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Thread replies: 350
Thread images: 73

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AM I FUCKED?" or "WILL I BE OKAY?" anons, please check your area's warnings using this link:

>Maps and Information (NOAA, updates automatically now.)
Path and Warnings: http://www.nhc.noaa.gov/graphics_at4.shtml?5-daynl#contents
Wind Probabilities: http://www.nhc.noaa.gov/refresh/graphics_at4+shtml/213945.shtml?tswind120#contents
Storm Surges: http://www.nhc.noaa.gov/refresh/graphics_at4+shtml/213945.shtml?wsurge#contents

>Maps and Information (other sources)
Tidbits: http://www.tropicaltidbits.com/
SpaghettiModels: http://www.spaghettimodels.com/
Navy NRL: http://www.nrlmry.navy.mil/TC.html

>Hurricane Safety
NOAA: http://www.nws.noaa.gov/om/hurricane/
FEMA: https://www.fema.gov/disaster/4068/updates/hurricane-safety-tips-learn-what-do-during-and-after-hurricane
Coast Guard Hurricane Supply Kit: https://www.uscg.mil/d7/airstaBorinquen/docs/HurricanePage/Suggested%20Hurricane%20Supply%20Kits%20.pdf

-Now extremely likely to make landfall somewhere between Boca Raton and Titusville.
-Likely to strengthen to Category 4
-Reminder that hotels are getting sold out all across Tampa and St. Pete. It'd be wise to check hotels more north of Tampa for the best possibility of securing a room if you're evacuating.

>Live Cams (NEW)
Florida Beach Cams: http://www.mybeachcams.com/florida/southeast-keys/
Nassau, Bahamas Cam: http://www.portnassauwebcam.com/
Public Highway Cams: http://www.sigalert.com/Map.asp?lat=28.52839&lon=-81.2033&z=0

>Twitters to Check
First for CATEGORY 5
SC reporting in

Death approaches
i'm off to get chineese food

already got supplies but i'm too lazy to cook even though i might not be able too tomorrow
>west coast FL
>it's fucking nothing

Anyone who evacs to Tampa, fuck off we're full
Is delray beach safe?
29464, it's supposed to be cat 2 when it hits us. i think we're okay
I can't wait for Florida to get fucked in the ass. All the dumb fuck hatians and cubans are going to die along with old jews.

New eyewall cycle in progress.
to the homeless anon - go to the nearest hospital lobby or find a stairwell of a parking garage
Who here /working/ tn?

Living in kissimmee, going in at 615

>news stations saying to be off roads by 5
I hope some east coast Florida anons anons here post pics before their electricity goes out and they die.
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get ready for the threads to die out tonight as all our FL anons lose power

weather channel stream:

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Local news just interviewed two girls that were outside in the storm, pokemon hunting
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Shit, 136 dead in Haiti so far. I mean, Haiti is a literal shithole but it's concerning. Stay safe floridabros, unless you're a Puerto Rican.
literal nigger tier
Add this to local cameras. South of the eye about 30 miles http://www.deerfield-beach.com/1474/Beach-Cameras
108 dead in haiti
Theme music for thead

Which police scanners are good to listen to?

29591 here brother. If it isn't bad here, I'll probably be down in Georgia or Florida helping clean up
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How does it look for me guys? Feels pretty cozy
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Kek thirsts.
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A fucking leaf.

Stay safe homie, Orlando's getting thrown into the projected path and this thing is a mother fucker. At least you're fairly far in land, that should help a lot.

Also I'm glad it's not making landfall in Jupiter like previously predicted, that shit woulda fucked my house up so badly.

Also 561 here, still fairly sunny and windy out.
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>Pidgeot used Whirlwind
>It was super effective
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>tfw underground power lines in my neighborhood 5 miles offshore
pretty much as close as i'd want to be to this thing when it hits
gonna have power drop like it normally does when winds get too high, but it'll come back on eventually
Haiti having that much dead inst a suprise. Their country is mountainous and everyone built below the mountains and by the coast. So of course they are gonna get fucked by mudslides and floods.
k m8
Won't the police have evacuated?
I can't wait to leave this state for good. I just pray I don't die in this hurricane.
Start adding police scanner links from Broadcastify
>lightning observed within eyewall

WEW you guye are fucked
Anyone in the path that doesn't live in a literal underground bunker with enough provisions to last 3 generations needs to get in their car and fucking leave.

I'm not seeing where Orlando will be put into its path

why would you go help?
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108 dead niggers in Haiti

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you could throw a stick and hit 108 dead niggers in haiti.
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Will there be another madman like this?


People still play Pokemon Go?
No. They have to stay to prevent looters and crime sprees. I won't be surprised if National Guard gets called in.
Good, leave you faggot we don't want you here.
give me them

The last bad ice storm we had, they were paying people like 100-200 cash a day to help clean the trees and shit up. If they do it again, that's a fat stack of cash I could make.
Undergorund bunker, you want a bunker in the sky for a hurricane.
108 dead niggers! That's nine twelve times and that's awesome!
Did they find a Pigeot?
holy shit my dad is out there surfing right now. I wonder if OP's pic is him
Yes just started raining here. All the stuff they are showing on the news shows we might not even get the high winds.
>underground bunker
Right, let me just build an underground bunker in Florida. Why didn't I think of that?
There are cities they not even gotten too. The whole south east which was hit hardest hasn't been reached.
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Been prepping all week for this storm, I'm /comfy/ my house is safe.
thats exactly what i was gonna post, anyone still playing that shit is a fucking pleb
> police have evacuated?
officially yes, but some have to stay behind to keep niggers from running wild.
if it gets bad enough (it looks like it) the coast guard will have to help.
All cucks will be at work
You don't know what your dad looks like?
Jax beach is fucking packed, what are you people doing
On Daytona Beach, 1 block from coast on A1A, haven't boarded up, how fucked am I?

JAX is getting smashed by the eyewall. Its also nog territory outside the naval base And UNF
the Jews are closing disney at 5pm through tomorrow.
God speed my SE brothers. You'll all live and see the natural remover of chimps and spics.

T. Northern
Too many to choose from. Just choose the highly populated cities that will get direct hits. Metro areas are a good start.

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>Cat 4

lmfao yall niggas dead RIP /pol/ shitposters from florida.
>bitch ass garbage bag secured with a little bit of duct tape on the INSIDE of the window frame

That will last roughly 10 minutes before it blasts open like a breaching charge.

Everyone in Florida owns a gun and we have stand your ground, no one's going to do shit here unless they want to be added to the list of NSF causalities.
>10 feet storm surge
>the entire coast


Holy crap Florida is gone. There is just no way any house within 2 miles of the ocean will still be standing after this.
Landfall when?
So how much more time until "touchdown" ?

>a trash bag on the inside of the window

Am i getting tricked
Ay Atlantic beach here no ones going anywhere here either.
Also their infrastructure and emergency services are non existent to begin with. People were ALREADY starving to death. Bad weather amplifies all that shit.
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Thats where I am man.

Am I gonna be RIP?
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Fuck I hope so
>"You had a problem with looters?"
>"Not anymore"
We have lightning every day in florida
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>yall niggas
>Use a few pieces of tape to secure a garbage bag on my window
>Return to playing Minecraft
Sticky? When?
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>tfw Named Andrew
>Name will never be used again

>Nobody can stop a hurricane.

Has anyone just tried to switch off the atoms?
>W-what did you do with the bodies?
>Gave them to the coast guard, cunt.
A real human bean
can one man get any more based?
where to watch the surfers?
he's trolling you moron
I'm hoping there's a Hurricane Sean one of these days.
>not living in a city with underground power cables

Plebes, the lot of you. Enjoy sweating your cballs off while I'm comfy watching the storm blow through.
>Hurricane decimates florida
>Trump does a repeat of his Louisiana visit
>Hillary and Obongo do nothing, like Louisiana
And in that moment Trump completely secured the state
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Let's wish good luck to our American friends.
>Posts slang words
>Considered a wigger

BTFO idgaf about grammar.
"Everyone has a plan until they get hit by a cat 4"

-Ike Ibeabuchi
No you'll be fine the biggest issue is power outage
Kek what does it mean? Kek bless you lith bro.
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Nice digits.

Freeport in a hour or two, Florida in 10-12 hours.

twister fag's

your happening is boring as fuck!
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God has a sense of humor, I see.
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Tampa here. I hope this holds.
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>BTFO idgaf about grammar.
deciding where I'll go on holiday next summer...

Finland gets Finland

You're fucked

kek confirms he is bored by this happening. it will be worse than expected so that he will be amused.
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Who Broward/South Florida here?
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Stuart, FL reporting in.

listening to NPR local Sheriff

>If you live in a mobile home and you haven't yet evacuated or refuse to evacuate. We will be preparing extra body bags.

Death comes to us all.
this is bait
>europoor education
No one making a thread on twisters.

This is Cyclones!
>played all day for 3 days in a row
>got to level 22
>nothing to do
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>All these boats left at dock

Half of them will be found embedded into the sides of local businesses.
any streams from around florida so that we can watch it literally roll in and envelope the earth?
Me. This is getting boring. When is shit supposed to go down here?
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1 stilts
2 building code
3 yuropoors are retards
Best police scanner to listen to?
/pembrokepines/ reporting in. I'm comfy playing my ps4 right now. My pops is out there surfing
>be american
>die to wind
heh, come on now, you can do better
Just got home
Any /pol/acks dead yet?
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That fat one bottom left is going to rack up quite a $ damage score
Miami, there is literally no wind outside, kind bummed
Nice one finbro
That's my nigga big Mike, we call him Grilled Cheese.
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Jupiter here, I thought this thing was heading further and further north? Is it still predicted to land in west palm?
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I'm so fucked guys. In my shitty apartment with no car and could only get enough food/water to fit in my backpack. Fuck this gay earth anyway. Allahu akbar
We actually die to flying street signs thank you very much
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broward here

cup of hot chocolate
The ones at anchor will do better then the ones on the dock.
>not anymore
Glad to know there are still real americans left. We will survive SHTF
Southwest Ranches here. Good luck to your pops, man.
looking good m8, it's good to see people plan ahead.
Give me the best streams

More like get impaled by a piece of wind flying at 160mph
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this is what Florida will look like 2 days from now
Iceland or Canada get
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there is no meme magic pushing for more action. Come on anons, there are at least two movies i know that could be farmed for memes.
>booohooo I got shot
Don't fucking loot you dumb nigger

I always wanted to drown to death.
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It's over. Florida will never recover. Just do the one sensible thing and move to an actual state already.
IS there a hospital nearby? sneak in.
99% of these will be worse for me
Must be good looting with everyone evacuated
Think it's gonna be bad? my whole house is shuttered up
Kendall reporting. /comfy/ here. Jacksonville is gonna get a beating.
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>Jupiter here
"oh goyim, no..remember the 6 trillion.."
>That one house that's still standing.

My first thought is that I'd be happy if I owned that house, but then I realized it would be absolutely raped by looters.
anon from the bahamas is most likely dead with the 12ft storm surges that we expected to hit there.

nothing yet, but in maybe 5+ hours stuff will state happening. Miami might be the best since it's the biggest.

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is there a way to name storms in the us?
here in europe it costs like 500 euro to name one (no joke)
>this camera guy
Have a friend that moved to Keenansville in August. ....how fucked arr you guys?
All of the places that will get hit the hardest are left leaning areas, actually.
Can we bet on death tolls?
RIP that anon that lives 5 minutes from the beach yet for some reason stayed behind.

It's been slid off the foundation. It has to be demolished.
There was an anon in an earlier thread that snuck into a hospital. He posted some pictures.
Florida is probably the worst state to try and loot in

People WILL shoot you

I choose Iceland <3

Still have another 2.5 hours of work. Some anon better stream this shit.
50 tops, not even joking
All hurricanes get names because they're the literal fucking wrath of god

You Europeans have no clue do you?
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Who PINE HILLS here?
shut up you fucking negroid holy shit
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Got my supplies ready. I am a simple man, i don't need much.
The government names them

I'm glad they still name them normal christian and english names

We could have hurricane muhammad or pajeet
I'm watching the weather channel...looks like west palm beach is totally fucked. Any anons here staying put near there? There are some suicidal people on this board right now...
Is it bad that I king of want florida to turn into a disaster zone so I can shoot looters from my window
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these old shutters have glass windows in them
37 000

My friend down near the space coast, lives on the Indian river. Is not evac.

Might have to go to her and her family funeral.

You dun goofed
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>you will never save her from the storm surge
florida is literally more important than your country, might wanna rethink your shitposting.
Can you imagine coming back as the owner of the sole standing house. Granted that house is likely uninhabitable but still...christ
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Florida really doesn't give a shit do they. There's a Hurricane right off shore and these two chicks are swimming
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lol it's literally nice out in Miami

What a load of horseshit
Not sure, we have some hurricane windows and shutters, some food, some water, and my mom did that water in the bathtub thing. I'm still trying to figure out when the worst is actually supposed to get here. I definitely wouldn't go outside during that time if it's as bad as anons here are saying.

50-60 from the storm itself

200 from the niggers looting and killing each other over some pork n beans
Hospitals are good place to say safe in these storms.
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Feathering at landfall. HRRR has 921 mb low hitting florida.
are hurricanes racist?
there's never one good stream in a hurricane, not even if you are in it.
the aftermath is the good fun.
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if tripz numbers above 5000

kek my ass off get
lets roll
I was supposed to be in Boca right now

looks like I lucked out, I'm in Tampa instead. RIP faggots
108 dead googles in Haiti

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Threadly reminder of the side bitch, Nicole, that may join Matthew or push him over to West Coast especially when she gets upgraded to a main bitch.
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So fuckin jealous, I wish for sandy redux. Everyone is too complacent and liberal around here
We throw hurricane parties and a lot of guys take it as an opportunity to surf since our regular waves suck ass.
for shekeland
Retards are staying, yes. They will be stranded on their roofs, or die.

Fuck you I'm heading to the beach in a few hours to drink and party.

Fucking genius
kek gtfo burger florida is peasant state. Texas, California, new York are states that actually matter
That's fun and all until you're on your 7th day with no electricity and no fresh water and still cut off from the outside world by flooding and downed lines
Self-employed. Send clients an email about the hurricane, and now I'm eating Taco Bell and watching TV. Chill as fuck.
>homes in florida aren't elevated
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Driving from Austin Texas to Gainesville Florida right now.

Go gators!
Congratulations, you've won.
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where are you finding these graphics

looks like it's going to destroy the entire peninsula
Clever plan if you survive. Nazi frog worshippers stay home in ratty apartments with duct tape and plastic while the Merchants flee. As the storm begins to fade.....

Take their property! It's anudda Shoah! Squat in a West Palm Kikesion and plant your flag proudly! Make sure you have enough ammo to defend with.

probably a decent white family's house
Unless they've evacuated.
Well nothing to lose
Hurricane Matthew is a BIG GUY
Yeah, it is. You shouldn't want to shoot anyone.
>Cat 4 from Palm Beach to Jax

This is going to be a bloodbath.
Apparently we are just going to get tropical storm conditions here...
Weston here. Everyone has their shit boarded up but honestly don't think we'll get hit that badly. Just don't want the power to go out.
Nearly every store down Palm Bay Road is closed. My neighborhood complex is all but abandoned. Getting real spooky...and Halloween isn't for another three weeks!
Me too bro
Can so.eone explain what the pressure measurement means? 9xx mb... etc. How does it affect the storm?
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Family owns beachfront property in St. Augustine on Anastasia island, St. Johns county.

How fucked is our house, /pol/?

That normie bullshit doesn't even play like the actual Pokemon games. You only catch and don't battle. Also it was popular because it came out right before July, when people were out and about.


>doing damage

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i know this smile
leafs want to crash this state with no survivors...
Yeah it's nice out right now

Supposed to get more wind but that's it

It's suppose to fuck up the entire north east coast. Pretty much everything 2hours north of Miami is getting hit hard. Stay safe anon. Don't be a dumbass.
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>Implying nothing but niggers and spics live along the coast.

All the white folks I know already left. Let the remainers drown.
There's always crazy fuckers that stick around and defend their neighbors homes
>surge map has satellite beach under 6' of water
>friend evac'd to kissimmee but he has home like quarter mile from the beach there
i'm trying to be /comfy/ here cause i'm safe 5 miles inshore behind a1a in ormond beach but now i'm just worrying if my friend is gonna lose his home
please give me something good, lord kek
Lower the number, stronger the storm.
That's what I figured. We supposedly have back up gnerators here too so we might even be ok from that.


These numbers don't lie

4:44:44 hours
Rerolling. You can't forget all the Section 8 people who have no cars.
Might get some flood damage
>Sean coming around in 2017
I hope it turns into a giant scary motherfucker of a hurricane, as bad as that sounds.
I go to coca beach for summer every year. How hard will it get hit?
>I dindu nuffin, jus walkin tru ur neighborhood and pickin stuff up

>He called me a nigga
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lower pressure, more damage.

wind travels form high to low pressure. lower pressure means more wind.
>just worrying if my friend
worry about your own fucking ass anon. best policy in life.
If double dig the Florida becomes an island.
>tfw I know a meteorology major who drove from Tallahassee to Coconut beach just to chase the hurricane.

Why are meteorologists such madmen?

Even without a hurricane just normal coastal erosion would fuck up that community in only a few decades.

Do they constantly truck in concrete chunks and sand annually just to keep their backyard intact?

*owned beachfront property
Yeah, but I mean he snuck into an office after waiting for someone to open the "employees only" door for him.
Anyone else /gainesville/ here?

Still not too sure how hard we're gonna get fucked, should be fun either way though.

and follow @crankywxguy he's the best twitter meteorologist out there. I don't think he sleeps more than 4 hours a night
Based st lucie police " we will not tolerate looters, if you do, bring a tooth brush because you'll be behind bars"
just think of it like someone busting open the window on an airplane at 36000'
if there's lower pressure, more shit wants to get sucked into it, and that only happens faster the lower the pressure gets
>Jew York
>flyover Texas
>not peasant tier


Its like your mom. The lower it gets the harder it sucks.

And 940 means it is sucking really good. The ocean is forming a nice big bulge of sucked up water. This will flood everything and kill a lot of people.
>house on the beach of a barrier island
They usually build them pretty strong but idk shit can happen. Probably 50/50. There will definitely be damage but I don't think the whole house will be fucked. Unless you guys haven't done anything like put shutters up.
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>west palm category 4
no, the storm is going to hit the republican leaning counties between Brevard and Nassau.
What have we done?
Ooooooooo, please no sandniggers
Stay go pls. Austin is too crowded.
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challenge accepted
Pivotalweather.com, tropicaltidbits.com, follow @crankywxguy
check out this sick get
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Matthew will hit Florida twice
guys I live on the coast of las vegas

will I be safe?
A lot of canadacucks move down here, this leaf must be vengeful
Beach reclamation is a thing. They dredge sand and pump it on the beach.
eh, i'm deep innawoods down sr40, i'm in a cul-de-sac with a few neighbors who've been through this before and haven't even bothered to board windows so i have no need to worry
Roll for widespread death and destruction
Mobile home on coast here. Just finished attaching empty barrels to sides and underside of house. Keep eye out for my mobile battle station as I plow it into down town.

I should be safe though right? I boarded up and all. Just moved here a year ago.
When will the hurricane reach the beach?
That *might* hold a category 1 fart.

Erosion is a massive problem in South Carolina. Yes, they truck in sand.
they ride the lightning anon
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>Mfw generator
Possible Cat 5.
I cant imagine what a storm like this would do to long island

We got fucking rekt by sandy and that wasn't even technically a hurricane when it hit

That would be a true habbening
for real, this might actually cost trump the election...
Heavy meteor fall and magma surge predicted, get to a shelter.
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Redpill me on Matthew. I'm too lazy to read the whole thread and don't know much about hurricanes.

Is Florida fucked? Are niggers going to drown? Should I get comfy?
Pressure dropped to 938
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Ten times that many Haitians dropped dead of cholera last month. 136 dead in Haiti during a hurricane just means the visibility was too low for them to rape each other to death.

> yfw the hood rats and mufungo niggers get evacuated from Miami and the only people left vote red as fuck in November
That legit? If so. Fuck my life. Living in Palm Bay, FL. Our ass is gonna get a beating
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Honestly if you don't live right on the coast I don't think this will be that big of a deal, east coast hurricane means there will be no tornado offshoots to fuck shit up, just a lot of wind, rain, and flooding. Stay inside, maybe board up any big windows on your house, it'll be all good.

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>Live in a family of 5
>mom, sister, and two brothers
>hurricane is about to hit us
>literally no one lifts a finger to help except my sister
>pretty much forced to put up all of the shutters by myself
>house is still not secured
>still not getting any help

I can literally feel myself accepting death
Storm surges flooding absolutely everything close to the beach, forcing anyone left behind to the roofs, where +60m/s winds and flying debris will kill them.
>Is Florida fucked?

>Are niggers going to drown?
1,000s in haiti already

>Should I get comfy?
Of course
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>tfw middle name is matthew and I live right in the killzone
Dont be stupid
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>tfw gonna get 80 to 100 mph winds

Yes. HRRR hi resolution model has cat 5 hitting FL.

hi res models are best used within 48 hour time frame, which we are currently in.
Get comfy, anons who ignore evacuation and post in these threads are gonna die, east coast of florida is fucked, niggers will be looting.
Enjoy the ride.
new bread >>>91746750

new bread >>>91746750

new bread >>>91746750
If anything this will help just like the floods in Louisiana did. If the storm was like a week out from the election it might have some impact. The election is a month away.
Coasts getting 145mph winds are blue. Inland that's getting a slight breeze is red. Only good things can come of this
Something about that face reminds me of the Mario & Luigi games for some reason.
As said before, they not even gotten to the worse areas. The 136 is just in the capital area.
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comfy in tampa here
where the fuck is the storm; I'm sick of waiting for shit to get crazy. hurt the fuck up. I'm in orlando!
Vero fag here. We're fugged.
Only the coast is fucked
>Beach reclamation is a thing. They dredge sand and pump it on the beach.

But do those homeowners living on the beach pay for that, or does the state take care of the reclamation for them?
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>implying barely anyone ever dies in Florida from hurricanes

Bottom of screen, hit play. Looks like West Palm to Orlando kill, if this model holds.
Sandy was a cat 2 at most. The subsequent nor'easter happening at the same time fucked you

>mfw jew york and the entirety of new England get crushed by a measly Cat 4
Redpill me on mathew

Same, I'm in the Lake Nona area, waiting for the happening.
im gay
His cock is hard but true.
>, they not
Who is "they?" White doctors. Suddenly niggers aren't so tough and way fewer niggers and spics on TV during actual emergency.

then the nigger becomes the eternal victim. wait until a nigger looter gets shot, trial, jews, it just goes on and on..
He's fucking your wife.
thats what your mom said to me last night
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Publix is love.
Publix is life.
It's gonna rain.

Here, Finnbro. Let me explain:

The American Nigger (Africanus americanus) is a sessile creature. Much like the barnacle, it tends to settle wherever the currents of fate take it. When large populations of A. africanus are threatened by calamity, rather than remove themselves from the path of harm, they rely on other to do so for them. Inevitably, many will die in the midst of this process, whether from violence, disease, old age or accident. But the majority will survive to be transplanted into other urban areas. There, they will remain and carry on their lives until another disaster arrives to carry them to another area.
Here's to meme magic

The way the 'teeth' show up even in the original pic is uncanny, any meteorologists seen that kind of thing before? Is Kek really willing this?
Every fucking time. The insurance companies should be getting pissed, but their CEO's live on Sullivan's Island and IOP.

Moved back to Ohio (couldn't take you fucker's bantz anymore :) a few years ago. Still have a lot of friends and old co-workers there. Half are getting out, but it's mostly the ones in flood prone areas. The rest are about to party.

Stay safe Florida bros, and take some good pics.
movin 14mph to the NW staring Miami down.
>the original
the jew probably shopped them in to be funny and didn't expect it to get so popular.
theres another tropical storm that could turn into a hurricane right beside Matthew, name is Nicole. Google it.
Poopoo and oh dog.
>normal christian
christianity is a religion created by arabs you kike bitch
I don't want to be reborn thx
ROLLAN biatch

>Hello, my name is Elder Matumbo

Just had 2 suspicious ghetto looking guys knock on my door asking if I need help with shutters. Driving a beat up car and definitely not from this neighborhood.

These people are scoping empty houses to rob.

Be careful out there.

yes they were niggers.
Confirmed. Several guns in the house. Looters will be shot if they come here.
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Keep your rifle loaded, on your body and remember that nobody will ever catch you.

yea, thats certainly the truth.

parking took a massive jump from $15 to $23

annual pass went from like 550 to 650 (for the cheapest one with no blackout dates)

day pass went from $100 to like $120

on the plus side there were a lot less Brazilians out there this year. (they actually got us a free room because they were fucking chanting until 4am one night)
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View from a rooftop in west Broward
Make your "Looters will be shot" sign now
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