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Brit/pol/- Fuck the paddies edition

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Thread replies: 350
Thread images: 81

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>UKIP's Steven Woolfe 'conscious in hospital after altercation'

>Diane James quits as Ukip leader after just 18 days as Nigel Farage rules out a comeback

>Theresa May to attack politicians who sneer at 'patriotic' working class voters concerned about migration

>Westminster 'could slash Scotland’s devolved laws following Brexit'

>Ruth Davidson to tell Tories May has 'helped women at every turn'

>IMF crowns UK world's fastest growing major economy, but hard Brexit fears push pound to 31-year low

>Amber Rudd vows to stop migrants 'taking jobs British people could do' and force companies to reveal number of foreigners they employ
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Rate my OC lads
Reminder that liking your bum tickled during sex is a bit gay
Hi lads.
hookem on sky saying no punches thrown

>Fuck the paddies edition

Definitely not triggered, eh brit/pol/ :^)
breddy gud saved
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>Mike Hookem

Couldn't make this shit up.
Didn't execute enough of them.

This thread is going to be a shitshow though.
Update the content in the OP you lazy fuck
I shagged this bird a few times who liked to stick her finger up my arse during sex

its alright idk, I dont ask for it but if a girls gonna do it I dont complain
Thanks for posting early, back into the filter you go
>Irishmen cannot handle the bants

I guess you're catholic?
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>OP you lazy fuck
Hows about you make the next thread? Ive made the last 2 because every other anon couldn't be arsed leaving Brit/pol/ to nearly 404
I will pay 5p per Raheem Kassam aesthetic meme.
Explain Emily Thornberry still being in the shadow cabinet to me?
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>You're germany's bitch but not even a good looking one, you just get the occasional pity fuck from mama Merkel. .
Why is Iceland's flag so much like the UK flag?
One of the few Labour MPs who isn't openly hostile to Corbyn
Potato nigger

I will give you 100 potatoes to fuck off.
Sàltier thàn càrthàge

Because her farther is smashing.
Because Iceland are top lads
With Diane Abbott also in the shadow cabinet it seems the prerequisite for being in the shadow cabinet is gross incompetence
They BTFO you at soccer
Mad that someone who opposes grammar schools but claims as a mother she has a duty to pay for private education for hers hasn't been strung up by her own party yet, but I guess being in jezza's kliq lets you get away with all sorts.
>Britain will be fastest growing G7 economy this year, says IMF
>4 October

>FTSE 100 / 250 / All Share Hit Record Highs. IMF Backtracks On Brexit
>4 October

>Pound FLASH CRASH but FTSE 100 continues to soar to RECORD HIGH in Brexit business boom
>7 October

Yes but life is not football is it.

Bedsides, we beat them at just about every other sport at the Olympics.
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Well, there's only about 300k of them compared to your 60m.
>"Lets take this outside, mano a mano."

How do you respond?
They blown the fuck out you at soccer.

But yes, yes they did. It's one of my favourite pastimes watching us be shit at football though.
fuck England and fuck white people
I thought it was for brits?
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More little englanders who are definitely not triggered :^)

>Hollande demands tough Brexit negotiations
>French president seeks to avoid contagion and protect principles of single market

>Juncker says EU must be unyielding in Brexit negotiations

>German industry cannot save Britain from hard Brexit, warns Merkel

>Sterling ‘bloodied and bruised beyond belief’ after flash crash

Brit/pol/ safe space getting rekt
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It's time to stop posting, Scipio
They also beat you at Soccer, how many people does the US have again?
>le weak sterling is bad for the economy maymay
How's your holiday, Angela?
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>be scottish soldier
>be stationed in ireland
>they rebel again
>kill every last one of them again
>fuck so many irish widows you create a new ethnicity
>centuries later
>someone complains about british imperialism
>that was england we dindunuffin
>they believe this
>they think we are brothers in the struggle against english tyranny
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Why is reddit so butthurt about Jeremy Corbyn?
Soccer isn't a men's sport here
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Is what he says true?
>German industry cannot save Britain from hard Brexit

German industry cant even save fucking germany

We're not triggered at all. You reminding us how shit Ireland is right now is giving us a little boost in confidence.

No matter how bad things get, we'll never be the 'niggers of Europe'.
I think you should continue doing what you're doing. If you haven't noticed brit/pol/ is basically like r/unitedkingdom. They circlejerk each other and cant stand any dissenting opinion or facts.

Don't worry though when all their gibs get taken away they won't be too happy. If you haven't noticed most of the posters here are uneducated chavs on the dole.
executing them switched public sympathy to their side

it was a retarded decision by your lot
So what's the deal with UKIP lads?

Apparently Hookem fucked Woolfe's shit up because he was thinking of defecting to the Conservatives, therefore putting him on the Carswell/Evans wing of the party. Yet he's /pol/'s boy? I'm not saying he isn't UKIP's best candidate for leader, or that he deserved it, but he doesn't seem to be on the Farage/Nuttall side?

Whilst it goes against my best judgement, I'm probably going to back the Tories again. I'm enjoying May's tactic of claiming to occupy the centre ground whilst sounding increasingly natsoc.
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>mfw i see a britcuck

Must be tough being so effeminate that you can't 11 blokes for a football match.

Why wont he ever run? Hes fucking top tier based
Why is Iceland so cool?
if only that was the reality
>uneducated chavs on the dole

Unlike yourself, a supreme gentleman who votes labour?

It's the inverse of r/uk. Same behaviour, opposite opinions. They seem a lot more sensitive to views incongruent with their own though tbqf, hence the sick amount of (You)s I'm getting ITT.

>Don't worry though when all their gibs get taken away they won't be too happy. If you haven't noticed most of the posters here are uneducated chavs on the dole.

I've noticed!
We were really lenient, but the Irish special snowflake shit kicked in, so we should have just went all out.

All the traitors we didn't execute just ended up going to jail where they became even more entrenched in their believes before being released.
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>Mfw gf was Irish catholic republican studying in Edinburgh.

>Mfw made her convert to presbyterian and shes hardcore loyalist now.
>british men are so small that they can play football without needing armor
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Why does ever LIDL have a moderately fermented piss smell in the bread section?
Sees himself as resembling the Farage era too much. Doesn't realise that literally no UKIP supporters see that as a bad thing.
The only sport you have left is hockey and you're shit at that.
Just replace the Union Jack with the EU.

Tell me Éire. You're the lapdogs of Germany, yet you rely on British Imports, And Germany cares more about us than you.

What exactly is Ireland to do now? You're the Tax haven and call centre of Europe.
why would anyone convert in this day and age?
Brit/pol/ is a free speech, free information zone. There is no set agenda. Only the best arguments and ideas can survive here. And personally I'm privately internationally educated and postgraduate from the number one rated university for my subject in the Times and Complete university guides. Brit/pol/ is the Anglo Saxon elite of the earth.
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We own 20% of your island that's the reality

Americans are so soft that they need armour for Ruggers and no white men play 'American Football' anyway.

You fell far from the tree son. Too much Irish immigration.
>Americans need armour to play Rugby.
I don't think he wants the responsibility and ballache of trying to govern a collections of loosely associated right wingers desu. UKIP doesn't seem to have any unified beliefs beyond leaving the EU
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That wojock should be smiling m8.
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>blowing up a bus
Well done, you're at the same level as these upstanding gentleman.
I vote Tory.

Have you seen an NFL game? The players are twice the size of rugby players.
Armour and a wall of black men.
You sound like a nob, m8

>yet you rely on British Imports

What decade do you think this is? The 1890's?

We trade roughly 1.5 times as much with the EU26 than we do with the UK. You're important, but we don't rely on you anymore.
Hagman wrapped his twelve gnarled digits around the weapon’s furniture and brought the weapon to the aim – the feint odour of lovingly-applied linseed oil on the butt wafting up his nostrils, despite the acrid stench of flaming petrol bombs falling around him. The inverted blade of the SUIT sight immediately fell on the target’s face – a manically-laughing Provo lunatic. Hagman gently squeezed the trigger. The 7.62mm round left the muzzle at hypersonic speed and bored through the sniper’s turnip before the filthy taig had even realised his number was up. His head erupted in an explosion of crimson. ‘Nice one Hagman, I’ll see there’s some baccy and French brandy in it for yer!’


Being twice as fat doesn't count.

This is such low hanging fruit I must assume you are trolling and in a half arsed fashion at that.
It's a pleb sport here lad, not sure what the US equivalent is.

Most football fans are thick chavs who are only in it for the tribalism and drunk fights. There are exceptions but they're often self hating middle class or people who have something to gain from finding common ground with 'normal' fans

You can divide this further by nationality. The English are more interested in domestic football and only watch international to go 'lol look how shit England are again'. The Welsh don't give a shit but will use it as an excuse for a piss up, especially when one of their teams does well. The Scots are somewhere in between, they care about their domestic teams but are more interested in getting pissed than the sport itself. They also enjoy watching England lose.
England is dead, the only thing motivating the corpse is your union, which is even more hollow than the EU.
yeah but most of american football is stopping and starting
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>"oi p-paddy , th-that was too f-far *sniff* "
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>anti-British foreigner trolling British internet space with no arguments or facts
>ignores evidence that completely and irrefutably contradicts his position
>surprised when he gets (You)s
If they took away your potatoes, would you die?

It's a retarded version of rugby league basically.
>Only the best arguments and ideas can survive here

That's not true and you know it.


>I'm privately internationally educated and postgraduate from the number one rated university for my subject in the Times and Complete university guides.

>Brit/pol/ is the Anglo Saxon elite of the earth.

nvm I see you're just memeing now
It's niggers on gear.
You sound like you're mad, untermensch.

Epic troll, bro.
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>relevant to anything

>Biggest export location besides the US is UK
>Biggest Import location is the UK
>UK imports are fucking massive compared to even the US.

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why do bongs hate, or even care about us?
americans are too original
The actual discussion is usually a bit shit, tbqhwyfamalam. It's only worth coming here for dramatic events and late night comfiness
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you have a Khan do attitude Brit/pol/ keep those spirits high despite all that muzzie cock raping your women and children and all those Sharia zones,
You're right, you're not relevant at all.
Because, Ironically enough.

We care about you.

You're used by the EU worse than us.

All memeing aside it's pretty hard to really hate you when I'm from Liverpool. Watching the one in this thread get massively triggered is pretty funny though.
Nah, I just think you sound like a nob. You probably don't have any mates IRL.
So what exactly happened with Woolfe yesterday.

He's gone from being dead to 'it was just handbags at dawn'.
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Can we all admit that the National Living Wage is a silly meme-tier policy?
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How soon lads?
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>That's not true and you know it.
It is actually. We are raided constantly by people from all across the political spectrum. Everyone is free to present their arguments and evidence. We're all rational people perfectly capable of making rational judgments. Only the best arguments survive. Don't get made just because your inauthentic ideology can't survive without censorship, brigading, indoctrination and brainwashing.
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Why make an inferior version of the inferior version?
Their entire identity is based around us. their culture is all about fucking over Ireland, Catholicism, and the whole of Europe.
But If they have any deeper knowledge than that it relies on conspiracy theories and brainwashing from 400 years ago that they are being "oppressed" by us and the Church of Rome despite doing everything possible to ruin us.

It's even more apparent in wretches descended from the Ulster plantation; they don't even have a pre-British identity to fall back on after realising their identity is empty; that's why so many bongs and their Norn Ayrish pets go cuckoo in hatred of all things Irish. They can only define themselves in opposition to us. Even the Scots who've been brainwashed by the Protestant-parliament myths only have Irish-descended Highland practices to fall back on for memory of an organic culture.
Tough love. You made a mistake and you won't admit it.
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> Implying we'd even want them in the Union.
tis better do nothing than fund rebel terrorists in syria
I've got an amazing group of mates, most of whom I've been friends with for over quarter of a century.
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>Don't get made just because your inauthentic ideology can't survive without censorship, brigading, indoctrination and brainwashing

Oh so you know about my ideology? What is it?
>you now realise these Irish posters are asspained because despite the fact that they're about to lose the source of most of their imports, nobody has paid any attention to them whatsoever and instead are concerned with German manufacturing

Must be sad being so irrelevant your biggest trading partner leaving you is completely ignored by the rest of the world
>Can we all admit that the National Living Wage is a silly meme-tier policy?
No, people should receive enough pay from working a full time job to house and feed themselves comfortably. In London it should be £15+p/h
>this is what an irishman calls a good retort

They're the crazy, abusive ex-girlfriend of nations. One moment they're harping on about how shit we are and how they're much better of without us blah blah blah, then the next they're claiming they care about us and shite on about how we never should've left them.

Embarrassing tbqh.
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Well he knew when to hold them, Knew when to throw them,
Knew when to run, But he never he just walked away,
And the fenians started chasing him, There was twenty dozen more,
Michael stopped, Had a wee look, And threw a couple more.

Well he knew when to hold them, Knew when to throw them,
Knew when to run, But he never he just walked away,
And the fenians started chasing him, There was no hedges or alley's,
But it was Michael 3 - Ireland nil, Chucky your ballix.

Says the meme country, who's entire foundation myth revolves around 1916.
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it would be extremely painful
I only know what you said here.
>They circlejerk each other and cant stand any dissenting opinion or facts.
So assumed you had been btfo at some point and were butthurt about it.
Never, fuck them.
I don't believe you.

There's something not quite right about the way you write.
>implying Irish identity isn't totally based on hatred of the english

That goes the same for Welsh or Scottish identity which are just pale imitations of Irish anti-englishness
Well at least it was by a country that we like. Good on them. I'd buy that team a round.
I wasn't talking to you. Speak when you're spoken to , cowardblood.
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Post your Gerry's.
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for them
You couldn't even spell diverse.

You truly are an embarrasment.
No, it goes deeper than that.

Look at >>91853076

He hates us, he really hates us, not just brits. he hates anyone not an inbred Catholic cuck.

One of Britain's greatest heroes is Irish, He is somebody who should be lauded and heralded in Irish Myth, proof that Ireland was there, Ireland was a founder of the great British Empire.

But no, Irish don't know him, the Irish revile him, they have never stepped beyond being petty racist tribalists.

But I remember you, the Grand ol' Duke of Wellington.

leaving the union?
You mean like I listened in English class beyond elementary school level? ...m8
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What a special man.
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1 million dead from the great famine : )
anyone have the islamic state or toothbrush one
I don't know about reddit but most of the UK is butthurt about him because he is unelectable and the leader of the only opposition party now the lib dems and ukip are gone.
It's a meme-tier policy when I applied so universally and in conjunction with a number of poor decisions that've been made in the past *cough* immigration *cough*

Some of the idea behind it is sound.
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Kek, it's the inverse. You stupid potato lovers base your entire 'culture' around hating the english and ayo we wuz starvin n shiet

Welsh aren't usually that anti english. But in any case England > Wales > Ireland > Scotland
Is it wrong that I read this in an indignant high-pitched Irish drogue?
OP why post that image knowing fine well it would derail all discussion about actual BRITISH issues?

And how dare the evil Irish nationalists feel they'd rather rule their own nation, shame on them don't they all know everyone is better off together like in le EU :)

I wish Sein Fein would take their seats in parliament, imagine the banter.
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>born in Ireland
>Church of Ireland

Yeah, no. he's yours.
>we never should've left them
No, we should never have untied you from the kitchen sink.
I would have thought that theyd be all over him
What's this poll that's put Labour ahead of the tories I've seen people banging on about?

More appropriate question is HOW did they make an inferior version.


10/10, I forecast many (You)s.
>irish republicans side with marxists to defy the union
>surprised your country turns into a leftist backwater shithole for the EU to mine money out of

Also why the fuck is this thread still talking about ireland, they're irrelevant as hell to global or even British politics
No, it's more like you're trying to fit into a certain part of British society, and it isn't working. You're an impostor.
Those god damn Pakistanis and their goddamn corner shops

Built a shop on every corner took our British workers’ jobs

He says those goddamn Chinese and their goddamn China shops

I tell him they’re from Vietnam but he doesn’t give a toss

I ask him what was there before that damn Japan man’s shop

He stares at me and dreams a scene of British workers’ jobs

Of full time full employment before the godamn boats all came

Where everybody went to work full time every day

A British Business stood there first he claims before the Irish came

Now British people lost their jobs and bloody Turkish are there to blame

I ask him how he knows that fact he says because it’s true

I ask him how he knows the fact he says he read it in the news

Every time a Somalian comes here they take a job from us

The mathematics one for one, from us to them it just adds up

He bites his cake and sips his brew and says again he knows the spot

The godamn Caribbeans came and now good folk here don’t have jobs

I ask him what was there before the goddamn Persian curtain shop

I show him architecture plans of empty godamn plots of land

I show him the historic maps

A bit of sand, a barren land

There was no goddamn shop before those Pakistanis came and planned man

I am sick of crappy mathematics

Cos I love a bit of sums

I spent three years into economics

And I geek out over calculus

And when I meet these paper claims

That one of every new that came

Takes away one daily wage

I desperately want to scream

“Your maths is stuck in primary”
>Yank education.
What did you expect?
It's a trash policy but with labour market saturation as bad as it is currently it might work okay
Assuming they don't put it up too high before immigration gets cut a fuckload
There's no way of deciphering that beyond projection.
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Just a few irish jokes
There isnt one according to ukpollingreport which is by far the best source.
You mean a part of society that is not a nigger ghetto like yours?
>He can only be Irish of he's named Patrick O'shaunry Mac'Tavish.
>Meanwhile, irish people have red hair, a symbol of the Vikings
>Meanwhile, the Patron saint of Ireland, Saint Patrick, is literally from the same Anglo-Irish group.

There has ALWAYS been an Anglo-Irish subcommunity, almost as long as there has been a Scots-Irish group.

Do you not know the History of Northumbria and Ireland?
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I know it's fucking splendid.
Poor dogger.
>Every time a Somalian comes here they take a job from us
No that's the problem these sub 80 IQ inbred cousin fuckers don't work and pop out 10+ children that the taxpayer has to pay for
who will be next ukip leader ?
What exactly will this achieve?
You sound like an A/S psychology bellend desu m8

You're right, fucking hell.

Ahaha it's one from March done by the mirror, fucking desperate.
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>tfw Ireland is 8 places higher than the UK on the Human Development Index

And we call baseball "rounders" and it's exclusively played by girls. You're football is a bunch of fatties who need a sit down every 60 seconds of play and require full riot gear for a tackle. Go fucking make American great again by voting a retarded clown and get off brit pol.
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Ugh, new colleague is from ireland and has the most annoying accent I've ever heard. I thought I liked irish accents, are there different types? all that shit where d instead of th, so dey talk like dis.
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>literal Irish hero is some shemale who smeared shit all over his cell wall
Woolfe he ahs the sympathy vote after being put in the hospital.
>thread literally a honeypot for butthurt potatoniggers
Pretty sure that was Mossad who did this.
I'm not sure if I trust that since you're sub human.
Why are filthy Irish ""people"" invading our British safe space lads?
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>twice the size

Shut up amerifat, a nfl player wouldnt last 5minutes in a rugby game
Awesome, but would you trace those 0.009 points on the scale for our GDP?

Of course you would you bankrupt potato dreamer.
Nope. I usually just observe. Whenever the European posters come here to present opposite viewpoints of Brexit all the anons here do is scream and shout about being cucks etc.

I personally do not like the EU, but I'm not delusional about the negatives that will come with Brexit and that we won't get everything we want.

When I tried to have a discussion about this and the possibility of having to compromise with the EU all I got was 'WE WILL GET EVERYTHING WE WANT BECAUSE THE BRITISH PEOPLE DEMAND IT AND THERE IS NOTHING THAT CAN BE DONE TO STOP US'

So I don't really understand when you say

>only the best arguments and ideas can survive here

I agree with this guy

Unfortunately not.

Turns out the Irish accent meme was spread by Americans who had Irish ancestry.

I suggest you ostracise him from your work group.
He can only be Irish if he's not the direct descendant of Anglo colonists in Ireland, you gimp. I'm surprised you're not claiming he's British though, fair play.

Good to see another one.

You're trying to hide your background, and you're overcompensating.
If he makes it out.
Slimmer of the year 1981
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I'm right though, aren't I?
And a rugby player wouldn't last 5 minutes in an NFL game.

They're different sports retard, stop trying to compare the players between them.
Lol nvm, just noticed the thread title

We brought this on ourselves lads
Welsh aren't anti-English, Welsh nationalism is a gay as fuck meme peddled by leftist politicians hoping to capitalise on the same sentiment that propelled the SNP into power in Scotland
Unfortunately for them that sentiment doesn't exist in Wales outside of sparsely populated shitholes on the west coast, and even there they only pick up votes because MUH WELSH LANGUAGE not because of any actual policy preference
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that's just a memorial m8'y and pic related is your country today let that sink in :^)
i'm not sure if he's retarded a total genius or secretly pepe incarnate
fucking hell I almost choked on my food ironically
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When will they learn?
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I bet if you asked a random person on the street of Britain if they knew who was in charge of Ireland, they wouldn't be able to tell you.

That's how much nobody gives a tidy girls arse about country?

Lets talk about Zimbabwe instead
Yes, I'm pretty down to earth for a private schoolboy and elite graduate.
Yes unfortunately most of Ireland sounds like that. Ireland is an odd place. Despite being so far from Romania they still managed to develop the exact same culture.
You're probably talking about softball, we have that here too for girls
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Its an ambush
>I bet if you asked a random person on the street of Britain if they knew who was in charge of Ireland, they wouldn't be able to tell you.

Most people dont even know the PMs title let alone how to pronounce it
He'll be fine, what's more concerning is that he really was going to defect until diane james stood down. UKIP would be even more of a joke if they made him leader.

You don't want to believe it because it wrecks your narrative of Britain being Great and Ireland being poor and shit when the truth is we're better off outside of the UK.

See also below.



>8. Ireland
>25. United Kingdom


>8. Ireland
>14. United Kingdom
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Softball is adapted from baseball, rounders is what baseball is actually based upon
There you go again. Who actually calls themselves an "elite graduate"?
Guaranteed replies
>*Sips tea*
>*loses India*
>*creates un-affordable welfare state*
>*smacks lips*
>*mumbles something about the Commonwealth*
>*Bans hate speech*
>*devalues sterling*
>*sips tea*
why are people freaking out about this

it looks like standard diversity is are strength shit

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oh yeah rhodesia, the country you betrayed

stepped on a banana peel
The downfall of the UK will be a victory for humankind.

We can get rid of scotland and ni in one go.
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find a flaw

protip, u can't
a little bit more coke and he'll finish morphing into craig charles
Why are churches so comfy
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Who's /jonathanpie/ here?
Ah, Jarrd Hayne.

Nfl players would last two rucks tops. Plus its gone gay and has stop high impact collisions, even while wearing pads. Poofter unrefined nigger cuck """"sport"""""
random country churches are the best
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Fucking kek.
Not precisely
>Block argues that rounders and early baseball were actually regional variants of each other, and that the game's most direct antecedents are the English games of stoolball and "tut-ball."[3] It has long been believed that cricket also descended from such games, though evidence uncovered in early 2009 suggests that cricket may have been imported to England from Flanders.[4]
>per capita

Why even bother, who has more political clout and importance on the world stage a nation of people with a GDP per cap of £40,000 or a nation of one with a GDP of £45,000.

Your island wouldn't be so lonely had the irish not sold potatoes to England during the potato famine.

You literally cucked yourselves.

> Couldn't even post the gif.

Come on Italy, at least try.

Typical lefty cunt. Not funny at all
I'm claiming he is British.

I'm not a tribalist like you. He fought and won for the British idea.

See, I come from Yorkshire. Our history in britain is one of many ups and downs and we remember it. From the Days of Northumbria to the Days of the Danelaw, We remember our History well.

Ireland does not, Ireland is remembered only through the tinted lens of Unionists and hateful tribalists. The kind who deride the Scots-Gaels despite IRELAND INVADING SCOTLAND FIRST. Or they forget the time of Alliance and friendship with Northumbria. Because they're tribalists.

If they're not born in Ireland, they're not Irish
If they are a Scots-Gael, they're not Irish
If they're an Anglo-Gael, They're not Irish
If they're a protestant, they're not Irish.

So tell me Éire, why? Why are you so Anti-Irish?
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>be Irish
>Europeans bring spic potatoes from south america
>stop growing all other crops and only grow potatoes
>single disease destroys all food
>blame the Brits

Top Kek
Stoolball comes from my county and it is exclusively a womens game so theres that
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Most of the working class voted Leave. And the London elite sure as hell aren't interested in strikes. If they wanted to organise strike action, maybe they should've thought of that before they betrayed the working class.

>One Labour MP told me their local party has pretty much given up on certain areas in the constituency that are considered lost causes for Remain.
>The MP said: “We concentrate on four or so wards, and don’t go into the white working class wards here… there’s no point.”
>We don’t go into the white working class wards here… there’s no point
>We don’t go into the white working class wards here… there’s no point
>We don’t go into the white working class wards here… there’s no point

>*creates un-affordable welfare state*

God I hate Labour.
People who are elite graduates?
>different sports
>different rules
>different tactics

many reasons why neither would last more than 5 minutes.

But you keep pushing this childish "size" argument.
He's not with them anymore.

Plus RT is pretty good, asides from when reporting on Russia.

I've seen this a couple of times before, story?

The lad's from west Dublin, attended a gaelscoil/gaelcholáiste and has literally said fuck the queen yet the culturally challenged nordies are trying to claim him somehow. Bizarre, even by their standards.
You invaded theirs. UK invaded many countries and their population is coming home to settle in ours.

What is the problem?
Well if you want to get technical Ireland invaded Britain first.
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>Live on an island
>Potato famine
>Not go fishing
>Starve to death

>Why even bother

Because it compares the wealth of the UK and Ireland on an even, like-for-like basis? An Irish person is, on average, richer than an English person. I'm sorry that fact triggers you.
Name one city that doesn't have an Irish bar.
Why are there a lot of italian flags on brit/pol/ all of a sudden?
>An Irish person is, on average, richer than an English person.

A false perception of what GDP means.
What the hell is an irish bar? Is it like those irish pubs in america that are just irish themed english pubs?
I thought it was just a /heem/ meme and banter like how Andy Murray is English.
chelsea fan

greatest moment of my life.
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Also, if the world's a free for all, then why is colonialism wrong?
If you want to present statistics in a way that makes you feel important go ahead.

>Ireland has Red hair specifically from being Viking raped so hard.
full on damage control crumpet nigger :^)
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It's a place for people who consider themselves Irish to go and drink and keep the community together.

Literally "non assimilation" the bar.
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Irish bars/pubs are everywhere.

Usually off the high street in/near deprived areas. They were prime fundraising centres for the IRA during the troubles.

I was the sole Patrick in, and shitposted the life out of, the previous thread. Whoever started this thread was salty about that, titled this one the fuck the paddies edition - which in turn got the attention of the other Patricks on /pol/.

Thus I would like to claim full responsibility for these acts of shitposting terrorism I've carried out on brit/pol/ :^)
Well times change. The Japs thought baseball was an honorable warriors sport when we taught them about it, and they're still crazy for it
Reminder that Irish '''culture''' is an American invention started by drunk criminals in Boston and perpetuated by Polish and German Americans in an attempt to fit in
No excuse. UK invaded so it should expect immigration.

Bars are not exclusively Irish. That's like me saying "Name one city that doesn't have a Fish and Chips."
Wellesley is an Irish name cucklord.
>unironically likes chelscum
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I thought it was Ivory Coast.
Irish bars are everywhere in every major city on earth. They're the most cancerous colonialists of them all.
it is.
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agreed. there's such a cosy little one I live near
How Irish do you need to be to be considered Irish?

I'm awaiting my AncestryDNA results?
Obviously 60% is more Irish than English but if it's like 20-30% can I still claim Irish heritage and wave an Irish flag?

Not that I want to.
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They want attention. We're stupid enough to give them it.
Hang on - did you go to a good school, but not quite Oxbridge? After all, Oxbridge grads don't usually feel the need to describe themselves as "elite graduates", the name speaks for itself. People who went to other places often have a kind of inferiority complex and try to inflate their school's reputation.
I love it. Saved it so hard that my hard drive snapped in two.
>it should expect immigration
Why? If invasion was bad then, what makes it good now? If invasion is not bad, then why don't we just reinstitute the Empire and let's see who wins that game.
1. Take a pub

2. Plaster italian flags around it

3. Now its an irish bar

Ah, so it's only bants. That's ok then.


That's not how the genetics work. Gingerism occurs at high lattitudes with little sunlight.

If you're looking for the descendants of Viking rapes, look at Iceland. The original Viking colony was made up of Viking men and kidnapped Irish women.
>Born in Ireland
>No Anglo blood
>No Scot blood
>No nordic blood

That's the requirements I think
Simple, colonialism is genocide of cultures and people.
fucking lel
Don't forget to play diddly diddly music constantly in the background.
>did you go to a good school, but not quite Oxbridge
I know this feel.
Delet your post posthaste
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I love ginger guys, mmmmmmmm boy, I am a faggot yes ofc but I love me a ginger.
I feel sorry for Nige, obviously Brexit was the big one for him, but all of his hard work on UKIP bringing them to the level where they could kick on and become a real threat to labour has been undone.

You have to be able to trace your family back to when they were drinking Guinness on Pangaea.
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I created this thread not because I was triggered by you but to trigger you and all the other paddies on /pol/ and it worked. Stay pleb
There is no fish and chips in Beijing. There are numerous irish bars though.

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This thread is cancer, that goes for everyone involved, so don't worry I know this post is ultimately worthless.

I like British ppl, they have a history of scientific inquiry, art and industriousness. Me being able to like them is possible because I don't hold any resentment toward ppl who live today for the actions of their ancestors in the past, regardless of who they are. A person and ppl should be judged by their actions and current ethos - not the transgressions of their genetic forbears who existed well before they were even alive. Times can change.

I'm a nationalist who opposes all unessesary super-national political unions, this includes the union that existed between the Islands of Ireland and Britain. The people living in the north, whether they are nationalists or unionists, have a right to live their, because: they are not responsible for having been born there - the important thing is that they live free and peaceful lives, which, largely speaking, is what both sides there have today. The ultimate outcome in the north, and the possiblity for re-unification of the island has been agreed upon and laid out in the Good Friday agreement. It can only happen through referenda, when all stake holders can agree and population demographics and opinion shifts over time.

The Brits were right to pull out of the EU, I'm happy for them and hope that doing so goes well, and that they show an alternative way outside of the bloated EU is possible.

Who the fuck is Jean Claude Junker or Angela Murkle for that matter, and why the fuck do I have to here about the Belgian cunt and Germ on my 6 o clock news. The EU is an unelected shit show that advocates a neo-liberal agenda at every opportunity.

There should be cooperation and clear deliniation of sovereign jurisdiction between nation states - not an ever increasing trajectory towards political integration, globalism, crony capitalism, mass migration and despair.

Tiocaidh ar La.
Sure, but the fact that Ireland has a huge Nordic genetic history shows the contrary to the "Pure" Irish idea.

Hell, Historically, you even had small Enclaves of Jutes and Angles that sailed beyond England.
So no one is Irish?
>cant control a fucking bog full of potato niggers
The slanty eyed, short people who marry cartoon characters? Yeah it probably seemed masculine to them.
But mass immigration is the same as colonialism in that regard.
The UK started it. Can it not finish it? Secondly, what Empire? America, China and Russia among many other countries would destroy us.
I am expecting about 99% Anglo blood and 1% Irish. I know there's at least one Irish ancestor but it's mainly English, as far as I know.
I only know my mothers side though.
I#m just wondering in case my dads side shows some anomalies.
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> Watching wind that shakes the barley
> It's about some poor survivors of the Somme who get given jobs in the Black and Tans to try and keep the peace
> One of the first scenes they're conducting a standard search warrant when one of the locals starts babbling in Ebonics
> Sounds pretty threatening so I'm not surprised when things heat up and there are gun shots
> Rest of the film our poor lads are demonised

It was pretty upsetting guys
My school was rated higher than oxbridge for my subject in all the league tables. That's why I went there. ;^)
Finally a sane Irishman, and not a >muh potato gdp edgelord

Aka the "Durham complex"
>but to trigger you and all the other paddies on /pol/ and it worked
That must explain all of the REEEEEE'ing when the Paddies arrived? what a gutless little anglo
Finally, a Sensible Irishman.

What's the most popular Ale in Ireland anyway?

Is it Tetley's or John smiths?

Being Irish is more of a state of mind than genetics tbqh. If you live here, are part of the culture, contribute to our society, share our values and generally "get" other Irish people, you'll be considered Irish. If you grew up here from a young enough age you'll likely tick the above boxes.

Good shorthand I use is accent, i.e. if you have an Irish accent (which is pretty much impossible to convincingly imitate), you're Irish as far as I'm concerned.

Also you have to want to be Irish. Even if you tick all the above boxes, were born here to Irish parents or whatever else, if you don't consider yourself Irish for whatever reason, you're not.
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Why are you complaining then? Are you a glass cannon? Can you not take what you give?
A-Are you a weeb?
Also, you're gonna have to invite me because I cant work out hgow to add contacts through War Thunder
Its just banter lad
Smithwicks for sure

I don't know wtf the ""Pure" Irish idea" is and I'm not sure that even a substantial minority of Irish people subscribe to that view of Irishness.

can you stop posting

nobody cares about ireland, irish people, or being irish

you're just annoying.
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Well, according to most paddyanons, It IS about blood.
>just finished the bloodiest war in history
>liberal government
>war weary population
>american pressure
>trying to get people to shut up until they can sort this shit out
>there is a lot more important shit going on at the moment
>ira keep killing postmen
>thye keep doing it
>if you don't stop and sign this treaty we're going to kick you're fucking teeth in
>leave ireland
>it burst into civil war because of the treaty you made them sign
>ira invade northern ireland
>churchill tells them to go away
There's nothing feminine about baseball, though I personally prefer lacrosse
That's probably a mistake, there's more to it than league tables. If you can get in to oxbridge you generally should, there's only a couple exceptions.
This, can someone make a picture of the dilemma meme with:

>You should be held accountable for the actions of their ancestors, despite not being there

>You cannot have pride for your countrymens achievements because you were not there
At least we can agree its Londonderry : )

> Succesfully control it for nearly a millennia
> Get distracted with the greatest war in the history of humanity
> Get cheapshotted
> Use less than 1% of military capabilities to burn their capital to the ground
> Years later more cheap shots
> Kinda war weary due to millions dead in the Somme
> Fuck it

You know the truth anon

Yank detected

Fucking kek
breddy gud
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>Can it not finish it?
Why should we? You yourself are saying that invasion and colonialism is a bad thing. Besides, by definition none of us were involved in that. WE stayed in Britain. None of my ancestors were involved in colonialism, and I know who they were going back long before Virginia was declared the first overseas territory.

The Turks had an empire. They attacked Europe for centuries and enslaved millions of Europeans. They occupied Greece, the Balkans and Eastern Europe for hundreds of years. Why don't they have mass immigration of whites?

>Secondly, what Empire? America, China and Russia among many other countries would destroy us.
You don't need an Empire to colonise anymore. You can just get on a boat.

Yeah m8 but tbf this is /pol/. What kind of attitudes do you expect? Those of a Nordic social democracy?

In real life you'll be hard pressed to find people who say that Éamon de Valera, Phil Lynnot, Paul McGrath, Robert Boyle, Theobald Wolfe Tone, James Connolly etc weren't Irish because of their blood.
Seriously paddies what is it you have against posties?
where the fuck is the new cunting thread?
Most ppl drink Barry's tea, in the cities all the newfag hipsters drink Starbucks so they can Instagram Stacy.
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They're not even pretending the EU isn't a superstate anymore.
I was speaking to a yank.


You'd be surprised how close the top few universities are, I've seen Poly's overtake Russell group Uni's on individual subjects before.
Don't point their flaws out to them, it makes it ahrder to spot imposters.

Delete your comment.
They got annoyed about seeing

ROYAL MAIL on their letters from their norn iron relatives

>get roped into some shitty paramilitary force to police Ireland
>try to do your job but get demonised
>getting ambushed all over the place
>wish you were at the Somme getting blown up
>all these shitty songs about "coming out"
Then why is the title about the Irish? Is brit /pol/ a safe space? Can you not take differentiating opinions?

>Britons are EU citizens

No we aren't.


No one cares.


Again, doesn't exist.
>watching any movie set in ireland
>not expecting paddy propaganda
Perceptions and contacts was more my point.
Yep. Didn't know it had a name, thanks for that.
I'm not saying you. I'm saying the UK was involved. They did not stay in Britain, they invaded genocided. Why are you complaining when immigration comes to the UK?

If you don't need an Empire, why do people here want it back? If you say a boat, are you leaving the UK?
Jesus lads, the new thread is salty af.

12 replies so far and 6 are hurr durr the Irish r gay

Hilarious. Good triggering comrades.
I speak for a lot of Americans when I say, please make Mommy and Daddy love eachother again.
>nobody cares about ireland, irish people, or being irish
>thread title
you sound triggered m8 have you not had your daily dose of muzzie semen yet:^)
This is Brit/pol/
Fuck off were full
In most careers nobody really cares where exactly you went once you have a few years of experience under your belt.
Full of shit, yes.
this guys up there with some of the biggest faggots at the guardian
>Why are you complaining when immigration comes to the UK?
Because it's shit and we hate it. It's destroying our nation and culture. Bad for the economy and lowers the quality of life for everyone. As well as the same reasons that third worlders hated colonialism, even though we were a superior race and culture and actually benefited their countries developmentally. It's perfectly natural survival instinct.

>I'm not saying you. I'm saying the UK was involved. They did not stay in Britain, they invaded genocided.
How comes you can identify us as a nation when it suits your agenda, but not when you want to claim we're a nation of immigrants or anything actually to do with our national interests. Either we are all individuals, in which case I and my ancestors were never involved in colonialism and are therefore not responsible for what you are pretending are the consequences of it. Or we are a nation with collective responsibility, in which case we should unite and drive the invader out before they destroy us.

Again, if immigration is a result of empire, why don't Turkey have mass immigration of whites? They had an empire. They genocided the hellenistic people of the Levant. They attacked Europe for centuries and enslaved millions of Europeans. They occupied Greece, the Balkans and Eastern Europe for hundreds of years. Your explanation for immigration CAN'T be true, otherwise we would see it in Turkey or any other country that had an empire. So what is the real reason?
You're full of shit.
>colonialism is bad, but you have to like it anyway
>colonialism was wrong, except for when it happens in white countries
>there is no such thing as the British nation so have no right to fight for your national interests, but you all have collective responsibility for the Empire
Your ideology is based on contradictions. RUBBISH.
Colonialism was shit too but I don't see people here complaining about it. In terms of culture, tell me what British culture is? Genociding people is not helping them. Immigration brings benefits and culture as well and is benefiting Britain through the NHS and other crucial services.

In terms of not being responsible for colonialism, neither are the immigrants. They just want a better life so most will come here. Turkey is a crap country and the 'coup' as they call it was an undemocratic way to reinforce power and get rid of people not wanted. Why would people want to travel to Turkey? it has nothing.

There is no collective responsibility as the 'United' Kingdom is not united and is completely divided.
Full of shit. We don't want immigration and we're going to stop it. There's nothing good about it and nothing to justify it.
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