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Hurricane General - Good Luck East Coast edition

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 389
Thread images: 103

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AM I FUCKED?" or "WILL I BE OKAY?" anons, please check your area's warnings using this link:

>Maps and Information (NOAA, updates automatically now.)
Path and Warnings: http://www.nhc.noaa.gov/graphics_at4.shtml?5-daynl#contents
Wind Probabilities: http://www.nhc.noaa.gov/refresh/graphics_at4+shtml/213945.shtml?tswind120#contents
Storm Surges: http://www.nhc.noaa.gov/refresh/graphics_at4+shtml/213945.shtml?wsurge#contents

>Maps and Information (other sources)
Tidbits: http://www.tropicaltidbits.com/
SpaghettiModels: http://www.spaghettimodels.com/
Navy NRL: http://www.nrlmry.navy.mil/TC.html

>Hurricane Safety
NOAA: http://www.nws.noaa.gov/om/hurricane/
FEMA: https://www.fema.gov/disaster/4068/updates/hurricane-safety-tips-learn-what-do-during-and-after-hurricane
Coast Guard Hurricane Supply Kit: https://www.uscg.mil/d7/airstaBorinquen/docs/HurricanePage/Suggested%20Hurricane%20Supply%20Kits%20.pdf

-Now extremely likely to make landfall somewhere between Boca Raton and Titusville.
-Likely to strengthen to Category 4
-Reminder that hotels are getting sold out all across Tampa and St. Pete. It'd be wise to check hotels more north of Tampa for the best possibility of securing a room if you're evacuating.

>Live Cams (NEW)
Florida Beach Cams: http://www.mybeachcams.com/florida/southeast-keys/
Nassau, Bahamas Cam: http://www.portnassauwebcam.com/
Public Highway Cams: http://www.sigalert.com/Map.asp?lat=28.52839&lon=-81.2033&z=0

>Twitters to Check
Latest Obs show pressure continuing to drop since early AM.

Several hi res models anticipating cat 5 impact for Florida.

If you didn't leave and you live near the barrier islands, RIP. You are dead.
First for jax
5-9 feet

Waves over roof tops

Hold me
This is a sign from Kek, most affected areas are heavy democrat
Who Jax beach here, I already evacuated to a friends place up in GA
>Orange Park

How bad will the chimpout be? I am packin' bigly, but I got a family to protect.
weather channel stream https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Riz1vKLhqI

5-9 feet storm surges with wave crashes
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See the red line? If you are in FL when that red line gets to you ur fukked m8
Anons in the 6-9 foot zone report in.
first for Oviedo.
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Who here safe
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Time to make this a YLYL thread
Earthquake level destruction in Haiti
why the fuck does verizon fios not have the weather channel?

atta boy

I'm like 15 miles from the beach so I dont think I'll get fucked too hard
Anybody think Rick Scott isn't that bad of a guy after all?
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Holy fuck that storm surge isn't just a visual, they are expecting it to go almost 50 miles past the coastline
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So if Matthew spins around to hit Florida again can it gain strength back to a Cat 3, 4?
Gov confirmed thousands will die. Dubs to confirm
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>Democratic side of Florida getting blown the fuck out literally


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whats the ETA on the storm hitting gotta get comfy ???
Honestly worried but since it's not near the airport I hope it's not too bad
so would all the Haitians

you cant do it though.

you dont think every single person in africa doesnt want to " just come to america" because its better to be homeless here than in africa

but they cant do it

Do you own property there? Are you going to come "home" to a disaster?
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Have good friend in sharpes florida.

Just found out the husband decided not to evacuate.

RIP sister of my buddy.
1st for not being afraid of a pussy storm like europeans
Hes bad at public speaking but gets shit done IMO
Glu glub gl brlrghh--

I'm in Fleming Island. I'm more worried about Tornadoes and lightning strikes.
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widespread power outages from Miami to Jacksonville

Kek has his eye on haiti
I live in Titusville (near NASA) and I safely evacuated to Tampa where I'll be until at least Monday or Tuesday, possibly later.

When I woke up today, it looks like this storm is just getting stronger and closer.

What are the odds that my house is going to be destroyed when I get back?
Exactly my thoughts, eat shit libtards. All of and your celebrities can suck my cock
Well someone's roof just got blown away, and one of my windows just broke shit.
>not getting comfy

Tomorrow morning through all day Friday. TS conditions on Saturday, sunny and hot on Sunday.
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I think I am ready
Free rooms on airbnb
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>Don't go on the beach
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>half the state is going to lose power

Fuck this is actually catastrophic
Who 954 here?
How fucked is St. Petersburg? Partner's grandpappy lives there on the waterfront and was wondering if we should tell him to evacuate or not.

I figure he's lived through enough shit to know when to book it but it's worth giving him a heads up in case shit looks dire.
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At least you guys have a heads up. I live in cali, so when the big earthquake hits. I'm fucked. For all we know this could be last meal I'm eating right now :(

Stay safe Florida bros
Post pics breh
80,000 googles sacrificed for kek.

Not even mad.
If the power goes out, you can expect some degree of chimpery in the Westside, Northside, the west-end of Baymeadows, and where ever they think they can get to whitey without the cops killing them.

I just loaded three mags and put a drum into my Southern typewriter
>tfw not in the DR shooting refugee nigs trying to jump the fence
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>duck tape

nigga that's not how it works
or, you know, they're all lazy retarded niggers
good job mate
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>actually has live chat

haha we comfy now
we good in st pete
just some heavy rain and maybe tornadoes
Oh man...my buddy just sent me a message saying he's in Zone A Evac in Jax. Said they're packing their shit and getting the fuck out now. Roads are normal traffic, nobody is even worrying about this storm there.

Praise Kek, we might have a MurderCane on our hands in FL if they continually fail to heed the warnings Kek has given them.
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HA! Dumbfuck, they are supposed to be on the outside bolted to a frame attached to the house.
Just ran to Miami beach. There little things that say beach is closed. Saw some spice hop em as they were leaving. Should I do it? I took some photos but too high res to upload.
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This is an interesting idea. I would love to rent a room during a killstorm like this, provided the building was sturdy enough.
That open area you are using duct tape with the shutters?
Haiti is filled with africa-tier niggers
Also in St Pete, just wind gusts and some rain for us unless it heads more west or hits us in the loop around next week

>duct tape corrugated sheet metal to window, from the inside no less

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I had to copy all of my menes to my phone. it's gonna be between a category 2-4 by the time it hits Jacksonville. I had to evacuate since they moved the evacuation zone to my area. I just hope nothing gets fucked up. some of my friends can't get out either
>west end of baymeadows
Do you mean west from 95? I'm on baymeadows but barely east of 95
Is there any way to keep from getting car windows busted? Neighbor said she got 2 cars totalled last time.
Enjoy chunks of metal flying around your home
How the fuck am i expected to survive without internet in the [current year]?

What do normies do to keep themselves occupied?
Please anons, if you evacuate don't forget to delete internet history


i lost the link
yeah, upload externally and link
Saw white birches at a cafe too
This. He a deeply effective leader, he not a great speaker, but I will give him credit, is speaks clearly and you can tell he trained himself to speak clearly since he know his speaking is not great.
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We don't know what the fuck it's going to do since that's at least a week away, but it's possible. It's following a very strange path and it might be intercepted by Tropical Storm Nicole while it's stalling off the coast, and who knows how that's going to affect it.

So far everything is going worst-case-scenario, so I'd like to think it swings back around and blows up in the Gulf to fuck everything up one more time
How the FUCK are people not evacuating? The state over estimated the safe zones and they STILL had to move them, they are evacuating the shelters they had initially set up and are pleading for people to move inward as fast as they can.
Will there be katrina levels of looting and chimping after this.
Why did people think he was bad in the first place?

Oh that's not so bad. At least he's a big gunbro who regularly goes to the range so he can defend his property in case anyone tries anything silly.

Seems like the Gulf side of Florida is a much safer place to be with this shitstorm scouring the East.
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youre dead m8
At least during Nor'easters we yanks keep ourselves busy by clearing snow.

It's not like you can shovel rain.
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With the current conditions of the hurricane...expect to stay in Tampa for a few weeks. Road closures, trees down, bridges down, devastation, etc. could prevent you from being able to check on your house for weeks. In Katrina people weren't allowed to go back to their homes and in most cases it wasn't possible due to the large scale flooding...they literally just had a backpack of stuff and moved to Texas or FL. I have neighbors in FL from the Katrina hurricane...
Please tell me you are trolling.
954, Pembroke Pines. I don't want to go through this without electricity.
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>storm surge 6-9 feet
Get ready Florida Anons...
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It's Majora's Mask, definitely a sign.
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>tfw wont be able to shitpost on /pol/ for a couple of days

someone hold me
I have a friend who lives in orlando

how fugged is he?
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this storm is literally nothing you idiot

it is partly the state wanting to cover their asses when a few kanz inevitably drown, and partly a scheme for duracell and energizer to sell their shitty flashlights and emergency kits

settle down friends, there are people literally throwing parties on the beach right now, no one gives a shit about this thing
>tfw activated

I get to spend my 5 day weekend in a shelter full of dindus and screaming children. I hope this hurricane is a doozy.
I'm in Brevard County, but 5 miles from beach and elevated area. Riding it out.

Depends on where in Orlando.
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>this storm is literally nothing you idiot
>tfw went from neptune beach to small-town in Tallahassee for evac
>now realize the importance of securing a future for white children

I'm not even fully white and I'm gonna probably move out here
dude... if that window breaks those loose storm shutters are going to get tossed around like metal kites in that room...likely decapitating you if you are in it.

I seriously hope this is a joke... duct tape...apex keks.
No generator + mobile combo?
No, I mean right where you are.
You do realize that's section 8 housing there, right? Next to that Chilis is also where they release all the pedophiles to live in a group home.
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>Enjoy chunks of metal flying around your home

This. They're going to find anon's body decapitated a week from now.
resize the photos you fucking idiot
no m8 u dont understand

someone is going to stop you whether its in africa or in america when you go to the airport

and thats implying you could save up enough money to get the plane ticket

and then youre illegal in the united states and youll get deported

believe me ur an idiot if you think this works all they have to do is fly to america and then bale
and then they have succesfully escaped the 3rd world

just like that

i bet some people have done that but .... for most people its not reality

i cant really say why because every situation is different
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Weather channel warns not to duct tape your windows or board them from the inside, it causes pressure issues and more damage in your house if you do that.
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You got this man
Hurricanes are God's brillo-pads. Scrubbing the crusted human filth off the coast.
>be american
>get hurricaned
He's got a reputation of being shady. His dealings with the sugar industry. And he looks like a reptilian shape shifter.
if i wasnt at work id edit a height marker against that bloke at 8"11
>yfw it keeps looping around Florida's curve and becomes a permanent fixture of Florida's weather
9/10 topkek. Thanks for the laugh today. I don't care if you're trolling or not. I died. Much like you will in a few hours when that shit slices your fucking head off in your living room.
i hope you have shutters on the outside too, or you will get proper fucked, you are about to get sliced to pieces Final Destination style
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Will property on the Gulf Coast/Sarasota go up?
St Pete will be fine. They will close bridges though if wind gets too bad so best to get across the skyway now if planning on leaving.
Might be Andrew level Mad Max shit anon.
>possibly hitting 155 MPH winds
>9 foot storm surges
>mandatory evacuation alerts

Yeah its nothing and everyone should take their boards down, go home, and/or go return the supplies they brought

Cant tell if youre trolling or from Wyoming or some shit
Someone I hate lives in Cape Coral and Fort Myer. The storm is going to miss them :( was hoping it would kill them
Nicole could help blow it back to Florida but it's doubtful that they'll merge.
No but insurance costs will state wide
It already has been
I think I need to peace out of work early and do everything I can to convince my parents to go to my grandparents' place in Tampa.
holy fuck anyone hear that ringing sound coming from the sky?

that did not sound like an airplane or anything ive ever heard before
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>this storm is literally nothing
mobile shitposting just isn't the same, though

Ooh so we finally get our own Terra version of the Great Red Spot? Neat!
Don;'t forget waves on TOP of the surge.
>getting caught
git gud
also my windows are all foggy as fuck out of nowhere
it's the sound of forgiveness
>being both uninformed and a huge pussy
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>mfw Matthew swings around to join with Nicole and a category 6 hurricane skullfuck Florida
Get your ears checked, gramps
920-930 mb Cyclone with 10 food storm surge.

It could be an air raid alarm, they still use those for hurricane and tornado warnings.
My dad is refusing to evacuate.
Shit's starting to look pretty bad. It keeps getting closer and stronger, but it's probably too late to evacuate now.
Safest places during hurricanes
>Official shelters
Anyone else from FL here? I got my hurricane shutters down and I feel like in the Fuehrerbunker :^)
They are reporting free airbnb in Orlando for evacuees but when they try to book them they're all full.
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Fuck my shit up family I'm in that fucking neighborhood next to chili's. Time to blockade my front door from the inside

glug glug nigga
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Idiot, that was probably the trumpets of angels as they beckon the holy to be saved.

Guess what you meme-loving fuck? You're not holy and you're not getting saved. Enjoy your watery grave. The flood shall purge your sinful life from this perfect earth, like a flea being flung from the fur of a dog.
my house is less than a mile form the beach
no one in my neighborhood is leaving, we haven't fell for the evacuation meme since Floyd
How close to the beach?
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I taped garbage bags on my windows
I'm ready
561 here... saved.

I'll make a shrine to it so it saves my house but still blows all the niggers and spics to OZ
Wind 140 mph
940 and dropping fast

New hospitals in coastal areas are usually built like bomb shelters. My buddy in Melbourne is in a newer hospital and they've transferred all patients from the barrier islands to his place.
Category 5 Buzzsaw about to destroy the ENTIRE Florida coast, and then come back for seconds.
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Seriously though, stay safe faggots.

Cool thanks. I'll pass the word to him.

Kinda bummed we're not getting another mutant storm in the Northeast though. Sandy was pretty comfy when it plunged the lower half of Manhattan into darkness like some post apocalyptic shit
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940 BAR

Who the fuck has a basement all along the gulf coast nigga
Where's he from?


From the future cast it looks like the eye wall is going to fuck Miami pretty hard.
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I'm giggling like a fucking schoolgirl
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Palm Beach County barrier island checking in. Don't have shutters on the kitchen windows, they're "hurricane proof" however.
Any anons live near the red part?
The eyewall is completely wrapped around. Cat 5 incoming.....

what a monster.

Seriously hope my funposting buddies on /pol/ pull through it.
Westside Jax, on the border with OP.


you must not be from the Gulf coast
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>I taped garbage bags on my windows
I'm ready
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Just lost power at the publix in delray beach.

People still surfing at Lake worth pier
best advice for 2 weeks without power? If you take pills (benzos/opiates) ration them.
If you drink, have enough of it. neighbors you never imagined were on their own gear were going down all over.
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>Haiti death toll up to fucking 65

That means it's a category 4. Only 17 miles off of being a Cat 5.
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Holy shit I'll be fine, why do you fuckers worry, Duct tape can hold it

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i know a chick from the bahamas hope shes okay
>check webcam
oh boy shes dead
>CAT 4
rip floridabros
its not even ironic, the storm will destroy democrat areas
Fuck yeah. When 2011 Tsunami hit Japan I decided to go surfing here in California. Coast guard were telling people on bullhorn to get out of water, said a 7 foot surge was expected in about half an hour. They weren't trying very hard though more of a warning than an order. That wave was beautiful and so different from a normal wave, it didn't really crash, it was like a giant ripple, allowing dozens of us to ride it. Fun times
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I don't think I've ever used this image more appropriately
>Barrier island

You fucked up man. Seriously I don't want you to die. I hope you leave. If you stay, though, you better post some goddamn pictures throughout the whole thing.
Is there a livestream of the coast?
What's a southern typewriter, similar to a Chicago typewriter?
Doesn't hurricane proof mean cat 3 proof usually?
>in Florida
Jim Cantore just said he evacuating from the space coast area.

>debris and wind break glass

>thin plastic and tape will stop it
went from orlando to st pete to escape the storm.

We should be good
They have to get in some waves where they can. FL surfing is shit tier.
A moment of silence for this poor dumb bastard
That will definitely hold back category 4 winds for sure. Good call.
you should tape some Kleenex behind the bags to absorb some of the wetness if the windows break.
>try learning to surf
>looks like a comfy, fun pastime
>everyone out there is a bunch of fuckheads who call each other "kook" constantly
>impossible to have fun because of tryhard faggots
>literally get assaulted and have to break some guy's nose because he can't just fuck off after he crashes into me
It's category 4

You car won't exist after the storm
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Leave them open
Drive away
Is the west side of Jax safe? Everyone I know lives there and they're all staying but as a beach guy I had to leave
A hail guard might potential help the front windshield, but there isn't much you can do.

>wanting to drown in the storm sruge
this is a category 4 (soon a cat 5) that will trail the coastline.

Youre an idiot if you think comparing this to Floyd/Charley is appropriate
lel, this hurricane will be a Cat 5 pretty soon.

Your car is as good as gone.
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thats her btw
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Port Orange here.

We're all going to make it, bros.
Coming towards you in an hour tampanon
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Fuck. I cant cum unless it's a Cat 5
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Should i evacuate?
Friendly reminder that this will make landfall as a cat 5, and will be the strongest hurricane in the last 110 years to hit this nation, please evacuate or you will die
oh god not again

how will i vape or play vidya, or vape, without power
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>tfw comfy country with boring weather where no disasters ever happen
Jacksonville around San Jose and Baymeadows reporting in. It's fucking starting to rain sideways here. About to evac to the 727.
>In an evac zone (AKA emergency services will straight up tell you to fuck off zone) with too many pets to leave
>The only firearm in the house I feel completely proficient with is the mosin nagant I've owned for nearly a decade.

If shit goes down and it's going down like the eastern front.
Take your car and drive the fuck out of there
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I'm fucking in tears
This is what Hurricane Ike sounded like...

Are you floridians Okay with dealing with that sound for 9-12+ hours?
the weather channel jews just lost their feed. not sure if it was for dramatic effect, they plan their economics around this.
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Because verizon does not sell cable, like charter or comcast do. They lease infrastructure but broadcast nothing. The rehost cable services from other providers, such as directtv. If the weather channel does not succeed in negotiations their channel will not be rehosted. Simple as that.
I should go to bed, happening when I wake up.
Good riddance
Bridges are already closed, and have been since last night at 8PM. They must have re-opened them briefly because i got my newspaper delivered this morning. I have one other friend in the building who is staying here too on the fifth floor so i'll be there a lot (She's 90 years old and i'm a young goy), but i'll go back to my ninth floor view to send update pics
Yeah but you can probably hold off for 12 hours or so.
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it could very well go inland, we're still 24+ hours away you dolt
can you see the ocean from your house? if so youre already dead
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>that get

guys can we not meme Florida out of existence, I don't want to have to use a new flag with one less star
Jesus Christmas anon you are gonna get a direct hit

It's going to pound the fuck out of you and orlando
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Ok I resized. Things I saw: homeless people sleeping on the street. I wonder if they will get washed away. Post men loading up trucks full of post (maybe to get it to safety idk). Several other joggers, and people buying shit - mostly alcohol.
the west side is furthest away from the beach and river IIRC

I'm on south side and my family.is taking their sweet ass time getting out
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It's to late anon, you're already dead
Looks sorta downy
>that clean traffic


I had to drive 11 hours to get to Dallas when Rita hit

That's good to hear! Good luck down there and take some pics of the destruction when it's all clear!

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>this close to the shore

Nigga I'm 33478 as well but I'm 10 miles in land and pretty goddamn tempted to just drive west for a few hours. You really should find a shelter.

Where in the 561 are you? Are you evacuating?
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Even Jim Cantore is leaving that area as it not safe enough

Took the eye of Wilma, wonder how I'll fare with this one.
You're a good dude for checking on your neighbor. Stay safe, I'll look forward to your pics.

Might wanna namefag so we can find you easily. You're probably the only anon this close to the storm
I just heard a guy say it's possible Nicoles outer bands feed Matthew just a couple hours before it hits florida strengthening it to cat 5.

Do you think Kek wills this?
i swear i heard some weird sound coming from the sky earlier this morning
Don't own a car in this weather.
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This is what Hurricane Ike sounded like...


Are you floridians Okay with dealing with that sound for 9-12+ hours?
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Comfey here in sarasota.
"who is being displaced? Who is leaving? I bought this land from the Jewish Agency.."
>M up the entire coast
this is how the dems win the election
they remove florida
U goin to davy jones locker niqqa

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If you don't leave now you literally might die
Sell your car before its too late
That sign says Midnight-5am.

It's after 5am therefore the sign holds no authority.
dont worry anon just shoot the hurricane while you are there

maybe it will go away
whatever you do, dont go to the fema camps when you run out of food and water
No don't listen to him fuck off we're full.
surfing is going to be great!
God damn. So many Florida cunts here. No wonder this board is shit.

Bye bye assholes. Enjoy your watery graves.
>hurricane kills just enough democrats to swing the state red in November by a small margin

Praise Kek
looks like dade county is home free. the rest of you can get fukt.
Plantation here
RIP anon
stop it guys i need sleep i do night shifts i may still have to go in tonight
The only thing you are gonna be able to evacuate at this point are your bowels as soon as the storm hits you.
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degenerate senior slayer
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Not sure but they're pretty damn thick
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So what do all of the middle class white people do in this kind of thing? Do you guys just straight up leave and hope that insurance writes your house off? lol
One old timey dude on my street in Jax is staying, we live two blocks from the beach. Is he safe? He's armed so no need to worry about niggers but what about the storm?
reminder to stop replying to b8 and dindus on here

>comparing a soon to be category 5 landfalling storm on the coast to category 1s and 2s / storms well off the coast
We are the strongest state. We will not die, we will adapt.
>when it starts sounding like a train
fuck that
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>YFW this will be Obama's Katrina
This is what Hurricane Ike sounded like...




Are you floridians Okay with dealing with that sound for 9-12+ hours?

You all realize the sound of a strong hurricane can cause you to go deaf right?
ayy satty beach here. this sumbitch aint shit.
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>the west is the furthest away from the atlantic ocean
>if I remember correctly
please get a tripcode so we can follow you throughout the next 24 hours.

your only options will be cellular probably.

please follow through.
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It's going further north now, GET FUCKED Orlando - hope all your googles drown
My house is reinforced for hurricanes and has survived literally every one that has ever hit north florida since 1995, and they always talk about flooding, but it has never happened here

...... reply to


I mean, you know, fear tactics aside, this question is actually politically based.
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Welcome to Hurricane General, now GET THE FUCK OUT!
Been though five hurricanes. So glad I gonna miss this one.
>last meal
>not a single A's burger from Dana point

What the fuck is wrong with you
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>tfw I was the only person I knew who didn't get fuck ton of damage or lost their house
Not even Rita and Katrina took out that many house around me.
why do you come to korean paper folding forum for reassurance?
no one here knows, the big jews don't know, we all might die.
This will be a worse disaster than Katrina, and Obama will go down for it.

The signs are already there.

Screencap this
>Falling for le model hugger meme
So has a hurricane ever done a loop de loop like this before? I couldn't believe the projection maps... That's some serious divine retribution going down.

Maybe invoking Kek so much was a bad thing...
Is this natures payback for fucking over the everglades?
Good point. I already ran home. I am going to Jack off before the power or internet go out and maybe go back out there. I think people are throwing storm parties
Check out Hurricane Jeanne... It didn't hit us twice, but it did a loop when we thought we were safe
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Holy shit.

Anon is kill.

t. Lakelander
he was setting up FEMA camps across the state a couple of months back
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>skirting past West Palm

Please say this is true, I want this thing to be no where near my ass. Fuck, I'm way too tense for this shit.
probably, The Seminole wind comes for us all.
>you will never hold angie verona as the hurricane pounds your house, then she asks you to pound her.
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Ivan 2004 nevar 4 get

>hurricane ivan
>evac to melbourne
>return to find pensacola pretty wrecked
>drive down to santa rosa, and navarre
>more shrekd
>repair everything for a few weeks
>return to school
>math teacher
>decided to stay
>horror story about basement flooding
>having to move up through house
>strong house
>but flooding dont care
>had to mvoe whole family up to attic or some shit
>aving to hold a door or sunroof or some shit closed while water pushes from below
>swimming in water while hurricane tries to tear open door and allow hurricane air in.

i dont even remember the whole story or the details, but it was all over the local news. he was fuckign great math teacher though.

mr. keterer, wherever you are, i lub yoo

Stay at the beach until the actual Hurricane strikes down on the shore line, and post video here for us bro.

You will be a hero forever.
Last Hurricane I was in Florida for was Charlie...

How much worse is this one supposed to be?
>Hurricane Ivan (2004), Hurricane Ginger (1971), Hurricane Ginny (1963), and Hurricane Edna (1953) all traversed a loop of some description, whlie Hurricane Easy (1950) executed a turn and hit Florida twice.

Sounds horrifying. Thank goodness I only have to deal with comfy blizzards and not the oceans trying to reclaim its defiled land.
I wonder how the weather channel's contracts are written and when the price of ads goes up as it increases from a 3 to 4...
this is how the fuckers keep their lights on...
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>Clinton tries to rig the election
>God sends a massive hurricane to stop her
Greenacres here... Why the fuck are you still here?

It's natures payback for what happened a few weeks ago. Most Floridians don't even know this happened.

A sink hole opened up under a fertilizer plant with toxic chemicals. All the water of the lake is gone and went into a natural aquifer that feeds everyone's water supply...

oh god no, source or bs, i dont need this, come on
>Hurricane coming
>better go home and jack off
jack off in the storm, your jizz will be spread across the eastern seaboard
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I am always amazed at how overdeveloped the Florida coast is, considering this shit happens every 3 years.

>Beachfront condos for sale! You would be crazy not to buy one!
>Entire community gets flooded a year later
>How could this have happened? Call the national guard
>Governor: No one could have prepared for this kind of devestation.
>A year later another develop decides to turn a different mangrove swamp into a beach resort
That's literally how your roof gets ripped off of your house.
Jesus fuck thats horrifying
Yes, Ivan and Jeanne did it IIRC
when it sounds like the souls of the dead, thats more concerning
They say that the power outages could last for weeks to months.
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>Obama's Katrina

Reminder that most of the coastal communities this is going to hit are upper middle class, prepared white people.

He won't give a shit.

Trump/Pence will be there Monday morning in APC's handing out water/MREs.
lel... this made me chuckle... I knew a guy who thought that putting his mattress up against his window would keep him safe.
I think el nino makes for weak or no hurricanes but we are coming out of that. FL is ok with hurricanes though because there is tons of money in rebuilding and jobs.

After that I'm surprised so many people flock to beachfront property along the east coast. Sunny with an annual chance of Mother Nature utterly scouring the land of all human trace doesn't sound so great

>You are probably being sarcastic.

Except you aren't.

The End is almost here.

Just the beginning.

Prepare lads...

Those who survive will see worse things....
Fuck your girlfriend or read a book nigga
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From what I see from Intellicast:

The outer eye wall will make land fall around 5:30 EST around Miami.

There came for that. I just want to get some cool pics/views that that doesn't have. Plus it won't hit till night that's a long time. But storm hunting does sound fun. Maybe ill stomp around outside when not hits
Riding out the storm with a senior family friend who has no where else to go. Also this is the only place where my car can be garaged.
the projected track has reminded me of pic related for days now
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Welp. Been nice knowing you anon.
How to protect car?
digits confirm

Trump will visit the devastated areas of swing states and secure the vote

Holy shit....


You're toast lol.
Right now it worse then Charlie not as bad as andrew.

But the angle means that it will wreck all up the coast, instead of knocking out just one city.
Make sure you lock it and roll up windows
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>constantly rebuilding what nature constantly destroys

humanity in a nutshell folks
your car is fucked.

park it close to your house to protect from falling shit.

That's about it.
Been a decade since a big one hit florida.

The east coast off the tip not been hit by a major hurricane in forever.

Gonna be fun.
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>page 7
i'm already dead
Godspeed anon.
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We Jupiter now
dude you are literally going to fucking die if you don't leave
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I live right near this thing.

Fucking bring it mother nature. I'm not evacuating.
goodbye anon
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dude literally can't leave the bridges to the mainland are closed
are you preparing to go to the land of oz?

because your home wont be there after tonight

heres to you, nicola and bart

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RIP anon, we hardly knew ye
tomorrow it'll be the grand heaven mausoleum
His lift on environmental regulations have turned our natural lagoon and river system to shit. Fertilizer runoff has led to algae blooms that suck all the oxygen out of the water, killing everything that isn't a mammal and destroys entire food chain. In the 90s the waters were clear, clean and blue. Now everything is a brown, shitty cesspit. Also his wife owns a company (it's his company) that performs drug tests. He made a contract with with his own company so he's the exclusive provider of drug testing for the state. He also fucked up insurance laws so patients can't use the settlement money to pay for rehab services after an accident. Basically your average self-interested corrupt politician with no regard for the public.

>"when the levee breaks" lyrics

Well done.
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>How to tape your windown
RIP anon
nice area but ya ur gonna DIE

Shit! Miami isn't going to be completely destroyed?
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pic related is the building i'm in. the massive one in the right. it's been here through everything so far since 1982, has great masonry
That's neither kek nor Moloch. Chaos doesn't always equate with destruction. This is a beast born of unspoken desires and disdain.

I hope everyone stays safe and evacuates accordingly.
Jesus this sound at 5:18
here's to hoping you die. one less idiot

That's all it takes for a Category 5 hurricane to enter your house and kill you
I live in PBC and know exactly who loot first ;)
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>it's ok our pilings keep us several feet above sea level

Do these stilt structures actually work in a big storm?



Hell no, those houses would be killed in a CAT 4 hurricane.
A fuckton of googles were just sacrificed in Haiti to Kek. We could always use some more though.
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My moms home on St. Simons Island.
They prevent flooding from minor/moderate storm surge, but against a big hurricane they may as well be built out of toothpicks.
This desu.

We have had huge hurricane parties here where we get drunk and laugh at the storm from our makeshift fort of a house until the water gets too high, then it it on to the Canoes for some street side rafting.

I remember one year I was 13 and I canoed all the way into town and rafted through the Mall parking lot.

Hurricanes ain't shit.
If you're serious about staying at least record what it's like to be in the middle of a Cat 4 hurricane.
God speed brother.
I remember seeing a massive tree uprooted from the ground like a small stick when I got back from evacuating from Hurricane Ike.
I also noticed a few areas that looked like they had been hit by tornadoes.
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