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Brit/pol/ - Save Scotland from themselves edition

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Thread replies: 304
Thread images: 83

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>Thread theme


>UKIP's Steven Woolfe 'conscious in hospital after altercation'

>Diane James quits as Ukip leader after just 18 days as Nigel Farage rules out a comeback

>Theresa May to attack politicians who sneer at 'patriotic' working class voters concerned about migration

>Westminster 'could slash Scotland’s devolved laws following Brexit'

>Ruth Davidson to tell Tories May has 'helped women at every turn'

>IMF crowns UK world's fastest growing major economy, but hard Brexit fears push pound to 31-year low

>Amber Rudd vows to stop migrants 'taking jobs British people could do' and force companies to reveal number of foreigners they employ
1st for Irish potato famine
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What does Karen smell like?
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2nd for the Ivory Coast
Why's everyone so butthurt over the Irish today?
Like a chippy (farts)
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>Born in 1956, May was the only child of Rev Hubert Brasier and his wife Zaidee. Mrs May attends every Sunday that she possibly can, apart from when she's out of the country or on occasions such as Remembrance Sunday – we all understand about that. Both her and her husband are very good attenders. She attends socials and other events whenever she can. May was last year's "Islamophobe of the year" according to the Islamic Human Rights Commission.

>Never again let left wing activist human rights lawyers harass the bravest of the brave, the men and women of our armed forces.

>Change has got to come too because of the quiet revolution.

>If you believe you’re a citizen of the world, you’re a citizen of nowhere.

>To put the power of government squarely at the service of ordinary working-class people.

Anti-ideology (marxist/libertarian) third way
>Time to reject the ideological templates provided by the socialist Left and the libertarian Right and to embrace a new centre ground.

Anti-political correctness
>They find your patriotism distasteful, your concerns about immigration parochial, your views about crime illiberal, your attachment to your job security inconvenient.

>White working class boys are less likely to go to university than any other group in society.

Names the jew
>Today, too many people in positions of power behave as though they have more in common with international elites than with the people down the road, the people they employ, the people they pass in the street.

Final (Total=correct translation) solution
>That’s what Government’s about: action. It’s about identifying injustices, finding solutions.

Literally Hitler
>Amber Rudd speech likened to Hitler's Mein Kampf: Radio presenter James O’Brien says the Home Secretary’s proposals for firms to declare foreign workers would be ‘enacting chapter two’ of the Nazi leader’s book.

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At first glance, what do you think of me, britpol?
Irish are gay
Irish are very effeminate and left wing
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Why aren't you raiding the #WeAreScotland hashtag lad?
>mfw the only Irish person I knew was at uni and he literally got cucked by his English room mate
You literally look like what I imagine Australians look like in my head.
Scotland are going to cuck themselves to death if they are not careful. Keep them in check England.
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What went right?
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Nice shirt mate. Aussie Aussie Aussie Oy Oy Oy!
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Morning lads.
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You fuck kids
They're basically niggers but less violent
Is that you Damo?
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Body of an early 20's shitposter, face of a recovering alcoholic.

So probably like 90% of /pol/
When will we dump Northern Ireland out of the UK and give it to the Republic of Ireland?

Scotland too to the EU.
They'll both be leaving soon on their own accord.
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Let them.
>pic related
Only when they want to unify Ireland again until that time they are rightful clay.
Nah lets keep the Edinburgh and Aberdeen tax money and just nuke Glasgow from existence
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>recovering alcoholic.
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I'd like to see you try.
Fuck off darren you fucking ciggy butt brain
>letting Scotland leave
>wanting a land border between England and the EU
How about fucking no

How does it make you feel that your """fellow""" Brits don't want you?
Why do you want to keep Scotland? Isn't it worthless?
Scotland doesn't deserve to be saved anymore.

We're going to rebuild Hadrian's Wall and make England pay for it.

Like France is doing right now :^)
Did you read his post?
genuinely can't tell if male or female
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Couldn't care less if posh English cunts don't want the Ulster lads to stand shoulder to shoulder with them.
I'm not sure what you're trying to convey here.
I'm more confused as to why the england, scotland, wales, ireland arrangement isn't used as an example of how open boarders utterly fails to do anything about "nationalism" or ethnic identity; you guys have had free movement for half a millenium and if anything you hate each other more than when you started.
Yes. The solution is simple.


Nice trips.

Why do you want to stay with people that don't want you?

Would you not prefer to be with your fellow Ulstermen in Donegal, Cavan and Monaghan?

ITT brits still salty as fuck from the last thread :^)
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Hmm, I wonder what happens next..

shut up you fucking irish dog
>Would you prefer to be killed by your fellow Ulstermen

Fixed it for you paddy.
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>tfw as a Scot, I feel that we must Reverse devolution, get rid of the barnnet formula, set the scottish parliament on fire with all the MSPs inside, Nicola Sturgeon included.

Fuck off we're not joining the EU

>Would you not prefer to be with your fellow Ulstermen in Donegal, Cavan and Monaghan?

Only if they join the United Kingdom.
Yes it is, Fuck them!
They will be the ones crying when (((refugees))) go on raping sprees. Maybe they can take Sweden's approach and give out bracelets to their woman. It will be fun to watch Scotland fall apart!
The only reason we managed to maintain our identities is due to a baseline hatred of one another. The EU way of open borders is with love and that will eradicate personality.
Let me guess, they'll be told to report every two weeks and then released. They won't be imprisoned. They won't be deported. They won't be sent back to Calais.
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>that filename
>likening eggman to jasper
could probably give that emote a miss at least

This is too funny tbqh. Surely they must be the easiest nationality to wind up?
Ding ding ding, top answer, but also given housing and food.
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Can you stop with these ((divide and conquer)) threads, OP? First it's the Irish and now it's the Scots.

At the end of the day, we're all pretty much brothers

Why would they join the United Kingdom, which is literally 90% posh English that don't want them anyway?

Ulstermen have more self-respect than that :^)
Why? They've just had the opportunity to grab a load of food.
shut up you fucking irish dog
The first sign of invasion of Britain and the home nations band together
I'd give the Americans on Trump general that honour tbqhwyfampai
there's thousands of Irish people culturally enriching Australia as we speak making more dogs Tl;dr your countries getting micked
>B-but Post Englishmen

Yorkshireman here.

Fuck off I bet you're a faggot anyway you weakling Irish cunt.
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>blair might be coming back

>come into a British thread
>shitpost endlessly all afternoon
>lol why so mad brits :^) :^) :-DDDDDD
I fucking wonder

Paddies OUT
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What do bongalongs think of that new show "Naked Attraction" on Channel 4? degenerate or just interesting?
why does it always have to be the ugly ones that fuck kids

as if traumatising them with ur wrinkly micropenis wasn't enough.

I'm not usually for socialism there should be a committee that assigns hot, healthy, young chads (who LIFT) to fuck these kids, to fuck away those horrible traumatic memories so that they don't associate sex with horrible greasy bearded NEETs for the rest of their lives and then become feminists.
Kek. My wish came true. Britain will be cut in half and the american puppet state will not interfere in European matters.
E bah gum blummin eck ah tell thee thas a rite mess lad get thissen sorted out and talk proper

See what I mean? kek >>91857357 >>91857429


You're probably right. Your countrymen are given them a run for their money though tbqphwym80
For some reason it's now our responsibility to ensure they don't die. Which isn't a policy extended to many of our own people, who have to fend for themselves.
>Implying we're the ones who need to learn to talk proper.
>shitpost relentlessly
>get a reaction
>forget that Britain owns part of your island

You want to fucking go m8?
That's ridiculous, frankly.
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If Ireland was good why is there 50-80 million Irish diaspora but only 4.595 million living in Ireland? Really makes the synapses tingle

What % of this is based on you having a small willy?
>Channel 4

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Hahaha you can keep the nordies lad. They're batshit mental and cost you £11bn a year.
There is a good chance that its mostly Americans claiming to be Irish desu

I never will understand British "humour"

Yep. One of those things though, we'll end that, but it'll have to be one thing at a time.

Probably not too soon though, since currently the left is going nuts over our government having the gall to want to put Britons into British jobs ahead of migrants, which is leading to I-shit-you-not comparisons to Nazism being commonplace.
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Yesss goyim. Your steel should be made in China, your cars in Germany, your banking in America, and your chavs should be left to roam the street without anything productive to do so we can import millions of third world labour.
We'd have to rebuild Hadrian's Wall to stop the shitskins invading if the Scots did leave.
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will he ever see the inside of a cell?

It makes me happy that these sorts of people are seriously considering moving to another country
>I would happily leave if a european country offered citizenship because of brexit.

ða dunt no ƿo ðas tōlkin abāt lad. as ða got sumt not rāit in ed?
Socialism replaces the married family with a paternal state, which quickly leads to the decline of the former. Once that goes, you get a Edward Gibbon type scenario pretty quickly.

Lol fuck off abo

>Allowing your land to be occupied by a foreign power

Fucking shameful
Which country?
>spend whole afternoon getting trolled in British thread
Again, one of those things that a measured and logical person would see as the right move. But the left doesn't.
All EU countries have that open to us while we're still in the EU. We can move there and apply for citizenship very easily.
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>wanting to have a steel industry means you must impose full socialism and break up families
If it's on Channel 4 then it's degenerate.
Isn't there a minimum residency period requirement?
Is this narrative that British people wont do jobs so we need people from Africa to do them that left wingers constantly parrot true?
i suppose I'd be mad too if Tyrone was fucking my wife while I was at work and Mohammad was raping my daughter kek
we enjoy culturally enriching people m8 just look at liverpool :^)
>Allowing your land to be occupied by a foreign power

What about London? What about your industry, football teams....sorry, I mean the foreign companies and football teams?
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What do you think of my ID photo, lads?
The truth is that British won't do jobs for the wages being offered, it's a bit like the myth of the tech worker shortage in the US.
Those people are some btfo fuckers
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>All EU countries have that open to us while we're still in the EU. We can move there and apply for citizenship very easily.

Eh, that's not the case. You have the right to move to any other EU Member State by virtue of your EU citizenship but that doesn't entitle you to citizenship of another country. You have to apply for it like any other non-citizen, which could mean a few years of naturalisation (e.g. 5 years in Ireland, 7 or 8 in Germany), a language test among some other potential criteria.
Okay well you seem to be talking about protectionism, which is different to socialism.
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>1) Divide et Impera: Break them to the tiniest groups you can. The right is already broken into groups, but it can be divided more. United they stand divided they fall. This goes for Brit/pol/ too, they are one group: Britfags: No. Don't let that continue. Divide, divide, divide. Eternal anglos and Scotcucks are not the same. Break it into even smaller groups. High tories. Ukip. National socialists. The country the Britfags come from, they are not general Britfags, they come from here and there. Keep pushing that narrative, and to enforce it show trolling between Britfags. If an Eternal anglo trolled a Scotcuck post in Brit/pol/, /pol/, your blogpost your whatever. "Eternal anglos and Scotcucks: A divide - Anglican Eternal anglo trolled Scotcuck Presbyterian - refuse to co exist"
Steven Wewlfe
No. He's going to lead us again

[spoiler] I would unironically vote for him over Corbyn [/spoiler]
British Steel is socialism. The Autobahns is socialism. NASA is socialism.
Sort of. Brits won't take certain jobs if the wages aren't good enough or the working conditions are garbage.
In a properly balanced economy where the supply of and demand for labour is in constant flux, this would not be a problem. Employers would have to raise wages and improve standards to a point acceptable to their workforce and the positions would then be filled. Currently labour supply far outstrips labour demand, so instead of improving wages and conditions employers can simply hire foreign workers who are willing to work for less money in worse conditions.
Yeah, because companies are greedy fucks who lower the wages so much that only immigrants will take them or so they can export them to asia.
Usually at least 5 years unless you have relatives there. But here's the rub - this restriction would be in place regardless of any country saying 'come and join us'. There's talk of a 'fasttrack' service being implemented - I don't buy it at all. It wouldn't be easily enforceable.
>we enjoy culturally enriching people m8 just look at liverpool :^)
Yeah its a shithole that is the anomaly in the stat that gun crime is committed primarily by blacks. I wonder why? What could be the link? Another child got shot in Liverpool again.


not bad actually
This, I work at the M+S factory and msot of the workers are eastern europeans.
Those are public goods (eg the armed forces and police). Most free marketeers are in favour of them.
What part of NASA involves redistributing wealth you mong?
>neet for 9 years
>no motive to watch read or play anything
>literally staring the clock waiting until i can go to sleep

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Bongs, explain this shit now
That's funny, Steve.
Thus why immigrants are beneficial to GDP. You can squeeze every last penny of profit from them because they might be working for fuck all but at least its better than Hungary

This is nonsense by the way.

>The second part of Mrs May's statement was about having wages depressed by immigrant workers, which is a question that Reality Check has looked into before.

>The assertion that immigration has put pressure on wages is supported by a paper from the Bank of England last year.

>It found that the area in which there had been the greatest effect on wages had been for semi-skilled and unskilled workers in the services sector, where a 10 percentage point increase in the proportion of immigrants working in the sector would be associated with a 1.88% reduction in pay.

>A 10 percentage point increase in immigrants working in a sector is a lot.

>The latest labour market figures from the Office for National Statistics estimated that between 1997 and 2016, the proportion of non-UK nationals working in the UK rose from 3.7% to 10.9%, an increase of 7.2 percentage points over 19 years.

>Clearly, not all sectors of the economy and areas of the country are affected equally.

yeah, 75% of my factory is eastern european. 15 % nog and the rest british
Good. Now you are starting to understand what national socialism is.
Which university was this?

I'd much like to pass this onto UKIP.
What do you want from life?
That picture is old as fuck, also it was a secondary school I believe
Thats disgraceful, schools should not be telling people how to vote, they should be teaching people how to think for themselves.
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>Everything that isn't anarcho-capitalism is national socialism
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Should different universities be allowed to charge different fees?
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>everything that isn't anarcho-capitalism is communism
I've already said that most free marketeers, like myself, are in favour of some form of government in order to protect people from fraud, theft and breach of contract (the army, police, etc)
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Kek, what a bunch of cucks.
Everything May is doing seems to be triggering lefties at the moment, it's great!
Are the torries trying to win the actual working working class?
>To put the power of government squarely at the service of ordinary working-class people.

>Kys commie

>British Steel. The Autobahns. NASA.

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fuck em up theresa
Sticking with Eurogamer ...

What a cuck.
>In one day the SNP has:
>Demanded a second EU referendum, instead of the usual Scottish one.
>Banned fracking even though oil is at ~$40 PB, and evidence clearly shows that there's no negative environmental impact.
>Been in the process of setting up support to firms that break the enw list-foreign-workers law.
I've always said i'd prefer a All Native 1984 than a "multicult" paradise
>Wow almost North Korean
Or literally any other country on earth apart from ours apparently.

Do you not think we suffer enough being led by these insufferable multiculti mongs?

Help your brother, don't mock him.
>4 Black girls at work getting more and more forward at work
1 is top tier, but is at Uni and probably not stick with me
1 is thick bordering on fat
1 is super religous
1 is basically fat, black and autistic
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Whenever they post this "satirical" shit it feels like part of them know that deep down they want it too.
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Any other British exporters with skyrocketing income since Brexit vote in here?
what kind of work is this
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Sounds like they're onto some real vote winners there.
>1 is super religious
pick this one
You gotta kick them out yourselves. The Scottish Tory leader seems pretty good despite being a remainer.
shitty retail in shitty London

Nah she's Angolan
>n-n-1984 was about the """""right""""", not the left
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>evidence clearly shows that there's no negative environmental impact.

Good goyim
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Fuck off, if any another country I'd fight for, Ireland could count on this Texan.

>Hates Christendom.
Outside force is literally the only option.

>but listen carefully and you will hear they are no different from Hitler - and that is what is scary!!

this has to be satire.

Inside every wishy washy loony lefty liberal pinko brit is a god-fearing imperialistic eat-your-dinner-in-the-middle-of-the-day conservative just dying to get out.
Redditors trying to be funny is so fucking disgusting
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Be informed, britpol.
fuck off pedro
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This is the first decent thing you've said. We have to break the conditioning.
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DUP for Scotland when.
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you first muhammed
>not wanting the black commonwealth passports back
People do realise that prior to devolution Scotland was the most socially conservative part of the UK? Sodomy was still illegal. Teaching homosex in schools was outlawed well up until 2005. No niggers in sight.
If you actually look at the SNP closely, you will see all it's big players are foreigners, and principally, English gits who moved up here after the Tories won in 2010.
All they need to know is that nothing bad will happen if they come out as right wing. Unfortunately the violent left makes this difficult.
Sour grapes.
>Government bars foreign academics from advising on Brexit

When did everything go so right?
well known fake
I hate Labour so much
Cant believe I voted for them once. But I was young, and foolish..
>implying i'm from england
6 0 P E R C E N T
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Consider it revenge for Blair and Brown
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Everyone knows the heart of SNP support comes from plastic paddies
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brit pol is actually pretty good. I had some good reads and chuckles.

thanks dad

Ha, maybe. Truth is I wouldn't say no to reunification but I definitely wouldn't be devastated to carry on with the status quo either. £11bn doesn't grow on trees like.
Give it time. Soon we will be reunited with our children
What's that from and is that a yankee getting killed?
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You have to look even closer if you want to find out who's really behind it.
>pounds, fluid ounces, feet
The fuck? Those are still pretty widely used, just not in industry, generally.
I think I know who you mean...
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Change flag back
We really should meme a campaign to get rid of the leaf.
>fluid ounces
its a baguette
the webmn is from Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell

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eternal catholic is no meme
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>mfw 2 non descript immigrants just pulled up on my drive
>2 other dirty looking immigrants walked up to their car and handed them a load of cash
>mfw these fuckers just did a deal on my drive
I hate this fucking country. I am so fucking angry right now.
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i wish i could dad.

they were better days.

pls come reclaim us

i don't want to be disowned by weed man.
>Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell
Thanks leafbro . . .looks good.
Did you witness this behind the safety of a twitching curtain?
No, I did pull the curtain back but the fuck am I going to do?
Follow them and rob them
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All according to plan
Would you be angry if they were British?

Scrios amach iad seo!

This is a good Pepe. Mind if I keep, Billy?
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Roaches don't want to join the EU any more.
are they on a public road?
>Turkroaches trying to get the same arrangement as two of the wealthiest European countries

Couldn't make this shit up.
Even the roaches are smart enough to not want to be shackled to that shitshow.
That is actually a superior arrangement to being properly in the EU though.
They're economy is the same size as Spain's in all fairness.
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Kinda wish there were more Native Americans in London...
That's like saying their military is as competent as the French.
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not only that, this foreign labour supply all send a significant proportion of their money out of the UK economy and they rarely support local business
I wish we let dogs in doors again..
The Speaker of the House of Commons will never wear this kind of wig again.
Feels awful, man
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>my drive
>a public road
No they were on my drive mate. A drive like this.
That is actually pretty funny. I recommend getting a fake CCTV camera though or they'll probably do it again.
>WHOLE NATION 'fucked it'
>I only care about MY kids
>we're the selfish ones

you literally can't make this shit up

Since when? IMF has Spain at like 1221 and Turkey at like 722 as of 2015. This doesn't take into account Turkey's Russian tier GDP per capita.

The point being is that even if Switzerland and Norway are small economies, they punch well above their weight in terms of GDP per capita. Turkey is neither a particularly large economy and doesn't even have a decent GDP per cap.
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>don't have to meet political or economic conditions of membership
>still get access to free movement
No, socialism is eliminating private property and wealth
Switzerland and Norway are both in very special positions, I'm not entirely sure how you would make valid and sensible comparisons between those and a nation like Turkey, which isn't sitting on trillions of Nazi and Mob gold and doesn't possess natural resources to the extent that Norway does.
Will the war ever end lads
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Germany needs to start eating more chocolate again.
Have one up, doesn't do shit.

Wasn't even a nice fucking car, little shits.

Exactly. Turkey wants a 'special EU relationship' like Norway and Switzerland and basically brings absolutely fuck all to the table in return.
turkey are already in the customs union, and are unable to make FTA with other countries without the EU say-so

there is free movement of goods
No it's not. It's social/government control of the means of production. Doesn't say anywhere you need to seize all means of production in the entire economy and that you can't just have partial socialism for certain industries or ventures.
Standard arabs then.
They would not consider partial socialism a success by any means.

Those making millions of £££ in the non-socialized industries will still be a target.
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Marxist communism =/= Socialism
I second this.
Did Canada get a referendum on the flag or was it just something the government did?
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>they are not so different to Hitler
This. Is it also possible for people to change it back?
They had a referendum and lots of flags were submitted. A lot wanted the old flag to stay. Some were just minor changes to the old flag. Somehow, I don't know how, we voted for the piece of shit we have now. It was truly Canadian, apparently.
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>tfw just picked up a parcel from an old man down the street
>tfw he kept me for an hour telling me his life story
>widower, lung cancer, has had two heart attacks, carpal tunnel syndrome, navy for 22 years, brewer, woodcarver
>tfw he still has a smile on his face and does exercise at 92

What a guy
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first trigger.png
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Got my first block anons
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>convert2mp3 in the tabs
Lad... The quality from the music there is shite. Just download the original songs from a torrent site.
Well today's socialist are marxists, so....
I blame Quebec and all the catholics we forced to move there. Should have genocided them harder.
I use it for anime osts and documentaries
They are GOAT for running
Wikipedia says that it was an entirely parliamentary issue and that no referendum ws ever held.
You dress like an teenager and your face is red like a tomato
Most anime OSTs are downloadable by torrent or ddl
Inheritance is considered more of an issue than wealth by socialists
you look like a decent guy tbqh
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I rather like this one
>it's the equate-statism-with-socialism meme
Yeah, you're right about no referendum. I forgot exactly how it went down. But I do know people were able to send in their flag design. Sorta like the New Zealand flag thing

I blame Quebec too for birthing the Trudeau family.
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>just woke up an hour ago
>started drinking
>on my 3rd pint
>work rings up
Why does this always happen on days off?
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Because a large supply of workers allows employers to treat their employees badly
How can you drink that much so casually? I think I've had 4 pints total in my life
get a load of this poof
Kinda sucks that they never held a referendum.

Of course modern vexillologists praise Canada's flag for it's design principles.

Still would have liked a nod to the Union Jack on there.
You don't have to go in, though.
burn victim
Lads, is it normal to have big mood swings on a regular basis or am I bipolar or something? One day I feel like I own the world, the next I just want to kill myself.
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Back in the day I used to finish at 10 PM and I`d be kicked out the bar at 10:45, always downed what I could as fast as possible, I make enough.

Pub work, on the brink of busy season with a couple of cripples and an overworked boss.
Never work in a pub lads, the only good part is the staff after work and the customers.
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got a banging post lined up but i'm going to wait for the next thread in order to maximise my (you)s
What did he mean by this comrades?
There's a couple of cunts in here who always post commie shit. Ignore them.
Lots of peolpe do to unwind. I started drinking at house parties when I was 11 and grew out of it for the most part when I was in my early 20s.Most of my mates still drink at least a few glasses of whiskey and shit an evening. I couldn't do it, I drink like 3-4 times a year at best.

Mentally ill.

How do I get Karen's cuncun?
>I started drinking at house parties when I was 11 and grew out of it for the most part when I was in my early 20s

I'm 20 and I've been drunk once, when I was 19. Just not my thing.
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So if Wolfe is stopped from running for leader for bringing the party to disrepute, Wouldn't that make someone like Suzanne Evans or Carswell clear favorites?
I'm 18 and I've never been properly drunk, but I usually have a beer or cider with dinner.

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You`re going to pretend to be Irish?

The only real alternative is being sober, that`s for work.

Woolfie/ Raheem is my ticket, just imagine the left-wing confusion.
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You dont, Karen is not for sexual and is for patriotic head pats ONLY.

Dammit Charles, you can wait like the rest.
It's what happens when you live in villages and have nothing better to do as a teenager other than get fucked at house parties whenever your parents go on business trips, have to go abroad for work, etc.

You're not missing out on much, to be honest.
Can confirm
A retarded acquaintance of mine only kept up the "I'm a democratic socialist" meme for a short while before going full marxist communist.
Trotskyists and Luxemburgists generally like to claim the mantle of Democratic Socialism.
I hate how far lefties try to hijack the centre to try and give themselves more validation
Me too. How long d'you think?

Install a gate.

If they open the gate and do it again, get footage of what happens, making sure the registration is in view, then hand the footage over to the police.
Better than the one they currently have
I want off this ride.

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