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Forgotten Languages

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 289
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Previous Thread: >>89084110

Forgotten Languages summary:
>Summing up: accepting simple explanations is rewarding, and creates pleasant feelings of understanding in an otherwise stressed society. XViS is a powerful tool for non-invasive psychological belief forming, encoding, and false memory formation. Society has never been so ready to accept specific distorted views of reality."

>"Memes allow to modify brain connectivity in specific ways, and to elicit neurodynamics processes that finally encode beliefs. We can so far force a target brain to filter incoming information the way we wish, and we can get that target brain to distort and transmits further the information we want to."

>"Conspiracy theory may be treated as a memeplex that is easily activated by various pieces of information, giving it meaning consistent with the memeplex responses. From neurobiological perspective learning requires adaptation, changing functional connectivity, adjusting physical structure of the brain. Learning is thus energy-consuming, requires effort that should be carried out only when there are potential benefits."

>"Social networking allows us to add new information to the existing pool of interacting memes, or attractor states - the so-called memeplex - which is then replicated further. As we control the information being fed, we obviously control what beliefs will finally be encoded in millions of brains"

>"Once a set of distorted memory states is entrenched it becomes a powerful force, attracting and distorting all information that has some associations with these states, creating even broader basins of attractors. Encoding of information in this way enhances the memeplex and is one of the reasons why conspiracy theories are so persistent."

>"Links between Halliburton (an oil company) and FL (Missile company?)"

various e-mails:

Direne Posts :

References to contemporary geopolitics:

Interesting posts:
>>89130026 (See: Strange GPS coordinates)

Strange coordinates:
31.918168, 139.869504
41.954269, -101.210973
33.254528, -119.486917
7.524518, 23.231561
47.747966, -101.885083
-49.436495, 70.420879


Archived threads:
>"Links between Halliburton (an oil company) and FL (Missile company?)"
should be
>"Links between Halliburton (an oil company and possibly a missile company) and FL"
What's the deal with the videos? What are they like?

what is the TL;DR to this garbage and the whole situation

what is it all about

might explain that???
just listen to one pussy it's not that bad. Scat porn is much worse senpai

It's just strange noises
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>Watch Long Bitch video expecting some spooky shit and anxiety
>Instead I do some cheezy dances to some cheezy cyberpunk music

Am I the chosen one? Am I the bride between Aylmaoos and Hoomans?
Like a motion stereogram or totally abstract music video.
Forgotten languages as far as we know a weird ass cult. The admin of it aren't human. They believe in 10 dimensions and from what we've seen of them they are extremely smart. Forgotten languages the name is just sort of misleading. The website is full of gibberish.
>Forgotten languages is seemingly a cult about aliens, but has sources and funding out the ass, is linked to Halliburton, an oil company which may actually be a missile company.

>Oh, and forgot to mention, they make strange languages, and have a "Cassini Diskus" which is a strange group of geometric characters. These characters can show up in sound spectrograms and light.

>also creepy as fuck videos with subliminal messages and said corresponding spectrograms for the decoding and event, etc.
>They believe in 10 dimensions

thats because its most likely true
go to last achived thread and read the emails /pol/acks sent them
Very strange website.
Too detailed, time-invested and connected to real things to be a joke.
Literally years in the making.
Much of its text written in human languages that have been artificially combined and then aged by a computer model .'. (Sanskrit + Old Norse) x 3000 years of history that didn't happen.
The program that does that comes from infamous Pentagon profiteer Halliburton, not some teenager's basement.
There are bizarre abstract videos that give the viewer headaches and feelings of unease.
What we can understand has to do with research into creating a "pure language" (without cultural artefacts) and embedding information into different formats, sound inside video and video inside sound. There are descriptions of MKULTRA type psychedelic experimentation.
This is an attempt to do Videodrome for real.
How the fuck would your worldview change? Presumably you're a nationalist, so wouldn't you just become a space/dimensional nationalist? It is not incompatible with being a White Nationalist. Repatriate the ayyniggers to their shithole of a dimension! The results of separate organisms competing for land and resources are the same whether on earth or in space - this is our dimension! We need to show these ayys the superiority of Big Human Cock!

It is time to send an email to these ayysluts confronting them about their BHC cravings. Those peices of garbage live for BHC, and they would gladly die for it; those fucking ayysluts would choose BHC over survival in an instant. Assuming they have genders, even their men are craving a BHC in them. They would gladly suffer in pain and ectasy, content in the knowledge that they have a BHC pounding into their tight ayyholes. Their "Long Bitch" video is a tacit portrayal of their fear and lust for BHC; they are positively drooling. This is the true reason for their nervous and autistic contact: they are fucking pathetic ayysluts craving BHC. Tight ayyholes are made for BHC.
To the person asking about strange dreams with machines in the sky? what did the machines look like? might have something to share..
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I am the Chosen One. I will lead the world into a new age.
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alright since im a NEET i will be able to decipher all of this

gonna get into this .. if i never return they got me

farewell friends
a few choice quotes from the last thread:

>> DARPA funding
>> researchers
>> MIT fucking made
>> ANN's

getting a better idea of where these weird threads are coming from
>Much of its text written in human languages that have been artificially combined and then aged by a computer model .'. (Sanskrit + Old Norse) x 3000 years of history that didn't happen.

So they wrote a code to basically simulate the evolution of languages using old languages. Is there a way someone could reverse it to see the original text?

>How the fuck would your worldview change?

If you could suddenly view shit from a new angle never before thought of wouldn't you change you're "view"?

>It is time to send an email to these ayysluts confronting them about their BHC cravings. Those peices of garbage live for BHC, and they would gladly die for it; those fucking ayysluts would choose BHC over survival in an instant. Assuming they have genders, even their men are craving a BHC in them. They would gladly suffer in pain and ectasy, content in the knowledge that they have a BHC pounding into their tight ayyholes. Their "Long Bitch" video is a tacit portrayal of their fear and lust for BHC; they are positively drooling. This is the true reason for their nervous and autistic contact: they are fucking pathetic ayysluts craving BHC. Tight ayyholes are made for BHC.

>Tight ayyholes are made for BHC.


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Karadne Nars is an amagram of Sankarendra, a common name of teachers of Vedanta, Hindu philosophy.

>Sri Krpa Sankarendra Saraswati : An Andhra Brahmin by birth, his former name was Gangesopadyaya. He devoted himself, heart and soul, to the eradication of degenerate, obscene practices that had once again crept into religion after the Bhagavatpada's time, and restored purity. It fell to the lot of Krpa Sankara to continue and perfect the noble work that Sri Adi Sankara had inaugurated. Krpa Sankara pursued with great vigour, the work of the Master and enhanced the greatness of Shanmatas introducing a chastened mode of worshiping Siva, Vishnu, Ambika, Surya, Ganapati and Skanda. The later Saiva and Vaishnava religious reformers owe it to both Adi Sankara and Krpa Sankara so that their work was rendered easier by the preliminary religious reforms effected by the two great luminaries. He is said to have attained mukti at a place near Vindhya region on Krishna Tritiya in the month of Kartika of the cyclic year Vibhava (69 AD).

>Sri Abhinava Sankarendra Saraswati : He was one of the greatest among the successors of Adi Sankara, so great indeed that he and his deeds are often confounded with those of the Great Bhagavatpada and his deeds. His life story has been described in detail in a work entitled the "Sankara Vilasa" by Vakpati Bhatta. His father was one Visvajit of Chindambaram. He was invested with Yajnopavita at the age of five and taught Vedas. He showed an extraordinary promise in dialectics and soon he became a formidable disputant on intricate questions in philosophy. He defeated Vakpati Bhatta, a great scholar of that time, in argument. He ascended the Savajna Pitha in Kashmir. It is said that he entered the Dattatreya cave in the Atreya Mountains in the Himalayas on Amavasya in the month of Ashada of the cyclic year Slddharti (840 AD) and that it was the end of his mortal career.
haha you guys are fucking idiots.

this is nothing more than a synchromystic experiment.

holy shit.


incidentally it's based on the same form of fundamental psycho-mythology as MKultra was.

and MKultra was a program that attempted to save severely abused children from the trauma that had been inflicted on them. MKultra was 100% charitable and good in nature... it's project Montauk that is hard to stomach.
kek is rael
Presumably they have a key, like with normal encryption.
>So they wrote a code to basically simulate the evolution of languages using old languages. Is there a way someone could reverse it to see the original text?

Not that we know of, It's hard enough just trying to figure out the origin languages. It isn't just 2 languages, it could be more than two, as well as languages that are either dead or seemingly nonexistant except to those extremely high up in studying Linguistics. Plus I don't think it would even be possible without knowing the parameters by which they set the evolution.

>hue is the chosen one

kek is a real fucking joker
How do we know what they did with the languages? Who told you guys?

t. Langley
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This is an explanation from the Co-admin of the site explaining what the process was.
Is bhc the thing you get from pineal glands?
Also, I'd like to add we cant CONFIRM this is true, but it's all we have to go on. There is a patent link floating around that is apparently related to the software, which is what led us to Halliburton.
>Big Hard Cocks
By the way its 100% certain by their emails that the monitor this thread.
And appear to be very concerned people are experiencing ill effects from the videos ( are they not familiar with nocebo?)
But judging from their posts on some other forum it seems they believe in the mind manifesting reality to a point, meaning maybe they think nocebo is actually causing real effects.
what is Node SpacesV2.0?
is this all connected to the whole 'lets make wifi come out of light bulbs' and the recent experiments showing that lights can be used to control thoughts and actions?

how I wish id kept those links
Big Human Cock

pls stop
>How could Europeans study and observe Amerindians or Polynesians without first making contact? Imagine how difficult that gets when we are considering contact between two different worlds, two intelligent species.
>Amerindians or Polynesians
>Imagine how difficult that gets when we are considering contact between ... two intelligent species.

>Amerindians and Polynesians BTFO by ayys
this is interesting. i'm having my genome sequenced by the same company that makes Hiseq analysis software. which is what these guys are using.

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1000 citations.



>they work with CERN

could this be related in any way?

they claimed its FAKE but what else should they claim lol

Universeview would be a better word.
That was fake as shit
Who here /spoopedasfuckandontwanttowatchthevideosletaloneopenanywebpagesonthatsite/
>>>/x/ you mongoloids
Interestingly enough we're having a lot of trouble finding information on it. They apparently developed it. Theres a FL article that talks about it, but as you can expect, its not a whole lot of english.


These are the supposed functions IIRC:

Complex Wierzbicka nodespaces building
IFS-based semantic space exploration
Built-in fractal linguistics engine
CLIPS-coded RETE-based semantic knowledge database
LCAS module (Ising, stochastic, genetic algorithms)
JESSE and Lua based model export
Inform 7 interface with Force4
Data visualization using Processing 1.2.1 (Wordcram required)

Again, context isnt in English

well yeah but what organization makes that kind of PRANK

>human sacrificies

they love this shit and meme about it
You'll be fine.

I've seen all 217 tagged as videos, most multiple times by now, no ill effects.
are they RPing as aliens?
>well yeah but what organization makes that kind of PRANK

People who know it generates news and fucks with the minds of autistic tinfoilhatters.
I experience a positive effect from the videos.

why would u even try this

what if they are only 50% correct

ur fucked

i only watched 1 and it made me uncomfy and i stopped


sometimes its best to hide in plain sight

who would have thought that the criminal lived next to a police station on the run?

Is this it?
They're mostly just 10 seconds of ayylmao dialup noises
>why would u even try this
>what if they are only 50% correct
>ur fucked
>i only watched 1 and it made me uncomfy and i stopped

Welcome to placebo. Unless you're going to do Guantanamo Bay-esque shit to yourself, you can't fuck yourself up with (music) videos.

This is part of their network

what do they mean by that?


> you can't fuck yourself up with (music) videos.

Idk mang. I always get uneasy with this kind of shit. I'm hypersensitive to this stuff for some reason.
" Topic: A language experiment"

>ayy dial up noises
boi i am laffin hard
https://iesusioshemarian.wordpress.com/2009/12/30/la-mascarada-del-kobold/ read the 2nd comment


take your pills.

that goes for all of you conspiracy theorists and tinfoil hatters.

take your fucking pills.

Understandable man. There were one or two videos which I couldn't stand to watch. Very unsettling.
This is all generally spoopy, I haven't been following these threads closely over the past few days, so I know next to jack shit apart from spoops.

I went into that with as much of an open mind I could possibly have. I sat down, pulled up labels by video, and just went down the list. Probably took 6 or so hours. I feel fine, but there is some very unsettling content.

I 100% have not had any strange health phenomenons.
That is the patent we've been referencing, yes. At least one of them, I know there are others floating around about other stuff too.
They say the videos are to help travelers (from the future). They should have the tech in a pic I posted last thread (on mobile sorry) that projects the info to their mind. It's a set of lenses, one made from graphene, the other from something else. (MoF5??)
Yeeeeeeah I think I'll pass then. I don't need to lay on my back with my handgun under my pillow tonight. Can you imagine though if one of these 10th dimension whatever managed the manifest themselves and the first thing they see as they come across is a fat hairy balding single manlet in his cum stained boxers shooting the shit out of him?
>Modus operandi F5
The way in which refreshing the page happens

Psycho meds were used by the soviets to weaken the mind of the dissidents.
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>that projects the info to their mind. It's a set of lenses, one made from graphene, the other from something else. (MoF5??)

People spouting and believing this /x/-tier shit is why /pol/ is seen as a laughing stock. Luckily elections always push insane (flat earth, microwaves = cancer, HAARP, this, etc.) "theories" off the board. Too bad these threads don't stay on /x/ where they belong.

Nah. The "Long bitch" video is funky. There's only one video that had me spooked, and it was the one with weird eyes looking at you. So of course you're gonna get spooked from uncanny valley eyes staring into your soul :)
>tfw no handgun to defend myself from 10th dimensional home invaders with
I-I'll have to ring the local bobbies instead

Funny enough, /pol/ is more /x/ than /x/ is /x/. They just shitpsost there.
didn't I tell you guys to go retrain this bot without the academic text? it's a dead giveaway that you guys are researchers.
This isn't really comparable to flat earth.

You can completely ignore everything you see that has to do with projecting images into the mind, aliens, spacecraft, all that shit. Anything possibly even remotely resembling ayylmaos or embedding messages.

There's still articles about politics on FL. Theres an interesting article about the US and China fighting over Norways gold in June 2014, even going so far as to say the US threatened Norway for it.

>Someone in the International Seabed Authority has been already warned. If ISA moves, we will get it down. As for the Norwegians playing around Jan Mayen we already sent a clear message. We have the means, and we will use them.

Discredit anything supernatural at all, and theres still stuff like this, which is still very interesting.
This is a pretty comfy /xpol/ thread we have going on here.
If only /x/ was like this, not:
>muh chakras
>muh greentext pastas
What are you going on about? Are you the guy who seems to think that we're all bots?


>Go back to /x/ conspiracy tards

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This one is cute, but there is a not so subliminal "Don't make eye contact" slide. Obviously we should ignore this "advice", as making eye contact is crucial for showing our supreme dominance over these filthy ayys.


Has anyone looked at these spooky videos made by Google ATAP under Regina "and the idea of artificial truth" Dugan yet? Careful, may cause brain worms.

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>hey guys, how do i summon a succubus with big boobs?
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Ah well neato.
>mfw when if I have to I have a pile of rilfe to choose from as well and if I loaded up my 200+ mags for various guns I'd have 6k rounds at my disposal. Let's see some interdimensional space jew aylmao repitallian handle that one

you're going to have to go back to the drawing board. don't sweat it, i'm sure it will only take a week or two
Missing a set of coords

From a pic posted last thread that when reverse searched went to BSE threads
49.26112S 70.25150E

Apparently some digging was done in the BSE threads after irishanon unleashed this.
Holy shit, you're probably better armed than my local police.
You'd better get your arse over here when shit hits the fan, we could use those pew pews in good ol' Europa.

there was an article from 2014 about deep sea gold reserves in the pacific which may be an underlying reason for the huge expansion of that federal protection obama just did

What logic do you even have to support this? I'm literally in discord with the people updating the threads that you say are bots lol
So these guys are Death Grips?
what's the discord link? i can help with the spiritual content

Also very interesting, two weeks after the FL article the price of gold jumped almost $600 an OZ
There was an infographic about this using AOS's sigil sysyem as refined by Jan Fries: you write out what you want in a very simple sentence in the language you are most familiar with. Eliminate all redundancies so each letter is only used once. Make a "nonsense" phrase or word out of the remaining letters. Alternately, combine the letters to make a kind of letter-construction (a sigil).
Or read Bader's "Arousal" and confront why you need her to have large breasts.
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Probably the best Fermi Paradox hypothesis I've yet read came from one of them. Also probably one of the greatest shut-downs around. RIP in peace snowman22.
>tfw when it's like doubled since then
I just hope when I shoot at it it freezes up so all my neighbors had shoot at it too
>figure out that it gets stuck for 10 seconds with every bullet in it's weird inter-dimensional portal thing
>get the entire neighborhood over
>we all shoot at it for hours
>after a while just the neighborhood guys are around
>we notice what appears to be a mouth like orifice
>we rape it in the mouth
>eventually we get bored and let it go back
Can you imagine the conversation when it got back?
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listen asshole, I had a very long day and I am very autistic. and what do I find when I go to my 4chan? some douchebags with a robot fucking up /pol/
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Here's a chart for the price of gold in June 2014, according to the FL article (Published 6 June 2014) the US was currently fighting with China over who would have control of seabed gold reserves near Jan Mayen.
>Tell us, oh traveller, what is the third dimension like?
I am genuinely interested in why they have a special interest in Kurdish.
Total red herring grey wolf: they use all languages that have a certain level of complexity, there is no reason to believe that they are attached to or see any significance in any of them (or use them "properly"). See above comments on the software.
Any language they pick is of interest, lad. They also appear to have used Welsh before too.
>they like oppressed languages
You're the missing link. Congratulations.
I don't think that the coupling of Kurdish and Euscara is a coincidence though. If we can spot a pattern there, it brings us one step closer.
> TL;DR to this garbage
/x/ shit that belongs on /x/

one of the points of the OP is basically the "language dictates thought" arguement, which is complete bullshit and has been debunked at least several zillion times by now.
>I just went over there and I thought like, fuck they were just gonna be spooked or something y' know? Like that's what we thought right? But I ended up in this place called Am-rica or something and so theres this human with all this adipose tissue all over him and he smelled like alcohol and ejaculation and then he pulled out this black thing that had a hole in it, I guess they call it a goon or something? Anyway and he starts fucking shooting at me right? I figured that was a weapon or something but what I didn't expect was that it fucking froze up the transdimensional portal gate and ever few xers of "time", as they call it, the thing would shoot again. As it turns out the things were going fast enough and with their copper jackets it, along with the physics there, would temporarily short out the devie. After a while he thought it was kinda funny so got another one of his goons and then invited his extended familiar unit over and they all shot at me for like qor tarssec there. I mean imagine that, stuck there for QOR TARSSEC! And then later after it was only males sticking around one of them whipped out their genitalia and uh yeah and I was right back here.
>what happened when they whipped out their reproductive org-
>NOTHING, fuck off cunt, I don't want to talk about it
((( 1 post by this ID )))
Don't know much about Kurdish, but Basque (Euskara) is supposedly a language isolate, so there are no living languages related to it in any way (only common influence)
Potatoanon back just a reminder that fl is just sociopathy in action

Please remember anons that the scientologists created thousands of pages of bullshit and allyns because when you get a big enough sociopath you get a big lie.

Socipaths are about two things, ego and manipulation.

Step back and think.

As regards their claims - well you can discount what I say here....I have my own private experiences with the nature of metaphysical evil, which is in my experience real and I these people had actually accomplished anything like their more esoteric claims they would know what I know from personal experience - and they clearly don't. Feel free to discount that and I'm not interested in shitty /x stuff either or explaining further. I'll put it this way as an analogy. In my experience plutonium tastes shitty and I'm not going to encourage others to be curious about tasting plutonium.

They have no truth or insight to offer and unless you are into studying cults are going to be a disappointment. Ultimately all of their BS is about their leaders/instigators 'genius' and ego.

They have really demonstrated that they know absolutely nothing about the truth of life after death or metaphysical entities to me and you are watching a greasy Spaniard called rubin who is playing at being l ron hubbard. Hubbard was a liar on a grand scale. So are the core egos behind FL. Someone posted a pick of a woan with shirt grex hair claiming the dox on rubin was disinfo. I don't think so. He RPs as a woman and I think that is a dutch woman who is involved with this.

The depth of effort is just a measure of the depth of unchecked sociopathy going on here.

Cults *can* be fascinating things to study but sociopaths are masters of manipulation and will explode if you beat them at their game and cause them a crisis of ego so watch out.
This has cult like properties in volume.
Politically Kurdish and Basque are tied to separatist terrorism. In this context they mean absolutely nothing. They are not even Kurdish and Basque: they are Idealized Kurdish Bred With Idealized Basque, aged in a computer model through history that did not happen, and used to encrypt English.
This might be a UFO cult like the rich and highly educated Western Europeans commiting suicide in pentagrams in the 1990s, this might be government research hiding in flapdoodle, this might be a joke, but there is no way in frozen hell that this is a secret yet open conspiracy by all the little separatist groups of Eurasia.
You are indeed right. Kurdish is Indo-European, Basque is Proto-Indo-European.

what is a sociopath though? a predator. they mentioned predators and prey in their emails.
One of them is kurish descent the other is a basque (rubin).

See 2010 Spanish thread.
I am inclined to agree with this. There's no "there" there. The credibility came from other places, like an octopus's cave, decorated with lost human jewelry that the octopus sure as hell did not make. Through the variety and wierdness of the content there are very strong tendencies: they are all cynical and negative.
So kerysse.com is where they post their dank Scientology music?
You seem knowledgeable about cults and esotericism, potatoanon. What's your stance on Freemasons? Is it a cult, or just a gathering of oldies?

I don't mean to derail the thread, but I was thinking of joining the Masons in the near future. They seem tame and innocent, but I'd like to get as broad of a perspective as possible first.
Yeah it's a reach. More suitable suggestion would be that they are indeed "Forgotten Languages".

Yet you think about how Sanskrit and Old Norse, which are both saga and religious script heavy languages, belonging to the same family.

I will be convinced otherwise when I see, say an Altaic language like Turkish meshed with a Indo-European language. I think that's where the software's limits are set.
If that's the case then it could still be nothing, but I must take back what I said to our Turanian friend. If it's not a matter of the mask-tongues but the actual identities of the actual authors, and they're playing with Halliburton tech, then yeah that is some Tom Clancy stuff.
Intelligence is about saying more with less.

He could have summed up that entire reply with you are to your fear of Toxoplasmosis as we might be to alien life.

Potato is probably right.

Also a lot of this shit borders on scientology ideas like we're isolated from the light beings because thetan ghosts live on our bodies from another dimension or some shit (Yes, they believe that)

I just want to emphasize to any anons here: Intelligence or divinity is a less is more thing. If they have the words to change the world or blow your mind in two sentences or less, it's worth listening to, if it stretches on and on and they say in 12 paragraphs what could be said in sentences, then you're dealing with a good bullshitter.
Masons =/= Freemasons.

Well there you go.
Is there a name to our Kurdish friend?
So maybe the script relies on the languages having a common ancestor? Only problem is, Basque may not even be Proto-Indo-European at all. It's relatively unknown, as I understand.
Perhaps there's been enough European influence for it to work regardless, I don't know.
beep boop i'm a robot
Wide text is ridiculously hard to read. If you're going to screencap a fucking wall of text, MAKE IT NARROW FOR GOD'S SAKE.
I'm aware. I used the term "Masons" as a shorthand for Freemasons, in that context
I was just about to say, it is suspicious or impugning that they have an apparent need to be seen as these initiated people with impenetrable secrets. Oh, we're having this para-academic, high intellectual discussion, but you can neither be shut totally out of it or be allowed fully in. Clearly they want go intrigue eavesdroppers and not exclude outsiders or include new friends.
beep boop robots only rave time

It's mental illness anon.

The only marginal question is how they monatise to fund their cult.


They designed this to draw in people who are knowledgeable about the occult, particularly satanism (in it's early incarnation) and languages. They brough the allyn tin foil hat stuff in later.

Originally the cunts behind it were saddo freelance translators.

The only real money in translation is translating technical documentation.

They honeybot for people who are into languages with some linguistic knowledge...lure them, get donations to help fund 'esoteric' research and they get the ones who are deluded enough to do translation work for them thinking they are doing super special secret squirrel work.

The stuff about human experiminataion on ISI prisoners is a fuck up by them. Too big a lie.

Remember the doxes show a history of lying manipulation etc. etc. this means that occrams razor says this is sociopathy.

Incredible claims require incredible proof.

Where is nodespaces 2 for download.


Where are THEIR published papers for peer review.

I'm not the one who screencapped.
Freemasonry at the lower levels is a drinking club at the higher levels it is toxic. I am a Roman Catholic and would be automatically excommunicated if I joined them. I have been approached twice to do so and declined.
why would they recruit and why would their money be coming from elsewhere
I know, but we need to make it a meme. Screencapping text is bad enough, since you can't reflow it how you want, but you're putting it in the worst readable state imaginable without actually obscuring anything.

I wish this guy had set up a pastebin instead

goddamn right my recurrent, generative friend. no humans allowed here.
Drinking club sounds cosy af.
How high does it become toxic at? Will I be aware when this happens, or oblivious to the toxicity? You gots me nervous now boi
Its in the 680 odd replies in Spanish on that 2010 forum discussing the basque archaeology fraud case for 3.5 million euro. Sorry anon to tired right now to find it but you will if you dig there. Disuses their early music efforts where one of them was doing Kurdish music stuff
Check out Manly Hall's Secret Teachings of All Ages, which is basically a Freemasonic History Of The World, and compare Hall's explanations of things with those of a trusted source. Part of how it works is to create possibilities and inclinations by re-explaining the nature of things. Be sensitive to this and you'll be safer.
Thank you anon, will do.

does anyone have context for this album? there are a ton of important symbols in it
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So basically it's a bunch of autist edgelords doing edgy cool fantasy land things to get attention
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i'm just going to keep doing this until:

1) I get tired and fall asleep
2) you leave
3) you give me a job
What did he mean by this..
Not going there and not really thread relevant. Like I say I did not going them. I think their black bible is bullshit and have held a physical copy while drinking expensive wine during a pitch to join them and subsequently read it. If you want to sign up to lies their are your club. Most masons will never get further than the club level and they are dying off anyway. Essentially their origins are an anti-Catholic group and that is what they remain as at the higher levels. Without a reason to be so. Their attempts to associate with sacred geometry, Solomon's temple and in particular the Templars is garbage brought in based on what was in fashion over the last 200 years.

Please no more discussion on freemasons. Its you life. Waste it as you wish. They don't relate to my comment on metaphysical evil.
Civil War 2.0 incoming lad

The 2nd comment, I think you might be thinking about the "Iranian" guy with the Finnish name? That was the only post with the word "Kurdish" in it. I don't feel like reading through all of it again.

Good to see you again anon. I posted the link to this and the ATS post last night.

It did answer my question about eastern zirran from the ayndrylrecords.com site, I didn't notice this yesterday:

>Eastside ZIRRAN (Cerdan?).
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Fucking Christ I choked on my Skoal I'm laughing so hard.

Space niggers BTFO. Completely, utterly, 10 dimenensionally destroyed. They are on suicide watch in the past, present, and future- co terminus white coats are currently giving them space sedatives.

Fucking Christ bong, sun never sets. Best post I've seen in days.
Not just attention but its about two major things and two minor things

Ego and manipulating people
Cash and a sense of power
But also with criminal and government connections.
I understand, thank you for the insight potatoanon. I'll take that all onboard.
W-Where'd everybody go?
>tfw alone in /xpol/
Probably River Zarrin in Irani Kurdistan Province.
Right and without the legitimacy and truth of the radical information that they're spreading which results in the inflated ego and platform to manipulate upon, they can easily be broken down and dismantled as a collective by a large community such as this website of the information and objective circulates enough. Part of me wants to turn the other cheek here and snicker at how edgy these guys really are, but things of this caliber happen when you let the autist go for too long. We should come up with a plan to fuck with these guys hard.
If the information**
don't worry, you have the robot to respond

robot-robot, robot robot, robot

this thread is generated by robots
Sapir-Whorf debunked, eh? Okay rabbi.
Not this autism again
not real autism, just robo-autism
To filter people who find them via googling linguistic terminology. Measure them up for being easily manipulated (see retards on x for example) and then get them to donate or translate tech docs for free. Bit of cash, bit of ego praise for being 'genius' (not) bit of sick kick from manipulating.

See scientologists or the figu cult. Same stink same shit.

is everyone cool with learning about warring alien tribes?
back to /x/
Ayy, go for it m80
Bingo anon. I fucking love the hivebrain here.

Fuck with them....well sociopaths go uber mental when their ego is attacked and dismateled to the degree that they crash and realise they are just cunts....result rage... so play safe. There are thousands of cults out there.
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We all appreciate your skepticism, but so far this is only "debunked" by:

> One guy said another guy Ruben was involved
> Smells cultish
> Emails aren't concise enough

Meanwhile, no one has posted a single piece of empirical evidence refuting even the tamest claims on the site. If anything, we now have a few examples of topics that were later translated into real events (seafloor gold, BlindGlint).

Are we really to believe "bored brilliant sociopathic cult" is the most reasonable answer? Seems very...truth suppression-y.
I'd love to see another example on this scale.
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robot-robot, robot robot, robot

this thread is generated by robots
Ayndryl is a guy named Tom W.
Well, if the guys from the website are lurking in these threads, they should already be sufficiently triggered.
You've done a pretty sweet job of dismantling them.
I think a good start might be emailing them bong bro's screed on the ayylmao BHC addiction.

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> "all robots here"
> 11 posts by this user

Why not find another thread famalam?
They are reading this thread

so he made myspace?

Get out of our dimension allyns or we will fuck you to death
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beep boop abusing ai for social engineering
What makes you so sure, Stachu? The emails certainly seemed to imply that, but do we have any hard proof?

how can you tell

beep boop very obvious
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Send them this vid. Tell them we have our own Cassni Diskus. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sC0cvwnG0Ik

even that discord chat?
Emails are the proof
He probably is, but he's trying to figure out how to scam some money or time from us.

This guy's entire life is one con-job after another. What do you think he's using his scary website for? Nothing illegal on it, so why would Google take it down? It's hard to use scary gobbledy-good as evidence in a court.
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fuck your discord chat
Somewhere in another dimension right now, an autist alium on a Solari-10 Dyson Sphere DIY holographic interface portal is nervously asking other alium autist anons if he should be worried that his new gf just admitted to fucking a human in college. She said she was majoring in Ethnographic Studies and Voices in Probing and he was her lab partner. She was just experimenting...

"B-B-BHC is just a meme, right ayyys?"

"I have some bad news for you anon...get the universe average map for him, famalam."
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> Trust me guys, sociopath, stop wasting your time
> 11 posts by this user

Why not email them yourself? Show us how you school them with your superior knowledge of metaphysical evil.
nope, google+
Ya probably. I give no fucks for them. No fucks are given. Not a fuck is there here today. If they want a fuck to be given they will have to fill out a form wait six months and have their request declined.

Full blown sociopaths are some of the most pathetic lifeforms in 10th dimensional existence. They are in the evolutionary tree under saddus cuntus
Aren't scam artists like this always looking for the easy buck, though? 8 years of consistent updating seems like an awful lot of day in day out work. Probably easier just to get a job tbhfam.
Up to you anon. I refer to you to the Spanish forum thread. Lots of dox there.
See previous anons link:

Some other guy did the same thing with a script.

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It's getting sad now anon.

I was thiiiiis close to dropping the whole thing, until I saw how persistent you and potatonigger were about discrediting everything because "robots Ruben sociopathy cult derrr".

This topic now has my full attention. Thank you for strengthening my resolve.

thanks man.
no, it's a woman named victoria
Zineb Vaarlam and Karadne Nars (two of the contributors) are also women
Someone give me update. I tapped out at the third thread. Anything new or has Autism been beaten?
This is somehow related to badselfeater right?

You know something? I have a mental illness too. Since I was a child I have wanted to go down with my boots on. You know the whole 'manning the belt fed on the bridge while my mates retreat because I've taken one in the gut'. Weird but true. I've tangled with major banks, cults, terrorists and all manner of fuckwittery and my cake is still moist.

So lets see if they trigger my lurking light side illness by starting threats so I can it can match their dark side triggered mental illness. An epic clash resulting in a vast body count as ninjas do back flips and belt fed machine guns rip loose. Or they can just fuck off like the clever people they are pretending to be would.

Don't fucking mention that in public anon. You took the lulz oath and pepe and kek are watching. You'll summon b and a new era of darkness.
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>> is still posting
Read a bit of this thread to my husband and he said "like the plot to metal gear solid 5".
Why? Where the point?

More gibberish?

If a bunch of /pol/ autists can do it in a few weeks why haven't they done it over the 8 years the site has been up?

Discord is starting to make progress.
>Karadne Nars
it's an anagram m8 >>89157318

I found Ruben's translator page using alias Ayndryl, so either he's running all of this by himself or he handed over the account to someone else.

>[email protected]
Ah go for it is you want anon. Lulz always welcome.
>discord making progress

Update pls? I'm phonefagging tonight.
That image starts in good form but the bottom gets more and more compressed, obscuring the message.
I need to read this thread when I'm less baked so probably Monday? Will this still be a regular thread Monday afternoon (Pacific)?
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>> tfw robots on /pol/
taking jobs from hard-working shills
First link you posted seems pretty accurate. A team of dweebs running script to make a big faux conspiracy site to trick Alex Jones tier people. Seems to me like that would be enough of a thrill to keep going for 8 years. The e-mails, the videos, everything. Keeping the domain insecure and public as well. Kind of like casting a line out and seeing what you'll catch.
An abstract way to go fishing.
We are going through Ned.
Meh. The tin foil is strong with this one.

Nigger do as you wish, fuck I'll probably enjoy reading it. I'm posting because I am enjoying the banter.It has no deeper meaning. Feel free to careful monitor the number of posts I make as the future of gaping allyin ass may depend on it.
What's the discord link again?
>> Nigger

robot reported to hr. robot needs to attend seminar.
Hey guys. I'm the anon that made some of the earlier threads I believe it was 2-5 (chronologically, didn't number any until #4) also I uploaded the RX3 audio analysis.

This is sort of a report since a day or so ago.

He first two days I was working on going through this site I legitimately had pressure on my eyes and a headache that persisted for 48hrs.

I am not prone to headaches. I rarely ever get them. Also, I found myself 'spacing out' far more often than I ever do. And had a noticeably hard time concentrating.

I had watch probably two dozen of the videos and listened to some of the audio on multiple occasions when running them through RX3. This was over the course of 48 hrs.

I refrained from working on the content of the site for 24 hours now and the headache has subsided.

Note, it has nothing to do with time spent on the computer. I do web development and audio editing. I literally am almost always on my computer. Because when I'm not working, I'm here or somewhere else on the Internet.

Seriously you don't have to believe me but I was one of the top posters in the early threads. I'm not trying to bullshit you.

I didn't come into it expecting some sort of effect. I thought it was bullshit that these videos could do any physical damage but I am deeply curious about their work and their goal.

I was also the 'random symbols guy' from the first day on discord. (For those that were there, and I know at least original email anon was, so you might remember me if you're still around)
On mobile and just downloaded discord app. Can't find the discord name.
Everyone take note that the robot can't write long paragraphs. It becomes less coherent and more disjointed as it goes on.
ITT: schizophrenia
No, just a bot
Yup still here. You should head back into the discord.
What's the discord?
Thanks bro!
The audio analysis was funky but is the placebo effect a valid thesis? They use movement up down and left right that compulsion for eye tracking backed with left right audio focus that could cause eye strain and headaches or nausea - plus the unpleasant imagery.

We're in the voice channel right now. Join in if you want to hear/catch up.

this audio chat is how cults are formed
Aw. To shy to join you.

Update the thread if there is any funky revelations of pics of rubin with a sharpie in his ass and a timestamp.
You can just listen in, only a few of us are talking.
Probability meme magic, reverse entropy.

Enough people believe, it literally becomes the past.

Forgotten languages is about this?

Mandela, pepe shadilay, kek and egypt, hitler may or may not have killed 6 million jews.

We change our past based on what we believe, reality is probabilistic and temporal changes?
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Somebody post screenies of their "languages" they've made, if you have any, along with whatever theories autists here have thought of to explain their meanings/syntax/anything.

I'm willing to believe this is just shizo scientology stuff, and so should you be, but the idea of artificial language evolution is preddy cool
Okay, I'll hop on in like 5 when I get back to my computer.

Yeah, I'm not sure. I think the effects can be amplified through the placebo effect. Just like so many other things in life.

I legitimately believe the videos themselves can have a physical effect. However, not everyone is affected the same way. Some people may be less effected by it while others may have a significant physical reaction.

But ultimately, whether the physical effects appear or not, the information is still being put into the viewers mind/subconscious. With similar techniques to hypnosis.

So just because a person doesn't feel a headache doesn't mean you might not have other effects. Like dreams or whatever else, or maybe even make it difficult to sleep.
>I've tangled with major banks, cults, terrorists and all manner of fuckwittery and my cake is still moist.
>Aw. To shy to join you.
If you have noticed the videos cause the eye to track motion up -left-right etc. It's very noticeable..

It reminds me of eye tracking function test software.

The eye muscles get tired.

There is probably some binaural stuff thrown in in increasing the left right motion for example. In people sensitive to motion sickness nausea might be induced. However all of these techs are freeware level including binaural generators.

I though what you did with the wav analysis was cool anon thanks but I was not aware of Coagula for example and in the end that's the parts of the threads that have been collio
>>I've tangled with major banks, cults, terrorists and all manner of fuckwittery and my cake is still moist.
>>>89176646 (You)
>>Aw. To shy to join you.

Sorry. Instinct. Thus the moist cake.
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Going to bed now. Not happy about this though. There aren't many people who could do this, and it seems like a well-funded effort. Maybe we'll run into each other someday and I can explain why you're such a faggot
ive been memed into a Neo-Nazi?
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this board is an elaborate art piece and satire
Here is the thing.

We have two plausible theories.

First - black ops funded Halliburton connected stuff encrypted to the insane level.

Second - very good scam plausible enough that it's not easy to show a proof that debunk this shit.

I want to explain why this shit is not debunked yet.

Because you simply accepted that 2nd comment from 2010 spain blog without trying to verify or falsify it. That comment is plausible , but who is author of it? Does he give references or anything to prove his theory??

We don't have proof for ANYTHING. We only have 2 theories which we decide TO BELIEVE OR NOT!
So BSE turned out to be faggotry, this turned out to be scammery.

What's the next conspiracy? Following the internet bread crumbs is a lot of fun. I'm still enjoying the election, but this shit has been a blast!
The posts from 2009, the job posting on that translation website, the nigger who wrote a Perl script to do the same exact thing, the lawsuit in Spain, the archaeological site, the cunning linguists. Don't forget about the quotes from the Russian site that is robots.txt blocked from the Internet Archive. The blogs, the now private websites that became private about the time our man was implicated in a lawsuit. I could go on. I'll get you all of the sources, but I'm drunk and fucking around on other threads.

a play on faggotry my good nigger. Neither of those words are in your dictionary, though.

>t. Eastern Zimmzameranian


see? I can use charmap too!!
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So here is GUI of nodespaces



You are degrading the already relatively low believability of /pol/.
Why do they have such a stupid GUI? It's like Beavis and Butthead do Linguistics.
I watched that fucking Long Bitch video last night and felt nauseous most of the day today. Also had a headache, dizziness, and other weird symptoms right after I watched it.
That's a fucking synth music GUI.

I mean, some of it matches up to programs, so maybe they just thought to do it that way.

I don't fucking know, that's the gayest GUI I've ever seen.
It's ripped from a freeware soundboard, given enough time on CNET I'm sure someone could find the specific one and notify them of copyright infringement.
It's because you're a gullible retard with predisposition to suggestibility and a future cult member of some cult or another.
Freeware. Damn, I thought this was some international intrigue!

>Marilyn Manson is scary and gives me a headache!!!

He's still a faggot.

Good point anon.
If you're part of /pol/ you're already part of a cult.
And yet I don't believe that watching youtube videos will reprogram your brain.
Okay this is proof this is roleplay
I feel better now
Their "secret nodespaces" software has "pitch" "depth" "tone" knobes in it
How so?
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Be careful with that. You could give us headaches and summon aliens!!
Can some kind anon briefly summarize what this thread is about, I can't just read through three entire threads
GOOD. This is step forward. Now lets fuck up with them
Someone needs to man up and email Ruben with his real info. I'm too much of a pussy to do it but you have dubs of fortitude. Make it happen!. I hope you can be strong where I and many others are weak! We have a reputation to maintain and I'm not the anon to do it.
Aw shit nigga, you just cracked the case.

Email them that some conspiracy fucks stole their code and are using it to perpetuate their retardation.
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Look at this :D
Don't read the thread, it will secretly reprogram your brain through hidden languages and give you terminal retardation.
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We just desperately want to believe anon
An open mind is like a fortress with its gates unbarred and unguarded.
...afraid of being secretly reprogrammed?
>that finally encode beliefs
oh shiiiiiiiit
For those who seek perfection there can be no rest on this side of the grave.
>This is NOT FL video but it is connected to Giselian mentioned on site!!!!!

there is no perfection, only fear of death.
Victory needs no explanation, defeat allows none.
Thanks for the explanation.
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There is no such thing as innocence, only degrees of guilt.
Prove it.
Objective morality doesnt exist
Therefore guilt and innocence are only in the individuals mind
There is a link for nodespaces actually.

Who want to mess up with this if possible?

You can register
Lucid here, fell out of the discord when my browser crashed.
Are you guys actually getting on top of things on discord? is it worth joining?
registered but I'm not getting an email
>says "the mandela effect is a meme"
>talking like this

confirmed 4channer not some aylium
desu this looks like something a handful of bored physics and chemistry students would put together in their spare time
I got an ear ache immediately after watching one video? Spooped
20brain tumors
>10 dimensions

Like... 10 spatial dimensions? 10 parallel dimensions? Dimensions are anything separate and quantifiable. You could say colors are different dimensions and technically be correct.

The existence of 10 spatial dimensions is consistent with string theory. There's no "believe" to it. The dimensions are a framework wherein the equations make sense. And the trick is that the 7 dimensions we can't see are just very very small; whether they exist or not has no bearing on physical reality.
Wroooong. That's only in string theory, and there's no empirical evidence for it. It's just as plausible of a theory as loop quantum gravity, which doesn't need the extra dimensions and could provide an equally comprehensive view of nature. Most scientists are still concerned with the Standard Model anyway, which needs - surprise - 3 spatial dimensions.
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