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Syria General /sg/ - Assad is watching Edition

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 302
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Everything you need to know


>Newest Interviews with Assad

>new Livemap
>Live hohol with ticker
>Interactive military map
>Syria conflict map

>Fan maps

>Aleppo north OCT 19
>East Ghouta OCT 19
>Mosul OCT 18
>/sg/ daily event map OCT 18
>West Ghouta oct-16
>Aleppo oct-15
>North Hama oct-13

Developments OCT 21
>Russia extends humanitarian pause in Aleppo for another 24 hours
>Russia is likely to break humanitarian pause if Syrian crisis deteriorates
>Jihadists refuse Syrian Army call to surrender in east Aleppo
>US State Dept spokesperson blames Assad supporters for failed ceasefire
>UN Human Rights Council votes to open probe into Aleppo ‘war crimes’
>Islamist rebels suffer heavy casualties in failed East Ghouta offensive
>Several rebels receive amnesty in key Damascus suburb
>Chaos ensues in Kirkuk as ISIS claims to have captured half the city
>Arseny Pavlov (Motorola) died in a terrorist attack
>Hillary Clinton knew Saudi Arabia, Qatar funded ISIS


Last thread:>>94003682
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1st for Assad
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>1st for Ass
>must watch
What's REALLY Happening in Syria (by SyrianGirlPartisan) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t6BRVQDEO7k
Neutral report on "War Crimes" in Syria: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yc-RmAVK8Pg
Virginia senator on Aleppo: https://youtu.be/VfyDgDTu0Go
American senator tell the other side of the story: https://youtu.be/0FNtEWfay_8
White helmets truth: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8aAaReVn2I4
NGO’s and hybrid warfare: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ro1byfe5vUM
Syria ambassador in USA: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U3LTTbOYVfU

Should be included in the next OP
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“To your descendants I give this land, from the river of Egypt to the great river, the Euphrates…”
(Genesis 15:18)
>(voice over)
"He was just your average fun-loving student"

>(young Bashar)
"I'm going to be an opthalmologist... right after I chug this bucket of jaeger woooooooot!"

>(voice over)
"But then it all fell apart."

>(record player needle scratch)

"Son, have a seat. Your brother had an accident. He didn't make it. We want you to run the country when I'm gone."

"Me? But papa, I'm just an eye doctor!"

>(voice over, "I'm walking on sunshine" playing)
"And now, he is about to find out... (cut to the shooting of protesters) that pounding the jihad (cut to barrel bomb) ain't as easy as pounding the brewskies (cut to bakery exploding)."

>(Bashar interrogating a gagged Nusra fighter)
"I hear you have trouble seeing things my way. You came to the right place."

(Bashar snaps his surgical gloves and pivots a large piece of equipment in front of the fighter's clamped-open eyes)

"Now open wide and say allaaaaaah..."

(muffled screams as red lasers pierce the fighter's eyes)

>(voice over)
"The doctor's in, and the filth is out.
Bashar Al-Assad is... the Eye Opener."

>(trailer credits)


>(Bashar, playing with an eyebal on a scalpel, doing a high voice for the eyeball)
"Have you seen my glasses? Eye can't find them anywhere!"
>(Bashar, producing a large severed nose on a scalpel, doing a low voice for the nose)
"Who nose where they are, they fell when I left."

but it is
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nevermind, i'm retarded. Good job gypsi-kun
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>amerifats, shias, kurds invade mosul
>isis takes kircuck
wtf niggers

reminds me of;

>Philippine President Declares: It’s ‘China, Philippines and Russia’ Against the World
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Let's make this a comfy thread lads
>ISIS allows families to flee Kirkuk province for cash
>ISIS breaks open Kirkuk prison releasing many terrorists
Countryside is a good poster. I have a distaste for his blatant disregard of ideology, but he's well informed.
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>(record player needle scratch)
>And now, he is about to find out...
>Bashar Al-Assad is... the Eye Opener.
KEKKKKKK.. my sides just landed in Lelgium
stahp roach bro.
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that webcam episode of the new season was great
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>China, Philippines and Russia’ Against the World


What's wrong with Duterte, dude?
Yes, he's usually well informend, and entertaining. Completly delusional, but interesting.

I am actually just finishing Ep 1 of this new season. Please don't spoil Irishbro-sama.
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u gonna shit up another thread with fifty posts containing nothing but yt links?
why waste the time dude
wut show is that?


music cleanses the soul
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idk what happen...

"In this venue, your honors, in this venue, I announce my separation from the United States," Duterte told Chinese and Philippine business people, to applause, at a forum in the Great Hall of the People attended by Chinese Vice Premier Zhang Gaoli.

"Both in military, not maybe social, but economics also. America has lost."

"I've realigned myself in your ideological flow and maybe I will also go to Russia to talk to (President Vladimir) Putin and tell him that there are three of us against the world - China, Philippines and Russia. It's the only way," Duterte told his Beijing audience.

In Washington, the U.S. State Department said it was "baffled" by Duterte's comments and would seek an explanation when Daniel Russel, the top U.S. diplomat for East Asian and Pacific Affairs, visits Manila this weekend.

"We are going to be seeking an explanation of exactly what the president meant when he talked about separation from the U.S.," said State Department spokesman John Kirby. "It's not clear to us exactly what that means in all its ramifications."

I was actually gonna call it by a different name, which would have spoiled it. But I thought against it, just in case.

Anyway I've only seen the first three. 3>2>1 as far as I'm concerned. Really didn't have much love for the first ep. But the second one is better and the third is excellent.

Black Mirror.
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Duma Rebels relocate to Idlib will free up the 4th Armoured Division 14,000 Assad's troops.

your mother

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pic related


Black Mirror


Is Philippines kill?

/pg/ when?

Yeah thanks for that. I will probably watch first 3 eps today as well.
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>"Now open wide and say allaaaaaah..."

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Music is HARAM and will be banned after our glorious, brave rebel brothers topple the tyrant Bashar and install full shariah law, inshallah
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I don't know why this makes me kek so hard.
The Kurds have had a rough day
Turk anons, how does this sound to you?

>But there are indications that there could be more violence on the horizon . Doğu Perinçek, a former Maoist turned ultra-nationalist power-broker, leads a shadowy group Turks simply refer to as “the Perinçek group.”
>Some suggest that Perinçek is Turkey’s real defense minister, behind-the-scenes. In August, Erdoğan hired Adnan Tanriverdi, a former Special Forces trainer close to Perinçek, to be counsel for the president.
>Simply put, Erdoğan is a marked man and even if he is killed or forcibly removed, he has so eviscerated the Turkish state that political chaos will likely follow his death.
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Got a link to the vid? Wanna make some sweet kurd kebab webms
Source is shitty, but this seems interesting.


I thought he was nationalistic, but now Im thinking he is a china plant.

Mashallah, great post.
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>kuznetsov passing trough english channel
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do you have this one?
Duerte is like a frankenstein of ideology, don't try make sense of it. Some of his agrarian reform shit is commie as fuck but then he advocates for the mass murder of drug addicts. he's weird.
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No, sorry.

But I got this video postet today.

Fucking bar man.
there you go roachie ... you`re welcome

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>like a frankenstein of ideology
Interesting simile. Do you listen to this guy by any chance?
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Nah, thanks m8.
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Huh, apparently that twitter account has that video
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let me guess, you are not red haired and freckeled...ugh, poor ireland seems to have the same problem having use- and jobless levantiniggers on their beautiful isle.

poo-in-loo waffel - pic related
I swim in the same circles as Zizek, but I don't really go out of my way to listen to him or count myself as a fan, if ya get me. "pure ideology" is a sweet meme though.

Thanks bra

delet waffle!!
>US airstrikes in Kirkuk being claimed right now
>Kurds claim city is free from ISIS
>PMU says kurds fled the city and they defended it
>ISIS says they control about half of the city

what the fug is going on right now
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why are you avoiding me roachbro ? are you that triggered by my memes kekkinho ...
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but stroopje waffles are the best!

I was literally eating that shit right now

Stroop waffles are god tier for sure.
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Yusha Yuseef @MIG29_ ,2h

Breaking #Aleppo
Heavy clashes Between SAA & Allies wih militants in 1070 Area
Yusha Yuseef @MIG29_ 1h

#Aleppo , Russian jets Start bombing West Aleppo with heavy missiles
Ivan Sidorenko @IvanSidorenko1 2h

#Syria #Aleppo #SAA #SyrianArmy getting ready for the militants next big attack operation

Nothing you guys can handle

The dead girl really is fucking sad

Any arab speaking person can tell me what the title at the beginning says?
Just joking brah.

We actually don't have an especially large amount of gingers. It's a bit of a myth.

And we don't have many levantines either. Most of our Muslims, from my experiences, are from Nigeria and Somalia (and more recently, a rather large amount of Afghans)
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a human-pug hybrid with the flu

>the good slav

Does Kuznetsov still use coal fired boilers or what?
they are shit desu, just like the country itself.
>1 post by this Onur

I hate Zizek, but I welcome any criticism of political correctness.
i am not onur. just slightly drunk.
He actually liked us. Was for federalising the monarchy and giving Czechs and South Slavs equal rights, thus stabilizing the rule on 4 pillars.
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it uses a secret mix of vodka and diesel called mazut

You are hereby reported to the AKP police for being drunk.
He is a great entertainer, mixing dirty jokes, observational humor, Hegel, and psychoanalyses.

Don't know if he is a great philosopher though.
It makes me sad that I watch this kind of thing and feel nothing. That Death Grips song I've Seen Footage comes to mind.
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are the americans going to destroy a city in order to save it again?

but seriously, why would you bomb a city when theres only a few dozens of ishits? what happened to protection of property?
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I have an exam tomorrow. Wish me luck faggots!
wait, does kingroach let you drink ?
hope you fail faggot. instead of studying you are frog-posting here. fuck you. gtfo.
king roach cant do shit to me. anyways who can say no to red wine right?!

I am also pretty much desensitized thanks to modern entertainment and the internet. But I still felt shit when I saw that pale dead body of the girl.

do you vote for kingroach or nah ?
>getting drunk on red wine
Fucking lightweight.
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cant foo the choo


Good luck my top tier Sunni bro.
>not getting drunk on 1 litre of red wine with 15% alcohol
you have 5 livers wtf?

never voted for him desu, but saved his ass during coup, i was out there on streets, in ankara
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>We actually don't have an especially large amount of gingers

my world is asunder
>never voted for him desu, but saved his ass during coup, i was out there on streets, in ankara
now why would you that roachbro ?
are you mhp ? only dey would do something like that since they are on kingroach`s dick lately
i am not mhp either. fucktard just happened to be the pm of the fucking country. what would i do instead? hand him over to american backed coup shit heads? hell no, if someone is going to hang him, it will be me not anyone else.
fair fair ... so u r chp then ?
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Delete it before that creepy Mexican paedophile gets here.
How's the Assad government doing?
i am not chp anymore as well. i am my own now.
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choo choo
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>post yfw isis is the most competent ground force in Iraq&Syria
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that loli shit, even if it's ironic, always makes me uncomfortable desu
there is an isis supporting roachbro here. how does he make you feel ?
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18-10-2016 ISIS defends Mosul.webm
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LMAO he is still posting in /sg/?
he should be hanged.


He can do whatever he wants but even I think that is taking shitposting on awkward levels.
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pls do NOT bully
your compatriot wants to see you hanged dutch pretending roachbro ... you are a disgrace even to roaches kekk
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i see you are still here.
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What the fuck does that big guy eat to get such halal gains?
who in right mind supports isis anyways for fuck sake.
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Aleppo rebel leader say there will be massive shit attack of epic proportions on all fronts to break seige

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Good luck based Sunni.

It's not ironic. I catch him doing this in other threads on this board too - exact same photos. If you're saving loads of those types of images, and continuously post them, then it's not really a joke anymore. What a creep LMAO.
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Don't bully Dutchbro pls. He is only shitposting.
Kafir blood is rich in gains bro.
i know, but tell that to this diaspora roach. i mean roaches in EU predominantly vote AKP, so it doesnt suprise me. funny how they want democracy in europe and vote akp in turkey.

Give me your best Hila pic you CREEP

Also, Ethan did one of his best BTFO videos since ever in his last 2 uploads.
pls dont call him dutch.
isis support is like what, %8 in turkey or something? i am pretty sure guy is just a kid shitposting.
h3 has been awful for a long time now my man.

>like what, %8 in turkey
That's extraordinarily high, are you fucking serious?
You got me there.
considering 99% of country is muslim thats pretty low, one of the lowest among muslim countries as far as i know.

also it should be lower now due to the n.syria operation going on against isis etc.
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So I guess is the 667th phase of their masterplan!!
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these pics come with regards of Colorado
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why would you waste such a rocket on a hmvee
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Joey Salads interview? I saw it LMAO.
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and this is of course the
>higher than Saudi Arabia and Iraq
wew lad
not bad. damn i am horny now, i wanna fugg a woman.

Yup it was pretty good
aye, you are right. but this particular roach seems to really ride baghdadis dick. i just wanted to know what you think as an anti kingroach roachbro.
thats pretty bullshit, saudi arabia is basically isis anyways.
Kurds cant into fight without airpower.
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>be Saudi Arabia
>fund ISIS
Also, where is Qatar?
Too busy enslaving Sri Lankans and Indians to build stadiums.
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What he >>94027960 said. Slavs under Austro-hungarian empire were preatty gud compared those who were under the germans and pasta niggers after ww1.

Also was gatted by a slav in the head.
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conveniently didnt ask around in europe hehe
Nice. Do you have the original high quality one with stars instead of buses?
Let the phases begin!
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daily reminder
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Noise, Colorado should bake a new /hr/ thread with some of these ones
SAA getting rekt in South Aleppo https://twitter.com/worldonalert/status/789599898178056192
It's only the beginning
I came to troll you when rebels broke the siege in august, you will see me to troll you in the coming days :)
enemy of my enemy! they were killing k*rds.
kub..... ???
lulz c'est qui ?
Typical jihadshit supporter. Run away in doves when rebels are BTFO and disappear for months until the next offensive.
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He says he will resign if it fails because he believes that if Aleppo falls, rebels will never win the war no matter what.

That rebel leader is Al-Zinki leader.
> isis bombs turkey
>enemy of my enemy muh friend

fucking roach logic ...
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This is the original (I didn't make it), you already posted the edit I made of it (to make it more accuratel reflect the reality)
Rebels are coming from north and south
Kurds traitors are getting rekt in north Aleppo, rebels will come by Sheikh Najjar
Assad almost won this war since 2011, it's a bit long don't you think ? :)
isis was maybe supported by government at very early phases but then erdogan prefered to be indifferent towards them. hey they were killing k*rds and were kinda harmless against us for a while.

this whole turey support isis was too convenient for most people because they already hated turks for shitting on k*rds all the time, it just gave them a proper justification for this hatred basically.

>muh oil
seriously how much oil can isis produce anyways so that its actually useful for turkey.
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Where's all the sexy propaganda posters from this war ffs.

Did Assad bomb all the graphic design studios as well as bakeries, cause all the visual agitprop I've seen from this conflict has been horrendous, garish shit that was threw up in photoshop in about 20 minutes.

pic related a nice poster from Lebanese Communist Party made during the Lebanese Civil War period.
u know kurds and SAA r allies right. dont base ur entire analysis on hasekeh bullshit.
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these guys are literally insane. if it wasnt intense us airstrikes they would literally genocide k*rds.
i was talking to the other roach bro. the kurd hate is really fucking up his judgement. isis has been killing turkish soldiers and bombin shit in turkey. yet the first thing he says is "they be killing kurds". dumb nigga they also be killing turks, those very soldiers you claim to love and revere. roach obsession with kurds is just pathetic at this point.
SAA and YPG are only allies against rebels because alone they can't defeat them
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Uh huh, and then what happens later? Kurds will turn their back on Assad and try to prevent the reunification of Syria.
lets see how you would feel like a 30 year old insurgency that is killing your brothers and sisters, i am curious about your reaction then.

on the other hand, isis was never an ally of turkey nor supported by us. supposed russian evidences that we buy oil was absolute bullshit but it just gave a reason to people to justify their hatred towards turkey. maybe at the begining officials just didnt touch isis at all because they thought it was useful to some extent.
ben dis t'es qui mdr
I will leave this here ... your army told you that was an accident right ?

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assad is god
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allahu ackbar
well it wouldnt make me support ISIS. plus like i said, ISIS is ALSO KILLING YOUR ROACHBRO AND HAIRY SISTERS.
they told accident at first but in like couple of hours they said it was due to a rocket from pkk. you dont know shit about turkey but yet you talk about it. you are confirmed a shit head k*rd. get fucking rekt in n.syria. game is over, no more land for you.
Isn't this bitch some typical lefty SJW kool-aid drinking cunt?
there is no god but Allah(swt)
Gloria in excelsis deo :)
un sal negre probablement
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A TOS-1 in Northern Hama destroying FSA/REBELS.

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rebel propaganda is made by contractors in Turkey, paid by, among others, the UK government


They dont care about fancy ideology-driven "revolutionary" media, they only care about publishing propaganda and invented victories
mexico we have collectively come to a decision to banish you from /sg/
>implying you can get rid of Mexicans
He's here forever desu
Becouse they are sand niggers Austria bro.
They waste ATGM's on unarmored cars, light armored cars and people.
And they use their dakkas and aks on tanks.
banish this
*unzips AK-74*

heh.. nothing personal.. infidel dog
wtf I love Donald Trump now
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thank god I aint kurdish. i might not know as much as you do about turkey, but who cares ?
man all i gotta do is show a bit sympathy for kurds and show how dumb you roaches are, and you immediately loose your shit. typical roach.

pic related, its prolly u.
Link is closed
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Wrong general mate. Here we support Assad.
pourquoi t`es mad mon gros, kek...
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if only there was a space on the internet that was safe so people's feeeling wouldnt get hurt, a safe space if you will
>slavshit opinion on warfare
i am not mad, just was stating a fact. its you who is mad. you are out of proper arguments so you are hugging the famous ad hominem. you are out of your league leaf, drink your maple syrup and have good sleep, tomorrow isnt bright for you.
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Hey, I like you, Mexibro. No complaining from me.

ta maman avec son accent québécois m'excite et elle aime ma gigantesque et royale queue.
There you go, another link
dude you know that SAA just recently dropped 2.5 tonnes of ammunition to YPG in hasekeh right ?
Le caribou en pls
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CIA's latest cointelpro shilling ops of filling the thread with unrelated youtube links in an attempt to identify /sg/ thought leaders via the google data from the views is retarded because only the dumbest most ineffectual non-posting normie lurkers are ever going to open a single one of those links.
>voting for mcmuffin
elle a 75 ans soit mon invite qua kek.
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>stating a fact.
what counts as a fact for roaches always amazes me
holy fucking shit leaf, where did you find my slightly fatter doppelganger with a monobrow!? even the same eye color. Man this is creepy as fuck
good night comrades

bid day ahead tomorrow in the SDF/FSA-Turk conflict. maybe the FSA will take another farm, wew.
lol ... that guy is a roach.

good night laddie
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God of giraffes maybe.
Welcome to islam mexibro.
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Dieu le Veut!
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Russia will shoot down an American jet in syria, screencap this
Gulf of Tonkin style.
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On closer inspection he doesent look as me that much at all. Different nose, i have a longer face and different ears. same autist look on the face kek

Haha i really need to get some sleep.

See you guys tomorow /sg/, dont shit up the threads and stay comfy
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/pol/, can you give me proof that it was the rebels who used chemical weapons, and not Assad?

Many people IRL believe it was Assad, and I myself am not sure.
It was found that FSA terrorists ("moderate rebels") used the gas, not Assad. This drove Obama to go into full shill mode for the "moderate" rebels.


They anounced some commander used "non-Authorized" weapons. and there was an atack on kurds with chemical weapons in aleppo. I can`t remember wich group claimed that i think ahrar or al zinki
If they're truly interested make them watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0FNtEWfay_8
If they're normies, whatever.
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This too:

They literally did it at kobane. The US had to fly thousands of sorties to save their sorry asses.
I've artciles stating that the UN says it has proof Assad used gas against civilians.
Post pls.
That tend to happen when terrorist use civilians as human shields

But bear in mind those civilians, more often than not, support the terrorists -those who don't, have mostly fled-

So much for "cleaning up" the remaining Jihadists
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*tips m'lady*
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Giraffes are great.

>le chemical weaposn may may 1/2
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>le chemical weaposn may may 2/2

Rebels Used Sarin Gas - UN Inspector, Carla del Ponte https://youtu.be/e-8c2MOjbiY
Turkey indicts 11 linked with Syria militants caught with sarin gas: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nQYCat55dgc

See pic for Jaysh al Islam admission of using chem weapons.
Gas the sunni ITT tbqh lads


t. shia paki
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thats a really fucking good image, saved, heres a qt
Those articles are based on allegations, not evidence.

That is a good exchange. We have a deal.
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>Emirate of London
Shut your son of mutah mouth before I report you to the royal islamic council filthy rafidhi.
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assad straight outta ghouta.jpg
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>he thinks the assad can be mossaded
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What if I told you, he already got mossaded.
next phase guys
its the academies again
Duterte is basically flipfash, like how Assad is kebabfash, fash is a mixture of both sides of the political spectrum while simultaneously rejecting left/right post 1789 binary political nonsense.
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What if I told you that they don't want him Mossaded (yet)?
The longer he sticks around, the more damaged and divided the country is = easy and more land grabbing for The Kingdom of David.
wtf is that even. i cant read dyslexia
that flag
that post
do ((((((girls)))) like chopped off dicks?
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tldr is assad still beating the moderate beheaders?
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Yes, and their tears are delicious.
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Yes! Are any beheaders actually leaving on these buses or is it just a meme?
Probably all types of people, beheaders included.
I thought he was based by massacring all those drug dealers. Sad t.b.q.h.w.y.f.l
Barush Hashem
so tell me /sg/ when are these filthy kurds gonna annexed? also are ISIS days numberd?
All women do. Jewish or g*ntile.
women like money. only gays like dicks.
As soon as Kurds betray Assad, they will suffer a punishment the likes of which their inbred civilization has not experienced since its birth
Saddam will look like a joke.
literally the only sample of dutch cuisine i was able to find in a week there.
they had no food, i mean nothing to eat. we were cheering if we found a burger king, we'd get to eat something resembling meat
do they only live from weed or somtehing? and whats with the shitty bicycles everywhere
No, women love dick. Even more than men love pussy. It's the ultimate redpill
How large is your penis my african friend?
hows life in sweden ?

Who won in Kirkuk?

Who the fuck put the cider in the refrigerator?
the fuck
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No they wouldn't. The only people that faced genocide were Yazids, Druze, Alawites. Kurds being Sunni ment that they would be fine. Kurds didn't face genocide from ISIS no matter how many times they claim it. This needs to be said openly in order to prevent Kurds from exploiting false claims of genocide for their own political reasons and also to ensure that Yazids that did face genocide are not pushed into obscurity.
No, He always has been a proxy attention whore, same with the somalia faggot.

>He fell for the "American democracy" meme

Trump is an idiot and a douchebag, but he's not evil.

Hilary is pure evil.
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That's a cute video you posted. Amigó.
/ug/ when?
Come one, who has control of Kirkuk?

If Trump wins America literally goes to shit
ANY of their politics would be approved by the representatives, Democrats hate him and a large majority of Republicans hate him too.

He's a bad deal.
>Democrats hate him and a large majority of Republicans hate him too.
That's a big part of why he'd be a force for good, m8. Although, I'm not super in favor of either.
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Trump has already lost m8, no need to argue about who should win or not.
Givi going full berserker soon
Hohol maps shows tensions rising, and a report of hundreds of foreign mercenaries outside Donetsk.

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>, I'm not super in favor of either
Good to know.
Russia extends Aleppo humanitarian pause for another day


Why do you keep linking that Mexibro?
I fucked it up

Mighty Colorado said that 50 Azov fighters were killed in the last week alone
What happened the last 2 weeks?
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Stuff and shit...
Mosul offensive and Humanitarian evacuations in Aleppo
Some more details pls

What mexibro said up top

Evactuations in Aleppo, Mosul offensive, FSA capturing Al-bab + SDF held areas and Kirkuk suddenly being attacked by ISIS sleeper cells.
Any progress in northern Aleppo?
See above you

T*rkish proxys are advancing towards Aleppo from the north.
b-baking, even though the thread is going pretty slow.
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It is def comfy, took a hot shower and watching some sweet ass series atm all comfy.
Filling thread
>You are not entrenched in Syria defending one of the last great rulers of our generation, surrounded by brothers in arms willing to die for you and the cause


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