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Syria General /sg/ - Putin the peacemaker Edition

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 303
Thread images: 93

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Everything you need to know


>Newest Interviews with Assad

>Live hohol with ticker
>Interactive military map
>Syria conflict map

>Daily /sg/ map Oct-5
>Aleppo Oct-6
> East Ghouta Sep-29
> North Hama Sep.29
>North Hama September 28
>Latakia Sep.11
>Qunaitra Sep.10

>Fan maps

Developments Oct-6
>Assad vows to retake Aleppo and rest of country
>S-300, S-400 air defenses in place: Russian MoD warns US-led coalition not to strike Syrian army
>U.N. to make first aid delivery in months to Syrian refugees on Jordan border
>Syrian Army advances in southwest Deir Ezzor
>ISIS suicide bombing kills 23 people near Syrian border-town
>Saudi Crown Prince meets with Syrian Government in Moscow
>Russian Air Force considers indefinite deployment in Syria
>Syrian Army on the verge of encircling the Islamist rebels at key East Ghouta town
>As many as 44 Afghan troops go missing while in USA for military training visits

>Thread Theme

Last thread: >>91737698
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“To your descendants I give this land, from the river of Egypt to the great river, the Euphrates…”
(Genesis 15:18)
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>Feature videos
What's REALLY Happening in Syria (by SyrianGirlPartisan) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t6BRVQDEO7k
Neutral report on "War Crimes" in Syria: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yc-RmAVK8Pg
Virginia senator on Aleppo: https://youtu.be/VfyDgDTu0Go
American senator tell the other side of the story: https://youtu.be/0FNtEWfay_8
White helmets truth: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8aAaReVn2I4
NGO’s and hybrid warfare: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ro1byfe5vUM
Syria ambassador in USA: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U3LTTbOYVfU
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nth for #OpenBordersForIsrael
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What is this sorcery?
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You have escaped capital punishment, Romanian, but these transgressions against thread format are unacceptable! Allahu Akbar!
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behead those who insult Assad!
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Holy shit you guys are beyond delusional.
And I was thinking to move dev's on top! hehe, thing is the OP is too big to fit all the featured clips :(

bookmark us!
Jewish sorcery

doesn't say for how long

ww3 soon; it's about to be volcanic nigga, don't get too comfy
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Here is the T-38 in T-50-5 colors.

Funnily enough, neither the F-18 aggressor scheme nor this aggressor scheme is used by the VKS in reality. The Russian birds that originally flew with that scheme were UAC test birds.
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so many infidels
so much beheading to do
Shia magic
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Wich one of you guys did that?
So? Probably few ruskies from Brighton beach put it there.
bud do you have any good highres MiG-25 pics. I love that plane but I cant find anything nice, man
Did you notice the Syrian flag in the background ?
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gochu senpai
So it's the OP picture...
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Seconding this
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no, but I have a lot of F-15s if it's any consolation
>The massive banner featured the Russian leader in a suit and tie against the backdrop of the country’s flag along with the word “peacemaker” emblazoned at the bottom.

Funny that they don't mention the Syrian flag though. That is the Syrian flag underneath the Russian one, no?
>A platoon of Afghan troops go missing while in USA for military training
Don't like the sound of that, did they get earmarked for a black-op or have they mutinied?
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Nobel peace prize for Putin when?
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yeah, there's a Syrian one at the bottom
enjoy not being able to draw circles
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there you go

yeahh :)
it served it's function well. circles or no.
>The blast occurred near Qamishli airport, no casualties confirmed.

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Unlikely any of the MiG-25, but I posted one of the MiG-31(BSM) in my high res thread.


Also take a look at these links. I use this site a lot:


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I found this the other day.
Its a radar still of Hurricane Matthew.

Looks like the embodiment of Kek.
Hoping it helps memers everywhere.
is it all brown cause it will be shit?
and actually, how the fuck did egypt get to be part of greater israel. weren't you guys enslaved there?
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damn! That looks intriguing

That's the wrath of Ali punishing the enemies of the Lion, m8.
thats very nice work anon.
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Can't take credit for it
repost from other annon

>US Army Chief threatens Russia

>Russia tells the US to stay out of Syria and not consider bombing

>More Russian naval forces being moved to the Syrian Coast, including their aircraft carrier
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Payback's a bitch.
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Cyka Blyat is that a Borei class sub, Sergei? giggles... Cykaa!!

Need to spread this on Arab forums kek
>promotes diplomatic dialogue with anyone who is willing to do so
>plays a key role in improving US-Iran relationship
>stops Al-Qaeda and ISIS from spreading in Syria
>saves Crimea, rightful Russian soil, from Washington-sponsored Ukrainian bloodshed

Putin is a messenger of peace and prosperity.
The US and Russia need to get along. You faggots better not ruin the world over a dick measuring contest.
Russia warns US against striking Syrian Army: ‘S-300, S-400 air defenses in place’

>Russia currently has S-400 and S-300 air-defense systems deployed to protect its troops stationed at the Tartus naval supply base and the Khmeimim airbase.

According to the Russian Defense Ministry, any airstrike or missile hitting targets in territory controlled by the Syrian government would put Russian personnel in danger.

The defense official said that members of the Russian Reconciliation Center in Syria are working “on the ground” delivering aid and communicating with a large number of communities in Syria.

>“Therefore, any missile or air strikes on the territory controlled by the Syrian government will create a clear threat to Russian servicemen.”

>He also noted that Syria itself has S-200 as well as BUK systems, and their technical capabilities have been updated over the past year.

Hey just wanted to tell you I appreciate your constant stream of news and articles romania-bro.

You always post relevant stuff and never drag yourself into the roach/rebel shitposting that goes on here.

Russia requested an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council to discuss the withdrawal of gunmen from Aleppo

Vallahi, Vladimir Putin, dog of eastern rome, is a tyrant. And like tyrants before him, he will face judgement in this life and the next. And what a disgraceful destination.
>FSA fighters ready for fierce clashes with Daish in Dabiq, al-Bab


Always do. And IRL too.
Gude wie geht's... .
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One of them says "Let's go have a drink
in the end
Hi Aaron
>Aleppo will eventually fall, but Syrian war will go on

It may take weeks or months, but Aleppo is likely to fall to Syrian government forces backed by Russian air power and the most lethal bombardment in nearly six years of war.

Capturing the strategically important city, an economic and trading centre which is key to controlling Syria's northwest, would be an important military triumph for President Bashar al-Assad and his Russian and Iranian allies.

It would be a crippling setback for the Western-backed Syrian rebels who, without quick reinforcements from their foreign backers, look set to be bombed out of their stronghold.

But the fall of Aleppo will not mean an end to the war, military and political analysts say.

Instead it is likely to give way to a long-term Sunni guerrilla insurgency in which the remaining moderate rebel groups, backed by the West and the West's regional allies, are driven into the arms of militant jihadis.

In a war with so many global and regional actors backing local clients, Assad will survive as leader of a shrunken, broken and fragmented country enduring the world's worst refugee crisis since World War Two.


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>mfw as we shitpost RIGHT NOW based Erdogan is setting up a muslim brotherhood government in Jarabulus, and the currency is turkish lira

>mfw anti MB saudi proxy shits (jhabat fateh) are getting btfo

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Thank you anon!

Wishing a comfy day ahead!

As for me its almost 1 AM.

Good night /sg/
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>the remaining moderate rebel groups, backed by the West and the West's regional allies, are driven into the arms of militant jihadis.

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Good night friend
While not an official combat scheme. It is still very pretty.
Sweet dreams my child. Stay comfy
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>Breaking : Heavy clashes Between Ahrar al-Sham and Jund al-Aqsa in Khan Shaykhun , Jund al-Aqsa controle some headquarters for Ahrar al-Sham





Also check my captcha, plebs.
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fugg forgot id :DDDDDDDDd
The should capture as much of Aleppo as they can before the US elections wrap up, whatever it's outcome.
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Is the Armata really best tank?
really? so what like a treblinka holiday spa
we keep hearing this jund al-aqsa vs ahrar thing, but have they all been true or is somebody memeing this into the news?

also, nice captcha
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>muh armata

I like Southfront but they do lay it on a bit thick
It is an entire generation above anything else, so duh. Just like the F-22 didn't have an equal, the T-14 is without equal too.
>Khan Shaykhun

close to the Hama battles if true..interesting
The Armata seems huge, how does it look in comparison to the Abraham?
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No, like Auschwitz I Stammlager.
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Wow lads, if Russia manage to make a deal to evacuate the moderate beheaders from Aleppo just like it happened in Daraya, Putin really would become a peacemaker and all the CNN shills would be on suicide watch.
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Around the same I think, maybe a little longer.

The T-90 is a baby tank.
no its true. last time after clashed they posted photos of casualties.
this time they accused each other of working with isis.
T-14 is a new generational leap in MBT tank design.

Not having the crew in the turret vastly increases protection and lowers weight. As the crew is now concentrated in one area in the hull. Meaning less surface area needs to be armoured. It also means the turret can be made smaller as it only needs to fit the gun and ammo handling equipment. Again less surface area to armour and saving weight.

Weight saving is a huge boon. A 60 tonne tank is a lot harder to move around logistically speaking than a 50 tonne tank. Not just due to parts wear and fuel consumption. But even simple things like which bridges and roads to use.
whatever happened to that polish tank? did they ever make it?
More the promised nuclear wasteland, in 50 years that is
Is Armata really "causing concern" or is this southfront memeing? How would the new Armata compare with the Altay tank the roaches are memeing about?
More like*

Fugg :DDD
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You can find a lot of them in this thread. Btw this forum is a gold mine for that kind of things but unfortunately for you its in Serbian


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Good to know

No idea
Yeah it's like a T-34 compared to an IS-2
Thank you anon for the one with Senator Richard Black
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I don't think it's as much of a big deal as Southfront makes out.
Kek. I had to look up stammlager.
It is though. There isn't a single tank in the world that counter it as of today and there won't be for the next several years and NATO is acutely aware of this.
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nice typo
Interviewer mentioned that Twitter propaganda girl lmao

After that the interview is pretty decent with only a few cringe moments

Anyway better interview than NBC or AP.. but not quite as chill as a few nicer interviews
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But how many can they afford to build?

In the grand scheme of things a few slightly more advanced tanks aren't going to completely turn the tables on NATO. If I were the Russians I'd be more concerned with countering western airpower, the budget is tight and that's far more important.
>counter it

Does not having a same generation counter-tank really make that much difference when considering the big picture? Wiki says Russia plans to acquire 2300 of them between 2015 and 2020.

So basically what this guy >>91778007 is saying

"civilian population, he forgot the word for evil head choppers"

so much this - he's literally the opposite of the US and our bullshit policymakers

washington is corrupted thru and thru and they can all eat shit
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So putin is like a villan fromm an 007 movie and the usa are the good guys in it?
But how?
The VKS has been rearming at a quick pace itself and the proliferation of Russian IADS also counters the West's air advantage. So all of that is being done at the same time.
2020 is also optimistic for over 2.3k T-14s. But you have to consider that the US has around some 5k Abrams and they are by far the most advanced out of all of NATO. Having T-14s spearhead anything followed closely by upgraded T-90s and T-72s can have devastating effects nevertheless. Especially under the Russian IADS umbrella which is first class as well.
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This isn't new.

I know a guy who used to fly an F-5 dressed up as a MiG, playing the role of an enemy squadron. I still have a T-shirt with the unit insignia on it somewhere.
The PL-01? It is a demonstrator. Showing what could be done. Poland isn't too keen to buy it though. Since they got enough T-72s lying around for use.

It also needs to be said the PL-01 is really just the BAE CV-90-120 with a bodykit on it with some tarted up electronics. It's basically a tank gun on an IFV chassis. A good expeditionary tank to fight wars against T-55s and other old crap. But not a main battle tank or something to take against a modern Russian army. Which is likely why the Polish government has been cold about adopting it.
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I see, thanks. I don't see an actual ground war as a likely scenario even if some sort of conflict does erupt between Russia and the U.S., but I know jack shit about such things anyway
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Syria More than 5 years of devastating civil War still looks more beautiful and peaceful than Paris
It is well known in the West that the T-90 and especially the latest variants are immune to current western tank ammo across the frontal arc. As such there were already moves to upgrade. Hence the 130mm gun Rheinmettall revealed this year. Though that is a private venture in the hopes of retaining business.
I have been told by sources that the US has dusted off it's old 90s project of a 140mm gun to create a baseline for a new gun that is to be developed.

The T-14 is likely to have even better protection than the T-90 and it's gun is more powerful too. As such, Western armies are scared. As they have spent the entire time ignoring tank development and allowed the Russians not just to catch up but overtake. Britain for example lost it's tank building capability because of this.

This shit is being taken super seriously.
Nor do I see a conventional war between Russia and the US happening without going nuclear. But neither side wants to be caught with its pants down regardless.
>Oriental game of thrones soundtrack over Syrian landscape

Truly, we live in interesting times
We have a #syriageneral at /pol/ discord


There is a lot of interest talking about syria at /pol/ discord. Feel free to come improve the #SyriaGeneral at /pol/ discord.
Russia has stated time and again that the US is mistaken in thinking that any conflict between them would not go nuclear.
Russia is firm in using nuclear weapons as DETERRENCE.
Discord and telegram are traps.
Get in them if you want to be doxxed.
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Flurry of russian activity on the Gulf of Finland. They've flown planes to and from Kaliningrad all day long for at least a day now. Everything from cargo planes to fighters and bombers. Violated Finnish airspace twice already too during this. What's da hurry rysskies?

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>White helmets
Don't laugh: French MSM tells us they have their fair chance for winning the nobel price of peace
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for the saa and ndf videos they even often use battlefield soundtrack. Not fan made really from the "media" department of this groups
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>Yusha Yuseef @MIG29_
>#Breaking repot ,
>Jund al-Aqsa full controle of Khan Shaykhun in IDliB CS. After heavy clashes with Ahrar al-Sham

>Taaake beeeeer
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The U.S. wants to go nuclear. The U.S. has developed anti-ICBM technology and will trigger global nuclear war so that everyone expends their nukes. U.S. desires to be the sole nuclear armed super power and to establish a global Caliphate based in the U.S.

U.S. Presidents have been practicing Taqiya for over a hundred years.
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Yeah I even once saw this PKK video showing an assault on turkish troops in the mountain, it had the World of Warcraft soundtrack in it, I think it was the Stormwind soundtrack.

So basically the cold war was never over, it just dramatically slowed down while the U.S. waited for Russia to catch its breath?

what exactly is the point of discord?
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While I was listening to Assads latest interview....

I put this together to help fellow anons to identify the moderate rebels. I think we have been lazy, I think there are many moderate rebels in Syria. We have just been looking in the wrong places. I took this picture of a moderate rebel in back yard this afternoon. And until I listened to the interview I was unable to identify it.

I urge you all, to please reconsider this lazy circle jerk approach we have been taking.

Moderate rebels do exist. Assad said so himself!
You still think too kindly of the US still. The US has actively tried to destroy Russia from within for years now. Who do you think started the Chechen wars?
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>Ahrar al-Sham sends troops to fight Jound Al-Aqss in Khan Shaykhun
Thanks. I knew someone would know. Why google I asked myself when I could just ask the board. kek.

Thanks again. You are like a fountain of knowledge.
discord is just another platform for /pol/acks to connect with other /pol/acks and have discussion.

thank god we got reuters telling us about syria, otherwise noone here would have a clue.

pls post the full text next time so i dont need to follow the link for memorizing what reuters figured out.
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But we got this place.
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ending the cold war would put a damper in the military industrial complex that our nation has been enslaved by
Both are great avenues for discussion, no doubt.
Really makes you think
For what purpose???


I think russia may actually have, for a time, believed that the cold war was over. It's possible that the rest of Nato too thought that it was over.
But I don't think, on reflection that the usa ever did.

Currently, the world is in deeper debt than it has ever been. $159trillion or something. Debt is everywhere, USA china europe.

Growth is difficult, not just because of debt, but also because resources are being exploited everywhere. Africa and Russia are two places where there is huge room for growth. Africa is a cancer tho, it has enough diseases to turn your peter green, break your machines and use all of your money in return for a beautiful view. And thats before the natives start breaking your stuff.

But russia. Russia has lots of shit. An invaded conquered Russia offers growth and opportunity.

I'm not sure if I am chasing the wrong cat up the tree here, but I suspect something like a nice war with russia is what some think is needed to get some growth, a brighter future and hope again.

I think we are closer to ugly fuckin times than we have been since the cuban missile crisis. And we were saved then by 1 dude - some ruskie who read between the lines and de-escalated.

Hope he or someone like him is still around.
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Aggressor training. See here: >>91769493

I'm out guys. Here is a Syrian Buk complex with what appears to be a new 9M317 missile on the TEL.
It just seems strange that the U.S. boasted of the post-soviet unipolar world order so much but never quite stopped viewing Russia as a threat. The cold war is often taught to as if it is some strange, alien era a lifetime away.
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"moderate rebels" in Aleppo

ever since leafcanastans day, I have avoided other forums.

Once there was some guy offering to hire people from /sg to run some shitty board he was setting up. No one went.

I tend to agree with the sentiment that the other boards are for doxxing and other crap.

Personally, I wouldn't touch them. I only come here.

Why dilute good strong cough syrup. We got all the codeine right here.
Readying units in Kaliningrad.

Also lets be fair. Traversing the Gulf of Finland and not violating anyone's airspace or waters is an amazing feat. I have seen navigation maps of the area.

Dutch media is shilling hard for them too.

The missile shield is not yet ready. But by the time it is ready Russia's new generation of heavy ICBMs that can take a south pole route are in service and thus the shield is negated.

Now is basically the moment Russia is at it's weakest and every year they get stronger. So I can see why the US wants to strike now while the iron is hot. Except it will fuck over literally EVERYONE on the planet. All because the US wants to be the boss.

Cold War was put on hold. US moved towards covert actions to try and topple Russia. Shit like funding and training Chechen rebels.First thing Putin fixed by the way, thus starting the anti-Putin shilling in the West.
But military development shifted towards generational leap tech. Like stealth fighters. Except that shit was never as good as desired and very expensive so the army never bought it. See Future Combat Systems as an example.

But that anti-missile shield was in the works the entire time. That is why the US unilaterally pulled out of the anti-ballistic missile treaty back in 2001, thinking they were close to getting it into service (they werent). And that effectively restarted the Cold War. Nobody just noticed it.

Kind of. The Military Industrial Complex certainly is a big contributor to the US economy and political lobbying. But you forget that you can only build and hold an empire through military might. Even without the Cold War the US would still be spending the way they have been. Because they need to in order to retain their empire.

Problem now is. China is catching up to the US economy. And Russia while not as rich, is just as capable in many areas.
good night
What remains to be seen is whether the T-14 will perform in combat. Until new equipment is used its hard to know whether the hype is real. A lot of the USN's futuristic new ships turned out to be utter garbage. So far the T-14 looks promising.
>Newest Interviews with Assad
European interviewers are always much nicer than american interviews.
And thereupon We let loose upon them a storm wind raging through days of misfortune, so as to give them a taste of disgracing torment in this present worldly life, but their suffering in the life to come will be far more humiliating, and they will have none to succor them. - 41:16
Yeah, same. Not taking a chance, especially when it comes to serious things such as wars, terrorism, rebels etc.
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Kurdish vandalism in ancient Assyrian site is now restored.

Russia has nowhere near enough SAMs to compete with the US and NATO in an all-out conflict. The disparity between the two air forces is monumental. Improved tanks are more likely to benefit them in their limited interventions and regional conflicts, which is just fine because a war with NATO is highly unlikely.

china already surpassed the us economy if compared with purchasing power parity
>Once there was some guy offering to hire people from /sg to run some shitty board he was setting up. No one went.
I remember that guy, everyone told him to fuck off.

I'm on /sg/ telegram, but after all the doxxing, I'm considering dropping it.
I cant see either side going all out against each other. It will just be proxy wars to keep the mid east perminantly fucked
Wait, do people suspect foul-play in Leaf's death? I slowed down in coming in here around Feb/March, so might have missed out on the gossip.
You seem to have a fair handle of things.
Lets speculate an escalation and a nuclear exchange at some point in the future.

What are the likely targets?

Population centres? Launch sites?

Do you think anyone is thinking creatively - maybe yosemite caldera or la palma ( for the tidal wave)
Wasnt meant to quote him
Not so much conquest of Russian lands as subjugation of the Russian state.

The US wanted Russia to be a subservient puppet state that would do whatever the US demanded of it. This is why there wasn't any articles about how evil Boris Yeltsin was, because the man was a US puppet. Who implemented US economic reforms that outright killed the economy and saw a lot of Americans get very wealthy.
But Russia still was large and had the potential for recovery. So the idea was to cause Russia to balkanize. Get Checnhya and Dagestan to declare independence. Those are just two we know about.

Look at a map of Russian republics and you can see regions of interest for the US to break away.
Pretty much every one of them that is on a border.

And you actually do see this come back. Those regions happened to be some with the most active foreign NGO presence. Until Putin wisely banned foreign NGOs from operating in Russia.
I think Colorado is right though, since what matters is how many missiles you have and not how many SAMs you have by themselves compared to the NATO planes. Modern SAMs are also data linked they can act as one unified system hence integrated air defense system.
I looked at telegram. I was less than impressed. I had the ignorant misconception that it was somehow secure, then I read the docs.
For something like /sg, I'd be happier using a chinese or a russian hosted thing - while they undoubtedly do data collection too, I cannot fathom how some slanty eyed gook is ever going to affect me. I do a bit of twitter as deepycover, but even that is best left alone as much as possible.
Just one system comprising up to 8 divisions (battalions) can control up to 72 launchers, with a maximum of 384 missiles.
To be fair. The USN hasn't managed a project decently since a long time ago. That's like looking at a retard make a model and expecting everyone else to make models just as bad.

Thing is though, the T-14 is built on proven tech. The only new tech is positioning the crew out of the turret and into the hull.
If it were an American tank they would be using some new special experimental engine. And new experimental suspension. And new experimental gun. And new experimental autoloader. And new experimental LIDAR sensors or some shit.

But I hear you.
Agreed, my friend. It's beyond "telltale signs" at this stage


All the doxes have been due to direct posting of info (unless I missed something). We have no l33t hackers operating in our midst yet. But I guess one can never be too cautious
It's not about having enough to kill all of NATO in the first day. It's about having enough to deal enough damage on the first day that any thought of attack will seem suicidal. And that is what Russia has.
Especially when backed up with their "If NATO attacks we nuke" policy.
No creative thought. Maximum damage to military, industry, infrastructure and population centers. It's about making it so costly on the enemy that they would not dare go nuclear.

aren't they doing a huge drill right now? that's probably part of it
Personally, I think he just retired. He was working really hard keeping the board up. I did that for about a month. Working, making sure there was a live thread, working, sleeping, checking the thread.
It was hard work.
Some guys tried to spin a yarn, but the evidence was iffy. They found some random report of a head on collision of some canadian guy going to a braai at the same time leaf said he was going to one.

I think he retired, because at round about the same time I discussed the fact that the only way to escape sg as a namefag was just to disappear. A week later he did. A month or so later I did too. But I never went back to 24/7 updates.

I don't think there was any sg related foul play
you can't compare the 2 forces like that.

Russian military is a defensive one, no real force of projection.

US military has a pretty decent force of projection, but need his marine for that. That's a weakness.

Also the fact that Russia will not tolerate to have the next war against them on their land (thanks to Hitler). Do not expect USA to avoid being bombed as Russian will do that almost immediately. They won't go nuclear if the can avoid it, but they will attack all the support infrastructure.
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Is there a last version of the pastebin that is still up, or was the pastebin contents ever transferred to the wordpress?

In the past it always made me glad that no matter how the conflict ended we would have a vast documentation of it in the form of /sg/
we lost the password to our twitter account. I tweeted that we had lost it to an 'unknown government agency'. Within an hour or 2 some dutchanon pitched up, having hacked it back, and handed it over to Minnesota or Colarado.

It wasn't leet hacking he just jimmied the 'i lost my password' process. But who knows who walks in here.

We keep getting these troll guys who come in all angry and demanding, or offering negs ( "you look great today - aren’t those shoes from last season - oh well no one will notice" - and then being nice and making recommendations) and other subtle and not so subtle manipulative techniques, then suddenly they offer endorsements and hints. They are either psychopaths or well trained manipulators.

Keep your wits about u.
Russian military is offensive focused. Because offense works and defense does not. But you are right that they have no power projection capability beyond their bordering nations.
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Explosion in Istanbul near police station
I blame K*rds

How is the situation in Aleppo?
Massive gains

Sport center and water plant liberated.
I have a legacy postbin that I keep promising to add to wordpress.

I therefore promise to do some work this weekend. It may be possible from the pastebin to find the others.

i will post a copy in my next message below
Someone on leddit has done God's work and collected links to 117 videos mainly from 2011 that documents nature of Syrian uprising.

EVERYONE without exception will watch it now

Nature of conflict in Syria has change since, but you CAN NOT explain this HUGE amount of protesters at the beginning only as Zionist/CIA/Saudi plot.

link to list of videos with chronological order:
(OP please link it to every future thread for awareness)


2011-3-20: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tNGKy0LrDak (Daraa, "Freedom freedom, after today there's no fear")
2011-3-23: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TtrJzMwDfqU (Daraa, security forces arresting people randomly in a well-known policy to deter other protestors)
2011-3-25: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XglyiYc8o7c (Daraa)
2011-3-25: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ywviRWqZE7U (Hama)
2011-3-25: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ht2lmddMvMk (Homs)
2011-3-25: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pYJfaEjqMfc (Homs)
2011-3-29: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cup-v-3phrQ (Latakia, evacuating dead and injured people)
2011-4-1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g7oJTf6bjbY (Banyas)
2011-4-1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AaxqSux2HWY (Latakia, "peaceful peaceful, freedom freedom", side note: I was in this video)
2011-4-3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JPhuG8Ena3c (Latakia, shooting and killing one protestor)
2011-4-6: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vk1GO6DXJI0 (Daraa)
2011-4-7: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JK3I29IV3KM (Daraa)
2011-4-8: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eD70YIvDjKg (Homs)
2011-4-8: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ip_thcMIqMI (Homs, "Maher you coward, take your soldiers to Golan")
2011-4-8: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BoysE3-ksXo (Latakia)
2011-4-8: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KPVa_XTPKWc (Latakia)
2011-4-8: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_7CQRNCVems (Latakia)

aye,aye sir!
RUSSIA has already started deploying S-500's which can even repel hypersonic missiles and low orbit satellites.

In a nuclear warfare, I think Russia has the upper hand
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>We keep getting these troll guys who come in all angry and demanding, or offering negs ( "you look great today - aren’t those shoes from last season - oh well no one will notice" - and then being nice and making recommendations) and other subtle and not so subtle manipulative techniques, then suddenly they offer endorsements and hints. They are either psychopaths or well trained manipulators.

honestly I've noticed this too, and a lot of namefags here have been giving their info quite liberally to such questions

alright, I'm off, good night

Awesome stuff, thanks SAbro

I will check one of my other drives this weekend - and ofcource there are always the archived /sg threads we can check for the pastebin links

maybe thats something to do.
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You know, shelling here and there, assad personally dropping barrel bombs, ruskies targeting hospitals 6 times in a row, shia militias mass murdering people, moderate terrorists crying for help, the usual.
On the other hand, I believe Russia has the capacity to destroy most if not all carriers of US marine fleet. So long for the capacity of projection.

And after that, Russia has its own unsinkable aircraft carrier: its own land mass (12 time zone from east to west)... I think no matter how powerful a coalition of countries could be, it's not possible to take Russia, because it's fucking too big.
Perfect! I wanted something like this since a long time ago. Time to dig in and see how much different is this than the propaganda.
#Yemen: Yemeni missile strike against the terrified enemies

Its quite funny
If this was a business related forum, I would never have shared this info. I would have kept it for me, for some upper hand, or for trade.
But we all /sg.
I don't even feel weird just handing stuff out that no one else has.
Thats the transformative nature of the comfy thread...

Good night all. Sleep well.

Does the audio cut out for the last third or is that my shit fucking up

Works good for me
no nvm
It actually cut
Yemen is a poor country being bombarded by it's rich neighbour. Get your stuff right.
some of it may leave you cold in the sense that it gives a not necessarily pro-assad view.

There wre all sorts of incidents. One video I remember had the crew of a bmp lured into a trap of garbage or something, which the people then set alight and burned the crew in the vehicle.

Assads dudes did some righteous fucking of their own collective arses in the early days trying to crush this thing.

In a sense, isis saved assad by behaving worse than his troops
Some people were against Assad ,doesnt mean they were up for war and violent overthrow of government and especially not for jihadists and relious zealots leading the fight against government.

Syria people had better options then Assad before the way maybe ,but not Assad is best what Syria has.
feel strong senpai, with your 9000+ coalition ?
> better options
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>“Most hospitals are unmarked rebel field facilities. Keeping civilians as a human shield is a well-known terrorist tactic,” Ambassador Yakovenko said.
Russians don't give a shit anymore.
Yes, I meant propaganda from both sides. I've read many articles but they are either MUH ASSAD IS EVIL or Assad dindu nuffing. I've never seen a list of videos without cherrypicked scenes to justify their views.
You're going down.
I know, plebbit, but it exposes the SNHR in a nice way.
>moving hospitals
>underground hospitals
>naval hospitals
>underwater hospitals
>space hospitals

In two months we are going to see reports of "Teleporting Hospitals being destroyed by barrel bombs from the fifth dimension" and people will believe it
> reddit
pls define circle jerking
And to think I should be asleep already....Well tomorrow is friday, easy day

I agree, completely. I think there was some miscalculation on the part of those who sent isis in hoping to use them to finish off assad. The early protests were like an argument between married couples, divorce was not necessarily the outcome either party wanted. When big macho isis ( or is it sexy seductive isis ) arrived, I think they thought the whole we is muslims together doing the prophets work message did not sit well with the well educated syrians. They saw through it. Once the atrocities and the burqas starting making an appearance on the scene most people rejected them as an alternative. Most syrians chose assad.
I am not anti assad. Quite the opposite. My countries ambassador visits there every now an again.

What I am pointing out is that the video collection points to the early days - the days when the marriage between assad and his people was locked in argument and discord.

There were some real heated issues. But as has been pointed out by Belgianon the argument did not mean that the people wanted isis or rebellion or whatever.

I'm just pointing out it was not a bed of roses. I think at some point assad got the message, and wound up sending his cousin or other close relative to prison for some incident (may have been a hit and run accident - don't remember). In the past the cousin would simply have gotten off.

Assad is a better leader for syria as a result of the invasion, he is more valued, and he is more valuable to the people, because he needs the support of the people. And he has it now, and he nurtures it, which means his evil cousin is in prison for instance as opposed to being free.

Again the videos in the collection may focus on some of these incidents when the argument was heated.
Everytime you gay south africans think we on the same page. We're not. You SJW's think you hold the intellectual argument; because muh power and democracy. You have no morals, and you only have power, bitch. Don't pretend to be 'moral' because of 'muh democracy power', cunt.
>Jund Al-Aqsa has committed many excesses in the eyes of the people. A faction that withdrew from Jaish Al-Fateh and didn't participate in the decisive battles of Aleppo and Latakia is in no place to talk down on those who have given thousands of martyrs all over this country.
Anyone know why Jund al aqsa didn't participate in the battle of aleppo? Was it because they knew it was a lost cause?
it looks more like harambe

some of those sources are unreliable
ok. thanks for the advice senpai. I will meditate on your wise words.
Thank you too for helping me understand that south africa is powerful in the world. kek.

as for morality - well of course there is no such thing.
You know what the difference is between ethics and morals are. Ethics are the rules men agree between each other - like lawyers. Lawyers have ethics.

Morals on the other hand imply the word of god.
Morals are by definition immutable and singular. Except they not. You would not want to live by my morals, And I sure as fuck don't think I want anything to do with yours. You know why that is?

Do you?

There is no god.

So there are no morals, there is no morality. By virtue of definition. Go figure.
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>Syrians living in East Aleppo ask why Hezbollah were not asked by De Mistura to leave in his speech today.
I guess because only terrorists were asked to leave :^)
no doubt. no doubt about it at all.
It was not offered as a tome of truth, but as a souvenir of what we had going in pastebin. iT's just a collection.
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>normies believe this
Not a single militant hit by Russia. Only innocent civilians.
good luck with re-inventing the wheel.

there is such a thing as morality and ethics.

you guys are the problem; don't act it out, just contemplate it.
The white helmets methodology counts everyone who is a rebel as a civilians. Their reasoning is that its civilians who have taken up arms.

It's a complete cop out, but it makes for an easy sell about the scale of civilian casualties - it does not matter to orgs like sohr that the civs were driving an mbt alongside 90 others when they were killed or injured - they are all civs in their eyes. Thus it is likely that even mercs, foreigners and isis fighters may be counted as civilians. Figures are accurate, the methodology is fucked up.
reinventing what wheel. heres your you.
there is no god, so there can be no such thing as morality.
if morality is personal, then it is not the word of god.

I think your faggot tier arse just got fucked. init.

deal with it bitch.

You sound angry. A day trip to Holland might ease your stress.
im glad ottomans genocided you fucking dog, if only they also genocided druze and alawite
> white helmets methodology

should be "syrian observatory for human rights methodology" or whatever they call the organisation that that dude runs from his flat in the uk

anyway. its 4 in the morn. Good night for real this time.
Who is this guy? Is he a general? What is his equivalent in US army terms?
Good night Deep.

>Figures are accurate, the methodology is fucked up.
Yes I guess thats the thing, the problem is normies believe it because all western media outlets report it as the absolute truth.
1) (you), the ultimate self idintitying goal
2) the wheels of thousands of years of people being in exactly the same position you are now
3) god, whatever
4) morality is not an individual concept, I'm a psychopath myself
5) init what ? 0, 9 ???
6) my god, I aù a bitch

srsly, who am I to decide Assad should or should not go ???
Our Dutch guy actually bought the domain and so that he could create a new password since they had lost access somehow

Anyone remember the Israeli journalist that spied on us?
His article about us is still up on
go reynders
fuck him, he's living in angela's twitter echo chamber.
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See you tomorrow /sg/, have a bump for a lovely war.

Coincidentally, before seeing this thread I was researching about the use of chemical weapons in the Syria Civil War.

I'm an occasional lurker here on /sg/ and don't know about the Syrian war in depth, but always wan't to know more about it.

What you guys think? Did the rebels carried out most of the chemical attacks ,like the ones back in 2013, and the US/ONU helped to cover it up? I'm not really pro-assad, but I can't see any reason for assad to to this.
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There's no doubt that originally it was a genuine effort to replace the Assad government with something more representative. It was infiltrated by the forces you mentioned though, but nonetheless it was genuine and very widespread.

The problem is, it turned violent. And the longer the conflict has dragged on, the less of these people who were protesting are around. In a brutal civil war only the headchoppers triumph. Most of these protestors have GTFO'd from the country already as refugees and whatnot.

Now it's pretty much just the extremists funded by CIA/Saudis/Qataris etc who are paid to fight or super radical that have stayed. Assad has already regained almost all of the densely populated areas in the country but still these so called "rebel factions" have kept up the fight instead of looking for a political solution - because they're paid to do so. It's become blatantly obvious that for these foreign players the uprising was just a ruse to oust the Russia/Iran/Hezbollah friendly Assad in the first place. Now they still won't give up the mission even though nearly half a million syrians have already died because of it. Pure evil
>We have no l33t hackers operating in our midst yet.
Tell that to CIA, NSA, NRO, Mossad, MIT, CIS, SVB, not to mention private (Soros, Rothschild) corporate (RDS) and political (Clinton/Dems) funded/minded blackhat operatives, DARPA, CENTCOMM, random flunkies from the axis of the gulf oil states (You think Baghdad Bob doing cointelpro here is all they are willing to put forth to the forum war effort?), the Iranians, various "independent" actors with their own motivations, the list is daunting. The war in syria is a touchy subject, and one that most of the powerful players, at least on the western/globalist side would rather either no one paid any serious attention to or to at least buy up the bullshit narrative that they are spinning all of the time in the unlitateral media. If dusty attenborough, the oh so unfortunate syrian boy from a leppo plastered all over it didn't make it clear how much the media is the ministry of truth come to life, I don't know what will to you.
The point is, don't underestimate how involved everyone has become in an innocent little dedicated thread on a mongolian basket weaving newsgroup filled with bad goys who refuse to toe the line and pay lip service to the narrative, andd what any of those forces will stoop to.
I really shouldn't have to be plainly specifying such things, as they should be pretty fucking apparent by now, but alas.
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Good to see another paisa interested in the war
you post this in every thread
like kys my man
Got anything better to do?
Probably the rebels did it all the times. Chemical attacks always happen after Assad win a battle and against innocent civilians. I mean, if the SAA was going to use them at least they would do it during the battle and against the militants. Also al Nusra captured the only chlorine plant like 4 years ago.
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>More than 3 chances to escape Allepo
>Leaflets flooding streets telling civilians to get the fuck out
>The people that remain are most likely families/supporters of the rebels who are willing to make there own children human shields, hostages or orphans who simply don't know what to do and no-one is telling them

Just fucking finish it Pootpoot/Assad. They had there chance. Overrun it and try to save what you can.
While what you say is mostly true. Some people are trapped there because rebels tell them that if they leave they will execute their families. Many of the doctors remaining there are under such threats.
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Thoughts on this?
pretty much this. the Rebels will not let them leave. same thing happened in Fallujah not too long ago
It was one of the causes. But not the only one and probably a minor one.

I did say some of them are most likely hostages.
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>you CAN NOT explain this HUGE amount of protesters at the beginning
BLM gets HUGE amount of "protesters" too still, admittedly there were far more useful idiots who went along with it in the beginning too. Before people start to realize they're being manipulated, they often fall hard and deep into the traps that are laid out for them, but nowadays they are realizing more that it is paid astroturfed zergs of transplanted attention whoring agent provocateurs.
But that is how these things are done, the people responsible are the ones who have done color revolutions on the back of economic hardships coupled with devious high level acts as mechanisms for regime change for centuries, the red "revolution"s in russia and china, the french uprising, the ousting of the shah, the arab revolt of the ottoman empire, most everything that they tout in the history books they tout because it is their work.

Obviously my thoughts on that, as a good little blueblooded american who watches the television, trusts the media and the government and their intentions, are: Assad must go.
Fuck with me, niggers.
Missed that piece. I guess I'll go to sleep. Good night /sg/
I'm guessing this has something to do with the fact that Big Bad Vlad's birthday is October 7th.

He turns 64.
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you think potentially replacing Russia as energy supplier to Europe and cutting one of their main income sources weakening them financially,politically and militarily is a minor reason?
its part of the main reason, Russia and china are rising, America will do everything it can to remain the one superpower and with the dollar backed by oil/gas sales(petrodollar) the control of sales of oil and gas are definitely Americas biggest interest its what finances them
>most critical parts of the war
>hardly any posts and threads sometimes die at 200
>airstrikes have hit the last remaining bakery in Aleppo, putting it out of service.
where is the humanity?
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>Yemeni missile strike

That's the promo vid of [Houthi-backed] Yemeni Missile Forces (as shown at emblem below). Also, the emblem above reads "And prepare against them whatever you are able of power"
Correct, but like Kingdom of France during final years of Louis 16 reign, its a near bankrupt nation that also store lots of gunpowder.
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Watch here
Situation in New Yemen

>Houthi forces advancing more sites in Damt district, Dhale governorate

Note that unlike southern KSA front, Houthis use tanks this time to fight pro-Saudi forces in Yemeni soil

>Houthis clash with Hadi/South Resistance forces in Kirsh, Lahj governorate, destroying 6 vehicles

>Yemeni Army & Houthis captured Saudi's National Guard vehicles abandoned at outpost overlooking Najran city

>Clashes with Saudi troops in eastern Al-Rabuah town, Asir (south KSA)

You got a list of youtube users that post Syrian war videos? Users from both side of the conflict is appreciated.

Don't they realize how fucking stupid and unrealistic this chart is?
I pray to Allah that you burn in Gehenna you Ahla Al Sunna heretics. Wallahi you will share the same end as your dog master muavia ibn abi Sufiyan inshallah
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Mashallah, great post.
he looks and sounds mexican
I saw Assad at bakery in Aleppo last week. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.
He said, “Oh, do you like barrelbombs?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “wut?”, but he kept cutting me off and going “road signs? blue devil? bread?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him using his smartphone. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with GPS device in his hands.
When I left the bakery I was blown to the ground by the explosion. I turned my head around and the bakery was gone.
Heard Assad in the back of alley singing: "God. Syria. Bashar".
vallahi we will strike you with more than two, o yapan
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you are not the only juan here
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>Zionist shill thinks we are so stupid as to not know about (((color revolutions)))
>Not a single militant hit by Russia. Only innocent civilians.

Don't you know that Putin himself created a new type of barrel bomb that only damages civilians while leaving enemy combatants unharmed? It also does +5 damage against children.

really makes you think huh
namefags and turks killed this general.

War is basically over anyway, once Alepoo is taken the rebels will have nothing of value. The purpose of the war was to create a Sunnistan state, without that everything was for nothing.
Who's winning the battle in Aleppo right now?
it's far from over.

Things are getting hot now with international tensions rising all around.
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It far, far from over.

With the shit flinging going on between super powers, we are just witnessing the beginning of the world war 3.

I am sure /SG/ will become /ww3g/ soon.
>Who's winning the battle in Aleppo right now?

The Syrian Government has encircled the Islamist Rebels in Aleppo and is slowly starving and killing them. One rebel leader by the name of al-Gari al-Jonsoniyya was captured and is apparently asking for directions.

>With the shit flinging going on between super powers, we are just witnessing the beginning of the world war 3.

I have heard people in /pol/ say that for years, but the happening has never happened. Russia and USA are bluffing, they just want an excuse to make more expensive and useless weapon systems.

Do you think a piece of trash like the F-35 would be used in the War of Terror? Even if that shit could fly it would only be useful in a war against Russia, and so they need to pretend that war could happen.

It's just a big fucking cirkus.
islam is feminism

Today's Crosstalk on RT will be about White Helmets. I usually don't watch it since Peter Lavelle is cringy as fuck but this one will be interesting.
Mиpaж, Cepпyхoв и Зeлeный дoл yesterday went to mediterrtian sea
Just go on RT.com and watch the live stream of the program, but I don't know when it is on.
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Info 21.jpg
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Here's a map I saved.

No one cares about PPP. But they're gaining on us in terms of what does matter even though they're slowing down somewhat.
We will bomb yellowstone
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How much did you bet?
Of those, how many were filmed in Qatar, just like for Libya?
Fund it.
We cant((
Steal shekels from the jews to fund it.
Declare national shekels4yellowstone bombs emergency.
Major general.
Sounds like the name of a post-folk punk band.
Hassan Ridha @sayed_ridha 20min

SAA have captured Talet al-Sheikh Sa'eed near the highway junction in south Aleppo city
Hassan Ridha @sayed_ridha 11min

Electric station & Mosque in Sheikh Sa'eed have reportedly been captured by SAA amid intense assault on Sheikh Sa'eed, Aleppo
Have any news about tigers? Yestarday they started attack in north east
Need videos
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путин эйс.jpg
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The moderate beheaders will begin fighting among each other soon if their territory keeps getting smaller in Aleppo. People will star escaping Eastern Aleppo en masse.
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Death of Navalny would be a nice gift.
lol who is it?
Alexey Navalny. Guy who orchestrated 2011 protests against Vlad.
He is empty
One of our major tv channel "France" 2 broadcast a long format during their news.

>how could we accept so much lies

Based France news.
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They are all lying jewish mouth.

There is not even one media outlet that produces unbiased news my French bro?



Warp storm incoming!
Dude stop samefagging this hard, looks like you have been tripping balls tonight or where drunk as fuck.
Pls ignore this posters posts.
Anna news is interesting, thats only one i follow, the rest i get from this general.
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