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ROLL FOR IMOUTO! or just plain sibling affection as well...

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 504
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ROLL FOR IMOUTO! or just plain sibling affection as well...

Incest general thread if need be.

Keep in mind you may use this thread for any member of your family.

Previous thread: >>33193805

tags - mom/mother/cousin/sister/imouto/onee/aneki

Option 1
Go hug your sister and post results.

Option 2
You may also give her head pats or stare into her eyes and say "I love you".
If she is out of reach or you want to change your approach you may also text her 1 of the following lines.

1 - I've always loved you.
2 - I'm in love with you.
3 - I love you.
4 - Why haven't we had sex yet?
5 - Would you ever give us a chance?
6 - Do you feel about me the way I feel about you?
7 - I've hidden my feelings from you my whole life.
8 - Are you hungry want me to get you something?
9 - If we could do something together with no consequences what would we do?
0 - You are the one thing that keeps me sane in my life.
Dubs - I want to make love to you regardless of what other may think.
Trips - I want you to remember that no matter what you say I will always care about you. but the truth is I love you more than family... I want you.
Quads - Know that I am not joking! I am in love with you and want to be with you. I would never joke about this. and i want you to be with me for the rest of my life.

Some of these can be played off as a joke just in case. But not all of them

You can also use this thread if you are a sister looking to cuddle with your brother as well.


Regardless of your choice make sure to tell her how much you love her too!
Now go!

Incest God Rankings:
1. imouto cuddler
2. Pat
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Wait wait wait wait, so is THIS the feelio when no daughterino thread?
I can't seem to find the correct thread and people keep whining that I'm a pedophile for wanting a daughter.
Explain yourself. Do you want a fuck buddy daughter or just a qt to cuddle with
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I'd keep things on a strictly cuddle and sleep in my bed if you want basis.
There's no need for sex to enhance your bomb and connection, although it may be beneficial, as such a relationship would be/is already bliss.
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Sorry, I didn't check for a new thread. There's an update here:
Cute. If you get a boner it'll poke her in the head, lol
What are you going to do with the bomb? You're not a muslim terrorist are you?
>reading in bed
>spazzy imouto runs in and climbs on top of me
>she tells me to massage her breasts
>I do so and she grinds her knee into my crotch the whole time
>it doesn't feel good at all, in fact it hurts
>I tell her this after a while
>she says she's going to use her feet later but that for now I should just do what she says
>after this she knees me harder
>I complain again and she says if I don't shut up, she'll keep her shoes on for the footjob
Her birthday is in a month. What should I get her?
Thigh High Latex Boots
>what should I get her
A dick in a box
Also, get a trip.
Only faggots use trips, faggot. besides, his writing is pretty obvious
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I'm already halfway there, it's just kinda sticking out behind the back of her head though. If she turns her head at all, it'll probably bump her cheek.
A maid uniform, optionally with cat ears.
>get turned on by these threads
>would absolutely under no circumstances bang my sibling
it really activates your almonds

An appropriate video for our thread while I sit around doing nothing.

>>33236681 here. She is at work, I'm thinking about buying her something for Christmas, what do you suggest?
that was posted two threads ago, you copycat
give me her name, and address and ill learn what she likes for you
is she fat?
Was it really? That's embarrassing, I just watched it for the first time a second ago.
What is she into? Tell us more about your imouto, anon.
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Not a Muslim terrorist but I do have toxic smoke bombs that'll tear your lunges to shreds.
Does that count?

Clearly I meant bond.
That's all sex is to me, a way to bond closer. It's a nice extra activity to throw in to make each other happy too.

I also already have a cutie to cuddle with, but not every day as I don't live with the cutie.

That's what you THINK.
Your siblings or relatives just aren't cute. If they were you'd be singing a different tune, especially when they clearly have some ahem "excess love" for you.
I really have no idea, I'm thinking about just giving her money or a ring or something.
ITT: only childs
Get her a strap on.

Sorry I'm really bored. I'm having to start thinking about what I'm going to get my sister and I'm not entirely sure myself. I have to get something that's sweet and relationship-y without being to obviously like a gift for a girlfriend.
What are you buying your imouto for Christmas?

>Not getting her two presents, one to give publicly and one privately

fucking pleb ass nigga
no it's not like he's unnattractive or anything i've just never ever felt that way about him
and i think the social stigma would be too much for me anyway
No, I'm being serious, mates.
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Last year I bought Em a bowl that looks like a watermelon as a joke, and look where that got me

She told me to stop typing so much, guess I'll see you guys later.
This is a good idea imouto cuddler >>33238430
OR1G4M1 cuck
I have no idea. I want to get her something functional but actually something she'll use. I hate generic gifts like perfume but I also hate getting people things they don't use.

I want to get her something kind of dirty too I didn't know how I would do that until >>33238455 pointed out how much of an idiot I was being.

Maybe I'll get her a lacy thong or something. It's less about me liking it and more of a statement.
If you don't care much about it being a surprise, you could just ask her what she might want.
I like the lingerie idea. She would definitely enjoy that and find it hot. Learn what size she is and go for it
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You say that likes it's a bad thing senpaitachi

$100 huge stuffed (plushie) bear.
I'm getting that for someone who's less than 1/4th the size of it for Christmas.

Oh, so he's a fucking asshole?
That's the problem.

I'm assuming he's older, which means he probably ignored you, did his own thing, didn't play with you, was selfish, etc.
That's not a good senpai to sex, that's why you don't want to.
>Oh, so he's a fucking asshole? That's the problem.
I don't understand how you got that out of her comment. Sounds like you're projecting.
I feel like you're supposed to put some extra thought into your first gift as a couple. Further down the road when we've used up all our ideas then it's fine to be lazy about it.

I feel like it say that I see her as an adult.

Also I think she would enjoy trying to be sexy. She's already put some effort into dressing dirtier around me. She's gotten into a bit habit of going commando and trying to let me notice. Things like opening her legs in shorts or really letting her leggings ride up.

I actually like that idea. I feel like I could get my dad behind it too because I don't have enough money for that. Tag teaming on a gift would kill all suspicion about it too.
about to go to dinner with my gf (the one pretending to be my sis at home), and my real sister. $3 margaritas and some mexican food.

I'm not going to drink because I don't want to pay extra and I also want to be able to drive. gf is just super happy right now.
Well if someone attractive, and you don't find them attractive, you must either not find that group attractive (in which case why mention it) or they're a shitcunt who was rude to you and thus you never bonded with.
Of course you won't want to do the fuggle wuggle with a shitcunt.

Some places have big bunnies or owl's and stuff, but usually it's just bears.
Perfect gift for an imouto especially if they're young, part because it's adorable and comfy and part because you can swindle money to extort from y'alls parents.

Who I'm giving it to loves stuffed animals and wildlife, and it'd be something big and cozy she could hold and cuddle with when I'm not there.
The one I am getting had a eternal heating thing like a heating pad so it will make the bear all cozy and comfy too :3
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Ugh, at least 2 threads behind now due to hospital stays and shit. Arguably the worst part about pancreatitis is being stuck on a floor of the hospital where the guest network is fucked. Some good imouto cuddling stories would've done me as much good as the morphine.
At least yesterday's trip back (ate too much and didn't follow diet directions exactly) meant I got to spend some increasingly rare time with my imouto during the ride back and while buying foods I can actually digest.
I don't know, man. Still sounds like projecting to me.
You you're feeling better anon
Bitches love jewellery, a nice bracelet or something would be inconspicuous but also something she can wear and think of you.
Maybe I'll get her some games.
Are there any big games coming out?
Pay to have her nipples pierced
I'm going to have to look into it. I feel like she would really enjoy something different from a bear, something sort of weird like a lizard or something. I'll get to research later.

Too expensive for me right now. I'm going to try to get a job shortly into the new year though.

as much as I actually really like nipple piercings I don't think I should pay for my 16 year old sister to get her nipples pierced
The new Pokemon came out pretty recently.
It's better than the predecessors, although the cutscenes do limit your ability to play through multiple times.

You should buy some misletoe and hang it up around the house.
Everyone loves cliches.
Guess I have to ask what the objection to a piecing would be then? Sexual relations is ok, but nipple alteration is beyond the line of objection?
tokyo otaku mode makes a bunch of big cute plushes and they're not too pricey
The characters in the new pokemon are super fucking cringy, though...
Everyone love cliches until my dad sees us sucking face and he chases me out of the house. I don't think mistletoe would be a good enough excuse.

It's a lot of work for her to hide. I'll also feel bad for asking her to do a body modification because I know she'll say yes even if she doesn't want it. Also we would have to a sketchy place because she can't get a piercing without a parent present until she's 18.

Thanks for the tip.
I forgot my name, it's still me though.
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>Another guy talking about nipple-piercings for his imouto

Em never really fell asleep, but resting seemed to do her some good. Now she's nagging me to go get her a burger.

Would it be presumptuous to buy condoms while I'm out?
I don't think so, Pat.
No. Buy them.
What you said seems spot-on, definitely get her some lingerie. She would love it and so would you. Win-win gift.
Hey now, I didn't say that you have to do it in front of your parents or anything like that.
Say that you're interested in the social effects of it when people come over etc.
Although I partly just want to see people thinking that it's fake because you do outlandish things.
That word is super fucking cringy, though.
Anyway, my imouto is more of an 'RPG' kind of girl. She's also been working out a lot lately and putting her sweaty socks in my room.
Now I have to get over the anxiety of buying lingerie. I know it's normal for guys to do but I'm worried I'll feel like a creep.

I guess I could play it off as something stupid like that. Maybe I'll just get some to pull out in the bedroom.
Always be prepared for imouto loving. Better to have them and not need them, than need them and not have them.
Do you smell them and fap or stick your dick into them?

>Now I have to get over the anxiety of buying lingerie. I know it's normal for guys to do but I'm worried I'll feel like a creep.
Order them online. Better selection and you can browse without looking weird.
It should be fine. Go to Victoria's Secret or whatever and when some helper girl approaches just cooly tell her you want to buy lingerie for your girlfriend. It will be fine.
this, also tell the assistant that you're not really sure of the size and she'll give you a rough demonstration / estimate
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Then I have to deal with the inevitable nosiness of my mother when I sneak a package into my room.

Will the employees be older and make it weird? I can talk to normal girls but if they're like a mom I'll be even more uncomfortable.

What do you mean by demonstration?
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They're probably going to be on the younger side.
Hoping Pat will return soon, bumpage
These threads are maximum /comfy but also a boner/
Is honestly the only reason I come to r9k and 4chan
piercings are degenerate as fuck
And having sex with siblings isn't?
not if you love them
Just let me fucking roll the dice damn it
you better let us know the response
Nah, just speaking from experience with how relatives behave.
None of the cuties crawl up and cuddle my brother, but they sure do me. Why? I play with them and am nice. He just does a creepy normie greeting and then ignores them mostly.
Same shit for the whole family. I'm the designated cuddler for a reason.
I smell them sometimes. It's a little embarassing, but it's probably what she wants me to do. She probably would like to see me cum in her socks, too.
She even put my bean fucking burrito in one of her post-workout socks. They smelled like loli stink. I had the nice burrito and when I came back it was slipped inside a dirty, sweaty used sock of hers.
She thought it was funny and said she even rubbed her armpits with the burrito. I was going to throw it away but she real asked me to eat it in front of her. I squeezed it in my hand and the burrito squirted inside her sock, and I told her she was disgusting and if she kept bothering me I'd squirt the burrito-mess down her pants.
After that, she frowned, told me I was being stupid and demanded I eat the squished burrito from the sock. I did and it tasted like girlfeet dirt and loli sweat, but it made me really hard because it felt so good to be humiliated and bossed around.
Nah, just speaking from experience with how relatives behave.
so, projecting...
If I wasn't projecting I'd just be talking about my ass if that's the case.
Bump for pat update.
2nd Pat bump
Bumper cars

Original original original
I'll help you bump, friend! :D
Bumping. This thread is too good to let die
What's some anime with nice bro/siscon themes? Doesn't necessarily have to be incest. An example would be Haganai because of things like a girl who's not the MC's sister calling the MC onii-chan.
The irregular at magic high school
Sauce on this? cant read chink
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Sooooo I might've accidentally sort of maybe made my baby sister cum again.

>Burgers and condoms were obtained
>Get home, eat with Em, talk about some stuff
>She wants to go back to her roommate's house on sunday and grab all her stuff
>We end up on the couch watching TV, because my house is boring and all we do is watch TV
>Start talking after a while
>E: It's just setting in that I'm gonna live here again, everything's going by so fast
>P: I dunno about fast, it feels like fucking forever ago that you asked if you could spend the night
>E: Ahaha... I wish some things were forever ago...
>P: Sorry, didn't mean to make things awkward...
>E: Noooooo all the awkward shit was my fault! Besides, it wasn't all bad
>P: You were a nervous wreck the whole time, which parts weren't bad?
>E: I liked teasing you with my butt... eheheh...
>P: The fuck, THAT'S the part you liked?
>E: It was funnn! You were so into it, ahahah....
>P: Is that really the only thing?
>E: Ahaha... The kissing was nice, ehehe...
>P: You're way into kissing all of the sudden
>E: Kissing is great though! I've always wanted to kiss you, ahahah...
>P: What, really?
>E: Yeah... I'm glad you did it first, I never would've had the courage, hah...
>P: You told me to push you...
>E: Yeah, and that's the only time you ever did :P
>P: You kept freaking out about it...
>E: I know, but it's fine now... You can try again if you want, ahahah...
>P: ...And how should I do that?
>E: There's no point if I always decide! That just makes stuff like the feet thing happen, eheh...
>P: So...
>E: ...
>She's making herself look as small as possible under the blanket, her face is flushed
>P: You're the cutest thing I've ever seen, Em
>E: Wha-
>I kissed her before she could fully respond

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>She tenses up, makes a noise that was probably supposed to be words
>I hold her shoulders through the blanket, she relaxes
>Figure that since she stuck her damn tongue in my mouth, I can do the same
>Try my best to sensually lick her lips before I slide it it
>Guess she had the same idea, we're full on tongue-fighting
>Whenever she gets a breath in, she makes light "ah" type sounds
>Fucking cutest thing in the world, I don't care if that's weird
>She keeps leaning back further and further
>Eventually she's lying down, and I'm on top of her
>Break it off to catch my breath
>Stare down at my panting, eyes half-lidded sister who's now pinned under me
>Fuck it, I guess this is happening
>Pull the blanket off of her, she's wearing the same tank top and pajama pants from last night
>Can't help but ask, P: Did you never get dressed?
>E: I was home all day... haaah...
>If I could've backed down before now, her breathy voice would've brought me back in
>Slide my hands under the bottom of the tank top, and kinda rub her stomach
>E: Noooo, I'm sweaty...
>P: It's fine
>I'm running my hands all over her torso at this point
>Tried to take it slow, but I quickly end up with my hands on her tiny breasts
>Don't really know what I'm doing, just kinda push on and knead them
>At this point, Em has nothing to say other than the occasional "Ahhhh..."
>Start focusing on her nipples, her ah's turn to sharp "Nnn-!"s
>Just kinda rub them with some light tweaking
>Her legs are super antsy at this point, clearly something's going on between them
>Fuck it, I came this far
>Stick a hand on her crotch outside her pants and just kinda hold it there
>Her legs are going nuts, and she's panting like a dog
>As much as I suddenly enjoy teasing her, I can't help myself and kinda clumsily shove the hand right in her panties
>She screams

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>I almost thought I fucked up and tried to abort, but her sounds have turned into non-stop "Ahhhhhhhh"s, and actual moans
>I kinda rub on the outside, she's somehow panting even harder
>I poke around where her clit should be, assume I find it once she props herself with her arms and her entire body shudders
>E: Paaaaaaaaaaaaaaat...
>I try to keep one finger where the clit was, and attempt to find the opening with my other fingers
>That only lasts a second, as she starts convulsing the way she did on sunday
>My hand is drenched while her whole body throbs, and she squeaks with every convulsion
>I take my hand out and just kinda watch, even I'm exhausted at this point
>I dunno how long we both just layed there
>Kinda abruptly, she picks up her blanket and kinda stumbles back to my room
>I hear the shower going for a long time
>She got out a little bit ago, but she's still in my room

Did I fuck up? Should I go see her? Did I just ruin everything? Fuck.
Go see her.

I'm not sure what she's thinking but that orgasm was no lie.
Also, she didn't say Goose, so you're good.
Walk in whenever you're ready but just approach her without words at first in case she fell asleep.
any updates from imouto cuddler
Did one of you fuckers just start up an /a/ thread?
Uhmm... Pat?
Plz reply
^ he's got a point
Just getting some pussy, I'll get you guys later.
Do it now plz, thread is dying.
Pat is probably plowing his sister as we speak. Get ready for enlightenment, boys!
on a scale of 1-10 how badly do you want some imouto fug?
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Sorry guys, false alarm, everything's fine. Hell, everything might be better than it was before.

>Wait way too damn long to go see Em because I'm a coward
>Man up, open the door
>She's sitting in the middle of the bed with the blanket still around her
>E: What took you so long?
>P: Em, I'm so sorry...
>E: Nonononono, everything's fine!
>P: Then what happened?
>E: It's just embarrassing, you saw all that, hahaha...
>P: Ah, I'm sorry
>E: And then you waited all night to check up on me, you're horrible
>P: Sorry... Are you okay?
>E: Ehehe... I'm fine
>I sit on the bed, she crawls over and leans against my side
>E: I'm sorry for running away, I wanted to cuddle but I couldn't look at you, ahaha...
>P: Did I fuck up?
>E: No...
>She turns her face up and pecks my cheek
>E: You did okay :P
>P: Just okay?
>E: It was great, shut the fuck up...
>P: Hahah... So, we're all good?
>E: Yup
>P: You sure you're happy?
>E: I dunno... I was trying to make you do something like that all weekend, and it's just surreal that it happened, ahahah...
>P: ...You damn perverted sister
>E: Shut u-
>I expected that, so I kissed her
>Nothing lewd, but we held it for a while
>She breaks it off
>E: ...This is real, right?
>P: Huh?
>E: I feel like I could've backed off before, but now it's too late... heheh...
>P: ...You can do whatever you want, Em
>E: Shut up, you're stuck with me
>P: I couldn't be happier
>E: :P Could you... leave me alone again?
>P: Uh, why?
>E: Just, until I fall asleep, you can come back then...
>P: Okay, but why?
>E: I don't wanna see your stupid face again tonight. Besides, you never go to bed this early :P
>P: Dang, you're so mean all of the sudden
>E: Eehee... I'm sorry, but please?
>P: Alright, see you tomorrow Em
>I give her another small kiss
>E: Ehehe... Just go! I love you :P

Apart from that last weird thing, I'd say that went better than expected.
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Someone will finally reach happiness and it all started ON THIS FUCKING PLACE.

what makes me happier is all 3 of our current anons took my advice and acted on it.

cuddles i posted advice for a ton.(but this was a group effort be proud /r9k/!)

pat i suggested leave his PC open for her to see.

and bully imouto i suggested bully her back. (now she is dominating him like a sexual loli succubus)

1/3 had imouto sex so far

not bad.

i also created the original template to this thread months ago.

now i come home from work and BAM! i just sit back and enjoy.
a-anon, i have a situation...
i have a sister too and we were never on good terms as kids, even that our mom wasn't home too often
recently i started helping her with homework and such and i even got to pat her sometimes and i guess we're fine now

and because of all these threads my passion for incest escalated so
how to get to cuddle her and hug her and love tenderly?
When was the last time bully posted? I have only been paying attention to pat and cuddler
Basically our parents dipped out for a family emergency, didn't tell us what it was, and left. They said they'll be back Saturday and that I'm responsible for my sister. To assure that she didn't get into trouble we've gone two rounds. She's currently in the bathroom. I don't have enough time to go into detail right now and probably won't until after I take her to school tomorrow.
Looks like I'm back to forgetting my name again.

Those quads tho
So you're basically fucking
Like crazy, I should add
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I tend to give credit to the dubs, personally. I actually don't remember why I left my laptop open, so if it was you, thanks I guess.

Even I'm weirded out that there are so many (potential) sister fuckers at the same place at the same time. Makes you wonder how many are actually out there, but remain secret and unnoticed.
What ever happened to IcyHot bro

treat her like you would a crush.

ask her if she needs something offer to do things for her (DON'T GO OVERBOARD NO ONE LIKES A PUSHOVER).

stare at her when you are around her. (do it enough so she catches you looking away a lot)

if she asks you about it just casually say its cause she is cute. ( don't let the conversation take root! leave her hanging)

you need to do things that fester thoughts in her head that she would never have about you.

as an example - you want to get her thought process questioning her own reasons.

you want to go from

>maybe he will help me with my homework.
>is it ok to be alone with him?... doesn't matter... ill ask him to help me with my homework.

OR! in a situation where you go out together.

>alright im getting free food/desert/etc.
>alright im getting free food/desert/etc its like a date.

eye contact will make any person have a thought of you when you catch thier gaze.

this is true in public or in private.

let your eyes linger on hers a moment. when she asks you a question look at her until she snaps you out of it. done enough she will call you out on it and in the bane of the above escalate cute to beautiful.

Keep in her mind its her garden you can plant a seed and water it but she might still hate it and rip it out in the end. (problem is that your heart might be what comes with it.)
>Keep in her mind

keep in mind*
is this him? sound like the way they were acting around one another last time.

that house is gonna smell like heavy sweaty pure incest love.
make sure to have extra condoms and plenty of cleaning supplies.

we want details on every session cuddles.

if you bang 20 times in the next 48 hours we expect 20+ updates even if they are as mundane as...

> just finished another pack of condoms.
>went to get us water.
>re hydrating and waiting to catch our breath.
massaging her womb
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let me take you on a journey of your own feels anon.
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when she posted here anons went nuts.

question though she told us she asked you about the posts before you saw them yourself.

did you go back and read them?
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both those posts below you are me.

im glad it led up to -
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this confession that began a legendary thread on top of a legendary thread.
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>Tfw when implementing a hyper-capitalist program and destroy every last drop of hope for a communist regime
so heres something FUN!!!!!!

i have been saving these threads for a while now....


anyone have links/archives going as far back as say October?

it would be appreciated not to mention help me begin screen capping the full journeys of wincest so far.

was that a bump/roll?

gonna need to see a response to that doubles roll anon.
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Bully imouto anon is currently involved in a psychological warfare game of cat and mouse with his sister... the end result con only be a Pyrrhic victory via bodily fluids.

concerned imouto is starting the journey to help her brother come out of his shell. the only result of which it can lead up to her falling for him.

Pat anon is in the middle of a hardcore cuddling session with his sister. hopefully she tells him to forget the safe word altogether soon.

Cuddle anon is 4 hours into a 48 hour marathon session of no holds barred no feelings left inside sex that might lead to pregnant sister. ( be careful cuddles!)

oreo cookies as an original oreimo bump!
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fugging update

>go pick up sister with gf
>talk about random shit in car
>gf and sister really friendly
>get to restaurant
>order margaritas for both of them
>snack on chips while occasionally saying something
>they talk about shopping trip
>sister reminds gf of some lingerie
>they both tell me I should buy it as a gift (for gf)
>sister says it's really nice and she'd be jealous
>we eat and share a thing
>we stay so they can have a third margarita each
>see gf texting me
>go to bathroom and read
>she not wearing panties, she is horny as fuck
>come back and both them are getting ready to leave
>gf trying to convince sis to stay at our apt for night
>I pay check, leave, and go to car
>both a bit drunk and hold onto me walking to car
>sis agrees but only since she's off tomorrow
>get to our apt
>offer sis a drink, gf takes one too
>they stay and chat in living room on couch
>sis ready to fall asleep
>gf gives her blanket and change of her own pajamas
>she comes back to room
>forces my hand up her dress
>wet as fuck
>I undress ready to fug
>whispers in my ear 'aren't you a lucky brother'
>rides me forcefully while trying to be quiet and not making bed squeak
>she didn't even take dress off
>cum buckets
>we clean up and go to sleep
>woke up like 45 mins ago
>gf on her side
>flip her dress up to look at ass
>hear sis moving around
>go out to ask if she needs water
>find her rummaging through pantry
>she changed into gf's pajamas
>qt as fuck
>tells me yeah she needs that and an allergy pill
>asks to use bathroom (connected via room)
>tell her yeah go ahead
>find allergy pills and she's back
>hand them to sis
>she's smiling hard and says looks like I'm having a good night
>yeah it's been fun
>walk back into room
>forgot gf ass just hanging out
>no way sis didn't see

all according to plan? I think her interest in us is piqued. I'll be driving her home in the morning.
>says looks like I'm having a good night

should have told her "could be better" while giving her sly look as you walked back into the room.
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Well, that's nostalgic in a weird way. Fucking how did all this lead to me fingering my damn sister.

I glanced through the thread after she told me she saw it. I dunno if I saw all her posts, I was busy trying not to kill myself. I saw someone with her name call someone a cuck, but I doubt that was her.

More like I'm in the middle of debating whether or not to whack it to these incest doujins while I wait too long for my sister to fall asleep. Fuck me, I'm turning this thing off after I post this.

Fucking Dagashi Kashi, I think Saya made me fully realize I had a thing for my sister. A Hotaru is fine too though.
Hey guys, I'm supposed to be sleeping right now but I'm grabbing a drink of water. We went another time and I called it quits for the night. She wanted to go a forth time her sexdrive seems to be absolutely unreal, now I get how she manages to take such long "showers" everyday After I dribbled a very, very sorry nut on her stomach I told her I should stop until tomorrow. She was disappointed but I told her I would be back up to it tomorrow and I'll try to make it really good. We showered and then we got in our parents bed to sleep. We're sleeping naked which is pretty great. It was kind of funny though. We would fuck, lay around, be all lovey dovey and kissy, then go again, blah blah, while we were laying there after the third time she said "You're right, I'm actually really tired. And my hips hurt." I got her to do some crazy stuff though. She let me drop my first load on her face and she sucked my balls afterwards. Then we did doggy and I pushed a thumb in her ass and toyed at her butthole some the second time. I'm going to go back. I'll see you guys when I take her to school tomorrow.
Hah anon I like the way you think. Too bad I'm slow as fuck when it comes to saying something witty in the moment. Also I legit forgot I flipped up her dress

They're both passed the fuck out now so I'm going to sleep. Well see what she says when I drop her off in the morning.
>inb4 parents come back in the dead of the night after the situation was solved early
saya a cute!
I don't know how, after all these years, taking credit for something you didn't make is even more of a problem at Deviantart.
It was mainly just tracing when I used the site but it's sickening that now they'll let you just upload a damn screenshot as your own artwork. Don't know what they're thinking in letting the problem grow.
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be careful anon!
make sure to call and confirm your parents current whereabouts/position/ETA every so often.

also... make sure you clean all your sheets! im guessing you went to sleep in your parents room cause one of yours(or both) look like a semen reservoir.



She got up to use the bathroom. She had a bit of a funny waddle going on which I'm probably going to give her a hard time for.

I'm probably going to do some cleaning up tomorrow. All of our sex was in her bedroom so I'll sort out her sheets and freshen up her room while I'm doing nothing tomorrow. I want to move around a bit tomorrow, try out some different locations.

My mom has already confirmed Saturday. Apparently it's something with our not blood-related grandfather but he basically is our actual grandfather anyways. She said it isn't life threatening but they're going to help sort out their home so when he gets back it isn't a 80-something year old lady trying to scramble to get everything ready, and then they're going to bring him back from the hospital for her Saturday morning.

I still never got condoms though, I was about to go get some and she told me it was okay to go without them. Should I just go get some plan B for her to take on Saturday just incase something precum-related might do something? I don't think I can go to condoms after how great tonight was. At least not for right now.
>Should I just go get some plan B for her to take on Saturday just incase something precum-related might do something?

bro... have her take them today!

plan b isn't as effective 2 days later. especially after taking the 20 loads im sure you are planning on putting inside her.

you guys either stay on the pill/condoms or get ready to elope.
You're about to make or maybe already have made your sister into a teen mom, think about that for a moment.
>She had a bit of a funny waddle going on

If you guys try anal and she will probably need to stay in bed for a day. so try and do it on a friday.
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not if they use plan b within the next 24 hours (id say 12 to be safer)

if not you better get one of these (pic related) cuddles.
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You are obliged to greentext every single last detail.
Source on this image? Can't do shit when it's cropped like that.
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Hyocorou is the artist
I try not to fap to that doujin, but even when I just go to it on a rainy day, I've blown a dozen loads over it.

Just look up "absolute kirino" on sadpanda
Kirino is my waifu and I would appreciate it if you guys don't post lewd pictures of her or fap to her.

Thank you.
I should have expected kirino considering the thread, but the art looks nice, so I'll give it a shot still.
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She can't be your waifu when she's already married to her brother
>no stories with onees
ty anon, ill use it
maybe someday i will has some stories to share too
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Imouto bumpu!
oreimo oreo
Same senpai, bump for Pat and Imouto Cuddler to have nice times
For our American friends who got the chance to do this, Bump!

>Have onee-san
>Used to have a thing for her
>She got married

I hope you liked my story anon.

I'm having a pretty okay time. I'm pretty sure Em made me leave the room last night because she ran out of pants to wear after she soaked her pajamas, or else she's just being a tease. All I know is she's pants less under this blanket, and a week of no-fap is getting to me.

Currently attempting to go back to sleep.
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Wincest bump!
oreimo oreo onegai
>ywn experience pure love between a brother and sister
>ywn exprience love in general
I'm rooting for all of you. Also, how big is your weiner, Pat?
Good morning imouto thread.
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Bumf =3
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Sibling love bump!
Bumping from Australia, the rest of you should too, I'm sick of seeing everyone else bag us out in these threads.
I'm especially disappointed in you Tasmania.
You should mention to her you haven't fapped in a week, she might give you a handjob or a suck.
Good luck Pat-senpai, I'm rooting for you guys.
She told you to push her. You've made her cum twice. It's her turn.

Some ideas for the push;

Come back out of the shower in a towel.
Put her hand on your semi.
Tease her, tell her she is being greedy, or something. Careful though, nothing too 'you owe me.'
My loli imouto just brushed my hair. It was really soothing
return the favor
is r9k the only board that mutes people for having unoriginal comments because that seems like a really dumb idea
That's the entire gimmick of /r9k/. And yes, /r9k/ was a dumb idea.
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Imouto wincest bump!
Nice, but where is your pic related?
How can we know your real?
I thought the entire gimmick was a board for NEETs with no hope left? Thats why im here, after all.
they arent going to post pics of their sisters, sadly :/
There is a sticky right on the top of page 1, stop being so new.
shit what we have a sticky now?
the fuck its been there for over a year and i never noticed

blew my mind anon
Well I was talking for concerns with precum where the chances are ridiculously low for a pregnancy. More as like a precaution than anything else. But I did a tiny bit of a research and it makes busting a nut in her extremely tempting. I've done well so far and I haven't had a moment yet where I really had to force myself to pull my dick out.

While that usually would shake me a little I'm feeling confident in that not happening if I either pull out or get her to pop a pill tomorrow.

Oh boy, I hope I can convince her to do anal. That would be great.

Okay. I'll try my best to get it done. I'll probably be slow, as it's a lot of stuff.
I agree with >>33250369
You're giving leeway for bad luck to do its thing and make her pregnant accidently only for temporary pleasure.
Things like that happen precisely because of the "Nah, not gonna happen to me" mentality. Unless you're ready to take on the probable consequences I do suggest either of you two to take some kind of contraception measure.
What are you guys getting your sister for Christmas?

Im getting mine some games and clothes
You guys ready? We've got a lot of work to do. I'm going to take a little bit of liberty in describing stuff so it's a bit sexier. Also I keep think about stuff and it all sort of blends together. So I'll try my best for you guys.

>doing some early studying for finals
>mom and dad come out of their bedroom with bags
>ask them what's going on
>"There's a family emergency and we need to help deal with it. It's looking like we'll be back on Saturday."
>My dad walks up to grab my mom's bag
>"Take care of your sister."
>he walks off
>my mom says "You'll need to take her to school tomorrow and pick her up."
>she hands me a few $20s
>"Try to cook for the two of you once, but use this to go out a couple times."
>then she leans over, kisses me on the forehead and scrambles out the door
>I watch through the window making sure they're gone
>once I'm confident I head straight for my sister's bedroom
>walk into her room and she's laying on her stomach in bed
>she looks at me as if she's been waiting for me
>I say "so hey, it's just us two for the next couple days"
>she nods
>"is there anything you want to do?"
>honestly I was trying to tease her a little bit
>"we could go somewhere fun tomorrow or something"
>she gives me a really frustrated look
>"I think I might keep studying for finals"
>right after I say that she twists her body and throws her blanket off of her
>she completely naked, she's trying to poke her ass up and is kicking her legs in that corny sexy way
>smile at her and take my clothes off
>start to walk towards her
>she rolls over
>I get in bed and instantly get on top of her
>we start making out
>she's gripping my head, shoving her tongue as deep into my mouth as she can
>I starting feeling her up
>I grind on her a bit
>she wraps her legs around my waist in response
>she pulls back and looks me in the eye
>we have one of those gross but oddly sexy spit lines stuck on our lips
>she swipes her tongue and licks it off
Keep writing you wonderful bastard
>she lets go of my head and starts rubbing my torso
>I play with her nipples and grind my dick on her pussy
>her nipples get extremely hard
>bring my head down and suck one
>she sticks her fingers into my hair
>I look up at her with her nipple in my mouth
>she almost looks motherly in a way
>decide to really get her going
>read online about kissing her body a lot
>start kissing her breats
>her breathing gets really hard
>I can feel her rapid heartbeat while I kiss her
>move down her body
>kiss all over her tummy
>kiss her belly button and then start working my way down
>I kiss her happy trail and she shoves my head down I think she's a little insecure about it, I don't really care though
>I kiss her pussy and then start kissing her thighs
>I work my way out to her knee and she brings her knees together gripping my head
>I look at her and she gives me a pouty face
>she releases and I head straight to her pussy
>I kiss her right on the lips and then lick it
>I push my tongue into the opening and twist it around for a few seconds
>then I move up to her clit and kiss it
>I flick my tongue at it and then kiss it again
>I put my mouth over it and suck on it
>she moans and leans one of her legs against my head
>she places a hand on the other side of my head
>eat her out using my knowledge of porn and from what I did last time
>she makes all sorts of noises
>start finger banging her and going pretty hard on her clit
>she extends her leg across my back
>her breathing gets extremely heavy
>short moans start coming out
>her legs start to contract
>suddenly she lets out a scream and picks her legs up
>they're twitching a little
>she's gripped my hair with her hand
>then she relaxes and lays there
>I wipe my mouth off with her blanket and then crawl up to her
>I kiss her and she looks at me with nothing but love
>I kiss her again and get ready to put it in
>I look down and grab my dick
>I angle it and push it in
>she puts her arms around my back and wraps her legs around my waist
>I start off slow
>I try to keep it sweet
>we're kissing
>I keep working it slowly
>she kisses my neck and face all over
>speed up a little
>she moans into my ear
>she whispers "I love you"
>that makes my instincts kick in
>pick myself up and grab the back of her thighs
>pound her
>put everything I have into showing her my love by destroying her pussy
>I feel like a wild animal
>I look at her with the eyes you have when you want to kill something
>she bites her lip and pushes her eyebrows up
>the slapping sounds are really intense at this point
>she extends her arms and puts them on my torso
>I take my hands of her thighs
>grab her above her hips and lift her up
>put it into top gear
>feel myself about to cum pull out
>"Can I cum on your face?"
>she nods, probably not sure of what I said
>I waddle on my knees up to her
>shoot a huge nut from her chin to her forehead
>shoot another one along her face
>it keeps coming
>the rest all goes on her nose and cheeks
>I feel like a king and put my balls on her mouth
>lay my dick across her face
>she opens her mouth and sucks my balls
>I stick my fingers into her hair and realize she would do anything for me
>feel like she truly belongs to me
>after a little bit of ball sucking I get off
>she gives me a huge smile and says "I don't know what to do."
>I get up and go to the bathroom
>wet a washcloth and bring it to her
>she wipes her face clean of my children
>I lay down next to her and kiss her
>she turns towards me
>I put a hand on her hip/ass
>"That was really good."
>I smile in response and kiss her
>"You always seem to get so into it, like's two of you or something."
>I laugh softly and lay back because I'm worn out
>we lay there basking in our glory
>"So... do you want to go again?"
>I tell her if she can get me back up I'll go again
Yeah, be careful with pills. When my very low self-esteem little sister found out her scumbag husband was cheating on her, she and I started messing around and had sex more than a few times.

Then I found out that oral contraceptives are useless when you have the flu, and she got pregnant by me.

She had a kid with her ex who looks exactly like him, but her second kid looks like me 100%. She had told me that she wouldn't let her husband touch her once she found out he had been cheating on her with multiple girls all throughout their 3 year marriage, so I know he's definitely mine. Thank God no one noticed, or said anything.

The kicker is, she cucked her ex into paying child support for our kid, though it kind of sucks that my son will never know I'm his real dad.

She got her tubes tied, so sex is worriless now, for both of us.
You can tell the kid when he's 18 and the child support is over.
this >>33255808
no real reason to keep it from him at that point
I don't know man, telling your son that you fucked your own sister and he is your son. Like incest fucking is great and all but I can't imagine the kids mental state after knowing that.
>after a while though because I need a break
>"Okay, I'm gonna go pee."
>she jumps up and walks out
>it looks like she's trying to sway her hips and show off her ass
>she's in the bathroom for a bit
>I go grab a drink
>she comes into the kitchen
>she hugs me from behind
>"I love you so much"
>tell her I love her too
>I take one last gulp and put the cup in the sink
>we start heading to her bedroom
>I smack her ass in the hallway and she skips ahead of me through the door
>she jumps on the bed and lays on her stomach
>I walk up and put my dick in front of her face
>I start running my fingers through her hair
>give her head a little push towards my dick
>she realizes what I want and grabs it
>she starts sucking on it
>it swells up in her mouth
>once I'm fully hard I walk down the bed
>I run a hand all the way down her back
>I rub her ass and give it a good tug
>smack it again
>I get on the bed behind her
>I pull on her hips and situate myself on my knees
>I spread her ass and get a good look at her butthole
>then I take my dick and slide it right into her pussy
>I fuck her doggy style
>she turns her head and looks at me
>I start going harder
>she grabs a pillow and puts her face in it
>look down and she her butthole again
>stick my thumb in my mouth
>put my hand on her ass cheek
>push my thumb into her butt
>she turns and gives me that "You're disgusting and it's so sexy" type of look
>use that hand to hold her ass while I fuck her
>after a while I grab her ass with my other hand and pull my thumb out
>I take my index finger and put it in her ass
>I slide it in and out
>keep fucking her
>decide to push my luck
>try to get two fingers in
>she yelps, drops her hips, and rolls over
>I decide to roll with it
>fuck her without even lifting her legs
>I just sort of stick it inbetween her thighs and slide it in
>pull out and cum on her stomach
>lay next to her and kiss her
>"Wash your hands."
>I get up to wash my hands
>she slaps my ass as I crawl over her
I'm going to take a break before I get to the last part. I'll answer questions or something, I don't know. I'm kind of tired of typing so much.
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I love you man, i'm very happy for you. I'm glad one of us is finding happiness even though the rest of us are miserable. It feels like we are there with you when you describe your sex stories.

How old are you again? How does it feel knowing your partner is your sister ? Is it better than your last relationship? What is your mental state like? What do you want to achieve out of this relationship after coming this far?
>How old are you again?
I'm 18. I'll be 19 in a few weeks. I have one of those shitty birthdays right next to Christmas.

>How does it feel knowing your partner is your sister?
It feels like she's my girlfriend. Every now and then I get a thought that says "This is my sister, this is so dangerous. What if something goes wrong? How can this possibly not end horribly?" But those all stem from fear of others, not really how I feel.

>Is it better than your last relationship?
My last girlfriend was alright. It's not hard to be in a better relationship than that one. We were pretty inactive and it was more because we both wanted someone to make out with.

>What is your mental state like?
I seem alright. I don't seem any different.

>What do you want to achieve out of this relationship after coming this far?
I really don't know. I kind of want whatever she wants. I'll go the direction she wants to take us.
>I have one of those shitty birthdays right next to Christmas

I know that feel. How am I going to coerce people to buy me two SEPARATE gifts?
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I'll see what I can do, I'm feeling bold after this morning.

Anyway, this has nothing on the cuddler guys sister love-making epic, but a bunch of small things happened today:
>Wake up way too late
>Em's sitting up, still wrapped in the blanket, just staring at me
>P: Hey, what's up?
>E: You sleep in so fucking late, I thought you were dead
>P: You could've woken me up
>E: I already kissed you twice, ehehe
>P: What... Well, what did you need?
>E: What do you want for breakfasssst
>P: Shouldn't you get ready for work?
>E: I called in sick again, heehee
>P: You look fine
>E: I have nothing to wearrrrr, all my clothes are at home
>P: I think some of your stuff's in the laundry
>E: Yeah, your zebra fetish suit :P
>P: Wait, really? That's all?
>E: There's a soaked pair of panties and pajama pants... ahahaha...
>E: Soooo tell me what you want for breakfast!
>P: All we really have are eggs and cereal
>E: Fine, I'll figure something out :P
>She gets out of the blanket for the first time since last night
>She walks out my room in white panties, and a t-shirt that does nothing to cover them

>I head out to the kitchen after a bit
>Suddenly she's wearing the fucking "zebra fetish suit" as she calls it
>In case you don't remember, it's just a black and white striped sweater and leggings
>Except last time she wore a black skirt, no sign of it now, just a clear view of the leggings gripping her ass and panties
>Fuck, I can't just do nothing, I walk up to her
>She's trying to cook omelets
>E: Heyyy, I hope omelets are fine
>I stuck a hand on her asscheek and squeezed a little
>E: Oh my god! Ahaha... Why do you like my butt so much
>P: It's cute
>E: It's also too big, hahah...
>P: No one's ever said that
>E: Shut up, go away, I need to focus


>my sister's son

You and the husband are both equally cucked
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That's good I guess. You're still a kid and should cherish these moments for as long as you can. Things get really tough when you become an adult and you both will get challenged mentally. I don't know what its like to an incestal relationship with your sibling but be prepared. You guys aren't a normal couple to the outside world. I can't imagine the problems you will face but It will tough road for you guys but as long as you love and support each other in your endeavours, I'm sure you two will make it very far. It's tough to make smart decisions when you're still young.
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>Later, during breakfast:
>P: You seem way more confident lately. I'm glad
>E: ahahaha, thanks...
>P: You're not just holding it all back again, are you?
>E: Noooo, I'm really happy this time, ehehe...
>P: Soooo what's different?
>E: I finally understand you, I think
>P: Oh?
>E: I just couldn't bring myself to believe you had legit feelings, I thought you just wanted to plow and dump me, ahahaha...
>P: I'd never do that
>E: I know, I get it now, you're a dumbass lovesick pervert who can't live without me :P
>P: You're so mean
>E: You love it, ehehehe...
>P: So does that mean we're...
>E: Siblings! We're brother and sister!
>P: ...Even after last night?
>E: Yup, we didn't do anything wrong, ahahaha...
>P: ...I fingered you
>E: Nooooo you just helped your little sister with her stress, that's fine :P
>P: You're still weird
>E: I love you too

Now she's trying to come up with a movie to watch again, apparently that's the only way she can think to spend time with me. She told me to take a shower first, though. Maybe she has other plans, who knows.
Or she doesn't want you to smell like an animal at the theatre
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normal loving siblings.jpg
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It takes a special kind of conviction to make these kind of socially unacceptable relationships work. Like an extra strong kind of love.
Maybe that's why I find incest stories so interesting, without love like that it could never work.
Alright, let's finish this

>scrub my hands down
>go back into the bedroom
>she's laying on top of the bed
>she cocked on of her legs and spread her hair out
>she's trying really hard to look sexy
>I lay on the bed and start rubbing her stomach
>I kiss her
>"What are we going to do when our parent's get back?"
>stop having sex, obviously
>"I don't want to though, I wish it was just us."
>"I don't want to keep hiding us."
>I kiss her to end her emotion spiel
>I lick her lips
>she runs her fingers through my hair and grabs my head
>we start kissing pretty intensely
>I slide my hand down to her pussy
>I rub her clit
>she grips my hair and shoves her tongue down my throat
>I take two fingers and slide them in
>I lift my head and say I love you
>I got back in for a kiss and she dodges it
>she lifts my head by the hair
>"I want you to show me what you just said."
>"I want you to fuck me."
>challenge accepted
>I move so I'm inbetween her legs
>I lift her legs and put them over my shoulders
>I slowly bend her and slide my dick in
>I start fucking her slowly
>I'm worried I might hurt her in this position
>decide to change
>I start to move and she stops me
>"Keep going"
>I guess this position feels really good
>start going harder
>she's already moaning a lot
>pick up the pace
>she's breathing really heavily
>she's lost control of her vocal chords
>she lets out all these rough moans and squeals
>really give it to her
>her head flings back
>she grabs the blanket under her and twists it
>she's screaming at this point
>she's even started to drool some
>I pump and feel her pussy contract
>she squeals like an animal
>she lays there breathing so heavily she can't help but make noise with every breath
>I drop her legs and jack off onto her stomach
>it's a really shitty nut
>she reaches for me
>I move to her and she wraps her arms around my head and kisses me
>I roll over and hold her
>her breathing slows down
>"When do you want to go again?"
>woah girl, slow down
Haha my dude, that is the problem with going bare at first, you will NEVER want to go back to condoms after you feel the pleasure of balls deep raw cumming. Your sis needs to get on birth control honestly, maybe not the pills.
This is hot as fuck, but do you realize that you probably have some cum still left in your dick after the first ejaculation and putting that inside her again is pretty risky
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Sigh, just me and onahole tonight. Good night, last bump from australia, its 6am here
>Fake ki- innie vagina
Anyone else think they're kind of silly? I mean realistically y-you wouldn't be sexing such a vagina by going "in" it, especially balls-deep like those are used for, so what's the point?
Am I just being autistic?
10/10 taste, although cowtits are pretty bad on Patchu.
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>I tell her I'm done for the night
>she looks at me like I'm a loser
>I suggest we go take a shower
>she gets up and starts it
>we get in after a couple minutes
>she foams up a loofah and starts scrubbing me down
>I scoop some suds off of me and put them on her face
>we laugh and I clean her
>I make it really dirty and sexual
>only use my hands
>massage her with the soap
>pull her in against me
>my dick gets hard
>it's pressed up against her stomach
>work both ass cheeks at the same time
>slide a finger into her butthole
>really work her pussy when I clean it
>"You're such a pervert L!"
>I laugh and kiss her
>I push her hair back and she looks up at me and smiles
>she's just really beautiful
>we rinse off and then get out
>once we dry off completely I pick her up
>princess carry her into our parents bedroom
>I toss her on the bed
>I get on the bed
>she starts pushing the covers down
>she crawls underneath and pulls them over me
>we grab eachother and kiss
>we lay in picrelated positon
>stare into each other's eyes for what feels like hours
>eventually she starts to fall asleep
>I reposition her so we're spooning
>I sort of fall asleep
>she just crashes
>wake up a few time throughout the night
>eventually we separate and try to sleep normally
>she wakes me up in the morning completely ready for school
>"Put some pants on you bum"
>I get dressed and drive her to school
>get back and clean her room and wash her sheets
>wash my parent's pillow cases too

And there we have it.
I took a piss inbetween sessions, I just didn't include it because I didn't think you guys cared about me pissing.
This guy again. >>33253699

She gave you the perfect line.
"All of this week has been stressful hasn't it."
Ask her to help you with your stress.

>>"I don't want to though, I wish it was just us."
>>"I don't want to keep hiding us."
lets hope this doesnt become a problem in the future
It is called the purest form of love for a reason.
I just...you couldn't do that with a real one, and it's just kind of silly to me because of that.
Like if you were going to do the sex thing you wouldn't be going at it like that picture suggests they are going to.


utters are the worst
I have a feeling that she is way crazier about him than he is about her and eventually this will cause some issues.

Legendary yandere imouto route YES
>the sex thing
are you sure you know what you're talking about, anon?
Indeed, my favorite style of pachouli-chan is little loli in baggy clothing.
I've personally started to think that she's really, really, really feeling it while I'm only really feeling it. I'm trying to blame it on her being younger.
Baka onee-chan
Pat, you should really consider going to help get her stuff now.

Also why are your work schedules exactly?
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One of you fags is going to get them pregnant then you'll be in real hot water.

>getting your 16 year old sister pregnant
This is how you end up in jail dumb fucks
Well, unless their sister tells, theres no way to prove its yours.
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Yes senpai, doing that penetration thing on such a vagina is just not natural. rubrubs only.


Implying they have the ability to become impregnated
DNA tests?
but if their sister doesnt say whos it is, why would they suspect their brother?
any anon who would actually sex his sister is probably already suspected by his parents for abnormal.
>implying she won't cry to your mother to absolve blame
This is why the guys who always get booked for sisterfucking are like 2 years older than them, because they are just barely adults and don't have developed reasoning yet.
You'd be surprised. If she let any part slip (as a comment like not wanting to hide it anymore implies), well, it's a slippery slope from there
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Funny that you'd say that...

>I'm out the shower
>Oops, Em's using my laptop
>Try to play it cool, there's nothing really left to hide, she's just looking for a movie anyway
>She turns and smirks at me
>E: Yo, you were busy last night
>P: Uhhh...
>E: Eehee
>Go look at the screen, she's on sadpanda
>Oops, I went to straight to bed last night without deleting shit
>E: Sorry, a bunch of these were in your history, I wanted to see it, ehehe...
>P: ...What did you see?
>E: It was some weird mom shit, I didn't look at it much, I went to the front page to see if that's all this website is, and then you came out, heehee...
>P: Well, it's not all "weird mom shit"
>E: I can see that... I hope you had fun, ignoring your sister to jack off to this trash :P
>P: ...I didn't jack off, I was just bored
>E: Wooooow, you read this stuff without jacking it? That's even weirder :P
>P: ...Did you find a movie?
>E: Nah, this is entertaining, we gonna read one of these
>P: Oh god
>E: What's the word for little sister?
>P: What the fuck
>E: Tell meeeeee
>P: ...Imouto?
>She's scrolling through my history again
>E: How do you spell... wait, is this one?
>Of all the fucking things to click on
>E: Oh my god, this girl's a babyyyy, hahahah...
>P: Fuck, she's really not... Let's not do this Em
>E: Nah, we doing this, get comfy
>And then we proceeded to read "Imouto to Cafe de H na Nyan Nyan Nyan" together
>E: Why's it all censored and shit
>P: It's some Japanese law
>E: That's gay... why's this girl so young?
>P: I dunno
>E: Are you into that? :P
>P: Not really... but I don't mind it, it's not like they're real
>E: You just like it because she's a helpless little sister getting pounded by her brother :P
>P: No...
>E: Eheheh... Well that's not so bad, I like how they love eachother
>P: THAT'S your takeaway?
>E: I thought it was gonna be rapey

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>P: I'm... not really into rape stuff
>E: Hee, that's good I guess
>P: Can we watch a movie now?
>E: So you didn't jack offff?
>P: No
>E: Not even a littllllle?
>P: I haven't done it since last thursday, Em
>E: What the fuck, how are you alive? ahahah...
>P: Good question
>E: Ahah... Ummmm, you can do it whenever you want though, don't let me stop you :P
>P: I'm good
>E: Or were you waiting for something? :P
>P: Uhhh
>E: Heehee, it's fine... You find a movie, I'm gonna try to talk to my bitch roommate, I want my shit back
>P: Alright...

So that was awkward. And kinda cool, I guess.
How is she not reading all these threads if she looked through your history.
I believe hes using his phone for these threads, not his laptop.
That's kind of too bad.

I want to see his sister's greentexts.
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I'm currently a jobless trashbag, she works at a small restaurant from 1 to about 7. She has the weekends and usually monday off, unless they're short-handed. Her original idea was to go to her roommate's on sunday while she's working and get all her stuff secretly, but now she's trying to talk to her, so she might change her plans.
I'm afraid she'll ask him to stop posting though.
Kind of sounds like she's not interested in doing sexy stuff to you. At least that's how it sounds to me
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I typically use an incognito window, sometimes my phone. I've actually been thinking about letting her know what I've been telling you guys, but I dunno how she'd react.
I wouldn't tell her about that no.
When she gets her stuff you better help her man!
Tell her after she either moves in out you two do it so we can know you had a happy ending before she makes you quit lol
WTF are you doing?

You are never getting any at this rate.
Pat, your sister clearly asked you to push her boundaries. You have a safe word so you could just grab her by the pussy and shove it in.
What about right now?
What about right here?
What if i ask you to help me?
Pat you are my favorite poster. I just read your posts and unconsciously start smiling. Whatever you two have brings so much happiness to everyone it can't be wrong.
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I dunno what you wanted me to do, exactly. I thought maybe things could escalate if she was turned on at the time, but she didn't seem like it.

I definitely will, that's the plan.

Seems like talking to her roommate went nowhere. She's weirdly excited about sneaking into the house on sunday and "stealing" her stuff back.

Now she's given up on the movie and wants me to buy food again. I should probably try to break this eat-movie-eat-TV-eat-sleep-eat pattern we seem stuck in. Regardless, I'll be back in a bit.
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I know, you're probably right. It's just that her weirdness over the weekend kinda scared me off, I don't wanna do anything to freak her out again. I'll consider doing that if we're in a super lewd situation again.

Anyway, before I leave, here's an anecdote I forgot about yesterday:
>Buying condoms, trying not to look like a virgin
>Feels weird buying nothing but condoms, grab a Red Bull on the way out
>The cashier says something like "Awww I feel you, you fucking get that shit all night boss!"
>I spaghetti the fuck outta there
Nice job man, I keked.

But yeah you should definitely get out of your pattern, do you have any shared interests other than fucking and watching movies?
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incest bump
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Only you can make your sister smile like this.
But, I don't have a sister, Anon!
because it's just the imagination of some autsit that's really terrible at writing stories.
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It's funny, she basically looks like that whenever we kiss. Why does that make me so happy, fuck.

Em was gone when I got back, she sent me a text saying she's "positive her roommate is out shopping" and that she went to grab clothes because she can't miss another work day. I offered to help but she says she's just grabbing small stuff.

So now I'm just waiting for her and trying not to eat this entire pizza.

I dunno about shared interests, but she's kinda into exercising. I do some basic stuff on my own just so I don't wither away, but I could stand to go jogging/to the gym with her. That seems like a half-decent bonding thing.

Beyond that, I dunno. She's pretty social, and she used to drag me out to hang out with her circle of friends (I'm pretty cool with most of them), so we'll probably start doing that again once everything's settled. She claims that she tells her best friend "everything" about her life. I hope she isn't completely serious.
>showing /r9k/ or 4chan to your imouto
Bad idea. Bad, very bad.
Let's have another poll because I'm dying waiting for an update from the Imouto Cuddler. I doubt we'll hear anything from our hero until tonight. Anyone else have a poll idea? If you do then post them! They're fun and I think it shows our heroes how much we actually are interested!

Jesus, you fags are just as bad as the Eliza posters. I mean, OC is nice and well needed here, but this is just pathetic.
Thanks for the free bump pal!
I'm just waiting to hear that Em sucked that huge load of pent-up sexual frustration right out of the end of Pats dick.

Then we can all die happy.

she better swallow
I doubt it. Sounds like shes still unsure if she wants to get sexual with Pat to me
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How does this guy keep doing it? Perfect mix of cute, lewd and sad. Too bad this seems like it's going to be the last part.
Anyway keep aiming for that happy end guys!
This. She still needs some conditioning to finally give in.
Society's view "incest is wrong" is still deeply ingrained
We need to go deeper
>Too bad this seems like it's going to be the last part.
Your negativity pisses me off. NEVER GIVE UP.
Didn't she confide in you that no one likes her or something?
shes been here already you newfag
Sorry but all of those are wrong, we took a bath together. I think she's taking a dump don't tell her that I told you guys that so I have a second.

>pick her up from school
>she runs out to my car
>jumps in
>"It's too cold outside!"
>it's seriously like balls in your stomach cold outside
>get home and run inside
>she says she wants to take a bath to warm up
>she starts it while I'm taking my winter clothes off
>she comes out of the bathroom naked
>"Take it all off, you're getting in with me"
>uhh okay
>strip down and go into the bathroom
>we get in as it's still filling up
>we sit so my legs are beside her
>her pussy is up against my dick
>we relax once the tub is filled
>after a few minutes she starts pushing my face around with her foot
>I grab it and she take her other food and puts it on my mouth
>"Kiss it"
>I kiss her foot
>it's actually kind of hot
>suck her big toe
>dick gets harder than it already was
>she tells me to get up and then sticks her legs under me
>this lifts my dick out of the water
>she takes some shampoo and pours it on my dick
>she starts jacking me off with both hands
>damn she really is good at this
>my dick starts pulsing and contracting
>she takes a hand in puts it in the water
>next thing I know her middle finger is up my ass
>I bust instantly
>a shot hits me in the face
>she laughs and says "Now it's my turn!"
>she gets up and puts her vag in my face
>I lick it some and she slips
>she manages to catch herself
>I say that we should get out of the bath before we try anything else
>she agrees

Okay I ate her out afterwards but she just flushed so I'll get to you guys later.
Oh shit. Is it all facing apart?
Well, insecurity is rather different from the actual situation.
The possibilities are.
1. Pat is lying / forgot
2. She is unsure and worried.
3. This was a recent occurrence and Pat thinks she is exaggerating.
>I say that we should get out of the bath before we try anything else
>she agrees

All joking aside, these Imouto threads are God-tier. The best shit on /r9k/, by a long stretch.
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She was practically in hysterics and intent on beating herself down at the time, so I dunno how serious that was. I will say that she used to complain about how she and her friends sometimes don't see eye-to-eye because "They all just wanna get drunk and get me laid", maybe it's related to that.

There's not really much else to talk about, apart from her asking me if I wanked to anime children while she was gone. She brought home shit to wear to work tomorrow, ate cold pizza, and we're kinda lazing around like we do.

I did ask if she wanted to go out on saturday, she said she was gonna ask if anyone wants to hang out, but we can do something by ourselves if I can decide on something to do.
6-7 for me, I suspect it to be a 9 for her, judging by what happened.
>I'm shitposting
>imouto enters
>she's wearing long, fluffy socks, my boxers and nothing else
>she asks me if I want a footjob
>she has me get up, undress and sit up on my bed with my legs spread
>she sits between my legs and asks me if I would prefer her to keep her socks on
>she says that's cute but that she's going to keep them on anyway as she wraps her little feet around my cock
>she tells me to put my hand down her/my underwear and start fingering her
>she adds that she wants me to cum first and that I better make sure I do
>she teases my head a lot and uses her toes as well as her soles
>whenever I start fingering her too quickly she digs her heel into my balls
>after I cum, which gets her socks wet, she tells me hurridly to take her socks off and press them against her face
>I think it's pretty weird but I do it and she sniffs and licks the semen socks like a lunatic
>I'm still fingering her, she finished remarkably fast after this
Yes, that's me. I don't want to make a name/tripcode because I'd have to title myself something stupid like "Imouto's bullyslut !!SuCkMyCoCkNoW."
Wait, are you the guy who was supposed to ask his imouto if girls did gay stuff in locker rooms?

This is very important.
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>wake up around 9:30am
>sister using bathroom
>gf making crepes
>go sit on couch
>gf brings me crepes to sample
>sister walks in
>still wearing gf's pajamas
>gf feeds her some from fork
>don't know why but found it pretty hot
>we eat
>gf and sis want to watch that new movie about fantastic beast harry potter shit
>agree to go tonight after gf off work
>go drop sis off at her place
>says she'll clean clothes and bring them back later tonight
>go to school and take a final
>gf at work until 6ish
>mfw texted me joking I should put my dick in the popcorn so they can both have a snack
>'but really anon the movie theater will be pretty empty probably since it's a thur night"
>"should I go commando again"
>at home now just studying and enjoying day off
>waiting for gf to get home so we can pick up sis
>probably going to fuck before getting her

don't know how sis feels about being a third wheel basically, but we are actually having fun together. it'd be even more fun with her... more involved
No, thats IcyHot, and he hasnt been here in a while :(
Sounds to me like GF wants to fuck sis.
who doesn't?
original organello oregano

This is the post I think your thinking of.
Pretty sure she was just confused about what was going on, at least that's what it sounded like to me.
niggers niggers imma finna gonna pull my trigger
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Guess I should've waited before updating, or perhaps the dubgods willed the following to happen.

>E: So why haven't you been jacking off?
>P: What the hell, I just don't feel like it
>E: How is that possiblllllle
>P: I dunno
>E: Especially after you fucking... Ahahaha...
>P: What?
>E: Especially after you all but fucked your sexy little sister, ahahaha....
>P: What the hell, did you want me to?
>E: Hah, I dunno, didn't you want to?
>P: ...Kind of.
>E: Why didn't youuuuu
>P: ...Would you freak out if I said I was saving it?
>E: Um, haha, okay, I get it...
>E: But for real, you can just do it y'know, I'd hate for your balls to pop, ahahah...
>P: That's not how that works
>E: Still! It's probably not healthy :P
>P: So have you just been masturbating up a storm whenever I'm not looking?
>E: Umm, I haven't really needed to, ahaha...
>P: Right, obviously, you can't help yourself.
>E: Shut up!
>P: Sorry.
>E: Fuck you, you're doing it tonight :P
>P: Why...
>E: Because now I'm mad, and you saw me twice, so man up and show your sister how you whack it!
>P: Wh-what the fuck...
>E: But not now, go read your dumb comics while I get ready, ahahaha....
>P: ...Why do you have to get ready?
>E: Just go! You'll see!

I'm sure you all will just get pissed that I didn't whip it out right there, but... yeah, something's happening, unless one of us chicken's out I guess. As far as I can tell she's just dicking with her phone, I have no idea what her plan is.
Somethings gonna happen nigggggggas
i see it when i believe it
Mini-update while she gets dressed for dinner. We haven't done anything sexual since the last update, just hanging out together. I asked her about the song thing from earlier that I was talking about. Her words were something like this "It's us, it's like how I waited so long for you to give yourself to me. And you how you feel so serious and real about it. Also him screaming is like how I feel we are inside." Then I asked her about the whole "waiting so long thing" and she said she knew she loved me before she was even in high school. I guess she really is on a different level than I am.

I'll have to do my best to keep up with her.
Is there a pastebin or something of all of cuddler's stuff?
I want you to get as excited about your relationship as she is.
I pity the poor plebs who can't wrap their minds around wincest.
Wincest requires a gentleman's taste which most normies cannott provide.
At least that's what I tell myself
I think excited is the wrong word to use here. If you want him to emulate the same emotion she is feeling then you should say something like obsessed, or maybe even consumed.
I dont even have a sister but these threads are amazing.

I guess the closest I got too was laying in bed with my hot cousin years ago, while i rubbed her thighs, with a rock hard erection.

She's still hot and Id gladly fuck her, but were not close any more
I ain't gonna sleep until I see Pat greentexting his first sex with his imouto
I don't even have any close relatives at all.
>have a 14yo cousin
>she's a bit chubby and doesn't like cuddling and hugging
God hates me.
She's young, you can fix that :^)

Just kidding, if you are on this site then that means you are 18... meaning that would be borderline if not completely illegal, so just get a regular gf
well, tbf fucking your relatives at all is illegal in a lot of places.
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You have 4 years, just send her occasional messages on facebook asking her how she's doing or share funny videos.

Then tell her you were going to see a movie that she may like and your friend bailed on you at the last minute and you don't want to see it alone.
Because you're an older guy, she'll feel cool for going with you, and want to do more stuff with you.

Eventually, love will blossom if you play your cards right.
>all these borderline sociopathic manipulative suggestions for how to get your younger sisters to fall in love with you in this thread

I just want two siblings falling in love naturally desu
Really hope IC gets some fucking condoms or birth control. The benefits greatly outweigh the generally very minor side effects.
The chances of that happening to you is too low tho
Well yeah, it's zero for me I don't even have a sister. But I'm pretty aware of grooming, incest or not.
same, zer0anon
Name 5 things that aren't imoutos. I'll show you that it can be done...
>Potato chips
>Hulk Hogan
>My imouto
>update from last thread on mobile can't Find link
>Guy who used to get high with gf and sister
>Have touched her ass and pussy while on x
>Among other lewdness
>She came into town today apparently
>have to pick her up from parents house earlier
>She looks qt as fuck
>Bangs with curls, in super tight leggings, and a sweater
>Put on a little weight since last time
>Literally as soon as we're in the car she asks if I wanna smoke
>Sure, we go get some from my dude
>Unload her bags
>We smoke on my balcony
>Tells me a few party stories
>We go inside and I offer to make chicken and pasta
>Says sure and she's going to shower
>Making food
>Notice she left bathroom door open
>Really wanted to go look
>She comes out wearing a very short bathrobe
>we eat dinner and she sits with legs crossed
>Delicious thighs visible
> she says she's tired as fuck from trip
>Go sit on bed
>she changes in closet
>Booty shorts and sweater
>Tease her because her ass is fatter
>Pushes me back and tells me to kiss her ass
>She goes to sleep on my bed
>On side closest to wall
>I have a TV stand end of bed so only way off is over me
>Nap next to her for an hour
>Wake up with her sitting top of me
>she's shaking via hips and moving whole bed with arms
>Hot as fuck but kinda pissed from tiredness
>Wtf do you want
>take me to get ice cream anon
>Okay but put on warmer stuff
>She puts on a long skirt from her bags
>Pulls booty shorts out from under
>Right in front of me
>Go get frozen yogurt instead
>She fed me a few of hers
>Come back to apt and I let her use computer
>She switched back to booty shorts
>Jokingly told her no porn
>Aw anon you're no fun
>Currently on bed posting

Guess we're sleeping in the same bed. No way I won't wake up without a boner. She's been a huge tease all day.
get a nick/trip so I recognize you if this keeps going
his nick should be X
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fuck her fucker her niggaer athena is my favorite greek goddess...your sister is also a goddess so fduck her NIGGAR
bump for IC to get some fuckin birth control
Dubs demands imouto cuddler at least TRIES condoms
I know it may not feel as great, but you if you're still trying your best at hiding your pussy smashing from your parents, I don't think knocking her up is a good way to tell them you love her.

Also, Pat, how big is your dick? Please.

realistically we all want him to breed his imouto but we know the consequences would most likely cause him to stop posting.

if he came back and said my sister is pregnant with my baby i would be so happy for him.

but only if its a few years down the road.
>few years down the road.
Do you think we can last that long?
him getting her pregnant would actually be a hell of a way to confess his love for her to them.

but its risky as fuck.
Used condoms are also going to raise a lot of attention if someone were to find one.

If he's going to use them, he needs a reliable way to dispose of them.

not us but hopefully he can... with her.

im not saying he post for years straight on here but an update every couple of months would be cool.

once this dies down...

as someone who only reads these threads, that would suck cause id miss most of his updates
I'm really not into pregnancy/babies in general, incestuous or not, so no I don't really want to see his imouto get TEEN PREGNANT
you just fucking flush them, unless your toilet is absolute shit
I do, though. :))))))))
:| ur not srs are you?
Fug er right in da pusseh
What the fuck is that name, faggot?
I did it when my incest roleplaying gf would come stay over my parents house for a week, never had any issues, but it was a newer toilet with a good strong flush
Well, you got lucky. 9/10 times its just going to pile up in the pipes and you will have to call a plumber.
Pat and imouto cuddler, how big are your dicks in inches?
this dude is so upset about the condoms lol
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>Over 4 hours since Pat last posted.

They're having high-impact, crotch smacking incestuous sexual intercourse right now, aren't they?
tbf it really sucks for the fish :/
in before IC's imouto is so obsessed with him right now she would collect the used condoms in a box
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>Wooooow, you read this stuff without jacking it? That's even weirder

If only she knew how bad it gets.
Hey guys, another update.

We decided to blow all our food money on a nice restaraunt. Then we got back and fucked but she's just worn out. We've been laying around and cuddling ever since and it doesn't really look like we're gonna go again. I don't mind though, if she wants to relax then we can. I think she wants to watch a movie or something. I'll try to get some greentext up when I can. I don't know when that will be.
Also I'm getting condoms after tonight. I was getting ready to put it in and she said "You can cum inside, I saw you looking at plan b stuff on your phone. You can do it inside and I'll just take one of those." Officially on condoms from here on, that shit scared me.
trust no bitch
impregnation+wincest is my fetish but I imagine irl its nightmare
>scared of baby
>scared of imouto wanting baby

i-it's the first, right?
Make sure you have a good way to throw them out without anyone seeing them.

And no, flushing them is not a good way to get rid of them.
making the right choice duder
bump for not impregnating little sisters
Bump for cumming inside tight imouto rectum. We expect you to greentext at least one anal creampie before you're done here, Pat.
What kind of shitty toilets do americans have lmao.
Does your toilet use sulfuric acid or something? Water can't break down latex so it gets stuck in the pipes. Or are you from a nigger country where instead of plumbing you have holes in the dirt, and instead of condoms you have AIDS and hyena intestines?
Oh god, it's burger rage.
Stop being angry. I bet you throw toilet paper in a bin too kek.
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We fucked.

>Em hadn't moved from the couch since telling me to "Let her get ready"
>Impatient as fuck, and I figure this is gonna be another one of her "Hey let's get lewd! No wait I'm sad now and regret everything" plans, so I finally go confront her
>P: Hey Em
>E: Yo...
>P: You doing okay?
>E: I'm fine... I just messed up again, heehee
>P: ...Uh, what exactly happened?
>E: Nothing, this time I stopped before I made a fool of myself, eheheh...
>P: I don't mean to sound harsh Em, but you gotta figure out what you want eventually
>E: I know what I waaaant, I wanna stay here with you forever...
>P: Well, then, what's the problem?
>E: What if someone finds out?
>P: Dad'll be happy, he wanted that roommate to fuck off anyway
>E: I mean if they find out about usss, hahaha...
>P: That we're a good pair of siblings?
>E: We do bad thingssss, hahaha...
>P: You said yourself we've done nothing wrong
>E: No one else will think thattttt
>P: Well, I'll let them know I had nothing but brotherly thoughts when you used my dick, and my hand to have an explosive orgasm
>E: Y-you fucker... ahahah...
>P: Well, are there any other problems that need addressing?
>E: When did you get so confident... heh
>P: I'm probably just making up for you, I guess
>E: Heehee... I'm sorry, I keep ruining our nights together
>P: It's fine
>E: Except for the ones where you actually did something, those are... heavenly, ahahah...
>P: ...Wow, thanks.
>E: I know I said this already, but the stupid plans stop now, just tell me what we should do :P
>P: ...Actually, I wanna see your stupid plan for tonight
>E: Ahaha... Are you sure?
>P: You can't leave me hanging now. Just, y'know, don't regret anything
>E: I don't think I will, eheheh... I'll be right back
>She takes a bag she brought from her (former) home into my bedroom
>A few minutes later, she comes out in a bikini

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Guys help, I love my sisters so much, I think I figured out why I've pretty much developed feelings for my older sister in particular
She never really was a part of my life, and now that we're back together we're still friends, I just don't want her to leave me again. I want to be with her in any situation, and often now I've been thinking of her in a girlfriend position as well as my sister because I just want to be with her and as close to her as I am with my younger sisters

I don't want there to be sexual feelings, unless that's what she wants. I just want my big sister back
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>It's nothing ridiculous, but I've only ever seen her in one pieces and swimsuits with skirts
>Almost exactly like this, except black http://blog.brazilianbikinishop.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/0629ruffled-swimsuit_fa.jpg
>P: ...Are we going swimming?
>E: Heheh, you dumbass.
>P: ...No really, what's happening?
>E: I said I wanted to see you jack off right? I was gonna wear this so you could picture something besides your shitty pedo comics, ahahaha...
>P: ...What
>E: I told you it was stupid, we don't have to do this, eheheh...
>P: I've seen you in underwear plenty of times, you could've just...
>E: I just thought it was appropriate! It's a swimsuit, it's made for... ahahaha...
>P: ...You're the dumbass, Em
>E: Wh- You're so mean!
>P: ...So what's supposed to happen?
>E: Um... Haha... Just start doing whatever you do, pretend I'm not here
>P: Aren't I supposed to look at you?
>E: I guess, pretend I'm not watching, ahahaha...
>Fuck it, I'm at my limit
>Wearing gym shorts, I just kinda slide the front down and my dick pops out
>Em's eyes are immediately glued to it
>Fuck you dick, why are you still small
>E: Ahaha... I thought this would be weird, but it's just your penis, ahahaha...
>P: ...What's that supposed to mean?
>She gets on her knees, as if she's trying to look closer
>I'm vaguely offended, but the proximity of her face makes it grow rapidly
>She's stone-faced but bright red, I can just barely feel her breath on my dickhead
>E: Ah... It's actually kinda nice looking, hahah...
>I'm barely even touching it, it'll explode if I give it a proper stroke
>Suddenly Em's pulling my pants the rest of the way down
>P: Wh... hey, what're you doing...
>E: I'm just helping, heehee...
>Her head's literally between my legs now
>I stop touching myself entirely
>E: Why'd you stoppppp? :P
>P: ...
>E: ...Pat
>P: ...
>E: Do itttt...
>I start to put my hand back, but hesitate
>E: ...I'll do it, Pat
>P: Wha-

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>She grabs my dick with both hands
>In an instant, I'm cumming on my imouto's face
>She jumps up to her feet, I guess it surprised her
>Thanks to that, the rest ends up on her chest, stomach, and legs
>If I wasn't already cumming, that would've made me cum again
>I feel dead, I can't even move
>Dick finally stops throbbing
>She's still standing their, not even trying to clean up, just staring
>E: W-wow, that was a lot, ahahah...
>P: ...S-sorry, Em, you should clean up, or something
>E: It's okay... I guess we're even, heehee...
>She's clearly as turned on as ever, her legs are rubbing together, even with my jizz between them
>I'm already most of the way to a full erection again
>She's still staring
>E: ...I'm so sorry, Pat
>P: Hahaha... I knew you'd apologize again
>E: No... You had self control the other nights, but I don't... I can't stop here...
>P: Wait, Em?
>And suddenly she's on her knees, clumsily licking my shaft clean
>What the fuck
>My imouto is licking my dick
>My imouto is licking my dick
>My imouto is licking my dick
>Granted, it's really clumsy and she's missing all the sensitive spots, but fuck you my imouto's licking my dick
>She attempts to swallow some of my semen
>P: You... don't need to do that...
>E: It's not so bad... ahhh...
>She's genuinely trying to eat all the leftover semen on my dick
>Why is this happening
>Eventually my dickhead ends up in her mouth
>She sucks way too hard, it actually hurts like fuck, but I don't have the heart to stop her
>She finally stops and tries to catch her breath while continuing to stare at it
>P: ...That was great, Em
>E: ...Why do I want you so bad
>P: Wait, Em?
>E: What did you do to me...
>P: ...I loved you, I guess.
>E: You're... so fucking stupid...
>P: ...Thanks?
>E: Ahhhhh...

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inb4 dinosaur
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>She stands up
>She's basically soaked, and not just in my semen
>E: Paaaaaaaaat...
>P: Em, let's calm down and clean you up
>She's not listening, and lowers herself to straddle me
>P: Em, wait...
>She's got her crotch directly on my dick, just like the first time
>She wraps her arms around my neck and immediately starts grinding
>E: Ahhhhhh, Pat, aaaaaaaah
>She's way more turned on than the first time, I feel like she's already close
>Sure enough, there are those convulsions I'm come to find weirdly cute
>E: I love you big brother... ahhhhhhhhhhhhh...
>She collapses on my lap
>I dunno how the fuck I didn't cum again
>Don't really know why, but I ended up taking her top off without really thinking about it
>Something about just holding her naked back felt nice, I dunno
>She sits up after a while, and just looks at me with half-lidded eyes, and the cutest flushed face
>Maybe this is fucked, but I thought I'd never loved her as a sister more than right then
>I give her the gentlest kiss possible
>E: B-bed
>I guess she wants to go to bed, so I carry her there
>Briefly thought to try to clean her up, but fuck it
>Lay her down on my bed, just kinda look at her to make sure she's alright
>Get it in my head that sleeping in a wet bikini bottom might be a bad idea
>I start slowly sliding it off
>E: Wh... Pat... Ah...
>I felt compelled to not really look until I had them all the way off
>Suddenly I'm staring at my naked imouto in my bed
>Her pussy's perfect, I don't know how else to say it
>She's smiling at me, of all things
>E: P-p-pat... I love you...
>She very slightly spreads her legs
>E: P-please...
>She hid her eyes with her hands at that
>Fuck, it's happening
>Then I made a mistake, I remembered the condoms in my car, and left the room to get them without saying anything

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>It took way too long to get the damn condoms, I almost walked out the door with no pants and had to grab them from the living room, and then I couldn't find where I put the damn box in the car
>E: Paaaaaaaaaat...
>I hear her calling as soon as I get in, she sounds bad
>Uh oh
>I rush back into the bedroom, she's sobbing her eyes out
>E: P-Paaat, don't leave me, I'm sorry, we don't have to...
>She's straight up bawling, I haven't seen this since she was ten
>P: Em, wait, stop, it's fine, I'm here
>E: I'm sorryyyyyyyyyyyy
>I prop her up and give her the tightest hug possible without hurting her
>P: Em, listen to me, it's fine, I just went to get these
>I pulled one of the condoms out, she looks at it in silence and then starts sobbing again
>E: I-I'm sorry... I'm so stupid... uwaaaaaa
>P: It's alright Em, you're fine, I love you...
>E: You're too good to meeee, I'm just a fucking idiot... whuaa...
>P: Em, calm down, please...
>I held her close, and she cried into my shoulder for a while
>Eventually she quiets down, and is merely sniffling into my shoulder
>P: ...Should we go to sleep Em?
>E: Nuh uh...
>P: It's alright Em, let's clean you up first...
>E: I'm not ruining your night again...
>P: My night's been amazing, Em, let's just snuggle...
>E: Do what you were gonna do...
>P: ...Are you positive?
>E: Yup...
>I probably should've said no, but I layed her down how she was before
>Fuck it, let's get that condom on
>I strip again, and do just that
>She's watching me
>E: Ehehe...
>P: ...What's so funny?
>E: I love you...
>P: That's funny?
>E: Yup
>I crawl over her, try to position myself ahead of time
>E: I love you big brother...
>P: You're really gonna call me that now?
>E: Stick it in, big brother :P
>And so I stuck it in

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>I honestly feel weird talking about the next part, but I'll try
>I'm nearly balls deep in an instant
>Oops, meant to go slow
>She winces, and her neck bends back
>There's a little blood
>For some reason I never thought to wonder if she was a virgin, I'm weirdly relieved
>E: Aghh... Unnnh...
>P: Sorry, I didn't mean to go so fast...
>E: It's... good, ungh...
>I'm gonna fucking pound her if she keeps making those noises
>E: G-go, do it...
>P: Are you sure you're ready?
>E: I have... work, I need sleep, just do it, aaaah
>P: ...Gotcha
>I kinda wiggle around inside her, trying not to nut just yet
>E: Nggh, waaaah, fuck, aaaaaaah...
>I wish I could say we made love all night, but nah
>I start thrusting as slowly as I can manage
>Pretty sure she came again almost instantly, she's having a mini version of her usual convulsions
>E: Nwaaaaa, ahhhhhh...
>Her pussy clamps down, I achieve maximum nut bust
>I just kinda slump over her
>We kiss a little, neither of us have much energy
>E: Get off me...
>P: Huh?
>E: I need to shower, I have work, ahahah...
>P: Just go to sleep, Em
>E: I'm not waking up early enough to shower, and I'm not going like this, ahaha...
>I reluctantly roll over, and watch her slowly stumble into the bathroom


Well, that's that. I'm honestly in shock, and I can't say I feel 100% great about what I did. But there's no going back now, I guess.

Also why you wanna know my dick size so bad. It's like 5.7 inches or something, fuck outta here.
inb4 condom broke
Damn it, Pat. You're here taking us on your sister fucking journey. Of course I want to know.
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I repeat:
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okay guess Im X now. not much happened today after that.

>we went to local park to play pokemon go
>just chatted about life
>only went for like 20 mins since I have to study
>she's mad at me for wanting to study over catching pokemon
>she takes another fucking shower
>pretty sure she was getting off in there
>get on computer and reading notes
>listening to various music
>she pulls up chair next to me using phone
>watches music videos while I study
>dances on her chair even though she doesn't know songs
>qt af
>she went to bed or so I thought
>go lay down next to her for study break
>she rolls over facing me
>anon go to bed you've been studying for hours
>nope i need to stay up more
>she finally actually falls asleep
>on the wall side of bed
>finish studying
>go fap in bathroom for release
>turn heat to lower level
>realize she will probably cuddle me for warmth
>come type this
>going to bed wearing boxers, socks, and a shirt

I'm pretty comfy mates. morning wood eminent but I'll try and hide it
Please be real
Please be real
Please be real
Explain why hasn't any condom I ever flushed clogged the toilet. Maybe because pipes in my country aren't the same size as your pencil dick.
Actually, it's because you live in a nigger country, as we already established, and your tap water is so below even Flint-tier that it just corrodes the latex away into nothing.
I'd bet my life that tap water where I live is better than tap water anywhere you live. You are just angry as fuck because your plumbing is so shitty that it cant flush a piece of latex.
Why would I care about my toilet not being able to flush latex to the point of getting angry over it? I think you're projecting your own negroid propensity towards savage rage onto me. You're frustrated that I can see through your lies about a magical, latex dissolving toilet which you were lazy enough to talk about in your shitposts without thinking first.
Koi kaze
Bit of feels in an incest anime that was pretty enjoyable.
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Pat is talking about the long awaited fugging and you idiots are discussing toilet issues. You truly are idiots
The other guy is a nigger idiot, though, and Pat hasn't came inside her virgin ass yet so it isn't worth discussing in that much detail.
>ur lying
>ur stupid and im smart
>y-youre angry and not m-me
I'm done with you kid. Don't want you punching a hole through the wall.
nigger everyone knew it would happen since episode one because it's all made up and he's full of shit
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Congrats to Pat and you are officially known as a sister fucker.
Kek, and the nigger with the magical turbo-toilet ragequits just like that over being confronted with an educated White man who understands the physical properties of cellulose and latex.
Tell your government to install better plumbing and you won't have to worry about physical properties of cellulose and latex.
>just tell daddy government to install special heavy duty toilets into your home for free just like I did
This casts doubt on the nigger country hypothesis. The only other conclusion to be reached is that you're a nigger refugee living in Europe who has a special heavy duty industrial toilet installed by the EU bureaucrats in your refugee center in order to flush the rape condoms with.
>rape condoms
Really makes me go hmmmm
What, did you think that German girl wanted you to stick your turdesque cock into her snatch just because you were wearing one of your EU-issued condoms?
Thanks for admitting that your plumbing is shit and proving me right.
Thanks for admitting you don't own a regular toilet and proving me right.
I didn't admit that though. Plumbing in my country is simply better.
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Probably because your country mooches off of mine for defense and is therefore able to live it up on government programs essentially on our dime while acting snobbishly about it. Thankfully, my people have elected someone who will smack that vain condescension right off your brat face when he renegotiates our trade policy so we can once again leave you guys in the dust in terms of infrastructure development. Enjoy the next eight years.
Fucking imbeciles fuck off to >>>/pol/ or >>>/b/
This is a thread for the purest form of love, not for some underage faggots arguing about their shitting equipment
will worried imouto come back?
4chan is a /pol/ website. Better either get used to it, or just go back to the subreddit from which you came.
This is the cringiest thing I've read all day bud.

I'm already on /pol/. It's called 4chan.

I've been here since before /pol/ was a glimmer in moot's bloated nutsack and I know you're full of shit. You people are worse than bronies.

Fucking stop that, both of you.
>le pol boogeyman
Return to Reddit buddy.
Nobody fucking cares about toilets, now shut up.
Seriously guys, fuck off. You're killing the thread. It's only you two slinging mud at each other, everyone else is trying to enjoy the thread. This argument has amounted to nothing and neither of you will stop. Just get over it. It's not like it matters anyways, you will never meet each other in real life, you aren't proving anything because you're anonymous, just fucking stop. No one cares.
You're right. As the biologically superior specimen to the H. habilis I have been attempting to make see reason, I will disengage. You may need to call animal control on the other one, however.
Just fucking stop, you aren't funny, you aren't clever, you aren't entertaining. All you are doing is killing the thread and annoying a number of dedicated users that are trying to enjoy themselves. Fuck off.
I didn't. We've had these toilets since forever. Back when I was 14 and had a first gf we used to flush condoms regularly and our toilets never got clogged and we have flushed tons of them.
You sound like a faggot.
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Literally just stop posting please.


I did stop. It's up to Mr. Nigger if he wants to continue on his own. Get back to posting incest.
>why couldnt you just wait till you finished

But comrade... he did! CheekyLaughingAnimeFace.jpg
>I was proven wrong so I will tell everyone that I'm not going to reply so they will think I'm intelligent.
Hey guys, let's cut it out with all the nigger posting and toilet stuff. It's pretty annoying and it's killed the actually activity in the thread.

Anyways, we've just been laying around and sleeping. I think I over worked her a little bit. She's been whining about her hips and seems pretty fatigued. We were asleep for the past few hours, I just got up to take a piss. We didn't really know what to do at one point. We weren't in bed so we didn't know if we should stay naked or put something on. Eventually I put some boxers on and she put a pair of panties on. We're back to being naked though because naked cuddling is by far the best.

Alright, see you all in the morning.
Enjoy your night, any update from your parents by the way?
Good night you you two.

Grats and good luck to you both on your endeavours.
You're lucky I decided to grab a drink because I would have already closed the thread for the night.

They said they'll get in after dinner tomorrow. I'm going to have to try to cook at least two meals tomorrow. Since I blew all the cash we had on dinner. I'm going to get a plan B pill too as a precaution even though I pulled out every time. I talked to her about it and she agreed to take it.
>she was a virgin
Most unbelievable part of the story right here. I want to believe though.
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i'm invested in these stories to a ridiculous degree
to me it was the big brother stuff and the instant orgasm she had

but I don't really want to talk about that stuff because it really kills the mood and flow of the story if you keep poking at it
I'm still expecting a dinosaur every post.
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That was way too lewd

call her during the course of the day and tell her you love her.

remind her what you did was great and don't let her mind wonder to any form of regret.
Any Straya cunts or Europoors on duty?

Time to bump fuckers.

Stop checking the capacity of your toilets...
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oreo oregon oreimo onegai
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last bump from me.

goodnight robots.

2/5 imoutos loved so far. keep this thread alive.
Oreimo oreo sister fucking bump
Congrats Pat, it's been a journey.
Do this, Pat
Oregon Oreimo
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These threads make me so happy, and yet super depressed at the same time.

Happy, because I get to see people challenging their fate/society and winning.

Depressed because my own little sister is roastie trash that treated my parents awfully and reminded me constantly that I was an ugly creep who would die a virgin all throughout my teenage years. Even though I went above and beyond to be there for her when I could.

All I wanted was a sweet sis who treated me like a big brother, like Worried Imouto.

I'm happy for Pat and Imouto Cuddler, you guys are walking a glorious path. Thanks for bringing some happy feels to this anon's life. Hell, even if it's all fake, it's still better than 90% of the books I've read, and I've read some good ones.
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Imouto Lil Sis.jpg
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>I can see that... I hope you had fun, ignoring your sister to jack off to this trash

So, basically this picture right here, then.
Show her this, see if she agrees with the cartoon girl.
Was Pat a Virgin before this?
I never guessed the sister would be. what a twist!
>I love you big brother...
>Stick it in, big brother

Imouto bump!
doubting Pat's story a lot right now, it's really lovely, but getting your hymen torn is really painful and I seriously doubt she could cum on her first time, best case she probably pretended she felt good because she loves you and wanted you to get off in her
I think there is a good chance that the tight vag clench was due to cramping instead of cumming.

Not likely that a virgin would be able to tell the

That detail + the fact that he didn't write himself as Chad Thundercock made it more believable.
Don't forget all the buildup.

I don't even care if it's all fake
I already came 5 times and will probably cum more.
Quick update. I feel better than I did last night, Em was pretty happy after her shower and we cuddled a ton. She still sleeping, but I'm gonna make 100% she's feeling okay before she leaves.

She really doesn't date around much, so I wasn't that surprised. Or rather, she has a million first dates thanks to her friends, which always end with her going "He was weird, why aren't there any dudes who aren't stupid?"

In hindsight, she didn't react nearly as strongly as she did the other times she came. At the time I thought it was a "mini-orgasm", but I don't even know if that's a real thing

This might be right though. Would asking her about it be a bad idea?

Unless you count a would-be lesbian rubbing me off, then yeah
sometimes you better not ask and just go with the flow. YOu kinda kill all the mood if you bring up topics like that
Alright, one of you sister fuckers need to please the footfags
Original oregano Oregon yuyuyu
yes, ask her.
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He really shouldn't to be honest. It will only make it awkward.
Hey guys, time for another update while I take a dump.

We slept through the night. This morning might have been the best part of the weekend, maybe the best part of our relationship so far. Waking up and seeing her face, she was so cute, she tucked in so close behind me. I didn't even realize she was inches from me until I woke up. Then I woke her up by caressing her soft body and she almost instantly grabbed me and made me hold her. Then my dick started getting hotdogged by her ass and I was fucking throbbing. She gave me a blowjob, 10/10.

Then we went and made breakfast and she was just so beautiful and perfect. She was funny and cute, she was so focused on cooking perfectly. Seeing her stand over the stove in a pair of panties and my tshirt made my heart explode. She seemed like a grown woman who genuinely loved me and was trying to make me happy.

My head's just spinning because of how she's making me feel this morning. She's honestly just absolutely perfect.



lol newfag, that is the oldest sister fucker currently posting. Not wasted at all.
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>She's honestly just absolutely perfect.
That's cruel, you know he can't legally marry his sister.
He can in France.
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Pentas confirm wife material


You can commit (consensual) incest, but you can't marry.
>can't legally
Weed's illegal but I still smoke that shit every weekend. Fuck laws against consensual incest, they're draconian and arbitrary.

I hope I can see bro/sis marriages legalized in my time. If fags can, why can't siblings?
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It won't change because there will never be enough affected population for it to matter to legislators.
Because of the genetic implications. If the stigma went away, the amount of people fucking their siblings would probably go up.
If that's the argument, having kids above the age of 40 should be illegal too, because that's even worse than a (first generation) incest baby.
Yeah, but the problem becomes that you and your sister wife now have to tell your children that they can't do exactly what you did.

Enforcement becomes a logistical problem of government tracked heredity.
>If the stigma went away, the amount of people fucking their siblings would probably go up.
And we would get more god-tier incest threads
Win-win for everyone.
like >>33278375 said, not when we get to the fourth generation
There's a legal precedent in favour of it. Thanks to the widespread societal acceptance and accuracy of birth control, and if that should fail, abortions.

I could see it being legalized in the near future for places where it is not currently.

As the robit says,
>If fags can, why cant siblings?

Culture changes, being gay was accepted, then condemned for a span of centuries, and it is acceptable again. And not just acceptable, but promoted even!

Times change, what society sees as wrong and right shifts with time and scientific understanding.
We thought incest was okay, and promoted the practice;
>See Rulers of Europe

Science advanced and society changed to view it as having possible side effects. So it was 'wrong'

Science has now advanced to better figure out the side effects and prevent/combat them through various means.
And technically, society is also more accepting of such outcomes in 'normal' couples than ever before.
>Special Olympics
>Numerous School programs teaching acceptance of all
>Muh motivational twitter/facebook posts about prom-king/queen being a special needs

And you can now test for 'defects' with relative accuracy early in the pregnancy and so can act/accept accordingly.

It'll happen eventually, just a matter of time.
Or...you know...not have kids
>this confession of love

Has anyone else been here since the begining? Watching Imouto Cuddler develop from a concerned brother to a passionate lover. This post is better than the first time they had sex. To see him starting out as a timid boy just trying to help his sister without harming her to such a confident and strong man has been great. It really wasn't all that long ago that he was trying to hide his feelings for her and was just trying to help make her life better. He was always concerned with her needs and health from the start.

It's just beautiful, honestly.
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Well, Em left for work awhile ago. I've just been a lazy ass all morning, got back in bed after she left.

>Em finally wakes up
>She yawns like a damn whale or some shit
>P: Hey
>E: Hi :P
>P: You feeling okay?
>E: Yeah, just sleepy, ehehe...
>P: You could skip work again
>E: But I need moneyyy
>P: How did I raise such a greedy little sister
>E: You're not my dad, haha... Did you decide what we're doing tomorrow?
>P: I was thinking about [A non-specific Christmas light attraction that would give our location away if I specified]
>E: Oh my god, I forgot about that, that sounds great! What about the rest of the day though?
>P: Hmm... We could stay in bed all day
>E: Ahaha... And sleep?
>P: Well, I guess
>E: :P I need to get ready for work, gimme a kiss
>P: Uh, okay
>I kissed her, then she rolled out of bed
>Oops, forgot she's still naked
>E: Stop staring, asshole :P
>I keep staring as she gets dressed for work

Not much else to say, I got up eventually when she was just about to leave and gave her another kiss.

I also showed her this. She thinks it's funny, but now she wants to see the full thing when she gets back. Why is this happening again.

Mixed messages are cool. But nah, dubs win, I'm not asking her.

Also all this talk of marrying and having kids is making me feel guilty again, Em's always wanted to have a great wedding and be a mom.
Em's always wanted to have a great wedding and be a mom.
Time to work to make it happen then. Maybe not anytime soon, but wouldn't that be a nice goal?
my german sheperd dogg pooted on my dick hehe
Did imouto cuddler inspire you to go on a date looking at christmas lights?
Do the wedding like this:
> groom is a mystery man
> has been wearing suit and mask
> skip ahead
> you may now kiss the bride
> take off mask and kiss
> see the shock
> have the best man hold back any angry family members as you make your getaway in the bat mobile you have out back
> drive away to some mountain region where it is legal and live happily ever after
There you go Pat

Oh and adopt if you don't want autism kids
I don't know if we can get to marriage/baby talk with you yet. Imouto Cuddler and his sister are genuinely obsessed with each other, we're talking some different level stuff. You guys are cute and all but you just fucked for the first time. Let's take it one step at a time.

I said my german sheperd dogg pooted on my dick hehe
Wow you're a real romanticist.
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I actually didn't know about that, great minds think alike or something.

Yeah, I don't know about that.

I know it's super presumptuous, I was just thinking out loud. It's gonna get tough if this all actually lasts though.
Pat, what's the next step in your Master plan?
also bump
getting caught of course
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I dunno man, my next immediate goal is to get a damn job so I don't feel like the housewife in this relationship. Outside of that, I wanna try taking her on actual dates as frequently as we can manage. I know we went about this backwards, but I can't fix that now.
He's a big brother
That's the spirit aniki!
For Em.
Okay she's decided to take the reigns on cleaning because I cooked for lunch and cleaned her room after our marathon on Saturday so I have some time to dish everything out for you guys. So I'm starting from when I ate her out after the bath, I'm pretty sure that was where I stopped being able to greentext for you guys.

>we get out of the bathtub and dry off
>she wipes the rogue cumshot from my face
>the moment I get a chance to I get up close to her
>reach around and grab her ass
>pull on it like they do in porn
>she puts her hands on my chest
>it's really obvious she enjoys it when I sort of "do what I want" with her body
>I take my other hand and dual wield her ass
>after a bit I lean down to kiss her
>she wraps her arms around me
>we kiss for a few seconds
>I squat and pick her up
>carry her into my bedroom
>lay her on the bed
>get down to her pussy and start going full speed right from the start
>flick my tongue on her clit and fingerbang her harder than I have before
>she puts a hand into my hair and presses it down
>I start sucking on her clit and she crosses her legs over my head
>I wrap my arms around her thighs and just abuse her clit with my mouth
>she starts moaning and lets go of my head
>her legs close in
>her body is shaking with every breath she takes
>she leglocks my head and screams
>I stop and sort of rest my head on her pussy
>she keeps moaning and breathing heavily
>I'm just waiting for her to let my head go
>after she calms down she relaxes her head and I crawl out
>I get up next to her and lay down
>she turns towards me and rests her head on my collarbone/shoulder/arm thing
>puts a hand on my stomach
>we just chill for a while
Sorry I don't even know why I said Saturday, Saturday hasn't even happened yet.
the jigs up, time traveler.
Yeah, she's your wife already. All you need now are rings.
I think it would be nice if you told her how precious it was to have your first time with her and hope she felt the same
Back on track

>after doing nothing but hanging out around the house it's time for dinner
>tell her to get dressed up because I'm taking her somewhere nice
>after about an hour she reveals herself to me
>she's gorgeous
>she put on this dark blue dress I didn't know she had
>tried her best to use makeup
>she even tried to put her hair up which usually doesn't happen because it's so stubborn
>we drive to the large city that we are a suburb of
>go to the very nice and expensive area
>she looks extremely excited
>we get out of the car and she grabs my arm/wrist as fast as we can
>we walk to the restaraunt and she's loving all of it
>we eat, chat, and enjoy feeling like adults and a real couple
>then we go back and she starts kissing me the moment we're in the door
>I start feeling her up and lead her to the couch
>I push her onto the bed and end up on top of her
>we keep kissing as she unbuttons my shirt and undoes my pants
>I pull everything off
>I don't even give her a chance to take her dress off
>I throw the bottom of it up and take her panties off
>I'm about to stick it in and she says "You can cum inside this time."
>goes on that whole thing about plan b
>yeah, no
>nervously stick it in
>she reaches for my head and kisses me
>I forget about that whole ordeal and start pounding
>I'm holding onto her thighs and really giving it to her
>she's holding onto my head like she does so often
>I lift to go harder
>feel it coming
>start to pull out
>"Do it inside"
>nah bitch
>feel her try to push her legs around me but I'm holding onto them
>pull out and bust onto her pubic bone
>she looks at me pretty disappointed and somewhat upset
>I just ignore it because I know it's a terrible idea to cum inside
>tell her to change so she doesn't mess up her dress
>she takes it off and walks to the bathroom without saying anything
>cleans up and changes
>we get in our parents bed and turn on the TV
>she keeps a bit of distance in the bed at first
>doesn't really say anything
lol, she needs to realize plan B is fucking PLAN B, you shouldn't be taking it unless you fucked up
>I can tell she's a little bothered I didn't cum inside
>I don't know if it's because she thinks I don't trust her or if it's something else
>after a while she decides to scoot over to me anyways
>cuddle and watch a movie
>multiple times throughout the night she complains about being tired or her hips hurting
>I guess I really gave it to her
>also when she would get up she was pretty stiff
>go to sleep
>wake up and turn my head
>she's as close to my back as she can get
>completely asleep
>she looks like an angel
>I roll over as gently as I can
>start rubbing her side and ass
>she wakes up
>she looks up at me and smiles
>she rolls away from me and scoots in towards me
>I put an arm around her and she weaves her legs through mine
>she pushes her ass into my crotch and I harden instantly
>she grinds my dick some
>my dick gets pressed inbetween her buttcheeks
>she decides to do something about it
>she turns around and starts running her fingers along it
>then she works her way underneath the covers and starts sucking
>she's a little bit better but it's still not great
>I run my fingers through her hair and guide her motion up and down
>I tell her I'm going to cum and she sits up
>she strokes it a few times and then aims it onto my stomach
>I cum
>look at the clock and realize it's already past when she should be at school
>have a panicked moment and tell her
>"Just call them and pretend to be dad."
>I guess that might work
>call in
>tell them she's sick
>they seem to believe it
>problem solved
>while I was on the phone she disappeared
>she comes back in a pair of panties and she took one of my tshirts
>"Let's make breakfast!"
>I go into my room and put on a pair of boxer-briefs and meet her in the kitchen
>she pulls out eggs and bacon and seems to be trying to find something in the pantry
>she's bent over and I can't resist
>walk up and start playing with her ass
>she pushes her ass back into me
>I grab her hips and ask if she needs any help
>she stands up and turns around
>"Yeah, why don't you find pancake mix while I cook."
>find it and start mixing it up
>she's standing over the stove cooking
>she's so focused sometimes her tongue sticks out of her mouth
>occasionally she gets up on her toes to get a better look at things
>I finish the mix and she thanks me
>we cook together and eat on the couch
>"So we have one more day of this."
>"Do you want to just stay here and be together?"
>we sit back on the couch
>she puts her legs across my lap
>I rub them and we just enjoy each other's company for hours
>we laugh and talk
>just have a good time
>I end up cooking lunch
>which I'm not really good at
>tried to make burgers which were okay
>a little overdone
>she said they were perfect anyways
>then we played some mario kart, per her request
>I beat her every time but once
>now she's cleaning everything remotely sexual smelling
Shoot, I guess you caught me. Into the delorean! But for real my mental calendar is really fucked up for some reason. She's corrected me multiple times today and yesterday. For reason I thought today was Saturday all day yesterday and I had a couple moment where I thought our parents were coming home today this morning.
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I got it in my head that my dad or anyone else would probably figure out what's going on if they showed up to my house right now, so I've been doing all the laundry and just cleaning up in general. Now I'm thinking about going grocery shopping again, and trying to decide what Em would want. Maybe I am just the damn bitch in this relationship.

I sent her a couple sappy texts, just telling her I love her and shit. Maybe I'll send something like that, I kinda like the idea of her getting embarrassed at work.
I am disappointed that you let her skip school dude...
But you made up by having a nice couple day, I was starting to think you two were only in it for the fug.
Also, on the day they come back make sure everything is clean and you are not doing anything. Be carful as they may get home early.
I think it's okay she skipped a day of school, this is probably the best opportunity they may have in a long while to really go at it. If anyone finds out you could just blame it on bad you got eating out.

IC I can tell you like going down on her, is she up for a trim/shave?
> inb4 parents find out she skipped
i agree with this >>33281736
he just has to say she wasnt feeling well that day
Bumpin 4 hopeful updates.
Hope the big P is doing okay
Sibling love bump!
oreimo oreo
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I'm just hanging out, I never went shopping. I gave up and texted Em to ask what she wanted me to get, and she said to just wait until we can go together. She other responses were nothing to report on, just "I love you too"s and heart emojis.

I didn't end up sending her this either, I'm gonna wait and tell it to her face.

Why you gotta post this shit, you're gonna make me cum inside her next time.
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You naughty onii-chan
Do it, Pat.
You can cum inside this time!
It's embarrassing to say, but...
I really, really want to have y-your baby
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B u m p p m u B
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What are y'all fuckers trying to do

I feel like the cuddler guy could make it work if they had to, but it hasn't even been a week since I left Em that message. I'm not giving her a damn baby for our 1st Week Anniversary.
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Not yet Pat.
But soon enough, you'll come around or inside her.
I hate obviously fake stories.
Shit get m8
Me two, fuck Star Wars and fuck Lord of the Rings
So wtf is this thread.
You stinky fatsos just do incest roleplay all day?
Theres a difference between fiction, and masquerading a poorly written story as truth.

If I want hot well written stories there are several great websites for erotic literature, that are actually well written and believable.

Why would you want to read stories written by robots, they can't write women in stories at all.

The best part is that people have been writing erotic incest literature on the internet since the dawn of the internet. There is an endless supply of it.
>It's another guy comes and tries to act like we care that he thinks the stories are fake episode
Would you like to bring up any points instead of being salty and giving us bumps?
oregairu oreimo
Rolls ronni
Hopefully Em had a decent shift at work
Praise kek. The gods allow incest, let it be known.
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I think I said it before, but she works from 1(PM) to 7, unless they're short-handed. She should be back any minute, in fact.

At least someone's optimistic. I have no idea how long it'll take for us to be in a position to remotely consider baby-making sex.
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Sorry, I think I misunderstood your post. As far as I know everything was fine, or at least normal. She'll tell me if anything exciting happened.
Fuck, didn't mean to reply to this.
It's cool man. I hope you too have a great time tomorrow!

On a side note: it sounds like you live in your own place? I've heard you say you don't work. How do you afford your roof and food?
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I said it at some point, but "my house" is our old family home. Em moved out back in late July, our dad got a girlfriend soon after and basically lives with her 99% of the time. My dad let's me stay here to take care of the place since he still pays a mortgage, and he gave me a spare debit card for gas and food (I also have a decent savings from past odd jobs).

Em's about to pull in, will update when there's something to update.
Thanks for the clarification. I just started following the threads a week back
Hey Pat, how often were you in contact with your sister prior to these past few weeks. Were you still on daily correspondence?
Let's hit the bumplimit
New thread preemptively?
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Well that was neat. We had a surprisingly "couple-ish" moment as soon as I let her in. We hugged, and she kinda leaned her body into me and gave me a kiss before saying she missed me all day.

She jumped in the shower almost immediately, so I'll answer this guys question:
It got kinda sporadic for a while, but we tried to hang out when we could. Mostly we'd just catch a movie or get lunch, but sometimes she'd drag me out with her circle of friends. Around the start of november was when she first started to vent about how shitty her roommate was, so we ended up hanging out almost every weekend, either at my house or hers.
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Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand bumplimit
fucking retard the bump limit hasnt been reached. let me reach it for you since you cannot.
Bumpo Limito
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