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Forgotten Languages Thread #4

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 330
Thread images: 76

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Interesting developments in last thread, including response from one of the site creators. Continued here.

Previous Thread: >>88973344

Other threads to read to catch up:

Forgotten Languages Thread
>Summing up: accepting simple explanations is rewarding, and creates pleasant feelings of understanding in an otherwise stressed society. XViS is a powerful tool for non-invasive psychological belief forming, encoding, and false memory formation. Society has never been so ready to accept specific distorted views of reality."

>"Memes allow to modify brain connectivity in specific ways, and to elicit neurodynamics processes that finally encode beliefs. We can so far force a target brain to filter incoming information the way we wish, and we can get that target brain to distort and transmits further the information we want to."

>"Conspiracy theory may be treated as a memeplex that is easily activated by various pieces of information, giving it meaning consistent with the memeplex responses. From neurobiological perspective learning requires adaptation, changing functional connectivity, adjusting physical structure of the brain. Learning is thus energy-consuming, requires effort that should be carried out only when there are potential benefits."

>"Social networking allows us to add new information to the existing pool of interacting memes, or attractor states - the so-called memeplex - which is then replicated further. As we control the information being fed, we obviously control what beliefs will finally be encoded in millions of brains"

>"Once a set of distorted memory states is entrenched it becomes a powerful force, attracting and distorting all information that has some associations with these states, creating even broader basins of attractors. Encoding of information in this way enhances the memeplex and is one of the reasons why conspiracy theories are so persistent."

some1 repost those e-mails from last one
I at least hope they aren't cancer vids. I'm starting to wonder if I should get a trip so if I "disappear" people will know.
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Link to videos from Forgotten Languages.

NOTE: Watch at own risk. It is recommended that you read prior threads before delving into their videos.
Trip report. I watched too many of the videos yesterday and after 24 hours I feel different. I have a head cold, congestion, and a headache, and I'm far from prone to getting sick. I feel weird and it reminds me vaguely of Mulholland Drive.

Don't watch the videos, in my opinion. I agree with the anon who said they exist to fuck with the heads of Chinese analysts who are forced to dissect them
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>Maybe ultimately the theory of this "universal" language that they are working to use/discover has everything to do with light.

>The eye being what collects the information and decodes it in the subconscious. If you can 'encode' specific information into light, you thus transfer information to the intended recipient.

>It's starting to seem likely Forgotten Languages' research on human behavior, languages both current and old as well as newly created through Nodespaces, all working towards being able to encode information in a non-semantic and no proto-linguistic way.

>This would mean, simply through light you are able to change perspective and ideas, as well as transfer this same information to other 'beings'. But in order to do that, you must first be able to do it with your own species.

>And of course, video is the capturing of light which then transfers information. But it's more complicated than that. The encoding of the information would be into light when it is played back.

>You end up having the information included in the original footage or imagery, but then an alternate layer through encoded light. That way you break the boundaries of language and visual communication and ultimately open a new way to communicate without need to understand the language or visual imagery. Fundamentally, creating a universally understood transfer of information. A universal language if you will.
>NOTE: Watch at own risk. It is recommended that you read prior threads before delving into their videos.

ayy lmao, there's some recognizable video copilot presets in there.
mind bending stuff.
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does someone can explain to me in different words please?
What is this?
What's a copilot preset, toothpaste friend
>falling for another stupid hoax this quickly after the last one
Silly willy-nilly Billys.
>dat flag
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Email one
Oh hey it's you again, the Israeli molecular bio Ph.D. student roleplayer

Shouldn't you be getting ready for your Monday morning group presentation
Are you guys unironically serious with these threads ?
it's not fair. becuase of muh English
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Email 2
plugins for after effects and stock footage
What if the hoax of the "stupid hoax" was to look like a stupid hoax

Cast a wide net, then throw back the bait fish
>What if the hoax of the "stupid hoax" was to look like a stupid hoax
my head m8
I doubt it.
Next thread you should add that this is related to CERN and this is tower of babylon-tier.

>using Zn-finger conjugated response element detection

actually that makes sense

>identified by promoter bashing[,] population-scale dosage

i think just missing a comma, then it makes sense, it reads just about the same as everything else in this field


DICER is nice. Is it a coincidence there are so many RNAfags in here?
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>Collection of documents some of which are sighted by forgotten languages

Anon says IP was traced to pic related. Which turns out to be research with NASA's Ames Research Center
>website ip:
>location: 37.4192 -122.0574
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Posting what the potato-nigger was supposedly rambling on about in the original BSE thread (wasn't there) which caught everyone's attention.

There was also an Irish poster on a lot of former of these threads, with no more than a couple post all looking like "you don't know what you're dealing with" and "don't dig too deep".
He wouldn't respond to any inquiry.
Ok, I'm off to bed, nice hanging out with you anons

One of the more worthwhile /pol/ experiences from 2016 thus far

See you in another thread soon? Remember that Catholicism is our strongest and best meme
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From >>88992851

Tower of Babel, friends

Relevant Evola:
>The historical memory of that center gradually disappeared in the civilizations that derived from it but in which elements of the ancient heritage were retained in the blood of the dominating castes, the roots of various languages, and also in social institutions, signs, rituals, and hierograms. In the Hebrew tradition, the theme of the tower of Babel, with the ensuing punishment represented by the "confusion of the various languages" (Gen. 11:7), may refer to the period in which the unitary tradition was lost and the various forms of civilization were dissociated from their common origin and could no longer understand each other after the catastrophe of die Flood ended the cycle of Atlantic mankind. The historical memory was often preserved in myth, that is, in metahistory.

He's talking about a cultural hermeticism of sorts (shared symbolic correspondences) that once existed, maybe in "Hyperborean" culture

If you haven't read Evola you should, I used to think Atlantis / Hyperborea fags were ATT / GLP tier trash but maybe there's a reason there's so much obvious noise around those subjects

Not saying we can know anything about the actual history of such but he makes an incredibly strong case for a history of civilization far older than what we tend to believe from academics, etc.


>Wow it's an ancient site older than even what all the smart people say about agriculture! Let alone Stonehenge and such
>It's only intact because the people who built it decided to bury it for safekeeping
>Uh must an agricultural temple the very first temple created to celebrate the discovery of agriculture yep
i'm waiting
Pls don't get mad when it's another anti abortion video
Wow what did he mean by this

A-are you the original poster?
Err... guys. This stuff is from a small group of people spouting techno-babble make their own esoteric Lovecraftian mythos to feel important 100%
really made neurons fire in my mind in a way that they have not fired before
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Nordic aliens best aliens


Oh lawd. The .mil never stopped these experiments, did they?
Lookup ancient hebrew. Its a language built for memes.
Where/what was the CERN connection? Must have missed it.

you mean these ones
really made me blink

Also relevant:

Ayndryl discussing the linguistic work of forgotten languages on a linguistic forum: >http://lingvoforum.net/index.php/topic,30262.25.html?PHPSESSID=2cabf093d11708163e08ebe08479f40a

Also, Ayndryl contributing to abovetopsecret .com thread some time ago: >http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread958299/pg7
Luciferian and high energy particle stuff.

One more for you, threadfriends
This is LARP bullshit. What a condescending question.

>Why is destroying your planet so important to you?

hit me up with the brain tumor videos so I can relieve myself of having to share a planet with these people.
A lot of work over 7 years for that. And still being updated. A new video was posted yesterday and new post on the site today. It's stayed actively consistently for the majority of it's existence.

The amount of time and effort, as well as funding for the research, points to the idea that its not just some random hobbyists.
I think this all Forgotten Languages is just a way to promotes his electronic music.

Is that a Skedar?
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You would say that:

Izmir Secret Communities under Ottoman Rule

>There existed a secret Jewish-Christian sect emerging from Sabbatean circles in Prague in the 1720s that was based on documents of the Moravian Church first published in the late nineteenth century. He assumed, based on his reading of these documents, that this sect was established as early as the late seventeenth century.

>In the case of the kabbalah, the situation was even more complicated and painful to the guardians of Jewish culture because the Christians had jumped the gun, so to speak, by publishing at their will what the rabbis would never have allowed their own coreligionists to do so openly. And these same Christian Hebraists were taking liberties with previously protected Jewish secrets in a manner the rabbis deemed irresponsible and theologically dangerous.
I don't see how this links to forgotten languages.
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oh look another (((nothing))) thread that leads to (((abortion is bad)))

yeah. all those coordinates in the last thread and shit in the last thread and this continuing alien talk just got me reminiscing.
People will go to great extents to get a sense of superiority, even for devious purposes such as tricking large communities. Never undermine the strength of the human will and the motives behind them.
FL is hosted on blogspot, Google's free blogging service that anyone can use.

Tracing FL to Google servers accomplishes nothing.

Nubs need to learn 2 internet.
sitelen sona ni li mute wawa

sona pona tawa lawa mi

>hit me up with the brain tumor videos

Long Live the New Flesh!
>the first test subject, a suicide soldier from the Islamic State, was administered a high dose of milDMT that made him feel blissfully enfolded, comforted, bathed in love, a regression to and activation of infantile longing by the promise that a benign deity would reward childlike surrender with permanent euphoria.
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how stupid him askig why we destroy the planet after explaining that we predate or are prey. he answered his own question placing the question at the end, what an idiot.
Aggressive thoughtforms brought into meta-existence via memetic transfer for the purpose of [X]...
Whoever Andryl and his asossciates are, they are doing something that is immensely fucking twisted.
how the fuck did /pol/ suddenly become a crossover of /b/, /int/ and /x/?
sod off you fucking cunts
>"hidden sector"
what did she mean by this?

>communicate with nuclear subs

>focus on beloved ones.

> why is destroying your planet so important for you?
What would you like to discuss?
Watching ForgottenLanguages on YouTube gave me P.E.P.E.'s Shaliday as a recommended video. We must be more than half their traffic.

It seems like they hitched a ride on BSE in order to go viral.
the rise of the alt-right, Sick Hillary and frog memes, obviously :^)

>captcha: goldberg 5 km
Then make a thread for it.

Easy. Simple. Done.
We are ALL their traffic
If I remember correctly, another one of their users answered questions in the ATS thread. The same "predator" and "prey" metaphor was used and it made the users there very uncomfortable.

Basically what she said was "prey is only prey if a predator is around, but a predator is always a predator".

I think this is their round about way of telling you to stay away from them, lest you turn yourself into prey vey proximity.
Is true that it fucks your mind ?
is anyone who watched the videos the other day here now? how are you feeling?
Yes. I don't recommend it.
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Email-anon here, still no response to my answer and question.

>hidden sector
I believe, at least looking at the article on forgottenlanguage, that hidden sectors are essentially free spaces in particles that can be filled with "something" to transfer information from one point to another by hitching a ride. At least, from what I can infer, I have never taken a physics course.

>communicate with nuclear subs
Whoever "they" work for presumably.

>focus on beloved ones
Either he's warning me this is a deep rabbit hole or that was a threat, which is ineffective since I have nothing to really lose.

>why is destroying your planet so important to you?
I gave him two answers, see pic-related. I understand that my answer was pretentious, but this is all subjective.
Weird dream, smelled fire. Only watched a few yesterday.

On video 119/226, gonna make it all the way and see what happens.
Yes. The videos are designed as memetic experiences which facilitate the transfer of an engineered Thoughtform.

If the what and how of this don't make sense, the previous paragraph does not make sense, it is in your own interests to stay the fuck away from Forbidden Languages.

Again; this site and their content are Infohazards.
>"prey is only prey if a predator is around, but a predator is always a predator"
I wonder if they're also scared and poking at things they don't understand. Perhaps they're trying to get attention but also trying to limit the collateral damage.
I had weird dreams and don't feel well, psychologically speaking. I'm 27 now and it reminds me of being 19 years old and experimenting with hallucinogens... My entire life seems like a bad trip at the moment.

I'm not joking. I didn't believe that the videos would do anything, but last night I woke up at 3:30AM and started pacing around and felt like I was going to have a nervous breakdown.

Probably not everyone is going to get fucked up like I am. It's not going to be a 100% hit rate... by watching these videos, you're playing Russian Roulette with your brain. Don't do it.

i did not sleep at all last night. maybe i was excited or maybe i was mind altered, i'm not sure.
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Make sure to play P.E.P.E. for thoughtform defense.
Hard to tell. We've had mixed reviews. But based on what we've found in the past few threads, they are likely experimenting with it.

It's best to be cautious when watching them if you do. They do use visual layering, and elements are meant to guide your eyes. Specific rhythms and tones and uses of light attempting to create effects.

Also grotesque imagery often used to emphasis the hidden messages or information. This goes for many of the images on the site as well.

Read up on the previous threads to get a better picture. My summary is only a small glimpse into the use of tactics they are potentially using in the videos.

Some of the videos could make you dizzy, or potentially cause headaches or pressure in the eyes. The most noticeable effect is it can easily make you concentrate. When you finish watching some of them you will feel like you've been really focused.

The illusion is complex or is complexity part of the illusion?
they should really rename the term "memetic", it has become a meme now, unironically

nobody have informations about the danger of getting alzheimer viewing this ? being a doctor just consist of remembering shit and talking nosenses
Maybe we should call in the fringelords.
Nice digis
for the kek glory nice gets
wasted get by a shit skinned colombian
A fucking ice pop
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So what you're saying is gas the jews and destroy Islam?
call them we need them to watch thoughs vids
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fucken wasted get
>t. Jaden Smith

Also checked
Thanks pablo.
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The illusion is the complexity.
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And I don't mean they help concentration. They will make you feel like you've been really concentrating in a way that is tiring.

Also, research on the site shows they want to encode information into essentially light, allowing the transfer of information without necessarily needing context or understanding. So attempts at primal levels of communication in a sense. Or universal communication.

You can consider yourself a genuine pig if you watch them.
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Talk about wasted get
Is the real deal
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So what are these threads about and why do the videos have breddy gud jams?
((((1 post by this ID))
On it.
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witnessed holy shit
If you want to fuck around with what they are doing, you really should understand what thoughtforms are, how they can be integrated into your Conscious Experiences, why this is something that is undesirable, and how to get rid of them.

If you don't already Meditate/Pray to clear your mind and you want to proceed fucking with this, I very much urge you to start.

Same advice for those of you already experiencing effects. The thoughtform or forms has already been integrated, you have to remove it. The simplest way to do this is to isolate yourself from the source, and work on clearing your mind.
>shit skinned
>that flag
>that post
Watched correct decoding of Cassini diskus. Pressure in right eye that won't go away since waking up. No dreams.

It almost feels like something is sitting on the top of the back of my eye.

Got me spooped desu.

Madagascar for the jews
Create a schims in islam and let them devour themselves.
Avoid nukes at all cost.
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panic extended is pretty catchy though from what people are saying u should be careful with these or sumtin
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>Tfw you are literally getting mindraped by illuminaty
>literally being submissive to what they want to do
>they are fapping to it rn
oh my

forgotten languages discord
get in here
Have similar effects personally, but started after watching them yesterday. Didn't see the Correct Decoding of Cassini Diskus until this morning. So if it is a side effect, it is common with the videos.
Yes. A few. No affect beyond my opinion that the production isn't terribly professional. I may download and send off to a buddy with a keener ear, eye, and the tools to analyze content. Having taken a number of inner journeys so to speak, I know fear can be quite the cruel mistress when absorbing new things. Perspective should be used.
Yeah, it was a typical leafpost, but it could have been worse.
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Germany > Colombia
Can you elaborate more on clearing mind and getting away from source? Is this just like relaxing and calming down and focusing on other things?

I want to get rid of this. Am religious, very strong faith.
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>The illusion is complex or is complexity part of the illusion?
This is already been somewhat discussed before.

People contacted Ayndryl before and asked questions about what they we're doing.

There's 170 pages of tinfoil discussion in here


You can find some Ayndryl pasted messages in there if some autist wants to sift through all that and post it here go ahead.

Basically they invented a bunch of languages using some obscure software they made. They have in their group a lot of 'tech savy' guys and quantum physicists, linguists etc.

They believe there are 10 dimensions and they are trying to communicate with ayy lmaos that might exist in other dimensions.

Also there are some phylosophical theories about language.

they're really fucking hard to shake off. i had to listen to an hour of mantras to get back to normal.
To those of you here that are fucking stubborn and refuse to
Here's how to proceed:

1) Clear your mind before engaging any of the media
2) Keep notes while reading/watching/listening on changes in your emotional and thought state.
3) Keep notes of your state post-experience, be especially mindful of any thoughts that seem alien or unusual to you.
4) Clear mind again via preferred practice.
5) Note any difficulties encountered during Clearing, any anomalous thoughts after Clearing
6) Repeat Step 4 & 5 until no anomalous elements are noted.
7) Return to Step 1 for next set of Experience/s
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>people are saying u should be careful with these or sumtin
Oh wow, its another "abortion is bad" episode.
Is the anon that was emailing Ayndryl earlier still in this thread?
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Praise Kek.
What were you're dreams? I only watched long bitch and I still feel like I was messing around with my emf generator. The patents they use for their technology allows them to send messages in the space between pulses of light. Using Gabor atoms with sound and I'm not sure how, light and electromagnetic impulses to send sensory data. It's like those reports of people touching alien artifacts and remembering data that gets brought up later. My dream was structured, like a world made up for me. The figures and interactions were all as best as I can describe preordained to be there. I wonder if my head filled the faces and the interiors of the places I was in for me.
Pretty much. And they've been working on it for years.
Holy fuck, my eyes are bleeding but I can't stop reading.
>why is destroying your planet so important to you

What a foolish question.

He himself answered his own question with his prior statement. All civilizations are bound to predate, thus destruction of "our" home is as natural as creation. Destruction implies creation. Birth implies death.

i'm salty as shit for a nigga to ask such a moronic question, fuck.
your brain is going to explode motherfucker
Thank you for actionable safety advice.
If we didn't ignore [BAD STUFF] tags we wouldn't be here, but anything we can do to lessen potential damage is a big help.
No, when you simply relax and focus on other things, you are layering clothes so to speak onto the thoughtform. It's still there. Think of it like the experience of having a song stuck in your head suddenly.

That comes from the Thoughtform of the Song suddenly reasserting it in your Consciousness. When you Pray or Meditate, your brainwave pattern is different, it allows for structural reconfiguration. Clear-Mind Meditation applies this as a way of Deprogramming Thoughtforms from your Mind.

It's the same reason consumption of Pop Culture is incredibly fucking unhealthy. They are aggressive Thoughtforms.

Yeah, I noticed that the Frequency they are exploiting in a lot of their videos seems to be unbelievably aggressive. It's very hard to shake them, especially if you don't go in with a 'Defensive Layer' of Thought already up.
I had dreams that I was back in BMQ - Canadian military basic training. It was strange because all of the sergeants and master corporals didn't have faces and there were weird alien (Chinese-like) symbols on all of the lockers and signs in hallways, instead of french / english.

I never think about my military service, or dream about it, and the dream definitely fucked with me.
Isn't this a war crime? Why is this allowed?
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underrated post
Official discord
someone link good lobotomy vids im gonna spam my phone's address book

what exactly are you talking about in regards to "thoughtform" ?

according to wiki it´s just "aura manipulation" (requiring that you believe that something like an "aura" actually exists) or kind of an astral projection/illusion which itself can only be seen by people with "...awakened astral senses.".

I mean ... even fucking wikipedia references to 4chan and some fucking brony faggots to having created some ultraretard movement like "tulpamancers" wtf ....

I guess you should like guide us at this point - well at least in regards of "thoughtforms" - because I think there´re actually guys that might want to go way deeper than that

also clearing your mind ... I never meditated before, are there good resources (like the pdf this one anon posted in the thread before ?)
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I might be tin foil hat crazy, but I think he actually meant literally.

Memetics have power. Isn't it a little odd that this all came to light during the Moloch/Kek saga?

How all these threads in pic related showed up after BSE ended?

Maybe we're actually destroying the world by summoning Kek.
we da orks now,WAAAAAAAAAAAAGH
>Our world is filled with things that are neither mysterious and ghostly nor simply constructed out of the building blocks of physics. Do you believe in voices? How about haircuts? Are there such things? What are they? What, in the language of the phyisicist, is a hole—not an exotic black hole, but just a hole in a piece of cheese, for instance? Is it a physical thing? What is a symphony? Where in space and time does ‘The Star-Spangled Banner’ exist? Is it nothing but some ink trails in the Library of Congress? Destroy that paper and the anthem would still exist. Latin still exists but it is no longer a living language. The language of the cavepeople of France no longer exists at all. The game
of bridge is less than a hundred years old. What sort of a thing is it? It is not animal, vegetable, or mineral.
That'd old info

Now Ayndryl has confirmed they are in contact at CERN
So you were in a building too?
A sterile, municipal building? I guess .mil buildings are somewhat sterile.
It was as if I was being taught, or instructed.
Even with this whole thing, I wasn't following this bse bullshit but hopped in a conversation where the whole FL posts were made and I never even go here.
I went back to a composite of my schools, followed through some classes and kept being sat next to this woman.
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it's frustrating watching everyone praise memes but chastise shiva. shiva is the god of creative destruction, transformation, destroying the old to create the new, just like memes.
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now that pol went mainstream probably spam threads from the hillary headquarters to distract from her shitting on americans
because he dont poo in loo

this one is fucked

That one has fucked my dreams.
The way I am using Thoughtform when I write is in the direct dictionary definition:

"a combination of presuppositions, imagery, and vocabulary current at a particular time or place and forming the context for thinking on a subject."

An engineered Thoughtform is one that aims to cause specific forms of thinking. An aggressive engineered Thoughtform is one that aims to produce this effect actively, in a fast manner. It's the equivalent of a Virus in Cognitive Thinking.

Tulpas are a Thoughtform that causes Left-Right Brain Asynchronous processes. It's induced schizophrenia in a controlled-ish manner. Schizophrenia itself is this asynchronous thinking caused by Yx Factors in an uncontrolled manner.

Sorry if some parts are confusing; English as a Second Language and all.

I'll be in this thread and on the linked Discord.
a plant ? the thumbnail alone scare me
fml these edge lords are lame

>Communication with extraterrestrial civilizations using electromagnetic waves must inevitably be compromised to some extent by the finite speed of light. If the universe really does have five (or more) dimensions, exchanging signals via the fifth dimension may be the faster and preferred method.

>Clearly, any form of communication with aliens which is to take place on a human timescale implies some kind of signal whose effective speed in ordinary 3D space exceeds that of light.

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Yes, the MEGA building used by the CF. It's used to train military recruits.

Sterile doesn't even begin to describe it. That building itself is a brutalist nightmare.

Thoughts on my post?


Do you think maybe it's all connected somehow?
Oh shit
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when do we get to inception
Do you remember the halls? Tell me more.
Can we avoid directly embedding known infohazards?
Yeah I remember the halls. They're all concrete tunnels, essentially. I don't have any pictures and wouldn't post them here
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Wow so spooky and scary
If you feel sick or disturbed or just "not quite right" after watching the forgottenlanguages videos, watch some of the videos on this channel and you should be okay. Fire with fire, water with water, the River Rabbit is a friend to the Frog.


Praise Kek.
>>88999999 WASTED

what if the shadilay video was a primer so that these videos would have a heavier effect on your mind?
THIS one made me dream about DONALD TRUMP being LITERALLY HITLER, and when I woke up I was LITERALLY SHAKING AND SCARED
I'm asking because it seemed like the majority of my dream was walking down halls, endless halls like in those illusions where you finally get 'there' and the hallway expands.

The rabbit hole is deep indeed.

WAKE UP ANONS. This is the literally the age of memes.
I mean this renewed interest and exposure to FL was directly caused because it was spread in BSE Threads, which had a pretty large level of viewers. Fortunately, BSE was nothing too amazing so the amount of people now exploring FL is lessened, but they are related.

Abortion is Bad is the Thoughtform
BSE and the Bills were the Memetic Experience
Memes are self-propogating experiences which convey Thoughtforms.
KEK is a Thoughtform.
#forgottenlanguages on instagram
Any updates from the anon watching every video?
KEK is a good TF though, it's passive until something like trips or dubs happen, then it swells into a euphoria.
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Not sure what language this is. it's from a book called The Most Holy Trinosophia Of The Comte De Saint Germain.
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please go ahead with threads, i cant join the discord because i´m online wiht less then 10kb internet speed ... page takes like 2 hour to load :x

ok thanks so far

>Sorry if some parts are confusing; English as a Second Language and all.

I know that :^)

and regarding the meditation for preparation/closing ... is something like that feasible: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=moBLrox7bwk ? I just googled for now, gonna go deeper into it.

Interesting how you consider pupolar media (like music and shit shows) to induce aggressive thoughtforms ... but the only thing, I could imagine, this would induce is the unbending will to consume ... and in a way to completely give up the (as was mentioned SO often before, also in BSE esoteric shit) "I" or I´d rather say "self" ... which would indeed be very unnerving ... but maybe I draw false conclusions. it´s late
Alternatively, Shadilay could act as a cleanser for these influences and that could be the reason why it was recommended
>#forgottenlanguages on Twitter/Instagram
That would be the equivalent of committing Intellectual Terrorism.

Yeah he is. Because that's how we perceive him, he is Our TF. For someone in a different Microreality, say Hillary, he is an Evil TF.

Yeah something like that would work.
You nailed it on what the engineered TF behind most PopCult is.
>You can consider yourself a genuine pig if you watch them.

This typo made me laugh harder than it should
>genuine pig
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>Intellectual Terrorism

u make it sound cool
Irish fag made us interested in FL by posting about it in a BSE thread
state sponsored intellectual terrorist here, these FLfags are literally just h.s. kids from florida

instagram told you so

honestly im starting to think that hillary clinton declaring war on pepe caught the fl guys' attention.

they realized we figured out how to weaponize memes.

now theyre giving us real memetic weapons.
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time-stamp? also whats with the ip address being at nasa?
I am hate to spamfag and I'm not shilling my own shit, it's something I came across organically. SemantiCure on jewtube if you are feeling off by watching these videos. Personally I will not watch them. Please be careful, keklings.
And it's 100% true that we have done it. We have taken a cartoon frog and put enough meaning behind it that certain people who see it are instantly angry and filled with discomfort. We have successfully weaponized a meme.
>speculation intensifies
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dude im bored, also larping is fun
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It's fun bud, fuck off
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Ok ... so we´re on track kind of.

And I think I understand that more or less anything ... be it written information, sound or even light (in the broadest sense ?!) ... can induce thoughtforms. For example everything related to FL, maybe even the encoded or newly generated language.

Now the tricky part is ... this guy/gal(?) Ayndryl told us they just look for ways of "interdimensional communication" with some ayylmaos but at the same time comes up with this prey/predator metaphor and also with that world destroyer thingy ... considering that shit and all the interesting but also partially potential dangerous shit that´s actually not encoded ... man I´m starting to be more confused than before ... I guess I´m missing some shit

... So basically, what´s it that you´ve been warning people of ? I can´t really see what the implication of "INFOHAZARDS" is ... maybe is a lack of comprehension due to the language I´m not sure ... what does that shit induce that might be (considering it really IS) so dangerous that different people were actually telling to stop fucking around with this shit ?

Let's do it. We have memetic weapons of mass destruction.

We can and should abuse them, learn how to make them, and have them serve our ends.

I want to Make America Great Again by any means possible. We very much have the tools and knowledge to force mental breakdowns on people we do not like.

Look what we did to Hillary. She declared war on Pepe, then the news went after it too. Along with her health and the DNC leaks, it acted as a chain reaction that destroyed her poll numbers and people's faith in the media, possibly forever.

Now imagine what we can do if we can bootleg Forgotten Languages.
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is the emailfag still around ?

I´m curious if there´s more to come
Hey anon...

Thanks. I prayed and I feel better. I actually moved myself to shed a few tears.

My right eye had been bothering me all day. It feels better now.
He's probably talking a bunch of hippie bullshit how we all need to live in the trees and fight the evil corporations
You pussy
I'm still here, I'm sitting in the discord chat right now.

>performance arts
>y u wanna destroy the world maaan?
No u
Watched it as well, nothing feels out of the ordinary though.
Aight nigga shit chill.
Np bb we tite :-*
Every video's title is not just the part in quotations. The names that these videos are supposed to be by, are intentional. They have nothing to do with who made them.
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Alot of the 'lets sound intelligent with vaguely sciencey sounding words' shit made me strongly suspect these we're just larping faggots but i watched some of one of the videos posted here and took a good look at pic related and my mind feels pretty rekt, any well informed anon care to explain what the fuck is going on?
mind fucked


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also the posts of russiabro: Ij5rgPn7
has he gotten back to u yet, ask him about the vids
Thanks krautbro, this is starting to seem less like the usual /x/ tier shitposting. I'll hold off on watching anything further until we know what we're dealing with here.
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He has not, I'm on the verge of finding important shit out though.

For anyone who thinks this is fake, it's not. I'll upload some in a little bit as well.

Symbols don't show in audio typically like that, but this anon is not bsing.
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Hohoholy shit guys
Look at the shit on the left of the second image.


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specrtogram of the diskus video.

Corresponds to symbols in the video


Watch at your own risk.
Overlay them to the video
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what video is this?

that's it. we NEED to weaponize this.

we need deep impact, find a way to spread this to thousands at once.

as well, we need to figure out how to make our own memes that use this same technology.
holy fuck
oh man oh man oh man oh man

How the fuck do you even synthesize that. That's some pretty accurate sculpting.
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>/pol/ creates the 4th Reich through occult brainwashing
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This is using iZotopes RX3

it looks like it gets compressed at lower freqs
No!! We have no idea what we're dealing with here man. We don't need to play cut the wire with ayylmao technology.
It's all connected.

Memes. CERN. Kek.

Memes will bring Kek through CERN
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Don't be a pussy. We do it for the lulz
Cont. I usually only lurk and rarely ever post, probably less than 200 posts in the last 10 or so years but i feel compelled to after this. I still don't feel right, we need to get our collective autism on solving whatever the fuck is going on with this and if possible weaponize it for the glory of kek as other anons have suggested.
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This is some Aphex Twin tier shit right there.

Same boat anon. I posted maybe 10 times int he last 10 years. Came for /bse/, staying for FL.
mfw pol gets btfo by role playing faggots, check numbers for source
If all this reveals a hidden message saying will you be ai gf or the cancer banana I'll quit /pol/ forever
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that´s mind boggling ... how do they even manage to "sculpt" this... of course sound-by-algorithm must be involved but holy cow this is amazing ...
What will these two things give me? Cancer, puking etc.?

From this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dGYzB5KiTJo
I just really want to express my thanks to the mods and Hiro for keeping these obvious "viral marketing" garbage contained to single threads. It's super appreciated, esp on that last abortion whatever dumbshit.
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its the cassini diskus symbols in sound waves

clever transmission compacting
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ok wow never seen this. how fucking amazing ... I´m drifting away being so amazed by this
Noted. Now fuck off.

Guys. The videos aren't sinister, unless the Cassini Diskus type messages in it are.

My theory is that the videos are the audiovisual encryption of the article.

Make any sense?
If i watch the videos will i die?
What is this shit? I just want someone to break through the pronunciation barrier of old Celtic languages. I can pronounce anything in English by looking but who do you say "Ny crea y ae ewcealegey"? Fuck your shitty memes.
What if it's such a hyper advanced language that it can literally "talk" to your dna?

And this sentence says: "Metastasize"
I treat everything and anything that seems like /x/ tier garbage as schizos role-playing but there is something to this one, it might be the aforementioned /x/ tier garbage but even if it is someone put enough effort into it to give a few anons a pretty shitty headache and that alone could be something pretty fun to spread around for classic chan shenanigans but if there's something more to it i want to know and i know that as a collective we are autistic and dedicated enough to find out.

And Part two https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lpGt3CIqdII
No but it will be very painful.

you are a loud guy

we need to start spreading this on facebook.

trick loved ones you live with into watching the very short videos and the cassini one.

we need to see what happens to unprepared normies.
What in the actual fuck!
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For you.
>inb4 normies go nuts and start smearing hieroglyphs on the walls with their own intestines
No leave the normies out of this. This is a weapon for /pol/!
wasn't it posted somewhere that they had transcribed the first 100 pages of cern research in one of these songs?
As much as I hate this it's probably the best idea for learning what the fuck is going on.

This might be what Ayndryl meant by destroying our planet. If it fucks everyone up and goes viral, we will have destroyed our planet. But we don't even know if it is bad for certain yet.
That's a Cassini Diskus thing afaik
Fuck it better than the Jews taking over
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I feel bad killing part of the meme here but there's free software out there that can convert images to sound
For you
I honestly can't even comprehend this attitude. Call me a moralfag, I don't care. It hasn't even been a day, anons are already reporting strange symptoms, and you want to spread it around like wildfire.

You have no idea what this is. THIS IS ALIEN TECHNOLOGY. You're being a fucking moron, and you're just as bad as the cunts that made this. "For teh lulz!!" Eat shit. You want to give people mental problems or possible brain cancer?

This is exactly why this stupid website was brought here. They want to use us as fucking mosquitos and distribute it everywhere like the predicatable retards we are. Fuck this. I'm out.
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I just watched a bunch of these in a row on a vr headset with noise canceling headphones.

Am I totally boned?
If so how badly?
>we'll have to wear special sunglasses to filter out subliminal light messages
holy christ it's They Live but more boring and real
they're only as effective as you believe them to be.
I'd go with Occitain just because it sounds awesome

this right here desu
wtf i hate forgotten languages now
Yeah I can't hold anything down. Got some Jimmy John's earlier and threw it up in the parking lot
All I read from OP's summation:

Human bias - if you are successful in implanting an idea, that will bias all other info subject sees.
Old saying
>people see what they want to see
is very correct and well documented

People view the world by a lens of their past experiences and biases, truth and logic doesn't work for most people
as you can see here : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aZ95I2t-v6w

Stefan has a quick video on it :

So perhaps if you could implant an idea, by getting people's guards down. Maybe reverting them to their childhood, or with powerful emotional experiences you can bias their whole wold view
This is actually what the BSE video tried to do, I am are desensitized to it as I have seen a lot of gore.
But it still sticks with me, even tho his argument was terrible.
He tapped into gore and to powerful emotions that people have with conspiracy theories (conspiracy theories come from the same part of the brain as religion)

All the bullshit about encoding information in photons is shit tier bait to stop thinking people from researching this
But :
There might be truth about weird images fucking with your brain and putting your guards down - like the picture thats mirrored but isn't really from other thread, maybe some anon can link it. And while the brain is confused you can inject some red pills
Like a magicians slide of hand, NLP.

Can any anon weigh in on what i said?
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but would you really want to risk that ? I mean full blown chaos is nothing bad ... especially if we might bring down financial globlaism kek ... but harming people (especially "loved ones") doesn´t seem like a good idea ... assuming this does actually harm people ... but even IF there´s just a tiny ass possibility ...

I think it´s not HOW to convert it (though I´m still kinda amazed desu, because Ive never seen this before) but why it is converted and what it actually means/refers to ... considering all the weird shit on their web page
That's Standard Operating Procedure for eating Jimmy Johns
Alien Tech? No. They are making these videos. I am certain of this.

All of the contributors are trying to reach a goal, with the Nodespaces program, and they share results through this website. I don't know what their endgoals are, but they probably have more than a few.
That's what I figured. They sound pretty cool though. Definitely a neat art project.

interesting, It's about Tabby's Star.
Maybe it's a local thing.

I too had Jimmy Johns and I enjoyed the fuck out of it.
It's not the best idea.

But it's the best idea to figure some of these things out.

Then again, maybe we shouldn't be trying to figure some of these things out.
done the same, am in gym now, listening to them, yawn
Back from sleep, nothing happened I can remember. Won't be posting with this trip again.

>fool a bunch of scientists
I fucking love Jimmy John's
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h͈̘̳̫͓̜u̙̘̠̮͜ͅm͉̜͓̬̺͔͠i̞͓̪ͅḽ̢̳͞i̴̤̼̖̥̗̙̠͡a̯̩̰͚̭ ̯̣̪̬̲̳l̸̖̞̙̫̘̙̯̼̕ͅe̵͇̹̝̤̩͔̼̟̯͠p̴̷͖̼̫̠̞̳ư̺͇̪͚̲̭̻̕s̯͖͈̦̜̹̕ ̢͖͚̺̠͎̀f͉͖̦̹̖̖̮̝͢o҉̨̺̺͔̞̩̥̺͚͖r͙̭̣̱a͕̫̟͕̻̘m̨̟̮e͔̟̭͜ń̢̙͚̭͙
Can anyone give me a TLDR on what has transpired regarding this topic since yesterday.

Thanks in advance.
No problem. Just doing my duty to help fellow Man.

you barely understand. look at the world around you. its going to shit. its going to war.

we can stop all of that with this power. reunite the world under the power of nationalism.

lets make america great again with the ultimate memetic weapons.
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absolutely, but I disagree that this might be pure bait. At least it prolly isn´t about another "viral marketing" bullshit ... though this Ayndryl seems cryptic and whatnot ...

Of course, one wondering why it´s made public ... and spread in here ... the actual question, before going into it "as is" is if that shit was spread anywhere else or just here by the irishguy that said "IM FOLLOWING THIS SHIT FOR FIVE YEARS AND I THINK ITS EVIL" ..
I didn´t really find anything about it beside said links to ATS and the linguistics forum.

In the end it might be exactly for the shit you said, but with the difference that the presumed goal is not "induction by emotion" but by "universal" (or: primal, if you will) language (which does not rely on specific rule systems like emotions) ... well at least I think so ... maybe I´m completely mistaken and it´s indeed some "lvl 3000 wizard lizard" RP bull shit ... but it doesn´t seem so ... I guess either we will find out .. or lose interest. whatever happens, It´s at least not pure bull shit and actually provokes some thinking ... which I actually enjoy .. beside the fact of maybe being programmed :^)
>The amount of time and effort, as well as funding for the research, points to the idea that its not just some random hobbyists.

They are schizophrenic
It did happen to spread to another forum posted in an earlier thread. It was promptly put down by Ayndryl.
There really isn't much of a tldr yet as it's pretty complicated and spread out. Best to just wait until everything is made sense of. But the climax is nearing
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None of us understand the potential of these memetic weapons.

I would not be so hasty to unleash them on the normie world.

afaik this has only spread here due to the irish anon. I've been google searching terms from here and haven't been linked anywhere else except here and FL.

I saved the photo. It is named as it was in the last thread.
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>taken from:

I say we get to the bottom about how these videos work. Make our own and test them out. The worst that can happen is a couple normies get a nightmare or two.
[email protected]
Who is this?

Original anon back.Been catching up

I want to sound a word of caution about the Spanish flag poster who surfaced. In my original research I believe the ID Ayndryl who seems to handle damage control for forgotten languages and is doing damage limitation.

Haliburton are behind this

Dept. Of Energy and Sandia National Laboratories.


Object Reservoir, Inc. develops and provides reservoir analysis and well modeling and forecasting tools for the oil and gas industry. The company offers Saige for unconventional and shale gas reservoir modeling; Orpheus for conventional reservoir modeling; Limits, an analytic forecasting and modeling tool for shale wells; and Resolve, a reservoir modeling engine. The company was founded in 1995 and is based in Houston, Texas with an additional office in Austin, Texas. As of June 29, 2012, Object Reservoir, Inc. operates as a subsidiary of Landmark Graphics Corporation.


"The promise of the Internet is one thing, but many companies are shopping for the sort of technology they can profit from right away. So the Halliburton Company announced an agreement yesterday to acquire the Landmark Graphics Corporation, a leading provider of computer software and services to help the world's largest energy companies find and produce oil and gas, in a stock swap currently valued at about $525 million.

The purchase offers the clearest sign yet of the direction that Halliburton's new chief executive, Dick Cheney, the former Defense Secretary, wants to take. In the oilfield services industry, companies like Halliburton want to rely increasingly on computerized brains instead of educated hunches and roughneck brawn.

>That pic

As reported above, the SRMSC was made available to the highest bidder via an online auction by the GSA. A winning bid of $530,000. was accepted in December of 2012 and the sale closed in February of 2013. The new owner is the Spring Creek Hutterite Colony of Forbes, ND.

The Hutterites are a faith group with 45,000 or so members living in several hundred colonies scattered across the North American prairies. They practice a peaceful, communal lifestyle and typically sustain themselves through agriculture and, in some cases, manufacturing. Their Christian beliefs and lifestyle are similar to the Amish and Mennonites.

Their purchase of the SRMSC is interesting and their future plans are unclear. Of the 430 acres, only about 1/3 can be farmed. So far, they have done a small amount of "no-till" farming of beans but, other than that, the Hutterites have no real presence yet. Another 1/3 of the complex is considered historic by the North Dakota State Historic Preservation Office which means that the owners can't build or change the exterior appearance of existing buildings without permission. Other portions of the complex are considered a wetland which, presumably, entails other regulatory restrictions.
I was talking about this image, thank you
It's ridiculously hard for my brain to comprehend it

This gives legitimacy for me to the research that website makes, i digged more on the website and there's a lot of mirrored(but not mirrored) images there
What the flying fuck. Guys I think this is bogus there's no way my boy Cheney is the behind this. Cheney's a good guy he wouldn't allow this to happen. Hoax confirmed.


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what the ...
I'm the OP who brought this to the hive for inspection. There is another guy with an Irish flag who is RPing. The only poster I have seen who is DEFNITELY suspect is the polite Spanish flag who I think is from forgotten languages doing damage control with 'it's justa bunch of intelligent people playing with languages' and when addressing the creeppasta could only manage 'well your interested in this stuff to"

Very reminiscent of the ATS damage limitation.

When I originally looked at this four years ago I traced Ayndryl to Spain and on each occasion they have done damage control it has been the same person.
Has this been posted yet?
That's a great find but i dont think where's the image from matters
I think they used it because a hole like that and all the rust invokes strong fear emotions in i think everyone
I actually thought he was from FL, but wasn't sure.
he seemed to shill for them but blend in with us.

The whole energy link to this is intriguing.
They mirrored half of pic, added some shit on the left side, also they gave watermark with C, while it's the photo of the coldwartourist guy.

Inform him, he goes to court and we got them :D
the base of the floor on the right does not match the left

there is a white fabric on the ground

also we'd probably have to fund his trial, which might get 'accidentally' permanently delayed.
we don't know how far up the totem pole this goes
town fool from the discord.

thank you for giving me what i need to make america great again.
Well in the linguistic thread the core software was originally developed for fluid mechanics in oil and gas exploration.

Howevever note Ayndryl lies about that on the linguists thread and says it was for ferromagnetism here

Which is deceptive.

This is haliburton and responses themed this is just a bunch of smart linguists looking at interesting stuff is utter BS. You don't generate 200+ vids and some fucking ugly creepypasta for shits and giggles as a byproduct of having fun with languages.

Neither does it explain why PhD level physicists are involved.

So if you are reading Ayndryl don't come here and tell us that your evil shit is not evil shit and accuse me of 'fearmongering' when you are pumping out disturbing and sophisticated stuff featuring biopsy and maggots.

By the way 'Ayndryl' why don't you explain where you got the docs on experimenting on ISIS prisoners with DMT for quantum communication? DOD?
>They want to use us as fucking mosquitos and distribute it everywhere like the predicatable retards we are. Fuck this. I'm out.

This, they know and we know exactly what happens when we get a line.
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how did the patent come up again ? I´m starting to fuck up my sense of comprehension, because it´s geetting so late ....

The patent basically is just an implementation for FEM programs to effectively read symbol-to-program mathematical terms and shit ... how does that even relat ? .. or is it more the company ? .. then again how did that come up ?
Fucking bullshit. Dick Cheney is a patriot he wouldn't want to summon the ayys to enslave us
You were interested in this 4 years ago. Can I ask why you are so invested in it?
>got the docs on experimenting on ISIS prisoners with DMT for quantum communication? DOD?
Some proof



that´s actually a very good question.

and btw can some1 recreate the thread ? we exceeded 300 replies
Why are you mixing greek and cyrillic

Irishanon you are making some sense. I can see why Ayndryl would want to damage control and shoo us off afterwards.

But why is the site public?

We don't know enough about how these videos work to make our own.The audio seems straight forward, but the visuals we are hopelessly lost on at the moment.
t b h I will still be interested in this in 4 years if there are no major developments

This is mind blowing and we've only just scratched the surface in 5 threads
There's more to see. I'm sure of it.

New thread please.
Thread posts: 330
Thread images: 76

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