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This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 559
Thread images: 96

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Wagecucks are preparing for another day of gruelling labour edition
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Post yfw both a race war and a class war are imminent
I bet you're wondering what my favourite lolly ice is.

Well its the jubbly, the best lolly ice
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I think brummy accents are absolutely adorable tbqh
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i'm going to fucking skin you alive and make you eat your own testicles
>no zeemaps
>no discord
fucked it
this desu would love to cuckold a brummie
2 day week then off to glasto lads.
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>weather too hot for jeans
>have to wear shorts and show my disgusting legs to the world
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I will feel a great sense of pleasure beheading rich porkies whilst neo-nazis are beheading pakis tbqh




Can't see a race war soon, no appetite out there really.

Class war, slim but entertaining chance, would be good to fuck those rich quinoa eating cunts.
Thread Theme

Haha lads
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Thought you'd be looking for the next in line to love
Then ignore, put out, and put away
And so you'd soon be leaving me alone like I'm supposed to be
Tonight, tomorrow, and every day
There's nothing here that you'll miss
I can guarantee you this is a cloud of smoke
Trying to occupy space
What a fucking joke
What a fucking joke

I waited for a bus to separate the both of us
And take me off, far away from you
'Cos my feelings never change a bit
I always feel like shit
I don't know why, I guess that I just do
You once talked to me about love
And you painted pictures of a never never land
And I could have gone to that place
But I didn't understand
I didn't understand
I didn't understand
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Today marks 3 years being NEET.

Its not the lack of friends or relationships that bother me, I've never cared for either. Its the fact I'm not achieving anything even though I'm enjoying my time and wouldn't spend it any other way even if I had money.
my jobcentre adviser is making me do a work placement at the job centre, has anyone else had to do this? what should i expect?
Got any advice?

I'm a NEET but it's killing me, I don't enjoy anything.
>tfw super skinny
>where jeans and hoody/work jacket everywhere
Literally kill me now please.

ive been on a "work placement" for them before but never AT the job centre itsself, sounds like they have you bent over dessy m8, have to be at the job centre all day every day heh
>daniel-san is on there

was this your doing detectiveanon?
get a job m8. really nice feeling to be able to go out anywhere and buy anything you like

quinoa is eaten by the sort of home counties little shit who is actually gentrifying and ruining london, forcing poor people out all the while thinking he's sticking it to the elite and the man.
ewww don't reply to me wagey
It's at a different jobcentre not the one i usually go to
>bent over dessy
what the heck?
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>tfw salary fag
>tfw people reporting into you
all i do every day is sleep, i wake up at 11am and go back to sleep at 1pm until 8pm then stay awake until 4am and repeat
Just don't get an agency job. You will enjoy living even less.
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>in this thread right now, there are actual, physical scousers
disgusting desu
Honestly if it wasn't for the whole having to work thing I'd probably do the same
Welcome to the /britfeel/ arms.

We have a fine selection of real ales and gins, which we pride ourselves on.
We also have a fantastic array of board games. We host a risk night every second Wednesday of the month!

We have a leased line from BT giving us the best possible wifi connection. So no worries there lads.

And our prices are friendly so that even your bennies will go far!

What can I get for you?
People lack the energy and enthusiasm. Even the much hyped London darkie riots Vol 2 failed to materialise because no one gives a shit anymore.
Odds youngfags wont get that image?
Felt fucking miserable today.
>Wagecucks are preparing for another day of gruelling labour edition
summer holiday dickhead, I dont work in summer holiday
Pour us a pint of the guest ale please lad
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alright lad, pint of carling please
They are out and about with new identities. Could live down the road from you.
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>27.6 degrees in my room
I wonder if anyone in the know has tried to leak it? They must have been very careful about who knows where they are now.
I remember hearing one of them kept boasting about it to people and they had to re hide him.
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Rainy island my arse.

We have a terrible climate.

Winter is non existent, it never snows, ever. Summer is just a collection of random heatwaves. The rest of the year the sky is a stupid fucking eye burning white colour with humid temperatures and no rain.

rum and cream soda pink lady pls guvnor.
give us a bullet to the head.
Golden Galaxy is our best atm. Fruity and perfect for summer. Good?
I'm not here to pass judgement. Here how go lad.
We have a pink lemonade. But not a cream soda. That gonna be OK?

no lad. i'll be off down the local spoons instead.
>get possible job offer
>have to go to interview 6km away
>then do a drug screening another 5 or 6 km from there
>no car

Well I don't need a job anyway I guess.
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fucking normans go to your poncey spoons yer bastard and leave us robots in peace
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More tennants pls
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They don't have it either lad.
oi, where's my drink blud?
Thinking of getting laser eye surgery lads, hope I don't go blind
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here ya go lad.

I'm helping :)
Your finest weeb boipucci please good chap
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get it done one at a time then.
Yes they will be Jamie's maw is on TV every fucking year.
sounds like a fucking fantastic cocktail.
how d'you make it?

"alcopop with watermelon juice" perhaps
I'll have a pint of amstel please guv. Oh and some scampi fries.
We are a respectable establishment. You need manners to get served.
Just a diet Coke for me lad~
One lad has got on with his life, never reoffended, and is a productive member of society.

The other is an actual beast.
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come, sit a while and listen
>Pool table.
Well there goes my fucking money.
But, I ordered a bullet to the head and no one's served me yet.
Does beast mean different things in different parts of the UK? Where I'm from it basically meant the same as "that's sick that" in a positive way
That's what I'm going to do I think Larkin
You can get some of that in the unisex toilet. Just but a tie over the handle. >>37799671
That's gonna be 1.59. Bargain right?
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been meaning to do up the pub properly for some time now... gotta use the old See Ay Dee
any lad who says he's not a passable trap because of facial genetics should realise it's because they know fuck all about makeup
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T-that's not the right tennants
Had a shower earlier and now I'm sweating again lads.
Beast has 2 meanings. Peado/dirty cunt
Actual mad cunt.
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1.59 for a pint? i mean its mass produced pissy lager but still.
Same lad, its fucking horrid today. So humid as well. I can't be arsed cooking so think I might just get a takeaway
It's Pepsi. That OK?
Free for any regular of /britfeel/.
It was 1.99 a pint of Deuchars at the spoons I went to last night, haven't had a beer that cheap in fucking ages, kinda renders the student union totally pointless.
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... fuck you buddy, I tried, okay?
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can't wait for my morning commute in 30 degree heat on the northern line then the central line.

sweating through.
Nah, there's a third. The compliment beast

Like, if there was some OP character on a fighting game you could say "he's a proper beast"
first, no cream soda. now no coke.
are you fucking shitting me son?
next you'll be telling me you don't have a pub license
Well there goes your fucking money.
Manners don't cost a thing.
We gotta look out for our own. >>37799830
Wetherspoons is for the masses. /britfeel/ arms is for us.
Just don't let sakulad on the table he's shite.
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>tfw you make a pin on Zeemap to try and talk to some guys, but you forget to say that you're a straight female (the default is straight male) so now no one will email you.
And they said being a woman was easy.
I'm gay

Wanna be friends
License? This is a private members club.
We don't need licenses.we are a community of like minded individuals.
Are you actually gay though? Some guys have pretended before to get to know me better.
Zeemaps is for making foreign friends, lad. It's not for sucking dicks.

I-is it?
just poured meself a bottle of kopparberg lads

Trap =/= female
Sorry senpai
I just wanted to use it to met some people. But now everyone will think I'm a man, so they won't care to get in contact. There are like 3 people in my town too. (all straight guys)
What's this Neon Chrome that's all the rage then lads? Just wondering whether I should get it. What kind of thing is it.

enjoy your kids booze.
I just wanted to tell everyone of the predicament I am in
Then make friends the proper way. It's literally the perfect opportunity to make actual friends without thinking their only talking to you to impregnate you.
Well i have a vagina and 2 x chromosomes, so I'm pretty sure that makes me a lass.
This must be the first time you've talked to a girl since you last spoke with your mum, huh?
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>r9k normies posting contact info

shan't be doing that

just wait lad, soon any and all enjoyment you had will disappear and you'll find even playing games and doing previously leisurely things a chore
being a lower league football fan is pain.
I don't lad. I'd say I'm one of the more 'normie' types here and I sure as fuck wouldn't meet up, or post contact info on here.
>kids booze

it's not kid's booze, it's adult fruit pop for hot days
Actually I'm a female myself, so afraid not.
perhaps for you m8, I watched my boys get promoted to the football league this year

watching a winning team in any league is the business
Being a fan of a scottish league football club is suffering lad. If it isn't the 'big two' then no one takes you seriously and everyone keeps going on about how 'you're fighting for third.'
Honestly can't be fucked with this heat anymore lads. Might off myself if it continues
>I'm female
God, you guys can be really creepy sometimes.
your one of the sensible good ones then lad

theres nothing wrong with being a normie type its the ones that parade pretending to be something else while contradicting themselves
I'm also a female. There's lots of us girls in every /britfeel/ thread. But don't let those silly lads know that.
Scottish fitball fag here.
My team won the Scottish cup for the first time in over 100 years last season, and they just got promoted back up to the Premier this season.

I'm a little disapointed though because the diddy leagues in Scotland are where real football is played.
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>tfw you realize you might have been bullied by a bunch of girls

lincoln or forest green?

i'm a barnet fan.
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Don't be scared to speak
Don't speak with someone's tooth
Don't bargain when you're weak
Don't take that sharp abuse
Some patients can't be saved
But that burden's not on you
At least you can take comfort in the fact that Celtic/Rangers go to Europe and get BTFO.
I don't want to masturbate but I'd rather not have wet dreams.

Is there a way?
I didn't know there were so many of us females in here. I don't feel alone anymore desu

chemical castration laddo
lincoln, lad

the ones who sing ten german bombers every fucking game
I've never had a wet dream tbqh, I orgasmed in my sleep but I only shot blanks, and I didn't masturbate from age 14 to 16
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Being bullied online.
Don't be such a melt lad. If someone says something mean about you, in real life or online, don't take it to heart. Sometimes it's just banter too. Have a stronger skin lad. If you're happy with yourself then fuck them. If you're not happy with yourself, change... or kill yourself, either works.

eh at least your fans sing.

the hive is a morgue

Diet pepsi for me lad
Too hot. Make it stop.
>tfw Scott Brown says he loves celtic and will never leave.
We all know he'll never leave because it's better to be king of a small island than a peasant in a large nation.
Alright, I'll put a shit on.
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There had better be comfy thunderstorms coming after this sticky mess of a weekend.

It will get hotter tomorrow, and it'll still be 25c at midnight

>le run around and kick everything man

sums up everything that makes british football shit
Celtic won the European Cup and got to the final of the UEFA Cup, dafty
would scottish fitbaw improve if the two glasgow clubs fucked off to be midtable premier league teams?
>tfw had to switch bread types so one sandwich at work tomorrow will be Hovis and the other will be Warburtons

Don't know how to cope with such a situation lads
i've no money till payday next week.
could i have a tap water and sit quietly in a corner somewhere?
We should go for a big girls' night out and get proper pissed, fellow ladette.
As a repressed tranny I'm sad I wasn't born like you

I'll kill myself any day now
reported this to the anti-terroism hotline mate
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>midtable premier league
As in EPL?

>premier league
You mean midtable league 1.

Aye, years ago ye fucking muppet.
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how 2 deal with heat frens
im dying

they should be made to start at the bottom of the pyramid.

cunt teams with cunt supporters.
Any gay/bi anons want to chat and jerk off together?
[email protected]
Pls don't. You'll make it someday.
>tfw rangers got demoted all the way to the bottom and it took them 4 seasons to get back up.
>tfw they thought they could do it in 3.
Actual garbage team lad.

As for the other soap dodgers, they have all that money and still play like shite in a league with teams who have the kind of money they spent on one player to be divided between the whole team.
An avatarfag calling someone else a muppet, oh dear
>tfw no actual genuine meet-ups/piss ups like /cgl/ has

wwn wank each other off in a hotel room desu ;_;
going unbeaten is playing like shite, o i am laffin

ps, we have all that money by being better historically and having more fans
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I'm repressed.
I felt like a monster compared to my prom date

I'm one of those guys who lies about being straight and fabricated girlfriends so no one suspects anything

I'm not some cute twink. I'm a sad masculine freak with a brain disorder

My only reprise is hiding my armour knowing the world can never hurt me

I met someone, and have offered to meet up with people in the midlands countless times.
>genuine meet-ups

this happens though, you just don't want to here about it
any london bots wanna meet up and wank each other off?
the weather is fucking disgusting
listenting to sonic osts again
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Leigh Griffiths put Hibs ahead.jpg
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>a sellik fan pretending he's better than anyone.
Alrigh' la'.

Unbeaten in the worst league isn't that exciting lad. You're only compitation last season was Aberdeen and they're fucking gash.

We're back up now lad.
About 2 years ago I tired to arrange a meetup at a weatherspoons in reading 'the monks retreat', and it fell to pieces.
before some cunt points it out.
My god the heat is insane, I'm sitting here in my underwear and I'm melting

>tap water is free
>ice costs 20p

Had this happen in a pub once, really rustled my jimmies

I didn't even ask for ice
Bridge zone is best song
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The temperature will remain above 26 degrees until 11pm. The lowest temperature overnight won't fall below 19 in the south
my mum's bloody insane

whenever she goes to sleep and gets too hot she goes into this loony mode where she starts going on about my cat saying he needs rescuing
Voting for best avatarfag.

>albarn to win.
They buy the ice in lad. It costs them money so they charge sometimes. It makes sense I guess.

That said they should ask and tell you before hand.
going to be hot as fuck tomorrow but rain in the evening

well thank fuck for that, I may go out and dance in it
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extreme heat calls for extreme measures, I'm pulling the fan out.
Hibee right?
I was at the cup semi, shame they didn't get thru to a consecutive final. Had a v good chance, just gave away sloppy goals
who's up for a bit of boardgame online in a short while?

no rain here until wednesday night, ive just poured a jug of water over myself downstairs, its the only thing that makes sitting in my room tolerable, 5th time ive done it in about 2 hours and i still have a banging headache
Aye Hibee through and through lad. Use to have a season ticket until about 2007. Now I go to the odd game. Doesn't help I work nights and weekends.

I thought he had a good chance, we just papped it. Shame because I think if it was us and celtic it would have been a better match.
The strawpoll to end all strawpolls

you forgot albarn m8
and the "who cares" option.
for me, its Tildeanon
>They buy the ice in lad

How could you possibly believe that a pub would have ice delivered rather than making it themselves in an ice machine? Are you drunk?
>tumour excision is 'plastic surgery'
fuck off, I was in pain
For me, its anon, the best poster
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jesus christ this fan is loud and its like a chinook raping my roof its also just blowing hot air and potential toxic air in my face
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No he didn't. No one cares about albarn lad. He's a fucking goon.

Also, half that list is Britnormie.

that was quite an obscure thing to say for Ebin.
You're back up because the eternal fenian hand helped you, don't forget who your daddy is
When does securityanon usually post? i dont think ive ever seen him here
>Britnormie on 0 votes

It's like andrew prince all over again
He's usually on of a night but haven't seen him as of late
shit someone who i work with is missing after the fire.
jesus i'm never doing a trial shift again unless I know i'm 100% going to be paid

these places fucking exploit this shit, they had no intention of hiring me from the start they just wanted me to work 6 hours on saturday night for free as a "trial" where I did the same shit as all the others employees.

guarantee they have like 50 """trial shifts""" lined up over the next two weeks. Should we hire someone and have to then pay them for the 6 hours they did or just give somebody else a """trial""" and blank the last guy? hmmmm. this has happened at two fucking places in a row now.

exact thing just happened the same as the last time; it ends with them asking me to write my number down on a piece of paper and being told they contact me. The first place that did this I wrang them up like 5 times with them always having excuses, "the manager's not in" "we're really busy at the moment" "i'll pass the message on". Still haven't heard from them a month later.

now this place I did a shift for yesterday said they'd call me today, and guess what, no call. you'd think they'd at least call. this shit should be fucking illegal

Do you think we care, you gossend
If you don't see him, he's doing his job well.

Think you need to go in and confront the chicken shit manager in person.
pretty sure it's illegal to have anybody work without paying them, unless it's an internship.

I'd take 'em to the cleaners lad and at least threaten action to prevent it from happening to other suckers.
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>fenian hand helped you
>Celtic take our best players that we put years into through our top quality youth team.
>As soon as it looks like we might have a better player they take said player and bench them.

To be fair I'm more pissed at the board fucking allowing it than celtics power games.

you cared enough to post dear friend.

thank you for your validation. it runs through my veins like sweet sweet crack.
Post the screenshot lad
Seek treatment. Actual psychiatric help. Don't let anyone trick you into attempting to transition.

Get some help, get some drugs, and get some life philosophy.
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its too warm to go out tonight (again), not impressed at all boys, im seriously considering moving north for the summers, looks like wednesday is the next night it will cool enough to /nightwalk/
Gimme some fucking -9, m8. Encase me in ice.

Would I feel cooler if I played some vidya with an ice/frost elementalist class?
Literally dying lads it's like the tropics in my room. 30 degrees and humid
Lad. Just pretend its cold like they teach you in that recess episode.


Here, this should help
I think I;m dying
there's this grace period whereby I feel like the biggest struggles of my life have come to pass
and now it's just serenely waiting for the reaper to take me away

it's not unheard of to drop dead at 28 is it?
>21 June

heatwave will have fucked off by then lad
The heat will turn to a nice cool thunderstorm and die down into regular weather about a day before that arrives.
im 27 so i hope not, see you on the other side laddy
I hate heat more than anything. It absolutely suffocates me for some reason. And there's nothing you can do about it either. If it's freezing at least you can get yourself warm.

In this weather, I am literally naked with the windows open, a fan on and ice on my head and still roasting.

>still waiting to not wake up.
One day lad.

My dad had a heart attack at 32.
Here's hoping I do too.
I wont seek help though.
thankfully its sunday.

all the normies will fuck off back to their wage slaving tomorrow and leave us in peace.

work hour /britfeel/ best /britfeel/
Its not even that hot lads lmao. Although I am up north, imagine being a southerner haha
that's the thing, I've put my body through the fucking ringer
enough for 3 lifetimes at least
don#t get how I still wake up
sidget finner
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posting some snowy pictures from previous /nightwalk/s, maybe they'll help to stop us from dying lads you never know
It's maybe gonna rain on wednesday night.
Then it's still gonna be 30 degrees on thursday.
Then 23-24 over the weekend. That's still too fucking hot, plus there's gonna be even more heat in july/august.
>inb4 doxxanon finds this location.
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Just thinking id have shit loads more of these if i backed up files from my last computer before it shat its pants and blew up one day, gutted about that dessy
>Wake up
>Wait for the hayfever to start
>Hayfever starts
>Get a headache from the constant sneezing

Every day the same

stop trying to predict british weather you mad man
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doxxing lad has found them all, thats why im only posting pictures of places miles and miles form my house, most of the pics i post are in a different town anyway
I'm about to for a poo, my favourite activity. I'll be browsing while I'm in there. I just want you to know your posts will be getting read by someone on the toilet.
Anybody ever lost their appetite for a long period of time before?

Can barely eat a meal a day at this rate. I reckon I'm averaging 800-1000 calories.

Bit concerned lads. Wonder if I'm dying of cancer or something and I don't know about it.
oh my child, if only you know
>Wake up in a soggy, sweaty bed
>Can't open my left eye
>Its stuck shut by some hayfever/pollen gunk
>Still fucking bloodshot right now

You're a man of the world. How do you think he does it?
I violently fucked my ass with a beer bottle earlier so pooping hurts right now.
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looking at these pics is just depressing me dessy, thought id feel a bit cooler and more comfy but im not
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as he says...weaponized autism, its pretty easy to find most of my pictures because he knows the rough area they are taken in, but when he found anons picture of a town from a field in about 15 minutes yesterday, that was impressive
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Shall I tell you about my life
They say I'm a man of the world
I've flown across every tide
And I've seen lots of pretty girls

I guess I've got everything I need
I would't ask for more
And there's no one I'd rather be
But I just wish that I'd never been born

And I need a good woman
To make me feel like a good man should
I don't say I'm a good man
Oh, but I would be if I could

I could tell you about my life
And keep you amused I'm sure
About all the times I've cried
And how I don't want to be sad anymore
And how I wish I was in love

waste of 300 quid lad, just buy a large fan (30 quid) and put a bucket of icewater next to it.
wanking in this heat is hell.

absolutely covered in sweat here lads.
If we hadn't gave you Tony Stokes you might have gone another 100 years without a cup admit it
that's the stupidest thing I've ever heard

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It's so hot, just like the person reading this ;))
>have a split bedroom
>no window

Stop complaining about the heat you muppets dont know shit
Possibly, but you only took stokesy because he was a threat to you guys in the 2009-2010 season.
could have had a pizza but I ate that toast this morning
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> mfw I have to get two baby teeth pulled tomorrow morning.
I didn't even know that I had any baby teeth left.
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last picture for now, gonna go and run my head under the cold tap and lie in the garden for a bit. I voted for my m8 Tilde in the strawpoll thing, was gonna vote for myself but felt strange doing it for some reason, felt like masturbating infront of /britfeel/, obviously my high morals coming into play
Its nothing personal lads and by all means keep on doing what you're doing but I just want you to know for some reason when I hear people talk like you are I want to kms
Madoanon? maybe you'll finally have a growth spurt
what is mado?
Not a fan of football chat lad?
That's fine. It's not for everyone.
Just don't get a labour job, it's 90% what the lads chat about. That or birds.
>literally naked
Stop playing with your willy, lad. That's just making it all worse.
I'm 6'2 so I ain't the guy you're talking about
Hey man just wanted to say you should probably do that, I mean it's the first real day of summer and you're on britfeel
We can't be proud of our country anymore lad we've got to have something
odds I have a bowl of ice cream
evens another ice lolly
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>Sun hasn't set

Only 2 and a half hours before I need to be in bed for work and I get to play the trying to fall asleep while sweating my tits off game.
evens, enjoy your ice lolly

Its basically just because everyone tried to force me to watch football, as I said, nothing personal. Just a negative connection I have with it
In time lad, in time
hey man just wanted to say I was just joking, dont kys
chicken en croute, going in.
anyone see these new Putin interviews? I can see why the ruskies like him at least

I'm working on it right now, but it's proving a tad difficult. Initially thought I had it as Rose avenue, but apparently not.
absolute lege m8 my mum does that all the time.
except salmon
Poo lad from earlier. I'm stuck on the toilet. My legs went completely numb I don't know what to do
We better have a mad as fuck winter to make up for this, i mean like we had a few years ago when we had 2 bad ones in a row, temperature didnt get above freezing all through december and you couldnt see the pavement for almost 3 months, good times
love this photo anon. can't explain why but it really satisfies me.

just gotta stand up, lean on the sink, and ride it out.

t. veteran long-shitter
Think cold thoughts, lads
might have to cancel my visit to my favourite hooker this week lads.

way too hot to enjoy sex.
i think hot thoughts, like bumming your mum
1In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
2The same was in the beginning with God.
3All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.
4In him was life; and the life was the light of men.
5And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.
6There was a man sent from God, whose name was John.
7The same came for a witness, to bear witness of the Light, that all men through him might believe.
8He was not that Light, but was sent to bear witness of that Light.
9That was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world.
10He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not.
11He came unto his own, and his own received him not.
12But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:
13Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.
14And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.
15John bare witness of him, and cried, saying, This was he of whom I spake, He that cometh after me is preferred before me: for he was before me.
16And of his fulness have all we received, and grace for grace.
17For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.
18No man hath seen God at any time; the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him.
19And this is the record of John, when the Jews sent priests and Levites from Jerusalem to ask him, Who art thou?
20And he confessed, and denied not; but confessed, I am not the Christ.
21And they asked him, What then? Art thou Elias? And he saith, I am not. Art thou that prophet? And he answered, No.
22Then said they unto him, Who art thou? that we may give an answer to them that sent us. What sayest thou of thyself?
We've not had a bad winter since I got a rear wheel drive car.

Shame, I wanted to have a laugh trying to drive it.

that was from a friday night in january a few years ago, it put so much snow down in a couple of hours that people got stuck on the motorway, and they had to send in mountain rescue. Im lucky, i dont normally go out on fridays because too many normies but the weather forecast said "chance of snow" and i got alot more than anyone was expecting
Sounds horrible in this weather, m8
Bit wordy is this lad, you want to do a redraft. Throw some adjectives in there and all. Still, not bad for a first attempt.
>not capitalizing 'Him'
burn in hellfire heathen
What is the point of rear wheel drive does it handle better or some shit?
How are you lads surviving the heat? I'm on my 6th jubbly, its my only chance at survival. There's only 2 left though
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>Most advanced ship in the world
>Taken out by merchant vessel colliding with it

window open, getting high, some ice cream
pretty much comfortably numb.
23He said, I am the voice of one crying in the wilderness, Make straight the way of the Lord, as said the prophet Esaias.
24And they which were sent were of the Pharisees.
25And they asked him, and said unto him, Why baptizest thou then, if thou be not that Christ, nor Elias, neither that prophet?
26John answered them, saying, I baptize with water: but there standeth one among you, whom ye know not;
27He it is, who coming after me is preferred before me, whose shoe's latchet I am not worthy to unloose.
28These things were done in Bethabara beyond Jordan, where John was baptizing.
29The next day John seeth Jesus coming unto him, and saith, Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.
30This is he of whom I said, After me cometh a man which is preferred before me: for he was before me.
31And I knew him not: but that he should be made manifest to Israel, therefore am I come baptizing with water.
32And John bare record, saying, I saw the Spirit descending from heaven like a dove, and it abode upon him.
33And I knew him not: but he that sent me to baptize with water, the same said unto me, Upon whom thou shalt see the Spirit descending, and remaining on him, the same is he which baptizeth with the Holy Ghost.
34And I saw, and bare record that this is the Son of God.
35Again the next day after John stood, and two of his disciples;
36And looking upon Jesus as he walked, he saith, Behold the Lamb of God!
37And the two disciples heard him speak, and they followed Jesus.
38Then Jesus turned, and saw them following, and saith unto them, What seek ye? They said unto him, Rabbi, (which is to say, being interpreted, Master,) where dwellest thou?
39He saith unto them, Come and see. They came and saw where he dwelt, and abode with him that day: for it was about the tenth hour.
40One of the two which heard John speak, and followed him, was Andrew, Simon Peter's brother.

had a headache for 2 days now, hardly eaten anything all weekend, and the heat is only due to lift from here on wednesday night, genuinely contemplating suicide at this point
I've had 4 rocket ice lollies and a bowl of ice cream
In slow or in general?
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>Anthony McPartlin checks into rehab for substance abuse, prescription drugs and drinking
/r9k/ must be nuked tbqh
41He first findeth his own brother Simon, and saith unto him, We have found the Messias, which is, being interpreted, the Christ.
42And he brought him to Jesus. And when Jesus beheld him, he said, Thou art Simon the son of Jona: thou shalt be called Cephas, which is by interpretation, A stone.
43The day following Jesus would go forth into Galilee, and findeth Philip, and saith unto him, Follow me.
44Now Philip was of Bethsaida, the city of Andrew and Peter.
45Philip findeth Nathanael, and saith unto him, We have found him, of whom Moses in the law, and the prophets, did write, Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph.
46And Nathanael said unto him, Can there any good thing come out of Nazareth? Philip saith unto him, Come and see.
47Jesus saw Nathanael coming to him, and saith of him, Behold an Israelite indeed, in whom is no guile!
48Nathanael saith unto him, Whence knowest thou me? Jesus answered and said unto him, Before that Philip called thee, when thou wast under the fig tree, I saw thee.
49Nathanael answered and saith unto him, Rabbi, thou art the Son of God; thou art the King of Israel.
50Jesus answered and said unto him, Because I said unto thee, I saw thee under the fig tree, believest thou? thou shalt see greater things than these.
51And he saith unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Hereafter ye shall see heaven open, and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of man.

Where would we go then though? youre proper tight you anon saying r9k should be nuked
Thanks lad, I did it. Got bad pins and needles though

he looks like a cross between Richard Hammond and the "just fuck my shit up" guy
fuck me I have every window upstairs open and all doors open what do you want me to doooooooooo God

In general desu
dont fall for memes, there are far more advanced ships and besides, it's radar is nearly 30 years old
open your fridge

Run your head under the cold tap, let it drip down your sweaty body then sit infront of a fan...no homo, actually works
im guessing this is bait
run your wrists under a cold tap, the skin is very thin so it cools your blood quickly

Open the downstairs front window and the upstairs back window and let the draft come through.
Front wheel drive cars have handling characteristics desirable by people new to driving. Rear wheel drive cars have handling characteristics desirable by people who are good at driving.

They both react differently when they lose grip on the road. A front wheel drive car will understeer, the car will continue going forward even with the wheels at an angle. The front wheels skidding.

A rear wheel drive car will oversteer, where the back end will try and overtake the front end and you'll spin.

Understeer is considered safer than oversteer for new drivers.
Aim a office fan at your arse and spread your cheeks. you need to get cool air inside you to truly cool down
pro tip, the hand held ones are not safe for this task.
Lads, just watched a POV Girl solo masturbation video. Think I've found my new interest.
Did the rumour ever go round your local swimming baths that a girl sat on the fan on the bottom of the pool and her guts got ripped out her arsehole?

now were talking, care to share a link with us?
yes and the lad who's willy got ripped off
No but I heard the rumour about happy Harry. He used to frequent our swimming baths a lot always heard tales of lads seeing him in the changing room but never in the pool.

your local swimming baths sound pretty hardcore, we were just told not to eat before you swim or your muscles will cramp up and you'll drown but guts being ripped out through arseholes and dicks behind cut off....thats metal as fuck lads
no just that the lifeguards were pedos, which turned out to be true
I would lad, but it was on snapchat.

Trying to find it on xhamster and xvideo is hard, it's just solo birds fingering but not from the girls perspective.
What you lads listening to?
Giving the old wings a listen
Great song, and a good album as well
opened the kitchen windows to let cool air in, absolute state of the filth surrounding them, not been opened in probably about 10 years honestly

dunno why they never get opened, it was actually quite nice, be a good way in future to sit outside and line up some drinks ready to grab through the window
Used to stick my willy in the inlets in the swimming pool and get a suck job.

Now that I think about it it was probably a bad idea.
wings are the band the beatles could've been
>pitiful, meek white boy
>will never be assertive enough to get to slam a black hoodrat with a banging arse

proper shit feel lads
I heard the original of this(bits and pieces) 22 years ago
found this the 1 the other day,and am quite liking it.

For a Moody Blues connection
A less commercially successful band?
Lads, shall I play UnReal World for a bit or have a nostaligic wank to Alison Angel?
Feel like listening to war of the worlds now
>be i
>will never be street enough to cop a naughty chav bf
i do know this feel

>tfw unreal tournament 2004 wont work for me since i changed to windows 10

fucking wounded dessy
But there was a rumor that a guy just went to the pools just to piss in it.
Or that other rumor that man got his balls ripped out by a underwater fan thing and his name according to the rumor was no balls Carlos
I think im having a spastic attack lads

I'm running all around, and I'm waving my arms and im typing a post, and im spinning around and im jumping around
UnRealWorld has nothing to do with Unreal Tourney.
But that is still a bad feel. The game is 13 years old, to be fair.

Why don't they make arena shooters anymore?

I know, you just reminded me how gutted i am that it wont work, and the original UT assault mode, that was shit hot
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lets all move to resallach lads
does anyone else here love the smell of bleach? not trying to sound like an edgy absolute madman but it just smells so nice, i waste loads of it every week just pouring it down the sink and running the taps
>dad offered to pay for my gym sessions if I go whenever he does
this might be my chance to change lads, dunno if I can be arsed though tbqh lmao
>tfw looking at directions on google maps
>carefully plotting to see how long it would take to walk to places from my house
>checking all the different routes I know and mentally plotting them out
>get motivated because I think I can manage it
>when I wake up tomorrow all my motivation will have dissipated

Just want to beat the fucking heat lads. Go swimming or something. Takes about 40 minutes to walk to the swimming baths or the pictures but I know I'm never gonna manage it.
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Obsessed with this song atm lads literally cannot stop playing it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Darze4zarpc
Go and compete against your dad.

You're younger. It'll be easy.
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some of you lads are alright
don't go to /int/ tomorrow

that looks like a prime spot for you to get mugged by some nawty chav lads
i am overweight and have poor endurance
not sure you are right lad
None of these will ever beat the old name fags

im not just a good /nightwalk/er im a fast /nightrunner/, got me out of a trouble a few times, including once when i was chased by the woods in the middle of the night by 2 nutters

inb4 original

Nice fast find

You'd be very surprised by how much you can lift. Fat people are used to moving their bulk around all day and will be able to lift more than a normal person right off the bat.

I'm too scared to go out during the day for fear of getting jump by the local delinquent junkines. There's no chance I'm going out at night.
Bleach smells like cum
this is why I dont /nightwalk/, fuck crazy or drunk people lad

knew that one was easy though dessy, wasnt really thinking of you when i uploaded it then, no offence doxxing laddy, hows your day been? ive been thinking of venturing out during the days and getting some pictures around here, maybe some old quarries or something, things that arent on google street view mainly, just for a change
How long do your night walks last? How many miles do you walk?

I can't walk for longer than 20 minutes without something bad happening
I want to do cardio first though lad, I can barely walk half a mile without sweating profusely and heavy breathing
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at the risk of being called a liar, sometimes 6 or 7 hours, i used to have an app called cardiotrainer on my phone and according to that, the longest /nightwalk/ i ever did was 15.6 miles, that was with 4 cans of coors and 20 marlboro reds for company, as well as a few rest stops on benches and any random wall i felt like sitting on when i was out

It's been pretty good, car is in for MOT tomorrow so had to change some brake pads, getting down on that boiling tarmac wasn't pleasant.

It's my 25th birthday in just over 3 weeks. When I first started posting here I was 22 and 6 months.
Bad idea, I did it that way around and it was the worst way to do it. Now I'm skinny af and can barely lift fuck all. Lift for a while, get muscle and start eating cleaner. You'll be able to life heavy which will probably help your confidence. Then start on your weight loss/cardio/shredding.
Knowing you'll have decent biceps once the flab is gone is extra motivation as well

What type of nutters? Chavvy sorts? Goths trying to eat your heart?
that sounds perfect tbqh, but I would enjoy nightwalking whilst listening to music and I would surely get jumped
Are you the one from manchester? Or am I mistaken?
Imagine a world without dickheads lad

board game online starting at 22:35

no idea, i was walking down a path to cut through the woods, its hard to explain without a pictures but the path was very narrow, straight for 100 yards or so then went right slightly, as i was getting to the bend, maybe 50 yards from it, i saw a light (keeping in mind i had no light at all, and wasnt using the one on my phone) at first i thought it was a camera flash because it was so quick but i worked out it was someone moving around with a torch, that was quickly joined by another torch, i stood as still and as silent as i could, tactically shitting my pants. From the way the torches were moving i could tell they were coming towards me but hadnt noticed me yet, they were pointing around the path in different places, up the banking of an old railway at the side. Just when i could hear them talking they went quiet and im sure i could hear them whispering to each other, then the flashlights both got turned off, the next think i know i hear steps on the muddy path running towards me, needless to say i turned and ran like a cat with a firework up its arse, made it out of the woods onto the main road but didnt see anyone behind me
That is cool, do you ever walk somewhere and then not want to walk back? Either because you're tired or because people are starting to appear?

On one of my recent night walks a drunk guy walked into me and then started threatening to stab me, this was at 1am so I tried going out later. Went at 3am and there was a bunch of 15 year olds drinking and smoking weed at the top of my street. They started yelling shit at me and I didn't want to say anything back because they would probably beat me up so I just ignored it. I started to shake and tear up for some reason, I think I was more angry then upset but I haven't felt like a man since and haven't left the house since. This was the 5th time it happened as well but it was the 1st time at night. I dont know why they do it but it bothers me more than it should

Jesus fuck

That gave me the shivers and I'm only reading about it on a ecuadorian taxidermy image board
Always think its mad how you can take any random motown album from the 70s with like 20 views and the singers are better than our best singers now
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Fucking hell lads it's half 10 and I'm still sweating

>do you ever walk somewhere and then not want to walk back?

i do get tired sometimes but when im tired i manage to think about something else or listen to music on my phone and besides crackheads who are out all night, people only really start appearing around 5am where i walk, and im usually home before that. As for drunks and general bellends i have had a few run-ins with a few people (i have been /nightwalk/ing for near enough 9 years now though) but ive only been jumped once by a skinny crackhead, i managed to push him off me and ran while he was still down, he didnt give chase, ive become pretty good at avoiding trouble people and bad areas over the years though
BritNormie, are you still here?

I thought you might have decided to quit britfeel for good now you've hit the big 30.
>wanna nightwalk
>live in rough part of West London

On well
got my kitchen window swung out wide

hope no robbers pass by my house and see all my windows open and decide to check round my back garden desu
>went nightwalking once
>get chased by a Yorkshire terrier that must've got out
>end up having to kick the shit out of it
I think nightwalking isn't for me.
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haha my dog likes it when I put the chairs out in the garden
>feels like i've got a really pointy piece of poo stuck in my bumhole
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bugged out reading this
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Come back from uni for the summer to find out my parents sold my ps3 (Which had a game in the drive and a bunch of digital games in it) a few weeks ago because they thought I ''wouldn't mind''.

They are not giving me any of the money they got from it, saying I should be grateful that I am staying with them for the summer
Wow dude them's some shitty parents.

You should move out ASAP after uni, though you might not have the means to do so.
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not even memeing but i wouldnt seriously recommend anyone take up /nightwalk/ing as a hobby, i know i say some lads on here should do it sometimes, and maybe in moderation it would be ok, but ive done it for so many years that i get bored of normal places so i end up going into more dangerous places, like the woods i just mentioned, canal paths, unlit b-roads out in the sticks, etc. I used to do it to clear my head after a shitty day or week, now its just a habit and i get a strange feeling of boredom and restlessness if i dont go out
>in uni
>upset your parents sold one of your old toys

aww diddums
>Walking through woods near my house during the day
>Go up this steep dirt hill and through a bunch of bushes
>Doggo appears and starts barking, not scared since it's a tiny thing
>Take a few steps forward then notice there's some guy sleeping deep in the trees
>He starts moving like he's getting up

Fucking noped the fuck out of there and never went back
i would have gave them a good fucking smack if they gave me shit
Yeah. I was just walking through the streets though and the fucking mutt started after me. Ended up grabbing half a house brick and stoving its head in.
that's fucked up man. I got kicked out for no reason a while back and when I did I took everything of worth with me because I thought my mum might try and sell my stuff

they'd probably had enough smack that night laddy
>Had a tesco's which was open 24 hours except on sundays on the other end of town (like 45 minute walk there)
>Used to go on /nightwalk/s there and be all comfy
>They changed their hours due to layoffs and such and stopped being open through the night
>Now I have no point in going outside during those small hours
just did a wank, haven't got any light on so didn't realize the cum was all over my hand so I lifted it and it went all over my keyboard.
honestly. they were probably just looking for someone.

my mate was walking through a tunnel once, and he seen someone in there with a shotgun that was waiting for someone else lol. the fella with a shotty just asked my mate where he was from.
new game starting at 22:57


i am too poor for a ps4 man. It was all hooked up and I was using it earlier this year, too.

I used to night walk just to get from A to B especially when drunk. Walked about 12 miles once, climbed through an industrial estate i.e. over the razorwire, ended up hitchhiking with a trucker at one point. Also slapped a load of wing mirrors closed on one occasion. Used to cycle/ walk on canal paths in complete darkness without my lights on just for the thrill.
Fucking hell it's hot lads.

when i was a kid and i lived on a shitty estate, one of the houses there was a weed farm and youd regularly see the 'ard men stood guard outside it with shotguns, but id still rather not take any risks in the middle of the night when i couldnt even see who they were

>hitchhiking with a trucker

dont tempt me laddy, this is one thing ive wanted to try to do, ive already done late buses and trains, and sometimes first buses and trains of the morning if ive walked all night, but hitch hiking is one thing ive considered but never had the balls to do, ive been wanting to challenge myself, make a big thing of a walk, for example, get the last train(s) to somewhere roughly 30 miles from my house, then try to make it back before sunrise, obviously i cant walk 30 miles over night so ill need to hitchhike (no taxis, thats cheating)
yer pullin me leg
I'm scared around random dogs. Got a pretty nice bite from my friends Doberman when I was 11.
>tfw so completely disconnected from other people I'm not even interested in women anymore, I barely acknowledge most people are even there

The funny thing is nothing majorly negative has happened as a result of this. The local paki corner shop owner gives me dirty looks but doesn't refuse me service, the jobcentre woman does the same. It doesn't even bother me, it's so much easier to put in the bare minimum amount of interaction required and I still get what I want.
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Psst, I heard a rumour that anon is gay
>Why don't they make arena shooters anymore?

Isn't there a new Quake one coming out?

Crash is mai waifu
Well I'd been walking all night, the sun had come up and I was walking along a busy road with my thumb up. Eventually I got picked up. I was at that point pretty twinky looking iirc, near exhaustion and still rather intoxicated so it's fortunate that it worked out as well as it did.

Bad lucky my m8, nightshopping is pretty comfy, theres something strangely satisfying about being in a well-lit (sometimes) clean shop in the middle of the night when its nice and dead, just the odd night shift worker and random harmless drunk
reminder to never add anyone whos "lonely" from r9k, the anime posting faggots only pretend to like you to get free games then reveal that they were 17 year old ebin trole teens xDDDD all along

dont trust these fuckers just let them eat shit and slowly fall into suicide
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You bought Piggy back!

>not catching it all in kitchen paper

It's super absorbent

I had to fap with the window open this evening due to the heat, felt kind of invigorating to be honest
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>tfw do my best to remember the little details of people's lives
>nobody has, or will ever reciprocate
gettin the band back together
So did anyone read that book he he?
I know them feels lad, I think people actually get weirded out by me.
who is the cock of britfeel, who is the big daddy of britfeel??
its too fucking hot. thank god i'm a neet so i don't have to go outside
No one will believe me but I saw a werewolf onc r


Tilde apparently
I believe you lad.
I believe you.

Now come on lad give daddy a hug.
This doesn't look like night time fucking phony
34 degrees in my room.

I am fucking dying.
daily reminder if you can't trace your dogs heritage back at least 10 generations then you are literally a plebeian
I mean to be honest I think I want out of the band I'm in
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under the lights of a comfy bus shelter my m8, pic related is a bus shelter without lights
fuckkkkkkkkking late but just ordered this to be quitehonest with you familiam
New Theory:

Ebin is actually poleaboo
they're all britnormie
Tough luck metricfag
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sucking on a lemonade lolly lads, opened my blinds for the first time in years to let more air in through my window

i'm glad the bullies put aside the rhetoric and appreciated tilde
original OPlad?
new OPlad here, miss you tbqh
E-excuse me what does that mean
Whats it like to have a big willy?
proper mad tbqh with you lad
lad, cock/big daddy means the hardest, the best fighter.
I dont know lad HAHAHAHhahaha

I dont know ;_;
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to be honest that lolly didn't feel like 60 calories worth
this is my ideal girl. anyone else here have mummy issues?

are you saying Tilde isnt the best fighter in /britfeel/?
Shh, shhh lad.
Just come and give daddy a tight, warm hug.

Werewolves won't come for you again.
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My grandad today asked me

"Have you ever had a gf"
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in the thralls of a ketamine binge
don't remember being sober for the past week
don't want to tell anyone about it but they might already know
just go to bed and hope tomorrow is different? I'm losing hope
my mum asked me if i was gay a couple of months ago
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nobody has ever asked me because they already know the answer
dont be soft lad. he is a good lad but he aint no big daddy
haha yeah gramps me and this girl on holiday...
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My auntie always tells me she thinks I'm autistic
I could easily beat tilde up, and I'd love to.
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dat felling wen mummy no buy me nuggie
the mr piggy guy isn't me but I am here, just going to bed.
im still enjoying not having the pressure of being the guy who has to do it tbqh.
your works been good, enjoyed watching.
its given me the free time I craved.
just take it a month at a time, see how you feel at the end of the year, don't forget to save all your images for an end of year archive.

have a pat on the back ... no homo.

oap image guy
well you are though arent you
you'd have to get past me first mate
>go see grandma for first time in months
>ooooh you've lost weight haven't you, your hair looks lovely

meanwhile I'm just as fat as before and my hair is thinning and if I weren't so fat I'd shave it all off right now

I could probably get past you too
>2.30 for plain rice

lel what the fuck

my local chinky sells it for almost half that, it's RICE for fuck sake
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>95 year old nan compliments my looks
>shes practically blind and deaf and has to use her hand to feel me to see i'm even there

I think your right

No it doesn't, I very much doubt they sell it lower than 1.70, probably not even 1.80
Probably but she literally calls everyone autistic as well
you would have to get past me before you get past him
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>I think your right

Why are you defending tilde, ebin?
Could not be arsed being an old person

BritNormie and Pikeyanon are the only two who could have a serious chance of stopping me.
You would have to get through me before you try to get through him for trying to get through to tilde
Massive britfeel punch up when?
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fightclub, /britfeel/ style
>It was completely compliant guys! We owe nothing to the victim families!


we're doing the suicide pact first, ive been calling for a /britfeel/ suicide pact for weeks, we'll do my thing then we'll do the punch up, its only fair
i could wreck most of you cunts;
most of you are either 12 year olds or alcoholic, chain smoking 40 year olds
I wonder if the architect who originally designed the building is still alive.

you some sort of fighting master? i reckon i could have you both at the same time. got a few black belts on the wall myself. do you think you stand a chance, think again.

i am a protector of the weak.
Maybe you could, but first you'd have to get through me.
>>It was completely compliant guys! We owe nothing to the victim families!
who are you quoting

and the he'd have to get through me, ive even cut down smoking alot
Not before they get through me first
lowest ive had is 35, i feel like if i dont have a fan blasting at all times, im gonna sleep and not wake up. Cant wait to try it
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why not lad?

also please spoiler this image next time

I'll probably be totally hedonistic, but then again probably won't have the energy or will to (I don't have either of that at 23 nevermind 83)

desu I'd be up for this, probably the only reason I'd meetup. Just give me a few months to build some strength
not exactly an achievement mate. do you think you're some sort of hard man because you can beat up gay boys? come on, give me ye best shot
areet kids, its school night yeah?
>just give me a few months to build some strength

become my apprentice, and together we can rule /Britfeel/
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>/britfeel/ is finally collapsing in on itsself

was bound to happen sooner or later
just letting you all know where you stand, i'm in the pique of neet fitness here
which britfeeler would you like to beat the shit out of most?
you kidding right?
you could probably have everyone except people who do fighting sports.
Don't start on me lad or you'll gave a beat down. I've trained in several martial arts but let's just say you don't wanna hear about it here
no, im 27 and havent been to school since i was 14 ;_;

come at me
>implying i haven't mastered many forms of blade arts
how to edit or delete a marker I made a mistake
Tilde to be honest he's insufferable
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>going to get that bottle of water I put in the fridge an hour ago

aww yiss
>tfw a mass brawl is arranged
>get to the venue, a dimly lit car park
>bunch of skinny frail scared looking neets stood around looking at the floor
>they eventually just trickle away 1 by 1

you know this is the only realistic outcome
>blade arts

aint a fair fight then is it lad. its about who is the hardest, not the best murderer.
keep talkin sunshines, i put you yer bum i can do atleast 12 push ups more if i haven't had a wank in awhile
nobody said nowt bout fair mate this is down and dirty the way of the street, bring the heat or stay in the kiddie pool, yeah?
nah, there will be the odd hard fella. there are a few stedheads and fighters in here.

i wouldnt even show up anyway, might watch from a safe distance though
>stay in the kiddie pool, yeah?
can I bring my arm bands?
nah lad, i'd shout 'tilde and ebin are literal trash'
that would get the blood pumpin
>nobody said nowt bout fair mate this is down and dirty the way of the street

stop talking rubbish lad. you're just saying this because you know you're not the big daddy. with your logic, someone could jsut get a shotgun. aint a fight if you bring weapons. this is chav logic.
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what the actual fuck, the exotic beasties are all crawling out from whence they came now that the country's turned into some tropical shithole

this fucker could easily gouge my cat's eyes out if I'd left them in the same room together
if some cunt brought a shooter i'd be all like neo n shite
you'll have to get past me first mate

youd have to get past me before he had to get past you lad
I like this

A lot >.<

I want a nice cuddle
Hammond is such a slimy cock
come here then qt

*cuddles you*
i wonder how many cunts only lurk britfeel

We havin a dust up? Better get my brass knuckles
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you fucking dare lad, ill kick you into next week and back
Say no more.
Just let daddy wrap his arms around you all close and tight.
He could buy you a van.
Then you could go around and be the men with ven.
But now, just hug.
is it really that hot?
I've got my window open and I'm wearing shorts and a teeshirt and it's totally tolerable
my gpu is showing 54 which is 6 higher than normal but it's due a clean
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>posted a video yesterday
>viewcount keeps going up but only 1 reply in the thread
>only 96% of the viewers were in the UK
Why were you all such mean cunts to me earlier?
Someone make a strawpoll for the 'ardest /britfeel/ lad, id do it but i cant be fucked
sorry lad, didn't mean it

soz m8, just had a bad day
>>only 96% of the viewers were in the UK

who is the fucking yank, come on, spit it out. i dont want to be burning any toes
sorry lad, how can I make it upto you? x
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just listening to a bit of limp bizkit lads

>tfw limpin with the bizkit
You could not bump ,y thread plox, darling.
>white male converts to islam are always ginger
ebin please be my boyfriend
It was just funny, I guess
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Ha ha look at this snake lads.
Looks a bit off, doesn't it?

Post your captions below.
he isnt gay. the lad needs some fanny, not more prison gay shit.
Post video ebinlad
>implying a roasty would love ebin for what he is

he needs a bf like me
time enough for one more bump, then off to bed
appointment at the hospital tomorrow, should be an experience
what do you offer?
too bad females have disgusting personalities
Its private again, it was just a 30second clip proving to an anon that I went out to run cause he called me lazy but I got scared and ran home.
they will do when he sorts himself out. he should not settle for less because he is a mess atm.
Someone post ebins channel
>too bad females have disgusting personalities

that is a meme lad.
>Post your captions below.

>'heard you were talking shit'
are you sure? aren't they all disgustingly vapid? when I see them on the street I usually feel repulsed by the way they are conducting themselves. Haven't interacted with one though
what's your goal?

Jealous he would be dating a guy and don't want ebin to be happy? go away

I'll gather up the courage to add you on steam soon, don't worry
It isn't, ebin has come to almost exactly the same conclusions as I have on issues like this. Every woman treats me like a fucking sub human, they bitch and play games of status.

stay away from women m8, they arent worth it, just steer well clear of them
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i like it laddooooodada
>aren't they all disgustingly vapid

no. you just base your view of life on memes because your only social interaction comes from 4chan and most people here are virgins so they are bitter towards women.

lad, people should not pretend to be gay because they are too lazy to improve themselves. you're facilitating degeneracy. fucking prison gays.
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bad idea tbqh lad, didn't you see the recent horror stories from adding me on steam?

I really do not want to live the "have children" meme either. I've seen my brothers wife and how she acts after they've had kids. Shes out every night basically cucking him but he does nothing about it. She also smells and put on a lot of weight. I feel disgusted when I have to be in the presence of her and shes the only female I come within 2 ft of apart from my mother.
This made me proper giggle lad
I'm sure ebin can make up his own mind friend

>muh degeneracy
>muh gays

where do you think you are
can one of you cunts make a new thread

lazy cunts the lot of you
he has said in the past plenty of times that he is not gay. nothing wrong with being gay if you actually are but he isnt.
explain how it is a meme

robots are treated like shit by women
>ebin comes from a family of cucks
born to boipussy
I mean I think I might be bisexual, I wanked to pure gay stuff just an hour ago. I can't picture dating or getting intimate with anyone in real life so I can't really comment on it.

think one of my older brothers is actually trans too
Beta uprising edition pls
they aren't

they're just ignored. the same way an unappealing woman would be ignored by most men
Really? How can you tell lad? Ebony stories best stories
>can't argue for shit
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Funny Snake 1

I wish

school was fucking hell with those slags plunging in the knife, checking normiebook none of them have changed

just self obsessed cunts
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>you should spent your life relentlessly reshaping yourself to suit the whims of some roastie rather than being with someone who loves you unconditionally because it's 'degeneracy'
>robots are treated like shit by women

not really. women dont go out of there way to treat robots like shit. robots are just ignored because they dont try.

some women are nasty but so are some men. there is a shit guy for every shit girl. its bull shit the way people pretend that women are worse than men.
don't bully my arguing skills pleasr
mum told me hes on the waiting list for the gender therapist, hes pretended to be a girl online and stuff before so i'm not surprised, I try my best to avoid all my family though

gays are just as bad probably, just give up and expect to be alone forever, its much better that way.
>t. norman

Or a robot in denial
its not a case of that though is it lad. its about getting what you want. prison gay is just pretending to be something you're not because you're too weak to actually do something about your shit life.
I think experiencing intimate contact with another defeated prison gay wouldn't be so bad. It doesn't have to be a total commitment - Just experiencing it for the sake of experiencing it so you don't feel left out, then to get on with your life in solitude

ebin is just gay
that is literally not an argument. if you sit in your room all day or just stare at the floor when you're out, you cant blame women. you do realise that the average fellas gets turned down a lot too? you think because a few women have rejected you that you're some sort of victim. you're the problem. stop blaming other people.

if you're a robot, by 4chans standards, you dont have a fucking clue what women are like because you dont interact with them.
>gays are just as bad probably
Maybe the Stacy gays, but a gaybot would be lovely I think. The reason why guys are better is because only guys can be robots, so you can find yourself a robot romantic partner
you claim the other anon has no experience outside of 4chan and you sit here and claim robots are only ignored because they "don't try"

you're deluded mate

robots are ignored because women focus on the 5% of chads and spend their youth being fucked relentlessly, then they turn 30 and suddenly 180 into a search for a virgin robot provider to fund their lifestyle and three kids.

fuck that

fuck women
first real cravings
at least it's sunday night and there's no way to get a fix
in it for the long haul now
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I have literally no desire to have a girlfriend or "try" get one, majority of them end in disaster too.

Whats the point? I don't want to be married, I don't want kids, I don't want to attend social occasions, don't want to eat out in restaurants or go on holiday with someone In theory loving someone is great and gives you a reason to live but its not realistic. Go find me someone who isn't an insufferable cunt who constantly wants to do all these things to delude themselves into thinking their happy. I'd rather sit here shitposting all day in solitude
>robots are ignored

>women only concentrate on 5% of guys

>95% of guys are robots

you're the deluded one lad. average looking fellas get birds all the time. yeah, on tinder they only go for the best guys but that is fucking obvious, anyone would. and not all women use tinder.

absolute state. you obviously dont go outside
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That's a whole lot of implying there, friend. It's not about being rejected. It's not about having a victim complex. It's about realising the truth about the nature of women. They are vapid. They care only about their social position. They are incapable of unconditional love.

You're wrong to imply we don't interact with them. I'm battlescarred. It takes at least one experience to truly understand the evil that is women. I'd even go so far to say that the robots who defend women are those who have not interacted with them. They are naive and wish women were not demon succubi, but they are.
*grabs popcorn

you're one to speak, I'm sure we can ALL learn from your amazing normie insights to how amazing women are

We just have to try hard and bee ourselves am I right :^)

normalfag retard
you only think any of this because you're desensitized to it and you're making up excuses to not do anything about your situation.
you would be better suited to /brit/ friend

this is britfeel where robots congregate

maybe, but I had these views at 16 too
nice argument lad. almost convinced me. resorted to insults - what a way to reflect how incapable you are of offering an argument.

your whole view of relationships comes from 4chan. you're exactly like the people on /pol/ who think that all black people are retarded thugs.
>YOU'RE the problem haha just get a gf and bee yourself
>it's all about trying hard bro haha works for me
>You're retarded if you think otherwise though fyi haha
>this is britfeel where robots congregate

plenty of quite normal people here. its just mostly robots now because of the time.
Oh god I'm melting to death and having the window open doesn't work because there's no fucking wind.

made one for you lazy lads haha xx
you don't even have an argument apart from

>"try hard, bee urself werks for me"

you're deluded
Don't think you've matured properly lad. My views from when I was 16 are pretty different. You might need help mate.
Get a fan mate. My room is nice and breezy.

i did have an argument. i explained that robot are not treated any differently, they just dont try, which is true. how can you expect to get a girl if you sit in your room all day, or suffer from social anxiety? you have problems to sort out. it would be retarded for women to settle for robots when they can get someone decent. you would not settle for less, in fact most people here would call someone a cuck for settling for less.
Tbqh you are right. It's not a case of "trying hard". You just have to try. I have a friend who isn't very attractive, completely neurotic and is most likely on the spectrum. But he has a girlfriend because he spoke to girls on his course and eventually one liked him back.
yeah, i dont really get women myself but i know its my own fault because i am not confident enough to approach them. its something i need to work on.
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