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Thread for discussion of National Socialism, Fascism, Traditionalism, and European Identity Movements. Share links, PDFs, reading, videos, and propaganda.


卐 PASTEBIN - http://pastebin.com/gPcZcwNr 卐


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reporting in
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>>86518788 (Hail)

Reporting in a blessed bread

Hail Victory Brothers

Not today Hitlerys!

Already forgot? It's "bring the retarded masses" to the internet day..
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Daily reminder to look into your local National Socialist group if you haven't yet!
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Hitler did nothing wrong.
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The actual man in charge of repairing the economy was Hjalmar Schacht.

Schacht realised the economy of Germany was entirely unsustainable without some reforms, otherwise conquests would be necessary to fund it.

The actual Nazis (Göring, Hitler,..) made sure to kick him out especially because they did not agree with his economic policies that helped revive the German economy.

Once the war would be over, the economy would crash again and Germany would experience yet another depression.

Schacht was a member of the Nazi Party but he also publicly expressed his disgust at the treatment of the Jews as soon as 1938, and
tried to co-conspire against Hitler after 1938. One can hardly call this man a Nazi.

In the end all this proves is that Hitler cared more about power and dominance than he did about the good and well-being of his people.
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Let me stress this again: Hitler didn't fix the economy, Hjalmar Schacht did. Hitler then fired him and ran the economy into the ground again.

Even if you concede that Hitler fixed the economy (which he didn't), you still can't separate that from the fact that the German economy was
essentially converted into a war machine dependent upon its upcoming conquest and looting, which in turn set the stage for a genocidal campaign through Eastern, Central, and Southern Europe...all of this ending with the complete collapse of the German state, its defeat in an unwinnable war, and its partition subsequently.

If you're judging by immediate legacy, worst leader ever (even restricting that
to just the German people he deemed racially worthwhile).
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"The Borghild Project" was aimed at combating the spread of syphilis among Nazi troops by supplying soldiers with sex dolls so they would not rape the women of countries they had invaded.

The soldiers were provided with sex dolls and instructed to either use those for sexual relief or instead sleep with fellow male soldiers. Emphasis must be put on the fact that the male soldiers who slept with one never did so out of desire, but purely out physical necessity.
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How do you stormfags feel knowing it's no longer an option to destroy the jews?
>National Socialism, Fascism, Traditionalism, and European Identity Movements.

Why name all of these in the same sentence? I belong to the latter two and I don't have anything to do with you degenerates.
Then why are you here?
Because I read this while scrolling down
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its better for all of us to push a broader range, all of these are much better for eachother than what exists now
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He's a divide and conquer shill.

It's not Whites you have to worry about anymore Chaim, it's the muslims chasing you out of Europe and hoping to get you all in one place like a giant concentration camp aka Israel you need to worry about.
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I'm not even countering your political stance, yet:
> Now GTFO
Your protecting a safe space, on a niche board, on a niche site, not even from contrary opinion, but from questioning the comfyness. Those responses were like a tetchy addict not wanting to get up.
You don't see my point here?
Your not engaging with reality. You should.

This is the definition of cuck.
Your just watching it play out.
Your watching a seed that is not your own come to term.

Why are you not talking to this chump: >>86519517

This is much closer to some form of a reality playing out now. And it is doing so openly. They need your support more than this masturbation.
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dont forget to make the national socialists for hillary threads later
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>The National Socialist Party has become the board. What you have inherited from your oldfags, you must lurk before you can post. The most precious meme in this board though are its own shitposters. And for these shitposters and for the sake of these memes, we have to struggle and fight. And never tire; and never weaken; and never give up; and never despair. Long live our memes and long live our shitposter empire.
I'm off out for a bit but i would be up for starting a thread.

Probably wouldn't be as good as in OPs selection of links. check them and the paste bin out. It's not all Nazi and you should check out Jonathan Bowden.
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>its not all nazi

Stop proving how new you are. The whole general pasta is usually posted. But please do start up some breads if you want, shills usually attack them pretty hard.
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>muslims chasing you out of Europe
yeah, no.
the number of jews doing aliyah from all of western europe combined, for 01-06/2016, a full half year, is 2100. This is actually lower than the number for the same period in 2015.

Also, with egypt wanting to get close to the U.S, syria torn to pieces, Jordan trying to hold their butt from exploding and Lebanon basically defunct, i'm far from worried.
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At the end of the day you fascist neet cucks will die
fascism has never worked and never will because there will always be people fighting oppression
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>hates oppression
>is a communist

You need help m8
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It isn't that easy tho. Some are more accepted by the mainstream than others (traditionalism mostly) and Nazi shit bogs us down since as soon as normies hear it they freak out.
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I love Hitler's cape, more people should wear capes.
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Highlighting this, for the next few days we will be pro-hillary
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That's the funniest part about National Socialists.

They can complain about outside factors, which they have no control over, "bringing down the white race". And that could be a legitimate concern.

Yet they jeopardize the white race with their idiotic movements just as much, if not more.

Absolutely priceless.
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People will call guys like Trump, Farage and Hofer literally Hitler regardless of what we do. So let's rehabilitate Hitler then. Lift the taboo and remove white guilt. Make it cool and funny. It is time we framed the debate rather than the enemy.

They can't control the internet narrative like they do the MSM. We have already done it for millions. It has been proven to work year after year. People don't come here and btfo of us. They're intrigued, lurk, engage and assimilate. This board is bigger than /a/ now. Hillary putting the stoplight on the alt right won't do anything more than make us bigger.

This is a legitimate political and cultural movement that has made a businessman and reality tv celebrity that everyone but us hates into a mass awoovement. So stop trying to divide and conquer it like the newfag you are and get on the train that has no brakes, because there's nothing you or anyone can do about it now.
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the dankest burn that there ever was
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>That's the funniest part about JIDF.

>They can complain about outside factors, which they have no control over, "being mean about jews on the internet". And that could be a legitimate concern.

>Yet they jeopardize the jewish race with their idiotic shilling just as much, if not more.

>Absolutely kosher.
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Work, Freedom and Bread
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This is such a lovely photo. It really brings out the softer, lovable side of Hitler. It makes it much easier to understand why virtually all German-speaking people loved him, as opposed to the forced MSM le ebil nazi memes.
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Imagine what a future we'd be in, had all their inventions come to end. Imagine what a wonderful world we would have had.
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This. Muslim immigration to Europe is literally no threat to jews. They have zero chance to take power and pose a threat to them en masse. It's just another minority group we have to take time out to worry about.

That said, jews face the same problems as us in the West. Hoisted by their own propaganda petard.

>The vanishing American Jew

>Jews 'could die out by next century'
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tfw you will never fight on Hitlers side.

Why live
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>tfw no social and cultural renaissance against leeches
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Look at the expression of pure joy on his face
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Kek yeah but let's be honest, Cruz is a creepy fuck. You wouldn't want a hug from him either.
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The purpose of the military was national defense
Hitler attacked first because the element of surprise and initiative gives you a huge advantage against an opponent.

Nothing I've seen indicated that he was planning worldwide or europe-wide conquest; rather by all accounts he appeared to be trying to get europe to prepare a defense against the bolsheviks in russia.

I think everything in europe would've gone completely differently if Poland had allied with Germany instead of antagonizing them.
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Atomwaffen from IronMarch checking in
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You Hillary supporters need to get the fuck out
/pol/ is a board of peace
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no natsoc general tonight. We must focus on the defense of /pol/
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NEVER. Until we have achieved final victory over the evil kike Trump. Heil Hillary!
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>lots of newfriends are coming
Lurker here. You show up in every Nat Soc Gen. You are so obviously either
>mentally unstable
>severely autistic
>some other shill

Just go away. Take a break.
Well yeah, maybe it would be better AS a general. People will be curious and check it out and maybe get red pilled on what they are trying to convey. But people won't get the impression that EVERYONE is a natsoc.
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What everyone needs to accept is that we don't give a fuck about what the MSM thinks. We frame the narrative, not them. They've all spent the last 6 months calling Drumpf literally Hitler. Well you know what? Maybe Hitler wasn't literally Hitler either.
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One of the most plagued questions we get when talking about Fascism is economics, normally brought up by people still stuck in a liberal mentality and limited scope of perception, where everything is defined in term of social and economic policies, rather than principles derived from the notion of a singular Truth and Order that dominates the world. The variety of historic economic plans and practices maintained by various champions of our Struggle likewise distorts any comprehensive answer to the question. All in all we've simply answered people that economics are secondary, they don't matter in such a way as to be a fundamental and defining element of Fascism. The answer didn't change, however there is now a way in which we can describe this attitude to economics, and it's actually a word we've used repeatedly in reference to Fascism anyway: Socialism.

Our Socialism, however, is not in of itself an economic system, it is not the Socialism of Marx and co and stands in direct opposition to both Communism and Capitalism. It would be more accurate to say that to Fascism, Socialism is the definitive social structure which is more comparable to the structures of Individualism and Collectivism, yet it stands in opposition to those two structures as well.

Individualism creates a social structure in which every man is for himself, the good of the one trumps the good of the whole, this is the structure most related to Liberalism and the Capitalist economic system. Then we have Collectivism, which is, however, largely misinterpreted nowadays as the good of the whole above the good of the individual - this is a wrong interpretation, because collectivism in its essence is just a mass of individuals with a common interest. In individualism the one seeks out all of his interests on his own, in Collectivism many people who seeks out a common interest group together in the pursuit of that interest.
Put it simply: Collectivism is Individualism seeking Strength in Numbers on given common interests. Hence the common interest(s) becomes the primary focus of the Collectivist narrative and is thus easy to define. Collectivism worked for Communism because it worked with an existing and established group - the proletariat - to sell them the idea that together, rather than apart, they could achieve all their common interests, and fulfillment of other individual interests may follow thereafter. Comparatively speaking one could argue that Collectivists get more shit done than Individualists because the victory of a collective influences the outcome for every participant of the collective and they are all somewhat elevated, whereas in Individualism all victories are… individual, and few people achieve them. Moreover in individualism absolutely every single other individual is a competitor, even when you struggle for the same prize, whereas in collectivism everyone within the collective ideally shares in the victory.

Ultimately, however, both Individualism and Collectivism are no good for Fascism, as their fundamental premise is individual interest, regardless if it is pursued individually or collectively. We've covered before how Interests are always selfish and self-serving, going against any kind of Order in favor of one's own mere whims and wants, which are always material and inevitably lead to degeneracy.

Moreover neither Individualism nor Collectivism does anything to preserve one's Personhood (an issue of semantics: I'm using personhood and personality to give different and untainted term to what is commonly referred to as individuality and identity): to be an individual merely means to be a digit, an atom; to be in a collective means to be a cog. In both instances Personhood is not valuable, atoms are just as replaceable as cogs and just as lacking in any real personality, only difference is the less rigid structure of Individualism, where you can maintain the illusion of being your own person, while walking in a sea of clones who can replace you at a moment's notice, because both Individualism and Collectivism work on the premise of equality and necessitate easy replaceability. In both instances personality can be sacrificed, either for a collective mentality or a fake, marketable "individual" identity.

Thus you can see how the social structure of Individualism coincides with the economic system of Capitalism, and the social structure of Collectivism with the economic system of Communism. Both Capitalism and Communism seek the same: material prosperity, but one seeks it through a loosely organized competitive free for all (hence the holy cow of the free market, liberal concept of the state not meddling in economics and so on) and the latter seeks it through a collective effort which demands a unified direction (hence the form of State Socialism with control of the means of production and distribution in the hands of the State, and the stateless Communism with those same means being directly in the hands of the collective itself with no middle man).

Communism all in all is a direct product of Individualism and Capitalism during the Industrial Revolution, which shaped distinct groups that could be identified, namely the Proletariat and the Bourgeoisie, however both ultimately wanted the same thing, it's just that the latter had already achieved it and relied on the former to maintain their prosperity, hence the inevitable narrative of exploitation: the Bourgeoisie essentially "cheated" the Proletariat in the competition for material wealth, and to finally get what they deserve, the Proletariat had to unite and to "expropriate the expropriators". Communism simply becomes the pursuit of Capitalist goals without the Bourgeoisie to stand in the way of the Proletariat.

The goal of Capitalism is ultimately to work and make profit until such a point when you don't have to work, work is an obstacle to be overcome on the path to having material wealth that can be enjoyed and thus decadence sets in. The Bourgeoisie achieved this goal to the envy of the Proletariat that decided that it was robbed of its take and thus rose up to claim that wealth for itself. It is only logical that with the advancement of technology ideas like "fully automated luxury communism" would appear, proving Spengler right: Marx hated work, making him in that sense no different from capitalists, as that scenario is the dream of every capitalist as well. You can read more on this criticism of Communism and Marx being ultimately the same as Capitalism in Oswlad Spengler's "Prussianism and Socialism" and in the "Marxism" chapter of France Parker Yockey's IMPERIUM.

Now that we defined all of this we can finally get back to the original question of Fascist economics. It should be obvious by now that Fascism does not seek material wealth as a goal in of itself, regardless if it is for individuals or a collective. Moreover, Fascism, striving to make human society coincide with the Cosmic Order and the Truth, does not favor obscurification of one's Personhood, but to the contrary wants to develop it to its full potential, which is different for every man, based on their place within the Cosmic Order. Our goal, in short, is creating the Organic State, where everyone is in their rightful place, striving to realize themselves and in doing so contribute to the realization of the nation, the race, and of the ultimate Truth.

This goal can only be achieved with a special kind of social structure, one that does not permit for the individualist free for all, nor the collectivist clan/class/group conflicts. That structure is Socialism as Social Order. This is not economic socialism, but Socialism that exists on par with and in opposition to Individualism and Collectivism, by placing upon the people a sense of Duty, which removes the element of interest inherent to these two social structures, defining them as qualitatively the same, and placing our Socialism as qualitatively different (exactly it's inappropriate to talk about any kind of "third paths" when in practice there are only two). Socialism as Social Order likewise undermines, through its introduction of Duty, the fundamental premise of both Capitalism and Communism, who seek the same ends by different means, whereas our Socialism disregards those ends and likewise burdens economics with the same Duty that it burdens the people in the social structure.

This Socialism had a variety of names to help distinguish it from economic socialism: Authoritarian/Prussian/German Socialism as opposed to English socialism (Oswald Spengler), Socialism of Political Imperialism (Francis Parker Yockey), Aryan Socialism as opposed to Semitic socialism (Evola), Spartan Socialism (Eduardo Velasco) or just the Socialism of National-Socialism.

The definitive aspect of Socialism as Social Order is that it necessitates adherence to Duty, which removes petty individual interests entirely, thus negating individualism and collectivism as rival social structures, and subsequently negating capitalism and communism as economic forms in their purity. This Socialism of Duty by necessity has to figure out and develop one's Personhood to understand his place in the Social Order, thus also realizing his place in the Cosmic Order. By that same necessity Socialism of Duty prevents individual and group conflict by removing the kind of infighting that would tear at the Social Order - the Organic State is called that because it is like a living Organism, with cells and organs, and in a healthy Organism neither cells (individuals) nor organs (collectives) fight each other. A kidney can't engage in a struggle against the heart because they have inherently different purposes to which they are "Duty bound", thus there is no room for conflict between them, no room for jealousy, no room for interests.

Socialism as a Social Order, Socialism of Duty thus also necessitates the formation of hierarchy, removing the falsehood of equality, and it affects every member of that hierarchy, from top to bottom, as everyone are Duty bound to their role within the Organic State and in the Cosmic Order. When a person grows to understand his Destiny (in the Francis Parker Yockey sense of the word as Potential), his role in the Cosmic Order, he is Duty bound to fulfill it, to strive for that Personal Truth which is a part of the ultimate Truth. Thus he finds his place in the hierarchy of the Organic State, fulfilling not only his own, Personal Truth, but also the Truth of everyone who fulfills that role, as part of that social strata/estate/caste. Realization of that strata/estate/caste Truth helps realize the bigger Truth of the Nation to which they all belong, which in turn realizes the Racial Truth, in turn realizing Human Truth at large, and each single one of those helps directly fulfill the Ultimate Truth, as well as through that build up of other Truths - this is the Organic State, where everything is in harmony and builds up to a cohesive and organic existence.

One thing that managed to maintain its natural hierarchy for the longest time is the Army, which operates on the exact same principle (as does everything, the Truth prevails in its principles on all levels, hence the possibility of that build up from Personal to Cosmic Truth), as a result this Socialism of Duty is often brought up with comparisons to the Army, a militant brotherhood where everyone fulfills their role in order for the organism of the Army to be healthy.

Economy likewise becomes subservient and Duty bound to the fulfillment of the Organic State, working towards realization of all minor Truths and the Ultimate Truth. Hence in Fascism the primary defining aspect of economics is its subservience to the same common Duty that affects all members of this Social Order. Economics cannot be a goal in of themselves as that breeds individualism, pure capitalism, liberalism, and those in turn lead to the formation of collectivism and communism. Instead, economics must be a tool towards the fulfillment of Duty and the realization of all Truths in the Organic State. Fascist economics is then economy made subservient to the Nation, which is what marks them as "Socialistic", though in actual economic terms the actual system can be a variety of things, perhaps even a form of regulated capitalism, regulated to make it Duty bound to the Organic State, the Nation, the fulfillment of Truth.

Hence the real meaning of Socialism when defining Fascist Economics - Socialism as any economic system being made subservient to the Organic State, the Nation, the fulfillment of Truth. After that you can argue over the technicalities of the exact economic system in place and its technical name, but so long as that system is subservient to those things and is Duty bound like the rest of society, it remains Socialist.
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Rather link the article you're copying this from, you dumb nigger.
you know, the JIDF is just a tiny damage control group. They have almost zero resources and very few volunteers. The fact you think they actually matter proves how the real underground jews managed to kike the fuck out of you all and get your attention on a zero-influence group while they operate without disturbance.
You Hillary supporters need to get the fuck out
/pol/ is a board of peace
>You Hillary supporters need to get the fuck out
/pol/ is a board of peace
You Hillary supporters need to get the fuck out
/pol/ is a board of peace
>You Hillary supporters need to get the fuck out
/pol/ is a board of peace
You Hillary supporters need to get the fuck out
/pol/ is a board of peace
>You Hillary supporters need to get the fuck out
/pol/ is a board of peace
You Hillary supporters need to get the fuck out
/pol/ is a board of peace
>You Hillary supporters need to get the fuck out
/pol/ is a board of peace
You Hillary supporters need to get the fuck out
/pol/ is a board of peace
>You Hillary supporters need to get the fuck out
/pol/ is a board of peace
>That's not a bad thing.
>That's a source of our strength.

>State multiculturalism has failed, says David Cameron

>Multiculturalism is a sham, says Angela Merkel

>Nicolas Sarkozy declares multiculturalism had failed

>Societal trust is negatively affected by ethnic diversity

>High trust societies are characterised by ethnic homogeneity.

>In longitudinal perspective, an increase in immigration is related to a decrease in social trust.

>Good fences make good neighbours. The case of Switzerland as an example of 'workable' multiculturalism.

>The results show that heterogeneity hampers between-group cooperation at the dyadic level.
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If you're defending jews on the internet, then you're JIDF.
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Its good let them think that. We got a bunch of Saffas, some Burgers, a couple of Kiwis and a herd of Israelites that shitpost in their threads.

It drives them crazy.
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Wikipedia holocaust denial page.jpg
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Drives who crazy? None of us can even see your posts.
Hello my fellow socialist/communists. How do you all do?
Googled it.


>Trump rally
>Calls out false song of globalism and putting America first
>Starts giving this speech https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_0V_xf3OQgM

wat do?
>endless sourceless "infographics"
>literally just random posts from /b/

The first post was more than enough, whatever man, keep being out-jewed for all eternity because you keep focusing on bullshit.

By the way, the first picture you posted, here- >>86529622
is part of the IDF spokesman office, not some "public manipulation" team, kek.
They're not "hired", it's literally part of their military service. They browse jewtube and facejew for kebab content about Israel to report and try to take off the web because you fucks believe anything if someone slaps an Israeli related title.
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Wallpaper 4.jpg
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And no significant point was made whatsoever
>you will never get paid to shitpost
damn i want a job like that
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4chan monthly traffic.png
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Literally sourced from this very board.

>They browse jewtube and facejew
I'm sure they completely ignore a top 250 website, known home of the new right and antisemitic meme factory though.
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Oh look It's the Aryan "Masterrace" butthole worship circlejerk again
literally nobody knows about 4chan in kikeland. Much less the dinosaurs who run the IDF, they barely have an idea how facebook works.
Also, i don't think you understand what "sourceless" means.

No need to reply, lost interest in this stupid discussion anyway, it brings me no shekels.
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>literally nobody knows about 4chan in kikeland
>check flag
>look at rest of thread and half of it is self-professed JIDFs
Can you speak even one sentence without lying?

>literally looking at the source with our own eyes RIGHT NOW
>maybe if I change the definitions of the English language I can win
Oy vey. Anglo, you were much better than this in the 40's. I guess degeneration in Europe really hit as hard as /pol/ claims if these are your best arguments.

Anyways, thank you for being incompetent as fuck, we got ourselves a country from that, and despite everything, we do still like you.
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And we you fellow rooted, non-cosmopolitan nationalist. We like you right where you are.
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jews fear the samurai.jpg
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In every natsoc general, there is
>1 african shitting on the movement
>1-2 kikes boasting
>15~ natsoc posters
You're outnumbered, faggots.
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Karl 'Jude' Marx.jpg
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>his country unironically has a jewish official ideology
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>national SOCIALISM
>not Jewish
Educate me stormfags.

Why exactly do you think fascism is any better than our current system. fascism has not worked previously so why would it now?

It reminds me of communists saying "w-well its just not been done right"
how has it not worked?
100 GOOD CITIZEN POINTS have been coined into your sesame account.
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Fascism worked in
>Nazi Germany
>Fascist Italy
>Falangist Spain
>Imperial Japan
And in the British Empire, which was quite fascist.

I'd still call myself a Christian socialist and wouldn't really class myself as a fascist. Just a sympathiser.

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good chink.jpg
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:^)))) I have more
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UK reporting in.

What's our strategy for the Hillary speech guys? Organised resistance and all that.

I wonder how long you need to lurk to finally realize that you need the first two for 10-20 years in Europe for "re-education" so that you can enjoy the latter two in peace afterwards. Going back to traditions means you have to get the education system going in the right direction and that won't happen with our current democracy.

You have to destroy the current system and rebuild it. Otherwise your European Identity and Traditions will be nothing but a fairy tale that dies out completely in the next 30-50 years.
We don't have any first world fascist countries anymore, so i would say its failed.

They all turned into "democracies"
Used to work, but it clearly dosen't anymore.

Fascist kinda relies on the public not knowing what the state actually does, with the internet i cannot foresee the government being able to get away with all that before the people riot.

the only way i can see it working is mass censorship but i would like to think the west would not let that stand.
>never visited Stormfront in my life
>still get called stormfag
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That's because OP's a confirmed Paki. He unintentionally exposed himself the other night here:
>They all turned into "democracies"
They all lost a big war 71 years ago.

>Used to work, but it clearly dosen't anymore.
You don't have to go full totalitarian one party state. Not every idea associated with fascism is automatically bad. I'm a democratic national socialist. There is literally nothing stopping us cherrypicking the best ideas from history and organising the state so that it administrates national interests and isn't a complete clusterfuck. Nothing but the jews that is.
Are you that SA kike that called me a fucking Paki?

I'm not the OP. Now get out the fuck out of here, JIDF.
That's not even me.

>be Hitler
>Start world war and kill millions of whites
Good job.
It's me. Not a Paki tho.
Socialism was invented in England by anglos.


And then 50 years later hijacked by jews and turned into an ideological weapon to destroy Western civilisation and the white race.

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See pic related
I know. Why would a paki in Britain be making nat soc OPs?
I trust you boys are all voting Hillary yes? She's the one true warrior for the white race.
I'm sure Hitler also went to the moon and saved baby jesus from zombies aswell.
>Can't even be bothered to rename his jpg

Worst shill of all time confirmed
>people actually believe this picture is real
What if National Socialistic, fascistic far right would have this as its main goals. I think it would solve a lot and of course give the opportunity to do something about some things that annoy now. Rightfully.

• Actions to Christianity and religion for being real. It has mistakes. If it is about erotic things, is a good example. Though it is certain God exists...

• Whoring by foreigners. They should fix their nativity. This seems visible by some natural response in a lot of civilized countries. It would also be to the advantage of other countries then where they came from. Because it would be about they establishing a more civil focussed interior of their country of birth.

• Looking into what really is and is not wholesome. And founding that view. It is very important that it is actually true. It can prevent things like gay parades nicely. And get support that can be taken seriously.

• Some sort of ordinance in general could also get wide spread support if it is this sort of thing that really serves everyone. And does not scare people but is helpful in a nice way.

• The Nazi view was thought of in a time of evil repression of Germany by neighbours. Most people were victimised by plans and ideas the Kaiser did.

• I am not saying the images should change. But national socialism, fascism, far right is interesting.
• Strange: never heard of France being addressed for being major suppressor of Germany, that it started and lost the war and partaking being Vichy France. So now that Germany is still paying.....
• Being anti colored people.
This is really quite dangerous
reasons in favour:
- their original country is a chaos
- Things that build their country of birth should always be part of their belongings
- they themselves are not happy. Whether or not they say this or lie.
- If there is a lot of pressure on emigrating to certain places it seems a natural response that some pressurize things like racial pureness

• Differences in income, level of education, car brands and sizes of houses are unacceptable. If being honest. So something that works better. And is really to be happy about. This is not an exclusively left view.

Gas yourselves, Pakis.
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>National Socialist


I did not intend to add this here

• I am not saying the images should change. But national socialism, fascism, far right is interesting.
• Strange: never heard of France being addressed for being major suppressor of Germany, that it started and lost the war and partaking being Vichy France. So now that Germany is still paying
>south afrikike
You still haven't copy pasta'd a tutorial on how I can change the IP's on different devices.

Anon pls
reee normies out am I right? haha
BTFO!! uwu Rawr x3 nuzzles how are you pounces on you you're so warm o3o notices you have a bulge o: someone's happy ;) nuzzles your necky wecky~ murr~ hehehe rubbies your bulgy wolgy you're so big :oooo rubbies more on your bulgy wolgy it doesn't stop growing ·///· kisses you and lickies your necky daddy likies (; nuzzles wuzzles I hope daddy really likes $: wiggles butt and squirms I want to see your big daddy meat~ wiggles butt I have a little itch o3o wags tail can you please get my itch~ puts paws on your chest nyea~ its a seven inch itch rubs your chest can you help me pwease squirms pwetty pwease sad face I need to be punished runs paws down your chest and bites lip like I need to be punished really good~ paws on your bulge as I lick my lips I'm getting thirsty. I can go for some milk unbuttons your pants as my eyes glow you smell so musky :v licks shaft mmmm~ so musky drools all over your cock your daddy meat I like fondles Mr. Fuzzy Balls hehe puts snout on balls and inhales deeply oh god im so hard~ licks balls punish me daddy~ nyea~ squirms more and wiggles butt I love your musky goodness bites lip please punish me licks lips nyea~ suckles on your tip so good licks pre of your cock salty goodness~ eyes role back and goes balls deep mmmm~ moans and suckles
He's a shill. Ignore.

It's from an interview, faggot.
This is relevant:
They WANT it to be


top Kek

NatSocks are mentally ill
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Not this 'all socialism is bad' kike shill again.
Yes and the quote is fake.
>implying it isn't

Prove it then
National socialists love the goverment like cucks
>he thinks burden of proof isn't on him

Are NatSocks retared because they're NatSocks, or are they NatSocks because they are retarded?
The point was that it's not inherently jewish. And I don't have to follow anything. I just look at Scandinavia, and Nazi Germany for that matter, and think it's not such a bad idea.
Isn't facism essentially a leftist ideology?
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National Bernouts.jpg
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The ultimate subservient of cucks.
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Educate yourself on NatSoc economics first:

If you read this, you'd see that it bears no resemblance to Marxian socialism.

If you're not interested in an intellectual discussion, kindly fuck off.
From double chan : /newsplus/res/15462.html
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As I thought. You're just a kike shill with no sources, posting misinformation.

Out, JIDF.
is this just supposed to be a pointless circlejerk thread or are there actual skinheads in here who act out
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The quote doesn't contradict what we know from historical sources. There's no good reason to doubt it. Your claims do contradict historical sources however. So yes, the burden of proof is really on you I'm afraid.
Please help me argue against socialism bros.
Well if by national socialism you mean you want to emulate the Reich then you are really talking about fascism which is more like social democracy minus the democracy of course
>le scandinavian utopia meme

implying Scandinacia is economically socialist


enjoy your non competitive economy retard

Prove to me the universe wasn't created last thursday then

protip: you cant
Half the thread is shills. How can it be a circlejerk? You're not on reddit anymore.
Aren't leftists essentially just fascists?
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>implying Scandinacia is economically socialist
It's about as socialist as national socialist Germany was.
>oh shit he has more /pol/ infographics

top kek

you're so learned but you don't even understand basic supply and demand
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Girls laughing.jpg
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>he fell for the left-right bipartisan false paradigm jew
>you don't even understand basic supply and demand
I'm a part-qualified ACA and used to work for the NAO literally auditing UK plc's current account.
Can someone please explain this? I hear people say that fascism is leftist and others say it's right wing. So where does it land on the political/economic spectrum?

>sociologist Lane Kenworthy, in the context of the Nordic model, "social democracy" refers to a set of policies for promoting economic security and opportunity within the framework of capitalism rather than a system to replace capitalism.[9]

>within the frame work of capitalism

NatSocks are so ignorant about literaly everything that isn't on a pol infographic

Sure you did kiddo
I was referring to what it was supposed to be, all the actual content I see is historical nazi imagery, Hillary Clinton and no real political movements,
then you have the internet fights of course.
>sociologist Lane Kenworthy, in the context of the Nordic model, "social democracy" refers to a set of policies for promoting economic security and opportunity within the framework of capitalism rather than a system to replace capitalism.
>within the frame work of capitalism
So basically identical to the definition of the nazi Germany economy then. Ok.
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Shill. Out.

Shill. Out.
Wait soz >>86542784 you're not a shill.
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>he dosen't even know his own ideologies policy
>he dosent understand the difference between a small nation of 5-7million supported by the EU and a country of 66mil and no support



Arguments : 0
Fascism is third position. Neither left or right while incorporating elements from both.
Is facism a political or an economic form or both? If so is it left or right wing? I know what others say about it , both conservatives and liberals but I want to know what self identifying fascists think about it.
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>implying all socialism is the same
I said earlier that if you weren't prepared to have a proper intellectual discussion, to fuck off.
nth for needing translations





https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dMpFSHbu51A (this doesn't but still in my pastebin)


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n1orkQYTU8g (this doesn't but still in my pastebin)


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AOSq6pBhhUs (only from 2:48 onwards)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8JN-gfmxlv4 (only from 3:36)









Politically is authoritarian and nationalist. Economically it's third position, see >>86543739
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>supported by the EU
You mean supportING the EU.

Come on man. You've had all day to come up with arguments that you haven't already been btfo on. Try harder.
*meant see >>86543671
top kek retard, its full authoritarian and it's socialist leaning

>controlling the market
>good in anyway

I don't care if your singing the national anthem while you do it, Socialism is Socialism
>Socialism is Socialism
Yeah. And it's fucking awesome. See Scandinavia.
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No it isn't.

Like you said the other night, National Socialism is solely about the removal of Jews.
If you take that aspect out then it's just Fascism - as if their's no economic characteristics to it.
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>supports the EU

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>taking me literally
Oh, you're an aspie too.
Yes. The EU is supported by net contributors like Denmark and Sweden.
where did this Scandinavian Socialist Utopia meme come from?

They're not even Socialist Economically and only slightly so Socially

Could it be that NatSocks are full retards that don't know what the fuck they're talking about?
>They're not even Socialist Economically and only slightly so Socially
So the same as nazi Germany then. Ok.
>merely pretending

Scandinavia is not even socialist, they just give out a few bennies to pathetic NEETS like you and Fuugees

Seriously the "look at Scandinavia" Argument has been total shit since the 90's

>Nazi Germany
>Not Socialist

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>Seriously the "look at Scandinavia" Argument has been total shit since the 90's

>December 2015
>Norway is the best place to live in the world, according to the UN
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Sure you were, Paki.
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I am by god not an fucking emo bitch, but this is the saddest and at the same time most wonderful picture I have ever seen.

I am touched. Ruhe in Frieden Adolf. Your eyes always betrayed the early loss of your mother.
>a tiny fishing nation supported by the EU
>not even socialist
>the equivalent of a central European power of 66million

Hold on, just looking for some sources on the Sentinelese islanders tribal system to support an argument for the Russian Monarchy
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>Your eyes always betrayed the early loss of your mother.
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Yea no. I'm actually pretty receptive to fascist ideas. It seems like a superior economic system now that capitalism has become globalized fucking 1st world countries. And of course degeneracy is getting wildly out of control. But fascism really isn't socialism in the proper sense. It is a far more hierarchical form of collectivist organization.
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Unser Seliger Adolf.

Also notice the minimal security, especially compared to today's leaders.

He was truly loved.
It's actually quite a bit more socialist at least in terms of social safety nets than Nazi Germany. Of course they forget the nationalist part once their birth rates fell off which will be their downfall.
>a tiny fishing nation
Best place in the world to live. ftfy
>supported by the EU
Net contributor to the EU. ftfy
>not even socialist
Governed by a red-green coalition. ftfy
>a central European power of 66million
So even more so able to support a socialist system? What is this supposed to imply?
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National Socialism is more than an economic or political ideology, it is a way of life.

It merely incorporates elements of socialism and capitalism in it's economic policy.

It's good to see someone who doesn't immediatly revert to 'EVEEL RAYCISS NAZIS' for once.
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>Also notice the minimal security
Not red-green coalition anymore. Conservative-green tho, but its all the same shit in different wrapping.
>>a tiny fishing nation
>Best place in the world to live.

how is that even relevant to what I said?

Norway is not a comparison for anything but Norway.

but fine lets deconstruct your retardation

>sources the indepenant
top kek

Norway is Socially slightly Socialist and Capitalistic in it's Economy so it's not a relevant example

What works for 5 million people does not work for 66 million people, read a book


Norway had a gaint reserve of oil and fish, fish that it has free acess to unlike most of it's competitors in the North Sea, fuck did you even follow the EU referendum?

Norway is within the Trade sphere of the EU and as such have an advantage in that they can more freely trade than outside sources.

Your example is shit
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Norway YES.jpg
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Ah soz was just looking at the largest party. Shame they are cucks rather than national socialists, otherwise they'd basically be a one party state majority like the Tories in the UK. But thankfully people are finally starting to see that nationalism is more important than the economy.
>lets ignore facts and figures because I like the way it sounds

NatSocks in a nutshell
Np, that pic fucking disgusts me. The last couple of years have been very liberal and being called racist if u critisize immigration or islam but i can see people are starting to wake up both here and in the rest of europe so i hope we have better times ahead. Cheers mate
>Nationlism is more important than the Economy

People tend to not be patriotic when starving to death you fucking retard
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>implying that you have facts and figures
literaly read any introduction to economics that you want

Suppy and Demand is the simplest shit ever but you still can't grasp it
The UN.

>Norway is Socially slightly Socialist and Capitalistic in it's Economy so it's not a relevant example
So literally exactly the same as nazi Germany. Ok.

>What works for 5 million people does not work for 66 million people
China, a socialist state, is the most populous country on earth.

>People tend to not be patriotic when starving to death
Hyperinflation was one of the conditions in which Hitler took power.
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People tend not to care about the economy when they're being raped by 'refugees' you fucking retard
I don't even know if it's sport BTFO'ing natsocks

They're so ignorant they dont even realise when they are wrong
I fucking love watching people talk about my little country as if we're some rare paradise. Thank you guys, much love from oil-land
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NatSocs don't ignore supply and demand you retard. We let it operate as long as it doesn't harm our people.

Under National Socialism, the people become the masters of money, rather than money being the masters of people.

Enjoy getting Jewed under your shitty capitalist system.
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>BTFO'ing natsocks
You are a lone voice of unreason who has made precisely zero valid points. Even the most basic information refutes your unfounded opinions.
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You are the true aryans.
>Nazi Germany
>Not Socialist
top kek, your whole argument for socialism is arguing how much its not like socialism

>an example of a good place to live
really? Enjoy your slave wages and the only form of health and saftey being suicide nets.


As a result of the overspending and borrowing caused by WW1, oh and guess what socialist policy is? To overspend and borrow, enjoy your turboinflation regadless of how many times to rename internal currency


People don't care about the Economy wjen the Economy is working, but any society is only a few missed meals away from revolution

>nationalised industry
>internal currency

do you even know what NatSoc is or do the uniforms just get you hard

top kek

Basic economics says I am right and I have BTFO every single counter point as has South Afrikan bro
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The rest of the board may be trying to appease the masses by claiming to support Hillary, but we must stand strong. The onslaught is coming, and we will be the victors.

Hail Victory!
They BTFO of themselves constantly.

It's great.
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Can you find your nation's insignia?


I know you idiots need repetition to grasp simple ideas, but this is getting silly now

Norway is not an example of NatSoc
Norway is not an example of Soc
How was the German economy any different to the Norwegian economy. So far you have listed.
>nationalised industry
>internal currency
Norway has all these things.
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>nationalised indusrty
>internal currency

Basically every country in the world has these things.

You seem incapable of differentiating between the third positionist ideology of National Socialism and traditional left wing, Marxian socialism.
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>occupied country

the quality of NatSoc information
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Attention Whore.jpg
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Haven't you seen this tripfag before?


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Quality reading comprehension
Filtered, your personality is an attention whoring stench that anyone can see and requires no trip to recognize. if you had anything to produce it would benefits to society from jews, but they are a cancerous people.


>Enjoy your slave wages and the only form of health and saftey being suicide nets.
Those are problems caused by marxist socialism, which is not an issue in Norway or Germany. Germany didn't have slave wages. Norway doesn't have slave wages.

>As a result of the overspending and borrowing caused by WW1, oh and guess what socialist policy is? To overspend and borrow, enjoy your turboinflation regadless of how many times to rename internal currenc
There was no hyperinflation in nazi Germany nor in the social democratic FDR.

>People don't care about the Economy wjen the Economy is working, but any society is only a few missed meals away from revolution
Responds to memes with...more memes.

>Basic economics says I am right and I have BTFO every single counter point as has South Afrikan bro
No you haven't. You haven't persuaded one single person. Not one. The entire last few hours of your life have been completely and utterly wasted being btfo by nazis on a chinese cartoon forum.
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Try harder, JIDF. This is too easy
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Remember, enemies are not for convincing, or discussing anything with, or appeasing, but defeating and destroying.
Where's Hugo Boss when you need them. They should do a vintage line for us.
The jew wants democracy so it can be considered your equal despite being foreign.
The jew wants either full control of the party, as they did with the Bolsheviks, or a the false face of democracy so they can buy the parties, as Sheldon Adelson has with the Republican party.
The jew wants open immigration and a free market so it can turn your nation into a marketplace and not a home, so using fractional reserve banking they can soak up the wealth of the nations.

> In Romania, particularly since the war, democracy has created for us, through this system of elections, a "national elite" of Romano-Jews, based not on bravery, nor love of country, nor sacrifice, but on betrayal of country, the satisfaction of personal interest, the bribe, the traffic of influence, the enrichment through exploitation and embezzlement, thievery, cowardice, and intrigue to knock down any adversary. This "national elite," if it continues to lead this country, will bring about the destruction of the Romanian state.

-Cornelius Zela Codreanu
>Quality reading comprehension
thats literraly what it says

NatSocs top kek
>neither are part of the United Kingdom
Get the fuck off this board you pinko fucks
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The badge was worn by English SS volunteers, it literally says it on the image.

Hundreds of Englishmen volunteered for the SS.
Nazi third position never existed you stupid fuck
Your shithole nation made sure Hitler could never show us what it was
I bet you're stupid enough to think socialism was what he was talking about when he said the third option kek
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>he thinks National Socialism is the same as the Marxist cancer
this board is 18 and up faggot
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When are you going to get your immigrant problem under control Britain?
Has none of you learned from America's mistakes?
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You Hillary supporters need to get the fuck out
/pol/ is a board of peace
>You Hillary supporters need to get the fuck out
/pol/ is a board of peace
You Hillary supporters need to get the fuck out
/pol/ is a board of peace
>You Hillary supporters need to get the fuck out
/pol/ is a board of peace
You Hillary supporters need to get the fuck out
/pol/ is a board of peace
>You Hillary supporters need to get the fuck out
/pol/ is a board of peace
You Hillary supporters need to get the fuck out
/pol/ is a board of peace
>You Hillary supporters need to get the fuck out
/pol/ is a board of peace
You Hillary supporters need to get the fuck out
/pol/ is a board of peace
>You Hillary supporters need to get the fuck out
/pol/ is a board of peace
it the old "my socalism is betyer because we have nicer uniforms" argument

face it, Planned Economics just dosen't work. I know you know this because you defense of socialism is how unsocialist your socialism is.

There was no inflation for the Nazi's because they built an economic bubble and lasted only just over a decade in power, a large portion of which was at war. The Germany economy would have popped in a spectacular way

oh look you keep making the same arguments over and over and gettinf btfo over and over
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To be fair there are many lies spread about National Socialism, such as Hitler confiscating guns when the National Socialists actually relaxed gun laws from the Weimar Republic's days. It isn't fair to lash out at ignorance but rather explain at least.
>not socialist
>not natsoc
>not relevant

But it really wasn't planned economics. More like semi-planned reserved for cases where the free market would be detrimental to the nation. Most 1st world countries act in similar ways these days
>there's no qualitative or inherent difference
I need strong daddy to make decisions for me

>t. National socialists
>things magically happen without leaders
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China needs to be dealt with
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>we need have weak leader so we can b free!
>t. ancap
and it's not working now

Hitler "solved" the german economic problem

how did he do that? By tackeling the Unemployment problem, great! But how?

3 main way

1. The Armed forces expanded massively creating huge amounts or jobs

Brilliant... but the Army dosen't produce goods and costs a lot of money, if there is no war in which they are capturing resources, they are a drain on national resources, thats basically expensive welfare again

2. The Autobahn

great, it takes a lot of people to build a road and it's useful for infrastructure! But there are only so many roads to build until the economic benefit becomes null, and maintanenace takes only a fraction of the work force, so basically, building roads for no economic gain

3. Factory work

Great production! we can sell stuff and make money back! Brilliant Idea why didn't they think of that before! We will just pump out goods at a massive rate and become rich!

Oh what? Excessive Supply curbs demand which leads to price drops and as such making a flooded market economically damaging to the Nation?

oh fuck

well I do like the uniforms so I'll just ignkre that and continue posting unsourced pol infographics
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>That is why we believe that the leading elite of a country cannot be chosen by the multitude. To try to select this elite is like determining by majority vote who the poets, writers, mechanics, aviators or athletes of a country ought to be.

And even more relevant
>Democracy elects men totally lacking in scruples, without any morals; those who will pay better, thus those with a higher power of corruption; magicians, charlatans, demagogues, who will excel in their fields during the electoral campaign. Several good men would be able to slip through among them, even politicians of good faith. But they would be the slaves of the former.
I'm going to let you into a secret. Assuming there's a problem with the economy, YOU CAN CHANGE YOUR ECONOMIC POLICIES.
>I can't even imagine not having someone to rely upon, because I'm a manchild who didn't get over my daddy issues

Also, this whole thread
>retards don't realize that natsoc is still socialism and is, obviously, a far-left ideology
>I love hitler because of what he might have done, not what he did

on that logic I will vote Labour because they might change policy to be in line with High Toryism

you are a total retard
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>how will America stop the southwest becoming Mexico 2.0 without Trump?

>how would Britain have got brexit without Farage?

>how would Germany save Western civilisation without Hitler?

>retards don't realize that natsoc is still socialism and is, obviously, a far-left ideology
>Socialism dosen't work


>not Socialist


your argument against socialism is it's not socialism

you are a fucking moron
>this thread is all about 1930s Germany economic policies
>How do we make the country that was great in 1776 great again?
>Should we check with the document that was the reason of this country's greatness and go full libertarian based on the original constitution?

Hmm, makes you think
Oh hey thanks buddy.

Unrelated note, gonna do more shilling today:
Having to fix my messed up audio notwithstanding, do you guys have any suggestions about improvements or which topic I should tackle next? I'm not aiming for viral, awesomely edited work like Omniphi does right now. I am more into a subdued, incremental, but inevitable advance.
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>>Socialism dosen't work
>>not Socialist
>your argument against socialism is it's not socialism
Thank you. Finally getting through your thick skull.
You Hillary supporters need to get the fuck out
/pol/ is a board of peace
>You Hillary supporters need to get the fuck out
/pol/ is a board of peace
You Hillary supporters need to get the fuck out
/pol/ is a board of peace
>You Hillary supporters need to get the fuck out
/pol/ is a board of peace
You Hillary supporters need to get the fuck out
/pol/ is a board of peace
>You Hillary supporters need to get the fuck out
/pol/ is a board of peace
You Hillary supporters need to get the fuck out
/pol/ is a board of peace
>You Hillary supporters need to get the fuck out
/pol/ is a board of peace
You Hillary supporters need to get the fuck out
/pol/ is a board of peace
>You Hillary supporters need to get the fuck out
/pol/ is a board of peace
You Hillary supporters need to get the fuck out
/pol/ is a board of peace
>You Hillary supporters need to get the fuck out
/pol/ is a board of peace
You Hillary supporters need to get the fuck out
/pol/ is a board of peace
>You Hillary supporters need to get the fuck out
/pol/ is a board of peace
You Hillary supporters need to get the fuck out
/pol/ is a board of peace
>You Hillary supporters need to get the fuck out
/pol/ is a board of peace
You Hillary supporters need to get the fuck out
/pol/ is a board of peace
>You Hillary supporters need to get the fuck out
/pol/ is a board of peace
You Hillary supporters need to get the fuck out
/pol/ is a board of peace
>You Hillary supporters need to get the fuck out
/pol/ is a board of peace
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Communists v Helicopters.jpg
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>if I call him a manchild, that will deflect the fact that I am a huge ancap faggot
"w-w-w-we don't need leaders! the p-p-people can handle themselves! you're a c-c-communist!"
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1. Increased investment in the Armed forces can result in huge technological advances. See Rocket scientists in NatSoc Germany.

2. Infrastructure can always be updated. We're not just talking roads here, but other infrastructure too. And who knows what other infrastructure we'll have in 50 years?

3. NatSoc is not about creating exactly the same thing until the market is extremely saturated. New technological and scientific advances will have a dramatic effect on factory production as well.

We're not alt-right. That lot are cucks.
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You know what anon? You're all right. Good post.
>have nothing to say
Enjoy your 15 roubles while you can you self-hating faggot. If that Putin's investment doesn't pay off and you don't get the person who promised 'no sanctions' into the oval office, soon there won't be any more roubles for you to get. :^)
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Thanks m8.

Have a nice flag.
>wearing the flag of a country that was based on that very principle
You should ask #GAY #VOLODIN or #SLUT #POTUPCHIK for another VPN, you give away the fact that you are not american way too easily.
>An collectivist ideology
>not cucks
WTF I love Hillary now.
>private soldiers build rocket ships

>it's 70 years later and we're still using roads

>Nations have an infinate amount of options on what they can produce

fuck me, the faggot posting scandanavia over and over makes more sense than you
>resorting to the same obvious evading tactic even after being called out on that
You won't get your bonus that way, Ivan
He's right. I am now #manenoughtovotehillary
Nifty flag, would have been good in North Africa.



And this too. We go nowhere without working together.


True. But it's still better to work together. Just never admit your relation with national-socialists and you will be fine.
>still keeps evading the topic and diverting it to irrelevant topics after being called out on it 4 times
Well, you do look retarded enough to vote hillary, was it some 6-dimensional mahjong in play, suggested to you directly by Surkov himself?
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Trump, May and Putin are forming an anti-globalist axis. And there's nothing you or anyone can do about it.

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NatSoc is literally the most uncucked ideology out there. Are you mad?

>private soldiers build rocket ships
What are NatSoc scientists
>It's 70 years later and we're still using roads
Because we lost the war. Imagine 70 years of the same innovation that resulted in the autobahn.
>Nations have an infinite amount of options on what they can produce
What is technological advancement? Didn't have iPhones 70 years ago did they?
>Gives most of business priviledges to his childhood jewish friends Rotenbergs
>Most of other important figures, close to him are jewish as well, Miller, Vexelberg etc
>Vets are homeless, pensions are literally 50$ month, while Chechnya, the mudshit region of Russia, is the most state-funded region
>Most of the funding goes to build golden fountains and Kadyrov's palace
>All the while it's the same Kadyrov who, not so long ago, was bragging on camera about cutting his first ruski head at the age of 16

Thanks for making your shilling even more obvious. Keep in mind, you self-hating shit, when it all goes down, people like Volodin and Potupchik will be busy saving their asses, and the list of people who worked there will not be lost. And you will be found.
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I just made up a template because most jew quotes look bad. Does anyone think this will be effective should I continue?
>Give up your wants and needs for some random faggots
>Most uncucked
Uh-huh. Read up some Ayn Rand, 'Atlas Shrugged', for example, if you want to know what it means to be 'uncucked'.
>unemployed people would become nat soc scientists

top fucking kek

stopped reading there


>Russian VPN now
They switch quite often, don't they?

The founding fathers lived in a different world. Democracy can work only under the right conditions. Those conditions existed in 1776, certainly, but in today's world we need a strong leader to kick the corrupt and the corrupting to the curb. The only ideology proven to work that does this, and prevents these demons from coming back, is national socialism. Democracy is failing, and it's time for a reset.
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proof this is actually my template. im torn between trolling twitter/plebbit or spending a few dozen hours redoing quotes in this type of format. I think it will be effective but perhaps it only hurts the natsoc cause i've seen that argued before.
>read an autistic kikes poorly written fiction novel, that will tell you how to correctly run a nation

basically does antisemitism help natsoc.. part of me says yes part of me thinks no
>Thinks that 1776's constitution has anything to do with 'democracy'

Thanks for proving again that you are as American as I am a platypus.
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