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Syria General /sg/ - Ya Bashar Edition

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 311
Thread images: 110

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Everything you need to know


>Newest Interviews with Assad

>hohol livemap
>Military map
>Syria conflict map

>Fan maps

>Palmyra Apr16
>Mosul Apr26
>Raqqa Apr25
>Qaboun Apr25
>N Hama Apr24
>Daara Apr14

Developments Apr26
>N Hama:SAA recaptures Al-Massasnah & Zullaqiat villages
>DeZ:SAA gains 400m in cemetery
>SAA takes control of Al-Sha’er Gas Fields in Palmyra
>Kurdish forces call for no-fly zone in N Syria,destroy 4 turkish tanks
>Saudis get ready to attack Yemeni port-Hudaydah, drop flyers asking pop to not cooperate with Houthis
>Iraqi forces seize ancient site of Hatra from IS
>US launches Minuteman III ICBM to show ‘nuclear capabilities’ amid N. Korea tensions
>HTS offensive on last position of SAA in Al-Manishiyah District(Daara) faild
>French 'inteligence' beats UK's "planes take off and fly" release CW report to blame Assad
The report compares 2013 attack that reads:sarin filled hand grenades dropped from a helicopter, Syria denined
Report refuses to acknowlege IS ties, nor jihadists using chemical weapons against kurds in Aleppo & elsewhere

Previous >>122907797
UN Syria chemical weapon chief states hexamine not a signature

if somebody can confirm this we could add in dev's
So now that it has been proven beyond doubt that ASSAD was solely responsible the chemical attacks, is there any excuse for you pathetic neet fags to still support this maniac murderer and his illegitimate regime?

Repent and support the rebellion before it's too late.
G-d sees all.
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Thanks for including Palmyra map!
>French 'inteligence' beats UK's "planes take off and fly" release CW report to blame Assad
You suck at boting
Dont you get tired anon?
>must watch

American senator tell the other side of the story: https://youtu.be/0FNtEWfay_8
>Syria: Not a Revolution: https://youtu.be/8prwbWLa7f0
>THE TRUTH ABOUT White helmets: https://youtu.be/8aAaReVn2I4 | https://youtu.be/Es7oBV6b43Y
more on white helmets: https://youtu.be/tseqwNIXhDQ | https://youtu.be/792ODrhwKkk
White helmets killing a child for UN https://youtu.be/9nj6fc69qjM

>Virginia senator on Aleppo: https://youtu.be/VfyDgDTu0Go
UN Neutral report on "War Crimes" in Syria: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yc-RmAVK8Pg

>What's REALLY Happening in Syria (by SyrianGirlPartisan): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t6BRVQDEO7k
Syria ambassador in USA: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U3LTTbOYVfU
>The Face of American Regime Change: https://youtu.be/T634A6AWR9c
Assad visits monastery for Christmas: https://youtu.be/aG_SutViEmQ
Soldier met family after 5 years: https://youtu.be/zHoeU9mZ1Xss
>The Lies of Syria: https://youtu.be/TjHniRRgOao
NGO’s and hybrid warfare: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ro1byfe5vUM

WikiLeaks: Turkish oil minister links to Isis oil trade
- wikileaks.org/berats-box/article
Top aide to Hillary Clinton: :Al-Qaeda is on our side in Syria
- wikileaks.org/clinton-emails/emailid/23225

>SJWs march from Germany to Aleppo "over the course of three and a half months"
Progress: 20 left out of 3000+ at the start, after crying around at the Slovenia-Croatia fence and bitching about visas, on march 12th they entered in Bosnia and Herzegovina, April 21st they were in Macedonia

Thread reminder to watch Threads.

Fuck you.
Cant mossad the assad
Why are you writing "G-d" instead of God. Is it some judeist thing or are you fedora tipper?
Jehova Jehova Elohim
Suck it
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Stop replying to the oven dodger you stupid fucks. He's farming (You)'s.
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fuggg :DDDDD
Why dont we just give nukes to the serbs and let them fix the world?
>trusting beheaders to provide evidence
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> The Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG), one of the largest groups in the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), suspended its military operations with the US-led coalition in Syria

> Kurdish groups in both Syria and Iraq have called the US-led coalition to establish a No-Fly zone in northern Syria and Iraq.

Kek. Stupid SDF, Uncle Sam has sold you to the turks, serves you right for not fighting with the SAA and supporting President Assad.

Keep fighting , while the SAA liberates Idlib!
When' is the news coming?
Don't carry G-d's name in vain, heathen.
By the way according to old testament if you want to relate to God as "the one who sees all" you should use "El Roi"
Oh, and I can say Adonai, you can't haha loser
>It has only been three hours and Turkey has already lost 3 tanks

Maybe he immigrated recently, who knows.
A quebec leaf then? So you're still a liar.
We have proof that Libyan sarin/sarin components were smuggled into Syria through Turkey. There are 11 rebels in Turkish jails right now who got caught doing it.

The UN inspectors who examined the site in Ghouta in 2013 stated that it was the rebels and no-one else. The French did not examine the site at Khan Sheikoum, and are relying on "samples" provided by al-Quaeda, who controls the town.

I'm whiter than you Frenchie, and I've never been to Syria, though I might visit once the war ends.
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YPG subhumans are forcing Manbij residents and their children to leave their works/schools and participate in a protest "to defend SDF and condemn turkey"

of course, western medias will present that as a "peaceful protest done by people who love SDF and want its governance".
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You shouldnt trust (((SDF))) sources, theyre a CIA Israeli proxy.
Just sit back and have some popcorn, Assad is probably enjoying this.
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I thought we were friends!
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You and your "G-d."
God hates you, that's why you can't even call Him by his name but use jew tricks like "Name".
Fuck you you bastard sons of the snake.
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Even more recent map added by Peto, he's on fire today
A japanese guy cooked it in his house because his guru wanted to be emperor though, and yes there was DIMP in the samples gathered there.
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Gülen was a part of that country back then whether they liked it or not. You are forgetting that Ecevit was nearly assassinated after redpilling the public about the American involvement in the 80 coup.


>so, you debunked yourself that turkey is not a sovereign nation since 1950.

That was not me.

>second, turkey got sanctioned after 1974. we survived fine.

Survived? A coup happened a few years later.


>your kins

Who cares lol? We are clearly culturally distinct from the Anatolian subhumans.

>Turkish economy was never owned by the state to begin with.

It was still less reliant on foreign investors.
The US also started to chimp out.
Kurds? What's wrong with Kurds?
Arabs love 'em!
One of my Christian Syrian friends has told me these YPG/SDF cant speak arabic. Theyre not Syrians, theyre foreign kurds from turkey and iran.
I hope the Syrian kurds kick them out.
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>tfw the fire rises
Is it really that difficult to believe that Turkey are losing tanks regularly in an offensive?

Tweet about the third tank was deleted.
Pagan scum, may the LORD strike you down.
Fun fact: they're not even a 10% minority.
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Imagine if Assad was your father in law. It would be cool but scary at the same time. Think of ll the ways he could have you killed.
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Activists:Turkish Army bringing in forces near Tel Abiyad

this nigga seems quite knowledgable on the matter, but he writes in a weird way that sometimes is incomprehensible to me. worth a look!
Hey, did you got the dump of Zein pics you asked for?
>calling Shephards pagan
Oh boy oh boy
it's not a secret, atleast 40% of SDF (YPG (PKK) ) fighters in Syria aren't syrians.
a lot of them joined during ayn el arab battle
Among all the nations and people, G-d loves the Jewish people the most. he chose us to carry his divine word.
No it isnt, but i wont believe SDF sources. Anyway why should I care, as long as turkey weakens the SDF this is good for the Syrian govt, this Rojava was a cancer that Assad wanted removed, turkey is welcome to fight it and save Assad the headache.
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She cries for bullshit... when you arrive at your home, you open the door and see pic related
Confirmed GAINZ both in cemetary and in airbase areas after unsuccesful infiltration by IS in Deir ez Zor:
No man can you do it now?
Syrian kurds are less than 7% according to the Syrian govt. The Syrian govt was smart in giving them all official paperwork in 2012, now they cant hide the turkish, iranian and iraqi kurds if they ever claim this rojava.
Only and only full restoration of President Bashar Al Assads rule over whole Syria can bring peace and stability to this land.
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I'm not in support of either in these posts, I'm just laughing at Turkish military incompetence yet again. As long as the Jihadis are wiped out and Assad gets Syria back to peace.
>Turkey may be an ally but is no partner.
Holy shit, and Russians complain about Peskov manner of speech. Compared to this, Peskov are master of clear messages.
Im guessing its more bro, i wont be surprised if 70% arent Syrian.
the cemetary is a ping pong area
a basement might be a bit of a simplification but it's entirely feasible if you got decent funding and access to some labware. Aum shinrikyo managed it with a fraction of what the moderate headchoppers have available, this is intermediate organic chemistry, not black magic.

DIMP is a side product of multiple synthesis routes of sarin. It has absolutely nothing to do with who made it, but how. That's why the investigations team from 2013 tried their hardest to find other compounds. And even with that more extensive data they were only able to deduct that GB from east ghouta and khan al assal was from the same stocks (not matched to government stocks by the way).

You're full of shit and have no idea what you're talking about.
>buys oil from isis
>bombs isis enemies
>let isis flood syria for 2 years
Why is this allowed?
Princess a qt now I tell you, this one be rare, do not save, do not repost :^)
How do you read Arabic?

If you use Google translate, it may be wrong.

If you are migrant... oh dear...

If you learned arabic good job.
True, i dont care about the turks, but the SDF are feminist terrorists that Assad wants out. Glad madman Erdogan is doing this for him.
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Your god also subjected Jews to thousands of years of banishment, exile, persecution, and then genocide. Only to grant us some useless land in a region where almost everyone hates us and we'll eventually end up turning the region into ash.

God hates us too m8

t. Jew
I'm aware of it
This one you know probably


"YPG is a US ally. Something that Turkey used to be before the Jihadist filth took over. Enjoy watching the UN divide Turkey."

"YPG is a US ally. Something that Turkey used to be before the Jihadist filth took over. Enjoy watching the UN divide Turkey."

"YPG is a US ally. Something that Turkey used to be before the Jihadist filth took over. Enjoy watching the UN divide Turkey."
John 8:44

"Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it."
so are kurds going to be kill soon?
The path to salvation wasn't meant to be easy. au contraire.
now that the turkish army will invade northern syria, what will you, subhuman, do?
we all know that you're not kurdish
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> SAA gainz in Northern Hama
> SDF/YPG/PKK terrorists fighting turkish army

This is a good day! Cmon SAA push for Khan Shaykhoun.
dont you mean Yahweh. Your people killed God by the way. Id say thats worse than taking his name in vein.
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some dumbass shitposting on twitter
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Please elaborate further.
[communist screeching]
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If I'm not sure about something I just ask magrebien and he corrects me :-DD
And a last one
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Seems like it, I hope the Syrian kurds return to Assad now and let the Turkish and iranian kurds fight it out.

Has anyone read this report yet? havent gotten around to it.
Revelation 2:9

"I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan."
some fat bong on twitter.
ta gueule
Hopefully they come to their senses and revolt to return the city under gov control
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If that's the case then your government is really trying to make it hard for us again.
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haven`t read it, but why I hear is that French say the sarin is Assad. This notwithstanding statements by the OPCW that it was "sarin, or sarin-like", but no way of knowing if it was Assad`s sarin.

Based Bastard said exactly what I said...

Charles Shoebridge Retweeted
Charles Shoebridge @ShoebridgeC 8h8 hours ago
Replying to @ShoebridgeC

2/2 It appears therefore that France's 'proof of Assad guilt' relies upon the unproven assumption of Assad guilt of previous sarin incidents
9 replies 56 retweets 60 likes
Charles Shoebridge Retweeted
Charles Shoebridge @ShoebridgeC 8h8 hours ago

1/2: France KhanSheikhun proof: 'same sarin used by Assad before'
https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/apr/26/syria-assad-forces-carried-out-sarin-attack-says-french-intelligence …
They mean same sarin France alleges he used before

Charles Shoebridge @ShoebridgeC Apr 14

Charles Shoebridge Retweeted Benjamin Norman

UK govt:samples (obtained by whom?) show Syria sarin
https://twitter.com/benjarlath/status/852653272338976768 …
But if so, doesn't show sarin used (or even possessed) by Assad

Charles Shoebridge added,
Benjamin Norman @BenJarlath
Replying to @GamerOps @Navsteva and 3 others
UK gov has its own samples from Khan Sheikhoun. We tested them at Porton Down. Tested positive for sarin. Only Assad has sarin.
13 replies 52 retweets 55 likes

Charles Shoebridge @ShoebridgeC

Charles Shoebridge Retweeted Charles Shoebridge

Ex @OPCW expert: rebels may have sarin
https://twitter.com/ShoebridgeC/status/850127355725172738 …
UK scientists, 2013: Ghouta sarin not same as Assad's
https://shadowproof.com/2014/04/07/seymour-hersh-tests-revealed-sarin-attack-in-syria-not-from-assad/ …
>Your people killed God by the way.
If you are referring to that homo, psychopath, sordid, traitor, bastard, filthy piece of garbage that is is Yoshua, I suggest you apologize and repent at immediately.
This is the only logical solution for Syrians living in the rojava occupied places, Assad will be reasonable with them, they just have to forget this autonomy/federation and he will protect them.
Check out this guys tweets too. (Preferebaly with replies because that is where he responds to the most)
>gas used has the same composition as a previous chemical attack
>said chemical attack's investigation had no conclusion
>assad dun it
Thank you polandbro
Do you still call him ha-Nocri?
And what's the legal status of his Bar Micwe nowadays?
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will Trump help these poor women?
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Sure thing commie lover :-DD
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MAP OF NEW TURKEY ,apparently
Still not as laughable as the Saudi's
they can't even match it to what was used in saraqib. Rough data on the presence of DIMP and urotropine isn't enough for that
Remember jews are just Arabs.
Arabs who turned away from the Light.

Humble yourself before Allah, your God, Humble your self before Mohammed your prophet.

Bow to damascus and seek the Lions forgiveness.
Already Israel has brought a sharia judge into power in Israel. Now is the time! A koran in every household. A Koran for every child, wherever he may need it, the school, the bus, the shopping centre.

For the sake of Allah, Jews, submit to your rightful God, the God of your brothers the Arabs! For the sake of Allah!
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Fucken Rami X DD
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I don't get it.
Islamist containment zone?
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>be Saudi Arabia
>be the most powerful nation in the ME
>have thousands of money swimming in oil
>be allied with the most powerful and technologically advanced power in the world
>be armed and trained with the best of the best
>can't beat a bunch of literal sandniggers
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Ooooooh shit!

(Please ignore file name, I found the image through Google search)
DESU I dont give a shit either way, buuuuuuuut if the only possible religion is true... your going to hell.. ill see you there.
you don't really get it do you? no one gives a shit about k*rds. they just want to found a kurdish state to make way for greater israel

>k*rds have their own state after the syrian civil war, weakining turkey and iran in the process
>(((somehow))) their war crimes during the civil war surface
>western media shifts their portrayal from freedom fighters to genocidal maniacs
>turkey, iran and syria is already demonized
>"let israel expand into those territories instead! they dindu nuffin!"

founder of pkk (ypg) can't even speak k*rdish, he's an armenian top kek
The fuck maghrebien? He just thanked for the Zein pics dump he asked for :-(
You're rude!
Stop quoting a degenerate book written by traitors and Christcuck twats.

ישו yeshu
ימח שמו וזכרו Yemach Shemu Vezichro
>While the names of loved ones add the phrase "Remember to Blessings," the names of hated people who have died are added to the phrase "Yemach Shemu" ("Yemach Shemu") or "May his name and his memory be erased"
Im on the same page as you, cant really understand ....
The fact that they even write these reports shows that they have nothing. Still need to read the report, but even if it did match previous chemical attacks, how does that even remotely prove that it was Assad.
I don't like either desu, neither Kurds nor Turks have any business appropriating Syrian lands for themselves.
You filthy liar piece of shit.
All the hate for Jesus and they say they are choosen by GOD. lolol

Reminder that the jews Messiah is the Christian anti-Christ that will rule the world for a short period of time from jerusalem.

Revelation 3:9

"Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee."
>When Houthis attack VII | April 2017 | Saudi Arabia
>Yemach Shemu
Yeah I understand what it means, that's why he isn't remembered as ha-Nocri eh?
Also according to your ancient law his Bar Micwe is still legal, since once passed, it can't be taken back, how does your orthodox folks deal with that one? I guess don't mention it at all or somethin?
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>Tested positive for sarin. Only Assad has sarin.

yes because nobody in the fucking world would have an interest in this world

this makes me sick
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Man, watching some old ISIS videos back from 2007/2008, it's crazy how Al-Furqan went from uploading shitty 240p 5 minute videos to crazy 1 hour long 1080 war montages.
they're trying what they can to push their narrative i guess. I don't know why, it's just emberassing. Everyone with high school education that actually reads them should easily find the large gaps in their chain of evidence, and most people that go for muh children, regime change now won't even open them.
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Reminder that the Jews know only one God above them.
The money.
Alright, guys, since I'm not knowledgeable when it comes to this: When the Kurds do something, what does it really do on the geopolitical scale? What happens when they get their full state? What purpose do the Kurds serve?
yeah, i don`t think english is his first or second language. pity, cuz sometimes he makes understandable good points!
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No more tanks for Erdomeme :)

>Germany: 'No tanks for Erdogan' - protesters roll out TANK in front of Bundestag
Such a traitor is not worthy of writing and talking about. he only deserves our spite.



This still tops the cake.
Peskov has ugly pedofile moustache.
Heretic scum. Christians worship 3 gods. they are Pagans. they are worse than Muslims.
On judgment day you will all pay the dearest price.
So as someone who has completely ignored the Syria situation for the past 5 years, only taking tidbits, could I get a very short TL;DR on why Assad is the good guy? Why does the (((Western World))) hate him and is it primarily due to Arab Spring?
Never said anyone gives a shit about the kurds, but Assad cares about that land. If the Syrian kurds will side with him and fight with him he will protect them.

Both Assad and Turkey dont want Rojava shit.
he is not jihadi.
Activists: The #Turkish_army brings significant reinforcements to the area adjacent to #Tel_Abiyad

Good. He can get them from Russia and China
I hope those guys end up pulling it off
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KCK hopes to establish a North Korea-tier SJW commie paradise; anyone telling you otherwise is either a brainwashed Redditor or a literal shill. I am pretty sure they hope to be more independant in the end, but as of now they are willing to continue being proxies to other powers.

They probably mean to use the SDF to do pic related. Which is why while Syrian government and Iran tend to show anti-SDF attitude from time to time(they have bigger issues right now), both the US and Russia agree to keep them. Maybe Iran and Russia will come to a resolution about the whole thing on their own.
That would have been the Pharisees.

>Christians worship 3 gods.
Why whine like a bitch about something you don't understand (the concept of the trinity)?
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Kek. SDF on suicide watch.
I never understood etymology of Pandera tbqh.
Just think for a while that people like Gioacchino da Fiore, Jan Hus, Bonaventure, Francesco di Bernadone would've never been the people they were if not for Yeshua, and their impact on the world was significant, and is visible even today.
I understand and respect your point of view though, end of discussion.
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Why do you guys support Turkey attacking SDF?
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>mfw /sg/ and Turks will join forces once again to laugh at the Kurds for the second time
>Not believing in an animistic world with unlimited deities.
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Thanks senpai.
its very short. it doesn't have much beyond unsubstatiated circular arguments
Because Kurds want to break up Syria.
because they want syrian clay and because we hate commies
It was never finished....
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> What purpose do the Kurds serve?

They serve Israeli and CIA interests. Theyre a reliable proxy. But they wont get a state if turkey, iraq, iran and Assad all agree on that. With turkey's proxy gone, they wont agree on giving the kurds anything.

Keep in mind Syrian kurds make up less than 7% of the Syrian population. So Assad doesnt want to give a small minority anything, especially one that will be directly under the control of US and Israel.
Yeah i saw him
SDF are Assad's enemies and a US proxy. Them fighting with the turks weakens both sides.
i know i noe some of the old "al quaida in Iraq" vids. They already had a nasheed thing but they weren`t far away as catchy than the new ones.
Do you now a Sniper vid where the hit an US soldier near his humve. I droped and they start snackbaring and the video ends. But in the exented version you see the soldier getting up cause they hit his vest and they try to flee but there car jammed and you see how a american tank starts heading to theire position?
>Christians worship 3 gods.
I wish you understood the word "trójjednosć", it's especially mentioned by Roman Brandstaetter in his works (and he was Jewish!), it means that one is three, that for the unity to be, there is God, son of God & the Holy Spirit needed, it's very.. specific.
I really recommend reading Brandstaetter's works.
I fucken hope so!
Tbh personally Im not sure who to root for in this one, Turkey should fuck off Syrian clay anyway

However some pressure on Kurds might force them to cooperate more with Russia and Syria
Doesnt mean I want em all to die or some shit though
>weakens both sides.
no, the turkish army won't weaken by fighting a useless rag tag commie militia.
Partition of the Middle East, then, wow. Shit. Every group the CIA funds always have to be some shady motherfucker.
Hasakah betrayal.
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>chinese tanks
Not supporting T*rkey.
And Afrin prisoner trade and US support for Raqqa rush in context of federalization.
I have a dogmatic question, padre. What is the stance on Judas? Especially the weird "paradox" where if it was all divine plan, then he did what he had to, and if it was just a story, then he was in fact a traitor.
It will weaken the turkish proxy soldiers. Anyway id rather people like the FSA occupy that north than feminists with US soldiers with them.

Im sure Assad would rather face turkish proxies than the SDF.
>the turkish army won't weaken by fighting a useless rag tag commie militia.
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Talk shit, get hit.
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Turkey, that bastard nation of hairy apes, must leave the Kurdish people alone.

If they won't, Israel will stand with its Kurdish brothers to strike Turkey and destroy it.
That was not the divine plane, he had his own will but he choose what he did.

Of course God as all knowing being foreseen such thing.
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>comparing the useles rag tag militia that was getting steamrolled and can't take a single village without carpet bombing to battle hardened kamikaze jihadists
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Judas dindu nuffin!!
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Why the fuck do you always post spongebob?
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Never forget Hasakah. Allah souria bashar.
>Leopard 1A5
objectively optically superior
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>questioning Maghrebi's ebin maymay folder
Hi, where is the bosnian and the american guys that were here yesterday. they said they knew about camo and equipment.

can anyone give info about pic related?
Will motivate them to build their own tanks. Every military sanction motivated them building their own stuff successfully. This will be no different.
Sobory ekumeniczne nigdy nie wydały kanonu soborowego, który jednoznacznie potępiałby jego działania, ponieważ w pewien sposób był on Kościołowi niezbędny do stworzenia legendy Chrystusta we wczesnych wiekach, a jak wiadomo Kościół tradycję ceni.
Choć niektórzy spekulują że przy podjęciu problemu waldensów na trzecim soborze laterańskim część biskupów opowiedziała się za gloryfikacją jego postępowania, bo inaczej wcześniej wspomniana legenda by nie powstała, wiele jest takich nieprzyjemnych kart, ale jednolitego stanowiska Kościoła w kwestii Judasza Iskarioty w zasadzie nie ma.
Pomyśl choćby o powiedzeniu "za garść srebrników", gdyby nie on - nie weszło by do języka powszechnego.
Po angielsku nie potrafię, przepraszam ;p
> America, s-s-stop those t-t-turk meanies
Well Mehmet, if it was that easy, why is the PKK still operating in Turkey after being bombed for 40years. The fighting in syria has made them way stronger than they ever were before, more recruits, more weapons, and maybe a little bit better than their retarded old ass tactics. When the Syrian war is over and they all move over to Turkey it will be a shitshow on both sides.
turns out you can't just do everything in your own, especially in industries other countries invested billions in to get to the level where they are. Ask the russians how their photolithography is doing
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>there were people on /sg/ who actually thought America will help the SDF like Russia does for SAA
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AFAIK they wanted to use MTU engines of their Altay...so it may be a problem for them
Not a problem you can't overcome. All the "Made in Turkey" military hardware you see are the direct results of military sanctions. All of them.
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SAA entered Maghar al-Mir in Beit Jinn pocket!
Victory will come.
>da, we will return ukraine to crimea then
"Wouldn't it be great if we were friends with Russia again?"
~ Donald Trump, 2016
Last i heard, they wanted to buy 6TD-3 diesel engines from the hohols.
Altay will be a meme on treads.
I approve of gas and it's just another weapon. Sorry if gas triggers you Jewboy but it's not even functionally "WMD" but it's classified as such to allow nuclear response.

Crimes don't matter. As a Kike you want all Muslims dead just like they want you dead. "Crime" is a legal term, not a moral term.

Prove with empiric, testable evidence your Sky Fairie is real or do not invoke him.

DO keep killing sand niggers though, as I wish them to kill Yids and push them into the Med.

All Semite religions are good for is murder, so have at it and thin your herds of backward subhuman garbage.

Religion in a nutshell. "Booga booga stab motherfuckers and take their clay". The rest is window dressing.

Don't you have some Palestinians to torture?
Nie szkodzi. Moje pytanie odnosiło się głównie do tego, że jeśli założymy Nowy Testament jako opis boskiego planu (niezależnie od wierności opisu) to zdrada Judasza musiała być uwzględniona w tym planie - w końcu Jezus wiedział że jeden z uczniów go zdradzi i wiedział, że będzie musiał umrzeć żeby plan się dokonał (modlitwa w ogrójcu i tak dalej).
Czyli zakładając boski plan i jego nieomylność, Judasz zdradzić musiał, taka była jego rola w tym planie. Więc nazywanie go zdrajcą nie jest do końca właściwe, bo jest bardziej czymś w rodzaju katalizatora. Nie posiadam słowa na taki "ludzki czynnik sprawczy".
Ale jeśli popatrzeć na Pismo Święte tylko jako opis pewnej historii, bez uwzględnienia części Boskiej, to rzeczywiście zdradził swojego nauczyciela za ową garść srebrników, no i rzeczywiście należy mu się pogarda.
I tak jak się spojrzy na ogólne postrzeganie Judasza czy to w naszym Polskim społeczeństwie czy to wśród chrześcijan ogólnie, to jest on uważany za godnego pogardy zdrajcę który skończył jak na zdrajcę przystało.
Tak więc postrzeganie Judasza jest jakby odwrócone.

O tyle mi tylko chodziło, przepraszam jak piszę pierdoły i oczywistości. Wiem że byli tacy co uważali go za świętego, nawet była bodajże apokryficzna ewangelia Judasza.
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I trusted that cuck way too much.
>carefully listening to the sound of Russians starting to give a fuck
>still nothing
They couldn't be arsed to fit APS to their Leopards or even deploy them correctly. Combined arms operations are not "park it like a pillbox as TOW/Konkurs bait".
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>Don't you have some Palestinians to torture?
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>implying anything non-western made in 2017 is not a meme tank, let alone one made by fucking Turkey.
All Christians serve the Jew. Why European and Slavic people believe a sand nigger superstition is a mystery. Every church, temple and mosque should be obliterated along with their enslaving doctrines, but simple peasant trash crave imaginary friends.
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any links to new isis vid lithuanon?
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ISIS even used Malyutkas succesfully against them.
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>Hohol 6TD-3
Oh boy!! Check this >>122933559
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Says the from the jew media indoctrinated burger
It's still a sandnig, but Kurds are very good at publicity. Ask their neighbors and it's unanimous they are the regional niggers.

Cunt pics are a waste in political threads. If you are a desperate horny loser go watch porn. The idea that cunt images should induce observers who are functional men to care about the political alignment of the pictured cunt is retarded.

As a Finn you have sandnigs to assimilate, but that yungcunt does not stay yung, and it breeds MALES when fucked. Are you tired of your own people? If so, you are a traitor.
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literally this tbqh
pic related


Turkey: Skeleton of 19th century Russian general unearthed in Ardahan

is that a roach attempt at international banter?
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>self-righteous atheistic larping

go read a bloody Socrates, Aristotle or Plato or some Christian theologian like Augustine or Thomas Aquinas.

...Kant, Descartes, Kirkgaard, Heidegger... you choose.

Quit bullying me based on few of your r/atheism memes and buzzwords.
>Więc nazywanie go zdrajcą nie jest do końca właściwe, bo jest bardziej czymś w rodzaju katalizatora.
O tototo, przychodzi mi na myśl utwór Kaczmarskiego "Kara Barabasza", porównaj, jest dużo podobieństw do roli Judasza jako owego katalizatora, nie był niezbędny bo był zły, raczej był zwyczajnie niezbędny, a jego rola jako antagonisty w pewien sposób jest wyjaśnieniem wzniosłego postępowania Chrystusa.
W dokładnie ten sam sposób w który święty Piotr trzy razy zaparł się swojego mistrza.
Co do wersji apokryficznych Ewangelii mam bardzo mieszane odczucia, ale nic w tym dziwnego, bo w kwestiach wiary samemu mi bliżej do Husyty niż Katolika.
Jeśli chcesz poczytać więcej o roli Judasza, to polecam: https://biblia.apologetyka.com i szukaj J13,26, "Leksykon Postaci Biblijnych" Bociana, "Jezusa z Nazaretu" Gnilka.
Dla "alternatywnych wersji wydarzeń historycznie niepotwierdzonych a dalekich od kwestii wiary" warto zajrzeć do wcześniej wspomnianego Brandsteattera i jego "Jezusa z Nazaretu" a nawet "Ostatnie Kuszenie Chrystusa" i Kazantsakisa, warto też Papadoupulosa "Zaginione Ewangelie". To z głowy, a jak będziesz chciał więcej to ruszę się do biblioteki!
>If they won't, Israel will stand with its Kurdish brothers to strike Turkey and destroy it.

Nice bait to get Kurds to die for Yids. Israel needs Turkey. It doesn't need Kurds. Jews have no goy brothers.
Dziękuję, na razie powinno wystarczyć. Mam po prostu taką dyskusję-nie dyskusję już od paru miesięcy z moją matką starowinką, większość tego co napisałem to jej podejście do sprawy.
Syrian ATGM market at it's best:
>Metis #ATGM launcher w/thermal camera for $25,000 It would be $19,000 without the camera
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Mad Gainz SOON
shit atmg desu
Did you guys see the maemae about 'The gospel of judas'?

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Goy money well spent.
We touched the subject a bit, yes. Sorry for all that Polish.
What did he mean by that
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Tell me about al-Nimr! Why does he hold the necklace
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I don't want to border israel,turkey and kurdistan
Would kill myself if this happens
I like the gospel of Tomas myself, even though its just a collection of Jesus's sayings.
thanks for highlighting the picture to me. i would have missed it otherwise. It's smart arses like you who help those who don't pay enough attention.

Needless to say I found none of mu politics altered by looking at it. Perhaps you should try this at home now and report your results back.
Cała przyjemność po mojej stronie, a teraz wybacz, ale cały dzień kopałem dołki i sadziłem pomidory i nie miałem kiedy się napić!
We've mentioned it in the discussion, yes, it's not exactly maemae, cause altough it's incomplete it's been dates aproximetaly to ~250 AD, but it's not a suprise, since that were the times when the movement took it's shape and had many variations, just keep in mind people who lived in this time were grand-grand-grand-something-sons of someone who new Christ personally and the impression of the movement was completely different than our take on it.
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REEEE I want the thermal camera!!!

More than enough to take out most tanks tbqh
>>>Kurdish forces call for no-fly zone in N Syria,destroy 4 turkish tanks
lol kurdshits
I'm glad that french turk/cuck got banned
Israel should be in the Midwest since evangelical burgerfats love them so much.
Nigga that photo has been around since Desert Storm....
>french turk/cuck got banned
who would that be?
don't tell me maghrebois got banned
Are you talking about Maghrebi? Why'd he get banned?
Your point being..............?
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>The Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG), one of the largest groups in the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), suspended its military operations with the US-led coalition in Syria
>Meanwhile Assad will take the rest of Syria
Is Erdogan, dare I say it, /ourguy/?
Bless you for including the new southfront. My OCD is pleased.
living in france here, turk

tweets like these only make me support the government of turkey more regardless of whos in charge
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>More than enough to take out most tanks tbqh
me lo confundí con este

>While early estimates of the missile hitting the target ranged from 60 to 90%, experience has shown that it can drop to an efficiency between 2 and 25% in case of less than optimal conditions and lack of skill from the operator. In fact, MCLOS requires considerable skill on the part of the operator: according to some sources, it takes 2,300 simulated firings to become proficient with the missile as well as 50 to 60 simulated firings a week to maintain the skill level.[citation needed] Nevertheless, the weapon has always been quite popular with its operators and has enjoyed a constant updating effort both in the Soviet Union/Russia and in other countries.
The point being, st the time, it was cited as a photo of an IRAQI soldier in MOPP gear.
Does Assad really bomb civilians?
This may be a Misbaha. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Misbaha
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No, he doesn't.
Every Kurds wet dreams do not mean it will happen. Would be lovely, though.
He personally drops each and every single bomb from his own flying carpet. :^)
Reminder that the Jew and it's puppet, the US, is not just our military enemy.
It's also our moral enemy.
Why is it constantly repeated then?
>do not prepare your anus, I like it natural
Yes, but only children.
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Kek @mark
>IS child soldiers captured government child soldiers
Toy wars when?
because that is how propaganda works sven
>civilians getting killed in a war
color me surprised
Military Source
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US neocons want to invade Syria.
Because it's in someone's interest
Everyone in this conflict bombs civilians. Syria, Russia, The US Coalition, and the terrorists.

The only ones who do it purposefully are the terrorists (Nusra, ISIS, FSA)
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Found it on wikipedia, they should update the shit a small bit.
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Sorry forgot pic.
So the French intelligence didn't even cross check with the UN Syria chemical weapon chief while spilling lies?
Really this is embarrassing. No western intelligence agency has any credibility left.
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Tadmur (Palmyra)
Some guy who was pissed off and trying to defend Turks and mocking anyone who disagrees. I thought Maghrebis hate Turks.
Because dipshits like you will believe it.
>government child soldiers
Is it the NDF being shit again?
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Military source to me:
this commie >>122939110 is full of shit
but there is more!
No, I don't.
I understand this. But surely, there must be a more efficient lie than the one which is easily disproven?
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>meanwhile, in the US
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at least the have fair pricing.
Everyone bombs civilians. USA bombed like 150 civilians in Mosul some weeks ago.
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There's no NDF there at the moment, only the 5th, elements of some mechanized brigade, number I forgot, and Qalamoun Shield forces, these must be local tribal fighters than.
How many people do you know that actually question what they see on TV. Critical thinkers are few and far between.

When 99% of people won't even question it, it doesn't matter how easily disproven the lie is.
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Yeah Malyutka is old, but still is a qt !!


I kind of liked it.
It has a tautism about it, in that it, in addition to the traditional gospels create a tautology of action.
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Remove k*rds from existence, sterilize all arab/mongolian-tier t*rks and non-intellectual t*rk men, donate european semen and breed the good looking t*rks, let Greece raise the offspring.
Finally, put the orthodox jews in pic related as museum pieces. Steal the IDF-propaganda model kikettes and actual intellectual kikes, reheat the oven for the rest.
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>East Homs CS:#SAA and allies liberated Al-#Shaer Gas fields/GGS ~48km NW of #Palmyra from #ISIS.
i think i already watched it, sound like spanish music
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SAA soldiers like spongebob.
>90% clean
damn thats cheap
how much do you think itll cost me to hopp over the border and go get it?
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Who is selling that?
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Was the 5th legion redeployed back to Palmyra? I thought they were on Hama.
A good friend in Hez and it's free, no friends in Hez and it's jail 4 u
ta vi
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>#SAA and #Hezbollah from Lebanese border clearing the last #Daesh (#ISIS) & #Al Qaeda positions in Qalamoun & Arsal Barrens #SuchiLeaks
Don't you have atleast one arms dealer in every family in Lebanon?
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mm probably it would be pretty easy, but what about returning home with it haha

they are selling t-55 shells too
>I thought they were on Hama.
they are 5 000-10 000 strong they can manage some units in the 5th legion to redeploy some where else.
Baking. Updating maps.
interesting name looks like a under cover serb
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luger for 575 usd
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This one is worth much more tho
>DP machine gun for $1500
3 lives & 2 livers
Not a bad idea
For once erdago is ourguy
I see. Thanks for the info.
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is that from ww2?

this is $450
It's Mandic! He's proxyfagging.
Would buy in a heartbeat!
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probably trying to trigger some Albanian jihadists on balkan boards they trigger
>what did they mean by this ?
Took them long enough.
Now about that Damascus pocket...
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>Isis faces exodus of foreign fighters as its 'caliphate' crumbles
>Exclusive: Two Britons and one US citizen are among dozens who have surrendered or been caught at Turkish border
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"genocide this please"
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>at Turkish border
Fucking k*rd imbecilles.
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Found a pic of Talibans who massacred 200 ANA in Afganistan.
Thread posts: 311
Thread images: 110

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