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>inb4 the main bad guy is a racist Republican businessman
Maybe he is not gay but but anti-straight.
makes you think
sauce on gay nigga plz

At least it's more interesting than
>muh Niece

I thought it was supposed to be a chink.
Ubisoft is shit now.
>watch_dogs 2

top lel
Who the fuck wants a sequel to Watch Dogs?
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pol plays watch dogs.webm
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>tfw you were one of the few people who genuinely liked Watch Dogs and defended it on /v/
>tfw you were actually looking forward to thhs sequel
>tfw this hamfisted, agenda-pushing diversity shit is revealed
I'm not all too surprised seeing as what happened last time.
wew lad

Go make another assassins creed, you fucking jews. They'll fucking buy it.
I just got the first one since it was cheap. It's OK but annoys me that I can't skip cut scenes.

Where is the proof he is homo?
Where'd he steal that phone from?
>liked Watch Dogs
There are dozens of us. DOZENS!
>can't skip cut scenes.

Developers still do that?
The hay ruined the whole game was the god awful driving physics.

He looks white to me.

Where are you getting this information?
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Get ready for the Ubisoft graphics downgrade!
The first was a disaster and gamers hate agendas. What are they thinking?

>niggers want more diversity
>Get put into main lead

lol Niggers problems are compared to the gay problems
I turned if off and never touched it again when there was some mission with your nephew who never talked for some reason in a train or something. I don't give a fuck about that little mute asswipe. I really don't.
>Making main character gay black.
> Purpose of the game is go to into the backdoor of peoples privacy
There is literally nothing wrong with being a gay nigger.
what are the odds the gunplay is still a thousand times more interesting than the "hacking"
>one game out of the thousand that come out each year has a gay main character
you are all overeacting
Yes, they still think everyone buying games are storyfags. Most of the time it just pauses the game.
This is an awful mistake, while negro women love social justice, NO ONE hates faggots like nigger men do.

Nogs want to be the lead role, but they absolutely do not ever want to be in any way associated with homosexuality.
People only played the original so they could identify and kill gay niggers. This one will flop.
>shit game is mega shit
The only thing this game was good for.

Iktf bro. I was one of the plebs who fell for the guild wars 2 pre-order, I spent 150 fucking dollars. I was so hype man, guild wars 1 was basically all of my teenage years.

They broke my heart, /polv/, with all of their sjw bullshit and micro transactions
Someone post that .webm where someone exterminates degenerates in Watch Dogs
Watch Dogs 2.
"Hack Social Service serves that you can still keep those welfare checks"
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look at the original cgi trailer for the first game, it looked a thousand times better than the final product. everyone knows going in you can't trust ubisoft unless its a no gimmick rayman platformer.
every time
Lost it at canadian
Yep we buy games to PLAY games but you're always forcefed cinematics and shit. If I wanted to buy a movie I would buy a movie.
How do you know its a homo?

>playing as the GNAA

at least it's accurate
watch dogs was flawed but still had flashes of brilliance.

the combat was far more open ended than other open world games and the intrusions were incredibly tense and probably the best implementation of a single/multiplayer hybrid ever done.

this. someone explain, i get the guy is a kang but how do we know he is mental illness

Ubisoft is absolute garbage
> 9/11 survivor
But... W-why?
What's wrong with that? I love playing blacks in videogames desu, because I do not feel any anger if my character dies etc. as blacks are inherently less valuable. Plus how do you know he is gay? If you do not like just do not buy Ubisoft games, it is as simple as that. Most of them
Can't wait for black ezio in assassins creed
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Im telling you straight rayman platformers are the only thing they get right and those dont sell
Wait, there were people who actually liked Watch Dogs?
Does he review movies?
pushing the agenda that 9/11 happened

Now there's your problem
well it is about developing a police state
WATCH DAWGS II:Electric Jungloo
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10/10 makes me feel smug for giving Watchdogs a pass.
Why are you faggots surprised?

Nearly every AAA game coming out is pandering to the SJW shitfest. Absurdly enough, Bethesda has been staying away from it the most.

Face it, we're going in for the long haul at this point and there's fucking nothing anybody can do about it.
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It was alright.
This is the company that made Rayman bear in mind. There used to be a time where they weren't complete shit.
redditor here comming from the_donald

this thread is very offensive

as a black man myself you have completelyed turned me off trump

I'm now a cruz missile
Betheseda too busy ripping off and strong arming developers to care about social justice.
>white people ploy to destroy the black race by

not the first time....
rayman is the only thing good that could come out of them.
>Theres nothing anyone can do about it.

That's the spirit, goy. Anyone got that hitler quote about how if you won't fight you don't deserve to live?
Is he from outer space?
How the fuck did this terrible game get a sequel?

Its so fucking awful that gamestop will only pay you $1.25 in store credit for it.

Retarded story, bullshit hacking, and the worst driving in a video game ever.
>Play the game.
>Almost like someone took the worst aspects of GTA and made a game out of them.
>Shittiest port in history, but I'm running it steadily over 30fps at pretty good settings.
>Still crashes all the fucking time.

This game was purely propped up by hype.
It had a shit gameplay, it was boring, hacking was shit, and the only fun part of it was seeing what kinds of degenerates people were.
Even that lost it's charm after about 15 minutes.

Good thing I have only bought one game during the last 15 years. Fuck these companies.
Strangely enough, in the end I had to pirate that one I paid for, because the developers were too fucking lazy to finish their product properly themselves.
The pirates had to make the fixes and get it to work properly.
It was Fallout 3.
because ubisoft had no standards
UbiSoft was always shit
Hey, better than the rest.
Because you're an influential developer and or producer? Because people will stop buying these garbage games?

Nigger, you don't live in reality.
This new game from ubisoft doesnt happen to be an open worlder with:

>an extremely short main story
>a dozen or so tower checkpoints that you climb to uncover the map and reveal side quests
>side quests that are the same 3-5 tasks copy and pasted all over the map 20 times to give the game the main bulk of its "content."

would it?
You think after so many of their games failed to meet certain expectations, they'd quit it with pandering to people who don't buy games.

The French are stupid people. It's no wonder they're going along with Merkel's insanity.

I haven't forgotten what you've done to help make America happen and your gift of Liberty, but please Baguettefags...

Beyond Good and Evil and Prince of Perisa: Sands of Time are pretty good.
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>niggers and technology
how'd ya guess?
Basically confirmed I wont play this game. Ubisoft sales about to tank.
>/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

Wow, it's really like I'm on Tumblr where people are discussing a fictional character's race and sexuality as if it's important.
exactly what you'd expect
Didn't Watch_Dogs flop?

I know it was pretty shitty and had jokes about the game weeks before it came out
I thought it was a good time waster

Probably not gonna buy it
The storyline was complete shit but I like hacking to somebody else's world. After a while I get bored and deleted the game
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I will burn you and your family alive liberal filth. Just you wait.
>Nogs want to be the lead role, but they absolutely do not ever want to be in any way associated with homosexuality.

Which is curious, because they are also most likely to be gay out of any race. Methinks the nig doth protest too much.

We gots to hacks the oil before its too warm!
i heard fun concept but lousy execution. that can be expected with new titles. thats why I didn't play the first but was planning to try this, until now
Is Watch Dogs 2 going to be made by Romanians too?
I doubt it, too lazy to check, though.
>a fucking photosynthesizing extension of a tree
its an image factor they want to be wild animals in every way possible, but they know its embarrassing to be gay.
Silly jew, you're going to die horribly.
The only decent games to come from Ubisoft in recent years was Far Cry 3 and Black Flags. Black Flags was boring besides the naval shit anyways.
It is important. It's 2016 people fuckihg play games a lot get over it. Even your Jew boss probably like gaming
Gaming is new tv/party because it's fuckihg awesome. You don't have to force people to enjoy things people enjoyed 30 years ago just because
Ubisoft is feminist cancer anyway

I enjoy vidya too you retard. I'm just saying this is hardly a political discussion, it's more akin to a Tumblr circlejerk about whitewashing

again though
>a fucking leaf
Ubisoft confirmed nigger-faggot
How do you know he's black? They haven't revealed the character yet
Man, I remember going to an Ubisoft event when I was a kid. Got to play Rayman 2 in beta, was awesome.

And I also got a Tonic Trouble shirt (love that game as well).

They may be shit now, but I grew up with their games.
How was the latest Farcry?
If you put in the konami code, you can kill yourself
well this is a start but I kinda wanted black gay transgender character
The multiplayer killed it for me. It seemed forced in, and retarded. I do not want to play hide in fucking seek when I'm traveling to my next mission.
>b-but anon, you can disable it
I shouldn't have to, it was retarded.
No, you didn't. Don't lie on the Internet.
why not? It would show people it's ok to be transgender
AC:BF was their last good game
You've got to be fucking kidding me...
i liked rayman legends
>he doesn't like pirates
found the ninja faggot
This and the new Deus Ex are my last hope from Gaming. Fallout 4 burned me, MGS5 burned me (I blame Konami, not Kojima). I don't have much hope for gaming anymore, and I just want it dead at this point.
Nobody's going to play that. Niggers hate gays, whites hate niggers, and SJWs don't play games.
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Oops, I forgot picture
Not an AAA game D:
Story is shit, combat is shit, completely against slavery and slave trade (even though pirates sold niggers daily), retarded side quests etc.
I like the pirate setting, but AC was 5/10 at best
watchdogs is a fucking joke nobody likes that shit game
just wait for Cyberpunk 2077, my friend
btw, what was wrong with MGS5?
>Watch Dogs is getting a sequel

Fucking kek. Ubisoft needs to go bankrupt
Who really cares to be honest, noone wants SJW games noone will buy them if they want to spend 250million making one and bomb its their problem. Market demand will solve this shit, just don't buy it.

To be honest I blame the focus groups there was probably a question :
"Would you be more likely to buy a game where a protagonist is a gay black man"
And people felt obliged to say yes to virtue signal
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>liking watch dogs
Overall, nothing. It just didn't reach the unrealistic hype I was hoping for. I'm a huge MGS fan. Also, knowing the game wasn't completely finished sucks real bad. It's still a 4/5 game, but I wanted more from the last MGS game.
Konami fucked the ending and cut content that would have made it a complete 10/10 game.
Dude... People still buy Call of Duty...
>fell for the bethesda fallout meme
just wait for Obsidian to do a proper game
Pandora Tomorrow is great. Admittedly they turned to complete shit once the next gen came out.
>horribly bugged and graphics suck dick as well as assets
It's fucking nothing. Ubisoft is dying right now because no one can code for shit there. Hence the pandering
How in the hell do you have faith in Watchdogs? It's Ubisoft and the first game was shit.
Have you seen the dislikes on the new CoD trailer? Even normies are getting fed up with the series.
See that's what gets me. I know im a complete fucking idiot for thinking this, but I thought "Oh, maybe bethseda will learn from what Obsidian did!" Yeah, I was completely fucking wrong because they thought everyone wanted a FPS shooter, with no choices in the story.
>unironically making Watch Dogs 2
Watch Dogs fucking sucks, just let the series die.
I forgot to post the picture from Kojima's new game. I wasn't talking about WD2. My bad.
Doesn't mean that the sales won't be over-the-top. CoD has been getting shat on on Metacritic for ages, doesn't change anything. Activision is still the richest company
>all the new games will have niggers as protagonists
>we will be facing a new ET game kind of event that will almost kill the industry thanks to Social Justice crap since nobody will buy games with niggers as protas.
Fucking SJW why to they hate fun?
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>that symbol

Really makes you think...
But that's the best part of the game. Every time I bothered some people apparently not ready to be hacked, it gives me an autistic smile. I'd laugh out loud if they couldn't find me even though I'm right next them in the garbage bin. This game is shit but the online seek&hide is really poking me
sadly I think we need this to happen before things get any better. thats the only way they will learn to stop pandering to the vocal minority
Isn't Ludens just a mascot for Kojima's new company?
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how diverse!
you dont want to play broken games? 20 years too late.
they call him the fox sometimes...almost never.
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Next Assassins Creed is in Egypt BTW

Be prepared for WE WUZ KANGZ and WE WUZ PYRAMYZ
I burst out laugh when I see that Quebec punk girl character was the hacker and shit

I'm sure that's made by some fat feminist in the office whose wet dream is to become such a character. The cringe level was over the top
That sounds pretty shitty, consider a key gameplay mechanic of the series is veriticality, and the only tall things in ancient egypt were the pyramids.
I'm pretty certain that he recently stated it's a character in his upcoming game
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The best one is Anita Sarkeesian admitting she doesn't even play games and never has. I stopped gaming (if you could even call it that) years ago when stories took a backseat to agenda and actual gameplay took a backseat to graphics. Games now are basically £60 interactive movies, they're absolutely fucking trash.
Never played the game, but in one of the early trailers for Watch.Dogs the bad guys had descriptions like
>gun lobbyist.
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Hatred 2.webm
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Mafia 3 also has a black main character now
>you can climb pyramids
>a feat every human has, even obese tourists


>Watchdogs 2
>gay nigger main character

And here I was thinking they couldn't get any worse at making games.

This is what happens when you start replacing all of your male staff with women.
>sucker punch followed by stabbing

10/10 for realistic nigger engine.
Top fucking lel. So glad I didn't get into that series. These fucking cucks.
pretty acurate
near blacks - never relaxe
idiot boy learned the hard way
>black main character
>main mission is to free jews
>templar are white guys from Rome
I never played ass creed i watched all the missions on youtube. I gave up after revelations.
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>take this, you wop cracka
all these black protaganists and the niggers will still only stick to playstation.
How do we know he's black again?
Who cares abou the jewed Vgame industry ?
Could be a roach. Hard to tell by just looking at some shitskin's hand.

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drake cuck.webm
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Bitch Mafia 3 location is in New Orleans, having black main character is completely justified
>tfw I bought Watch Dogs and when I returned it for being utter shit, the clerk said in a joking manner "I'd rather not see that game again".
talbot meant nonthing. NONTHING
The VA is a black guy

ubisoft cuck themselves
having a black lead over a diversified mafia with lesbians, italians, is not though.
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>a 130lbs 5'7" negress overpowers two 200+lbs 6'+ men
I really haven't played anything from this generation, only 3DS games and some games that have been recently released on the PS3
I will never get this about black americans. They are incredibly homophobic and yet all seem know somebody who is very obviously gay on the down low.
This. Gay niggers cannot make more niggers. This kind of behavior should be encouraged.
>playing the interactive jew
Just don't kill off RockSmith. They've been releasing weekly DLC for a little more than a year and it's still coming along with weekly live streams.
>underaged b&
it's a video game, who a gives a fuck?
Sasuga Jewbisoft.
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I almost forgot. Halo now also has a black protagonist
>>tfw this hamfisted, agenda-pushing diversity shit is revealed

That was there in the first game. All the bad guys were conservatives.
Well, those towers DID fall, didn't they?
no they didn't, it's American propaganda sending hate towards muslims
shut it
My favorite is Canadian. And this was made before they cranked the shitposting desperation up to 11.

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and space is real, crest.
Is Rocksmith any good?
they already had that, TWICE


If you're actually good at guitar it is pretty fun. It's like playing along to the record, except your part is missing, so it's a more realistic experience. I don't like a lot of the songs, however (but I do have very sophisticated tastes).
This is why I don't buy new games.
if you feel up to the task of learning how to actually play guitar.
I never understood this point, honestly. Like, real-life cars handle like this, not like in GTA
>the red hat
Reminder that Ubisoft lies about every game. Do not trust any trailer they release.


Is there any similar video for GTA V?

I don't know what keywords to use for search
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can someone make a webm of the canadian bit only?
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>It's 2016

Kill yourself.

black americans hate faggos
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> Canadian
The most offensive part of this is that Watch_Dogs 2 is being made in spite of the first one being irredeemably shit.
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Where's sauce that the nigger is gay?
dude exactly how are they even....
Rayman > Far Cry > rest
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watch dogs2.webm
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I like it as you can actually learn the songs, haven't tried their lessons that much though.

Check out the songs, it's just missing the obvious bands as they don't want to license. AC/DC, GnR, Metallica, Pink Floyd, and Led Zeppelin.


5-pack of Good Charlotte is coming out tomorrow
I fucking love this board.

I can something on another board or hell, even on social media, and sure enough, it'll be on this board just as I'm thinking about it.

God bless you, pol.
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i wonder why
"A world of surprises"
>cop car in the train

You got me.
That's what you get when you don't hire based on talent, drive or dedication and instead hire based on XX chromosome

Never bothered pirating it, reviewing these videos I really shouldn't ever bother
Ubisoft cares more about being "diverse" than about making good games.

That's modern Western gaming for you.
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>100% womyn
>talent is not required
Seems about right
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See, tumblr sees imaginary bullshit like "this game will cause men to rape."

We see the shit that's actually going on, like pandering for social media brownie points, and an entire medium being used for Marxist ideals.


>no men
>no men

Oh FUCK fallout 3, I cannot tell you how many times that trashbin locked up on loading to a new area ~6h into gameplay.
just get the basic webm editor and cut it this file down to that part
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>The best decisions are always made with a diverse group of minds, not necessarily a talented or passionate one.
>shitting on Louis CK
This is the kind of shit that makes people snap.
Good, /v/

I remember the train stopping on the tracks and lack of reflection


>If you're actually good at guitar it is pretty fun

;_; I had a feeling I would hear that. I'm absolutely fucking terrible, but I think part of that reason is because I have no one to teach me so what might be a simple fuck up I can't discern.

Definitely some great songs on that list. So it is useful to actually help learn it? Will it run on a completely standard laptop or do I need some turbocharged, megafuck rig?
>watch dogs
The original was such a fucking abortion I can't believe that they actually had the capital investment to make another
>tumblr sees imaginary bullshit

There was a great one of those Michael Savage I remember

>"I see racism absolutely everywhere-"
>"Well of course you do because you're a liberal. The only racism you see is by white people though right?"

Is Savage based or not, on the one hand he reks liberals, but on the other he's still a Jew and this could just be some Hebrew trick.
Still haven't seen a single source confirming a gay nig protag
>Because you're an influential developer and or producer? Because people will stop buying these garbage games?
>Nigger, you don't live in reality.

If we can make ghost busters dead on arrival, we can do it for "games" like these too.
>Playing this shit when GTA V is available.
GTA's pretty shit. most open world games are shit. they're too easy. try playing a real /pol/ approved game like shin megami tensei strange journey
It wasn't fun to play.

Real life cars handle with finess, because you drive them with big steering wheels. Driving with a little gaming stick is clearly inferior, and the game should compensate for that.

In GTA5 it is fun to just drive around. In Watch Dogs, driving is a complete chore.
dont know only played on console. a search engine is your friend though.
>try playing a real /pol/ approved game like shin megami tensei strange journey

That's a great game, but is it really pol approved?
Ah in that case I'm probably better off getting the console one myself just to be sure.
This is a good thing. Let them dig their own graves. Ubisoft is one of the shittiest AAA devs out there anyway.
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but who cares OP?
the first watch dogs is easily the worst xb1/ps4 game ever, so who the fuck cares what the protagonist of the sequel looks like? not like anyone's gonna buy it lol

can you commit suicide?
the demon ending is
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>when marxists infiltrate the gaming industry
>the bad guys are pro-liberty, pro-small government, pro-gun
also neutral ending may or may not be pol approved. the only definite blue-pill ending is the angel one
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How much do you want to bet that the main character will have a white man as a love interest?

gotta promote that race mixing, goyim
who made this game?
Looks like you lose again Gamergate!
Looks like battlefield hardline
>Jew boss
>his country was literally in flames
>justin trudeau
>National anthem is going to be changed to become gender neutral
>a fucking leaf
The pot calling the kettle black
Surprisingly not DICE
>They're pro-gun bad guys
>You're the good guy using your gun to kill people
>Liberal logic

It's almost as bad as Wolfenstein trying to take the moral high ground about killing people and then killing people as lavishly as possible, but that's fine because the people you're killing "deserve it".
The direct result of a more diverse programming team.
and nathan is in peak physical condition. what a stupid game
Still one of the best games in the past 5 years, desu senpai
is it open world? because if so, i simply just don't believe you
Nope, not at all. It's basically about shooting people and explosions. The story is fun, and it doesn't take itself too serious. You even fight nazis in space.
Holy shit fuck off that was easily the best part of the game.
Wolfenstein? I had to play it on a console and it was fucking awful I don't even think I finished it. It's much too preachy to be enjoyable fampai, even when you're on some kind of shit "quest" looking for toys his inner monologue plays over the top of it about muh ebil nasties. Search inside yourself, you know the truth.
how would you know, the trailer isn't out yet
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>caring about videogames

You /v/irgins are the toppest of goys :)
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Don't worry /pol/, they know you would be interested.
>playing or even caring about videogames in the current year
Friendly reminder you're promoting degeneracy by talking about it.
welp thats dropped, unless it has a very very good story, but then again watch dogs did not need a part 2 part 1 was good enough everything ended well and the dlc ended ok it showed the story of that one schizo i hope it flops because its shit.
wasted quints breh

In the 1960s at that.
fuck you
i don't even surf tv or v
I honestly think chaos theory was their last truly good game.

Now you are gonna tell me we need a black guy leading a chink triad.
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Literally a gay nigger lmfao

I wan't off this ride
>people bought Watchdogs enough for them to make a sequel
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Doesn't someone own the copyright to coolface and its likeness? I remember some guy shutting down a lot of attempts to market it with cease and desists.
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There's another game I won't be buying!
>>Watch Dogs 2: Dogs that like to Watch
Why hasn't there been republican game devs to BTFO out of these libtards and rebut their crap agenda?
>no machete

eh kills crips and does afraid of whitey not gibbing him dat
This game was good enough to warrant a sequel?
Enjoying it better than GTA 5 so far but I only paid $8 for it. The police do not seem to care if you kill people in South Chicago =^)
the more homo niggers the better imo
Lol if you continued the plot past the third mission to get your skills. It's probably one of the better sandbox open-world Triple-A shit games we've gotten in a while but you'd be an idiot to pay full price
Who cares. Watchdogs was a flaming pile of dog crap on its best day. They promise you "you're an uber cool le hacker guise!!!1" but it's a gimmick at best. Literally the only useful hack in the game is the one to crash helicopters and you can't even use it in a car (which is 65% of where the game takes place) because your camera can't pan upward at that direction.

The storyline was phoned in and the gameplay was less than generic. I'm glad I torrented it before I decided to buy it because I would have wanted my money back.
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