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/sg/ Syria General - Afrin soon EDITION

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Thread replies: 302
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Everything you need to know


>Newest Interviews with Assad

>Live hohol with ticker
>Interactive military map
>Syria conflict map

>Fan maps

>Aleppo north oct-19
>East Ghouta oct-19
>Mosul oct-18
>/sg/ daily event map oct-17
>West Ghouta oct-16
>Aleppo oct-15
>North Hama oct-13

Developments Oct-22
>Chaos ensues in Kirkuk as ISIS claims to have captured half the city
>Russia extends Aleppo humanitarian pause for another day
>Turkish army is surrounding Afrin by deploying a number of tanks on the region's border areas
>The United Nations says the Syrian Army used chemical weapons in Qmenas village in 2015, Idlib.
>Syrian rebels preventing evacuation of Aleppo: Lavrov
>Syrian military threatens to shoot down Turkish warplanes entering Syria illegally
>Turkey claims 200 Kurdish fighters killed in northern Syria
>Yemen ceasefire starts
>18 villages south of Mosul liberated from ISIS in first 48 hours
>Rebel-held town in Western Ghouta to surrender after SAA’s advance


Last thread: >>94023053
I wonder if the SAA accepts foreign fighters
Probably not but you could always join an affiliated militia
definitly not. Citizens only. This has been covered before. SAA even did a facebook chat thing, and one of the anons asked that question. They said no.
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I'ts getting TOO comfy now
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>an affiliated militia

Like which?
pls don't K*rdish shit


Kurds aren't exactly affiliated with the SAA. Why would you join commie mountain monkeys anyway.
When did that happen? Was it the Official SAA page that answered the question?
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A lot of burgers do it
The fuck is wrong with them?
I think the only foreign militias fighting alongside the SAA are the Iranian, Iraqi, Afghan, Lebanese ( Hezbollah) and a Pakistani militia. Other than that I don't think there are any miltias for westerners, although I do remember a story of two Armenians from the U.S going to Syria and fighting in a pro-Gov militia/
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So did these inbred UK commies
Yeah, I wonder how they joined, They just went to Syria and just asked for the near recruitment center?

Well, I'll investigate
I asked what had happened to them on this board a while back, a guy told me that apparently they had family in Aleppo, Maybe try contacting the SAA page on FB or trying to find SAA soldiers facebook accounts and ask them?
I think it's always been that way.
The SAA does not want foreign infiltration I guess.
It was an outreach thingy by SAA, like a live video session & chat. To explain their side of things.

It's funny everybody wanting to spanish civil war their arses
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This thread is progressing too well for my liking.

>spanish civil war

Shut up nigger
The military is a conscripted force; males serve in the military upon reaching the age of 18, but there are many women in the armed forces.[4]


Maybe get a sex change and then a passport. Then you can definitely join.
Haha thanks mate, but I'm not interested in joining the SAA even though I do support them, I think the Mexican guy does want to join them though.
whats the matter? Everybody wants to go fight something. Crazy foreigners for isis, crazy foreigners for the kurds, crazy foreigners here and there. Everything is foreign fighters.

I am suggesting it is like the period b4 the second world war.

And you call me nigger. Well I never in all my life...
I realised that it wasn't you wanting to join after I hit post. By then it was too late.

Mexibro, get in here
sex change init.
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>This thread is progressing too well for my liking.

i knew it was too good to be true

since when did /sg/ become majority muslim anyway?
W-Who dis
Can Bonaire guy post again
common flag
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Sorry m8, I have a compulsory inviligator shit in 2 hour and fuckin nothing is happening around ME.

Not even the central """leftist""" gezi site was covering twitter fluctuation early this night. I just fell compelled to shitpost.

Here is a consolidation.

>since when did /sg/ become majority muslim anyway?
It fits though.
Especially given the subject of the thread is why my kin can't stop killing each other because juu oil corporation faggotry.

Maybe because there is no technological,cultural, humanitarian and scientific advancements in this fucked up geopolitical area.

Hmmm... no, I like my penis.
I can't find any info about Militias neither.

Anyways, I've found a gold comedy article:

I was hoping to drop this....

Take your hormones boy....you're going to fight ISIS!
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Leith from the arab source supports toppling Assad
No mosul action? Surely it's already daylight out there
Yeah dawn broke.

>Take your hormones boy....you're going to fight ISIS!

Nice one.
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But they told me the situation was under control !!!
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>Kurdish sources

Every fucking time.
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gotta go. keep it alive.
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>Assad is just much tougher and much smarter than her and Obama

What did he mean by this?
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What did he mean by this?
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What did he mean by this??
Humanitarian aid delivered in Aleppo while ceasefire


Assad is a bad hombre.

this is rude plz dont say this!!

A lot of action going on atm.
Outdated map.
Turks still breaking siege of Aleppo from up north?
It must be autumn.
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Huh, weird that both the Canadian Kurd and the Belgian Kurd appear at the same time on /sg/.

This made me think tbqh.
>Kurds aren't exactly affiliated with the SAA.

wrong again turkroach
Calm down I'm 100% Belgian

Just asking because someone said Euphrates shield was going north of Aleppo yesterday
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Did you mean attacking tal rifat because that's what they're actually doing? Then yes
>Canadian Kurd

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I hate Turks and Kurds equally


Like even in Belgium they can't shut up about how great turkey is, like why did you move here then?!
you see, since he is a mongoloid turkroach he believes whoever supports kurds must be a kurd.
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>seriously listening to anything countryside bob says
>not reading countryside bob's posts purely as a comedy act
>implying turks will reach SAA held areas before east Aleppo is taken

Aleppo has fallen - Donald Trump
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>When you take the Turkroach too seriously


Have a rare Assad
trump never had a fucking chance 2bh fampai
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he is consistent with roachposting though u gotta give him that
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I wouldn't say never. There was definitely a time where he had a lot of popularity and the media was none stop talking about him.

After the debates and leaked tapes, he pretty much lost it. I am going to be generous and say he still has 30% chance of winning.

>mfw second coup financed by Hillary on it's way
do not.
nah dude. take it from an american. he never had a chance in any relevant state except for the southern shitholes
He's gonna either win or they pull some shady shit like a ddos on election day for a blackout.

Just look at crowds at Trump vs Clinton rallies and yard signs

Clinton voters are just manipulated into it but not engaged or like her
Stop shilling REEEEEEEEEEE
dont get the reference roachboy
If he never had a chance the media would have never said a word about him, like with Ron Paul, if he didn't still have the highest chance of winning the media and CTR wouldn't still be shilling against him.
Not sure if you're CIA doing hasbara, CTR, or just not very bright.
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Dumb leafposter
wow thats some real grade gschool shit right there bud. also suprised u dont accuse me of being kurdish like ur fellow countrymen here
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Yeah, that is why I am really worried about America. If so much people still support this clown of a man, something is really wrong.

the wall is 10ft taller xD

I hope you won't hyperventilate on November the 8th when the big reality check hits your face.


Video related
Leaf posters>roach posters
thank you. i`ve always admired king leopold the second.
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Canada Kurd ve Belgian Kurd ayni shitposter

(You) verme famalamanzies.
listen. the media does whatever it wants to do in order to get views and make cash. there's a huge amount of SJWs who just love to gobble up the leftist narrative no matter what. especially millennials.
>B-But you're just shilling for the DNC
get out of your delusion for a second and look at the polls http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2016/president/us/general_election_trump_vs_clinton-5491.html
Clinton had the upper hand almost the entire time.
I fucking hate Clinton, but accept that fact that she will be president for 8 years
is that a k*rdish uniform?
Based diaspora knows what's up.
now they started speaking their hybrid roach shit ... shit`s getting old wallahi.
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More VSN Spetsnaz
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>Clinton had the upper hand almost the entire time.
So did remain.
And there's NO WAY polls could possibly be gamed or outright falsified amirite?
And there's NO SUCH THING as the shy tory effect, amirite?
politics in germany is full of kurdish terrorists. where do those sandniglets come from? they pretend to be turkish but theyare actually kurds.

what kind of mentality is that
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Capitalize your sentences shitposter-kun.


Wuu, nice spetsnazs.
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multiplying by the minute i see.
Lol go to sleep k*rd shit
you know the turkroach with the dutch flag votes akp right ... just sayin dawg
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Anyway good night all.
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>T-The polls are all falsified
yeah okay, keep saying that to yourself
pic related is literally trumps BEST outlook

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Why are you two trying to pull me to your side?

Byby clapclap
im not kurdish but i`ll still leave this here for you roachboi

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Well, thanks for confirming my suspicions about you then.
Have fun shilling.
all im saying he is a diaspora roach who contributes to your misery at home. unless you ride erdogan`s dick of course. then u must be a worse roach than i thought.
>everyone is a shill
have fun on election day, tovarish. Trump has no chance to hit the oval office.
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I really wouldn't bother with these kids. They are way way too delusional to ever think that just maybe, Trump is fucking clown and has made enemies out of pretty much everyone and that people will not vote for him

>muh crowds
>muh signs

I honestly am glad they are this delusional. Imagine the massive butthurt on November dude. Like seriously, these guys will fucking live their lives hating on everything, especially their government. Their high blood pressure won't be good for their hearts but these kind of deplorable deserve it.


Enjoy your future Drumpfkin.
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Lmao your k*rd friends are dying like a pig in here
Did you know that kobra ket k*rd died ?

Those men, they're so lonely in the mountains. Oh, a wild kurdish female appears
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kek. even if you give Colorado, New Mexico and Florida to Trump, he STILL doesn't have enough to win
>B-But this is our chance to overthrow the globalists

But dude! Latinos for Trump!! African Americans for Trump!!! They are out there!!!!

This was going to be it

AWOOOVEMENT xD to stop the globalists

Aahahhahahaha many keks will be had in 2 weeks
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but what about this anon roach ?
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>unless you ride erdogan`s dick of course

Everyone rides it dumbfuck. That is one of the natural side effects of having a Caliphate.

>Are you an AKP supporter?
No, your mother is a whore.

However, your stance also strongly implicates that you are a heretic.
In that case, I hope you fall off a cliff and die.
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I will have fun, celebrating. Meanwhile you'll have been cleaned up as a loose end liability so you won't live to see it, convicted pedophile.
>Are you an AKP supporter?
>No, your mother is a whore.
>However, your stance also strongly implicates that you are a heretic.
lol why so hostile anonroach. i think erdogan fucking ur mom up the ass has made u a bit edgy. also i dont know what u mean by heretic ... u mean im not anglican ?
Kek. Silly propaganda like you leafs who fall for k*rdish propaganda
They are losin hard they lost all cities posting some shitty ambush doesnt change the fact

I hope your father dies, and your mother marries a Kurd
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People here on /pol/ are mostly delusional when it comes to the election. They've been saying "Trump has it in the bag" to themselves in the trump general circlejerks for such a long time that they deluded themselves into thinking that he will actually become president.
same thing happened to Reddit with Bernie Sanders pic related
okay answer me honestly. What fucking states do you think will be red. I wan't to know http://270towin.com
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jesus anonroach, i hope ur father dies and ur mom marries a kurd, which seems more likely if u think about it.
i get ur anger though. ur life sucks under erdogan,ur country is a shithole, coups isis and pkk fucking ur shit up at every turn... meanwhile we`re chillin and enjoying ourselves in canada. i get it roachbro...
I`ll just leave this here for you to cheer up
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Pretty much this

They were the ones laughing at the delusions at Bernfags, now they are saying the EXACT same things.

And the worst part is, they will just say IT IS RIGGED!!! HE WAS THE CHOSEN ONE, 100% TO WIN THIS!!!

But that for sure won't stop me from shoving my shitposting up their faces. I am going to enjoy making them butthurt

Keep up the good work based Ameribro.
>T-Trump will win
posts pic of Louisiana
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>"Long love internationalism!"

I hope the Turks/Russians/Syrians/Ayylmaos/whoever fucking roll you cunts.
Kek. im not even angry its 4chan at all but its disgusting to see some non countries like you and belgium people talking about shit and supporting k*rds. Have you ever been in Turkey? Shithole places you defined are k*rdish towns because they are divided and uneducated. Some k*rds are islamists and pro akp
Kek. You will never get a country,nobody likes you in the middle east.You have 30 million people who don't have a country.
Global power countries are have been using you like a condom for centuries.
>some autisy leaf supporting k*rds
And im angry? Lmao
>Ever being republican
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>Shithole places you defined are k*rdish towns because they are divided and uneducated.
dude u just survived a coup attempt where ur own army turned major cities into warzones + isis bombs and shit ...
u r seriously delusional turkroach. but i get it, this is what u have to tell urself to get out of bed every morning. keep pretending human life isn`t cheap in ur country and that you couldn`t die any second because of some stupid reason.
>some guy on /b/ said so
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We survived coup attemp because my people are glorious.
People were laying in front of tanks, stealing guns from military, getting on the tanks.
The coup failed because the coup was not staged by the military. Very small amount of military personnel tried the coup, and naturally failed.
This failed because of the fearlessness of my people. I have never seen something like this in my life. Laying in front of tanks, stealing guns from military, getting on the tanks.

Some nations are just built with different genes like Turkey.
Keep being condom lol
lol great comeback. during the coup were you one of those jihadists attacking ur own soldiers or were u at home hiding under your bed ? i bet u wetted ur bed when the jets did the israeli style sonic boom.
be careful roachbro, u might get arrested for being a gulenist if u criticize ur sultan too much.
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how much erdo is paying you dude?
enjoy downing in your delusion, man
3500 TL
How do you explain Trump rallies/yard signs vs Clintons then?

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Rate this plz
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have another (you) leafbro
Flip Maine district 2 to red.
>ohio being republican
>We survived coup attemp because my people are glorious.
lol so i guess u support ur glorious ppl killing soldiers on the bridge ... anyways my point was that u say only kurdish cities are shitty while ur whole country is UNSTABLE AND DANGEROUS AS FUCK. so u must be dumber than average roach if u think the shittyness is contained in the kurdish areas. but like i said, u must uphold this farce so that u can survive in your shit stain of a country, so i understand ur reasons for being a delusional turkroach.
the bottom line is this: life is cheap in turkey and u could die any moment. u belong to a 3rd world nation with an authoritarian leader.
kek is he an erdogan shill or what roachbro ?
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I don't know shit about American states and their history of elections, but I made it being VERY generous to Drumpf.

isn't that the h3h3 guy?
oh and Florida will be for Clinton too.
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Enjoy being disposed of, shill.
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>t. nordic fascist
Turkey is the safest country in the middle.east
You are in the syria general shitting on Turkey
Kek buthurtt faggot

Go back to drinking your soup
Fucking leaf

nah its just kurds decimate by the seconds
I wonder how many trump supporters will kill themselves on election night
The Turkish CFTS (correct for the sultan) division is out in full strength

Allahu erdoganbar
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I wonder how many CTR shills will have unfortunate weightlifting accidents on election night.
Is ISIS still shitting on the O
Peshmerga and the Iraqi Army.
how much of a percent chance do you think trump has on winning?
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But it is rigged so it should not matter anyway to them.
How much of a percent chance do you think CENTCOMM is willing to let the country descend into fullblown civil war due to hillary's corruption and blatant election rigging?
Turkish army force with 9 tanks entered #Idleb from Hatay took positions overlooking #YPG lines in Afrin Kurdish canton #Aleppo -

sandwich? Tasty PKK sandwich
>Turkey is the safest country in the middle.east

lol u say that like its an accomplishment ... are u really this retarded ? being the safest country in the ME does not mean SAFE. i think i have to repeat myself so that tiny roach brain of yours will perhaps register:life is cheap in turkey and u could die any moment. u belong to a 3rd world nation with an authoritarian leader.
man being a roach must suck ... having to keep lying to urself and all...
LOL from what will i die?

>>Turkish army force with 9 tanks entered #Idleb from Hatay took positions overlooking #YPG lines in Afrin Kurdish canton #Aleppo - @syrianpc

wa wa wee wa.
>My countries rape and murder rates are only double yours and we're only turning it into an Islamic shithole, haha well gamed leaf!!!!!

Roachposters man
Basically this
Ron Paul would have been a much greater threat to the establishment than trump but since he didn't have a huge chance at winning in the first place, the media treated him like if he didn't exist all together.
If trump didn't have a chance, the media wouldn't have shilled so hard against him.
isis attack ? pkk attack ? ur own army ? ur own police ? or u might rot away in a jail cell ... what ? tell me these are not plausible. i mean everything im saying here has already happened. OR ARE YOU GONNA TELL ME NONE OF THIS HAPPENS IN ROACHISTAN ?
>the election is rigged
lol. a non-asnwer. because you know darn well Clinton will win
Sup Bashar. Today is last day of the ceasefire right? Or is that supposed 24hr extension real and going to hold?
why is there so many of them ? i remember the days there were only 1 or 2 and we could shoo them away quickly.
>blatant election rigging

>muh mass public actually liked trump meme

Lmao these things happen in every country
every rioter should be killed.
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Ron Paul was not a reality TV show host calling on controversial things like ban of all Muslims and calling Mexican immigrants rapists and murderers(But some are alright!!!)

The media actually helped him gain way more popularity than he should have. And I am not denying that he has no chance, there are enough sister fucking rednecks who believe Obama is a muslim and an actual demon sent by Satan that vote for him, that ofcourse even I was very worried about him making it. But at this moment though I think he is finished. He needed to act more presidential + win the hearts of the uncertain and independents, but he kept talking like he would to his already established voters, making others dislike him.

But this is ofcourse awoooooooovement xD
Good morning.

Any news from Mosul? What has happened in Kirkuk?
Fuck off shills this is /sg/

If you want to continue posting, you must explain why Clinton can barely attract people, has almost no yard signs up compared to Trump who has many and yet you somehow can claim Clinton will win
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You wouldn't know anything about the mass American public from all the way over there in gyppostan, gyppo.

There were a lot of shooting going on still in Kirkuk. I could even see smoke rising in the distance in the middle of the city. I don't know how it is now.

No info from Mosul but you can watch live feed here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GFDON2k8ONg
Yes ISIS went there as the Mosul offensive goes on and apparently captured a significant part
i swear to god trump supporters are more triggered than feminists these days
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I heard about 290 civilians killed ISIS in Mosul. True?
BREAKING: ISIS raid in Iraq's Kirkuk kills 46, mostly security forces: officers - @AFP

dayum niqqa
Believe it or not I don't keep up with the conflict that much, a lot of times I get my updates from this thread just like everybody else
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Based Turkmans are saving K*rd's ass again
I found these articles about it


Also read residents trying to fuck over ISIS, and ISIS using them as human shields so I believe so yes.
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Why ISIS has such shitty fashion?
Because they aren't allowed to be more chic than the sheikh abu bakr al-swagdaddy.
kek it's chilebro
>not calling over the workers and telling them that it's broken
It sure does look like him
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Man, when you filter out the shitposters, and hide the off topic posts this thread has hardly anything left.
Actually that's Firelo, newshill.
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Everyone in the middle east has a shitty sense of fashion
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Took control of kerkuk
You cant make this shit up
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Not enough

Nah, I've seen a lot of nice cuts and beards.
ISIS has just a shitty personal hygiene.
Back on track it is, there's talks of spec ops embedded in Aleppo, think Euphrates shield is going to rescue them or will they let it happen?

Many people think they are escalating with the propaganda but I think they're stalling big time to avoid global embarrassment for Clinton and Obama
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You know nothing about shitty fashion
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>this is the ""Army"" who almost capture a k*rdish town with 600K habitants

You can't make this shit up
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GTFO fucking shill this is not your gay thread for elections
Why don't they just arm the populations for events like this?

Seems simple or am I missing some thing
1. They either take the bus and get out during the ceasefire or they die.
2. If Euphrates Shield goes anywhere NEAR aleppo they'll get bombed by Russia/SyAF and bad things happen to turkey, they're already tempting fate by attacking the afrin kurds instead of ISIS like they're supposed to be as per the agreement that allowed for the operation to take place.
He is right fuck off.
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>"we stayed up all night volunteering to guard our neighborhood against isis"

They are
But well ...
make me, mehmet
I don't have to, you will when drumpf loses :^)
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That is a great picture btw.


Back when I was his age, I was playing the Game Boy

This dude is capturing Kurd cities ayy

I see what you did there
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The footage of Peshmarge forces trapped inside an #isil mined area, NE of #Mosul. Many killed/wounded.

I legit saw people who look like pic related IRL
BTW there was this pic of ugly Syrian teenagers taking a picture with some Swedish girls who were clearly not comfortable.
Shit is unbelievably cringey. Can't find it anywhere though.
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Hahahahaha how will these dumbass take mosul?
0 progress so far
>my gif is 3.13mb and the webm is 2MB

The fuck I did wrong
That's an American, you know.
Nah. Turkish

Webm is magic dude
>When the second mine hits and your Kurdistan dream flies away along with it
Nothing, gif is a shitty dated format that's only good for small low framecount low complexity animations.

He is Turkish

Onur posted uncensored pics of him
Be born in mexico.
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I am sorry dude I will stop about this subject but I had to do this
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Good morning everyone!
Have a comfy day!
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Its the photoshop dude!

Good morning my man
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An iraqi soldier standing in front of an ancient Christian cemetery in Bartala. Isis destroyed the tomb stones.

Then why are the markings on his rifle censored?
haha, best kurd is a dead kurd
they even lost kirkuk, it's so crazy
Off topic but any hohol news?

To hide the serial number maybe? Idk, I am not a burger so I don't know shit about guns

Here, some more pics but they are censored as well

Fuck off burger
Carter in Iraq
have fun in your third world shithole
wow, Kurds got BTFO

Nice trips SyriaBro. How's everything going?
Croatia is very beauriful
Rather in shithole than in united states of niggers
>nothing happened

Balkans in general are beautiful if you look at the nature. Don't know about the cities though.
I was there in Split. Very nice.
Tyrone detected
Go sell some crack nigger
>go pump some krokodil, ivan

Yeah pretty sweet
man /sg/ sure is garbage
What the fuck happened in Kirkuk, I've been under a rock
Fuck off nigger go learn a thing or two about a country before shitposting about it falsely

How about this?
Isis popped up and started annexing shit
46+ confirmed kills so far
kek why would a beaner post this ?
As I heard it was a succes counteratack of isis
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K*rds getting killed by small ISIS cell

Hey, they used our idea.
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Heads of security services from Ukraine+ Poland remembering Stalin terror victims, the fucking irony
u sure u a beaner though ?
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I hate T*rks but I would never hate a little girl.

>26 posts by this ID
Top lel
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>I hate T*rks
Hes an active part of the thread
Fuck lurkers
>anybody liking turks
Its an insult here to call someone a turk
He isn't contributing any shit only Muh k*rds muh turkey and roach meme

Fucking leafs
That didn't really need to be said, I mean turks know why they are proxying.
Leith posted this:

You had one fucking Job America, but no, you choose the clown candidate literally giving the presidency to an old psychopath bitch. Now we're facing a total change in world's situation thanks to YOU. considering the assassination of country leader? No.

Prepare to live in a world of shit, fucking americans, always shitting it up.

I don't hate the people, but their policies and ideologies.
wow that is pretty much why ISIS are the Boltons of the ME.

They couldn't skin them of course since then nobody would know they are peshmerga
ooh roachbabbi keeps getting triggered.
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Now you guys all know that I am against Safe-space so everything goes imo. We are on 4chan and people should respect it's culture. But the dude is trying to trigger Turks with all his posts, now I really love shitposters, but his are really weak so he should really up his game. Kind of making rest of the shitposters look bad!

Yeah well, you hate the current government of Turkey I suppose. It's cool dude, we are all born of Adam, even if you hate Turks in general I can live with that.
>doing blackface on duty
not cool Melike, not cool
>Its an insult here to call someone a turk
basically this
The irony is that even in Ottoman times calling someone a Turk was an insult.

But I guess the Turks have some mental gymnastics prepared for that. I like Turks though, very nice to have a kebab from time to time.
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but if my game is so weak, why does ur fellow roaches keep getting triggered donair-kebab ?
>hate people in general

Nah, I've never understand this /pol/'s logic of generalize everything. "Fuck muslims", "Fuck Slavs". There are shit people everywhere, but there are good people too.
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Mosul OP update:

473 terrorists killed
352 IEDs defused
95 VBIED destroyed
31 Rocket launch pads
+ 21 Mortar launch bases seized
What does some offhand comment made by the staffer of a Republican congressman have to do with Hillary or Trump?
Howabout CIA's logic of generalize everything "Fuck drumpfkins", "Fuck Russians"
No issues with that right?
>But I guess the Turks have some mental gymnastics prepared for that.

like everything else ...
Hillary is exactly the same government as the current.

You could have stopped this, but no, the edgy candidates are better, no?
Bullshit numbers lol
>maybe he isn't actually shitposting and turks are triggered by anything.
Do you realize you are a hotblooded people?

Why should I care about a shitposter?
Is like if you ask me what I think about Countryside, I just ignore them.
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dr. strange turkroach: or how i learned to stop worrying and love the ba'athists
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I already warned them, but if they are stupid enough to still fall for it, I guess you are not that weak at shitposting after all.

That is common logic but most racists refuse to acknowledge this. It is easier to hate said group if you accept that they are all bad.

Hillary is so disliked, even among democrats, that pretty much ANY charismatic, iron fisted Republican would have won this election, but they had to go with a clown.

Ohhh for sure. We are easily insulted and triggered. But I mean come on, we are on 4chan. Even these Turks should know not to take the bait.
The statement was made by someone who works for a Republican congressman. He'd still be there regardless of who's in the White House.

>You could have stopped this

How? By electing some neocon Republican who's going to be just as hawkish on Syria as Hillary, if not more so? Honestly, who did you have in mind?
>not even a week and 473 terrorists killed
If that was true they wouldn't be fighting this war for several years. They would have completely eradicated ISIS by then.
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20 vehicles destroyed and dozens of fighters killed after rebels shelled by Grad rockets regime-held Military Academy in Aleppo last night.
Even though these sources might be unreliable you are extrapolating where you shouldn't my mathematically impaired teutonic friend.

This is a pretty big operation which is underway for a couple of days on the largest population centre in ISIS territory, 473 seems plausible tbqh famalam.
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Great material. Top lelz to that last idiot who runs back to save his wounded comrade or something and gets blown the fuck up himself
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The state department equals resisting imperialism to terrorism


>The state department announced it had placed the lebanese Haytham 'Ali Tabatab' aka "Abu 'Ali Al-Tabataba'i" on the list of "global terrorists".
>This action is quite revealing: the state department reproaches to this officier of Hezbollah to support the Syrian Arab Republic, a member state of the United Nations.
>For good figure, the declaration of the state department also reports that he was seen in Yemen. Based solely on this information, it accuses him of fighting with the Houthi Coalition and with the supporters of the last president Saleh, who controls the majority of the country.
>There is no instance where the state department accuses this officier of any terrorist action. It simply equals resisting united-statian imperialism to terrorism.
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White k*rds XD
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>You're with us or you're with the enemy
t. America
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Yes, well, that has long been the definition of terrorism in the West anyhow. Nothing new here. "If we do horrible stuff, it's ok. If they try to resist us doing it: THEY'RE EVIL and NO GOOD STINKING TERRORISTS!"

You know how it goes... One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. There's no objective assessment here, only subjective.
I can't wait for america to be BTFO. It should happen by 2020 I think.
After the happenning, they'll have to play nice and cooperate with other nations instead of bullying/destroying them.
sounds legit.
I think the objective assesment is committing terror acts: torturing/killing/raping civilians is pretty objective.

Of course, by that standard, many armies like that of israel and the usa are terrorists.
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these guys are literally beasts. so long for civilized k*rds, they are no better then isis.
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Gathered Fastqm | The formation of a central force in northern Syria in preparation for the battle to break the siege of Aleppo

>Turk getting annoyed because his ISIS bros are getting dishonoured and disgraced
ISIS are barbarian animals. Any treatment of them is justified.
I hope we just go with isolationism by that point, to be honest.
Reminder that this are the "Freedom fighters" and the "Democracy lovers" of Syria.

Moments of the shooting by members of Rahman Corps to disperse protesters

I am with this guy

ISIS deserves all of this and even worse for sure.




QT Turkgolian
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Here is a scary thought for you:

What happens when their already crumbling empire falls?

Most of the world's economy is in some way tied to the US economy either through business dealings or their debt ridden currency. Out of every nation in the US spends most money annually on their military, and this figure is larger than the combined budgets of the next 7 top spenders combined. They are also a nuclear power with the most sophisticated and wide spread military intelligence service in history.

What would happen if such a nation, a nation which always had a tool belt full of hammers and a head full of excuses, were to suddenly lose the hegemony that they so aggressively and callously pursued for so long?
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