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HAPPENING WATCH Obama making unscheduled flights accompanie

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Thread replies: 307
Thread images: 80

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Obama making unscheduled flights accompanied by a SAM C-32 along with extremely unusual air traffic.

"The number and variety of strategic aircraft is continuing to increase. Nightwatch, TACAMO, ASW and recon aircraft- including all three COBRA BALL airframes, both COMBAT SENT airframes and now starting yesterday, CONSTANT PHOENIX nuclear detection and assessment aircraft. V model RIVET JOINT flights are also increasing, with multiple sorties per day detected from RAF Mildenhall, Stuttgart, Elmendorf, and Kadena. On Thursday night one of Elmendorf's RJs limped back home after suffering electronics 'damage' significant enough to require a fire truck scramble, inspection and towing. The same airframe began flying again yesterday. First for a midday 45 minute to an hour local shakedown flight, then a departure to the southwest in the late afternoon.

One thing I noticed yesterday is that the RJ flights from Mildenhall eastwards seemed to ignore the BALTOPS flight traffic entirely- flying straight through using its normal routes to Kalingrad and St Petersburg while the increased military traffic seemed to be routed away from it. Other items of note are increased NATO and US ASW activity despite the fact that only a single NATO submarine is listed as participating in the exercises. NATO AWACs activity has also been moved forward in southeast Sweden and Eastern Poland; their detection ranges now able to see well into Russian air defense areas. I list these as additional activities likely seen as provocations by Russia. The cherries on top of the proverbial sundae of multiple exercises moved closer to Russia's borders than has really ever been done before. Make no mistake- they WILL ramp things up."


bump for happenings
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pls habbenings, habben.
Nigger, this shit is on the same level as saying there are shortages at Home Depot.
Military and government doing things out of the ordinary? Absolutly unheard-of.
>"what are secret military protocols" the thread

Nothing ever happens. Fuck off.
set to 8992.00 on usb bandwidth to listen to us airforce radio. if you hear SKYKING SKYKING do not answer, its habbening. Its been picking up some foreign station so ignore the wird chatter unless its english.
are you retarded, it's summer. that means drill time. probably just exercises.
are you retarded, it's summer. that means summerfags. probably just fags being fags. probably.
>mfw I see this post & wanted to post
>as a shitpost in reply
Morse code on
11178.62 USB
We have habbenin watch threads now. You realize when it happens it'll be out of left fucking feild right?
11 mins
No shit. Watch, the one day no threads are up and a 9/11 X10 event happens.
Nothing happened?
guise nothuing
9674.99 found some muzzies in france or something?
>allahu akbar

either middle east radio or
all im hearing.
does that mean habbenings?
I wish a country would.
how to i work this shit?
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Guys.... look what the BBC posted at exactly 1:50 est.....

Sounds like a speech.... has this been going on the entire time?
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holy shit what
wtf at 8910/
all i hear is static

11180cw is Israeli 4XZ.
if quads it's not happening
>1:50 eastern was over an hour ago

T-thank God nothing happened, r-right fellas? Didn't want anything bad to happen to the world...
actually it sounds like someone reporting the news or a radio sermon or some shit.

muslims scare me.
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Now theyre playing dune tunes
Well, back to schoolwork it is

dude wut. how'd you do that?
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u fucking nigger
why do you do this?
Back to my video games I guess.
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timing and luck
Now this is a rare occasion.

I'm on to you and your satanic quads.
i guess ill keep learning my college mandarin course i guess
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Script fag
Switch to USB bandwidth. to hear 8910
Russian guy called for confirmation of some numbers a while ago.
Codename of the guy : Oчиcткa.
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>live in NW arkansas
So if Texas gets nuked, will I die of radiation poisoning?
welp, kek has spoken
And off to /x/ you go
Well thanks, now the day will remain uninteresting.

what the fugg
Shit I wanted to watch something burn
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Fuck this gay earth.
top fucking kek mate
End this folly now and leave this website forever.
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>sweden saying anything

usb 10470.22 Russian radio chater
Lord Kek hath spoken. No happening today. When the time comes, he'll show us the way.
Don't worry, there's still going to happen some satanic rituals in five different point in L.A. where they will try to form a pentagram or some shit across the city
8992 is exploding
Fucking Nedderlands
9645 is crazy
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What does this mean? Descending pitch tones n sheit.
When it does happen there will be shilling in amounts we have never seen.
they're speaking french and shit wtf
Blob blob blob blob blob
1:50 EST was 14 min ago. Right now it's 304 EDT but 204 EST

you dumb nigger
So, no happening? Can't tell whether I'm more relieved or disappointed.
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Thank you kek now i can now buy my house
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Well, shit.
MOCКBA пocтpaдaвшyю c ядepным
My get cancels you out
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If respond to quads the happening x4. Eat shit nigger!

Quebec fag here, they are talking about tibet children learning english or something like that. It look like a documentory
I just heard something about them say "The President" on 9444.50.
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Praise kek, saving us from the happening so Trump can be President
yes it's me the president hello
You broke the cycle!
Put me in cap
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>kReaMy ID
This is why we cant have nice things.

Yes i am aware i called the apocalypse a nice thing.
this dude effectively shuts down applied memetics shill thread with satan quads. I'm impressed enough to post.
No it's not.
Its mostly a whole not of nothing but heres what i got

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Its OP technically freed from his Groundhog Day Hell now? Cause technically nothing happened.
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Should I get Jimmy Johns, Chinese food or Pizza?
>world economy crashing due to 1k casualties

that's fucking less than 9/11 and that was basically nothing for anyone outside of the US


If quints the Happenig will happen TWICE OVER
doubles and it's back on
>lol when quads prevents happening
>OP in pic was telling the truth and he is off having prepared for nothing now
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"Due to the outbreak of war along the Ukraine, this government believes that the referendum vote concerning EU membership be pushed back indefinitely."

Russia, it is your duty to nuke London if this happens.
Dam son
Switch to AM bandwith ameribro.
That's just and Indian Radio.It's nothing of value.
My quadruple 7s reign supreme. Happening is ON.
what if the richest 1k people die?
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It can't be stopped.
Dub dubs. You gentlemen are memeing irresponsibly. I'll enjoy the with you niggers
Check em for happening
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lads what is happening on 10470 usb
Don't be foolish. Only 7777, 8888, 9999, 0000, or quits can supercede 6666
someone is playing a trumpet or farting into the mic of 8992
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thanks god

Can't be back on, the guy specified the exact time and it was like half an hour ago. Nice dubs though
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10470.00 khz USB

Russian bros Pls translate

Singles and it's off.
These quads will bring the happening back
he said the location changes spain, it could hit the west coast still
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Anyone who saved that post has fucking autism. This is a depraved need for a happening and you're pathetic for going to these lengths to cope with your angst for the world around you. Shame on you and all of the ilk who resemble you.
dubs 4 op is a bundle of dog shit
Friendly reminder that Karenposting is all Brits are good for
You've got to go back.
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Plug in your magatama, gentlemen, it's happening.
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I think i found Russian News radio.
I switched it to AM at around 40 seconds.

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>tfw ordering tasty pepe sandwhich for lunch
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kek please grant me the digits to annul this
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Holy frothy screaming.
Tripsand you're a faggot
holy shit
Anybody know what he's talking about
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you cant defeat quints with doubbles you dumb faggot only a penta and beyond...
sounds like some polish radio
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Nothing happens, quite depressing.
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Heard him say :
"1,2,3,4,5,so,so,so "
And....morse code has gone off just now.
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I'd like to apologize to the mod team for creating such a fucking awful thread. I thought I deleted it but I guess I didn't..
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Truly, Kek works in mysterious ways
Tell that sandnigger president of yours to shoot down another Russian jet.
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>Kuk is strong with him

What do you mean?
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Not even exaggerating, kek is in these threads something fuckin crazy.

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>YFW all of this really happened except that the Anon who posted that story finally figured out he had to kill himself to stop his time loop from happening and the only reason this particular event happened the same every single year for him while everything else was different is because he was somehow related to this attack happening and didn't know it.
/k/ had a thread awhile ago that said some Baltic Nations were doing some war games. That's probably why you're seeing an increase in activity as well as a change in flights.

But because this is /pol/ and fuck logic, Obummer is actually getting ready for a first strike against Putin due to Putin sabotaging the missile defense shield in Romania and prepping his silos. It's happening today gents.
Yeah it was a thread about Ramadan happenings yesterday IIRC. He said don't ask so nobody did.

The satan quads stopped the happening hours ago.
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If quints the happening is back on
apocalypse now
if quads there is habbening :DDDDDDDD
quads are coming lads
Well that was misguided

Satan Quads Stopped The Happening.
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If 7...
.............we all will go to heaven.
nice 711 bruh praise kek
Singles are oppisate day. Lurk moar troll.
Anybody able to translate at 1:55?


Eat shit.
8992 get
'Oleg,Olge,*whistles*. 1,2,3,4,6."
"The fuck is this?" "I can't fucking understand this."
"1,2,3,4,6 Oleg,Oleg"
"Next,91.Where should it be?" "92 - 20" "I can't put up the value of 92 more than 10. It stays -20" "93 - 1" *-----------* <---Didn't understand the rest
Seem to be simple workers. Nothing of value. Maybe their setting up a radio or something.
Doubles and your mom dies
I want it to happen so bad
>euros say the world doesnt revolve around americans
>yet they cream themselves over bait threads like this

Nice try faggot. Doubles and I go back in time to impregnate your mother and make sure you are aborted.
what the fuck messages sent over 8992
>tfw stationed as a maintainer at Mildenhall
>tfw this is bullshit all sorties are at a regular pace
>tfw OP wants to make up a happening
Double postive numbers and then you shut the fuck up
>saving a thumbnail
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Holy shit, it isn't Bill getting killed for Hillary2016, it's the fucking nigger. Of course /pol/, we've been so blind. God speed Obamosan
Guys this is my jam right off of 8992


Liking cocks
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If this post is singles, we're all gonna be disappointed at nothing
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Like that bumbling /b/tard was talking about? I should've capped, but I mean, it's /b/.
>Spoopy 1:50pm est happening
>on new fangled Stan trips day
I want to believe, but I can't
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/pol/ once again saves the world by stopping the habbening before it habbens! Yay you...!
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If this post is dubs then we put this happening train back on its tracks
Quads and it's nuclear happening

>double dubs
Double negative, it's not happening.
Its gonna happen, no matter what
Hug often. Put me in the screencap you mullet.
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If this post is dubs, I will off myself to stop all happenings.
Based anon saves the earth
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This is creepy as fuck
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Gee, thanks faggot.
Trips, not happening today, happening tomorrow in Amsterdam.

>that fucker cheated us out of a happening

Well hopefully he can make it to 2017 now/
This can explain the movements in eastern Europe.
Looks like you're safe bros.
oh boy
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Not really. Skyking messages are routine traffic (such as BY7IF8TTX, et al).

A code phrase to a lettered station (a 5 symbol alphanumeric station) or to Skyking (such as "Juggernaut" or "Firefly") would be HIGHLY unusual and possibly be a happening, but most likely a drill.

BTW, everyone, this is all part of NATO ANACONDA 2016: the largest NATO exercise since the Cold War, involving 31,000 troops and many aircraft, training for an invasion of EE.

playing music and talking

Australian Early Warning Radar shitposting on 8992.

Goggle "skyking radio blogspot."

An anon made it for 4chan to help you understand.
found some creepy music
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underrated post
it's like minimalist wubstep
Pack it up boys, false alarm

Yes, see >>76307869
Happening is back on. Deal with it.
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Thanks a lot, asshole.
if quints it's still not happening lol
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HA! Not this time you piece of shit!

some speech
That's what I was rolling for.
Rolling again for the hell of it

>trips - happening (in Amsterdam as that anon claimed)
>quads - definitely not happening

You're listening to the radio like in your car, but on global frequencies. Most of what you will hear is commercial broadcasting, HAM Radio enthusiasts, Air Traffic Control (ATC) and a few military channels (UVB-76 and HFGCS ["Skyking"] being the most popular).
hate speech?
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come on and happenm

It's just ANACONDA 2016. Training for the Happening.
what a faggot
US Air Force channel: http://websdr.ewi.utwente.nl:8901/?tune=11175
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Oh well, maybe next time.
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if tripples the netherlands will be the target for tomorrow
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Its happening
Morse code on this channel frequency:
can someone decrypt?
"Be sure to drink your Ovaltine."
Sounds like there's a shooting sometimes, with little bursts
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exactly my results, can confrirm
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Navigation beacon. Repeating 4 letters.
If doubles, I stream the whole happening from beginning to end.

If doubles, Anon Anonovich is SVB plant.
My friends, it is 77 years from the end of the Old Era, 1939, today is a trips day(666) and Ramadan. Reflect on this as you wish


Los Angeles, The Children Have Awoken

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Fuck me in the ass

Are the SB-3 Ghouls out today?

RIP in Peace, Anon.

*knock-knock, Neo*
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Did it happen yet?
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#Russia & #UnitedStates launch air assets in response to #NATOExercises in #Baltic region. We expect nothing to come of this. #ShowOfForce

Relax everybody they gotta let Hillary steal the presidency before they can do false flags for WWIII.



it's still a Ramadan watch though.

help me

you know the coordinates

Holy shit
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what the fuck guys just took this!!

it's the quite before the storm.
he's trolling

Fuck! A picture of a sober Finn! It is the End of Times!
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Go back to your pot shops fucking retard. Nobody likes heros, and you fucking saved the world tonight.
I hope you drown in your own blood.
Back where? I'm a white guy in LA.
Fuck you
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Exactly, back to rebbit.
moot confirmed a fag
>tfw nothing happened
Triples it's back on
lol get fucking rekt.
If Kek wills, this whole thing was because of some faggot and we're all cancer for trying to dub/trips/whatever in /pol/
>says the guy who got dubs

Friendly reminder the Anaconda was the name of the Federal plan during the American Civil War to cut off, contain, and strangle the Confederacy into submission.

We are applying the same methods to the Russians, how this won't lead to war I do not know.
>Look mom, I got a script that lets me post dubs!

We have to defend Latvia somehow.
Y tho?

Article V of the NATO Pact.
aritcle V leaves lots of space to interpretation

you could literally fulfill it by writing a letter of condolence

Do we have any military units stationed there? I know we have a shitload of tanks in Poland.

This is very true, and I'm sure Paris and Berlin would want to do just that.

I just think the greatest meme would be seeing the World end in nuclear hellfire over Latvia, a country many of my countrymen don't even know exists.
>will assist the Party or Parties so attacked by taking forthwith, individually and in concert with the other Parties, such action as it deems necessary, including the use of armed force, to restore and maintain the security of the North Atlantic area.

>action as it deems necessary, including the use of armed force
That doesn't mean you HAVE to go to war over other NATO countries. For example, I'm sure that we could get at best for some deep concern from Germany in case of war with Russia.

We have a battalion-sized unit that rotates into Latvia and Estonia regularly, but in an agreement with Russia, no permanent troops in the Baltic states.

Obama did okay the US storing a Mechanized Division-sized load of equipment (tanks, howitzers, APCs) in Estonia for rapid deployment, should it be needed, but not the troops to go with it.
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Goyim know?
>I know we have a shitload of tanks in Poland
That's not true, there are some patriots around here together with the soldiers maintaining them, but the closest bases are in Germany.

>The results were dispiriting. Given the recent reductions in the defense budgets of NATO member countries and American pullback from the region, Ochmanek says the blue team was outnumbered 2-to-1 in terms of manpower, even if all the U.S. and NATO troops stationed in Europe were dispatched to the Baltics — including the 82nd Airborne, which is supposed to be ready to go on 24 hours’ notice and is based at Fort Bragg, North Carolina.

>“We just don’t have those forces in Europe,” Ochmanek explains. Then there’s the fact that the Russians have the world’s best surface-to-air missiles and are not afraid to use heavy artillery.

>After eight hours of gaming out various scenarios, the blue team went home depressed. “The conclusion,” Ochmanek says, “was that we are unable to defend the Baltics.”
If Obama declared Martial Law and Trump staged a coup...

Who would the military support?

The Constitution.
Does Russia have the logistic capacity to facilitate a European war with NATO?

wtf is going on ?

Yup, good rail transport and lots of ZILs plus an insane amount of Cold War-era ammo stores.

They would never gain air superiority, but they would easily control the air over any territory they hold with their expansive SAM and AA collections.

Praise kek. My bunker isn't yet constructed.
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Hive mind or shills?


Fuck I got incs

Of course Obama would love to start shit with the Russians before he leaves office. Nothing would please him more to know that Whites are once again fighting Whites, leaving more room for "diversity" once the dust settles.
Probably not, especially if war would extend in time, however NATO has weak presence in Europe, EE countries are trying to improve their militaries (especially Poland and Romania, both spending the NATO-required 2% of GDP on army), while outside of UK and France no other western country has the capability of withstanding Russian offensive.

Ferrying any additional forces towards Europe would run into Russian anti-air and anti-ship missile defences, which can make it impossible even for USA to break through unless they first prepare a massive, D-day scale offensive. Then you have to worry about Russia using low-yield tactical nukes on those reinforcements which will be capable of breaking through.

By our previous governments' estimates, Poland would be pretty much destroyed in two weeks after an offensive from Kaliningrad, faster if Russians can open a different front (going through Baltics/Belarus). Balts would fall down within a day or two, other small countries in the region as well.

Why would Russia ever risk nuclear war by invading Europe?

If it's "Pac-Man" or farting, it's Australian Radar shitposting on the frequency.
Someone check ЖУOЗ

I don't know what to believe anymore.
That's simply an estimation of "what would happen" not how possible is the scenario. Still, we don't know what will happen if the NATO/EU continues to push sanctions on Russia, or what would happen if Putin dies/generals take power.
>tfw no one here realizes how USAF AEF buckets work

It's June. Most acft out of Kadena, Mildenhall, etc are rotating into Al Dafra, Al Udeid, and other bases just outside the AOR. It's completely normal this time of year.
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Why would NATO ever risk nuclear war by undermining and overthrowing georgia.

To gain the upperhand.
Ayy it's past 13:50. I hope that anon gets help now.
this, i knew it won't happen well we still have the rituals that muslims and weird psychos will try too awaken something evil tonight. All across la and europe
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reporting in
just fuck my shit up. Another shitty night ahead. Thanks for fucking up the end of the world for me.
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