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Oversight of the State Department XXV

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Thread replies: 299
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Where is part II??




"I... can't say that in the open air, sir"








Also what the fuck is oricon?
05:57:00 on the recording
Anyone got the vid with Mr Mica fucking Mr Comey raw?
>Also what the fuck is oricon?

Original Content (please dont steal)
god damnit oricon is nothing it just means that whoever owns the information gets to classify it
There's second part: http://www.c-span.org/video/?412315-101/hillary-clinton-email-investigation-part-2
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>Do you need congressional action to allow you to investigate her statements!?
>You'll get that in an hour.

Based Chaffetz
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Any have the part where Chafetz said he's preparing a referral to perjury?
But why have I never heard of it until today, despite being an autist who listens to this shit all the time?
>in the open air
He said, "in an opening hearing."
because you're supposed to hear about it when you're partying at the gay|, not when you're watching C-SPAN
I'd like to know the answer to this. Is a perjury case actually going to be opened for Hillary??
Who here /[insert something/
*open hearing

I must have missed that, jesus christ

So he'll be pushing hard for perjury charges?
the fact that he wouldnt name the agency is something. oricon is just short hand for origination control. it means who originated it the agency gets to control the dissemination of the information. if the CIA finds some secret the FBI cannot decide that it is not classified only the CIA
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That's a crime, right?

Too bad republican congressman aren't able to charge someone with perjury.
Not if she didn't mean to break the law.
but not if you are hillary
Not for Hillary.
For anyone else other than her, yes... Big time
Are they going to be meeting again?

What is the outcome to this? Are they going forward?
No, of course not. She didn't intend to do it.
But to quite literally say "I can't say the name of that agency in public" ? I've never, ever heard it put that way. like it's a shadow cabinet.
If dubbsHilldawg is kill
Yes. It's espionage.

If something bad happens then yes you just became liable for the bad thing that happened(imo the hacking was the bad thing).

If caught just out of manifestation then no its not really a crime its more of a big negative with admin punishment at most. Meaning for sure if you were in the military and you did this, your fucking career is over you lose your job youre starting all over youre fucked.


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Praise Kek.
Yes, but not if you didn't mean to :^)

No, but their referral is required before an investigation can begin.
i think it is fucking bullshit
either she knew there was classified and it is illegal
or she didnt know that there was classified and she is fucking retarded and it is gross negligence and it is illegal

it would only result in disciplinary action

And she isn't an fbi employee :^)))))))
Who /depressed/ here

think I'm gonna skip the wedding I was supposed to go to this weekend

I'm fairly certain he was read into the SAP as a result of this investigation and was not aware of the agency prior, even though he was the Director of Security at the NSA
Don't do it, anon. Weddings are fun. Show off your dance moves and embaress yourself
nothing we do matters we're all going to die eventually anyway
Go have fun Anon
Shitposting on pol won't make you feel better
Don't do that mate. You need to release the steam when you can. Also don't get sad get mad
Family is important

Go eat some delicious food, have a beer and relax

Is part 1 not loading for anyone else? Ive tried several things other than cspan to make sure my net isn't just shitting out again, but everything loads except cspan.
go redpill some people
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Ok Anonymous. To see the ORCON insanity for yourselves, seek to 1:04:20 in this stream.

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Weddings are loud and annoying, but after people start getting wasted it's fun.

Last wedding I went to one of the bridesmaids spent half the night trying to convince me to fuck her. It was funny as hell getting her to say the stupidest shit in front of her family.
>But to quite literally say "I can't say the name of that agency in public" ? I've never, ever heard it put that way. like it's a shadow cabinet.

As someone working in an irrelevant position(I ask cops for things, nod and pass on the paper like a good goyim) for an irrelevant intelligence service in an irrelevant country...


That's how it works.

See, intelligence agencies aren't the police. They're companies that sell information to the government in return for gibsmedats and privileges.

If they don't like THING they can just cut you off and since they vital they get away with murder. Sometimes literally.

So of course they can get this sort of thing passed. There's no recourse against something that by necessity is hidden well enough neither Russia nor China can get to it.


Part of the reason for this huge-ass web is that agencies are created in order to watch and out-maneuver other agencies.

This link appeared to work for me.

It could be your internet.


Been playing Deus Ex again senpai.

Though if martial law is declared like BLM want...
That exchange at the end. Something is so classified they can't even tell congress what agency it came from, and people without clearance were given access by Clinton. That got my blood boiling. Congress better start throwing its weight around hard
Those are the ones you know the name of. I'm saying they just invoked one you don't know and none of us know the name of.
weddings means free alcohol, dont miss the chance to go faggot
These attorneys of Clintons that saw the things, how are they still alive?
I say the same thing, endlessly.
Let me break it down.
Once a crime has been committed, it needs to be investigated (police locally or fbi in this case. Once the police have enough information, they make a recommendation to the DA (attorney General lynch in this case) to take action.

Lynch is bound by her words to follow the FBI recommendation.

Until comey recommends prosecution, nothing will be done, if he lives that long.
I know their name, its LALULILELO
I dont know
I cant answer that
I do not have an answer for you at this time
I can not name that agency.
Oricon is that planet in SWTOR where those rogue super sith run away to.
>I'm saying they just invoked one you don't know and none of us know the name of.
But that's not what he said.

I mean, yes, there certainly ARE and HAVE BEEN agencies that aren't part of the big 17/16, BUT what he said just as easily implies that one of the surface-level agencies said "Nope, don't name us".

Also, Clinton is a massive war hawk so it might technically not even BE an intelligence agency so much as some joint operations clusterfuck with enough clout to pretend they can do that.

Perjury is a different thing but they'll probably relate it back

>No can do boss, case is closed on emails :^)
The la-li-lu-le-lo?

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Did anyone else get serious heebie jeebies from the hearing? I'm legitimately starting to believe all these insane conspiracy theories might be real. Most chilling of all is we're just scratching the surface. Who knows what kind of monster is waiting to be found.
>But that's not what he said.
>because he would fucking say that

for an intelligence agent you're pretty fucking dense, m8
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100% rape you in the ass federal prison illegal
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Ignorance of the law is not an excuse for not following it, why do people say she didn't mean to like it should hold any weight?

>Honest your honor, I didn't realize killing a hooker then sodomizing her corps on a playground in front of children was illegal, please let me go
>for an intelligence agent you're pretty fucking dense, m8
I'd be the last person to deny that.
There are no monsters only people with hunger for wealth and lack of integrity

Link for when Chaffetz said a request is inc.
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This is also a link.

>There are no monsters only people with hunger for wealth and lack of integrity
Yup. That's the depressing part.

The final redpill is realizing that none of these people are deliberately evil, they just do what they think they're entitled to.

Soros isn't Satan. He's someone who genuinely thinks the world will be better off if he shapes it after his own vision.
Redbill me burgers. Does chavez want Hillary gone?
That's how evil works anon.

Same method we're meant to want the hell his minions have in mind to create for us.
Yeah he fucking hates her.
I meant more in the sense that this feels like the tip of an iceberg. Everything is so goddamn sinister you can't help but think about what we don't know.

There are even more questions now than yesterday. It's like there's no end in sight.
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I'm gonna (((echo))) everyone else; blow off some steam. Get drunk, shake your ass on the dance floor, make out with one of the jealous single girls there, and redpill someone...or at the very least, hang out with the old people and get rayciss; old people are basically /pol/.
Exactly. Star Wars is more dangerous for promoting a misguided vision of evil than teen mags are for promoting a misguided vision of sexuality.
Even a cursory review of publicized information should have you plenty worried about what you don't know. You can even omit past Congressional hearings if you like.
Exactly. I question why they waste so much time on things they can't prove, when something that's a slam dunk is in their hands.
Perjury on this scale is a felony, and enough to take her out.
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Kek will bring it to the light and these roaches will be scorched in the open for all to see at last.
Smuggest motherfucker alive

Do old people get them glorious digits through?
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kek wills it
This is true. He's an ideologue who thinks he's gonna save the world.
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I've always leaned that way but only half-seriously. I take things with a grain of salt.

After this week I'm really starting to wonder if she sold the nuclear secrets to the Russians. Whatever they're covering up is probably the biggest scandal in American history. Something so fucked up and outrageous it would have people out in the streets. That's the feeling I get right now and it scares the shit out of me how high-stakes this election has become.
If the hivemind can pull off what I've long thought they're trying to pull off, it will be way, way more effective than trying to nail her on some technical lawbreaking.

It's going to be a hell of a ride regardless of how all this plays out, so strap in. Last Thursday I bought a bunch of popcorn and this Thursday I test drove popping it.
Not really though. It's kinda the same shit. Palpatine genuinely believes the universe is better, safer, more peaceful under his thumb. He didn't do shit just to be evil. It's just a simple story
of course. Everyone in the republican party hates the Clintons with the heat of a thousand suns. Demorats think they are necessary evil.
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>see 007
>want so badly to become an international spy
>learn to shoot guns
>learn 5 languages
>marijuana is my vice
>alphabet agencies frown on my drug use
>go to law school instead
>hillary gives me whatever i want
>fuck you cia
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>Kek works in mysterious ways
>looks like you're getting laid at this wedding, anon
As far as we know, nukes were invented many decades ago (my grandpa saw the flash from the trinity test, we was like wtf)

Nukes are nothing to scoff at and might or might not have /x/-tier implications, but you can probably safely assume that there are much worse things to be worried about, and that the US isn't king of the hill just because it has a bunch of nukes.
Obama would pardon her and the CF crime-syndicate continues on.
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Uh guys did McCullough at the end admit to Chaffetz, that there exists an agency above the law and above public inquiry?

I don't know anymore. We have no country.
We are now dealing with government agencies that are so fucking secret their very names can't be publicly spoken to the Oversight Committee
Happenings are starting to stir, and with them beasts with no name
I'll make a webm of rep. Mica asking Comey about the interview, no transcript

C-SPAN 2:15:55-2:16:30
(Tarkin 406 #MakeTheGalaxyGreatForOnce)
How convenient... BLM, the liberalist fucks start chimping out the day after hilary gets cleared... HOW CONVENIENT

She's covering up in part, government sponsored mind control programs. Cathy O'brien is a good source of information on this.

Hell, the word government literally means mind control.

>Govern - to rule over
>Ment - the mind

Is there a recording of the entire hearing somewhere? I've been away from computers and internet all day but I want to watch the whole thing, end to end.

Why the fuck is CSPAN not ran by our government? I'm a libertarian and I can admit that this is an inconsistent view, but you have to figure that among the things our government ought to allocate funds to, managing the cameras and the recordings of our congress ought to be one of them.
Why not pick the low hanging fruit, and work your way up?
If I got pulled over for running a stop sign, and they found a dead body in my trunk, I'd still get charged for the stop sign.

Get her the fuck out of the POTUS race, then burn her at the stake.
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looks like he has to go now. kek is going to bless that anon bigly
He can pardon her, only on his way out, correct? He gets one blanket batch of pardons.
The race would be over, and she'd be disgraced. Pardoned but disgraced.
this guy knows his shit
I'm just amazed at how clumsy security is in America. It's like computers were only just invented there
Where is the Webm on the recording?
found it, disregard my inability to read.

Is there a transcript somewhere?
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I have top-notch security on my server and all my users ranging from teens to really really old are very aware of the security risks because I taught them that

Comey was right that this is an issue of culture
It's not. Billions of dollars go into it. You're just getting explaining from people who have their grandkids set up their cell phones because it's too hard.

Every government computer that comes over here from China is scrubbed for mal ware and half of its parts are replaced for security. That's just where it starts, months before the computer is used.
Article II section 2:

>...and he shall have Power to grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offenses against the United States, except in Cases of Impeachment.

I'm not reading any time limit here, although batch pardons on the way out are the norm, and typically supported de facto by the rest of the government.

Whatever they do, they have to do it rather carefully. Hillary is deranged and a snake, but she has (or at least had) a nontrivial intellect and is surrounded by a vast machine.
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Right. The point is if she gets taken down on lesser chargers this year she'll be pardoned and would be able to continue running the CF and all its nefarious dealings. If she doesn't then a future republican administration would be able to put her away on some real shit.

That is what sends chills down my spine. Comey made the election incredibly high-stakes. Clinton and the United States of America are now playing Russian Roulette as the contest has turned into a battle for existential survival.
Kek wills this>>80111111

Follow this anons>>80111111 advice he is correct. Just make sure when you redpill people it is on a subject you are fully literate on.
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Clinton saturday interview webm

Mica asks Comey a straight question and gets a surprising answer

(linked to wsg thread because sound)
Not to my knowledge

It's a fluid situation.

Im a reasonable guy - w-wait Id like to think i am haha
Lol. Fair.

I mean they even point out in it that good is a point of view.
Just my opinion though so take it how you want
Thank you. From what I found in ((Google)) he can do it at any time. He's already got a database of pardons he's made a reality during his term.

I still hope they convict her, perjury being the least possible choice. I read a statement by Julani saying that if trump is elected, the statute of limitations would not have run out for this and she can be tried.
Sacrifices to Kek.
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All I saw a corporate lawyer pulling some Lanny Bruer tier bullshit out of his ass for 4 hours about how prosecution is "just so hard".

Within 12-18 months Comey is going to retire and go straight through that revolving door to a prime gig in "private" industry, or a senior law firm, working at or close to Government contracts related to the Clinton Foundation. Screencap this post.
Well that would be in line with supposed fbianon's reason for them not to indict until/unless trump is sworn in. Something so bad that people would revolt

why do you make us cross post to /wsg/? There are plenty of situations on /pol/ where it makes sense to allow webms with audio. I understand that it could get hard to handle with regards to bandwidth and reposting and so on, so go ahead and Impose restrictions, like hashing webms after upload and disallowing reposting the webm after a week of original posting, etc. But there are times when it makes sense to allow people to post audio webms.

Hell, make it a gold-only feature, I wouldn't mind.
If she becomes POTUS she'll be untouchable. It's now or never goys
Just kill yourself

In your last comment, were you basically implying that American Intelligence agencies work independent of the federal l government?

I knew about the CIA funding it's nefarious activities through drug running. But i didn't appreciate the structural independence.
Are they answerable to anyone?
That's vital. Blue pilled people are so secure in their world view that they don't want it shaken and will pick up on any little discrepancy and hang on for dear life.
Welp, that settles things. That anon needs to go to the wedding.
The Templars
>statute of limitations would not have run out for this and she can be tried.
You can't be tried twice for the same crime (domestically, and appeals notwithstanding) but one likes to imagine that they wouldn't blow all their best chances too early in any event.

And Hillary is ultimately a figurehead anyway. I helped keep the dollar game going when we set up DSK with a whore and put him in jail for a while, and ruined his chances of leading France in the process, but it really didn't do all that much of anything to turn the tides on where the world was headed at the time.
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Is Hillary going to suffer any fallout from this? Good lord I pray that the Clinton foundation is actually being looked into and she gets beaned for having these lawyers read those marked emails.
Also, why isn't it a crime in in of itself to have a server with all this shit off the books? What do they have to prove to get her? FUCK
>being this retarded
Isn't that why they're investigating cf?
Anyone surprised by this? Of course not silly rabbi(t).
The CIA in particular has quite the extensive and documented history of not just doing whatever it wants, but of actively subverting every part of the government.

If you're in to books, "The Secret Team" by L. Fletcher Prouty is good at outlining how this works. But really you could put the pieces together just by gazing through Wikipedia for a while, too.

I'll give it a read, apreciate it anon.
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A man can hope
aside from what other anon replied, there's MK ULTRA that's interesting too
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The two most insane moments from the hearing.


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Hello patriots
Why would you want to see a friend sign away half their net worth and possessions + near infinite alimony and child support calculated based on a tiny window of time when he was making vastly more money than they will be post divorce?

You die if you get married.




Why hasn't any crazy motherfucker just went and killed the rothschilds?

those faggots are probably behind everything
I understand double jeopardy. I also understand the "head of the hydra" you infer.
I'm just saying that it's possible IF IF IF this administration won't persist with it and trump is elected.
>partying at the gay

had me ded anon
>server with all this shit off the books
Dude she still had that server AFTER she left the State department. She didn't even have the clearance to have that information. Now she seeks that same clearance, even higher, as the president and we should just forget how incompetently she managed state SECRETS.

>What do they have to prove to get her
Nobody asked this and I agree with you. In what way does she go from "extreme carelessness" to "gross negligence"? What did she have to DO in order for Comey to recommend prosecution?

We don't know, because the whole fucking thing is SUBJECTIVE.

is there a highlight compilation somewhere?

I watched about 20 minutes of the entire thing, I saw the BLM negress spout retarded propaganda and also this part >>80113991 but then I got bored because too much bullshit

a summary of the important moments would be appreciated
Good reads.
>In your last comment, were you basically implying that American Intelligence agencies work independent of the federal l government?
Yes.Arguably the only ones who aren't are Mossad because Jews and tiny military ones.

Hell, don't take my word on the whole company thing, IIRC the Snowden Leaks (look on Theincercept) in fact explicitly USE business terminology. Intelligence is colloquially considered 'product'.

>Are they answerable to anyone?
What happens when an intelligence service is investigated is that some schmuck is called before the gubmint, talks generalities for a couple hours and says "That's classified" for the rest.

Intelligence doesn't - and to a degree cannot - have checks and balances. It's basically all goodwill and base threats of force keeping them in check.

Note, this is also partially why the US uses so many drones. A sizable contingent are controlled by intelligence agencies meaning that the people ordering them can just say WHOOPS WE DINDU NUFFIN WE CAN'T SAY NUFFIN ALSO FUCK YOU AIRFORCE :^^^^^).

I fully expect combat robots to use the same kind of legal loophole.

Nobody works through the military if they can help it.
How can there be any shills left defending this bitch? Surely their conscience catches up eventually? Hillary has been legally declared incompetent for again. Everything she has touched she has ruined, she cant even be first lady without corrupting the White House travel agency. Now she has shared the highest state secrets with people with no qualifications, which is one of the most criminal things you can do. Even if you dont believe she willingly did it, her incompetence and stupidity goes to the point of basically committing treason
got ya bro

You tube it, and skip the dems/black people because that was all BLM and obfuscation.
Wtf does BLM have to do with comey's hearing, is something everyone asked. I could only watch half and will YouTube it tonight.
Trump is basically his own worst enemy. Sure, the bantz are fun and a lot of what he says NEEDS to be said* but at the same time it enables someone to run on the "I'm not Trump" platform and win.

*(Fuck his antivaxxer pandering).
lel so one day I'm discussing things with my boss and he gets all excited
>was talking to one of the top people in the world yesterday for UAVs
>there might be an opportunity to collaborate with him
>if you think of it, our stuff could help it identify windows, chairs, tables, hiding places
>and then it could find the person trapped in a burning building
>and grab the person and carry him to safety! :DDDDDD

I'm like nigga do you take me for a fool or did you really just get duped that hard? It really is disheartening when good people don't even know what they're a part of, let alone have a say in whether it's evil or not.
>antivaxxer pandering
Dude, even Jill teh commie jewess Stein doesn't think children should get 3 or 5 vaccinaes at such a young age. Nobody is saying don't vaccinate your kids, just space them out.
repostan from a dead thread:

they say that the culture is to blame and their hands are tied no matter what that statute says about gross negligence, supposedly it wouldn't hold up in court for being unconstitutional, hence the recommendation that "no reasonable prosecutor would charge anyone" :^)

NSA has everything but won't say anything, see: http://i.4cdn.org/wsg/1467922672325.webm
aside from Billy meeting AG, there's something fishy about the bitch's """voluntary""" interview with the FBI, see: https://i.4cdn.org/wsg/1467926959147.webm (you've seen this one already)

based on what I've seen today, here's a couple of conclusions:
1. if you see rep (((D))), hit mute
2. if you see rep R, redpilled people
3. Comey is an honorable man doing his job with integrity, his appearance today was quite telling (despite his history of approving mass surveillance and waterboarding)
4. there is an undeniable climate of mistrust and secrecy in USG
5. Clinton Foundation is supposedly under investigation (no comment when asked about it several times during today's hearing)
Paul, MD and Carson, MD both said Trump was right on with taking the very moderate stance of saying people should make their own decisions when it comes to vaccines. It's not an antivax stance in the least.

It's a typical common sense stance.
Carson is certifiably insane.
TRUE, but the soundbite he threw out was le ebin autism maymay and that stuck.

I have no face.
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>certifiably insane
To be fair I've seen some good stuff come out of Democrats before. This was an absolute shitshow, though.

The thing about the Democrat party is that it's essentially a Leninist party (aka "Democratic Centralism") where the central committee acts somewhat democratically to decide what the party line is, and then everybody else shills into lockstep. The Republicans often operate this way as well, but today they were sharks smelling blood in the water.
Its not about Trump you stupid ass, its about having any support at all for Hillary. Let someone else run on the Im not Trump platform I dont care, just dont defend a quintessential traitor
That's called evil, anon. Evil people never think what they're doing is evil. They always think they're doing the right thing, which is why they go so far.
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>implying you wouldn't get on national TV as a presidential candidate and tell stories about trying to kill yo momma with a hammer

There's something a little wrong with the guy, but he has demonstrable capability when it comes to his MD. He also turns out some pretty based closing statements in spite of the rest of his on-stage performances.
This. Wherever this goes is deeper than we could possibly imagine.
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Reminder that Kojima predicted everything.
it's no different than any other party shitshow, but (((D))) niggers and womyn were truly appalling in their rhetoric and speaking about totally unrelated things just to fill their time slots
I haven't witnessed any hearings of their own with R being defensive, so it's natural that the Rs I've seen today were quite angelic in my eyes

like you said, essentially democracies everywhere are becoming soviet-like with central committees running the show and rubberstamp legislative bodies approving whatever garbage they manage to put together

btw Comey's quality seems genuinely high, especially when contrasted to the fools at the end of the hearing
I have a feeling he is on the people's side in this instance but cannot actually verbalize what's itching him, he was way too verbose at times, that's what I meant by "telling"
Does anyone have the second part to the FBI anonbro ama?
Yah, I've had a mixed but net positive opinion of Comey ever since I started memeing him here and posting his picture, and today's performance did much to support my existing conclusions.

It was particularly telling when somebody else in the know would question him hard with subtext and then they'd have an real and informative discussion without having to say too much or resort to irrelevant bullshit.


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I believe this contains everything
We are being raided
Don't Ignor Shills
Beat Them
Ignore CTR Threads
Join CFG Today

FBI anon did it for you
FBI anon did it for his country
FBI anon did it for free

Now it's your turn


Twitter Bot Net

Oversight Committee Analysis
the program can:
1. terminate and we go back to old times or new society
2. loop it and will stay stuck in the program
3. let the program finish
Accepting a pardon is open admission of guilt.
Thank you wonderful anon
I don't want to sound like a retarded, but what is a SAP? Google doesn't give any answers.
Special Access Program, the most of the top secret info at gov't disposal and connected to crucial national security

the systems that host SAPs require physical access and clearance, hence they are tightly controlled

to find info taken out of them in a bitch's basement is beyond alarming
4. if too many errors that can’t be fixed fast enough then the program crashes
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It's not oricon, it's ORCON. Originator control. It means the person or organization which made the product has to approve it's distribution to anyone it didn't originally include.
Wrong, see
Are you drunk?
The definition of shill is a bought opinion meant to influence others.
what does that have to do with anything?
IANAL, but I've watched the first three hours of this at 2x speed and I've yet
to hear the criticism that I want to hear.

I come at this from a level-headed perspective. No, I don't think Comey is a
secret democrat who was bribed for a position in a Clinton presidency. He's an
esteemed individual and I legitimately believe that this was the result of an
unbiased investigation. I'm more than willing to accept their conclusion,
provided that I can follow his train of thought and the logic checks out. But
so far, I don't get it.

Here's a quote from his first on-the-record statement:
> Maybe I could just say a few words at the beginning that could help frame how
> we think ab out this. There are two things that matter in a criminal
> investigation of the subject, "What did the person do?" And when they did
> that thing, "What were they thinking?" When you look at the
> hundred-years-plus of the Justice Department's investigation prosecution of
> the mishandling of classified information, those two questions are obviously
> present. What did the person do? Did they mishandle classified information?
> And when they did it, did they know they were doing something that was
> unlawful? That has been the characteristic of every charged criminal case
> involving the mishandling of classified information. I'm happy to go through
> the cases in particular. In our system of law, there's a thing called Mens
> Rea. It's important to know what you did when you did it-- this Latin phrase
> Mens Rea means, "What were you thinknig?" And we don't want to put people in
> jail unless we prove that they knew they were doing something they shouldn't
> do. That is the characteristic of all the prosecutions involving mishandling
> of classified information. There is a statute, that was passed in 1917, that
> on it's face makes it a crime-- A felony, for someone to engage in gross
> negligence. So that would appear to say, well maybe in that circumstance, you
> don't need to prove that they were doing something that was unlawful, maybe
> it's enough to prove that they were really really careless, beyond a
> reasonable doubt. At the time congress passed that statute in 1917, there's a
> lot of concern in the house and the senate about whether that was going to
> violate the American tradition of requiring that before you're going to lock
> somebody up, you prove they knew they were doing something wrong. There was a
> lot of concern about it, the statute was passed, as best I can tell, the

> Department of Justice has used it ONCE, in the 99 years since. Reflecting
> that same concern-- I know from 30 years with the Department of Justice, they
> have grave concerns about whether it's appropriate to prosecute somebody for
> gross negligence, which is why they've done it once that I know of, in a case
> involving espionage. And so when I look at the facts we gathered here, like I
> said, I see evidence of great carelessness, but I do not see evidence that is
> sufficient to establish that Secretary Clinton, or those with whom she was
> corresponding, both talked about classified information on email, and, knew
> when they did it, they were doing something that was against the law. So
> given that assessment of the facts and my understanding of the law, my
> conclusion was and remains, no reasonable prosecutor would bring this case.
> No reasonable prosecutor would bring the second case in a hundred years,
> focused on gross negligence, and so I know that's been a source of some
> confusion for some folks, and that's just the way it is. I know the
> Department of Justice, I know no reasonable prosecutor would bring this case.
> I know a lot of my former friends are out there saying they would. I wonder
> where they were the last 40 years, because I'd like to see the cases they've
> brought on gross negligence. Nobody would-- nobody did. So my judgement was,
> the appropriate resolution of this case was, not with a criminal prosecution.
> As I said, folks can disagree about that, but I hope they know that view, not
> just my view, but of my team, was honestly held, fairly investigated, and
> communciated with unusual transparency because we know folks care about it.
> So I look forward to this conversation, I look forward to answering as many
> questions as I possibly can, I'll stay as long as you need me to stay,
> because I believe transparency matters tremendously, and I thank you for the
> opportunity.

Again, IANAL, but as I understand law, typically to say that there is a "lack
of precedence" is to actually say is that there exists precedence for the
application of a law, but that this particular situation is not similar to
those situations.

By Comey's own admission, that is not the case here. It is not that there is
application of this law to cases similar to this one, it's that there is a lack
of application of this law to more than a single case. I think his argument
relies on the connotations that surround the phrase, "lack of precedence",
which are not at play in this case.

Has there ever in history been a situation where a Secretary of State engages
in such egregous behavior? There's a lack of precedence on all dimensions. So
why kill it here?

It seems subversive of the justice system to think that, in practice, the lack
of application of a law renders that law void and invalid. And even moreso, I
find it very upsetting that the FBI believes it's their place to decide that.

Why do we have court systems if we don't allow them to flesh things out when
the time comes to decide whether the law ought to apply or not?

At the very least, what I do not hear from Comey is that there is no way that a
case could be made. He's on the record saying that there is evidence of great
carelessness. So why kill it here? Why is the neutral action to not push it
further up the chain of our legal system, where our system is meant to flesh it
out? Why is the neutral action, for a man with no legal authority, to
singlehandedly make that call?

Really rubs me the wrong way. And again, I'm not coming at this from the
perspective of personally attacking Comey, I just don't understand what stands
to be lost by fleshing this out with our legal system-- the thing which
(ostensibly) is supposed to decide these things. The obvious answer is that it
would have a dramatic effect on our election, and thats a conclusion that's
completely unacceptable.

Wish I would have heard something to this effect in the 5 hours of blabbering.
Step by step, anon. I've been outspokenly gung-ho for all sorts of trials, charges, and tribunals for a pretty wide spectrum of people.

Comey said plenty of bullshit today, but he also dropped some shit, and hopefully as a result he won't be the next Vince Foster.

Wait is this real or a clever ruse
Guys, we need to develop foxalive to stop hillary and the patriots
somewhere near the end iirc he states that they did not investigate the bitch's blatant perjury at all, likewise her failure to produce records from her SOS days or for her disclosure of sensitive docs to unauthorized persons (her attorneys sifting through the mailbox)

it gets reiterated several times that noone shall be held responsible no matter where they were along the chain of sensitive info sharing via unauthorized channels

if I were FBI/CIA/any other intelligence/counterintelligence agent/employee/asset, I'd have a long and thorough reflection about my future and safety of my dearest ones

That's a pretty shitty consolation prize considering Clinton will appoint 3 supreme court judges and use them to take away our guns.
It's only July, anon. Not even October yet.

And if they come to take my guns, I will die a happy man. That I can tell you.
Greetings. After watching 4.5 hours of the Clinton committee live, I have followed the will of Kek by spending some time with my 56 year old ex-military housemate who was a sniper in Afghanistan. (c)

He told me the following story:
>In order to condition you to deal with gas attacks in the military, they make you stand in a 110 degree gas chamber with no windows and give you a gas mask. But the mask doesn't really do much, it was basically torture. When I walked out they said WATER OVER HERE, WATER OVER HERE, but I was too fucked up to know left from right.
>Shit like that is how I know the government is corrupt
>Because of the shit I was ordered to do
Forgot to mention they drop a pellet in there that actually turns into noxious gas
no way anon, too many guns in the hands of too many free individuals

if only 10% of pop were to rebel, it'd be game over for the gov't and that's without counting defectors with mil equipment like armor, arty and missile systems, or foreign interference/influence
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willingness and complacency aside, she 100% factually committed crimes for which she's not being held accountable.

She is 100% factually guilty of mishandling classified information, and perjuring herself, both on several occasions. She is certainly suspect of committing seditious and treasonous acts.

If we all want to talk about and enact meme magic etc., what we also need to be doing is affecting real world consequences for her actions and their failure to hold her accountable for them.

The best magic that comes to my mind is perhaps: 1) putting the info out to the public everywhere about making very public very loud and clear citizens arrests against her for Perjury, Mishandling Classified Information, and Sidicious and Treasonous Acts. Wherever she goes, any time she pokes out her trolly little head. 2) Making any of these attempts go as viarl video as possible so the shills can't ignore it. 3) Finding an officer of the law who can and will take possession of her arrest from the claimant citizen, and then actually get her ass fucking arrested, something that her secret service stormtroopers can't stand in the way of legally.

If the fucking FBI can't do their job correctly for whatever dumbfuck reason, maybe it's time we show them how it's done.
I don't think we'll need to do that. If I were them I'd be more worried about whether or not they're really important for national security.
Can someone explain in a few simple sentences what is going on?
The State department reopened the probe into Hillarys mishandling of classified information after comey got roasted by a congressional committee
You better watch what you say, or a nondescript person from an unnamed agency might take you to an undisclosed location for redacted reasons.

Man, you know you're feeling down when you think that even /pol/ is too optimistic about the future.

I love my country so much. I live in rural Wisconsin and it's so beautiful out here. Right now, out my window, I see a farmer on a tractor. I have fiber internet because of a local telephone cooperative. We just built a new church and it opens in August, and got a new priest, and he's awesome. The women are all respectable and smile a lot and they're all in shape because we spend all day outside, and we have frequent town-wide events where we cook out. It's heaven to me.

Why can't the federal government just stay out of my life? Why are people in cities more important than my lifestyle?
>FBI says sure Thursday works for me
>congress calls an emergency session to hear testimony
>FBI Director Comey fields questions for a few hours, calmly ignoring idiots
>A few brave men ask BTFO questions
>Comey answers them somewhat askance but drops some neat troofs bombs
>A few remaining brave men proceed to rake a number of other related intelligence people over the coals for a few more hours

Hillary Clinton Status: We just got officialy pissed off at you, and we're not done yet.
you can check it yourself
>cannot convert void* to int
>We are now dealing with government agencies that are so fucking secret their very names can't be publicly spoken to the Oversight Committee

go back and listen again retard
Oh haha he fixed it
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I would gladly take being extra-judiciously detained, even "suicide"ed, if it helped make Shillary's arrest and conviction a reality in any way.

A small (and very spergy) amount of brickwork on this wall is already there you guys!
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>his ints and void*s aren't interchangable
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>Not getting pimped out in your best suit, getting loose on free booze and fucking overly emotional, easy to bag single (or not respecting of their cuck-bank back home) friends of the bride

It'll distract you from your depression.


>pic doubly related, to my advise AND the hopeful new pattern of $hilLIARy's future jumpsuit
>Kirby said this week former officials can still face punishment. Options range from counseling and warnings to the revocation of an individual's security clearance.

Oh shiiiiiiiiiiit, son. They gonna counsel and warn Hillary so HARDCORE.
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Oh no!.gif
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Is so nice!

Find that out while also reading this:
I REALLY want this to gain momentum.
Unfortunately, I think you're right... She's just going to get a "stern talking to"...
Gowdy's going to co-send with Chaffetz. Quote me. I was at the hearing & talked to staffers at an "after party" thing
What was the deal with when the cameras cut back to Chaffez and it was actually "I don't have a plane to miss" Gowdy?

That was cray-cray
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Almost no one knew wtf the NRO was until very recently because it's giant budget and almost everything it does is classified in some manner.

Yet it's fucking HUGE.

>(not) related
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can i pls have chaffitz and gowdy memes..

"The Agency"

OHHHH VEEEEY. they are on to us! We must have him suicided at once
It's actually worth watching the whole damn thing. I've watched some C-SPAN now and again in my life, but this was the first time I watched it for like six hours straight and even made popcorn for it.
>implying i didn't watch it all day instead of work

where do you think we are? the only IRL meme that happened today was that nigger bringing up andrew anglin, i would like more general purpose gowdy and/or chaffitz memes tho
why? I'd chalk it down to simple function creep and opportunism, not some malicious intent within an orchestrated clandestine mission; a bee does not concern itself with how to run a successful hive, it just does what it was meant to do and what it is able to do

surely the backlash we're a part of these days in the form of localism - a part of which is the very bond you've just described with your clay - shall overcome globalist fantasies of the few from becoming a reality, after all many against few never turns out favourably for the latter if we're to trust in history repeating itself, also each and every one of them has a loved one they wouldn't want to see wither away in some apocalyptic wasteland
I would say put your money on Chaffitz memes. They're going to go a lot bigger than Gowdy ones, but sell of quick unless you have an inside scoop on it.
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322 - Skull and bones number

Pretty sure 2 322's works out to 666 somehow too.
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Not sure if its been posted already...
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222 * 3

Pretty easy leaf

>be US congressman
>be at congressional oversight hearing
>FBI investigation of Hillary investigation is the topic
>start talking about black lives matter, twitter feefees and do-nothing stormfaggots instead

We need to make it easier to fire people in congress
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Where did I see that white hair guy again before?

I rmember he was pretty based
skull and bones is so obvious, they suck each others dicks we get it
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I knew it was simple, I just didnt try.

322 itself is meant to equal out to 666, so 2 of them isnt far off.

Maybe he meant to say it was 2 skull and bones members.
really though, there are a lot of silly "MERELY A COINCIDENCE" "IDS HABEDING" type things, but that one is seriously something

88>satanic trips in my books
he lead the bengazii hearing

Perhaps I have a warped view of reality, but in my mind you frame the conflict perfectly but come to an opposite conclusion. It is certainly a conflict of community v. globalism, but I don't think that sheer numbers will decide the outcome. People in rural communities (like my own) are not immune from the popular culture that emanates from large cities and their needs and subsequent policies.

In other words, the localities you think will fight back may not. The rural identity is very strong in hindsight, when you've spent a couple years in NYC and realize what you failed to appreciate.

But for most people, there's nothing more to do. There are no high-paying jobs in rural Wisconsin. Factories shut down. I'm lucky because I work remotely.

You see this as a movement gaining steam, I see it as a way of life that is gasping for air and outlashing as a last resort.
Because that's what Comey said as to why she wouldn't be found guilty
>no intent

Okay so here's my idea, Hillary's girlfriend will take the fall for sending the emails.
Anon. That's what a monster is. A person who lost self control in a hunt for power
It was uh accident tho!! She's sorry I truly think that she is sorry!

t. FBI
The constitutional framers already knew this in regards to locally empowered government

>The Individual > The City > The County > The State > The Country
anon i legit think your taking this too lightly even still.
democracy and anything involving anything this country values is dead.
people are weak and will do whatever people tell them, thats how the world works, those who point out different directions only do so from a position of strength to begin with, since the slave masters are the rulers of the whole fucking world nothing will ever be done, nothing ever was done, all prior effort is wasted because of a plan made over 100 years ago.
good luck even thinking you ever had a chance, long before any of us were born we were permafucked.
corporations being people is the single biggest mistake this world has ever made and we will all burn in our lifetimes for it.
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Either he wants to make it so obvious she's guilty but no reasonable prosecutor would come after her (and by reasonable he means 'you're a reasonable man, right?' Godfather style)

Or he is threatened as fuck but he is also slightly autistic so he gave out too much info

There is no purjury. Comey "forgot to swear her in and forgot to record the conversation"
>Soros isn't Satan. He's someone who genuinely thinks the world will be better off if he shapes it after his own vision.

And this is the scary thing. If you know you're doing the wrong thing, you probably don't have much motivation. Most criminals are petty criminals, who don't think beyond the next day.

Only the fervor of righteousness can make you commit yourself to results far beyond your own lifespan.

This is a good thing for the human race and a bad thing. Lots of people did lots of good things over generations because they put themselves lower than their ideals. But it can backfire when that person is an idiot, narcissist or even worse.

The real criminals are the ones who believe they are right.
oh you poor naive fuccboi you, just bend over and take it up the ass now if you are just now finding out all major social media is in on the globalist agenda.
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>doubting gowdy time's longevity
They may push for it but what's the bet not one prosecutor will touch it
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Yes, Twitter and Facebook

I wouldn't be surprised if Facebook rewards people somehow for voting this election, because the more Facebook users that vote, the more liberal
Buy your Gowdy memes if you want them. It's not a bad play, but you're playing a speculator's game.

I wouldn't go long on Gowdy.
which part of newkids was this? always wanted to see it on the jewtube.
Reminder that according to Comey, he's "no longer registered Republican"
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It doesn't matter, they didn't record her statements, she wasn't under oath, there's no purjury. Also, when she gave statements in front of the committee, she was (((sworn in))) off screen, in a (((different room)))
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>they have my kids
is there any actual doubt that this is MERELY A COINCIDENCE and wasn't an intentional message only autists on a taiwanese tapestry review board would discover?
"Do you need a referral from Congress to look into her statements?"

"Sure do."

Reminder the shills are gone, there are only confirmations.

This is why I am following Gov. Greg Abbott's "Texas Plan" so intently, he/they want to amend the constitution to give the states the power to vote a 2/3 margin and overturn or force a re-ruling of SCotUS decisions, cancel senate bills at the House level, and reverse Presidential signing statements.

Things that can really end up fixing or destroying us as a nation, really. Either direction, it should still be a good show that will also nowhere!
>Ignorance of the law is not an excuse for not following it

>he didn't watch the streams
Seems relevant
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>The obvious answer is that it
>would have a dramatic effect on our election, and thats a conclusion that's
>completely unacceptable.

it's already having a dramatic effect on the election, that makes Hillary look like a damn fool

wearing a black suit and shades driving a suburban isn't exactly nondescript
Mercenaries and africa war when
Ignore the mail, think about Libya, the arms that went through to Syria and what this has to do with Turkey. This is very related, trust me. Putin took what he knew and learned from various governments who had dealt with or WOULD with the Clintons and uses it to his advantage on the world stage. Didn't FBIanon more or less confirm this with his answers the other night?


Here you go Anon. Chafetz is ready as fuck to run a train on Crooked Hillary.
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Fucking hell. I linked the CSPAN feed to some friends earlier. One of them is a liberal cuck and views this hearing as full exoneration of Hillary. He literally shuts his brain down when the Republicans discuss the facts of the case and focuses entirely on the Democrats asking Comey if Hillary is a good girl who dindu nuffin. Then he's all "see. SEEE. She dindu nuffin."

I thought maybe if I could lead him to the facts that he could put the picture together himself...but no. He's overdosed on the koolaid.

The thought never crosses his mind that maybe Comey might be under duress and can't directly expose hilldog without his children committing suicide, dislocating their limbs, and stuffing themselves into a duffel bag (in that order).

>Being friends with a liberal in the first place
I'm a millennial. Basically everyone my age is a dirty liberal. I try to spread reason and "redpill" them when I can.

At least his vote isn't going to count this November...assuming he even gets his ass out of bed to vote. Alabama is solidly red.
Dang what town is that
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I got my ham radio license and now all my friends are in their 80's. feels good man
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Pull through anon we need more fat fingers on the keyboards
I read a novel, twilights last gleaming, where they called a convention for very similar reasons and the. Dissolved the US
Pursuant to the amended false statements statute, amended under the Bill Clinton administration no less, an individual is seen in for the matters of governmental minutes to be forsworn (that is, non-verbally sworn to answer truthfully) upon ANY form of questioning connected to open federal investigation. Lest they be held perjurious. She was considered sworn the moment she held an official "interview" with any agent of the FBI involving an ongoing investigation.
I honestly think that it's time this happened for real. Constitutionally, The Federal Government (tm) holds no special powers over the states rights already. They sure hold a hell of a lot of financial and military power over them though!
>Donation go in
>SAP come out

no non niet

>Blood Monies go in
>ISIS(tm) does its job
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... That person is NOT your friend.
I may need to consider doing the same. God knows that the equipment and skills will be useful in a HAPPENING situation.
Can't beat a HAM license.

What you can also do is get a happening-approved SW radio in case you don't have the experience and equipment to transmit, but you just want to receive to find out wtf is going on.
I can't deny those dubs. His refusal to mature is certainly pushing him more towards "acquaintance" status. We've enjoyed /tg/ related hobby stuff since we were kids. Then after high school, I got a scholarship, a engineering degree, and a full-time job while he's just been coasting on some dead end job since high school.

He's a Bernout who wanted $15 minimum wage and free shit. While he's annoyed that Hillary btfo Bernie, he supports Hillary because she's not Trump. He doesn't know a thing about her policies, but she's got a vagina so that's gotta be progressive and that's what really matters.
It's child trafficking, selling nuclear codes to Chinese/Russians, allowing Saudi and Israeli ambassadors to gain access to the government, and taking money in general.

Our children are being sold.
>hillary clinton is in bed with an agency so secret congress can't even hear their name


>Our children are being sold.
To who; for what purpose? To hunt, to fuck, to sacrifice to meme owl gods? That's just dumb. Why wouldn't they traffic third world kids that nobody cares about.
For the average person to rationalize, just think of it as exercising power.

Who has more power? Fucking a sandunecoon in a sandooncoon everyday fucking situation? Or a nice little white kid in a white people place?
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The agency isn't the secret, he just can't verbally on a record connect their moniker with a document that is so classified that Congress can't know what it is or deals with.
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The Clintons' best bud being convicted child-pimp Jeffrey Epstein and all, people still get suprised that child abduction is involved here?
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What drives me crazy is people clinging to the "but the documents weren't marked classified" excuse.

Ignoring for a second that the classified info was clearly marked with a (C) classification marking, the presence of unmarked government documents is almost equally damning to having marked classified documents.

People who don't work with the government don't realize this, but the government is autistically obsessed with labeling things. Full on obsessive compulsive disorder tier.

Imagine a comedy show where they make fun of a nerd labeling things. Hundreds of labels scattered across the home. Labels on the pots and pans and such. The government is like that, but worse. They label fucking everything, sometimes twice.

Your computer? Labeled. The monitor? Labeled. Keyboard? Phone? Printer? Mouse? File cabinet? Bookshelf? labeled labeled labeled labeled labeled labeled.

Some document that you're working on? Labeled on the cover sheet, and then every fucking page is labeled top and bottom with a header and a footer.

If you come across unlabeled documents, then the only explanations are that:
A) Someone was negligent and didn't label it like they were supposed to.
B) Someone removed the label, which is illegal.

So now that you have these unlabeled documents, you need to go through a process of identifying what the fuck they are and then properly label the damn thing. To prevent leakage, you need to assume that the unlabeled shit is sensitive until you can discern what the fuck it is.

My personal suspicion is that the reason none of the classified documents on Hillary's server have a proper header is because they used the header to track down and delete the properly labeled e-mails before turning the e-mails over to authorities. But they didn't think to track down the (C) classification markings to catch documents that were either never labeled or had their labels illegally removed.
File: Ron Paul 78767.jpg (27KB, 400x399px)
Ron Paul 78767.jpg
27KB, 400x399px
> turn into nonpaper w no identifying heading and send nonsecure - tier post
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