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HART ABER FAIR GENERAL: The Trump Method (Special Guest: Roger

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Thread replies: 344
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> ARD (public broadcasting)
> Plasberg show
> 9 PM CET
> "Will rowdies and populists gain political power?"
> 2 Based Nationalists vs 3 Libtards


> Roger Köppel - Swiss, based, founder of the Swiss SVP party, owner of the weltwoche weekly magazine
> Dirk Schümer - German, literally based, journalist of welt daily newspaper

> Norbert Röttgen - German, CDU, conservative in name only, fattest politician in the parliament, Merkel's former federal minister for the environment
> Serdar Mohammed Somuncu - Turkroach, ultra-liberal, self-proclaimed comedian, jokes about Germans, muh funny
> Ingo Zamperoni - Italian, ultra-liberal, chief correspondent for the USA at ARD, supports Hillary, calls Trump "a looser"


> schoener-fernsehen.com > select ARD
> daserste.de/live/index.html (Europe only)
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Is this relevant to non-german-speakers?
Difficulty level (proficiency) 7/10 or B2
I won't watch this propaganda shit. I am only getting mad again over the bought/casted audience and constant interruption of the sane invited people while leftists circlejerk who is the cuckest.
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> The Trump Method
> "Will rowdies and populists gain political power?"

15 minutes left

is this a new fancy word for being a nazi scum?
Depends on how closely they follow German politics. It's mostly become a thing to watch this on /pol/ as it can neatly illustrate the censorship and political agendas we are talking about here.
Serdar Somuncu isn't a libtard you dork.
It's Roger's first appearance this year


Prepare for epic leftist butt hurts
No. They love Israel and Russia.
Agreed, he is pretty based for a turk and rather conservative than liberal
Akif Pirincci is pretty based for a Turk. Somuncu is just a cuckservative.
>still watching le propaganda channel
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synku, naucz się mówić po niemiecku albo wypierdalaj z powrotem do wiochy
I fucking hate this iq 80 anti German Stegner
Serdar Somuncu is pretty funny, from time to time. I have no idea about his political affiliations but he gave me a few laugh.

He sure jokes about germans and turks and everyone else.
>> "Will rowdies and populists gain political power?"
Into the trash.
Welp time to test my spoken German listening proficiency.
Hey, at least better than Nazi :^)

wow not one of the five guests should be allowed to live

can't believe i ever wasted my time watching garbage like this
>google chrome: warning deceptive site ahead
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> Somuncu
> Says the AFD party is embarrassment for Germany
> „Zu wenig Flüchtlinge – zuviel Deutsche“
> „Und auch in der vorosmanischen, türkischen Kultur gab es hochentwickelte literarische Gattungen und Schriften (…) In Deutschland schrieb Walther von der Vogelweide im 13. Jahrhundert seine Minnelieder und Sangsprüche, deren sprachlicher Aufbau heute anmutet wie das Brabbeln von Kleinkindern.“ (Serdar Somuncu: „Der Antitürke“, S. 54)

Kevin, pls
Yes, it up there on the subversion of established words.
Love is strong word, I'd say ambivalent.
30 seconds
> the sleaze
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Well, we seem to disagree with him. Does not matter for his comedy, some things are funny and he seems fairly okay for a roach honestly. He's anti erdogan and the turks that love erdogan, hate him now.

Though as i said, no idea what he is all about, i could care less if he dislikes the AfD or Hitler, kek.
> Based Roger
far right is a cuck
But if I don't really speak german will I have any idea what they're saying?
röttgen is based
zamperoni, hört sich an wie ein wanderzirkus.
Probably not but we will most like rage in english here
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Köppel uncucking Germany one talk show at a time
> Norbert Rötgen - Merkel's personal friend
> "Trump won't be President"
> "I am scared, scared"
if you see cucks clapping you can be sure it was some libtard sjw bullshit
Trump is so stupid :DDD

t. the show
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>watching ARD
> „Zu wenig Flüchtlinge – zuviel Deutsche“
Ich geh mal nach Türkei und sag, hier sind mir zu viele Türken.

Mal gucken, was passiert.

Alternativ auch Israel mit: Hier sind mir zu viele Juden.
I'm sure Germany has an extreme liberal bias in their media, is there actually anybody who likes Trump?
> The Americans are fed up with the establishment
> He speaks from the heart
> "Populism" is just a meme word
> Liberals use it as last argument
Based Swiss.
> Positive pictures of trump in the studio background
>trump is disgusting, just look at him
looks like an inbred turkroach himself
> More positive pictures in the studio background
>Oy vey, he'll be against muslims living in america
Stegner is the best example of why politicians should not have a twitter account. You don't even want to know how stupid they really are.
He is also the politician I hate the most, together with Hofreiter.
Ihr könnt genauso gut deutsch sprechen ihr Vögel. Für die Sendung gibts keine englischen Untertitel.
> Obama was not as bad

> Trump ist wie Berlusconi
We still got some Amerifats and Britbongs who want to know what all this is about.
>showing american rednecks
>not showing Milo
English works too and english speaking fags can follow
This sounds like it's gonna be a bunch of liberals including the moderator and the CDU cuckservative arguing with based square face for an hour and fifteen minutes.
>trump is against minorities
wew lad

it is like the young turks
>show Trump supporters saying they trust him
>Wew aren't they dumb guys hehe
>not showing gibsmedat berniecucks
He is not German though.
Roach bring in AfD, REEEE i changed my mind, fire up the Oven. REEEEE
>turkroach compares trump to add
wew lad
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>sandnigger: AfD is stupid herp derp
>audience applaudes
> AFD are populists
Swissbro calls it out, holy shit. I love this guy.
>the swiss guy is the only voice of reason
wewewew lad
second this, would say most based guy in german speaking region atm
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You don't know Roger?

>Trump does not explain how he will solve the problems.

have trump ever did it ?
>Plasberg interrupting Köppel all the time
that's fair in the Lügenpresse for you.
bitte poste sonen müll net auf pol , jeder von uns weiß mittlerweile dass ard zdf prosieben sat1 rlt egal welcher sender linker hurensohn material ist für die satanistenschweine um europa und die welt zu erobern , zu zerstören.

geh auf krautchan für solche threads , es sei denn es ist ein happening.
>no facts or policies
Read Trump's website faggot.
someone literally called trump supporters white trash
German state TV debate is such garbage

Seeing those "rational" retards trying to argue about why "those crazy Americans" support Trump
>trump expresses people's fears

>burgers can't afford a bus pass
>politics are failing globally and giving populists air
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Okay this fucking c u c k.

Trump does not help only brings more fear, hurr durr
> Plays the muslim card

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Seriously this is ging to be 1 hour of libcucks lying and saying shit about
>trump supporters
>evil right wing populists
>evil supporters of evil right wing populists
Why is there no Mexican on the show?
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Did you expect something fair and reasonable ?
> Turkish mexican
Did someone say that Drumpf has german heritage and is therefore a Nazi, yet?
This desu haha another clip just started about that
>Trump says THE mexican is a rapist
Holy fucking shit, these half-truths. But in Germany we pull the Nazi/racist card too, so why Iam not suprised.
>roach intellectual
Just like our mainstream media.

>just imagine if Trump wasn't here they'd find something even more trivial and stupid to argue over for a whole hour
Trump needs to visit his ancestral homeland in kallstadt just to trigger some krautfags
Some roaches really look like spics
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>show is called hard but fair
>show is not fair
fuck this shit
> Compare Trump to Boris Johnson
Fair to the right, hahahahahahaha
>talking about 9/11
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Evil german colonialists
>reason for IS is cheap production of textiles in bangladesh
t. turkish intellectual
> Islamic extremism is not a problem
> Made in Bangladesh muh bad capitalism
> We need to pay the same loans in India too
wow that must be the dumbest theory ever.
Thats like saying because i have Romanian heritage that im Vlad the impaler.
This guy. I guess it is 1v4 in this "discussion" right?
He went just full Führer, based guy
those digits tho
That photoshopped image of Putin, Trump, Le Pen & Boris Johnson with Merkel at the G7 gave me shivering orgasms

Make it happen
Not Vlad the impaler but a gypsie thief ;^)
> Trump and AFD are ratcatchers
Literally everything you wrote about Köppel besides the fact that he's swiss is wrong.
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The swiss guy just went in dry. Major anal stretching.
Thanks mate

Also Röttgen is a piece of shit and the people are clapping, every clap destroys a part of my soul.
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>politicians aren't arrogant and stupid
The more you know
Ist er kein Schweizer?
I don't understand how actual Germans could make that joke. Aren't they just calling themselves Nazis then too?
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>Trump stokes fears
>for the 525236 time
Based as fuck
Host had to walk up to him
>act arrogant
>get called out
>you are a p-p-p-populist! Plasberg, please make him shut up
honestly, I think Heiko Maas is worse.

>kid shoots up school
>lets ban paintball!
>"have you ever played paintball?"
>no but that is not the point

and then they made that faggot minister of justice.

>I think the Voratsdatenspeicherung is absolute bullshit
>but what about the Koalitionsvertrag?
>I love Voratsdatenspeicherung!

>migrants molest girls in cologne
>german men are sexiest and we need to ban sexist advertising.

Oh and then they remove the niedere Beweggründe from Murder to make it less nazi like and this guy adds hatecrimes. Well. fucking. done.
shillary said smt like that today, saw it this morning here
I love shows where the moderator is at best only pretending to be unbiased.
They have their followers in the audience. There were several articles written about it. Don't let them fool you!
haha yes, he was so appalled when he moderated the skid about trump just now

Still hurts senpai
Now just imagine if Hofreiter had any actual power. Although I must agree that Maas is a giant tool.
Shillary started the Obama birth controversy back in 2008. This sort of dirty underhanded trickery is her specialty
Doch, aber ist noch nicht lange bei der SVP und ist nicht der Besitzer der Weltwoche, sondern Chefredakteur. Nicht halb so enflussreich wie suggeriert wird.
Why is it so bad to be a populist
When has it become bad to listen to the people
> Muslims are most prosecuted minority worldwide
> t. Ingo Zamperoni, chief correspondent for the USA at ARD
Because the people=Hitler. Only the leftist upper class is allowed to lead.
Somoncu bringing the refugees in... ffs OVEN!

Sei nett, mein deutsche Freund. Jeder weiß, dass in Deutschland es zu viele Deutsche gibt.
>muslims are now a race
>even in Germany
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I want off this ride
Köppel trashing Poltical Correctness, YES, YES!
>Not the most violent, imperialist, and oppressive religion on Earth
>t. Turkroach
and mostly prosecuted by other muslims :^)
>Swiss calls political correctness out
pssss, no talking against the narative or you are a bigot and/or nazi
Wait isn't it Christians by pure numbers and Jews by percentage?
This is a joke. How can people take shit like this even seriously?
hallo everyone
But Germans aren't real anon, only Arabs are real. And the Chosen People of course
>unflattering pictures of Trump in the background
Real fair, no bias and agenda here
> The 5th ave shooting meme

Hi my Burgerfriend

>Le Nuclear Launch Code Meme
>I believe the voters in the USA will make the right decision, even if they vote for trump
He said he could shoot somebody and get away with it

Now implying that Trump wpuld blow up the world with nuclear weapons because hes so crazy
Why has the CDU become so cucked!
>trump will nuke whole world
yeah sure germany.
>Trump uses and brings fear
>use Nuclear Warheads to bring fear

hahahahaha fucking ARD
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>He will push the red button
>Trump will literally start WW3
>le pussy negro president
no nuke memes today

If this is anything like lefty talk shows in America, it's essentially a circlejerk disguised as "sooper cereal politiks". It creates the illusion of a dialogue while pushing an agenda that reinforces the delusion of the already biased leftists watching. Insidious, really.
I'm guessing they're not gonna show the san jose protester violence. No it's all Trump's fault and he starts it. It's also rich to hear people from European countries with prominent antifa groups with very shady funding to complain about political figures advocating violence in the US.
Yes, but there is a based Swiss guy which is pretty cool
>Serdar Mohammed Somuncu
I will really never EVER get this meme

from the moment he did the hitler monologue

I just don't understand what the hell thinks is so funny reading this and making his voice all stupid and not at all like hitler
Topkek honestly
Swiss guy told them that this is Hillary tv.
>I'm guessing they're not gonna show the san jose protester violence.
They would never do that.
>The Hitler was an aggressive Idiot, that screamed all day and hates everything meme
>turkroach and based wilhelm tell guy btfo moderator
wtf is going on
They changed the background several seconds ago
Don't these idiots know Shillary is the actual warmonger? She would start WW3 of she thought it might advance her career prospects.
>Turkroach throwing a hissyfit
>Trump is like Bush
>Bush was the worst president
---> Trump will be just as bad if not worse
Exactly. White German "culture" is just the Holocaust and alcoholism. They must import real culture from the Middle East.

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B-but that's part of our Eternal Guilt (tm).
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You fucked up Plasberg.
From that audio that was secretly recorded of him, Hitler sounded like a pretty reasonable man most of the time
Leaked emails never happened bro.
This is German television.
Bush was based.
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>This show and other lefty state propaganda pieces around the world
Helps explain this picture really
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But... she has a Vagina ?! Women won't do wars mate.

See Picture, she would never do that, Hillary would never lie!!111 :^)
He made some awesome speeches
> Switzerland is racist
> Just like Trump
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>Clintons lead
>negative lead
That fucking biased piece of shit about SVP, Holy fuck.
>the populism worked
Maybe people just wanted it? Ever thought of it?
OY VEY, all these guys are actually racists and spread hate.
>let's try to character assassinate our guest during the video break
Your German must be pretty good if you understood all of that.
How long until they drop the "Drumpf ist Hitler xD dumm Amerikaner" meme?
Köppel 100% right again, Moderater biased, the clip about him character assassination, the Roach mad.

Fuck this Show
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>it's a shit all over the guest who doesn't mindlessly agree with us episode
They already did the "dumb American" and got called out. No Drumpf yet.
I get maybe half of what they say. Sometimes they speak fast though, especially the guy second from right. He murmurs alot and spits words like bullets.
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OMG i am fuming with rage right about now, everyone against Köppel

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These libcucks are such fucking pathetic lying little shits
>Character Assassination Deluxe
Now it's about burning asylum centres again for the last few minutes. What is going on?
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stream stopped for me. Wtf. Just when the based swiss asked a good question.
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warum macht ihr dämlichen arschwichser das nicht in /int/? oder besser gleich auf KC
Köppel said, people get fucking mad when you ignore them and call them Nazi, if they not agree with the Pro Refugee shit. This could make them go aggressiv and burn some shitskins.

Everyone now tries to character assassinates him "EY lmao you say its cool to burn them ?"

Fucking pieces of shit.
absolutely BTFO by köppel
Köppel said once that German politicians are also responsible for burning asylum centres. Röttgen got triggered hard.
>not Donald trump

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Apparently sandniggers burn their own asylum centers down because of evil nazis and right wing populists
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for me too
> reiner zufall
Why do leftists always lie? What compels them?
watching all these people clap when somuncu makes a """""joke""""" makes me sick
No Arguments, mentally retarded
is that turk pretending to be mad
what the fuck is wrong with this guy
Based Somuncu
Holy fuck

>le turkish """"comedian"""" calling swissbros nazis
>Germany is racist against roaches
>Germans want to gas roaches
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what a fucking retard
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Every time roachman opens his mouth I want to shatter his jaw
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I am not currently watching (I'll watch it later), but how's Köppel holding up? He can be a bit of a hothead sometimes.
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Nice try, Abdul
er fickt die ganze runde weg
He is destroying everyone, fucking based.
>I decide what is a good political party and what not
Is this guy serious?
>hahnrei aber fair
Hello, i am roach, we know what is best for the EU. Please trust us :^)
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Es steht 1 gegen 4 bzw. 5 ( + Moderator)
absolutely btfo everyone,you can be proud of him
Und gewinnt trotzdem.

Kek what a clusterfuck

He is the manifestation of brutal anal rape. The germans are so butthurt, no pain medication would help.
>even the moderator has to stop köppel
top fucking kek
>they couldn't find a redpilled German so they had to bring in a Swiss
Was für ne Scheiße hahaha
Germans + tanned German
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shut the fuck up turk

he butthurt
>"alta mann hurrensohn isch hol mein brudder alta isch schwör"
>moderator to dumb to understand köpplers arguments
>runs aways
>Input from viewers
inb4 "muh feelings"
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This useless unfunny comedian (Kabarettist) sandnigger is such a fucking waste of space and oxygen! Pathetic and obnoxious!
> Und mit unseren Gebühren kontrollieren wir die Kommentare
> Plasberg: "Ha ha"

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Glad to hear that! I hope he also advocated direct democracy. You guys should finally be allowed to have a say in your country's affairs.
but they do right now
Women 1: I am scared of Trump
Women 2: He will be tame once elected

Fucking Women !
Allah ist mächtig,
Allah ist groß,
ein meter sechzig,
All redpilled Germans are holding out in their bunkers. We still exist, but if you say anything non-liberal you get swarmed by Liberals and get told why your opinion is wrong.
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>gute begründete Argumente, bei denen man mit denken muss
"populism" is the worst meme ever. what does it even mean? a politician with a popular opinion?
They weren't too bad though.
I hate Köppel and the SVP with a passion but no one did any research on the SVP or their policies. It's like they want him to tear them a new asshole - fucking retards!
haha my thoughts, most are gutmenschen fags.
He did, first time seeing him and i love him.
Totschlagargument. I just call you a populist, your arguments are invalid :^)
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keep Köppel he's way too jewy for my taste
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>I have been voting SPD for decades and never read their program
>audience applaudes
Direct democracy only works at a local level or at most in a small nation or region like Switzerland or New England.
Okay, you get Merkel for him


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That counts as "pro trump comment" in Hart aber Fair
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fuck these bureaucrats, leave the EU
Frauke !!!1111 time to fap
Plz someone record this shit plsssss
er hat selbst zugegeben dass er den "job" nur macht weil es einfaches Geld ist und die Idioten über jeden Scheiß aus "seinem Kanacken" Maul lachen.
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Has anyone talked about Trump's plan to possibly leave NATO if Germany doesn't start pulling it's weight?
Even HartaberFair cant put out reasonable arguments against Trump. Why not mention his endoursment of tortore? I can think of better stuff against Trump than them.
Didn´t they mention torture ? I could have sworn i heard it.
they talked about the SVP like for 15min, just because köpple triggered the whole liberals
Yes, but no major point
> German Public Television
> LIke NPR, but on heavy on steroids MEGA MAX

Joe, pls
Kek, die können eben einfach nicht anders.
>Pouring water on a terrorist's face is called torture now
how do so many Germans speak English on this site?

Are you retarded? Over 90% of germans under 40yo speak english probably well enough to participate here.
BASED Köppel
World Language and we learn it in the School.
are you serious? if bait im falling for it, we germans learn the englisch language from 2nd grade
This is torture
You liberated Germany, mate

Or to put is simply. If you hit the key on the keyboard in a different order, german turns into english.
Ich kenn nur
>allah ist groß
>allah ist mächtig
>allah hatn schwanz von drei meter sechzig
Looks like a fetish weekend in a Swinger Club
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> "Ich nehme Pierre Vogel mit"

haha yeah, Trump shoots both of them and liberates germany a little bit.
spar dir das für gaucks nachfolger auf
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Ich kenn Pierre Vogel aber ich hab den Witz nicht verstanden...
er auch.
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>Gauck is really popular with the average german
So the show...

Super biased to the left
Everyone is cuck besides Köppel
Köppel asslbasts everyone
Moderator is a faggot and preps the bull
Somuncu acted like a cunt, half of the show (whenever he opened his mouth)
Some shit about Gauck resigning is on next.

Aww I wanted to watch Quiz des Menschen.
As usual, the only person worth listening to came from switzerland, while this guy in the center with the round glasses partly said reasonable stuff.
why did he say that?
>Dinner with Trump
>bring Muslim with you
>"lel Trump hates Muslims, so much lels will be there xd"
Dreckskanacke. Ihr gehört zusammen mit den Zeckenpack an die Wand gestellt. Oder im Wald ausgesetzt um von Jägersmännern fachmännisch korrekt erlegt zu werden.
Ich hoffe bald Stiefel aus Kanackenleder tragen zu können.
watch this on a daily, you'll feel much better
What does the Bundespräsident even do? It seems like Merkel has way more power. I don't know much about the structure of the German government.
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boah ist die fett geworden
I remember the comment section in Die Welt of the article of someone putting a 9mm cartridge into his mailbox, trying to cash in on victim points and someone said ".50 BMG would have better". That gave me a chuckle.
>Women 1: I am scared of Trump
>Women 2: He will be tame once elected
that just means the'll both vote for him. learn into wymyn speak.
Bundespräsident is like our Grand duce
"officially" he's the last instance to give his signature to every law made

but ofcourse these days it isn't done anymore

so now the "bundespräsident" is more like a "spiritual leader" (which these days is ofcourse : let's cuck hans)
THIS is exactly the kind of weak, dead, incompetent, corrupt, coward politician I do NOT want to see in a position of political power EVER again. May they all rot in hell!
hab auch grad gemerkt
green party: a woman or a migrant
So viel Analschmerz. Und ich bin noch nicht mal ein Kanake.
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I have turned off the stream in this moment
Usually I do not watch ard news
he's the guy that wanted to "shake hands" with a 2 year old in his election campaign isn't it?

>swiss mainstream journalist
>german mainstream journalist
>'based nationalists'

This is how hopelessly retarded your average german is

This tool of an OP probably lives in Bavaria and votes CSU
sorry leicht OffTopic aber.
Wie ich diese verfickten ÖR hasse.
Ich zahle schon dieses Fickgeld an GEZ und meckere eigentlich wirklich nie darüber.
Aber da schalte ich ne Stunde zu spät, im Internet, wo man nie zu spät für irgendwas sein sollte, diesen scheiß Live Stream ein und kann nur 30 min. zurück Spulen.
Warum ist die Sendung nicht online verfügbar wenn die doch eh schon gelaufen ist.
Gestern das gleiche bei Anne Will.
"oh shit, Zeit vergessen"
Ach cool, Wiederholung um 6 Uhr morgens.
Da kann ich mir meine Gebühren auch in mein Harnröhre schieben und meine Pisse als 20 Euro Wasser verkaufen.
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Hab seit ewig mal wieder ÖR geguckt, die keks warens grade wert, ende der diskussionsrunde war natürlich so zu erwarten
12. Rundfunkänderungsstaatsvertrag
Die ard hat eine Onlinemediathek, wenn ich mich recht entsinne. Dort sollten alle Sendungen von nicht-privaten Programmen vorhanden sein.
> "Wen würden sie einmal mitnehmen?"

hat so nen 70er Jahre muff
dann wohl kein leder. ihr linksgrünes zeckenpack habt haut wie nasses klopapier.
am tag der rechenschaft stellen wir die einfach ne leere flasche bier auf den kopf, das wird reichen dein genick zu brechen. ihr seit scheiße am schuh des volkes.
Yeah, pretty mucch this. One of his worst speeches was the one in which he said that Germans had to say good bye to the idea to live in a Germany where the majority have German as their native language and which was primarily white and Christian.

Being brought to jail for treason is too good for such people.
Ja danke, ich bin nicht doof.
Aber ich musste auf Anne Will erst mal warten.
Warum zahle ich so viel wie für keinen scheiß online streaming dienst oder multisharehoster-zugang und muss trotzdem ellenlang warten, weil ich ne Stunde zu spät "eingeschaltet" habe.
Auf diese Sendung kann ich jetzt auch wieder einen Tag warten.
Meinte das köppel-gebashe, das Trump-gebashe, das komplette rechte parteien-gebashe und die Voreingenommenheit des Herrn Plasbergs: Es war nicht unerwartet
Ganz ruhig, ich bin mir sicher, dass er den Spruch nicht wörtlich gemeint hat. Und selbst wenn ist das kein Grund so auszuticken.
Dieser Rassismus… Einfach widerlich. Sei froh, dass ich dein ALG II finanziere!
The German president is essentially the replacement of the Kaiser but since he's elected he's even more pointless than if he was an actual monarch. At least the Queen has some kind of historical and cultural purpose. The Bundespräsident doesn't even have that.
Und diese Scheiße wird von meinen Gebühren finanziert.

Mir sind die Flüchtlinge inzwischen schon scheiß egal. I w#hle AfD alleine schon weil sie die Rundfunksteuer abschaffen wollen.
hör auf zu zahlen und klag die weg. kostet 120€. urteile werden zur zeit kaum gefällt wegen der ständig neuen klagen vorm bundesverfassungsgericht, und solange es kein urteil gibt, musste nix zahlen.

falls doch, haste dich wenigstens gewehrt
glaub mir, die sendung ist es nicht wert. morgen wirste enttäuscht sein, das üblicheafd und svp bashing, mit neuer komponente trump. die übliche politische erziehungspropaganda, köppel hatte auch kaum redezeit, wurde permanent unterbrochen
Möchtest du vielleicht drüber reden?
Mit dem Spruch haben wir uns in der Grundschule über Türken lustig gemacht.
Ländersache, mois…
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>bezahlt noch Gebühren für die eigene Propaganda

Ich lachte hart.

Dumm muss man sein, oder man ist Michel.
oh it gets worse

he came here and was BESIDE OUR GRAND DUKE and literally SAID :
>The "bio"-luxembourgians (what the fuck) are now a minority, and it goes just as good here, maybe even better (le smug smirk (i could literally hear it through the radio))
everyone cringed in disbelieve, even our portuguese were all like wtf is wrong with this guy
Oh sure, and a unassailable cartel of apparatschiks and parties who poker over power and whicch do politics in a manner close to conspiring works totally better. That's also why a super beaurocracy like the EU, especially as a transnationalist superstate, is the dream!

If only they were at least as efficient as the Chinese communist party, but maybe that's the differencce between communist capitalism and socialism: impotence and incompetence.
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> Ich wähle AfD alleine schon weil sie die Rundfunksteuer abschaffen wollen

ich auch
erzähl mir mehr.
gegen was genau klage ich da?
ich hab halt beim neu-einzug erst mal abgewartet aber die Mahngebühren wurden mir zu hoch.
hatte nen kumpel der das einfach hat liegen lassen. der zahlt jetzt ca. 2500 euro nach.
kb darauf ^^
Das war echt das Schlimmste. Warum überhaupt nen Gegner holen wenn er keinen Satz sprechen darf? Angegriffen wurde eh nur Strohmänner statt seine eigentliche Aussagen
Ich habe versucht mich davor zu drücken. Es geht nicht. Sobald du irgendwo gemeldet bist haben die Drecksschweine deine Adresse und die haben kein Problem damit einen Gerichtsvollzieher kommen zu lassen.
ich bin froh wenn leuten wie dir der brustkorb mit einer axt von der wirbelsäule getrennt und entleert wird, dann kannst deine organe beim verrecken pulsieren sehen.

Das musst du nicht mehr schreiben, wissen schon das du Deutsch bist
Haha, ist etwa Mami mit Özcan unterwegs und macht dir nichts zu essen?
It only works so well because a lot of the italian and a some portuguese immigrants integrated perfectly and that the other immigrants aren't in positions of power and because we have so much money to waste on welfare.
False flag oder IQ von 60?
Hey, I love direct democracy. I always show up at town hall meetings here in New England, and always enjoy the depth of discussion that occurs in a place where the people are actively involved in the politics. I just don't trust anyone outside of New England to be smart enough to be entrusted with that.
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Einfach mal H4 beziehen und man hat Ruhe in der Bude :)
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jungs, der trick ist die abgelaufene - siehe bild - bescheinigung zu fä~~~. voraissetzung ist aber, dass man die mal eingereicht hatte. they do not check the validity
bin selber grad erst umgezogen. alte wg hatte gezahlt.
lies dir mal die foren durch, hab es auch nur von da.
geht wohl so
jetzt sofort widerspruch binnen 14 tagen an gez
und klage wegen whatever ans amtsgericht
ohne anwalt, ohne verhandlung, nur papierverfahren, kostet 120€
urteil wird verchoben bis 2018 wg bundesverf gericht entscheidung abwarten
afd schafft die GEZ aber im Dezember 2017 ab
yes it worked HERE (with europeans ofcourse) because there was no "tolerance" bullshit
you worked, you behave like the luxembourgians, you can go drinking with the luxembourgians
and if ficki ficki attack you get ficki ficki'd by luxembourgians

if every country would make it like that there would be no problem
Reinstate the Kaiser, Germany. It's your only chance.
You know...there used to be a time where I believe people like Breivik were paranoid, delusional insane people. Where I believe even the idea of a grand scheme of some kind of "multi cultural" eugenics making the European people the minority in their own countries was consipiracy theory aluminium hat insanity... Ah those were the days!

Jean Claude Juncker from Luxembourg is also a very "nice" politician...
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Germany is a socialist country, so you gotta live accordingly.

Which means, you become a NEET and get welfare money.

Only the dumb ones work or the few rich ones.
cool, danke.
erst mal mit freundin schluss machen und dann ausziehen. werde mich an deinen rat erinnern anon.
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