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Syria General /sg/ - ESCALATION edition

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Thread replies: 351
Thread images: 84

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Everything you need to know


>Newest Interviews with Assad

>hohol livemap
>Military map
>Syria conflict map

>Fan maps

>Qaboun Apr25
>Mosul Apr25
>N Hama Apr24
>Raqqa Apr23
>Daara Apr14
>Palmyra Apr11

Developments Apr26
>N Syria: Turkish Army shelling and attacks on YPG in Derbisiye and various towns in Afrin region
>E Homs: Syrian Army recaptures Shaer Gas Fields
>N Hama:Jihadist counter-offensive,claim to capture Al-Massasnah village
>Qaboun:SAA detonates tunnel, kills 17+ jihadists inside
>DeZ:IS new offesnvie on cemetery and Al-Jafra farms faild
>SAA delegation to meet with IS leaders in Yarmouk to negotiate evacuation deal
>HTS offensive on last position of SAA in Al-Manishiyah District(Daara) faild
>IS captures Kurdish base in N DeZ
>HTS returns corpses of 5 slain men from ancient Christian town in Damascus
>Serbia wants to join demining efforts with Russia in Palmyra
>IS once ‘apologized’ to Israel for attacking IDF soldiers – former Defense Minister

Previous: >>122888806
French intelligence services have concluded that forces loyal to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad carried out a sarin nerve gas attack on April 4 in northern Syria and that Assad or his closest entourage ordered the strike, a declassified report showed


>French intelligence is biased
>Fake news
>False flag by USA: remember Nayyirah/WMD in Iraq?
>Assad would never murder his own people. Why would he do such a thing? (PS: Simply asking this question somehow magically voids any and all evidence to show he was responsible)
>White helmets are literally terrorists
>MIT prof who watched YouTube video said it was a false flag
>Sure, maybe Assad did gas and murder his own people...but that's just a small character flaw in an otherwise great guy.
>Some other stupid comment that could be resolved by just bothering to read the 6-page report.

>must watch

American senator tell the other side of the story: https://youtu.be/0FNtEWfay_8
>Syria: Not a Revolution: https://youtu.be/8prwbWLa7f0
>THE TRUTH ABOUT White helmets: https://youtu.be/8aAaReVn2I4 | https://youtu.be/Es7oBV6b43Y
more on white helmets: https://youtu.be/tseqwNIXhDQ | https://youtu.be/792ODrhwKkk
White helmets killing a child for UN https://youtu.be/9nj6fc69qjM

>Virginia senator on Aleppo: https://youtu.be/VfyDgDTu0Go
UN Neutral report on "War Crimes" in Syria: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yc-RmAVK8Pg

>What's REALLY Happening in Syria (by SyrianGirlPartisan): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t6BRVQDEO7k
Syria ambassador in USA: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U3LTTbOYVfU
>The Face of American Regime Change: https://youtu.be/T634A6AWR9c
Assad visits monastery for Christmas: https://youtu.be/aG_SutViEmQ
Soldier met family after 5 years: https://youtu.be/zHoeU9mZ1Xss
>The Lies of Syria: https://youtu.be/TjHniRRgOao
NGO’s and hybrid warfare: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ro1byfe5vUM

WikiLeaks: Turkish oil minister links to Isis oil trade
- wikileaks.org/berats-box/article
Top aide to Hillary Clinton: :Al-Qaeda is on our side in Syria
- wikileaks.org/clinton-emails/emailid/23225

>SJWs march from Germany to Aleppo "over the course of three and a half months"
Progress: 20 left out of 3000+ at the start, after crying around at the Slovenia-Croatia fence and bitching about visas, on march 12th they entered in Bosnia and Herzegovina, April 21st they were in Macedonia

Thread reminder to watch Threads.


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Reminder that Kurds are white, based, and the real master race.
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You may have gotten first post, but you will never get a get in a /sg/ thread.
>Assad did nothing wrong, rebels and children deserved it.

Prove me wrong.
Shlomo tricks right off the bat.
well well well
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reposting my OC from yesterday

that is all
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link me the reprot itself!

if all the report is about is something like this shit...

"We know, from a certain source, that the process of fabrication of the samples taken is typical of the method developed in Syrian laboratories," Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault told reporters after presenting the findings to the cabinet.

IT it is a peace of shit and no different then uk version of "PLANES TAKE OFF AND FLY" version

same desu
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As an Assad supporter, I stand with turk in this autistic fight with the SDF.

The syrian kurds should go back to President Assad, forget this rojava CIA Israeli shit then the SAA will protect them. Otherwise theyre on their own. Serves them right for not fighting for their country in the SAA like every other minority.
4MB you animal!

And as such are going to end up in Europe once Erdogan goes all Turk on them.
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>Everyone excited about roaches and k*rds removing each other
>jew still screeching about muh babies

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made my day :DDddDDddD
total ass burn
And most responses to those.
Sorry Shlomo, Frogs took a week to cook up an extended version of the US 4 page report while providing nothing of substance.
Read the report and tell me if it provides and CONCLUSIVE evidence and doesn't go around in circles.

dat shockwave doe
Just the idea of dead reds brings a smile to my face
rollan for the ginger cuties
Stop replying to shlomo shekelbergstein
He is a kike shill
Nothing you say or do will change his position
His goal is to halt meaningful discussion while we reply to him to refute a statement that has been made over and over again.
>Don't take the bait.

I have a even bigger smile, both Turks and reds dead, what a time to be alive!
i wonder how long until turds defect to SAA

>Next Week: "SAA on full control of Manbij"
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Death to the great Satan!
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Kek. Liberal feminists are chimping out on twitter about the turkish attacks on kurds.
So after RoachFuhrer pulled this attack on the kurds,how much time does he have left before the US pulls a Saddam on him and goes looking for WMD in roachland?
efrin pocket maybe because of the russian influence and the previous reconcilliation negotiations with the government for tel rifaat
But there are confirmed WMD's in Turkey. NATO nukes.

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seen no evidence whatsoever in that article.
try harder next time zionist cunt
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> implying Erdogan didnt do this with full US approval.

Cmon, the US threw the kurds under the bus.
hit to the dirt.
no after hit pic.
>2100-83 believing a k*rt.
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>implying Erdogan didnt do this with full US approval.
can't be sure they had US approval considering we're dealing with erdomeme here
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to bad he has to play powell now, i quite liked him
The background looks different, is this even the same place?
it's the spanish commie, don't answer to his shitty posts, he doesn't deserve it
If i remember, there was some sort of agreement that allows t*rks to bomb shit 30 kilomemes into the border with the k*rds.
K*rds unironically BTFO, no?
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>Serbia wanting to join in efforts 'removing' things around Palmyra

This can only end well..
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>Tfw i posted that
Commies BTFO indeed
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They have used 30 fighter planes in last nights attack.

It's a good news, they recover from the coup attempt and purges.

ah yes shall i buy some me some accordion ?
If Turkey invades Syria I don't think SAA will be able to check them.

Suheil said before that if foreign combatants stepped up their presence- as we are seeing now with Turkey- they would accept foreign troops fighting alongside them.

America would escalate if Russians were suddenly on the ground with Assad, but it is now more of a possiblity than it was yesterday.


Wasn't the USA on it's way to setting up safe zones and trying to legitimatize their presence in Kurdistan? Seems like he's nipping that problem in the bud. Smart move, but I don't think the Kurds deserve to be slaughtered like this. They were willing to cooperate with Assad, and after this they still will be. Assad regime and roaches killing Kurds is just more of the same.

Syria general is too edgy sometimes.
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*thirst intensifies*
Russia is not in a position to escalate.

Their main supply route to Syria passes over Bosphorus and they would lose it.
Some anon earlier said Russia was preparing to send ground troops,if that is true its probably because they are expecting some shenninigans from the other players
>closing the Bosphorus
Literally a declaration of war.
Why? We have a union with Iran and can press you
stop cultural appropriating iraqi history, bedouin
Seems pretty appropriate that barely a century after the Armenian Genocide the Kurds are going to get fucked just as hard now Erdogan can get away with it and not be held accountable. But then it's not like they didn't deserve it for their involvement. Just goes to show you an never trust a roach, even at the time your it it together.

Death marches when?
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That seem like a long shot. When Russian soldiers return in body bags (possibly in hundreds) Putin will have a hard time at home.

The war in Syria is an adventure for Russia and its outcome won't matter to average Ivan at the slightest.
>Russia is not in a position to escalate.
>Their main supply route to Syria passes over Bosphorus and they would lose it.
Russia would squash roaches like the bugs they are and take constantinople if it comes to that.
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I really do wonder what will happen. We are clearing enemies, well known terrorists and what will world answer to this. They will of course say don't do it. But this time no one will care.
kek and who will make them go in bodybags?the turks?You really think your military is anything compared to theirs?

Russia has very little gain from a war with Turkey, too much to lose.
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>what is book
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WOW i've just read through the so called french security report on Syria chemical attack and its utter shit...

I just can't understand where is the professionalism... it looks like somebody made in 10th grade...

HOW fucking stupid do they think we are?

They base for identifying the so called "comon" base used in creating sarin lies from back of 2013 attacks which we can be pretty sure that the rebels did it... they then regurgitate that SINCE EBIL ASSAD did this in 2013 ... no evidence.... it must be ebil assad that did it now... because HTS never used them... no... nobody ever used chemicals in Aleppo, not fucking once... and the rebels groups and IS collaborate as we can see from previous joint offensives they had..

this so called raport is toilet paper!
>to gain
keeping their regional ally
>to loose
very little? Without article 5 they'd have turkeys offensive capabilities reduced to nothing within a week or so
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I doubt they'll deploy ground troops and risk turning Syria into Afghanistan 2.0. Isn't their entire strategy (air support to help out SAA and keep them from collapsing while training and equipping Syrian units) meant to ensure Syrians can fight their own battles in the future, and that Russia doesn't have to get dragged in there for decades (since the next takfiri goatfucker uprising will inevitably happen at some point).

I mean I'd love to see some actual Russian ground action with all that sexy new equipment, but I doubt it'll happen.
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No, the rebels kill hundreds of loyalist every week. Russian casualties will skyrocket if they decide to put Russian footsoldiers on the frontline.
>from a war with Turkey
We had 7 or 8 wars with you. What war do you mean?
>comparing the Russian army to the SAA
dumb LARPer
This. Komşu is right. You can not close bosphorus unless you are actively in a war status.
But there is a small exception that if Turkey feels that it may be in a war situation soon, or under a threat of war then it has right to restrict the passings but needs UN's 2/3 majority.
>the rebels kill hundreds
I know you're shitposting but I'd really like to see accurate casualty numbers.
>Be Erdogan
>Invade Syria to reclaim the glory of the Ottoman Empire
>Russia threatens war if my troops don't withdraw
>I have the support of the west
>I have the support of most of the muslim world
>Proclaim myself to be Allah
>Now muslims must bend the knee
>Declare Jihad against Russia
>Close the Bosphorous
>That'll show them
>3 days pass
>Be me, in my palace, sitting on golden toilet
>Taking a roach shit, naturally
>Life is good
>Hear explosions in the city outside
>Before I can get up, people in uniform break down the door
>They're Russian!
>But this can't be, I'm Allah himself, I can't die!
>Get shot in the face
>As I pass into darkness, hear the faint sound of *click* and laughter...

Don't reply to him, he is probably a kid. Not worth your time. I mean look at the pictures he is posting, cringe
>merica would escalate if Russians were suddenly on the ground with Assad
On what grounds exactly?
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notice how trump stopped saying *Islamic Terrorism*
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Turkey can shut down the straits if threatened by actions of another country.
I agree that Russia dont want a war with Turkey, but that means Turkey have to play ball.

Just make up your minds and choose who are you friends with, Do Turkey wants to suck zionist cock? or Turkey wants to side with Russia? Because in all honesty Turkey alone is shit like the kurds.
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Pimp my Armata!! :D

>Russia: Tanks prepped and pimped for Moscow Victory Day parade

Turkey plays its own game and doesn't need a puppetmaster.
He really believes the rebels or turkey could stop the russian military if they went balls deep
But... they don't. Especially not since SAA started using more manpower-efficient tactics.
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And good for you. You should keep at it.
not unless approval of 2/3 of UN
>on what grounds


logic is not neccessary. Burger does as burger wills. we will make something up even if the Russians are there by the request of a legitimate government.
So Turkey now have bad relations with us with USA and kurds.

Well done Erdo
No. Not unless Turkey can get approval of 2/3 of UN
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Is shit hitting the fan in the North ?

Are the turks going all out ?

Can somebody spoon feed me ?
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Even Donbass "trip" in august 2014 costed less than 50 KIA. Hohols are trash, but clearly better than so called rebels.

No, I'm not saying that the rebels would stop Russians.

I'm just saying that if Russia decides to put footsoldiers in Syria, their casualties will increase a lot and that will cause a lot of trouble for Putin at home.

Russia in Syria is solely for an adventure. They are not fighting for their existence or homeland.
Where is ONUR???
Just because nether side is moving doesn't mean they are not shooting at each other. A sniper here and mortar there it stacks up. If the Russians do come in and are deployed on the front line to hold the line its going to get messy real fast.
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>We are deebly goncerned
Hopefully dead.
There is indeed an escelation but will probably result to nothing.

you keep saying this shit over and over again without proof. I know it's you, you obvious Roach diaspora

time will tell how this shit pans out
But wasn't that Russian arty support and Russian tanks in a quick and decisive strike. It wasn't Russians manning the line.
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But reddit says its happening

We can shut down the straits evenby using the excuse, "russian ships polluting the waters"

No UN is needed. Cite your sources before talking non-sense
And that's precisely what they'll do in Syria, along with maybe some Spetsnaz shock troops here and there.
It's not like they'll be taking over where SAA finished.
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You seem to be a reasonable turk and thus probably a gulen spy. Now answer my question: where is onur??
This would be a great opportunity for SAA to take over Qimshilo. A quick and decisive strike to make federal Rojave a non possibility.
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>> implying Erdogan didnt do this with full US approval.

>Cmon, the US threw the kurds under the bus.
What if Erdogan did this with Assad's approval to start pushing the Kurds out?
4D blindfolded naked Twister from Assad?
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Post YFW we learn that Onur got drafted and captured by Suheil and has to give up his boypucci.
Ukraine is war just near your borders.

However Syria is different. Their supplies can be cut if needed.
>Dat phat gun.
DIY 23mm?
Or 14.5?
kebabman give me you opinion on these escalations
Do you support actions againts kurdomemes in syria?
>Their supplies can be cut if needed.
No. You forget about Kaspian sea
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>Turkey plays its own game

kek Turkey not having a puppetmaster, you wish.
While everyone is playing chess, turkey is alone playing checkers
That is the most interesting gun I have seen in a while.

Gives me the same ISIS DIY vibe.
He even iron scopes that shit. Guided by the hand of nasralla.
I'm agree w/ you, so at first we need conquer your country for more convenient logistic.
If I lived in the US, I could legally build my own .50-cal rifle.

... but I live in Australia, where they won't let me.


Helicopter dropped grenade. WTF. The report states that it was 'clearly dropped from the air'. How the fuck did they do that?

You throw a grenade, if if throw it far enough it will explode in air ( probably impossible for the human to do ). Otherwise it will hit the ground and either be at rest or in motion when it blows.

How the fuck would u tell if it was dropped from the air or thrown? Or even just left on the ground?

Also a grenade dropped from a heli, depending on the height it was flying at, could cause the grenade to blow up in the air before it hits the ground. This is one of the reason why airdropped grenades are put into glass jars and then droped out of helicopters - i.e. the glass jar holds the trigger mechanism in place until it hits the ground breaking the glass and thus triggering the grenade mechanics.
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>This is one of the reason why airdropped grenades are put into glass jars and then droped out of helicopters - i.e. the glass jar holds the trigger mechanism in place until it hits the ground breaking the glass and thus triggering the grenade mechanics.

I did not know this before, but it is a very interesting thing to learn.
It was tanks with support of airborne troops. Yes, they had lots art of support and was instructed don't hesitate on calling it. But for a decisive days our troops fight at frontline, before returning to Russian side of border.
If we apply similar scenario to Syria (lets imagine, that ground troops was officially deployed, although i don't believe in this scenario), where SAA and company "tanking" suicide bombers and artillery strikes to static position, while Russian troops conduct offensives and counterattacks, leaving ground to Syrian immediately after, i don't see extremely high casualties.
choose to rely on circular argument if u wish.
the french intelligence report does just that. we covered this off in the previous thread.
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You really don't think Blyatwater will operate in Syria? I am disappoint.
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I read we have our 4 stronk F-16 doing reconeissance sorties in Iraq near Kuwait border
>myriad evidence
why does assad always sign his gas?
Can these western dogs stop this once and for all?everyone konws there was no investigation on the ground and these are all lies
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You don't?
Someone should post a link to the report int he comments there and point out that it's bullshit.
does Turkey keep on keepin on and btfo more kurds? the war is just more of the same everyday but if Turkey enters like that it might shake things up
>btfoing anyone
So, it matched the sarin from 2013... the sarin attack that Obama couldn't use as an excuse to go to war with Syria for because there was no way to be sure the Syrian government did it.

Brilliant job France, you have done a "just because there is sarin, that must mean the Syrian gov. did it" fallacy. France needs to just stick to drinking pee and getting raped by refugees.
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US has truly become a colony of nation of Israel.
Youd have to be retard to think Erdogan would dare attack Al-Malkiyah in Syria, the heart of the SDF/PKK/YPG without US approval.

Im sorry you cant connect the dots here, I blame your water burgerfag.


I think Assad would rather face Turkey and their retarded proxies (think FSA) than a CIA/Israeli proxy like the kurdish Rojava that would have strong Western approval.
Worse: the sarin that was shown to come from Libyan stockpiles smuggled to Syria through Turkey.

norks thumping on the chest for trump

It will be another Çekiç Harekâtı, where kurds getting slaughtered so hard that they will cry and whine infront of the UN to stop the kurdish genocide done by the turks.
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Le based Jews xD
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I'm sure Al-Quaida in Lybia or other "freedom fighters" had some to spare.
Ive been saying this since Turkey entered in Al-Bab, this whole operation is with the approval of Iran and Russia. If the kurds in the East and the West united it would have been dangerous for Assad having a strong US proxy like that.

He needs to keep all proxies and enemies weakened at the same time. When the FSA lost Turkey had no one, he gave them the kurds as bait.

This way if turkey brings in more proxies he would have weakened both the SDF and turks. Assad would rather deal with the turks later than a CIA/Israeli proxy like the SDF.

There is a chance that the Syrian kurds will give up and ask Assad for protection, he will liberate more land in the process.

You have to think of the SDF as enemies of Assad in the same way the turks are enemies.
I long for the day when these generals are no longer needed.
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It's been a long time but what about the US attack on the Airfield. Anything happened since then?
Aber naturlich, kamerad.

As did the CIA "apparently".
Turkey detains 1,000 in crackdown on alleged Gulen supporters
Turkey on Wednesday detained over 1,000 suspects in a massive new crackdown on alleged supporters of US-based Muslim cleric Fethullah Gulen, a week after President Recep Tayyip Erdogan won a referendum on ramping up his powers. A total of 1,009 suspects have so far been detained in raids in 72 provinces across the country, Interior Minister Suleyman Soylu was quoted as saying by the Anadolu news agency. Gulen is blamed by the Turkish authorities for masterminding the July failed military coup. Some 8,500 police officers were involved in the nationwide operation, Anadolu reported, adding that arrest warrants had been issued for 390 suspects in Istanbul alone. (AFP)
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Requesting the tyrone video about the aleppo rebel offensives (even jihad julian linked it)
>Ugarit (modern Ras Shamra), Syria
pretty sure these generals will go on, /balkan 2 general/ or /tg/ next.
For some reason the mail link isn't working on archive.org, but it's on archive.is http://archive.is/pYxDA
How's everyone doing?
I had a long day of planting tomatoes.
What's the thing with escalation over kurdshits, are there serious and constant clashes ongoing or just large caliber machine guns and artillery trade?
Also Jihadi Julie blocked me on Twitter finally.
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controlled narrative.
Is that Aleppo Syrian who's back?
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He's going full on dictator isn't he? How long until he opens some centers?
That's nice. He is rather sensitive, to be honest.
Airstrikes and ATGMs, nothing major so far.
What the hell? It was working a fortnight ago.....

(thats two weeks to you guys)
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>roaches destroy k*rdish HQs
>assad takes qamishlo while k*rds are weak
>peace agreement reached between pro-turkish fsa and assad
>syria is peaceful again
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#BREAKING Kurdish forces call for no-fly zone in northern Syria
I think death penalty is the next in line
It seems serious this kurdshit, Erdogan must have made a deal with the US and the kurds are being thrown under the bus.

Of course kurdish SDF being stupid are asking Uncle Sam for help instead of the SAA. That just shows these kurds in control are from turkish, iran or iraq and not Syrian kurds.
>US threw kurds under the bus

why? They would have no reason to do this. US was informed of the attack, they didn't agree to it.
Jokes aside, this "signs his gas" reminds me of something I saw on tv, don't remember whether it was a documentary or a movie, of someone who creates a molecular signature for his crimes..

Can someone remind me what that was ?
I can at least respect his ambition. Too bad he is on the opposite side of mine in this conflict.
>Can someone remind me what that was ?
He was babbling how evil Assad sends jihadis to Idleb so they can get bombed by Putang, I pointed out than a fair portion of them prefered to sign reconcilation agreements and stay within government territory, while mostly criminals (or those who had to fear something for their actions) chose to flee to Idleb, poof, I'm blocked, how will I ever recover? :-(
Alright, thanks, to be honest I hope for escalation so SDF may stop Raqqa siege, give SAA some room for action in there, and also to see dead Turks & Kurds for the lulz
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Welcome back. Haven't seen you in a long time.
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>so they can get bombed by Putang
If he does that, he'd fuck Turkey's economy big time. It's also the EUs red line.
i mostly stay in KC.
Did you finally visit aleppo ?
No I am not a gulen spy, and not all of us like to dick wave. The other annoying turks are just kids with inferiority complex therefore they shitpost to feel better. I really dont care for onur at all.
Kek, funny tripfag
Ya, I get the glimpse of the situation, wondered if anyone here has some footage of photos as proof of t he intensity of the clashes.
Topkek, I hope these lads get some experience, but in order to do so they should actually bomb someone, why not train on Jihadis instead?
Might wanna save this PDF if they're deleting shit off the wayback machine:

Well, he is a Journalist. Pretty much the lowest of the low when it comes to politics.
#SAA led by 11th Tank Division captured Jabal Sawanah #EastHoms
It wil be huge victory ıf SAA will manage to connect Palmyra and Khanaser Plain

#NDF Official: Syrian army & its allies make advance in south-west of the Liwa al Tamim and captured many positions #DeirEzZor
> why? They would have no reason to do this. US was informed of the attack, they didn't agree to it

Do you honestly think Turkey would dare anger the US? Cmon man, if the US cared about the SDF they would have stopped turkey. They didnt give a damn except some lame press conference.

It actually makes sense that the US doesnt care about the SDF anymore. Obama's plan was to take the north for the SDF proxy, while the turkish qatari proxy keep what land the FSA claim and the saudis/Israelis keep whatever alqaeda has, then theyd divide syria between them.

When the rest of the proxies lost and only the SDF is left, turkey, saudi, qatar arent happy. So keeping the SDF is both costly and not worth it for the US without the other sides having their proxies.
Uncle Sam can always abandon the kurds and come back to them in the future if they need them. Theyre not worth upsetting all those other allies.
Delusional he is. But I also don't think Russia will ever go balls deep for Syria.
The EU has bigger problems than the death penalty of Turkey.
Any news from the Tiger Airborne operation to liberate Khan Sheykun?

Monterux was only for 20 years. Only free navigation principle remains. source: Turkish wikipedia. We can close Bosphorus to warships if we feel that we are under war threat without UN vote. Im not sure though. Wikipedia can be wrong.
>Do you honestly think Turkey would dare anger the US
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Military source to me: happening soon, waiting for the rest of the tiger SEALs to join up with the airborne
Yes, Suheil al-Nimr al-Hassan said that the winds of change are flowing over the clouds covering this operation from the sight of mere mortals like us, later that they he mentioned that he's going to take On*r up the ass and that it doesn't make him gay tho

Also, they don't really care about "muh values".
Well, listen I am a Zaza ethnically but I do support the actions against the kurds in syria and also the pkk. They are arming and teaching new tactics(police center tunel bombing) that they learned from ISIS to PKK in Turkey.
>Their supplies can be cut if needed
Istanbul can be nuked if needed
I you planned for a visit.. Are you still studying ?
>a Zaza
What is that?
true desu, but EU (or was it just German?) politicians already said that it would have consequences. I can't see them risking losing their credibility, especially because people pay attention to the Turkey issue.
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This Raqqa operation from the SDF was beyond retarded, its an Arab city, they put a kurdish feminist to head the city's council. Its a pretty clear message for any arab living there to fight them and side with Assad against them.

The SDF are just using Israeli tactics without the brains and money of the Israelis.

Im glad Erdogan attacked now, hopefully he will cripple the SDF, this will buy the SAA more time to liberate Raqqah later with the help of the PMU.
astaghfirallah kafir
לך תמצוץ ת'זין של ערב הסעודית, כבר לא כולם נגדנו
Erdogan is sultan now, he is fully under US influence with the EU influence gone. We're in 2017.
italian striker playing for valencia,on loan from juventus
>implying russia is this brainless to nuke turkey over closed bosphorus
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the what now
>I can't see them risking losing their credibility
Bibi Netanyahu obliterated Germanys credibility yesterday or so.
here, article 21, in Turkish for you.
My major is Marine Transportation so I know a few things in that regard. and No, Monterux is not for 20 years.
>italian striker playing for valencia,on loan from juventus
Kek, but I was being serious.
لا الله الى الله ومحمد رسول الله
im really not sure things changed here plus im still studying
>This Raqqa operation from the SDF was beyond retarded
It was well-planned, and fairly well-executed.
Phases actually made sense, with the air superiority the kills to death ratio was over 10:1, altough the numbers weren't as high as expected, guess more died at this time in Issam's meatgrinder.
>this will buy the SAA more time to liberate Raqqah later with the help of the PMU.
PMU lost two imporant leaders just in three dayz, they're struggling in Mosul and Tel Afar, they're not going to be helping SAA anytime soon.
I must say I hope too for Raqqa op to slow down so SAA can catch up with the western Aleppo CS frontlines.
>he is fully under US influence
this is a delusion
>EU influence gone
it was never there to begin with
>We're in 2017
so expect something again, it seems we defy imperialists around once a decade.
oficial thread theme

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EU influence is indeed gone but I am not really sure who is influence he is under (Russia? US? Some globalists?) , if he is under any influence at all.
>The majority of Zazas consider themselves ethnic Kurds

here the original agreement in Tukish. Check article 21.
>consider themselves ethnic Kurds
Shut up roach

>לך תמצוץ ת'זין של ערב הסעודית, כבר לא כולם נגדנו

>"You suck your Saudi Arabian cock, not all of them against us anymore" - t. Google translate

A based jew? Is this even possible????
That cringy underage roach has a point tho, after the coup some imprisoned pilots had to be pardoned cause there wasn't even enough of them to do regular sorties against PKK
Stop acting like a roach. We have a somewhat quality thread here, don't pollute it.
> It was well-planned, and fairly well-executed. Phases actually made sense, with the air superiority the kills to death ratio was over 10:1, altough the numbers weren't as high as expected, guess more died at this time in Issam's meatgrinder.

Im not talking about the military side of things, im talking about their clear intentions of what is going to happen next to Raqqa.

It was a clear message to any Arab living in Raqqa = ethnic cleansing by kurds.

No Syrian arab will accept foreign kurds ruling over them and it would lead to instability. The people in Raqqa will fight for Assad over this. This shows the failure of the kurds to understand demographics.
How so?
>Bibi doesn't like certain NGOs
>Gabriel meets with them
>doesn't get to meet Bibi
Or is there more to it?
Not directly related, but...

>Ivanka Trump: Allowing Syrian refugees into the U.S. 'has to be part of the discussion'

>The president has argued that such refugees represent a national security threat because they provide easy camouflage for terrorists seeking to enter the U.S. But in her NBC interview, Ivanka Trump said allowing refugees into the U.S. should be a component of a larger plan to address the situation in Syria.
>larger plan to adress the situation in Syria

>"That has to be part of the discussion. But that's not going to be enough in and of itself," she said.

>Trump's remarks come in the wake of a missile strike against an Assad regime airbase earlier this month. The President has said that the horrific images from a chemical weapons attack compelled him to authorize the strike.
>"I, of course, shared my perspective and opinion. It aligned with his own. I think it would be very hard as a human being to see the images that we saw and not react and not be very shaken to the core. That said, and while I expressed that sentiment, as a leader of a country, you can't make decisions based on emotion alone, and his decision was incredibly well informed and advised at every level," she said.
>"I'm proud of the action he took, how decisive he was, and the clear message he sent that heinous attacks of this nature using chemical weapons will not be condoned by the United States."

Oy vey, don't blow me up goy
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House arrest man.

Think Soviet. They fly the mission then return to house arrest.

Erdogan only cares about Erdogan. Im sure the US and him have made a deal about dealing with the kurds. No one wants the Rojava and its a point that turkey, iran, iraq and even Assad agree on.

I think he needs this kurdish war to unite the turks, even the liberal kemalists will be happy with him fighting the PKK and YPG terrorists calling themselves SDF now.
Kek. Looks like a weta.
(A cockroach-like thing the size of a mouse from NZ.)
>it was never there to begin with
economic influence my dude
From the telegraph article abou the french findings on the gas attack:

Syrian Kurdish officials escorted an American officer to some of the sites targeted in the attack, as large crowds from the area followed them around, according to photos and video from the scene. Redur Khalil, the spokesman for the Syrian Kurdish People's Protection Units, or YPG, confirmed the visit to The Associated Press.

Khalil said the airstrikes were followed Wednesday by Turkish army shelling of Syrian villages along the border area. The shelling prompted an exchange of fire between Kurdish and Turkish border posts, Khalil said.

The YPG form the backbone of the Syrian Democratic Forces, the main U.S. partner in the battle against the Islamic State group in northern Syria. NATO member Turkey considers the YPG an extension of an insurgency within its own borders. The SDF includes Arab fighters.

So putting on my tinfoiler, I wonder.

If Turkey goes into full confrontation with the SDF, will that mean that the SDF has to pull back from its Raqqa offensive?

Is turkey in cahoots with ISIS again?
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It's a good year to be a Turk.

We finally get to remove k*rds from Sinjar.

DAG 2 becoming real.
Well thats the irony huh?
All these years Kurds was crying "we are opressed we are under cultural genocide from turks, we cant speak our language we cant say we are kurdish" etc. Yet they went on pressuring people from my ethnicity that they are not different that they are also kurds. Hypocrisy much.
An ethnicity, Also has its own language which is totally different from Kurdish, grammar phonetically etc
They're just doing this to try to sink Le Pen

It will likely work
Beit Jinn SOON
>economic influence my dude
ah, ok. that would always stay. but meaningless word squabbles between EU and Turkey would also stay.
blowjob is homogay moshe. why would i unleash my load on you?
Fuck em commies good, after Hasakah incident, US sponsored Raqqa rush & Afrin prisoner trade I don't give a fuck about em
Damn, seems Erdo's son is still deep in the oil trade with IS again.
Or Erdo wants to stall SDF efforts to allow SAA to catch up? Too good to be true.
Do you feel oppressed or discriminated by turks for being a zaza?
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Dude, im on Assad's side and youre on Erdogan's side - cant you keep these differences until after the SDF are eliminated? They both want the Rojava gone.
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Sayz the expat Syrian, what if it was homo? Or gay? Does it have to be homogay?
You weird folks, al-Hassan as fine example.
Yeah, thanks for sharing.
I'm always astonished by how many different ethnic groups there actually are since I learned very little about that in school.
Well you got me :D
> The SDF includes Arab fighters.

This has never been verified, even southfront says they have never seen them.
>An ethnicity, Also has its own language which is totally different from Kurdish, grammar phonetically etc
Cool, thanks. Hope your people get a chance to get rid of Kurdish influence over you.
Tallat Abu Hassan captured by SAA in Deir ez-Zor.
Nope not at all, we are quiet chill. But I must say when you even say you are a zaza near Kurds they start to argue with you that, there are no Zaza's, what we speak is just a dialect of Kurdish etc.
I'm not on erdoğan's side. I'm against the pkk and its supporters at my country's border.

if erdocunt would have supported his "buddy" Assad when all this shit started, we wouldn't be talking about this shit.
Fucking Islamists can not tolerate any secular government around them.
this pic cant be real gib source
> I'm not on erdoğan's side. I'm against the pkk and its supporters at my country's border.

And so am I, nobody wants the PKK in Syria, so forget your differences with the Syrian govt for now and focus on the PKK/YPG/SDF terrorists that Assad doesnt want. Stopping the Rojava helps both the turks and Assad.
Your country will never be safe if the kurds get a region in Syria. Even Assad doesnt want that.

top kek

this is a 18+ board evlat
>there are no Zaza's, what we speak is just a dialect of Kurdish etc.
just reply with: there are no Kurds, what you speak is just a dialect of persian
would results in some real life (You)'s i assume
Ortas TV, yesterday around 22:30
You are a puppet state, though
Nice pepe
what do you say about assambly's refusing to go war with Iraq even under pressure of the US then?
and I'm sure I'm older than you.
or in getting stabbed
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Updating OP... need help on the french toilet paper report... How would you present this? Would like to feature some parts in OP... here's my take

>French 'inteligence' beats UK's "planes take off and fly" release CW report to blame Assad
The report compares 2013 attack that reads:sarin filled hand grenades dropped from a helicopter
Report refuses to acknowlege IS ties, nor jihadists using chemical weapons against kurds in Aleppo & elsewhere

>turkeys offensive capabilities reduced to nothing within a week or so
Retardation of Putin fanboys has no limit. Russia projection of power isn't as such that it can eliminate the equivalent of a well armed big Western army that has terrain and home advantage. Russia can't simply remove Turkey except with nukes but that's not something Russia would use willy nilly because it sets a standard. The US and other countries will just start using nukes on a weaker non nuclear state and this will lead to great destabilization and more rogue states seeking a nuke.

Also you overestimate how much Russia cares about Syria.
and you are not a state to begin with.
Thanks guys these are the kind of updates I was looking for

Hey Romaniabro good evening
see >>122908684 I think
Recent Raqqa map here, about the report I'd say "Political pressure againt Assad based on fabricated French intelligence report" but it may sound biased.
My pleasure. Yeah schools don't give much attention to ethnic groups but I realy can't blame them, When you are irrelevant you are irelleavant :)
Well thanks to you too for your sympathy. Hopefully one day.
6/10, not enough suka
US didn't want us in middle east you idiot, it was all a show. who do you think put akp in charge?
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no. No one is willing to escalate this conflict over syria to that degree, that's painfully obvious. Should it ever come to war all the russians have to do is spam cruise missiles and soviet surplus SRBMs into turkey, it's not like they have the capacity to shoot back. And like half of their pilots are in prision right now, that doesn't help either.
Feels good that Rami's back kek
I don't speak zionist (pig)
All Russia would have to do is bait Turkey into attacking first, just like the US did to Japan.
haven`t read it yet, but perhaps this guy`s tweets can inspire you
Well they are not very good at arguing or harmless banters. Things could escalate easily with them. Which is not really a hill you want to die for.
It doesn't even need to have lots of Russians killed. Just slightly more than the amount that are already dead and dying in Ukraine and that's enough of a political catastrophe. Putin's politics at home is not immune to get weakened.

With a Saudi Arabia that is ready to increase supply, dropping prices of oil to very lows it will make Russian politics an even more chaotic process. Of course for S.A lower prices is a bad but at the cost of discouraging Russian "boot on the grounds", it's necessary.

It wasn't privates and footsoldiers on the front lines completely replacing the others you retard. Elite troops (not necessarily special forces) isn't really "boots on the ground" like how American troops were in Iraq.

Also American politics can mitigate the backlash thanks to "democratic" process. Russian politics doesn't have that luxury. If something makes Putin look really bad that's bad for an entire system that relies on one man being the balance maker.
that's a given. But the russians have even less reason to escalate the conflict.
Or actually your version is better, cause it reminds me of deep's "sex-starved rabbits" :-DD
the US doesn't want us NOW, in that time, they thought they could control us through AKP. after that defiance things went sour. Obama tried to fix it, somewhat succeded but after syria and northern Iraq tensions, it is all changed.
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The sarin found in Syria was mixed in the way that carries the regime signature. You're grossly underestimating chemical process to get that particular mixture.

Also dailymail is not a reliable source.
They can completely remove russian navy from the black sea and the aegean and blockade the straits. Russia would suffer much more than Turkey, it would be a lose-lose situation for both, and they know that.



But... it doesn't. It's similar to sarin used in the heli grenade meme attack in 2013.
if US (read kikes) don't want us in syria, then we wouldn't be in syria. this country stopped being a sovereign nation back in 1950 lad
they can close the bosphorus, they can't sink the russian navy. They got close to no stand off weapons
Yeah you seem angry, I can understand where you are coming from but eh sure you do what you do.
they wouldn't want us to be in Cyprus either, what happened?
This. The USSR geopolitical pressure was mostly the case of giving sovereignity up in exchange for safety.
>deep's "sex-starved rabbits
wait what?
>they can't sink the russian navy.
This is where you're wrong.



amphibious assault by the syrian marines?!
All the sarin attacks in Syria that were accused by Western powers to be perpetrated by the regime, carry this signature.

You can close your eyes and believe a lie, that doesn't change the facts.

To be honest, people who have no idea what sarin, hexamine and other substances and compounds are should have no say in this matter.
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>Be Erdogan
>Invade Syria to reclaim the glory of the Ottoman Empire
>Russia threatens war if my troops don't withdraw
>I have the support of the west
>I have the support of most of the muslim world
>Proclaim myself to be Allah
>Now muslims must bend the knee
>Declare Jihad against Russia
>Close the Bosphorous
>That'll show them
>3 days pass
>Be me, in my palace, sitting on golden toilet
>Taking a roach shit, naturally
>Life is good
>Hear explosions in the city outside
>day of the liberator has come
>Before I can get up, people in uniform break down the door
>They're already drunk
>But this can't be, I'm Allah himself, I can't die!
>get RPG'd
>As I pass into darkness, hear just a "Xaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxa DAAAAAA"
>The sarin found in Syria was mixed in the way that carries the regime signature.


The sarin found in Syria carried trace elements that only come from sarin produced with US or UK equipment like Libya had. Syria made their sarin on soviet equipment, which leaves different trace elements. I've actually read the reports from 2013. You clearly have not.

> a fucking leaf!
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Khan Sheykun liberated soon. Stay tuned
Once when he baked did somethin like "rebels in ghouta digging tunnels like sex-starved rabbitz" in the devz
Maybe you'd like to speak to my old CBRN instructor?

People (like YOU leaf), who have no idea what the fuck they are talking about should shut the fuck up.
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That happened under Ecevit, who was not brought to power by the Americans. Turkey's economy was not owned by (((foreigners))) back then, either. T*rks seriously underestimate how easily the US and their allies can fuck this place up; a few sanctions and çomars will starve to death due to tarhana shortages.
and how? The russians got cruisers and subs packed with AShMs and cruise missiles, in addition to that their backfires. All this infrastructure was originally intended to fuck CSGs. That might not be feasible nowadays but its still more than enough to fuck whatever naval assets the turks have easily.
>amount that are already dead and dying in Ukraine
Care to show some data to back this up?
> the regime
Oh wait, never mind.
Exactly. France is alleging hexamine is a signature source, yet OPCW says hexamine isn`t such a thing. Honestly, giving credence to a report that relies on beheaders handing you evidence is absolute nonsense.
I wish they would show something new, like the 152mm version
>they wouldn't want us to be in Cyprus either

what makes you think that? politicians' words? news and newspapers at the time? all they did was to put on an embargo. did you see what they did to kaddafi when he defied his masters? they killed him by sticking up a metal rod in his ass fucks sake
zazas are based. k*rds are disgusting.
also zaza cuties cook 100/10 meals. you wouldn't believe what you eat.
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3 minutes ago Peto did Palmyra map!
Uqayribat SOON
Subs my friend, lots of them. Also, you shouldn't buy into the "invincible russian army" propaganda so much.
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>the comment section
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kek, can't argue with that
But according to this http://undocs.org/A/67/997, page 30-37 as the German gas expert pointed out in last thread, they were unable to link the heli dropped meme grenades to government sarin stock.
>The sarin found in Syria carried trace elements that only come from sarin produced with US or UK equipment like Libya had.

No it didn't.

>Syria made their sarin on soviet equipment, which leaves different trace elements. I've actually read the reports from 2013. You clearly have not.
The Sarin mixture use is unique to what was made in Syrian laboratories. This doesn't mean it's ingenious or anything, albeit it can only be made by experts.

You don't even know what chemical processes leads to mixing hexamine and Sarin together anyway. Or what DIMP is.

Reading a report means nothing if you have no understanding of the science. You're like a creationist that reads studies and textbooks on evolution just to refute them and at the end of the day you reveal yourself to be an idiot because you have no understanding of the science.
That is used in tablets in solid-fuel stoves ffs....

Also, the leaf is definitely not a native English speaker. Either shitskin diaspora, or proxyfagging shill.
>German gas expert
'this is expected (pause) SOON'

Funny that you say that people that have no idea about this should shut up and seem to have neither read the UN report about the incidents of 2013 nor the french one about khan sheiqhoun
Please do shut up. It is obvious you don't know what you're actually talking about.

By the way, your English skills are fucking pathetic. You're clearly using a proxy. Fuck off shill.
>CBRN instructor
You're just showing yourself to be retard. The quick google search isn't helping you. Some instructor qualified about dealing with protection in a chemical catastrophe is just that. It doesn't mean they're qualified to do efficient forensics or that they know the science.

Fuck off aussie. You're probably a Syrian Assadist too afraid to fight for your personality cult regime.
so, you debunked yourself that turkey is not a sovereign nation since 1950.
second, turkey got sanctioned after 1974. we survived fine.
it seems you don't know about johnson's letter of 1964 and general policy of the US in the 70's against Turkey involving Cyprus problem.
oh the sweet superiority complex calling your kins çomars. And yet the inferioty complex against the others to the same magnitude. Grow up will you?

It was both Erbakan and Ecevit. And Turkish economy was never owned by the state to begin with.

What do you guys think? Do we maybe have a Saudi intelligence faggot with a proxy?
We are, de jure
It's just Turkroachistan that doesn't recognize us, you know?
yeah turkish subs, what a threat. It's not like the soviets had to consider that since more than half a century or something. It has absolutely nothing to do with invincible russian army propaganda. Their navy is in ruins. What remains is still more than enough to take on small fry like the turks, especially in areas like the black sea where they have strategic depth and support from their strategic bomber fleet on the mainland. The turkish navy is heavily outgunned and outranged, there is nothing to discuss about that.
Is that you teasing u, or is that literally a tweet you copied?
What about this angle:
and that's all it takes to chimp you out.
Ok we got it, Russia stronk.
Can be hohol emigrant. Heard they have strong diaspora in Canada.
Who is weaving a new thread?
Didnt you guys lose a shit ton of gibs jsut by Putin tell to the russians to not go on vacation there?
Romaniabro is

I got backup one in a case his bakery got barrelbombed
gotcha! That was quick!
>uniqe to what was produced in syrian laboratories
You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. How is DIMP uniqe to "sarin produced in syrian laboratories"? That shit was present when the germans first cooked G agents up 80 years ago. Urotropine may be a shitty stabilizer but i'm pretty sure that not only the syrians can get their hands on substances as rare as standard dry camping cooker fuel.
Friendly reminder, that Leopards used to be strong too. Until turks start using them in combat.
>hurr durr Russians are invincible and not a single one has even died in a conflict that could even claim American soldiers life!

You have no ability for critical thinking. Asking for evidence about something so obvious is like asking evidence about the difference in cause and effect. It's a priori fact.

Not an argument. You're incapable to argue. Berating other's English skills is a telling sign you lost the argument. Nevertheless, if you weren't retarded you'd know there are lots of Canadians living in a specific province that don't have English as their first language. Fuck off from Western land back to wherever you came from.

>n-n-no you're the one that didn't read it!

I bet you can't even read the French report in its original language. Not that it matters... Your critical thinking skills and knowledge in the science are lacking so even in German or in English, you wouldn't understand anything.
Surely his english would be better if so?
stronker than turkey, that's for sure
its not coped tweet
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I'm calling Assad!
most accurate analysis/prediction yet
At least the misogynist Saudis don't go to other countries, unlike the vermin Syrian Assad supporters who keep following a personality cult while comfortably living in the West, leeching off the white man's wealth.
Russians don't spend too much money. they are really nothing. However German tourists not coming is the problem. they are the rich ones.
our economy isn't based on Tourists, we are not Greece in that regard.
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i was the one that wrote the post the polish guy linked to a few threads ago. Not that i speak french, but i understood enough to get what they're trying to argue. Someone else linked the english version half an hour later or so, changed nothing.
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>At least the misogynist Saudis don't go to other countries
oh but they do,not in human form but in the shape of hate mosques,imams and terrorism
Sarin can't be cooked in a basement that leads to DIMP. Sarin being made by Syrian experts, who are a downgrade from Western ones, is the bare minimum to get this already known signature.
No that's just the money and the influence. They're not incompetent like Syrians and some Westerner kikes.
See this>>122927610
You're retarded. End of discussion.
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