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Thread replies: 523
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What happened to original OP Image Guy edition
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Rate my NEET budget for 2016 lads
I'm so tired lads, and I've got nothing done for weeks

I just want to remember what it was like to achieve something
Why is the thread so quiet this morning? Everyone sell out and get jobs?
honestly thinking about it

the neet life is too poor and getting boring. anime isn't working as escapism anymore
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>tfw going from 580bong to -60 after being unemployed 2 months
fucking shit
Just in case any of you are confused, I will explain how it works.

>The 'Bank' section represents how much money I have in my bank
>The 'Budget' section is the bank, divided by the number of months left in the year, so what this tells us is that I can spend 447 bong and 28 pence per month and I will survive until January 2017
>As I fill in my spendings over the month this amount will be added into 'Total' which is then taken away from 'Bank' to give us the sum at the bottom 'Overall'
>We can also see under 'Net' how far over or under budget we are for the month
>The 'Overall' is then the 'Bank' for the following month, there is also an oppurtiuniy to add to the bank with an 'Income' section at the bottom
>Anything in the 'Income' section will be added to the Overall to give us our ';Bank' for the following month'
>The same formulas will then be applied each month, so if I can under budget in February the budget for the following month will be greater than the previous, or smaller if I am over budget

Is pretty handy for maintaining a NEET lifestyle for an extended period of time. Any questions?
Nobody cared mate
how often do you fap?
5-10 times a day

Maybe you should then you could be a wealthy NEET like myself
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Can soft of relate. Semi dropped out of uni a few weeks ago and haven't done all that much since. I say semi as I still don't know if I'll be let back in next year or whatever. Might just start working out again as there is not much else to do.

Also I really need to know if I've been kicked out or what so I can stop being anxious and I can at least start looking for jobs. Called them yesterday but they need to see me in person. Honestly, it didn't sound good over the phone, but I mentally prepared myself to be kicked out so I'm feeling okay desu.
>Called them yesterday but they need to see me in person. Honestly, it didn't sound good over the phone, but I mentally prepared myself to be kicked out so I'm feeling okay desu.

They're probably going to ask you 'if everything is okay' and all that sort of nonsense, you know? Try to make you admit to being a mental patient.
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kek they already know i'm on antidepressants. How much more of a mental patient can they even make me? I've done that for them.
>he has more than 500 pounds in the bank

Get a load of this normie
>he doesn't have more than 500 pounds in his wallet, let alone bank

Lmfao broke ass NEETs
>being a wagecuck
>not being a wealthy NEET master
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You know what to do

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bestest time of the day
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They may take our lives, but they will never take our waifus
Good morning friends. Wageslavery at 4 today. Tuesday's aren't busy so I'll have plenty of time to sneak off and drink vodka in the toilets.
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life is suffering, I think I'm going to flee abroad
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>its time for being conscious again
pls no
I don't normally go in these threads but as an English bloke who's been on /r9k/ for many years I thought I'd look in.

How many of you are Southerners from middle class families?
Not me m8, poor lad from Lancashire reporting in.
>American takeaway nearby
>Massala fish is on their menu
What an incredible option
bought up by a single mom on benefits (in birmingham) here. But I rarely post in these threads.

Middle class but midlands here
Same as this lad
I actually grew up in Lancashire too.

It was pretty shit. I lived in a small town of 2000 normies and could never leave, buses were 5 quid one way and they came every hour. Lancaster is a shit city and all.

Yeah, Southern raised by a middle class mum here. My dad is working class (though fucking loaded) but was never around and never helped. Never paid kidbux either.
I'm council estate south west
Middle class south west here
I guess. I was born in Oxford, my mother and father both worked pretty good jobs (though he was a self-employed carpenter with odd jobs on the side, which is where his money came from, my mother worked for Brookes Uni)
They broke up when I was 9, last saw my father when I was 10 and my mother quit that job when I was diagnosed with Diabetes because she couldn't reliably go in and take care of me early into the diagnosis. She went on benefits after and stayed on them until real recent years (and long after we had moved out of Oxford)

It's been a neat little exchange between bottom of the barrel and middle class. She's doing better now, though, and I'm still too prideful to ever claim JSA for myself.
Where abouts pal? I live Over Wyre, about 40 mins drive from Lancaster.
Is it that hard for you to cross out January?
I lived on the border of Lancashire and Cumbria in Kirkby Lonsdale. The nearest slightly big town was Kendal.

The scenery was alright but I hated the people there and there really isn't much to do.
I live in Windermere, everything costs too much and there are too many tourists.
We're still in January...
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Do any of you stupid fucks wanna come to Mexico with me?

I think I'm gonna buy a one way ticket, try and bang some cuties, get wasted, sleep rough and probably end up on a Los Zetas liveleak video.
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>tfw compulsive liar
>lies building up for years
>some tiny, insignificant ones
>some huge, crushing ones
>my tower of lies is beginning to crumble and now I can't sleep at night

Genuinely thinking about just killing myself
i'm not going though, muh anxiety

Please elaborate, what are the lies and how is the tower crumbling?

How old are you and how much is a ticket?
How about you just stop fucking lying? Seems like a good place to start
Yeah muh anxiety too mate, but I think if I stay here I'm gonna end up murdering myself before too long.
23, tickets anywhere from 500 - 800 from what I've seen, but thats a round trip.
>telling a compulsive liar to "just stop lying"

Next you'll be telling him "jus bee urself :)"

Do you even know what a compulsive liar is?
>expecting neets to have that kind of money
Try asking on facebook.
Yes, I do, because my oldest sister is one. That doesn't mean I'm not going to tell someone to fucking stop whether it's by habit or not. There's a choice, you either rectify the lies you've already told because of your habit and work on not creating new ones or you deal with the repercussions
>expecting me to have jewbook

I was just asking lad, there are some wagies here too.
Are there any small lies you could try and rectify and make them truthful? Or act like they misheard?

Just make sure once you're out of it if you lie again you give enough of a window to wiggle out of it.
I get where you're coming from, living in a small town can be a blessing and a curse.

People in this thread take it for granted that they've got a shop 5 minutes walk away. I have to cycle for 20 minutes to reach my nearest shop, and everything's overpriced.

I'm quite near a beach though, its good for being alone and walking dogs.

I'd say about 60% of the people in my village are retirees, the rest are middle aged and there's a handful of chavs that hang around in the park and call me gay when I walk past. All in all its pretty comfy, can't remember the last time I saw the police.
11pm on a tuesday is not the time to ask about something aimed at wagies. Try in the evening. Most people on at this time will be neets or students.
Yeah, good point. Didn't think of that, thanks lad.
Yeah I appreciate the low crime in the area which allowed me to walk around the whole town at 1am without worrying about being stabbed. The only deaths in all those years were stupid accidents or old age. One chav accidentally let off a firework in his car when he was drunk, that was probably as eventful as it got.

It's just even comfy hobbies like playing video games was almost impossible develop, my parents didn't like the internet, there were no jobs unless you were really outgoing and the odd corner shop almost never hired new people. Getting out of town was very difficult and I was crap at sports which is all anyone else did.

I think if I lived somewhere I could develop hobbies more I would've got more out of my childhood.
You need to come clean.

I was in a similar situation to you, hiding a drug habit, making excuses, stealing from family, having to lie to cover up my previous lies.

It all came crashing down last October, I lost my best friend of 11 years and most of my family doesn't want to know me anymore.

I'm not saying that you need to reveal every lie you've ever told, but think of all the big ones that have consequences and tell someone about it.

Once you've got that weight off your shoulders its a lot easier to start again, telling the truth and being honest. I still struggle with telling the truth, sometimes I'll just lie for no reason and have to come clean, but its getting easier every day. You've probably heard this before but the truth is much less effort than a lie, you don't need to remember complicated stories, or keep track of who knows what.
>Live in a small town
>The only deaths in all those years were stupid accidents

>liking freddos this much

One week a homeless man actually came to our town. He disappeared after a few days.
It sounds like we've lived very similar lives, except I haven't escaped, and I probably never will.

I complain about living in a shitty small village but I wouldn't know how to live anywhere else. I've got no sense of danger or self preservation, so if I ever moved to a bigger town I'd get stabbed within 10 minutes.

I definitely think I would be more social if I lived somewhere bigger though. I never got to experience school friends coming round to my house because none of their parents could be bothered to drive such a long way to collect them.

Wouldn't you just get kicked out after about a month if you survive that long without the right VISA?
I live in a hamlet near Saffron Walden (NW Essex). Mother is a housewife, Father worked in Advertising in London but is now retired.

I'd say my geographical isolation probablly added to how i became introverted and reclusive.
Spent all morning lying on the floor not doing anything.

who /waiting for death/ here?
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Hungry as fuck lads
Whats everyone else scrannin'?

Yeah most likely they would deport you. So if I do survive until deportation I don't know what I'll do when I get back. Haven't thought that far ahead.
Death cannot come swift enough. It's getting to the point where I cannot even sleep because to be left alone inside my own head in the dark is just terrifying. I don't see an end to this ride, there is nothing for me. But too scared to get a shotgun and end it.
I'd be up for going somewhere in Europe where I wouldn't be forced to come back to my shitty life, even though it would probably be fun I'm not looking for a months holiday in Mexico
I'm with you, fellas.
I'm not even religious but recently I've found myself crying out to god. It's funny how that works.
Fuck this life.
Spent the morning lifting weights, now I'm depressed again, wish I could just lift forever

Might go for a run in a bit
Fucking hell I know this feel. I have actually been praying/meditating and sobbing to myself when I just can't take it anymore.

I feel like everything I'm doing is just a temporary distraction from the crippling emptiness of my existence.

Plus, I recently fell for the girl meme and that has left me feeling even more empty. I should have known better but the damage is done now.
But what would be your plan for staying there lad? And where do you fancy?
>Plus, I recently fell for the girl meme
Do tell.
>I complain about living in a shitty small village but I wouldn't know how to live anywhere else. I've got no sense of danger or self preservation, so if I ever moved to a bigger town I'd get stabbed within 10 minutes.

This is a problem I kind of had but my parents lived in London for a while so they would treat small towns as if they were London.

I don't think I could have coped with being stuck there forever. While I now have more financial dependencies wondering what would have happened if I stayed there I can't see a positive outcome. I don't even like the city I'm in but at least I'm away from the old environment.

>I definitely think I would be more social if I lived somewhere bigger though. I never got to experience school friends coming round to my house because none of their parents could be bothered to drive such a long way to collect them.

Yeah when I heard of the concept of people "going to town" I didn't even know what that meant. Mum and Dad wouldn't let me do anything independently and by the time they would have allowed it I was so socially recluse there would have been no reason to.
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Please continue to vote for which movie you want for film night this friday!

(also if anyone wants to help specify 'Anything by Jackie Chan' that would be appreciated)

Waiting for death is pretty much my plan for life mate. Wish it could just hurry up already. I said in a past thread I wish I could just wake up tomorow and be 80 years old on my death bed. Cba with this part in between.
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>Brazilian cutie
>Impressed her with shit tier portuguese I learned from capoeira
>she seemed keen
>went on a few dates
>thought this girl is pure innocent qt
>holding hands, hugging, eventually kiss
>three days ago she gets drunk with her friends
>Anon, I wanna fuck you so bad. Why havent you fucked me?
>muh anxiety sets in.
>tell her she's drunk
>asks me the day after what she said
>tell her, says she still means it
>try to keep my spaghetti and start to talk dirty with her
>Im sorry anon, this would work better if you spoke Portuguese. English doesn't work on me
>I say this has never happened before
>She asks if I have done this with foreign girls before
>I say yes
>She gets cold real quick
>said she was tired, I should probably leave
>hasn't spoke to me since
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Haha what the fuck

Where did you meet her?

That's a shame you couldn't bang her mate Brazilian girls have literally the best bodies in the world. Especially if you love ass.
I don't know really, hopefully get some shitty job maybe at a bar or something

And I'd be up for anywhere, I drive so we could travel too
He's a fatcat.

Come join me over at leddit /r/frugal
reporting in, bit surprised to see here mentioned
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Very important poll
At a capoeira demonstration I did.

She did have a great ass too, fml.

I know this sounds fucked up but my life is so empty and cold and she was a such a sweetie, she seemed like she could have been some kind of light in my life. Now she won't even talk to me and I feel even emptier than before. Don't know wat do now. There is literally nothing for me to live for. That's why I'm on about just fucking my shit up in Mexico.
Not all the time, but most of the time.

I occasionally have a few moments of peace desu
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Quickly posting waifu desu~
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SHE'S A LITTLE evil and she's ready to GO GO GO!
I'm surprised its not mentioned more often. Aylesbury is awful. (Weston Turville master race)
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What source material is your waifu from? Like, what anime/novel/game does she appear in?

I suppose I could reverse google but I'm lazy and eating sausage casserole.
why is aylesbury awful?
She's from Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic~
Well once they got rid of the underground market and jardines the place sorta became soulless. Cheers H&M you killed the town's spirit
I wish I could be a wagecuck lads. Every job wants "hard working, fun loving, enthusiastic characters who love going that extra mile to put a smile on the customers face". Where are the jobs for unhappy introverts? Why is being "fun" always a requirement for part-time jobs?
You could look at warehouse jobs, or inventory management
Just pretend for your interview and every social interaction for the rest of your life.
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Waifu post from lectures, anyone else bored at uni ?
Finally getting tested for autism after being referred and having to wait 8 months.

Perhaps finally I will be able to say I am a true robot.
>Not paying attention in lectures
I don't understand this meme. Why do people use their phones or sleep during lectures when you could just stay home? If you're not going to pay attention why go in the first place? This isn't secondary school, you don't get detention for not turning up.
I still make notes and everything, just post during 5-10 minute breaks and shit
Lads, if you live with housemates, how are you supposed to get drunk alone in your room every night?
Should have told her 'Chupa meu bolas rapariga'

That'd have gotten her well wet

Any chance you're in the south west and can send her on to me? I'm decent with the old Portuguese.
More than 100M people have laready upgraded to Windows 10 - FREE!

I go with the intenion of listening but always end up falling asleep
By getting a lock for your door.
By locking the door to your room.
Good luck senpai

Which I was autistic desu. That way you get to have an excuse for being a loser and all the dumb shit you do and you get autismbux and if anyone tries to tell you you can't spend your whole life sat in our room shit posting on 4chan you can get them taken down town for hate crimes against retards.
But when I get drunk I need to get up to piss loads, we're talking 5-10 times per night. I feel wouldn't want to wake them up with me constantly going to the toilet. Do you just need to get piss bottles?
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>took the day off college to stay home and look out a bunch of papers i need
>dad comes home and sees me
>starts flipping the fuck out
>try to explain it's not like high school or having a job
>"You're fucking kidding yourself with this college business, anon. Wait until your mum gets home and hears about this."

I wish I had the money to move out already
Either piss bottles, piss out of your window or, better yet, just don't care and go.
You probably won't wake them up, anyway.
This, so fucking much.
I live in a fucking ''flat share'' that isn't with students, I won't go into the details because it's pathetic but my flat mate is a fucking bellend and doesn't drink at all. Surprised he hasn't complained at me stumbling around at 3 in the morning knocking shit over.

Just want my own place, t b h.
>you're fucking kidding yourself with this college business
He's got that right, at least.
This is not the age of academia.
wew what a nutter
Insensitive, lad.
Ah yea I forgot about pissing out the window. Used to do that loads when drinking. I'd need to get a back room then to do that. Can't be pissing out into the street lol.
I've completely lost all inclination to put any effort into uni now, last semester I went to probably less than half of all my lectures and I'm really not sure about the 2:1 that seemed a dead cert last year.

Graduate and older anons, does it ever get any easier? I honestly can't imagine myself ever being happy anymore.

What did you make the drunk bastard for his tea last night?
I'm gonna have dinner for lunch like an absolute madman.
That guy you just replied to is different to the guy with the drunk dad. I'm the guy with the drunk dad.

As I explained I offered to cook him steak but he said he wanted to try to cook pork chops instead.

I am going to offer to cook him the steak when I see him later in the hopes he will accept and not go to the pub tonight. He is fine when he is sober but he is a proper alchy who does a 180 personality switch when pissed up.
Fucking NEETs man, how can they actually be happy doing nothing all day?

Bored out of my mind, at least I'm still getting paid for not being at work though
masturbate a lot
I dunno about older anons but I turned 23 last year and I have given up on being happy at this point. I hope your secondary school days, or at the very least your primary school days were good because they are going to be the only smattering of light in the horror show that is your life.
I'm an unhappy NEET and I loathe the NEET lifestyle. I spend as much time as possible doing errands around where I live and trying to keep busy. I just need an a-okay and I'm getting out of this rut and subjecting myself to mindless working.

I kinda want my ending to be one of those silly tales of working too much that I fall to exhaustion, but without anyone finding me
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You know, its not when you get up that matters. What matters is how you use the time that you are awake for, on both counts I'm fucked.
the hairdresser yesterday asked me what i'd be up to that day and i replied in a flash with 'got a subway' without even thinking as that's all i'd done

she laughed, the dog laughed and i died a little bit inside
How can you not find a way to entertain yourself?
Hey what can you do senpai, at least you made some laugh.
I doubt she thinks poorly of you or anything.
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>the dog laughed
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>Fucking NEETs man, how can they actually be happy doing nothing all day?

I do loads of stuff, today I have

>gotten up
>made tea and toast
>watched a documentary
>read the news
>read the internet
>shit posted here
>had a wank
>played Mario 64 (up to 119 stars now)
>cooked lunch
>cleaned the kitchen
>now eating lunch

May have a shower next because my beard is really big and gets dirty easily, but I had a shower yesterday so don't want to over do it. After that I will have a beer and finish Super Mario 64 then move onto either 100%ing Lylat Wars, OoT, or Crash Bandicoot Warped. I am quite close in OoT, halfway in Crash, still got ages to go in Lylat Wars though because it is hard as fuck to 100% it.

How come you feel like you don't have anything to do anon? Just set tasks for yourself throughout the day then complete them. Some tasks can be fun like playing video games so they are your treats, and then some task like showering and cleaning and stuff aren't as fun but if you do those then you earn your treats.
would i ever be able to kiss your boyhole?
>Played Mario 64

Don't misalign your QPUs, lad.
>Might go for a run in a bit
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>I will never make Hannah choke on my spunk
Life, uh, finds a way. sure lad, if you really want to.
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I made a post lastnight so ill just copy paste.
I finally got around to making a PSD for the op image,
its not the same as the current op cos I didn't have the stock used, but its close enough and can be updated by whoever the new op image guy is. its easy to swap the ppl in the windows for example.
I wont be doing anything else to it, im just trying to keep my word.
you need the master psd to be able to keep it updated all year.
someone download and save it plz ffs.

tinyurl /2016opimage

2015 oap img guy.

I added a k-on at someones request after I posted that message so its not in the zip but its in the image...
Secondary was shite, primary was sort of okay, I guess. I've pretty much resigned myself to the fact I'm going to an hero once I graduate, I'm just trying to figure out how best to go about it so it fucks up my family the least.
Wow thanks mate looks really good, very different to the last one but a lot more clear and concise. Thanks OP Image Guy 2015.
>I'm just trying to figure out how best to go about it so it fucks up my family the least.

Where abouts do you live? We can go out together if you'd like a bit of help?
The real question is, how many A presses did he use?
shit I forgot the fucking street sign in that version,, its in the psd. text can be changed.
ok done.
downloaded for safe keeping~
Essex, but I'm at uni in Wales. I've just got to last until I graduate in June/July, but if you're still around then I'd probably take you up on it.
what uni?


more hannah

ariginal poost
Cool, well I'm going to jump off the Suspension Bridge in Bristol, I don't really mind when. If you are up for that and still want to kill yourself after June just post ITT, I read pretty much every thread, and we can organise you getting off the train home from uni in Bristol to meet me then we can go jump off together.

That goes for any other anons as well, no one has ever done a group suicide off Suspension Bridge before so it would be a good little meet up if others are looking to end it all but need some camaraderie to go through with it.
I live near Bristol and would be up for this too.
I wish the best for you lads.

Jumping off a bridge sounds scary desu.
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>it's a /britfeel/ takes about suicide pacts episode

Come on lads, we need to stick in and keep these threads alive.
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don't kill yourselves lads!!! that's not a good thing.

Any Oxfordfags here?

Police swarming city centre and two roads sealed off near train station, does anyone know what this is?

Yeah, at least let this fat 45 year old paedo who posts anime images rape you before you jump.
Another robot snapped desu
god bless that mess
Well if anyone is looking to end it in these threads going forwards just let them know, then when everyone can agree on a time we'll organise something concrete (which we'll proceed face first into at terminal velocity).

I've been doing it mentally for awhile and I think if you hesistate up there it would be really scary, but on the Suspension bridge there is one corner pillar which has no fencing around it all you would need to do is run and leap over the edge. I think if you just went balls out and leap straight over the actual fall down would be quite an Adrenalin rush, and then you'd be dead.
It's the opportunity to walk into an unsafe situation and get killed by circumstance.
This desu, go do some investigative journalism anon!
How do you apply for a job if you have no references?

Do you leave the slots blank or just make up a name?

Do they actually check with references?
do u need a cuddle desu
>How do you apply for a job if you have no references?

If you have no references you won't be able to get a job by applying. You'll need to know someone who can hand you a job then after you work at that job for awhile you will have a reference and can apply to other jobs from there on.

I have had 6 jobs in my life and none have ever called any of my references.
>How do you apply for a job if you have no references?

And yes they usually call your reference. Sometimes they will email instead.
If you ever tried to cuddle me I'd make sure you died with me.
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cute! desu! senpai!
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This shit sure doesn't ever get old.
I need a cuddle pls
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y-yeh! these smart anime posting lads like me need their struggle cuddles.
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/britfeel/ is going gay again desu lads
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>get a volunteer form from oxfam shop
>need two references
>kill self

I have a reference but that was my personal tutor from uni and I hardly ever saw them. They won't know who I am. Shall I just put that and hope for the best lads?
Pass the pudding senpai.

Sounds good. Will do, and I totally agree not going it alone sounds way preferable to trying to psych myself up to it.
i'll cuddle you senpai

If you have no references you might have to go all the way back to school to get one from your old teachers.
My sister is a teacher at a rough school, they still get requests from people just out of prison aged 25-30 asking for a reference. Pretty sad really.
Usually if you're going to use someone as a reference you email them beforehand as a courtesy.

Even if you didn't see him much, I doubt your uni tutor will say no unless you flipped him off or some shit.

I did ask about 3/4 years ago. I guess that counts right?

Yeah, they will probably just look up your attendance and write something generic. As long as you didn't do anything batshit that's on your notes, it will be pretty vague.

If you have their email ask them if it's ok to use them.
I literally didn't even notice.
get in line pal, he asked me first.
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>mfw he was actually right
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>mfw getting a work visa with a fake degree

Asia is the promised land.
Poleaboo is going to fill his work diary with 2 weeks worth of jobs today so that he can spend the rest of the week playing Digimon without anything hanging over his head

References aren't what get you jobs, if you have no relevant work experience then they'll trash your application straight away
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anyone Hampshire area want to come and cuddle with me and azulad?
Is there a worse question than 'Why do you want to work here?' lads?
Anyone in South Wales currently?
Poleaboo hates T-MAY

Do you like The Magic Wrap shop in the student union building next to Cathay's train station?

>stuck in midlands


"Tell me abit about yourself"
Where'd you get a fake degree senpai?
You should have just stuck to playing video games instead of filming people shitting.
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Where in /hampshire/?
That question is piece of piss, all you do is Google the company, see what they brag about about themselves then use whatever that is as your answer.
yeah m8, why
"where do you see yourself in 5 years"

Mind your own fucking business.
>Putting K-on in it to pander to avatar fags
Poor bloody show. If you want an anime girl in the image add Karen.
who wants to cuddle with an ugly fat hairy guy?
"what did you do at the weekend?"
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>we shouldn't include things if I don't personally like them
it was just to fill the windows with something, I dont even give a shit personally. that's for the new guy to figure out.
how do you get jobs in a comic book or music shop? They see like the top-tier of slacker jobs but they never seem to be looking for people. Is it a who you know kind of deal?
Nothing wrong with being hairy.
How fat r u
Not actually been in there desu? I don't go up by the union much really. Is it any good?
my belly sticks out a fair bit, no idea about actual weight
K-on is tainted by two unironic faggots. Karen is pure AND English.
Pancakes are one of the most overrated pieces of shit on the planet. Only way to make them tolerable is smother them in what is effectively sugar syrup

Bland, bland, bland
STUCK in norn iron.

just fucking kill me man, I'm sick to death with all this fucking catholic vs protestant shit over here.

I don't give a fuck lad, I don't care about flegs or marching or what shitty holiday for a battle was about, where the fuck are the jobs where is the money being spent.

Christ I want to leave here but I feel trapped and stuck.

I feel like I'm a uneducated mess that never really had a chance desu, like I'm the peasant class, just another bloke in the background

I need some fucking friends anons, I have one in my life and thats it, just fuck me up.

How did my life get this way was I just ignorant when I was younger or hopeless

away to have a shower
You should cut down on your pork life mate, get some exercise!

I've never weighed myself or measured my height, I don't see why people care so much.
Never even watched the show, but karen4lyfe
I've been looking online for ages for a fake degree but they all look like crap. Where did you get yours?
>Your criminal record will become entirely spent on 28/08/2016

The guy who works there probably owns the place, low turnover I think unless it's in a city and runs tournaments
Things are looking up for Amir!!
Southampton area.
>Is it a who you know kind of deal?
Pretty much. The local music shop where I used to live at was just a dad, his 2 sons and another family friend.
I just copied my friend's degree and photoshopped my shit onto it. Sent it to the school in China and they're organising the visa.

They don't give a shit at all, I told him I didn't have one last time I was there.
>What would you want from working with the AA?
I wouldn't wanna be an awkward 3rd wheel sorry :/
imagine, those two cuddling and you being left sitting on another chair having to see them nestling into each other and smiling together

Could I pay to do the same for me? I'm never even used photoshop before
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okay fuck it I added a Karen, it does fill in the last gap.

this wont be in the psd so someone will need to save this also then copy paste it into the master psd.
more like hilarious mate

I'd love to see that guys posts on /britfeel/
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>Throw mouldy bread into the garden
>Fucking birds everywhere

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>nowhere near hampshire
i dont want to see /britfeel/ residents have their hearts broken tbqhwyl
>karen is the only grill who doesn't look like someone is doing her from behind

accurate desu
what the fuck do I say about why i want to work in a cinema?
you love film
Tell them you wouldn't download a car.
"I need the money please I'm going to starve without this job, I promise I won't eat all the popcorn"
>'I like films init, ''Luke, I'm your fatherrr' and the one with Leo being nuts on Shetland Island'
Tell them you want to give your friends free tickets
Karen is a massive slut so this doesn't make sense
Nah he's right. Karen is pure, the others are right gook slags

>An upstanding individual such as myself revels in the feel and experience of the moving pictures, and I am something of a patrician of the medium, mayhaps you have read one of my reviews without knowing!
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oh lawdy its hailing like crazy lads
these things are as big as peas
Eat some for luck
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okay senpai
is that a thing?
>tfw I bought Oreshika but didn't like it
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>tfw I did the same thing
I'm a casual

the hail doesn't taste good
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You liked ronpa though, RIGHT?
It was too grindy for me.

My Vita is eternally condemned to the hell of dust collecting.
Should have got the console, at-least that had Bloodbourne.
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still need to finish ae though, the story is pretty lackluster
cumaru is a qt.314 though
The artstyle is really cool at least
I haven't played on my vita in a while, but I've had alot of fun with it.
Played a shit ton of psp and other ports desu
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I do have a PS4, I got it during black friday.

Bloodborne and Digimon: Cyber Sluts are the only game I have so far.

>mfw waiting for Persona 5
Are you poleaboo or are Digimon games more popular/fun than I assumed?
I think it's the latter, a few people have been playing Cyber Sleuth.
>tfw the only Digimon game you played was Digimon World Dawn
I only check britfeel once a month or so, but north London here
My mum came from a very middle class background, and my dad from an estate in Leeds
So, I'm not quite sure where I stand
Especially now, as class seems to be much less about just money than it was in the past
>tfw I probably won't enjoy persona 5 as much as 4
I should get around to playing 1,2 and maybe some smt games desu.
Working class south Londoner mate.
I'm not Poleaboo, I just needed to give my poor PS4 some attention before social services took it away from me.

You should play SMT. Start with IV, it's babby's first.
>the story is pretty lackluster
Iktf, just forced myself to the end. Hyped for the new game though and IIRC there's an anime coming out that can't be worse than the first adaptation at-least.
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Cyber Sleuth is cancer. It's literally just 'Angsty Hacker' going I JUST WANNA DATE, GIRLS ARE THE BEST, CAN I GET A GIRL IF I GET A DIGIMON? YEAH IM GONNA CATCH EM ALL

It's as if it's meant to be some cute indirect jab at nerds in Asia, but just ends up being a sad echo of this very board. It's okay but god damn is it cringe.
>Are you an introverted, shy, lonely, and depressed individual that will turn up most days and do an alright job? Then we'd love to hear from you!
Not sure what you're picture is supposed to convey, speeddating IS trashy.
>If you don't like forced socializing with your coworkers after work, then give us a call!
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4 is on ds right? I don't have a 3ds or the money to get one.
I don't feel like there is much point in watching an anime if i've already played the game. Might just put it on in the background maybe.
It's on 3DS.

Strange Journey is on the DS, though.
What you'd think is 1/20 of the dialogues, but it's not. Literally half of them are poking fun at being asocial or a loser. Sure if that's what your into, but the game itself is a boring chore.
>I don't feel like there is much point in watching an anime if i've already played the game
No, that's the thing. Instead of doing a rushed adaptation they're doing something without source material I believe.
Oh shit, now i'm actually excited.

I hope its good desu
Get nocturne on ps2, then try the digital devil saga games.
Poleaboo applied to 5 jobs today

No one cares you shit cunt
I do lad.
What kind mate? Night shift is better for your stealth skills.
Didn't find any night shift jobs

>Application form
AA callcentre
Primark sales floor

>No application form, just attach CV
Finance officer with some local paki dairy firm
admin operations clerk at ASDA

There were jobs at ALDI and JD that I listed but didn't apply to

I just search the name of my town and apply to all the zero skill ones on the first few pages
>dairy firm
What does this even mean?

It is cuntspeak for a farm.
Sorry mate I was in the shower

Yea Magic Wrap is lush, good price as well, try it next time you are nearby, it is right in the entrance near Cathays train station so you don't even have to go properly into the Union with all the normies.
The produce yogurt and shit
I'm not happy with the fact I wasted time thinking about this.
Why can't they just call it a fucking farm.
It's not a farm, or at least I don't think it is
It's the only way to live a comfy neet life.
Just lie some more and pretend you never said those things.
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Wagecuckery almost killed me today lads, woaah

>have stress at work
>go home early even though i still have a fuckload of work to do
>dwell on all this shit while i drive home in my wagekekmobil
>suddenly get an attack of dizziness
>view is spinning
>gets so bad that I can't even hold my lane
>severe visual noise to the point i almost cant see
>cold sweat
>irregular heartbeat
>almost pass out
>almost die
say what you fucking want, being a poorfag NEET is better than this. I make 3k of net income a month. Thus I am destined to live as a wagekek subhuman. The jews always win.
Sheesh that's not even the quote. You'll never get a job at the cinema if you don't know your kino from your flicks.
It's "No, I am your father".
Next thing you'll tell me is Leo Dicaprio didn't make a film in Shetland.
Being NEET is only cool when you're not living with your parents

You feel pathetic otherwise
Fuck off mate, stop trying to become another personality, schizo cunt
>You feel pathetic otherwise
When was the last time that the sensation of feeling pathetic caused healthproblems that were potentially lethal? oh right, never!
>hur dur grass is always greener on the other side, i wish i was a wagecuck!
Literally diabetes/lefastman/curfag/machine an on/imake30kwith200+daysoffayearman

Yeah fuck off
nice original meme


>tfw thinking about becoming a criminal

What's the worst that can happen? Lock me up and give me food and a roof over my head that I don't have to pay for?
thanks, clowns like you always cheer me up
You get a free bf too don't you in jail
Sounds kind of comfy now that I think about it
You'll get bummed and forcibly converted to Islam in prison.
What kind of work were you looking into doing? Something to guarantee a couple years?
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This isn't America, lads.
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Hello QT
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oh shit its paras
The second person you replied to is right though, the prison population is paki central
>didn't buy ANY food in february
Glorious NEET Life huh :^)
I've done this to construct a new identity for myself at university and now I've entered Chad-dom.

This shit took some effort to set up but now I just have to maintain it every so often and ride on the wave.
>I get my news from the official BNP website

Pakis are like 20% of the prison population and even that is a recent surge
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Chiyo is a real girl!
><500 pounds
Yopur bennies are only going to get smaller and smaller. Enjoy having to spend slightly less money on ALL your expenditures until your life becomes unlivable.
u saying im not right or something
ill bash ur head in m8
>discussing serial killers in class and can tell everyone is thinking of me
>gay guy flirts with me

Not sure if today's been good or bad desu~
Kill them all tilde~
Slash them up~
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sounds like a good day to me big T, they both fear you and find you attractive.
Tilde you try too hard to sound cute and feminine all the time. Tell us about the last time you took a big nasty shit or puked all over yourself lad.
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Oh shit, quick, use flamethrower!
he was probably either mocking you or trying to use you for something
where in Birmingham?

Garretts Green reporting in
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why do people always bully me when i come to this thread and tell how shitty my day has been
Because this isn't a thread for you to come and cry about your life?
Feels have no place here, fuck off.
Whatever, they're way over represented compared to their population m8
You're an arrogant little shit when you're not crying and playing the victim.
>Feels have no place here

Pack it in, lad.
We can hardly have brit/pol/ on /r9k/ can we? We needed a new name.
>being this new
you don't even need to be a brit to post here, I'm not even a brit nor do i live in the UK. it's just a meme where you use words such as colour, lad and the likes and pretend to be brit and pretend to be from places in england and occassionally get that stupid brit to go to a meetup wheile ur not even in the same country kek
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Who /GetThemselvesInShit/ here?
>come out pub (not even drunk, just had 1 pint with a mate
>guy asks what I'm looking at
>tell him some manlet who thinks he's a hard cunt
>guy starts mouthing off about how he's gonna fuck me up
>tell him to come at me bro (yes, I used the term come at me bro)
>he calls me a dickhead as his mate takes him back inside.

>tfw almost died last night.
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Having a big ol' edgelord nostalgia trip, lads. What's your favourite Linkin Park song?
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ewrr ewt retg re
>what I'm looking at
I hate that..

its like such a pointless stupid thing to say.
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Very nicely handled lad
kiniro is pretty comfy
You're the sad cunt who tries to have 20 blood gimmicks going at all times. Here you are saying your done with the threads and 10 minutes later you can't resist posting about your mutilated knob>>26367252
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>tfw no otaku imouto to have taboo relationship with

original cooooment
Oh thats the karen anime
Not sure why they didn't just call it karen: the anime tbqhwy fampai
Fuck that slag, I'll take superior kuroneko
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LOL that wasn't me and I'm not even cut lad. I'm just shitposting
My parents buy the food for the house, that is just take aways or any food I might buy if I leave the house and eat out. I haven't had any take aways or eaten out yet in February, no.

Actually mate, if you realised how that budget works, each month the budget grows larger the closer we get to the end of the year.

I'm also expecting an extra grand top up sometime in the next couple of month and a few bong in interest in April.

How much do you make wageslaving where you have more than 500 a month disposable after rent, bills, groceries, petrol, insurance, etc? And what do you spend disposable on that you need more than 500 bong?
Only reason I finished that show was for the threads on /a/. Terrible desu, least Kirino had a good design.

wew angry cut diabetes anon this made me laugh proper hard thanks mate
How do I get a good job lads? I went to uni and got a first in a shit subject and now I work in a shop. Hate my life desu.
The denial is what gets me. I don't claim that being a wageslave is a good thing, but at least I'm not still living with my mum and mooching off her. This surreal fantasy where you act like it's not pathetic (or that it is but doesn't bother you) is staggering
>working out 5 days a week
>not eating anything other than my tea

I'm gonna make it this time I know it.
Just finished Mario 64 with 120 stars lads. Yoshi was well worth it.

Think I might try to finish Lylat Wars next. I still haven't got all of the medals. I want to get all of the medals then beat it in Expert mode.
What's wrong with living with your mum? It was her idea for me to exist so she owes me this much.
I work as a particle physicist.
>yeah right y-you're j-just a wageslave
My work involves very little paper work. I don't even have a "jew boss to make money for".
Do you know the feeling of spontaneously buying gifts for your family, friends and loved ones because you can afford it? It is a very gratifying feeling. I spend more money on christmas gifts alone for my family than an entire year of your autism bux
Expert mode is a lot of fun, more enemies
As I remember the hardest medals to get were on Sector Z and Aquas.
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Sounds amazing Eugene Thunderbrain. Hasn't stopped you sitting on here arguing with NEETs every night though has it?
I'm struggling with Solar at the minute, you have to kill pretty much every enemy to get the medal.
Did you emulate or have a 64 laying about?
Mate I'm a master of physics and I can tell you sitting at a computer collecting results is the most inane thing you can do. The money in research is also shit.
I've got a couple of N64s. I collect them.

>people literally sell limited edition rare colour N64s on Gumtree with controllers and games for 20 quid

Normies, when will they learn?
You know those lava spurts that come up from time to time? If you fire a charged shot at where it originates you get 2 points.
How hard is it to move to the US permanently?
Depends. On a scale of 1-10, how South Korean are you?
Was unaware of this. Thank you that could be very helpful, I normally get within like 5 points of the goal, it is ridiculous.

Nice to see a Lylat Wars enthusiast here.
I still come to /r9k/. Many robots are very intelligent.
What is your job title?
that's what youre looking for.
I'm an aviation engineer officer in the navy, I do real work. I don't sit staring at a fucking computer like a drooling retard.
I probably earn more, too.
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first time i've posted here, i'm an american college student boarding from Florida, in London.

the weather here is killing me with depression, i can see, combined with how bad some of your lives are, how it would drive anyone to suicide. combine that with the shitty timezone and lack of being in any world affairs, you really feel like you have no impact on this world, huh.
anyway, i'm sure it will get better some day, right?
So, you don't actually have a job in specifically physics? I work at a particle physics institute.
>the weather here is killing me with depression, i can see, combined with how bad some of your lives are, how it would drive anyone to suicide

this is what I try tell outsiders, but they don't listen.
I don't know how people can be happy living here.
summer does get better tho,
the rain is great though, its just the cold and wind I dislike.
I've done plenty of physics work, I know how dull it is.
Instead of looking at numbers on a screen I take my knowledge of physics and apply it in the real world.
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>the rain is great though, its just the cold and wind I dislike.
i mean, i haven't experienced rain without cold and wind so
The rain makes those okay though.
best weather desu
By physics you mean newtonian mechanics, forces/motion etc?
what a bunch of bullshit. we're all human, we should all be able to choose where we want to live in the world.

land of the free my ass.
By physics I mean physics. Of course there's every day stuff that can be approximated with Newtonian physics, but plenty that isn't. Our communication systems for instance rely on both quantum and relativity to work.

It's hilarious how upset you're getting, trying to discredit me when you're the one that does inconsequential work.
yeah ok germany
is a double ended sword, if we let anyone live here who wanted, Britain would turn into a place nobody wants to live overnight.
>it's hilarious how upset you're getting, trying to discredit me when you're the one that does inconsequential work
I have no idea where you get thet idea from my posts but regardless. My point was that if you went into a specific field like quantum mechanics , relativity, or particle physics (like me) you might find it less dull.
Working at a computer is dull. I've done it.
I spent an entire summer fabricating and testing single electron transistors, I never want to see a clean room or labview ever again.
You should try speedrunning SM64 sometime then. Even people who have no interest in speedrunning in general enjoy watching/running that game.
>If your favourite meal is not on our menu just call to ask us, and our chef will happily try and prepare it especially for you.
Is this common among takeaways now?
Tend to find it with Chinese/Indian places more than anything else. It would probably be a bit insulting to try it anywhere that considered their restaurant upmarket.
I've thought about doing a speed run not 100% but just from the beginning to beating Bowser in the final battle.
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done this as well

infiltrated the normie ranks but it's just a matter of time before it all comes crashing down

they're just better people than us tbf
Ring up and ask for tendies

The closest I've come to that is having someone make me ketchup at my regular Chinese takeaway.

I suppose if they've got the ingredients and you're not asking for salmon terrine or something then it makes sense.
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Are you an autist or do you sell them to retro game fags?
SM64 speedrunning community separates categories by number of stars collected. 0/1 star, 70 star and 120 star are the main ones.
There is nothing I enjoy anymore
So fucking depressed if it wasn't for my family I would end it
I'm also constipated

I would never sell them... They are my babies...
>tfw never been constipated in my 28 years of living

Haha, get fucked shittybowels.
Stick a finger in your culo

It can be quite cathartic.
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>you just finished pouring the hot water in your pot noodle when you hear a sound behind you


Getting pretty sick of the amount of times I've been close to striking it rich but didn't desu
I never have been able to find my prostate.
awoo at her
>28 still shitposting on 4chan

I think you have bigger issues than him right now mate
let her suck my willy
If you got a job while maintaining that cheap lifestyle you'd be rich.
Need dem ET fingers
which cup a soup is best cup a soup?

shut up this is important.

thinking the ride ever ends

Momiji? Isn't that the spooky TV woman from The Ring?

Anyway, first things first, toss the Pot Noodle away.
what you gonna be doing out there m8?
Why is the UK so much more liberal than the US? What happened?
Choke from a rope unifag.
>Stuck my little finger down my dickhole while wanking
>Got it in up to the second joint on my finger
>Suddenly felt a sharp pain and pulled it out
>Pool of blood followed my finger
>Agonising pain as I did so, and for a minute afterwards
>Bled for ten minutes
>Still hurts but no longer bleeding
I need a piss now, lads, but I'm afraid.

The USA was literally founded by the puritans who left the UK because people were having too much fun and not hating themselves enough.

hey look im so original hahahah :P :P :P XD XD XD meme
go to the doctor, it's still free
I hope this is bait. If not i would like to know why you thought that was a good idea.
That was a stupid thing to do.
The practice is called 'sounding' and is the best way to get a UTI.
I haven't wanked in 3 or 4 days lads, proper proud of myself
Either cream of tomato or golden vegetables with croutons

Oh or cauliflower and broccoli
Gonna buy a dildo soon.
>As a kid thinking what a great life I'd have when I grew up
>Grow up and spend my time reading this absurd shit

I wish I could go back fifteen years and tell me to kill myself.
Any NEETs got the motivation and dexterity to make pancakes?

What toppings are you going with?
dexterity? why do you need that to make pancakes?
27 here. What's the problem?
I didn't even realise it was Shrove Tuesday. Has it really been a year since last time?
I used to make pancakes with caramelised apples a lot of mornings. Thinking back now I have no idea how I had the energy.
If you're under 25 you aren't really a robot and don't deserve to be posting on this board.
The idea that 4chan is somehow for 16-21 year olds is bizarre.
You need to be a good tosser.
just awkwardly move it around untill its upside down senpai

I've tossed off 3 times already today, but still can't flip a pancake. Any advice?
Lad you could be a British comedian with that kind of wit.
Been eating loads of marmalade recently for some reason.

Fucking Paddington Bear here lads
>Fucking Paddington Bear here lads
keked tbqh lad
Marmalade is the bomb

My grandpappy used to make it too
I forgot thats what he ate.
Why do you need a raincoat if your going on a train anyways?
Doesn't make sense desu
I was surprised, mostly because the place is a USA chicken and pizza takeaway in Oxford. I have no idea what they'd be willing to allow for if I requested a meal, I just wanted the massala fish
>Masturbated all day
>Finally came
>tfw post-orgasm anagnorisis
What have I done with my life?
>Fucking Paddington Bear here lads
Immigrants out.
who here /somerset/
>usa fried chicken

absolute shite, also where in oxford?
Figured here is as good a place as any to ask
>qt rocker chick at work
>we rarely speak (or get chance)
>don't know if she has a bf
>not miserable but not false cheery bullshit like most chicks
>tempted to send her a v. day card

Not because I'm expecting, or wanting, anything to come of it. I just want to do a nice thing. No name or hints it's me, obviously. Should I do it, lads?
alri lad

just got back from Frome to get a dominos

where you at senpai?
I'm bath area

Pretty comfy in bed rn lad

what do you do for a living?
Put a subtle hint she'll be able to figure out that it's from you.
Otherwise, in her mind, it'll be from the hot guy she fancies.
Wells here
hory shet, used to go to school there

The takeaway in question is in Didcot. It's not too bad, I didn't mind when I ate something from there when I first moved back over and didn't have working gas
NEET masterace not really, it's depressing and i hate it

how about you?

my m8 went to the posh school there, know anyone called Alex?

I'm not from Somerset but does anyone NOT know someone called Alex?
small alex?
>NEET masterace not really, it's depressing and i hate it

yeah that shit is awful. I'm almost finished with school
went to school there. what a shithole.
he was known as 'smithy'


yeah it's the most scummiest place here in Somerset bar midsomer norton
I need to stop playing Rocket League 1v1s, I'm going to destroy something
cunt chatted shit
cunt got banged

how was your day lads?
>he was known as 'smithy'

no clue


Nah, 18 senpai
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I really wish i was good friends with Jun lads, that's all i want. she is always in my head but i cant get her into reality, and it hurts so much.
>Poor as fuck
>Everyones gay here

>1st year get a solid first
>2nd year lose motivation, scrape a 2:1
>Currently one term into 3rd year, not expecting much, luckily only need a 2:2 for job
>he was known as 'smithy'
not this e-celeb right? https://twitter.com/alsmiffy
Exact same situation lad
Drunk dad anon here.

Today he came home and said he wasn't gunna go to the pub so I offered to cook him steak for dinner and he said yea and asked if he could have potatoes, onions and gravy with it. Then we talked for a bit and he enjoyed dinner.

Amazing how different life is when he has a day off drinking
youth is wasted on the young
All the clubs are overpriced and full of black people, no one dies at gay pride, all the fucking art students just laying around the parks all day. Would not be upset if a mass shooter came to Brighton.
Develop a means to transfer youth. You can have my youth. You won't have a particularly long lifespan, but I'm sure it'll suffice.

Now of to see a prozzy to lose me virginity. Right near heathrow so a little pricey but fuck it.
>sending a v day card

When you said work did you mean Year 7 mate?

Don't fucking do that. Please. Just ask her if she wants to go for a beer after work sometime.

>hey anonette, how's it going
>good thnx anon you?
>yea really good thanks, what you up too after work
>oh nm just the usual
>fancy coming out for a drink or two?
>hehe okay sure anon ^^

This is literally how you get gf in the real world. Not sending fucking Valetine's cards.
Have fun lad! Remember to jingle once you've finished!
How it will actually go

>hey anonette, how's it going
>good thnx anon you?
>yea really good thanks, what you up too after work
>oh... uh... just meeting up with some friends
>ok nice talking to you bye

Then you have to live with the weird looks from coworkers and your boss having a word with you about inappropriate behaviour.
Haha I just realised v day card stands for virgin day card because only a virgin would think it is a good idea to send one
I really want a few anime posters to put up in my room, got a lot of wallspace.

Where would you recommend?
my dick famalam
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What you wanking too lads?
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I really wish I was married to Azusa lads, that's all I want. She is always in my head but I cant get her into reality, and it hurts so much.
If that happens, here's how you should make it go

>>hey anonette, how's it going
>>good thnx anon you?
>>yea really good thanks, what you up too after work
>>oh... uh... just meeting up with some friends
>>oh that sounds cool, fancy meeting up for a drink some day this week?

If she still says no then you know she is not interested and was bullshitting you about the friends, but it is still going to get you a lot further than a fucking Valetine's day card.

And what are his co workers going to say

>haha, look there's anon, he fancies women! what a fag!
Aren't you gay though lad? You shouldn't play with her heart like that.
>its the lad from didcot again

I'm so sorry anon
This has to be bait. You two poofs meet up and do gay stuff on the weekend then cry about your one true waifu.
You know there's more than one, right?
sophie ellis bextor
>>>hey anonette, how's it going
>>>good thnx anon you?
>>>yea really good thanks, what you up too after work
>>>oh... uh... just meeting up with some friends
>>>oh that sounds cool, fancy meeting up for a drink some day this week?
>>>well I'm kind of busy... I'll let you know
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sexy squids.
love the mockery lad.
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No, at most I am bisexual desu. Probably a 1-2 on the Kinsey Scale.

See above

Poor day at work desu lads.

Waifuposting soothes the pain.

I think you just break down and tell the truth.

"Because there was a vacancy and you'll pay me to do it"

Seriously. Every single other one of those 300 pakis, chavs and OAPs that applied for that job had to sit there and bullshit some idiot reason about how "they've always loved the theatre and always wanted to work in film"
Whos this semen demon, lad?
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>at most I am bisexual desu. Probably a 1-2 on the Kinsey Scale.

hahahah oh man you are a funny lad.
Then you move on with your life. what do you think is going to get him further asking her straight up and showing some balls or sending her a Valetine's day card like a 12 year old?
if she's not interested she's not interested

only one way to find out
A waifu is your only one, not one of your play things along with some cock you degenerate child.
Very true, she is my everything.
I'd make a pancake but I've got no ingredients to make one. And I can't cook. And pancakes are fucking shit.
>Treating your waifu like an accessory

Where are the morals?
Until Friday where you meet up for cuddles and other degenerate shit.
Then you get to deal with being a pariah at work, known as the guy that hits on everyone.
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I haven't done anything of the sort, she is the biggest and most important thing in my life

Watching anime and eating pizza isn't degenerate desu

She's not interested, if she says she's kind of busy that's it, get out while you can still save face.

I found this out the hard way.
Mate, sending a Valetine's day cad and her rejecting him and laughing at it showing it to everyone in the office is much worse than him asking her out for a drink and her saying no. That's such a nothing story no one is going to care enough to laugh at him about it. This isn't secondary school
>Being surprised an eighteen year old closet case uses it as an attention grabber.
>Watching anime and eating pizza isn't degenerate desu
You do much more than that you cheating scum.
I've been to an Indian which didn't do a chicken madras, asked for it anyway and they made it for me. They'll do anything for a positive review. Pretty common.
>she is the biggest and most important thing in my life
And yet all you use her for here is to announce your posts and make some shitty personality.

Just wait until you bottom for the first time. That "1-2" will be a 12 before you know where to look.*

*Into his lust filled eyes, slut.
>wake up at 7am
>get in from work at 7pm
might as well be dead desu
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>And yet all you use her for here
She isn't just something I use for posting on 4chan lad
>reading comprehension on /r9k/
I already said I don't expect nor do I want it to go anywhere. Firstly because I don't shit where I eat, secondly because I live a decent distance from work (and presumably she does, too) and thirdly because I'm not bothered for anything beside a quick fuck, including the dating part leading up to it.

I just think it'd brighten up her day. Is that such a faggy thing to want?
all curries are basically the same so they can just throw something together
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used to be with it.jpg
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Not surprised, just disappointed. Back in my day anime pictures were more than just accompaniments to smug shitposts and attentionwhoring homos.
Is there?
Scary shit
Why do you use her as an avatar here then? If you truly cared for her you wouldn't shove her in every post you make, especially when you're saying homoerotic shit. Just a sad little boy looking for attention, wanting to be 'Azulad'.
just ate one of mummies pancakes (inb4 innuendo) and it was very delicious indeeed :3
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I actually don't most of the time desu, I'm just posting her now because it's on the topic and I feel like having nice pictures of the cutest girl will make the thread a nicer place
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okay lets not bully the azulad anymore.
let the poor man shitpost in peace he's not exactly pissing in your gravy
>I just think it'd brighten up her day. Is that such a faggy thing to want?

If you ever want a quick fuck from her, then yes. I can see literally nothing good that could come from it. You'd do really well not to come off as creepy, at best you might manage being patronised.
I will never understand why people complain about waifu posting. I don't even watch anime and I could not give a fuck tbqhwyf. Just seems like some people here want to cause shit
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>tfw no decent matched bets to do today
I'm tired of seeing him and the other K-on guy shit up the thread with their gayshit then act like they have a waifu their dedicated to later. If they're doing that I'll gladly point out his bullshit.
it's alright if you're jealous of their gayshit anon, i'm sure any one of us would gladly give you a handy to release the tension
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Data's Laugh.jpg
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Literally no fun allowed: the post
>I feel like having nice pictures of the cutest girl will make the thread a nicer place

maybe you should post Jun then.
I just find it tiresome that /r9k/ posters act so different from other people, then when they have the opportunity they do exactly the same thing. There's no difference between what the two of them do to what the average guy who has a girlfriend does. There is no difference between them and /soc/ posters who go "hey guys, my girlfriend and I..."
fair desu, we did even make a strawpoll about what anime we should watch next last time. i guess it was a bit showing off that we were watching anime.
Where you think you are mate
This is /britfeel/: where Brits post about feels.
Having a girlfriend is not a feel, being in love with somebody who will never exist is a feel.
But that did nothing to refute what I just said. What two posters post about each other and what they'll do with each other, when they'll next see each other is not the same as loving a fictional character. That, which I just spoke about, is no different than what I could see right now on /adv/, /soc/, /int/ and probably bait threads on /r9k/

Put your trip back on Azulad
Why is she shooting the viewer with a BBC?
Do you make much money off that? When I was a wageslave my manager would be doing it all the time and make loads of money.
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keep at it lad. you know i'm always here for you.
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>I feel like having nice pictures of the cutest girl will make the thread a nicer place
>proceeds to post a picture that isn't Nymph-chan
>caring this much

Give it a rest la'
Lets just have a comfy thread without any autistic rants
One poster could actually see the point, the other argued against it with something that didn't make sense.
Yes I do. Great money to be made, even for a raise. I do not do it as much as others but you can make upwards of 500 a month doing it though I usually settle for 150-200 as I'm frugal anyway. Get into it, it's easy as fuck and helps big time. I'd pay for bottles of rum with it some days just because.

For You: http://www.savethestudent.org/make-money/what-is-matched-betting.html

I recommend starting with the offers from:
William Hill
Paddy Power
32 Red
888 sport

As they do not have roll over requirements for withdrawal. The above will net you an easy 300 quid give or take a bit.
Nice one, thanks mate, will help keep the NEET life style going strong.
It does for me haha. Use my sisters internet and Card as well for double the money. If you can open multiple accounts, then do so. Just make you read the guide properly and watch some youtube vids on it and look into placing what are called 'Mug Bets' to keep your accounts open.
Post some choons lads


Playing WoW again waiting for a friend to come online or something...
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Really want to go to Jiufen in Taiwan, looks comfy as fuck tbqh.

It's where Miyazaki got his inspiration for Spirited Away.
I know how you feel lad, bloody neighbour's lawn is so much nicer than mine
Anyone up for an autismcraft session some time?
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I sure would be, i like mining and crafting.
Great, all we need is a server
I made us a new thread.

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