore
Let's see that ass, p-please.
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>implying I still didn't bust a huge fucking nutt, while reading OP's LARP posts?!
how old are you I may ask with this original post.
Unironically this.
How do you fuck up so badly in life that your main purpose is to become a sex doll, and a butchered one at that?
Really sad state of affairs, getting pussy aint that hard.
>always see these threads when op is long gone
Would you fuck a black dude?
proof women live on easy mode i guess lol
Boys are now as slutty if not sluttier than girls
why would it? typical HRT regimens include an anti-androgen that totally nukes your testosterone. there's nothing to catch up; trans women age like normal women, sans the problems associated with menopause.
I wouldn't know that was not originally a man
but she's loaded
I think she's a girl(girl) though lol
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I just wanted to take a moment out of my life to thank you for removing yourself from the gene pool, but my dream of marrying a virgin wife and living on a farm with 20 children is alive and well.
Because I have a above average benis, I'm not aroused by anal, and I am a good Christian boy :^)
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