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Common Core

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Seeing as Trump now supports common core, could some burgers help me out with some of these problems?

Anyone else got some common core 'math'?
What the fuck is this?
The answer is "none". None of them shows 6
CC is a meme, teachers will teach it normally anyway
The answer is C. This is a way to make math performance more "equal" between negroid youth and whites/asians by applying rote memorization of procedure instead of a comprehensive understanding.
It's the third one.
Third one only because it includes 8 blacks, 6 whites and 14 in total. Otherwise I have no clue what the fuck that picture is supposed to represent.
Holy fuck I am good at math and I can't figure this out
what the actual fuck is that get your fucking new Jewland jungle monkey shit outta my face Aussie fucker
>Trump now supports common core
Thanks for helping Correct the Record.
This is common core, it's being taught all over the US
Neck yourself, CTR.
I think its the third one but fuck knows what makes things right or wrong in common core
What in the fuck does this even mean?
i kind of like this. it's like an IQ test question.
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this photo is how they're actually teaching fractions now

I get a feeling that it's the 3rd one... but not because I know it, just off raw pattern recognition skills alone. (I am a member of Mensa)

What we know:

14 - 8 = 6

We are now looking for 14s, 8s, and 6s.

The third one has 8 filled in circles.
The third one has 6 white circles.
(Third one also has 6 blank boxes but these are not important)

The problem should read as 6 + 8 = 14, and not as 14 - 8 = 6. Of course this is far to complex for the average child to understand, and it's not the way I would do it.
>which shows a way to make a ten to substract
>has anyone really been far as decided to use even go want to do look more like
Trumps not for common core , he just named Betsy DeVos as Sec of Edu
Second from the right is answer
>Now supports common core

Then why did he appoint an anti-common core woman for Sec of Education?

Fucking uninformed.
im a phd candidate in mathematics and have no idea what is going on here
fuck off you 1 post shill Trump does not support common core you stupid cuck
It took me a minute to realize the single circles beneath the boxes were the circles you fill in for your answers. I was trying to integrate them into the puzzle.

>Which shows a way to make a ten to subtract

Awful use of English. Who the fuck teaches this shit?
she has supported Common Core in the past
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What's the problem with this?
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When did he support common core?
is this a meme? how is that common core it's the area of a trapezoid and they probably have a legend on another page
that's all well and good...but what's with the wording? "make" a 10 to subtract?
>trump now supports Common Core

Interesting, he just elected someone who doesn't to SoE
Trump supported Hillary in the past.
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if she did (source?) she doesn't now
really activates your almonds don't you think
this is a geometry regents under common core

>humanities students detected
Gas yourselves
im wondering if the 10 grouping is for consistency, and there's some connection between "dark" circles being "negative"

in other words you fill the grids with the total 14, then "negate" 8 by filling them in, the remainder being the answer
this isn't a YRYL thread
>Which shows a way to make a ten to subtract?
What? Who the fuck wrote that question? I recon the answer is c because it's the only one that makes sense with the problem but the kids need clear questions not these riddles.
Do you seriously not know how to calculate the area of that shape using the information provided? And you're calling me a humanities student?
The third one does.

> The bases (top and bottom) of an isosceles trapezoid are parallel.
>Opposite sides of an isosceles trapezoid are the same length (congruent).
>The angles on either side of the bases are the same size/measure (congruent).
>The diagonals (not show here) are congruent.
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What's your tweet?
its not geometrically possible to have such dimensions
hey my brother had a test like that,he didnt use twitter as he is young and wrote like 200 words and failed because tweets arent that long
I don't believe geometric possibility was what you were asked to assess, bitchboi. Calculate the fucking area.
i bet some of these were pretty creative ylyl material
The dimensions are physically impossible. The height is and must always be 7.75 units.
I feel a physical feeling of revulsion reading the "teachers" Correcting (the Record)
Say to students, "Ten is a very special number. Ten is some people's favorite number. Why might 10 be a favorite number?" (I have 10 fingers, 10 toes; 10 helps me add.) "One reason 10 is a very special number is because it can be so helpful, when you subtract. It's very important to know the pairs of numbers that make 10."
Begin by putting the ten-frame attachment under the document camera. Write "12 – 9 = __" on the board.
Put 9 red counters on the top ten-frame.
Then ask the students, "How many yellow counters do I need to add to fill the ten-frame?" (1) "How many more yellow counters do I need to make 12?" (2 more put in the second ten frame)
Tell students, "You can now count the total number of yellow counters to find the difference. How many yellow counters do we have?" (3) "So 12 – 9 = 3 and 3 + 9 = 12; I need 1 to make 10 and 2 more to make 12."
Oh come on, don't get all pricky about this, who cares if the values for the sides are incorrect? Just assume they are correct and calculate the area, that's what they are teaching and that's what should be evaluated.
>you graduated just in time to avoid Obama Core
Uhh so i do not know shit about common core but is the point to make it so no sane human child can complete it regardless of race thus making race a non issue?
someone please tell me i am fucking lost.
>Just calculate the area of an impossible object, goy!
it it is possible, if it wasn't you could not get a real answer
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Fucking hell.
This is my homework.
This guy knows
The diagonals are congruent.

this is a rule of trapezoids
the retardness in it, is that if you calculate the area of the trapezoid with free thinking, rather than the precise formula given by the legend, then you will run into some fuckery.

basically they are fucking you over if you try to calculate the shit without plug-n-chug methods
It's a trapezoid that is impossible to make in physical reality because the side lengths aren't right.

That particular picture is basically an Ad Hominem against common core because it doesn't actually address the teaching methods of common core, just a mistake in a single problem.
why the fuck is that the magic number btfo leaf
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Leftists who oppose this

Israel is a racist apartheid state who has illegal Jewish ONLY settlements in the west bank where the border walls are wrapping around them inside Palestinian in an obvious land grab.

This is why terrorism happens and why the rest of the west gets blowback from it.

Israel builds these settlements on top of Palestinian villages that they have bulldozed by the military.

If you support Israel you are not a leftist. End of Story.
its not impossible kek
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Punches would be thrown, asses kicked, and hell raised over this level of ignorance.

I would be a terrible parent, because i would be spending the majority of my time in jail for assault and murder.
>english flag
>if you use common core you would still be in grade school

just wait til college senpai and they will have you doing that shit just to start step 1 of each of 35 problems
the side lengths are always congruent you idiot
isnt this shit some jew trick to dumb down the non niggers?
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>tfw you were a HS senior two years ago but didn't have to go through common core because your classes still used the county curriculum
calculate it without the trapezoid formula
have fun trying to build that shape in real life
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Let me teach you boys how to calculate the area of a fucking trapezoid. It isn't hard.

We've got two triangles:
1/2 * b * h = 1/2 * 4 *5

We've got one rectangle:
l * w = 5 * 12

10 + 10 + 60 = 80

A = 80

why would i do that, the formula was made to do that math
why cant you, it follows alll the rules, maybe t wasnt drawn to scale
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>calculate the area of a trapezoid without using the method to calculate the area of a trapezoid
Divide it into three. Two isosceles triangles, and a rectangle. Add them together and you get the area.

I'm not seeing the problem here fampai
why are telling me the formula, i said it was possible the whole time
Are you sure? Because if you look at the left triangle you have one side that is 5, the other 2 and the hypotenuse is 8. So:
22 + 52 = 82
29 = 64
both sides have 8 as the side lengths
I find it easy. I'm just comparing.
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>When you don't solve a math problem using pictures
I send my kids to private school because of this. Thankfully Trump's appointee has repudiated common core, which as previously stated, is only designed to inflate the score of blacks and Hispanics.

Sauce: http://www politico com/story/2016/11/betsy-devos-education-secretary-trump-231804

"I am not a supporter — period,"
I don't understand why you're all so obsessed with math. Jews invented math so they could count their shekels. You're betraying the white race if you use math.
>humanities students can't think for themselves and just obediently follow orders
Why am I not surprised?

If you calculate using the 12, 5, 16 figures and ignoring 8 then the area is 70.
If you calculate using the 12, 8, 16 figures and ignoring the 5 then you get 16root60 = 123.9

If you think 'hurr just follow the method' you are a born slave.
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Friendly reminder Common Core brought us the GamerGate.

Trump is our revenge!
How much money do you make, lad?
I don't care

I'm not a kid lol
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We can tell
I they laugh at me for using my hands.
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you should have posted best girl
Thank god Trump is president and will eliminate common core, my kids won't have to deal with that retarded bullshit by the time they're in school.
I think it's trying to get you to choose the third one.

Each block represents "a ten," since they have spaces for ten circles in them. The eight circles that are shaded represent the number you're planning to subtract.
oh fuck I see what happened. Glad I showed my work :^)
thank you
seems the long way about but it does accommodate dislexic thinkers
>Seeing as Trump now supports common core

Where did you get this shitty intel, Aus?

Unfortunately they put humanities students in charge of the finance department and the last paycheck came though in multiples of the square root of minus one.
>getting teenager level geometry wrong
Consider gas

>trump hires education suit that supported common core in the past

>trump supports common core

is it new to you that this is how libtards think?
great banter
So easy, only a child can do it
Look closer.

Use Pythagoreans theorem to calculate the length of the base of the triangle on the left whose hypotenuse is 8 and height is 5.

Then take that number, multiply it by 2 and subtract what you get from 16.

>protip: you don't get 12

This means that the shape is not a trapezoid if it is even possible given all the dimensions.
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>common core is bad
Shut up, plebs.
They way you solved it was a correct approach, but the point is two different, equally correct methods of solving the same problem come out with a different answer

desu it was probably some teacher randomly assigning measurements to the sides without testing
Just curious, he seems really proud of knowing how to calculate a trapezoid wrong enough to get fooled by "Common Core," so I'm wondering where his STEM education has gotten him in life.
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This shit triggers my autism
I call BS I took the Geometry regents two years ago under common core and it was fairly simple
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someone who gets it
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The problem says it's 16, though
I think this is what they meant
14 - 8 = (10 + 4) - 8 = (10 - 8) + 4
This is what the third image seems to be doing
the fuck
nowhere it says it's a trapezoid. Drawing might make you think otherwise, but if not stated you shouldn't assume it. ;^)
How does this even help you? Where's good ol' Algebra?
What the fuck is this bullshit?

This isn't fucking ancient greece, we don't use abacuses any more
When I was a boy, my teachers always admonished my classmates and I by saying that Russians teach calculus to 3rd graders.

Now, this is the math we teach instead.

In 20 years we won't have anyone in the country who can build a rocket.
>mfw like 90% of millennials were either born early enough to hit the job market right at the recession or late enough to have to be forced through common core shit
>although he was correct

Fucking teachers man
Good thing America is a nation of immigrants and opportunity, where we will never have trouble finding smart people willing to come here.
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Fine, heres your fucking Jewpozoid
>Now, this is the math we teach instead.
Can't have the smart kids get too far ahead so let's fill the curriculum with pointless crap that an idiot can figure out on his own
then calculate it without any formula but the trapezoid formula and show me what u get
The new way on the left is stupid. The new way on the right is passable though, albeit impractical for more complex sums.
Cc is not a meme. Friends are teachers it's real and awful
>my teachers always admonished my classmates and I by saying that Russians teach calculus to 3rd graders.

What's weird about this? We learn integrative and differential calculus at age 10 here in Britain
Did the teacher even think this through?
You mean all those Mexicans are going to build our rockets? Drawing on the long proud tradition of the Mexican space program?
That's exactly what common core is. The political left has utterly dominated education for 60 years in this country, and despite all their efforts they have never managed to find their holy grail: making blacks and whites get the same results in school. So they finally realized they can never make blacks smarter. Instead, they're making shit as convoluted as possible to confuse the whites into performing as poorly as blacks.
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>ignoring the fact that the trapezoid is impossible, it's still not not even right
>needing to use pen and paper to solve 3000-2999
Honestly we should teach kids formal logic from a young age to avoid this bullshit

getting punished because you're ahead of the teacher's lessons isn't a new phenomenon
Most Americans never learn any calculus at all. I was a sophomore in college before I did calculus for the first time.

I was rather astonished at how easy it was, and I still don't understand why it's not taught earlier, but genuinely confusing and nearly pointless shit like trigonometry is extensively taught.
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>Learning calculus without trigonometry
the hard part of calculus is algebra

That method adds a lot of extra lines (which can lead to getting lost) if you have to round more than one decimal place (e.g. 53253 - 23929), and suddenly becomes difficult to intuit if you are working in a base other than 10, whereas the "old" method is basically the same in every base. There are probably other issues that I am not thinking of when you get into other more advanced types of math.
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Anyone can draw something to make it look more complicated than it actually is

This is correct. The values given for the shape do not make anything resembling math sense because if the angle is a right angle, then the short side of the triangle ends up being 6.245. If you add these two numbers to 12 (the top line of the trapezoid) you get the nonsensical answer that the length of the bottom line is now 24.49 ((6.245 * 2) + 12) which is clearly wrong. The way they *want* you to solve this is by taking the longer bottom line, 16, and subtracting 12, giving you 4. Split that among the base of the two triangles, making the shortest side 2 in length. Now take the area of both triangles ((5*2/2) * 2) + (5*12) and your answer is 60.

I think the problem is that this shape defies trigonometry because it's not meant for trig, or even geometry. It's like grade school math at best. If it were a proper geometry problem, it would be marked with the appropriate givens, such as angle congruence, right angles, parallel lines, etc.
Its not even that it's confusing
The new way is just shit most people figure out how do on their own in their heads when the situation calls for it see the 3000 - 2999 problem
The problem is they are now just "teaching" this crap instead of moving on to something more complex instead

Oops, I mean 70, derp. 10 + 60.
Logic is not something that needs it be taught it is something you can figure out on you own
Underrated post
Basic logic, perhaps, but complex formal logic is so often fucked up, even by supposedly educated people.

Loads of people assume, for example, that because
p -> q
q -> p

I can figure out calculus on my own, but if you want to have a solid engineering education you better damn well teach it. I can figure out the english language on my own, but again, if your students don't know it, they aren't going to get a damn thing out of the US educational system. Without the proper foundations, kids will be unable to learn, and more importantly, question what they are being taught properly. This is how people end up SJWs. They are not only dissuaded from learning logic, they are actively hardened against it, and taught feelings matter more than facts or reason.

> implying q
>b-tier thread
>Loads of people assume, for example, that because
p -> q
q -> p

Why would anyone ever assume that?
>Trump now supports common core

serious? what a useless turd if true
>and taught feelings matter more than facts or reason.
Morality has nothing to do with facts or reason
Good thing you're in humanities instead of math, or you'd have flunked out.

According to that diagram, since the hypotenuses of both triangles are eight, and the height of both is five, that means the lengths of the bottom edges of each triangle likewise has to be identical. With the top and bottom of the trapezoid being 12 and 16 respectively, the bottom of each triangle has to be two (16-12=4, divide for by two and you get two for each triangle). If five indeed represents the height of the trapezoid, then the triangles must be right triangles. However, it is physically impossible for a right triangle to have the dimensions 5x2x8.

Don't believe me? Try to calculate it by the Pythagorean theorem:

a^2 + b^2 = c^2
5^2 + 2^2 = 8^2
25 + 4 = 64
29 = 64????

Only through something as idiotic as Common Core would you get teachers showing kids that 29 equals 64.
14 minus 8 equals 6

Too many circular arguments going about? Honestly I have no idea, just throwing that out there.
Kill yourself.


>Q: There’s been a lot of talk about Common Core. Can you provide some straight talk on this topic?

>Certainly. I am not a supporter—period.
Its not complicated though
When it rains the ground is wet but the ground be wet does not means it rained
People should be able to understand this without being taught it's not rocket science

Wrong word. Morality is a logical system. It is the differentiation of intentions, decisions, and actions between those that are distinguished as proper or good, and those that are improper or evil.

VALUES are purely subjective and subject to change, and at least in part if not in majority, emotionally based. The thought process behind moral action is not subject to feelings, it is beholden to thought and reason. A system of morality can be proven to be destructive, inefficient, or counterproductive. A hierarchy of values is much more subjective.
Is that teacher retarded?
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College fag here
I missed common core, is it dumbing down our high school education?
I was always in favor of eliminating all non-science and math classes all together and essentially punishing students who insisted that science and mathematics were useless

The wording of that sentence is horrible
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you can't really do calculus without knowledge of sinusoidal functions and the unit circle.

made me reply tho

Put it into SJW context though.

If a man is white, he must be evil.
If a man is evil, he must be white.

These truisms and absolute equivalents could easily fool people into thinking that if it works one way it would work the other. It wouldn't surprise me though if it was purely due to bad education though.
This guy gets it.

>Kid reaches a logical conclusion
>That's wrong

Fucking education every time
Liberal indoctrination, the letter.
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> make a ten to subtract?

This question makes no sense whatsoever.

You'd be surprised how often people fuck this up, even if they are supposedly educated. Especially when people let their emotions get in the way of things. When the context is unfamiliar, logic is all too often ignored.

A criminology professor once wrote that because there is a correlation between the number of prisoners in a country and the violent crime rate, we should just release all the prisoners. This sounds like something SJWs might be able to get behind, which could be very very very bad.

Things like the wage gap and other illogical conclusions reached by the left and placed in the media are based on similar logical fallacies. People should learn to critique such illogical arguments rather than blindly accepting it because they don't know enough about logic to be able to see the flaws.
Just invert the ten and pretend it's an addition if that makes it easier for you.

The only points of interest concerning sin and cosine are how they arise from the series expansion of the Euler formula.

Calculus is all about the rates of change of infinitesimals (derivatives) and their accumulations (integrals).

Linear Algebra is easier than Trig, and provides an obvious segue into Tensor analysis. Trig is all about rote memorization of formulae that turn out to be completely useless in practice.

Trig curricula is great tuition fodder, which is why we don't emphasize it until college.
if my stepson ever came home with shit like this on his work i would go to the school and tear the teacher a new asshole so hard in front of the kids he wouldnt be able to control them anymore. all the kids out here are black or hispanic so it wouldnt even be a hard thing to do.

> invert the ten


That still doesn't parse.

"Invert" means if I have an f(x), I compute an f^-1(x) such that f^-1(f(x)) == x.

Are they deliberately teaching you incorrect vocabulary over there?
i would just go to the school and pick him up for a "family emergency" every day until they gave up trying to make him serve the detention.
unless you are doing pretty much any kind of engineering. trig functions are massively important.

we hit that shit hard in AP Calc BC (calc1 + calc2). I was extremely thankful that we did.

I got linear algebra in calc3 in college. that shit was exceptionally easy. Never got into tensors, however. I get the concept (higher order vectors, like forces inside of a solid at a given point)
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Police are under attack by BLM terrorists and Islamic Communist agitators. The faggot administration and politicians have made cops feel like if they stop crime, they open themselves to personal liability.

If they can't act who will? We need people in every crazy leftist riot to handle criminals before they harm or incite others to harm police.

Order takeout from a trusted restaurant to the local police dept for the guys on shift. (fuck the administration faggots)

If you're poor call in thanks and support from the community. They need to know that if they shoot a criminal to put down a riot before it begins, they will have the majority stand with them in the light of day and in the courtroom.

Leftist teachers training kids to answer questions indirectly by lying and calling it creative.
probably before it went pants on head retarded. when it was first pitched it sounded alright until the coursework started showing up.
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gee well aren't you fucking special. I graduated HS years before common core and I fucking figured it out right away.

Mensa is just a snowflake word they made up to make retards think they're actually anything other than high functioning autists. Literally every "mensa" kid I knew was a drug-abusing no good low life getting some chick pregnant at 21.
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Obviously number to from left to right. There's 14 in total and six white rounds out, which is the result you should get from subtracting 8 out of 14.
Number two*

I've written CAD software. Everything is linear algebra and polynomials. The only things we use sin/cos for is generating rotations. Yes, even circles are rendered as conic sections.

Some concepts in Trig carry into signal processing (Fourier analysis, but that is usually during or after Calc I - and the more general concept of convolution can be discussed without trig). But, we don't teach that here, either.

Here, educational coverage of higher algebra is atrociously lacking; barely anyone knows what a matrix is, let alone understand the concept of a group.
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Just tired from all these shills

I dont even know frog, American education is fucked right now, liberals are destroying our next generation
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>extensive 300+ reply discussion of /pol/ trying to figure out common core math
It's the third one you fuckin pleb.

How can people not understand this? Its actually genius and it's how I've always done math.

If you don't get it its because you're just an idiot and never understood math to begin with. This is how the Chinese teach math and look how badly they rape your morons on test scores.

T. Master's student in mathematics
How much of it do you think it's due to "I want to believe it and thus I'll be deliberately mentally lazy and not think about it" in comparison to a "oh wow, my logic sure is faulty in here. This shit sure had me fooled" kind of deal? I, for once, sincerely believe the former applies a hell of a lot more to feminists than the latter. They're not really looking to be decent people and/or being intellectually honest.
I don't want to be a huge contrarian faggot but this is literally how I think when I do math and I think the concept of common core is pretty help DESU as it simplifies arithmetic quite a bit.
I can't speak for the teachers that teach this but as a theory it's pretty solid.
No you wouldn't.
>Things like the wage gap and other illogical conclusions reached by the left and placed in the media are based on similar logical fallacies. People should learn to critique such illogical arguments rather than blindly accepting it because they don't know enough about logic to be able to see the flaw
But the problem is not they were not taught logic
The problem is they are just stupid
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convolutions are fucking magic, as is the relationship between time and frequency domains.

it's absolutely fundamental math for understanding modern communications technology, yet probably 0.5% of people even know that it exists.

also, if you are in any way involved in signals and you DON'T understand the unit circle, sine, cosine, and tangent functions in and out, good luck.

also 3006 get
that poster is actually kind of aesthetic
These guys know.

what, in high school i went from calculus to adv calc to trig to advanced trig to turning my math class into a free period. granted i finished highschool 13 years ago.
>forgot it all and will never learn it again.

Pls explain. I've always been shitty with math and am trying to improve.
Complementary arithmetic is a great way to perform complicated arithmetic in your head with both speed in precision. Unfortunately too many schoolbooks ruin it with shitty visual explanations.
We understand it. It's just fucking retarded. Like you
sure would m8, doubly so the school is a 2 minute walk from my house, i have a lot of anger and am always looking for an outlet. i was also fucked with by teachers a lot as a kid, so it would be a personal crusade is they started to pull this shit on him.
>8 blacks, 6 whites, and 14 in total
God I love /pol/
Everything here becomes a race issue (because it is)
Film it.
Sorry Id like to help you but Im being forced to move out of my house to provide lodging for all the new legal mexican citizens since (((Trump))) is going to be instituting blanket amnesty for "North Americans"
The thing is, CC is exactly how smart people do math. You can't teach it, kids just do it.
this has to be trolling
if they ever pull this shit i will, and put it on youtube and share here for (you's)

so far so good tho, the worst ive seen so far is last year he had a bull dyke teacher that at one point seems to have had a speech about how you cant tell who is a boy or girl by what they wear or look like, you know the type of talk. but it wasnt a graded question and he thought it was a dumb question and asked why he was being asked about it. i told him to ignore it, she was dumb for bringing up shit like that and that was that. i should point out that it was 3rd grade and he was 9 years old. his teacher this year is a FUCKING white male with red hair.
Concept is quite simple. You break down numbers you can't work with into numbers you can.
Ex. 72-47 you pretend 47 is 50 and 72-50 is trivial (yes I know the other equation is trivial to but this is an example) and you can just subtract 3 to find the answer.
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a) (y+3)^2 + (x-1)^2 = 25
b) (-3,0)
c) y = 4x/3 + 4, (-1.5,2)

I get the fact that it is trying to make you do a 3-4-5 pythagorean triangle to find A. My question is still where the hell is the dotted line? And how do I make the initial assumption that C is (1,-3)?
U wot. I always did shit like 14-8 by the means of 14-4=10 8-4=4 10-4=6.
why not just go 8+2 = 10 + 4 = 14 so 2 + 4 = 6.
Rare flag spotted.
>how do I make the initial assumption that C is (1,-3)?
By making the bold assumption that C is (1,y) via the way it's drawn. It doesn't have to be like that but lol who cares.
and your children would grow up to be literal faggots because they were raised in a single mother household, so you will have effectively weeded yourself out of the gene pool, which is what we'd hope for a sperg who doesn't know how to carefully plot a way to carry out his goals while leaving no evidence behind.
passive aggressive faggot. don't breed.

also by changing it so radically white/Asian parents can't help their kids with their homework while nigger parents never did in the first place.
5^2+2^2 != 8^2
This tells us the angles arent square. Therefore, we dont have enough information to solve.
Yeah, I'm agreeing with you. You weren't taught to do math like that, and you shouldn't be. Each kid has a different way of learning math, and forcing them to do every single fucking way will accomplish nothing.

This also works, but I would've done 14-8 = 7+7-8 = 7+-1 = 6. Again, each person has their own way of doing it.
they're making kids retarded on purpose
Stopped reading. Kill yourself
But I wasn't taught to do it this way. I wasn't taught the "way" at all.
I was taught that "-" means subtraction.
WRONG, you forgot to show your work :^)

Oh shit. I'm nearly pooping myself laughing
dis nigga ded im stealin he boots! smash dat fuckin like button#TrenchFoot

throw some 100s and crying faces in there
Separate the trapezoid into two triangles and a rectangle. Using pythogarean theorem sqrt(8^2 - 2^2) = 7.75
nah i would just have fun with it. i have no one else to troll irl =(
"Count up to ten starting from 8. It takes 2 counting numbers to do that. subtract ten from fourteen to get four, then count up two more numbers to get six."

The method gained some popularity in the late '80s due to a book by Scott Flansburg titled _Math Magic_. He went on the Tonight Show with Johnny Carson showing off children doing crazy long arithmetic problems in their heads and doing it faster than Johnny carson could do it on a calculator. The book was then sold on tv infomercials and became a best seller.

The book was pretty damned good. The drawing in OP fellates turds.
>length of one kilometer was greater than that of one mile
>although he was correct
What the fuck is this shit. Was the kid Chinese or something?
That sounds pretty simple. Thanks anon. I'll try looking at it that way.
It's a different way of reaching the same conclusion, Anon!
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Did they have a max IQ when they were hiring for CTRâ„¢? It was double digits right?
true, in a way, the correct answer is a closed set, can't be bothered to work it out again

>those who can, do
>those who can't, teach
do you think that crate full of sex toys belongs to the school, or did she bring them from home?
Basically. And then you have morons such as >>99983511 who like to mentally masturbate over things most sane functional (white) people do subconsciously.
She had to of brought them from home.
This honestly pissed me off. This was the major reason I voted for him, at least I expected Hillary to fuck my children.
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Falling for the unit circle Jew
Anyone know why it was so forced down my throats during high school? I understand it's potential but I think it's annoying.
Nigga, you serious?!?!
somebody pls explain

there must be a story to this
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It's the third one. I have to make a 10 because that is what my overlords demand.

So it's:
>8+2 = 10
>14 - 10 = 4
>4 + 2 = 6

Yes, this is seriously how we have to do math now for full credit. Even though 6 is the obvious answer, it's now white privilege to arrive at the answer without jerking off liberals.
sex ed class at school.
The worst part is I live in Jacksonville Florida

goo gl XZ0SfE

apparently you cant post links on /pol/
Ok I'm lost. Where do you actually get C from?
There's probably some kind of theorem that I don't remember.
when I had sex ed, we never had late 30s dykes playing with strap ons in class
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Why is she modelling sex positions when the slide says aids?
this, I really want a full backstory
It's the third one. It's the only one that adds up to 14 and has 8 black dots (indicating the subtraction).

Honestly I'm surprised the answer was a mystery to anyone. This is very basic math, and I say this as a guy with a diagnosed math disability (can't get past basic Algebra).

The question is structured to make you think about it.

The main beef against common core is how many teachers take it as THE METHOD and force it on childrens throats, instead of properly presenting it as alternatives.

Which shows a way to make a 10 to subtract?

Uh is this even proper english? Sounds like the look more like thing
I always treated it as damage. 14 - 8(which is 2 4's, so 10-4), 14 - 4 -4.
I remember back when I had to argue with a teacher to have her give me points back because I was correct, but for whatever reason she said it was wrong due to it not being her method.

She ended up crying and saying, "I'll give you the point, but remember that you've made me cry. I hope it was worth it."
Too many female teachers were fucking worthless. One had us reenact scenes from Shakespeare and put our own twists on them, so we made ours comedic (unlike the rest of the class, whose presentations most people slept through). She gave us a D for "Ruining her favorite scene", even though it was the only performance anyone paid any attention to/didn't literally sleep through. School was garbage when the teacher was wrong but hey they're the teacher so it doesn't matter, they're "right".
What was wrong with saying 14 - 8 = 6?

Are niggers really so bad at math that they're dragging the white and asian kids down with them?
any white or asian parent who cares about their kids wouldn't send them to public school, though

this is lowest common denominator pavement ape shit
Lynch this teacher.

They will say "they need to answer the way the lesson is taught so they have a thorough understanding"

The issue is this child CLEARLY gets it ALREADY. And should be awarded the full points. The teacher should move for them to be advanced a grade or enter gifted courses if they exceed the class average by that much.

Do schools even offer that anymore? I graduated high school in 2007 and went to elementary school in the 90s so times may have changed.

That teacher should be fucking fired.
it's from the standard form of circle I think. (x-h)^2+(y-k)^2=r^2, where C(h,k) is the point of the center of a circle
Even if this shit is taught, what's the point of it?
The thing about common core is it's not lined up numbers like it usually is, it's basic mental math on paper (albeit, abstract a lot of the time). Not sure if it's good in the long run but it supposedly helps train people to adapt to computer codes/critical thinking.
No, I think they did. It's a problem of grammar with the question then anything else. The question tries to get kids to think about logical contradictions, but it leaves out in the second part that you are suppose to be MORE OF the pizza and not just in terms of volume.

This is the problem with most common core questions is that they make assumptions and leaps of logic and expect kids to make the same logical conclusions, even though the entire point is to nurture how kids develop in different ways.
failed leftist Federal Gov't driven attempt to teach students visual mental math techniques to arithmetic. not a bad idea in principle but in execution a disaster.

Many states have abandoned it. It's a dumb hair-brained idea that didn't work.

I really don't get this.
And I'm a programmer.

am i being trolled
>not a bad idea in principle but in execution a disaster
Sounds like communism.
There are 20 boxes
Only in the third one are there 14 circles
In that third answer, 8 circles are filled. 6 are unfilled. Therefore it's assumes that 14-8=6.

It's really simple but teachers have no idea how to teach it and parents don't know how to help their kids.
>Do schools even offer that anymore?

No, everyone is forced to move at the same rate. Advanced classes were stopped because parents complained it made their kids feel dumb. There aren't even remedial classes either, the retards are forced to stay with the regular kids, slowing things down even more.

No child left behind turned into forcing kids to the next level that they couldn't handle and lowering the standards for graduation more and more so that they could call it a success.

Then people wonder why there are so many people unqualified for work when we have so many graduates.
thanks anon, made my night
but why tho?
The le meme faces didn't give it away?
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You mean why do it this way? It's just visual learning which tends to be more successful at getting kids to understand the process at an early age. Sesame Street and jingles are useful in learning the alphabet instead of listing out and memorizing, same goes for math.

How schools teach math: 11+19

11 over 19
draw a line
9+1 is 10
carry the 1

No one of experience actually does math like that. You think about the major digits first (10 and 10), add them and estimate and then include the smaller digits. That's just one example and with parents getting shittier, the government is worrying that their schools need to do more work to teach basic thinking.

Unfortunately the old way of math is too ingrained in our society for this switch. It's like changing from the imperial system to the metric system. So that's where we are now.
Fresh 18 year old here, guinea pigged for some common core shit.

It's pretty fucking bad even late into high school.
Holy fuck I have never seen this retarded shit and I come from Brownsville, Tx. I've always been in the Advanced placement classes. Since when was common core a thing?
Good luck.
You might be able to find a real one, but most are retarded.
I tried going to one in highschool, and found out they were religous wackjobs. The answer to everything was "god did it"
The science classes were a joke. The covered anotomy pretty well, but had to have a "god did this" or "and god know this would cause X so he did Y for rasons" in there for everything though.

Im not even an athiest, but at some point you need to teach facts and not try to wrap facts around a religion.

I went back to public school
>mfw I found out the other studends didnt even get a diploma, they got a "certificate of completion" which wasnt even a GED.
The answer is C. Pretty easy.
The correct answer is any of them.

Because if someone answered wrong (usually niggers), they'll feel bad about themselves (especially niggers); so to avoid that, any answer is the correct answer.
>Honestly we should teach kids formal logic from a young age to avoid this bullshit
But that destroys any chance of libshits brainwashing children!

It's all about what you feel is right!
I don't even get the question.
Is that saying line A T has the equation y= 2x-5?
Its saying its for a dotted line.. there is no fucking dotted line.
The slope is all fucking retarded..
it looks more like y = 4x-5

Whats your major?
Wtf are you doing to your children america.
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Were turning ourselves into a 3rd world country.
Were trashing our education, destroying our white children, and importing shit skines from all over the globe to "pass on the torch"

Europes doing the same. I feel pic related applies to us too.
melting pot, kikery, etc..

Forget math, is that even english?
Jesus fucking christ...

Tell me this isn't real.
Huh? He just appointed an anti common core as sec of education.
Its like you're still listening to the lying media.
>Too many female teachers were fucking worthless.
I fucking hate female teachers. I spent the first seven years of schooling with nothing but female teachers. Since I had no comparable experience then, I just went along with thinking this is how it works.

But then seventh grade, first time I had a male teacher and it was like a completely different universe. This dude actually fucking taught the curriculum in his own way and the kids responded positively. We were having FUN learning for once.

I only then just realized how hands-off, lazy, hostile, emotionally-driven, not-at-all intuitive, sometimes wrong but asserting that they're right, and just downright BAD all of those previous female teachers operated. They all went by the book and barely cared, assigning so much fucking useless time-consuming homework every day that I'd be working on it as soon as I got home and wouldn't finish until the sun had already gone down. There was one female teacher who kind of tried, but it barely pinged on my radar at the time.

After that one great year, I end up with two female teachers and it was fucking miserable. I was redpilled on education and how bad women are at it at fourteen years old. High school was a lot better, at least, many male teachers who sure enough were far better bros when it came to teaching.
I have a degree in mathematics and this confused the fuck out of me

no wonder Americans are so retarded if this is how they learn math
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