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/sg/ Syria General - Greater Israel SOON Edition

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 309
Thread images: 105

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Everything you need to know

>Newest Interviews w/ Assad

>Live hohol with ticker
>Interactive military map
>Timeline map of Syria

>Fan maps

>Daily /sg/ map – Oct 2
>West Ghouta 18 September
>Shirqat September 24
>East Ghouta September 27
>North Hama September 28
>Aleppo city September 29
Developments Oct 5
>US-backed rebels defect to al-Qaeda branch in Syria
>Russia deploys two more warships to Syria’s coast
>Russia deploys S-300 missile system to Syria
>Syrian Army fends off jihadi attack in northern Hama
>Assad: Syria’s future will change world political map
>Syrian Army makes new push in southwest Deir Ezzor
>Reports ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi has been poisoned
>Jihadist offensive in the West Ghouta fails to reverse the Syrian Army’s gains
>Israeli aircraft attack Hamas in Gaza after rocket hits Israeli town
>US blocks UNSC statement on Russian Embassy shelling in Damascus
>US-led airstrikes kill at least 20 anti-ISIS fighters in Iraq
>Pentagon paid PR firm $540 million to make fake terrorist videos
>Russian Army to hold drills in Africa for first time

>SouthFront 6.10

Previous: >>91708491
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Should goyim have political rights? I say that the answer is a resounding NO and this is why:

>goyim are inherently inferior genetically, physically, mentally, and intellectually
>goyim naturally prefer to be ruled by Judaic faiths like Islam and Christianity
>goyim do not know what is best for them
>goyim cannot see the big picture
>goyim are frankly very easy to corral into where we see fit, and are easily molded by simple mind control tricks through the media

Non-Jews shouldn't even be allowed to vote. The ultinate redpill is that all your problems would go away if you simply surrender your rights to Israel and trust that we have always been destined to establish the perfect global society.

If you weren't so intent on stopping us, there wouldn't be a "white genocide." Let us fulfill our ancient destiny and your people will be able to survive. Brown, mongrelized people are easier to control, but a conscious effort on the part of the whites would signal to us that you can have a place in our world.
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first for cancer title
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1st downed US aircraft when ?
October 7
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>it's an "op is complete shit" episode
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nth for #OpenBordersforIsrael
So what happened to Turkeys Operation Euphrates Shield? Did tuks get BTFO?
You can do it, Lion of Damascus!

Remove wahabi scum
>muh greater israel

why do they keep giving land back then if nobody can take it back by force?
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The real question is why is that sometimes the "file is too long" to fit in the OP and sometimes not. I've seen it happen to a few OPs recently.

>le genetic superiority maymay

where have I heard this before?

the lady doth protest too much
Its progress stalled greatly because FSA are woefully incompetent retards.
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We displace all the Kurds and Arabs to make way for turkic people
'Liberated' Aleppo when?
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> post your face when Yeshua (Jesus) actually shows up in the final battle of Aleppo.
sup /sg/

haven't checked in in a while, last time I was here the government was getting its shit pushed in and the siege of Aleppo was broken, but I heard they're making big gains now

anyone care to catch me up?
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>me on the left
Okay, I give up; but I'm keeping my foreskin. Deal?
This Aleppo situation has really exacerbated the divide on the left on the issue of Assad and Syria.
>You're being ridiculous goy
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I would be very spooked
>Russian MoD warns US-led coalition against airstrikes targeting Syrian Army


Shit is going to hit the fan
>Jews are physically superior
Fucking lawl
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would be so ebin - i cannot wait for the day

Revelation 19:11-16
11 And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war.

12 His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns; and he had a name written, that no man knew, but he himself.

13 And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God.

14 And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean.

15 And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God.

16 And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, King Of Kings, And Lord Of Lords.
read the pastebin mr get
i hope this greater israel shill gets stabbed by kaffirs one of the days
"The crews on duty will hardly have the time to calculate the missiles’ flight path or try to find out their nationality. As for the laymen’s illusions about the existence of ‘invisible planes’ they may confront a disappointing reality,"

Konashenkov recalled that Russia’s bases in Hmeymim and Tartus were protected by S-400 and S-300 air defense systems, "whose range of operation may prove a surprise to any unidentified flying object."
It's all true. Lenin spoke of this when the bolshekikes smashed the Romanov dynasty.
>A thorough-going internationalist, Lenin viewed ethnic or cultural loyalties with contempt. He had little regard for his own countrymen. "An intelligent Russian," he once remarked, "is almost always a Jew or someone with Jewish blood in his veins."
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Key word: physically
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SAA is besieging the city again and making massive inroads into Aleppo proper. Rebel's in the city are terribly under equipped and unprepared. Rebels outside are failing to break the siege. Essentially Aleppo is fucked and the rebels will lose the city eventually

Russia is also warning the US and their allies to not bomb Assad's forces or else they'll shoot down their planes
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>And almost everywhere advertising Samsung Note 7 hangs - quite original in a country where every day something explodes.
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Ahahaha. Great joke. You so clever.
I mean, I mean, some israeli first posted this theme months ago. He posted it maybe a few times.
But you, you mashuga little bagel. You take the joke so far, every day posting posting, like a khateis. Every day, khateis posts. The same joke! It's genius. You didn't make the joke, no you became it. Ahh such admirable defiance khateis-bagelbooi.

Not afraid of the sin, not being a shining light as your adonai instructs.

Well my bagel booi. Mah little bobbi. Here's another video.

Don't call me names khateis, I only post this because you post your crap. Go ask your rabbi. The sin is yours.
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have any of you guys been to syria/ any of the arabic countries? what was it like
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First time in a /sg/

Who do we want to win? Are we pro-Russia/Assad, anti-USA?

How can I ever possibly hope to catch up?

Now that I'm here, am I here forever?
Keep calm brother, the zionists are just getting scared. When they realise they will never beat the white man they will fall in line.
Do the jews really belive this thing?
Generally pro-Assad

Its easy to see there are serious flaws in the Syrian government's organization and its corruption, but its very easily better than al-Qaeda
>former leader of hezbollah calls Russia an enemy

Arab retardation never ceases to astound me.
we are pro-Turkey and neo-Ottoman
Putin and Friends crushing rebel-held Aleppo as we speak.

Obama and friends are about to go into Mosul.

Turks currently slugging it out with a bunch of ISIS north of Aleppo because muh Dabiq and all that shit.
I fucking hate Putin and friends, but these dipshits are a bunch of bootlicking sheep so /sg/ generally loves him.
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wow, Damascus is beautiful

If you spend longer than a few days here you'll never trust anyone or anything ever again. You'll always be wondering what their angle is or what they're trying to convince you of.

That said it's easy to see that the US is in the wrong, just based on how many times we give weapons to literal terrorists and pretend to hold the moral high ground while trying to destabilize Syria because Assad wouldn't bend the knee.
Why Jean-Marc Ayrault is so shitty? France what has happened with you? Why you bacame a piece of shit?
>in the wrong
Yeah bombing the shit out of ISIS and saving the Kurds and Yazidis from genocide is so morally bankrupt compared to carpet bombing cities.
We've already beat you goy
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You seem upset.
>US Army Chief threatens Russia

>Russia tells the US to stay out of Syria and not consider bombing

>More Russian naval forces being moved to the Syrian Coast, including their aircraft carrier

Also, by the end of the weekend we should know if the US intends to go ahead with bombing the SAA
>If you spend longer than a few days here you'll never trust anyone or anything ever again.

First reply to this already proved your point >>91744336

I already don't know what to believe

I'm pretty sure the US has killed more saa than ISIS at this point, along with giving ISIS a lot of weaponry

>give headcutters weapons
>attack them because they're a threat

wtf I love Keynesian geopolitics now
In the end of the week we will start WW3

Ive been to the UAE (Dubai)

Dusty building site, full of Indians doing menial work. Arabs are rude and disgusting.
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>Switching from one proxy to another is most definitely a sign of the US infallibility

Sure thing King Nigger Leaf.

Anyway here is photo from Deir-Ez-Zor
As an off topic aside to all the Hebes.
What do the proper orthodox rabbi's say about using a computer? Or using a computer to read the scriptures, which contain the names of god?
Surely, even if you don't delete the names of god, you are a sinner?

Consider: you view the holy texts online. The name of god is loaded into ram. SO when you move away from the page, when you shutdown, then the ram is flushed - no? So you essentially erase the name of god everytime you switch off the computer no?

Are your rabbi's even aware of the sin that is perpetrated countless times a day?

Anyway, back to Syria.

Glory to Assad in Damascus!

I went to London once, does that count?
They didn't give ISIS weapons. That meme needs to die, it's just Russian propaganda. The Iraqis were cowards and ran away and left all their shit behind.

You're "pretty sure" is horseshit. Unless you literally believe every single airstrike that supposedly happens every day is a lie (which is just tinfoil hat crap) it is impossible for them to have bombed ISIS that many times and not killed thousands upon thousands, compared to < 100 SAA.
Also, more EU sanctions against Russia are incoming as well

Momma Merkel is rather upset that potential refugees are being bombed before they reach Europe
They will.
They have no other option to prevent Aleppo falling.
Once Aleppo is back in SAA hands, the war is over, and becomes an anti-Terrorist Operation to drive al Qaeda out of Idlib.
Assad will hold the entire coast and all major population centers.
It will mean total victory for him.

The hubris of neocons will doom us all.

/sg/ is mostly pro-assad, as it is the logical choice (secular, anti-islamist).

There are plenty of islamist shills, Turkish shills and 'muh moderate rebel' shills, but generally the atmosphere is pro assad/ pro Russia
ISIS was never a proxy. As you'll recall, back when they were still in Iraq they were fighting them.

How do you dipshits always forget that?
no laughing actually, at having unleashed a new meme.

Should keep the ultranut jobs away. You seem proud peddling the same boring junk. mazeltov

Do I still count as a Turkish shill if I love Turkey but hate Erdogan?

biji bookchin
the regions that haven't seen any fighting are just like any other middle eastern shit hole.
regions that did, through, are dilapidated ghost towns

t. my cousin has been dating and living together with a syrian refugee woman for two years.
i got a few chanses to talk to her, she is a great woman, well educated, hates the war and doesn't wear a burqa, probably because it's illegal here, but she didn't sound the religious type at all.
Sure and releasing Abo Baker Al Bagdaddy was just a mistake on the part of US intelligence.
Genuine question, who made orph.link/sg/ and how does it work ? Can't find any info on google, appart it's located in Singapore.
Proxy war is becoming real, i can nearly smell it. Also i heard loading of nuclear weapons from east boarder.
>a fucking leaf
>a namefag
>being bitchy and argumentative

My intuition is already telling me not to like you or believe anything you say
No that just makes you marked for the gas chambers on DOTR
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Nice webm. Source?
Hey, I never claimed they were smart. These are the same idiots that managed to fuck up Tora Bora and thought Iraq had nukes.
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>that chief
Gib this man some more titles, this is what he seeks.
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I do appreciate that you spent the time in actually searching for an image, saving it, opening it up in a program, writing and editing over it - all for me. Thanks man.
There's no point in trying to be nice on /sg/ unless you agree with the prevailing "muh glorius Putin" orthodoxy.

Also, /sg/ is full of namefags, it's unique like that. Minnesotan, Mighty Colorado, Ottoman When?, Countryside, Chilebro, etc etc.
Why Jean-Marc Ayrault is a piece of shit and how do you made him foreighn minister?

Today he was in Moscow he is awful.
i think they are more new-money, yuppie arabs. Probably the worst of the lot.
Why wouldnt they give isis weapons? Its logical that they would. The only goal of USA since 2011 is to remove Assad and they dont care who is going to do it, ISIS or FSA.
I'll let you have that
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Interesting graph. Don't think MoD confirmed it though.
They knew about the ISI, they were enemies. They would not suddenly turn around and hand weapons to people they had just been fighting. No matter how much they wanted Assad gone, he was never going to override the War on Terror. That's why Obama never bombed Assad back in 2013, it's why he won't do it now, it's why only the FSA ends up with TOWs and it's why they've kept the Saudis from sending MANPADS into Syria. It's also why just this week they did a drone strike on an Al-Qaeda big shot in Idlib.
Who cares if only the fsa get tows, when they use the tows to bomb the way free for jund al aqsa?
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i dont.gif
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We made it ourselves.
Server constantly searches for /sg/ threads. When it finds one, it directs all to 4chan /sg/ thread.
Server logs IP addresses, this way we can see when shills start to come in these threads, they are usually from UAE, Sweden or Turkey. Sometimes you can even see that 3 or 4 IPs are on same building.
Some of us have a list of IPs that we filter, that way we don't see post made by shills anymore.
On special occasions our server mimics 4chan, you can notice that in address bar. That way we can see a post and IP.

just heads up a lot of the fags that support """regime""" change also support (((moderate))) """""""""rebel""""""" jihadists who behead 12 year old children

basically this is a war of propaganda. lurk moar and eventually you'll see the light
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>it's just Russian propaganda

how to trigger a /sg/ regular: the post
I agree, but at least they're only giving the FSA TOWs and not all the rebels. Also I really don't care if more Iranian puppets get killed, that's fine by me. I mean, when you have Al Qaeda vs Iran, which is effectively what's happening, I'm not gonna root for anybody.
Its been clear for a very long time now that America/CIA has virtually 0 influence on any of their vetted headchoppers as soon as they leave training facilities in Jordan or Turkey to cross the border

The funneling of weapons and trained islamists into a sovereign country is extremely fucking reckless, irresponsible and yes,

morally bankrupt.
Personally I chose Hezbollah/Assad simply because they are the only ones supporting and defending Christians.

I found this on /his/, it explains the modus operandi


Former United States Assistant Secretary of Defense Richard Perle was the "Study Group Leader," but the final report included ideas from Douglas Feith, James Colbert, Charles Fairbanks, Jr., Robert Loewenberg, David Wurmser, and Meyrav Wurmser.

Syria challenges Israel on Lebanese soil. An effective approach, and one with which American can sympathize, would be if Israel seized the strategic initiative along its northern borders by engaging Hizballah, Syria, and Iran, as the principal agents of aggression in Lebanon, including by:

>"striking Syria’s drug-money and counterfeiting infrastructure in Lebanon, all of which focuses on Razi Qanan."

>"paralleling Syria’s behavior by establishing the precedent that Syrian territory is not immune to attacks emanating from Lebanon by Israeli proxy forces....[1]"

Israel also can take this opportunity to remind the world of the nature of the Syrian regime. Syria repeatedly breaks its word. It violated numerous agreements with the Turks, and has betrayed the United States by continuing to occupy Lebanon in violation of the Taef agreement in 1989. Instead, Syria staged a sham election, installed a quisling regime, and forced Lebanon to sign a "Brotherhood Agreement" in 1991, that terminated Lebanese sovereignty. And Syria has begun colonizing Lebanon with hundreds of thousands of Syrians, while killing tens of thousands of its own citizens at a time, as it did in only three days in 1983 in Hama....Given the nature of the regime in Damascus, it is both natural and moral that Israel abandon the slogan comprehensive peace and move to contain Syria, drawing attention to its weapons of mass destruction programs, and rejecting land for peace deals on the Golan Heights.[1]
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Do you think Rod still lurks and posts here incognito?
Holy shit Assad was born on Sept. 11th? wtf never knew that
Actually, they very much do.

Why do you think the Southern Front stays so quiet? It's because most of those rebels are FSA. Whereas in Idlib and Aleppo, Al Qaeda runs the show.

Granted, most of the rebels are in Idlib and Aleppo.


Israel can shape its strategic environment, in cooperation with Turkey and Jordan, by weakening, containing, and even rolling back Syria. This effort can focus on removing Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq — an important Israeli strategic objective in its own right — as a means of foiling Syria’s regional ambitions.[1]

Since Iraq's future could affect the strategic balance in the Middle East profoundly, it would be understandable that Israel has an interest in supporting the Hashemites in their efforts to redefine Iraq,including such measures as: visiting Jordan as the first official state visit, even before a visit to the United States, of the new Netanyahu government; supporting King Hussein by providing him with some tangible security measures to protect his regime against Syrian subversion; encouraging—through influence in the U.S. business community—investment in Jordan to structurally shift Jordan’s economy away from dependence on Iraq; and diverting Syria’s attention by using Lebanese opposition elements to destabilize Syrian control of Lebanon.... Were the Hashemites to control Iraq, they could use their influence over Najf to help Israel wean the south Lebanese Shia away from Hizballah, Iran, and Syria. Shia retain strong ties to the Hashemites: the Shia venerate foremost the Prophet’s family, the direct descendants of which—and in whose veins the blood of the Prophet flows—is King Hussein.[1]

Israel’s new agenda can signal a clean break by abandoning a policy which assumed exhaustion and allowed strategic retreat by reestablishing the principle of preemption, rather than retaliation alone and by ceasing to absorb blows to the nation without response."[1]
>went to London.
>stayed in Elephant & Castle.
>lots of niggers and Bangladeshi people. The niggers.
>McDonalds would play classical music in the mornings to keep the kids out.
>they would put market out with fruit and vegetables each day which would all be rotting by the late afternoon and stinking up the place
>museums were good though
>pub/inn me and my friend stayed at was chill as it only attracted local whites
>was left alone by the mussies and nigs because was there with my friend and they are cowards who only go after people alone

Always travel in groups in arab countries
/sg/ supports Assad


That will explain why very accurately. Also shows why the US is not to be trusted under the current and potential Hillary administration.
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war on terror is a meme.
> In early 2015, the number of fighters that the group commands in Iraq and Syria was estimated by the CIA at 31,000, with foreign fighters accounting for around two thirds,[57] while ISIL leaders claim that they command 40,000 fighters, the majority of them being Iraqi and Syrian nationals.[33]
You are telling me that the most powerful army in the world couldnt defeat 40 000 badly trained and organized fighters? The only purpose of ISIS in Syria is to be an excuse for USA to enter Syrian airspace and work against SAA. It is in USA interest that ISIS remains in Syria
/sg/ officialy supports the FSA. don't bother with the Assadist shills here.
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What do you mean "couldn't"? They're in the process of being defeated as we speak. They'd be defeated by NOW if the US Military sent its own ground forces, but that's a bad idea for many reasons. So we rely on local forces, and they suck, so it takes forever.

The US hasn't actively worked against the SAA at all aside from that air cordon over Hasakah and even then they went out of their way to not shoot them down.

They would never make this much trouble for themselves just as an excuse to invade Syria, if they wanted to do that they'd have just used the mustard gas as a justification and gone in in 2013.

shut up, lampshade
But you know the CIA training program was admitted to be a failure
And you know some groups of these FSA guys defected to Nusra soon after being deployed
And this supposed "seperating of moderates and al-Qaeda" is completely impossible

Youre right about there seeming to be more control on the southern groups, for example the New Syrian Army seems pretty tightly controlled
Also, the southern front seems to see more succesful local ceasefires over the last years (although theyre underreported) and indeed, a lower (but still present) al-Qaeda-(ex)affiliate presence

so Ill give you the point about the Daraa/southern Damascus area, but yes most of the action happens from Idlib and it just seems very irresponsible to funnel more weapons into such wartorn areas along with groups that are hard to control and allied to al-Qaeda - I just dont see ANY excuse for this.
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shoo shoo
>Anyway here is photo from Deir-Ez-Zor
Putin for Czar!
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But he is Czar
>They didn't give ISIS weapons


Simplified packing list for December 2015 arms shipment


Weight (kg)



7.62x39 mm 85,190 48,998 134,188
7.62x54 mm 58,752 8,652 67,404
12.7 mm 81,468.40 36,713 118,181
14.5 mm 196,233.76 173,447 369,681
82 mm 53,885.34 53,885
PG-7VM 0.00 68,600 68,600
PG-7VT 36,795 88,224.00 125,019
9M111M 13,540 8,153 21,693
AK-47 & DShK* 12,250 12,250
AK-47 & PKM* 6,540 6,540
PKM 6,340 6,340
DShK & RPG-7* 3,585 3,585
RPG-7 4,120 4,120
Faktoria launchers 2,421.60 298 2,720
Total 550,996 443,210 994,206
* The packing list merged some categories

Documents released by the US government's Federal Business Opportunities (FBO) website have provided an indication of the types and numbers of Eastern European weapons and ammunition the United States is providing to Syrian rebel groups as part of a programme that continues despite the widely respected ceasefire in that country.

The FBO has released two solicitations in recent months looking for shipping companies to transport explosive material from Eastern Europe to the Jordanian port of Aqaba on behalf of the US Navy's Military Sealift Command.

Released on 3 November 2015, the first solicitation sought a contractor to ship 81 containers of cargo that included explosive material from Constanta in Romania to Aqaba.
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Putin is not Tsar material.
I agree. I'd prefer they not interfere with Idlib/Aleppo and let those forces whither and die.
In exchange, a no-fly zone over SDF/FSA areas elsewhere where we can resettle all the refugees.
>the jewish people are genetically superior to the goyim
>if a goyim sincerely converts he becomes jewish in every sense of the word

So i'm genetically inferior now, but all I have to do is convert in order to become some kind of superman?
A reminder of our lost namefag brothers.
“Yes, they have gained some ground. But we have stopped their momentum,” one Pentagon official told The Daily Beast.

A map developed by the Coalition for a Democratic Syria (CDS), a Syrian-American opposition umbrella group, shows that ISIS has nearly doubled the amount of territory it controls since airstrikes began last year.

“Assessing the map, ISIS has almost doubled its territorial control in Syria. But more importantly, the number of people who now live under ISIS control has also increased substantially,” CDS political adviser Mouaz Moustafa said.
>tfw poor Bashar just wanted to heal eyes and use computers
Long live the Queen!
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Is it wrong that I can recognize the original picture ?

Also kek
Uh huh....and where does it way this went to ISIS?

Right, your mind. Because you want to believe it.
I agree with you insofar as that its retarded to arm friends of al-Qaeda

But those weapons werent going to ISIS, its even in the URL you posted
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Where are these quotes from? They can't be from 2016, they've lost 40% of their territory in the last year. You're just wrong. They're losing. And they've lost a big chunk of their army.
>not tsar material

>ends the deadly Caucasus wars in Dagestan and Chechnya
>rebuilds the Russian economy and military
>restores national pride in ordinary people
>returns lost Russian territory to the Russian state

What does he need do to be considered Tsar material? Move the capital into a swamp?
yeah. I spent 10 minutes for you. Kek.

10 minutes that will give offence many times over. again mazeltov.
>But those weapons werent going to ISIS

How naive can you be?

Some time later:

>The US hasn't actively worked against the SAA at all aside from that air cordon over Hasakah and even then they went out of their way to not shoot them down.

The entire war was created by the US, including ISIS you fucking leaf.
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>Move the capital into a swamp?

But really, much as I respect Putin's competency in contrast to most western leaders today, he's still a crook and on board with globalisation. On the surface Russia improves but at it's core it is hollowed out and rotten like the west.
Im not naive and I despise rebelshits as much as ISIS

But by claiming those weapons were going directly to ISIS youre making it way too easy for mr. CIA here to dispute your argument.

If you had said theyre going to al-Qaeda, youd actually be onto something and thatd be harder to dispute.

>mfw this is a stormfag using an Israeli proxy to troll

inb4 no face
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>they even gave them water
Until evidence is presented (which does not exist), I'll dismiss this claim.
wasn't it the state separtment who wanted to know from the japanese why isis had so many toyotas? then toyota responded saying they had fulfilled a huge usgovt contract for 4x4 pickups?
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>expecting people on here to get offended by a video
You should know better bro, that isn't going to work.

Now please answer me finally this - why would you want all that land infested by smelly arabs? you'd all be in a tiny minority and be gased in an instant. You are outbread by the mudslimes on the territory you hold/occupy as it is, why get even more?
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As long as we get our oil pipeline, the whole exercise was worth it.
Those Toyota trucks are common in the Middle East cuz they're cheaper.
>Meanwhile in Hama
Assad has good taste tbqf.
Asma is very popular in RF
That girlish scream
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They are from Jan 2015
So in first 4 months of US intervention, ISIS had doubled in size and pretty much remained that way until Russia got involved in September of 2015.
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Check 'em
>US-backed rebels defect to al-Qaeda branch in Syria
Citation pls?
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So? It's not the Russians that have been pushing back ISIS anywhere except Palmyra.

I know the Russians love to claim they're defeating ISIS, but they're not. The rebel forces are much larger than those ISIS troops facing Assad, thus they are the primary target, and thus the Russians mostly bomb them.
Fucking kike kek
Original video link?
>Russian jets bomb ISIS oil tankers in Syria

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why didn't US do it?
Oh, thanks, missed without (embed).

Why bomb oil when we could buy it?
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I want to see what is on his script
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srsly why cause inflation to our petro dollar?

really makes me think
Uh....they do. Constantly. Far more than the Russians ever have.

Hell, they even blew up $1 billion they were stashing in a warehouse, in addition to the wellheads, and so many of their convoys to the point that travel throughout the Islamic State is now difficult to do other than on foot.
LMAO, nice. I just hope the public opinion on Assad will shift soon.
>Uh....they do. Constantly. Far more than the Russians ever have.

nope, as I recall they did right after russia entered the game.
Hmmmm Its not a fake?
Yeah I know, sanctions regimes, ngo supply etc don't count....
And this isn't a coincidence because....?

Right, of course. Conspiracies n shit.

Even if you ARE right and it WAS because the Russians showed up, that doesn't change the fact almost all the bombs getting dropped on ISIS are American.
Fun fact: The VKS did more airstrikes in the first month than the USAF managed to do in the whole time they were there
That dumbass is the last political friend of Hollande with actual achievements in his life : being a quite successful mayor for some decades and a good parliamentarian. Plus, he speaks German, he is a living symbol of our submission to Germany and the EU.
Will Clinton bow to the Saud? Will Trump?
>And this isn't a coincidence because....?
since russians provided footage of oil convoys entering turkey everyday


the whole lamshade thing is a hoax. They did a dna thing on the lampshade. Turned out to be cow.

Same turned out for the soapbar story too. Not possible. Altho it's worth noting that simon wiesenthal swore to tell the truth in a trial against some nazi chap in the 50's - he claimed soap bar story was true. Simon lied. in court. tut tut
we're already you dumb cunt
I never denied they did that. But that isn't what we're talking about.

The yanks supplied the shit to fsa ( alq) and their own brand of cia/special forces trained rebels - who variously then sold gave and surrendered the stuff to isis. This was covered in congressional hearings. something like billion dollars spent on training and equipment - and nothing to show for it.

Trump will make Shia great again using the corpses of Sunni dogs
we are talking about hitting Isis assets. why didn't US hit Isis oil convoys, one of their main source of income before russians do?
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sure sure. Thats why you freaked in the last thread and why you keep going on about it in this one. You have a smile on your face. Its the smile that shows you hurting. It's that false bravado smile you see when someone has cracked their knee on rock, but they stagger upright and say, 'everything is alright, i'm ok'. but they are dying inside knowing they inspired some nice antijuice drink by posting nazi equivalent propaganda. over and over again. You such a stereotype. mazeltov fool. Mazeltov. kek
no that question - where did all the tojo's come from, and the reply from japan actually happened.
and fuck the tojo's are common in me story - they were all brand new
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>he thinks Obama can say anything against Israel
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Nice banter skills too, back in 2012 Rania called her to "check on the situation" after there was an almost complete cut of communication between the countries, Asma replied: everything is ok, but we're receiving worrying news about you guys and hope you'll be okay
I think you need to look at Trump's stance towards Iran. If Iran didn't have Russia, they'd be screwed.

Which one of you crazy diaspora kids was it?
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do it bitches
>muh nakba
>muh jews only roads
>muh jews only settlements
>muh holot camp for nigger jews
b-but we are democratic, anon! kek, fuck off, zionist hasbara kike.
let me help you:

>Former CIA Chief: Obama Didn't Hit ISIS Oil Fields to Save the Environment
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Freaked out - where exactly? I don't freak out over posts, I'm not a child.
You seem to be the only one here freaking out over a Greater Israel post that gets posted once a thread.
You then spend actual time downloading an image, writing over it and converting it into a video. It's evident that you got "triggered" by such a harmless post, but you play it off as if you're "laughing" at it when anyone with brains can see that you're not..
The funniest part is that you always berate others about keeping things comfy and not derailing - while you're doing the exact opposite...over a post. You're weird.
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Bulgaria-san please explain yourself, why are your grad rockets ending up with the jihadists? Was it US, Turkey or Saudis who bought them for them?

Yat' TV on Jewtube


>I-it's all an act!

I was just memeing. I have no clue how far Trump gives a shit about middle East politics beyond the US wasting money.
Why so serious so?
>all the bombs dropped on ISIS are American
all the weapons being fired by ISIS are American too
Funny that
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I've been to Sweden a couple of months ago
I live in a caliphate, AMA
All that can be firmly said is that he is in the kike's pocket.
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Thx for the insight ! That explains Autismside general sudden death, you directed a houthi missile on his IP ?

Well as slightly explained here >>91726095 , we French are manipulated into chosing absolute fuckers, that lead us to disasters.

Disasters in turn permits the rise of a providential men (Napoleon, De Gaulle), who lead us to glory for some years.
Then the eternal anglo manages to fight back and with soft/hard power dethrone our dear leaders, and put the traitors back.

>inb4 Republic sucks, old Regime was good, Louis XIV was King & shit
>Louis XIV being the one who fucked up greatly (sank the finances, revoked Nantes Edict to suck the pope's dick, thus permitting the rival nations to benefit from the protestant elite), his successors XV and XVI did even worse.

Ahem, to go back to your question, Ayrault is a clown (still better compared to the infamous Fabius aka Nusra does a good job), but he's just a tool.
"We" didn't made him, nor did we made Hollande president. The system is rigged, people not voting for the candidate of their choice but the master parasite's.

If you look at our political parties and leaders, most of them (the Socialist Party & Republican one, the Greens) are traitors to our country, by solding our policy and strategic interests to foreign countries & individuals. The people isn't dupe, opinion polls and online comments on our MSM showing a massive and systemic distrust in our current rigged electoral-political system.

The National Front (and meme far-left Melanchon to a lower degree), being outsiders, are better viewed, but NF is now an official kike shill.
To finish the political pannel, sovereignist parties like Cheminade and Dupont-Aignant could be really appealing (Cheminade's program being a Gaullist one and Russian lover), but these two have 0 charisma, and the former is depicted as an "antisemit moron who wants to go on Mars".

Still, things could change in 2017, but could definitely be for the worse.
What was the most recent fatwa issued?
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top kek
>Assad offers rebels amnesty if they surrender Aleppo


Friendly reminder that Assad is the peacful solution
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>you directed a houthi missile on his IP ?
But you are nice lads I was in Paris and some over cities.
How could it happened?

Dont break my heart you are the last country in EU I respect
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Assad's story is a tragedy wrapped inside an epos
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No amalgams
they want war

>tfw everyone is afraid of russia but its the us that starts the war

fuck this
Here we go disinformation man




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that's religion bro , there is a bold difference
here we go again. as I said mazeltov
Did the roaches make Chilebro leave too?
And how can doxxing possible hurt them? Nobody's gonna come for them IRL, and supporting based Assad won't get you fired from anywhere
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Otto in 3...2....1....
I've done all of these things, what do I win?
Wait, I thought chilebro was just banned. How the fuck did he manage to leak his address too? Also

>that onur account
I think onur literally spends all his time roleplaying
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>ANF reports that F-16 Turkish jet shot down over Qandil mountains, Kurdistan.


F-16 KET

F-16 KET


Figured as much. Try not to takes memes so seriously in future.
TOWs & Toyotas has been US policy for terrorist support since the 80s
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>please be S-300
>please be S-300
>please be S-300
>please be S-300
>please be S-300
How do I become Syrian?

it must be demonstration of S300
Kek says it is the USAF. You have to stupid to get hit by MANPADs.

Also Onur in 3, 2....
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>was more outgoing in text than in person
Impossible, unless you are putting a character but then that doesn't count.
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Literally me every day xDDDD loool :3
the toyota war was mostly france getting involved, was it not?
manpads can down a f-16???
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Come to Europe and ask for welfare
If you are being stupid and flying at low altitude and low speed.

please please please
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tnx I didn't know that
this. I always think " why can goyim even vote?" they are like sheep..

JaA and AaS are mad at each other again.
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>there is a bold difference becuz muh religion
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Oh well...
buh u still don' gettit
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>moved to tears
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holy shit I didn't realized
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>Retarded Moderate beheaders fire BMP cannon whilst it's being towed, killing their own supporters

rare flog spoted
>mfw when it's real
Epic irl bantz by based ameribros.
You live in Marseille ?

Well /sg/ called airstrikes, so a missile on a shill wouldn't surprise me.

Being on Telegram with the same alias as /sg/ doesn't help to protect you from doxxing.

Anglo/kike happened, May68 happened, the may68 generation and their descendants managed to fuck up our education system and our foreign policy, from promoting a neutral, multipolar stance to an Atlantist-aligned one.
But since our political system is in crisis, it could see (I hope by 2017) the emergence of a new one, independant from the failing Nato, with a strong Russian strategic partnership.

And don't believe our MSM, French don't hate Russians, redpill ones love you guys.
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Man who did this is titled Terrorist.
20 years in jail
Rip tractor guys

Just memeing
Putin will visit Paris next week. I hope it would be a good meeting
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This will fallacy will soon end, Tovarich. The divide between countryside people and urban areas people is incredible, it's like they can't talk to each other when speaking of politics and society matters. Looks like pre-civil war to me.
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holy kek
Nikola Vuljević?
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None of this would have happened if not for that 'egalite' shit.
We cant live without egalite. Its very difficult for you to understand it my island friend. France and we fought for egalite
I don't see these divisions being calmed down with another decade of liberal/corrupt politicians. It may just be a feeling but, I don't know... It really feels like 2 different people speaking the same language. With one imposing its vision of society upon the other.
Jesus christ, fucking Americans get out of the Cold War already
Yet égalité needs borders, limits. Chateaubriand always said that the problem with equality was that it is not compatible with freedom. At one point, they both collide.
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What did you get for it
First of all education. Education for everyone. The same rights for woman and men. Civil rights for everyone.
Of course they collide
What did the steak man say exactly about equality and freedom? I can't find a quote. Wish to understand his reasoning
anybody have the the updated maps?
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Checked and praised.
I love the white camo
Why don't more countries use it?
Because only we have a long winter

And Canada but Canada is not a country
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john kirby is a fucking insane warhawk neocon who has left humanity so far behind he's living in some neo cold war fantasy
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Because Arctic conditions?
Looks like you strayed too close to the Iranian border cowboy :^)

Maybe you should get out of Iraq?
Has anyone seen al-Baghdadi or know where he is? He got poisoned the other day according to news reports.
Yeah and he was killed twice over the summer too. Don't make to much of it.
I swear that motherfucker has more lives than a fucking cat, he probably dies 5 times a day.
is he? or is he just a mouthpiece
the climate doesn't seem to bother the UN so much
I agree with most of what this sub has to say, but I don't get the 'Jews control the world' meme. Not Jewish, but some of my best friends are Jewish and I've hooked up with more Jewish girls than Shiksas. Know for a fact that most of what you say isn't true (although the anti-Russia sentiment and power of Israeli lobby are true). Won't comment more on it lest I be castigated as JIDF.

This is why the US Government can never get away with war against Russia. More Americans are pro-Russia than anti-Russia (the vast majority are indifferent and are desperately working hard enough to earn enough money to occasionally shop somewhere other than Walmart). You'd have a rabidly anti-Russian elite sending pro-Russian soldiers to risk their lives just to annoy Putin. Would not go down well in the Red States these soldiers come from, especially when their boys come back in closed caskets because Clinton wanted to test Putin. More people believe Infowars than you think, and the Democrats have cast themselves in an anti-America, anti-Russia, anti-gun, anti-military light. There is a reason why someone like Donald Trump has been able to run a competitive race for President.
>I agree with most of what this sub has to say
>this sub

>lest I be castigated as JIDF.

You're too obvious.
Maybe because they aren't supposed to do any fighting unlike actual armed forces... Just a guess.
I don't have a Reddit account, but I do read r/SCW more than this general (more organized info, as pro-SAA as this general). And when did good grammar become a sin you abo dropout?
>The U.S is painting their F/A-18's to match the paint schemes of Russian jets in #Syria. Standard training, but interesting nonetheless.

Why are they doing this?
the source of that news was this site:

I couldn't find who is behind this site tho
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>Who do we want to win?

If you are in the side of Hezbollah you are in the side of justice and glory.

the fuck

this is really standard practice? why?

wouldn't it make it super easy to false flag
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>muh agressor squadrons
that's why
Uh....didn't the Taliban kick Russia's weird ass too?
I'm baking, anybody has any new happenings except these?

Developments Oct-6
>Assad vows to retake Aleppo and rest of country
>S-300, S-400 air defenses in place: Russian MoD warns US-led coalition not to strike Syrian army
>U.N. to make first aid delivery in months to Syrian refugees on Jordan border
>Syrian Army advances in southwest Deir Ezzor
>ISIS suicide bombing kills 23 people near Syrian border-town
>Saudi Crown Prince meets with Syrian Government in Moscow
>Russian Air Force considers indefinite deployment in Syria
>Syrian Army on the verge of encircling the Islamist rebels at key East Ghouta town
>As many as 44 Afghan troops go missing while in USA for military training visits
his grammar is fine. what are you sperging about?
I find pictures like these weird since Hezbollah is at heart a Shia islamist faction and these girls won't be very happy if they had their ways.

Or am I missing something?
Aggressor training as Peru said >>91767632

They have T-38s painted in the PAK-FA T-50-5 paint scheme too, if interested I can pull up a picture.
dew it
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The US still continues discussions on military options in Syria, even after the new russian ship and air defence deployments:

Hold on will include in new bread
use the maps from the wordpress

Well, the US can do what it wants outside Latakia and Damascus. Aleppo has some protection up, but not nearly enough to actually resist a planned out strike of cruise missles and stealth bombers.

Remember that they don`t have to actually push them back, just stopping Assad from expanding is enough for them.
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Those girls are probably Christian and so they would not have too many social restrictions even if Hezbollah went full-Iran and started imposing a dress code (which seems unlikely anyway) .

Hezbollah was created to defend Lebanon from foreign intervention, particularly Israel. During wartime they gain tons of popularity among all ethnic and religious groups.

yeah you did. you're a retard
>As many as 44 Afghan troops go missing while in USA for military training visits
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>the fucking guy that sits right in front of the projector
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