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PURGE IN BRAZIL (schools now cancelled)

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Thread replies: 327
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IT'S HAPPENING! (thread cont #3!)



Oh nooo.
pueblo hermano brasileño.
people go to school in brazil?
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Make this the next op plz





these are our shit gun laws
>>111307935 → # →
>>111307954 → # →
>>111308544 → # →
batman is here too, and spiderman >>111306891 → # → >>111306526 → # →

>>111306351 → # →
Be >25, several tests, expensive (far more than an average brazilian earns) and at the end of the day it's may issue, not shall issue. Calibers also heavily restricted and protectionism to shit companies like taurus.

read especially this for a more detailed account http://www.asterisko.com.br/gun-laws-in-brazil/ and https://www.loc.gov/law/help/firearms-control/brazil.php for the text

WHERE THIS IS HAPPENING https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Esp%C3%ADrito_Santo_(estado) (MOST VIDS FROM CAPITAL VITORIA I THINK https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vit%C3%B3ria_(Esp%C3%ADrito_Santo))


>going to shit
schools cancelled:
who wouldve thought

Jesus, the birth rate is up?
What happened to hybrid vigor?

I thought mulattos were supposed to be superhumans who are going to bring the human race into a new golden age.
Who's purging what of whom?
>armani exchange
>not based georgio or atleast emporio

fucking savages, gas the lot
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Every single police officer who went on strike should be summarily executed by right-wing deathsquads.
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Is Brazilian Trump going to win?

Future America
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>hand over your guns, goy. the police will protect you if something happens
Bernie lost though.
>but why should I care?
If he focuses on law and order maybe. That's his strength. It'll probably be an economy-based election though and people in Brazil love degrees, money and suits and our trump is too working class, also his party is small and he would have barely any airtime (proportional to elected deputies) or money to fund his campaign so probs not. He can influence policy changes on the 2nd round and push someone to the right tho











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Can someone give me quick rundown on whats going on here?
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Negative ghost rider.

America is looking better with each passing day.
Police go on strike and you fuckin monkeys can't behave yourself for a single day? Jesus god damn Christ

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Its that fucking 4chan guy

He can't keep getting away with it.
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As long as the gated white communities are fine who cares?
If the police went on strike here do you think our nogs would behave?
Lets be honest,unless Lula is in jail he will win.
fucking unreal
who is that guy on picture?
can I get a quick
Those will be the targetted
We shouldnt.

If my memory serves me not too long ago every Brazilian ive talked to online chastised me how progressive and liberating brazil was. How i was a dumb violent american because my women couldnt shake their tits in the street and how oppressive capitalism is.

Now that the system is coming down they are playing coy thinking they deserve pity. You BRs made your bed now lay in it.
tweet this to donald trump has proof why we need the borders closed!!!
How does a non Black country manage to be worse than Africa?

it's going to happen all across the west as the next round of defaults happens and the economy comes down again.
any live streams?

I want to get comfy
I know, i know i've let you down. I've been a fool to myself...
this is fucking nuts!!!

fucking monkeys are going to migrate north expecting to get in.
He loses every 2nd turn projection so far. Check previous elections, leftists always get from 10 to 30 pct of the vote. These are the fanatical fully faithful voters like the ones who still defend Chaves in Venezuela. His party was btfo in last years municipal elections and some already propose changing it's name and symbol or to merge with other party cause they know they're weak now. He might even go to the 2nd turn (dont think he will, all the candidates he supported lost worse than average, ESPECIALLY his son; also brazilian polls from 2 yrs before an election are useless, they're all based on name recognition and change quickly when election year comes), but won't win (he is also old as fuck too). The bad part is that Marina may win and she sucks too, total watermelon and low energy like JEB. People think I'm crazy but I'm unironically betting Silvio Santos will win. Check his poll numbers from 1989, guy is a vote-gwtting machine, he has his own channel to sholl for him as a counterweight to the media and can sell himself as an outsider in a time where everyone hates politicians. Itd be Doria 2.0
Bogpill is a suppository >>111328098

Thank god I didn't went on vacation to Brasil this year
Good look my monkey neighbours
You should stop talking with leftist fags from Copacabana who spend their holidays in their favorite city Paris then. Good brazilians like Miami, bad ones Paris. Ask him which one he visited and it's a good enough test. Or switzerland vs France or Liechtenstein/japan/singapore vs sweden
Who do you think is the best option and why?
Here's some videos:
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>implying niggers already behave






>not black
are you mixed or just delusional?

He had a real rally yesterday at the funeral of his own wife.
That's for fucking up the gini index, monkey.
as long as the third world eradicates its brown self, i'm good.
brazil is blacker than many african countries, 200 million blacvks.
you just know he will use his wife's death as a platform. The guy was handshaking EVERY SINGLE poor person that went there just because of the media. That motherfucker is already campainging. He said something like he was disgusted by how the media treated her and stuff
so... what happened and how often does this happen
utter anarchy
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>tfw conservatives thought that left-party president women fucked them over, but then prefered a even worse "I don't give a fuck"-party nigger to solve their problems and accelerates the downfall of economy by applying outdated pro-rentists austerity measures that would inevitably cause situations like OP's post.
Brazil is the blackest country in the New World.
who is the most extreme?
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No, but we can gun them down ourselves if they get too wild
Who gives a fuck?

Just the flower withering for the winter and blossoming in the summer

By withering I mean purging
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Spider Man got a rundown of the situation in Espirito Santo by the Bogdanoff brothers.
He is currently at the Sao Paulo Central Bus Station waiting for the first bus heading to Espirito Santo.
Help is on the way, stay safe EspiritoSantoBros
The infamous hacker known as 4chan is at it again.
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Wouldn't they just attack the half-monkey "I have Italian/German ancestry and light skin, therefore white" pardo first?
Why are all links to this politicaloutsource and why does their twitter only have 5 users?

No mention of this on any other news outlet or independent website?
>Chimp country chimping out

Not really news.
What the fuck is happening in Brazil?
Holy shit, I watched the footage in the link and purge pretty much sums it up.

What was the reason for the current situation, and why is the police/military just saying fuck it?
Yeah I want more sources on this
Every stupid fucking black lives matter member/protester should watch what happens here when the police go on strike
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Is /co/ really so shit that Spider-Man would rather live in Hueland instead?
ZERO media is reporting this, not even local news. It's trending on Twitter and that's the only proof there is. (((They))) don't want let out what gun control and criminal justice reform result in.
Checked trips of truth, yessah.
Yes, and the lack of media coverage on this Espirito Santo shit will give him another excuse to hijack the """fake news""" narrative so he can still tell the MOST HONEST SOUL IN BRAZIL sob story.
Fuck huebro, what do?
Low wages and human rights.
see >>111329386
political outsource is the most trusted underground media.. CNN and FOX wont touch this shit because they, like the other anon said, dont want to expose what gun control does. PO does it what it fucking wants.
News: the government has suspended negotiations with the protesters, and said it will not speak to them until they return to the streets. And I doubt they will return soon.
True story, I can not find anything about it.
A bit sceptical till further sources pop up, I mean stuff like that can not be ignored for too long.

They don't want everyone to see the true face of a diverse country. Brazil is the endgame for all white countries.
Plus a potential alliance with Marina and Ciro, both candidates that might be favored for their "non-traditional" character in the next election.
/Co/ is literally tumblr board
pathetic that the mainstream isnt picking up on this... just another reason to say fuck you to CNN and FOX and only read political outsource
>dat loli

This. Degenerate cunt
Too early to tell. Id have to see the platform of most candidates, but of those on the list the one who does support policies I like like gun rights, not doctrinating kifs with gender theory and anal sex classes when they are 10, non commie allied foreign policy, privatization and less regulations (although like Trump he has protectionist tendencies, he does not defend what memertarians meme they do for some years now), strong on crime, reforming our laws to be strong on crime (br presidents have strong powers to initiate legislation and direct the legislative's agenda), legalizing homeschooling, better labor laws (Im sure he doesn't understand economics that well, but his son's campaign for Mayor had solid consultants and his would have too, so he can just follow their advice), stronger border security (and eben immigration laws, but that's not a focus) and less tolerance of leftist criminal groups like black blocs, mst, mtst, no support of feminazis, etc while being in tune with new (mostly right) media and non-PC (and a known name with strong working class appeal) is Bolsonaro, but itd be hard as fuck for him to win (due to the way or campaigns work, money etc and demonization, focusing on dumb shit like his idea of having a Nyobium Opec (pt sigla, sei la em ingles, do petrileo)), he has low discipline to focus on issues and gets baited too hard, etc. It'd be easier to get an insurgent in a big party (like Doria, his whole campaign was just like Trumps, an outsider defeating the party hierarchy and running a better campaign while triggering the most leftist factions in his party so hard they quit it and ran against him), an actual outsider like Justus (seems like gave up, also PC as f and 100% an opportunist in my opinion), a better center right name like Caiado (caarer politician from politicla family tho, and his party is weak since a bunch of it's members left with
Just to explain to the anons: the Brazilian military police can not strike (the law does not allow it). In this case, their families are camped in front of the police departments to stop the vehicles from leaving. Obviously it's all arranged between them, but it was the only way they managed to seek redress for their rights.



>political outsource is the most trusted underground media..
>5 twitter followers
>Domain created less than 3 months ago
>Images from Brazil are from Google from 2014
>Most trusted

Literally who? And why are you shilling so hard for them?
Galvao Bueno is sleeping.

They're only now waking up here, and they're probably the main source of your own networks for shit that happens in br.
gotta love how MSM is ignoring this, it's quite literally a major world happening
Kassab to PSD so they could be Dilmas allies and get gibs, also nationally they've been PSDB satellites for 20 years) or Silvio Santos (he polled extremely well before and I'm syre he can win, just need to see what policies he will defend before voting for him) or some more centrist politician (likely Alckmin) who we can try to move right in the 2nd turn. Just please God no Lula/Ciro vs Marina or I'll just fucking kms (tbc Marina is still better than these 2, she is still horrible tho). This will be the best election since 1989 and we might get rid of our PTxPSDB system in place since the 90s tho, all due to based Lavajato. Anything can happen now

(btw both Marina and Bolsonaro would find it hard to govern with small base in the legislative and less compromising positions, this usually ends poorly in br politics, as per Collor)
tropa de huelga
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The MSM is trying to turn us into Brazil....Why would they so it?
Dude, don't even get me started on this fake news bullshit. He will do this, for sure.Meanwhile, Globo aired something about in Fantastico where THEY would explain to the audience how to spot fake news. Every fucking time Trump does something they always talk about it with a condescending tone, it's ridiculous.

So from what I can tell this is just a giant gang war and not anything serious.
Probably bolsonaro since he is ine of the few right-wingers and is always baited into defending the military regime as dindus instead of focusing on his strengths or the fact that even tho he defends them he has (except early after it ended) defended and voted in favor of democracy (the project to make our voting machines safer with new gen machines that print votes so u can have recounts instead of our current shit system that doesn't allow them and makes u believe the machine counted everything right and is secure -protip it isn't- or else was his for ex), so besides the typical fake news they make about anyone they can say he is literally Pinochet (a little worse than Trump saying he respected Putin and the chinese during Tiananmen square)
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stay safe BRos
i mean, just because the website is new doesnt mean its not accurate. and the twitter was created tonight. Their instagram has 44k+ followers so...

this is happening whether you like it or not, im not shilling
Thing about Bolsonaro that annoyed me wasn't even the way he easily likes to trigger the left in a non classy way, is that he pushed for Ibama agents to not carry guns when he himself is in favor of people carrying and he himself likes to fish/hunt in protected areas. Cunt move
Galvao Bueno esta dormido. No puede transmitir noticias en vivo.
I really hate our media. Even the supposed "anti-leftists" in Tucanopress (im looking at you """antagonista""", """estadao""") are full shills4hills
Where's that Time magazine cover that says Brazil is the where the future is heading?

>the future is Mad Max
That's pretty fucked up.
>just because the website is new doesnt mean its not accurate
No, but posting images from 2014 and then saying it's from the recent events is not accurate. You can't say you're not shilling when you just called them the best underground source and tell people to only read their material, while they're posting misleading things.
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>Implying that Brazil hasn't been one of the most prosperous countries by the rule of Lula.
Keep sucking Globo's and Moro's dick while our most important economic assets are being sold to other nations.

In Brazil, the conservatives doesn't even protect its own country from external intervention in matters of nacional sovereignty. It's the right-wing that are cucks in here.
Don't know, but the first time I bought the conspiracy about the globalists was after Trump won. Rede Globo, the biggest TV network in Brazil, issued a statement saying how they were sorry for americans because they see a world with open borders, etc. They try to shit on Trump everyday and last sunday they ran a segment on one of their news programs about fake news and how (((they))) would help the audience to know what's true or not. So who knows, maybe it's the globalist agenda in full force
It wasn't a serious proposal. Check vids from the time, it was a psyop to make people vote in favor of it so he could pester them about gun rights for all, since "if guns are bad why does Ibama need it". It might be bad for him to explain later but didn't pass anyway, just to show hypocrisy. Altho i do know some people that are against laws like this because "either evryone gets it or no one", so they were against carry for lawyers, etc
You are somewhat correct, their libertarian views are cucked. We need a moralistic nationalistic conservative.
So what does BOPE do?
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People are dying on the streets m8, literally geting their cars hijacked, get killed and their boads left to roth on the streets. Pic related It was this saturday there.
The governor is on another state on hospital with a tumor. Also the governor and the owner of the TV Station there are from the same party. They covered 30 seconds of the caos and dedicated 15 minutes for the funeral of the former president wife, with also died from cancer this weekend.
Independent news sources are covering in portuguese:
But is not a really great coverage.
the editors probably circlejerk themselves to sleep, everybody thinks in the same wavelength, it's incredible

Why isn't the media there? CNN usually goes to stuff like this to report, even to active battlefields.
Whoa whoa whoa, they only like Fake news and how to eat KFC! They don't want to show a multiculture society falling apart.
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haven't been browsing pol lately? what is going on? is this happening worth my very short and limited attention?
I don't think it's wise for a guy like him to try doing psy-ops, he is not in a position like Milo that can be entertaining when he does his shit to trigger the left. Guess I'll give him another chance. I can't get over how he tries to suck the army's dick everytime he gets the chance
Iraq was a multicultural society when they reported the war going on.
Stay strong my monkey friends,all the Manoel's and Maria's are rooting for you
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Nigger tried to still a bike and got rekt. Not from 2014
Even Globo has said shit is going down, not page 1 tho
But Iraq wasn't (((multicultural)))
Army's dick. Niobium dick. Israel shill.
Brasil need a trump. Fuck it I would be happy if Brasil got a Ted Cruz
oh no, is he going to be okay?
He is a shill. Anti-gun, feminism, several genders, fuck sovereignty because muh indians, no serious border controls, cuba's goy, state schools and commie curricula only, awful labor environment, hate speech laws, racialist bullshit, affirmative action, muh criminals are innocent kids dindu nuffin, welfare etc are not based at all. No wonder their supporters were for Bernie. In their minds PSDB = right-wing even though these faggots (especially THC) consistently cuck for PT and say they have no real differences among them.

For foreigners: what he calls based is Kirchner-tier libtardism. And the economy only did well under Lula when he followed the previous policy already in place. When on the end of his term and especially under Dilma they changed it to even more crony "developmentism" it worked as well as peronism, i.e. it didn't

Only "nationalism" there was completely fucking over state companies under the control of politicians.

No such thing in the US. The opposite of draining the swamp
Exactly, so how is multicultural society the only kind of society where violence can erupt.

I was just proving my point to this guy who randomly made this argument out of context in response to my question of why there is no media coverage >>111330773
Brazil is the alpha country!

If all you white boys had the chance to either be a man, and eventually get beheaded with slow machete by other gangsters, or live a long life as a feminized white tranny for bbc, you would choose the tranny life!

Admit it!
>when they reported the war going on

Without a strongman ruler like Saddam, it was destined to be a shithole anyways. There's a good reason the Ottomans had it split into three different provinces before the British mandates.
Exactly, so how is multicultural society the only kind of society where violence can erupt.

I was just proving my point to this guy who randomly made this argument out of context in response to my question of why there is no media coverage

See: >>111330569
Pissed himself?
It's his base. All those people and their families vote for him. They'll all grow up to be anti-leftist. I have buddies in the army and they can confirm they shill 4 him

> Not israel shills

Every nationalist in the world is zionist nowadays. FPO, Geert, Le Pen, Trump, AfD, Farage, etc. So is Netanyahu btw
So MPs are on strike but what about regular police?
yes it is englishman
It's impossible for us unless the guy ran for himself. THe political system here is so fucked, everyone tries to kiss everyone's ass. I went to a rally from PP when a local politician was allowed to return to the party, he was being investigated for Operaçao Tapete Negro. Esperidiao Amim was there, people barely looked in the eyes and everybody, I mean, EVERYBODY had to say something when they gave a speech that they were happy that Amim was there, meanwhile he was looking at his cellphone waiting the time to go home. Pathetic
I like the Spurdo on the wall.
Yeah, my father used to be on the military and loves the guy. My father isn't very bright though, he always talks about how surprised he is because nobody killed Bolsonaro yet, he is so brave talking about what people want to here. Meanwhile I try to explain to him that Bolsonaro only lives for the outrage porn, he doesn't get it
This is the regular police. MP is the ostensive force that patrols streets and arrests people. A gendermaire. Civil police are the investigators. One force per state. Also have road and train police, national public security force, federal police, municipal guards, technical police, etc. But military/civil police are the main policing forces, under control of governors. Back before vargas they even had tanks and shit
regular police is military police
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>Brazil is the alpha country!

>Sweden saying this.

Is this a jojo reference?
Its actually easy in some parties if they have primaries. Look at Doria. Mayor of a big ass city and less than 20 thousand people voted in his primaries
The main issue I was agreeing with is that our so-called right favors scoring points with a small caste of businessmen over moral and national talking points that can sway public opinion, leaving them with insipid rhetoric to counter emotionally manipulative propaganda by the likes of Marina, Ciro and Lula, that WILL appeal to the people's basest interests.

If you run on free market-related arguments, you lose not only the election, as is pretty much certain, but also and most importantly the opportunity to take advantage of a shift in the zeitgeist that could generate long-lasting benefits to our political landscape, institutions and international relations.
maybe I'm being too cynical but that day made me lose faith in everything political, I realized that everyone involved has probably done something bad or must keep kissing ass to be in a position where they can do something bad. There were no good guys there, and it was something happening in a small town

it sounds pretty basic but it seems like nobody gets it
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I agree. That's why Tucank faggots keep losing and libertarians will NEVER win. You can even defend the free market but do it on moral terms, none of that muh efficiency BS

Alexandre Borges @alex_borges has great articles on this (he works as a publicist btw)
>our so-called right favors scoring points with a small caste of businessmen over moral and national talking points

that's what lobbies and licitaçöes are for, they pay you upfront so you can give it back later and share the profits.
>The main issue I was agreeing with is that our so-called right favors scoring points with a small caste of businessmen over moral and national talking points that can sway public opinion

Wow, that's fucked. At least our Neocons weren't that retarded, with their dying southern strategy and whatnot.

Do you think it is possible to meme true conservatives into the spotlight in your country?
Good luck to all brazilbros who post here
Yes, the people are begging for someone to take it.
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MSM notice a day ago, about a march going on for """black protagonism""" pride. Maybe it's fake news and all we saw was a really long pride march you guys
>true conservatives
If u mean like Cruz or Rand or Ron or even Trump no, we're too to the left of the US economically for this. At most we get like some european countries. Far more people on gibs too
Now compare all of this to Japan after the earthquake/tsunami hit a few years ago.

>e-everyone is equal
I hate the racialism meme. Especially that shit about ruffles or something because the package was brown
what? didn't see that one about ruffles
Justus 2018?
guyfuckers need to be shot on sight
a bunch of dweebs on reddit are saying this is "fake" because CNN and MSNBC aren't reporting on it.

fucking jewish sheep. go over there and upvote that shit, dont let them tear this down just because they can.
they only """""Trust"""" cnn and bullshit like that.. fucking nerds its pathetic
Too pc for the non-econ (OUTRAGED at Trump for ex) part and seems he's already given up. I think he just saw "hm... The businessman drom the Apprentice won, lulz my turn".

You guys heard it here. But Silvio Santos vem ai. He'll die in office tho
Who cares about these idiots? Let them life in their bluepill ignorance.
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justus is an opportunist that saw that trump was a millionaire and think that he can get on board of the meme train.

His wife is pretty damn hot though
They're about to be BTFO soon then
DO you think that is really possible? I've mean, SS gives zero fucks already, don't think that he could be ruthless enough to debate
A slightly more sophisticated Bolsonaro is the best we can hope for. If he fails, his votes will be useful in the second round.
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Take a look at this one
That's pritty much what I would do Motorcycle or a car and a gun and none of the retards in the general public can drive or ride properly eg track days etc If shit hit the fan good fucking luck catching me.
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Just FIY Brasil MSM do not report the venezuelan crisis until now, beacuse is a ally country. so no hay hambre en venezuela
Implying anything with huge brand stamps on it is fashionable / worth wearing.
Only migrants and lower tier losers wear T-shirts with such giant emporio logos on them over here.

I use the armani/privé bois d'encens perfume but that's about everything from this shitty brand I'll ever buy.
He did it in 1989 and check his poll numbers. Collor himself said he was more afraid of him than Lula. Google Silvio Santos presidente and most articles are overwhelmingly positive and "ah I coukd vote for Silvio" or "if he won the country wouldnt be this disaster", plus rhe public knows him so shit like he's an ebil nazi misogynist wouldn't work, and arracking him would be unpopular, especially among women and poorwr people. On another comment I explained how he has advantages like being rich and having his own TV to fight fake news is him too. He also isnliked for stuff like de volta pra minha terra and has been giving money to poor people every week for 50 years. Also rags to riches story everyone can identify with, especially the poorer. Think about it: rich as fuck, TV stat, businessman, family business, the kind of guy who would unironically say shitnlike grab her by the pussy. If anyone can be Brazil's Trump, its him
How to meme that into existence huebro?

comparing savage monkeys to docile, hivemind ants

and yes germany sucks too

They pulled a Trump and fired the commander of the police. Still fake news? Not a single word on the violence tho
I actually meant it as a jab at the Chinese since even though the military has their shit together, the nomies never stand in goddamn lines
They're mocking my map what absolute cucks. Someone post this there
Brazilians can't even protest to get guns back.
Now imagine this happening in the whole country, that will eventually happen 1 year from now or less.
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They won't listen.
Apart from finding him a tutor, he must focus primarily on forcing his adversaries to discuss abortion, gun control, corruption (evoking their history and current connections) and law enforcement, as his views, unlike theirs, align with the majority of public opinion.

Abortion alone nearly defeated Dilma.
If people don't vote for Bolsonaro in the general elections, I hope you get what you deserve.
You're seriously considering voting into a jew that had trannies playing with kids on sunday.
And some shithead is saying that Marina Silva 'isn't so bad', the woman is literally a ecology kryptocommunist financed by all the rich banks and billionaires in the world.
The country is already sold to the UN and you faggots are circlejerking with information you don't know about and worse yet, your english is worse than a fourth grader.
Also funny how progressive plebbitors are more prejudiced and know less about brazil than 4chan
crap, I was thinking of starting a youtube/twitter thing talking about current events citing everythihng from fake news to stefan molyneux before the elections start so I can win some shekels, that guy beat me to it
Just hijacking the thread a little, I'm really interested, what would Bolsonare MAGA like slogan be, Direitos Humanos para Humanos Direitos?
why are the chinese so much more inferior than the superior japanese?

is it the european blood they have from rape babies during prehistoric japan?
why the fuck are you even going to this site anyways?
screens like these just make me rage
Dilma Rousself, altough was a leftist, at least didn't fucking tried to apply a austerity plan on the economy, against all the most recent global knowledge gathered by influential economic thinkers, even against fucking FMI present standards. The economy is going downhill, while the mainstream media keeps saying that's all going to pass soon, "when market gets back its confidence" bullshit.
>a jew that had trannies playing with kids on sunday.
Kek mate almost died laughing
My guess is the mass culling of intellectuals during the cultural revolution.
MBL already hijacked MAGA, make south america great again

Silvio Santos just doesn't give a fuck
This would be triggering and popular. I like it. What was Flavios motto?
Rage is what drives me most of the time now, even if it is self-inflicted. You should try it, pent up anger is a pretty damn powerful source of motivation.
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It already too late. It is spreading
>the mass culling of intellectuals during the cultural revolution
any good books on this?
You are wrong. Dilma tried the austerity measures, she just didn't have the congressional support to do so.

>>influential economic thinkers, even against fucking FMI present standards
Is code for Globalists/Jews
I'll give this some thought.
more like future germanistan
>A communist that put your country alongside her party into this situation and gave gibs to niggers and poor retards isn't so bad, guys, let's vote for PT again.
The post.
Consider killing yourself, please.

I am surprised to see Brazil has an education system
>how to make your campaign fail with a slogan
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So, about the same as you guys.
Man, fuck Kim Cuckguiri
Yeah, they teach kids how to be homossexuals and smoke marijuana, the exact same that happens to Canada once you enter college, atleast we learn this from an early age and you guys pay tons of money to discover these secret arts at uni.
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4 you
i love how they think reddit has the truth, when really its /pol/
it's a fucking ugly greeb hat using the same font with a SOUTH written on top of it, straight out of bootleg zone
That's /b/ though, we all know how shit that place is 99% of the time. It's nothing more than a /soc/ porno knockoff board at this point.

Although kek confirms about the not listening part. It will take an extraordinarily horrible thing to occur for this issue to be brought to light.
Outside my local DCE people would like it

bretty gud 1st step done, then is America later the world.


Just search for his picture holding hands with George Soros, it's an idiot up for sale.
Why are you talking about this nigger anyway?
To all huebros here, I just saw a tweet from Eduardo Bolsonaro talking about a judge from STF that wants to legalize marijuana and cocaine to loosen up the overcrowded jails. He says that he thinks it will ruin families and there are people commenting saying that everybody would need to lock themselves at home because crime would go up and people would kill at every sight.

You guys aren't that stupid, right
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Even after all this time and msm attempted exposure of kek and Pepe. They still don't understand meme magic as a whole. Yuri Bezmenov was right, once indoctrinated in Marxism, you're in it forever just about.
Imagine all the bitching that would happen from Globo to Record to facebook and twitter with that us vs them mentality, at least MAGA united everyone under the same dream

I'll vote for Luciana Genro now, or Helio Beltrao he sure will win
Any suggestion? I think that HUEHUE people would need something simple to get behind. If you have to explaing a platform with a fucking bible, most brazilians would go away before you finish.
Legalizing drugs would serve no purpose other than making criminals not get arrested.
You're basically a retard if you fell for the meme of 'if we legalize drugs we can get profits from drugs and not have as many problems, everyone will be drugging themselves anyway so why shouldn't the State profit from it'.
Legalizing a particular good doesn't make the black market disappear, you mongrel.

I know you guys like happenings, but...

All schools are functioning on my region (composed of 12 cities, I work with education btw). Also when police goes on strike by law they can only reduce service, not stop it.

So yeah, it's pretty much nothing.
They'll bitch at his mere existence. Like with Trump who brings a rabbi on stage and gets called a nazi on the same day
By law they can't even go on strike, and ES is already bad wirh 100% of police, imagine with 30%
Someone needs to shop the HUE face on the mask.
You can repeat that to those people dead in the street.
Also, remember to walk with the penal code on your hand, you can show it to the bandit and explain why he can't rob and kill you.
May God have mercy on our families
oh ffs, Soros met Katacuck?

>Luciana Genro
not even once

Not really, I tried working with politician's campaign before, every piece of communication has to be dumbed down like you said, I'm not good at this

legalizing a particular drug also don't ruin families, junkies will always be junkies no matter what


He asks for it
At least Brazil still has the World Cup.
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So reddit, bandeirantes, the second small network in the country, the one controled by a single family of milionaries gives the headline Espirito Santo security compromised. Fake news r-right?
Good that Mexico has a strong southern border
Reddit BTFO as always
what's your opinion on Ricardo Boerchat?
i didn't think you'd have to say this but, BRAZIL IS SHIT BECAUSE IT'S ONE OF THE SOUTH AMERICAN COUNTRIES THAT NEVER SENT IT'S SLAVES BACK. get it? we hate them cause they're niggers
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be safe and stay inside brasil anons
will be praying for you
Mine too. I live 700km away from that shit. Where do you live anon?
ES capital oficial website - All public schools have their classes suspended
Oh I see. Good post, anon.
Mixing was the only resource the portuguese had to colonize the whole territory, they wanted money and land to explore, Spain and Portugal never gave a fuck about anything aside from profit.
If they didn't had a very long term thought about the matter, we'll pay for it a hundred times over.
What country sent their slaves back?


> Em 2007, o STF determinou que até a regulamentação da lei, greves no setor público devem obedecer às mesmas regras do setor privado. Por exemplo, a manutenção de uma escala mínima de atendimento nas atividades consideradas essenciais para a população, como transporte público e educação.


Why are you linking to a sensationalist news site?


I'm sure that the media would be jumping if there were really a lot of people being purged in the streets. What is happening is just the same thing that happens when the police goes in strike: an increase in criminality, but not like a purge. I bet less than 10 people have died, what mostly increased is stealing.
The thing is that it's not just /b/, it's that fake news have made people so paranoid they are being duped that once a real event happens that isn't covered very well or by their "reliable" sources, they just don't say it could be a possibility, they deny it. And, /b/ are extremely paranoid people who can't trust anything due to so many threads with liars.
I think he meant to say that you americans didn't mixxed with them to colonize the country, for that reason you're still a majority white, they say we are a majority white but that's because the census is self-proclaimed, if a nigger or pardo says he's white the people mark on the sheet of paper they're white and that's the reason why you have mongrels from Brazil saying they're white.
Only white people here came from WWII expats at most that didn't mixxed with niggers/portugueses/pardos/indians.
And this is less than 10% of the country, and I'm being generous.
their fking families blocked the police stations so they cant leave to work. now the are listening to funk music and cooking barbecue while the cities are being robbed on daylight. how can these fuckers be on strike for money while cooking barbecues and listening to shit music for luls ? this is a shit show. grab ur bananas and protect ur families. praise be
>Believing whatever globo says
You're really a cuck from the system of education, go back there to preach your communist manifesto.

> suspend by half a day today because protests and some security concerns
> end of the world

How did you actually survive in this country?
He'll be fine

> globo liked Lula
> disregard official news site for back of water blogs

You're all just a bunch of dozed off people, it doesn't matter that we have 60k murders a year you don't flick an inch, it's already normal to you that we have more people killed by firearms than the Iraq War had victoms.
If a politician steal 2 reais there's already mass protests in the streets, but if we have a genocide by firearms on a country where the gun ownership is a miracle nobody gives a fuck.
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>Bitch about sensacionalism - links globo
22 killed on the weekend - more than 75 atempted murders (fucked up, but not killed)
Pic Related - Fake news
Always a bike.
>i don't like it so it's fake news
Globo always loved PT and PSDB, both leftists parties, how retarded are you? They always treat him like a God, not only on television but everywhere else.
Go back to your sleep walking existence.
You're too brainwashed to be in this website.
who are they purging, gangsmen?
You need to see that that social programs aren't just "gibing money to niggers". To receive the payment, the family have to keep theirs kids in the school, which in turn keeps them away from being used as child labor by their family while they could be studying. It's one more educated nigger and one less potential criminal in the streets. MOST of the families on social programs doesn't just keep using their money on luxuries, they invest in their crops, which provides them with enough food and stimulates to sell the excess, helping moving the economy.

It's an archaic vision that ALL social programs make the individual lazy and unproductive. The ones that you see in these situations are really hopeless niggers and should be put off the program, but that doesn't mean the whole program is a failure. Actually, the "bolsa senpaiília" is a globally recognized and studied successful social program.

It's one of our most viable tools. Instead of just spending money in nigger's jail and keeping them in a overcrowded cell with no prospect of a better life, you turn them into specialized labor earlier in life.
Regular people walking on the street.
ppl that work at businesses on shopping areas

> 22 killed in the entire state
> in SP (just a city) 2 people die everyday

It's a purge!


> PT and PSDB
> two main parties in the country who share power
> that mean they are leftists

You are fucking retarded.
FUCK, good luck Brazilbros, I hope you're armed
Buy not believing everything the government says cuck.
They would post in the official website, schools closed until god knows when cause niggers got dying
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Just woke up (this late because it is the first day of my 30 days annual paid leave), the morning show said absolutely nothing about it.

Could mean it is a cover up by the media or that we as a country can't give any fucks about the state of Espírito Santo.

I bet on the latter.
banana arsenal

Nothing is happening. It's just a 'happening' thread.


It's a state of 4 million people. Also freezing classes is a normal procedure.

And niggers die everyday in the slums.
>believing PSDB is rightist
São Paulo (city) population 12 millions - killed on the weekend 4 people
Espirito Santo (state) population 3.8 millions - killed on the weekend 22 people.
Yeah, pretty much the same thing.

> the media (who thrives on clickbait) is making a huge cover up to hide a purge going on an entire state

Yeah I'm sure that will work on the age where everyone has cellphones with cameras.
Dominicans destroying yet another country.
>Globo always loved PT
Wut?! Globo chastise PT every chance they get. It doesn't matter if it's a hoax or against journalistic standards. By their logic, If there is a problem, PT is always involved.
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This is nothing.
No one cares about Espírito Santo, most people actually forget that it exists just like Acre.
Not only that but even if we did care for ES the death and roberry tool isn't much bigger than the normal anyway, so... eh... yeah.
I'm sorry boys, but it's not happening.
Come back in a couple of months, maybe a year, you might get some huge stuff.
Not today tho.
This is all paid for by tax payer money, same as everything else, why can't they stop fucking and get a fucking job and be responsible for their actions?
Same goes for niggers that didn't have jobs and kept multiplying, and it all boils down to people needing to pay for the mistakes of other people.
They say that's racism, that's logic, there were too many nigges and few jobs for that reason they couldn't develop economically speaking.
>MOST of the families on social programs doesn't just keep using their money on luxuries, they invest in their crops, which provides them with enough food and stimulates to sell the excess, helping moving the economy.
Are you seriously intellectually challenged to believe that a nigger isn't just picking up Bolsa Senpaiília and buying beer and drugs with it?
>It's an archaic vision that ALL social programs make the individual lazy and unproductive. The ones that you see in these situations are really hopeless niggers and should be put off the program, but that doesn't mean the whole program is a failure. Actually, the "bolsa senpaiília" is a globally recognized and studied successful social program.
Seriously, how braindead can you be?... Niggers got quotas on 'Free' - paid for by taxpayer money, billions of reais - college and so forth, a company can't keep it's doors open over heavy taxation in the name of social programs - 'free' houses, 'free' money, 'free' everything - so that a guy goes to college to learn about how Feminism is a good thing and how 'dem whitez keeping us blacks down'.
Tell me, when does niggers stop going to jail then? We've been giving 'free' stuff since 1964 and we just have more and more murders, thefts, rapes, kidnapping, COMPARE YOUR COUNTRY EVEN WITH MEXICO and you'll see how fucked up the situation here is.
But you'll watch 20 minutes on the late night tv and think you live in the best country in the world.
You live in hell and you think you're in heaven, how deluded can you be?

I didn't say that you moron. I said that PSDB and PT are the only parties that matter, so it's retarded to say 'but they are leftists'.


You are not really making the point you think you are.

First off, considering the spread of course a state is going to have more crime.

Second, it's still irrelevant numbers.
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>Brazil is going to shit
>is going
I thought it already went there decades ago...
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good luck getting your phone pictures on TV anon!
Some people do have cameras on their phones...
How about you reverse search this
>Have 168 murders everyday in the country
>Irrelevant numbers because the niggers are fucking and making up for this over so many social programs
>It's all good, nothing is happening
Just nuke us, this people is beyond hope.

> what is twitter and facebook
> he really thinks TV would ignore a purge going through the streets, which would be the most talked issue on social media
>How about you reverse search this

>be leftist
>be on a huge march for dilma
>reach the final destination without anything happening
>all of a sudden police start shooting at you and random people start breaking stuff
>everybody has videos showing this happening
>media covers it as violent protests
Brazil police has been on strike for 50 years at least. They have a ban on guns in Brazil and people still have guns, illegal constructions that is 90% of Brazil still standing.
Believing "marcha pela dilma" is pacific
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> protest going on
> protest goes violent
> police shooting people
> people destroying stuff
> it's not a violent protest
>Espirito Santo
Kek, blow this shitty state along with Rio into the ocean.
>believing that the black bloc boogeymen aren't payed agents

there's a difference between shit happening right at the end, when you can't point out who started it, and something like what happened to Milo in UC Berkeley
All is well around here.
Cops on strike like many times before, just some unknown city.
/pol/ trolled hard.
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Fuck bro
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Sorry to burst your bubble senpaitachi but the article there is mostly bullshit.

The translations are faked to seem more dramatic and most of the pics and videos are from older events.

Shit IS fucked there but it's just another criminality spike that comes with every police strike, hardly a "purge".
Pure clickbait.
god, Liberia is such an embarrassment... it's almost an argument for NOT sending slaves back.
>>believing that the black bloc boogeymen aren't payed agents
Translations are accurate...
Eh who cares? If they aren't democratic republicans they aren't people, and if they aren't American they aren't democratic republicans.

Glass the fuckers.
>haha you might think this is a bad situation but this is actually normal in brazil haha
>/pol/ btfo haha

Into the favela it goes
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>Federal presidential constitutional republic

>Federal presidential constitutional republic

>During Brazil's military rule period, the president was elected by an electoral college comprising senators, deputies, state deputies, and lawmakers in the cities. The electoral college was replaced with a Two-round system direct election in 1989, after the restoration of democracy.

Yeah Amerishit, Brazil totally modeled their laws from USA. Conquistadors and Slave owners Christians from USA and Portugal made it into mestizo country full of nigger ape rapes, it's somehow Communism fault that they integrate so well with Christianity, American constitution and races.
>Espírito Santo
>literally who cares

get fucked faggots
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> protest start walking peaceful
> protest goes violent when they arrive at their target
> not a violent protest

>Pois é... Até entendemos a greve, mas poxa vida, o estado em caos total e eles em uma festa.. Parece deboche né?
Translation given: "Well ... We don't understand the strike, fearing for our life, the state is in total chaos and they are partying.. It seems debauchery right? #SpanishSantoPedeSocorro"
Real translation: "Well, we understand the strike, but come on, the state is in total chaos and they're partying..It looks like debauchery, right?"

It's pretty much a google translation with some slight changes to support the fake narrative of the article, it also doesn't help that most pics are from 2014.

I thought you guys cared about facts, stop being retarded for once.

ayyy lmao
And the article mentions the word "Purge" like 10 times, probably some shitty viral marketing campaign piggybacking on just another day in Brazil.
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>come on children big government is bad, we need as little police as possible
>come children, all humans are the same, breed among each other
>come children blame communism
You're a mongrel for believing this sort of bullshit, you have to be such a deluded lefitst faggot not to be aware that this country sank into an ocean of shit after 1964 when politicians remodeled our whole country to socialist standards.
Christians?... Only in feeling but not in actual deeds and actions, neither participation in the Church aside from listening to Liberation Theology - Marxism inside the Church.
It doesn't matter how you look at it, this country went to hell because of Marxists.
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Civil pode contratar escolta armada no Huezil?
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You're just a phony leftist whore trying to shit the last comments of a thread, nothing new coming from /leftypol/.
Communists are the reason for our country going to hell, be proud of that, genocide is the only thing you have to offer.
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did he get cucked by an ayyylien???
I think it's a deficiency, maybe some vaccine, it would be impossible to tell.
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E se eles matarem um faveladinho, quem se fode sou eu ou a empresa?
What??????? That's not what it's written out to be translated to?? Read the fucking news story again troll.

Seriously, what do you shills get out of this??
>implying developmentalism is growth
nigger don't spout shit, you know that was a bunch of hot air. See where all that BNDES money is now.
A responsabilidade civil pela atividade comercial é direcionada a empresa, justamente pelo risco inerente a atividade desenvolvida.
I'm not saying niggers don't have their share of the blame but our problems are mostly caused by the horribly incompetent government and leftists that actively promote nigger """"culture"""".

Seems like they updated it after I checked hours ago, the article is still mostly bullshit and fuck you too, you are probably the one who wrote that shit to begin with.
>the blue eyes
it looks like waardenburg syndrome desu.

Biggest bank in Brazil:
>Schroder Investment Management Group increased its position in shares of Itau Unibanco Holding by 39.9%
>Schroders plc is a British multinational asset management company

I will pray that one day you have enough money so you no longer have to shill for pennys per post for CNN and MSNBC
Tired of the shills trying to derail this news
Reading your posts here it seems pretty obvious that you are the shill or a newfag, who the fuck posts like this on /pol/?

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