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Brit/pol/ - GET Countdown Edition

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 319
Thread images: 108

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>Nigel Farage to fly to Washington DC in a fortnight to meet with Donald Trump's team on unofficial diplomatic offensive

>Eurosceptics attack 'doom and gloom' Autumn Statement predictions from independent economic forecaster

>Farage calls for ‘TOTAL REVOLUTION’ in Britain following Brexit and Donald Trump victories

>Forget Article 50! Britain can IGNORE Lisbon Treaty and quit the EU NOW, top lawyer claims

>Autumn Statement: Government defends post-Brexit economy forecasts

>Jo Cox: Man jailed for 'terrorist' murder of MP

>The ambassador's reception: tycoons are spoiling Nigel Farage
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>tfw bregret
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Imperial Leather
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That photograph makes him look like a bitch
Anyone hear the Tories laugh when Corbyn mentioned social care for the elderly, disadvantaged and vulnerable? Fucking disgusting m9.
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That's because he is.
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>The Brexit and Trump election wins were rigged so that people are too afraid to do protest votes in the future, thereby consolidating the power of the establishment
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First for being right
I think they were laughing, not at the idea of helping those people, but rather the fact that he is all of those things.
that was kawaii senpai
He looks alpha.
>Stealing all the god tier chocolates for himself
>No one batting an eyelid cause they're too scared to approach such a dominant charismatic man
>Smug as fuck face
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No. I don't believe you.
He is Trump's bitch now though
>disadvantaged and vulnerable
Thats literally corbyn m8, hence the laughter
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I'm jealous of your trip desu.
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Please donate Enoch Powell memes to the cause
ty senpai, was in the readme of the programme though, I didn't mine it
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>Not calling that picture Pirates of the Karenbbean.jpg
Arguably worse actually

Back in the Sixties it was vicious, old-people-with-experience-of-life hating left-wing people who constantly mocked the elderly, laughing from their various socialist groups at "out of touch" Tories who were trying to keep a conservative grip on Britain, now things have flipped and trendy Blairites are laughing at old socialists

May should know better than to keep up this sort of thing, she's only making people like him more
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Seriously though, I work for the NHS and the amount of carers we deal with that are fucking clueless is ridiculous. If its not a language barrier issue its someone who hasn't got the first idea on how to care for the people they're supposed to be helping.
Fuck you for making me laugh out loud, holy fucking shit.

That is the funniest image I have seen on here in ages.

Nearly woke my parents up.

Fucking hell.

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Surely the faggot mods won't prune this thread

May Kek's Croak deliver us from evil
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>It's an "American alt-right LARPer tries to become a Brit/pol/ refugee" episode
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Afraid I can't take credit for it m8. Someone linked it on here before.
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It'll take more than sympathy for me to like corbyn
Hes like an inept uni student who hasn't lived a real life and thus cannot form real politics
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Have any of you ever tried bacon and eggs and baked beans sandwiched between two crumpets?
She... has that in her house?

Post more funnies.
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Picked that one up a while ago lad, thanks for effort tho
When no one was looking, Farage took Fourty ferrero rocher chocolates. He took fourty ferrero rocher chocolates.
Thats as many as four tens.
And thats terrible.
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>George Galloway painting in your home
to be fair, I couldn't name a single Rees-Mogg speech
The leader of the Alt-Right movement is Barack Obama's half brother, Malik.
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He would be doing a lot better if he didn't surround himself with people who are borderline mentally handicapped.
Doesn't even look like a fucking painting, looks like an image that has had an effect put on it then been printed on canvas and framed.
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>that pic
I think as soon as he steps away from Identity politics he will get a lot more support from the white working class, who seem to be unsure on who to back at the moment.

He does need a kick up the arse, the week Russia sends a carrier through our waters he releases a statement that "Gay history month" should be a thing in schools...

He needs to stop appealing to all the cry baby liberal uni students just because they're the most vocal. Nearly every political party assume's they are the majority but as Brexit shows, that is not the case.
>tfw staying up for the GET
feels pretty sad desu
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>the week Russia sends a carrier through our waters
They aren't "our" waters and buying into Le Ebil Russians meme is about one of the most left-wing things you can do
i should have read it

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plz no bully.
I just want to watch Kek's Divine message unfold without hopping from thread to thread.
>Snooper's Charter
>Incoming Porn ban

I-is my Hentai safe lads?
Will GCHQ and Mummy May deem it halal?
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Except hating Russia is a fundamentally neocon thing you spastic
Name a single establishment conservative in America who wants to go soft on Russia.
Name a big western politician whos a lefty who wants to go soft on Russia - Corbychev
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>Implying Corbyn and those around him aren't Kremlin shills.
Anyway his stance over the Falklands alone is electoral poison.
>the week Russia sends a carrier through our waters

The Britain doesn't own the entire Channel. Besides, Russia has an agreement with NATO stating that they can pass through with an escort whenever they're moving between Baltic and Black Sea bases.
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>not left-wing utopians when it comes to foreign policy, believing in the absolute power of bombs and Democracy™ to make everything better for everyone everywhere
I dont buy into the "Le Ebil Russians" meme at all.

By "our waters" I meant the English Channel.
Your hentai is perfectly safe lad.

Be sure to post with a ZeXiY tripcode to scare away YKTD
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An Englishmans home is his castle desu

Best Speech EVAH!!

Corbyn's biggest problem is that he's completely uncompromising. When he became leader, people pointed out that he had voted against his party over 300 times in the past. He literally just does what he wants. So when Labour people approach him with advice on how to win an election, if he wasn't going to do it anyway, he just ignores it. So he's never going to be electable.

But then, Donald Trump wasn't electable and Brexit wasn't feasible, so I can't write him off any more. Maybe his form of populism will be the right form of populism.

Sugoi~~ :3
The English Channel isn't ours
I know it sounds like doublespeak but since we're an EU province it's just an international channel, look it up
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Yeah okay but Mogg is a tool
kek, I knew you'd pull out the old hitchens "they're not conservatives because I say so" line
Doesn't matter though. The most leftwing popular politician in this country supports effectively leaving NATO
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What conspiracies do you believe in?
They should sticky the Shadilay song for the GET. It's such a good song.
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>'I hope that's halal hentai?'
What are the initials of your real life birth name, current name and any other names you may have had?
The EU isn't so bad desu
I hate nigel farage
We should leave NATO, it's a supranational body that dictates our laws to us much like the EU and the purpose for it existing, the Soviet Union, has long since collapsed
Conservatism does come down to belief in original sin and the imperfectibility of things though, you can see this in any issue

Reminder for Mogglets
what's your game?
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Trump will cancel the wall.
Corbyn's Labour is quite different to previous Labour governments so when people think hes contradicting I can see why.

The man needs a backbone and to stick by his core vaules. Supporting remain was the biggest mistake he made.

Again I think he panders to the liberal uni students too much and fucked up when he realized he was on the wrong team when Brexit happened. Everyone knows he hates the EU anyway.
I believe that most of the major conspiracies came about from the establishment claiming to have the answers when they didn't, and being caught in the lie. There is no conspiracy beyond that.

>JFK was assassinated by a guy who got away, but if you were in charge of protecting the president, imagine admitting to the world that you were incompetent and that there was nothing standing between society and anarchy

>9/11 absolutely was Islamic terrorists, but they don't know which ones and again they had to pretend they did so they could keep their jobs

>That Lockerbie bombing guy was a definite patsy; he was innocent, guaranteed
ima get this shit, check it
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>so I can't write him off any more.
We can always write corbyn off desu, just look at dem socks n shorts combo
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>Being this blue pilled
Okay thanks for correcting me. I'm sure everyone who read my post knew what i was talking about anyway.

He still made the statement about Gay history month in the school curriculum though. Which was my original point.

Trump is a conman and Farage is his puppet.

so close
I really hope there's a Labour split soon, because it seems to be becoming more and more unlikely as time goes on. The whole Labour/Conservative balance is what really keeps UKIP out of power.
All MPs are tools, no exceptions

>Except me when i'm elected obvs
>The man needs a backbone and to stick by his core vaules. Supporting remain was the biggest mistake he made
This, John McDonnell should have become leader instead, a few months ago Corbyn wanted to quit but he kept him steady

People who want Labour, a party voted for by people who tend want social liberalism or economic protectionism, to be run by bland centrist Blairites are missing the point. Labour should be an openly socialist party run by people who are openly pro-diversity, pro-immigration, pro-fag etc, if only so that this inspires the Conservative Party to get rid of their Blairites and replace them with people who are unashamedly patriotic and so on
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>Snooper's Charter
>Incoming Porn ban
Is my loli hentai safe lads?
>mfw shitposting in brit/pol/ in early hours of morning to see an arbitrary post number happen
guys, i crunched numbers, the get is gonna come in about an hour and a half at this posting rate, but it will probably be sooner since I've seen posts on other boards
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This, I should have expected it but tonight is distinctly uncomfy
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No. I've notified the rozzers, they'll be there shortly.
There's literally nothing wrong with being Tony Blair
Only when you are around faggot.


I hope you get polonium poisoning for christmas.
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>Then I told them that they could continue watching their Japanese masturbatory cartoon programmes and that it was only Islamic child rapists that would get sent to prison! What a sight it was to see them crying about their "Karen"s
What did he mean by this?
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Hey britbros, mind if I hang in here with you and await the epic get?
>Wearing a dress with pockets
t. Ahmed
I was reading up on underground cities in germany today, pretty radical stuff
> http://www.christ-michael.com/leaked-official-agenda-for-the-destruction-of-germany/

Ive gotten so deep down the rabbit hole I simply dont believe in anything anymore, but i'll take anything with an open mind, because who can really say anything is true
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>being Tony Blair
I'm sure there isn't. It's everyone else that has to suffer.
Only if you spell colour properly.
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It means that he's a supervillain.
Help yourself to a celebratory tripcode. >>99985367

Make sure your name is YKTD and you'll blend right in.
I saw that posted here, seems a little bit over the top if the resources and means to do that existed they'd probably find a less ridiculous way to doom a continent.
9/11 and 7/7 being inside jobs
Freedom being a lie
Democracy is a lie
The monarchy killed Diana
>The Jews
Ayy Lmaos
The new world order plot
The moon landing was faked and space travel is most likely impossible currently
The Large Hadron Collider / Cern having a sinister agenda
All life and energy are part of one single entity that we will return too when we die

Oh and the Earth might be flat.

And I believe they're all most likely connected to one another too.
>9/11 absolutely was Islamic terrorists
9/11 was the clinton/bush cabal desu, would you like me to explain for you?
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I think I can manage that. Unless my patriotism programming kicks in and I go full Manchurian agent.
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>Democracy is a lie
But that isn't even a conspiracy theory.
How do you feel about Denver Airport or wherever it is?
The Monarchy didn't kill Diana, she, her fuckbuddy and her driver were all high as fucking kites because they were a bunch of degenerates

The royals knew just how much Diana was loved by retarded single mother slags who had fantasies of being a Princess, they wouldn't dared have killed her, she was practically untouchable for this reason
just an observation really isn't it
I'd like you to explain how it WASN'T Islamic terrorists, if you can.
ew i forgot about this guy
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What's happening in the Gordon Brown 2010 victory timeline?
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>Mitchell a-
>Oh and the Earth might be flat.

You lost me
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>He doesn't like Ed.
So its just a coincidence that the street cameras pointing to the tunnel were switched off before she died then?
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Things actually got better.
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Source, though?
I dunno that one? Can you elaborate?
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Why does he wear the hat?

What does it symbolise?
>tripkid revisionism

millenials truly are the scummiest generation
Just been reading up on that, pretty creepy.
Real Labour.
>Not lathering yourself up with soap made from Jewish baby fat
Fucking casuals.
Is anyone else hoping that the gets won't just be generic "MY LIFE FOR KEK SHADILAY SHADILAY DUDE GOD EMPEROR TRUMP LMAO" stuff but rather OC that the rest of the board can work on?

If he pulls that off he'll be quite cold
LARPing as a Spanish republican in the 1930s, probably
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so he doesn't forget
the struggle of the proletariat
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>lefties actually pretending to be tough when they haven't been in decades
>tfw pc corbyn raids your house in the morning and you have a quarter ounce of means of production hidden in a cake tin under the sink
>get around me
I like how he's implying he'd just stand stock still and wait for Corbyn's enemies to walk around his side.
Did Islamic terrorists fly planes into the buildings?
But its pretty impossible that planes could've vaporised two sky scrapers like that
These buildings didn't just collapse, but they turned to dust with very little debris to speak of, they must have been brought down by some other method
What this was I don't know, the theories range from explosives, to thermite, or my personal fave is a directed energy weapon
But just watch the way the towers collapse, it wasn't airplane impacts that did that senpai
There are lots of Masonic symbols and hidden structures around it which nobody can explain; it's just a fun wacky one rather than a serious conspiracy.

What would Corbyn's stand be?
I like that he didn't bother to edit out the watermark.
It's fucking weird, more than that. 2bn over budget and twice the size of the next biggest airport? Construction worker claiming there are 5 buildings underneath it?
[The Means]
give it another go pal, you can do it!
>which nobody can explain
isn't that because only the masons know who their members
i bet plenty of them are architects
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Enoch was right
The far right will rise in 2017
I think we'll all be sick of staying here by the time it comes around; I've been monitoring these threads for hours and I don't even like /pol/. It'll probably be some Australian who gets it, just because of the timezones, so it probably will be a shit post.

Also it will be rigged, of course.
Eternal Anglo, tbqhwy

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Admiral Byrd stated that the land in the south pole extended at
least another 5000 miles beyond the southern end of the South pole and had no end point in sight.

Why does the Antartic Treaty forbid anyone from visiting there without supervision / approval for "scientific" purposes only?

Why is Polaris visible from both hemispheres?

Theres a 1000 year old map depicting the earth as flat that looks similar to the 1781 map of the world, the azimuthal map, the UN Logo etc

its spooky mane
Buy Tunnocks Teacakes
Populism is rising; it could be a communist revolution in the next election in a European country.
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Brown saved the economy due to a huge stimulus package in 2010, the UK economy experienced economic growth not seen since the days of empire
However this was largely unfelt by the general public due to Brown classing extreme poverty as a refugee criteria and welcoming over 9000 million Muslims into the country
Resulting in the UK becoming an Islamic caliphate just in time for the 2015 general election, thus securing another term in office
It's a mental thought that there's a universe somewhere where people are being taught in 2150 or so that people used to think the Earth was round and everyone laughing over how stupid they were
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>That GET, from a Canadian, in a thread about how Canadians ruin GETs
There are about 14 CCTV cameras in Pont de l'Alma's underpass and none recorded the incident.
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>tfw to intelligent not to think that things have only been getting better since 1997
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Where did it all go so wrong?
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10,000 posts to go! If we all shitpost enormously, we can do it!
It's been basically admitted by Daniel Hannan and Carswell in various interviews, UKIP leaks and Twitter drama that he only defected to "detox" UKIP, because while support for the party was growing, support for leaving the EU was falling
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Paradigms change all the time with "scientific" discoveries.

Just because school says the earth is a ball doesn't make it true.

I was taught about the wonders of globalization and multiculturalism all the way through school and look where I am now... Up at 4 bong discussing spooky shit that has nothing to do with politics on a politics forum.
>might be flat.
You will never be able to prove this either way, just think about that for a second
You cannot prove the earth is round, nor can you prove it is flat
You can pull "evidence" off the Internet for your claim sure, or turn to (((scientists))) for your answer
But you, Mr YKTD in Shewsbury sat up at 4am shitposting on /pol/ ?
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nth for Priti is pretty.
About 20 minutes now
3mins if that, expect a conenction error though
The last 1000 posts took five minutes, and it could well accelerate further, so probably about 5am.
This actually, the rate of posts is absolutely spiking, I was basing mine off of a few minutes ago
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I want those quads you limey nonces.
That's what's worrying. Plus no one really wants to debate it, most just go LEL UR STOOPID and that's it.

Even Obama stated we need a tech breakthrough to experiment further in space than low earth orbit.
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so close
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>tfw no qt 3.14 Indian gf to make Aryan children with
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I'd say clearly a secret underground complex desu
But i'm probably tainted by the info I read today about the German underground cities, so more investigations clearly required
> Trump's Bitch

Nah, man. He and Trump are good friends and he's working with Trump to Make the World Great Again.

He's Trump's man in Europe.
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>Following a religion that not only ran a Cash4Heaven scheme but forbade their own people from translating or reading the Bible because if they did they'd realise Catholicism was a load of bollocks
Shut up convict.
Probably going to get flamed for asking but I need to know -

Who's Enoch?
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/brit/pol more like /shit/pol
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The quickenig!
Don't forget the pedophilia!
It was /brit/ for most of the thread.

Now its just people trying to get gets and leafs trying to be relevant.
They'll be relevant when they manage both gets
Enoch Powell, famous right-wing immigrant-hater from England's distant past. He's basically the proto-Farage.
uve just described every political move in history, wel done
>Thinking he actually hated immigrants
>He's basically the proto-Farage

Disgusting to even compare the two to be honest, fuck off Redditor
>Implying Farage is even a fifth of the man Enoch was.
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Fuck off Republicuck.
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Careful what you wish for.
UK is doomed even if it does leave the EU

prove me wrong
>1000 posts every five minutes
We're doing it! Promise me you will all post as frequently as possible for the next half-hour or so! I don't want to see any well-thought-out lengthy posts for the next 35 minutes!

These Captchas are cucking me much harder than they normally do, though.
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Funny you use that word when our next-next King will probably openly confess to being one and use it as a positive word
fuck off ireland
>Were all doomed regardless of current world events unless we exterminate the jew*
>no one really wants to debate it
Its this alone that gives the most credence to flat earth imho, how you can't say it to anyone without em losing their minds means there's probably something there
If the earth ain't flat, then it ain't no fucking ball either
Hey, look! Doubles!
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I unfortunately can't read the future paddy, or else I would.
Where did the fkn Assange threads go?
>Implying I care what Prince Baldingam thinks.
>eternal Anglo will always be eternally triggered by a superior Gael

Never change britcucks

Morning prayers soon you lads ready to face Mecca and pray?
died like the man himself
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Paddy 'Freedom' fighter.jpg
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Its the same as liberal protestors wont speak to anyone right wing and plaster everyone who opposes them as a racist in America.

I doubt we'll have to worry about it since Republicans won't shut up during Charles' reign and make sure William never takes the throne anyway
>Ferrero Rocher
Are Nige has GOAT taste.
Cheers bongs get the get.....

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I just remembered that story
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I'm glad your predictions are terrible.
TFW I tried to be funny calling you Ireland, thinking that your flag was Italy
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The Neil2.jpg
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>Are THE TORIES the pro-gay party?
Decently prophetic
One fighter from Ireland compared to god knows how many from the UK? we haven't had beheadings on the street either
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can't barrage the farage.jpg
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Nigel Farage will be the next President of the European Commission
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No just bombings you fucking subhuman
>General Election Issue
>Not General Erection: The Seminal Output
Missing the important factor, which is that he's white Padraig. I couldn't give a fuck about shitskins from here fucking off to fight in a desert. In fact we should actively encourage it.
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>Illegally brewing alcohol
Is a recolonisation of Africa inevitable?

Should we act first to bagsy the decent countries?
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>Khalid Kelly
nice trips you scrub
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Why couldn't Nige be holding some British chocolates instead of that continental rubbish?

Some creme eggs or something.
Ethno-Nationalist most famous for his "rivers of blood" speech on immigration
But also was the basis for Thatchers economics, although she didn't understand it because she's a woman
If you really wanna educate yourself on this great man, I suggest watching this interview back from when the BBC was worth the money

China already owns them, haven't you seen Empire of Rust
Comic should be called Paddy meets a native Englander

Irish are far more white than subhuman brits
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Blair was right about one thing
>hundreds of people are staying up just to watch a chilean basketweaving appreciation forum reach a post number
I want the sevens
wew lad that was close
The blue-pill is strong with this one!
Cool trips friend
Connecticut is in what part of Pitcairn again?
Anyone want to place their bets on what the get will be
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Geert Wilders.
Someone make a new thread
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Fuck off terrorist
trump killed assagne lasagne sort of meme
Poor teeth
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no hard feelz
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either "PRAISE KEK LMAO" tier crap, or some nonce wasting the get on a meaningless reply
Trump will be shot before he puts his hand on the bible.
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Britain will live on
Hitler was wrong.
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Geert Wilders.png
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Make the Netherlands white again tbqh.
Trump will be shot before he puts his hand on the bible.

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for rick and morty, the most based show on /tv/

also for Nigel ''The Barrage'' Farage and Daniel J Trump, the best president the world will ever see.

also Assange is gone..
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Glorious free 32 county Irish Republic SOON lads

Brits out
The Queen will invade India 3 months prior to her death. Then, after the reality of war has settled, the monarchy will be overthrown by fascists.
Who got it?
Brit sucks, kek is not real, brexit will be reverse and trumps electors will betray him.
Well thank God it wasn't this
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are neil.jpg
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>old bean
Why is are neil so based lads?
one was "fuck leftists" and the other was "ban anime" so kind of a mixed bag

>british fascists
>not supporting the monarchy
hopefully all those annoying fucking frogfags will go now
Did anyone see that 80% of the UKs GDP is debt? What the fuck?

Hyperinflation when?
>mixed bag
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>"ban anime" so kind of a mixed bag
Bet you're the kind of fella that would unironically share pic related on Normiebook





a n i m e
w e e b s i t e
First digits post 100M.
woah, nice one, Nige
Thats Question Fucking One Lad!!
Learn to read ffs

1. What is the attitude of the B.U.F. towards the Crown ?
Absolute loyalty to the Crown. We shall in every way maintain its dignity.

Hey at least I got the first digits of the new set

You absolute madman Boris
Corbyn is a piece of shit
>American responds seriously

Absolute classic yank scum
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Did your country proud lad
>tfw got here too late to spam different versions of "Yanks Out" for the GET
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good lad
Nuh huh
Trump will get in office, within a few weeks bring forward one of his flagship policies like the wall or ending TPP
Then (((They))) will crash the economy to make nationalism and populism look bad, so no one will ever vote for such ideas ever again
Much like how Britain's inevitable huge economic crisis will be blamed on trying to leave the EU

We still need a new thread
The debt of the UK is relative to 80% of GDP
80% of GDP is not fueled by debt
I dunno if your being daft or just bad grammar, please proof read posts





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That made me kek.
Thread posts: 319
Thread images: 108

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