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Brit/pol/ - Enoch Was Right Edition

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 320
Thread images: 85

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>Nigel Farage to fly to Washington DC in a fortnight to meet with Donald Trump's team on unofficial diplomatic offensive

>Eurosceptics attack 'doom and gloom' Autumn Statement predictions from independent economic forecaster

>Farage calls for ‘TOTAL REVOLUTION’ in Britain following Brexit and Donald Trump victories

>Forget Article 50! Britain can IGNORE Lisbon Treaty and quit the EU NOW, top lawyer claims

>Autumn Statement: Government defends post-Brexit economy forecasts

>Jo Cox: Man jailed for 'terrorist' murder of MP

>The ambassador's reception: tycoons are spoiling Nigel Farage
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shit wrong one
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this except unironically
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>not being with the hot new britmeme of ironic tripcodes
The Brexit/Trump connection is starting to irritate me. I was watching some video earlier where the leaf cunt in it offhand complained about Brexit, despite blatantly not knowing what it was, other than the connection that gets perpetuated in the media.
Fags still getting away with being total degenerates


>Did he kill 58 victims? Gay chef who drugged, raped and murdered men he met on Grindr may be one of Britain's worst serial killers - yet he was FREED after his first murder to strike again
>Stephen Port, 41, met young men online before poisoning them
>He was today found guilty of murdering four men at his London flat
>Scotland Yard admits 'missed opportunities' in catching him
>17 officers - including a detective inspector - referred to watchdog
>Port was arrested after the first death, but only charged with perverting the course of justice - meaning he carried on killing after a short jail term
>Police are reviewing 58 other deaths in the capital linked to the drug GHB

Our police force is fucking useless.
Say that on Twitter and see how fast they can be when they try

It was degenerates killing degenerates though, nobody gave or gives a fuck.

Strange thought that these people secured Brexit
Why are you blaming the victims?
What sort of heartless monster are you?
Hannan looks really weird in this video.
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>removed 58 degenerates
Deserves a medal not a sentence
>the rule of law doesn't matter if people I don't like suffer
Literally nigger tier. Neck yourself.


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On the topic of bent fuckers, George Galloway got gaybombed by a trans anarchist at a Scottish university he was giving a speech at

what is the worst religion ever
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>mfw I see a britcuck
everything that's not protestantism is all the same devil worship lad
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wait i think made a mistake
>3000+ different heresies that all disagree with each other

The Catholic Church is the one true church.
What flag is this? Ree can't see on mobile.

The only place in the southern hemisphere we have a base.
Romuva, or Satanism i.e Judaism

a irreverent country
Jo Cox is the only thing the BBC are reporting I swear they're in panic mode.
What do you guys think of my trip?
Jesus was a jew, are you saying that one of the principle characters in this country's religion, this country's culture, is bad?

Sounds pretty degenerate in imMORAL of you.
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It`s like Nige died and woke up in heaven.
Not bad.
He was Judean, not a Jew
He rejected Jewish law on several well-known occasions, even a fedora like you must know of the stoning of the adulterer for example
If he wasn't a jew then why was he born in Israel?

Status report:
>Forget Article 50! Britain can IGNORE Lisbon Treaty and quit the EU NOW, top lawyer claims

Yeah, doesn't Parliament have the power to scrap all EU laws in place and just ignore everything the EU does?
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Why did the (((pharisees))) kill him then?
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Thanks for the money laddies
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Face it lads, we.re in forever.

Can't argue with that logic.

Case closed. Someone get the Pope on the line.
Because people were saying he was the king of the Jews?

Don't spend it all on heroin.
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>tfw to intelligent to fall for the lies of chickens
i thought israel was formed after ww2
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Can I spend it on girls clothes and hormones
If Abrahamic religions were Linux distributions, Jews are Debian, Christianity is Ubuntu, and Islam is Mint. They all install .deb packages but the Jew's religion isn't a project fork.
Got any brothers or sisters?
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Technically he was born in the Roman Empire
Was thinking about this tripcode for the French elections.

If anyone wants it #Hvo}$+5)
Peter Hitchens just woke up
They can give your parents grandchildren?
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He still arguing with people about his latest public speaking fiasco?

Do you have a brother?
Will your father get a grandson even if you become a girl?
While I am awake does anyone want any custom tripcodes? 4 letters max
It's worth arguing about I think, but yes, he just called out the professor in charge of the debate for not responding to him when he asked them if he thought it was right or not for him not to be allowed to speak
Fucking hell is he having a mental breakdown?
>not to be allowed to speak
didn't he walk out?
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Yes. I'm the little sibling of 3
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>tfw indian-american man with a white english gf
>I like Enoch

what do lads?
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>British genes

Explain this
There are other ways to stop someone's voice being heard than just telling them to stop talking, a full video of the debate STILL hasn't been released despite so many students having recorded it, they know damn well that they're in the wrong and aren't releasing it for this reason

It's been a slow decline since 2015 I reckon, he used to be Brit/pol/'s hero - Things went stale after he refused to back UKIP, then people got mighty triggered when he blamed various shootings and crazy attacks across the world on the prevalence of prescription and non-prescription drugs instead of just Islam, and then his key idea of "The Tories can't win an election in this country again" got absolutely BTFO and it's been JUST tier from there
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6/10 video that could be 10/10 if not for this shit in the middle of it
ayy lmao tier
No, you explain that first
That's a shame. Hope he recovers. Perhaps he needs a massive LSD trip.
>Yeah, doesn't Parliament have the power to scrap all EU laws in place and just ignore everything the EU does?
They can repeal the european communities act if they wanted to, yes. The article 50 route is a stupid idea.
>t. redditor
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>tfw you will never serve his majesty the King as a sikh warrior during the Great War
The opposite, actually
>implying reddit wants to leave the eu

Underage B&
>they know damn well that they're in the wrong and aren't releasing it for this reason
a conspiracy of silence so to speak

Do your parents know you like boys?
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Fucking hell man, look at this fucking guy

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I'm coming for you YKTD. I will banish you.
How did that whole "I'm Spartacus" thing go again? I don't see what the endgame is. If you find it and give it to everyone, everyone will be YKTD and so the shock value of "Wtf YKTD said THAT?!" will be gone, but then if you keep it to yourself I'd just leak it anyway
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>Why am I here again?
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>Oh right... The murders
I really don't care mate, it was just a bit of shitposting to whittle away the time until 100m get
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I didn't get my trip in time for the get.

Small island....

You wouldn't have gotten it anyway.
I would have.
He's Canadian you dip, more connected to you than us
...BTW, at 2million trips per second, which is what I am running it at, it could take 4 million years to get it.

I checked the password entropy at wolfram
I think the royal class has been inbreeding just a tad too long
No worries I'll probably still be here then
I meant explain why you watch his videos
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>only 2 million trips per second
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He's entertaining to watch
>all this Jo Cox bullshit

Why is it a terrorist attack?
It will still take you 100,000 years

Good luck
Unless you get anally annihilated again and scurry off to cuckchan like last time
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I could get lucky.
Because a nationalist fucking White male did it. If it was a Muslim who was screaming "ALLAHU AKBAR!" it would have nothing to do with Islam and liberals would blame themselves for causing that poor, oppressed POC to lash out against this bigoted society in such a violent manner.
Never went to 8ch, if I ever did I'd confirm the trip here
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Sam here, give me the orders and we shall assault the Japanese from India.
What if you wrote a script to spread the computation over an extended network?

Get like 1000 computers working the problem simultaneously.
This is a chinkshit laptop, what do you expect
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do it again.jpg
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Arthur here, give me the order and I'd gladly do it again
Not sure about this trip
Should I work in Korea for a year? I have a Korean gf and she might be able to help get a flat. Im currently unemployed and really depressed. I live at home and have no chance of moving out
Do you speak Korean?
me too desu senpai
>Moving to a country that is genuinely controlled by a cult of witches

You really ought to keep up with /pol/
>The Catholic Church is the one true church
take the ultimate redpill lad

Lads what was the 100000000th post? I missed it
So glad it was that and not Trump rubbish
I thought it was going to be about that (((alt-right))) wanker who's been all up in the news for being a nazi or something lately
>look at me
>notice me
>i'm so edgy

Is that really the case? Brit/pol/ is lukewarm at best to Trump

Sounds like a good opportunity, people tell me the hardest thing for foreigners in South Korea is to make close relationships. Since you already have a GF it sounds like you've done the hardest part.
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>Is that really the case?

> Lukewarm to Trump.

Maybe if he was in line to be PM but he's going to be far better for the UK than Clinton.

I couldn't give a fuck if he runs America for the sake of his immediate family.
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They do.
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who here /NEET/?
FOR YOU #'Bh}\#5u
>tfw your trip doesn't work because of some chink character
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Is there anything more pathetic?
My sleep is all fucked up
It would work if you pasted it properly, ASCII only
>all these tripfags

Jesus fucking christ
what time will you sleep later?
honestly fuck this
Probably 4pm, wake up at 9pm, feel bad about it and repeat
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What is so difficult? Try one of these
>Label the dude who shot traitor Cox a terrorist instead of a plain old murderer so that whenever anybody brings up Islam the left can play the "you's be terrorists too white cunts".

Fuck this country.
Nice OC friend
I'm going for /NEET/ case sensitive
Good fucking luck.
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>crazy guy does something crazy
>shouts Britain first
>people take him seriously
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brit/pol/ is a reddit colony full of autists and retards
Already got pretty close but it doesn't work.

#0.38FmtO for /nEET/

America is a British colony full of autists and retards.
>America is a British colony
More Germans than Brits
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My female hormones arrive in a few weeks

Brain on estrogen is heaven
John McDonnell was just on ITV struggling to find anything bad to say about the Autumn Statement because the Conservative and Labour Parties are the same
you need to stay awake longer
make a really strong cup of tea at 4pm instead of closing your eyes

only do it if you're already cute desu

British founded it, Anglos control most of the mechanics of government.

The immigration of the 1880's has nothing on that.
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>America is a British colony
Holy shit, I got it for you. Tried running the programme on my windows server VPS which has 32 cores, here it is. Enjoy.

>some muslim chimps out
>hurr poor victim with mental health issues #notallmuslims

>white guy does
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How NATO actually works.
Or you could....not...do that
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NATO works?
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>post yfw you realised trump keked the amerikeks
Cheers m8
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No worries there
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>starting this shit this early
It's like you don't even know who I am
Try this one
I give about 5 months
How much do you want to bet I've got a better trip than this?
Go on.
Try this #[\%i`/TG
>implying I don't know it will be an insult
Wow, was that cums part just lucky?
Lads I had a dream I was on a cruise ship and Nigel came go my room~
Nah, there's a bunch of public trips in the readme file.
How do people have the will power to get up at 7am every morning to go to to a place they dont want to go to?
Try this one
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Go on...

go on
Are you a cute boy? You are gonna be a cute girl then.

Nothing wrong with Being a tranny faggot <3
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Normie Life.gif
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Survival instinct, they get a job thinking it will be okay and end up in a position where they can't leave it for various monetary/social reasons

The trick is to never start
Kill yourself
You are a neet just like the rest of us, aren't you?
Man I don't care how poor I get, I'm never becoming a wage slave
Why do you want to look like a girl?
>tfw none of these work

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I've never hidden that, check the archives

Fuck pic related
forgot pic
Yeah but how old are you?
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buffalo bill.gif
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who here /batman/?
Because I like wearing makeup and girls clothes

I want tits and I want to as fem as possible <3

My penis could disappear today and I wouldent care

Don't be a bigot wigot
>Jo Cox
Who is this true patriot?
It was pretty funny tbqh
But why?
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Post yfw you're comfy and aren't a wage slave and laugh at the normie going to work and the kids going to school to train to be more slaves to pay our bills for us
Was hoping for an animated version of that image.
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Mickey Pearce.jpg
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That sounds dreadful.
Lol he was never allowed girl hormones cause he's an ugly man :3
Good morning fellow 'lads'.

Please post your full name and postcode.

For a fun survey.

What about if you want to travel, or have a car or do anything that goes beyond sitting in your bedroom?
Because I like feeling pretty :3
How old are you YKTD?
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UK in 2016 is pic related, degenerate. You guys really do need Islam.
Ask me mum and dad duh
They got muey dosh
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>..and remember to ask them if they want to exterminate all Pakistanis too, there's a good chap
News flash, within 20 years we are all going to be ugly

The only thing that matters at that point is what kind of a family you built. If you end up alone, you are doomed to a lifetime of loneliness, misery, and early death
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I bet you listen to this on repeat constantly.



But I dont want a ugly man life ewww

I don't even have fertile sperm. That's why I grew up a girly boy
John A. Smith, GL51 0EX

Yeah, wait until he hits 30, looks like Brianna Wu and is untouchable.
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>had a good post lined up mocking the state of this thread but the spam filter cucked me
>lost the referendum
>keep bringing up Jo Cox
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>9 digits
I am I. Flemming.
85 Albert Embankment, Lambeth, London SE1 7TP

I hope more fellow citizens join us.
I would rather be an ugly old tranny than a handsome man ewwww
Smeg off rimmer.
if only real spying was as glamorous as bond

You know the drill. If not I'll give you a clue.

It starts with 'kill', and ends with 'your self'.
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Not a spy.jpg
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Come join me across the river instead

Thames House,
12 Millbank,
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Instead it's just shitposting with a bunch of tripfags
I hope none of this is funded by the NHS
Another video from /ourguy/ Joe Owens

Of course it is, and worse
The thing is you're just a meanie and just upset because you will never be smol and cute and get picked up by your bf like me :3
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carswell too.png
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>Homosexual alt-right drama
have you infiltrated their secret group?

Guys I think I might stop being a cunt.

Nah just kidding.
Hormones, therapy, SRS, FFS, boob implants. All free :3

Although I think I may go suporn for my pussy. Since they are top notch
He's right though
Guys I am getting this done tommorow!

Wish me luck!
>Hormones, therapy, SRS, FFS, boob implants. All free :3
Ok, this is about the time you Britfags start a rebellion
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>not even getting the right trip
By the way this is the bottom rimmer >>100018537
>for my pussy
bit early in the morning to be thinking about inside out penis pussies desu
It was revealed that hospitals use aborted babies as fuel for their furnaces and nobody gave a fuck, there's absolutely no chance of saving this country even if we leave the EU, which we aren't
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I and the rest of the daily mail readership are outraged. Offing yourself would be better option for all, if not move to another EU country and get it on their healthcare for free
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nice try goyim.jpg
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Good goy!
Seriously though guys, watch this video, see how far you can get, tell us all how far you got, then tell us all how you feel that the NHS pays for this to happen.
>not even getting the right trip
sad desu

I think anyone who would do that is pretty serious.
Where are we going to get sixty billion from?
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>filtered the fake rimmer
Aww Mr bigot "ambulances with a bill" American is upset we are a first world country
Seen it, I posted it a few times

Thin air just like the rest of our fucking money, we're done for
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Are you all gay lovers?

/pol/ was right, you really are an annoying tosser.
Seriously mentally ill. I mean if it is socially acceptable to change your body to be compatible with your brain chemistry, why can't it be acceptable to change your brain chemistry to be more compatible with your body? It would be much less destructive.
Genuinely surprised that you're not the trannyfag tbqh
I'm sure your grandfather died on the beaches fighting for transgender bathrooms

A first world country means an industrialized country, this other shit is not a prerequisite
No, he doesn't even have the right trip.
Ever consider your just a stuck up prude?
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what was

what was
not even in the screenshot desu
think i went out that night
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>It was revealed that hospitals use aborted babies as fuel for their furnaces
>babies as fuel
>as fuel
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au contraire.png
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Sure thing pal
Just a liberal term of abuse for a conservative so yes





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>yet he keeps responding
My grandfathers are both still alive lol

Both too young to serve

I really don't see what the problem is here, mother gets an abortion, the NHS can't stuff it back inside her, may as well keep my feet toastie.
Don't know why I found this funny, I find it morally repugnant, but it was fucking funny, actually laughing out lout.
Thoughts on May?
God's honest truth.
Are you the original Rimmer then?
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A thing isn't beautiful because it lasts
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What can I say, I can resist tricking a tripfag in giving me some free (You)s
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Man, liberals sure are lucky they are protected in comfortable circumstances. If the normal half of society declared war on them, they'd get wiped the fuck out in about 30 seconds.

A society of crippling weakness vs. a society of strength. Dysfunction vs. traditional families. It would be the most one sided conflict of all time.
No I'm the 2nd rimmer, he's the bottom and the original rimmer.
Some more Fg3p rimmers for you all
I am 3rd rimmer
>tfw you will never get the real trip
No, you're just an autist.
wtf im gay now
I still don't understand how burning them creates energy?! That was the point I was trying to make, surely burning them takes energy
Your bigotry only exists in your head
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Enough with all the fucking Rimmers already.
The real trip is filtered by a lot of people.
do you want the real rimmer password?
Yes, but I don't want to get bummed by him to get it
The reason ancestral wisdom is against degeneracy, is because societies that embrace these values get wiped the fuck out by those that don't

One set of values actually allows humans to survive and prosper throughout the ages, the other dances while the city burns
That's the point, I want as little autists replying to me as possible.

Only the worthy shall experience the presence of my greatness.
Yeah, I just heard about this. Shame, I remember when she first came in after Cameron, a lot of happy bongs thought she was a good fit.
Sorry about all that.
Let's be honest here, you're getting bummed either way.

> Taking anything said by YKTD seriously.
>douse all the aborted wog fetuses in lighter fluid
>set several alight with a single match
>clean, unlimited energy
There, energy crisis averted
Nobel prize please
looking good

original real rimmer said he was bored with tripfagging and posted his password
i found it in the archive

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I take full responsibility for the Rimmer, its all my fault because I liked putting videos in the OP. Now he has destroyed Brit/pol/
What else are they going to do with them? Bury them all out back with their own little headstones?
Teaching? I did it for four years through epik

It was ok but the U.K. Is better
You're playing with fire you fuckers

I will return worse than before

The password is Rimmer##meep312312
I'm Spartacucks
Someone make a new thread
You sure are lucky your parents didn't think that way aren't you?

A whole line of evolution passing the torch down through the generation stops dead with you
It's time's like this I'm glad I have work, to get a break from this shit.
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Pure mental strength




I shamefully agree
Children are not commodities.

And besides don't be such a drama queen. I have 2 other siblings :)
Thanks for having the mental strength to wagecuck everyday just so I can live a comfortable life without having to work a day in my life.

Thank you for earning my money.

Might by a new graphics card.
making thread
I hate to think what someone walking into this thread must think





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They'd probably do a 360 and leave
Ok I'm not a Brit I never even come here but holy hell get rid of the fucking tripfags. You people should know that they are a cancer of this website, no matter where.
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That's a tough one, we have the sand niggers and the kikes, neck to neck.
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