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>straight >by definition the most normie of sexual orientations

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>by definition the most normie of sexual orientations
>orientation of Chads and Stacies alike
>LITERALLY what makes Chads Chads
>still thinks he can possibly qualify as a "robot" in this or any other universe
>believes that it is possible to defend this position in any way

It's easier to be straight lol fuck homos are just as picky while also being -5/10 (i.e. not girls).
If she is bent over like that ima fuck her boipussy
>more normal
>literally the entire world designed for you
>straightfags still believe they can be robots

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boipucci isn't like in your animes

it's accompanied by a hoarse manly voice, obviously masculine pheremone scent that any man can detect upon being in a 5 ft radius, and a big adams apple to top it all off.
>more attractive
>more desirable
>more wanted
>more mentally healthy
>thinks he can be a robot

How the FUCK
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>being such a weakdicked cuck that an adams apple can slay your erection
I like my dickgirls to be obvious boys though since it makes it more cute and lewd.
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>has hands
>chads and stacies literally have hands

friendly reminder you literally cannot be a robot if you literally have hands
Somewhat good taste, being able to tell and yet clearly still feminine and ment for cock is top tier, putting on a dress and not shaving is just no
>tfw trap
>tfw no bf

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My thoughts exactly fampai.
If you want a trap gf you're gayer than I am and I like semi muscular guys with moustaches and stubble

Admit you're a faggot and stop chasing after traps
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Is that you? Cute sophisticated accent. Would bully with brutal american dick.
>not the Gay Chad
>big and strong so they can protect women, but gay so they don't make any sexual demands in return
>literally Stacy's ideal male
>the Third Normie Caste

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I like my traps local and to look like women
Turned my volume up all the way and couldn't understand anything.
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If liking traps is gay l don't want to be straight.
its also the most despicable orientation. I'd rather get aids than commit some asshole to existence ust because I wanted to bust a nut. For my money though sexuality is all around an undignified and horrible extraneous appetite.
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>tfw to smart not to be a volcel
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This is celibacy right? Because no disgusting vagina.
People who are/were chubby seem to make the best traps
>tfw no bf to be a trap mommy too And motivate to do their best
That's because some thiccness helps hide the whole male skeleton thing
is it fuck more easy to be straight. i used to have bi tendencies and i went on gay chat sites, spoke to gay people online and i would put in fuck all effort and they would want to have sex. it might be harder to get a relationships because most just want casual sex but its definitely easier to get casual sex.

Hey cute trap.

Would take and call you daddy during

I'm shy......
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Me too, I'm too shy to even talk to myself and hear my voice so I'll never have a cute girl voice :(
you sound hot. i would fuck you. im british too. send more voice messages, your voice made me hard, and now i kinda wanna wank
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Every day I wish I lived in europe, so much cute uncut boypussy that needs conquering.
what is the source for that gif? that shemale is fucking gorgeous
Just practice!!!!! It'll all be OK if you want help with voice stuff give me your discord

Ohhhh noooooooo I'm out at a party right now with lots of beautiful people. I won't be able to record for about twelve hours. If this thread is still up I'll hook you up daddy

I'm uncut, but because of hormones I can't get hard anymore.......
Is it OK if my cock is tiny and useless?
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>Is it OK if my cock is tiny and useless?
That's how it should be.
I have someone willing to help me already but I'm too shy to even speak. I tried recording a clip on Vocaroo and I couldn't get anything to come out of my mouth or think of anything to say. Like, needing direct instructions on what to say or something. It's very autistic.

I can still get hard after like 5 months but I don't really feel anything. Requires a lot of effort. Although, love confessions and stuff seem to make it work properly for some reason.
Well that sounds like we're a match made in heaven

Awwwww ok well if it's any consolation u was in exactly the same position as you about two months ago, and for the short time after I couldn't even try speaking without breaking down in tears.
I still don't think my voice passes but it gets a lot easier to use and practice.

You got this anon. I know you can do it because I did too. From here https://clyp.it/rnvwsm41
(excuse the terrible American accent I was teasing someone)
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>Be gay
>Feeling lonely and self conscious
>Hop on grinder, tinder, pof, okc, etc
>Loads of guys want to fuck me, even be my bf
>Said guys are even open to having multiple shared partners for regular mega orgies
>I barely have to try, already my butt and penis virginity is gone and I didn't have to try
>All self confidence regained, no longer feel lonely

Yeah. Faggots are totally robots dude. I believe you. Just like non virgins are robots because its harder to go without sex when you've already had it.

>all self-confidence regained
>no longer lonely
>still posting on /r9k/

Fucking liar.
>short time after I couldn't even try speaking without breaking down in tears.

That's exactly what happens and it's one of the two things I constantly think about every day. It's gotten to me so much I can hardly eat or drink anything. Yet, nothing comes out of my mouth. I'll click record and just look at the screen for several minutes then cry.

This is all I managed to say and the audio quality is really bad. I mean, at least my natural voice isn't super manly...

>If this thread is still up I'll hook you up daddy

sounds good. guess i will have wank over it tomorrow.
All you twinks are the same. Exactly like women. You just come here for the attention. Bullshit that you're so lonely because you can't find fucking chad. Otherwise you come here to purposely disrupt the board because of some hidden pro gay motives.

Keep telling us that you're a lonely butt pirate that can't find a qt bf. It will convince us eventually, I'm sure of it.
>Lonely people seek attention

do twinks really have high standards like women? im a straight guy (kinda bi curious) so your world is alien to me. i have spoke to some twinks online and they seemed alright
Too bad casual sex with someone you don't know gives you 10x more chance to get AIDS. Gays are retarded.
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>Mentally ill faggots trying their best to convert every and any people they can
>anonymous image board edition

Why thou? cock sucking is not a religion, stop it and get some help
That's more than enough to work with!!!!!
You're gonna be fine. It's just consistency basically. The worst thing is having to power through the dysphoria to begin with.

Tell me what to say and I might have something nice for you to wake up to
Such an ugly faggot. He should kill himself
>Be straight
>Feeling lonely and self conscious
>Hop on tinder, pof, okc, etc
>Loads of girls want to fuck me, even be my gf
>Said girls are even open to having multiple shared partners for regular mega orgies
>I barely have to try, already my virginity is gone and I didn't have to try
>All self confidence regained, no longer feel lonely

Yeah. Breeders are totally robots dude. I believe you. Just like non virgins are robots because its harder to go without sex when you've already had it.


Jesus christ you belong on reddit.
Awh if I'm too girly for you, you can pop over to >>>/hm/!!!!!!!
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>Being mean to a nice person

Bullies like you don't belong on this board for people who are shunned.

Thank you ;_;
Except statistics prove the 80/20 rule of women for men retard. If you aren't at least an 8/10 male, what you just uttered is a robot wet dream.

Now fuck off to /lgbt/ you attention seeking faggot. You will never be a robot.
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>tfw they tell you to go to /lgbt/ so you /r9k/post on /lgbt/
>tfw slowly terraforming /lgbt/ into an organ of /r9k/, ensuring that both boards will come to resemble each other
>Tell me what to say and I might have something nice for you to wake up to

i dont know really haha. go with that mommy approach and talk about me fucking you. say what ever you fee like i guess.
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>people not understanding the difference between being a robot and being degenerate trash

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>tfw you use /r9k/ memes on /lgbt/ so that they start using them
>tfw the roachies told you to go there, so they can't even blame you for it
T. lazy normal with no real problems bitching at those with real problems

aww poor anon
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I actually don't have it that bad off, you're right but that's just a mindset

Degeneracy is a mindset


>admitted normie

I feel like I am watching a car wreck from a tall building
Being anti-anime is pretty normie
Being anti-traps is pretty normie

Are you a normie, anon?
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I never said I was a normie, I just said that I'm not that bad off because I have a positive mindset

You CAN just moan and complain and be "muh I was homeschooled and abused for 17 years by sociopathic parents"

"muh I'm mentally and emotionally scarred"

but that doesn't do anyone any good, least of all you. All you get to do is feel sorry for yourself. What you gotta do is stay positive no matter how bad it gets and work every day even just a little bit towards making your life better.

If you can't even do that you're probably a faggot desu
>hoarse manly voice
Not all men have a manly voice and anyway it's avoidable and not a big deal.
>obviously masculine pheromone
Dick scent is hot as fuck
>adam apple
Who cares?
>just like, stay positive n werk hard XD
You are being a stereotype. Stop it.
>Special snowflakes bastardizing the term of robot of being a social outcast into being "I MUST HAVE AS MANY UNIQUE UNCOMMON TRAITS AS POSSIBLE OR ELSE I'M NOT A ROBOT."

This isn't a competition you fucking inbred. Go back to tumblr with this garbage where other retards treat sexual orientation as a special snowflake trait.
>Breathing is pretty normie
>Drinking water is pretty normie

are you a normie, anon?
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no you're right anon if you want to improve yourself you should be negative and do absolutely nothing that'll really help
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>Anon gets mad once he realizes he is not actually a robot but a complete normie
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>le memecial memefleme
>you're not an outcast! I cast you out of /r9k/ for not being an outcast!

if only traps were as cute as 2d
>Missing the point THIS much.

Holy shit did you drop out of school with that kind reading comprehension?
>did you drop out of school

Would make them perfect for this board unlike you
>tfw to intelligent for people to understand your point
Is it okay to be straight if you're also a pedophile?
Anon being a pedophile is not okay at all.
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Being a pedo might not be something he can help. As long as he doesn't act on it it's okay. Just find someone your age who will dress up like a child desu.
If being a robot means having as many unique traits as possible, that doesn't make them a robot. It makes them another tumblr idiot who has to attach non conforming main stream tags unto you making you feel unique and different.

While the ideals of being a robot means you are a social outcast, being a dick lover doesn't make you a social outcast. There are a bunch of idiots who are "progressive" that blindly accept and love you for being a faggot.

No one accepts or blindly accepts you for being an inept idiot who can't do shit to take care of themselves and sits around being a NEET all day. Sexual orientation has nothing to do with the core values of being a robot, it isn't about being different, it's about being fucking failures at life. Being gay isn't failing at life.
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Can't failures also be gay, anon?
Being gay doesn't make you a robot. It just makes you gay. You can't turn your homosexuality into a robotic trait, sucking dick doesn't make you fail at life. Being an autistic idiot that can't get someone of the same sex makes you an autistic idiot that makes you fail at life.

Your sexual orientation has NOTHING to do with being a robot is the point.
My daddy is making me take really Lewd pictures while I'm at a party >\\<
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Well sure but robots that are gay can still talk about gay stuff right?
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>While the ideals of being a robot means you are a social outcast
>Being tranny doesn't make you social outcast when surrounded by rednecks

And not to forget the whole being shunned by your family with many knowing if they come out they'd be kicked out.

Okay, thanks for forgetting half the country isn't progressive.

I hear in Euro land they give sexual predators anti-androgen and slowly their bones weaken and since they aren't getting estrogen they get completely fucked.
sharing is caring, post one.
Then make a faggot thread. I don't give a shit, I'm still going to call OP a fucking retard and that they belong in tumblr. That's what was the point of the post.
Oh boohoo. Just wait until you live on your own and then do your shit. Oh darn families are shit and you end up alone anyways, it's about integration into society and trying to build a life for yourself but failing.

Your family life/environment doesn't make you a robot, just an annoying victim. This is why I hate when underage users use /r9k/ it's a bunch of dumb shit they bitch about that they can't control and don't realize the grand scheme of things.
If you haven't noticed, those threads constantly get derailed by people spamming unrelated things.
If I was able to act on it then I wouldn't be here
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Liking traps is not gay. Be attracted to Felix is like the straightest things in the world.
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>made in heaven
>made in heaven
>made in heaven
If all lgbt died right now, the world would be a batter place.
>fuck trap
>see their rock hard dick
>know you're doing a good job
If I died then who would I get off whatever way i can?
tfw trans
tfw hormones made me go from wanting to fuck guys to wanting to fuck girls
i'd still fuck a femboy in the ass, though, for the emasculation
He's not looking at the flip side of that. If biological necessity is your preeminent value, then humanity is foolish for not becoming grey goo.

These are the shitters who are gonna turn quisling and sell us out to the AIs, I fucking guarantee it. "I admire its purity". Fuck.
>obviously masculine pheremone scent
you start producing female body odor after a year
literal estrogen penis
this is literally a thread for /lgbt/, fuck off you crossboarding faggot
Wait are you mtf or ftm?
>fuck thing
>care whether it's enjoying itself
You won't, fags are so delusional. Not everything is about your sickness.
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it's a competition and if you can't get them off they win
you have to get them cum by any means necessary
hormones are magic
wow, jerking off a dude, sounds like fun
tfw trans
tfw hormones made me go from wanting nice dude to wanting to be waifu to cute trap

Would still potentially be waifu to nice man but all the wants that talk to me are creepy

It's like the shitposters have no idea what they're talking about while acting like experts on the subject
I tried posting it there, but there's some kind of weird post filter and it came out funny. Go see for yourself: >>>/lgbt/7611767
>literally a living meme
>treated like gold by normies at the mention of your faggotry
>treated like a king by the state
>decides to spam his faggots ass all over r9k every god damned day to the point where the board can't stop posting traps and fags even in threads unrelated to them
It's like being a jew without the jewishness
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now you're gettin it my man
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Gays are the new jews, pass it around anons
I will if you pay me 10 BTC.
made a post just for you, shitbag

God I wanna sleep with you
yeah most of the time you just get annoying creepers
i can't handle the idea of getting dommed by a guy, i'd really like to be dommed by a trans or cis girl
domming a femboy seems like it'd be fun

>It's like the shitposters have no idea what they're talking about while acting like experts on the subject
well i mean, it IS r9k
i'm fat and hairy
and i don't like other fat and hairy dudes
you have to be less than 150lbs and hairless from the eyebrows down
What if I'm 6'4" but 130lbs?

I shave, tho c:
>treated like gold by normies at the mention of your faggotry

Everyone here hates faggots though

Yeah, only way to find a non creep is probably to trick one and I'd feel really bad doing that. There's also the potential of them eventually asking you to fuck them in the ass which is a no no.
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you don't have no cosmo face do you?

i'm 5'8" and fat
Cosmo face?
i'd fuck a feminine guy in the ass but yeah
>screwing a big manly guy
fuck no
transbian is the way to go tbhh
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bad face syndrome it affects 90% of people worldwide
I'm not super ugly, no.
we might be in business here
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What about mine, anon?
Fucking right?
Im not contributing anything to the world besides making people happier and not adding to overpopulation, so fuck him.

Not everything is about you Mr. "I'm. Not gay but I'm coming into strictly non hetero threads and complain that everything isn't about me"
How big is you cock?
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bottom panel
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not insanely huge but probably an alright size
Is it okay if I have a big one?
that's a nice butt, anon
i would most certainly not mind seeing my dick inside of that :3
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dude one of us has to have a big one
if we're both mid-average what's the fun in that
Christ can you attention whores go back to your containment board called >>>/soc/

Hell you got your own little board called /cuteboys/ on 8gag
>Everyone here hates faggots though
on a board for robots, yeah we hate them. Fucking annoying attention whoring every single day. In contrast, normalfags couldn't get enough of it.
Fucking normies. Ship them back to Pleddit if they want a place to complain about their petty issues.
Traps and transfaguals look and sound like shit IRL and always age horribly.
Cherrypicked photos are their only saving grace.
I meant where I live but ok

Hormones actually slow down the aging process but I wouldn't expect you to know that.

I'm a robot and i'm straight.

Hows that sound faggot?
>he says, his concept of transgender women cherrypicked from a handful of 70 year old transitioners
The thing is that successful transitions are secrets essentially, girls you would literally never know. So of course the visibly awful ones are awful.
>i-it's true, I saw pictures and read things online
step outside fagboy
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Tfw spanking bruises from daddy
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t. anon just stating things how he feels despite knowing nothing.

I'll be enjoying my soft, acne free skin, anon.
see >>34301560
by definition you wouldn't be able to fucking detect passing transitioners
it's like saying "there are no invisible people" because you see a few people who are half-invisible

oh, nice
i have that very buttplug
it's pretty fun to use
So by definition none exist because my senses are not dulled?
>tfw no cute feminine twink trap boi gf
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>it's another Juden Hebrewstein gay agenda shill thread
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Good goy, buy those hormones.
>>has hands
how did you type your post you clever boi?
ngl, hormones made me go from alt-right neckbeard to left-leaning transdyke
it's pretty chill, senpai
why don't you abort all that toxic masculinity?
Tfw get hormones for free :^)
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I totally agree

but can't the same thing be said for all anime?

Both anime fembois and anime femgirls are vastly superior to the disgusting, inbred three-dee piggu doggus today. 3D traps are not traps; they are fucking ambushes. If you like a 3d trap you are a degenerate faggot unless they are ACTUALLY top tier and indistinguishable from a girl; in other words, you're a faggot regardless because THOSE DON'T EXIST BITCH. Same with 3d girls; they're all filthy sluts with disgusting meat holes and fat sacks which are only made pure and desireable through 2d

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