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femanon here. im in france on vacay but im californian from the

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Thread replies: 175
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femanon here. im in france on vacay but im californian from the bay. my dad is conservative and my mom is more classical liberal but doesn't buy into this gay liberal bullshit and I want to redpill my friends but idk how to go about it. i has the privilege to grow up with proper parents who taught me how to think critically and im just fucking sick of liberals who only want to have these onesided conversations while my experience with conservatives is that they're always open to debate and will call u out on your shit but won't go full autism REEEEEE and shut u down like a bunch of sensitive lil cucks. i've been on /pol/ on and off and only started to lurk this place more actively trying to filter out reddit/nupol bullshit to get proper redpills. in exchange i'll try to provide some insight on the female mindset so we can work together and not end up a bunch of lonely millennial fucks. pls be nice im new sorry if this comes off as a larp or shill.
Standard rules apply.
tits or gtfo then i will read your blogpost
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how ''liberal'' are your friends? because it depends on weather your should even bother with them on politics or not
well it was worth a shot im not surprised at the autism here
Be subtle at first. It takes time it's taken me at least a year in order to swallow the pill fully and have recently taken the pill which exposes (((them))).

Just be subtle, you're in France. We see it on the News all the time those sand niggers are running wild everywhere. Some of Paris only retains its culture through its old classical architecture. Talk about how Paris isn't Paris any more and how (their) culture is taking over and how it doesn't feel authentic or something. Then go on to talk about the superiority of European Culture. Then talk about race. Of course this isn't the only red pill you have to take it in steps like I've just shown.

Like with the Jewish question for me it was first it was the bankers, then the globalist, then Zionism, then all of (((them))).

As a women its important to note cultural Marxism and the degeneration of Women. Promote the nuclear family (Hetro-sexual couple married with kid(s) ).
Females have smaller brains than men. You are borderline retarded compared to us. We shouldn't have to read your thoughts unless you're compensating us with a picture of your tits and/or bra.
they're liberal in the way where they're unknowingly participating in a fad but they're not shy about saying nigger to be honest some of them act like total dumb sluts but they're working honest jobs so I think they can be rehabilitated. I think the hardest pill for them to swallow is the jew one but i think that could come last.
Like I said call them (Bankers), then (globalists), then (((them)))
>actively trying to filter out reddit/nupol
is /nupol/ bullshit
gets the ol noggin joggin eh?
>im new sorry if this comes off as a larp or shill.
Don't need tits. Any proof will do. Don't forget the timestamp.
half french but american born and raised but yeah i think it will be easier to move them on to taking the jew pill once they see how sand niggers are destabilizing western cultures. even educated sand niggers don't like other sand niggers and admit they're degenerate but if you're muhwhite they get mad when u point that out. fuck pc culture honestly
Harsh truth is that women are group thinkers. They rarely calculate or have an original thought of their own.
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Tits or gtfo
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Wow sexist much
this is not /b/ nor is it /r9k/
Tits or GTFO doesn't apply! Also, she would get banned!
Timestamp or GTFO, tits is degrading and non redpilled
First thing you should do is post tits
Right, so they're not Trigglypuff and Tumblrite libs?

I mean, you can always pop pills towards them if some pol relateddiscussion comes up. Some of my friends were just standard lefty liberals, and afdter a couple years they've become more ''centrist'', or at least not ''we need refugees bro'' types anymore. Some of them have gone 'right wing'.

Only really drop pills when you need to though. Don't be the offensive one in the first place. Let them bring something up, then you counter act it, or question it anyway.

And for fucks sake don't mention jews.
What Nigel said here >>132589790
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> tits and time stamp out fuck off trap
>but doesn't buy into this gay liberal bullshit
Have you considered introducing them to futanari hentai? No? Ahh well.

The best way is possibly to show them how corrupt the media is. Once you do that, they may be willing to question other liberal doctrine.

But be advised, with SJWs, you are dealing with a religious cult. Their dedicated team of fear and guilt apologists will sit on you.
u guys probably already know this but i can confirm that women are emotional and retarded which is why most of them are liberal because women will do anything to stay in fashion because liberals know how to play to their emotions. conservatives have a harder time doing this because men use logic to settle their differences and that shit doesn't work and understandably, men don't want to use gay liberal tactics like playing to their fee fees to get them to see why their beliefs are gay. but deep down women harbor the same conservative beliefs men do and want to start proper families, its just not """""""""fashionable"""""""""" right now but slowly i think women are starting to see the consequences which is why i want to help redpill some because at least as a woman i can try to make it fashionable so say what u want about me being inferior but u guys are fucked without our help
Faggots detected
>>> >>>/lgbt/
Don't even think about talking about jew's anytime soon. Wait for others to ask instead. Or just don't talk about them at all. Plenty of people can help fight this autistic screeching form of liberalism without needing to go anywhere near the topic (and it's a contentious one at that even within the sphere of /pol/ let alone greater society). They don't have to be a perfect ally, they just need to not be a braindead drooling retarded that quotes a popstar every second day and uses tv//book references when talking about fucking politics.

Conversations about free speech and the ability to properly and freely discuss things should be first. Best to approach it by asking questions and then offering 'potential' answers when the cognitive dissonance kicks in. IMO you need to lay this groundwork first. It's small and straightforward and if you can get them to start questioning themselves and applying critical thinking in regards to something so uncontroversial ass how humans/societies/cliques think/talk then it will easy to get to them on other topics.

Then once you notice their thinking patterns change start the conversation on culture. From there you can go anywhere really. Remember always better to ask them questions that they KNOW the answers to but can't admit, than it is to just tell them what they know outright. Make them question themselves, then say what they're thinking.
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>redpill your friends from the Bay.
You don't, they are a lost cause.
>t. South Bay.
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Beat it cunt
Your first mistake was being femanon and not just anon. Your gender has little to do with this, and as far as redpilling others goes, women have an easier job on all fronts anyways with that so you wouldn't need to point it out at all.

OP is a fag I can say no more
I am bay area also. We should form a group and meet regularly.
congrats on having a feminine vagina, but what do you want to talk about?
Additionally single motherhood and broken families is another great starter topic. Far too many people come from them these days, and EVERYONE knows someone who does. The effects of it are far too obvious not to see, so people ignore/lie.

Also as >>132590567 initially said, your gender is more or less irrelevant, and it sends up red flags straight away when you start a conversation by stating that.
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they say femanon because women are naturally attention whores, not her fault.
this is exactly what im talking about women think in a hive mind so if one woman hears about a woman not being a slut and wanting to start a family and keep the niggers out it will actually become a fashion trend because women always want to be different and right now in california its overrun by AIDS ridden cunts with dyed hair and tattoos that will make them look like they're constantly having a mid life crisis once they reach 30. the irony is that once they're all doing the same thing being proper women they'll be doing the same thing but since by then they'll have families if u guys don't fuck this up somehow, they'll understand what was wrong with the other stupid sluts and warn their children because the sluts that don't make it will be made examples of
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> this boobies or fuck off

Get your ass back in the gas chamber with all the other social degenerates
This is all stuff we already know.
What we don't know yet are what your tits look like.
yeah i thought about this before but i thought it would be better to have some agency being a woman talking about how to redpill other women, in the future on a different ip when i come back to the country i won't bring my gender into it next time like some libtard this is probably gonna be my only post as a """"""femanon"""""""

I know where my first nuke is located.
It's fine to talk about your gender, but it was literally the very first thing you posted. It's relevance to what you wanted to talk about was relatively low.

It is genuinely a little unfair the reaction it gets, very little benefit of the doubt, but it exists for a reason given what people know/suspect about female psychology.
yeah i think you're right the whole jew thing is not happening until they talk about it
Tits or gtfo
Most Women would also want to listen to a man who's who's confident, and isn't a limp wristed nu-male. So that cancels out many modern male lefties anyway.

If you're goinjg to state from facts to these people, at least be persuasive, and mention examples of what you're talking about. Ask them if it makes snese tto them deep down. Throw them a few 'what if's'.
I don't disagree with you, just wait 'til I leave please
this would be true if it wasn't for the fact that currently women don't know what they want because they're so brainwashed by the media they don't know how to identify a confident man who isn't some braindead chad who will give them AIDS
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Oh, that's what you'd like to think, isn't it? The truth is that while you blithely participated in this meaningless chatter, I managed to get a hold of your IP adress. That's right.
Now unless you post your tits this very instant, I will show up in every thread you make and discredit you by identifying you as a female, because as we all know, women are dumb and no one listens to them. And you wouldn't want that, would you? So weight your options carefully. Oh and before you try to doxx me, be warned that I am hiding behind at least seven proxies so think again.
maybe this is some californian thing?

''chads'' pretty much anywhere else can be anyone, weather their political or not. one this is they aren't stupid otherise they wouldn't be a ''chad'' in the first place.

many ''chads'' into politics

what exactly are these women doing to be ''brainwashed'' anyway?
>femanon here.
Tits or GTFO.
>Also, she would get banned!
This isn't a blue board nigger.
what was the question exactly?
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being from the gay area isn't the end of the world
get some matrix videos to show you friend
while you touch their buttholes
show em what that baby gravy all about
which part of the bay?
I'm legitimately 100 yards from the delta currently.
in the nigger infested city of Pittsburg.
traps aren't women, faggot
i think it is a californian thing, but again this goes back to the whole women will do anything for fashion thing which is how they get brainwashed, thanks to the few who gave me some good redpill advice, i would have gone in too fast about the whole jew thing if it wasn't for /pol/
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Pretty much this. Women won't be fixed until men are fixed. In order for men to be fixed things have to get a lot worse and they will.

To the femanon who defiantly still hasn't posted tits, just be the best version of yourself and try to redpill the people closest to you. Whether you get through to them or not probably won't even make a dent in the universe. Balance will be restored in time. Sadly we probably won't live long enough to see it.
You want male female relations to improve?
Do not attempt to "get into the boys club" then. Go to reddit or something and start a femanon board where you encourage each other to embrace true gender roles and traditional values.

also Tits and GTFO
im in the deep asshole of the silicon valley where I get close up and personal with an amalgam of niggers, gooks, chinks and beaners. the gooks and chinks are actually not that bad until u go to sanfrancisco taking the 30 bus going through china town
Chinatown really isn't that bad. Of all the ethnic enclaves in our area CT is at least euro-friendly.

Never been to the silicon valley though, spent a lot of time in Napa when I was younger (we essentially raised in vineyards, gives a different perspective on spics than most here might have, for better and for worse.

also ignore any tits or gtfo claim, your being a woman is relevant to the topic and not a cry for attention, the others just might not recognize it.
how many niggers and arabs do u see
is it as bad as /pol/ projects ?

also show dem tittys
hate to break it to u but a lot of women are larping as guys and u wouldn't know the difference unless they're a newfag like me, its probably why they're is an influx of newfags here who act like tone deaf retards because of the women larping but dully noted also i can't stand reddit the format is garbage and i know a redditor irl and he's the most insufferable numale prick i know so no thanks
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one of the best things you can do mention to your libfriends, is that family unit is one of the most important things for a society

if humans start becoming all feral, then society breaks, just like it is now. Masses of millenials brought up by single parents nd becoming shit. These shit people don't learn from their mistakes, and then repeat what their parents done.

broken families, and single parenthood creates crime etc

as for your friends, they don't even sound political whatsoever, so if anything jkust drop em' pills like the one I just mentioned above about family. Watch, or show them people like Milo, Ben Shapiro, and Sargon. They're pretty good at attacking post modernist shit while explaining it well too.

Keep it ''family'', femism, and whatewver. Not geopolitics, syria, iran, and greater israel, otherwise they won't know what the fuck you're talking about
Are your friends female? Then I don't know if this will work, but still worth a try.
I did convert a pair of (subconsciously) lefty friends into a somehat redpilled guys by dropping some hints here and here.
The main thing is to not change subject, but wait for them to come up with it themselves first. Point out the media & establishemt bias firsthand, of course.
Let them come to the conclusions themselves, do not spoonfeed (too much). Think of it like a puzzle, you give it to them but they have to put it together themselves.
This way it will stick to them permanently, as those will be their own views, instead of just widely accepted parroted ones.
are you me?
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latvia, peru, austria never charge
> whoa edgy
I really don't know if France is the right way to hit it off - it's a closed system, they don't get information from outside and neither do they communicate to the outside. You won't understand the majority of shit you'll see there unless some thrustworthy! frog explains it to you.
Don't get me wrong, there is plenty to see, just go to paris and go outside the tourist center area. But unless you understand how France works on the inside and how frogs interact in the system, there is no way you'll get the truth.
Also use punctuation when you write - its only polite.
too long didnt read lol

you know the rules
redpill thread starting to become more of a story time thread. one time when i was trying to take the 30 bus home i was on a bus packed with chinks picking up their kids from the neighboring schools so it was even more packed. these high school niggers came on the bus and at first i tried not to think much of it minding my own business but then the niggers broke out into a fight, bus was shut down, chinks were tumbling out of the bus doors. once these niggers got out i cussed them out for being stupid starting a fight on the bus and they tried to tell me i don't know what happened as if niggers have any other reason to fight then just being plain niggers. police came and arrested them, i guess the chinks are better when they are by themselves but they're totally defenseless when stupid niggers invade their cultural spaces i guess
>moved to sun diego right after college
>volley ball every sunday on mission beach
>got so good started playing scrimmages with the pros when they came down to practice for the start of the circuit
>about a year into life in sun diego niggers invaded mission beach
>became unbearable
>left the USA shortly thereafter
>red pill me
= tell me what to think.
pathetic. but you'll do fine with similarly unthinking redneck or chad who just wants some agreeable idiot to clean his room for him.
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OP research flat earth if you wanna have a truly red pill
True dis.
yeah, an aussie told me something similar to this and i like the sound of the "let them ask" approach which will, best case scenario, hopefully lead them to research and lead them to the corruption of jews. but like someone else said i may not get far enough to get them to see what's wrong with jews but if I can get them to stop being sluts that would be enough.
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is all about that eazy j's
You seem to have bought into the "female hive mind" meme. No doubt females think in this way but its not inherently a bad thing for a female. It only becomes bad when you attempt to enter typically male fields and spaces. Don't torture yourself. Go Study traditional female values and perhaps enter a period of solitude in which you attempt to rediscover your innate interests and values. Find other like minded girls and form your own space. It is also important that you find yourself a strong secure male with good values and discipline. The gift of your care and support given fully to a truly deserving male who will guide you to be your highest self is a thing of great beauty in this world when it happens.
One thing I know that's good about us is emotional manipulation + the fact a lot of other females are easily led by emotions and/or bandwagoning and peer pressure. Think about all of those makeup advertisements that offer the best looks and the idea of "beauty" in and of itself. Most females nowadays have little to no self-esteem, at least those who are have their heads up their asses in libtardism.
Some good starter topics would be what >>132590672 says (broken families are a touchy topic, can lead the conversation right into nuclear families), and also the media. Pointing out little untrustworthy pieces of the world and helping them begin to doubt things is a very good start.
Also setting an example, yourself. Like how bandwagoning and peer pressuring work. Become a role model of sorts in the group. If they look up to you, they'll want to mimic you, and that opens them up for redpilling.
Keep it natural. Don't push it on them harder than you need to. Plant enough seeds to make them question so you can give them more.
good luck with that
people are not only dumb but they are also super lazy , whatever they have to do has to be effortless or they'll give up and stay slaves to gloabalists laws
every weekday when the schools get out in Pittsburg the police chopper goes up.

Not even joking.
Niggers are such a fascinating problem our nation is facing, from both sides of the spectrum.

Problem is liberals don't want to do anything, like you said about other things, it's about fashion, about trend.

Do you actually believe these purple-haired sluts care about niggers? not in the slightest, blm is just a brand to them, something they can share on facebook to get likes and comments.
It's all about attention.

And that isn't exclusive to women.
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Why aren't you just honest with your friends? Live the life you believe in and you will find true friends. No point in pretending you're someone you're not. Lots of people will dislike you, but atleast you will have true friendships with the people that do.
no idea what this should mean
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tits? why is this bread still going?
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Post tits you stupid cow
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i find it hard to believe someone who hung about at mission peach wouldn't know ezj's, but i guess if youre francais volleyboladdict that is a good enough excuse
getting my degree while going through the liberal commie agenda throughout my education bullshitting them what they want to hear is more torture than entering a male space. but yeah i only have one best friend who is totally redpilled and the others can be redpilled if i go about this the right way.
baby needs milky
My advice to you, freely given, is as follows. Get married, have babies, be obedient to your husband and stay off pol. This place is too intellectual for your female brain.
Don't be fooled there's many femanons here. Some of us also on holiday in France.
i hope when any country decides to attack america california will be the first place to hit
Go to a no go zone in a mini skirt, that'll red pill everyone you know pretty quick
leave jews till last-ish

>school of frankfurt/cult marx
>breakup of family
>MSM persuasion
>MSM controlling both ''wings'' (like FOX News)
>Modern feminism makes women's lives worse (keep it at third wave atm)
>Islam is not campatible with western society
>Mass immigration is bad as it's culture clash (don't mention IQ just yet)
>It's only western countries that are taking in mass immigrants just so that corperations can get cheap labour (this triggers the economic lefties btw)

Try and come across with a Libertarian vibe. Maybe shift the the economic left a little just to throw a few ''think of the poor people''. The likes of Sarcuck of Akkad are good with this.
Just don't come across as some form of Nazi, otherwise your friends brains will just switch to thinking you're in the wrong.

And of course, don't spew crap like ''hitler did nothing wring''
>getting my degree while going through the liberal commie agenda throughout my education bullshitting them what they want to hear is more torture
I'm thinking about going back to school and this scares the shit out of me. The idea of having to sit through all of that and grit my teeth everyday for four years just so I don't have to work for nigger wages for the rest of my life makes me sick to my stomach.
doesn't work
I had to pass through a shitty zone to go to university, despite being annoyed on a daily basis and sometimes atttacked , none of the girls understood a thing , years after they're still bluepilled sluts
i think at first i just wanted to keep my political opinions to myself and try to judge them as people and less for their political opinions but then i started to realize that everything is politicized now and apart of their identity and that I'm not really an exception to this after some sufficient redpilling of lurking on the forums so when i come back to cucknifornia i'm definitely going to see who my real friends are when the redpilling begins
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>san diego


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> get off this board southernnnnnn
Quit revealing personal information. Especially about a small town like Napa
Redpill blue friends may be quite difficult, drop light pills and don't rush.
Have a good time in France
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>i'll try to provide some insight on the female mindset
>u guys are fucked without our help
We don't care about the female mindset, we already understand it better than you, you have nothing to offer us and we'll do just fine without you.

If you want proper redpills, go to cripplechan. This place is just for idle, relaxing banter.
the way i survived is treating it like a "how to bullshit 101" class rather than taking an actual class to learn, you would be amazed how easy it is to get an A bashing trump in a paper while sourcing academic material that has nothing to do with what you're talking about but because they literally get their clitdicks off to you bashing trump its an easy A. its really disgusting and dishonest but having a degree is nice and helps me get into companies and work my way up but i think i'm just luckier because of my pussy pass
>talking to a woman about redpilling people
>definitely not attention grabbing

Pass. Tits or gtfo
>u guys are fucked without our help
Don't associate with your liberal friends in groups. You can't improve them because they have emotional consensus, which is all their feeble minds care about. If you arch up and be strongk it will only prove to their liberal minds that women can/should lead families. They will judge you by your demeanor and the men in your life and mimic as desired.

We are here to tell you that you are an impulsive being. You are overly agreeable creatures that inspire impulsiveness and weakness in all by default. You subconsciously believe association is equal to praise, it's how barrages of advertising work on you so well. Help by not associating with or praising anti-traditional women.
>leave jews till last-ish
This. Or better yet, don't bring them up at all. It's still better to be only somewhat redpilled, instead of being possibly put off. Look at Jared Taylor as an example, he desn't adress the JQ, so he is viewed as less extreme, and more normies will be prone to listen to him.
if your friends just say something dumb, just tell them the fact that what they said is dumb, and then tell them why

don't even bother showing them links. just tell them why, and if they ask, give them an example, and look at them like they're dumb.

the chances are, these valley girls aren't going to be looking up crap on youtube anyway.

If they do want a qucik rundown on something, then sned them a link to that PJW guys videos. He gives 5 minute rundown, and then makes the people he's attacking look stupid.
Larping, lying faggot. You can't even grasp basic English grammar. Nice try, Pierre.
Join the catholic church and find a hubby
post feet pls
Take it slow anon, drop little pills here and there, you don't want them to go "omg did you hear what anon said? I think she might be racist!". Only bring up content relevant to the topic in hand I.E (don't just start talking about Auschwitz randomly one day).

Show your true self little pieces at a time and before you know they'll be accepting your views as if you were always that way.
>this stream of consciousness block of text

Take a breath and summarise it in one sentence of greentext

What do you want
this is definitely a good order my friends already hate 3rd wave feminism so I can lead with some of these topics
>if your friends just say something dumb, just tell them the fact that what they said is dumb, and then tell them why
Great advice if her friends were men, women aren't that logical, you have to be more delicate.
we can still reclaim it, I think we stand a very good chance of doing that to be honest, but we have to start winning hearts and minds.
what like soho in London at 10pm (22:00)

i lived in soho for a year over a greek (now gone) restaurant across the street from Ronnie Scotts

i loved walking around at about 9pm and having all the sluts stick their noses up acting like they are too good for every one

then returning at about 11:30pm to find the same sluts passed out in the gutter literally getting pissed on

you can set your watch to this spectacle in SOHO
yeah this is what i have pretty much been trying to say
You're right. The biggest problem liberals have is that their selfworth depends too much on the opinions of others. That's why they're so easily manipulated and capable of doing the most retarded shit if they know they will get validation in the form of some likes in social media. Ofc women are more likely than men to be insecure and seek external validation so fall more easily for the liberal tactics, just like gay males, numales, etc.

To fix this you have to fix all the media, so basically means getting rid of jews.
Not everyone on here has experience with women, but I suppose that's why you made the thread - to teach them.
I don't know the relationship between this woman in OP, and her friends.

As it comes to men redpilling women, it's best be that it's an actual man over some nu-male whiteknight, are some literal beta wom 'ree9kucks'. Hence I think was mentioned above. As a whole, it's men that need to fix themselves as a whole society before they can subverse their women.
Yes. Sexist , pay me shekels

If you're going to get them redpilled on shitskins in England
>Milton Keynes
>Tower Hamlets
>Harrow Road (Ladbroke Grove)
At 1am Is the place to take your valley girl friends ofr an outing
Why the hell are you asking men how to redpill women? Women do not work the same. Even in this thread besides the personal stories you're just regurgitating red pills. It doesn't seem like you actually know what it's all about.

FYI it's not just about race, it's about gender too. The whole point is that women will rarely understand the red pill without men leading it. It is 100% based on traits that only a man can have. All you do is play to the highest bidder. It's not wrong or bad. You need to understand your limitations here.

Ask yourself what got you into the red pill, and show your friends exactly that. Even if it means showing them infographics from pol. Don't introduce pol right off the bat. And tell them that red pill men are more attractive than liberal faggots. That's your language, use it on your friends.
Male or female it's admirable when I see people who have the mental strength to be able to do that. Just thinking about subjecting myself to that type of atmosphere and forcing myself to act like I agree with any of it. I'd probably end revealing my power level and/or have a psychotic episode. I need to learn to have better control before I get serious about going back.
if you're a chick then help teach some of the faggots on this board how to stop being betas and start getting girls so that they can secure the existence of our people and a future for white children
that's pretty much the idea, but i know there are some jews who are getting tired of their own shit so i think once jews cannabalize each other that's how we can get rid of them
When you talk to your friends, refer to every act of ripping off as jewing and kikery. You can normalize anti-semitism in this way. If they get offended, just laugh it off as a joke and tease them for being sensitive. You know it's working when they start doing it too.

When you sit in group chats, post funny things about minorities being minorities. Things like blacks dancing on Maury when they get told they aren't the father, or the nutshot counter on heyjackass.com. Remember, it has to be funny though. Racist facts are seen as racist. Racist jokes are funny because they point out the awful truth. It helps them internalize it.

Whenever a minority commits a crime in your area, tell all your friends about it.
>did you hear about the black guy who robbed some man at the ATM yesterday? I use that ATM. Holy shit it could have been me
Remember, don't tell them they should fear it. Telling them they should be scared sounds like hate mongering. They just need to be aware of how often minorities commit crimes. Subconsciously, this will grow distrust.
All of you offering assistance to this self proclaimed female red piller need to take the black pill.

fagggots on here ask ''how do we fix women'' all the time, not realising that women are saing the same thing about the nu-makles around them vice versa
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this is true, i was redpilled irl by a good /pol/ guy who is my best friend's older brother so getting the job done is easier irl than online for sure, once i did my own research then i could redpill myself which is one of the few convenient things about women, they'll do the work themselves eventually because they'll be too curious to ignore
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This thread feels larp as fuck
I don't want your fucking female mindset bullshit.
>implying that we're autistic fucks that need your superior social skills

This is what you do. Small hints now and then in off topic conversations about random things.
If they hear an otter of the word again and will prompt them to think about it. And if they're not totally brain dead like most millennial women, they will question it. If they "reee" or get upset about your comments then clearly you need to work on finding new friends which is generally different for females than males so I can't offer advice there.

Become knowledgeable on history from sources that haven't been tainted by communism and/or neo-liberialism. Make sure you are good at language and talking in order to get across a point if you need to be. A good start would to be stop using "u" instead of "you".

learn what logical fallacies are, they are useful in an argument if you know what they all mean and can use examples and context.
I was redpilled by a guy irl and I wanted to find more likeminded guys who succeeded, it can be done and I was thinking about if there is a girl way to do it too because idk if it has been tried since most girls who come on here usually get put off by the autism but I have a little thicker skin then that.
>start getting girls
That's part of the problem and where kike brainwashing has been infiltrating the minds of men. Many of the supposed "redpilled" males don't buy into crap like feminism, media lies, multiculti, etc. but they're degenerates when it comes to sex and women.

Bashing women for being sluts isn't going to work when men are only seeking to pump and dump and don't think about starting a family. Even here at /pol/ when a hot girl is posted most comments are desperate degenerate trash or the typical >muh tight asian pussy >muh sexy latina. I know many are shills but still...

We men need to practise what we preach first and women will improve their behavior by imitation because they're followers.
Tits or GFTO
Otherwise your woman-card is revoked
Modern Women do not want to be followers. They only follow men they consider to be socially superior. Social superiority includes; looks, fiscal value, asset value and perceived power.
To order for them to follow a particular ideology of a or the partnered male they must be socially superior. In order to do this the males must first work on themselves to be successful in order to increase their perceived position in society and then women will start to follow them and "thirsty" males will follow the women they are attracted to but have no chance with.

This is how it is with feminism and other ideologies. The only reason feminism has any weight is that there are weak minded men that follow the women akin to a deity type figure. Which is why I suggest what I suggest.
its an uphill battle to be honest and inb4 any more larp comments what kind of a guy would post this much as a fake girl i would tell that faggot to kill themselves

the hard truth is hygiene, I'm not that picky about looks, but if you're actually a neck beard you're pretty fucked. it looks gross to women no matter how much you tame your beard. women are honestly that shallow.

as for how to get them, women honestly just like to talk a lot but they also like some debate to show you're not a total cuck but if you tell them they're stupid or wrong you're fucked, you can only start doing that once you have known them for at least a year but idk how far you guys are willing to stick it out for pussy

try to aim for women who are already tired of bad sex from chads, i know you guys don't want used goods but i think you guys are a little limited in your options. don't go for virgins they'll only be curious of the unknown and eventually cheat on you. you know if a girl has bad sex because they want to have "meaningful conversations" because the people they talked to don't have any personality that's girl talk for bad sex but they won't say that because they don't want to sound like a slut

i can't really think much more at the moment and now I'm on phone so I might tap out soon
all men need to be, is confident, likable/charismatic, and assertive.

And also have at lest a job, and not be homeless or a NEET.
Lurk more, foolish roastie.

where in France are you ?
I didn't read but was it necessary you mention you have a vagina in the very first word?
Of course, that makes perfect sense.
I'm definitely the weird girl but I'm not ugly. my friends are a mixed bag of liberal hotties and ugly girls who hang out with hotties so they can get more guys. hate to say it but my ugly friends are the redpilled ones.
What do you want to redpill them about?

>Educated anon here. Multiple STEM degrees, 6 figure earning, married with 3bdr house in suburbs.

I can likely help shed light on most scientific matters. Government I'm less knowledgeable about.
lol why are you giving me advice?

but I do agree with you in some way. these fuckers on here should just get themselves in the right mind a fuck around with these burnt out whores, but still not settle with them. that will get their cloud of ''woman hating'' out of their heads for a start.
this guy is 100% correct
my main problem is telling them whats wrong with jews, everything else can be managed but its really hard to research history on jews that hasn't been revised. even if I don't have direct sources if I can make them at least see a foolproof pattern then I can deal the last blow with the final redpill. a lot of people here have been telling me it can't be done but I wanna believe
OP can't ToGTFO because underage.
So GTFO it must be.
>Modern Women do not want to be followers. They only follow men they consider to be socially superior. Social superiority includes; looks, fiscal value, asset value and perceived power.
It is in part like this but imo the main thing which makes women act in a way or another is what other people will think about it in hopes such action will improve their social status.

Look at Trump for example, probably the most alpha and socially superior man and yet SJWs can't wait to laugh and fight him. And they do this stuff because it's considered cool and celebrated among their social circle.
I think you did the same in your OP, right?
That's historical stuff, so I'm not extensively educated. Most of my recreational history knowledge is civil war era America.

However, there is obviously demonstrable nepotism among the Jewish community. It happens everywhere with all people, but not often to that degree. I'd star there and then argue against nepotism as a concept (granting power and roles to individuals based on connections rather than ability or merit) and go from there.

You could also demonstrate how worthless religion as a concept is. For Jews it is their extension of family. A part of their religious dogma is to always prefer a fellow Jew for any political or professional position. This is obviously not the way to ensure the most productive society and creates a feedback loop that works against all other groups.
death to women
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rare flag saved

go fuck yourself mexico

wait.... what is this?
you make a good point

how do you plan on stopping men and women being feral?

I'm kind of blackpilled on this. Hence why I think the west in crumbling with no brakes.
Don't assume my gender, right?
that's because trumps' debating skills are around 3/10, and he's probably controlled anyway.
that can still work, I guess I'm back to the drawing board on jews but since you mentioned the civil war, whatever happened to eugenics? it seemed like we were on the right track determining what was wrong with niggers and then it looks like its been revised to shit
When I started browsing /pol/ it took me about two months to go from utterly pozzed to 1488.
It's funny what the right information can do to your whole outlook on life.
Show them the movie Hotel Rewanda, it got a Good Black as the hero hotel manager, but the rest of the movie shows how savage blacks can be in committing genocide. Show them bad things done to black people...by other black people (NOT white racist). The message will slowly sink in.
>im californian from the bay.
sure you are. name the city and I'll ask you a simple question about it.
Eugenic techniques were not forgotten, they were simply inverted.
Nearly all Western nations now practice some degree of radical dysgenic programs, actively reducing the quality of their national genetic stock.
This is most commonly done by giving subsidies to the lowest tier of society while simultaneously forcing the higher tiers to pay. This simple mechanism of wealth redistribution quickly forces the average national genetic quality down as the middle and upper classes reproduce less in response to the new tax burden while at the same time the lowest classes are now free to breed more than ever before.
somehow this smells like jews are responsible
No idea really. The solution would be to cut the (((roots))) of the problem but any mention of the jews is taboo right now so we're stuck fighting against byproducts of their scheming which is kinda useless.

Maybe the best we can do is keep redpilling normies until the system collapses and then go full 1488 until fully eradicating the (((source of the problems))). I can see the collapse happening in western Europe in the near future due to the refugee invasion, but not sure about the USA.
This. If that wasn't enough they are speeding up the process by importing millions of third world subhumans.
Also the poisoning of foods and water to lower our iq and femenize men.
>the lowest classes are now free to breed more than ever before.
A mother on welfare, food stamps, section ape housing with 4 kids (from different fathers who aren't around) make the equivalent of 5k a month.
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You are in France, and you have a vagina? Tell me where you are on vacation pls!!!
I hate to say it, but forgetting about Jews for a minute, I think capitalism in this day and age, and tech, is one of the main things killing the west. I hate communism/marxism btw.

But just look at instagram culture, social media, kardashian and what have you. These things are too powerful for people (girls especially) to let go of. They also get influenced by this fucks too.

This is why capitalism right now is no longer serving what people want, but rather got hold of what people really wanted at one point, and is now controlling what people want, and who to vote for.
Capitalisms end game is to make a group of incredible imbeciles that will pay obscene amounts of money for things that are ultimately worthless and easy to make.

It was a good concept at its early days but it got out of hand.
Ramène toi à Strasbourg histoire qu'on se cale des olives comme en 40 sur mon clic-clac, avaleuse de sabre ricaine de mes deux.
tits or gtfo to you too you dumb faggot
Be less aggressive.
Instead declaring something and the proving with facts, put the facts first and then lead them your desired conclusion.
This is exactly what I mean. It's spiral out of control.

Even a normie becoming a billionaire is going to do the same jewwy shit. It's just nature.

Why would you want a society of strong families when you can have a bunch of drones consume your shit, while you rinse their society before you die?

Everything has become nihalistic.
Holy shit I didn't know where the fuck this was how do you not belong to Australia?
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