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Thread replies: 328
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Thread for discussion of National Socialism, Fascism, Traditionalism, and European Identity Movements. Share links, PDFs, reading, videos, and propaganda.



卐 PASTEBIN - http://pastebin.com/gPcZcwNr 卐


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>The National Socialist Party has become the board. What you have inherited from your oldfags, you must lurk before you can post. The most precious meme in this board though are its own shitposters. And for these shitposters and for the sake of these memes, we have to struggle and fight. And never tire; and never weaken; and never give up; and never despair. Long live our memes and long live our shitposter empire.
Fuck off to reddit, leftist scum.

Important video about nordicism:


That's why I often have problems with some of these movements. They claim all europeans are equal, when the fact is we are not.

And that should not matter for anyone, because if it does, it is already a proof of selfishness. They are not fighting for the cause, but for themselves.
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bumping based bread

eat shit proxy shill
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With her planned parenthood eugenics program plan, we will surely bring the niggers down enough to enact a racially pure homogenous doctrine within the US!

Alongside this, we will enslave them once more with welfare, which will hook them on to the government feet and force a single party solution

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Is this where my fellow Hipster Nazis hang out?
Thanks for correcting the record earlier by the way.
>someone who doesn't like my leftist bullshit must be a shill!
Typical in-denial leftie.
>The 15-rouble shill still tries to evade the topic
Yes, we get it, you are retarded enough to vote shillary. That doesn't change the fact that you look pathetic, drowning in cheap fallacies. :^)
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>not using the rest of the pastebin
Come on.
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The Red Pill.png
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The actual man in charge of repairing the economy was Hjalmar Schacht.

Schacht realised the economy of Germany was entirely unsustainable without some reforms, otherwise conquests would be necessary to fund it.

The actual Nazis (Göring, Hitler,..) made sure to kick him out especially because they did not agree with his economic policies that helped revive the German economy.

Once the war would be over, the economy would crash again and Germany would experience yet another depression.

Schacht was a member of the Nazi Party but he also publicly expressed his disgust at the treatment of the Jews as soon as 1938, and
tried to co-conspire against Hitler after 1938. One can hardly call this man a Nazi.

In the end all this proves is that Hitler cared more about power and dominance than he did about the good and well-being of his people.
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The Red Pill.jpg
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Let me stress this again: Hitler didn't fix the economy, Hjalmar Schacht did. Hitler then fired him and ran the economy into the ground again.

Even if you concede that Hitler fixed the economy (which he didn't), you still can't separate that from the fact that the German economy was
essentially converted into a war machine dependent upon its upcoming conquest and looting, which in turn set the stage for a genocidal campaign through Eastern, Central, and Southern Europe...all of this ending with the complete collapse of the German state, its defeat in an unwinnable war, and its partition subsequently.

If you're judging by immediate legacy, worst leader ever (even restricting that
to just the German people he deemed racially worthwhile).
Also, reposting specially for this shillary-loving fallacy-user

>Gives most of business priviledges to his childhood jewish friends Rotenbergs
>Most of other important figures, close to him are jewish as well, Miller, Vexelberg etc
>Vets are homeless, pensions are literally 50$ month, while Chechnya, the mudshit region of Russia, is the most state-funded region
>Most of the funding goes to build golden fountains and Kadyrov's palace
>All the while it's the same Kadyrov who, not so long ago, was bragging on camera about cutting his first ruski head at the age of 16

>inb4 maymays
>inb4 CTR evasions
>inb4 other fallacies

Hopefully, you do understand, that regardless of what you reply, what you call me and how you react, the statements above are already damaging enough to your agenda; trying to keep it cool by repeatedly shouting 'I DON'T HEAR ANYTHING YOU'RE A SHILL XDDD' only makes it all more obvious :^)
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A Unified People.jpg
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>You must be a communist if you want strong leadership, strong people, and a free market!
t. Jew using Russian VPN
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That's because National Socialists are the niggers of the white race.
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You are a shill though.

Nope. Just want to dream about living in the proven best on earth Scandinavian-style economy minus the immigration and jewry whilst celebrating the glories of Greece, Rome, the British Empire and Nazi Germany.
Is it wrong that I actually dislike a lot of neo nazi stuff? I find certain expressions of our cause uncouth. I'm not talking about just the skinheads, but also the "alt right" style things like The Daily Stormer. I'm sure that site has some good content but its irreverent, whimsical, sensationalist nature kind of turns me off.

It would be depressing to think that while there is a bulk of NatSoc philosophy to pour through, a lot of neo nazis would just be running around screaming nigger this and kike that.
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he wuz a kang.png
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>t. real nigger
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>It's that nigger kike again
Try your hardest, JIDF. We feel only contempt for you.
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German Racialism.jpg
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Most neo-nazis seem to only want to hate other races for what they've done, not promote their own race. They likely do not even know what National Socialism is.
>pic related
>thinks 'leftie' = 'communist'
>b-b-but the 'socialism' in 'national-socialism' is a different kind of socialism! I swear it doesn't go against the individualistic free market ideas of right-wing ideology!
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You said the same thing in the last thread, yet replied to me so many times after that.

Typical nigger.
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>a lot of neo nazis would just be running around screaming nigger this and kike that
So a bit like 4chan then.
>best on earth Scandinavian-style economy
>Finland and its (((basic income)))
>Norway and its empty shells
Holy fuck, you're even more retarded than you looked while you cried that you love shillary :^)
>What started WW2?

>White race suicide

>Conditioning for death
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Hitler Christian.jpg
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>Christianity is the basis of the entire morality of Germany

>Hitler will never forsake God

>Hitler defending Christianity

>Christianity and religion in Hitler's Germany

>How Hitler became an islamic pagan occultist atheist christ-killing kike
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The Borghild Project.jpg
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"The Borghild Project" was aimed at combating the spread of syphilis among Nazi troops by supplying soldiers with sex dolls so they would not rape the women of countries they had invaded.

The soldiers were provided with sex dolls and instructed to either use those for sexual relief or instead sleep with fellow male soldiers. Emphasis must be put on the fact that the male soldiers who slept with one never did so out of desire, but purely out physical necessity.
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JIDF will defend this.
That seems to be the case. It's a bit tricky sorting out who is who. I don't know if you watch The Rebel Media at all, but there's a guy named Gavin McInnes who talks about these types a lot. He talks about how back in his day there was the punk culture and today the edgy thing to do is be alt right punks. They aren't legitimate or earnest National Socialists - they are rebellious youngsters going through a phase in a society of political correctness where the alt right is the most rebellious thing one can be.

fukn 4chan. That said, serious NatSoc threads on pol have been an amazing resource. I'm glad this place exists.
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The Central Committee of the Bolshevik Party:

Ulyanov (Lenin) Russian
Krylenko Russian
Lounatcharski Russian
Bronstein (Trotsky) JEW
Apfelbaum (Zinovief) JEW
Lourie (Larine) JEW
Ouritski JEW
Volodarski JEW
Rosenfeldt (Kamanef) JEW
Smidovitch JEW
Sverdlof (Yankel) JEW
Nakhamkes (Steklof) JEW

The Council of the People’s Commissars:

President Ulyanov (Lenin) Russian
Foreign Affairs Tchitcherine Russian
Nationalities Djugashvili (Stalin) Georgian
Agriculture Protian Armenian
Public Instruction Lounatcharsky Russian
Economic Council Lourie (Larine) JEW
Food Schlichter JEW
Army & Navy Bronstein (Trotsky) JEW
State Control Lander JEW
State Lands Kauffman JEW
Works V. Schmidt JEW
Social Relief E. Lelina (Knigissen) JEWess
Religions Spitzberg JEW
Interior Apfelbaum (Zinovief) JEW
Hygiene Anvelt JEW
Finance Isidore Goukovski JEW
Press Volodarski JEW
Elections Ouritski JEW
Justice I. Steinberg JEW
Refugees Fenigstein JEW
Refugees (assist.) Savitch JEW
Refugees (assist.) Zaslovski JEW
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Skinheads irritate me.

Self-described neo-Nazis are nothing like National Socialists.
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Members of the German Spartakusbund

Clara Zetkin German
Karl Liebknecht JEW
Rosa Luxemburg JEW
Leo Jogiches JEW
Paul Levi JEW
Ernst Toller JEW
Eugene Levine JEW
Kurt Eisner JEW
Gustav Landauer JEW
Erich Muehsam JEW
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>Schulz: For me, the new Germany exists only in order to ensure the existence of the State of Israel and the Jewish people
Precisely. The same can be said of the marxists and the communists - they seek attention, even if it comes with scorn and an abandon of moral values. All they really accomplish is making the rest of us look bad.
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Juncker Kalergi prize.jpg
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>The man of the future will be of mixed race. Today's races and classes will gradually disappear owing to the vanishing of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in its appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals.
>Instead of destroying European Jewry, Europe, against its own will, refined and educated this people into a future leader-nation through this artificial selection process. No wonder that this people, that escaped Ghetto-Prison, developed into a spiritual nobility of Europe. Therefore a gracious Providence provided Europe with a new race of nobility by the Grace of Spirit. This happened at the moment when Europe's feudal aristocracy became dilapidated, and thanks to Jewish emancipation.
-Richard Nikolaus von Coudenhove-Kalergi, founder of the EU, President of the Paneuropean Union 1926–1972

>Juncker receives Kalergi prize 2014

>Merkel receives Kalergi prize 2010
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Happy autistic wave.webm
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Keep posting Jew redpills my friend.
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>Ben Bernanke blackballs the American people
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is juncker jew?
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No. Just one of their minions.

>'Borders are the worst invention ever!' EU chief Jean-Claude Juncker widens rift with European leaders as he calls for open borders
nth for still needing germans to translate





https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dMpFSHbu51A (this doesn't but still in my pastebin)


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n1orkQYTU8g (this doesn't but still in my pastebin)


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AOSq6pBhhUs (only from 2:48 onwards)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8JN-gfmxlv4 (only from 3:36)









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Lenin was Jewish on his mother's side.
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NSDAP Economic programme:
This. Makes it even better.

"Lenin's father, Ilya Nikolayevich Ulyanov, was the fourth child of impoverished tailor Nikolai Vassilievich Ulyanov (born a serf father); and a far younger woman named Anna Alexeevna Smirnova, who lived in Astrakhan. Ilya was of partly Kalmyk descent. Ilya escaped poverty by studying physics and mathematics at the Kazan State University, before teaching at the Penza Institute for the Nobility from 1854. Introduced to Maria Alexandrovna Blank, they married in the summer of 1863. From a relatively prosperous background, Maria was the daughter of a Russian Jewish physician, Alexander Dmitrievich Blank, and his German-Swedish wife, Anna Ivanovna Grosschopf, who was the daughter of a wealthy Lutheran family from Germany. Alexander Blank was the son of Moishe Blank, a Jewish merchant from Volhynia, and his Swedish wife Anna Ostedt.
I only found this one yesterday. I feel as if there are numerous other redpills I've missed out on now.
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Mussolini had a very nice uniform imo.
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RIP Il Duce
Bumping great thread

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Difference in IQ.png
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I wonder where the shills have gone.

I thought It'd be swarming right now, what with the speech and all.
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Good to see you WerWolf
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They'll come. And they'll read.

And they'll swallow the redpill.
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Communist Jews.png
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Well, let's hope so. Keep this thread at the top.

TGSNT soundtrack here:
I'm in /tg/ but I'll keep it periodically bumped.
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Commissar Sanders.jpg
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Cool failed ideology popularized by failed countries.
Have an edgy Sanders.
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That's cool, try and link this thread if you can. Get as many normies over here as possible for redpilling.
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You dishonour your ancestors.
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Bilderberg Group.jpg
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Did somebody say redpill?
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Post 'em. Convert the normies.
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Crime by Race.jpg
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Certainly. I don't have many, but I'll post a bit of what I've got.
Here's a famous one. Worth the read.
do you happen to have any sources of information on this guy that show another angle? the articles im reading ring a lot of alarm bells like they are trying to discredit him but the IRS targeting and gunfight make me think this guy might be legit
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You copy-post these lies in every thread. Top kek.

Hail victory brothers. With each day we are one step closer.
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Thanks m8.
Hey lads how's everyone holding up under the onslaught
I only found out that he existed yesterday. From what I can tell, he was privy to confidential files that outlined a terror attack being taken against the American people to promote a war against Bin Laden. He was killed when cops used entrapment to lure him from his house, and they opened fire when he tried to leave.

Beyond that, I'm absolutely clueless of this man. Regardless of how creditable he was, he knew something, given that he was able to predict that the government would create a reason to fight Bin Laden.
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Did Mussolini ever wear a cape? Does anybody know?
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The Effects of Multiculturalism.jpg
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daily reminder that natsoc threads are created by jew hillary shills
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Jews and Economics.png
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/nsg/ has always been an integral part of /pol/
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Here is a fun little read for any newcomers. I always get a good kek out of it.
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Jews and Sweden.png
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>No, you're a shill!
>t. slovak shill
What a disappointment. That flag ought to be given more honor than this.
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So obvious your controlled opposition now. Havent seen these threads for a while now, then all of a sudden, today of all days, it appears again.
Stop spamming our threads.
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on 4chan, no
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/nsg/ has always been on /pol/
he looks so happy
We post these often.

Looks to me like JIDF is trying a new strategy.
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this guy knows
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I detect a newfag
they did it last time too when /pol/ was getting outside attention. it's very clearly shills who are doing this. disgusting people
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shut up and rename your thread to alt-right general from now on, that's what your boss is calling it
>that South African jew that always shows up to "holocaust denial" threads
I'd get where you were coming from if you said white supremacy threads were made by shills, but definitely not with natsoc.
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Daily reminder: you're on a nat soc board.
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>the movement behind the man who kicked all the jews out of his country whose country was destroyed by jews is actually jewish-based
are you seriously claiming voters
make that distinction?
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Alt-right are cucks.

Trump is not our boss.
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believing le hitler antijew meme
That isn't what I implied at all.
>"What we must fight for is to safeguard the existence and reproduction of our race and our people, the sustenance of our children and the purity of our blood, the freedom and independence of the fatherland, so that our people may mature for the fulfillment of the mission allotted it by the creator of the universe. Every thought and every idea, every doctrine and all knowledge, must serve this purpose. And everything must be examined from this point of view and used or rejected according to its utility."

-- Adolf Hitler, Volume 1, Chapter 8 of 'Mein Kampf'
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>Trump is not our boss.
of course not, your boss is shillary
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Jews and Hitler.png
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>he fell for the "hitler was a jewish plot" jew
I am reminded often. Thankfully i feel like alot of posters i interact with are NatSoc or at least open to the idea.
Oh boy, at least be a good shill if you are gonna be one pham.
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you can paste whole day long,the only reason there is israel today and the whole concept of antisemitism is adolf hitler
that, and all the nazi parties in the world are controlled by mosad and other jewish agencies
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>implying Left =/= communism
Is Russia still run by jews, or are you just retarded?
> the 'socialism' in 'national-socialism' is a different kind of socialism
It's right there for you to read, piles of books and speeches even all the national socialist laws are online to read. You can read?

>“’Socialist’ I define from the word ‘social’ meaning in the main ‘social equity’. A Socialist is one who serves the common good without giving up his individuality or personality or the product of his personal efficiency.
>Our adopted term ‘Socialist has nothing to do with Marxian Socialism. Marxism is anti-property; true socialism is not. Marxism places no value on the individual, or individual effort, of efficiency; true Socialism values the individual and encourages him in individual efficiency, at the same time holding that his interests as an individual must be in consonance with those of the community. All great inventions, discoveries, achievements were first the product of an individual brain. It is charged against me that I am against property, that I am an atheist. Both charges are false.”
-- Adolf Hitler 1938

>Against the Mainstream: Nazi privatization in 1930's Germany (Germa Bel)
>Gottfried Feder - The Program Of The NSDAP The National Socialist Workers' Party And Its General Conceptions
>Gottfried Feder - Manifesto For The Abolition Of Interest Slavery
>Gottfried Feder The German State On A National And Socialist Foundation

pic related
>you can type facts all you want, but I'm going to assert this claim despite logic and evidence contradicting me entirely
These are all the same faggot on a VPN. He posts the same files in every thread, with the same filenames. He'll spam the thread until it autosages, every time.
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Have the time come where we will make National Socialism great again?
It is coming soon. Perhaps with a different name and under different banners, but it is coming.

The next 5-10 years will be very very exciting.
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nazi racist bigot.jpg
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I used the wrong redpill. Here's what I mean to post.
JIDF please. The borders of Israel were drawn up with the Balfour declaration of 1917 during WW1. It was created from the old British mandate of Palestine.

Can you go even one post without lying? Please? It's for your own good. You will never attain enlightenment with an inauthentic worldview that does not match reality.
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>Havent seen these threads for a while now
>all of a sudden, today of all days
We've had them every day for weeks.
Google it.
It depends somewhat heavily on Trumps victory or defeat. If he wins, nationalism will grow to the point where natsoc can be seen as legitimate, or at least more so than it has in the last 50 years.
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>british neonazi schooling
yeah, since election run started
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You wanna see the earliest nat soc general I could find? >>38838237
underrated post
We have had them for years though? We used to have them more actually
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Once you've BTFO'd the arguments of the shills, they just ignore you. It's fantastic. I'm sure he'll be back in another thread with another VPN to complain that nobody ever managed to argue against him successfully. Remember their methods.
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that redpill made no sense, i am antijewry as it gets

redpill would be posting something that refutes my claim that neonazi sites, groups and organizations do anything other than jewish bidding
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Here's part two of that, by the by.
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>since election run started
Yeah, when you first came here from Reddit, around that time. Prior to that we went through some upheavals including /pol/ harbor. I know you think the time right after that represents the way /pol/ has always been, because you're under 18, jewish, and have some autistic fascination with "compassionate cuckservatism". You really need to get off your VPN, Shlomo. We know no one in Serbia gives a fuck about Trump. You're one of the yids desperately wanting to be part of things around here. Kick and scream all you want, but this is our board and always has been. You're just helping to promote it by coming in here and swatting the hornet's nest. Not that you can make yourself stop, you're too buttblasted to.
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>We know no one in Serbia gives a fuck about Trump
keep dreaming shillary
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>the only reason there is israel today and the whole concept of antisemitism is adolf hitler
I posted quotes of people who came before Hitler to show that antisemitism has existed far before he existed.
> i am antijewry
Good moving of the goalposts. First you claimed there was no anti-semitism before National Socialism, now you claim neo-nazis are the jews.

Which is it you fucking mong? Nobody here is a neo-nazi. We're not fat skinheads who only care about "gettin rid of them nigers." If you paid attention to these threads, you'd know that, but since you're little more than a JIDF shill, you will contribute nothing, you will concede nothing, and you will get your mental exercise out of trying to figure out where on God's green Earth you've managed to move the goalposts to now.
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>and the whole concept of antisemitism is adolf hitler

This has to be the worst bait i have ever seen.
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Libertarianism is a White Man's best option!
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>Nobody here is a neo-nazi
of course you're not, except half a dozen retards that got bored with dead 8ch so they decided to return to motherboard. you're just playing neonazi to discredit the board and everything it supports
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>ImplyingSerbian radical party is anti-fascist
You fucked up Shlomo, you gave yourself away as a VPN fag.
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The fact of the matter is that Nat Soc nigger threads were never popular here. Ever.

Every summer we get the same kind of autists thinking that it's going to pick up. It never has over the years.

The Nat Soc Niggers reside over at 8ch. They try shilling here once a year and it fails miserably.

There are never proper discussions or new topics brought up. Same photos, some videos - same comments on the uniforms, capes and tanks - from 70 years ago.

They're the most terrible type of shills and get caught out on it always.
>playing neonazi to discredit the board
You assume that it discredits the board, somehow, you project that opinion onto everyone else, and can't deal with the prospect that others don't share the same assumptive framework. Regardless, you come into this thread every time, throw your self on the floor, then scream and cry, flinging shit around the room. You can't make arguments to save you life, so you just shitpost from your gay folder of unorignal memes. You're cancer, proxyfag. And you don't have a claim to this board, we do.

Fuck off to >>>/r/eddit
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you are fucking retarded
I am not talking about concept of antisemitism as someone killing jews
I'm talking about the concept of not being able to criticize jewry without being labeled antisemite
gosh, neonazis from 8c are literal retards
fuck off nigger
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>you're just playing neonazi to discredit the board
You're right, all along I was just a Jewish pawn because I decided to spread the very information they keep hidden off of the mainstream media. I'm the Jew because I am a National Socialist, and by pushing the beliefs of National Socialism, I have made a National Socialist board look like a National Socialist board. Never mind that you believe the most taboo part of NatSoc and try to pull apart /nsg/, I'm the Jew here.
You got me goy, here's a shekel. Oy gevalt. Lampshades. Shut it down. Memes.
Every race has it's niggers.

National Socialists are the white man's niggers.
>muh 8pol muh 8pol muh conspirasees
Get filtered Moshe, no one fucking cares about your cringe philosophy. Go post in another thread if you don't like this one.
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your boss hillary just used this argument today in her speech asshole, as i've been warning she'll do for months since you shills started the campaign
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>National Socialists are the white man's niggers.
According to the Jew.
make up your mind faggot, who do i work for, 8pol or hillary? Don't you have a Trump general to spam AWOO in?

shoo shoo
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But we shouldn't worry as they're a dying breed.

All the rising right-wing parties of Europe don't like them either - Putin and Russia too.

Who likes niggers at the end of they day?
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What a stupid fuck, a lot of Ahskenazic are mostly White anyway as you can see by this stupid fucking kike's face. Someone about having non-White fucking subhuman blood no matter how much fucking White blood you have makes you a worthless fucking subhuman. Jews originally looked like the Lebanese, their fellow Canaanites.
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using nazi imagery is counterproductive.

It's like when David Duke endorsed Donald Trump; it was counter to Trump's goals

I am currently reading Mein Kampf, but I have to say: What you are doing is foolish and you are possibly a shill.

If we ever were to have a fascist state, we could not promote it with Nazi imagery. Why would you try to support your ideals with things that peopl eare conditioned to hate?
the n(j)ews mention /pol/ one time and all this faggotry shows up
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>national socialist
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this is not 8ch, this is a free board, i'll post where i like

you go to jail, tattoo swastika on your forehead, join aryan brotherhood and give your butt only to whites. bet that would hurt the jews
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They don't even make up 2% of the white race.

The ones that go out and try and do things - not that it's anything practical ever - are the skinheads. The most degenerate of the bunch.

The others are basement dwellers that sit on here all day circle-jerking over a defeated army that did more good than bad for Europe - that's the biggest kek of it all.

But what can one expect from niggers?
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>One of the most plagued questions we get when talking about Fascism is economics, normally brought up by people still stuck in a liberal mentality and limited scope of perception, where everything is defined in term of social and economic policies, rather than principles derived from the notion of a singular Truth and Order that dominates the world. The variety of historic economic plans and practices maintained by various champions of our Struggle likewise distorts any comprehensive answer to the question. All in all we've simply answered people that economics are secondary, they don't matter in such a way as to be a fundamental and defining element of Fascism. The answer didn't change, however there is now a way in which we can describe this attitude to economics, and it's actually a word we've used repeatedly in reference to Fascism anyway: Socialism.

>Our Socialism, however, is not in of itself an economic system, it is not the Socialism of Marx and co and stands in direct opposition to both Communism and Capitalism. It would be more accurate to say that to Fascism, Socialism is the definitive social structure which is more comparable to the structures of Individualism and Collectivism, yet it stands in opposition to those two structures as well.
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All they'll do is cry and threaten to filter your ID, so they can continue circle-jerking in their safe-space.

Again, just niggers doing their nigger thing.
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You bought a VPN to shill on /pol/, how mad are you
Most of them cook, sell, or use meth

inb4 but hitler used meth toomits okay!
>Why would you try to support your ideals with things that peopl eare conditioned to hate?
You are very close. It's to break the conditioning my friend. They've been calling Drumpf literally Hitler since day one and would and will do so with or without us. But what if Trump isn't literally Hitler? What if Hitler isn't even literally Hitler? What then? It's a de-brainwashing process that we have performed on millions of minds already. And you can see its effects. America is very close to electing a president who is literally Hitler. We're breaking the conditioning. We write the narrative now, here, where the MSM can't control it. Anyway, thanks for correcting the record. Your 1 post by this ID opinion has been noted.
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hitler loved sandniggers. If you are a national socialist you should support the refugee immigration :^)
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You don't even hang out on /pol/ shill, we have rolling threads everyday, see >>86583065


Any curious about these shills, search the previous threads from the last week for their flags. There's only one Serb shitposting, and one Saffer kike. Doesn't matter how many times a day or how many rolling nsg's, these faggots were in there spamming their flat little asses off. If that isn't a fucking shill, then /pol/ doesn't have shills. /nsg/ is working when it attracts these little kikes here, so they stay triggered and out of the other threads.

If the shitposters and shills came here, then we did out job. Your pathetic example only makes newfags pay closer attention, but you don't realize it, because kikes are too narcissistic. >>86587508
You're the one that PAID for a vpn to shill here, Shlomo. Let that sink in.

top wew, t. Moshe Cohen
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Hey friends
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Most niggers do too.

What a coincidence.
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Hail victory Thaddeus, how are ya?
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Remember, at the end of the day money rules in these nations, not the people. This is why jewry seeks to own the banks, and does so even the Federal Reserve.
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>America is very close to electing a president who is literally Hitler
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Such a slick trip, THABBEUS.

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The jews hate national socialists so much not because of the "holocaust" which was nothing more than supply routes being bombed (basically jews killing jews). They hate national socialism because it's opposed to their two favorite things, marxism and monopoly
Are you fucking surprised people care about such things, while you spend your time and energy teaching people to cuck every time someone calls them racist or compares them to Hitler? That's why we get called "cuckpol", innit?

People like you are the fucking problem; stop validating the stigmas and their "magic words" stop having any power.

fucking cuck faggot
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>makes fun of a tripfag
>dosen't understand the trip
>is shilling unironically in nsg for weeks on end
>from south africa, a nation that had the native white population subjected to genocide
>is this much of a nigger
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Making the "magic words" off limits is what gives them power. Like the word nigger for instance

Talking about things normalizes it which is good, nothing should be off-limits to talk about , ever
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He looks like he will be dead soon. I wonder if his heirs will be as aggressive as him.
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>America is very close to electing a president who is literally Hitler.
Probably the exact opposite of Hitler.

Trump's not only a capitalist, but fought for equal rights of all minorities (Jews, Blacks and even gays) 25 years ago.

Filing a law suit against a club that wouldn't let Jews or Blacks in.

I wouldn't expect much from a National Socialist Nigger like yourself though.
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marxism is not jewry favorite thing, money and power are

marxism is their WEAPON that they used successfully against one of their greatest enemies at the time, russia

they also used their other weapon, adolf hitler, only not so successfully
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It's 2016, faggots. Only the most based NatSoc music shall be /pol/'s soundtrack:

>using nazi imagery is counterproductive.
So you're saying you're not pro-White?

>It's like when David Duke endorsed Donald Trump; it was counter to Trump's goals
Duke's goals is to save the White race. Trump's goals is to make ZOG great again.

>I am currently reading Mein Kampf
Reading and understanding are two different things.

>What you are doing is foolish and you are possibly a shill.
Said the person advocating against being pro-White.

>If we ever were to have a fascist state, we could not promote it with Nazi imagery.
When we secure the fascist state, we can do whatever we want.

>Why would you try to support your ideals with things that peopl eare conditioned to hate?
Just because the normies are conditioned to hate anything pro-White does not mean that pro-White things are wrong.
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That's why we support Hillary on /nsg/
Oh look. It's the anti-White Jew from South Africa that shitposts every thread dealing with Israel, the Jews, National Socialism and the Holocaust.

Did your Megaphone Desktop Tool alert you that people were being antisemitic on /pol/?
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most of these fuckers are immune to cancer because it doesnt eat its own kind
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Daily reminder that if Hitler had a chance to have his Economy active for any real length of time, Germany would have completely collapsed
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Fuck Donny boy
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talking about hitler and his criticisms, ideas, ideologies, flaws and blatant mistakes is part of any free politics discussion

shilling neonazi propaganda every time 4chan gains spotlight is however calculated and well paid
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Daily reminder, over 6 gozillion views

also they can:

>pay for the best medical assistance
>pay for the best surgery
>pay for the best dietist and cooks
>pay for the most luxorious life styles, ensuring they are healthy
>pay for new organs to replace any failing organs
>hoard revolutionary technology

which is why we just need to shoot them all
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This is no place to post shitskins.
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The only way that these could be better is if they were sourced.

Still though, saving them.
>WAHHH people have more money than me WAHHH

Bloody Socialists I swear, rather than better themselves they have to drag others down
Hmm most links are long but I only chose quotes with mainstream sources. Perhaps I should include a link in text when I post the pictures? Or use a url shortener?
>it'd be good if they were sourced
>but I don't really care that much because they agree with me

NatSoc's everybody
I plan on making 100 or so before the pre-election 4chan rush that will happen.. looking for maximum effectiveness
oh dear you are deluded

yeah, I'm jealous of their wealth that must be it. I couldn't possibly have any other gripes than this.

project more poorfag
That's about killing kikes and globalists, not based enteprenuers like Elon Mask. Wealth that Rothschilds posses is of lie and deceit, not invention and progress. We should take it away and spread it.
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Or quit being a National Socialist nigger needing Daddy to tell you how to do things and learn to think for yourself.

pick one :^)
Mike > Sven > Greg > Alex > Ghoul
atleast someone knows how to read and use contemplation
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hey it's the resident south african kike.. so terrified he spends hours every single day trying to convince the goy #notallkikes
>crys about them paying for things
>calls for them to be murdered

I... I am not angry over their money... y... you are the poorfag

topkek socialist scum
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>Pariser Einzugsmarsch

>Königgrätzer Marsch

Are you being retarded on purpose?
>Perhaps I should include a link in text when I post the pictures? Or use a url shortener?
That could work. Use a mainstream source the anti-Whites can't refute is at all possible. Otherwise they'll just scream "FAKE" at everything you post.

>>but I don't really care that much because they agree with me
I said the only way they could be better is if they were sourced. I didn't say they weren't good.

Leave it to the anti-Whites to twist our words.

Go get fucked by a sandnigger in London to apologize for being White.

>I plan on making 100 or so before the pre-election 4chan rush that will happen.. looking for maximum effectiveness
glad to see Southern Socialist Smasher of Afrika is still fighting the good fight

You're far more dedicated than me at BTFO'ing people who BTFO themselves most of the time.
>Or quit being a National Socialist nigger needing Daddy to tell you how to do things and learn to think for yourself.
Said the JIDF kike doing everything PM nuttyyahoo tells him.
>wants to control the market
>isnt economically retarded

topkek socialist scum
>You're far more dedicated than me at BTFO'ing people who BTFO themselves most of the time.
Neither of you anti-White kikes blow anything out.

You just prove you hate the White race and want to to cease to exist.
I think by "these would be better if they were sourced", he means "these would be better if they possessed a citation in the image", not "these would be better if they were actually real". The first three quotes are very easily verifiable, actually. The 4th one is a bit harder to pin down.
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More like pointing out the massive advantage the truly wealthy elite have over the common man.

But sure go ahead and slice my arguements down to your most common denominator.

I see you're duress brit, could it be cognitive dissonance over the fact that a person would truly dismiss something which rules your entire existance?

keep chasing that pound and god save the queen
>he isn't socialist
>fuck how do I argue against someone with a legitimate view point?
>better say he is anti-white!

topkek socialist scum
>there is only capitaloosm or sooocialism , rooght or looft
>kebab education
>I think by "these would be better if they were sourced", he means "these would be better if they possessed a citation in the image", not "these would be better if they were actually real". The first three quotes are very easily verifiable, actually. The 4th one is a bit harder to pin down.
See, when an intelligent person reads my post they know exactly what I was saying.

When anti-Whites read my post, all they see is what their anti-White minds want them to see.
Not an argument, anti-White.
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>ywn fanatically swear allegiance to the sacred name of Adolf Hitler and parachute into the heart of Soviet Russia with your brothers

>Hell March
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>During the crisis members of the Iron Guard instigated a deadly pogrom in Bucharest
>Particularly gruesome was the murder of dozens of Jewish civilians in the Bucharest slaughterhouse
>The perpetrators hung the Jews from meat hooks, then mutilated and killed them in a vicious parody of kosher slaughtering practices
>tariffed market
>nationalised industry
>internal currency
>not socialist retardation

topchecked and keked socialist scum
not an argument to a non argument socialist scum
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There's a good few of us. Kiwi is in Israel at the moment unfortunately.
Heil Hitler! Just imagine the world we would be living in had he succeeded.
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>Panzerlied - GIRLS UND PANZER
>argues about economics in greentext
>thinks anyone takes him seriously

wew, we are entering a new frontier of shill retardation.
It's all about taking away money from those who oppose European nationhood and promote degeneracy. Was in practice for hundred of years. Back in the day "treason" was way better defined.
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>maybe if i say "topkek" and "socialist" enough, people will believe I'm not completely talking out of my ass!
>entirity of Germany tarmaced so they're re tarmacing it again to keep people in work
>military is 40million strong and have run out of sandbags to fill as they have nothing better to do
>you can buy 10 volkswagons for US$5
>average anual salary is US$0.5 after tax

but hey, at least unemployment is still at zero kek
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You could've saved yourself from 45 years of living under a jewish ideology designed specifically to destroy Western civilisation.

>not an argument to a non argument socialist scum

The poor little diversity, multiculturalism, and capitalism lover is pissed that people oppose his program of White Genocide.
>no sources

come on now
>if I ignore the majority of his post I won't have to axcept I am wrong

topkek socialist scum

oh now you need sources!

topkek socialist scum
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FAQ - National-Socialism.png
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>gets called out on bullshit and argumentatively destroyed
>ignores it and preys on other annoy

>post is 99% memes, insults and buzzwords
>pissed that someone calls out his posts.
You're not saying anything. You're shitposting.
What do you guys think about the fact that Hilary Clinton is a direct ideological follower of Adolf Hitler ?
That's why #ImWithHer, her policy will allow the white race to stand up again !
>oh now you need sources!

Yeah, if you are to convince anyone you might want to pose a convincing arguement in support of you contrarian opininon.

Go ahead we're all waiting to see what you can pull out of your ass.
not seeing any argument against Socialism causing massive market inefficiency

or that hitlers maker every build roads or join the army plan wasn't retarded

you socialists have no arguments against the Free Market
The polls clearly show she has 100% chance of winning. Can't wait till she starts the race war.
You had more fiscal freedom under Hitler than you have unde May and (((Bank of England)))
Complete nonsense.

Thanks for playing, the door is that way --> >>>/b/
>literally has said "topkek" 6 times in this thread alone
>literally has said "socialist scum" 7 times in this thread alone.
>claims other people have no argument.
do I need to source newton if I claimed I dropped my keys? Normally no but you NatSocs are a pure breed of retard

fine okay

Socialism does not work

source: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Basic-Economics-4th-Thomas-Sowell/dp/0465022529
where did I say bank of england practiced free market?
not an argument
Since you no doubt believe the Jewish lie that is the Holocaust, prove without a shadow of a doubt that the Holocaust happened.

Go on...give us your best piece of evidence that undeniably proves the Shoah occurred.
Listen autist, you cannot construct a simple coherent sentence, much less convince me that global capitalism is not inherently evil and will inevitably result in a pyramid hierarchy that stifles democracy and human dignity. Now fuck off and go be an ignorant underaged b8 somewhere else.
Communists never were Jews.
Don't you think it's funny that Hitler joined with two leading communists: Stalin and Mussolini? How do you explain that if they were Jews?
Onze dag zal komen, kameraden.
>da joooooos

topkek socialist scum

enjoy your uncompetitive market retard

I am sure Hitlers economy will work wonders once the roads are finsihed and the market is flooded with German goods

At least they can all join the Armed forces, not like they cost tax payers money
>Communists never were Jews.
Jewish Communists

List of Communist Jews

Putin: First Soviet Government was Mostly Jewish

Soviet People By Ethnic or National Origin
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they are pretty based tbqhwyfampai
>>da joooooos
Pic related. You support this.

>topkek socialist scum
Notice how you can't actually refute anything we say?

You just type "topkek" and/or "socialist scum".

You can't even prove the Holocaust happened. LOL!
I couldn't argue because you can't even write in coherent english. Your gibberish is so uneffective as an arguement that it is impossible to pose an counter arguement.

If you weren't such a low IQ subhuman you would have picked up on this after you looked at what your feeble mind produced whilst tapping away on the keyboard infront of you.

You've already demonstrated that you have not read national socialist economic policies. You're probably some econ undergrad who thinks he is smart by sticking with the current paradigm taught in the kike institutions.

In short, you're massively ignorant and I pity anyone who would listen to you for advice.
kek this faggot again

fine I will play your game

>they are pretty based tbqhwyfampai
>Communists never were Jews.
What ethnicity was Marx again?

>Putin: First Soviet government was mostly Jewish

>Putin; 80-85% Bolsheviks Revolution were Jews
so the Nazi's didn't have a large Military recruitment drive, or expand the autobahns to give people work? And they didn't tariff the market or Nationalise industry and business?
Jewish Faces in Chinese Government

A Jew in Mao's China

Report: Israel Passes U.S. Military Technology to China

U.S. Furious at Israel Equipment Transfer to China

Israel Sells Arms to China, U.S. Says

Israel Secretly Sells American Nuclear Weapons to China

Israel Gave Secret U.S. Tech to China

Israel Accused of Selling U.S. Secrets to China
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>Unsourced image
What a pathetic faggot you are.
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Mussolini was a Communist, Stalin was a Communist, Hitler had a pact with both. Soviet Union had banned circumcision.
You are eating American propaganda. The trial of Nazis after WW2 and that presented evidence and especially everything that came after that, that's all propaganda. Those numbers of Jews living in areas presented by USA evidence, that can't be confirmed, like we can't confirm the victims of those imaginary numbers.
Look at this:
>85 victims
So they say, but can't name a single victim. So where did those precise numbers come from if they can't name victims? Out of lying ass.
You can post any list you want, but religious politicians, circumcision and international transfers were banned during Communist rule. Do you even know why Hitler attacked Poland, France and England? You have no clue, you think Russia is all important.
That's what you were trying to say earlier with your unintelligent gibberish?

They did, but it's not like it was a bad thing.
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Unless you're an oligarch jew capitalist parasite with many monopolies

then it was pretty bad
>What ethnicity was Marx again?
Anglo fairy tale ethnicity and importance

Now tell me, is Putin a Communist or he came after Communism?
oh shit, pol infographics! my only weakness
>Mussolini was a Communist,
He was a fascist!

>Soviet Union had banned circumcision.
>In the U.S.S.R. anti-semitism is punishable with the utmost severity of the law as a phenomenon deeply hostile to the Soviet system. Under U.S.S.R. law active anti-semites are liable to the death penalty.

Soviets Razed Churches, Spared Synagogues

>posts an article that does not contain the unsourced image he posted.
Honest question, are you so autistic you can't tell one ideology from another?
>ignores a source that conveys the same information

classic NatSoc
>In 1912 Mussolini was the leading member of the National Directorate of the Italian Socialist Party (PSI).[5] Prior to 1914 he was a keen supporter of the Socialist International, starting the series of meetings in Switzerland[6] that organised the communist revolutions and insurrections that swept through Europe from 1917.
PSI is a Communist party.
Isn't banning circumcision anti-semitism? We can look at modern USA and pretty much everybody is circumcised and now you will tell me how you are lesser Jew.

>Soviets Razed Churches, Spared Synagogues
There are million times more churches than Synagogues. Your argument is invalid.
>its not socialism because I was singing the national anthem while I tariffed my markets

topkek socialist scum
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>every time this pic gets used
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Hitler youth.jpg
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You know, the more you use the word socialism the less impact it has. You didn't debunk anything, you didn't prove anything, you just threw another buzzword. And so you will still do, because that's all what you can do. And one day, you'll get into the /NSG/, you'll say your buzzwords and you'll be greeted with a "kek, so what?".
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>Communists never were Jews
Are you fucking retarded?
>Marx, inventor of communism - a Jew
>80% of Soviet revolutionaries were Jews
>The Jewish-Bolshevik Decimation of the Russian People
>Jewish financiers and the Russian Revolution
>Putin confirms, 85% Jews behind Bolshevism
>75% of NKVD in WWII were Jews
>Largest ethnic category of socialists on Wikipedia = JEWS
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>Communists never were Jews
9 out of 10 of the Communist revolutionaries in the 1918 German coup were JEWS
haha are you retarded, I grew out of the edgy NatSoc phase in my early teens, like a normal non retarded person.

Learn to economics retard


oh, you have no economy
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>(((neo-nazis))) are the white man's niggers
What do Russians or Soviets got to do with Austrian or German Jew problem at beginning of WW1 or WW2? Absolutely nothing. World wars didn't start because of some Marxists. Hitler didn't attacked Poland because of Marxists, Hitler didn't attack England because of Marxists, Hitler didn't attacked France because of Marxists.
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Again, you threw a buzzword, made no statement.
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last thursdayist faggot
You enjoy getting anally raped in every thread you go to?
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He attacked them because they attacked first. They dared strike at the Reich and they paid the consequence.
Thread posts: 328
Thread images: 202

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