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Thread replies: 506
Thread images: 113

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anime is for gays edition
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>anime is for gays
>animoo imageboard
very smug looking animay you have there
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Odds Vodka
Evens Vodka with juice
Someone kill me while I'm passed out.
can i molest instead?
did you know its Chinese new year? would it be mean to get a Chinese takeaway tonight? anyway, to celebrate post your favourite Chinese cartoon female.
im so tired sheep are counting me no more struggle no more energy no more patient and you can write that down it's all so crazy and im not sticking around
it's not like he can say no
Nico a dogshit
ah i'm down south in Bristol probably too far to travel just for a shaving sesh

unless maybe there's cuddles involved
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Hampshire cuddle buddy always here for you lads.
My local chinese is only open mondays when its a bank holiday. The qt3.14 chinese girl that went home just before christmas may be coming back soon!
Is that you, Double Penetration?

There are lots of chinese cartoon females, but this one is mine. Without her, I am nothing. Etcetera.
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>all the gays are down south
>I'm stuck here alone with no lonely robots to shave and cuddle

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Disregard Janny

Post waifus
Not as fat as expected since I shit it out all easy
Do you really want affection from some gay who will get with anyone?
Starting a new job later this week after being neet for a long time.

How long before I become legitimately angry about wagecuck threads?
what if he is himself a gay who will get with anyone?

>he isn't so desperate for human affection that he takes whatever he can get wherever he can get it

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but you already have a cuddle buddy

i wouldn't want to interfere with what you two have going
You don't, just remember how pathetic being a NEET is and you'll be fine mate
I'm painfully lonely but I'll never be a pathetic slut, nigger.

If you aren't ready to slut it up then you aren't properly lonely yet desu
i'm 22 desu
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>anime is for gays
Whatever you say, Achmed
There arent any other good websites like 4chan, but I have to deal with the weebs and I REALLY hate anime
You Brits are hillarious
No, I just have some dignity and will save it for the one I love. Dumb whore.
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>kill me

>he still believes in love

oh i am laffin
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Absolutely need to cuddle with her soon or I WILL snap
>He's a filthy faggot who will do anything with anyone
Oh I am dry-heaving.
how do i cope with the fact that i'll never be great

get the daki out and get cuddling desu lad
Sorry, desu
I'd cuck you with your waifu tbqh
That's just a pillow with an image of her printed on it Anon
I just find them amusing, being poor and dependent on the state remaining liberal is not comfy
Seems fair he already cucks her with the guy who posts Jun all day.
Racist bastard
You could change your name to "Anon the Great" for 36 bongs via deed poll lad
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how do i cope with the fact that i'll never be white/pure
It's pretty comfy along with rich parents.
but she's not real
I just want to fuck his waifu though
is it too early to make pasta?

i had lunch at 12 and i'm really hungry
so get a girl who looks like her. i thought your parents were rich.
I don't love her just for her physical appearance
Also no they're not really rich at all

you will never cuddle with azusa in real life, but you can live your real life for her.
need death like air lads
for fucksake chucklechannon send me the full res yeezy pic

need that like air
Who am I?

and who are you? kek

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I didnt want these feels senpai....

I came here to escape, not to be reminded of it all........
spot on lad

If you don't consume all your calories for the day within an 8 hour window you're never going to make it

>you want to make it
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>you can live your real life for her.
So when you two are meeting up to be gay with each other that's living for your waifu? Wew lad.
>tfw going to kfc tomorrow with a qt then playing vidya at her house
My mates gf has been texting me and im buying her presents for valentines day and going out with her the day before but shes going out with her bf on the actual day, why am I a cuck?
you cannot escape what you have created in your own head. it can be a good thing lad.
it is when we dress up as them.
>playing videogames
>eating kfc
>going anywhere with a sad act like you

shes a 4/10 at best if she any of these two things
Better than McDonalds...
Think I'll order a takeaway tomorrow. Just to change it up for once
its all the same shit mate

- brian from exeter
>tails isn't working so can't use DNM

This is so fucking annoying. I've spent the last 5 days learning how to be safe on the DNM and tails won't fucking work.
What's it like to have loving parents you get along with?
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>you cannot escape what you have created in your own head. it can be a good thing lad.

But I moved 8 time zones away from them to come back to my "homeland" and live the life that they think that I want and need.

Homeland is where they live.
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about to leave...

- brian from exeter
I have never had a nandos, is it nice?

- brian from exeter
lmao your not British then.. I mean neither am I but everyone eats at Nandos
That is in essence what being gay is all about.
Posting is pretty slow today, I sure hope it picks up before I have to go to tesco for my big shop

I didn't know eating a nandos what a qualifier of being British, I will definitly try one when I get the chance next.
gonna go out tomorrow. down the seafront maybe, just a litle walk.

yeah, tomorrow...
You can't have a waifu if you're a faggot.
Too windy down the seafront for me lad
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I can't believe my luck either, no need to get salty mate
Once again, waifu has been posted senpai~
post a picture and I will tell you if she is a qt lad
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how you holding up today, cutie?
I am feeling pretty good today tbqh~
How are you today, anon?
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Same shit, different day. Can't complain.

Happy with your intake today?
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How do you usually dress? On the right is my casual daywear.
That is good to hear anon~

I suppose it was okay today. Probably could have been more but oh well~
Haven't seen a Poleaboo post in ages. Is the new Digimon game that distracting?
That's funny because I usually dress like the guy on the left.

Want to meet?
Me on the left, lads
neighbours alarm literally wont stop going off

why do gays always speak weird and use hand fans? They literally stereotype themselves.
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>I'll never be a qt, smug anime girl
Time for more tramadol.
Wearing a fedora and an ill fitting waistcoat from a costume shop isn't the same thing as dressing like the guy on the right btw.
why do gays suddenly develop a lisp, as somebody with a strong lisp I am offended
can we be straight lispbros
Playing interactive buddy.
Sucking lots of cock damages the tissue in your lips and tongue causing a lisp
yes mate : ^ )

fuck this original shit ive snapped
Poplar was literally made for bullying and sexualizing
anyone want to give me a handjob while we sppon?
the steriotype had to come from somewhere...
Can't take much more m8s

I just can't. I hate this fucking country and all the scum who dwell here. This is no kind of life. Thinking of becoming an alky big time
Keep getting sudden dizzy spells. Like, I can be fine and all of a sudden my vision seems to tilt like I've got my head touching my shoulder.

Really knocks me off balance. Had it about a week and half now, usually only happens once a day.

Had a bad ear infection that is still clearing up, so maybe that's causing it?
Haven't you ever wondered what it would be like for her to bully YOU?
We'd slay so much pussy lad. I get so many looks when I'm out wearing that outfit, it's like everyone is staring in total awe of me. I never try to talk to any of them though because they're probably dumb bitches and I'm above that.

buils up of fluid in your ear probably causing dizziness.
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More often than I care to admit
I can see her trying really hard to bully me, only to fail at the slightest error and get easily flustered and try to hit me. It wouldn't even hurt but i'd play along for her.
can everybody please stop posting anime in my thread thank you
One, two, three and to the four,
Snoop doggy dogg and Dr Dre is at the door,
ready to make an entrance so back on up

Sorry mate, I will make sure to never post anime again. I hope you aren't too upset.
Are recruitment companies so shit because they are filled with retarded women? bunch of fucking time wasters
most refuse to use email and insist on calling like mongs no matter how many times I try to get the to email or get their coworkers to get them to email. When they do send an email all it say is to call the, Fucking normie scum.
>tfw almost finished this
>tfw no Inami gf

I'm not gonna make it lads
Bennett on uni challenge be my gf
Does anyone care about the plot in Ratchet and Clank? God damn.
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how very cute my good friend.
Univeristy challange is literally too hard for me, thank god for tipping point
I just watch it for paxman and the odd qt you see every season or two


Ive got dyslexcia sorry lads
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hows my waifu lads?

Liar. There isn't a single dyslexic person on the planet who cannot spell that word
>be non-white
>accuse whites for racism
>get money
>profit (literally)
Enjoy your free moeny
>tfw exposed on 4chan

Until recently I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life, but it's already too late. Trying my hardest won't be enough to enter the uni I want to, and I've not given enough shits to my studies. I have a friend who'll be accepted there, and I won't be able to handle going to another uni without wanting to kill myself.
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Why can't you just go into a shop, buy something a leave anymore? Why are they always trying to get you to sign up for something or enter some sort of competition or sell you something else.

>mfw I went into a clothes shop the other day and they actually tried to get me to sign up for their credit card


>stressing over a levels

I didn't try in a levels and still got into a decent uni
Hey lads it's me with the alchy dad

He came home from the pub and I didn't hear him come in, I heard him coming upstairs so I came out of my room and said hey and asked if he'd like me to cook the steaks for us. He said no he was 'trying to cook pork chops', took a piss, than ran downstairs screaming and swearing incoherently. Then he slammed every door in the house and continued to scream and shout incoherently, while what sounded like I can only imagine smashing every plate, glass and cup in the kitchen.

After this he proceeded to the living room where he screamed some more, then he talked to someone on the phone and has been quiet since, aside from yelling at for a cat that came in the house to leave when he left the back door open.

I am just sat silently with my door locked at the moment hoping he's fallen asleep or will just go to bed soon.
Debenhams have been doing it for years since they sell some really expensive stuff and massive ranges, not heard of any others though
>Sixth form

Literal children all up in /britfeel/ tonight.
Because they make more money selling your information than selling you socks.
give him a kiss
Don't you have neighbours lad? I'd call the bobbies if I heard shit like that going down
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>I think we need to talk about Saturday. I'll be back in town this weekend so we can meet if you want or would that be pointless? I don't know, you're hurting my brain and my insides :( xx

Feel a bit funny about this lads, kinda regret saying anything now, I can just see more misery ahead.
He does have a reddit image desu
My neighbours are druggie chavs famalamapus
Through suffering comes redemption.
Through sorrow comes exaltation.
Through pitch dark comes a cleansing fire.
Through the fire, we shall find a spring of new life.
you're catastrophising the situation
cucked you hard pham
how do i get bigger balls
Are you a NEET? Apply for a council home or something, can't be doing with that every day.
eat lots of meat
Why not just go spend some time with him and cook him a steak? Maybe try stop being a whinging faggot that thinks he's so hard done by.

My dad was similar and probably worse than yours sounds and despite this, I still understood that he's family and it's as simple as that.

>hiding in your room because your dads drunk and wants some steak
>crying on the net because your dads pissed and being loud like pissed people are

Get a fucking grip, man. When he dies you're gonna regret being such a pussy.
how do I get a girlfriend???

no meme responses


He's so perf.
Hit the gym
Stop coming on here
Get a job
Find a hobby

The only real answers but inb4 everyone memes ''just be yourself'' blah blah because they don't actually want a gf but just an excuse to continue rotting until death in their own filth
>we need to talk

you so deserve this you normie shithead
stop posting and get delivering them pizzas lad

>talking to a girl
>going well
>wants to meet irl
>stop responding

why am I doing this?

Ian Brown

Not him but I'm having trouble hitting the gym. Do gymchads have more respect for a quite skinny lad trying to get bigger or a fatass trying to cut down on weight?

I'm the former.

Ian Duncan Smith
They respect no-one that isn't in their clan.
>tfw if you're a bloke you've got to do all this shit and spend all your free time keeping them entertained

Not worth the effort, sex just isn't worth it.
go really early or really late when nobody is there

u fukken wot m9?

What's my Nobel 6 husbando got to do with delivering pizzas?

And because you're a daft sod.
I don't want sex I want an emotional partner and a friend
its because im JUST tier mate

Original character/10
all over your oo yeah
all over your oo
all over your oo yeah
all over your oo

bass over two hats like a sandwich
7 days and yeah we're still standing
th-this goes out to the Charlie Browns
loving it loving it old school anthems
going out dressed in white polos and Versace blue jeans
timberlands track tops and blue jeans
big narstie
All over your nyeeeeahhhh
I looked like the guy from the machinist when I started going to the gym.

No one cares or stares, as much as you think.
Get over yourself and JUST DO ITTTTT
Know how you feel. I recommend weed instead though. No shitty hangover and it chills you out more whereas booze can make you rage more.
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Infinitely easier if you're at college/university as you are in close proximity to women who probably like similar things to you (since they have chosen to do the same subject(s) as you)

If you don't go to college/university then you need to take part in clubs or events for things you like, again, the women there will like similar things to you. The hardest part is being bothered to actually do that, most people aren't, I know I'm not.

If you're a turbo normie with good looks them go to a club and JUS B URSELF, shout over shit music and take home some stupid bitch with a cunt that has seen more action than Guadalcanal.

Don't use dating sites, it's tragic, you're better off alone if you're thinking about that route.

I don't like you, brian from exeter.
>respecting anyone
They don't respect new guys who haven't been to a gym before, only those who have been at it for a long time and have a body to show for it. If you've got a good body already then they'll probably not care at all, anything less is just going to get you mocked.
I at university and sit alone at every lecture/seminar, im not just going to sit next to some random girl

im sorry you feel that way but im sure if you gave me a chance you would change your mind
this was brian from exeter btw
>Infinitely easier if you're at college/university as you are in close proximity to women who probably like similar things to you (since they have chosen to do the same subject(s) as you)


>If you don't go to college/university then you need to take part in clubs or events for things you like, again, the women there will like similar things to you. The hardest part is being bothered to actually do that


Anyone got any good comebacks for use when you get mocked by gymchads?
oh do just fuck off you boring cunt
>I at university and sit alone at every lecture/seminar

Same family, in my second year too

It never gets better
Stop being cucked and join the /nu-eunuch/ movement.

Fucking and procreation is for normies.
Call them "meatheads" and tell them they're compensating.

Then get the shit beaten out of you in a 3v1 in the car park.
Print out your favourite smug anime girl reaction images and hold them up when they're benching something you deem light.
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Great input there you mono syllabic mong
Stupid fucking idea.

Just use a smartphone or tablet.

would something like 'I can get bigger but you'll never get smarter' a good one? It might confuse them enough that it takes them 10 mins to understand you just insulted them.

Enough time to finish your reps and quickly sneak out the back door.
most gymchads wont mock you desu


honestly thought this was my chance to meet a qt but the alphas moved in on any available girls in the first 2 weeks
Who /garibaldi/ here family
A girl in Uni being a virgin is very, very rare. Don't see the point desu.
Say 'nice tits Sheila'
>Listening to Stacey tell the class how people should be tolerant of promiscuity
>Bitch has a fucking normal family while I have to put up with a cuck dad and a slut mother's passive-aggressive exchanges at dinner
Only thing with raisins in it worth eating is Fruit N Fiber
>I can g-get bigger but
>No you can't
>You can't get any bigger, you'll always be a skinny cunt

Exactly what would happen irl
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"Big muscles wont make up for a small dick"
Even better if you see how small they are in the locker room, there was a twat who was hulked up but his dick was probably no bigger than a middle finger. He might have been roided up which makes sense but point still stands.
roids dont make your dick shrink

It's just a daft joke.

Nice memeing though, I'm sure you're very popular on /tv/.
That just makes it even better to use then
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degenerates raus!

Hi brian from exeter, i'm from Exmouth. I'll meet you at sidwell street for a fight and a pint if you want.
Honestly stop worrying lad, most gym lads aren't going to bully you their too busy listening to their Beats by Dr. Dre Solo 2.0 On-Ear Headphones with high quality sound avaiable for the low price of 135 pounds
>Brian is the pakigym anon
Top top kek
She probably has the same desu like mother like
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cuddle me please
im whiter than you mate
>about to apply for a job I actually really want

Getting rejected for this is going to suck.
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>cute fang waifu

good taste desu
Do you have a big one anon?

what's the job m8

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you can never have too much fang
I only skim the descriptions these days, no use getting your hopes up when it will probably not work out
what film should I watch lads?

Would really enjoy seeing you creampie her.
the pest
Who /crimewatch/ here? I don't like the new music.
are you a cuck or something
Shitskin city init. Even had a peadogang lol.
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She's not a loli, she's just petite.
Just watched drive


Trying to find another to watch now, maybe la haine
wan wans having a really bad dream lads :(

i'm scared for her
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Yes so please let me watch desu.
seen drive it was good

Cant find a film called shitskin city on imbd lad, is this some cool nickname you have for a real film?

>4.9 on imdb

no thanks sorry

Not at all, thankfully we don't have too many Pakis because it's far away from any big cities.
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sounds kind of gay anon
There's nothing gay about wanting to fap to the groans of pleasure you make after creampieing a loli fang girl.
Is it gay to imagine yourself as different anon's waifus servicing their cocks?
delete this

You have been muted for 16 seconds, because your comment was not original..
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I don't groan when I fap faglord

I'm a boy not a women
Is it weird to like chicks with huge dicks?
You'd groan after creampieing the loli. Which I would fap too.
Poleaboo woke up a little after noon

Spent the whole day playing Digimon

Going to go play some more now
is it wrong this is turning me on

post steam
Stop playing that shite and talk to us lad, maybe do some phishing.
Or maybe he should sort his life out?
now would you say you would make a good Jun? because you could make that fantasy a reality.
I don't have steam, just email senpai
All about RATs now lad

Meant to apply for jobs today, will postpone until tomorrow
I'll never be qt enough to live up to anyone's waifu, sadly
poast pls
What is RATs?

>Mian Farooqnadeem - rapist
>Nisa Ul Haq - people trafficking

Oh dear.
Tiger got to hunt, bird got to fly; Man got to sit and wonder, 'Why, why, why?' Tiger got to sleep, bird got to land; Man got to tell himself he understand
can we get rid of the childporn anime? I'm sure there are boards dedicated to that stuff, it makes me feel uncumfortable and this thread is all about the comfy.
[email protected]
Don't talk like that. Stop putting yourself down. With determination, you can be anything you want to be. Hard work = money = surgery. I know it can be hard, but I believe in you.
Radical Armenian Terrorists
Why does it make you uncomfy? Can't control your hard on around pre-teens Rasheed?
that's channons m8 isnt it?
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Alright lads? Gonna get a dirty kebab and chips, rice and curry sauce.
what a grim existence
>tfw you find out your oneitis has hideous feet
Well, at least I don't have a oneitis anymore.
>chooses a fake name
fuckin hell lad

You have been muted for 16 seconds, because your comment was too low in content (0.00% content)....
That's one ugly thumb.
>Tfw bought used socks from a chav I used to go to high school with
Low point.
rude desu delete this please
I'll delete your dick, you weird prick.
*unzips dick*

try it mate
A female chav?

When I first read that I thought you'd had to buy used socks from someone at the gym or something, because you were poor.
arr pee
*starts suckin so my baby be nuttin*

this is a bit gay tbqh
Yeah female. She was 4'11 and had a soft, young face.
Literally the perfect ideal height for a girl
If you're literally a fucking manlet
I am so its okay
4'11 would be perfect height for a gf for me I would be just a little bit taller
Mate I'm 6'3 and it sound brill
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>she has had an argument with her boyfriend
>"shit, that wasn't because of this was it?"
>hasn't responded yet

Have I become that guy now? Is that who I am? Are these the tactics I'm employing now?

I've went too deep. In less than a week I've went from being Mark to fucking Jeremy.
>tfw I had a dream that ISIS was outside my house
I heard an explosion, looked out the window and saw a smoldering crater then saw some Bin Laden looking motherfucker running around, then some fucking US marine motherfuckers were in my house and one of them handed me a knife and told me to join the fight so I went out there and I think I died after slashing up 3 cunts.

Weird dream lads.
maybe for a girl who doesn't like fun.
>tfw easing your little finger down your dickhole while wanking to futa hentai
Not really, shorter girls are even more desperate for lanklet seed
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a true patrician of the sexual arts.
Poleaboo are you still here? I've got a question.
I'm flattered that you took the time to remember her height Anon
Fair enough
Wasted genetics, you're probably ugly as fuck though
>desperate short girls only wanting you for height are perfect
>you're probably ugly as fuck though
Don't get angry, little guy :)
>desperate short girls only wanting you for height are perfect
>Implying I said that
Anyone elses train get fucked today because of "wind"

My 9:26 actually ended up departing at 13:42. Fuck the trains here man.
how the fuck can wind push a train over, im calling bullshit on your post desu
Maybe some leaves got blown on to the tracks
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what are you good lads relaxing to this fine evening?


got some chill tunes and some chill games.
I'm 6'2" and wouldn't want a girl shorter than 5'6" minimum, not angry just calling it as I see it
>implying that's not what you meant
Storm Imogen mate. If she can blow down the fence in my garden she can blow anything.
The wind didn't push a train over, but because trains had to go at a reduced speed they got delayed, and ended up cancelling a majority of the trains to my shitty town today,

It blew the hood off my head mate, watch out trains
Once stole 3 fence panels that got blown down in the wind and carried them half a mile for 3 grams of ketamine

It was worth it
Hey we're close! Guess your genetics just weren't of high enough quality for that extra push though.
>Implying that's what I meant
I'm not the guy who said
>Literally the perfect ideal height for a girl
All I did was point out that you're wrong. 4'11" isn't the ideal height for a manlet because short girls want tall guys even more.
Who traded 3 fence panels for ketamine?
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is britain racist boys?
Pride and Fall lad. They use a weird lyrical structure but it really grows on you

>The good news
How can these people think like this? And fucking lol at her putting an award in her twitter name, what a dopey bitch.
In brazil everyone is mixed race, but the lighter people have risen to the top are only breed with other light skinned. the darker people are the druggies and criminals
Can't bring myself to watch that bollocks. You know their conclusion will be "Yes, Britain is racist... but only the white people of course."
Some gypsy that needed fence panels because his had also blown down but broke, it was my mates cousin
That's pretty funny, not that I'd ever go to Brazil. If Liveleak has taught me one thing, it's that.
yea but the women do amazing pron things like fuck animals and stuff...
Not to mention all the qt fuckboys
very tired lads, might get some kip, busy day tommorow
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Explain this Brian you fucking cuck.
>tfw can't go to bed for two hours or I won't be able to sleep for indigestion
>this retard making devon look bad

Just what we needed, thanks a lot you slow chinless mong.
>barely the size of Cornwall
Doesn't it look a good deal larger?
sorry mate

explain what? its pretty self explanatory mate
anyone Leeds here??
Three times the size.
If anyone was from Leeds they'd have a "brian from leeds" trip on mate.
Indigestion making it impossible to do work. Wat do, lads?
im black am i allowed here
>finally cum

>came to a gif advert of a dick getting bigger because i came while loading a video
>close 11 video tabs
>delete 54 tabs of /s/
>close an imgur album of obscure pony porn
>delete 30 tabs of reddit gonewild albums
>exit from a /gif/ rekt thread I got sidetracked on
>exit from 4 Wikipedia pages where mid-fap I wondered if frogs eat spiders or some history shit
>uninstall 6 h-games and a slave trainer
>wait for a 40 minute antivirus scan to run to check if I got anything dodgy
>turn off laptop, clean myself up and get dressed

Ahh yes another successful masturbation period
1.Are you uncut?
2.Will you be my bf?
If yes you can stay.
Dear toobmeij

Hey. I would like to take this time to formally apologize for my behavior earlier. There is no excuse for how I acted and I am sincerely sorry. I promise to you and the rest of the /gfd/+/rr/ Skype chat community that such an outburst will never, ever happen again. This is a great chatroom and it was wrong of me to come in here and disturb the peace with my violent outbursts. It was completely unwarranted and unbecoming of the nature of the people in here.

I hope you accept my apology and we can both move on from this ordeal. I have learned a lot after much private deliberation and it was immature of me to take out my frustrations on this community.

Thank you for reading.

Eugene Li
Got some of that Neutrogena Body Clear shower gel lads, hopefully it clears up the acne on my shoulders. Embarrased to see the doctor so I saw this apparently works.

Don't really know why my skin is so shitty on my shoulders. I have a good diet, my clothes and sheets are always clean and I shower daily.

Yet another thing I need to tick off my shit list.
yes to both desu
Get in the steam chat/IRC channel/smoke signals/semaphore/tin can on a bit of string lads
>This country which is a literal shithole and fucked up beyond all recognition is letting in a trillion shitskins but we're not, this is bad

Why are left wing traitors so retarded? They need to be put in front of a firing squad
Question: do you have an outie belly button?
In senpai, IN.
Outies are genetically inferior and should be castrated.
Only fatties have innies.

Why are women such whores?
I'm underweight and I have an innie.
>Eugene Li

do you teach in swansea uni lad?
One of the most reserved and conservative girls I've known ended up getting a sugar daddy. Killed me inside, doubt she's even a virgin anymore.
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>Tfw no Maki daki gf
yeah i do actually
>ended up getting a sugar daddy...doubt she's even a virgin anymore

>tfw will never cuck anon with maki
Think my little brother is gay/bi, some gay chatroom/website stuff in the internet history.
What happened to Mr. Paki?
im gay, can i talk to your brother?
A Paki got offended, changed it and started posting it.
Looks like someone can't handle the banter.
im gay, can i talk to you?

Mate were you on a research chemical wank-bender or something?
yes of course anon, talk away

count me out lads
Don't laugh you cunt
i'm shy with all these other people listening

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rich piana stole your waifu.jpg
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>mfw it's chest day
>mfw 20 sets of cable flyes like rich piana told me
>there are only 2 pairs of cable machines and the gym is packed as shit (kek puregym)
>mfw some 5'4 pajeet kid asks me how many sets I had left
>told him fourteen
>I didn't offer to let him work in

The look on his face, holy fucking shit lol.
Oi, walk on, Rasheed.
we can talk in private

what's your steam
wh-whats that guy holding my waifu so close for?

he ain't your waifu anymore peewee.
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>Asda closes at midnight
>American Dad finishes at a quarter to

The heat is on, lads.

>he doesn't have a tesco extra nearby.

local tesco is gonna stop being 24 hours, no more late night robot shopping for snacks :'(
Why is male ass-play becoming normie/mainstream as fuck? Heard a Chad on the train talk about pushing some slags face into his arse so hard that she used her nose to push into his arsehole. None of the other LADS were laughing either, just talking seriously about how good it feels having a girl run her tongue down your anus.Bloody degenerates.
pancake day tomorrow.
alright there prude?
Fuck off you filthy animal.

>a quarter of a million

What the HECK
With the rise of homosexuality, acts that are very unhygienic must become more acceptable.
Otherwise it's "homophobic".
Fuck sake. I don't care about all this 'how can you love her when she has cum on her face' bollocks but it will deeply haunt me if my future wife used to massage some tall lads hairy arsehole.
Women are filth these days, they've got no self-respect.
Even the young ones get "raped" by pakis.

Imagine that, dating a girl you're madly in love with only to find out that not only has she had boyfriends previously, but they weren't white. I'd be absolutely furious, part of the reason I can't bring myself to date women.
The other part being they're liars and will cheat on you if they think they can get away with it.
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Popped a couple etiz earlier. Time for a cozy wank and sleep.
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Has anyone else here tried PS Now?
I used the free trial but the games framerate dips are unplayable. Was this your experience too? My internet is actually pretty good now so I can't imagine it's at fault for how abysmal this shit gets.
It genuinely makes my blood boil when I see a cute girl with some filthy paki. It just makes no sense, I can understand the appeal of niggers because they are loud, tall and aggressive in a way a lot of white men are too scared to do these days. What the fuck does malnourished Rasheed offer?
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really happy right now lads, i hope everyone else has a nice night.
Good for you, stay cheerful and smile
Have you come to grips with being gay and your 'waifu' is just what you wish your appearance was?

I have heard similar stories from others, but I do not have first hand experience.

Xbox 4 lyf PSPleb.
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your not wrong desu, i would fucking love that.
Well it's hardly a Holmes riddle when it comes to the more prominent waifuposters.

I mean 250,000 sounds LOW to me. Every single woman would do this given the chance.

They're literally served up a high status male on a plate and they don't even have to bother playing the dating game to find one.
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I finally got around to making a PSD for the op image,
its not the same as the current op cos I didn't have the stock used, but its close enough and can be updated by whoever the new op image guy is. its easy to swap the ppl in the windows for example.
I wont be doing anything else to it, im just trying to keep my word.
you need the master psd to be able to keep it updated all year.
someone download and save it plz ffs.

tinyurl /2016opimage

2015 oap img guy.
There are 500k women that enter university each year.
Not even counting the drop out rate is about 20% for women, that's 1 in 6 women currently at university selling herself.
Class of 60 students? 5 of those girls sell themselves to old men.

It's fucking disgusting.
The depressing truth is only a small handful of women are marriage material these days and they'll be ruined by some Chad/chav/Rasheed before you even meet them.

I've honestly given up of ever finding a woman who doesn't care about status. It's literally built into their genetic makeup.

I'm not even some MRA fedoralord reddit poster but I find myself agreeing with basically everything said in this video.

cant sleep lads

original fuck off

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>tfw a girl stops talking to you because you say sorry too much

reminder to vote for friday's movie

>no office space to bully wage slaves
should be saving private ryan desu senpai
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Anyone here want extremely fast photoshop art?

post anything and I will do it for you senpai.
welp, nvm I tried.
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here m8 go ahead
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Pretty sweet, should just be a Jackie marathon desu.
If something pushes out LOTR and K-on it would be perfect.
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Been watching Grimgar... did anyone NOT see this guys death coming? So fucking obvious... for the first three episodes I was just like, "This guy is gonna die. He's way too perfect. He is so fucking dead."

And then episode 4 comes and he dies. They try to make it all tragic and shit but I couldn't help but find it hilarious. It was so obviously going to happen. Let's do a run down of the characters;

Haruhiro, the Rogue (Main Character): This guy is fucking useless. All he can do is some shitty little stabs which tickle people. He's also a pervent, but unlike Ranta, he doesn't want to admit it. Also he's a coward.

Mogzo, the Warrior (Food Bro): This guy is pretty chill, and he's giant. However, he can't hit shit with his giant sword and he'll never get laid for the entire show probably.

Ranta, the Dead Knight (Asshole): Complete asshole. They tried way too hard to make him a piece of shit, and he's basically the only person who's dislikable in the group. He's a cunt and that's his entire character. He'll probably end up fighting the main character or disobeying orders in a battle or something.

Shihoru, the Mage (Shy Grill): Extremely shy, can't talk to anyone, doesn't seem to do that much in battles. Really quick to get upset. Pretty boring character.

Yume, the Archer (Waifuu): Super cute, best waifuu, but can't hit shit with her bow and what's the point of being an archer if you can't hit a target? Still, she's best waifuu. If she dies I'll probably stop watching because she is best waifuu in show.

Manato, the Priest (God): He is good at everything. He has no personality flaws. He is the most useful character in the party, he never messes up, but always accepts the blame and acts modestly. He's kind, charming, and makes sacrifices for his group. He is also top-tier bro material. He is the only reason the party succeeds and there is no reason to dislike him.

Reading this summary of the party... how is it not obvious who is going to die?
>Round friends house
>Playing SF4
>He loses against the most gimmicky rolento player ever on sf4.
>Rolento player sends him a message "lol ur terrible"
>He threw his stick, i told him to calm down and he just left his room
>He still hasn't come back
i know his feels
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maybe try apologising to her?
You cheeky frog
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Really though, if she's annoyed with you constantly apologising, maybe she thinks you're being too beta.

Become the chad. Take her out to lunch or something. Better than being a cuck.
Cuck life really isn't so bad. Sure it rips your sole when you first see her with a genetically superior guy but then when the weeks/months go by and she's still so happy....it makes it worth it.
Trying to come out of a failed cocoon mode and get back on kikebook after nearly 5 years.

>friendlist is empty
>tfw everyone that I add is going to know that I have no friends.

Facebook has become essential so I have to do it.
Going through some shit lads. Applied to be a police chap but I have the fitness test in few weeks and no where near the levels required. Got no friends now and no way to meet girls. Fml
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You shouldn't think like that, brother. Sure, it's easier to give up, but you'll never feel any need to change.

Accept that you're going to suffer and fail if you try, and try anyway. Lower your standards if need be. Eventually you'll find someone.
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>tfw going to be cuddling bf while watching animaymays soon

Way too excited tbqh lads
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>mfw i will never experience this

at least i'm not part of the inherently inferior gender
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Had too much caffeine and painkillers today. You lads go have a nice sleep, I'll guard the thread from any foreign invaders.
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Can't sleep, don't want to sleep. I will stand guard with you, my brother.
I just woke up tho.
Anime source, please
there'll be something for you Paul Blart
>Anime source, please
Boku no pico
Maybe work out and apply again later when you're fit?
Poleaboo is taking a short brake from Digimon to let the PS4 cool down

Must have put 12 hours into it today
Sakura Trick
Since you're a brother of the night.
Answer this
Please and thank you.
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>tfw nobody replies or comments about your rant about grimgar's extremely obvious first character to die
feels bad lads

Also in case you're actually interested in watching it
Sorry mate I haven't seen it, did like how passionate you got about it though. Hope that waifu material doesn't die.
sorry im not interested in watching anime because im not a fucking nigger or nigger lover
Nobody cares here. Go to /a/
Poleaboo tried the trial too, also has a good connection but the game stuttered often

Pretty sure it's an issue with their servers though since if you're staying up a while past midnight (which is expected of a NEET) then it's fine
Yume is my Yome.
Considering the amount of people who post their waifuus at the start of this thread, I would assume there are some people who DO care, lad.

Don't hold yourself up as the majority of the people here.

Anyway, there's just going to be a bunch of dirty Americans on /a/ at this time. If I am to feel, I want to feel with my fellow brits.
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>muh anime website
Every fucking time it's the same reply, there's too much weebshit in these threads though, just over the "comfy amount of anime" level, waifu posting is pretty much the same as tripfagging here now. I just want to participate in waifu posting and returning to anon but there's just too much weebshit and we're getting real close to the ERP levels of anime image/quality of post.
Waifu posting has evolved from a comfy inhouse meme to this tripe, tone it down lads.
You niggas ever tried having a cup of rolled oats cooked then dumping 2.5 scoops of peanut butter choco ON! whey?

shit's fuckin amazing man, even if you don't lift or are obese as shit you should still try it.
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tfw you have to get up to go to work tomorrow
The problem is people don't post their waifu and be done with it. Jun and Azu use it to avatarfag and talk about meeting up to fuck each other (great devotion to their loved one ammirte?) then you get others who do it at a smaller frequency who I won't shit on but seriously lads just post it once. If you truly care about that character you wouldn't prostitute her ITT for attention.
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>paki pepe
>no mio
Not nice
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>be brit who lives in germany
>no orderly queues, people talk on trains
>no fish and chips and no crisps, instead people eat meat and pretzels
>no pleasant light drizzle, either heavy storms, snow, or it's way too warm
>everyone loves it when it's sunny and doesn't understand the virtue of a drizzle
>beer here is good but no lads to banter with when you drink

I'm introverted and like to be alone.. but even this is too lonely for me. It's like it's an entire country of Chads.
>Considering the amount of people who post their waifuus
That's not a reason to make the entire thread /a/. These threads are becoming less /britfeel/ and more just random /a/ talk. I've found myself posting more on the 4+4chan versions of /britfeel/ because it's becoming more like the classic /britfeel/ from here.

Avatar fagging and trip fagging there is banned instantly, so that keeps it in control. I implore any of my fellow real britfeelers to join us over there and let the weebs kill these threads.
Isn't the economy better though? Easier to get jobs and shit? Plus free uni too I think.

germany's a social shithole mate, dunno if I would get along better with the fucking refugees/turks than the locals.
I bet they have some pretty ladies over there
"Rah rah fight the powah"
t. Martin.L.King
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Waifu with blue haired person

Why can't I sleep, is it my shitty diet?
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Who wants to employ someone with a shitty grasp of their language?

Not sure why but I'm fucking terrible at language. I've tried to hard to learn German but I fuck up the pronunciation of half the words, and struggle to remember all the different grammar rules and stuff like that.

Maybe it'd be best to practice by trying to talk, but I'm a introvert robot so the thought of trying to talk to people makes me very uncomfortable.

Maybe I should just go home to Britannia. At least I'll be comfortable there.
Good point, I didn't think about having to learn the language.

Why are you in Germany anyway?
I have family over here. I thought it would be as easy as moving over here, learning the language, and then getting a decent job since I could boast having a natives speakers ability of the English language as a selling point.

Apparently learning a language isn't as easy as I thought, though.
Are you self teaching yourself? It's always hard to learn a new language that you didn't just pick up as kid.

Might need to hire a professional tutor or go to a language school desu
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>tfw no kylie gf
>tfw no mummy kylie gf
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im not gud with anime. think that's right.
now that's truly the last thing im doing cos im going to bed.
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Ta m8
Mio is olev and I get sad that there is a waifu faggot that picks a side character over possibly the most fundamental character of the group
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Went to actual lessons. It was full of Chad's and Stacie's, and we actually had to speak to each other.

Also most of my class was from the third world - one of them actually brought their child to class (annoying little shit), there was also an Arab girl who was heavily pregnant. Also the Greek guy next to me was the most loud and obnoxious guy I have ever met.

Although there was an African guy from Mali who was a mega-bro. That guy was a genuinely cool dude.

But once people started really getting familiar with me it was kind of too much. Started biting my nails more and more, and then started biting my skin on my fingers, as I do when I'm nervous. Makes it hard to write or focus. Eventually gave up on going to lessons.

Looks like the catgirls are being rogered from behind.
Wouldn't surprise me, k ons are notorious sluts.
They are mate, by pakis.
Try 1 on 1 tutoring. You're going to have to become fluent or you're going to find yourself becoming fucked over there.
Might just move back to family in England desu. Country is going to be fucked in the ass by a "peaceful religion" anyway. It's the German's race war to fight, not mine.
Do NOT slander k-ons
What the fuck does k-on even mean
its slang for black people
Light music club in weeb
they are sloots, SLOOTS
they LOVE taking it up the butt
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>yfw you realize the k-on girls are stacys and wound never want anything to do with these weeb posters
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Gonna go to sleep, lads. Keep an eye out for the Yanks while I'm gone - it wouldn't be seemly for them to try and invade and embarrass themselves, eh?
it is actually pretty funny
you forgot to mention the import of rapists
>tfw half yank
I was already here senpai
Pretzels are amazing tbf

Well, Yank ones covered in salt are anyway. No idea how the Krauts do it
sh-shut up, they're not stacies
The only people we need to worry about invading are French speaking Vikings.

Not emotionally immature Americans who cry at fucking everything
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>wagekekking in t minus 4 hours
time for a shit i reckon lads

rain is my favorite comfy thing ever, when combined with taking a shit it creates one hell of a comfy experience

>tfw not raining
Ha! I've been here all along. Just keeping an eye on you cunts in case you try to pull some 1812 shit again. Also I'm culturally appropriating the word "cunt". It doesn't get used nearly enough in America.
Why did I just wake up
I have to be up in 3 hours
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I like to imagine the k-ons as that friend group of normie girls, not the lowly outcasts or the full on ganguro/stacys, just the girls that are nice enough to acknowledge your existence

You can do fun stuff for the next three hours instead!
>have to
no you don't
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What is one thing you could do right now that would change your life for the better?
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>tfw the late night loneliness and depression kicks in
there are thousands of things I COULD do
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I forgot to take my meds I think but I'm not 100% sure and my mind is trying its hardest to pull the bad memories of the dream I just had from over the edge
I want her to tell me it will all be okay
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killing myself
it just makes me angry and scared, not contemplative desu
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an hero pepe.png
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>want to play games all day everyday
>dream job is to review them for a living
>tons of games I want to play
>been at job for year and a half now, want to quit and play games
>quit = no money
>no money = no games

I would actually start reviewing them on youtube but having a job that I hate is preventing me from doing it. At face value there's actually nothing stopping me but just knowing that when my free time is over I'm back to the shithole thing I hate makes me want to just chill and not do anything productive. Hard to explain.
Buy a PC then quit. All games are free on PC.
I have a good PC. Still doesnt solve the problem of time or motivation.
Review games a hobby. If it takes off, great, but it probably won't.
You quit your job. You have unlimited time to make your stupid reviews that no one will read/watch.
Sorry, that was mean.
>dream job is to review them for a living
That's not going to happen.
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The lads are asleep...they'll never hear a thing
Oh no you don't yankeedoodle scum.
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We're here whether you like it or not britslags, eating fish 'n chips and having a g'day pip pip cheerio and all that rubbish.
When mental people say they "hear voices" is it literally an auditory hallucination or is it like 'hearing' your dad in your head comment on everything you do and mock you?
>tfw u will never b k-on bu
This is not the place to get advice on scamming the job centre
That's exactly the purpose of this thread.
It probably depends, the first is more likely, the 2nd would be special snowflake induced
I think I get them sometimes, but I always try and pass it off logically like it's the neighbors or their TV, somebody passing by on the street outside etc
Sorry went to sleep but I have to reply to this post now.

>Why not just go spend some time with him and cook him a steak?

Trouble with reading bud? I offered to cook him a steak when eh came home originally, he said no and went back to the pub. I offered him again when he came home, he said no he is cooking himself something. He isn't mad because of fucking steak.

>>hiding in your room because your dads drunk and wants some steak

He doesn't want some steak you absolute mongloid that is why he cooked pork chops

>>crying on the net because your dads pissed and being loud like pissed people are
>what is alcoholism

He is not 'loud like pissed people are' he is literally a fucking mad men when he is drunk. He is an alcoholic. He does not get drunk and turn into a loud jolly old fellow like most people, he gets drunk and turns into a violent and aggressive psychopath who I don't even recognise as my father. When he is sober he is great and I like hanging out with him but when he is drunk he might as well be a completely different person.

Fucking hell, are there people really this sheltered ITT?
Morning lads~

Feeling really tired tbqh
Hopefully it's because you've got cancer.
Me too, we should cuddle and fall asleep together
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Sorry anon, but I've got quite a lot to do today~
Does it involve a steep ledge and a short rope?
We're all even more fucked when the national living wage is introduced
I love Ritsu
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She's a good one
Why? I haven't been following this.
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>muted for being a mute
After a week of nofap I can't stop fantasising about getting pegged and humiliated by a group of girls. I didn't even think about this stuff before.
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>tfw your meds put you on compulsory nofap
>Anime avatar fags still trying to force themselves as personalities on the thread
This is the stupid shit I have ever heard.
Poleaboo, is that you laddo?
Might download xcom 1 since I can't play 2 on this shit pc.

What's xcom 1 like? Is it good?
Basically the living wage is meant to try to encourage employers to pay above the minimum wage, at a level that it is deemed one can sustain themselves on. That video that anon posted is some backwards thinking Jew propaganda trying to convince you that companies should be allowed to get staff to work for free, in the same way the JC currently does and that it is actually better for everyone, even the poor people with shit jobs, if they are allowed to be paid as low as 0 bong per hour.
yees, I'm playing 2 but probably put 200 hours into 1, pirate it and the DLC
They haven't changed too much in 2 it's fundamentally the same
How so?
Go back to sleep /pol/
Thanks mate. I could play 2 on my gaming pc but I don't access to it right now and I'm desperate to play some xcom after watching videos of it.

I'll go pirate 1 now. Any essential mods I should get for 1?
>thinking a minimum wage is a good thing makes you /pol/

>being on mimimum wage

you only have yourself to blame
The only mod I used was long war, it's okay vanilla though, if you've never played before go through it once then try long war
I don't even have a job
>How so?

Well for a start is suggests that people will have the same wealth regardless of the minimum wage, because ,it says that the only thing putting the minimum wage up does is make everything cost more. It is literally trying to say inflation is caused solely by the rate of the minimum wage, which is fucking ridiculous. Inflation will continue regardless of the minimum, or even average wage being paid.

Then it throws out some stats about how 50% of kids without a high school diploma in the States are not employed, suggesting that the fact that there is a minimum wage is the whole reason they are not employed. Thing is,if someone wants to gain experience for free, they can volunteer. The reason these kids didn't finish school and are unemployed is more likely because they come from messed up, poverty stricken backgrounds. If they abolished minimum wage are these kids really going to stop making money selling drugs to keep the lights on and go and work for free? The video acts as if they are comfy NEETs living with mummy and daddy.

Then there is the whole idea that private companies can be trusted to A) Pass savings they make on employee wages down to the public via a lower cost of goods (as was implied by the videos point about inflation due to minimum wage) and B) That companies would use this incentive as a way to blood new talent who they plan on promoting, and not as a way to keep a roster of employees earning 2 bong an hour and sending half of that back to their mum in Bangkok

If we look at super markets in Britain we can see that in recent years they have been able to lay off employees due to automation, yet even though their overhead on wages has reduced their prices continue to grow and their remaining employees continue on near enough minimum wage.

The whole idea completely unrealistic. Its worrying to think some people could agree with it though, especially those at the bottom of the barrel who would be fucked hardest by such a scheme.
dont fuck with the mama clan

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