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Thread replies: 534
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wagecucks in bed edition
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First for EIRE

You fuckin noncecucks
how easy is it to borrow 500(or 1000, which seems to be the minimum) from the bank if you were welfare scrounging for 6 months and finally got your first paycheck?

bank knows I splurged 9000quid in 6 months on hedonistic shit.

Now I just need a flat sum of money to do a deposit to change living areas, I can easily afford it but I don't want to wait another month cause fuck 1 hour commutes.

Making about 1500 gross a month.
Anyone else watching the Super Bowl?


What the fuck is going on?
>bank knows I splurged 9000quid in 6 months on hedonistic shit.

What did you spend it on?
Need a shit lads but my dads in bed

140quid pants, food, night clubbing, drugs(this they don't know, paypal), clothes, shoes and other shit.
Link to stream?

It's on BBC2, you daft sod.
>tfw neet
>in debt of about 1k
>have payday loan debt
>want a job asap
>cant get loan
>bad credit score now
>dont want to end up in court and shit for not being able to pay

Ive thought about suicide because of this
Should I be this worried or am I stupid?

You're an idiot

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>have to ring uni tomorrow
>90% chance I'll be kicked out
>tfw don't want to go to sleep or nap as that means tomorrow will come quicker

Anyone know anything about this? I've completed two years so I'll get something for that, right? Can I use that and get a proper degree later on at a different uni? I doubt I'd get a loan again from student finance so i'm going to have to save up by staying with my parents for 4-5 years before I can go back.

Or am I just fucked if I get kicked out now with no chance of ever getting a proper degree?
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What are you getting kicked out for lad?
Really quite enjoying it but I've haf a few
Not watched anything since the last owl
I haven't been in for like 3 weeks now. I can't handle the stress, it was all too much for me. I even came back home, not even living in the city anymore.

Phone them tomorrow and explain the situation, I didn't go to uni for months until they finally kicked me out.
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Who /cantsleep/ here

I'm eating weetabix and watching anime desu
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That's the plan. Going to tell them I need some time off and see what they say.

But honesty it doesn't look good because of my grades. They've been extremely poor this uni year. I've spent days just lying in bed not wanting to get out and work. I can't get higher than a 2.2 and if they decide to cap my second semester too, since technically I've started it, I won't be getting that either. Just a 3rd, which is fucking pointless.

I think i'm fucked desu lads. Honesty going to end up on bennies at this rate. I've lost control of my life and it's not even 4am yet. Don't even have any chocolate pudding to eat.

Thanks for replying though mate. How are you doing tonight lad?
at least you aren't in debt for uni loans right
I watched the first quarter and a bit, but then got bored and decided to watch the cricket (Aus vs NZ) instead.

Playing Halo Reach for the first time in years. Whoa, a Bungie employee.

I still got it, yeah I do.
The debt doesn't really scare me. You don't start paying it off properly until you reach a certain income. If you only earn less than 21k and more than 17.5K, you only have to pay back one pound a month kek. Then it gets written off eventually. Uni debt is one of the better 'debts' to be in.
are you a pre 2012 student

lucky shit if so. My brother is studying in Germany for free, kinda wish I got good enough grades for that tbqh
Just cooked some rice and two paddock fillets. Going to spend the night either watching anime or just thinking about stuff like most nights.
Pollock, obviously
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Yeah, I'm still classified as being on the 'old band finance system' by my university.

Lucky, but I couldn't do anything with it since I'm being kicked out anyway. Just need to look at the bright side. Maybe I'll be able to find some kind of stress free job now. I did a placement year in my industry. The pay was good but the stress was huge. Even I felt the stress as an intern. The guy who took me under his wing at the office was on 50k but he looked like he had the life sucked out of him. He looked tired of life despite only being in his 30's, like an stereotypical office drone.

I don't know, if I can't even get through uni stress and or intern stress, I don't stand a chance. I can't be a normie, no matter how hard I try or want to be.

Really sorry for all the blog post lads. Just feeling heavy feels right now. Only slept like 2 hours today.
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tired 2bh lados
get to bed
a family member who i barely ever see has cancer and i have to go and see her soon

i know it sounds selfish but i really dont want to, only because other family members who i barely know but people expect me to know will be there and im socially inept, also i'll have no idea what to say to her

fucking shittin em lads, feel bad about it though
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>Eating coco pops at 4am

I've lost control of my life.
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>tfw no chocolate pudding
Tough one mate. Best you do go though, she'll appreciate you being there.
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>tfw you finish a hard xcom mission as well as a sub-mission with all squad members surviving after pulling off some awesome tactical maneuvers and some lucky AI movement
i'd like to think i only master bonsai
to twins in danger
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Whew lads, im glad your here.

So much for fixing my sleep schedule.

What am I supposed to do?
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domo arigato 9k roboto
get drunk all day, pass out at normal time
Time to stock up on banana bread beer I suppose.

~fuck the normies desu~
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at least imma sane lads
I sometimes have delusions that I am too. I'm really not sure what to believe desu.
I'm feel pretty normal, its just other people make me feel weird.
people are strange, when youre a stranger
Good song desu lad
>tfw still awake, work in literally 2 hours
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no one understands google better than siri

>stand in front of me or don't water the bonsai

needing an ego and yes imma light big itch bitch er sorry an all that
>tfw 55
do you know that i can be in two tabs at once care is you stare you started you got to be enough to finish bitch
>tfw awake already because the water coming through my roof is now like a waterfall onto my bed

Fells wet man
Suicide is a good solution to your problem however.
3k off
Seeing as I am up really early, what shall I do today lads? Normally I just play video games and shit post.
Walk somewhere.
do some type of drugs maybe.

I'm thinking about quiting 4chan, maybe do that.
Go on holiday.

I.e. Same as usual but shitpost on one of your lesser visited boards.
That's a good idea I will try this.

There is a big storm here so going outside isn't really on the cards.
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>I'm thinking about quiting 4chan
What games are you playing at the moment matey?
ayyy im not going anywhere.
I am 100 percenting some of my N64 games, I posted about it yesterday as well. Currently doing Mario 64, OoT and Lylat Wars.

I am also playing Sunless Sea on my laptop which is pretty comfy.
>I'm thinking about quiting 4chan
See you tomorrow.
Do milkmen still exist? I'd like to be a milkman.
Only in some villages. But even there they are a dying breed.
its finally almost 8 and I can go outside and distract myself.
Good day to be alive fampires
>Should I be this worried or am I stupid?
a few more months of college left lads

thinking of becoming a wagecuck

gonna apply for a 8pm-8am 4 days on 4 days off cctv operator
Americuck neet here. Dropped out of college recently. What do britbongs do when they drop out? I need ideas.
>What do britbongs do when they drop out?
Get on bennies.
>gonna apply for a 8pm-8am 4 days on 4 days off cctv operator

That sounds comfy as fuck. How do yo u find a job like that?
>What do britbongs do when they drop out?

Loads of drugs mostly
They were around on the Isle of Wight, I haven't seen one since moving away from there, though. I know they're still used, just not where I am now
Sign up for bennies and stay home collecting neetbux and playing vidya
obviously job agencie sites are a good place start, failing that just research local security firms and email them seeing if they have any positions in X category.

usually these types of jobs are called "cctv operator" "cctv operative" or sometimes "control room operative"

the one I was looking at was in bristol, i can link you if you want
Get a job maybe?
>the one I was looking at was in bristol, i can link you if you want

Yes please mate
lol I'm not retarded mate I don't want to be a wagecuck.
Does 'merica have a benefits system for unemployed people?
How am I meant to know that mate?
Sorry fuck, my phone fucked up and showed that was a reply to someone else.

Closing the browser now out of embarrassment.
>hurr durr I'm not retarded I wanna live off basically nothing every fortnight idiot xD

Nigga you're dumb as fuck, sat at home crying because he has nothing to do, I'm shitposting whilst eating breakfast then I'm going to shower and then I'm going to my job like a good little wagcuck to earn Moore in one day than you do in 2 week

Nah the truth is you're just too thick/lazy to get employed, have a nice day being bored anyway lad
Nevermind I found it, the one based in Yate right?

Thing is, I am also from Bristol, so I am going to apply to that job now and probably get it ahead of you. This what happens when you try to help people, anon.

Good luck in your job hunt!
Someone else who's more qualified than you probably already applied.
>hurr durr I'm not retarded I wanna live off basically nothing every fortnight idiot xD


I live off of my savings m8. I'm not even signed on.

Have a nice day at work though sounds like you really enjoy it!
It doesn't matter I have enough experience to get to the interview and I am amazingly charismatic in interviews, once I get to the interview stage it is all over for the other contestants desu.
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Disregard janitors

Post waifus
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I dislike broccoli
Lads I think I robbed a fish and chip shop once.

>be 15/16 years old
>building a sort of club house behind one of my friend's houses
>need to get some furniture for it
>friend lives just outside of really rough part of town
>go into rough part of town
>see a chippy with some lawn furniture outside for people to eat on
>walk into chippy with about 10 of us
>ask the little Chinese man behind the counter if he is using the furniture
>he says no
>we ask if we can have it then
>he says yes
>thanks mate!
>carry all the chippy's lawn furniture back to the den

At the time I thought nothing of it because we are all nice middle class boys, but I realised in that part of town with that many of us in his shop he probably thought we would do him in if he said no so just let us take them out of fear. We thought he genuinely didn't need want his furniture anymore.
I do enjoy my job though lol, your savings won't last long and living at home with mummy and daddy is nothing to be proud of, its funny how you tried to reverse the have a nice day, because I know you're going to be sat home miserable as fuck, you're asking /britfeel/ for ideas on what should occupy your time today, how pathetic can you get?
Then why don't you have a job right now if you're so experienced and charismatic?
I dunno mate for someone who enjoys their job you sound pretty defensive.
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>these wagecuck tears
>it's a wagecuck vs neets episode

Lets face it, both options have their ups and downs.

Only best option is to be a mega rich neet with practically unlimited money where you can do anything. None of is here are going to come close to that.
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>mfw normies say that if they won the lottery they'd still go to work because they 'enjoy' it
If I won the lottery I'd still go to work because I wouldn't want anyone to realise I won the lottery
I would, when I have nothing to do I get very depressed and existential
You could just say you 'work from home' or some shit.
With lots of money, you could do anything. That's the point. You wouldn't just sit at home unless you wanted to.
Listened to music on my phone in bed last night, forgot I wasn't connected to the wifi. Now I have fuck all data left for the month, EE are such stingy shits when it comes to data plans.
oh well, yeah, like travelling and shit
fun stuff
>not having giffgaff
this tbqh senpai giffgaff is GOAT robot tier

Happy birthday mate have you got any special plans?
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If I won the lotto I'd probably just move somewhere secluded and work out a lot for a year or two. Get call girls and just lay low. Man I should've won the lottery now that I think about it
Happy birthday champion
If I won the lottery I'd go to work and just use the lottery winnings to emulate having a better paying job. I just want to work myself to death.
I wouldn't know what the fuck to do with myself if I quit work. I don't have any hobbies or interests to fill the time with, I'm too scared to socialise and money won't fix that, and I'd be too worried about running out that I'd be loathe to ever splurge on stuff.

I'd be a terrible lottery winner.
kek, yes that's one of them

do you think I would be help you if I was opposed to you applying for it. I already said I'm in college for months and the likelyhood is that they need someone immediately.
>Man I should've won the lottery now that I think about it
kek, you say it like it's something you can control
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Yeah I guess you're right huh. I guess I'll have to find another way to get ridiculously rich then..
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Making my house famous Mushroom Stroganoff tonight, due to popular demand
Are you the same faggot who keeps going on about Deansgate locks?
Fuck I don't get bennies in my country unless I'm a black, obese, criminal. Plenty of drugs though. Just got an oz of skywalker so happy to have weed again. Tough getting alcohol in a 21+ country with dwindling 21+ friends.
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waifu waifu is my laifu
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>Fuck I don't get bennies in my country
You're in for some rough times senpai.
do you get benises?
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Peace, Peace

I doubt they'll kick you out for 3 weeks missed mate, so long as you explain

does this happen often?
They're showing some highlights from the superbowl on the news.

Why are Americans so fucking cringeworthy? What is wrong with them?
Would you guys have a civil war already so I can come over and volunteer and at the same time runaway from my dead end life?

Plenty of offers of benises and boipussy from the California homosex but so far I've declined every time. I'm... s-skurd.

Apple doesn't fall far from the tree, old worlder.
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>payday loan

y u do dis to yourself
they prey on the desperate and the ignorant
they make their money from exploitation
ask some friends and family for some money to pay off the debt and apply for as many jobs as you possibly can
make applying for jobs a job

>can't get a loan
why would you want ANOTHER loan if you're in debt and just got one
ffs anon
get your shit together

again: 1. borrow money from friends and family to pay off debt
2. apply for every job you can to pay them back

you'll be alright anon
but ffs
think things through please
>tfw rookie soldier starts to bleed out
>veteran soldier goes back and carries him to exfil

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Swimming Corgi.webm
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Maybe you're just boring
if he was boring, would he be shitposting on /r9k/?

>Would you guys have a civil war already
Go join the rebels in Syria.
I love that dog tbqh
>Would you guys have a civil war already

Well a large part of the population known as Muslims actively are in a civil war with the UK at the moment. See ISIS.
I've been thinking about joining the Peshmerga in Iraq for funzies and because I don't have shit else to do. According to our governments fighting alongside the Kurds is illegal if you do it in Syria but not Iraq. PKK commies ect.
I mean when you guys start fighting back. When the real fighting begins.
Piss Piss off you fucking manchild.
Fuck this shit weather today.
kek won't happen
plugging up cig burn holes in the carpet lads
thank god theres plenty of loose strands ner the stairs

need that deposit back m80
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>complaining about manchildren on /r9k/

I'm literally lmaoing at your life right now tbqh family
It's the year of the Monkey and they are coming to our shore.
good lad

fuck the robot and fuck his original comment
Want some Chicken Chow Mein lads but going to wait until midday before I have it...
live with your parents and look for whatever job you can get

don't move out and you'll be okay
living with your parents past 19 is pathetic and for manchildren who need to off themselves
I've just had an absolutely immense shit

you mean like all of us?
My Grandad died last week and I've completely lost all my appetite. All I've eaten the past 2 days is 2 packets of beefy Seabrook's. I don't want to do myself an injury, I just can't find any motivation to cook or eat.

I'm 26 and this is the first proper death I've experienced, I've had relatives die before but never any important ones.
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Mates I am loving this stormy weather


Think I am going to do my finances, have a shower, cook some lunch and then play some more vidya
Just order something off Just Eat if you cba to cook
Lads, what's the most autistic thing you've ever done?
it's really expensive to move out these days nigga

if you're on minimum wage and live with your parents it's fairly good money. if you move out and are on minimum wage then suddenly you will notice how little you really make, unless you work crazy long hours or lots of overtime. then you have no free time and are living to work. or you could live with a gf and split the bills, but if you're not a virgin you should get out right now.
Play pokemon games for years until I noticed they were LITERALLY the same game every time.

I heard they even make fucking remakes of older pokemon games now. What the fuck.
I think I'm gonna vanish for a while soon. I have this incredibly bitter feeling of wanting to waste some of my remaining savings just getting away from everything and going to some B&B somewhere for a while. I'm so, so tired
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Morning lads, here's my waifu~

could you share your routine when shaving your legs tilde? How do you get nice and smooth?
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someone just said fuck her right in the pussy on the wright stuff lmao

>use hair removal cream
>leave it on for 5 minutes
>scrape it off using a spatula
>shave with a razor and shaving cream or shower gel
>apply skin moisturiser afterwards
>wax later on
Ur just gonna jack off are you not?

cheers. do you just do your legs or do you do pits/arms/chest/etc?


nah I want to femboy so I'm getting tips from the master
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I shave almost everywhere on my body senpai~

Good luck with becoming a femboy!

thanks pal, here's to being cute!
I always laugh at these images, keep up the good work.

just go on what tilde says
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Feeling a strange today
lets fug?
Like the details, just noticed the wrists!
whats up azulad, you in love?

>do my finances

Normie ree desu.

>not being too afraid to ever check your account
wtf is this shit

everyone does it ffs

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>everyone does it ffs

Loads of people steal stuff, doesn't make it any less of a crime. You just got caught
why was i born not white lads?

why is life so cruel?
meet me in 10 minutes in your mums bedroom
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No well yes but I just feel quite strange, might be because I just woke up from a very vivid dream but I can't remember any of it

Rekt t b h lad

Dangerousbloxwhatclassesasevading thefilteranywaysoundsprettydumbtome
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Morning guys, I almost got blown away by the wind.
waiting for a fedex parcel to arrive which means i can't get in the shower nor can i wank

it also said on the track website it could be here as late as 6pm and i need to walk my wan wan ffs

this is killer
That a bomb in your parcel, ahmed?
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>have a favourite film
>want to share it with friends
>pretend that I haven't seen it before, suggest watching it
>we do
>"this is boring, nothing happens it's just a lot of talking"
>"put something good on"
>"how long until it ends"
Should've known desu.
Is there a worse feeling gals?
>your spoiler

pls tell more senpai
yee, i'm parcel bombing myself this morning

allahu akbar
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I keep hearing normies say that you can't run away from your problems but is that actually true?

I feel like most of my problems stem from the fact that I live in a shitty town in the north east, I have a boring job, no prospects, the weather is always shit and I hate everyone in this town.
where do you live bby?

You will never take our freedom with your 'parcel' of evil.
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does junlad reciprocate your feelings?
I'm in love with Azusa lad

Yes, it would be the same anywhere else except the place might look a bit nicer and there would be more sun.
They're right, because the actual problem is that you're a boring whiny faggot and moving away won't solve that.
Feels good doesn't it desu?
Personally I still hate myself though.
is this /britfeel/ love?

have they done anything lewd?
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There probably should have been a comma there
I'm in love with Azusa, lad
For the most part I also hate myself so it's okay
I don't have a waifu, I have a husbando.
I think they touched butts actually.
What film was it you cock-muncher?
don't lie, what lewd stuff happened mate

My favourite film is the Street Fighter movie, and not even ironically. I was 8 when it came out and absolutely loved it growing up. Try showing it to people.
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I can't tell you, It's a secret.
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Don't appreciate you trying to illegitamise my love for my waifu tbqhwy lad

It's Poleaboo, i'm one of the girls he liked. At first I hated it, but I can't get him out of my mind. After all of this I think I am in love with him but I think he would be too angry at me to reciprocate. I lurk here because I found out he comes here and sometimes talk to him. Maybe one day I will gain the courage I need to try and sort things out and start a new relationship with him. Sigh </3
hold the phone wait a minute, are there two lads in love with azusa lad now?
no one said that, im sure you discussed things with your waifu and she was okay with it, so you can tell me the lewd stuff
tell me anyway
What series is it from, is it shit?
>none of my problems are my fault!

Take some responsibility, faggot. No one else is to blame.
No I meant in general, I don't know azusa, lad
If you've got a job atm and haven't abused an unplanned overdraft getting 500lbs should be easy af familia
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i've never watched anime before but why are dogs on britfeel called wan wans? it's a great name desu

i'm assuming it's something to do with anime anyway

i like all the qt things posted on here about anime but i still don't have the desire to watch it yet

maybe one day
Why don't anime posters just create a /brit-a/ in /a/?
>Take some responsibility

Don't tell me what to do.
Watch K-ON or I will literally come and snap all your Halo disks
In Japan, "woof woof" is "wan wan"

Kind of like how "ribbit" is "kero" and "meow" is "nya"
Literally have done that a few times before, the jannies there don't take kindly to it
Why don't you brit general faggots have your hangout circle jerk over on 4*2chan?
Since when is /r9k/ specifically for anime? There's blatantly an anime board.

I don't see no specific /brit/ board.
but i don't have any Halo disks i have them all digitally downloaded
Being British isn't a hobby or interest it's a state of being you wasteman
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Entirely depends on what your problems are. Where you live is an important factor, some places can just suck the life out of you.

Save up and go abroad for a while.

Izuko Gaen is a qt
i have no idea what any of you fags are talking about
Say goodbye to your hard drive then lad, I know I have some powerful magnets lying around somewhere
if you destroy my halos though i'll have no energy or motivation to do anything let alone watch anime

i'd be even more of a broken human bean

>grow up

He posts in a thread on /r9k/

>he posts in a thread on /r9k/

He says in reply to my post

I used to like Tilde but he has become the cancer of these threads

Thank you based SHOUTANON keep up the chemotherapy
I'm not the one telling people to grow up though.
He's not the one telling you to grow up though. He is perfectly happy with the immaturity of posting on r9k, you are trying to promote maturity while posting here. That is hypocritical.
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morning guys
>having friends

Think I found your problem mateo
>shoutanon samefagging again

I used to hate tilde but shoutanon is a complete cunt. At least tilde has a nice personality

Who else here /tildefan/?
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who /constantlyscreaminginternally/ here?
>Giving shoutanus (You)s
Gas yourself.


Anime is cartoons for children
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Please shave your head and eyebrows.
Nobody mentioned anime. Why are you projecting this much?
I just don't want tilde feeling down because of this cunt.
You don't have to directly reply to him to do that, you're just giving him what he wants desu
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Where are you from fellow britfags, let's see where the most depressed region is.

Lads, after meeting a few guys in a pub and you got on well at what point is it socially acceptable to meetup anywhere apart from the pub, or to add them on Facebook?

I don't do the football, I hear that's where you ask people to next then what else do you invite them too? Dinner? I don't want to become the gay

Nah, i'm cool. I'm 29, i'm not pretending to have a different favourite film for the sake of an internet stranger.
>No Midlands

Are you that fucking retarded?

>only southern

Being from the South West is nothing like being from the south. The South is basically london or those posh cunt counties around it. We have more in common with Cumbria than London, minus the flooding.
Why don't you want Tilde feeling down? He's an absolute bellend who attracts hordes of faggots to /britfeel/ and should cease his stupid gimmick immediately.
When I used to have friends I only used to hang out with them at the pub. I didn't know there was other places you could hang out.

It's all fun and games in generals until it start becoming a circlejerk over one faggot the majority hates.

>but shoutanon is just as bad

He didn't trip at first. Tilde has to trip like an attention faggot.
>No south west

I refuse to vote desu matey. I'm not being associated that with London crowd or them Cornish fags.
Who /stormImogen/ here?
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Tilde literally posts once or twice a thread with completely inoffensive stuff. Shoutanon spergs out constantly, demands attention and throws tantrums when he doesn't get it.

Tilde is a nice person. Shoutanon is a twat. Is this really hard to understand?
Tilde was asked to trip so people could filter him

Shoutanus trips because he was jealous of the attention Poleaboo and Tilde were getting.
Reminder Shoutanon started to get rid of trips/personalities yet attention whores at any possibility.
who /screamingvoices/ here? I don't really hear them, but my life feels like someone is just constantly yelling.
The few moments where I feel at ease are basically all I live for.
Used to get that when I was younger, stopped when I stopped fearing death and got over my anxiety issues
I don't have shouting voices, its more like a soft murmuring in the background telling me that I'm a failure. It goes away for a bit if I do something good, but always comes back after a couple of hours.
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It's a "giving tripfags the attention they want by bitching about them" episode.
fucking hand/wrist is killing me lads
think when I was drunk from the pub I fell over when I was going to bed and stuck my hand out and fell on it.
left hand so not as bad if it was mouse hand, but I use my left for fapping so now it hurts to fap...
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I love that song Sunday Bloody Sunday. Really encapsulates that horrible feeling of it being sunday. You know, waking up early, cutting the grass, taking the bins out, having to get ready for work on monday. If there's one good thing Ireland has produced, it's U2. They really blew up after that.

...sorry, I suppose you're probably tired of hearing about things "blowing up". How about a change of subject? So tell us, just how many people died in the great famine?
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hate that fat cunt
He probably wasn't alive for that.
This one the other hand..
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he gets attention anyway from his little bumboy crew so why not make it clear he isn't welcome?

reminder this is what Tilde's teeth look like
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Who /skidmarks/ here? Recently I seem to be finding more and more skidmarks in my undies. Am I just not wiping enough or do I genuinely have some kind of arse problem?

Somebody please help me, it's absolutely disgusting. Every time I go to fap, I take off my underwear and see loads of brown stains in the arse area, then realise I've just placed my bare, unclean arse on my bed. I'm probably going to catch some sort of 17th century illness from doing this.
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>mfw you don't even know Alan Partridge
you got a hairy arse?

just wash your arse in the shower you cretin

>tfw now they have a continuity IRA

I don't understand why we don't just give them Northern Ireland. It's a fucking shithole that contributes nothing to the UK.
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Thanks for reminding me to brush mine, m80.
Absolutely fucking vile.

I just bend my ass over the bathtub and use the shower head to blast my ass. I miss having a bidet.
Eh, I'm a southerner. I don't give a shit about what happens in Rotherham. I can safely say we're paedo ring free, for now.
This nigga
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>he doesn't want to cum inside tildesluts boipussy
I don't think anyone actually wants it as this point, both sides just have to pretend like they do so the loyalists and rebels on each side in NI don't sperg out
Fucking this. They're only still part of Britain because they're a bunch of Britaboos. Whenever I encounter a Northern Irish person, I always view them as Irish rather than British anyway. They'll never be British in my eyes
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>I can safely say we're paedo ring free
No you can't. No-one was claiming Rotherham was a Mecca for Paedos before it all came out. Wouldn't trust our police as far as I can throw them.
>Eh, I'm a southerner. I don't give a shit about what happens in Rotherham. I can safely say we're paedo ring free, for now.


One day, robots. We will succeed.
same for me, I haven't been in like 2 months though. I'm trying to find out if I can start over in september though, if not it'll be a 2017 start

I reckon ShoutAnon is actually madly in love with Tilde, he just acts this way to cover it up.
Not everyone will, but good luck. I hope you succeed in whatever you want
Fairly hairy. I wouldn't say it's mammoth-tier but it's certainly on the higher end of the scale. I do wash my arse, but clearly not enough.
A bidet would be cool. But I'd probably get too excited and try to put it inside me.
oh ;-;

Well at least I'm not west country. The south-east shall be the last bastion of good morals on this fair island who am I kidding, London is fucking cancer
Is there any way they'll let me go to uni even if I never did anything past GCSE level? I need to find an excuse to avoid wageslaving for a bit andI figure if I could enroll on a 3 year uni course that'd be a good way to kill some more time and I'd be 27 by the time I finish so will have managed to do a good chunk of my life.
I'd like to believe that, but I'm content with being a failure too.
You can do that?
I restarted this year, but I haven't been into uni or done any exams. I also didn't go in for most of last year.
desu I have no idea what to actually do.
It would make sense, the obsession is pretty damn strong
RIP Bruce Forsyth
Well desu I kind got hit with a load of shit around november (ill all the time, depression hit like a truck) so I've been avoiding them because I'm scared as fuck. I've started trying to get into contact with them to see if I can unfuck myself before it's too late. It's not really 'restarting' per se, it's more like you leaving with a guaranteed place (you still have the 3+1 rule working and it'll count as a failed year). As far as I'm aware, it's possible assuming the uni lets you (there's room on the course and they accept why you didn't turn up). You can always just reapply through UCAS although the deadline has passed for 2016 entry.
Can't answer your question but I wouldn't advise getting in thousands of bongs worth of debt so you can avoid having a job. It's what I did, and now that I've been out of uni for a year I can see that I was only delaying the horrible, inevitable truth.

Don't bother with uni, think of what you'd like to do and start researching how to achieve it.
tfw I woke up before 2 o clock.

not even my images are working today.

its cold and grey and raining.

how am I meant to be happy?
ur not senpai
Who told you that you should? Should give them a smack desu
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>Homeless cousin crashing at mum's house
>Leeches off our food and resources and constantly asks to borrow money
>Breaks the news to us that she's preggers again
>Mum is too kind-hearted to kick her out

I just want to live my NEET life in peace.
>Don't bother with uni, think of what you'd like to do and start researching how to achieve it.

I just want to get life finished with as quickly as possible desu. I've found having a job makes time drag. I'd be happy to just teleport til when I am 80 and then die.

is it yours?

>a homeless woman

Can't she find a beta to pretend to love?
Please tell me she is getting an abortion? If not can you push her down some stairs for me. Can't have more little shitheads that should never even been born running about.
I agree with this sentiment. I feel like an old man anyways, why do I have to wait so long to die?
If you were to kill yourselves, how would you do it?

The Japanese are absolute madmen. Although quite rare, people there still kill themselves by seppuku (stabbing themselves in the abdomen with a blade and basically yanking it from left to right)

Miserable way to go if you ask me but it's pretty cool. Hard to imagine that a Jap a few centuries ago decided "yep, this is a pretty good way to off myself, lets make sure it catches on"

Anyway I think if I was to kill myself I'd hang myself I think. Whether I choke myself out with the rope or go for the quick neck snap is hard to decide
aw man, my life is so fucked up. at least i can post Jun everyday.
I'd play sudoku
Just suffocate her with a pillow to be perfectly honest. Use a memory foam one as they are harder to breathe through
and fuck azulad right?
If I were to, I'd pick the slowest, most painful way to go. But I don't plan to so I haven't thought it through

Great idea genius, so the imprint of her screaming face will be left on the pillow for the police to find.
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I'd really like to kill myself with a gun desu, as long as I do it right, it should be over pretty quickly, just got to avoid surviving really.

I think I'd like to fuck someone else over my leaving my body somewhere inconvenient.
No, it's not mine, I'm a faggot.

She's jumping from beta to beta. Basically, she'll find anyone who can give her weed, then latch onto them like a lamprey and drain their sanity until they kick her out.
That's what I thought too, but I'm not brave enough for suicide. I just don't want you to piss away your life like I did, only to wake up one day and realise that you wanted more, but now it's too late.

Aim high, put in the work and then lower your expectations, not the other way round.
>not sleeping on the same pillow immediately after the deed so it molds around your head

it's like you've never even tried to get rid of undesirables
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Imagine if you were a thief and then another thief came and stole your already stolen goods.
memes aside, we don't actually have sex. just anime and chill. maybe some unironic hug or cuddle sometime.

i would do gay stuff with him for the record, but i'm not going to push the issue.
Invite us round for some gay time lad, is he a feminine twink?
No surprises that she's a degenerate

How old are you guys? I assume both 18 or so.
26 and 31 I think
Alarm clock beeping
Wagecucks weeping
Time for floor sweeping
And burger fIipping
While NEETs are still sleeping
that's really cute, and I actually hope you guys might end being together sexually so you can post about it here and let me be the closest I've been to lewd times desu
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trying to get tilde round first, get in line. I would do a public Hampshire/south meet sometime if lads are actually interested. and he is a really nice very underweight manlet.
i'm almost 22, i think he is 18.
FUCKING FAGGOTS OUT!1!1!1!1!1!1!1,1!1,,,

Don't make me bum you ;^)
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>very nice underweight manlet
Anon stop making me so hard.....
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>Look Mum, look Dad, I don't just sit around at home doing nothing, I'm writing poetry!
Butthurt wagecuck detected.
It's time to wait till I can go to sleep.
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>the same three or four grossly overweight bald 40somethings posting anime pictures and being all kawaii to each other
All happy thoughts for today have been cancelled.

are you dating? or is it more like a friends-with-maybe-gay-stuff-sometime thing?
anything happen to cancel them
Or where they never actually going to happen anyways
It's absolutely grim m8, it really ruins my day.
Your Dad sits there, wishing he'd just squirted you down your Mums throat instead. I guarantee it.
>Those people that somehow manage to be happy on days like this

How do they do it?
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I don't really care desu.

Life is shit so I dropped out. It's like suicide but without the commitment.
probably ligature strangulation. Easy and painless and can be done with household items
I envy them, and people who know what grants them joy and contentment. I hope they continue to smile
friends i hope. having a dependable aspie friend to travel and watch anime and banter with is all i wanted desu.
proper does my head in, it's vile
im eating some samosas my sis left me from her takeaway, its actually making me warm and comfy on the inside.
good substitute for happiness.

I was gonna get some cuppa soups.
If you make better use of your time, you might feel a little better about yourself.

Quit the poetry. At least make that commitment and you'll be a better person already.

>my turn to clean the kitchen
>housemate walks in
>holds paper up
>"You missed this scrap of rubbish from behind the cereal"
>puts back on counter

why? the bin was literally right there
Last episode was a good one, the rest of the series so far has been a bit weak desu.

Favourite episode? Mine is probably the gang gives frank an intervention.
need to go into town and get a haircut and see if dominos have any delivery jobs but now i'm feeling lazy and lethargic

also scared of what the normie hairdressers questions will be like what i do and when i say i'm neet what if they ask why

i've putting this trip off for like a week now though

motivate me pls lads
I don't normally like yank comedies because I feel they're too slapstick or they appeal too much to retards but Always Sunny is one of the good ones.

One of my favourites is when they trick Dee into thinking she's a famous comedian and Dennis confesses his love to her. The best part is right at the end

>Mac: Hah, we burned you Dee!
>Dennis: Y-Yeah and I was totally in on it
>Charlie: You weren't
>Dennis: I was kinda part of it
>Charlie: Nope, no you definitely weren't
Dennis walks out
>"Well, he's probably going to kill himself"

D.E.N.N.I.S system is a good one

>What are you guys doing here?
>Well you see, I use my own system called the M.A.C system. Move in after completion
>Well what about you, Frank?
>I'm here for the scraps, I'm after Mac
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At the old pub tbqh lads, regulars seem happy to see me
I'm in the same position anon, I'm going to find a salon in the middle of town where no one knows me I think. I hope something can be done with my hair to make it look nice, I know you can do it anon
How big of a crush do you have on tilde?
have to go see my doc after a year on disability bennies for anxiety n depressions and a year on sertraline, hes gunna ask why i have made 0 progress to being a functioning human being after several months of therapy, what do i do?
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tell him you became gay and were too scared to go outside
idk shout, you put a lot of heart into these
Been to work (150 queens heads cash no tax paid in my pocket) smashed the gym, now chilling at home watching the rain eating steak and chips

What have you lazy bastards done today?
Sounds like a passive aggressive piece of shit. Consider moving out tbqhfampai.
To teach you a valued lesson, of course
I sat here and wished I had something to do whilst being terrified of the outside world, same as usual
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A large part of getting a job is having social skills anon :^)
Well i'm glad you found a way to express yourself
At least you're honest mate, its really not that much of a scary place out there though, stop watching the news and listening to the media would be my advice, then of course, jus bee urself :^)
I'm trying my best to get a job right now but it's so difficult leaving the house, I have that thing where I think everyone is staring at me and hates me which I can't get over. I'll do my best though anon ^_^
come on shoutanus just admit it. we won't judge you even if you are a fat paki manlet
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I have perfectly fine social skills, to be honest mate. It just really pissed me off and I needed to rant. How can they fuck something so simple up, so badly? Especially when if I fucked up a date in a similar way they'd fucking sanction me for a year. Honestly, you can't be working a government job and still fucking up important dates on official government documents that can literally be the deciding factor in whether someone has money to eat or not.
Some poor fuck has probably gone hungry before because the overweight, morally bankrupt, dumb fat and ugly cunts at the job centre filled out a form wrong because they were too busy thinking about stuffing their fat fucking faces with junk food or who's going to win the on xfactor.

Fuck these cunts. The only time in my life I've ever wanted to kick someone in the teeth was while I've been in the jobcentre.
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>go to the pub
>mate orders guinness
>have to wait around because it takes forever
How can people stand the stuff?

>the overweight, morally bankrupt, dumb fat and ugly cunts at the job centre

Why are literally all Job Center employees like this? Al of the one's at the JC near me are exactly as you describe and everyone else who talks about them describes them the same.

They are like a new race of subhuman slug women.
I thought that thing was called anxiety or paranoia.
>tfw warm inside reading a book while the storm rages outside

Feels good to be comfy tbqh lads~
it's probably a mixture of both, I feel like a freak, unfortunately I probably look like one too
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sound very nice big T, wish i was snuggled up with you.
Think he has agrophobia
you dont know me or talk to me and wont care about me but i wish i was cuddling with you right now
Post what you've done so far today lads

>Got up
>Took the bins out
>Argued with a wagecuck on here
>Played Super Mario 64 for a bit
>Had a wank
>Did my finances and budget for the month
>Replied to some emails
>Had a shower
>Tidied my room
>Took the bins back in
>Went to the shop
>Came back and cleaned the kitchen

Now I am going to play some PS3 for a bit and wait for my dad to get home. I want to have a few beers but I might need to cook him tea because my mum is away for a few days, but it is just steak so he might cook it himself.

Pretty productive day tbqh.
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comments like that make me wish i did know you lad.
i wish i was cuddling with you anon
Don't want to do anything, don't have anything to do
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Made a new pepe.
What book is it? 'How To Deal With Being a Gigantic Cock Sucking Tripfag On 4chan'?
Well I wish I was cuddling with YOU anon.
So get rekt
>woke up
>go on computer
youd never never like me desu, will disappear again after this
That does sound very comfy anon~

I am starting to feel very guilty about not posting images of my armpits thanks to you, anon. But I still cannot post any~
>Why are literally all Job Centre employees like this?
It's just the way it is. I had one decent guy before, looked like the type to post on here and he told me he was leaving for a new job the week after... he seemed fucking ecstatic to be getting out of there.

Anyway... fuck em'
I don't get why you just wont do it?
you could post a nice cropped picture of your armpits for the lad, no harm will come of that.
You only need to join the britfeel steam chat to get closer to him, senpai
Rather than post pictures of your armpits could you perhaps instead livestream your suicide?
I don't have the confidence or self-esteem to post pictures in these threads~

maybe in the steam chat~
probably because he's actually an overweight neckbeard shut-in
I don't care about this puff or seeing any part of his body that. Please stop encouraging him as he's quite clearly a sad attention seeking cunt.

This. I'd watch this, and I might even laugh while doing so.

Again, fuck off and die you attention seeking prick. Go post on /soc/ or something.
Because he's a fat autistic retard. Think Gorgon Jones, only hairy.
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azulad would love that Junlad as well
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>mfw shoutanus spends his birthday samefagging and bullying a bulimic weeb on a portuguese pottery forum

and I thought I was pathetic kek
He's too busy role playing pokemans
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he wasn't samefagging but i cba screenshotting
please get a grip you sad cunt
Don't worry, you are still pathetic anon.
>people wouldn't give me attention if they knew what I looked like
>I had to start tripping because people didn't know which one was me and I wanted the attention

you're actually pathetic, and not even in a joke sense
you should genuinely consider suicide
benny harvey rip
Do you know how much Tilde makes me appreciate Poleaboo? A whole fucking lot. I'd rather suck Poleaboo's 3 inch paki meat than ever have to share a room with the smelly fat retard Tilde.
Mate, I was encouraging them to take it to the chat where its not here
>three posts literally 12 seconds apart
>all the same person


Face it, Tilde is a cunt and many more people than just Shoutanon are sick of him.
Please don't get your hopes up or anything, I am still quite unsure about the whole thing~
lets face it all trips are attention seeking cunts
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also non trips who post stupid anime and gaypost yeh.
obviously all trips are shit.
The less they post the better.
I can not wait to see how fat you truly are
>article on the mirror about people who spy on webcams
>"high-tech heavy breathers"

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ok you persuaded me heres a pic of me just chillin
High-tech heavy breathers could use this simple-to-use software to grab nude images of their target, while hackers with money on their mind could employ it to grab information and potentially steal cash.

This guy wrote the article:

He probably posts in /britfeel/ desu
He looks like the nu-male version of eggman

>i... i mean, high-tech heavy breathers
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Teehee, you're so lude anon~

I'm just a slim young man :3
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Twelve men who sexually exploited a vulnerable teenage girl in West Yorkshire are jailed

sad state of affairs when innocent men get punished
Why didn't you lads tell me that we had a /britfeel/ meetup?
Oh lord, where did America go so wrong?

Look like fine upstanding and very british men.
>go for nap shout anon crying about tilde getting more attention
>wake up shoutanon btfo and took trip off
>still crying because he wants attention

Fuck these threads are depressing now
the last meetup we had a whole group of muslims showed up to intimidate everyone and keep asking question about islam and what we thought of it
it was fucking horrendous
How do people think we're even the same species as muslims?
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We aren't allowed to live in a peaceful co-existence anymore
I finished GTA V and uninstalled it, if I install it again will I have my finished save or will I have to do it all over again?

Because the only race is the human race, that is what our overlords say and therefore that is the truth.
Should still have your save
Saves are saved into appdata usually.
This is something you should google, no idea why you asked here.
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Fuck sake lads my dad is drunk already and has just gone back to the pub for me and told me I have to cook him his dinner when he comes back and my mum is away for 3 days. Going to be a long 3 days.
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Movie night this friday, 10pm! The film we watch is still being decided, voting is open until midnight wednesday!

Vote here:


See you then I hope!

say you are scared to go incase you catch cancer from them
>back to the pub for more*
Last time we did this we voted for Zulu.
It ended up with 3 of us watching Cat in the Hat.
>No neckbeard

How can you be so fat and sedentary and not have the beard. It would cover the 10 chins.
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It doesn't matter mate. When push comes to shove the UK will stay in Europe as it would be bad for business not too.

And when I say business I mean the ECB and the beneficiaries of mass immigration.
>just normie things
End yourself. You are the cancer this shitty general attracts to our board.
implying they ever listen to what the people want... they`ll fix the results if need be la.

I bet the magazine or newspaper that took the photo bought all of those. Who the fuck would get four pizzas at the same time as kfc, the chicken is clearly going cold and he is eating a pizza. Also the donuts will get all hot on the pizza box.
Lads I give up.
I gave up ages ago mate. Feels relieving.
I want to leave but the express really isn't the place you should be going to for polls.

You mean the readers of the pro-UKIP newspaper want to leave the EU?! Well I never! Why don't we put a poll on tumblr asking if we should pay a privilege tax next!
All the pizza is just a normal cheese & tomato. What kind of fatty just gets cheese & tomato from Dominos.
Don't be silly, he's topping it with Walkers and Maltesers

I didn't notice that, I thought it had Olives on it but I forgot it was shitty dominos and was just burnt.
What's the process like for seeing your GP about depression?
He actually looks pretty sad about it, too.
Must be a pretty shitty thing to have a photo crew buy 4 pizzas and KFC and just ludicrous amounts of shit just so they can take a photo of you that screams 'LOOK AT THIS FATTY BASTARD'.

I bet one of the crew ate that one pizza slice in front of him, too. The pricks.
Go into the surgery with a belt of dynamite made from play-doo and tell them you want to see someone immediately or the whole place is going to blow
same as any other doctors appointment

doc im sick,
wot symptoms,
ok presc meds and put on waiting list for treat.
Getting a doctors appointment requires ringing up at 8am on the day you want the appointment, so good luck waking up for that when you have depression.

>yeah sure we're running a story about the problems obese people face
>hi fatty we're here ready to take a photo
>by the way we have these props I know you can't move much don't worry we'll sort the whole thing out for you then you will get fifty quid
it's strangely comforting seeing how many people ask this question
Any other brony survivalists here??
most surgeries have online booking systems also you know, you don't have to get up for that.
Get a red felt tip and draw some lines on your arms, cut an onion and rub it on your eyes then enter your local surgery. If you have to wait, try rocking back and forth.
''Hahahahhahahahahahaha'' Pretty much sums it up for me.

I went to see my GP for depression whilst living on the fucking street and every doctor I got to see told me the same shit ''Here, take these meds, don't commit suicide, it's not the answer'' and then proceeded to draw some silly fucking diagram with two lines, one pointing to ''life'' and the other to death.
I was clearly suffering from life ruining depression and anxiety, I quit my job, I didn't wash, I didn't eat, didn't cut my hair for two years, I lived on the fucking street for christs sake. All at the tender age of twenty... and they basically laughed at me. Every doctor I got to speak to, as if I was trying to cheat them out of something.
One of them signed me off ''sick'' for two weeks. Two weeks. And she only did so after I basically refused to leave without recieving a sick note. She lectured me about things out of my control and even at one point mentioned that her own kid was ''abit depressed'' but he got a job and now he's doing great... as if ''he can do it, so can you''

Thinking about it now, it makes me sick.
lads should i eat the crappy tesco pizza in my fridge or order pizza instead
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>accidentally clicked remain

>He was one a normal man just like you and me...
New EDF 4.1 comes out soon for the UK. personally i am very excited about it.
>tfw you stop being able to enjoy video games and realize that was the only hobby you had

Jesus fuck I'm pathetic.
how long ago was this? im 20 now and the closest experience ive had to this was with a condescending, patronising and presumptuous 'specialist' psychologist.
Close anon.
>tfw you stop being able to enjoy video games and realize that games aren't really a hobby at all and they're just a meaningless distraction.

Get a new hobby anon. Learn programming or something, it might lead you to a non-shit job.
You can book in a few days advance mate. What practice are you going to?
The only time I can seem to enjoy a video game now is when I'm actively grinding
Seriously considering suicide lads the anxiety is too much I am sat here shaking as I type this as I await my dad to come home from the pub even more shitfaced than before then he's going to call me downstairs to cook him dinner because my mum is away and I'll have to stand there in the kitchen cooking while he yells and screams incoherently about whatever the fuck he feels like raging about this evening. If I just hang myself in the closet now i won't have to deal with it anymore.
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This man sells fresh air to people in China for 80 quid a bottle http://bbc.in/1TOgmZ3
Not even two years ago.
Maybe it depends where abouts in the country you are. I'm near London.
sounds like you need to spend some time out of the house, stay at a friends or something for a bit.
smart bloke
just move out lad
I know it's easier said than done but it's possible
i went through a period of close enough to a year or so when I completely lost interest in video games. Maybe it's your brain telling you that you need to get things sorted in your life before you entertain yourself
I don't have any friends and even if I did I have to stay home while my mum is away to 'look after' my dad.

By look after I mean wait on him hand and foot while he is shitfaced drunk and be the punching bag for all of his rage and abuses.
Give em a buzz.
I'm 23 lol bit old for that mate
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>See billboard advertising the Koran
>Turn corner
>See another billboard advertising free immigration advice
waiting for my pizza lads my life might be about to go to shit so I might as well enjoy myself for now
What pizza you get mate and where from?
just a local place down the road, got pepperoni jalapenos and olives on that bad boy

>Stuffed crust costs 2.90
fuck off lads
That's a good mix, sounds like you'll enjoy it.

I find stuffed crust pointless unless it is from Dominos, I don't like Dominos pizza overall but they are the only place where stuffed crust is actually decent.
Just don't try the hotdog stuffed crust jesus christ that's disgusting.
Slap the cunt back then, Jesus Christ make the cunt scared of you

23 you're in your prime, knock that ungrateful fucker out
I can't he'd literally kill me. He's really hard and really crazy and I'm really gentle and soft spoken.
Beating up your dad is a rite of passage.
If you don't do it you will never be a man in society's - or his - eyes.
back from having my haircut lads

it looks quite good too if i do say so myself

i didn't even spurge out or get anxious even though it was a female cutter

i think if she was less fat and better looking i might spurged out a bit though

cant believe i actually did it, quite proud of myself desu
Who are your top three youtubers to watch?
Mine are
Can someone tell me what to do?
I'd go full on Tyson bite his fucking ear off, he's drunk you have the advantage, he needs to respect you and if he doesn't then theres no shame in using a weapon if you have to
Post a pic lad, just the hair if you're shy.
kill your self obviously

Don't tell me what to do.

>when you're about to do something and someone tells you to do to do what you're about to do
>you don't do it out of spite
Why am I seeing so many jobs taking the piss with their hours lately? 8 to 6? Fuck off.
AdamDiddy (seriously, he's infectious)
probably VSauce
Smile, then smile some more
>work 7-2
>150 queens a day
>barely do anything

Feels good man
Larry Bundy Jr

Essential youtuber britcore.
i'll send you a pic on steam if you want lad

not on here though
what do you do m8?



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>Well Paid
Thoughts? Anyone ever done something like this before?
>well paid

buzzwords for "barely above minimum wage"
these people will try to jew you hard when it comes to pay and overtime
reads like some kind of pyramid scheme
Cold calling OAPs.
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Thinking of this lad?
red flag if there's no actual figures
wat u do then
Guy was murdered on my street in broad daylight

I'm paranoid about going outside as it is...
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Where the fuck do you think you are?
Take some self defense classes then. Learn how to fight and kick his shit.
usually gang/drug related
wouldn't worry too much unless you buy or sell drugs
I don't want pictures. I just want you to get better and eat better. Please get some help tilde. I just want to know you're ok.

i'm a bit of pleb when it comes to hair, fashion etc

it's number 4 on the sides. what look should i go for on top? i only have matt clay at home but i could get something online

Are you psychic? I had that picture in mind when I wrote it, but I go through laptops at great speed so I no longer had it.
unfortunately uk is just as bad now

my favourite bit is the little bit of chest hair just poking through the top of your t-shirt
Far too short to do anything with it desu. Need to grow it out.
yeah i caught that too

i should probably shave that

>tfw you'll never be as hairless as tildeanon
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>the ringing of your laughter it sounds like a melody
head like a fucking orange, maybe a bit short lad.
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Just got a kebab for dinner desu lads




we can always meet up and wax each other smooth
when do you start secondary school?
sounds like a plan to me anon

where you at?

i'm 22 desu
New thread for ya lads
How many is that in a row now boyo?

how descriptive you faggot
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Had one kebab every day since near the start of January, I need help but the guys always give me extra kebab meat
Jesus, how much weight have you put on?

I ask because I've also been eating more lately because of stress/anxiety. Need to start running again asap desu.

Fucking hell I am spending my evening talking to kids.
i'm 22 m8
>Pilky sticker on phone
I know who you are.
Who am I?

and who are you? kek
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