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/sg/ Syria General - Happy Birthday Putin EDITION

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 316
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Everything you need to know


>Newest Interviews with Assad

>Live hohol with ticker
>Interactive military map
>Syria conflict map

>Daily /sg/ map Oct-5
>Aleppo Oct-6
> East Ghouta Sep-29
> North Hama Sep.29
>North Hama September 28
>Latakia Sep.11
>Qunaitra Sep.10

>Fan maps

Developments Oct-6
>Assad vows to retake Aleppo and rest of country
>S-300, S-400 air defenses in place: Russian MoD warns US-led coalition not to strike Syrian army
>U.N. to make first aid delivery in months to Syrian refugees on Jordan border
>Syrian Army advances in southwest Deir Ezzor
>ISIS suicide bombing kills 23 people near Syrian border-town
>Saudi Crown Prince meets with Syrian Government in Moscow
>Russian Air Force considers indefinite deployment in Syria
>Syrian Army on the verge of encircling the Islamist rebels at key East Ghouta town
>As many as 44 Afghan troops go missing while in USA for military training visits

>Thread Theme

Last thread: >>91768721
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Happy birthday mr President!
God that aleppo map is so sex. You know the terrorist sympathizers are shitting themselves. I wonder how many stories western media will print tommorow of aleppo babies getting bombed.
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No one, unless some internet site there is no unbiased media.
If anyone can provide me with more youtube channels that have war footage from this civilian war, I would be grateful. Trying to make some webms to spice up the thread quality a bit. Would prefer channels from BOTH sides of the conflict and channels that update regularly and have english titles but any will do really.
Not bad.
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I thought Aleppo would have fallen by now. Good thing it hasn't since I don't want to die in a nuclear war.
>I thought Aleppo would have fallen by now
impatience is the mark of a newfag.

I'm positive Aleppo won't be completely cleared for at least another 6-8 months, it might even become another Ghouta
A realistic pronostic, may end in a darayya style then.
Why is the US still involved in this conflict, when the rebels have been co-opted by ISIS? Whatever our original purpose seems to be gone and now it's just becoming another proxy war with Russia.
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Russian Government taking advantage of meme magic! /POL does it again!
For a second I thought that nigger was going to receive a shell in his face.
It's a war over who controls the oil and therefore, who controls the world. It's the USA vs Russia. Syria's Assad is a puppet of Putin. If the USA/Israel manage to get rid of him, then the proposed pipeline from Qatar through Turkey will be possible and Russia will lose it's grip on Europe wrt selling oil. Either Russia wins, or the USA wins.
any way for both to lose?
Yeah. Mutually Assured Destruction.
>when the rebels have been co-opted by ISIS?
Not ISIS, but not far from it.
More like al qaeda and other such Sunni wahhabi fucksticks.
there is a way for both of them to lose:

>Oil Pipeline
Right, now I remember, thank you. I can only hope Trump gets us out of there, though I'm sure Obama and co are excited about escalating this into an even worse mess.

Wasn't sure who honestly, but saw some ISIS news in op links so thought it was mostly them.
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mfw replayed RA2 and Yuris Revenge 1 month ago.

Dat nostalgia, dat soundtrack

Nato taxpayer money at work.
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Make it rain Putin-sama


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Cuba military base is a simple radar station, Vietnam one is a naval supply drop.
Yes it did.
Ever since the good guys lost and America got taken over by the kikes 100 years ago, ever since Lincoln was assassinated to stop him from deporting the kikes nigger golem soldiers to destroy the white man, it had to end like this.
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Al-Sham = Al-Queda vs JundulAqsa = IsIs

>radar station

they already have ICBM installed there

>naval stations

Submarines with nuclear warheads
>the comments in that article

Holy shit Obama is 100% btfo
look at this firepower man.
AFP news agency @AFP 13min

#BREAKING Colombian president wins Nobel Prize for peace efforts
Crap, I was really hoping for jihadi helmets to sin.
nah, for once in a long time someone who really worked towards diplomatic peace, and not "muh refugees, muh woman rights". got the price.

Also lel not obumbo
Al-Masdar News @TheArabSource 31 min

Jihadist rebels reject #UN offer of safe pass from east #Aleppo
look on voat /v/combatfootage
tow videos are lame, there are so many of them. Here is some kurds attacking Turkish base, point blank infantry attacks on a tank https://youtu.be/AcLUwpyqppw

Yeah, got some of the videos from there. There are a lot of Rebel videos but almost no SAA ones it seems. Or maybe I am not looking careful enough. And also, way too much ATGM videos. I am wondering about the numbers of tanks destroyed in this civilian war really.
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>tow videos are lame

Yeah, there are so many of them that it isn't as interesting as it used to be. I guess the rebels want to record every hit as propoganda hence why you can find that many videos on that shit.

>Asking a Turk to make webm's of kurdish terrorists attacking Turkey

Majority of videos where rebels are using them is to hit infantry, most often cluster of up to 3-5 soldiers. They are really retarded.
Spreek je Nederlands?
Yusha Yuseef @MIG29_ 27min

Source : #Aleppo , SAA advanced from Azeza area into Shiekh Saeed Hill , and capture many points near Airport - Ramouseh road.

Ohh yeah, I remember you guys discussing about it. From the looks of it, it happened so many times and SAA still has not learn.

But any video with good short footage you guys want turned into webm I can look into it.


Ik ben een Syrische Vluchteling die hier naartoe is gereisd om fikki fikki en geld te krijgen jwz.
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Happy B'day, Mr Putin

May many a Jihadist sub-human be erased from the Earth this day
Je liegt, flikker.
Get the fuck out of Nederland KANKERNEGER!!!
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No surprise there.
Jihadi fucks don't want to leave their meatshield behind. Who would've been tought.

If its true its a good thing since the Aleppo siege won't get fucked to hard by ceasefires and whatnot as long as they are there.
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Vallahi I was only joking famalamanzies.

There, is that 100%brotier Diaspora character more fitting?


Rude desu.
Im westen nichts neues, and despite that Aleppo going to be another shoah in western MSM
I'm starting to wonder if whatever that was there are still there as they couldn't take it out after breaking trough. Is this some evidence that will damage USA so much that they reacher risk to begin WW3 than let it being exposed?
>a fucking diaspora
You can choose only one, Ahmad abu Farooq al-Hollandi
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So they chose the Grozny option?
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None /sg/ related but maybe some of you would appreciate this GOAT historic battle.


mfw no more testosterone fueled battle where you look your enemy in the eye and cut him down.

Am I lucky that I live in the Netherlands where I can say I am Ahmad abu Farooq al-Hollandi and proud of it and get applauded for my courage to stand up for my self. Feels kinda ok my man.
There will be no US/Russia conflict, Israel will use this opportunity to attack Iran and destroy their nuclear program, this will cause Russia,Iran,Lebanon and th rest of their middle eastern allies to attack Israel but Israel will defeat them, then Israel's subversion in US will be expsoed and all the countries Eastern and Western will form an alliance and attack Israel and destroy it.
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>Defeating Iran
If they thought they could they would have already
>Dutch don't hate Arabs
Okay :DDD
Mark my words: Israel has strictly no possibility to attack Iran alone.

They fucked up big time against Hisbollah in lebanon, so how anyone can imagine they could do something in a country located 1000 km away from Israeli border. It's just stupid to think it's possible.

and in fact, Israel is very weak: 1 defeat, 1 single clear defeat of Israel, and they are done (or will attempt something even more stupid such as nuke)
nice banter.
Yeah, invading Iran would be a nightmare even for the US, the terrain makes it incredibly hard. And now they got decent SAM systems and their airforce is about to get upgraded.
The majority don't.
>Israel has strictly no possibility to attack Iran alone.

See what they did with Syria : they haven't attacked them directly, while everyone trusted their own propaganda such as in 2012 they all refused the Russian plan on Syria, believing Assad gov. will fall into pieces in the next weeks.
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Good knowing you UK

Their economy is doing great, actually. It's just the currency that has weakened considerably over the past few months.
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Altho I wasn't aware of this last drop. Jesus.
here are couple channels to check out


Which sucks for everyone wanting to order cheap shit from china

Happy birthday Mr Putin!
english channel



It will not be a full blown attack, just coordinated airstrikes on Iran's nuclear facilities like they did to Iraq in the 80's
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And they made no casualties or signifiant damage. They are vidéo from the tank pov, pkk lost 6 soldiers here.
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I hope I am not baited by this but I might be. I am not gonna argue about some hate them some don't etc. Yeah, people are unique and not everyone thinks the same wow, what a shock. But a general consensus is that everyone should be treated equally no matter the skin of their color or the color of their eyes, and minorities should be protected and get a helping hand to succeed in society. That is what I mean with the ''applaud'' post. If I would for example go to Poland, I might get treated very differently and maybe the general populace sees me as a nuisance.

But in the Netherlands, we are progressed way too much as a society to fall for the right wing scare mongering as reality. Yes, there are people who would hang me if they could get away with it, but I would get that in any country cause there is no perfect society/country.

>Times are changing goatfucker!!!
>People are waking up!!!
>Day of the rope SOON

I can confirm that at least in the Netherlands, I am safe as ever. My grandpa lived here for almost 50 years, my dad for 30 and I for 20+ without any physical abuse or of that kind ever. If anything, people are more mixed in society and got used to seeing different faces that they do not think twice about it. Islamophobia definitely increased thanks to extremist muslims and terror attacks, but xenophobia has been lowered to a good amount of numbers. Netherlands counts more than 200 different nationalities. I do get it that if you do browse 4chan all the time and have a hatred towards your own government and its policies, you might think there is going to be a HAPPENING, but for the normies out there, it is just right wing fantasy memes. I am 100% proud to be a Dutch citizen my Finnish bro.
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I understand muh Russian SAMs but you have to remember that the people operating them are middle easterners (perhaps Iranians are a cut above Arabs but that remains to be seen).

Unless the Russians deny Israel the use of Syrian airspace I reckon the IAF could pull it off without too much trouble.
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I heard a similar joke:
"- Russians, why have you brought the s300 to Syria?
- In order not to give terrorists the opportunity to act
- But in Syria planes have only American coalition.
- And I that say?
> really worked towards diplomatic peace
Why does it even matter if he ultimately failed in the end?
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>return to Cuba
>return to Vietnam
>Their economy is doing great

.t nigger
Good old times.

Lets call americans bros
wtf why is russia so aggressive and establishing bases everywhere

How autistic are LARPers these days...
Because they want to be the new u.s
>US Base

Is this map in 1950 or something?
1) There wasn't that many of you in the past so people didn't care 2) The economy was growing fast and you weren't taking their jobs 3) Liberalism and hippies were the active subculture 4) Times are changing like they always have
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>New York City police were looking for whoever draped a gigantic banner featuring a portrait of President Vladimir Putin over the side of the Manhattan Bridge on Thursday

>The 20ft by 30ft banner appeared on the side of the bridge between lower Manhattan and the borough of Brooklyn, featuring Putin dressed in a suit in front of the Russian flag with the word “Peacemaker” in capital letters.
The link in that map is already dead, make of that what you will
not that old but probably very outdated
So much for freedom of speech.
Funny enough, peacemaker was also the name of a US nuclear tipped MIRV ICBM
Do you seriously expect me to read a post that long? Nah, not going to happen senpai.
There hasn't been a foreign base in Austria since 1955 so it's close.
Invade Åland pls. And gib Repola, Salla and Vuokkiniemi back
We can devide Sweden if you are ready. Its time for Suomi to revenge!

Don't take it from me.
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Just give us this, you can have the rest. I would be pretty pumped if Russia was ever to attack Sweden, I would be the first one join Free Norrbotten Army and try to snatch some of that rightful Greater Finland clay back.
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Times are definitely changing. But I am born here like everyone else. I am essentially Dutch other than my ethnicity and maybe home culture. So if I got a job, I worked for it and qualified for it. So if someone dislikes that and becomes racist, then he is just putting the blame on something unrelated to the reason why I got the job. Native Dutches and minorities like me get the same opportunities and go through the same structure in education. I would say they have even a higher chance cause some companies rather have good old Hans that they share the culture and religion with than Ahmed with its alien culture and different mindset.

You can argue about not having enough jobs, or overpopulation yes. But to blame minorities people for taking their jobs is just covering their failure in life and putting the blame else where. Let me just say that where I work, the company structure gets constantly changed every few years. We even got new machines 2 years ago that run 5x faster and require about 1/3 of the people it used to. Automation and Technology is maybe where the blame should be at but oh well, racists feel better when they can blame minorities for it AND feel nationalistic. It is a win win for them.

It's cool my 100% Brotier Finnbro. I am unusually bored today hence you see me making these long none-mashallah shitposts to maybe get some (You)'s.
Whats the story of this territoty?
Of course we are not interested in Sweden. They are calm and good neighbor
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>to maybe get some (You)'s
Can't blame you, that's something we all are after in the end
>Greater Finland
meanwhile not even the "Finns" here consider their language Finnish
>I put this together to help fellow anons to identify the moderate rebels.
lmao deep

>RUSSIA has already started deploying S-500's
Wait what the S-500 is already operational??

>I saw him trying to walk out the doors with GPS device in his hands.
When I left the bakery I was blown to the ground by the explosion. I turned my head around and the bakery was gone.
The issue with your entire post is that you are looking to blame Dutch people for becoming increasingly racist. Don't you you think increased support for Erdogan and popularity of the DENK partij incite racial tension more than anything else? 5 years ago you wouldn't hear anyone blame the Turks for anything, because it was naturally assumed the Moroccans were majorly responsible for crime and bigotry.

But now we have reasonably influential politicians parroting Erdogans agenda 1:1. With exactly the same justifications, while cloaking their movement under the motto of social justice.
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Happy birthday to based El Presidente
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You damn right, that shit is rare. I am still trying to figure out what to do with my (You)'s once the jar fills up. Maybe use it to cast meme magic on some hot chick that will become my sex slave. But I am not sure if it is worth it in the long run.

Anyway, I do not like to give away my (You)'s that I collected, but here, have another for being a real bro.
Almost the whole northeastern part of that area is populated by finns before swedes were in modern Stockholm. Rest of is just buffer zone between us and hordes of savages like swedes and somalis.

But think about it, you could have some serious bases there, and you would control the whole baltic sea. You could also have the inevitable ground battles againsr NATO on Swedish soil instead of your own.
The biggest problem us that you're corrupting and eroding the ideal of a Nation because it's in your material benefit to do so. You already referred to Dutch people as 'native' Dutch. This is much worse than taking jobs or simply looking different. You are also voting social-democrats to stop the 'natives' from taking back their country. No wonder that nationalists don't like you, it's not because of the color of your skin. It's because of what you say/do and what effect you have in their country towards liberalism and ethno-nihilism. 'We are all Dutch'. No, you're not.
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Happy birthday Пpeзидeнт.
Social democrats, lmao. If he wanted to take our country away from us he'd vote Democrats 66. Under Pechtold's enlightened leadership we'd just become another Germanic province under the EU.
Youll need lighters that can be refilled. You'll need toilet paper, antibiotics and other standard medicine. You need to start now with picking the tiny gold shits out of your old cellphones. You'll need guns and ammo, now. You'll need candles, diapers, towels, folding knives, heavy duty clothes, alcohol, tobacco and rolling papers. You'll need to learn how to make explosives, food, how to fix shoes, how to keep dry and warm. You need to start jogging, build up your stamina as fast as you can. You need to learn what simple food dulls hunger. If you dont have anything similar right now, you're fucked if anything similar to a war happens.
Especially the ameriniggers that think they grabbed God by the balls.
Russians are already born suffering from 'war' or whatever is going on there and they manage. They can endure. Here, people are prepared since 96, all the tribes. Only good thing from an all out crisis, not yet war, is that the eruofaggots are going to be forced to battle the muslims all over europe, and try and imagine a hipster faggot yelling tolerance to an armed gang of islamists. 50 million europeans must get butchered for them to start fighting back.
Pooland will come out as a powerhouse, taking the checks and slovaks.
Here will be the uncharted (thank God) and Turks will battle among each other.
Jews will be busy moving vast quantities of gold to Israel, taking other jews with them. Chinks will help out everyone for a price.
Russians will dig holes, tunnels and underground cities (i wouldnt be surprised if they already did something similar).
The jungle niggers from south america will be the safest on the planet, but it wont last since US will be in the middle of a civil war.
If you ever felt God, in any way, think God is just the universe with self consciousness, think God is Nature, whatever, convert to a religion that suits you best, youre going to need faith, more than water.
Its gonna habben
It started with a rain of frogs.
>t. invader
So what? They still speak finnish, it doesn't matter what you want to call it. It's basically the same case as with Belomorsk Karelians, only with the fact that finns in Norrbotten are even closer to us culturally.

And inb4 you start shit I know the coast isn't populated by finns but we need the concentration camps and the gettoes for swedes somewhere and that looks like a good place.
No, it started when (((he))) got scared.
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>the coast isn't populated by finns
ofc not. Dats Sven's fisk

But can anyone tell me this?
I can't find any kikes here
I'm glad you're happy. Ahmed will still institute Sharia law once he has the numbers to enforce it.
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what prophecy is this?
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I am not blaming anyone? I am just pointing out the opposite actually. The Netherlands is a great country to be living here. Everyone gets treated equally and a majority of Dutch people are really hospitable and don't actually are racist. Yes, there are a lot who might joke about le Moroccans or le Turks. But this is just Dutch way of having fun so no harm done. I was referring to actual skin-head tier retards that wants to kick minorities out. And that part is low in the Netherlands atleast.


>Don't you you think increased support for Wilders and popularity of the PVV partij incite racial tension more than anything else?

Let me tell you something my dear Dutch friend. The Turks here have loved Erdogan since 2002, that is 14 years. 14 years and Turks loving Erdogan suddenly became a problem? I can assure you, Turrks have not changed in their way of thinking other than maybe blaming the media for putting Erdogan on a bad spotlight. These Turkish ''problems'' were always there but never so blown out of proportion and put in the media on almost a weekly base cause it is the new pisspaal. And it is cute to say Denk who started in 2014 to be the reason there are ''tensions'' between Turks and the natives while you got the PVV who is infamous for shitting on minorities for not being Dutch enough in their eyes.

My dear 100% Aryan, blue eyed blonde friend. Globalization is inevitable, throw away these pesky flags and borders nd shiiiiit. It has done nothing but fuel hatred and started wars. The fourth reich is the future now.
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It is true I have 0 desire in nationalism. So ofcourse I will be hated by nationalists, that is obvious. The whole point is to no have any Dutch natives(I use this to refer to Dutch people with Dutch ancestors) or any ethnicity to ''take back'' the country or ''hold'' it. It should not matter if your ancestors lived in Dutchland 500 years ago or in Greece. You are a Dutch citizen with 100% the same right as everyone else and that should be it.

And yes, I know I am on /pol/ and I am exactly the kind of people who are hated here. Mashallah to me for being euphoric shitposter tbqh.

>My country is superior to yours cause I was born on this piece of land.
Fucking magic dude, people don't need to explain how this shit works.
Skipped some threads, so our isis-loving toothpaste turned out to be just a fucking roach?
The water is wet.
does someone have the pic explaining how /sg/ found the locations of IS training camps?
Erdogan 14 years ago =/= Erdogan today. It didn't suddenly become a problem, my lightly tinted, brown eyed friend. Things like that take time. And I am warning you about the increasing appeal of Nationalistic parties because Erdogan's ideology is parroted on a nation wide level. It's a real eye opener, even to liberals.

It's a mere observation, nothing else. Unlike you I don't really have a stake in the matter, I hate liberals but have always tolerated Turks.
there are 2, but im autistic and the captcha expires before the pic is uploaded to post.
no sorry I forgot to save I think, but I got this though
I'd prefer you being like this instead on some Wahabbi sandnigger shitposter. It might even make my question my racist beliefs tbqh (lolno, all sandniggers should be gassed, including you, Ahmed)
Norwegian expeditionary fishing boats when?
There are 3.
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We must ensure the safety of this fisk!
They might turn into terrorists!
Shit tier meme
Oslo accords 3 when?
"Norway is to have the only fishing rights in the eastern mediterranean so that jews and muslims won't fight over it"
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Well ofcourse the appeal of being more nationalistic has increased, but real racists attitude to ALL minorities has not however, since yeah, most minorities integrate pretty well. So racism based on actual race has decreased immensely in the Netherlands. The rise of nationalism can be attributed to those who do NOT integrate well and tend to follow a foreign religion which so happens to have shit loads of different terrorist organizations who kill innocent people and even attack peaceful Europe making people uncertain how well these people with their religion can be trusted or not.

Turks are a fucking pain in the ass to integrate. Even Moroccans do it better than Turkish people. So yes, this not integrating part is a major issue for a lot of Dutch people from the left and right. But you can not blame Erdogan for this is what I am saying. Turkish people in general have this ''Turkey is so superior, has so much better culture, so much kinder people'' attitude. Erdogan is not the one that created this way of thinking, this way of thinking IS the reason people like Erdogan. So the problem lies even deeper than Erdogan and it is a very difficult situation since you are not going to thought police people into becoming someone else.

And please dude, don't be like those people who see Moroccans/Turkish kids on the street that act all thuggish cause they raised up in this ''stoere boy'' rap culture they got from America to lel Turks are bad people I won't tolerate them anymore etc. People blame this attitude to race and EVEN religion. Turks(and Moroccans) are not like this in their home country. Islam has NOTHING to do with this attitude. If anything, they should follow islam more so they do not act like shit tier street thugs and become a nuisance to people.

I already stated my view of the world which these kind of Turks are also a problem cause they are nationalistic and put values in a nation/people, just not in the country they are living in.
What a surprise, innit?
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If you can point me to any posts I made supporting ISIS, I will gladly stop shitposting in /sg/ forever.

Fuck no dude. I know I am not welcome here and my cultural marxist ideas are despised as fuck. So Vallahi I will continue my shitposting to get my (You)'s and pat myself on a job well done. That feel when no /sg/ on leftypol.
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Give me some ideas for OC menes, what is Assad holding?
Nice blog where do i subscribe
it's going to pick up it's signatures
severely underrated post!
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That feel when the shitposter gets shitposted.

Aight my man, you are right. I should go back to my ''usual self'' and just keep it short and simple.

How many turkmen died?
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all their efforts wasted.
fucking colombians won the prize.
who knows maybe this february they win something
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Happy birthday Putin!
I hope they win barrel bomb prize
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This is inevitable.

God Bless Israel.

Greater Israel SOON.
The first part about preparing yourself is from some article about some Bosnian guy talking how to prepare yourself for war, the second part is probably just the autistic delusions of some madman
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God bless you my man. Just like the aliens visited ancient Egypt to enlighten them cause they would never have advanced so far if they didn't, you are here to enlighten these Assadboos that the true victory lies with Israel. If you were not here, people would cheer Assad on until his dying breath.

You are a real keeper.
French Huffpost title :

"Hollywood veut le prix Nobel de la paix 2016 pour les Casques blancs de Syrie"

"Hollywood want peace nobel price 2016 for Syrian White helmets"

For once, it's a honest title.


also to remind anyone who the white helmets really are : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8aAaReVn2I4
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It is not only about propaganda. They actually HAVE to film every shot they make, so they can prove to their suppliers (Gulf States mostly) that they are using the ammunition as intended and not sellying it to some other Of course, only good hits end up on YouTube usually.
someone just linked this to me

yes yes it's 9gag cancer but it's related

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Baruch HASHEM.
As long as I'm alright in your books, and we're 100%brotier with each other - I'm happy.
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>tfw my memes become reality.

this feb first academy award for peace goes to Jihadi bros studios

LMAO that actually would make sense yeah.

Go back to ebaumsworld!!!

Fo sho dude
And what is Aleppo?
if you are interested you can find rest of the photos here
nice, thanks friend
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If Russian S400 can target anything in this vicinity why did they send older S300s?
Comfy as fuck. Reminds me of that gif/webm of several arabs filming live gun fires at night with flares in the sky
Their comments section is almost as filled with assblasted shillposting from zog/saudi/qatari cocksuckers as our threads and /pol/ in general.
One has to wonder what the daily expenditure for all of this record correcting amounts to in total.
Can't let them goy wrongthink, even if it means going bankrupt.
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np mate
Why launch one rocket when you can 10?
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How about this?


Too bad they had to wake up to pic related the other day L M A O.
S-300 is for the Tomahawk
They don't have just 1 S400 system there, they have SAM batteries.
anyone have battle of aleppo timeline webm?
You forgot this one:
Because it's actually newer S300B4, that has larger range and was made to cover units instead of objects.
Yeah looking at the number of S400 built I can see why they got S300s in. S400s are limited in number are probably active in protecting the motherland

22 minutes ago
#BREAKING: Russia ready to support UN envoy’s proposal to allow Al Nusra to exit #Aleppo with arms

Why does Russia continue to show weakness?
because they knew al nusra will refuse and they did refuse today

hey any news about Mosul?
things is hitting up btw Baghdad and Ankara
what do you think is the end game here?
>Yeah lets continue sending Syrian troops into a meat grinder this is definitely the best way to end the war.
>russian plane attack US trops.
>because they knew al nusra will refuse and they did refuse today
Lavrov said he'd support it after Nusra refused
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for the lulz

So are Jabhat al-Nusra are good terrorists now?
The same variant was in Grozny
>UN envoy’s proposal to allow Al Nusra to exit #Aleppo with arms

It's one of those WTF moments.

>bomb the shit out of the terrorist convoy leaving Aleppo

Sounds like a convenient way to guarantee success.
>The same variant was in Grozny
Won't work in Aleppo. Also they'll just claim that they're all "opposition" and then they become untouchable.

It's basically a backdoor ceasefire agreement.
UN and US have no control on al qaeda. its just a banter.
>hey remember you signed you will bomb al qaeda? top kek.US is usless hahaahahaha
I don't think Russia will waste any more time and money on those sandniggers. If they refuse to get out, they are doomed.
the movie of their trip back home brought to you by RuAF is guaranteed to be the next blockbuster
It's a win-win situation. If terrorists leave Aleppo, it will be a huge victory at everything. If they don't, everybody and their UNcle can say "see, they against peace" etc, which will be another propaganda victory, especially now when MSM and USA/EU crying about "muh poor civilians, muh bakeries, muh hospitals."
You are delusional if you can't see how worth that would be.
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I don't know, Russia loves to save defeat from the jaws of victory. It happens again and again, Lavrov comes out with a retarded idea that ends up weakening the Syrian army and strengthening the terrorists while allowing the US to use the K*rds to partition Syria.
>hey any news about Mosul?

The city is in a very calm before the storm type of situation right now. No one knows how the operation will go details are being kept secure and the operation will be launched very soon. Pics have emerged of IS building some defences like concrete walls blocking roads but nothing too major or ground breaking enough to stop the upcoming advance hopefully like Fallujah the massive population still living in the city has prevented ISIS from building complex and tough defences.

>things is hitting up btw Baghdad and Ankara

It's just talk atm but has the potential to escalate into something bigger given that both parties are extremely reactionary. The Turks are technically on land belonging to the KRG so they have the right to be there but Baghdad thinks it can impose its will on the Kurds. We should hope it doesn't develop into something bigger as it will give the far-right Shia a lot of power next election.
No. Partition of Syria is not possible if Aleppo stay in the Gov. clay.

That's all the point of this battle: If Aleppo is took back, it's basically the end of the rebellion
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>tfw it's the surrender phase for the nusrats in a leppo
How come the females are not wearing a hijab? Not even one. This is too fishy.
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>hey anon, where is ground zero for ww3?
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thanks mate
Love how the US has been flying through Russian/Syrian radar space for years to bomb ISIS and thinks stealth still works.

Whoever thought it was a good idea to have Stealth jets fly over enemy airspace for over multiple years should be fired.
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Here explained in simple terms: https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=ru&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fcolonelcassad.livejournal.com%2F2997320.html
If it means SAA can take East-Aleppo without throwing their men at the meat grinder then they should take it. Prolonged urban fighting is not a pretty thing

You two are not thinking long term, if they'd do that it would be the last settlement/pocket that they could clear just by talking the jihadists to walk out.
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Because Ba'athism is not islamism.
>Prolonged urban fighting is not a pretty thing
Like a 4 year battle for Aleppo?
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Time sure flies huh?

Great fucking news happy birthday based Vlad!!!!!
How is Hama doing right now, is Assad still slowly losing territory or what
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>As many as 44 Afghan troops go missing while in USA for military training visits

We found what kind of meat McDonalds is using.
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Kek where's CUNTryside general at now? Prob lurking although I doubt his autism would allow him to keep from posting.

Anyway if you're here faggot, eat shit. Aleppo will be free
>Assad losing territory
You mean the Syrian government

Anyway, no, the Hama fronts have grinded to a halt and there have already been a few Syrian Armed Forces counteroffensives
> Capturing Aleppo is weakness
There are about 200000 hostages held by nusrats in Aleppo. Just saving them is more than enough to let nusrats escape alive to be later killed in Idlib.
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AMERICANS "ackudentully" bombed a PMU camp!!! Thanks Obama

PMU statement:
Or a combat position, unclear atm
b-but I thought our air force was the most advanced in the world with state of the art smart bombs and precision systems
Russians want to eliminate the human shields. Allowing Nusra to leave would be a victory for russians.
I think it is the case of retarded drone operators.

The new face of a US soldier is an 18 years old who barely finished high school, squeezing around his drone operating joystick while yelling "yeehaw, got some you towelheads!".
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Maybe he finally had an aneurysm when the houthis blew up that boat, or when handarat camp was secured.
Either way, thinking back to his line of "at least by posts will be remembered in history" is giving me deja vu of some random JIDF kike who dropped the same line years back.
i am pretty sure its much more professional in the army
He is always posting on the /sg/ telegram. That place became a containment place for the namefags.
no more weebs and arm chair geopolitical analysts and generals are posting ITT? great
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I hate namefags so much. Fucking attention seeking whores.
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>As many as 44 Afghan troops go missing while in USA for military training visits

Well fuck, thats not good

ANA are a bunch of blue falcons who get burgers killed
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>Photos of Liwa al Quds members awarded by Russians in Aleppo today.


also nice pic the wall comrades , kek
I dont know why anyone would advertise the telegram here if fucking retards are shilling in it

Are you saying you cant ban people from a Telegram channel? And what is the point of a Telegram channel if it has the same pro-jihadi shilling that we often see here
dat Stalin photo
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Guys, are there any country's keyboards that have 'L' and 'N' near / next to each other?

Sorry off topic, have some classic Syrian Girl gif as recompense.
imo it should be advertised more since its a containment for all of the shitty namefags
Omg everyone this Assad guy sounds really bad, I mean just look at those stats by the BBC!
I don't have a webm and I don't know how to make one. Here is a gif from reddit.
>only 1% killed are rebel fighters
>thousands of instances
How interesting, so this says its basically the least effective weapon EVER, yet continues to be used by the "thousands"? Sounds logical.

Dunno m8
Won't let me post the link or the image (too big).

Also, since I was gone from /sg/ between June-October, is there good footage when SAA took the citadel?
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I made a thread few days ago about it.
All brits cried and called me bad names.
Still don't know why mainland europe is so salty over Brexit.
There is a Worldwide barrel shortage for years now. Assad is buying them all up.

Hm, a bit overconfident, are we?

Leith in two weeks:

>Breaking: Assad seen personally leading the charge on last rebel stronghold in eastern Aleppo
Because they still haven't left either
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New map
Aleppo Citadel has always been in the hands of SAA
That east side doesn't look right
>SAA hold back from storming the last moderate rebel stronghold in eastern Aleppo
>as free sources report, so that Assad can, in what's an obvious case of propaganda, destroy the last free bakery
>he had done so by stuffing a living baby with a barrel bomb before kicking it into the building
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What next?
Deir ezzor?
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Heres a quick conversion of that gif to webm

oh wait, so much for quick, the GIF is exactly 1 second too long for 4chan (121 seconds to 120)

Here is it with a 10% higher fps
Europe isn't salty about it at all. Not from what I have seen.

It was just a dumb move. Britain in the 70's was such a shit hole that brits were immigrating to saffa. A place without a hope in hell of having a long term future.

If the uk wants to leave they can - they just shouldn't expect to escape the consequences.
It's good to know that my taxes help someone
pretty close tho
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WAHAHA, /k/ watch this shitshow !!!!


>Muh a Leppo

Its a popular german media page, that went on full rebel tears mode


Ya Bashar.
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I love how Asad and the Russians Stalingrad'd those fucking "moderates" at Aleppo.
>hahaha we lifted the siege of aleppo allahu ackbar
>holy shit, they just retreated to make fun of us, they are trying to trap us inside aleppo
>uhm, guys, it was just the SAA teasing us, they only trapped us inside this horrible city
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...b-but i meant of course /sg/
You are a bit lost buddy.
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should have waited for the upgrade
i told him we miss him here and he said he'll be back then
Lavrov: If #JabhatAlNusra agrees to exit Aleppo and move to #Idlib ,w e are ready to call on the Syrian Government to agree with that

>Handle the jihadists, Obama.
>if you get your enemies to surrender and thus win your war-deciding battle, then you're a cuck
Are you feeling ok?
German government secretely talked with the YPG, some weapons delivered to the Peshmerga ended up in their hands, roach butthurt incoming.
Have fun with some turk riots in your streets
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> Unconfirmed photo that allegedly shows Chinese warship Type 054A frigate Yueyang (575) arriving to #Tartus, #Syria

The kurds will show up too an hopefully they will kill each other.
Like the comrade said here >>91851089
it's a win-win for Russia. Are the moderate beheaders in Aleppo fight to the last man?
Once they do, the EU army will show up and start killing germans.
waking up to new gains every day

plus some juicy rebel on rebel action

feels good man
Who's what color?
Very underrated
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What did Erdogan promise the jihadists for their silly fight against ISIS in the north?
They are getting killed fighting their fellow believers while Assad wins in Aleppo.
Nah, we really lost the Aleppo siege that time after that zerg rebel rush.
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There's really been almost no chink involvement in the conflict apart form selling some weapons to Assad. These "zomg the chinks are finally gonna assert themselves on the world stage!" -reports are as frequent as they are pretty much always totally false.

So yeah, don't believe it until confirmed by official sources, and even if it's true it's probably less significant than you might think at first glance.
The fufillment of jihadi eschatology, same way the kikes are going to get white (((christian))) good tavis to fight russians in ww3.
It would be some crazy shit if the SAA made it to Al-Bab before the turk backed rebels and YPG/SDF can while taking back Aleppo.
Thats right Chinky my boy so dont ever think about coming at us again, and that goes for the rest of you minoritys
that would indeed be hilarious, but I doubt the government has the manpower for that.
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OOPS, they did it again






>Saudi want to defeat this
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did you see this?

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they look like cavemen who found some alien technology. Still, Houthis are based as fuck.
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>The enormous loss of life on the Yemeni side caused by these frontal attacks with no air cover has led even some Saudi soldiers to shoot the attackers in the legs so they can capture them alive and save as many as possible.

thats pretty fucking funny
Black = ISIS
Grey = former ISIS, present-day gov control

Uncoloured (sand/forest colour in the west and southwest) = Rebels/AQ
Green = former Rebels/AQ, present-day gov control

Yellow in the north = YPG/Kurds

So.. red = Government control
Bright red = former Government control, present-day Rebels

A bit confusing but it does show the advances clearly in comparison to the situation a year ago
Mark Galeotti @MarkGaleotti
Kremlin rejoice! #Crimea is physically moving toward #Russia...at rate of 2.9mm per year. Unification in 1.5M yrs
Sounds like some holohoax tier storyweaving.
>muh empathetic saudee soldiers
>*bombs yemeni civilians*
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Holy shit that article is fucking gold, thanks for posting it.
Everyone should read that shit honestly.

>However, such an investigation will merely confirm an already extant truth: not only are civilian casualties inevitable in any conflict, but it is in fact the Houthis who are as much to blame, if not more, for these incidents, as they continue to use civilian centers – hospitals, houses, schools - to preposition equipment and provide cover for the deployment of their troops into combat zones.

>Saudi Arabia is by far the largest purchaser of American-made weapons. In the last eight years alone, the U.S. has sold around $115 billion in arms to the Saudis, creating or maintaining around 160,000 jobs in America.

>As Iran seeks to spread its destructive influence in the Middle East via proxy wars that are upending social order and causing massive bloodshed in several Arab states, only one country stands in their way: Saudi Arabia.

>The Saudis and their Arab allies believe that saving a nation from terrorist marauders is a just cause, and they cannot afford to allow Iran and its terrorist minions in Hezbollah to gain a base via the Houthis on the Arabian Peninsula directly bordering the Kingdom.

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fug i sure hope so
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>all these arguments for the saudis
>at the same time trying to refute the arguments against the war

>the exact same could be said about Syria
>but I bet my ass that the author would write the exact contrary when talking about that conflict
Kek. The article is a joke.
I heard SyAF is using child soldiers to pilot their planes and drop barrels full of newborns filled with chlorine on hospitals.
And that Putin is personally using bunker-buster bombs to destroy underground hospitals and bakeries.
its a paid article and the writer is a famous shill. defence one is a pretty good site. I wonder how much they paid them.

if this is the Saudi`s argument they are already broke
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i had bout a 50/50 chance that they would go for it. turns out the jihadists DONT wanna go claim their virgins just yet.

this is all like a happy bday present for vlad
Another pearl by Obaid
>When Isis first appeared in Syria in 2011, Saudi Arabia tried to galvanise support for the moderate Syrian opposition. But the world failed to listen.
World, why didn't you listen?


Just replace everything to be Syrian and the author would be calling you an Assad shill I bet

>However, such an investigation will merely confirm an already extant truth: not only are civilian casualties inevitable in any conflict, but it is in fact the FSA who are as much to blame, if not more, for these incidents, as they continue to use civilian centers – hospitals, houses, schools - to preposition equipment and provide cover for the deployment of their troops into combat zones.

>Syria is by far the largest purchaser of American-made bread. In the last eight years alone, the U.S. has sold around $115 billion in bakeries to the Syrians, creating or maintaining around 6,000,000 jobs in America.

>As Saudi Arabia/Israel seeks to spread its destructive influence in the Middle East via proxy wars that are upending social order and causing massive bloodshed in several Arab states, only one country stands in their way: Iran.
>Iran and their Arab allies believe that saving a nation from terrorist marauders is a just cause, and they cannot afford to allow Saudi Arabia/Israel and its terrorist minions in ISIS to gain a base via the FSA on the northern region of Syria
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Im out
someone bake a bread
Rewrite the article for Syria and Iran and post it somewhere. And once the shitstorm starts post the link to the Saudi article and enjoy brains melting.
I'm pretty sure the nusrats have already declined the free bus ride? So they are indeed dedicated to their virgins, unfortunately.
Then again they are better off dead, however it will come at the cost of civilian hostges and syrian soldiers.
Nusrat command did. But I don't think all their soldiers and down the line commanders are as pious/fanatical.
Easier to tell the enemy to fuck off when you're nowhere near the frontline.

I'm sure al-masdar would be willing to do it. Maybe I'll work that up, see if Leith wants some fun
I suspect those were people outside of hot and smoking cauldron, far from Aleppo, in their air-conditioned room, posting in social media every day. Cannon fodder inside might think otherwise. They themselves might kill most fanatical retards first.

those arent f-18's you retard
Hashem S'fasai tiftach you-fee yagid tehilasecha
This coming from the same country that only outlawed slavery in 1960s?
Yes they are you moron.
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